#underswap Blue
spookyflavors · 1 year
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HE JUST LOVES YOU For @zenubi-scribbles ~ (Blueberror belongs to @loverofpiggies)
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noffy96 · 1 year
I got myself the 'To the bone' zine a while ago, which included some coloring pages, and I wanted to practice coloring, so perfect time to use them.
So here it is, the coloring page was made by @inkz123
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I think it turned out pretty good,
there are still some mistakes here and there, but overall, i am very happy with how this one turned out.
Oh and for anyone who is interested in how this looks without shade and just the flats, I'll put that beneath a -read more line-
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I also just like this, I think I managed to pick some good colors
also, I just liked figuring out shading, how to do the juice, and make it see-through enough that it's still the colour i want, yet you see the straw
also, i know you can't see it, but i want to mention, blue's visor is see through XD
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mimisdreamland · 3 months
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glamoureddreamer · 1 year
The past
Undertale (Blue x Dream)
Warnings: light violence, mention of weapons, mention of breaking bones, and nightmares (please let me know if I’ve missed anything)
I hope you all enjoy I hope you all have a great day! Remember to take care of yourselves!
Dream has had the same few dreams for hundreds of years, he could hardly call them nightmares anymore.
They don’t affect him as much as they did in the past, he use to wake up screaming and crying for his brother. Now, he just wakes up like any other day.
When he woke up in his dream he was immediately met with a feeling of nostalgia. Right in front of him was the tree of feelings, his mother, his home.
There was giggling and talking it came from by the tree. A little version of himself was running around the tree acting like the animals his brother Nightmare read to him about.
He knew what dream this was instantly. This was the day he had first witnessed the evil side of the villagers. The side his brother always saw.
The dream started great it always did, he loved seeing him and his brother play. But the dream turned to hell so quickly. Right on cue somebody yelled ‘Hey!’ while walking up the hill to the tree, to his brother.
The little version of Dream jumped down the tree and greeted them with a bright smile, asking if they were here for his apples. Dream remembered ignoring the bats and weapons they held in their hands, thinking it was just for a game he hadn’t heard of before. Oh but how wrong he was hurt.
Two of the monsters pushed past him like he was nothing and walked up to his brother and the tree.
Little Dream was about to go stop them when one of the other monsters grabbed him. The monster yanked on little Dream’s arm making him cry out as his arm was twisted.
Immediately Nightmare stood up letting his book drop, Dream now realized that his brother was terrified of the villagers but regardless stood up to them to save him. Dream wished he had done the same, maybe they wouldn’t be in this mess.
“Let my brother go!” Nightmare yelled at them. The monsters ignored him and took a few steps closer holding up their weapons.
Nightmare’s face turns from anger to pure fear. They grab onto his indigo tunic and pulled him off the ground, they slam his small body into the tree, and there was a sickening crack.
“No! Please! Stop! You do not have to do this! I will give you all the apples you want! Please just do not hurt him!” Little Dream cried trying to pull his arm out of the monster's grip.
The one holding him smacked him, making little Dream freeze. Tears filled his eyes quickly as he holds his cheekbone.
“You really think this is about apples, you are as dumb as you look.” They sneered.
Dream stood from afar opening his mouth, mouthing all the words.
This dream, this trauma was nothing new for him. He hated to admit it but it still hurt sometimes to see dreams like this one. Nightmare’s cries will forever haunt him, if he was better, if he had known, he could’ve prevented the apple incident.
Little Dream sobs and begs for them to stop hurting his brother and to just leave, they ignore him until they are done.
The villagers finally leave, back then it felt like years. Little Dream was let go and once he was he ran up to his brother immediately.
Little Dream sat on the ground holding his brother in his arms.
Dream felt his soul sink. That wasn’t normal. In the real incident, in all the dreams before this one, he helped Nightmare stand so he could take him down to the lake and clean his wounds.
Dream walked closer to the pair, Nightmare was begging softly for his brother to save him.
“B-Brother… help-“ Nightmare choked out through his pain and tears. Little Dream did nothing just continued to stare down at his brother.
“Drre-am p-lease I-ack!” He watched helplessly as little Dream pulled out a knife and stabbed Nightmare’s apple soul. The other dusts before him crying in pain.
“NO!” Dream cried out. Little Dream turns towards the real Dream with black soulless eyes that poured down his face.
Dream gasps falling on his tailbone, he winces in pain staring at little Dream. He offers the real Dream a creepy smile, it made Dream feel cold.
“It is all your fault.”
“N-no I-“ Dream tries to explain his words getting caught in his nonexistent throat. He begins to sob.
“You did this.”
“You killed him.”
“No, it is not I..”
“You could not save him-“
“NO! NO! NO! NO!-” Dream dug his fingers into his skull screaming no over and over.
“Dream. It is your fault.”
“No.” He cries over and over slowly getting quieter.
“Dream. You killed him.”
“Dream. Y-“
Dream sat up quickly panting heavily, he was covered in a thick layer of cold sweat.
Immediately Dream looks around, he needed Nightmare. Was Nightmare okay?! He needed to make sure he was okay!
He stops seeing looking around once his eyes land on Blue looking at Dream in concern.
Reality caught up with him.
Right. Nightmare was corrupted because of him. They were still at war with each other.
“Dream, are you okay?“ Blue asks setting a hand on Dream’s shoulder, he squeezes it gently trying to get the guardian's attention.
“Dream?” Blue asked gently. Dream sniffled golden tears pouring out from his sockets. Dream shook his head.
“Oh, Dream..” Blue pulls Dream into his lap with ease and cuddles him. He rocks the sobbing skeleton in his arms gently.
Dream shoves his face deep into Blue’s slightly oversized shirt, sobbing hard. Blue rubs his back gently whispering words of comfort.
“It’s okay.”
“Let it all out Dreamy.”
“I’m here, deep breaths.”
Dream wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, all he knows it that he cried until he felt like he couldn’t anymore.
Dream pulls back still sniffling and hiccuping. Blue radiated love, concern, and affection, it was nice to know Blue wasn’t upset at him for waking him up.
Blue rubs his humerus asking him if he wanted to talk about it. Dream nods taking a deep breath trying to mentally prepare himself. Blue smiles encouragingly and took Dream’s hand squeezing it lightly.
“When your ready Dream.” Dream offers a small bittersweet smile, then begins to go over his dream. At the end of the explanation, Dream was struggling not to cry again.
“Dream that didn’t happen, nor would it ever happen.” Dream leans down hugging Blue again, trying not to cry.
“You did all you could, I’m sure Nightmare was thankful.”
“But it was not enough!” Dream cries. “He is gone now, I will never get him back! I miss him!”
“Shhh, it’s okay deep breaths.” Blue rocks him again hoping to calm him from his panic.
They continue this until Dream was once again calm. Dream shakily wipes his tears.
“What if next time we battle them, we bring no weapons and try to suggest a peace treaty?” Blue suggests, Dream sniffles nodding with a slight smile.
“Yes, that..that sounds nice…thank you Blue.” Blue smiles and pecks his teeth.
“Don’t thank me! I’m your date-mate! I’m supposed to take care of you in your times of need!” Dream chuckles at his enthusiasm.
It got quiet for a moment between them it wasn’t pleasant but it wasn’t terrible either. They just cuddle each other as Dream tries to soak up Blue’s love and feel better.
“I do not want to go back to sleep.” Dream quietly admits.
“That’s more than okay, I’ll stay up with you. Is there anything in particular you need?” Dream hesitated for a moment before he spoke.
“Cuddles.” He whispered, Blue smiled with a bright grin his eye lights turning into big blue stars.
“I have the best idea then!” Blue scoops Dream with ease making the golden skeleton yelp.
Blue giggles a little making Dream flush, Blue pecks his cheekbone before they head into the castle living room.
Blue sets Dream on the couch before giving him a blanket and his favorite pillow.
“Here, pick a movie or show you want to watch,” Blue says handing Dream the tv remote. Dream thanks him quietly.
“Stay here for a moment I have a surprise!” Blue says vanishing into thin air. Dream sets the remote down and cuddles the pillow in his arms.
It felt nice, he was so lucky to have Blue.
Blue was back a few moments later holding two mugs that were steaming.
“I know you like tea, but this felt like a hot chocolate kind of moment.” Blue smiles handing Dream the mug.
“Careful it’s still hot,” Blue warns kindly. Dream smiles and blows on it.
Blue sits next to Dream and wraps an arm around his boyfriend's waist.
“I love you Blue, thank you again.”
“I love you the most Dream! And it’s not a problem at all! I love taking care of you!”
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Worst Ut/Dr Fanon Thing Tournament:
Round One, Part Two!
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battlemaiden13 · 1 year
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It's my birthday so have some redraws of some very old art. I really like how Crooks and Red look
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sunraccon · 2 years
Inktobertale day 21: Chess!
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I'm sorry this meme was all I could think about lol
Inktobertale and inktale created by @comyet
[Reblogs are appreciated]
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pansexual-rainbow7 · 1 year
My Beautiful Rose💕
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GIF by moonlit-stims
A/n: The request list is coming soon and another poll on a fandom choice
Type : one shot
Warning/s : Nothing just romance enjoy my lovely dovesヾ(≧▽≦*)o
You slowly woke up to the chirping outside, laying there listening to the birds sing ,when you start to smell pancakes cooking, ' Must be Blue cooking ' you thought, you got up rubbing sleep off your eyes slipping on your slippers , you opened your bedroom door and slowly walked down the stairs when you where met with Blue and his brother " GOOD MORNING (Y/N) HOW DID YOU SLEEP " he spoke "good how about you guys" Stretch drank his honey saying " just fine honeybee " when blue finished cooking sitting it on the table and taking a seat his self " I SLEPT JUST FINE NOW SIT DOWN AND EAT BEFORE THE FOOD GET'S COLD " HE SCOLDED, you pull out a chair before taking a seat and thanking him before eating
A/n: Do you guys think I should continue?
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carol-shine · 11 days
So apparently I’ve been on Tumblr for 2 years now. Crazy times.
To celebrate, mini adventures with Cat-Blue.
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This is him looking out into the world. One he never gets to see. Cause he’a stuck with me.
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Him looking at fan art. It… could be worse
Cat Blue given to me by wolfbeestudios on Instagram and Etsy
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mossyinkynebulous · 13 days
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Have some art I did. May be going into a Nebulous/Gaster phase, we'll see.
Also a meme that's lore accurate to Dogmatale, implied death in it.
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dsdreams-leftball · 1 year
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spookyflavors · 10 months
A (very) rough draft of some Blueberror I'm working on for an ask. Sorry for the sped up frame rates, but I'm too lazy to fix that rn
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This is very rough and not many details, but thats how I see him in my head lol
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Cinna: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us.
Dream: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
Blue, looking at Ink worryingly: are those two okay?
Ink, casually drinking tea as if everything is normal: yep...
Blue, questioning life choices: ...
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mimisdreamland · 4 months
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heres sum more art but this time of underswap sans/blue!!! i just hadd to draw him, dunno if i did his outfit right so sorry im sorry if i didnt :P
+ my art i did of papyrus mashed up with this one i did of blue! :DD
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bonegummy · 1 year
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My little version of Blue, Babs <3
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Blue, Blue, Blue. All day every day. <3
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