#undine's birthday
oladthepancake · 2 years
Art from the birthday of Toby Fox:D
although it is no longer relevant, but I like it 7w7 ,,
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Артик со дня рождения Тоби Фокса:D
хоть уже и не актуально, но мне он нравится 7w7,,
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mxliv-oftheendless · 2 years
Strangers with Memories
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY PEOPLE!! Or, if you don't like Valentines Day, it is also the birthday of @ladyshandioftheendless!!! So as a birthday gift, here is a story that dives back into the KISSteriaverse! Fair warning, this is gonna get REALLY SAD, which is ironic considering it's Valentines Day lmao (totally didn't do that on purpose... except I did lol). I was inspired to write this after listening to the song "Strangers" by Taemin, which is actually where this story's title comes from, and which you can listen to HERE if you want before reading this story! It's a beauuuutiful song.
Enjoy! And happy birthday, Shandi!!
Nikki hasn't seen Starchild in years. He hasn't even been to KISSteria in years. But he wants to prove to himself that he's moved on from everything that happened, that he could see Starchild and not feel heartache. He could do this... right?
Nikki could do this.
It had been years since what happened. He hadn’t seen Starchild at all in those years. He steered clear of any diplomatic meetings with KISSteria (Vince would mercifully explain it away saying he was sick), he avoided any news about KISS on Earth, hell, he even avoided the “K” section in record stores. He hadn't looked at his hand in months, at the finger where a glowing purple string would have been tied… if it hadn’t been broken. He hadn’t even thought about Starchild in over five years. Their breakup and the whole mess around it involving demons and his possession was firmly in the past.
So when Vince got an invitation to come to KISSteria to renew Anarkia’s alliance with the KISSterians, Nikki felt like he could finally come along.
“You sure you’re good to come, dude?” Tommy asked as they got ready to leave.
“What are you talking about, Tom?” Nikki asked as he threw some clothes into a go bag. “Of course I’m good to come. You can introduce me to that royal court chick you keep seeing every time you go.”
Tommy laughed at that. “Yeah, sure. But listen… I know all… all that shit really messed you up. And I heard… um… he’s gonna be there. If you don’t wanna go…”
“I wanna go, Tom,” Nikki insisted. “I’ll be fine. Besides, we won’t be the only ones there. Aren’t the royals from Jendell gonna be there too?”
Tommy shrugged. “I dunno. Ask Vince.”
“Pretty sure he said they’d be there.”
“Alright, fine.” He punched Nikki’s shoulder with a grin. “Look at you, paying attention for once like a responsible person.”
“Fuck off,” Nikki laughed, whipping a shirt at him.
He could do this. He wouldn’t be alone there. It wouldn’t be awkward. Everything was in the past now. He could face the past. He could face what he’d done. He could face Starchild. He could do this.
To Nikki’s delight, not only was the royal family of Jendell there, along with their aide, but so was Prince Michael and Nicholas from Hanoi. The two were accompanied by three young elves, who were practically climbing over each other as they gazed awestruck around the palace.
“Mikey!” Vince said gleefully, clapping the fairy on the shoulder. “Since when did you become a family man?”
The affectionate smile on Michael’s face seemed permanently fixed there as he watched Nicholas try to wrangle the three excited elves. “About a year ago. We found them outside the palace and decided to take them in.” He laughed as Nicholas had to run and prevent one of them from knocking over a decorative vase on a pedestal. “They’re a little excited to be leaving Hanoi for the first time.”
“Dude, we should show them the burn mark you made in the wall the first time we were here,” Nikki said to Tommy.
“Not sure why you’d wanna show that off,” Mick grumbled. “Didn’t they have to cover it with a tapestry cuz of your dicking around?”
“Sure did,” Tommy grinned proudly. “It’s been like, forever, and they still can’t get it out! I check every time we’re here!”
“I’ll bet you ten shots they finally got it out,” Nikki dared.
“Oh, you’re fucking on! I’m gonna go check right now!”
Mick sighed as Tommy dashed off. “I’ll go make sure he doesn’t wreck anything before the welcome ceremony,” he said resignedly, as though he was assigned this task every time they came to KISSteria (he was). He shoved his hands in his jacket pockets and trudged off in Tommy’s direction.
Michael just laughed as Vince went off to say hello to Nicholas. “You all certainly haven’t changed,”
Nikki just laughed, not really wanting to get into the complexities of that. I definitely have… “Yeah…”
He couldn’t help trailing off as he scanned the hall. There was Nicholas, laughing with Vince; there were the three young elves, chattering excitedly as they looked up at a tapestry; there was Ace—he supposed he should call him King Ace now—and his aide in conversation… where was everyone else?
“Looking for someone?”
Nikki turned to find Michael giving him a politely inquiring look. “Uh, y-yeah—well, no, I just—maybe…” he finished lamely.
He really didn’t like the knowing look on Michael’s face. “I am sure the Prince will be here shortly to welcome us.”
“Oh, good… A-And the Elder, too! She’ll be here too.” Nikki hated how awkward he sounded when he laughed. Fuck, what was wrong with him? “She’s the queen, so… yeah. She’s gotta be here too.”
“Nikki… I confess I was a little surprised to see you here. The last time we all gathered in KISSteria, Vince told us you were sick.” Nikki felt like the knowing look was cutting into him. “Are you all right being here now?”
Nikki’s stomach dropped. He knows. “I… Yeah. Yeah, I’m all right.”
Michael just slowly nodded, making Nikki feel far too exposed for his comfort. “I’m serious!” he insisted. “I’m fine! It’s just gonna be a few days. Seriously, Mikey, I’m fine.”
Thankfully, Michael just nodded. “All right. I am glad you’re feeling well enough to come this time.”
“Y-Yeah… me too.”
He could do this. When Starchild came through the doors to welcome them all, he wouldn’t shy away. He wouldn’t run away from him like a vampire running away from sun. He could do this.
As soon as he thought that, the doors opened, and the Elder swept into the hall, looking as intimidating and regal as ever. And walking just behind her…
Nikki’s heart skipped a beat. There he was. There was Starchild.
He looked better, Nikki thought immediately. He couldn’t help remembering how Starchild looked the last time he saw him; stressed, drained, upset…
Heartbroken, his mind whispered.
But he didn’t look heartbroken anymore. He looked better. His livelihood was back. The glimmer of life was back in his eyes, though it seemed a little softer now and less excited. And Nikki was suddenly overwhelmed by the urge to close the distance between them and…
But he stopped himself. He couldn’t. Starchild wouldn’t want that. He probably still didn’t want to even look at him, even though he probably knew Nikki would be here. Had he ever wondered how Starchild felt about things like that? About being forced to be in the same room as someone you loved or despised and not be able to express that? It was torture, having to stand there and pretend he didn’t have such a complicated history with Starchild.
And then suddenly the Elder and Starchild were right there, welcoming Vince to KISSteria. Nikki tried to focus on the Elder, instead of the man that stood behind her. He was just a few steps away. Nikki wished he was a mile away.
“And greetings to you, Nikki Terror,” the Elder was suddenly saying. “I am pleased you feel well enough to join us this time.”
Nikki was suddenly seized by a paranoid fear—did she know? Did she know what happened? Did Starchild tell her? He couldn’t tell anything from the pleasant smile on the woman’s face.
Calm the fuck down, Terror. Maybe she’s just welcoming you and commenting on how you haven’t been here in a while.
Nikki forced himself to calm down, giving her his signature smirk and an overdramatic bow. “Yep, I’m feeling great. And by the time I leave, you’ll probably be hoping I’m sick again next time.”
The Elder chuckled. “I don’t doubt it,”
As Nikki raised his head, his eyes unconsciously turned to see Starchild’s reaction. His heart leapt when he saw the smile on the man’s face. He was smiling at something Nikki said. Did that mean anything?
Nikki longed to be able to ask him. He longed to be able to get a moment alone with Starchild and ask him if that smile meant he was forgiven, if it meant Starchild didn’t hate him anymore. But he couldn’t. If Nikki wanted to prove he could face Starchild, he couldn’t do anything.
And so he let Starchild and the Elder walk away from them to go greet Michael and Nicholas. He breathed a quiet sigh of relief. He made it. One interaction had gone successfully.
“Dude, you okay?”
Nikki jumped at the whisper and realized Tommy was suddenly beside him. “Don’t fuckin’ scare me like that!” he hissed.
Tommy snickered. “Sorry. But seriously, you okay?”
Nikki blew out a breath and nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
He could do this.
A couple days later, Nikki found himself stuck at an event of some kind; a little party for the visiting diplomats, according to Vince. And so far, like these things always were, it was fucking boring.
He found himself keeping Mick company, sitting to the side while Mick talked to King Ace’s aide, who had introduced himself as Tomaziel. Mick had let it slip that he was originally from the Celestial realm, sparking a conversation between the two.
Nikki was trying to follow their conversation when he suddenly caught sight of a necklace hanging from Tomaziel’s neck. The pendant was oval, and covered with a turquoise finish, but Nikki could still see an eye through the turquoise. He couldn’t help looking a little closer at the eye, making out its brown color. That eye looked so familiar…
“Nikki, was it?”
Mick’s elbow suddenly nudged his side, and Nikki looked up to find Tomaziel looking his way. “Uh, sorry,” he said quickly. “I just… I saw your necklace.”
“Oh.” Tomaziel looked down at it with a smile. “I see. It’s lovely, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, it’s nice.” Why did that eye look so familiar? “So, what’s with the eye?”
“Oh, well…” Tomaziel’s face suddenly turned a very light blue. “The one who gave it to me… it’s his eye.”
“You lucky bastard,” Nikki laughed before he could stop himself. “Your boyfriend gave you that?”
“That’s fucking weird,” Mick muttered as he took a swig of alcohol.
“Don’t mind him,” Nikki said gaily as he patted Mick’s shoulder. “He’s just jealous ‘cause he’s lonely.”
“Fuck you, Terror. I am not.”
Nikki ignored him, instead grinning at Tomaziel. “So, who’s the guy?”
Tomaziel laughed a little awkwardly. “Um… well…”
“Excuse me,”
Nikki looked up, even though he didn’t have to, already knowing who it was. Sure enough, Starchild stood behind Tomaziel’s chair with a polite smile. Nikki couldn’t help thinking to himself how handsome he looked in his formal purple robes. “Mind if I steal Tomaziel for a minute? I think Ace wanted to speak to him about something.”
Nikki didn’t say anything, just looked down at his drink. Mick waved a hand. “Sure, no problem.”
If Nikki had looked up, he would have seen Starchild’s smile widen ever so slightly. “Wonderful. Tomaziel?”
Tomaziel, who had been looking up at Starchild the whole time, set down his drink and stood. “I’m right behind you.”
Nikki couldn’t help watching the two as they walked away. Why wasn’t Tomaziel walking closer to Starchild? Why was he a few paces behind?
“Hey, dude!” Tommy suddenly plopped into the chair next to him. “That court chick is here if you wanna meet her!”
“Later, Tom,” Nikki heard himself say. He was too busy watching the two. Starchild had left the ballroom, through a door off to the side. Tomaziel was a few feet to the side, speaking to Ace. Then as Nikki watched, Tomaziel bowed his head, excusing himself, then turned and walked out the side door.
Something started to knot and twist in Nikki’s stomach. He knew that maneuver. He’d done it so many times before with Starchild. Did that mean… but they couldn’t…
Nikki suddenly shot to his feet. “I’ll be right back,” he said to no one. Then he made a beeline for the door.
The hallway beyond the door was dark as Nikki left the ballroom. The only light came from torches along the walls, casting the hallway in a dim glow. Nikki swiveled his head around, trying to figure out which direction he needed to go. They couldn’t be far.
And then Nikki heard it—muffled voices. He began walking in the direction he heard them, making sure to be quiet. He was about to turn a corner when suddenly—
“—want to steal you away and keep you in my bedroom.”
Nikki dove back behind the corner at Starchild’s voice. He heard a second voice stammer, sounding embarrassed. “I—Starchild!”
Nikki’s heart plummeted as Starchild laughed. That was Tomaziel.
“It’s true!” Starchild giggled.
A laugh from Tomaziel. “I would willingly go with you. It’s hard not being able to see you. Having this necklace, though… it does feel like I have a part of you with me.”
“Good,” Starchild sounded happy. “That’s the point.”
Something seized Nikki’s heart and began to strangle it as he heard Tomaziel sigh. Now he knew why that eye looked so familiar. He’d looked into that eye and its other thousands of times before.
“I missed you,” he heard Tomaziel say.
“I missed you, too. I’m so happy you could be here.”
“So am I. I couldn’t miss the chance to see you.”
“You came all this way just to see boring old me?”
“You…” whatever Tomaziel did in the pause made Starchild giggle, “could never be boring. And yes, I did. And I’d do it again, many times.”
Starchild laughed, and the sound made it feel like a knife was going through Nikki’s heart. He finally mustered up the courage to lean forward and peer around the corner.
There in the hallway were two figures. A torch flickered, and the flare of light made the stars on Starchild’s outfit and the silver detail on Tomaziel’s gleam for a moment. And as Nikki watched, the two of them hugged. And it was like they became one single being, the way they seemed to melt into each other’s embrace. The figure Nikki knew was Starchild rested his head on Tomaziel’s shoulder with a sigh.
“I’m so happy when I’m with you,” he said aloud.
A lump formed in Nikki’s throat. He couldn’t stay here. He had to get away.
So he sprang away from the wall and took off back toward the ballroom, not caring if Starchild and Tomaziel heard. He couldn’t focus on anything except the feeling of his heart breaking in his chest.
Starchild had moved on. He had moved on completely. It wasn’t just what happened between them that was in the past—Nikki was now in the past as well.
Nikki skidded to a stop right before he crashed right into Michael. It appeared he’d re-entered the ballroom, and thankfully no one was looking his way. Except Michael, who gave him a look of concern. “Is everything all right?”
“I…” Nikki’s throat closed up. He felt like crying. But he willed himself not to cry. He was not going to fucking cry. “I’m… I’m not… feeling good…”
Michael nodded. “I see,”
“W-Will you… tell Vince I’m gonna g-go to bed?”
“I will. Get some sleep. I’m sure you’ll feel better in the morning.”
No, he wouldn’t. It was a nice sentiment, but Nikki knew he wouldn’t feel better in the morning. “O-Okay. Thanks, Michael…”
And just when Nikki thought it couldn’t be worse, that was when he saw Starchild re-enter the ballroom and go over to the Elder. Nikki’s heart shattered all over again at the smile on Starchild’s face. He looked happy, far too happy. Nikki wanted to scream at him to stop looking so happy, that he knew where he’d been, and who he’d been with to make him smile like that.
Almost gratefully, Nikki turned back to Michael. The fairy’s face looked sympathetic. Stop fucking looking at me like that! “I want you to know, you can come to me for help if you ever need it. I know you prefer to do things on your own, but if you ever feel the need for help, you can always ask for it.”
Nikki almost didn’t want to say anything, because he was afraid he’d either start raging or crying… or even do both. He managed a nod, then willed his voice not to shake. “Okay,”
Michael reached out to pat his shoulder. “I will go tell Vince you left,”
But as Michael walked away, Nikki heard Starchild laugh, and his head turned before he could stop himself. Starchild was smiling and laughing as he talked to Ace. And there was Tomaziel, standing next to Ace and not talking, but his eyes fixed only on Starchild with a small grin of his own.
Nikki had never seen Starchild look so relaxed and happy. Not even when he was with you.
There was another stab of pain in his chest—his heart was shattering all over again. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair that Starchild got to get back up and move on and even find someone else, while Nikki was alone and broken. It was like something inside Nikki was keeping him from moving forward. Why didn’t Starchild have something keeping him back? It wasn’t fucking fair.
He felt like hitting something, or crying. They were in the same room, full of people they had mutually known for years. They had known each other for years. And he really wasn’t that far away; he just had to walk a small distance and he would be right there, able to talk to him like they were old friends. But no, he couldn’t. Because they weren’t even friends anymore, were they? Starchild was miles and miles away, pretending Nikki was a complete stranger, and Nikki was alone.
Nikki dug his nails into his palms and finally turned away to leave the ballroom. He couldn’t do this.
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aiizenn · 1 year
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jjk college majors pt. I
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geto: ࿐ creative writing
── geto has a way with words. he expresses himself so much through writing. geto’s the quiet one out of the duo. with every extrovert friend there’s an introvert. give him a pen and paper or a laptop and he’ll stay alone for hours. his go-to place is the small antique café hidden between clock selling buildings—cozy and quiet. perfect for him. although he’s doesn’t talk much in class, he’s the professor's favorite. always leaving them in awe with every report/paper. geto would write you adorable poems every month. for valentine’s or your birthday he’d write you a letter in the most romantic way. using old looking paper, with cursive writing. it'd start with, "my angel" or "my dove". did i mention he has a talent for drawing? in the corner of the letters he’d always draw small doodles. or maybe add little stickers he thought were cute and you’d love them. "are those my initials on the wax seal?" "mhmm, customized for you and for you only, pretty angel." "i love it, thank you suguru."
sukuna: ࿐ history
── sukuna would definitely fit within the history major. he enjoys learning about how the world came to be. the causes behind events and how some are being repeated. sukuna would leave everybody astonished as he answered and elaborated to every question in class discussions. to him history is not just a major but a tool. it can be used as guidance on conflicts that are going on about in present times, he likes to connect events and ramble about them. you’ll be in the library together studying and he takes out a book called “history in quotations” and talk about how important figures within different time periods are alike yet so different. “doll, did you know that sojourner truth and harriet tubman met in the summer of 1864?” he enthusiastically whispers. “imagine two of the most impactful women in history within the same room?. . .powerful.” after finishing he’d realize and apologize for rambling for the umpth time. you’d give him a kiss on the cheek “it’s okay, i like it. it’s something your passionate about. plus it’s cute ‘cause your eyes twinkle.”
choso: ࿐ art
── choso is very much on the edgy side. like geto he’s quite but expressive. . .through art. to specify—sculpting. choso is big on marble sculpturing. he finds it so fascinating being able to make something out of a ‘rock’. he’ll spend time in the library reading books on sculpture; wanting to get better at it. choso looks at classical art pieces like ‘david’ by michelangelo or ‘undine rising from the waters’ by chauncey and takes inspiration. he’ll have a small notebook with him and sketch down his ideas or thoughts at any moment. in the process of learning, his first “real” sculpture was you. he had taken a picture of you when you guys were on a date, catching you at one of your most beautiful moments. he’d spent hours in the workshop trying to perfectionate the model. after weeks working on it, he finished. choso covered your eyes as he took you to the workshop. “where are we?” “you'll see, ready…1…2…3” your eyes open and are met with a very breathtaking statue of yourself. you were flabbergasted. “it’s me!” you exclaimed, looking at him. “you know what the topic was?. . .one’s most ethereal view.”
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@aiizenn ���˚. ୨ৎ
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terrovaniadorm · 11 months
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I'm finally finishing my Fableheart ocs!! Enjoy one of two RSA merfolk :)
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Name: Maristela Undine
Nicknames: Mari, Stellie (Nabi), Fishcakes (Agapi, @/windbornearchon), Fish girl (Odette), Miss Maristela (Reina, @/starry-night-rose)
Age: 16
Birthday: April 7
Height: 154cm
Species: Betta Mermaid
Family: Parents
Homeland: Coral Sea
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Twisted from: Meeshell Mermaid
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Class: 1-A
Dorm: Fableheart (@windbornearchon)
Occupation: Student
Club: Music club
Best Subject: Music
Dominant hand: Right
Favorite Food: Seaweed and Salad
Likes: Singing, swimming, watching the sunset, helping people, making jewelry
Dislikes: Human legs, storms, fires
Talents: Singing
Hobby: Collecting seashells
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Personality: Maristela is a kind and gentle soul, she never thinks badly of anyone. An hopeless romantic with a big heart she struggles talking with people, too shy to approach people unless she's approached first. She can be kind of a doormat, especially because she's not very well versed with land people. A little unsure when it comes to humans.
Unique Magic: Aquartifact miracles
Maristela can manipulate water, specifically temporarily solidify it to make objects. It can't be bigger than she is.
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- Maristela's father is a human but he accepted to live with his wife down the sea, their love broke her mothers curse but it has been passed down to her.
- Her biggest dream is to become an idol, singing is her biggest hobby yet she's still a little shy when it comes to it
- Usually in RSA's pools and ponds as a mermaid, doesn't leave unless completely necessary (like class)
- Doesn't want to admit but has a mini crush on Nabi, her dorm leader
- Loves making jewelry from shells and coral, tries gifting them to people as a sign of friendship
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📘 - What is Maristela's curse?
📖 - Maristela has to marry a human boy before the next eclipse, if she doesn't she's cursed to turn into air bubbles and be lost forever.
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adarkrainbow · 2 months
Tales from Broca Street: Prince Blub and the mermaid
Now we move into some of the lesser-known tales of Gripari's Broca Street. This one, while still modernized, is a more traditional fairytale with no actual Parisian landscape involved. Note that this whole tale can actually be read as quite a twist on Andersen's Little Mermaid. (Which honestly isn't surprising at all given... well you know, Gripari was openly gay, Andersen's Little Mermaid is a famous gay allegory...)
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Once upon a time there was an old king who ruled over a beautiful tropical island in the middle of the ocean. He had a young son whose full name was Henri Marie François Guy Pierre Antoine, but it was a name so long that when people asked him, as a king, how he was called, he preferred to say "Blub", and so everybody started calling him Blub. Since there was no winter on this tropical island, instead of washing himself in a bathroom the prince went every morning to wash himself in the sea by a little private beach next to the palace, belonging only to him - and there, every day, he met a mermaid. The mermaid was a good friend of the little prince Blub - she carried him on her back to go around the island, she plunged with him in the water to collect seashells, fishes, crabs and coral, she told him by the sand all of the wonderful tales of the ocean...
One day, young prince Blub declared that when he would be old enough he would marry the mermaid. The mermaid simply laughed at this idea, saying he would marry a human princess with two legs instead, as his fate was to inherit his father's throne. But the child-prince insisted, and the mermaid decided that they would only speak of this again when the prince would be fifteen of age.
The prince finally turned fifteen, and was a handsome young man. And on his fifteen birthday, he told the mermaid that he was still in love with her and still wanted to marry her. The mermaid answered that she did not doubt his feelings, but that he clearly didn't know the consequences of what he was saying: she told him that, since she could not live on land like humans, if he married her she would have to follow her to her father's Realm of Waters, where he would become an ondin (male form of "undine"), his legs turning into a fish tail. Blub is all like "Perfect, let's do this!" and the mermaid answers "No, it is not perfect!". She tells him of how these kind of weddings usually go, because Blub wouldn't be the first human man to marry a mermaid - but even putting aside the men who only marry mermaids out of interest (because turning into an ondin means gaining immortality), most of the time these new ondin come to regret their old legs and their life on land, and they are doomed to eternal boredom and endless sorrow... Blub still claimed he didn't care, and the mermaid said "When you're twenty, we shall talk of this again".
... Problem is, the young prince refused to wait anymore.
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Prince Blub went to his father and told him everything about his marriage plan to the mermaid. The king at first is amused, believing mermaids do not exist, but in front of his son's insistence, he calls the priest of his court to know about these sea-maidens. And the priest tells his version of what mermaids are: according to him the mermaids and ondins are demons. His logic is: they are immortal, since they are immortal they cannot die, since they cannot die they can't go to Heaven, and since they can't go to Heaven they should be sad ; but instead they are all merry and joyful. So the only conclusion possible s that they are demons.
Blub of course refuses to believe his mermaid is a demon and claims the priest is lying ; the priest meanwhile is horrified of learning about the prince's love, and he frightens the king by pointing out how, if his son becomes an ondin (I'm going to call it a "merman" for simplicity), he won't be able to inherit the throne... The king decided it was time to split the mermaid and the prince, and asked his son to organize a meeting between him and the mermaid. When Blub announced this to his love, thinking his father would approve of the union, the mermaid simply answered: "Your father is clever, and it is all a trap! But it doesn't matter: he shall come, and I shall be there. And you, do not fear, because I am immortal, and even if we are separated, I will always know how to find you." She proceeds to explain to prince Blub how if he ever wants to see her, all he has to do is find a bit of water (any water, since all the waters in the world are actually one and the same, and the mermaid's father rules over all), and if he sings "Un et un font un / Sirène ma mie / Je suis votre ondin / Vous êtes ma vie", she shall appear. (One and one make one / Siren my love / I am your ondin / You are my life)
The following day, the meeting the king had asked turned out indeed to be a trap, as he had brought with him policemen, and fishermen, and fish-sellers, all armed with ropes and nets and revolvers, and they captured the mermaid. Prince Blub, who tried to save her, was bound in ropes and taken aay. The king ordered the mermaid to be taken by fishermen, for her tail to be cut into slices and sold as regular fish ; while his son as to be sent by an airplane to the king's cousin, the emperor of Russia.
The mermaid was sent to the largest fish-shop of the capital-city, and there a man with a large knife cut off her tail. Mind you, the mermaid didn't seem to care - she was all smiling and calm, on the cutting table. The man turned around to put the fish tail somewhere else, but when he returned, what a surprise! Not only has the mermaid a new fish tail, it also changed color. From pink it turned green, and the smile of the mermaid became a creepy grin. The fisherman, troubled but determined, cut the green tail, but the moment he turned his back, the mermaid grew a third tail. She was green now, and her face was grimacing. The fisherman was afraid but he tried one last time: he cut off the tail, put it alongside the others, then turned back... A new tail had grown, entirely black, and the face of the mermaid had turned so ugly that the fisherman ran away in terror and went to the palace to report the strange events. The king followed the fisherman to his shop... only to discover the mermaid missing. The tails were still there however: three tails, a pink, a green, a blue.
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Meanwhile the prince is living in a private apartment at the Kremlin in Moscow, unable to get out and spied on by the Russian Emperor's servants. As soon as he was alone, the prince poured water in his bathtub and sang the magical song: immediately the water boiled and the mermaid appeared. She asked him if he still loved her, he said yes. He asked her to marry him, but she only answered "Wait a bit, your trials just begun." One of the servants had spied the scene through the keyhole. He reported all to the Russian Emperor, who immediately forbid the prince Blub to use the bathroom. He was just given a bowl of water to wash his face and hands - but Blub still sang the song and a miniature mermaid appeared within the bowl. The same dialogue as before happened, except the mermaid said "You are in the middle of your trials". The spies however reported this, and so the Emperor forbade Blub from ever washing himself. However they could not forbid Blub from drinking - and the prince used a cup of water to summon a tiny little mermaid, who ended up their usual dialogue with "Wait a bit more, for your trials are over." (Also, since by this time Blub had understood all the servants were spies, for this third encounter he asked actually his servant to stay in the room while he summoned the mermaid, and once she was gone he threw the water in the servant's face saying "Now, traitor, do your job").
The Russian Emperor (whose name is just revealed, Nikita the First, Emperor of the Russian Union) ends up sending back Blub to his father, explaining he can't just have the prince dying of thirst. The king, despaired, asked the priest for help, and the priest decided to undertake a drastic measure. Use magic to turn the prince into a stamp, and stick it in the driest part of the palace. The king agreed, and sent his son to the priest, who recited a comical magical formula to first turn Blub flat, then small, then into paper, finally into sticking paper and tadaa! Prince Blub was now a sentient stamp of 30 cents, printed in three colors. The king asked the prince if he still wanted to marry the mermaid, the stamp answered yes, and so the king had the stamp stuck with glue on a wall of his office, leaving it there until Blub changed his mind. The priest explicitely said to not bring any water near the stamp.
But things would not go well...
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It was a terrible year. There was an earthquake, followed by a tsunami, which destroyed a part of the island. Hopefully the castle was strong and in the heights, so it was spared. The following year, there was a war, as the President of the neighboring Republic decided to attack the tropical monarchy and sent airplanes to bomb the castle. The royal family escaped the bombs by going into their sheletered basement, but then a fire started spreading out. The King, realizing his son was still in the office and would die, ran through the crumbling, smoking, flaming palace until he was in his office. Unable to turn back the stamp into a boy, he decided that only the mermaid could save him, and realized his mistake. He kissed the stamp saying "Be happy, my son", and got a glass of water to throw it on the wall... Only to discover the stamp was gone when he turned back. As he kissed his transformed son, a tear fell from his eye onto the stamp - enough water to summon the mermaid... Blub had now joined the seafolk under the sea.
Immediately, a heavy rain fell onto the palace, stopping the fire. The old king, who had passed out, was saved and healed. As soon as he healthy again that an alarm announced how the neighboring Republic had sent its war-ships to attack the island. The king summoned a war council but it all was grim: the enemy's boats were more numerous and had more powerful weapons. It was likely the island would be defeated. The king went to the beach and cried for his missing son, saying "Look, my son, in which state you leave your country!". But as soon as he said this, his son appeared - he was in the faces, entirely naked, his two legs turned into a beautiful fish tail. The merman comforted his father: "Do not cry, father. You saved my life, and you learned you should favor my happiness over your wrath. Be at peace, for you shall not regret it". Prince Blub proceeded to use his new powers as a prince of the sea to summon an army of sea monsters that destroyed the enemy's fleet in a chaos of maws and jaws and tentacles and maelstroms. In half an hour, the sea was empty and quiet again...
The mermaid joined her husband before the king, and the latter apologized to her. The king asked the mermaid if she would ever have children, only to be told immortal species do not care or want children precisely because of their long life. The king was quite troubled by this answer, and so was prince Blub, because they realized the throne was without any heir. The mermaid then said "Don't worry, I will solve everything". She asked the king to go take a swim by the sea the following day with his wife the queen, and to allow a little silver fish to play around them. If they did so, they would have an heir. The old king and the old queen did as they were told, and indeed, one week after encountering the silver fish, they had a young human prince...
All of this happened a very long time ago, but the prince Blub and his wife are still alive by the sea. Blub's parents are dead, of course, and it is currently their grand-children who are ruling over the island - and no enemy dares to attack it, knowing it is protected by the forces of the sea.
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kripushka · 1 year
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Причёска: https://www.patreon.com/posts/undine-hair-82330807
Головной убор: https://jius-sims.tumblr.com/post/643087698435915776/jius-woven-beret-01-16-swatches-suitable-for
Наряд: https://www.patreon.com/posts/10-5-remake-90376750
Чулки: https://www.patreon.com/posts/download-shining-76395796
Обувь: http://sims-new.my1.ru/publ/aksessuary_dlja_sims_4/aksessuary_dlja_sims_4/set_synn_sweet_doll_by_kaguya_fox/8-1-0-62738
Головной убор: https://linzlu.tumblr.com/post/184048635046/birthday-bonnet-happy-belated-birthday
Наряд: https://www.patreon.com/posts/57669771
Обувь: https://blog.naver.com/salomia/222339133467
Причёска: https://oydis.tumblr.com/post/691384666777911297/colorful-summer-collection
Головной убор: https://www.patreon.com/posts/colorful-summer-69841994
Верх: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-clothing-female-teenadultelder-everyday/title/lucinda-blouse/id/1461729/
Низ: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-clothing-female-teenadultelder-everyday/title/huri-harem-pants/id/1452530/
Обувь: https://becky-sims.tumblr.com/post/729912262407684096/download-patreon
Головной убор: https://www.patreon.com/posts/90132405
Наряд: https://asansan3.tumblr.com/post/676882350129414144/333rabbit-dream-categorydress-headdress
Обувь: https://www.patreon.com/posts/20230106-early-78399938
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Украшения на волосы: https://www.patreon.com/posts/undine-hair-82330807
Ожерелье: https://www.patreon.com/posts/antique-necklace-21573009
Наряд: https://www.patreon.com/posts/88694620
Обувь: https://www.patreon.com/posts/shoes-pack-36-37-65763132
Наряд: https://lady-moriel.tumblr.com/post/694288208030203904/medieval-underwear-set
Головной убор: https://eirflower.tumblr.com/post/185481886315/dreadful-hat-please-read-my-tou-maxis-match
Наряд: https://www.patreon.com/posts/rimings-nights-84662474
Чулки: https://vk.com/wall-166772727_4136
Головной убор: http://sims-new.my1.ru/publ/aksessuary_dlja_sims_4/aksessuary_dlja_sims_4/set_synn_sweet_doll_by_kaguya_fox/8-1-0-62738
Шарф: https://vk.com/photo-164515951_457269786
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Перчатки: https://www.patreon.com/posts/36132587
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writerrose1998 · 8 months
Tagged by @iamfandomcrazy and @gardenoblues. Thank you both!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Danse Macabre: Historical Wednesday AU. Smutty and about the traditions a queen has to deal with.
Unnamed fic: Historical Wednesday AU. The wedding. Smutty.
Undine valentine fic: A little one-shot to celebrate my birthday with you all.
Then there are the fics I still need to finish.
A Woeful Repast: Chapter 10 is almost done and will be up in the next few days.
The Morrigan.
A Chorus of Woe.
Lunar Eclipse (HP story).
I have no clue who already did this so ignore me if you already have. Or join in if you want to do it but haven't been tagged.
@wincestation @suchaladyy @nonamemanga @bithablu @nouklea @beri-allen @cosmic-lullaby
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rockyroadsmith · 2 months
The Searchers' love language?
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Heya! Thank you so much for the ask! I’m so sorry, I tried to think of what I could draw to go along with this, but most required I draw each Searcher with their loved one and I wasn’t sure who to draw them with. XP I’ve heard of the 5 love languages before, but never actually looked them up so this was neat to learn about! For other people who aren’t sure, the 5 love languages are: words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service, and receiving gifts. It’s really fun to think about how these fit in the Monster Rancher cast!
Alright, let’s do this! X3
Genki: I think I have to go with “quality time” for Genki. We don’t get to see much of Genki spending one-on-one time with his friends since they’re usually always together as a group, but we can see that he loves being on the same page as his friends and I think if he were in a relationship, quality time together would be a must. Genki would want to know how his significant other’s day was, how they’re feeling, and literally anything that came to mind. Friendship is really important to Genki, but he’d learn quickly that so is a romantic relationship, too, so he’d have to learn to balance both. In episode 64 “Legend of the Great White Most”, we see that while the monsters are off training, Genki and Holly are having dessert together. We see that he misses the others but, after encouragement from Holly, he brightens up and they continue to have a good day together. In episode 31 “Amusement Park Ruins”, Genki tries his best to make sure Holly has a good time by trying to get the tea cup ride to work and even though it’s broken, Genki’s priority was still Holly and they still were able to have some quality time together. Such a cute moment! :3
Holly: for Holly, I’m gonna have to go with “acts of service”. Throughout the series, Holly is the main caretaker of the group and is usually the one we see doing things like the cooking and tending to the other Searchers’ wounds without getting thanks. When the others go out of their way to do something kind in return, however, you can see how much it means to her. In episode 24 “Undine’s Lake”, Holly has hurt her ankle and feels guilty about slowing the group down. To help her out, Genki places a wet rag on her hurt ankle while Golem gets some healing herbs for her, and you can see in both instances that it meant a lot to her. A big moment of this can be seen in episode 37 “Holly’s Happy Birthday”, when the Searchers surprise Holly with a little party for her birthday, Holly is so touched that she tears up. I can see if she were in a relationship, that Holly couldn’t help her nurturing nature and would still act as a caretaker, so receiving acts of service from her significant other would really mean a lot to her. ^_^
Mocchi: I think Mocchi fits so well into all of the love languages! For this ask, I’ll go with “receiving gifts”, since we see many times in the series his reaction to getting things is too adorable. When Golem gives Mocchi food in episode 4 “Eternal Worm”, the way Mocchi’s face lights up and his tone when thanking Golem just melts your heart! Mocchi would definitely love gifts of food best! Not so much a gift but, in episode 32 “Holly’s Million Gold Smile”, Mocchi’s reaction to getting the cape that can “make you fly” gets me every time. He’s so freaking psyched, like he just won the lottery, and seeing him running along the beach with the cape on is enough to make you squeal into a pillow from cuteness overload. XD
Suezo: even though I almost put “physical touch” for Suezo since he’s a bit of a pervert, I think his would actually be “words of affirmation”. Throughout the series, we see a lot of moments of Suezo being arrogant and sarcastic, but a lot of this stems from his own insecurities. Although he puts on a brave front, Suezo is often seen to have a lot of self-doubt about himself, like we see in episode 19 “Suezo’s Secret Weapon”. He even goes as far as to mention that he misses when it was just him and Holly since he feels so insignificant compared to the other Searchers. I think Suezo needs loving and encouraging words from his partner to keep him from getting negative about himself and it’s something that he would secretly treasure behind a mask of perverted comments. XD
Golem: I think Golem would like “quality time” the most. He spent a long time alone guarding the Lost Discs at the ruins when Genki first meets him, and we see him really open up the longer he travels with the Searchers. He may not speak a whole lot, but he loves to listen to those he cares about and does talk a lot more to those he trusts. Even in episode 24 “Undine’s Lake”, he enjoyed talking with Undine at the lakeside and even though he wouldn’t enter the water to physically be with her, he was more than happy just talking on shore and enjoying the moment of serenity. ^_^
Tiger: at first I was going to go with “words of affirmation” for Tiger since we see he loves to be praised but, after thinking about it more romantically, I have to go with “physical touch”. At the very end of episode 51 “Battle for the Rookie Cup”, the Searchers finally reunite with Tiger. He gets angry when everyone grabs onto him, but it’s different with Holly. As Holly approaches him, his face lights up and you can literally see him melt when she starts to stroke his fur. Then, when she brings him in for a tender hug, Tiger just leans into it and smiles. This is such a rare moment where we see Tiger so happy and relaxed, it’s so darn sweet! Then the other Searchers make comment about it, causing Tiger to blush and get defensive. He wouldn’t let just anyone touch him like that unless they were special to him and it really showed just how much he really enjoyed physical affection. :3
Hare: even though we know Hare loves gold so at first I thought “receiving gifts”, I think I have to go with “physical touch” for him when we’re talking about romance. I say this mostly because of episode 37 “Holly’s Happy Birthday”, when Mocchi gives Holly a peck on the cheek, Hare’s immediate action is to launch himself at Holly to get a kiss for himself. There are hints throughout the series that Hare has some feelings for Holly and even though he’s typically a very guarded character, in this moment he completely throws that aside and lets his guard down in hopes of getting a kiss from Holly. ^_^
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soo-won · 1 year
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He leans in closer, his forehead brushing against Soo-Won’s blonde bangs, and Hak’s mouth is so close that Soo-Won can feel his breath. “I’d say thank you for my birthday present, but there is still something I want.” Hazel eyes flicker up at him. Soo-Won’s nose is barely pressed against Hak’s, their breaths so close that they mingle, and Soo-Won is sure that Hak can feel the blush stinging his own cheeks. Before Hak can move closer, though, Soo-Won reaches up his hand.
Fanart for @undines's Hak's birthday fic from which the above quote is from :) Please read it it's so so good it will change your life, you can read it here https://archiveofourown.org/works/49338751 !
Your fics and our long discussions together is what reassured me that I wasn't wrong to love them, and that even now there were still so many things to love and have fun(and pain) discussing about. Again, thank you for everything.
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akronuz · 5 months
Estilos de Cabelos Feminino/Masculino/Unisex
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mrs-han · 2 years
Happy early birthday! Can you do the fake dating trope? For Jumin, definitely🥰
I had to end it, I’m sorry 😂 I would have kept going!
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Jumin was falling harder for you.
You had carried yourself gracefully through the various tea lessons and decorum lessons. You could string a few sentences in conversational French, you took much better care of your skin and hair, and sure, you weren’t able to walk in stilettos yet, but you could manage a confident strut on a pair of four-inches.
There was a glow about you that he couldn’t ignore. You were growing confident in yourself and your new abilities…
And you drew him to you like a moth to a flame.
It wasn’t that you fit into Jumin’s world so effortlessly that enraptured him… no, you were already so addicting before you transitioned from pauper to princess.
But to see that you were making the effort for him… he would never forget it. Frankly, he didn’t want his time with you to end.
And he personally ensured it.
Checking his phone, Jumin had to make sure his mother’s mode of transportation had been postponed. He could be just as scheming as she was when he needed to be… even when it left a bad feeling in his chest.
“Any word from your mom?”
Jumin’s eyes softened at the sound of your voice. “Oh. She is still being held in Daegu.”
His heart skipped. God, he loved the way you pushed your hair back when you stretched, and how you scrunched your nose when you were deep in thought. He wondered if you felt the same way he felt because you were so difficult to read.
And he thought he had a poker face.
Your expressions were easier to read once he hypothetically removed his rose-colored glasses. You seemed anxious, eyes darting and fingers tugging your blouse, Jumin couldn’t help but fidget with his cuff links at the sight of you. “Darling, what’s wrong?”
“Ah… Jumin, do you know when your mother will be here?”
“Just asking,” you murmured. “I’ve been staying here for a little while, and well… I have stuff I need to do.”
Your brows shot up at his off-putting tone. “Well, yeah. I thought this whole thing would be wrapped up in a couple of days.”
Jumin’s eyes shifted. “Please forgive the delay. Perhaps, to ease our nerves, we should think about what to eat for dinner.”
“Jumin, are you bullshitting me?”
“… Pardon?”
“It’s been two weeks, and there’s still no sign of your mother. Is she coming, or not.”
Jumin’s brow furrowed as you took a strict stance, folding your arms over your chest. He took a deep breath. “She isn’t coming for the next week. I halted all forms of transportation for her to come here.”
You didn’t speak for some time. It made Jumin very uncomfortable.
Your next question came out softly. “Why, Jumin.”
He cleared his throat.
“Because I wanted more time alone with you. Is that so terrible?”
“… What? Jumin, I agreed to help you! I didn’t expect for you to take our roles seriously!”
“How could I not.” Raking his fingers through his hair, Jumin’s dark and conflicting gaze made you feel for him while also being fairly terrified of his thought process. “These past few days have only solidified my feelings towards you, feelings I haven’t been able to shake since our first party.”
Your scrunched brows slowly relaxed. “Wait, so… this whole time, the pet names, the touching, the… you were… you were serious?”
“I still am.”
“… I need to go.”
Jumin’s head snapped up. “You — where are you going? Why are you leaving?”
“Let’s see.” Gathering your pathetic little knapsack, you tried to keep yourself from crying. “My offer to help you was taken advantage of, and I need to get out of here before I release all of my anger out on you.”
You ignored him, stuffing your clothes into your bag.
“MC, wait.”
Your voice was trembling now. The very sound truly bothered him to no end.
Brushing roughly past him, you grabbed the high heels you had been training in and chucked them across the room, nearly shattering the vertical fish tank.
“A parting gift.”
His grip on your wrist was unlike any touch you felt from him. Strong, commanding, and a little too tight. But Jumin didn’t say anything. He was completely lost for words.
Finally, he spoke. “I apologize. I didn’t consider —”
“Exactly. You didn’t consider that I had a life of my own. You didn’t consider that I have friends, and family, and a cat I’ve been missing.”
“I know. Forgive my selfishness. Forgive my keeping you here. But you cannot deny that you agreed to stay here. You brought a bag.”
“Yes! But Jumin, whenever I’d leave this godforsaken penthouse, you’d always call or text me incessantly, asking me where I am and what I’m doing!”
Jumin towered over you. “Why didn’t you tell me it bothered you. Why didn’t you talk to me.”
You evened the playing field by widening your stance. “Because I felt bad for you. I knew that your mother was coming, so I excused your behavior when I shouldn’t have.”
“That’s a pathetic response, and you know it.” Jumin took a step back; you could smell notes of his cologne. “You say I took advantage of your willingness to help me, and yes. I admit, I did. But am I the only one with a secret motive? You stayed for another reason. Whether it be food, clothes, amenities —”
“Are you accusing me of leeching off of you?” You seethed.
“You’re a woman, are you not? As is your nature.”
“You misogynistic piece of — you know what, I hope that you do get married to some uppity heiress. Maybe her dull personality will match yours, and you can live the rest of your days a miserable and unfulfilled waste of breath.”
“Your words do little to vex me.” His gaze on you remained steady and unwavering, like he was searching your soul for an answer to an unasked question. “I readily admit my fault. I have offended you, and you will be properly compensated for your time.”
“I don’t want your money or anything else from you.” Agitated, you subconsciously picked your nails to relax your nerves.
“What do you want, then.” Jumin demanded.
“I don’t know,” you snapped, tugging at a hangnail. “Time? Can you give me my time back, Jumin?”
“What you ask is impossible. There are no time machines to —”
“Because I want to take back all the times I brushed your bangs back while you were sleeping. I want to take back all the times I made you coffee and tea in the mornings and evenings, despite the fact that I hate tea. Setting out your towels before you went in for a shower, fluffing your pillows so you could relax properly, shining your shoes and rolling off all the cat hair from your suits for you…”
Your trembling lip betrayed you.
“I wanted to help you because yes, I do. I do, I do like you. I do. I did.”
Jumin’s arrogance slipped away. Sure, he was a man well trained in safeguarding his emotions, never allowing anyone to see him for who he was. But he let it go. Shoulders hunched, arms slightly outstretched, and eyes begging for you to take back what you said.
“I need to go,” you repeated, voice breaking. “To prevent further awkwardness, we… should probably keep our distance for the time being.”
You slipped out of the penthouse before he could retort. Naturally, he wanted to catch up to you… ask you to reconsider. But he still couldn’t think of what to say to you.
And unfortunately, Jumin would never attain or provide the closure he so needed. His mother eventually made it to Seoul, noticed the lack of a fiancée on his arm, and set up an arranged marriage between himself and… some woman he didn’t care to take note of.
He hadn’t heard from you in a month, maybe three. Whenever he went to type out a message to you, he couldn’t… think.
Neither could you. Nights spent waiting by your phone proved to be wasted time.
You learned of his engagement through Jaehee. You still remembered how close he’d get to you, how he’d lift a part of your hair and try to kiss each individual strand, or how he’d press his body against yours and ghost his lips over your skin.
There was still time to fix things, or at least you had hoped. Until you received an invite to his engagement party.
And his wedding.
Stolen glances were all that remained between you.
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harvardfineartslib · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to Isamu Noguchi who was born on this day in 1904.
Isamu Noguchi (1904–1988) was one of the twentieth century’s most important and critically acclaimed sculptors. He created sculptures, gardens, furniture and lighting designs, ceramics, architecture, landscapes, and set designs with his own unique style of bold and modern aesthetics.
Noguchi was born in Los Angeles to Léonie Gilmour, a white American of mostly Irish descent born in Brooklyn, NY, and Yonejiro Noguchi, an influential Japanese writer of poetry, fiction, essays, and literary criticism in both English and Japanese. Noguchi moved to Japan with his mother at the age of two and lived there until the age of thirteen. In 1918, he returned alone to the United States to attend high school in Indiana. After high school, he moved to Connecticut and then to New York City to attend Columbia University, enrolling there as a premed student. He began taking evening sculpture classes at the Leonardo da Vinci School on the Lower East Side, and soon left the university to become a sculptor, supporting himself by making traditional portrait busts.
In 1926, Noguchi saw Constantin Brancusi’s work in an exhibition in New York. In 1927, he received a Guggenheim Fellowship and went to Paris to work in Brancusi’s studio. This experience profoundly changed his artistic direction, turning Noguchi toward modernism and abstraction.
This photo of the artist is from circa 1926 before he left for Paris. It shows the young artist looking at his work, which depicts a female nude in a traditional way. This work was later destroyed.
During the WWII, Noguchi became a political activist and co-founded Nisei Writers and Artists Mobilization for Democracy. He voluntarily entered the Poston concentration camp in Arizona and remained there for six months. (Summarized from Noguchi.org website)
Undine [destroyed] Noguchi, Isamu, 1904-1988, American [artist] American 1926 HOLLIS number: olvwork240109 Image title: Photo with artist [ca.1926]
This image is part of FAL’s Digital Images and Slides Collection (DISC), a collection of images digitized from secondary sources for use in teaching and learning. FAL does not own the original artworks represented in this collection, but you can find more information at HOLLIS Images.
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Since his birthday yesterday, Carlos has spawned exactly one (1) midlife crisis wish, and it was...
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...to plan a new outfit.
Look, I'm glad he doesn't want to divorce Undine or anything horrible, but I've gone from thinking he might need therapy to get through this, to thinking he might not actually know what a midlife crisis is. For mine I bought a bright-red hatchback (I couldn't afford a sports car; also, you know, the environment), quit my pleasant little job that I wasn't even mad at, moved 2000 miles away, went back to school, stopped drinking, and bleached my hair.
Meanwhile, Carlos... Carlos wanted a new outfit?
Okay, buddy, I got you. Hope you like Diesel!!!
Carlos Midnight keeps trucking along, performing for tips and whatnot. He has also sold a couple of albums, and this small assemblage below actually represents a larger audience than he had at his first official gig. He's doing okay!
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Undine has gotten super into painting.
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I like this, because she doesn't get soaked/set on fire/felled by heatstroke--all hazards that were associated with her working at the sculpting station. With the benefit of hindsight, I should have tailored this house more to her needs, not Tierney's, and built it large enough for Undine to have an art studio again. Mistakes were made.
Tierney continues to annoy me with her budding romance that I plan to nip in the bud tomorrow, when she returns to school.
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"Dear Tierney, I can tell that you are a very special person by the way that you are rich as fuck."
Oh correction, Nicholas: Carlos and Undine are rich as fuck. 😈 Wouldn't it be just like an Earth goddess to scorn cold hard cash for being empty, unfulfilling, and (crucially) not organic?
But all right. You two can have your little Summer Nights romance in the few hours remaining to you.
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eomma-jpeg · 1 year
Hi!! :D For the emoji asks! ^_^
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Let's see if I have any wips veil doesn't already know about lol heres what I have in my brain
So currently I'm working on and off on a vashmeryl and millywood college au but im... I'm still a bit burnt and while I wanted to get the first chapter done by vashmeryl week (and my birthday) I don't know that I will which sucks
But this au is journalist Meryl and Xenobiology major/Cross country star Vash and he's already dating someone when they meet but she sucks so Meryl enters her "You Belong With Me" phase lol
This au also contains past tragic millynai and successful millywood bc i love to torture myself
I am also working on a mermaid/fantasy au inspired 100% by @noaafishfieldguide
Sea foam and another secret project have inspired me to write an alternate au of her secret project lolol where Milly and Vash are from 2 kingdoms and have an arranged marriage but uhh Nai falls for Milly in the process and it gets crazy
Featuring undine Nai and Vash and half elf Milly bc I Said So
Honestly comments really make me feel like a fic is a success. If I can get anyone to come out of their internet shell and weird circle of social norms to keysmash or type a comment about my silly lil fic, then that is a success to me. And it makes me kick my lil legs in excitement
I haven't really experimented too much but the two styles I want to get better at are writing more poetically and writing adventure
"The End" which is a post trimax fic is suuuuch a good adventure fic and I have yet to really get into that?
I've mentioned poetry before too but @tomboyyyaoi and @re-l are both so good at poetic styles and I just have yet to truly dedicate myself to trying it. I did a little bit with an in the meadow one shot I have hidden away but it was still pretty prose/narrative heavy
One writing genre i don't ever really intend to do is uh mystery. My brain doesn't really work that way ? I could certainly learn but I'm good.
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pens-swords-stuff · 2 years
I have completed another year of existence since the last time we talked (in other words, my birthday just passed)!!! Isn’t that cool!!
I hope that you had an awesome birthday and that the new year is filled with so much love and happiness. You definitely deserve it!
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
The Heartha Family
After peace is achieved, Lolopechka and Gadjah finally marry and start a family. Their children are Maris, Neave, and Petrus.
Maris Heartha
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Maris' name name comes from Latin and means "of the sea."
Age: 19
Birthday: October 28
Magic Attribute: Water
Appearance: Maris has a darker complexion which gives her a resemblance to her father. Her hair is black and she grows it out long. She only ever styles it when making formal appearances, otherwise leaving it loose. Her eyes are blue like the sea.
Personality: A stern and discerning individual. Maris is very thoughtful when it comes to matters concerning her family and the well-being of Heart Kingdom. She's cautious and dislikes acting before taking time to consider her options. She has trouble relaxing, as she's almost always thinking about taking care of others. Maris has a strong sense of loyalty and duty. Her word is her oath and will see things through to the end, even if her actions were to have negative consequences for her.
As fellow heirs to their respective kingdoms, Maris is familiar with Harmonia Helheim (@lyranova's oc) and believes she has a good head on her shoulders. She considers Libra (oc of a different friend) a good friend and admires her decisiveness and intelligence. She has a slight rivalry with Aecor Silva though it dies down as they get older. Despite the difference in age, Maris is very friendly with Asta and Noelle's children, as Lolopechka and Noelle are good friends.
As the firstborn of the Heartha family, Maris is to become the Queen of Heart. She also inherits a partnership with Undine from Lolopechka.
In great contrast to her mother, Maris' magic developed to specialize in attack spells. Once partnered with Undine, Maris unlocks Saint Stage within a day.
Neave Heartha
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Her name is the anglicized version of the Irish name Niamh which means "bright" or "radiant."
Age: 17
Birthday: May 30
Magic Attribute: Lightning
Appearance: While not as much as Maris, Neave does have a slightly darker complexion compared to her mother and brother. She has black hair which she grows out. In her youth, she wore her hair in high pigtails, much like Lady Noelle. As she grew up, she opted to wear low pigtails instead. Her eyes are bright blue.
Personality: Neave is a girl known for her gentleness. She's open and inviting to most people. Smiling more often than not, she has high hopes for herself and those around her. She chose the path of becoming a diplomat in order to help Heart Kingdom and their neighbors grow closer and help as many people as possible. She's studious as well, with her favorite topics being law and history. "The past has mistakes and virtues from which we can learn," she believes. A deeply sentimental and romantic individual, she loves grand tales of romance and gushes a great deal about her parents' love story. She eagerly joins in on schemes to create romantic situations between people she knows.
Neave's dearest friends include Fleuriana and Cynthia, even though they largely communicate by letter alone. She is dearly beloved by the people of Heart Kingdom and she considers the citizenry as her friends. She develops a romance with Aecor (the reason why Maris' rivalry with him died down) after Aecor helps fight off invaders.
Neave eventually becomes Heart Kingdom's international emissary, meeting in foreign nations on behalf of her sister.
While not true healing magic, Neave learns a spell that utilizes electricity to reinvigorate a target.
Petrus Heartha
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Petrus' name comes from the Ancient Greek word meaning "stone" and is the Latin form of the name Peter.
Age: 14
Birthday: September 16
Magic Attribute: Earth
Appearance: Petrus is fair-skinned like his mother. His hair is black and, much like his father's, isn't easily smoothed down. His eyes are a deep blue.
Personality: A strong-willed boy, Petrus has high aims for himself. Being blessed with his position and power, he wants to use them for the betterment of as many lives as possible. He knows he's not as composed as his older sisters, but he does his best to "pull his weight" in the family. Petrus is scatterbrained which leads to him being a serious klutz like his mother. But he picks himself up easily and doesn't get hung up on his mistakes, thanks to his family's support. Enthusiastic and sociable, he's made a lot of friends/allies among the nobles of Heart and other neighboring countries. While he can come across as a people pleaser, he's no push-over.
Petrus gets along very well with Aimee, Naru, and Filomina. He especially enjoys training alongside Aimee because of her high energy. He finds Chalivas' strict attitude disagreeable but Soleil is someone he likes hanging out with. He tries to be friends with Miku (@lyranova's oc) but finds it hard to connect as she's quiet and withdrawn.
In the future, Petrus is able to become a Spirit Guardian and even forms a pact with the Earth Spirit Gnome.
Often destroys his glasses with his own magic. Earth Magic hits hard and his glasses are fragile unfortunately.
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