#underswap RG 2
deltaswap2442 · 3 months
Underswap take redesign pt 2
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Dogamy-Lesser Dog role. I sniffed right into you human. Prepare for a snoofing of sneefiness
Dogeressa-Greater Dog role. (Are you a small human or...a little puppy?)
Icepop-pants-Nice Cream Guy role. Start an ice cream business in Frostown they said! There's good business there they said! You'll make something of yourself they said! Well there go my dreams of being an interpretive dancer! Hope you're happy mom!
Smiley Meal Guy-Burgerpants role. Oh Napstabot is a great boss! Just wish the customers were as nice... It doesn't help that I'm the only one working here.... B-but- gotta stay positive!
Gerson-Snowdin Shopkeeper role. Wahaha! Welcome to Frostown traveler! Come and take a rest but don't get too comfortable! If ya stop moving for too long you'll turn from a human into a snowman! Wahaha!
QC- Gerson role. Greetings wanderer. I'm QC but back in my Royal Gaurd days they called me the Mace of Justice. But then I had to retire early to raise my family. And now they have their families and I'm old and got too much time on my hands. So I started selling some of my junk I've collected over the years
Flowey-Temmie role. Howdy! Welcome to the Flowy Shop! Hehehe! Don't I know you?Catty-RG 01 role. Oh my gawd! You're like a human. Guess I gotta kill you and stuff lol
Bratty-RG 02 role. Oh I totally got this. Reach for the sky dork cause...cowboy and junk.
Tubular Dude 01-Catty role. Like OMG! Napstabot's music like totally slaps dude! Do you think they will like sign my butt?
Tubular Dude 02-Bratty role. ...bro...no one wants to touch your butt but me...
Gaster-River Person. *He signs out "Beware the person who speaks in rhyme"*
Superdog-Annoying Dog role. Duh duh duh duh! Superdog!
Mikeal-Asriel role. I'm so happy to be back to a monster kid again... Can you hear me Frisk? It's your old friend... MIKEAL DREEMUR!!
Mikeal Dragon of Hyperdestruction-Asriel God of Hyperdeath role. When we're done playing together I'll just reset the timeline and do it all over again!
Mikeal True Dragon of Hyperdestruction-Asriel Absolute God of Hyperdeath role. Why won't you just give up! Let me win! Let me wiiiiiin!!!!
Frisk-Chara role. Welcome to my special hell. I'm what they call Frisk... The monster that appears when called for.
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festale · 2 years
FesTale Cast and Info (Updated)
FEStale is an Au (alternate universe) of the role-playing game: Undertale (Made by Toby Fox). FEStale is a crossover Au that takes game developer’s that use the RPG Maker Fes engine (it's a Rpg Maker on the 3ds) and characters from said developer's games. FEStale takes place on a hidden island, called Fes Island (It is an island that is isolated from the rest of humanity). The Au replaces OG Undertale’s characters with new ones and changes minor parts of the story, however it does not follow the role format that Underswap or whatever follows (Example: Sure, Bendivad might replace Toriel, but he’s anything but a caretaker). A good chunk of the story has fes lore and a few original story components. The Au was created by DetectiveShinx (aka Josiah23, as he is known on Rpg Maker Fes). 
Character list: 
Tes (Test) replaces Frisk 
Promo replaces Chara
Bendivad replaces Toriel
Fuzion replaces Asgore
Josiah replaces Sans
SmashX replaces Papyrus
Jayventures replaces Undyne
Guy replaces Alphys
Mango Unit (Or Mangoblook {which is his ghost name}) replaces Napstablook
Jonincanon replaces Mettaton
Risky the Flower replaces Flowey the Flower
American Rat’s replace the Temmie’s 
Forestia replaces Monster Kid
Risk replaces Asriel Dreemur
Sormo replaces Grillby
Banana Lord replaces Muffet
Scarred Dummy replaces the Ruins Dummy
Mad Armor (aka Minisilver) replaces the Mad Dummy
Leon and Abel replace RG 01 and 02
B.I Mann (aka Ball’s Itch Mann) replaces W.D Gaster
The Mysterious Woman replaces RIver Person
Lily and Ardal replace Doggamy and Doggaressa
Stan replaces the Greater Dog
Lukeario replaces Doggo
Crazybored replaces the Snowdin Snowman Npc.
Zeez Vov Gee is the shopkeeper in the Fiery Fields
EeeCeeGee is a original character
Obama (yes, that Obama) is the shopkeeper in Snow-Side Village
Skymin is one of the 2 shopkeepers found in Aqua Falls
Star replaces Gerson
Captain Combustible (aka Bluebomber) is a original character. 
Nonemu, Leona, Erick and Nickton (from the Ice Station Z RPG {A Fes Game}) are a group of “Original” characters. 
 Areas : 
Ruined City- Replaces the Ruins and was the first capitol before it was decimated during the “War”.
Snow-Side Peak- Replaces Snowdin Forest and is a tall mountain range filled with dense, snowy forests. 
Snow-Side Village- Replaces Snowdin Town and is home to Josiah and SmashX.
Dirty Bypass- Replaces Waterfall and is a gigantic cave system that connects Snow- Side Peak and the.
Rat Alley- Replaces the Tem Village and is home to the American Rat Brigade.
RustTown - A new town found in the middle of the Dirty Bypass. 
Savage Wasteland - Replaces the Hotlands and is a desert-like area with very little vegetation. It is also where Guy’s lab is located.
Nuclear REACTOR- Replaces the CORE and is what powers the entirety of Fes Island and is somehow totally safe for the environment.
FES City- Replaces the Capitol and is home to most of Fes Islands residents and the King himself. This is also where the “Hall of Fame”  is located.
Notes: Please, absolutely no shipping characters, I beg of thee. Go ahead and do a swap or switch up AU of this, as long as you have permission from moi. And if anyone has any questions feel free to ask. And for those of you who want to play any of the Rpg Maker Fes games, the Rpg Maker Fes Player is free on the Nintendo 3ds Eshop.
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askcharaandfriends · 4 years
Some Things to Know
(Frequently asked questions and other information)
What is this blog?
It's an underswap ask blog comic based on @askfriskandcompany . From the beginning I got Trash Queen's blessing. Many themes story elements, back stories and characters come from there. It's not a direct remake in swap style. The broad strokes are the same, but due to the nature of ask blogs and the fact that the askers know things ahead of time, I expect certain things to turn out differently. That's the fun of it!
Undertale is by Toby Fox.
What will the swap be like?
My goal is to keep the core of the characters the same (ie: Chara likes chocolate) while moving them around to a new destiny. To see how putting a character in a different situation would change them, and in turn change the situation. Kinda a nature vs nurture deal.
The ships remain the same, because everyone's heart/ attractions are the same, and I think it would be weird to do it some other way.
Not everything in the world is swapped, (mostly because that would be super complicated) but a few key things are, things that might be funny or interesting. But History (besides some dates and maybe names due to interference from the monster war) is not swapped. All the wars and things happened the same, ended the same, and had the same impact on the world.
List of swaps I have so far: Chara/ Frisk, Sans/ Papyrus, Toriel/Asgore, Alphys/ Undyne, Asriel (Flowey, Maverick Chaos Dragon)/ MK (Tem, Maverick Kayos Drake), mettaton(hapstablook)/ Napstablook(napstaton), nicecream guy/ burgerpants, Bratty n Catty/ Otto n Owen (RG 1 and 2), Grillby/ Muffet, Shop Bunny/Hotel Bunny
People I don't think I will swap: Onion-san, Gerson, Jerry, The Royal Guard Dogs, Mad Mew Mew(mad dummy), Amalgamates. However small details about them may have changed for example, Gerson "hit the jackpot" and became an eccentric millionaire and bought whatever Chara sold him, sometimes randomly changing the price on something he "had to have." You can also choose to donate to his scholarship program for Rowdy teens and after 1000 G the college sends him exclusive historical armor which he will sell to you at a discount if you have died in battle a lot. (It's not like you paid for the armor, your donations were a small percent of his donations)
Will there be a dub/ can I dub it?
Yes!!! I'm doing a dub now, on my YouTube channel miamouse!
If you or someone you know would like to dub it, I would love to hear it!!! I ask you to let me know ahead of time, credit me as Miamouse with a link back to the blog. Maybe send me a link to your video if you can! I wanna seeeeee!!!!
Same rules! I would love to see it!!!! Tag me, either with this blog or @miamouse-va or you can submit it directly. I would not like to see heavy gore or sexual content. Don’t do it. Don’t be weird.
Memes are ok. Go for it!
How do I send an ask that can be in the comic?
Please use the ask feature. There should be a link on top of the blog. Not submit, not in the notes, not fanmail, not YouTube comments. I'll do my best to answer questions from there, but the ask feature has the format I need for the comic, ya know?
Try to keep it current to what is going on. Make sure you read the whole comic before asking! Try not to get too off topic as well (a little is probably ok) changing the subject is fine in moderation.
It's ok to send a couple variations but please don’t spam the same thing!!
Keep it clean. Minimal swearing, please. Nothing weird or gross.
Keep in mind that I may not be able to use your ask, even if it meets the criteria. I can only use so many. Or maybe I'm saving it for later. Just gotta get lucky, I guess.
Crossover with AFAC????!!!
TQ said she was down. It would be some time after her current arc, and sometime after Blue Echoes (current arc). We've discussed some ideas but obviously I can't say much because spoilers!
Other crossovers?
Sorry, no Man Who Speaks In Hands or Ask Drunk Chara. I don’t want to do that to either Rei or Hawker. They are both done with their comics and burnt out on Undertale. It wouldn't make sense anyway. Ima let them rest. I did get permission to use Afac Harlow Garamond, but that's a different matter entirely.
I am also planning one with @askthedreemurr-fontfamily !! (Please read their comic!!! And Ask Young Chara too)That one has a good vibe and they have portals and visitors to their world so crossing over is not such a stretch. I dont know what the crossover would be about or when it could take place, but we'll talk about it later. There’s a lot to figure out. (I'm thinking it would serve the same purpose as the drunk Chara crossover)
Other crossovers besides that? Maybe. Crossovers are hard.
Send stuff to characters??
I have a chocolate pile in my corner of the 4th wall zone where askers can send normal (technically magical, and can be various degrees of dark) chocolate bars. Up to 10. That I may send to Chara's fridge one at a time as needed and in a way that is not suspicious. No other chocolate please. No matter how clever. They can't stand out!! I'm at 50+ right now. [CHOCOLATE BOX IS CLOSED]
There is also Toriel's Recipe Binder that you can add recipes to!! You can send as many cleaver recipes as you want! (Just not duplicates, for example I revealed that Frisk likes strawberry cake and I got a couple of those, in which case I will take the first one) It works because her binder was made so that anyone from the house can put in their own recipes so it could be a compilations. So new recipes that suddenly appear there, aren't much of a surprise.
Other things should be sparingly. Like the nicecream someone sent Hermann. Something simple and not too big, expensive or OP. I don't get them from the garbage( a personal choice) my Character Mia Mouse is a Therapist and buys them with her money. So it should be things that are reasonably affordable and easy to obtain that exist in that world.
Asker powers?
Since when were you in control? For real though, you have some limited powers to say things, mage hand stuff. send minor things. influence the course of events. but anything you want to do is always over-ridden by Miamouse powers. i drive this crazy train. I can allow or deny whatever i dang well please.  
Update schedule?
>_>; once a month or more often if I can. [Though sometimes I lose track of time all together,] I don't have a consistent day or anything. I go at my own pace, and that tends to be kinda slow. I have 2 real life jobs that takes a lot of my energy. I also have the dubs to do. Also I get distracted by video games frequently. This is a fun project/ hobby and I'm not gunna let myself get overwhelmed by it.
Possibly! Message me @true-miamouse for details. 
Fowey the Flowers?
They live in a greenhouse and Asgore tends to them. they’re not much for conversation and won’t play much of a role.
Why no Grayscale?
Technically, it was never AFAC that was black and white, it was the askers who were colorblind. That changed when Alphys poked the portal while MWSIH Asriel was busy Being rainbow hyper death, (this effected several adjacent universes!)
One Watsonian explanation could be that this event also effected ACAF universe but it is on a different time scale than AFAC so it changed the color blindness prior to Chara getting a blog.
Another Watsonian explanation could be that Erica who controls the AFAC camera, was blind in life and possibly colorblind as a ghost?,(not physically nothing afflicted her anymore,) but she just didn’t realize she was missing anything before that event. In ACAF, Paolo controls the camera, and with their glasses, they can see fine.
The Doyalistic reason is that Trashqueen chose not to color the comic early on, and changed her mind later. And I simply chose to have things colored from the beginning. In the end, it’s just a personal preference.
Name all the characters favorite XYZ!
this kind of question is hard to answer. especially all the characters at once.. maybe i should make stat cards with heights, age, b-day, favorite color, song, food, Disney movie, game, anime etc. but for now, please don’t be sad if this type of ask doesn’t get through. it’s just that it’s overwhelming.
Why isn’t this like other underswaps? 
it’s not supposed to be. i wanted it to only loosely be the idea of under swap. not any particular canon. for example: Napsta Blook became Napstaton instead of Napstabot. why? because that’s just the name they wanted when they became a robot. Alphys wields ninja tools instead of an axe. why? obviously it’s because she’s a weeb. Sans doesn’t like to be called Blueberry. things like that. i want this to be a little more me flavored, ya know? 
Is the underground different?
A little, here and there. but mostly it looks the same. each area has a new name because Toriel named it tho. Home= Timeless Gardens, Snowdin=Winter Wood, Waterfall= Glittering Falls, Hotland= Sizzling Springs, The Core = El Nucleo, and New Home = Quiet Gardens. One interesting difference is that Blue Echo Flowers do not exist, and instead, Red Echo Flowers live near lava.
[updated: 1/15/23]
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septic-dr-schneep · 4 years
Is there a list of underswap characters?
Sure, I’ll put a list under the cut!
Sans, cheery royal guard, and Papyrus, laidback Judge (commonly called “Blue” and “Stretch/Honey” by the fandom to differentiate them from Canon Sans and Pap)
Chara, protagonist who falls down, and Frisk, dead demon child
Toriel, reigning monarch, and Asgore, caretaker of the ruins
Alphys, Captain of the guard, and Undyne, nervous scientist
Mettablook, shy ghost, and Napstaton, entertaining robot
Temmie, soulless creature, and the Floweys, cute derpy villagers
Asriel idolizes Captain Alphys, and Monster Kid, the King and Queen’s son
Grillby the expensive vendor and Muffet the restaurant owner
Bratty and Catty the royal guards, RG 1 and 2 the trash vendors
Nice Cream Guy, oppressed employee, and Burgerpants, happy vendor
W.D. Gaster, the boatman, and River Person, the forgotten scientist
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sawson · 7 years
Spiritale Chapter 39
1,524 words
                           Chapter 39: Back and Forth conversation
30 minutes of shopping….
“Like it was was fun hanging out with you human”, Catty said with a bag full of clothes and accessories.
“Yes…we should hang out again sometime,…if that’s okay with you”, Bratty asked also holding  a bag of clothes and accessories.
“Yea, you look sooo cute in those Napstabot T-shirts~!”, Catty complemented.
“Hahah…thank you”, Chara thanked patting their cheek.
“Bratty let’s go home, put these clothes on, then go to the dance club~!”, Bratty said.
Bratty nod and they both walk off. Chara was starting to crave something sweet, you suggest going back to the Lounge because they sell something sweet. You just wonder what’s the opposite of a Starfait?
“Can I have a Starshake please?”, Chara asked putting their money on the table.
That answers your question. You look at the menu….oh my gosh, everything on the menu looks soooo delicious. A Starshake, a Hip-hop Burger, Legendary Guardian Panini, and….*long and slow gasp* Napstabot shaped…Pancakes…ooooohh you realllly wanna eat soome.
“Here you go kid”, Hoodie said handing Chara a Starshake.
“If you don’t mind me asking, why is your name hoodie?”, Chara asked before taking a sip of the shake.
“It’sss…short for…Hoodnini…”, Hoodie said looking away with an upset look.
“Oooh, what a neat name”
“You think so”, Hoodie asked calmly shocked and looking back at Chara.
“Yea! It’s unique, one-of-kind, and pretty cool”, Chara said listing with their fingers, “How did ya get the name?”
“It’s a pretty long story”, Hoodie said resting his arm on the counter and rubbing his neck with an embarrassed look.
“Hey Hoodnini, can we get some Napstabot Pancakes?”, a monster asked beside Chara.
“Hoodnini one Starshake please”, another monster said behind Chara.
“We’ll…talk about it later okay?”
“Sure”, Chara said moving out the way and out the Lounge.
“Hey Chara, follow me”, you said walking out the Fun Center.
You guided Chara to the alleyway by the Fun Center where number 1 and 2 are, you wonder how they’ll act with your Catty and Bratty’s personalities. You both see them quietly nodding happily to some music on the radio, then number 1 saw Chara.
“Babe, babe look!”, Number 1 said extremely excited shaking Number 2’s shoulder, “It’s a customer!”
“*Long gasp* You’re right!”
They scrambled to their shop counter dusting it off and organizing anything that could be on it and then stepped behind it telling Chara to look. Written on these cards says the name of the item: Candy Bag, Cowboy Hat, A Gun (unloaded), and a key you know belongs to Napstabot. In your mind, you can’t help but think this pretty handy made paper bag of candy is leftover candy from almost empty bags of candy left in from the dump….eek! You quickly advise Chara not to buy that one. They bought the hat though, good thing it wasn’t dirty. This not only made Number 1 and 2 happy, but they started to tear up when Chara bought their hat.
“Why are you crying?”, Chara asked concerned still holding the hat.
“It’s just…you’re our first customer whose bought something from us”, Number 2 said wiping his tears away.
“Yea, we like never get anybody!”, Number 1 said crying some more.
“There, there”, Number 2 said comforting Number 1.
“I don’t think having a store next to the Fun Center is a good idea”, Chara suggested.
“Yea we know”, Number 1 said wiping away their tears, “But we like, have this dream of owning a store of our own!”
“So we tried setting up a store here…to know how it feels”, Number 2 said looking down and rubbing their hand.  
“And we liked the feeling, so we kept at it”, Number 1 said.
“Awww”, You and Chara said.
“But…there was one time someone did show up here”, Number 2 said bringing their head up.
“Who?”, Number 1 questioned.
“Don’t you remember babe?”, Number 2 asked looking at Number 1, “It was that bunny fellow, the one who gave us the delicious panini”
“Oh yeeaaa, he was like suuuper nice doing that”, Number 1 said happily.
“Hoodini?”, Chara questioned.
“Yea!”, Number 1 and 2 said looking at Chara, “Do you know him?!”, they both asked happily.
Chara nods their head.
“Omg! Can you like…”
“Tell him we are very thankful for what he did?”, Number 2 said finishing Number 1’s sentence.
“Sure…uuum, what are your name’s?”, Chara asked walking off, putting the hat on, then stopping.
“I’m Sole”, Number 1 said pointing to themselves with their thumb cheerfully.
“And I’m Deuce”, Number 2 said placing their hand on their chest with a polite smile.
“Okay thank you”, Chara said jogging off.
Moments later in the Lounge…
“What, you talked to those two?”, Hoodie asked surprised.
“Mmm hmm”, Chara said nodding, “They said they’re thankful for what you did for them”
“R-really?”, Hoodie said calmly surprised, “…well…this…makes my suspension pretty okay I guess”, he said rubbing his neck with a bashful like smile.
“Oh right…I didn’t tell you about that didn’t I?”
Chara shook their head, Hoodini kindly told them before customers showed. He was a dj hired by Nastabot long ago for his dance club and he was a really good dj too, however, he met Sole and Deuce. They were hungry and were about to look through the dump because…Undyne wasn’t there for them the past few days. Hoodie took pity on them, so he snuck some legendary guardians in his hoodie. That explains the nickname. He got caught afterward and has been put on suspension for 2 YEARS?! Yikes!
“But it’s not so bad…I guess, It’s relaxing here and the customers aren’t a problem a lot of time. Plus I only have a few more months until my suspension is over”, Hoodie said with a relaxing smile resting his arms on the countertop, “Are they still doing the shop thing?”
“Yea, I bought this Cowboy Hat”, Chara said pointing the hat they wore.
“Huh…not half bad”, Hoodie complemented, “…If you don’t mind…could you tell them I’m…glad they’re okay, and…if they want a job I know the right place that gladly accepts new employees”
“Sure, I’ll be back”, Chara said jogging off.
Moments later in the alleyway…
“WHAT??!!”, Sole and Deuce shouted at the same time.
“Yea, what do you say?”, Chara asked smiling.
“I don’t know”, Sole said concerned, “I don’t wanna lose our shop”
“But on the other hand…we could use the money”, Deuce said with a thinking face and folded arms.
“Hmm…hhhow about…you save the money you’ve earned to open a new shop?”, Chara said shrugging”
“That sounds like…
“A GREAT IDEA!!!”, Sole shouted excitedly finishing Deuce’s sentence.
“We can use our experiences to know how the shop business works…
“And use the money to buy better material and build our shop!”, Sole said excitedly hopping and finishing Deuce’s sentence again.
They started going on and on about ideas and ways they can have their shop be made, it’s really inspiring. Chara didn’t bother interrupting their chat and listen with a smile on their face.
“TELL HIM WE SAY YES!!!”, Sole and Deuce said together.
“But, wait…where will we be working?”, Deuce asked raising his eye brows.
“Uuuuh, hold on”
Back in the Lounge…
“They wanna know where they’ll be working”, Chara said to Hoodie.
“At Nastabot’s music and clothes store”, Hoodie said with one arm resting on the countertop.
“Okay thanks”
Back in the alleyway…
“*LOOOOOOOONNGG GAASSSP* NASTABOT’S STORE???!!!”, Sole shouted extremely loud and excitedly jogging in place.
“Omg omg omg, we will TOTALLY work there!”, Deuce agreed happily.
Back in the Lounge…
“That was quick”, Hoodie said seeing Chara walk into the restaurant again, “My guess is they said yes?”
Chara nods as an answer.
“Okay tell them show up tomorrow and they can get started”
“Yes, alright”
Back in the alleyway…
“WHAT, TOMORROW??!!”, Sole shouted surprised placing both their hands on their face.
“We need to get ready babe!”, Deuce said to Sole.
“Yea!”, Sole quickly agreed, “Thank you so ssoooo much cutie~!”, he thanked hugging Chara then running off.
“You’ve really helped us”, Deuce said hugging Chara, “Here take this key, you’ll use this better than we could. Bye”, he said handing Chara a key then running off.
Awwww, how sweet~! You tell Chara about the key, but surprisingly they already know. How…oh right…the reset. You can what was in his house, Chara says it was filled with old music, mix tapes and, audio dairies. Cool! *Ring ring*
“Chara are you okay?”, You both heard Undyne asked.
“Oh I’m fine Undyne, sorry I didn’t message you back”
“That’s okay, just tell me when you’re going to the core and I’ll guide you through it”
Oh snap! You and Chara completely forgot about that! Chara quickly made their way to the core’s entrance, but not before telling Chara to get at least two starshakes.
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redvelvetreel · 6 years
Red Velvet Reel 9.2: Blue Ain’t (Usually) My Color
            [Fic Directory]
Pairing: [Married] Spicyhoney (Underfell Papyrus x Underswap Papyrus)
Summary: Stretch learns a little bit more about everything: parentMOOD, funeral traditions, *what Edge is probably thinking.* But at least he knows how to move forward now!
Characters: Stretch (Underswap Papyrus) & Red (Underfell Sans)& Blue (Underswap Sans)
Contains: Mpreg/Skelepreg! Candid discussions of monster funerary traditions! Different monster cultural traditions between universes!  
Rating: Teen and up! (I guess?)
Note: Additional cultural notes/elaborations available at the bottom so as to avoid spoilers! :)
“Me?!” Stretch gaped, unable to keep the surprised indignation out of his tone, “Me?!”
Before Red could say anything else, Blue kicked him under the table again, “Thank you for all that, Red!” Blue put his mouth literally against the side of his brother’s skull, saying as quietly as possible, “He’s an asshole but he’s right.”
Somehow, Red still heard him.  Still stuck his tongue out petulantly, but he was obviously flattered. Even if he kicked Blue under the table and steal his last biscotti. It was kinda cute.
Stretch shook his head free of that weird thought, focusing on his confused outrage, “What do you mean I’m freaking him out?!” Wait, he was the master of his emotions, he could ask this quietly and civilly! Think soothing thoughts, like clouds and kittens and successful science projects- “I mean, how am I putting Edge on... edge?” Hehe. “I’m doing my best to not do that?”
“Well,” Blue folded his hands under his chin, looking thoughtful, “Edge still has his intent sensitivity-“
“Parent sense!” Red chimed in helpfully, chewing noisily as he dunked his biscotti in the remaining half of Stretch’s coffee. He felt a deep pang of sadness, one that he couldn’t blame entirely on Pancake. He downed the rest of it before his brother-in-law could double-dunk.
“So, even if you tried to act like everything was fine, he would still be able to detect your intent.” Blue, trying so hard to be careful, was endearing and annoying, and it was a struggle to try and push those conflicting feelings away.
“‘N ya ain’t too good an actor!” Red swiped Blue’s mug, using the last sliver of biscotti to scrape whipped cream off the inside.
“You’re a great actor!” Blue assured him firmly, pointedly ignoring his obnoxious counterpart. “But the parentMOOD heightens your emotions, and makes it more... obvious when you are... troubled.”
“Saw ya lookin’ sad way aways.” Red had gotten a spoon from somewhere, and was using it to scrape up the dregs from his coffee cup,”‘N ya get lil’ poofs ‘a intent when yer moods swingin’.”
“Do- Do I really?!” Stretch couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “So my stupid mood swings are undermining my best attempts to play it cool? And are straining my marriage?”
“Papy.” Blue was a very patient monster, but even he looked like he might be nearing his limit, “Your marriage is fine. Edge isn’t going to divorce you over being a little moody. He’s moody!”
“Yep.” Red was playing with the spoon now, trying to balance it on the tips of his claws, “S’not his style, ‘n Fell ain’t real big on ‘divorce. ‘Fore it got bad, Boss’d prolly kill ya ‘n put ya in an osario.”
“Oh.” Stretch wasn’t sure if he was comforted or alarmed by that tidbit. Blue looked horrified, so he probably should feel more like that. Weird. “What’s that?”
“Osario’s lotsa stuff- s’box thing. Glass ‘n shit. For ya? Mm... ‘Prolly a collar.” Red’s smile stretched wider at that reaction, voice nonchalant even as he watched Blue carefully. Out of the corner of his eye. “Touchy-feely bastard’ prolly carry ya around whole damn time, too. No inventori for ya, Honey.”
“WHAT?!” Blue was aghast, looking pale, so Stretch absolutely shouldn’t have felt a little flattered at that. And certainly not pleased. “Edge regularly carries...” Blue fidgeted, lowering his voice to a strained whisper, “Monster dust?”
“Before, yeah?” Red didn’t look like he quite understood the question, “Not now. Didn’t bring none here, don’t think.”
“WhY?!” Blue rubbed at his face, “Underfell is a terrible, vicious place, I know-“ Stretch winced at that, remembering Edge’s bitter sulk after the whole bar incident. Had his little meltdown over that whole will-death talk make his husband’s insecurities worse? “But what reason could any monster possibly have to carry that around?!”
“Sos ya can honor the dead, Baby Blue.” Red gave the other skeleton a sharp look, “What else ya gonna do? Stick ‘em up like a goddamn decoration? Psh. Ain’t nothin’ sadder than being goddamn forgotten.”
Oh nooooo, this was just a huge cultural misunderstanding. Edge wasn’t being macabre! He totally hurt his hubby’s feelings! On something Edge was already sensitive about! 
“I told you like a hundred times- that’s Undertale! In Underswap, everyone who knew them puts some of monster’s dust in a pot of soil!” Red and Blue were still going at it. “Then, you plant an echo flower seed and care for it until it blooms. Then, it will have your loved one’s voice, and it feels like you can talk to them! That’s the opposite of forgotten!”
“That’s fuckin’ creepy, man.” Red shuddered, making that peace-bless hand signal over all three of them. “Dust’s dust! It havin’ a Dusted’s magic color ‘n voice just ain’t right.”
“How is carrying your friend’s dust everywhere you go any less creepy?!” Blue threw his arms up. “At least you don’t actually see the dust on an echo flower, and it’s quietly tended to! At home!”
“‘Cause we ain’t pretendin’ they ain’t dusted! Fine, look, s’diff for diff monsters ‘n shit, but here’s how Edge’d do it-“ Oh noooo, it was cultural AND something personally important to Edge! Stretch put his head in his hands. Oh, he fucked up so bad. 
“Lil’ bit of dust s’given to whatever bastard wants it, yeah? Crown takes s lil’ dusted RG go in this lil’ medal thing, ‘n their put in...” Red made a face, struggling with the phrasing, “Patria... temple...? Some bullshit place, lotsa flowers ‘n ribbon ‘n shit, s’like ‘rememberin’ the fallen’ whatever.”
Red rubbed at his face like he was getting a headache, “S’long story, but as Cap’n he was wearin’ a diff osario a day. Come in Grillby’s, pour a lil’ rum out fer the Angel ‘n the Dusted ‘n down rest. ‘Everybody’d do it, too. ‘N we’d chat about ‘em, laugh ‘n just... remember.”
He sighed deeply, tone soft and melancholic, “Ain’t nothin’ scarier for Fell than thinkin’ yer life ain’t matter. That y’ain’t make no kind of mark on no one at all.”
Blue didn’t say anything at that, watching Red carefully with veiled pity. Or was that understanding? “I guess that doesn’t sound so terrible. It’s the same principle as our Memorial Echo tradition.” He smiled, “Knowing that your loved ones will keep you alive in their memories, even as they make new ones with a piece of you at their side. It seems like it would give some monsters peace of mind.”
Damn. Stretch hadn’t mentioned what he and Edge had actually ‘fought’ about! How did Red and Blue know?! There was no way this conversation hadn’t been orchestrated- it was way too creepily relevant! At the same time, Edge probably hadn’t told them. He was always saying ‘dirty laundry is done at home,’ so how...?
“Are you ok, Papy?” Blue looked concerned, reaching out to turn his face toward the light, “You’re looking a little pale-“
He pulled away, putting his brother’s hand back on the table. “I don’t know how you both know what you know,” Stretch started warily, eyeing them both suspiciously, “And it’s still creepy- but ok. I got your message. Loud and clear.”
              [Part 1] [Part 2 - Here!] [ Part 3 ]  
-Osario in English is "Ossuary," but for the purposes of Underfell culture, think of it more as a "reliquary." Those are these ornate containers for venerated objects in Catholicism, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
-Collar is a double entendre: it's like the dog collar kind in English, but in Spanish it's just a necklace.
- The saying in spanish is, "La ropa sucia se lava en casa," or "Dirty laundry is washed at home." Meaning you don't air dirty laundry/family issues and stuff in front of people. 
-Underswap monster funerals: Echo flowers are a memorial flower, and because they're magical flowers, soil infused with monster dust gives them that monster's voice! They'll echo back whatever you tell them in the voice of the deceased, so it's customary to keep them at home and just... talk to them, hear the things you miss the most. "I love you" is the usual phrase of choice. They're pretty hardy flowers, so they live for as long as they're cared for.
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deltaswap2442 · 11 months
Pride History Deltaswap/Underswap
I wanted to post this on pride month but I was on vacation and took a break from Tumblr to spend time with my family
And instead of waiting til next June I'll just post this now
Here are all the DeltaSwap and UnderSwap characters sexualities (some might change and everyone's entitled to their own headcannons)
Noelle: Gender Fluid and Sapphic (Still likes Susie)
Berdley: Omnisexual
Temmie: Trans Fem and Demisexual
Clubboy: He's 6 he hasn't figured himself out yet and doesn't know what any of this means so let him be
Nubert: It/It's pronouns and Aromantic
Sweet: Straight
Capn: Bisexual
Kakes: Gay
Swoetche: Gay (and maybe a closeted drag queen)
Addisons: All use They/Them. Pink is attracted to men. Blue is bisexual (and had a former secret relationship with Spamton). Yellow is Aroace. Orange is Asexual.
Hacker (Checkwalker): Omnigender and Omnisexual and Omni-being
Queen: Straight (likely homophobic as well. I know people won't like that, but that's how people be and I'm trying to be realistic)
Susie: Lesbian
Kris: Non-binary and Pansexual (has a huge crush on Berdley)
Clover: Omnisexual
Jevil: Gender Fluid and Pansexual
Seam: Gender Fluid/Non Binary (debating whether they use they/them exclusively since they technically are multiple entities and therefore also would use We/We're or would switch pronouns depending on their form)
Rouxls Kaard: Gay (and definitely a drag queen. SLAY) has a crush on King but King doesn't have the same feelings
King: Bisexual (has 7 ex wives and 2 ex husbands. Poor guy :()
C. Round: Omnigender; Omnisexual
Asgore: Bisexual
Toriel: Straight
Undyne: Lesbian
Alphys: Bisexual
Mettacrit: Gender Fluid; Gay
Napstablook: Non Binary; Aroace
Papyrus: Gay; Asexual
Rudolph Holiday: Straight
Carol Holiday: Dead (Formerly Bisexual)
Dess: Trans Fem; Omnisexual
Asriel: Omnisexual
Geeson: Straight
Alvin: Straight
Mrs. Boom: Lesbian
Monster Kid: Non Binary; Asexual
Snow Drake: Trans Masc; Bisexual
Catti: Straight
Jockington: Aroace
Ralsei: Demisexual; Gay
I think that's all the characters if I missed one ask in the comments
UnderSwap (most are similar to above):
Chara: Non Binary; Aroace
Temmie: Gender Fluid (I believe I either have a post or am working on one explaining the confusingness of Temmie's identity but just know they don't care what they're referred to but uses She/Her mostly to try and differentiate from MK. She is not trans and wishes to go back to being MK but also wants to alienate this form from MK); Aroace (Has no feelings)
Asgore: Bisexual
Papyrus: Gay
Sans: Bisexual
Alphys: Bisexual
Undyne: Lesbian
Toriel: Straight
Napstabot: Trans Masc; Pansexual; Asexual
Mettacrit: Gender Fluid; Gay
Asriel: Demisexual; Omnisexual
Muffet: Bisexual
Grillby: Aroace
Mad Okie Dokie (So Sorry): Trans Masc; Omnisexual
Dogamy: Straight
Doggo: Gay
Lesser Dog: Demisexual
Doggeressa: Straight; Asexual
Muttler (Endogeny): Aroace
Ice Cream Pants (Burgerpants): Gay
Burger Guy (Nice Cream Guy): Bisexual
Gerald (Elder Puzzle Master): Straight
Rabeca (Bunny Girl): Pansexual
Flowey: ???????????
Bratty: Lesbian
Catty: Sapphic
Rg 1 & 2: Gay but not dating
Annoying Dog: ??????????????????????????
MK: Non Binary; Aroace
Frisk: Gender Fluid; Asexual
I believe that's all the characters
Again if I'm missing any ill be happy to but Them in the comments or maybe update this post
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