enjolras-out · 2 years
What do you think about this most recent update? (You don't have to answer if you're busy.)
I am so busy! But not too busy for update!! Thank you for the ask! I have SO many thoughts… here are some:
Hyrule! He comes across as so tough and confident, teasing and pushing Twi and refusing to let him give up. Especially based on the previous update, I’m pretty sure his bravado is an act – he’s putting on a brave face to try and give Twi that tiny bit extra moral support but we already know he feels helpless and doesn’t know what to do but he’s TRYING. Being able to see the character development between the earliest doodles where he’s so insecure about his place in the group and here, where he deliberately takes a leading position in this scene both physically and emotionally, is amazing!
(there was a tiny part of me that was kinda hoping he'd get in on the hurt/comfort by exhausting himself trying to heal Twilight but that was nodded to by the stamina potion thing and also it would have messed up the focus of the scene... so fair enough. I can wait a little longer for my Hyrule angst)
I was actually super close to making a post analyzing/exploding about that one BOTW flashback panel where Wild is climbing the cliff but then I realized I was the only one who cared about how Jojo actually makes the fun but totally ridiculous BOTW climbing style look like it would actually work and ALSO drew his right hand in an excellent half crimp and ALSO how you can see his fingers are literally bleeding and this is super realistic especially when you consider the sheer size of those cliff-faces. I love how she depicted so well the visceral effort it would actually take to climb one and I guess now I’ve sort of made the post. Sorry. Rambling.
That moment at the end where Time claps Wild’s shoulder is so beautiful. Wild looks like he’s not sure whether Time’s going to tell him off and then Time just says ‘thank you’ and Wild looks so happy. The kind of passing of the torch from Time to Twilight to Wild just gives me all the emotions.
And LEGEND. Cradling his hat like a comfort blanket. And reminding Twilight they’ve got to go fishing one of these days. May I suggest the hc that Legend used to go fishing with his uncle when he was little. I love this hint that even these two have managed to build a relationship despite being so different.
And Four clearly still doesn't know what to make of Wild. Even when the others are laughing he's giving Wild worried looks. Is he scared Wild will give away his secret? Or still (at least one quarter) mad?
Finally - 'this fire burning in my blood, I can feel it'. Is it just me or does that not sound so much like someone dying of fever as someone aware something evil is inside them, maybe trying to possess or corrupt them from the inside out? Maybe it's just me. Still think evil Twilight could happen and it would be so much more angsty now after they've all reunited around his deathbed...
So much is happening and there are so many beautiful details with so much characterization in them! I still don't know if Twilight is actually on his way to healing or not? I think something really bad might happen next update? But it's all kind of on a knife edge for me, could go either way?!
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skyward-floored · 2 years
For Brethren in a Cradle Wind: what do you think about Ember? Are you upset at all the attention he's getting or are you happy that finally you are no longer the youngest, the baby of the Chain?
Wind: are you kidding? I’ve been waiting for this day ever since we all ended up together! I’m no longer the youngest!!! All of the overprotectiveness is on Ember now, there’s way less fussing over me!
Wind: and Ember’s the cutest, he reminds me of Aryll when she was tiny :)
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
I am doing surgery on a banana.
Did you save the patient??
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gemglyph · 1 year
Hi how are you doing?
I’m… super tired (‘: . I think today is just groggy for everyone though. It’s raining so my joints are evil right now. (I feel like that makes me sound SO OLD CRYING)
However!!!!! I finally have inspiration! I’m going to draw and hopefully it goes well. Or write. One or the other. Maybe both?
How about you? How are you!
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rock-n-onyx · 1 year
Do you have pets? What are they? (Plants count too.)
Ooh get in for a long run.
I have 5 dogs. Athos, Aja, Fennec, Gamora, Athena
I have three cats. Constance, Bentley, Tucker
I have a pig named Beebee.
I have a cockateil named Sunny.
I have a whole bunch of quail (coturnix and button)
No plants apart from my mom's lilly that's somehow survived for several years (we suck at taking care of plants)
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I think I am a little ways ahead of you in Skyward Sword and JUST YOU WAIT! This game gets even better still. I am so excited and invested in this game you have no idea. And there's so much lore implications I can't wait to discuss once I've completed the game and have the full story.
It may seem like I'm playing it for the first time (cough it's because I'm really excited cough) but I've had the game for five years and this is my fourth time playing through it lol (and yes it DOES somehow get even better)
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grovylereblogs · 2 years
Hi how are you?
Im doing good, workin in a snow storm but we're Allright!
What about you?
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ajscico · 2 years
7 and 26?
what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
I love the mantas, or anything they put in the tide pools for interaction. (Yes, I’m an overgrown child like that)
how’s your spice tolerance?
I’m a wimp. I used to consume hot salsa and stuff… but now it’s a matter of not liking the burning sensation on my lips or having to consume antacids to not regret spice choices for two days… in this I am old lady
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nancyheart11 · 1 year
I do believe it's Tellie loving hours!
@silvercaptain24 @skyward-floored @bokettochild @hermitdrabbles56 @mothie-lad @mad-navi @bzagender @lavafox628 @unexpectedtraveler
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artemistorm · 2 years
Summary: The Master Sword uses Wild as a human battery. The Chain finds out the hard way when Wild breaks the sword and it drains his energy and life.
Based on a headcanon by @cosmetichorror (I’m sorry I dug way back into my blog but I can’t find the post with the headcanon. If someone finds it, tag me and I’ll link it.)
Also tagging you folks who wanted to be tagged:
@cosmetichorror, @cipher-wise, @qualitybonkpeachvoid, @mysticmusicinkpop, @silveroak-art @uh-oh-its-bird, @damnut
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enjolras-out · 2 years
B, N, and S?
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
Actually Shelter is! This one time (pre-covid) I was backpacking on my own and I was super super broke and booked the cheapest bed in the cheapest dorm in the cheapest youth hostel. When I showed up after dark in a really sketchy part of the city I was in, I learned that the dorm was 17 men + me (a small and non-intimidating afab 19-year-old). So, very much not ideal. I don’t know if this wouldn’t have been as scary for other people? but I was freaking out.
I didn’t have anywhere else to go but I don't think I slept a wink that night, just lay there hyper-alert listening to every tiny sound and movement. Nobody so much as looked at me weird, I was completely fine, but it stayed with me and I was thinking of that night while writing Hyrule lying awake imagining horrors in the stable (and like, learning things about anxiety and the world or something...)
And I guess any of the many times I’ve written about climbing because I’m obsessed.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
This monstrous Legend-centric multi-chapter which is trying to do some wacky angsty things with lore and just isn’t working no matter what I give it. I think I’m giving up on it now because it just makes me sad and angry to open the word doc at this point :( if someone could finish that for me it would be AWESOME
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
Sky taking members of the Chain for loftwing joyrides!
Downfall Timeline angst hehe
Wolfie being Wolfie, because WOLVES
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skyward-floored · 2 years
What's your favorite kind of flower? And what is your favorite kind of flour?
Well I like morning glories a lot, and snowdrops too... roses are nice, and I also like pretty much anything blue :)
As for flour... I guess the baking blend my mom keeps on hand, it’s a mix of a bunch of different ones!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
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Panel redraw of Sky for you
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gemglyph · 1 year
I heard you needed some love!
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Thank you, I appreciate you ❤️✨❤️💙❤️🥺✨✨💙❤️😊😊
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rock-n-onyx · 1 year
Who's your fave character in TOH? Mine's Hooty. He's so funny and ridiculous.
Gotta be Hunter. I just love how he's portrayed and his character arc and how traumatized but also sassy but also sweet he is
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Yahaha! I found you!
whoa how'd you do that
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