sinnhelmingrmoved · 5 years
@unfetteredchaos said: 🍶 🍶
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“Now, you mustn’t tell Victor that I said this, but I think the finest liquors come from over the border. The people take such pride in their work in Latveria, but my heart belongs to this one family in Hungary who have worked for generations on their brand -- Here, try some.”
The cup is held so listlessly in her grasp that a woman of lesser grace might see it slipping through her fingers. As it is, Hel holds firm, grinning at Wanda with lips red as the witch’s name.
“I am not usually one for fruity liquors, but this Pálinka is something else. Here--” Pressing her offering into Wanda’s hands, she sought out the bottle and reclaimed her own glass, and a third that had been set aside for later company. Filling both to the brim, Hel looked back to Wanda, lifting both glasses at once.
“To your health!”
Then, one after the other, she consumed both drinks. Afterwards, she was still quite in control of herself. The night was still young. She might yet be the only one to walk away from this evening with her faculties intact.
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send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon i have@unfetteredchaos
Vivian hates grape jelly, white bread, and plain peanut butter.  Her preferred PB&J sandwich is Smucker’s raspberry jam( the kind with the seeds) and Skippy peanut butter with honey (creamy) on Martin’s potato bread.  She’ll grudgingly accept other brands of potato bread and raspberry jam, but she will not budge  on the peanut butter.
Oh, and she won’t eat a PB&J if she can’t have milk with it.  But not skim milk, because that’s water that’s lying about being milk.
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webheadedhero · 5 years
Hey fuck face ;) *blows you a kiss*
            If I'm your tumblr crush send me a "hey fuck face"        
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plethoriic · 5 years
unfetteredchaos replied to your post: honestly the best thing abt bucky/nat is the fact...
*whispers softly* quiets the ghosts…
literally exactly the comic panel that initiated these thoughts
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rxsmyers-a · 7 years
Zaf: “What the hell is [Adam] up to?”   Harry: “Ignoring orders, endangering himself, and wrecking this operation.”  
So you mean Adam is being Lucas 3.0 only worse
If Adam hadn’t died, I’m pretty sure Harry would have resigned within two months of Lucas rejoining Section D.  Adam and Lucas would have been 1,000% worse than Lucas and Tom.
Either that or Ros would have murdered Adam and Lucas to restore order and sanity to the Section, then taken over as Section Chief after Harry got all the charges dropped.
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unfetteredchaos replied to your post: bringerofthestorm replied to your post: #( all he...
|Wanda and I are sitting over here, watching the show and munching on popcorn. xD|
[probably best ngl. much better then being in Thor’s place. R.I.P.]
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wcrthington-blog · 7 years
@unfetteredchaos liked for a starter
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       “If you have come to hurt my people, you will have to go through me.”
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sinnhelmingrmoved · 5 years
@unfetteredchaos ll sc.
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“ And your eyes -- They tell me how much you care. ”
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for every ‘@’ sent (anon or not) I WILL mention and post some positivity about a fellow tumblr user
@necrxmancer​ / @thereforall​ / @unfetteredchaos​ 
Redd has been an absolute gift to my life.  I honestly don’t remember how we started talking, but since we have she’s helped me educate myself on Wanda Maximoff, reignited my love for The Sandman (and been a total enabler who encouraged me to make that Delirium blog that I still need to set up), had 2am  discussions with me about (to quote her) ‘Sansa, Sansa and Arya, Spooks, and the difference between a show’s story and a series’ story re: GoT/ASoIaF, as well as the pains of being a writer and how you simply cannot plan for every little thing and expect it to happen exactly how you planned it to when actually writing’, delivered the most amusing GoT live-Skpe, and become a friend.  Her muses are all as amazing as the woman who writes them, and her passion for each of them is breathtaking.  (I, personally, love watching her take down Wanda-haters.)  Following her and talking to her were hands-down some of the best choices I’ve made.
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@unfetteredchaos liked for a starter
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“How are you doing that?”
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deathitsclff · 7 years
@unfetteredchaos ♡’d 
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“Listen, I’m not sure what you believe I did or want from me, but I tend not to mess around in Avengers business.” 
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theinnerbabysitter · 7 years
I love gushing about Sir PTerry with @unfetteredchaos & having her gush about Ne.il Gai.man. Those two are the ultimate #friendship goals & by having the two of us talk about their work and how much they impacted our lives and also comparing & contrasting the themes in their work kinda makes me feel like we’re keeping that torch alive somehow.
So thanks Heather. I loved you before, but this just makes me super happy.
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amcrist · 7 years
I'm cracking up rn. I was going through your bio and everything again for inspiration, and I read the distinguishing characteristics bit, and legit the only thought I had was does Eros have to deal with people who have a wing kink???
legit i just put on long stiletto nails so typin is rly hard rn butn lmaooo i luv it
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@unfetteredchaos | (X)
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A sharp, blinding pain seared through her ribs, stealing the witch’s breath from her very lungs. She tried her hardest to ignore the various aches and pains throughout her body, and turned as best she could to face one of her oldest friends.
❝I had to do something, Clint,❞ she snapped, nearly regretting the words as soon as a spasm wracked through her body. She clenched her teeth and took shallow breaths, waiting for the pain to subside long enough to speak once more. Finally looking up at him, green eyes bright with unshed tears, she silently pleaded with him to understand.
❝What else would you’ve had me do? They were attacking innocent people.❞
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            This always happened, he was so quick to risk his own life and not care what happened but became completely irrational when it came to his friend’s lives and the thought of losing someone else, especially her. They had such a long history, one that predates so much, he couldn’t think of trying to live without her anymore than he could Bobbi or Nat, she was too important to him. 
“ Wanda.. ” He let out an exasperated sigh as his eyes shifted away. “ It’s not what you did, that was right, it’s how you did it. I know you had to do something, I would’ve too, but you can’t take it all on alone. Just look at you, I can’t stand to think of you like this when I could’ve helped. Just stop to wonder what had happened if I hadn’t seen and came to help? It could’ve been so much worse. ” His eyes shifted back to meet hers, growing fear obvious in them. “ What about the people who care about you? How are they supposed to live with you being gone? How am I supposed to deal with you being gone? I can’t take losing anyone else, especially not you. Did those thoughts even cross your mind? ”
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rxsmyers-a · 7 years
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unfetteredchaos replied to your post “guess who’s finally done with her first year of college?”
thanks !!!!
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