sm64mario · 4 years
Is it really still 1996? It feels like it's 2020... either way, time flies. It'll be 2020 before you know it, Mario. It won't be 1996 forever... but it's ok. No matter what year it is, we're here for you... if we're alive in that year, that is...
1996? 2020? It’sa not all that important to’a Mario what time it is! What’a matters most is’a that you can plug in your’a Nintendo 64 and’a always know your favorite Super Mario is’a there waiting for you!
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basic-bb-asks · 4 years
Who in the frickity heck is this peck neck?!
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adobe-outdesign · 5 years
Here's an idea: Showdown Bandit bloopers.
“A’ve found the way” except Penny’s accidentally facing the wrong way the entire time
The cutscene with Banker where he’s supposed to spring up except instead he just keeps lying there face-down dead on the desk
Lookout on top of the old Carver place except when he goes to disappear he just falls off the roof, complete with cat screeching noise
One of the grieves gets their scissor-arm stuck in the wall
Sparkblaster except the kickback is so hard it flings Bandit right out of the cart
The opening scene except when the camera flips around it’s Woody stepping out the box
Carver rising up out of place except someone’s glued a fake mustache on him
the giant hand at the end except it’s just flipping everyone off
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meanandgreenmama · 4 years
So, Twoey, how do you feel about Mario?
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“Who?” Either they were joking or serious. No one could tell.
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nomstellations · 4 years
Do you know who Gooseworx is?
Can’t say I have, sorry :x
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adateintime · 5 years
Can you guys post the music that plays when you're about to go to sleep in the game on sound cloud or somethin'?
I’d recommend asking @character-composer about that, as he’s the one who composed it! He’s since left the project, for his own work, which is perfectly understandable, but I certainly wouldn’t feel comfortable releasing it without express permission.
-Mod Lethal
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Stanley: It’s so good to see you again! How’ve you been? Do anything interesting lately??
Robin: U-Uh... I-I’m sorry, you have to give me a minute. I’m... I’m still processing this. 
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Prank My Muse!! (Accepting, but in the future, please specify who!)
🕷to leave a live bug/spider in their bed/sleeping bag.
Cuphead noticed the little guy on his bed first, and simply grabbed a jar and a piece of paper, and set him outside. 
Mugman, on the other hand, hadn’t noticed the guy until he’d sat down in his bed with a nice hot cup of tea and a good book. Just as he was about to set his tea down, he noticed the little guy moving towards him and released a shrill scream that scared away any nearby birds. Not only did he spill the tea all over his bed, but he also ran downstairs to Cuphead, shaking and crying. 
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ahithorrorau · 5 years
So, Horiata, was it? I know that you probably have trust issues because of everything you've been through, but we're here to help... or try to.
Oh! That’s what the icon was for! The message was played out in a ‘text to speech’ format, with the text remaining on the screen as she could hear the question from her current spot.
Wait, how did this person know her name?
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How did this one know about how she got hurt?!
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She ended up getting filled with discomfort while looking at the screen, stumbling back and wobbling a little. Soon falling onto her butt, she looked to her scrapped knee. 
“...U-uhuh... Need... Help...” She sniffles, covering her knee with her hands and looking away from the screen.
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subcon-caretaker · 5 years
Hatty, you ok? Is everything alright?! Is Subcon Forest ok?! WHAT THE PECC IS HAPPENING?!
The tired child rubs at her eyes and frowns. "M'name's Caretaker. It's what I do. I take care of Subcon Forest."
Looking around, she nods. "Of course it's alright. I've planted flowers here and there. I'm sure when my BFF's come back, they'll love the bright plants. It'll cheer them up." Despite the cheerful thought, her frown remains.
"Then everything will go back to normal again..."
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cursed-prince · 5 years
Cough, cough.blood quickly covers his hand the moment he covers his mouth
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sm64mario · 4 years
How do you feel about the latest discovery that your brother was going to go on the adventure with you?
Well, I’a always knew about’a how Luigi was’a supposed to’a come, but’a technical limitations made it impossible! I’va always been a bit bummed, but’a Luigi took it like a champ! I’mma so glad that people have’a been able to’a get him back in’a this adventure!
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basic-bb-asks · 6 years
Where did princi go?
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adobe-outdesign · 6 years
Any new ideas for Bendy bloopers.
Henry drawing fake mustaches on everyone. Henry looks through the seeing tool only to reveal an invisible one on Allison
“Who are we, Henry? I thought I knew who I was.” “A douchebag.” “Yes- no” [background laughter]
Henry goes to enter a Miracle Station and Bendy’s already in there
Grant’s transformation tape has been replaced with one that plays Yakety Sax
Bendy vs Projectionist fight except Norman accidentally knocks him out in one punch
Bertrum opening his doors only to reveal a mustache doodle on top of his normal mustache
“Tom thinks you’re dangerous.” “Why do you call him Tim?” “we don’t”
Henry walks into Joey’s kitchen but Showdown Bandit’s there instead
“He was there for his beginning, but he’s never seen............. god damn it what the hell’s my line”
Henry presses the button for the elevator but it immediately crashes to the bottom of the studio instead
“I’m so close now. So almost perfect,“ Alice says, with another doodle mustache on her face
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inkwise · 5 years
Bendy, are you ok?
Not Too Hot | @undertalefan10959
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“ D-don’t worry about me! ’S just a headache, I’ll be over it soon! ”
Doesn’t help that he’s melting...
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ddlc-fandomstuck · 7 years
so why are y'all fused together like that?
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DD: ???!!!!
( Coughpleasereadcough )☆
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