sbnkalny · 1 year
unempath: Vanilla beatsticks fall off completely BY mid-late duel monsters era
unempath: It's time to duel
unempath: It's time to duel
unempath: It's time to Duel
unempath: It's time to duel
unempath: It's time to duel
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froginabogg · 3 months
thinking about “I only wanted to see your face in mine” Marvin my man you cannot tell your child who’s biggest fear it is to turn out like his dickbag of a father that you don’t love him unless he’s like you
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eye-of-yelough · 6 months
hmm. should i add another layer to the tragedy of gortae by there being a very small deep-down part of Gortash that wishes he could “love” Tae a bit more like a normal person, a bit less selfishly, or is he so delusional he genuinely believes their relationship is healthy and equally fulfilling.
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Tarry Jr tries to rationalize/justify what the kiddads did by saying that the difference between them doing bad things(genocide)and Willy doing bad things is that for Willy its always a active choice he's making. The kiddads are doing terrible shit because they have to to fix things while Willy makes a conscious decision to hurt people.
That's a lot more upsetting after what we've learned about Lark and Sparrow. At the end of the day, even though the world does need fixing, doing what they did to Hero was a choice. It was a repeated years long effort. Hurting a child like that is an active plan that you gotta put work into. And then when destroying a child didn't help anything, Sparrow then makes the choice to not try to groom his other kid into the perfect sacrifice.
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wild-penguin · 2 years
Its so draining having to continuously take over someone else's emotions
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indigoire · 2 years
I keep thinking about the "childhood trauma" movie and like...I dunno, I watched a lot of Disney and classic movies as a kid and I didn't really get scared by them? If I did, I don't remember them. I also wasn't sad about on-screen death until I was in double digits. My first movie was Nightmare Before Christmas so maybe that desensitized me to scary things and I just had a lack of empathy for other people until that part of my brain developed.
Literally the only movie I can think of that freaked me out at a young age (other than the abandonment issues that came from The Tigger Movie) was watching the original Poltergeist when I was 12. The bit where the guy looks into a mirror and starts tearing off his face REALLY disturbed me. As an adult it looks super fake but it got to me for sure.
I wasn't scared by flying monkeys in Wizard of Oz, none of the Disney antagonists really got to me, I was too old to be traumatized by Coraline (read the book YEARS before anyways and it wasn't super scary) I didn't see Watership Down until I was grown, same for Beetlejuice...
I think secretly reading my mom's smutty novel when I was way too young got to me more than any movie I ever saw lol.
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kavehater · 3 months
Bringing back my 2022 personality I now associate with math and hitting people (myself) with pans
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sunnyevermore · 4 months
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@ everyone in my life
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sbnkalny · 1 year
unempath: Hagu wataka
garbage-empress: Hagu wataka
garbage-empress: Hagu wataka
lennongrad: Hagu wataka
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royalrebelpropaganda · 5 months
faybelle, in the books, does not believe that villains are allowed to be happy. in some ways, maybe she's right. she says: "villains aren't supposed to be [...] happy. we fester, we dwell, we're prone to years of melancholy. you know, proper villain emotions" (fairy's got talent). she keeps herself incredibly busy to the point of overworking herself for one reason or another--head of the cheerleader team, straight-A student, auditioning for the school play, running herself straight into the ground for the sake of making herself miserable and little else. villains, of course, are not allowed to feel things like happiness or glee.
this is an interesting in contrast to the faybelle we get in the show. we see in forest fest that she is bitter over never being invited to places, the tale of two parties displays her insecurity of others favoring people more than her. there is still that level of negative emotion present; but the part where they differ is in show!faybelle's laziness. she sets up a sweatshop to use people's pets to get out of doing detention, she calls up the fairy mafia to get out of cleaning the school. we never see that drive that characterizes her in fairy's got talent, we are just left with her as a character that delights in other people's pain.
book!faybelle is envious, bitter, and uses evil as a tool for success. show!faybelle is envious, bitter, but her use of evil is something that seems to bring her genuine joy, and her sadistic and unempathic role in the story is interesting in contrast to the more "human" take on her in the books. which one do you prefer?
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shesnake · 3 months
I wanted to know your thoughts on this but do you think it's fair to say either Louis or Armand are abusive in their relationship? Idek if this is a valid angle to view the characters from because I guess they're all monsters or whatever but a part of me thinks that it's kinda lukewarm to refuse to engage with the complicated themes of the show, which abuse is featured heavily and pretty clearly imo. This isn't aimed at you btw. Something I noticed is people tend to use some of Louis's less favorable moments to justify the violence he experiences. Like that post about Armand just matching Louis energy in ep 5, most of the notes are taking the stance that Louis is a cold, unempathic pimp who doesn't care about sa victims, that Armand genuinely is completely right when he says he is always cleaning up after Louis that he was only worried and tenderhearted and Louis escalated in the worst way and that after Louis said that he deserved everything that happened after. And I may be biased but to me that is so fucking crazy. To me it seems like fans, specially nonblack fans, have zero empathy for black abuse victims, actively enacting abuse culture even. But idk if that is a too reactive view. I don't want to say Louis isn't flawed because he is. But I mean we are watching the season about Armand getting Claudia killed on purpose and somehow people are still like Maybe Armand didn't do it, maybe it was all Louis, maybe Louis really asked for it. All of it. I think there's a problem there but idk I kinda feel a little crazy too. Btw disclaimer I fuckin hate Lestat this is not about comparing Loumand/Loustat lol
hi! and wow there is so much to discuss here...
I think it is fair to describe the actions of both Louis and Armand towards each other as abusive by definition but it's always important to remember that it is Armand in the position of greater power over him. Armand is older, stronger, owns dominion. He can walk in the sun, manipulate memories, and live without constant debilitating hunger for blood - all of which are things that impede Louis from being his own person outside of Armand.
Louis also faced this same predicament when he was with Lestat, but unlike Armand who uses his own innate powers against Louis, Lestat mostly used his social advantages of whiteness, wealth etc in addition to withholding key knowledge about vampirism to keep himself in control and Louis dependent on him.
and sure Louis can lash out all he wants! He can mock Armand's sexual trauma (trauma which Armand himself already gets them both to fetishise... but that's a whole different conversation...) he can hit back when Lestat hits him but when he's with either of those guys he is always going to be the victim. Nothing shitty he does to his partners, or to Claudia, or to Daniel, justifies what is being done to him by these men.
There absolutely has to be anti-blackness involved in any argument that says Louis deserves any of this. (Of course Armand as a brown South Asian man is not immune from fandom racism but his treatment is racialised in a different way that is also a different conversation). Any negative behaviour from a Black man is going to be seen by racists as exponentially more aggressive than it is, especially the cross-section with those you mentioned who aren't engaging with the complicated themes of this show exploring abuse.
They can see that Louis yelling at Armand is bad, but don't notice that Armand is being manipulative. They can see that Louis stabbing Lestat that one time during sex is bad (and still sexualise it), but don't notice that Louis is disassociating in every sex scene he has with Lestat afterwards (because they're too busy sexualising it). They can see that Louis making Daniel upset is bad, but don't notice that Daniel has been leveling dozens of racist and homophobic micro-aggressions at him since episode 1.
Armand got a few minutes to tell his tragic backstory in Louvre, Lestat had 2 or 3 different scenes in season 1 to recall his own. It's just been words. Meanwhile racists erase Louis' experiences with trauma because they never had enough fucking empathy for him to begin with to even register it happening to him! on screen! in real time! right in front of us!
And yeah Louis and Armand and Loumand are incredibly complex and compelling, and I do enjoy seeing Louis' moments of cruelty towards Armand! But he's never going to win against him in the game Armand built for him.
And in terms of Claudia, I do think that Louis failed her, as he has always failed her. And is responsible for her death in that regard. But that failure involved letting those other two fucking sharks eat her!!! I personally haven't seen anyone pushing the blame completely off Armand and onto Louis but I wouldn't be surprised. This week I've more pissed off about people levelling it all on Armand and think of Lestat as an unwilling participant.... this is of course the blonde white vampire show....
anyways sorry this is so long! thanks for the message this was really interesting to think about.
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drdemonprince · 8 months
I just got your piece The Asexual Fetishist in my inbox and wanted to send you a quick thank you for breaking my brain open with that one. I've spent years trying to square my desire for novel sexual experiences/specific kink related interests with not actually being sexually attracted to other people. I've consumed a lot of content by asexuals about kink and the like but having someone actually explain their experience with their fetish and its impact on their sexual life has never popped up in my perusing. I've had a lot of hang ups about the asexual label so I haven't dug too deep. This has definitely inspired me do more than a cursory exploration and I will definitely be giving Ana Valens work a read. Thanks again!
yeahhhh!!!! I love to hear it, thank you. Ana Valens' writing is GREAT and seeing her, a very outspoken and proud perv and accused "degenerate" claim the asexual label made me feel better about revisiting it, too. Others land on a different way of describing themselves -- Cosima Bimbotheory for example says that while in contemporary parlance she qualifies as ace spectrum / demisexual, she instead identifies more with leathersex, because the leather community has always made space for boundary-breaking ways of achieving intimacy, and has always included people who have sex without "having sex." I don't think these views are incompatible, hence my inclusion of vintage leather exhibitionist porn That Boy in my essay as an example of what Valens calls Ace Erotics.
I got my start as a queer kid on the asexuality forums of the early 2000s -- before I had the language of being autistic or trans or unempathic, ace spaces were the only community where I could easily express feeling outside and beyond what normal human beings were expected to feel. And so I still find I have a home there.
I think asexuality gets clowned on far too much -- there is this annoying tendency to equate people having bad opinions or doing annoying shit with their identities, and so aces get written off as sex-shamey scolds and enbies get characterized as anti medical transition and all other kinds of dumb shit like that, often from people who should know better. im here to say you can be an asexual free use hole and that is actually not confusing at all if a person actually considers what asexual means.
heres the link to the essay, for the curious
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kojikanokangaetano · 1 year
Across the Spiderverse, Perpetual victimhood and the possibility of youth as shown by Miles and Miguel (+ Hobie)
Tldr because this might be long: Movie good; Miguel is stuck in a state of being the perpetual victim and has dragged down other spideys with him, while Miles is fighting against being ever put in this position, which is why they compliment each other perfectly as foils
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So, rambling incoming- I have a lot of thoughts regarding Miguel and have only seen the movie once so far so please forgive me if I got something wrong- only based on the movie(s)
I believe that Miguel O´hara, as well as Miles, are supposed to showcase the approaches of being victimized and how they deal with their experiences, respectively.
Point one: Parent -teacher talk:
In the first scene predominantly featuring Miles, the teacher and his parents are supposed to talk about his academic future, in which the teacher specifically points out Miles supposed "struggles"- however, his parents, as well as Miles himself, are quick to point out that they had a lot of opportunities and are living a good life in Brooklyn, which is shown by the community + family participating in a rooftop party for Jeffersons promotion (+ the "we have a car statement"). However, the teacher reiterates her point of how "They always struggle" somehow and urges to make that point about himself the anchor of his, still blank, "universe".
Point two: Miles´ future aspirations
During the talk, it is shown how Miles sees his parting with the spider-gang from itsv as a mere temporary hindrance, something that can be overcome if he just tries himself at overcoming the wall that is the existence of multiple universes. Even though in the first film it was clearly established that he enjoys his art primarily, he is willing to put that on the backburner and reevaluate his priorities to reach certain goals (seeing Gwen, Peter B., Peni, Noir and Ham) BEFORE pursuing his other passions.- Miles is shown to articulate this actually pretty well to his parents- sure, his dream of meeting them again might be spurred on by a childlike will to belong, but he is clearly able to reason with his parents who are objecting to princeton university at first.
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Point three: Dealing with his uncles death
During the whole runtime, it is shown again and again how, instead of letting the death of his uncle drag him down, he is uplifted by his memory and his last words. They are defining for him and what he has achieved since then. It is even shown during the flashback-scene in Miguels lab (?) that even peter B. is not able to keep his eyes on his respective uncles´´ death, but Miles is shown to aknowledge not only his OWN pain, but moreso try to empathize with other spideys in attendance.(will touch upon this later)
How does Miguel play into all of this?
Contrary to Miles, Miguel is shown to be standoffish and unempathizing unless pressed into being soft (taking Gwen reluctantly while she is held at gunpoint with her identity exposed btw). He is shown in his first unmasked scene to be reminisicing about his family, replaying the few happy memories he had with them most likely over and over. Unlike Miles, he reminds himself not only of the positive aspects of what his family stands for, but the MISTAKE they represent to him specifically. This ties into the straight up spiteful way he deals with Miles.
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Point one: Miguel uses Miles as a scapegoat
He hates Miles because he blames him. While he talks about the fact that he messed up, it becomes clear during the following talk -and chase- that he, in actuality, blames Miles for everything that happened. Miles is the "orginal Anomaly" and as such the reason why Miguel was compelled to build the universe-hopping-watches. This, subsequently, made him (want to?) find a family. Without Miles getting bitten, he would have never committed the mistake in the first place- As such, Miguel is pushing all the blame on Miles- Miles forced him to act, so the family he had and lost were all because of Miles becoming a spiderman when he wasnt supposed to- easy, right? This is an integral way of thought that also is reflected in the plot.
Point two: Victim-mentality and being "a vicitim of the narrative"
Not only is it most likely used to ctritique the state of the current spidey-comics, of which there has been a huge stir recently(that I dont know that much about, sadly), but it also ties into the mindset of Miguel. He has become jaded (by age and lived experience) and is lost in his perspective of being a victim. Because of this, it has become a necessity to blame anything and anyone to push away his own guilt- in the end, Miles never actively pressured him to find a family and mess up a whole universe while doing so. But even if this shouldnt apply, Miguel has a backdoor for his poor rationalization: It was always unavoidable- the game was never meant to be won, especially as a spider-person. Its freeing and gives him the possibility to atone and distract himself from his wrongdoings, while channeling his anger towards his "true" enemy- Miles.
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This is even moreso shown to the audience as to how he has made every other spidey think the same way he does (exceptions made for Hobie and others later on). It is freeing for these peters, too,to know that they werent at fault- if everyone but them is at fault, how are they supposed to feel any guilt? Miguel essentially made the majority of spideys vicitms in their own stories. They have become mere pawns in their narratives and, in turn, entered a "victim mentality". In essence a self-fulfilling prophecy.Only characters like Miles and Hobie see through such a narrow way of thinking.
Spiderpunk - and why he is the most important new player for Miles (and across the spiderverse)
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Hobie, my man, number one instigator- spiderpunk, right from his entrance, is shown to be just different from most other spideys. he, right after meeting Miles for the first time (and knowing about his special status as an "anomaly" already), is seen helping him out. He straight up even tries to prevent him from going to HQ, sensing something is up. While on their way to Miguel, he questions Gwen regarding what she must have NOT told Miles and starts stealing parts for a makeshift watch later on.
He even tries to talk sense into Miles and the fact that he is living a good life (even with the likely knowledge of Uncle Aarons death). Which Miles, like everything else, pushes aside because of his need for "true" companionship in form of the spidey-society. Also, the line "knowing about which war you enlist in"- wow, like damn
Uncle Ben
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When shown the flashbacks of everyones Uncle Ben, Miles sees Peter B.s and others Uncles in their last moments as a "canon event",playing out before him. At one point, he turns to Hobie and asks specifically if he also went trough this, him having been the outlier up until now. Hobie only turns away, seemingly uncomfortable with the comment "What about it"- Hobie rejects Miguels notion of one laid out event pushing his identity into a specific direction. He detests the idea of being a victim and actively tries to show this mutliple times in his demeanor. He may have suffered loss, but who doesnt? How is this an indicator of being spiderman? He is himself because he wants to be himself, loss be damned. Aknowledging the fact that there might be things that make him a mere player in a narrative, to be written into scenarios already thought out, makes him obviously unhappy- and maybe even feel like he is being instrumentalized-.
Hobie and Miles
Hobie sees the way Miles, akin to Pavtir/Spider-Man India, says "I can do both", a.k.a- "doing whats right" being put BEFORE what the rules would tell you. In conjunction with his mere existence as a sign of "rebellion" and "anomaly" it becomes only natural for him to be the one to stick up for him (telling spiderwoman "good" when told he isnt helping her.) and being the one that effectively breaks out Miles from his electric cage. Hobie sees the spark of freedom and possbility in Miles, something that he must have missed while being at HQ. When things escalate and he sees that Miguel will stick to his guns and toxic mindset, he just, dips. He even leaves his watch, refusing to profit from anything given to him by an organization that doesnt align with his moral code.
Spiderverse never fails to impress. Like, wow- Miles mere existence, that "anybody could wear the mask", even someone that was supposed to become the damn Prowler, is merely dismissed by Miguel and others, them entirely caught in their own sorrow and perpetual state of self-assigned victimhood. Spiderverse shows that actively struggling and trying to break molds and systems that you dont agree with (Miles just trying his best and being uplifted by positive influences, putting his all into his aspirations, even with the outcome being unclear, Spiderpunks whole existence) is the only real way out of being a victim of your own story. He is doing his own thing, and just trusting the leap of faith he has commited himself to again and again, something that Miguel has rejected entirely by now. He in turn finds comfort in the role of a self-appointed martyr and self-sacrifizing head of the spidey-society („I have been the one holding it all together“, etc.). Him realizing that maybe, just maybe, Miles wasnt the one who made the choice for him and that Miguel decided to live his life, with all of his consequences, is so horrifiying, so earth-shattering, that he has made Miles, a teenager, public threat number one in not just his, but everyones eyes. If miles isn’t a victim like him, he has to be the perpetrator.
The presented message does not only apply to fiction, but also real-life- you are the only one to make choices -and specifically adjustments- to your own life (and story), because hey, "there is no playbook" at the end of the day. :)
I know I could have touched upon Gwen and other characters but it would have been even longer and its late so
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fantasyloverisabel · 2 months
Dragons Rising spoilers below
I've seen mixed opinions on Arin, specifically the selfishness. And some people are saying stuff like "He wants his parents back that isn't selfish!" And thats true, wanting your parents is never something thats selfish. What IS selfish is that you'll make everything about yourself, and completely disregard the fact that other people are missing their families too. It's not just Arin that lost his family/loved ones it's multiple people.
Even Nya can be used in this example (and Zane) they've both lost a loved one. And even when Nya "finds" Jay, she prioritizes the mission because she knows it's important to the world. Now you could argue saying "Nya is a grown adult and Arin is a kid" Arin is about 16-17 and when the Ninja first started about they were about that age and all I can really say is to just look at Kai's development from the beginning.
For Sora lying to Arin, I think in the moment she shouldn't have told him, but once they reached the monastery she should've. But her character doesn't like to disappoint others so she was fearful of that, but even when he confronted her she told the truth and didn't lie. But linking that with what Ras has been telling Arin, it's one of the reasons why it's annoying (no offense) when the "Arin isn't selfish" people are ignoring this. Arin is only with Ras because he can lead him to his parents, and despite the fact that Ras has endangered their lives on multiple occasions(even trying to split them up) and was sided with someone who was using dragons for fuel.
Then you move onto the training bit, where Ras inadvertently trained Arin on how to properly do Spinjitzu,(theory) and I've seen people talking about how when Arin does it fully it has red streaks because he's forcing it and it'll likely hurt him somehow in the future. But back onto the training, Lloyd had said multiple times he doesn't think he'll be a good master and Arin kept pushing that onto him(and excluding the fact he doesn't even see the Ninja as people more so idols and still saw them as such till this season).
Then moving on when Master Wu said he caused the merge (which he could've said that he did because he couldn't prevent it, me and a friend actually talked about that) Cole was in shock and Arin's immediate thought was "wow they can't even believe Master Wu would do something like that" No Arin, Cole was in shock because he didn't expect that. And you told Lloyd this information when he's fighting the enemy, and when he said he'll deal with it later that didn't mean "I won't believe this information you've given me" it's a "I'll digest this information AFTER we defeat the enemy" and even Zane says it's a lot of information to process. This entire time Arin was just being selfish and unempathic.
The only thing I can praise him on was the whole detective thing he has going on, which was good, but overall was selfish the rest of the time. What makes it a bit frustrating is that Arin being a character thats written selfishly isn't a bad thing, he can have major character development and seeing a main character like this is really cool to see. But trying to erase that crucial part of his character is silly.
Anyways I hope I didn't make anyone angry with this post, and if I did that wasn't my intention to. There's also probably A LOT of spelling errors I didn't see so I apologize for that. And Im open to discussion! If you haven't already make sure you drink some water to stay hydrated and have a lovely day!
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forged-by-fire · 5 months
OC profile: Sakura
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Got tagged by @daemon-in-my-head (tyvm ❤️),
tagging @bhaalbabebardlock and @pixie-in-a-moonlantern if you want 😄
Full name: Sakura, because she can´t remember her own name and Enver suggested he would call her like that.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Pronouns: She/her
Father: biological; Bhaal, adopted; -
Mother: biological; Bhaal, adopted; not really adopted, but rescued from a rich woman who transferred her to Baldur´s Gate. The woman taught her several skills and looked after her, but not as a mother would do.
Siblings: biological; Sarevok Anchev, adopted; - but there were other kids living with her in the house which belonged to the rich woman.
Birthplace: In a village near Uwaji, capital city of Wa. Bhaal thought she would be safer in her first years if she grows up far away from Baldur´s Gate.
Job: As kid she learned to dance and she performed on stage, working for the woman who rescued her. Later she became the leader of the cult of Bhaal.
Phobias: Loosing control over herself, to be useless
Guilty Pleasures: loves to dance, enjoys nature (night and day), fashion
Alignment: sometimes chaotic evil, sometimes chaotic neutral. She struggles most of the time because she doesn´t know what she wants.
Sins: greed, wrath and also murder, vivisections, extortion (everything that gets her faster to her goal)
Virtues: loyality to her allies, very skilled at murdering
This or That:
Introvert/Extrovert: She can be both, depends on her mood
Organized/Disorganized: Organized, because she had to learn it as a kid
Close-Minded/Open-Minded: open-minded, else she would have had difficulties with a whole new culture far away from her homeland.
Calm/Anxious/Restless: Calm, she rests in herself for the most of the time
Disagreeable/Agreeable/In-Between: As kid agreeable, but the older she gets the more in-between it is.
Cautious/Reckless: Cautious most of the time. She enjoys watching other people interact, but if it is not the outcome she wants she goes in between.
Outspoken/Reserved/In-between: In-between, because she is curious and sometimes she can´t keep her mouth shut.
Leader/Follower/Flexible: Flexible, but prefers to follow
Empathic/Unempathic/In-between: Empathic, she knows exactly how the others feel and uses it for her advantage.
Traditional/Modern/In-between: Mostly traditional, but sometimes she wants to try something new.
Hard working/Lazy: Hard working, because her past life consisted of hard work. But she knows her limits and stops if it is too much.
OTP: Gortash, for sure. There was no one else in her life whom she trusted more.
BrOTP: Astarion, because he reminds her of someone and he has no problem with murder. Shadowheart, she tries to comfort her about the memory loss.
NOTP: This is difficult... uh I guess Wyll? Because she could not understand why someone sells his soul for the greater good and puts the needs of others/strangers over their own.
I don´t know if this makes any sense or if there are inconsistencies. Took me longer as I expected and am tired rn 😴
But I had a lot of fun 😉
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mr-animall · 7 months
The incident? 1/? ( On a working title)
It had been a couple of months since Isaac and Edward had an incident at a party edward threw. They weren't on speaking terms, more like edward was acting way more strange than usual and isaac wasn't going to bring this change up to him because he just assumed it was part of Edwards behavior. These thoughts ran through isaac's head as he unlocked his locker to grab a history book he should have in his bag but he prefers having more important things in his bag rather than school work. "Heyyy Isaac " a small figure said as they closed isaac's locker. "Drew.." Isaac started but couldn't finish over drew talking "So there's this new kid in our class and he kind of reminded me of you and-" Isaac responded with a hum of agreement as the rest of Drews talking became faded and his eyes attention focused on a figure walking on the opposite end of the hall. He noticed it was a familar face, it was Edward. Him and Edward made eye contact for an portion of a second before Edward sped up his walking. Isaac thought "strange" but didn't care enough to continue on that thought.
The end of the day came soon and drew and him were suppose to walk home together, drew wanted to make it a regular thing for some reason. Isaac waited awhile before getting a message from Drew, reading: " Nevin fell outside on the icy sidewalk and got injured so I took him home sorryy see you tomorrow " Isaac reacted to Drew's message with a thumbs up and walked home alone. Isaac walked the route to get home, before having a strange overwhelming feeling of someone following him. "God, am I going to get jumped by Edwards goons again" Isaac thought as sped up his walking hoping to lose his probably soon to be attacker. The figure tried to put their hand on isaacs shoulder but before they could Isaac pepper sprayed them, as they screamed in agony, he backed away, once he was a safe distance he turned to see his attacker. Isaac gave a flat expression when he realized who his attacker was, Edward. Isaac did not regret his actions even if he knew Edward. "You deserve that who creeps on someone like that" Isaac said annoyed."WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!" Edward yelled on his knees, trying not to rub his eyes. "self defense" Isaac said as he yanked Edward up and pulled him, walking with him. "Where are you taking me? " Edward questioned. Isaac didn't reply to his question. Edward couldn't see anything obviously with eyes closed but he could feel them walking on the sidewalk. Then he felt Isaac set him down on his knees on grass. Before Edward could even process where he was, Isaac had already turned on the hose and sprayed at Edward. " YOU FUCKIN- " his complaints getting cut off by Isaac spraying at him. "What?" He said chocking out a laugh, pretending to act like he didn't hear Edward. Finally after what felt like forever Isaac turned off the water to reveal a very angry and soaked Edward. " Is it out of you're eyes yet?" Isaac asked unempathically. Before Edward replied he looked at his surroundings to see they we're outside of Isaac's apartment complex. Finally he replied with "Shut up", he attempted to walk towards Isaac." Hey keep your distance" Isaac said threatening his pepper spray. He knew Edward would not let him go after watering him down the way he did. Edward backed away a bit " alright whatever just stop pointing that at me" Isaac put his pepper spray down but didn't put it away in case. "Now what do you want" Isaac asked crossing his arms. Edward got a bit uncomfortable and put his hand on the back of his neck " could we talk somewhere more private?" He asked nervously. Isaac raised an eyebrow "sure, if you try anything you are getting the pepper spray out of your own eyes" he said flaty. "Whatever" Edward replied. Isaac wasn't very trusting so he let Edward led to where they would privately talk.
Edward led them to a near by park. Edward sat on a bench while Isaac stood at a safe distance. Edward sat their quietly for a couple of minutes before Isaac asked " soo???" " What are we? " Edward asked nervously looking down at ground. "I don't know what do you think?" Isaac asked in a mellow tone voice. " Well after we kissed I thought that uhh um I don't FUCKIN KNOW" he yelled in frustration, his hands on his head still staring at the ground. Isaac didn't say anything and continued to let Edward let out the frustration. After awhile he asked " do you like me or something um." Do you like me?" Isaac replied. " WHY DO YOU KEEP REPLYING TO MY QUESTIONS WITH A QUESTION!??" he yelled annoyed. Isaac didn't reply and Edward ended up blurting out"GODDAMNIT OKAYIDOCOULDYOUJUSTGIVEANACTUALRESPONSE!!Isaac replied to that by grabbing Edwards chin and signaling with his eyes to Edwards mouth. Edward was so red he hummed a yes. Isaac gave him a long peck before giving him a flat expression. "I assume that we both understand?" Isaac said, his hand still on Edwards chin. Edward hummed another yes and with that Isaac gave him another peck. They both stood there for awhile, still pecking, eventually rain poured in and they both ran to Isaacs apartment for cover.
Isaac definitely tripped Edward a couple of times on the way there but Edward was way too cold to notice it. Isaac threw a towel over Edwards head and edward dried his hair with it. "Jeez are you always going to be like this even in a relationship?" Edward said sarcastically. Isaac replied to that by grab the ends of the towel and pulling them towards himself and hushing Edward. Edward stayed so still because of how new this was all to him. Isaac leaned into Edward mouth but at the last second pulling down the towel on Edward and laughing. "SERIOUSLY ISAAC!???" Edward yelled in embarrassment. " Pff I'm not kissing you, you're wet!" He said. " Also has anyone told you that you look like a wet dog?" He said snickering. " FIRST you are wet too! Second, UGH, SHUT UP THATS SO IRRELEVANT!!" Edward yelled.
"You're just mad because I won't kiss you " Isaac said drying his hair with another towel. " Just shut up" Edward said pushing Isaac.
Once they both finally dried up they laid on Isaacs bed staring at the ceiling. " So are we really going to this?" Edward asked. " You ask to many questions" Isaac said yawing and closing his eyes. Edward was only left with his thoughts. His thoughts turned from questions on how him and Isaac would work to, if he was sure? Was Isaac the one? He shook his head before the questions grew. He turned his head to look at Isaac who was napping. Maybe it was okay, maybe Isaac and him would be okay. This wasn't so bad as he initially thought so it must be a sign of things turning for the good. It was okay. He was okay. Edward turned his head back to the ceiling and fell asleep but the feeling of doubt didn't fade and this same feeling would his enemy until there was no more of him left.
( This took way too long ☠️)
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