autoacafiles · 2 years
Loredump: The Age of Reflection
This was the Seventh Age of Cybertron Post Schism, and while most ages can be said to have many great efforts and many great tragedies, the Age of Reflection has one notable event - the creation of a vast information archive detailing every event in the past six ages, and the loss of this very archive when it became clear that it was a weapon in its own right.
When Rhetoric Convoy attained the Matrix of Light from her predecessor, she made it clear that she would not go to war with any neighboring planets or bring any strife to the cosmos. Her mission, she declared, would be to create a massive information archive that would allow easy access to knowledge of past victories and mistakes. Though that, she argued, Cybertron would be freed of the ignorance that let such mistakes happen, and be able to learn from its efforts. And so, the Age of Reflection began.
This was a philosophical age, where fighting gave way to reasoned debate and reasoned debate led to new ideas. Every major city on the planet was wrapped up into this great effort, and as more and more information about the past six ages was compiled, the information archive made to house it was continuously expanded and constructed. This was the great effort of Rhetoric Convoy, and it would have been the base for all future decisions by any successors Rhetoric would choose, any decisions their successors would choose, and would be continuously updated and expanded until there were none left to add to its courses.
Keywords here being "WOULD HAVE BEEN."
As it turns out, the sheer amount of effort and power needed to maintain all the information, every viewpoint and account, was causing a new power to emerge. For every memory added, this information archive gained an extra multitude of power and energy. And for those multitudes, it gained a consciousness. In fact, some say it gained several.
This revelation was quite a shock when it first became clear, but it became clear that this information archive was a lot more powerful than what some expected. No records are made of any effect it may have on who uses it, but the legends say the vast amounts of knowledge granted to those who access it give a Cybertronian enough understanding to practically reshape the fabric of reality with merely a thought.
Whether the legend rings true or some grand and disturbing pattern to Cybertronian History be revealed that proved too much for its users to bear, the information archive was sent offworld to a distant corner of space, to never fulfill its original purpose. Thus the Age of Reflection end, with the loss of what would be known in legend as the Underbase.
No records survive of what became of Rhetoric Convoy after this age, only that she passed the Matrix to a young archivist, who became Focus Convoy of the Eighth Age, the Age of Discovery, who himself would be succeeded by Arch Convoy of the Age of Expansion.
As for the Underbase itself, some have pondered if the legends are true… and some are still seeking it out.
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marvelman901 · 2 years
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Transformers vol 1 50 (1989) . Dark Star! . Written by Bob Budiansky Penciled by Jose Delbo Inked by Danny Bulanadi Colors by Nel Yomtov Lettered by Rick Parker Edited by Don Daley . Starscream had absorbed some of the power from the Underbase and had become extremely powerful. The Autobots and the Decepticons had to join forces to stop him... . See more Transformers content here: #marvelman901transformers . #transformers #80s #josedelbo #optimusprime #omegasupreme #starscream #underbase #grimlock #ratbat #scorponok https://www.instagram.com/p/CkcfQO5KBkK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vikkyvasiliye · 10 days
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i smoked a fat one do you guys like my undertale
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starscreams-crown · 1 year
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Cliffjumper: "Alright... Megatron was the good guy here, he died, came back as Galvatron. Optimus Prime is a psychopath craving power. His brother is worse. Treatshot is obsessed with bringing Ultra Magnus to justice. Sideburn and Demolishor were some weird underbase thing. Oh, and Starscream is actually kinda cool..."
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arceespinkgun · 1 month
Cassettes in the Transformers Marvel Comics
There's a lot of interesting lore in the Marvel comics, especially the UK comics. Some of my favorite lore details have to do with cassettes, who I think were portrayed especially well.
In the UK Annual story "State Games" that also serves as the story of how the War began, we get so much insight into what cassettes' roles were on Cybertron before the War. Ravage, who would go on to become Megatron's first follower, and Nightstalker, who chose to die trying to protect the old, crumbling regime, were guardians of one of the Autobot Overlords. Not to be confused with the Decepticon Overlord, the Overlords were a ruling lineage of Autobots. In the Marvel UK continuity, everyone on Cybertron used to be Autobots.
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Even after the War, when Decepticons and Autobots became two factions, this trend of cassettes being associated with high-ranking politicians continued. We can see that the tyrannical Decepticon ruler of Polyhex, Straxus, had Ratbat as an advisor.
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But cassettes aren't forced into roles of being guardians or stewards—with Straxus's destruction, Ratbat took on the mantle of Decepticon leader, first on Cybertron, then in general. Ratbat was an especially competent little capitalist, who would often use his enemies as slaves and test subjects. One of my favorite Ratbat moments had him giving Shockwave a bad performance review.
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Nobody ever questioned Ratbat's leadership based on his cassette form, and Ratbat was only eventually done in by his ego getting too big.
The ability of cassettes to record information was also utilized, like with Rain Dance and Grand Slam containing information about the Underbase.
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Cassettes in this continuity had some really memorable roles. Ravage saved the entire universe in one arc, for instance. I just think the way they were written is cool!
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yuibeann · 1 month
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thanksjro · 10 months
Hey uh, the Underbase webste is back up. I think Martin McVay or some other TMUK person did it.
Holy FUCK you're right. Merry fucking Christmas to me.
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rosetylerspolycule · 1 month
I had a dream last night about Doctor Who where I was a companion and for some reason I had to put the tardis in an elevator but then the elevator FELL down to a secret underbasement with no way out?? And another version of the Doctor was down there and it was David Tennant but not 10 or 14. And he had another tardis but when I went inside it was just a normal police box. So he was like you have to help me get out my tardis isn't ready yet?? We used MY tardis to start HIS tardis and he was like gee thanks for the help I haven't done this before.
It turns out that he was the REAL first Doctor before the first Doctor and he had JUST left Gallifrey with a half-grown tardis. So apparently in my dream brain David Tennant is thee default Doctor face??
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fallenwish · 2 months
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base https://deviantart.com/underbases/art/Undertale-Collab-112-605865444…
base maker https://deviantart.com/underbases
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hasbr0mniverse · 11 months
Transformers Multiversity - Classics Universe - Astrotrain’s body lay at the bottom of the sea for 10 years until a revived Megatron discovered him and had his remains recovered by enslaved humans, transporting the pieces to the Ark in Northern Canada. Using incomplete schematics and Megatron’s memories, he was reconstructed and restored with a new form. Megatron charged him with finding the remains of other Decepticons who had fallen at the hands of the Underbase Powered Starscream.
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decepti-thots · 2 years
it is absolutely wild to me that in 2022, the lexicon is still like. up. not on wayback, it's just up. (the lexicon being the single-fandom fanfic archive of note for Transformers, you know, back when that used to be common for fandoms big enough to support such a thing.)
i'm not convinced it hasn't done an underbase and like. mysteriously re-arisen? i may be mixing the two up here, but i swear it went down a couple years ago.
someone posted a couple new fics on there this year, apparently. wild.
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blitznut · 4 months
Dancing queens!
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Oh yeah I forgot they were in the Residuum Underbasement of Death
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autoacafiles · 1 year
Are there any other conflicts we should know about? I know the big ones like, Combatron, Ultracon, and now most recently the Lightning Wars, but were there any others we dont know yet?
The earliest known Cybertronian war was the Schism, a time period so wrapped up in myth and legend that nobody's sure how long it lasted, or even who won. Presumably there have been earlier wars such as the mysterious War in Heaven, but none can say for certain.
After the Schism, skirmish after skirmish raged over the world of Cybertron, as different factions fought to unite their planet under their banner and preserve what they had. This age is also wrapped in rumor and story, but unlike the Schism before it, it had a definite winner - Knight Convoy, inheritor of the Matrix of Light.
The reign of Knight Convoy and Tesla after him were relatively peaceful, barring some political conflict and a protracted battle against the Kaoner tribes that gave rise to the Circle of Light, but Cybertron came to know war again as Battle Convoy's expansion projects led to conflict with enemies among the stars.
Having tasted war again and found it bitter, Cybertron retreated inward, soon giving rise to another peaceful society dedicated to self-reflection and enlightenment. But even this was an age of conflict, except now it was over ideology and was waged with words instead of waraxes. This gave rise to the Underbase of legend, and it was its disappearance that led to... changes.
Focus Convoy was the first to rebegin expansion efforts, again in an effort to understand. While most of his interactions with the wider cosmos were aimed for understanding, he inevitably faced conflict from younger races full of fire, and it would be his successor, Arch, that led to greater conflicts with the cosmos. But none were willing to risk the resource exploitation on either side, unless war was formally declared.
It was with the destruction of the Proudstar that war was formally declared. The Combatrons struck Cybertron hard, but it led to a greater conflict like none seen after the Schism before. And, it is hoped, none would face it again.
The Lightning Wars are technically considered a separate conflict from the Combatron War, confined to a single system, but it was no less fierce, even if it led to Animatros gaining a mighty king that would not bow to any tyrant.
The Beast Wars were in response to an uprising caused by the renegade warlord Dragotron, usurping a portion of the Maximal's militia, forging the first faction to officially coin the name Predacon. The war was mostly with the Maximals, though ended with the intervention of the Primal Vanguard.
The War of the Threefold Spark, otherwise known as the Ultracon Uprising, was a pale imitator of the Combatron War before it, but it too was brutal. In fact, many aren't sure if Cybertron truly won or if Exarchon, its perpetrator, merely decided that there was too little to be gained from defeating a fully prepared enemy.
The last war of Cybertron, ironically, came about after attempts to prevent further conflict, as Megatron and his Decepticons rose up against the forces of the Functionist Council, with the League of Autonomous Robots caught in the middle and considered the enemy by both sides. Ultimately, the Functionist Council was defeated, but Megatron could not consider it a victory, until he claimed the Matrix from the enemy that stopped him from gaining a true triumph - Star Convoy!
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arceespinkgun · 2 years
Marvel comics StarShock really has everything and I still feel like I have more to say more about it:
In the backstory, they were leaders of two opposing city-states who declared war on each other. It's interesting that Shockwave is described as the supreme ruler of Tarn while Starscream was an athlete and also a puppet to the higher politicians of Vos who backstabbed his way to the top.
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But despite this conflict in their past, after joining the Decepticons they were scientists who worked together and seemed to be friendly with each other.
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And actually, Starscream was the one who inspired Shockwave to decide it was "logical" to overthrow Megatron!
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Starscream and Shockwave were a great villainous duo—one in-touch with emotion and the other often overwhelmed and confused by it, one who wanted to watch the world burn and one who believed in a twisted logic.
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Shockwave gained more understanding of his own emotions through his dynamic with Starscream.
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The two of them were a snarky second-in-command and a cold leader (well, Shockwave tried to project coldness anyway), and it was great to see that Shockwave actually seemed to react well to all of Starscream's complaints/backtalk and that Starscream never actually ended up trying to assassinate Shockwave.
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Later, Starscream and Shockwave rescued each other multiple times—when they were both lobotomized and controlled by Megatron, Starscream is the one who managed to ensure, with great effort, that Megatron was killed, and then Starscream went back for Shockwave. Shockwave then restored Starscream's voice and they worked to overthrow Galvatron together.
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I especially love how Starscream, possessed by Underbase, remakes Shockwave/frees him. I think this is a wonderful moment. It takes that famous power play in the classic comics in which Starscream took the Underbase into himself to try and become supremely powerful and commit mass murder, only to eventually explode because his body couldn't handle it... and then this moment turns that all on its head since it has him/Underbase instead use the power in a more compassionate way.
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And Shockwave returns the favor when he saves Starscream and shows compassion. While the "Interrogative: is this... emotion?" line is really cliché, I found this moment really touching and pure.
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I also appreciate that while Shockwave and Starscream in these comics were extremely villainous, they ended up suffering so much after their evil deeds that they eventually gave up on evil and became devoted to peace instead, and it's interesting to see how much they were influenced mainly by their connection with each other. I think it's a unique narrative for the two of them that hasn't really been done with any other versions of the characters, and in my book they really earn the title of "power couple."
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...Oh, also there was that time Shockwave rose out of a swamp to stare at Starscream, whose face looked just like the one in the knife cat meme. That sure was something that happened once.
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horizon-verizon · 2 years
As Twilight was very BellaxEdward-centric despite it's expansive lore and supernatural underbase, House of the Dragon is very Rhaenyra vs/x Alicent-centric despite the expansive world of Westeros and the dozens of people around them. (Not Fire and Blood)
Every single character in HotD who aren't Alicent, Rhaenyra or Viserys (because both women ultimately work to satisfy him by episode 8) are defined by their desire to possess them for power, rather than have developed characterizations. In Twilight, every single character there are there to make sure BellaxEdward survives the tumult of a human-vampire relationship, rather than them living in a world.
Helaena: While it's cool to see Helaena be more than a "good mother" as described in Fire and Blood, her prophesizing is neither not a personality trait nor sufficient characterization. She is now a device to inject more magic and support the Aegon's prophecy element. Her seemingly neurodivergent is also a cool adaptation. However, the point of her having visions at all is more to provide a sense of spiritualism and prophecy to accompany the knowledge of Aegon's prophecy and it's largwrrole in directing Rhaenyra and Viserys' deaperation--as well as black & whitely making them look more heroes than conquerors and rulers of a conquered people they constantly have cultural clashes with. How does Helaena feel about Viserys, the Velaryons, her own kids, Aegon's infidelity (aside from that one speech in epi 8?) What philosophy does she have? How on the heck did she retain any grace in the tumult of Alicent, Otto, Aemond's violence and Aegon's negligence of her and their kids? How does he interact with Aemond and why are we forced to inject ideas about these two's relationship without any real material?
Rhea Royce: When she comes in for the only time, she shows to be a pretty cool person. At least impressive. A loner. Very willing to call out Daemon for his insults against her and his ambitions toward Rhaenyra as she sees it. But she is mainly used to showcase Daemon's violence and evil. What she says to Daemon is supposed to contrast against Daemon's silent intent to kill and cloaked aspect. Her impressiveness and subsequential realization of the danger highlights his cruelty. She doesn't stand much on her own, apart. You miss her right after she dies and immediately think of how Daemon is evil for getting rid of such a gender nonconforming light. Maybe we can chalk her up to being just a minor character with potential that Daemon squashed, I can believe that actually. But we could have also seen her speak or do on her very own, show what her years were like at the Vale without Daemon and in a flashback how they didn't get along.
Aemond: What is he like in court? How does he talk to/ignore the courtiers? How does he now speak to Aegon? Is there a bond of guilt between them, and if so why not show it?! Why does it take until Aegon's coronation to reveal anything between them; we could have gotten a scene of Aegon taking Aemond with him to the Street of Silk and see what's up there. How does Aemond regard Helaena and her kids? How does he talk to and about Viserys? Does he have any hobbies and if not, does he just train all day and night, having little personality besides? Where are scenes showing his potential need to be a military expert to gain affection and praise from the adults around him, shown through the dismissals of Viserys? There could have even been issues with Alicent--her focus on Aegon and the subsequent feeling of being passed over seven from Alicent herself--a parent-child relationship like theirs could have both the affectionate protectiveness and doubt of actual love on Aemond's part. How angry and brutal is he to others around him and does he discriminate (besides Alicent)? If he's a momma's boy, show more of that. What happened to his lady interactions with Borros' Baratheon daughters? Why do we have the girls there at all if we're not doing anything with them, of Maria is not going to taint him into going after Lucerys? They didn't need to be there, and yet these captors were hired to just stand around. Maybe there a deleted scene, but that seems very unfair ot those actors and to the characters simultaneously.
Aegon: Why did he ever dislike Aemond? Show vs Tell. What did Aemond do to annoy Aegon aside from the marrying Helaena scene? In general, show more of the kids personal interactions away from their parents. The book tells us that desire Viserys trying to get them to get along through many forced group get-togethers, the rivalry heated into more hatred. How, what else happened?
Jace and Luke: What was it like for them in court? Give specific confrontations between them and others aside from Alicent's kids. If everyone feels the are bastards, why not show how beleaguered those two kids were from the states, Snickers, others kids taints, adult dismissals and slights that Rhaenyra either can't confront or doesn't see? We get the impression that it happened with how they later look around as if people are staring, but why is this all we have? This is more like a hint, a "telling" of suffering without a "showing" of suffering.
Otto: Flashbacks of Otto with Alicent, even with her brother Gwayne. Who ironically is never mentioned or seen ever again in the season after the first episode. Flashbacks of Otto and his dead wife, her and Alicent. Backstory and more emotional depth.
Lyonel, Harwin and Larys: What was the relationship between these three? Did Larys resent Harwin for being the golden firstborn? Did Harwin ever try to defend Larys growing up and how did that protectivness manifest and develop with his attraction to Rhaenyra? How does Larys see Rhaenyra? How does Lyonel see Larys--a disappointment and a burden, or something more complicated? How does Larys see Alicent--does he identify with her in some way, or is he just out to use her because he figures Aegon is his best bet? Go into more detail and show material for why he would work for the greens aside from ambition and not caring for his brother--why doesn't he care? Fire and Blood expresses how.mucj a mystery this guy is. Start laying down the groundwork for the how he thinks he needs to look out for himself more than anything else. We got it for Peter Baelish in GoT, with his story of Catelyn and the Stark boys and the ambiguity there. Peter also consistently shows how he desires Catelyn through his actions. We the felt much more of his presence as opposed to his aesthetic.
The Gold Cloaks: Where is Luthor Largent and the man who would be later known as "Blood"? Daemon also was known to frequent Flea Bottom a lot with the gold cloaks, and he installed Largent as the commander. Largent remained loyal to Daemon. Daemon made the Watch more eminent, inspired confidence in them...where are scenes showing this aside from the mutilations in King's Landing? Largent will have a huge role to play much later on in the Dance. And Blood gets arrested before the Dance had really gotten it's wind. Missed opportunity for foreshadowing. And with specifically c angles, shots and techniques, foreshadowing in film and TV adds a sense of foreboding, thickening the mood and forcing the viewer to anticipate. Right now I just feel like they are displayimg more than inviting us to feel anticipation.
Any lord and their vassals and kids outside of King's Landing both in Rhaenyra/Alicent's youth and in their adulthood
Baelon, Alyssa, Aemon, and Jocelyn: Baelon and Aemond's brotherhood, rivalry, and friendship contrasted against Viserys and Daemon's fraught bond. Alyssa--another no gender conforming woman and such a loss--one who does in childbirth (how does this affect Viserys and Daemon's ideas of family/duty and parenthood. Of romance and partnership? How much of her is in Daemon, in Viserys? How does how Aemon died and her own children being passed over make Rhaenys the woman she is, how exactly did she "get over it"? What does Daemon and Viserys think of her and vice versa? How does she think of how Viserys rules (not just about Rhaenyra and Laena and marriage pacts, but as a ruler in his own right)? Does she still think about how her father would have been so much better? What was Jocelyn like after Aemond death, to Rhaenys herself their only daughter? These four individuals literally set up and explain Daemon, Rhaenys, Viserys and even Aemma to be who they were. And there's nothing aside form Viserys chuckling about how Daemon was Alyssa's favorite and how Viserys suspects Otto of having killed Baelon? Then why is Otto allowed back?! Doesn't this make the greens more evil in the one dimensional sense? We never get a looking whether or not Ryan Condal believes Otto would do such a thing, it just appears on script to make that scene scandalous. And the friendship/rivalry of Baelon and Aemon--how does this set up the Dance?
Balerion: No scenes of Viserys riding that behemoth that one and only time before the dragon finally dies? Really?
The Rest of the Dragons: We got only hints of the rider-dragon bond and the emotional intelligence of the dragons. We didn't get to see 7-year old Rhaenyra get on Syrax for the first time and how that even could have happened. How do dragons even interact with each other apart from their riders?
Mysaria: Show her connection to Cheese and Blood. How she is still connected to Daemon--unless these writers intend to make it so she does this all on her own as a "gift" to Rhaenyra, or that she doesn't do it and Daemon is the one who enlists Blood and Cheese gave to face? But then that minimizes Mysaria's self developed and independent network and her own ambition to become the Mistress of Whispers and any sort of connection to Nettles' intended execution is also minimized into "accident" or sacrifice for the greater good that Show!Mysaria seems more focused on. Again, foreshadowing and flashbacks are out friend.
And how do Rhaenyra, Aegon (II), Aemond, Daeron, and Helaena all feel about each other in the beginning?! How did they interact, you can't expect us all to believe they never spoke to each other at all during their years in the same castle, even if it is a big castle!
For a show that aims to be give plausible motivations and exploring fraught relationship dynamics that leads to a civil war, it sure suppresses its own source material's potential nuance and possibilities for how every individual has actually come to see the other as the Enemy.
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