#undisputed elite x reader
kyleoreillylover · 1 year
Undisputed Era x Fem!reader winning the Royal Rumble headcanons
Trigger Warnings: Typical wrestling violence, allusions to smut but no actual smut written, cursing.
A/N: This took so long because I am a perfectionist 😭 But I hope you guys enjoy this!!
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Word had gotten around about Vince wanting some NXT wrestlers in the Royal Rumble to see what they were capable of
So you weren't suprised when Triple H pulled you aside after NXT went off the air to ask you to be apart of it.
You were already an established wrestler long before NXT, being one of the most accomplished female wrestlers in the world and the current and longest reigning NXT Women’s champion in history:)
Triple H hugged you before you left and told you to make him proud
And you intended to do just that
Once you tell the boys they are even more excited that you are 😭
They help you train in the weeks before the Royal Rumble
Bobby keeps an eye on you to make sure you arent overworking yourself
Adam gives you some tips and tricks because he’s the only one out of the 5 of you to be in a Royal Rumble
He might flirt with you in between sparring sessions but he calls that some “extra learning experience”
Roderick and Kyle keep your mind from going into anxiety mode that you normally have before big matches
Distracting you with kisses, playing some video games with you on the rare days you had off of work
Providing some good stress relief ;)
On the day of the Royal Rumble, once you got flew out with the rest of the wrestlers and went to your private dressing room.
You got your hair and makeup done and put on your special black and gold Undisputed Era gear when someone knocked on the door
When you answered it you were met with the smiling faces of Kyle, Roderick, Adam and Bobby.
They flew themselves out to surprise you and bought front row tickets to support you :)))
Your heart felt heavy with emotion and you flew into their arms in .5 seconds
“You guys didn’t have to do that.” You mumbled into their chests, your arms tightening around them.
“And watch our girl win the Royal Rumble on some shitty TV instead of live right in front of us? Not happening.”
You told them you would show your appreciation for them later ;)
They stayed with you outside the curtains until a stage tech tapped you told you you would be on in 5.
And remember how they hugged Kyle when he went out for his match against Finn for his NXT championship? That’s exactly how they hugged you before they left 🥹🥹
The cameras captured it and twitter exploded once they saw it 🥹🥹🥹
You were number 2 entrant and when you made your entrance, you weren’t expecting dead silence ofc but you also weren’t expecting your eardrums to burst from how loud the arena went once your music hit 😭
Especially since you were a heel 😭
You held your title up high, putting a smirk on your face as you stared down the Number one entrant, Becky Lynch, with the crowd chanting your name while making your way to the ring.
From the corner of your eye you saw your boys in the front row and you winked at them before getting in the ring.
The bell rang, and Triple H’s words rang through your mind as the biggest test of your career began
Time went by in a haze and it was nearing the 50th minute
Much to the shock of everyone else on the roster, you had racked up the most eliminations and also eliminated the four horsewomen
And you were sure as hell cocky about it!! And your men were too, you could hear them cheering from the crowd.
You were sweaty, beaten and bruised but you knew you couldn’t stop now.
You rolled into the ring from the edge of the ring after eliminating Nia Jax and saw there were only 2 other people left, Rhea Ripley and Asuka.
You stared down the 2 of them as the crowd got louder and louder with anticipation, wondering who would win.
The three of you ended up in the front of the ring, beating the life out of each other while trying to hang onto the ropes for dear life.
You were laid out from a vicious knee from Asuka, and you knew you had to get your ass up if you wanted any chance to win, but your body did not want to.
You could hear your boys and the crowd chanting for you to move, but your body only regirtered that once you saw Asuka slip something into her mouth, smirking as she made her way to you.
You moved at the last second, seeing Asuka mist Rhea and Rhea raking her eyes and screaming.
You knew this was your chance and you took it, drop kicking the both of them out of the ring and onto the floor.
You screamed in glee as soon as you saw them laid out on the floor, and it felt like time slowed down once the bell rang and you were announced as the winner.
You only registered what was happening when you felt yourself get picked up off the floor, the noise of the crowd being drowned out by you being spun around in the air.
“You did it! You fucking did it!” Adam yelled into your ear, spinning you around.
“I fucking did it!” You yelled back, your eyes beaming as he set you down. The others rushed into the ring, pushing past Adam to bring you into a tight hug.
“You did it, babe!!” Kyle cheered, his arms tightening around you as Bobby and Roderick hugged you from behind.
“We’re so freaking proud of you, y’know that?” Bobby tenderly said, his eyes shining with pride as he looked at you.
“I think I got that from how hard you’re hugging me.” You joked, squealing when they hugged you tighter.
“I was kidding!” They giggled at you before letting you go. Roderick smoothed your hair before giving you a kiss on your head. “You deserve this.” He whispered against your head before pulling back, and you blinked away the tears trying to come out of your eyes.
“Don’t make me cry, I have a reputation to keep.” You teased him, and he smiled at you before leaning down to help you go on his shoulder, Adam doing the same thing with Kyle and Bobby helping them lift you up.
You gave them one last smile before putting on a smirk and looking up at the crowd, who were on their feet and roared when you were lifted up.
And as you pointed to the Wrestlemania sign, standing on top of the world after the biggest win of your career and with the people you loved the most by your side, you never wanted to leave that moment.
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 5 months
Loving the Wardlow appreciation rn. Can I request a one shot where the reader is feeling self concious, and Wardaddy shows them how much he loves and appreciates them? 💚
Positive Affirmations
Wardlow X Fem reader
An: Let's pretend that this request was in my inbox since October....
Main Masterlist Wardlow Masterlist
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I hated seeing Y/n so down on herself. Ever since her injury she had developed this dark cloud over her head. I know not being able to wrestle or travel was hard on her, in fact it was hard on me too. I missed spending all day every day with her. It was lonely spending sleepless nights in random hotels. All I wanted was her next to me.
When I finally returned from another long week on the road I was looking forward to spending the few days I had off with her. When I opned the front door I was expecting her to be on the other side with open arms, waiting for my return. However that was not the case. When I entered the house I was welcomed by darkness. All the lights had been turned off and all the blinds were shut. I would have assumed that Y/n was not home but her car was in the driveway.
I called out to her and awaited a response, nothing. Turned on the lights on the main floor and noticed the house was oddly clean. Sure our house wasn't necessarily messy but it was never this clean. It was strange how organized everything had seemed. As I went farther into the kitchen I noticed a thin layer of dust on a cookbook. Weird, I thought to myself. I knew Y/n was in the house, I could feel her presance but where could she be?
I quietly made my way up to the second floor where I noticed our master bedroom door was open ever so slightly. I carefully opned it to find a blob of blankets.
"What's wrong honey?" I asked the blanket monster who I know knew was my girlfriend. "I'm so tired" wispred Y/n. I removed the layers of blankets and joined Y/n in bed. "I know baby, I know it's been hard but you are doing so well. I'm so proud of you" I told her reassringly. She nussled up to me, laying her head on my chest as I began to trace circles along her spine. "I'm a mess" "Baby you are not a mess, why would you say that?" "Look at me, I can't do anything. All I do is rot away in bed like a sick victorian child. I look horrible, I look sick"
I could feel her tears begin to fall. I scooped her up in my arms and held her close to me as she cried. "I know, I know. It's okay, you're okay now. I'm here" I told her as I kissed her temple. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this" Y/n said barley above a whisper. "There is nothing to be sorry about. I love you so much. I want you to understand there isn't a thing I wouldn't do for you. We are going to get through this together."
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sydsaint · 5 months
He's my fav Undisputed Kingdom member. <3
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Summary: Matt supports his girlfriend at Dynasty when she challenges Julia for her TBS championship.
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You can hear the buzz of the crowd all the way out in the arena from back in the locker rooms while you're getting ready for your match with Julia. You stare at yourself in the vanity mirror as you brush out your hair, silently hyping yourself up for this upcoming title bout.
"YN? Babe? You decent?" A male voice calls from outside the locker room, and you recognize it as your boyfriends.
"Yeah, all good!" You shout and set your hairbrush down.
You swivel around in your chair as Matt slips into the room, with Mike and Roderick trailing after him. Matt makes a b-line for you with an eager smile on his face. "Wow, your makeup looks great, babe." He compliments you.
"Thanks babe." You giggle. "How did your match with Kyle go, Roddy?" You turn toward Strong as he shuts the door behind him.
"I won, obviously." Roderick flashes his belt to you. "You're about to head out for your match with Julia, right?" He asks you.
You nod and turn back to your vanity so you can put your hair into a nice braid. Matt sits down next to you on the bench and helps by handing you bobby pins when you need them.
"Thanks, babe." You thank Matt once you're done. "Are you coming out with me?" You ask him.
"Sure." Matt nods. "I'd love to be out there with you." He beams. "I can sit at commentary and bother Schiavone and Excalibur about how awesome you are."
You giggle and do one last check in the mirror. "Well, you won't hear me complain." You sling an arm around Matt's back. "Come on. I don't want to be late for my entrance cue."
You and Matt head down to the tunnel backstage. Your entrance music gets played and you head out through the tunnel. Matt lets you have your moment before he silently slinks through the tunnel and heada down the ramp after you.
You walk down to the ring and hop up onto the apron. Matt follows and grins up at you, a proud look in his eyes.
"Kick her ass, baby! You've got this." Matt offers you once last confidence boost before he heads over the commentary tabe. "Gentlemen. Are we ready to crown a new TBS champion?" He asks the commentary table.
"Well we're certainly ready to watch what is sure to be an excellent match between the TBS champion, Julia Hart. And the challenger, YN LN." Excalibur replies.
Matt takes a seat in a chair next to Taz as the lights in the arena dim for Julia's entrance. Matt's eyes train over to you standing in the corner nearest the commentary table. You stare a hole into Julia while you take these last few seconds to stretch out. You know that this match is going to be a grueling one. Neither you, nor Julia, are known for taking it easy in the ring. And this is a title fight. So both of you are ready to put your bodies on the line to win.
The bell rings and the match gets started after Julia makes it to the ring and the lights return to their preset brightness. Matt twitches eagerly in his seat as the two of you start the match with a lock-up.
"YN's got to be the best technical wrestler on the womans roster. Wouldn't you agree, Taz?" He comments as you take Julia down to the mat.
"She's certainly a pro, yes." Taz replies, trying his best to remain unbiased.
Julia manages to make it back to her feet after you attempt to get her into a submission. She weasels her way back to a standing posistion and you join her. The two of you trade some kicks and elbows for a while before Julia hits the ropes and tries for a dropkick.
You roll onto the matt and avoid the dropkick from Julia. The champ hits the mat hard and you scurry over to her and lock-in another submission attempt.
"Ha! Julia should know better than to try and take my girl on the mat!" Matt laughs as the match drags on.
Around 15 minutes go by and you and Julia are still going at it strong. Both of you are starting to feel exhaustion set in, and you both know that this match needs to end sooner rather than later. Desperation hangs in the air and Julia tries for her signature move when she's unsure if she can win clean. The mist.
You lunge toward Julia after bouncing off the ropes and approach her for a spear. As you near her, Julia reels her head back then lets the black mist spray from her mouth. The sticky black liquid hits you in the eyes and you miss your spear. You tumble to the floor outside of the ring and begin pawing at your eyes to clear your impaired vision up.
"Come on, YN! Behind you!" Matt calls out in a shout as Julia stalks toward you while you can't see.
Adrenaline courses through your veins as Matt yells at you. You swing an elbow behind you and it manages to clock Julia in the jaw. Hart crumples to the floor and you paw at your eyes some more.
Suddenly you feel a hand on your arm. You whirl aound with a gasp and prepare to start swinging when Matt speaks up. "It's just me!" Matt catches your arm. "Here! Hold still!" He demands.
You freeze up and wait for Matt to do whatever he's come to help you with. You feel a cold liquid spray into your face followed by a soft cloth rubbing against your face in a wiping motion. Your vision clears up and you find Matt standing in front of you with his shirt in one hand and a half-empty bottle of water in the other.
"There!" Matt smiles to himself and nods to Julia still on the floor nehind you. "Now that you can see again. Go finish this baby."
You nod and turn around toward Julia. You pick Hart up by the base of her hair and toss her back into the ring. Once Julia has rolled to the middle of the ring you quickly slip inside the ring and trap her in a vicious armbar. You wrench back on Julia's arm and the sheer force is enough to get her to tap out.
The bell sounds and you let Julia's arm go with an exhausted sigh. Julia rolls out of the ring and you slowly get to your feet.
You did it. You beat Julia Hart for the TBS championship.
"Yes! She did it!" You hear Matt shouting at the commentary table. "That's my fucking girlfriend!" He cheers as he throws off his headset.
The referee hands you the TBS title, and you raise it high in the air. Seconds later, Matt climbs into the ring and rushes you. He picks you up by the legs and ecitedly lifts you into the air. You laugh and slide down into his arms after a moment. Matt holds you by the hips against his body, and you wrap your legs around his waist for support before crashing your lips to his.
"I knew you'd do it." Matt whispers to you as the crowd all cheers around you.
Matt, Roderick, and Wardlow all file out to the ring and celebrate with you and Matt. Another victory for the Undisputed Kingdom, and a new championship to add to the collection.
The perfect ending to a perfect PLE night in AEW.
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bitchiswild · 7 months
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You’re Mine
G!P Huh Yunjin x F!Reader
Words Count: 3.5k
Warnings: rough, mean girl yunjin, slapping, choking, creampie, hair pulling, etc.
A/n: im yours yunjin 🧎‍♀️
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"Move, you slut," the voice hissed before a forceful shove pinned you against the locker. Anger surged through you as you turned to confront your attacker, only to find yourself face-to-face with your long-time tormentor, Huh Yunjin.
You were no stranger to the elite atmosphere of your private college, where only the offspring of the privileged elite could gain entry. In this exclusive world, Yunjin reigned as the undisputed "Queen Bee," her status bolstered by the influential positions held by her parents among the upper echelons of society.
Despite the luxurious facade of the institution, its halls harbored the harsh realities of social hierarchy and power plays. For you, navigating these treacherous waters meant enduring relentless bullying from Yunjin and her clique, who wielded their influence with impunity.
As you squared your shoulders and met Yunjin's gaze with defiance, you steeled yourself for yet another confrontation in this battleground of prestige and entitlement.
With a defiant smirk, you pushed yourself off the locker, refusing to let Yunjin's intimidation tactics hold sway over you any longer. "You're the one who needs to move, Yunjin," you retorted, your voice laced with equal parts irritation and disdain. "Last time I checked, this hallway wasn't your personal runway."
Yunjin's eyes flashed with a mixture of surprise and fury at your boldness, but you held your ground, reveling in the taste of rebellion. "Oh, look who's finally grown a spine," she sneered, her tone dripping with condescension. "But don't get too ahead of yourself, darling. You're still just a peasant in our kingdom."
You rolled your eyes, refusing to let her barbs penetrate your armor. "Please, spare me the melodrama," you shot back, your words laden with sarcasm. "I may not have your pedigree, but at least I have the decency not to treat people like trash."
Yunjin bristled at your insolence, her fingers curling into fists at her sides. "You think you're so clever, don't you?" she seethed, her voice tinged with venom. "Well, let's see how long that mouth of yours lasts when I'm through with you."
But you merely smirked in response, relishing the opportunity to ruffle her feathers. "Bring it on, Jen," you taunted, your bravado masking the flutter of nerves beneath the surface. "I've dealt with worse than you."
With that, you sauntered away, leaving Yunjin seething in your wake, a small but satisfying victory in the ongoing battle for dominance in the cutthroat world of elite academia.
As you defiantly turned to walk away, determined to leave Yunjin's petty antics behind you, a sudden vice-like grip seized your arm. Startled, you stumbled backward as Yunjin yanked you forcefully into an empty classroom, the door slamming shut behind you with an ominous thud.
Caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events, you found yourself face-to-face with your tormentor, her features contorted with rage and something darker lurking beneath the surface. "You think you can just walk away from me, like you're better than everyone else?" Yunjin spat, her voice low and dangerous.
Despite the adrenaline coursing through your veins, you refused to show any sign of weakness. "Let go of me, Yunjin," you demanded, your tone firm and unwavering. "You're not worth my time."
But Yunjin's grip only tightened, her nails digging into your skin with painful insistence. "You're going to regret crossing me, you little brat," she seethed, her words dripping with venom. "I'll make sure you pay for every insolent word that's ever come out of your mouth."
Your heart pounded with a mixture of fear and anger as Yunjin's threats hung heavy in the air. Despite the adrenaline coursing through your veins, you refused to show any sign of weakness.
"Now get on your knees," Yunjin commanded, her voice a sharp whip of authority slicing through the tense silence.
Your defiance blazed hotter within you, fueled by indignation at her audacity. "You must be out of your mind if you think I'll bow down to you," you shot back, your voice trembling with suppressed fury. "I'm not some pawn for you to manipulate at your whim."
Yunjin's smirk twisted into something cruel as she leaned in closer, her breath hot against your ear. "Who says you're bowing to me?" she taunted, her tone dripping with contempt. "No, princess, you're sucking my cock."
Your eyes rolled instinctively at her words, a mixture of annoyance and disbelief simmering beneath the surface. "Oh, please," you scoffed, your voice laced with sarcasm. "As if I'd stoop that low for someone as pathetic as you."
Ignoring her, Yunjin roughly pulled down her skirt, her movements fueled by a potent mix of anger and arrogance. You couldn't help but roll your eyes again at the dramatic display, a smirk playing at the corners of your lips despite yourself.
But as her cock sprang into view, hard and angry, a different sensation washed over you. Despite your bravado, an undeniable thrill coursed through your veins at the sight of it, sending an unexpected shiver down your spine. You squeezed your thighs together instinctively, a futile attempt to suppress the traitorous desire that threatened to consume you.
Yunjin's smirk widened at the sight of your reaction, a smug satisfaction gleaming in her eyes. "What's the matter, princess?" she teased, her voice dripping with derision. "Cat got your tongue?"
You fought to maintain your composure, refusing to give her the satisfaction of seeing you flustered. With a defiant toss of your hair, you shot her a disdainful look, determined to play the brat to the bitter end.
But deep down, beneath the layers of bravado and defiance, you couldn't shake the unsettling realization that Yunjin's cruel games had stirred something within you, something dark and forbidden that threatened to unravel the carefully constructed facade you wore like amor.
With an exaggerated eye roll and a scoff that bordered on theatrical, you watched as Yunjin brought her cock closer to your mouth, her movements slow and deliberate. Despite the tension crackling in the air, you refused to let her see any hint of weakness, maintaining your bratty demeanor with unwavering determination.
"Oh, please," you drawled, your voice dripping with sarcasm as you leaned back against the nearest desk, crossing your arms defiantly. "Is this supposed to impress me? Because let me tell you, it's doing the exact opposite."
Yunjin's lips curled into a sneer at your defiance, her grip tightening on her cock as she hovered tantalizingly close to your lips. "You think you're so clever, don't you?" she spat, her voice laced with venom. "Well, let's see how long that smart mouth of yours lasts when it's wrapped around my cock."
You fought to suppress the shiver of anticipation that threatened to betray you, maintaining a facade of nonchalance even as Yunjin's cock loomed closer, the heat radiating from it palpable against your skin.
Rolling your eyes yet again, you tilted your head to the side with a dismissive huff. "Is that the best you've got?" you taunted, your voice laced with false bravado. "You'll have to do better than that if you want to impress me, sweetheart."
But beneath the surface, a tempest of conflicting emotions raged within you, a heady mixture of defiance and desire warring for dominance. In this twisted game of power and manipulation, you knew that maintaining your bratty facade was the only defense you had against Yunjin's relentless cruelty.
Yunjin's patience wore thin as she grew tired of your defiance. With a swift movement, she grabbed your head, forcing her cock through your lips, her grip firm and unyielding. The sudden invasion left you momentarily stunned, your breath catching in your throat as she began to fuck your mouth with a forceful rhythm.
Despite the initial shock, you refused to give her the satisfaction of seeing you submit so easily. With a muffled grunt of protest, you struggled against her hold, your bratty attitude flaring to life even in the face of this humiliating act.
"Mmmph!" you managed to protest around her cock, the sound muffled and garbled as she continued to thrust into your mouth with increasing intensity. Each movement was met with resistance, your jaw clenched tight as you fought against her, determined not to let her break you.
Yunjin's laughter echoed through the empty classroom, a cruel symphony of dominance as she relished in your futile struggles. "That's it, princess," she taunted, her voice dripping with mockery. "You're going to learn your place one way or another."
But even as Yunjin exerted her control over you, a flicker of defiance burned bright within your chest. With every fiber of your being, you vowed to endure this humiliation with your pride intact, refusing to let her cruel games crush your spirit.
As Yunjin's thrusts grew more forceful, your resolve hardened, a silent promise to yourself echoing in the recesses of your mind. No matter what she threw your way, you would never bow down to her, not now, not ever
Despite your best efforts to resist, a wave of conflicting sensations washed over you as Yunjin's relentless thrusts persisted. With each forceful movement, an involuntary moan escaped your lips, the sound muffled by the cock that filled your mouth.
The sensation of her cock sliding in and out, coupled with the tight grip of her hand on your head, sent sparks of arousal coursing through your veins. Despite the humiliation of the situation, a shameful heat pooled low in your belly, betraying your body's undeniable response to her touch.
As Yunjin's pace quickened, driving her cock deeper into your mouth, you found yourself succumbing to the overwhelming pleasure, your moans growing louder and more desperate with each passing moment. The friction between you, fueled by a potent mix of desire and defiance, sent waves of pleasure crashing over you, blurring the lines between pain and ecstasy.
Yunjin's laughter mingled with your moans, a twisted symphony of dominance and submission that filled the air around you. With each thrust, she exerted her control over you, relishing in the power she held over your body and mind.
Despite the shame that threatened to consume you, a part of you reveled in the raw intensity of the moment, surrendering to the pleasure that coursed through your veins. In this twisted dance of dominance and desire, you found yourself teetering on the edge of surrender, your body betraying you even as your mind fought to maintain a semblance of control.
Tears streamed down your face, a mixture of humiliation, frustration, and a strange undercurrent of arousal. Despite your attempts to suppress them, they flowed freely, betraying the complex emotions swirling within you.
Yunjin's hand moved from your head to gently wipe away the tears, her touch oddly tender against the backdrop of the dominating act she was performing. "There, there, princess," she cooed mockingly, her voice dripping with condescension. "You're so much better with my cock in your mouth."
Her words struck a nerve, a mixture of shame and defiance bubbling up within you. Part of you recoiled at the degradation of being reduced to this, while another part burned with an unspoken desire that refused to be extinguished.
Despite the conflicting emotions warring within you, you found yourself unable to tear your gaze away from Yunjin's piercing eyes. In that moment, as she held you captive with her gaze, you realized that this twisted dynamic between you was far more complicated than you had ever imagined.
With a defiant tilt of your chin, you met her gaze head-on, a silent challenge burning bright in your eyes. Beneath the layers of humiliation and submission, a spark of rebellion flickered to life, a silent vow to reclaim your power in this twisted game of dominance and desire.
As Yunjin's thrusts intensified, her grip tightening on your head, a primal urgency infused her voice as she gasped, "God, I'm gonna cum in your mouth. You better swallow it all."
With a surge of desperation, she released into your mouth, her essence flooding your senses. The bitter taste of her release filled your mouth as she emptied herself, each pulse a reminder of your submission to her will.
As she withdrew, a surge of defiance surged within you. With a defiant flick of your tongue, you spat out her cum, the act a rebellious assertion of your autonomy in the face of her dominance.
Yunjin's eyes flashed with a mixture of surprise and anger at your defiance. "You insolent little brat," she hissed, her voice laced with venom. "You'll regret that."
But even as she glared at you, a spark of triumph flared within you. In this moment of rebellion, you reclaimed a fragment of your dignity, a silent declaration that you would not be reduced to a mere pawn in her twisted games of power and control.
Yunjin's grip tightened on your hair as she dragged you up from your knees, a cruel smirk twisting her lips. With a rough shove, she pushed you over the desk, the cold surface biting into your skin as you landed with a thud.
Your heart raced with a mixture of fear and anticipation as Yunjin wasted no time in yanking down your skirt and underwear, exposing you to her ruthless gaze. A shiver of vulnerability coursed through you as her fingers teased your entrance, tracing agonizing circles around your slick folds.
Before you could gather your wits, she thrust her fingers inside you with a brutal force, eliciting a whimper of both pain and pleasure from your lips. The sudden intrusion left you reeling, your body straining against the onslaught of sensations crashing over you.
Yunjin's hand came down hard on your exposed ass, the sharp slap sending shockwaves of pain rippling through your body. The sting lingered, your skin flaming red under her punishing touch as she asserted her dominance over you.
"Take my cock like a good girl," she commanded, her voice dripping with cruel authority as she positioned herself behind you. With a brutal thrust, she buried her entire length inside you, the sensation overwhelming as she claimed you as her own.
Your breath hitched in your throat as she filled you completely, every inch of her cock stretching you to your limits. Despite the pain and humiliation, a shameful heat pooled low in your belly, your body betraying you with every desperate gasp and whimper that escaped your lips.
In this twisted dance of dominance and submission, you found yourself teetering on the edge of surrender, your body yielding to the relentless onslaught of pleasure and pain inflicted upon you by Yunjin's cruel desires
Yunjin's grip on your hair tightened, her fingers tangling in the strands as she thrust into you with a relentless force. Each brutal thrust sent shockwaves of pleasure and pain coursing through your body, the rhythm rough and unyielding.
With a savage intensity, she pulled your hair back, arching your spine and exposing your neck to her hungry gaze. The sensation of her fingers digging into your scalp ignited a primal need within you, a desperate craving for more of her dominating touch.
Your skin burned under her punishing grip, each slap leaving a fiery imprint on your flesh as she marked you as her own. The sting of her hand against your skin mingled with the throbbing ache between your legs, the sensations blurring the lines between pleasure and pain.
Through gritted teeth, Yunjin's voice reverberated with a raw hunger as she growled, "You like it rough, don't you, you filthy little slut?"
A shiver of arousal coursed through you at her words, your body responding to the raw dominance in her tone. "Yes," you gasped, your voice barely more than a desperate whimper. "Harder, please."
With a primal grunt, Yunjin obliged, her thrusts becoming even more forceful as she claimed you with a relentless ferocity. Each collision sent waves of pleasure crashing over you, your senses overwhelmed by the raw intensity of the moment.
Amidst the chaos of your entwined bodies, a symphony of dirty talk filled the air, a primal exchange of desire and dominance that fueled the flames of passion burning between you. In this raw, unbridled moment of carnal ecstasy, you surrendered to the primal urges consuming you, lost in the savage rhythm of pleasure and pain orchestrated by Yunjin's command.
"Take it," she commanded, her voice a husky whisper laced with authority. "Spread your legs wider for me."
Your body responded instinctively to her commands, yielding to her dominance as you obeyed without hesitation. With each directive, she exerted her control over you, guiding your movements with a commanding presence that left you powerless to resist.
"Look at me," she demanded, her voice a sharp command cutting through the haze of pleasure clouding your mind. "I want to see your eyes as I take you."
Yunjin's grip tightened around your throat, her fingers exerting pressure as she leaned in close, her lips brushing against your ear. "Feel good princess?" she growled, her voice a husky whisper laced with dominance.
A whimper escaped your lips as her words sent a shiver of excitement coursing through you. "Yes," you gasped, your voice barely more than a desperate plea. "Yes it feels so good.”
With a primal hunger, Yunjin complied, her lips trailing down your neck with bruising force, leaving a trail of fiery marks in her wake. Each bite and suck of her lips against your skin elicited a whimper of pleasure from your throat, the sensation of her teeth sinking into your flesh sending shivers of ecstasy down your spine.
As she marked you as her own, the sound of her hand meeting your skin echoed through the room, punctuated by the symphony of moans and gasps that filled the air. "You're mine," she growled, her voice dripping with possessiveness as she claimed you with each punishing strike.
With each thrust, the desk beneath you creaked and groaned under the force of your shared passion, the sound of your bodies colliding filling the room with a primal rhythm that echoed through the empty space.
Amidst the chaos of your entwined bodies, your moans mingled with hers in a symphony of ecstasy, the raw intensity of your shared pleasure reverberating through the room. In this raw and uninhibited moment of carnal desire, you surrendered to the overwhelming sensations consuming you, lost in the intoxicating dance of dominance and desire orchestrated by Yunjin's commanding touch.
"God, Yunjin, I'm gonna cum!" you cried out, your voice filled with a mixture of desperation and ecstasy. Despite the intensity of your impending release, Yunjin's thrusts never faltered, driving you closer to the edge with each relentless movement.
The table beneath you began to scrape against the floor, the sound of wood against tile adding to the cacophony of pleasure filling the room. With each collision, the friction between your bodies intensified, fueling the flames of desire burning within you.
Yunjin's grip on your throat tightened, her fingers digging into your skin with a possessive force as she growled in response to your cries. "That's it, princess," she snarled, her voice dripping with dominance. "Cum for me, fuck, I'm gonna fill you up so good," Yunjin groaned, her voice thick with desire as she thrust into you with renewed fervor. Each powerful thrust drove you to the brink of ecstasy, the promise of her impending release sending tremors of anticipation coursing through your body.
With each collision, the table scraped against the floor, the sound a symphony of pleasure and desire echoing through the room. Yunjin's grip on your throat tightened, her fingers leaving bruising imprints on your skin as she claimed you with a possessive intensity.
You moaned in response, the sensation of her cock filling you completely pushing you closer to the edge of oblivion. "Yes, please," you gasped, your voice barely more than a desperate plea. "Fill me up, Yunjin, I need it."
With a primal roar, Yunjin surrendered to the intoxicating pull of pleasure, her body tensing as she reached the brink of release. With one final, powerful thrust, she buried herself deep inside you, her seed flooding your senses as she emptied herself completely.
Pleasure washed over you in a tidal wave of ecstasy, leaving you trembling and breathless in its wake. As the echoes of your shared climax faded into the air, you lay spent and sated beneath Yunjin's commanding touch, your senses ablaze with the raw intensity of your shared passion.
In the aftermath of your passionate encounter, a heavy silence enveloped the room, broken only by the sound of your ragged breaths and the faint creaking of the table beneath you. You lay spent and tangled together, bodies slick with sweat, as the remnants of your shared pleasure lingered in the air like a hazy mist.
Yunjin's grip on your throat loosened, her fingers trailing lightly over the marks she had left behind, a silent testament to the intensity of your connection. Her eyes met yours, a rare vulnerability shining in their depths amidst the fading fire of desire.
For a moment, neither of you spoke, the weight of your shared experience hanging heavy between you like a tangible presence. In this moment of quiet intimacy, you found yourself caught in the delicate balance between desire and vulnerability, the boundaries of power and submission blurring into a tangled web of raw emotion.
With a soft sigh, Yunjin pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, her touch surprisingly tender against the backdrop of your heated encounter. "You're mine," she whispered.
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wonyowonyo · 2 months
Queen Bee (K. Minju x M! Reader)
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Another request! I've tweaked some stuff here n there with anon's suggestion but overall it came out nice in the end. Writing Bully Minju was a great experience for me too! Anyways, hope you all enjoy this one!
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The opulent marble halls of Evergreen Academy echoed with the clacking of Minju's designer heels as she swept through the corridors, her entourage of loyal followers trailing behind her like a flock of well-groomed ducklings. Her eyes scanned the crowd of students, searching for any sign of rebellion or dissent against her ironclad rule.
Minju was the undisputed queen of Evergreen, her family's wealth and influence casting a long shadow over the prestigious institution. She had carefully cultivated her image as a benevolent, yet firm leader, maintaining an air of superiority that few dared to challenge.
But beneath the polished veneer, Minju's true nature simmered - a burning desire for power and control that knew no bounds. She ruthlessly crushed any opposition, using her family's resources to quash any threats to her reign. The students of Evergreen were her subjects, to be molded and manipulated as she saw fit.
That was, until the arrival of a new Yuna, Yuna, who dared to disrupt the carefully curated social order that Minju had worked so hard to maintain.
From the moment Yuna set foot on campus, Minju could sense the threat she posed. The girl's humble origins and lack of social pedigree were an affront to the exclusivity that Minju prized. And so, Minju set out to make Yuna's life a living hell, subjecting her to a relentless campaign of bullying and humiliation.
But Minju's reign of terror met an unexpected challenge in the form of (Y/N) (L/N), the scion of one of the wealthiest families in the country. As a member of Evergreen's elite social circle, (Y/N) had always been one of Minju's loyal followers, dutifully adhering to the unspoken rules that governed their exclusive world.
Until, that is, the day Minju's cruelty towards Yuna pushed (Y/N) to the brink.
Minju still vividly remembered the confrontation in the courtyard, the way (Y/N)'s usually calm demeanor had been replaced by a righteous fury that left her momentarily unbalanced.
"That's enough, Minju," (Y/N) had said, his voice steady but laced with an unmistakable edge.
Minju had been taken aback, her lips curling into a sardonic smile as she tried to regain her footing. "Well, well, if it isn't (Y/N) (L/N), coming to the rescue. How noble of you."
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But (Y/N) had refused to be cowed, his eyes burning with a determination that Minju had never seen in him before. "This has gone on long enough. You can't keep bullying people just because they don't fit your narrow definition of what's 'acceptable' at this school."
Minju's expression had darkened, and she could feel the jealousy and resentment bubbling beneath the surface. "Oh, please. As if you have any right to lecture me about what's acceptable. You may be one of the richest students here, (Y/N), but you're still just a pathetic little worm trying to act like a hero."
The words had tumbled from her lips before she could stop them, a desperate attempt to regain the upper hand. But (Y/N)'s response had only served to further erode her confidence.
"Maybe I am a worm, Minju, but at least I have the courage to stand up for what's right. Unlike you, who just uses her wealth and status to crush anyone who dares to defy you."
Minju's jaw had clenched with frustration, her mind racing as she tried to formulate a retort. But before she could, the arrival of Mr. Park had turned the tide against her, forcing her to retreat in the face of the teacher's stern rebuke.
As Minju had stalked away, her followers trailing behind her, she could feel (Y/N)'s gaze burning into her back. The humiliation of being exposed and challenged in front of her peers was a wound to her pride that refused to heal. The clacking sound of Minju's designer heels as she swept through the corridors was fleeting away from the scene. Her entourage of loyal followers trailing behind her like a flock of well-groomed ducklings.
However Minju's eyes would find its way back on (Y/N) (L/N) and the new transferee, Yuna. As she watched the confrontation unfold, a strange, unfamiliar feeling stirred within her - a cocktail of jealousy, possessiveness, and a touch of something she couldn't quite place.
Minju had always prided herself on her ability to command the attention and adoration of her peers. Her family's wealth and influence had granted her an almost godlike status within the hallowed halls of Evergreen, and she reveled in the power it afforded her. But now, seeing (Y/N) stand up to her, his eyes burning with a passion she had never witnessed before, left her feeling...unsettled.
The familiar scent of her expensive perfume mingled with the crisp, sterile air of the academy, and Minju found herself thinking back to the intensity of (Y/N)'s gaze, the unwavering determination in his voice. It was as if he had awakened something within her, a dormant ember that now threatened to burst into a roaring flame.
Minju's fingers twitched with the desire to reach out and reclaim (Y/N)'s attention, to remind him of his place at her side. She had grown so accustomed to his loyal, obedient nature, the way he had always deferred to her without question. But now, that delicate balance had been shattered, and Minju couldn't help but feel a twinge of...longing.
As (Y/N) walked away, his head held high, Minju's heart raced with a mixture of emotions she couldn't quite identify. The sound of her heels echoed through the corridors, a steady beat that seemed to match the rhythm of her rapidly beating heart.
Minju knew she had to regain control, to reassert her dominance over the situation. But deep down, a part of her couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have (Y/N)'s unwavering loyalty and devotion directed towards her in a different way - one that went beyond the boundaries of their established dynamic.
In the days that followed, Minju's obsession with (Y/N) and Yuna only intensified. She couldn't understand why (Y/N) had chosen to side with the lowly Yuna, defying the very social order that Minju had worked so hard to uphold.
Worse still, she could see the effects of (Y/N)'s actions rippling through the student body. Whispers of discontent and dissent began to circulate, and Minju could feel her grip on the school starting to slip.
Desperate to regain control, Minju unleashed a relentless campaign of sabotage and intimidation, targeting both (Y/N) and Yuna. She sabotaged their assignments, spread vicious rumors, and even went so far as to try and have them expelled.
But (Y/N) refused to be cowed, rallying support from other students who were tired of Minju's tyrannical reign. Together, they formed a resistance movement, challenging Minju's authority at every turn.
Minju's frustration only grew, and she lashed out with increasing ferocity, her actions becoming more and more reckless as she fought to maintain her hold on Evergreen. She was like a cornered animal, baring her teeth and lashing out at any perceived threat.
And then, the final confrontation came at the annual school gala, a prestigious event attended by the elite of Evergreen Academy. (Y/N) and Yuna had been invited, and they knew that this was their chance to make their move.
As the gala unfolded, (Y/N) and Yuna worked tirelessly to rally support from the other guests, exposing Minju's misdeeds and rallying the school community against her. The tension in the air was palpable, and everyone held their breath, waiting to see how the showdown would play out.
Finally, Minju took the stage, her eyes blazing with fury. She tried to discredit (Y/N) and Yuna, but their allies stood firm, refusing to be cowed by her intimidation tactics.
In the end, it was (Y/N)'s impassioned speech that tipped the scales. He spoke of the values of kindness, compassion, and mutual respect that should be the foundation of Evergreen Academy, and how Minju's selfish and cruel behavior had betrayed those values.
As Minju's supporters began to waver, (Y/N) seized the moment, calling for a vote of no-confidence in Minju's leadership. The vote was close, but in the end, Minju was toppled from her throne, stripped of her power and influence.
In the aftermath, Minju found herself adrift, her carefully constructed world crumbling around her. She had lost everything – her status, her power, her very identity as the queen of Evergreen. And worst of all, she had lost (Y/N), the one person she had always counted on to be by her side.
As she wandered the empty corridors of the school, Minju couldn't help but feel a sense of profound loss and regret. She had sacrificed so much to maintain her reign, but in the end, it had all been for naught.
It was in those moments of solitude that Minju finally began to confront the truth about herself – the truth that she had been desperately trying to bury beneath layers of arrogance and cruelty.
She had been a bully, a tyrant who had used her wealth and status to crush anyone who dared to defy her. And in doing so, she had lost sight of the very values that had once defined her – the compassion, the kindness, the sense of community that had once been the hallmark of Evergreen Academy.
Minju's eyes filled with tears as she realized the full extent of her transgressions. She had betrayed the trust of her peers, her teachers, and worst of all, (Y/N) – the one person who had always seen the best in her, even when she had long since abandoned that part of herself.
With a newfound sense of shame and determination, Minju knew that she had to make amends. She had to find a way to redeem herself, to rebuild the trust she had so carelessly destroyed.
It was a daunting task, but as Minju steeled herself and set out to confront the consequences of her actions, she knew that she had no one to blame but herself. The road to redemption would be long and arduous, but she was determined to walk it, no matter the cost.
And deep down, a small part of her still harbored the hope that one day, (Y/N) might see the change in her, and that perhaps, just perhaps, he might be willing to give her a second chance.
The aftermath of Minju's dramatic downfall reverberated through the halls of Evergreen Academy, leaving a palpable sense of unease and uncertainty in its wake. The once ironclad social hierarchy that she had so ruthlessly enforced lay in tatters, and the students found themselves navigating unfamiliar territory, unsure of where they now fit within this new, uncharted landscape.
For Minju, the transition from untouchable queen to disgraced pariah was a bitter pill to swallow. Gone were the days of her loyal entourage and the unchecked power she had wielded with such casual cruelty. Now, she found herself cast adrift, her very identity as the reigning monarch of Evergreen stripped away, leaving her feeling vulnerable and exposed.
As she wandered the empty corridors, Minju couldn't help but feel the weight of her actions pressing down upon her. The memories of her past transgressions – the bullying, the sabotage, the relentless pursuit of power at any cost – played out in an endless loop in her mind, a cruel reminder of the monster she had become.
Minju's gaze drifted to the trophy case that once held the symbols of her dominance – the accolades, the awards, the trophies that had been a testament to her success. But now, those gleaming artifacts felt like a hollow victory, a meaningless accumulation of trinkets that had done nothing to fill the void within her.
With a heavy sigh, Minju turned away, her steps heavy as she made her way to the one place she had once found solace – the school's library. It had always been her haven, a quiet refuge where she could escape the relentless demands of her social obligations and immerse herself in the world of books and knowledge.
But even this sanctuary felt tainted now, the whispers and sidelong glances of her former peers following her like a dark cloud. Minju could sense the judgment in their eyes, the resentment that bubbled just beneath the surface. It was a humbling realization, one that she had never been forced to confront before.
As Minju settled into a secluded corner of the library, her fingers tracing the spine of a well-worn volume, a familiar voice suddenly reached her ears.
She looked up to see (Y/N) standing before her, his expression unreadable. Minju felt her heart leap in her chest, a surge of emotions she had long since buried threatening to overwhelm her.
"(Y/N)," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I didn't expect to see you here."
(Y/N) regarded her for a moment, his brow furrowed in a faint expression of concern. "I... I wanted to make sure you were alright. After everything that's happened, I-"
Minju cut him off, her hands trembling slightly. "I'm fine, (Y/N). I'm... I'm managing."
An uncomfortable silence hung between them, the weight of their shared history palpable in the air. Minju could feel her carefully constructed walls beginning to crumble, the mask of indifference she had so painstakingly cultivated slipping away.
"(Y/N)," she began, her voice wavering with emotion. "I... I'm sorry. For everything. I know that doesn't begin to make up for what I've done, but I-"
(Y/N) raised a hand, silencing her. "Minju, I... I've been doing a lot of thinking since the gala. About you, about all of this. And I realize that... well, that I may have misjudged you, in a way."
Minju's eyes widened in surprise, her heart pounding in her chest. "What do you mean?"
(Y/N) sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Look, I'm not going to pretend that what you did was right. You hurt a lot of people, Minju, and you betrayed the very values that Evergreen is supposed to stand for."
Minju felt a familiar sting of shame, her gaze dropping to the floor. "I know. I-I don't expect you to forgive me, (Y/N). I've done so many terrible things, and I-"
"Let me finish," (Y/N) interrupted, his voice gentle but firm. "The truth is, I've always known that there was more to you than the bully and the tyrant. Somewhere, underneath all of that, there was a person who cared, who had a genuine passion for this school and its community."
Minju's breath caught in her throat, her eyes searching (Y/N)'s face for any hint of deception. "You... you really believe that?"
(Y/N) nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I do. And I think you believe it too, deep down. That's why this has been so hard for you – because you know that you've betrayed that part of yourself."
Minju felt the tears welling in her eyes, her carefully constructed walls crumbling under the weight of (Y/N)'s words. "I... I don't know what to say. I've hurt so many people, (Y/N). How can I ever make up for that?"
(Y/N) reached out, his hand coming to rest on Minju's shoulder. "It won't be easy, Minju. Rebuilding trust and earning forgiveness takes time and effort. But I believe you can do it – if you're willing to truly change, to become the person you know you can be."
Minju looked up at him, her eyes shining with a newfound glimmer of hope. "I... I want to try, (Y/N). I want to be that person again. But I'm scared. What if I fail?"
(Y/N) squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. "You won't be alone, Minju. I'll be here, supporting you every step of the way. We'll face this challenge together, just like we used to."
Minju felt a wave of gratitude wash over her, her heart swelling with a newfound sense of purpose. She had lost so much, but in that moment, she realized that she had the chance to regain something even more valuable – the trust and respect of her peers, and the chance to become the person she had always wanted to be.
It would be a long and arduous journey, but with (Y/N) by her side, Minju knew that she could overcome the obstacles that lay ahead. She would have to work tirelessly to make amends, to prove that she had truly changed. But for the first time in a long while, Minju felt a glimmer of hope – a spark that she was determined to nurture and grow into a blazing flame of redemption.
As she and (Y/N) stepped out of the library, their footsteps echoing through the empty halls, Minju felt a renewed sense of purpose. She knew that the road ahead would be filled with challenges, but with (Y/N)'s support and her own unwavering determination, she was confident that she could overcome them.
The journey to redemption had begun, and Minju was ready to face it head-on.
The path to redemption was not an easy one for Minju, but with (Y/N)'s unwavering support, she was determined to make the most of this second chance.
In the days and weeks that followed their conversation in the library, Minju set out to systematically rebuild the trust and respect she had so carelessly squandered. It was a slow and arduous process, marked by skepticism and outright hostility from many of her former peers.
But Minju refused to be deterred. She knew that she had to prove the sincerity of her transformation, that mere words would not be enough to undo the damage she had done. And so, she set about making amends, one small step at a time.
She began by publicly acknowledging the wrongs she had committed, standing before the entire student body and offering a heartfelt apology. It was a daunting task, laying bare her past transgressions and vulnerabilities for all to see, but Minju knew that it was a necessary first step.
To her surprise, the reaction was not entirely hostile. While some of her former followers turned their backs on her, others – the ones who had borne the brunt of her cruelty – seemed cautiously receptive to her words. Minju could see the glimmers of hope in their eyes, a yearning for the redemption she now sought.
Emboldened by this cautious progress, Minju set out to make amends in more tangible ways. She used her family's resources to establish a scholarship fund for underprivileged students, ensuring that the doors of Evergreen would be open to all, regardless of their social standing.
She also volunteered her time, working tirelessly alongside her peers to organize fundraisers and community service projects, using her influence to mobilize resources and inspire others to action.
Through it all, (Y/N) remained a steadfast presence at her side, offering guidance, encouragement, and a much-needed dose of reality when Minju's progress threatened to falter.
"It's not going to be easy, Minju," he would remind her, his voice gentle but firm. "You've hurt a lot of people, and earning their trust back is going to take time and effort. But I believe in you. I know you can do this."
And with each passing day, Minju found herself drawing strength from (Y/N)'s unwavering belief in her. She could feel the walls she had built around her heart slowly crumbling, replaced by a newfound sense of purpose and determination.
It was during one of the school's annual charity drives that Minju's transformation truly began to take root. As she stood alongside her peers, sorting and packing donations for the local homeless shelter, she couldn't help but be struck by the sense of community and camaraderie that had once been the hallmark of Evergreen Academy.
Minju watched as (Y/N) worked tirelessly, his sleeves rolled up and a genuine smile on his face as he interacted with the other students. She marveled at the way he had seamlessly integrated himself into the fabric of the community, his once-aloof demeanor replaced by a genuine warmth and compassion.
And in that moment, Minju felt a pang of regret – regret for the years she had spent tearing that community apart, for the ways in which she had betrayed the very values that had once defined her.
Hesitantly, she approached (Y/N), her voice barely above a whisper. "(Y/N)... can I help?"
He turned to her, his eyes widening in surprise, but then a gentle smile spread across his face. "Of course, Minju. We could always use an extra pair of hands."
As Minju rolled up her sleeves and joined the effort, she felt a sense of peace wash over her. The familiar weight of her past transgressions still lingered, but in this moment, it felt as if she was finally beginning to shed that burden, to reclaim the part of herself she had so long ago abandoned.
The other students were wary at first, casting sidelong glances in Minju's direction, but as she worked alongside them, her genuine enthusiasm and commitment began to break down those barriers. Slowly but surely, she could feel the walls of distrust and resentment crumbling, replaced by a cautious acceptance.
And when the day's work was done, and the students gathered to admire the impressive pile of donations they had amassed, Minju found herself surrounded by her peers, their expressions no longer filled with hostility, but with a newfound respect.
(Y/N) stood by her side, his hand reaching out to gently squeeze her shoulder. "I'm proud of you, Minju," he murmured, his voice filled with genuine warmth.
Minju felt a lump rise in her throat, her eyes brimming with tears. "Thank you, (Y/N). For... for believing in me, even when I didn't believe in myself."
(Y/N) smiled, his gaze holding hers. "I always knew you had it in you, Minju. You just needed to find your way back."
As they walked back to the dorms, Minju felt a sense of renewed purpose and determination. The road ahead was still long and uncertain, but for the first time in a long while, she felt a glimmer of hope – hope that she could truly become the person she had always aspired to be.
And with (Y/N) by her side, Minju knew that she could overcome any obstacle that stood in her path. Together, they would rebuild the community, reclaiming the values that had once defined Evergreen Academy and creating a legacy that would endure long after they had graduated.
It was a daunting task, but Minju was more than ready to face it head-on. Her journey to redemption had only just begun, but she was determined to see it through, no matter the cost.
As the weeks turned into months, Minju's journey of redemption continued to unfold, marked by both triumphs and challenges.
While her initial public apology had been met with a mix of lingering skepticism and cautious hope, Minju's unwavering commitment to making amends began to slowly erode the barriers that had once separated her from her peers.
She threw herself wholeheartedly into the various community service projects and charity initiatives that now dotted the Evergreen Academy calendar, using her family's resources and influence to amplify the reach and impact of these endeavors.
Whether it was organizing food drives for the local homeless shelter, spearheading fundraising campaigns for underprivileged students, or lending a hand in the school's environmental conservation efforts, Minju's presence was a constant and welcomed one. Gone were the days of her tyrannical reign; in its place, a newfound spirit of collaboration and camaraderie began to take root.
(Y/N) remained a steadfast ally throughout this process, his steadfast support and guidance a crucial lifeline for Minju as she navigated the treacherous waters of redemption. Together, they worked tirelessly to rebuild the bridges that Minju had once so carelessly burned, forging connections and alliances that would help to solidify her transformation.
But the road was not without its challenges. There were still those who viewed Minju's change of heart with a healthy dose of skepticism, unwilling to forget the pain and humiliation she had inflicted upon them. These were the battles Minju fought the hardest, confronting her past transgressions head-on and refusing to shy away from the uncomfortable truths that lay buried beneath the surface.
In one particularly poignant moment, Minju found herself face-to-face with Yuna, the very individual whose arrival had set in motion the events that had led to Minju's dramatic downfall.
The tension in the air was palpable as the two young women stood there, the weight of their shared history hanging between them. But to Minju's surprise, Yuna did not recoil or lash out – instead, her expression held a curious mixture of wariness and something akin to compassion.
"I... I know that what you did was wrong," Yuna began, her voice soft but resolute. "And I can't say that I've forgiven you, not completely. But I see the way you've been working to make amends, to truly change. And I... I respect that."
Minju felt a lump rise in her throat, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Yuna, I... I can't even begin to apologize for the way I treated you. It was unforgivable, and I know that. But I want you to know that I am truly, deeply sorry. And I promise, I will spend every day for the rest of my life trying to make it right."
To her surprise, Yuna offered her a tentative smile. "I believe you, Minju. And I'm willing to give you a chance – a chance to prove that you've changed, and that you're worthy of forgiveness."
It was a small, yet significant victory for Minju – a testament to the power of resilience and the possibility of redemption. And as she watched Yuna walk away, Minju felt a newfound sense of purpose and determination surge within her.
She knew that the road ahead would still be long and arduous, but with each step forward, she could feel the weight of her past sins slowly lifting from her shoulders. And with (Y/N) by her side, a constant source of support and encouragement, Minju was more determined than ever to see her transformation through to the end.
As the months turned into years, Minju's impact on the Evergreen community only grew. She became a tireless advocate for inclusivity and social justice, using her family's resources and influence to enact real, meaningful change. Her once-loyal followers, once blinded by her tyrannical reign, now looked upon her with renewed respect and admiration, seeing in her a leader worthy of their trust.
And through it all, (Y/N) remained a steadfast presence in her life, their bond growing stronger and more profound with each passing day. Minju marveled at the way he had always believed in her, even when she had been at her lowest, and she knew that without his unwavering support, her journey to redemption would have been all but impossible.
As they stood together, side by side, on the day of their graduation, Minju couldn't help but feel a deep sense of pride and accomplishment. She had come so far, overcoming the darkest parts of her past to emerge as a true leader, one who was beloved and respected by her peers.
And as she looked into (Y/N)'s eyes, Minju knew that this was only the beginning – the start of a new chapter, one filled with endless possibilities and the promise of a brighter future for them both.
As the sun set on their final day at Evergreen Academy, Minju and (Y/N) found themselves standing on the steps of the main building, the warm evening air carrying the faint scent of blooming flowers.
The campus was alive with the energy of their fellow graduates, laughter and voices mingling together in a joyful cacophony. But for Minju and (Y/N), this moment felt tinged with a bittersweet edge, a realization that their time at this school – a place that had once been the epicenter of their lives – was now drawing to a close.
Minju turned to (Y/N), her eyes shimmering with a complex tapestry of emotions. "I can't believe it's over, (Y/N). It feels like just yesterday we were walking these halls for the first time, full of excitement and trepidation."
(Y/N) nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "A lot has changed since then, hasn't it? For both of us."
Minju's gaze grew introspective as she contemplated the journey that had brought her to this moment. "You've been by my side through it all, (Y/N). I don't know if I would have had the strength to overcome my past without you."
(Y/N) reached out, his hand finding hers and giving it a gentle squeeze. "You did that all on your own, Minju. I may have been there to support you, but the courage and determination to change – that was all you."
Minju felt a lump rise in her throat, her fingers intertwining with his. "I couldn't have done it without you, (Y/N). You believed in me when no one else did, and you never gave up on me, even when I had given up on myself."
(Y/N) pulled her into a warm embrace, his arms enveloping her in a comforting shield. "You're stronger than you know, Minju. And I'm so proud of the person you've become."
They stood there for a long moment, the sounds of their graduating class fading into the background as they savored the quiet intimacy of the moment. Minju could feel the steady rhythm of (Y/N)'s heart, a soothing cadence that had become as familiar to her as her own.
As they pulled apart, their gazes locked, and Minju felt a surge of emotion that she had long since buried deep within her heart. The walls she had so painstakingly constructed – the barriers that had once protected her from the pain of vulnerability – had crumbled away, leaving her raw and exposed.
"(Y/N)," she began, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I don't know what the future holds for us, but I do know one thing. You've become more than just a friend to me. You're... you're my everything."
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(Y/N)'s eyes widened, and for a moment, Minju could see the same vulnerability reflected in his gaze. "Minju, I... I feel the same way. I've always felt this connection between us, even when everything else was falling apart."
Minju felt her heart racing, the weight of his words settling warmly in her chest. "Then... what does this mean, (Y/N)? Where do we go from here?"
(Y/N) reached up, his fingers gently caressing her cheek. "It means that we face the future together, Minju. Whatever challenges lie ahead, we'll confront them side by side, just like we always have."
Minju felt a tear of joy escape the corner of her eye, her hand coming up to cover his. "I don't know what I'd do without you, (Y/N). You've been my anchor, my guiding light, through it all."
(Y/N) leaned in, his forehead resting against hers. "And I'll always be here for you, Minju. No matter what."
As their lips met in a tender, passionate kiss, Minju felt a sense of peace and belonging wash over her. The weight of her past had been lifted, replaced by a boundless hope for the future – a future that she would build, hand-in-hand, with the person she had grown to love more than anything.
The world beyond the walls of Evergreen Academy awaited, brimming with endless possibilities. And with (Y/N) by her side, Minju knew that she was ready to face it head-on, determined to forge a path that would continue to inspire and uplift those around her.
This was not the end, but a new beginning – a chance to write the next chapter of their story, one that would be filled with love, growth, and the pursuit of a brighter, more just world.
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fantasyescapes17 · 1 year
Scandal (Part 1)
The Viscount's sister with an enormous dowry, beauty and unmistakable talent- you began the London season as the most desired woman in any room. But Jeon Wonwoo (a man who would rather hide in the library than dance at a ball) is beyond your comprehension. Curiosity might have killed the cat, but it embroiled you into a scandal with a man you could never love.
Genre: Wonwoo x Female!reader. Regency!AU (It's sort of Bridgerton-esque in the sense that I give zero attention to historical accuracy and prioritize aesthetics lmao) You are Joshua's sibling so your last name is Hong but the reader has no other physical characteristics. Note: Certain main characters may initially seem unlikeable in this story. Redemption arcs will come.
Word Count: 6.8k+
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Series Masterlist [Reading Candle and Manners, the earlier installments in this series first is strongly recommended as main character dynamics are introduced there.]
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The sheer cacophony being produced from Miss Brooke’s fingers prodding at your pianoforte was unbearable. 
You suffered silently through the onset of a headache as Miss Brooke continued to perform (the piece was not even recognizable to your ears although she was using your sheet music). The remaining occupants of the parlour conversed awkwardly over her uninspiring performance. 
Your mother- the Dowager Viscountess Hong-  derived great enjoyment from hosting other elite families for tea. Her tea parties were renowned not only for the wide array of cakes, biscuits and other delicacies served, but also her remarkable skills as a hostess. 
Presently, the evening's guests consisted of two of the ton's most elite families: the Brookes and the Jeons. Both families had eligible young women of marriageable age which factored into your mother's decision to host them. She was hoping your brother would marry by the end of the season. 
Your brother- the Viscount Joshua Hong- was seated near Miss Jeon. They chatted politely about something. The specifics of their conversation were prevented from reaching your ears by the ruckus Miss Brooke was creating on the piano. Miss Jeon was the season's promising young debutante, but it was evident that she had no particular attraction to Joshua. And Joshua's heart was already engaged elsewhere. 
That left only one other marriageable bachelor in the room. 
Mr. Jeon Wonwoo. 
He was a strange one, you decided. Mr Jeon was exceedingly handsome and always had a calm, peaceful demeanour. He spoke very little. Even now, he sat across from you and sipped his tea quietly without making any attempt at conversation. Your initial subtle attempts at flirtation had fallen quite flat.  
You had to admit that you found him rather mysterious. 
Still, you had never met a man that was completely immune to your charms. Mr. Jeon was simply a bit of a challenge. You enjoyed a challenge. 
Miss Brooke's piece at the piano finally drew to an excruciatingly slow end. Seizing the opportunity, you rose from your seat and clapped politely with a smile on your face as you approached her. 
"Thank you so much, Miss Brooke. We are so grateful to have been able to experience your playing this evening. Truly a remarkable performance," you told her graciously. 
Miss Brooke blushed. "Thank you, Miss Hong. I was considering what to play next-"
"Oh! No, I won't hear of it! You must be very tired already. I insist that you sit down and try these lemon cakes. I would be happy to continue the music in your stead," you offered. 
Miss Brooke looked put out but you firmly and politely ushered her away from the piano. You sat at your beloved instrument and let your fingers lovingly stroke the keys that Miss Brooke had abused mere moments ago. 
You never tired of showing off your performances. Your musical talents were undisputed among the members of the ton, and you were confident that there was no young woman in London who could ever rival your skill at the piano.
Surely, you thought, a display of my exquisite musical talent will be enough to gain a little attention from Mr. Jeon Wonwoo? 
You chose to perform an incredibly difficult piece that you had recently mastered. The entire room immediately ceased conversation to turn their attention to your performance. You could tell from the corner of your eye that even Mr. Jeon Wonwoo's sharp gaze was fixed on you. He was watching you intensely.
When you finished, you were treated to an enthusiastic round of applause from the entire room. Your mother spoke up to praise you. 
"Wonderful, dear. That was beautifully done," the Dowager Viscountess told you proudly. 
"That was quite delightful!" Miss Jeon was equally quick to praise your performance once you returned to your seat. "I have heard so much about your musical talents, Miss Hong, but to hear you perform in person is quite something else entirely. How much time and effort you must have put in to reach that level of skill! Was it not lovely, Wonwoo?"
You smiled to yourself, awaiting the praise that was surely to come from Mr. Jeon. You were accustomed to general admiration of your music. The young gentlemen of the ton were among your most ardent admirers.
You batted your eyelashes at him and spoke in a sweet tone. "Yes, Mr. Jeon. I am very eager to hear what you thought of my performance."
Mr. Jeon Wonwoo sipped his tea calmly. His dark eyes flickered to you and he gave you a polite, tight-lipped smile. 
"You possess great potential, Miss Hong," he replied simply.  
You could not have been more shocked if Mr. Jeon Wonwoo had chosen to throw his unfinished tea in your face. 
Potential? What on earth did he mean by that? You had been learning to play the piano since you were a small child of seven. That was a decade and a half of uninterrupted learning, of your parents hiring the best tutors and dedicating all your free time to the practice and perfection of the art. Your late father had bought you the priceless pianoforte for your twelfth birthday, and it was your most prized possession. You were undisputably the most skilled young lady in all of London and this rude, conceited, tasteless man had the audacity to tell you that you had potential?
As though you were a child? 
You had never been so affronted. 
"I have dedicated myself to learning how to play the pianoforte for over fifteen years now, Mr. Jeon," you informed him coldly. "I am certain that I have already realised my full potential. Perhaps you may wish to reserve your critical judgement in the future."
Mr. Jeon's handsome face did not flinch.  
"You asked me for my thoughts, Miss Hong," he replied in his calm, deep voice. His eyebrow was raised. "Am I to understand, then, that my criticism holds no value while my praise does? One might call that vanity."
Your cheeks turned hot in anger. How dare this tasteless man not only insult you publicly, but also accuse you of being vain and fishing for compliments?
How dare he? 
"One hardly needs to be a music aficionado to pay basic respect to the quality of a performance, Mr. Jeon. I believe even my dog knows good music when he hears it-"
Viscount Hong interrupted the rapidly escalating conversation with a laugh and made a tangential comment about a hunting expedition that he planned to undertake with some other gentlemen. You leaned back in your seat and fumed silently for the rest of the evening until the Jeons and Brookes finally took their leave. 
"Joshua," you told your elder brother once the guests had departed. "I hope you have not developed any affection towards Miss Jeon because I forbid that family from being invited to our home again. I have never been so insulted in my life!"
Joshua raised an eyebrow. "Your performance was lovely, sister. You should not let the opinion of others affect you."
You turned to your mother. 
"Mother! Was Mr. Jeon not excessively rude to me earlier?" you demanded validation. "Have you ever known someone to openly insult my performance- as a guest in our home, no less?"
Your mother gave you a sympathetic smile. "It does not appear that Mr. Jeon has a discerning ear for music, my darling. But do not fret. If you do not wish to see him again then we need not host the Jeons any more this season. There are plenty of other young gentlemen among the ton who would suit you much better."
You smiled and embraced your mother. 
"You are so good to me, mother. Shall I play you another piece before dinner?"
"I would love that, my dear."
True to her word, your mother did not attempt to host the Jeons again. Any formal invitations to tea were restricted to the female members of the Jeon family- among whom Miss Jeon, you discovered, was a polite and friendly young woman.
You were fortunate to see very little of Mr. Jeon Wonwoo over the next few weeks. While his sister made a splash upon her entrance in society with her pretty manners and success at balls, Mr. Jeon himself was not easy to spot at social events. He would indulge in one or two dances at most and not be seen for the rest of the evening.  
It was for the best, since the passage of time had not diminished your anger towards him in the slightest. 
"Your post has arrived, Miss Hong," the maid told you as she came in with a tray of letters while you were at breakfast with your mother and brother. 
The Dowager Viscountess raised an eyebrow. 
"That is a lot of correspondence, my dear," your mother commented as you carelessly opened the letters one-by-one and glanced at them briefly before tossing them aside. "Who are you writing to?"
"I am not writing to anyone. These are from some gentlemen I danced with at the Hessington's ball last week. Mr. Carter writes to me regularly and of late I've received correspondence from Baron Wright, the Park brothers, and a few others…."
"So many admirers!"
You rolled your eyes. It was not surprising. These men were only interested in your status and fortune, though one would not think so from the romantic prose and lavish gifts they sent you on a regular basis. One of the envelopes contained a gift of expensive silk ribbon. Another contained an exquisitely carved handheld mirror. 
You gestured to your maid to take the gifts away before continuing to open the envelopes. 
"Oh, look- Mr. Carter has written a lovely little poem. You should use that, Joshua. It might help you woo Miss Lee."
Joshua did not look at the letter you passed him. 
"I am capable of drafting my own correspondence with Miss Lee, sister, thank you," he told you firmly. 
You were not convinced. "If you had written her a few poems like this before you raced off to her home to ask for her hand in marriage…"
Joshua sighed."Yes, yes, all right. That is enough."
"Oh dear," you mumbled as you opened the last letter. "Baron Wright says he intends to call upon me today. He is quite unbearable. I must not be at home- Minnie! It is lovely weather for a walk in the park. Will you help me find that pretty blue summer dress? And we shall take Snowball with us."
Your maid nodded. "Of course, miss."
You enjoyed the fresh air. Since you spent hours every day in front of the piano, it was rare to have a chance to promenade in the park with your furry companion. Snowball- your adorable fluffy white Pomeranian- trotted alongside you cheerfully on her leash and your ladies’ maids followed you at a polite distance. 
"Miss, you must walk in the shade," your maid insisted. "It is very bright outside and the direct sun may burn your skin…"
You conceded, teetering a little off the path so that you and your maids could walk in the shade of the trees lining the park. You paused suddenly when you noticed a gentleman and lady strolling in your direction. 
You recognised them both.
The man was Mr. Jeon Wonwoo. The mere sight of his handsome, unsmiling face was enough to make your blood boil. Wonwoo had no business looking so deceptively charming in a dark brown riding coat that emphasised his broad shoulders- the uncultured swine. 
You would have walked past him without acknowledging his presence if it had been up to you. But unfortunately, you were not afforded this option. The lady accompanying him was your cousin-Miss Ella Williams- and she smiled and waved as soon as she recognised you. 
"Cousin!" Ella called out cheerfully as she hurried down the path to greet you. Mr. Jeon followed her. His long legs allowed him to cover the distance in casual, effortless strides. 
"Ella," you greeted your cousin warily. You were forced to acknowledge her walking companion. "And Mr. Jeon Wonwoo, if I remember correctly? I see you are out for a stroll."
Ella smiled. "Indeed. I was on a walk with Miss Jeon but we were joined by Mr. Jeon and Mr. Yoon. The path is narrow so I am afraid that the others have fallen a little behind. Mr. Jeon- please allow me to introduce you to my cousin, Miss Hong."
Wonwoo’s expression was emotionless as always. 
“We are already acquainted,” he replied shortly. 
"I see you and Snowball have come to promenade as well. Is the weather not perfectly lovely? It is a wonderful sunny day," Ella gushed.
"It was when I arrived. But there seems to be a rather ugly dark cloud crossing my path at the moment," you quipped with a sharp glance at Mr. Jeon. 
The sky was clear and blue.  
Mr. Jeon fixed his dark eyes upon you. He seemed annoyed. "Perhaps a dark cloud now and then is inevitable in life, Miss Hong. The sky cannot cater to your personal desires," he remarked. 
You scoffed. "So long as the cloud learns its place and does not rain down upon those of us attempting to enjoy our day; I shall have no objections to the existence of the cloud."
Ella looked bewildered. "What cloud-"
She was interrupted by a sharp tug on your leash. Snowball had grown impatient while standing in one place and darted forwards to sniff at Mr. Jeon's shoes. 
Mr. Jeon looked surprised. It was the closest thing to an emotion you had seen on his serious face- but he did not move away from the dog.
"Snowball, no!" you cried. Snowball was beginning to wag his tail and you could not imagine the mortification you would feel if your dog expressed any affection towards the man you were clearly attempting to snub. 
You reached down and picked Snowball up quickly before he could embarrass you. He let out a small whine but relaxed in your arms. 
Ella laughed. “Oh, that is all right, cousin! I am sure Mr. Jeon does not mind dogs- do you, Mr. Jeon?” 
“I consider them to be excellent companions,” Mr. Jeon replied simply. 
"And I think he is adorable," Ella insisted as she reached forward to pat Snowball's head. "I wish my mother would allow me to have a dog, but she insists that the fur makes her ill. Will you allow me to walk him sometime?"
"Anytime you like, dear cousin."
Ella's eyes suddenly widened as she remembered something. "Oh, but cousin, you must tell me- I have heard that the Viscount is courting Miss Lee! I was quite surprised. Can it be true? Will they be married?"
You stiffened. You were aware of Joshua's affections for Miss Lee; their courtship was the hottest gossip among the ton at the moment, largely because Miss Lee was from a humble background and did not possess either status or dowry to match your family's. 
You had spoken to Miss Lee at the Hessington's ball. She was kind-hearted and a perfect choice for Joshua, but did not seem confident in her ability to become a Viscountess. You were not certain that she would accept your brother's proposal. 
"It remains to be seen," you replied lightly. You did not want to confirm rumours until the success or failure of their courtship was more evident to you.
"You do not think she is a good match for Joshua?" Ella wondered. 
"We shall have to see," you said vaguely. "Decisions such as these should not be made in haste. Not everyone is suited to become a Viscountess."
Mr. Jeon's dark eyes were still on you. His jaw was clenched; he looked displeased. 
"Do you disagree, Mr. Jeon?" you demanded. 
"I do not think it is your place to assess who is suited to become the Viscountess," he replied stiffly. "I am sure your brother is more than capable of making such decisions on his own."
You laughed. Your brother had made plenty of poor choices in Miss Lee's case- including springing a proposal on the poor girl without giving her any hint of his affections for her and failing to realise how she would be affected by the gossip.
"You overestimate my brother, Mr. Jeon. He is perfectly capable of making mistakes, like any other gentleman," you replied. 
"A gentleman will deal with the consequences of his own actions- whether they be mistakes or otherwise," Mr. Jeon retorted. 
You stared at him, bewildered. What was he going on about? You had no idea why Jeon Wonwoo was so invested in Joshua's courtship with Miss Lee, but you refused to let this odious man have the last word.
"It seems you have a high opinion of my brother," you snapped. "But I am sorry to inform you that the decisions made by a Viscount do not impact him alone. Forgive me if I do not want my brother to make mistakes that would cause pain to those around him."
Ella looked distressed at the turn the conversation was taking. 
"Cousin, I am sure there is no question of the Viscount making any mistakes. Let us speak of something else," she pressed. 
"Yes, of course. Men must never be questioned by women when they make mistakes," you replied drily while glaring at Mr. Jeon. "How foolish of me to think otherwise."
Mr. Jeon raised an eyebrow. "Miss Hong, it was never my intention to suggest that-"
"Frankly, Mr. Jeon, I have no interest in what you intended to suggest. I did not ask for your opinion; I shall certainly not make that mistake twice. You may rest knowing that your silence pleases me well enough. Please do not trouble yourself with speech."
Ella was shocked. "Cousin!"
"Snowball is quite tired and we must be returning home now. I will take your leave.  Good day, Ella. Mr. Jeon."
You walked away, your cheeks hot with anger. Who did Mr. Jeon Wonwoo think he was? It is not your place to assess who is suited to be a Viscountess? As though a sister being concerned for her brother's marriage was overstepping her bounds? How dare he speak to you that way? 
One thing was certain. You were not as kind and forgiving as your brother. 
Jeon Wonwoo would regret making an enemy of you.
"Miss Hong, you have the most exquisite taste in fashion! These gowns are so striking!" Miss Brooke cried. 
You were having tea with some of the other young ladies of the ton when your latest shipment from the modiste arrived- a large collection of custom-made ball gowns, hats, and shoes that you had ordered recently. 
"This one is my own personal design," you boasted as Miss Brooke admired a particularly gorgeous lavender gown with a delicately embroidered skirt. "I ordered it specially for my brother's wedding and I am having a pair of shoes custom-made to match."
“It is a masterpiece!” 
You sipped your tea and leaned back as Miss Brooke, Miss Hessington and Miss Jeon continued to compliment and admire your new gowns. You had spent a considerable amount of time preparing the designs and discussing them with the modiste. The admiration of the other young ladies was sufficient recompense for your efforts. 
Let it never be said that Miss Hong was not the best-dressed young lady in the room.
Just as Miss Brooke pulled out an exquisite handmade silk shawl from the boxes stacked on the tea table, your brother appeared at the doorway of the tea parlour. 
"Ladies," Viscount Hong greeted the other young women in the room with a handsome smile before turning to you. "I apologise for interrupting your tea. Sister- if I could have a word in the hall?"
You followed him into the hallway outside. 
"Joshua? Is there a problem?"
Joshua had a small stack of papers in his hand. He showed them to you calmly. "These are the bills I have received from the modiste, the shoemaker and the jeweller," he informed you. 
You blinked at him. "All right. What is the problem? Send the clerk to pay them."
"Do you not think some of these are a little extravagant, sister? This single ball-gown of yours costs as much as the Arabian horse I had shipped from overseas," Joshua pointed out. 
"It is custom-made. The silk is imported from India so it has travelled the same distance. If we can afford the horse, then I fail to see the problem with the dress," you replied defensively.
Joshua shook his head and sighed. "Do not mistake me, sister. I am not angry. I only want to be sure that you are conscious of your spending habits."
"Are my gowns putting a dent in the Hong family fortune?" you asked with a laugh. 
"You know they are not."
"Then what do you want from me?"
"I would like you to acknowledge that regardless of our ability to pay for them, perhaps it is not necessary to spend so much money on a dress that you shall only wear on a single occasion. I ask you to exercise a little restraint.”
“Yes, yes, all right," you told him dismissively. "The season is nearing an end so this was my final order. We shall be returning to the countryside after your wedding, in any case."
"Glad to hear it."
"Have you ordered your wedding things? You know the modiste takes over a week for wedding orders- particularly the wedding gowns."
Joshua blinked. "Wedding gown?"
You gasped. "Joshua! Your wedding is in less than a fortnight, are you telling me that an order has not been placed for Miss Lee's wedding gown? What on earth is the matter with you?"
Joshua looked flustered. "I-I assumed Miss Lee would arrange her own wedding gown-"
"Miss Lee's family cannot afford a wedding gown fit for a Viscountess! And she is so humble she would never ask you for such a thing- it was your responsibility to offer! You must place a deposit with the modiste immediately and I will take Miss Lee there myself to select the design this evening. You are fortunate that I am the modiste's valued customer."
Joshua nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yes-yes, I will do that…"
"And none of that restraint, please. Sell one of the Arabians if you must," you added with a giggle. 
Your brother hurried away and you re-entered the parlour where the young ladies were still discussing your silk shawls.
You re-seated yourself in an armchair. 
"Is everything all right, Miss Hong?" Miss Jeon asked politely. 
"Yes- my brother needed some help with the arrangements for his wedding. Gentlemen are very lucky to have sisters to rely on in certain matters," you said lightly before glancing at Miss Jeon. "Would you not agree, Miss Jeon?"
Miss Jeon shook her head. "I am sure I rely on my brother far more than he relies on me."
"But of course. Mr Jeon Wonwoo is a different case altogether. I gather he does not need your help in matters of the heart, since he openly refuses to court anyone," you quipped.
Miss Jeon did not seem worried. "I am sure he will find a young lady he is interested in someday."
"I hope that the young lady is not too fond of polite conversation, then, since Mr. Jeon will surely not indulge in any," you replied. "Was it not just last week, Miss Brooke, that you told me Mr. Jeon danced with you and did not speak a single word for the entire duration of the dance?"
Miss Brooke smiled awkwardly. "Yes…"
"And Miss Hessington, did you not tell me that you attempted to converse with him at the assembly rooms and he did not even look up from the book he was reading to greet you?"
Miss Hessington nodded. 
"Wonwoo does not speak much," Miss Jeon admitted with an awkward laugh. 
"Perhaps that is for the best," you replied airily. "I am quite offended by what little he has spoken to me thus far. If he spoke more often, I imagine he would soon gain many enemies among the ton."
"I apologise for his actions, Miss Hong-"
You brushed her off kindly. "Not at all, Miss Jeon; you are a dear friend. I would not dream of holding you responsible for your brother's behaviour. He shall carry that burden entirely on his own."
"Are there any gentlemen among the ton that have caught your eye, Miss Hong?" Miss Brooke wondered. "I notice that Baron Wright seems to be quite set on you. You often dance with Mr. Carter as well."
"We shall see," you replied lightly. "Since the season is coming to an end and I will be returning to the countryside soon, it is a perfect time to test a man's so-called affections. Only those who maintain their correspondence with me over the winter will remain candidates for my hand next season."
Miss Jeon giggled. "Then may we expect to see another wedding in the Hong family next season?"
"... Perhaps so."
Viscount Joshua Hong's wedding was a grand success, in no small part thanks to you.
The bride's wedding gown was greatly admired by the entire ton and Miss Lee thanked you for your efforts toward ensuring they had a smooth ceremony. The happily married couple left for their honeymoon immediately after. You returned with your mother to the Hongs' countryside estate for the winter. 
It was a quiet winter without your brother at home. You spent most evenings practising music by the fireplace and reading and writing your correspondence. Baron Wright and Mr. Carter were both quite serious about their affections for you, and you wondered if perhaps one of them would approach the Viscount for your hand as soon as your family was back in London for the next season.
You could not decide if you cared enough to marry either of them. But you were already in your third season, and now with your brother married too, the clock was ticking. Luckily, you had the entire ton to choose from. You doubted there was a single unattached man who would not welcome your affections if you chose to bestow them upon him. 
Except perhaps Mr. Jeon Wonwoo. 
But as always, he was the exception to the rule. 
You were pleased to return to London after the end of winter. Your sister-in-law, the new Viscountess, was equally excited. She had fully embraced her new role as your brother’s wife, and seemed much happier and brighter by his side than she had ever appeared before.
It almost made you envious of their marital bliss. 
“I hope you will find someone who makes you as happy as Joshua makes me,” the Viscountess gushed as the servants hurried to unpack your belongings and set up your London home for the new season. “Marriage really is quite wonderful and I would love for you to experience it, sister.” 
“Well, I must find the right man,” you reminded her. “And more importantly, I must find the right dress for the ball that the Duchess of Graham is hosting tomorrow. It is going to be the most spectacular event of the season and I cannot afford to look anything but my best.”
“You always look beautiful.” 
“Your words flatter me, sister; but it is your first public appearance as the Viscountess and you must be equally careful. Perhaps a trip to the modiste is in order?” 
The Viscountess smiled. “Perhaps it is.”
It was not easy to be the centre of attention at the Duchess of Graham’s ball.
The beginning of a new season came with so much fresh gossip and juicy rumours that it was impossible to keep track of it all. Whispers abounded from the moment you descended your carriage and entered the Duchess’ palatial London manor. 
“The youngest Miss Yoon is the most awaited debutante of the season,” your cousin Ella Williams informed you as you both took a turn about the beautiful ballroom. The dancing had not yet begun. You were taking the opportunity to admire the sheer magnificence of the Duchess’ manor.
It was beyond anything you had seen before. 
“Miss Yoon?” you asked. “Mr. Yoon Jeonghan’s younger sister?”
“She is rumoured to be a great beauty. And now that the messy issue of her dowry is resolved and her fortune restored, I expect she will be receiving her fair share of offers.” 
You nodded. “I would like to meet this young woman. But first, Ella, tell me about the Duchess. I knew she was rich and had connections to the royal family but… the extravagance of this manor! It is at least three times the size of any other home I have seen in London, including my own.” 
Ella nodded eagerly as you both admired an enormous marble statue in the entryway to the ball room. 
“Of course. The Grahams have historically been very intimate with the royal family and their fortune is beyond comparison. But the Duke of Graham left no male heirs. When he died last year, the title should have died with him- but the Queen herself decreed as a special exception that the title would continue through his only daughter.” 
Your eyes widened. “Fascinating. I am sure this has never happened before."
“Indeed. It was quite the controversy. Much of the nobility was displeased with a woman being able to hold a title without the support of a man. They insisted that she produce a male heir at the soonest. It is rumoured that the Duchess intends to marry soon. Perhaps this season.`` 
You sighed. “I wish she wouldn’t. It is quite nice to have a Duchess in her own right.” 
“I agree. But she has not shown any interest in the gentlemen of the ton, so perhaps she will marry someone from the royal family instead. A Prince? Anything is possible, really,” Ella gushed excitedly. “As for the manor, it has been in the Graham family for many generations. Much of the furniture is antique and gifted by the royal family. I have heard the library has an antique pianoforte which was gifted hundreds of years ago by the King himself.” 
Your eyes sparkled. “A pianoforte, you say?”
“Perhaps the oldest still in existence in London.” 
Your interest was piqued. 
“Ella- I must see this pianoforte,” you decided.  
Ella laughed. “Unfortunately, cousin, I am not entirely sure where it is. The library is upstairs but I have never been to this manor before. I have heard that your brother is acquainted with the Duchess. Perhaps if you ask her permission…” 
You shook your head. “Ask her? She is the hostess of the ball, we should never have a chance to speak to her tonight. Look at the size of this event! Nobody would notice if we slipped upstairs in between a few dances. The staircase is not even blocked.” 
Ella was startled. “We?”
“I cannot go alone!” you cried. 
“I will grant you any wish within my power, Ella,” you promised your cousin as you seized her hand and pressed it tightly. “You may choose any dress from my wardrobe- even the ones I have not yet worn. Take your pick from my jewellery box. I simply must be able to lay my fingers on this historical piano.” 
Ella laughed and removed her hand from your grasp. “All right. You are lucky that this is the first ball of the season and all the attention is focused on the Duchess and the new debutantes.”
“Show me your dance card,” you insisted, seizing the little card tied to your cousin’s wrist. “You are unoccupied for the third dance, as am I. We will meet near those stairs at the beginning of the third dance and slip upstairs. I am promised to dance with Baron Wright for the fourth- so we must find the piano and return to the ballroom by then.” 
Ella giggled. “All right, cousin. But keep your promise. I intend to take the lavender dress you wore to the Viscount’s wedding.” 
“It is yours.” 
You danced the first two dances of the evening with Mr. Carter and Mr. Hessington. Both of whom were very vocal about their admiration for you. You accepted their advances with your usual coolness and light flirtation.
You were still deciding which of your admirers to properly encourage. For now, you would keep your options open. 
The moment the second dance ended, you hurried to the foot of the grand marble staircase. Ella was nowhere to be seen. You waited impatiently for your younger cousin, but the enormous grandfather clock in the foyer continued to tick and after a few minutes, you could hear the opening notes of the third dance beginning in the ballroom.
You were running out of time. Where was Ella? 
You made a quick decision- surely there would be nobody upstairs except for a servant or two? The ball was in full swing here anyway. You could be up and back down in a matter of minutes. 
It would be fine. 
You lifted your skirts and ran up the stairs. At the top was an enormous landing and, as you expected, not a single person in sight. You walked down a hallway of enormous, studded half-open doors until you finally found the library. The high walls were lined with shelf after shelf of books rising into the air. 
In the centre of the room- an enormous white pianoforte. 
You walked towards the instrument and sat down before it with your heartbeat thudding. You were no stranger to expensive instruments but this was undoubtedly the most beautiful one that you had ever seen in your life. It was delicately hand-carved and the quality was evident from the moment you gently brushed your fingers over the keys. 
“Beautiful,” you whispered to yourself before pressing your fingers down to play a chord. The noise was strange and jarring. 
“That is disappointing,” a voice said from behind you.
You almost screamed in shock. You had not realised that there was anyone else in the room with you. You jumped up from the piano and whirled around to see Mr. Jeon Wonwoo was standing in the shadow of one of the bookshelves, leaning against it with a book in his hand. 
“Mr. Jeon?” you demanded. 
He stepped forward from the shadow. Mr. Jeon looked as handsome as ever-  his dark hair fell forward barely brushing his eyes and he looked less… serious than he normally did. The corner of his lips were turned up in an almost-smile. 
“Miss Hong,” he greeted. 
“I-I did not see that you were already in the room,” you stammered quickly. “You should have announced your presence to me. What are you doing up here?” 
Mr. Jeon held up the book in his hand. “Reading.” 
“And avoiding the ball, I see, as always. I suppose you consider yourself far too superior to the young ladies here to bestow them with the gift of your presence,” you replied snidely. “Shall I thank you for deigning to speak to me today?” 
He blinked. “No thanks is necessary.” 
“Excellent. Then I shall ask you to please leave. It is quite improper for us to be alone together here.” 
Mr. Jeon smirked lightly. “Leave? Miss Hong, I am afraid that I was here long before you. By the common rules of courtesy, if you do not wish to be in my presence then you are very welcome to leave yourself. The door is open.”
This infuriating man simply would not let you be.  
You glanced at the enormous grandfather clock in the corner of the room. You could still hear the faint notes of music coming from the ballroom below, but time was running out. You had no idea when you would have another chance to experience this instrument. Mr. Jeon would not ruin this for you. 
“I am sure you have been to hundreds of libraries, Mr. Jeon, but this instrument is one of the oldest antique pianofortes in London. I only wanted a few moments alone with it, if you would be so kind.” 
Mr. Jeon’s eyes flickered towards the instrument. 
“It looks antique but the noise it made just now was quite awful,” he remarked.   
You huffed and pressed some of the keys again. The noise was still awkward. “It is simply not tuned. Evidently nobody has played it in a long time. The fact that you could not tell leads me to believe that your knowledge and appreciation for music is much lower than I originally imagined.”
He raised an eyebrow. 
“Why? Because I would not compliment your performance last year?” he demanded.
“It was an excellent performance,” you said defensively, anger rising. “Regardless of whether you are willing to accept it or not, Mr. Jeon. I can allow for differences in personal taste, but there is some objectivity in the field that deems me more than a mere child with potential.” 
 Mr. Jeon closed the book in his hands and stepped closer to you. “The problem was not your performance.” 
“Oh?” you demanded. 
“No. Your performance was masterful. I am afraid what you failed to realise is that your self-indulgent display of talent left your friend, Miss Brooke, almost in tears,” Mr. Jeon replied. His dark eyes narrowed and he crossed the library towards you in long, effortless strides. You felt your heart constrict in your chest. 
“What?” you demanded, confused.
“You are evidently the better musician. But what I found distasteful, Miss Hong, is how you felt the need to make a spectacle of Miss Brooke by showing the entire room just how superior you were to her. That was a selfish, vain, tactless thing to do to a young lady who believes herself to be your friend.” 
“Miss Brooke made a spectacle of herself,” you snapped. “She should have known better than to perform for company when she can barely produce a recognizable nursery rhyme from the piano!” 
Mr. Jeon shook his head. “You could have ended it there. Perhaps even closed the instrument for the evening. But you had to outperform her by playing your most difficult piece. You used her to satisfy your vanity.” 
You could not help it- you laughed. You could not believe the audacity of this man, after all this time, to defend his actions in this manner. You were becoming angrier and angrier.
Your cheeks felt hot and your fists clenched. 
“Are you telling me, Mr. Jeon,” you asked as you laughed in disbelief. “That your blatant public insult of my performance while you were a guest in my home was an act of chivalry in defence of a slight you perceived against Miss Brooke? You are mad. Really, you must be quite mad to think that is even remotely an appropriate defence for your actions-”
“And you must be very proud indeed, to allow such a minor slight to make you so angry after all these months” Mr. Jeon replied with a smirk.
He was standing in front of the instrument now, mere feet away from you. 
You scoffed as you stepped forward again. You would not back down from this man. 
“Yes, of course. Yes, please, Mr. Jeon, I would love to hear more about my pride from the man who infamously hides in libraries during balls and snubs every young lady that crosses his path. Do you consider women beneath your notice? But of course- why should Mr. Jeon Wonwoo bother with polite conversation with stupid young ladies when he is evidently so superior in intellect and manner to our entire sex,” you hissed. 
His eyes looked wild for a moment; you had never seen so much emotion in Mr. Jeon’s eyes and you could hear your own blood pumping in your ears from anger as you stared back at him. You were barely a foot apart and you could see the way his chest heaved up and down underneath his black coat. 
The room was filled with a complete silence. 
The faint music from the ballroom below had stopped. 
Suddenly, a number of things occurred in the flash of a single moment. 
You realised that the third dance had ended and you had spent too long upstairs. There was the sound of footsteps outside the partially open library door. Jeon Wonwoo looked startled- he suddenly took a step back to put some distance between you, but his foot caught on the leg of the pianoforte and his arm came down upon the keys to steady himself. 
You darted forward to steady him but it was too late. His palm had already hit the keys by the time you seized his arm and the loud, jarring piano noise was released into the silent room with no chance of concealment. 
The door to the library burst open. 
Oh no. Oh no no no no. 
You were ruined. 
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seeingstarks · 1 year
no one better than you baby
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summary : you're in a moral dilemma on whether or not you should help adam turn on maxwell or the other way around. pairing : mjf x adam cole x afab!reader (use of wrestler names) cw : walked in on while getting dressed, angst if you squint, mention of anxiety, sexual suggestions, french-kissing, arm/ab touching, nicknames like babe/babygirl, basically wrestling fluff with a dash of smut! a/n : reblogs are very much appreciated! had this in the drafts for a week or so and finally had the inspo to finish it! enjoy! 💙 word count : 1,425 words tag list: @adamjf @josiewrites
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"adam, no, we can't." you pleaded while looking over into his icy blue eyes contemplating on whether or not tonight was the night to help adam turn on maxwell.
you'd been his valet ever since undisputed era and glued to his hip however found yourself wandering after making the move to all elite. maxwell was an asshole and nothing but, he seemed like a changed man when better than you bay bay became a thing.
adam kept the good guy act up for the cameras but he'd secretly been pitching ideas to you for weeks. little did he know that the devil himself caught your eye more than once and you'd been sneaking off to tell him of adam's plans. the devil was always one step ahead but with your help he'd be two steps further.
everything went according to plan except when stepping foot into your private locker room away from the two men you trusted most in your life, one as a brother and the other as a sort of school-girl crush. surely everyone in their right mind had to be head over heels for the maxwell jacob friedman.
with a soft sigh, you took a seat infront of your cheap vanity. it was nothing much just a re-furnished shelf painted your favorite color, a few lights adorning the top and a mirror propped up against it with makeup scattered about.
however one thing was out of place.. or rather wasn't there to begin with. you picked up the small black box and gave it a slight shake, wondering what it contained inside. you should've known the gift was from maxwell when pulling at the burberry ribbon and revealing the contents inside to be a ring in just your size.
taking the shiny object out of the box, your eyes sparkled from the reflection off the lights and pure wonder of how much it cost, had to be a fortune. it looked exactly like his dynamite diamond ring only perfect for your finger.
you slid the ring on and smiled seeing your reflection in the mirror, of course it suited you well. once getting up from the seat, you had noticed a neatly folded piece of paper on the ground that must've fallen from the box.
inside read, "thought of you when i found this. the only person prettier and better than any diamond is you, baby. maybe you could use it against adam tonight?"
a slight warmth grew on your cheeks when reading the words, maxwell never called you pretty to your face. only things like baby, toots, or beautiful.. but you only took it as a joke in passing. there was this one time he called you babygirl and you will never let him hear the end of it.
you nearly jumped from your seat when you heard someone knocking at the door, luckily it was just a seamstress dropping off your outfit for the night. ever since maxwell and adam teamed up you had matching gear with them.
throwing off your shorts, you swiftly put on your wrestling bottoms and while whipping your shirt toward whatever corner of the room another knock was heard on the door, "c'mon, i'm just trynna' get dressed here!" you half-yelled with a huff and opened the door realizing you were only wearing a bra once you came face to face with adam.
"oh, uh i'll just wait a few minutes- promise i didn't see anything." you chuckled at adam's response and watched as he shut his eyes.
you went toward a private part of the room and threw your double clothesline shirt on with the matching jacket, "i'm dressed now, mr. undisputed your eyes won't be burned." you gave him a smile.
"so, have you given anymore consideration to helping me turn on maxwell tonight?" adam questioned but you were deep in thought thinking about the devil himself.
adam snapped his fingers infront of you, a sort of way to try and bring you back to reality, "uh, y/n you still there?"
"oh, yeah.. mhm. i've given it some consideration. maybe tonight isn't the right night to turn on him. he's just starting to act like a face.. and well we're trying to get the crowd on his side."
"exactly, y/n. tonight would be the perfect night for it.. but i understand if you're not ready. it's all in your hands." adam looked at you sincerely, you had a lot to consider since both men wanted you to turn on the other one and you hadn't even seen max in person tonight except in passing. whichever choice you made you hoped it wouldn't ruin any friendships.
"i'll make my choice when we go out there, see you in five." you assured as adam soon exited, you took it upon yourself to do the finishing touches on your outfit and makeup.
you dragged your feet against the backstage floor, scrunching your nose up at the sound it made. squeaky.. must've been cleaned recently. a familiar feeling arose in your stomach, that being of anxiety.
you were fast approaching both men and had a very important decision to make, not only for the two you loved most but for a future feud in the company.
with a heavy sigh, you glanced down at your ring finger which was usually not adorned with such a shiny jewel but maxwell had grown on you the past month or so.. and adam he'd been there for all your ups and downs. this moment was more than your personal relationships.. it was about wrestling itself and what the fans wanted but you couldn't bare the thought of hurting maxwell.
or could you? only time would tell.
lights flashed bright, pyro went off, the crowd had been cheering and booing all night and it was finally time for the main event.
mawell's music hit first and then it mashed up with a mix of adam's. then it was your time to shine, you posed with the men as maxwell instinctively wrapped an arm around your waist, adam shooting him a knowing glare. a few rude members of the crowd were cat-calling you so maxwell took it upon himself to flip them off.
you were used to adam being cheered and mawwell always receiving a mix of boos and cheers however since the team up it was the best of both worlds.
you stood at ringside as the match went smoothly, cheering a little more for maxwell over adam and he seemed to take notice when taken advantage of in a shatter machine finisher. whoops.
in the end ftr still won over better than you bay bay despite your efforts of attempting to distract the referee but being careful enough not to get kicked out.
you made your way up the ring steps and hugged it out with both men, adam turning around and telling maxwell to hit him but instead it was you doing the dirty work.
one swift punch to the jaw, ring including left the crowd in gasps. even maxwell looked surprised for a moment or so while resting against the ropes in the corner or the ring.
he smirked deviously before standing up, "knew you'd make the right choice," he lowered his voice so only you could hear, "i see you took my advice now how about let's get outta' here and i take ya' on a proper date, babygirl?"
your eyes met with his chocolate ones, giving a nod. "yes. of course, maxwell. but first-"
before maxwell even had the chance to speak, you wrapped your arms and hand up around his muscly shoulders, dragging the other along his abs.
"don't forget we're in public baby- not that i mind but i don't wanna share you for our first time."
after listening you shushed him with a kissed which he deepened by wrapping his own strong arms around your finger, opening your mouth in response as he shoved his tongue down your throat, causing you to gasp for air.
you snaked your tongue around his, doing the same as a small moan escaped from the man's throat, "mm, babe."
you chuckled as the two of you eventually broke the kiss to catch a breath of air, still holding each other close. the crowd was off the rails already yelling about giving you and maxwell a ship name as you hid your blushing face into his shoulder.
"we're going to make a perfect wrestling couple."
"why just a wrestling couple?" you asked with a smirk.
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daddyhausen · 2 years
• matt jackson masterlist •
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{ ♡ — indicates mini series }
{ ♧ — indicates smut }
{ ♢ — indicates trigger warnings }
{ ♤ — indicates interactive series }
headcannon request — { 66 } ♧
one hundred sleepless nights ♧
headcannon — { 23 }
return ♧
headcannon — { 1, 12, 18, 23 } ♧
safeword headcannons ♧
share ♧
strangers in the dark ♧
water ♧
66 notes · View notes
kenneth-omega · 2 years
The Fear of Falling in Love
// Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 //
Kenny Omega Short Fic
** UNEDITED 27/08/22 **
Pairing: Kenny Omega x Female Reader
Summary: You’re a family friend of The Young Bucks who, like Matt and Nick, also became obsessed with wrestling from a young age. During Kenny’s absence from screen you were sourced into AEW by the Bucks and brought into the Undisputed Elite faction. Following the recent fall out between Adam Cole/reDragon and the Bucks over the upcoming Trios tournament you finally get to meet the great Kenny Omega. You eventually become locked into a storyline that starts out fun and harmless but soon turns sour at the prospect of real feelings being hurt and relationships tarnished.
Warnings: swearing, SMUT (18+, at the end of the chapter, minors please keep ya innocent eyes away, i’m fuckin’ serious), unprotected sex (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT PLS), p in v, light oral (f receiving), choking, spitting kink, praise kink, masturbation (F and M), degradation kink (a lil’), size kink if you squint, dom!Kenny.
Word count: 6.3K (a mega pint chapter)
A/N: we finally getting the FUCK TIME in this chapter brother, nearly a 1/3 of this chapter is smut i’m so sorry. hope you’re all enjoying the story!
Taglist: @unlikelyandrogynousghost @crowleysqueenofhell
For Reference:
“The Young Bucks” Matt and Nick Jackson are Matt and Nick Massie
Your nerves spike to an all time high when Adam’s music hits, the crowd cheering loudly as he and Britt make their way out of the left tunnel.
Taking a second to rearrange your outfit, you feel a hand gently fall against the small of your back.
“You okay, doll?” Kenny’s warm voice does nothing to still your nerves, the pet name he seems to have adopted for you only serving to make you more jittery.
“Peachy.” You exhale, trying to mentally run through the match that you and Kenny had constructed yesterday. Britt and Adam had joined you later on in the afternoon to discuss and share ideas, but were pleasantly satisfied with the story you and the Cleaner had crafted.
Kenny rolls his eyes, scoffing as he turns to face you. “Liar. You’re such an open book, it’s like I can always tell what you’re thinking.” His curls are extra bouncy tonight, jiggling at the slightest movement as he cocks his head to the side, an eyebrow raised. A comfortable silence falls between you both, seemingly unable to take your gaze away from each other.
With your nerves at a temporarily still you can’t help but draw closer to him, once again feeling that magnetic pull of his, enticing you into him. “So…what am I thinking now?” You ask softly, looking up at him through your eyelashes, unable to help the flirtatious tone in your voice.
For a second you could’ve swore that you hear Kenny’s breath catch in his throat, a devilish twinkle appearing in his eyes. As he opens his mouth to return your flirtatious teasing with some banter of his own you both jump simultaneously, Battle Cry suddenly blaring throughout the venue.
There’s a guy with a headset on stood by the steps, yelling over the music to you both.
You both ascend the stairs, your focus now solely on the match ahead of you.
Although you know that the Elite haven’t officially turned face, the two of you walk out from the opposite tunnel, to thunderous cheers. Kenny is in full character, his swagger and confident demeanour shining through.
The two of you are matching in your gear, with you having found a black, tight top with a heart-shaped cutout across the chest and long sleeves to match his compression shirt. In addition, Kenny is wearing black wrestling tights, with electric blue lightning down both legs. You have a black and blue tartan skirt to co-ordinate with him, and have tastefully added the same pop of blue into your eyeshadow tonight.
Finally you have your own leather jacket, not long like Kenny’s, but you’ve once again taken to DIY-ing it, using a silver marker to write “Alpha & Omega” on the back section, which you now turn around to show off proudly, seeing it plastered all over the large screens above you. Perfect.
With the pyro finished Kenny grabs your hand and gives you a twirl, catching you by the hip with his other hand and pulling you in close.
Convincing yourself that this is just for show and none of it matters outside of work you cup his face gently with your free hand, planting a soft kiss on his cheek, turning away from the camera so as to give you a little privacy.
It earns you both a massive reaction from the crowd.
You can’t be certain what with all the stage lights going, but his face looks as though it’s tinged red as he grins sheepishly at you. You pull away and begin to make your way down the ramp, full of the same confidence that Kenny often exudes on camera. You feel weightless, giddy and ready to get down in the ring and give these people a fight. You blow Adam a kiss from the other side of the ring as you ascend the steps, poking fun and hoping to pull further noise from the crowd. It does.
You look back to see Kenny following after you down the ramp, doing his trademark shit talking to the camera. He leans in as he points up to you and you know it won’t be picked up by the mic, but you can see his lips move as he proudly announces “that’s my fuckin’ girl”.
It stings to know that it’s all for show, but you have zero time to dwell on the fact of the matter, savouring his words instead but knowing full well that it would come back to haunt you tonight when you try to sleep. His possessive tone would forever be imprinted in your mind.
When he joins you in the ring, discarding his jacket, you take a moment to absorb the scene before you.
In your eyes this was it. You’d finally made it to somewhere you wanted to be, somewhere you felt truly happy. You were about to wrestle Adam Cole and Britt Baker, alongside someone who meant a lot to you.
With the referee between you, ensuring no altercations would take place before the bell rang, you pat Kenny on the chest, nodding for him to take the outside of the ring, putting yourself in first.
Britt, never one to back down from a challenge, kisses Adam before he exits the square, turning to face you with determination written all over her face. The crowd roars again before they start to settle, ready for the promise of a killer match.
Kenny leans over the ropes, grabbing your arm before the bell is about to ring. He looks you directly in the eye, his face serious.
“Show ‘em who we are, doll.”
With his final words, you focus on Britt, ready to orchestrate the perfect brawl.
You both start out with some bitchy slaps, getting in each other’s face and shoving each other roughly as chants begin out in the crowd. Over her shoulder you see Adam watching intently, calling words of encouragement to Britt. Without warning you punch her in the jaw, spinning her around to face her boyfriend and, with her arms locked by yours, you pull her backwards with breakneck speed into a Snapdragon Suplex.
Adam is on the ropes instantly, shouting indignantly at the referee and hurling insults. Kenny is applauding you in your corner, seemingly proud of your perfect homage to one of his signature moves. You’d practiced a lot of these yesterday together, with Kenny flinging you around the ring countless times over and over to get you used to it.
You return your attention to Britt, throwing her into the turnbuckle in your corner, before rolling forward to give yourself the distance to run full pelt into her, twisting mid jump so your elbow connects with her sternum.
Britt shoves you away from her, going for a pump kick which you narrowly avoid, causing her to stumble forward. You get cocky, channeling the same energy as Kenny, taunting Britt to come for you again. She declines, retreating back to Adam to make a tag. As he enters you walk backwards, not needing to look as you outstretch your open hand, feeling the sharp slap as Kenny tags himself in.
The crowd are alive at the reality of Adam Cole versus Kenny Omega happening in front of them. You can’t stop from feeling the same way.
The next five minutes consists of some rapid back and forth, with Kenny eventually starting to flag as Cole gains the upper hand. As he goes to give Omega the Panama Sunrise you hop the ropes, Britt diving in to stop you from interfering.
Cole hits his move, quickly shifting to make the pin afterwards. You manage to Irish Whip Britt in their direction, causing her to collide with Adam and break the pin for you before Aubrey, the referee, has chance to make the third count. You drag Kenny back to your corner as Britt and Adam regain their footing, with Britt retreating back as Adam stalks forward.
Before he can reach you, you force a tag by leaning over and slapping Kenny’s shoulder as he rests in the corner, still pretending to be dazed. You quickly climb to the top rope, executing a perfect splash onto Adam before rolling off him. Kenny is out the ring finally and you pull Cole to his feet, slamming a knee into his gut so he’s hunched over. You take a run and bounce off the ropes, sprinting and hitting him with a perfect running knee that sends him crumpling to the floor.
Britt is beckoning at Adam to make a tag, leaning as far over the ropes as she can. You roll Adam in her direction with a shove from your boot, beckoning her to make the tag.
“Let’s go bitch!” You shout over the noise of the audience, feeling all the pent up stress and anger of the past couple of days bubbling to the surface. You’d never take your frustrations out on anyone, but you decide to use that energy and put it all into this match.
As the two of you lock up you can’t help but think of everything that’s happened recently, the whispers backstage whenever you walked by, the endless stream of shit from Twitter, the constant questions from your friends. It was exhausting and annoying.
For the next few minutes you and Britt wrestle your asses off, with the DMD matching your ferocity as you battle it out. You attempt a Tope Suicida at one point, with Kenny sitting on the ropes to make the gap larger for you, decreasing the risk of getting caught and landing flat on the outside. Eventually Britt gets you in a prime position for the Lockjaw, bringing her gloved hand to your mouth.
As she pulls on the lower half of your mouth you feign almost tapping out, the crowd deafening as cheers and chants of encouragement mix in with boos angled towards the heels. Instead you clamp your head down, biting on her fingers hard, which causes her to release her grip on you, cradling her hand and nursing the sore digits.
You crawl to Kenny and reach out, making a quick tag to let him finish off the match with Adam.
The two men collide in the ring. With his stamina regained, Kenny wastes no time in finishing up the match, providing his own Snapdragon to Cole with perfect execution before he pulls out the V-Trigger. With one last push, Adam is up on Kenny’s shoulders and down for the One-Winged Angel. You run into the ring and spear Britt as she goes for the save, the referee slamming his hand down for the three count and calling for the bell.
The audience erupts when the bell sounds the end of the match. You discreetly check Britt is okay with a gentle hand squeeze before leaving her, letting her crawl to Adam and mourn their loss.
You’d just beaten the fucking IT couple of AEW!
Kenny is sat in the ring, taking a moment, his back leant up against the ropes. You can see he needs a second by the look the two of you share as you near him, so you get down to his level, pulling him in for a hug as you rest on your knees in front of him, nuzzled between his legs. The public display acts as a short delay, allowing Kenny to recover some more. You can feel his slightly laboured breathing underneath your hands as they lay flat against his back. Kenny’s warm and inviting arms wrap you up, pulling you in closer as he rests his chin in the crook of your neck, his beard tickling the exposed skin.
“Well done...and thank you.” You mumble into his shoulder, wanting to keep your face hidden away from those pesky cameras.
Kenny’s fingers snake up into your hair, gripping onto the locks gently. “I think I should be thanking you, for agreeing to this crazy story and for putting up with my crazy antics.” He praises you in your ear, the words like beautiful music that resonates deep in your heart.
With that he pulls away and rests his forehead against yours for second, his eyes closed as you both sit and absorb the moment together.
Then he’s back to being TV Kenny, the one that brings the swagger and the cocky attitude as he gets up to his feet to much awaited cheers, pulling you up with him.
You both allow Aubrey to raise your arms up in the air, Kenny wincing slightly at the movement.
With the final goodbyes to the crowd you head backstage, going straight to the shared locker room where the Bucks and Brandon await your return.
Matt hugs you first, complaining in a typical older brother-esque style about how you’re sweaty and need to get a shower. You roll your eyes and shove him off you playfully, choosing to ignore the fact that he’s probably right. This is the type of bullying you’re used to from them, having grown up down the road from the Massie family back in California, where you first got in a wrestling ring that they’d built with their father together.
Nick ruffles your hair fondly, always having been the softer of the two. The youngest brother never stopped following you around when you used to go to their house to play together with them and their other siblings. Their older sister liked to tease and say Nick fancied you when you were back in middle school, although he never admitted it. You never believed it anyway.
“What’s the plan then guys? I say we go out, maybe find an arcade, grab some decent grub then call it a night before we head out for Ohio tomorrow!” Matt rambles, pulling out his phone to no doubt begin searching for the nearest arcade centre.
You don’t feel like you’re in any position to go out, instead craving the shower and bed back in your hotel room. Kenny looks over at you expectantly, as though waiting to see whether you were going to agree.
“I’m gonna call it a night I think guys, but seriously go out and have fun. Especially you, you deserve it.” You point at Kenny, before picking up your bag and coat, ready to call yourself an Uber back. You wouldn’t be staying till the end of the show like normal, feeling far too exhausted to stick around for another hour or so.
You exit the locker room, leaving the rest of the Elite to go party and enjoy their evening. As you saunter down the corridor, the cheers of the crowd echoing through from behind you, your phone pings with the notification alerting that your ride is here.
Picking up the pace you get outside, knowing there won’t be many people loitering as everyone is still inside for the show. Your lift pulls up in front of you, popping their boot open to allow you to dump your stuff in the back. As you circle back round the car to get in the back you hear your name being called, turning to look back at the venue front doors.
Kenny comes jogging out, his bag looped over his shoulder and a hoodie on, still in his wrestling gear like you.
“Kenny?” You laugh, unsure why he’s even out here. “What are you-”
“I bailed on the guys. I don’t fancy going out tonight either, so I wondered if maybe you wanted to uh, watch some movies...with me?” He’s slightly out of breath after having sped through the arena to catch up to you. You nibble on your bottom lip as you ponder over his offer. It was dangerous to let yourself spend more time with him alone.
Already you were struggling to keep up the mirage of a “fake couple” without it bleeding into your actual life and emotions. This wasn’t just kayfabe to you...it felt real, and it hurt just the same when you thought about it ending.
With a sigh, you nod, giving him a weak smile in response, already knowing you’re beyond help. You don’t want to fight it anymore, so you accept that there’s nothing you can do about how you feel about the man before you. With that, you may as well enjoy the time with him that you have before it somehow ends up in flames.
Once at the hotel you grab an elevator together, Kenny selecting the floor. It’s on the same as yours handily enough, meaning you can grab a shower and change.
As you exit into the corridor you stop by your room, going to unlock the door, Kenny following after you.
You turn around in the doorway and halt him in his tracks with a hand on his chest.
“What’re you doing?” You laugh, seeing his confused face.
He frowns. “What are you doing?”
You roll your eyes. “I’m getting a shower, something which doesn’t require you to be in here. I’ll stop by your room when I’m done.”
There’s a dark glimmer in his eye at the mention of a shower and he smirks, seeming to have humoured himself with something.
He walks backwards, out of the doorway to your room, and as he turns to leave he looks back at you, his eyes giving you a once over.
“Text me if you change your mind.” He hums, leaving you stood contemplating whether it’s worth chasing after him and pulling him into your room. Grinning like a schoolgirl that just had their crush say ‘hi’ to them, you reign your desires in and instead shut the door.
As you stand beneath the hot spray, washing the ring grime off, you wonder if all this flirting is simply just a way for Kenny to keep you invested in the story, leading you on like some love-struck puppy. Those horrible thoughts slowly start to creep in, telling you that none of this is real, it’s just fake. That Kenny wouldn’t ever really want to be with you. All this, it’s a lie. You’re just living out a fantasy of yours but soon it’ll come to an end.
Feeling sour at the thought you leave the shower, shivering in the bathroom as you stand there naked, your arms wrapped around yourself.
What were you doing here really?
Playing Mr and Mrs for the camera until Kenny or Tony decide to ditch the act for something bigger, like Kenny’s next title run? Inevitably leaving you heartbroken and pushed aside.
You grab a towel and leave the bathroom to dry off, contemplating just getting into bed and letting the covers swallow you into a deep sleep.
With no energy to try and make yourself look decent, you throw on an oversized tee that swamps you, the hem falling past your pyjama shorts to your mid thigh.
When you exit your room, taking care to peek out and check the corridor first for any pesky Bucks or others, you scoot across to Kenny’s door, knocking lightly.
He opens the door to you, curls still wet from his shower as little droplets fall from the strands and drip onto his taped up body. He’s yet to put on a shirt, only in some basketball style shorts, so you get your first full view of him post-recovery.
He still appears as though carved by gods, but you notice a softer edge to his curves, the only seeming telltale that he’s been off for a while aside from all the tape wrapping him up. A few droplets run down his chest, trickling slowly across his lightly tanned skin. You clench your legs together, thighs rubbing slightly for some much wanted friction as you drink in his appearance.
“Want to come in?” He offers, stepping aside and opening the door wider to let you go past. You note how tidy the room is, thinking back to your own room that is a current stay of disarray. The bed is neatly made, with some DVDs spread out at the end for you to peruse.
“Take your pick, I won’t be a minute, should probably finish getting dressed.” He smiles sheepishly, catching his reflection in the mirror he passed by, which sends your heart pounding.
“Honestly don’t feel like you have to cover up in front of me, you should feel as comfortable as possible.” You assure him. Picking up one of the cases, you pop the disc into the TV’s box.
Kenny sidles up behind you, peering over your shoulder to see what you decided on, his fingers grazing over your hip as he leans in against your back. It takes all your inner discipline to not roll your hips back automatically, resisting the want to grind up against him and still the ache between your legs.
“Good choice.” Is all he says, not furthering in his advancement on you, despite his dancing fingers. You nibble your lip in frustration, needing distance from his touch in order to recalibrate and reign in your wants and desires.
“I’ll be back, we’re missing something important.” He informs you, heading for the door, the weighing pressure on your chest finally lifting, allowing you to release the breath you hadn’t even realised you were holding.
“W-what?” You stutter slightly, brain still slightly foggy from the cloud of lust enveloping it.
“Snacks!” Kenny beams, his face a picture of genuine excitement, that soft side to him you’d only seen a couple of times shining through.
With that he leaves the room, still shirtless mind you, closing the door so that you’re left standing alone in his room. Looking around, unsure what to do with yourself, you pull out your phone and text Ethan quick.
C: You around tomorrow? x
Ethan doesn’t take long to reply, obviously bored and messing around on his phone.
E: Off 2 film a new toy vlog once we reach Ohio, want 2 join? Hayter, Mark and Danhausen coming 2morrow x
You want to speak to Ethan alone and although a toy store isn’t the place you had in mind you figure that this is likely the only way to get a moment to speak to your friend. The next two weeks leading up to All Out were due to be hectic.
You type back a response quickly before Kenny returns.
C: See you tomorrow, need to talk about something URGENT x
E: Anything I should b worried about? x
Bless his sweet nature, you thought, unable to not smile at your friend’s genuine concern for you.
C: Just need a friend to talk to x
The front door opens and you look up to see Kenny has returned with his spoils. Share bags of various sweet things and some little bags of popcorn, plus a few cans of Coke and Sprite.
You go over to help him, his hands full as he struggles to open the door fully.
“Where did you go?” You laugh, taking a few of the things from his arms and locking the door behind you both as he dumps it all on the bed.
With a wolfish grin he kicks his shoes off. “Raided the vending machine!” He tells you before hopping onto the bed and patting the space next to him. “We need a lot of snacks if we’re gonna watch them all.” He gestures with the TV remote to the short stack of DVDs you’d put to the side.
“Wait we’re watching them all?!” You backtrack on his words, wanting to make sure you heard him right. His hand still rests on the bed where he beckoned you to sit.
“Well this is a movie night. I figured we watch till we’re tired.”
You contemplate for a moment whether or not you’re really going to be able to focus on these films for the rest of the night whilst sat next to him, as your mind seems to have it’s own agenda at the moment.
Fuck it.
You jump onto the bed beside him, propping the pillows up so you can rest back on them.
Kenny switches the room lights off and the two of you settle in for the first movie.
Not long into it Kenny stretches himself out, one arm coming up to rest behind his head as the other rests on the waistband of his shorts, his thumb hooked underneath. You attempt to ignore it, knowing he’s just getting comfortable, but can’t stop yourself from taking a moment to imagine what lies in those shorts.
Your core throbs at the thought and you have to resist the urge to slip your hands into your shorts just to get some satisfaction and curb the craving want in your stomach.
“Something wrong?” Kenny asks you earnestly, noticing the way you’ve stopped watching the film and seem to be staring off into space, your mind elsewhere.
Shaking your head you excuse yourself to the bathroom, needing a moment to calm yourself down. Kenny nods understandingly but his curiosity is definitely peaked as he watches you leave. Once inside the bathroom, the cool tiles underneath your feet, you turn on the tap to the coldest setting and stand there for a moment as it runs.
You don’t think you’re going to last around him. All this pent up sexual frustration is starting to seriously have an impact on you, to the point where you can’t even sit next to the guy without wondering what his cock looks like.
Worst of all, he seems oblivious to it, in typical male fashion.
You cup your hands under the cold stream and splash your face with water, relishing the startling wake up call it provides you. A few drops run down your front, dampening your t-shirt and the cold sensation makes your nipples pebble beneath the fabric. It’s fine though, because your head feels much clearer for it and you can think straight again once more. A couple more handfuls for good measure and you then dry off your face with the hand towel.
As you open the bathroom door and go to leave you’re nearly frightened to death when you find Kenny leaning against the wall next to you, arms folded across his broad chest.
“Jesus, Kenny! You just scared the fuck out of me.” You gasp, resting a hand on your chest, heart pounding beneath your palm. Kenny’s eyes wander down to your chest, seemingly distracted for a moment. He clears his throat after a few seconds.
“Everything okay?” He asks you sincerely, his hand subtly shifting down to his shorts, gently resting over his crotch as though he were hiding something. The TV in the background continues to run, with neither of you having even bothered to pause it. You bite your lower lip as you nod.
Kenny brings a hand up to your chin, tilting your head upwards and exposing your neck as he leans in. His nose grazes your jaw as his lips lightly dance across the sensitive skin of your neck.
“You’re such a terrible fucking liar.” He whispers softy, before his teeth nip sharply at your throat.
“K-Kenny-“ You stutter quietly, unsure how to respond to his actions. It’s not like you weren’t enjoying it.
“I hope you know just how hard this has been for me.” He murmurs across your skin. You look down as far as your eyes allow you from your current position, just about able to see his spare hand palming himself through his shorts. A significant outline of his cock is visible through the fabric and you swallow heavily. He’s certainly not small.
“For you?” You echo, thinking about how wound up Kenny has made you these past few days. Your legs squeeze together as you slowly grind your thighs. Kenny removes his hand from your chin and slaps your legs, forcing them apart.
“Don’t you fucking dare.” He growls, his hand moving up to cup your pussy, the tips of his fingers grazing over your clothed hole. “You’re such a tease.” He groans, the heel of his hand pressing into your clit, earning a breathy gasp from you.
“Then why don’t you put me in my place and just fuck me already?” You ask him boldly. Kenny’s head pops up so that his eyes are level with yours. His pupils are blown with lust and there’s none of that usual sparkle to them, instead having been replaced by a dark glimmer that promises pleasurable hell.
“Since you asked so nicely, doll.” He grins, both his hands reaching for your ass to pull you up off your feet and into his arms. With your legs wrapped around his waist your pussy is pressed flush against his rock hard cock, which nudges your clit with every bounce as he moves you towards the bed.
He throws the covers aside, the snacks and drinks going flying onto the floor as he clears the space to put you down.
You loosen your grip on him as he pulls away from you, his hands gripping your knees and spreading your legs apart.
“Get these off.” He demands, glaring at the shorts which still cloth your throbbing core.
You oblige willingly, wiggling yourself out and pushing them down your legs, kicking them off the rest of the way with your feet. The cold air of the bedroom hits your heat and makes you shiver, your nipples hard as they press through your t-shirt.
Kenny opens your legs once more, drinking in the sight of your glistening cunt as you lay bare for him. You notice a patch of precum that’s soaked through his shorts, an instant tell of how aroused he is.
“Now your turn.” You tell him, eager to see that delicious cock free from its restraints. He chuckles darkly, something which you don’t like the sound of.
“Patience. You’ll get my cock soon enough. But right now I want to have some fun. Let’s see how long we can hold off making you cum, hm?” He suggests, slipping further down the bed so his face lies level with your wet folds.
“Kenny, please I-ahh!” Your head falls back mid sentence as the warm and pleasant sensation of Kenny’s tongue swirling your clit hits you suddenly. Your hand reaches down to grab a bunch of his curls, tugging in retaliation. The sharp pain causes him to lift his head, glaring at you.
He crawls back up to you and presses his soft lips to yours, stilling your stubbornness for a moment. As you both deepen the kiss, Kenny’s hand slips down your stomach and presses between your folds, two fingers slipping inside of you without warning. You let out a gasp, your mouth open against his.
“That’s what you get for acting like a brat. Do it again and I won’t leave you able to walk.” He snarls, spitting in your mouth before he forces your mouth shut. “Swallow.” He commands you.
You do so willingly for him.
This seems to impress him as he smiles down at you. “Good girl.”
The praise from him alone is enough to send you light-headed.
“Fuck yourself for me, pretty girl. I wanna see how you touch yourself on those nights when all you desperately wanted was my cock filling up this beautiful cunt of yours.” He sits back on his heels, waiting and watching as you obediently follow orders.
You’re too hot in your shirt so you throw it off without further consideration, needing the cool air to bring you down off this sex-drunk high.
Without hesitation you reach a hand down between your thighs and begin to play with yourself, teasing your hole as your spare hand toys with your now free breasts. Kenny watched avidly as you fuck your fingers in and out slowly, your eyes half closed in lust-filled bliss.
“Kenny…” You moan softly. As you continue to pleasure yourself you watch as he dips a hand into his shorts, pulling his cock free. The sight nearly makes your throat run dry. How the fuck was he going to fit that in your tight hole?
Slowly he pumps his shaft as he watches you, running a thumb over the tip to collect the precum that had beaded out, using it to coat his cock.
“God, I could just cum watching you get yourself off over me, you needy slut.” He groans, his free hand coming to grip a hold of your knee.
You nod in agreement, already feeling your high start to build.
Kenny narrows his eyes at you as he watches your face change to become more concentrated.
“If you cum I won’t fuck you. So don’t even think about it.” He growls at you, fucking his fist with more vigour as his aggressive behaviour only riles him up further. You whine needily, hating the idea of losing your current momentum. “The only time you’re cumming tonight is around my cock, when I tell you to.”
Swallowing hard, you turn your concentration to holding off the impending orgasm in the pit of your stomach.
A couple more minutes go by as Kenny groans, complimenting you in every way imaginable. Your pussy, your pretty fingers as they disappear in your hole, the way your tits bounce slightly with each thrust.
“Enough.” He finally tells you, letting you remove your slick fingers from your swollen and throbbing cunt. “I need that tight hole around me.” He grunts, pulling his shorts off fully and fixing himself between your already shaky legs. He lifts one of them over his shoulder, sizing up his large cock to align with your pussy.
Without further warning, he presses his head in, slowly moving inch by inch to fill you up with his throbbing shaft. The stretch stings but isn’t unpleasant as he finally, eventually, bottoms out inside you.
“Fuck.” You both moan at the same time, eyes locking as you cast each other slightly fucked out smiles. Kenny takes a second before he moves, savouring the tight, warm feeling.
Once the tender moment has passed he’s back to himself, the cocky, dominating character that you’re all too familiar with. With a snap of his hips he pulls out nearly the whole way before slamming back into you, a sharp slap of skin against skin echoing in the room. The TV continues to run the film, providing some background noise.
He repeats the action again, relishing how your pussy milks him, taking every inch. He starts up a harsh rhythm, ramming himself into you at a furious pace. Unrelentless and unforgiving, he furthers the motion by leaning into you, the angle shifting so that he can hit deeper. His face hovers above yours, curls bouncing with each movement, as he watches you. With each rotation of his hips you have to fight to stop your eyes rolling back into your head.
“You’re close aren’t you?” He asks after a short while, feeling you start to clench tighter around his cock. “Hold off, princess. I promise you’ll cum, but only when I say so. Can you do that for me?”
You nod weakly, but he raises an eyebrow at you.
“I need words doll, tell me you can hold on like a good girl. Let me savour your wet, hot cunt just a little longer.” He slightly groans at the end, a signal to you that he’s close to his own orgasm.
“Yes.” You agree.
“Yes what?” He growls, his pace picking up. He grips your throat with one hand in warning. Each thrust nudges your clit, sending fire through your stomach.
“Y-Yes…sir.” You gasp, feeling his grip slowly tighten, playing with your oxygen flow, the light headed sensation making you fuck-drunk.
Kenny pumps into you some more at the same unforgiving pace, his stamina clearly not affected despite you both going at it consistently for a while now. It’s only when his tight, controlled thrusts become sloppy that you realise how close he is.
“Fuck-“ He hisses, the hand currently gripping your thigh moving to rest above your clit, his thumb pushing down on the sensitive bud and rolling tight circles over it.
“Kenny, I can’t-“ You choke out, feeling the familiar hot burn in your stomach as he continues his pace.
“Let go princess, cum for me and get your sweet juices all over my cock. Be good for me and show me how much you wanted this.” He encourages, slipping in and out of you with such ease now. You had adjusted so well to his swollen, thick length that he couldn’t help but praise your resilience.
You stop trying to fight off your orgasm, instead meeting each of his thrusts with your hips, the movement putting additional pressure on your clit.
“I-I’m gonna…” You groan, unable to finish your words as Kenny pushes you into your orgasm, continuing to fuck you through the intense waves of pleasure as your hands reach for something to anchor to, finding his back and digging into the hard muscle. The feeling brings a hiss of pleasure and pain from him, edging him over as he too rides out his orgasm, a low moan coming from the back of his throat as he thrusts a few more times into you for good measure. His cock throbbing as he thrusts his thick ropes of cum into you.
Kenny flops forward, his arms supporting him so as not to fall directly onto you. His eyes remain closed for a few seconds as he regains his composure, before opening them and meeting you with a tired, fucked-out smile.
Unable to say much at the moment, trying to reserve your remaining energy, you return the smile.
He leans in slowly, careful not to move too quick, and presses a soft, tender kiss to your swollen lips that you’ve bitten red raw.
“So much for professionalism, huh?” He jokes, relieving you both of the post-fuck tension that had followed.
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kcloveswrestling · 2 years
Hikuleo x fem!reader - Secret Relationship?
Authors Note: Reader is Jay White’s younger sister. Also, this is kinda long…sorry.
First Person POV:
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Watching this match, I was nervous. I knew he’d be able to handle his own but after I saw how he landed when Darby lowered the ropes, I was worried that he had injured his shoulder. I don’t think he is hurt but I was so worried that he was.
After the match, security took me backstage to see him. I could tell he wasn’t injured but I was still worried. As soon as he saw me, he pulled me close to him. “Your match was amazing”, I said looking up to him. “White, I’m surprised you’re not with your brother. Shouldn’t you be ringside for him somewhere?”, Matt Jackson said looking at me. “Matt, leave her alone. I asked Jay to send them both here.”, Adam Cole told him.
Truth is, Hikuleo and I are together, but Jay doesn’t know. Adam was also trying to convince Tony to put me in a match with Anna Jay and add me to the Undisputed Elite because I am the only female member of Bullet Club. “Anyways, Y/N, I talked to Tony…and you’ve got the match. Next week, on Dynamite.”, Adam said looking from Matt and Nick to me. “Thanks, Adam!”, I replied.
Of course I managed to hurt my wrist during the match. Doc said it may be broken so I need to go to the hospital and get it checked. Hikuleo was with me because Jay decided that a member of Bullet Club needed to be ringside for my match. Jay had Adam convince Tony to let Hikuleo be ringside. I was glad that he got to be ringside though. After the show, we went to the hospital so I could get checked. I hated hospitals so having my boyfriend with me made it easier to handle being there.
To say that Jay was unhappy finding out that I got hurt was an understatement. He was glad that I won the match, but he cussed Hikuleo out for “letting me get hurt”. It wasn’t even his fault. I use Jay’s move all the time…I just landed wrong on my wrist while performing the Blade Runner. The good thing was that it was just a bad sprain and a m just in a brace for two weeks, but I still get to wrestle.
I felt bad about what happened with Jay and Hikuleo…I didn’t want the two of them fighting at all. Jay still doesn’t know about Hikuleo and I being together.
Today, we thought we’d be able to go out without being noticed by fans…everyone knew that Jay was my older brother. We took pictures with fans, but of course there were some fans that saw us when Hikuleo kissed me and they posted it on social media, not only tagging us but also tagging Jay.
That definitely was not how we wanted him to find out. He had called us shortly after he saw it, “I’m not upset that y’all are together. Just a little disappointed that y’all didn’t tell me.”, was all he said to us about it.
Everything was great. An absolutely incredible boyfriend, my wrestling career was going well, and my brother was super supportive about it all. I don’t think life could get any better than it is now.
Author’s Note: it’s not the best but i finally was able to finish it. and i’m happy with it.
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kyleoreillylover · 1 year
Undisputed Era x Fem Reader
Summary: Reader lost their championship to Shayna Baszler, and the Undisputed Era comfort a very angry and stubborn reader and shows her she’s worth more than a title belt.
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of typical wrestling violence, stuff being thrown (from the reader being angry), etc.
A/N: Like I said in my previous post, I am obsessed with the Undisputed Era, so these fanfics are just a way to curb that obsession lol. Hope you guys enjoy this fanfic!
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The air in the locker room was thick with tension as the Undisputed Era gathered around you. You had just lost your hard-earned title in a grueling street fight match against Shayna Baszler. The match had lasted almost an hour and had been the main event of NXT Takeover, leaving you battered and bruised.
Kyle reached out to touch your shoulder, but you pushed him away with a snarl. "Don't touch me.” You growled, your eyes blazing with anger.
Adam stepped forward, his expression sympathetic. "Hey, it's okay. You gave it your all out there. No one could have done better."
What was supposed to sound comforting sounded condescending to you, and you lashed out, knocking over a nearby chair and sending it crashing to the ground in response. “Don't patronize me," you snapped. "I lost, plain and simple. I let everyone down."
Roderick placed a calming hand on your back, giving you a comforting look. “Hey, it’s just one match. You’ll bounce back. You always do.”
You shook off his hand and turned to leave, but Bobby grabbed your arm. "Come on, talk to us. We're your friends. We want to help."
You scoffed. "Friends? You guys are not gonna need me anymore now that I don't add to our little gold collection. The only reason you cared about me is cause I had a title."
"That's not true," Kyle said sharply, giving you a pointed look and stepping in front of you. "We care about you a lot. With or without the title. You're a huge part of this team and a great wrestler and we will always need you. Losing one match will never change that."
You glared at him, your fists clenched. "Easy for you to say. You're not the one who just lost everything."
"Actually, we all lost something tonight," Adam said softly. "We lost our chance to celebrate another victory with you.” Your gaze silently softened at this, his uncharacteristically sweet words breaking through your haze of anger. “That doesn't mean we're giving up on you. We're here for you, no matter what."
Your shoulders sagged as you let out a deep sigh. "I don't know if I can do this anymore," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper as the anger faded away & turned into the sadness you were trying to push away. "I just... I can't believe I lost. I was so sure I could beat her, that I had this in the bag. Then I lose like this. It's embarrassing." You turn the other way not wanting to see the concerned looks of your friends, that would just make you feel worse. "I'm embarrassing."
Kyle placed a hand on your shoulder, and this time you don’t shrug the touch off and let him turn you back around. "You're not embarrassing. You’re amazing. And we all have bad days."
"And even if you lose every match from here on out, we'll still have your back." Bobby piped up, his comforting words quieting your racing mind. "You're part of the Undisputed Era. That means something."
You looked up at him, tears glistening in your eyes. "Thank you," you whispered. "I don't know what I'd do without you guys."
“Probably crash and burn.” Adam joked as he pulled you into a hug, making you giggle. The rest of the group followed suit, hugging you. “You don't have to go through this alone," he said, wiping your tears as everyone pulled away. “We’re here for you, always."
You smiled weakly at him, relishing in his touch and the sweet side of him that rarely was shown to anyone but you guys. "Thanks, guys. I'm sorry I was such a mess."
"Don't be sorry," Roderick said, handing you an ice pack to mend your bruises. In your angered state, you didn't realize the boys had brought in some medical supplies to help you heal from your bruises and bumps. "Just remember that we're a team. We'll always have your back, no matter what."
And as the boys sat you on a chair and helped you treat your wounds and cuts, you knew those words were true, and that meant more to you than any championship.
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entmtbiz · 8 years
Global Supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio X CIROC Get Ready to Share a Year of Dazzlingly Hot 'Arrival' Celebrations
LONDON, Feb. 13, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --
Top Model Offers Fans an All-Access-Pass to Her Life in the Most Exclusive Locations, With the Hottest People at the World's Biggest Parties, Beginning with a Never-Seen-Before Mario Testino #ONARRIVAL Campaign Image  
As one of the world's most in-demand talents, Brazilian style icon, model, fashion designer and actress Alessandra Ambrosio is the embodiment of 'living your dream' and 'having arrived'.
     (Photo: http://ift.tt/2lFzr2n )      (Photo: http://ift.tt/2kiwecW )      (Photo: http://ift.tt/2kBcY6F )
As the luxury vodka at the heart of the globe's hottest celebrations and events, CÎROC has partnered with Alessandra for its # ONARRIVAL campaign, to follow her year of exciting 'arrivals' at the biggest fashion events and on-trend party destinations.
From walking the world famous Victoria's Secret runway to collaborating with luxury brands including Dolce and Gabbana, Christian Dior, Giorgio Armani, Rolex and Calvin Klein, Alessandra's fast-paced career and glamourous lifestyle is truly a celebration of what's hot. Her elegance and lively character has made her one of the hottest models of the fashion industry, and the perfect embodiment of CÎROC's playful luxe attitude.
Partying with the fashion elite to the high energy CÎROC beat, exclusive moments with Alessandra will be shared across CÎROC social media platforms throughout the year, giving fans access to the 'must see' and 'must be seen at' party destinations and iconic cultural events - from summer hotspots to New Year celebrations.
To celebrate the CÎROC #ONARRIVAL collaboration, Alessandra will also star in the brand's latest photography campaign, shot by the undisputable king of fashion photography and CÎROC global creative partner Mario Testino. A series of three, iconic never-seen-before images will be released across the year, immersing fans in Alessandra's A-list lifestyle.  The images will be supported with exclusive behind-the-scenes content, giving a rare glimpse into what happens behind fashion's most famous lens. The first image, released today, reveals Alessandra's glamourous backstage preparations in 'Hair and Make-up' as she prepares to celebrate at one of the hottest parties in the world.
Alessandra Ambrosio said, "I'm so happy to partner with CÎROC for their 'On Arrival' campaign. It's amazing to be part of something that raises a glass to success and is at the heart of the biggest celebration moments around the world - I'm so lucky to be at lots of them! I really do believe in celebrating life at every moment, and I'm really looking forward to bringing CÎROC and my fans along on my journey and giving them behind-the-scenes access to the biggest moments of my year."
Mario Testino said, "The 'On Arrival' campaign is about celebrating the greatest moments of your life, and shooting this campaign with Alessandra has been amazing. She has this quality that captivates everyone when she walks into a room. Alessandra is that person who captures the style and sparkle that CÎROC represents."
Samantha Reader, Global Marketing Director for Diageo Reserve added, "CÎROC 'On Arrival' is all about celebrating moments of success and being at the forefront of what's hot, so we're really excited to be working with Alessandra as one of the biggest talents of today and once again collaborating with Mario Testino to capture the vibrancy of the partnership. CÎROC is for those who dream big, aspire to greatness and recognise the importance of celebrating success when it arrives. Alessandra embodies this in everything she does, and we're looking forward to celebrating with her this year."
Follow the celebrations at: #ONARRIVAL CÎROC Instagram: cirocvodka Twitter: @CirocVodka Facebook: http://ift.tt/2kilXO1 Exclusive Behind the Scenes Content can be found on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/CirocVodka Alessandra Ambrosio Instagram: alessandraambrosio Twitter: @angelalessandra Facebook: http://ift.tt/2kiqnEy Mario Testino Instagram: mariotestino Twitter: @mariotestino Facebook: http://ift.tt/2kim2kq
  Read this news on PR Newswire Asia website: Global Supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio X CIROC Get Ready to Share a Year of Dazzlingly Hot 'Arrival' Celebrations
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sydsaint · 6 months
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Summary: After suffering a minor head injury during a match, the reader runs into Matt. The two chat for a moment before the reader almost passes out, and Taven hurries to help her.
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"Crap." You gasp as Skye hits you square i the sternum with a nasty kick. 
The AEW crowd is rambunctious as you and Skye go at it in the ring. You and Julia's protege trade blows that have the crowd and commentary team out of their minds. Fatigue starts to set in, your chest heaving as you try and suck in enough breath to get you through this last stand. But Skye gets the better of you. 
You fall onto your back with a hard 'thud' and the last bit of energy you have is knocked out of you. Skye flashes a wicked grin and goes for the pin. Your head spins as the bell rings and Skye lifts herself off of you. 
Skye gets her hand raised and you roll out of the ring with a groan. You roll to the floor and pick yourself up to your feet. "Damnit." You huff to yourself and trudge up the ramp. 
Your back aches and head pounds as you make your way through the tunnel. All you can think about is how you've just racked up another loss on your record. You let out a pathetic sigh and make your way down to the trainers room to get your back and head looked at. Just to be safe. 
You are heading back to the trainers room when you happen upon Matt Taven and Mike Bennett loitering outside the room. "Bennett? Taven? What are you two doing out here?" You stop in front of them. 
"YN, hey." Matt greets you first. "I could ask the same about you." He grins. "We're waiting for Roderick to get his ribs taped up. What about you?" He asks you. "You alright?" 
"Yeah yeah." You nod. "I bumped my head in my match with Skye." You explain. "Figured I'd get checked out just to be safe." 
Matt and Mike both nod. "Right. Smart." Matt muses. "Roderick should be done soon. So it shouldn't be a long wait." He adds. "Did you at least win the match?" He asks you. 
"Ha! No!" You scoff. "No, I've been on quite a loosing streak as of late." You rub the back of your neck. 
"Aw, that's too bad." Matt replies. "Im sure you'll pick it up soon, YN." He assures you. 
You nod in thanks and take notice that your head is beginning to hurt a bit worse than it did before. Your forehead pounds and you begin to feel a bit lightheaded. 
"Hey, are you sure that you're alright, YN?" Matt asks you. "You're looking a bit pale all of a sudden." He steps toward you. 
"Yeah, now that you mention it." You nod, legs beginning to wobble under you. "Hmm. I...oof." 
Matt watches your legs begin to give out under you. He rushes forward and manages to catch you before you completely fall. With one swift movement Matt hauls you up into his arms. Mike gets the door and Matt ushers you inside. 
"Hey! Can we get some help?" Matt calls for the trainers. "YN said that she hit her head in her match with Skye. Then she almost fainted while waiting out in the hall." He explains. 
You're ushered onto an exam table and checked out by the medical staff. Matt steps back out into the hall to give you some privacy. Mike and Roderick are both waiting for him when he steps back into the hallway. 
"You ready to head out?" Mike pushes off the wall as Matt comes out of the trainers room. 
"Yeah." Roderick nods. "My match with Trent is in like 10 minutes." He adds. 
Matt nods but hesitates to move. His mind wanders to you back in the trainers room. He lingers and Mike laughs at him. "Ooo it looks like Matt's got a crush!" He teases his friend. 
"Its alright." Roderick rolls his eyes and pats Matt on the back. "You hang back and wait for YN. Mike and I can handle Trent." 
"Thanks, man." Matt nods. 
Mike and Roderick head out for Roddy's match. Matt leans against the wall and waits for you to come out of the trainers room. 
About 15 minutes later the door to the trainers room clicks open and you step out into the hall. Matt perks up and greets you. 
"YN, hey. What did they say? Are you alright?" He asks you. 
"Matt, hey. I didn't know you were still out here. Were you waiting for me?" You ask him. 
Matt rubs the back of his neck but nods. "Yeah, I was kind of worried about you." He admits. "You scared me a bit back there. Nodding off on me." He smiles in a joking manner. 
"Oh!" You reply. "Sorry about that. But thanks too." You add. "For catching me and all." 
"Yeah, of course." Matt nods. "You want me to walk you back to the locker room?" He offers. 
You nod, a small smile playing on your face. "Yeah, that'd be nice. Thanks. They told me no concussion. But that I should take it easy for a few days." You explain. 
"That's good." Matt smiles and the two of you head off to the locker room. 
You and Matt head down to the locker rooms and chat all the way down there. You come to a stop at your locker room door and turn toward Matt. 
"Well, thanks for walking me back here, Matt." You smile at him. 
"Yeah yeah." Matt nods. "Take care, YN." He smiles at you and goes to walk off. 
You linger at your locker room door, hand on the doorknob. After a moment you turn around. "Matt! Hey, wait!" You call after him. 
"Hmm?" Matt turns around. "Yeah, YN?" 
"Hey, would you maybe want to grab a bite to eat after the show?" You ask Matt hopefully. 
Matt clams up for a second, a look of surprise on his face. "Yeah, I'd love that!" He nods. "I have to check-in with the guys first. But I can meet you here after the show?" He suggests. 
"Sure. Works for me." You agree. "Im looking forward to it." You smile at him. 
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kenneth-omega · 2 years
The Fear of Falling in Love
// Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 //
A Kenny Omega Short Fic
**EDITED 31/08/22**
Pairing: Kenny Omega x Female Reader
Summary: You’re a family friend of The Young Bucks who, like Matt and Nick, also became obsessed with wrestling from a young age. During Kenny’s absence from screen you were sourced into AEW by the Bucks and brought into the Undisputed Elite faction. Following the recent fall out between Adam Cole/reDragon and the Bucks over the upcoming Trios tournament you finally get to meet the great Kenny Omega. You eventually become locked into a storyline that starts out fun and harmless but soon turns sour at the prospect of real feelings being hurt and relationships tarnished.
Warnings: swearing, lil’ mentions of smutty stuff, hint of crack ship kenny x eddie?
Word count: 3.4K
A/N: Seriously I’d like to think that the majority of the roster would fuck Kenny Omega, because how could you not? 😂 Also I know Adam Cole is currently off injured and most likely won’t return till All Out (maybe to start shit with the Elite) but let’s all just pretend that our BayBay is okay. Also soft!Ken w/glasses is making me so emotional.
For Reference:
Cori “The Alpha” Dacre is Y/N
Following Wednesday’s match, Kenny was better than ever. Sure, he was sore and suffering for it the next morning, but he wouldn’t once complain about it to anyone. Although people could see it on his face whenever he went to stand up or move everyone knew he’d never admit it if you asked him.
The next morning also bore a social media shitstorm following the episode that aired.
You woke up earlier than usual due to the incessant pinging of your phone, which was a result of your Twitter blowing up, something which didn’t happen to you often. Confused and still half asleep you manage to pull up the tweets of numerous wrestling fans tagging you in however many posts regarding you and Kenny last night. Some belonged to wrestling news companies a few of which you recognised, some were dirt sheet accounts and even some of the bigger journalists had also retweeted. Then there was the cringy, TMZ-style accounts that liked to use clickbait titles.
You read a few of the headlines, your nose scrunched up in disgust.
The big kicker of it all was a photo of the two of you walking up the ramp together, Kenny’s face turned away and buried in your hair, which you clearly remember was the point where he’d reassured you that he was alright following the match.
Innocent enough, but from the photographer’s angle it looks as though Kenny is kissing you on the head. The perception is twisted enough that it looks like a caring embrace between you both, rather than the reality, the truth, of you acting as a human crutch for him. You groan inwardly and slam the phone down on the bed, already feeling a headache coming on from what the long day will bring.
At this point there’s no use trying to go back to sleep and so you drag your fed up, already-over-it ass out of bed and into the shower.
By the time you’ve showered and exited the bathroom the news has spread throughout the AEW roster, with some even going so far as to like or even retweet some of the posts.
Sure there are a few funny tweets, but the one which really caught your eye came from Britt Baker. She had retweeted the post about you and Kenny becoming AEW’s new power couple with some rolling eye emojis. You noticed that Adam Cole had also been tagged in this.
You knew that following the return of Kenny, Adam Cole was due to come sniffing around, ready to start a faction feud. You were also supposed to be going into your newest, long awaited feud with the one and only DMD. As you were pleasant with Britt for the most part offscreen, you knew that this tweet was merely a tactic to build up some hype.
An unknown number pops up at the top of your screen, attempting to call as you contemplate on whether having a mini meltdown would make you feel better.
Answering the call, you apprehensively wait for a voice at the other end.
“I guess you’ve seen Twitter?” Kenny’s smooth voice came through on the line, making you fumble and nearly drop the damn phone.
You laugh nervously, unsure what he’s doing calling you about it. He mustn't be happy if he’s managed to get your number just to speak to you about it this early. “I have, unfortunately.” You reply.
“Unfortunately? I think it’s great.” He chuckles, his humoured laugh seeming content and not at all disgusted. You’re surprised at his reaction, still unsure whether he’s joking.
“You do?”
“Look at it this way. I want more matches leading up to All Out so I can be on my top game for the event. My next one isn’t for another 2 weeks, which I can’t say I’m best pleased about. I suggest we have some fun with this and maybe we can...wrestle together?” He trails off at the end, almost seeming to lose his bottle as he proposes the crazy plan to you. Does he think you’ll say no?
You remain silent on your end, still processing the proposal and trying to think logistically about how this was going to work. You already knew that you and Britt would be going head to head at All Out, following the past few weeks of you wrestling Jamie Hayter and Britt often gate-crashing your interviews, so it made sense.
With a shaky laugh you agree to go along with it, still not able to believe that this was genuinely happening. Considering you’d only woken up half an hour ago you’d hate to entertain the idea that this was just some twisted dream you were going to wake up from.
Kenny’s excitement seems palpable through the phone.
“Great! Save my number, I’m going to call Tony and give him the run down of this new angle. Speak to you later, doll.” He ends the call before you have a chance to reply.
Having gotten dressed, you venture downstairs to source food. You’ve grown a decent appetite after last night and having woken up earlier than usual this morning you’re practically drooling by the time the scent of hot food hits your nose. You hadn’t bothered to message anyone to see if they would join you, somehow feeling like the last thing you needed was to draw more attention to yourself.
That doesn’t stop people from approaching you however. As you line up to get your coffee, a dire need and the first thing you want to pass your lips, someone begins singing the playground song of “Kenny and Cori sitting in a tree-” behind you.
Although it doesn’t sound quite how you remember it as the lyrics finish off spelling “F-U-C-K-I-N-G”.
You turn on the spot to find Eddie giving you a devilish grin, holding his own coffee as he pokes fun at your expense.
“Ed?” You bat your eyelashes at him.
“Yeah princess?” He replies, ruffling your hair affectionately with one of his big paw-like hands. Without further notice you stick your middle finger in his face. “Hey, watch yourself sweetheart, I’ll bite that off.” He jokes, giving you a nudge with his elbow.
Eddie was like a large, often angry, older brother to you. He was rough on the edges and soft on the inside, which you didn’t see come out often except for when the people nearest to him got hurt or upset. You now liked to compare him to the British chef Gordon Ramsay, much to his dislike, after having binge-watched a lot of Kitchen Nightmares.
“Give it a rest Ed, I woke up to my Twitter looking like a car crash. Did you know I’ve already had over ten DM’s just from this morning from various men and women claiming Kenny to be their husband? They’re threatening to come and lynch me at the next show for ‘stealing their man’. Like, what the fuck!” You sigh heavily, sipping your coffee as the two of you step aside to allow other people queuing to get their preferred hot drink.
“Omega’s a sought after man. I know people in the locker room that would go for a ride on that guy.” He mentions nonchalantly. His harmless comment sets you on edge at the thought. You shouldn’t have cared, since there wasn’t anything going on between you both.
And yet...It annoyed you.
“How pleasant.” You remark, unable to stop the tone from sounding bitter. Eddie wheezes with laughter, rubbing the space between your shoulder blades in a comforting gesture.
“All I’m gonna say is if I was a dude who liked dudes...I would too.”
With that, Eddie leaves you to enjoy, or rather sulk, over your coffee alone.
As soon as you find a seat that’s out of the way, hugging the edge of the room so as not to be easily spotted, two chairs are being pulled up in front of you. Matt and Nick plop themselves down, arms folded and looking like a pair of Siamese cats, with grins a mile wide.
“Not now guys. It’s only 8:30!” You whine, rubbing your temples as the threat of a headache begins.
Matt begins first. “We’re not here to tease or poke fun, just to ask you honestly-”
You slam your hands down on the table, interrupting him, your patience having finally worn thin. “NO! Kenny and I have not fucked and we’re not secretly dating. We didn’t plan for this to happen but now it is happening and it’s going to be part of a storyline with Britt and Adam!” With an exhausted sigh you plant your head on the table in front of you with a dull thud, feeling frustrated and tense.
The Bucks don’t say anything more, seemingly embarrassed that they were the one’s to break you.
“Sorry Y/N.” Matt apologises, Nick nodding along. The two of them take one of your hands each, waiting for you to lift your head and look at them. They both wear sheepish smiles, hoping that you won’t remain too mad at them for long. It’s impossible to do so and you can’t help but match them with a smile of your own.
Your phone pings noisily beside you and you glance over the screen as it lights up. It’s Kenny.
K: Hey, you free? x
You curse yourself for getting a little giddy about the ‘x’ at the end. You send them platonically to Ethan all the time, so it’s not that big of a deal.
Removing your hands from Matt and Nick’s you pick the mobile up and chew on your bottom lip as you re-read his text, debating whether it was worth lying and making up some weak excuse. You decide against it, not wanting to be dishonest with him.
C: Hi! I’m not doing anything right now, what’s up? x
You’d thought long and hard about whether to put the ‘x’ back, but again had to argue with yourself that this meant nothing, it was just friendly intentions. Placing your phone back down you look back at the Jackson’s.
Matt nods in the direction of your phone. “What’s Kenny want?”
Rolling your eyes you turn the phone over so the screen is face down. “Stop reading my texts dude.”
Matt laughs, with Nick scoffing.
“You think we don’t know when you’re texting a guy you like? You do this weird face where you look like you’re trying to figure out a really hard puzzle.” Nick imitates the face, making you cringe inwardly.
“Do I?” You groan, hating how awful your poker face was. Matt snaps his fingers and points at you, whilst Nick slaps his brother’s arm, his eyebrows wiggling.
“So you admit it then? You do like him.”
This time it was your turn to scoff at them both, folding your arms across your chest defensively.
“I didn’t admit shit and you know it. Stop trying to put words in my mouth. I knew you were trying to sabotage me yesterday morning when you completely blindsided me and let me make a dick of myself in front of him!”
“Whatever, that’s by the by.” Nick waves it off like their confession was irrelevant to the conversation, “We know you’re crushing on him, Y/N. It’s not like you’ve idolised him for the past six years or anything.”
Heat rushes to your cheeks as you recall all the times you would ramble to the Bucks about their friend and how you admired him. You only ever meant as a wrestler and had never said anything to them about having feelings for him. Yet it was still that obvious?
You thought he was attractive and alright, sometimes on a night you wondered how he would feel between your legs rather than just your lonely hand. Occasionally you’d say his name when you finally hit that sensual high, but it had only ever been a whisper into a dark, empty room.
The lustful thoughts that cloud your head eventually clear when the sound of your phone pinging cuts through like a knife. Throwing the brothers a glare as they smirk at you, you pick the phone up and read the message.
K: Come to the gym and dress appropriate. Or dress inappropriate if you like. See you in 10 x
From the way your brain conjures up the dirtiest thoughts after reading that text you realise that you are well and truly doomed.
No good can come from this.
As you head through the front doors of the nearby gym, the one that Kenny had text you the address for, you start to wonder if you should just bail and text him with some last minute reason.
Your conversation with the Bucks had left you unravelled, debating and arguing with yourself as you had hurriedly gotten change into some gym attire, telling yourself that this whole thing was a mistake.
Your Twitter was still a hot bed of activity, so much so that you’d decided to mute the app entirely, refusing to get any more invasive notifications come through.
Scanning the room you note that there’s not many people around, with one bored receptionist and a PT helping some guy on the far left. To the right was a full size ring, something which you hadn’t expected, predicting this to be a standard gym full of the usual equipment.
As you go to turn back, hoping to leave before you text Kenny to say you can’t make it, a voice calls out to you.
“There’s my beautiful partner.” Kenny announces rather proudly, sauntering over to you, his curls half-tied in a bun and wearing a black stretch shirt that hugs every inch of him. His words send butterflies scattering in your stomach.
“Partner?” You echo dumbly, your brain trying to play catch up.
Kenny’s eyes narrow slightly as he scrutinises your face. His cheerful demeanour is gone as he searches your eyes for answers to his unspoken questions. “Is something wrong?” He eventually queries aloud.
God, were you really that much of an open book?
Shaking your head you force a smile, deferring from his question as you ask one of your own.
“Why are we here?”
Kenny lights up with insurmountable giddiness, his serious attitude disappearing.
“To wrestle. I should’ve told you beforehand but when I spoke to Tony he was all for this...thing we’re doing.” When he pauses he gestures between the two of you, almost as though he wanted to say something else. “So he’s officially announced on Twitter that this Friday it’s gonna be me and you against Adam and Britt.”
You suddenly regretted muting your Twitter. At the same time, you knew that this announcement would’ve probably caused your phone to burst into flames from the sheer amount of notifications that were no doubt piling up whilst the two of you spoke.
“But that’s tomorrow!” You cry out, suddenly realising how little time there was to get ready.
“Which is why we need to get in there.” Kenny points to the ring you’d been eyeing up only moments ago.
The idea of bailing is no longer a notion in your head to consider. You’re in work mode now and the pressure of having to orchestrate a match for tomorrow evening is filling you with much needed energy. You can feel the itch to get in the ring swell inside of you.
The two of you enter the ring, ready to warm up. You unashamedly strip your hoodie off in front of him, a loose vest hidden underneath that mostly covers your sports bra. You’re not actively trying to flirt, but you can’t help but feel a little smug when his eyes do a double take and give you a once over from head to toe.
The two of you stretch in silence, helping to ease the muscles before what you were sure was going to be a strenuous day.
The two of you broke up your session for some lunch, with your stomach crying out for the first thing you could manage to put in it. In your haste to meet up with Kenny you’d forgotten to get breakfast as planned and now you were paying dearly for it.
That’s not to say that you weren’t satisfied.
This morning had been effective, with you both bouncing ideas off each other. You had become so engrossed in getting this right that you’d barely registered all the times Kenny had come into contact with your body, which gave you a bit more hope that pulling off this ‘fake lovers’ angle wouldn’t be too excruciating for you.
You head down the road to a nearby pop up food shop, where you order a hot sandwich in a freshly cooked half baguette along with fries, with Kenny ordering the same, seemingly envious of your order.
Together you sit down in a booth by the window and you both demolish your meals in a matter of minutes, taking a rest afterwards as you sip your drinks. You take this moment to open Twitter. When you see Tony’s official announcement at the top of your timeline you can’t help let out a snort of laughter. Kenny looks up from his phone, curious and entertained by your uncouth outburst.
“The ‘It’ couple versus The Elite couple?” You laugh, showing him the tweet and match graphic below it. Kenny let’s out a chuckle as you hold the phone out for him.
“Shit, I haven’t got my glasses on. One sec.” He fumbles about in his hoodie pocket, pulling a neat little pair of reading glasses out and popping them on. You take a second to admire how normal he looks, in the nicest way possible.
He seems to be the most relaxed you’ve seen him yet, no worry lines creasing his forehead as he amusedly reads the tweet for himself. His glasses frame those startling cerulean eyes that you constantly find yourself staring at and you notice the little wrinkles at the corner that appear when he smiles.
“Well we are The Elite. You can’t knock him for trying.” Kenny replies, popping the glasses on top of his head now he’s finished with them. You find it a shame, loving how dorkier they make him than he already is.
“How come you don’t wear those often?” You ask.
He pulls a face at them. “I think they make me look weird...” He then corrects himself, “Well, weirder than I already am.”
“How are you weird? You’re Kenny Omega for crying out loud, you could tweet about the strangest, most obscure thing and I’d bet a hundred bucks that at least half your following would thirst post over how random you are.”
Your comment pulls a genuine, booming laugh from him, his cheeks tinged pink with faint embarrassment.
“I’ll take you on that bet.” He challenges you, pulling his phone out and typing something, his thumbs moving furiously over the keyboard. Once he’s finished you check your own mobile, refreshing your Twitter feed and nearly choking on your Sprite as you read his tweet. It’s a wild ride from start to finish.
Many people seem to share the same confusion, with Matt even going so far as to tag you and ask why you had left him unsupervised for this long. Nick tweets that Kenny needs to get help.
“How’d I do?” Kenny asks proudly.
Sure enough, when you scroll further through you see a worrying number of fans horny posting in his replies.
“Nailed it.” You sigh, digging around in your pockets for some cash. Kenny leans over and rests a hand on your arm.
“Don’t even think about giving me any cash.” He tells you sternly, asserting a dominant tone in his voice that makes your legs clench together.
“But you won the bet-”
“How about you agree to have dinner with me instead?” He offers, cutting you off before you can protest any further, something you certainly would have done had he let you.
Unable to refuse his earnest expression and the way the corner of his mouth curls upwards into a soft smile, you agree to dinner. It wasn’t an offer to a date, which is why you had no issue saying yes, knowing that there was no risk in going for a harmless meal.
114 notes · View notes
kenneth-omega · 2 years
The Fear of Falling in Love
// Part 1 // Part 2 //
A Kenny Omega Short Fic
**EDITED 27/08/2022**
Pairing: Kenny Omega x Female Reader
Summary: You’re a family friend of The Young Bucks who, like Matt and Nick, also became obsessed with wrestling from a young age. During Kenny’s absence from screen you were sourced into AEW by the Bucks and brought into the Undisputed Elite faction. Following the recent fall out between Adam Cole/reDragon and the Bucks over the upcoming Trios tournament you finally get to meet the great Kenny Omega. You eventually become locked into a storyline that starts out fun and harmless but soon turns sour at the prospect of real feelings being hurt and relationships tarnished.
Warnings: some swearing, kenny being a little flirty bitch, ethan page being the best shit stirrer (ILHSM)
Word count: 2.8K
A/N: Part 2 of this mini fic I’m constructing is finally up! 💖 Bare with me y’all I know it’s a slow burn but you know the saying, treat ‘em mean, keep em keen 🤪 
For Reference:
“All Ego” Ethan Page is Julian
Cori “The Alpha” Dacre is Y/N
Post-breakfast led to a workout in the gym with Ethan, before you both grabbed some quick lunch back at the hotel’s catering and went your respective ways back to your rooms to shower.
Having washed off the sweat and gym grime you’d gone to Twitter, curious to see what everyone was talking about in the lead up to tonight’s Dynamite episode.
Of course the number one topic of interest was Kenny’s return.
You’d seen the Bucks’ recent video of Being The Elite, with the little teaser of Kenny’s theme music at the end giving you excited chills when you first watched it.
That was four hours ago, as now you sat in an Uber on route to the Charleston Coliseum, ready to meet up with the Bucks. Being EVP’s, they had a few other jobs to sort before this evening and had headed down a couple of hours before yourself.
C: 5 mins away.
You text the group chat that contains you and the Bucks, announcing your soon-to-be arrival.
A thumbs up emoji in response. You toss your phone onto the seat beside you, bouncing your legs up and down nervously. Why were you so jittery? You were trying to convince yourself that it couldn’t be anything to do with Kenny, although maybe you were feelings some pre-match nerves for him. It was understandable, but you felt as though you didn’t deserve to be nervous.
Although you’d not seen him training, you knew that Matt and Nick had recently been working this match out with him and neither of them had seemed to hint towards Kenny not being ready to return. You trusted the man’s judgement.
The Uber came to a slow crawl in front of the arena, where there were a few avid, dedicated fans already stood outside the doors of the venue.
You weren’t opposed to meeting fans, on the contrary, you actually loved it and loved meeting such a variety of interesting people. However today you really needed to get inside and ready for the show, which would only be delayed if you were to get out here and potentially risk being recognised.
Politely you ask the driver to continue around the side, where the production trucks and loading bays would be. Here, you could silently head into the building, knowing that security would be manning the side entrances.
You thank the driver, promising to tip him extra as a gesture of appreciation, before heading through the doors at the back of one of the loading bays. Inside there are two security guards stood in the corridor as you predicted, who stop you for identification. You pull out an AAA pass that you keep on your person.
Satisfied, the guards let you pass unbothered, so you shrug your rucksack a bit more securely onto your shoulders and continue on.
C: Where you guys at?
N: Just finishing up a small meeting with TK, head to locker room 6A it’ll have a sign on it!!
You ask another guard nearby where room 6A is, unable to see any signs along the corridor you were walking down that would help you understand where you needed to be.
She directs you up some stairs to the next floor and sends you left, heading further towards where the main area of the venue is.
Finally you spot a door with a piece of paper Blu-tacked to it which states in bold black letters: ELITE DRESSING ROOM - BUCKS, OMEGA & ALPHA.
You can’t help a little smile form on your lips as you read the sign. Turning the handle you find it unlocked, noting that the lights are on, which means someone’s inside.
“Matt? Nick?” You call out confusedly, unable to find anyone sat in the room. Their bags are strung up on some hooks to the far left, so you know they’ve been here already.
There’s the sound of water rushing in the bathroom which stops soon after you call out for the Jackson brothers. You knock timidly on the bathroom door, hoping you don’t startle the occupier. The door opens quickly enough that in the blink of an eye the ugly shade of blue paint is replaced by a broad chest covered with a zip up AEW hoodie. Craning your head back you find Kenny, a smirk perking up on his lips when he sees you standing in front of him.
“Just me, unfortunately.” He jokes, leaning forward slightly, his shoulder resting against the doorframe. The subtle movement brings his body closer to yours.
You force words out this time, not wanting a repeat of earlier today for fear of seeming unprofessional and fangirlish. Although that’s all you felt like when you were around him.
“Nothing unfortunate about it!” You reply, a little too cheerfully. His smile only widens at your remark, showing you a pearly set of teeth as he finds great humour in how you seem to be scrambling for words.
Unable to take his unwavering gaze any more, you turn away and walk over to the other side of the room, feeling the pressure on your chest lift. You felt ridiculous, unable to act normal around someone you’d never met before yet had idolised for so long.
You’d not had nerves this bad since your first time debuting on Dynamite.
Taking a seat on one of the worn leather couches, you pull out your phone, glancing over to see Kenny still stood in the doorway, although he’s also looking at something on his phone.
A ping from your phone pulls your eyes away from the man stood across the room from you, finding a text from Ethan.
E: U @ the venue already? x
You roll your eyes at his texting, but can’t help a little humoured snort come out. You clap a hand over your mouth in embarrassment, eyes instantly shifting to Kenny whose head had popped up at the sound. The pout was gone and he offered you a genuine smile this time.
“How cute.” He comments, before going back to his phone, walking over to the other leather couch opposite the coffee table in front of you as he texts someone. You find warmth radiating in your cheeks at his comment, cursing yourself internally for getting worked up over something so stupid.
You scold yourself and shoot Ethan a text back.
C: Yeah, just sat with Kenny waiting for Matt and Nick x
Ethan’s next reply comes through not even a minute later.
E: JUST sat? thought u were 2 nervous lol x
You scowl at his message, tempted to ferociously stick your finger up at your screen in response. You decide against it, not wanting Kenny to notice and start asking awkward questions that you definitely weren't calm enough to answer with a convincing lie.
C: Fuck off, also not to be grammar police but your spelling is 💩
E: Ur chicken 💩 for being 2 scared and stop trying 2 change subjects
C: I’m changing subjects by ending this convo lol, bye J x
E: Bye chicken 💩 x
His last response brings a smile to your face. You’ve always appreciated Julian’s humour and how easily he can turn your mood around.
“Texting a boyfriend?” Kenny asks earnestly, although you note the hint of curiosity in his voice as he looks over the top of his phone at you.
You can’t help but laugh at his question. “Not quite.” You reply, not wanting to feel as though you’re openly advertising yourself as single. You knew Kenny didn’t really have much of a love life, but you’d be damned if you’d make him think that you were trying to actively throw yourself at anyone who was available.
His eyebrow raises with interest. “What does not quite mean? Are you friends with...”
“No!” You shout, immediately feeling embarrassed at the volume you used. “It’s not like that at all. Just friends.” You assure him, although you’re not sure why you feel the need to. What does it matter to him if you’re seeing someone or not?
That same smirk appears on his unfairly attractive lips again and you can tell he’s enjoying winding you up, although you can’t detect any malice behind it.
“I’m only messing, you don’t need to feel so wound up around me. I’m not that scary am I?” He asks you, his head tilting slightly in question like a dog’s would, his body language relaxed and not at all intimidating.
You let out a heavy sigh. “No, sorry.” You apologise, feeling sheepish for the overreaction. He shakes his head, standing up and moving over so that he’s in front of you. Once again, you have to pull your head back just to be able to make eye contact with him.
“Don’t apologise, I get nervous too.” He offers you a hand in polite gesture. You take it, ignoring that same electric feeling you get whenever your skin seems to make contact with his. He pulls you forward in your seat, bending down and resting his hand on the couch armrest, his curls tickling your cheek as he brings his mouth level to your ear. You can smell his aftershave, a welcoming scent that reminds you of back in Canada. It makes you feel slightly homesick.
“I won’t bite, unless you ask me too.” The sensation of warm air lightly brushing over your ear and neck sends the most delicious tingles down your spine, a familiar warm sensation pooling in the bottom of your stomach.
There’s the tell tale sound of Matt and Nick approaching, the two of them talking loudly to who you assume to be Brandon. Kenny retreats back to his seat, much to your chagrin, with a shit-eating grin on his face. As he sits down the door opens with the Bucks and, you guessed it, Brandon appearing, all seeming chipper and excited.
You’re finished dressing up for the night, wearing a subtler version of your ring makeup and having styled your hair in a way that you like which is casual but cute. The jeans you’ve styled with an off the shoulder top and leather jacket have a BTE patch embroidered on one of the back pockets and you’ve sneakily Tippex-ed an omega sign on the other.
As you bend down to tie up the laces on your trusty Dr Martens you hear a chuckle behind you. Peering over your shoulder you see Kenny pulling out his gear for the evening, his gaze fixed on the symbol you’ve drawn on your backside.
“My eyes aren’t on my ass Omega, keep them up here.” You gesture to your face, standing up straight and giving him the most coquettish smile you can muster.
He grins at your words. With an amused shrug he turns his back on you, pulling off his hoodie so you can’t get a clear view of his body. You do get a view of his back and can see the muscles shift as he runs a hand through his curls. He’s not lost much of his physique in his time off and you have to praise him for that.
You catch Matt’s eye as you go to leave, noticing the wicked grin on his face as his eyes flick back and forth between you and Kenny.
You decide to go find a TV somewhere quiet to watch tonight’s show alone, feeling the need to clear your head before you go out in front of the ravenous crowd.
The show goes well, with the Danielson/Garcia storyline progressing and providing a sweet moment where the crowd chants for Garcia instead of booing him. Punk calls out Hangman unnecessarily, which you find to be out of order, knowing full well that Adam isn’t here tonight to defend himself.
You give a small cheer for Mox when he comes back out later on to call Punk out again, interrupting Tony Nese’s entrance.
Whilst Toni and Kilynn battle it out in the ring together you take this as a good point to stroll towards the backstage area near the tunnels. You’ve had well over an hour to relax and unwind, which you feel has done you the world of good.
As you approach, you spot Don Callis stood a way off with Kenny. The Bucks are nowhere to be seen yet, so you stand around on your phone. You eventually feel a presence and look up to see Kenny stood beside you, fiddling with the tape around his wrists. He’s decked out in a sleeveless, duster-like jacket, with a black compression top on underneath. A precaution, perhaps?
Then you spot the shoulder brace protecting his left side.
“Are you sure you’re ready to wrestle?” You ask him, concern laced into your tone. He doesn’t answer, still struggling with a bit of tape that’s dangling off his wrist. You stand in front of him and grab his arm, tucking the end of the tape in so that it’s secure. With no further distraction he’s forced to look at you.
“There’s no question about it. Besides, this is all just kayfabe for the audience. I feel great.” He assures you, although you can sense his true feelings in his voice. You search his eyes, but all you can see right now is worry. Someone who is scared of doing the one thing he loves the most and screwing it up.
You can hear Le Faccion Ingobernable’s theme hit in the background and know that very shortly you’ll have to go out there with the Bucks.
“Be careful out there. I’d rather you walk back here a winner than us have to carry you back.” You tell him, a fuzzy feeling spreading in your chest when a soft smile spreads across his face, his eyes twinkling with a newfound passion.
“I dread to think what the AEW’s mighty Alpha would do to me if I wasn’t careful.” His tone is playful once more, and you can’t see any hint of those pesky nerves that you feel all too often. Come to think of it though, you didn’t felt nervous around him at all right now, something which you take joy in, as you finally feel relaxed in his presence. Maybe it’s the humbleness of him, that sudden realisation that Kenny Omega is not the god-like character you see him as onscreen.
You could’ve killed him following that barrier spot. Careful, is what you had asked for and this was his idea of it?
Part of you felt like a mark for getting so worked by Kenny’s impeccable selling of each injury and every spot, yet every single strike or move that connected with his body made you cringe.
At the end of the match, following a slight struggle to get the One-Winged Angel, Kenny got the pin and it was finally over. You could breathe easy again.
Remembering that you were still on air, you slid into the ring and knelt beside him, placing a hand on his side where you could feel the bandages wrapping up his torso underneath his shirt.
The Bucks beckoned you to leave the square, knowing the turn on Dragon Lee that was about to take place in the ring. You both slid out and stepped away, one of your arms wrapped around his waist as Kenny leant on you, his “good” arm wrapped around your shoulders. As you closed the distance to reach Matt and Nick, Kenny turns his head and buries his face into your hair, obscuring his lips, from the camera.
“I’m okay.” He mutters to you.
It’s all you need to quell the worry that has sat in your stomach for the past 25 minutes.
Although you know he was only doing so to hide his face, you can’t help but feel a wave of goose bumps erupt at the nape of your neck from the feeling of his lips brushing your ear. You have to mentally slap yourself in order to not lose focus on your current task of acting it up for the camera.
You don’t see the Hammerlock DDT that Andrade enacts on Dragon Lee, but you hear the confused shouts of the crowd and finally see the live feed on the screens go off.
The show is over. But not quite.
Nick runs to the ring, hoping to defend Dragon and in doing so warding off Andrade and Rush. Matt helps Dragon out of the ring and you watch as he manages to hobble off backstage. Kenny moves back towards the ring, his arm leaving your shoulders and instead grabbing your hand, bringing you along with him. His hold never breaks as he helps you up the steel steps.
Matt is sat on the ropes, creating a gap for you to slip through and Kenny follows suit, having retrieved a microphone from Justin Roberts.
You stand in the ring as Kenny addresses the crowd in earnest regarding his return to wrestling. You stand quietly, unable to stop the infectious smile that is plastered across your face as you listen to him.
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kenneth-omega · 2 years
The Fear of Falling in Love
// Part 1 // Part 2 //
A Kenny Omega Short Fic
**EDITED 27/08/22**
Pairing: Kenny Omega x Female Reader
Summary: You’re a family friend of The Young Bucks who, like Matt and Nick, also became obsessed with wrestling from a young age. During Kenny’s absence from screen you were sourced into AEW by the Bucks and brought into the Undisputed Elite faction. Following the recent fall out between Adam Cole/reDragon and the Bucks over the upcoming Trios tournament you finally get to meet the great Kenny Omega. You eventually become locked into a storyline that starts out fun and harmless but soon turns sour at the prospect of real feelings being hurt and relationships tarnished.
Warnings: swearing (there will be more warnings to come in future parts), pure panting over kenny fuckin’ omega tbh
Word count: 1.9K
A/N: In honour of our wrestling lord and saviour ✨Kenneth Omega✨ returning to our screens this week on Dynamite I’ve decided to pull my dusty forgotten ass out of the shadows and write for him.
This short fic will have 5 parts in total!! (In this fic I am pre-empting what I think is gonna happen during the Trios Tournament and some things ((such as certain wrestlers currently off injured)) aren’t accurate to the current events, so please be gentle with me! 😊 Just think of this as an AU if it helps.)  Also, reader’s wrestling name is Cori but is called Y/N when not being referred to as Cori. There will be some personal names used but I’ll add these for each chapter where relevant like I have done below!
For Reference:
“All Ego” Ethan Page is Julian
Cori “The Alpha” Dacre is Y/N
You were excited to meet him. Understandably.
Despite your constant friendship with Matt and Nick which had remained alive for the many years since you’d moved to Canada as a teenager, you had never had the time nor the need to meet their current ring buddy and long-time pal Kenny Omega.
When you got the call back in December of last year from Matt asking if you’d want to sign with their own company All Elite Wrestling you had no idea just how ingrained into the company and their little faction you would become. Following your leave from the indie promotion you’d been wrestling for in Ontario, you hopped onto the first available flight down to Texas where their Wednesday night show Dynamite was being taped.
Matt had organised you a hotel for the night, with Nick arranging for you to meet the CEO Tony Khan.
“We’re not gonna throw you into a match, honestly, this is just a taster for you to come down, check out what we’re about and speak to Tony. Who’s a really great guy when you eventually get to meet him.” Matt reassured you down the phone the evening before.
Even though AEW was co-created by your friends, you were still extremely nervous. This would be the biggest company you had worked for, should everything go smoothly.
You hadn’t had much time to dwell on the details and the complications of coming back to the US to wrestle, having made most your career in the promotions back in Canada you were truly an indie darling.
“Which is why the fans are gonna love you even more.” Nick had patted you on the back encouragingly as you walked backstage at the show, heading towards a skinny, curly-haired man with a large headset on and a tablet in his hand.
From there on you’d shook hands, made small talk and watched the show beside Tony Khan and the Bucks. At the end of the show Tony had extended to you an offer of employment with AEW after seeing your interest.
From then on you’d started out with a couple of test matches on AEW Dark which had gained you decent praise and reactions from fans. With Tony satisfied in your capabilities and your talent, he gave the green light to get you straight onto Dynamite. Your debut came on the first Dynamite of the new year, where you cut yourself a sweet and short promo calling out Jade Cargill following her win over Ruby Soho.
There you introduced yourself under your new persona, having decided to shed the indie nickname from back home.
“And just who the hell do you think you are to come at that bitch on my show?” Jade sneered down the mic, her retained title belt proudly slung over her shoulder.
With a roll of your eyes and a determined grin, you spoke clearly into your own mic. “I’m Cori Dacre. The Alpha of the women’s division and soon to be the new TBS Champion.”
“Cori! Hello?!” A hand waves in your face impatiently. Snapping from your stupor you gaze up to see who had rudely pulled you out from your daydreams. It was Ethan, holding his plate of breakfast from the hotel’s self-catering buffet.
“Hello Julian.” You chide as he takes a seat beside you. Your own plate didn’t look as appetising as his, with a bland portion of porridge and some pieces of jam covered toast.
“Wow, who pissed in your coffee this morning? You hardly ever call me that unless your upset, angry or just trying to wind me up.” Ethan counts on his fingers as he reels off the list, looking at you with an eyebrow raised in silent question.
“No one, I’m just...nervous.” You grumble, poking the wobbly gruel with your spoon and scrunching your nose up in disgust. It had practically solidified at this point and was past salvageable, you sigh and pick up one of the slices of toast instead.
“Remind me to note nervous down on the list for future reference,” Ethan jokes, catching a deathly glare from you. “...So who’s making you nervous? Want me to go beat ‘em up?” He offers, although he seems far too absorbed in his breakfast to be of any use for beating up people.
You shake your head, partially in response to him and partially due to the fact that the cold piece of toast was scratchy and tough going down your throat.
“Who said it was someone making me nervous?” You scoff, getting up from the table with your plate and heading back to the buffet, ditching the half-attempted breakfast for favour of a clean plate.
Scanning the different trays and pots of hot food you settle on some scrambled eggs, beans and another coffee.
“Are you seriously gonna try and lie to me Y/N?” Ethan’s voice echoes right beside you, causing you to fumble with your plate that you have balanced on one hand as you try to pour your coffee with the other.
“Fuck!” You hiss, keeping the plate steady and giving Ethan a look that could kill. “How about next time you wait for me to come back to the table instead of scaring the soul out of my body whilst I’m handling hot things!” You shove the plate in front of his face in a furious gesture.
Ethan grins and takes the plate from you, taking it back to the table as you grip onto your newly poured coffee like Gollum.
“I could have, but you would have just tried to move on from the subject and try distract me with new toys or something else equally as interesting. Besides, you know I’m always here for you, whether it’s back in good ol’ Canada or here in AEW. If someone’s bugging you then you can tell me.” He offers a gentle hand on your arm as he sets your plate down, before taking his seat and continuing with his own plate.
You slump into your chair and cast a steady eye around the room, mindful of the other talent that were here. Many were just minding their own business and no one seemed the least bit interested in you right now.
“I'm...meeting Kenny Omega today.” You mutter, waiting for Ethan’s response.
He raises his eyebrows as he chews on a mouthful and ponders your statement for a few seconds.
“You’ve not met Kenny before? I would’ve thought that being from Canada and what with you and the Bucks it’d have happened already.”
You shake your head, just as surprised yourself that it hadn't happened either.
“You know how much I’ve enjoyed this year right? The whole storyline with the Undisputed Elite has been great fun and me being recruited into the faction by Matt and Nick has given me such an amazing boost. But...what if Kenny hates me? What if I don’t fit into the Elite with him coming back and he wants me out?”
Ethan nods slowly as you begin to spiral into a tirade of self-doubting questions that you had yet to ask aloud to anyone. You couldn’t even bring yourself to speak to the Bucks about this.
“Are you sure you’re not just nervous about being around him? I know you’ve never met the guy but you’ve always spoke very admirably about him...as a wrestler, obviously.” Ethan adds the last part when he notices the narrow-eyed stare being cast his way.
“Obviously.” You repeat, not wanting to entertain the thought of your nerves being related to anything else other than professional. “Of course I’m nervous about that but-”
Ethan slaps your shoulder with the back of his hand repeatedly, his attention firmly focused on something to your right and no longer on the conversation. You follow his gaze and feel your heart soar with adrenaline and fear when you spot who is walking towards you.
A mess of brown and highlighted curls frame a rugged, unshaven face, with steely, blue eyes boring a hole into yours. You would never admit it to a single soul, but Kenny Omega was an extremely attractive man. An extremely attractive man who was also walking straight towards you.
Before he reached the two of you, you felt Ethan nudge your leg with his knee beneath the table and his muttering comment of “Be calm, he’s just a human, he’s gonna love you.”
Not wanting to seem like a deer caught in the headlights you match Kenny’s smile with a welcoming one of your own. When he reaches your table, you actually notice that Matt and Nick had entered the room with him, but the two of them had decided to bypass you completely and head straight for the food. You catch Nick’s watchful eye as they pass, him trying to subtly observe the two of you interact for the first time.
“Sorry to interrupt your morning, I just wanted to stop and say hi.” Kenny admits to you and Ethan, his eyes flicking back and forth between the two of you. His voice is inviting and warm, a lot deeper than you’d expected, despite having watched countless numbers of his promos. You look over to Ethan who appears extremely interested in his food at the moment, leaving you the only person to talk.
Bastards, the lot of them.
“Oh! Um, hi. I’m Cori.” You extend a hand out to him politely, praying that it doesn’t feel clammy or too warm when he goes to take it. Maybe it’s because the hotel’s carpeted and it’s just a static shock, but when Kenny grips your hand in his you could’ve sworn that you felt a crackle of electricity pass between you both.
His hand feels large in yours and the rough skin on the pads of his fingers matches your own, a tell-tale sign that he’s recently been getting back in the ring. You knew this of course, having been told a few weeks back by Nick and Matt that Kenny would be returning onscreen this week.
Today, in fact.
You notice that both your hands stopped shaking a while ago and now you’re both just holding onto each other. You decide to break the contact, unsure how to feel under his captivating gaze as his hand engulfs yours in a comforting way.
“I’ll not bother you two any more than I have, but I really thought it was time I get to know the wrestler who Matt and Nick have been raving about endlessly to me. I’m looking forward to working with you Cori. See you later this evening?” Kenny shoots you the question, although really it could’ve been more of a statement.
You would of course be taking up the Elite’s corner tonight in the main event, acting as an insignificantly small part of Kenny’s immense return to the ring.
A short nod from you is all you can muster, still feeling slightly star-struck by the man in front of you. Kenny’s eyes have an almost mischievous twinkle to them as a grin passes across his face before he leaves. Were it not for the fact you were completely spaced out following the interaction, you wouldn’t have caught him looking back over his shoulder at you and giving you a tiny wave. A small gesture, but one that sends your veins thrumming as you realise he must’ve caught you staring.
A few seconds pass before Ethan lets out a low whistle.
“Talk about floundering, you couldn’t barely string a sentence together in front of him! This is bad!” He laughs, looking at your slightly dazed expression, cheeks a raging shade of pink.
“Fuck off Julian.”
A/N: Short first chapter, sorry!! (I wanted to test the waters with me getting back into writing) I hope that this fic is interesting and people want to read more as I’ve got this story pretty much mapped out already! It’ll be a short fic but I can’t say for certain how many parts to this there’d be (estimate would be around 6/7? IDK I’m so bad at working this stuff out 🙃), although the future parts will be longer than this one.
Also, I am planning for there to be SMUT in future parts so just a lil’ wink wink 😉 for y’all and also a warning to under 18′s (I will be mentioning in the warnings where there is anything NSFW).
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