#unfortunately this is just me making a Joke 😔 most of what i watch is 99% male cast so i have very few problematic f/f ships whompwhomp
hitachiincest · 5 months
theres drama rn on twitter w a yuri fan/yuri fans getting angry at yaoi writers bc 'there should b more [for the] yuri instead' & acting up & insinuating misogyny, etc etc & u kno what? if yuri fans want ppl to write more f/f fics, alright then, so be it! they didnt specify what kind tho... ^_^ *finger of the monkey's paw curls in as the dove begins to die*
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
Welp, Chai, I rewatched the entire Hazbin Hotel pilot on the night of the 18th. It's been well over a year since I even watched it. Now onto my thoughts...
The Good 😊
The Animation: I know a lot of us complained about Viv's style of animation. But compared to the current HH animation style, it's a lot more pleasing in my eyes. I especially love the smear frames in the pilot (often referred to as "cursed images") as they really make the animation very dynamic.
The Voice Acting: I still absolutely adored the voice acting in the Hazbin Hotel pilot. Jill, Monica, Michael, Edward, Mick, etc. really brought their A-Game and really brought these characters to life. Frankly, I should've been way more upset when they were replaced back in December 2021.
Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow: Man, I have forgotten how much of a banger this song is. I don't know how to describe the genre/genres of this song, but I view it as a strange yet effective mixture of a piano ballad, pop rock, and speed metal. I actually headbanged pretty hard during the song, something I can't say about the new Hazbin songs.
Vaggie: Still love that little grey moth sinner with an unfortunate name. I view her as the most rational (if not the only rational) character in HH. I still enjoy the scene where she explains to Angel Dust the legend of Alastor, very reminiscent of a Hey Arnold urban legend scene.
The One Scene between Angel Dust and Alastor: I don't know why, but the scene where Angel Dust offers a dick sucking to Alastor and then Alastor bluntly rejected him still makes me chuckle to this day. That's probably the only sex related joke I laughed at in my recent rewatch.
The Bad 😡
Seeing Red: This is a complaint nearly all of us had with the pilot: Too... much... RED! I don't know why didn't bother me years ago, yet it bothers me now. Granted, compared to the current series, the pilot has a little more variety of colors, even though it's still red dominated.
The Humor: Unfortunately, aside from the Angel/Alastor exchange, a lot of the jokes in HH fell flat with me during my recent rewatch. It just makes me wonder how I thought HH was funny back then. Maybe Viv's rose-tinted fog really clouded my judgement.
Vaggie's Treatment: One thing I still dislike about the pilot, even back when I was a fan, was how Vaggie was treated. Despite being the most/only rational character, Vaggie was treated quite poorly. From being ignored by Charlie, to being insulted by Angel, to being slapped in the ass by Alastor. *sigh* Why do cartoons have to torture characters with a hint of rationality?!
Too Many Characters, Not Enough Time: Not sure if this is nitpicky or not, but I feel the pilot "introduced" far too many characters in a 30-minute video. Yeah, I put quotes around "introduced" as many of them got only a few seconds of screen-time or were only there in portraits. Even "main" characters like Husk and Niffty got the short end of the stick in terms of screen-time. It also took me long to realize that Viv really favors her male characters over her female ones. Female led show, my ass!
The Ugly 🤢
The Wasted Potential: This is the only ugly thing, but the wasted potential of HH is so ugly that the Ugly Barnacle would die. Under Viv's rose-tinted fog, I foolishly grew emotionally attached and had high hopes for this show. Unfortunately, thanks to Vivienne Medrano's micro zepto-management, she pissed all the great potential away. *sigh* It could've been great... 😔
Well, that was a load-off. Now I feel like I've made some closure. 😇
-Metallica Anon 🤘
Thank you for reminding me just how Gerald Urban Tale-esque Vaggie's Alastor exposition was...between that and the constant little sound effects, the whole thing felt like a Nicktoon, and I know that's part of what I loved about it.
This was a bittersweet walk down memory lane just reading it, but I'm glad you got your closure, Metallica Anon. It really could have been so great.
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sadie-bug345 · 6 months
hii can i request an imagine with johnny where some girl tries to hit on him and fem reader gets jealous and kinda upset?
yesssss anytime!! i’m really tryna practice my writing so sorry if this is actual trash😔🫢🖐️‼️
it was another one of bucks dumb parties dallas dragged the gang to… unfortunately most of my friends have enough sense to pass on them. but i heard johnny was going so i figured id go too.
i sat next to dally at the bar, listening to him try and talk up this soc girl who was too good for him and laughed a little to myself. my eyes scanned the room for johnny’s raven black hair, cut shaggy and a little too long, just the way it always was.
it was almost a habit, looking for him in a crowd to see if he happened to notice the joke i made or the way i did my hair that day. i sat there pitying my helpless romantic self for a bit until i noticed that soc girl walk away from dal.
“scared her off huh?” i teased dallas with a good natured smile. “oh shut up,” he said, rolling his eyes. i kept watching the girl, curious as to where she was going. she looked a little flustered, no doubt from dallas’ relentless flirting, but nevertheless, she seemed to make a beeline to johnny.
he was sitting with two-bit on a couch, chatting together. every now and then johnnys sentences were punctuated by a howl of drunken laughter from two-bit.
the girl had ashy blonde hair, blown out in curls and rested on her shoulders. i saw her brown eyes that resembled johnny’s rest on him. god, she was pretty.
she made a bit of a beeline towards the boy and i scoffed and rolled my eyes in spite. dallas nudged me. the way i felt about him was obvious to everyone but johnny. dal pushed my shoulder again. i whipped my head towards him. “what, dallas?” i said with an annoyed tone. “nothin, just someone’s making a move on your husband over there.” he said, with a snicker.
my eyebrows furrowed as i tried to make out what was happening over the haze of smoke and darkened lights. she was leaning against the arm of the couch and was yelling over the music, trying to talk to johnny. suddenly i recognized the girl from school. mary. and she actually has a boyfriend she’s been going with for a semester. i rolled my eyes when my legs carried me over to the two of them, almost without me realizing.
i didn’t even know what i was gonna say. everything happened so fast i felt like i ran to johnny and cringed at my desperation. the girl turned to me, her eyebrows slightly raised, expecting me to say something.
“i- uh” my voice cracked a little. way to be intimidatingly attractive. i clear my throat. “dont you have a boyfriend, mary?” i asked the girl accusingly. she was really all over johnny…similar to the way dallas was acting towards her. she scoffed and shook her head. she left the scene, muttering “can’t a girl have a little fun now and then?”
i waved dallas over and pointed to the now-“lonely” girl and he was able to swoop in and save the day the way he does. they’re a pretty good match i guess.
johnny looked up at me expectingly. i made eye contact with him and his cheeks flushed a bit and smiled at me before he took another swig of his drink. two-bit leaned over to watch the both of us before calling out to anyone within a mile radius, “MY JOHNNYCAKE’S GETTING MARRIED”
i hope you liked it and it wasn’t too puke-worthy🫶‼️
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thousand-winters · 4 months
Ask game 🛼🍄🍬🥐🧩!
Hello, friend!!! I hope life has been treating you kindly lately 💖
🛼 ⇢ Describe your latest wip with five emojis
Going to use literally the last document I opened for this but: 😟🏃🏰🛌😢
🍄 ⇢ Share a headcanon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
I have a little hc that during the period of time between Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, while Ike was kinda getting used to being the leader of the Greil mercenaries in peace times, sometimes he would get too stressed and irritable, so Soren would do something about it.
The "something" in question being going to him like "Ike, I have something very important to report" and while Ike's kinda only half paying attention, immersed as he is in his own head, Soren will just say a shitty joke in a deadpan. "Why did the chicken cross the road?" sort of dumb joke.
He doesn't even think they're funny, but they make Ike snort in disbelief and, since he knows Soren isn't the type to randomly crack jokes all of a sudden, he can tell what he's doing. Those times always end on a smile and a "thank you, Soren".
🍬 ⇢ Post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
I didn't really think this was an unpopular opinion but I see it somewhat often around, the idea that Hunter killed people during his time as Golden Guard and I really don't agree with it. I feel like if Belos had made him do that, Hunter would have cracked so much earlier because his compassionate nature would be at odds with the act itself, even if he had been told they were bad people. He couldn't even get himself to catch Luz in Hunting Palismen, so I think he would have let a shit ton of people go and Belos wouldn't have taken that kindly.
At most, I can see him unfortunately being involved in someone getting killed in the same way he was with the palismen he handed Belos; aka, him possibly capturing people and those people ending up dead or petrified. But I really, really don't think he ever killed someone himself, and in the case of capturing wild witches and such, I feel like that would have to be a very special occasion too (I feel like lowkey Belos probably always had a certain wariness that his grimwalkers would run off with a wild witch or such, especially if Caleb wasn't the only one who did through his messed up story of brotherly murder and clonation)
🥐 ⇢ Name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
Oh, my god, there was this meme in Spanish (very unsure if it also exists in English because it's from those monkey puppets that are memes but I never watched the source material of that properly so no idea) that went like: student character goes to present their teacher with a medical justification for missing class while saying something like "I got sick but I'm better now", teacher goes "it says here you got hit by a car and died" and then the student says "wow, science really advances, right?"
I don't think it has the same punch with me saying like this as seeing the thing but for some reason it cracked me up so much when I saw it. Now sometimes if someone asked what happened to me for whatever reason, half the time I go "I got hit by a car and died" and then laugh, which is probably not the best thing to say without context lmao 😭 I don't do it unless it's in a silly kind of context tho, don't worry.
My sister also sometimes will explain things by going "science really advances" and I die every fucking time too.
🧩 ⇢ What will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
1st person POVs, I'm so sorry, I just can't do it 😔 It causes such a visceral reaction of second hand embarrassment in me even if there's no actual embarrassing content in the description. I just cannot do it, it's even worse for me than paragraphs with no space between them or such, depending on the day I can power through those but the 1st person? Nope.
Thank you for the questions!!! From this ask game
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bunnybubae · 2 years
(F) Worth it | KSJ
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Pairing: Reader x Seokjin
Genre: F2L - Fluff - Mutual Yearning
Warnings: None
Summary: Jin's visit to prepare pizzas turns into something unexpected... but so, so wanted💜
Word Count: 1.547
A/N: Let me know what you think about this little something! I'm missing Jin so so much! 😔
- Joy 🐰
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What's better than pizza? Homemade pizza with Jin! That's what Jin himself enthusiastically announced as he showed up at your apartment door. It's not unusual for you and the boys to organize things to do throughout weekends, in fact, in addition to the countless friday nights spent drunk at the club, saturdays's karaoke battles and sundays's museum visits, it's usually almost a tradition to get together at one of you's apartments to eat pizza and watch a movie, just for the simple sake of being together. Something less chaotic and a bit lazier that doesn't require leaving home. Hence Jin's sudden and early visit. You look at him in surprise, albeit with a smile that immediately forms on your lips at the sight of him. "Well- hello to you too, huh?" You huff in amusement as you follows Hurricane Jin's way into your kitchen, clutching heavy envelopes in his hands. "Technically, there's nothing like freshly made pizza delivered right to your door," you pointed out as you walked up to him. "But yes, homemade pizza tastes better." Jin looks away from the envelopes just placed on the kitchen counter, to look at you, offended by your previous sentence. "You're forgetting the most important thing," he moves to position himself directly in front of you "There's nothing like delicious homemade pizza AND a just-as-delicious Jin to make it with— you're welcome Y/N!" he snorts dramatically in one breath, making you laugh. Between you two there has always been this playful atmosphere, constant exchange of jokes and teasing. But you realized you felt something more than friendship for him when you genuinely started laughing at his awful dad jokes. Seriously, even the sleaziest of jokes. A little secret you've been keeping to yourself all this time. "I apologize to have offended you with my shallowness, Mr. J—" "Chef Jin," he interrupts to correct you, while a pleased smile forms on his face "Tonight I'm Chef Jin, the best pizza chef in town baby!" Although the nickname is used to joke with you, the way it rolls out of his mouth always affects you. You shake your head smiling, partly to hide the slight blush that colors your cheeks, partly because you've realized what spending time with him will entail, completely alone (even if for a few hours).
Organizing your tasks wasn't difficult, after taking out all the ingredients from the bags, and the container with the dough already leavened and ready, Jin took the rolling pin to roll out eight pizzas, while you take care of cooking the sauce and cutting the ingredients. It all plays out with your favorite playlist playing in the background, with him softly humming the lyrics to the randomly spinning songs from the speakers. It all seems so domestic to you, it's not the first time that he has come to your house, that he uses your kitchen, that he sings for you. But tonight feels different, it's like you feel the effect of your surroundings right in your chest.
As if his presence is lurking deeper and deeper in your heart.
You watch fondly as you lazily stir the sauce, smiling lovingly at his appearance. His face is full of flour here and there and he wears that funny apron that he himself gave you some time ago, blaming you for being too clumsy and always getting your clothes dirty when you cook. Sometimes you still forget you have to wear it, like in this case. As you absentmindedly stir, some sauce splashes on you, staining your shirt. You hiss while cursing yourself, your sudden snap attracting Jin's attention that stops humming. You quickly abandon the ladle and grab a wet cloth from the sink, the gesture unfortunately further worsens the situation, enlarging the stain. "Nonono don't do it!" Jin exclaims, but the damage was already done. He quickly approaches you grabbing your hands and sighing. The sudden gesture immobilizes you while his hands stretch the fabric of the shirt together with yours. "It will go away with a little detergent," he releases your hands to untie the knot of the apron he's wearing "I got you this for a reason, didn't I?" he nods to the garment he's holding, his tone of voice is still sweet towards you, while he helps you put it on. As his hands guide the ring of fabric around your head, he gently strokes your hair and then your cheeks which immediately catch fire. He seems equally affected by the light touch, a light shade of pink tinge his cheeks. You look into his eyes, scanning carefully for any shift in his expressions. Unexpectedly, Jin lifts his hand, bringing it to your cheek again, this time to stroke it on purpose. His touch is delicate, almost imperceptible, uncertain, but there must be something magnetic in all of this, because he can't explain this so sudden attraction, this desire to touch your skin. His gaze travels from his hand on your cheek to your eyes, your gazes lock and in response you feel the need to press your cheek into his hand more firmly. "Jin-" You pronounce his name for some strange reason, in a thin voice. Your eyes close, a strange relief washes down your chest as you savor the sweet sensation of his hand on your face. There is something surreal in the air, an indescribable atmosphere.
Up until a few minutes ago you were laughing and joking preparing pizzas, the shift was sudden but natural, you feel your body drawn to his as if they've been wanting to collide with each other for too long. One caress that has only brought down an invisible barrier, the blown fuse that triggered all this.
His thumb gently rubs the apple of your cheek and one of your hands wraps around his, you don't want this moment to end, you can almost feel the warmth of your own cheeks through his hand, but you don't care, something has finally been released, and you just want to immerse yourself in it. You open your eyes to find Jin with his lip clamped between his teeth, an inner struggle can be seen in his eyes. But when he releases his lip to run his tongue over it, the uncertainty that seemed to swirl in his eyes seems to stop. A silent invitation to finally let yourself go into what you so desire right now. And so you do. You let go completely, thrusting yourself forward as you grip his clothes tightly, bringing your lips to his. He automatically moves his hand to the back of your neck letting it rest there as he wraps his other arm around your waist. And just like that, simultaneously, your bodies collide, yielding to the magnetism they feel. This moment seems to last forever and the flash of an instant at the same time. Enveloped in his arms, his soft plump lips on yours and the gentle grazing of his fingers along the back of your neck. You could live off of this, a long-dreamed-of moment finally savored. You thought it could only happen in your mind, in your night dreams and instead, here you are. Jin tightens his grip, his lips momentarily detach from yours to look at you and if a moment before your lips seemed to attract at the same time, the ardor inside him seems to take over, kissing you fervently as he deepens the kiss. You tilt your head to give him more access, allowing him to savor you as he desires. When your tongues caress and swirl together, you moans softly into his mouth and in response he wraps you around more firmly, if only he could make your bodies one, here and now, he would.
A sudden sound breaks the magic of the moment.
You start, returning to your senses, breaking the feverish kiss. Apparently the boys are early to start the hangout. Even though your lips and tongues have been forced to stop their dance, your bodies remain wrapped around each other for a while longer. "I'm gonna kill the boys—I swear." You sigh as you try to catch your breath. With your heart still beating hard. Jin laughs, the sound of his laughter echoing in your chest, causing you to giggle as a result. When you look into his eyes again, his gaze is still the same, perhaps… Clearer? You couldn't decipher it, until now. It mirrors yours, a gaze with growing affection and longing, something more than what you believed he felt for you. "Well I guess the sauce got burnt," He states between breaths, "I can already hear Namjoon's voice," he said as he hesitantly let go of your body heat. "You only had one job!" he recited in his usual dramatic way, imitating Joon's voice. You giggle again, approaching the interphone. Jin walks towards the sauce to try to recover the recoverable. "Seriously though, if he kills me tonight, just know it was worth it." Even though he says it in his usual joking way, you know there is much more to it and his kiss was the purest demonstration.
When you turn back to him you smile at him and he smiles back, making your heart beat almost faster than before.
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youknowwhoiamperiod · 2 months
hi ariel!!
i come bearing a selfship question for jariel <3 what does a day at the beach together look like for the both of you? are you more of a sunbather, swimmer or somewhere in the middle? what kind of snacks do you and jason bring?
i hope your week has been treating you well so far!! xx
hiiii aurore how are u angel?? my week has been pretty chill so far so i'm savouring it,, hope yours has been treating you nicely too <333
EEEEEEEK I LOVE THE BEACH anything that is an abundant source of water is my absolute safe place <3 the beach is so special to me and it's somewhere i always go to whenever i get to chance like i have a deep emotional connection with it. it's where i feel the most at ease and peace and jason accompanying me on that journey would mean the absolute world to me :(((
i think the journey would be pretty calm and fulfilling as a whole aside from the fact that i'd be super insanely excited and energetic on the way because!!!! beach!!!! and i'd be blasting pop music the entire time which i like to think would just get to him and would make him just as excited and happy as i am
once we arrive he'll have to physically restrain me to put sunscreen on my impatient ass before i just throw myself in the water hdjfhsghab,,, i'd say i'm somewhere between a sunbather and a swimmer but DEFINITELY leaning onto the latter which i think is more the opposite in his case </3 i just love water so much and swimming is just so much fun and refreshing it's a big pleasure to me,, i think he'd kind of find it amusing and joke that maybe i truly am a mermaid and i'm trying to lure him to his death which is cheesy but he still swims with me until i get tired :DDD i always found it so cute when couples went swimming together like we'd spend most of the time just splashing and trying to "drown" each other (he's winning unfortunately) until i just end up clinging to him in the middle of the water and just laugh at our (his) stupid jokes, kiss and whisper sweet things only for our ears and sea to catch and remember :(((
and obviously we'd get little breaks where we just sunbath but they're usually pretty short for me because my skin is very sensitive and no matter how many layers of sunscreen i put on i always end up with horrible burns 😔😔 but i'd so enjoy it still. i think he'd probably lay down and pick up his book briefly, and i usually do the same thing but i'd be a little dizzy and funny at the sight of him, hair and body still dripping wet under the shining sun highlighting all his assets 😵‍💫😵‍💫 so i'd just lay on him and trace down his torso or back lovingly (he'll have a big smirk splattered on his face and say smtg about not being able to keep my hands to myself with people watching which would just get him a big smack on his arm and teasing him back about his own wandering eyes and hands),,, and we'd also have some food to feast on cause swimming is a hunger opener!! we always brought small homemade sandwiches with us growing up (usually made of chicken cause i love it heheh) so i think we'd do the same thing with some fruits and ice cream for desert (by the time i get hungry he probably would have eaten half of what we brought smh). i also thing we'd spend some time building sandcastles or drawing silly things on the sand which is so much fun and always ends with us all giggly and loveydovey, writing down our initials in a heart and let the waves wash it away.
i think that at some point he'll probably doze off under the sun which is so cute and adorable,,, i'd watch him a bit before going back swimming. and because i'm so funny and i miss him sm i'd interrupt his sleep by laying on him all wet and cold teheheh,,, then he'll pick me up and throw me back in the water and get in to give me a horrible time but we'll just end up swimming and playing around again
i always stay at the beach for as long as possible which is usually right after sunset!!! we'd either just sit down wrapped in the same towel while watching it or we'd still be in the water. he'd be the one packing things up the most because i always like to have a little bit of personal time by the water,,, kind of an inner moment to say goodbye when i'm just walking by the shore picking up some seashells if there's any. and on the way back i'd be more silent and tired and sad because we're leaving </3 and i think he'd be so soft and gentle, talk about how much fun he had today, that we should do it again and thank me for it while i just hold his hand in mine and whisper how much i love him and the beach before dozing off from being sleepy eepy :((( and then the chaos starts again when we get home and i realize how sunburnt i actually am so he has to take care of my red whiny ass
anyway this is super long but it's my two favourite things combined and i just can't help myself but yap :(((( you got me all soft and happy thinking about it thank you sm for indulging me!!!
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sharkrocket · 1 year
Nine people you'd like to get to know better
Tagged by: @zu-zup! Thanks for tagging me, I feel so honored! 😁
Last song: I'm going to cheat a little a talk about some loose songs I would love to put on a Patho playlist but don't have enough songs to make a full playlist, I think people would be more interested in that ahaha
BODY/PRISON by HEALTH for Rubin - Okay so, my impression of Rubin is largely informed from his P1 version, and when he's going around dressed in leather like that and has a banging warehouse theme, my mind translated that into dark club music, and it's been stuck there every since. I keep joking about making a Rubin playlist but it's just HEALTH songs because their whole discography is just kinda like that.... Big recommend from me
Glass by Blood Cultures for my fashion model Rubin agenda - Man, this is harder to explain, but BASICALLY, I feel like Rubin would make a fantastic model. Not that he would be one in modern AU, but I think he has some traits that would be very good for an alternative fashion model. MAYBE I'LL ELABORATE ON THIS ONE DAY.... But anyway, this is the song I would love to see him do a runway walk to (Blood Cultures is fantastic btw, also a recommend)
Helplessness Blues by Fleet Foxes for Artemy - The lyrics are pretty self-explanatory.... a man struggles with growing up and his finding his place in life, and I feel like it's pretty fitting.... Love this song a lot
There There by Radiohead - SO I JOKED ABOUT SEEING HOW MANY RADIOHEAD SONGS I COULD SHOVE INTO PLAYLISTS, but I had a really complex Burda comic I was trying to plot in my head. Unfortunately, I think animation is the only way to really convey the vision, and that's a bit out of my league.... 😔 I can talk about it more if anyone is interested, though
I'm trying to create a creepy Polyhedron playlist just for fun, but I'm having some trouble finding the right vibes.... I feel pretty solid about these two though, they feel creepy enough:
Carol N°1 by Woodkid
Spring But Dark by Clark
Favorite color: I have lots! Big fondness for salmon pink and my art tends to run in on the warm, vibrant (sometimes neon) side
Currently watching: Trying to watch Bad and Crazy on Netflix but I'm not a huge TV show person unfortunately 😔 Too time consuming and most of the stuff I do wanna watch needs subtitles, which I can't pay attention to when I'm multi-tasking
Last movie: HOO BOY, I watched Marry My Dead Body on Netflix, and basically the premise is that an aggressively straight homophobic cop accidentally gets married to the ghost of a gay man, and they need to cooperate to solve a series of crimes and find the murderer. It's a fun premise and it's supposed to be an action comedy but I can definitely see how your mileage may vary depending on what's your sense of humor might be.... Not a super terrible movie, but ehhh....
Before that, I saw The Lure (Córki dancingu) which was more interesting to me.... It's supposed to be a modern retelling of Hans Christian Andersen's Little Mermaid, but with flesh eating mermaids and discothèque flair.... I know people have mixed feelings about this movie, but I enjoyed the style and music... The music is SO catchy
Currently reading: NOTHING AT THE MOMENT, I just returned some library books not too long ago, and these are my recommendations
What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher - A sort of retelling of The Fall of the House of Usher from the POV of a nonbinary solider in fictional mid 1900s Europe... a VERY easy read.... The characters are charming and the narrator is really funny, witty and sarcastic... Reminds me a bit of Artemy in that regard... Good body horror to be had here
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw - This is more a traditional, dark fairy tale narrative.... It's told from the POV of a man-eating mermaid who burns her husband's kingdom to the ground... She takes on a nonbinary Plague Doctor as her traveling companion and they roam together before stumbling across a village of children who keep dying and coming back to the life thanks to the aid of 3 surgeons who conceal more sinister purposes...
Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey - I enjoyed this one a lot.... A supernatural haunted house horror/drama where a woman returns to her childhood home to take care of the estate of her estranged dying mother while confronting the dark history that her father left in the basement.... Excellent characterizations and I was really invested in where the story was going
Sweet/spicy/savory: BIIIIGGGG savory person.... I like sweets but I love a good savory.... Fries and chips are a big weakness of mine
Relationship status: In a relationship! 🥰
Current obsession: I'm still drawing Patho, so that's still sitting on my mind.... I just finished watching a playthrough of Dave the Diver though, so that's been sitting on my mind too.... UNBELIEVABLY cute and charming.... Sort of scratches the same itch Animal Crossing does
Last thing I Googled: Different kinds of biological slimes.... I never thought about categorizing them before, but now I really want to know what qualifies as a slime
Currently working on: Portfolio stuff.... 😞 I want to leave my current job, so a necessary and time consuming evil, unfortunately
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
You're definitely right about me being absolutely unsupervised as kid on the internet 💀 bro I was THERE when wretched Scary maze and 2girls1cup thing was making it's rounds oof, 'twas a wild childhood. I vividly remember getting a JTK jumpscare thrown at me in the YT comment section at some point :,) but honestly... the Proxies man,,, core memory unlocked, I read so many creepypasta mansion x reader's on quotev it ain't even funny. THE QUIZZES TOO OMFG.
On another note, it's interesting how nowadays the JTK origin story creepypasta is universally agreed upon to be rlly bad and they talk about how it had bad grammar. The thing is, when I was at the very beginning of my CP phase, I didn't know shit about English, the only thing I had at hand were the translations of the most famous Pasta's and the translators rlly didn't fuck around when it came to grammar and localisation. I honestly think that if the translations hadn't been THAT good, I wouldn't have liked Jeff or the Pastas as much as I did, like these damned translations dragged me into the creepypasta fandom with no mercy. What also didn't help was the Yassification of every pasta in the form of fanart 😔 although some of them were still scary (I once saw a fanart of JTK, with the OG scary image face, smacked on top of an unreasonably well drawn feminine body in a skimpy bikini 💀💀). Honestly though, think I had crush on most Human-leaning creepypastas at some point. Not LJ though, lil me had a Clownphobia and this guy used to scare me shitless 🥲 good times, good times. The funniest thing about crushing on Hoodie and Masky for me though, was that I did not watch Marble Hornets until recently. My view on their personality was solely shaped by the fanfics I read on them agh :,)
Holy shit the edgy AMVs though- I was OBSESSED with them. They really shaped my music taste (linkin park & Melanie Marrinez my beloved <3) I still have some of them (the videos) in a playlist actually. Want a taste of what I was hyperfixating on when I was younger? lol
Also kinda funny how I'm stumped when I have to write essays at school but I can casually drop 200+ words whenever I send an ask too you, like I'm writing a long letter to a friend in ye olden times (Victor would be proud 😔✊)
-Ren'py anon
I'm soooo glad I've found someone else who also played quotev quizzes and read those fics 😭 the quizzes were always fun, but it was always one of four. The seven minutes in heaven ;) , Which creepypasta is ur bf?, 24 hours with this character, and what does this character think about you?
WHOOO RENPY NONNIE the seven minutes in heaven quizzes I was taking when I was 10 were NO DAMN JOKE 😭
For most of these quizzes, they were also made my pre teens/teenagers, so the answers were always hella obvious and the characters were hella fanon 💀
I think I was on the internet when the scary maze thing was still a thing, but not as popular? Idk I didn't really care about it. But omg I didn't know what 2 girls and one cup was, and EVERYBODY was freaking out about it.
I looked all over YouTube until I could get a video more than 10 seconds long, and omfg I couldn't believe what my 11 year old eyes saw 💀💀💀 I didn't think it was real because NO WAY THEY WERE DOING THAT NASTY SHIT FR RIGHT???
Unfortunately it probably is real 😰
I really hated when people drew the original JTK's face onto normal or attractive stuff. It just killed the vibe for me fam :/
You know, there was always this one song and this one 'JTK tribute' video that I loved watching. It was just those picture slideshow videos, but it had the Super Crazy Psycho Love by Simon Curtis or something.
There was this one specific photo of Jeff with no shirt on. He had abs and was in a pool of blood.
... I was obessed with it. I loved it. I NEEDED IT.
I wasn't even into Jeff though? Like, my mans were LJ and Toby! Maybe Eyeless Jack or the painter guy every now and then, but those two were my favorites.
I vividly remmeber not wanting to be like those crazy Jeff stans and stuck to my own space. Idk why younger me wanted to be different so bad, but yk what good for me for not wanting to be into ultra toxic men.
Not me now though 😎
Idk why its it's such an iconic staple to my childhood and it's honestly a little embarrassing to talk about irl 😭
And yeah, the Jeff story is super flawed. I always thought it was stupid. I watched John Wolf buy and read a bad fanfiction book about Jeff and an OC. My personal taste and John's hatred for him was probably was why I didn't like Jeff in that way 😭
If you dont know who John Wolf is, he's a gaming youtuber :)
I too need to watch marble Hornets. In my pasta phase, I didnt really know them, but I just went along with it. Fanon hoodie was shy and nice, while fanon Masky was mature and calm.
Out of the two, I liked Hoodie more than Masky.
Toby is still my #1
I think it's because I used to tick most of the time when I was younger because my anxiety was so severe, and he was really friendly and loud about everything (I still tick, but not nearly as much thank god. That shit hurt fr)
I also heard they're still uploading? Just little snippets and short videos. It still sounds cool though.
AND OMG YES DROP THAT MF LINK. I didnt listen to Linkin Park, but I did listen to Melanie a whole lot!
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neopuppy · 2 years
i just want to ride jeno's thighs 😔😔😔
warning: mildly dubious, degradation
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Jeno’s the most difficult member to work on.
he flirts with you incessantly, pouring out compliments every time you style his hair.
“I love the way you do my hair. you seriously have magic hands.” Jeno smiles at you through the vanity mirror. “I bet those hands feel good everywhere.”
it’s not uncommon for the members to make crude jokes around the dressing room, or walk around shirtless and wink your way when they pass by. for the most part, it’s innocent, harmless really.
but Jeno’s insufferable.
“did you watch Renjun’s relay cam?” he asks as you run a comb through his hair. alternating between smoothing tendrils together with balm and hair spraying the blown out style into place.
“don’t believe I have.” you mutter, half paying attention.
“don’t tell me you never go on twitter,” he scoffs, tilting back his neck to gaze up at you. “I’ve seen you searching through the trending tags.”
“Jeno, I have to finish.” rolling your eyes, you set him back into place. “we already started late because of your styling malfunction.”
“exactly.” he chuckles, arrogantly sitting up with his shoulders flexed out. “did you hear about what the malfunction was?”
“no, enlighten me.”
Jeno laughs, man spreading further in his seat. he nods enough to stop your work, following your line of sight through the mirror as he directs you to look between his legs.
you shouldn’t have bothered with indulging him. between Jeno’s legs where the seam of his crotch should fall into a straight line lies a shoddy patchwork to cover up a rip.
“my dick ripped right through these jeans.” he smirks, starting to laugh breathily and roll his neck back to look at you again. “that was the hold up.”
“that’s great.” letting out an irritated sigh, you adjust his head again, fixing him with a glare that says ‘cut it out’. “stay put, once Mark and Jisung finish taking their photos, your ass needs to be out there.”
Jeno grunts, unlocking his phone to open up a video clip he pesters you to watch for the next 5 minutes. “come on! we have time. they’re not going to come grab me for another 20 minutes.”
“fine!” you bark, pretending to use the comb in your hand like a knife behind him. Jeno turns the seat around enough to face you, sporting a smirk that shouldn’t look as attractive as it does. unfortunate that the photoshoot today required an undercut style, he always did look best with his forehead and eyebrows fully exposed.
“I was trending on twitter all week because of this.” Jeno lifts the phone up closer to your face. a video plays, Renjun’s on the screen wearing a white hat, looking over his shoulder when a new presence arrives.
it’s an edited clip from a fan page on twitter, you can see the caption full of a mixture of shy and amused emojis.
Jeno steps into frame next with a bag in hand, the video turning to slow motion and zooming into his lower half.
“oh my god!”
surprise hits you too fast, moving a step back with your palm covering your mouth. the idol sat before you laughs, tossing back his head and slapping his thigh. “I told you.”
“what the fuck Jeno?!” you hiss, stealing a look around; thankful that Haechan and Jaemin are napping on the couch while Renjun and Chenle have their headphones in, rewatching one of their performances from earlier.
he’s looking you up and down, spending extra time on your exposed thighs. as fashionable as thigh high boots are, they were probably the worse choice to wear to work today.
“I noticed something earlier when you walked in.” Jeno sits up straight, grabbing you by your thighs to draw you closer with his knee budging a space between yours.
long prying fingers tickle a trail upward, teasing at the hem of your skirt. watchful as he pushes past to feel your bare ass. “no panty lines.”
thigh high boots were not the optimum fashion choice, and neither was the thong underwear you decided to wear last minute after scrutinizing the thick bump your panties created through the material of your skirt.
“I was right.” Jeno licks over his bottom lip, burying his fingers deep into your meaty bottom. kneading and gripping the curve in his palms until you have no choice but to shift closer.
“Jeno..” it’s too late when you glance up. Haechan and Jaemin must have stirred awake; focused on the two of you with puffy half-asleep eyes. catching them has you spluttering, grabbing Jeno’s shoulders to get away.
it’s useless, he’s too strong, pulling you down onto his thigh roughly.
“you know who wears nothing under a mini skirt?” Jeno whispers against your earlobe, pulling you closer until your barely covered core burns against his upper thigh. “sluts, that’s who.”
he doesn’t waste time to trap your wrists together behind your back, catching you distracted by Renjun and Chenle sitting up to find you in this predicament.
“everyones watching you now.” Jeno nips at your earlobe, shoving his thigh up forcefully until you bounce. “don’t disappoint them.”
with his free hand, he gathers the rest of your skirt that’s ridden up to completely bare your ass in the mirror. snaking his arm around your waist as he maneuvers you to grind up and down.
Jeno hardly ever wore tight jeans, but today of all days with curious lustful gazes burning holes through your front and back, he could flex and push his strong thigh right against your center with little fabric separating you.
“just like that, ruin my leg before I can even take these stupid photos.” he bites your jaw, nibbling a pathway to your chin. “next time I’ll fuck you in front of all of them, give them a try to take you one by one. you’d love that wouldn’t you?”
tucking your face to hide in Jeno’s neck, you have to look up; finding Jaemin palming a bulge forming in his pants. Haechan at his side with lifted brows and his tongue poking through his cheek, and Renjun leaned over with his elbows on his knees with a pleased smirk stretching his lips.
the worst part is Chenle holding up his phone, whistling and zooming into your ass bouncing down on Jeno’s thigh in the mirror.
“want you to make a mess.” Jeno grunts, tugging one of your hands to dig your palm into his crotch. the chair creaks noisily beneath him, working his lower half faster for some relief against your hand. “cum, come on, the least you can do. gonna have to walk around for the rest of the day knowing you got off on my leg like a desperate whore.”
the constant friction against your clit feels abusive, mind numbing and dizzying between the humiliation of having an audience. Jeno slaps your ass, pushing you up and down his thigh faster, raspily mumbling ‘cum cum cum’.
your broken whimper of release earns a round of exerted sighs, groans, breathless curses.
“I always knew you were a slut, but this is low, even for you.” Jeno grins, pushing your hair behind your ear. stealing a kiss as another voice calls out ‘me next’.
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skiddlecat · 3 years
favorite thing about him: he's SO chaotic and it's really fun. it's so entertaining to watch unhinged characters go absolutely apeshit and cause a scene.,.,.,
least favorite thing about him: to be Entirely honest i really really hate how he was written despite how much i like his chaotic energy..... spike chunsoft did this man DIRTY!!! his backstory is treated as a joke and seems to have no adverse effect on his life even in situations when it really should and they gave him fucking FRONTOTEMPORAL DEMENTIA???? HI?????? that's not how dementia works bestie he can't even get that at his age 😭😭😭 i really like danganronpa (unfortunately) but there's so much wrong with the writing and it's so frustrating, this is only one of the qualms i have with this franchise 😔 i wanna reach into the game and steal the canon and make it my canon
favorite line: i can't remember the line fully but i think it was something along the lines of "i don't need to go into a haunted house to feel fear because i already feel fear in my daily life! :D"... MY BOY... he says that so casually and it's So Fucking Funny but really sad at the same time... also really like that line in the first trial where he calls himself arrogant right before calling himself lowly, stupid, and insignificant because i think "arrogant" means the exact opposite of what it means in his head
brOTP: tbh. nagito and chiaki. i feel like they'd get up to really stupid shit together and it'd be horrible because they'd do things like freeze these fuckers in ice cubes when no one's looking
EDIT: i would like you all to know this dynamic is mostly because of a running inside joke between me and my girlfriend, goodbye
OTP: komahina. there is no heterosexual explanation for those two
nOTP: i really don't like nagito x junko but for reasons i don't know how to put into words. the vibes are just rancid, i think it's because it feels unhealthy
random headcanon: mans gets a fucking therapist post-game. i take no constructive criticism PLEASE heal from your trauma young man
unpopular opinion: this might not be an unpopular opinion per say but i think nagito should have gotten at least one moment of emotional vulnerability to humanize him more. a guy who's gone through that much in the past isn't gonna stay laughing and smiling through everything the game throws at him.
song i associate with him: oh shit i actually forgot most of the songs i associate him with hang on let me *digs through song playlists* okay so every single one of these are vocaloid but the songs i usually associate with him are the things i deserve, ghost rule, failure girl, and kara kara kara no kara. i associate these with several other characters though so he's not special DFSGVHSJBHDFG but also just. kikuo as a producer. his general vibes. maybe maretu as well?
favorite picture of him:
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uaAAa 😭aa a .g,a.a😭 a.g,.,a.,dh 🥺.h.,h.,fd.f v.,. /pos
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musicallisto · 3 years
HAHAJAKAKAA I BEEN GOOD basically i’ve just been doin that 👹academic grind👹
no joke i literally carried several group projects and gave non cooperative members a low grade
as for tree guy very noice very fantastic we’re about to watch coco on discord after i pushed him to finally watch it. he’s just finishing watching la la land after i also got him to watch it
HAHAHAHAHAHA BUT ALL IN ALL I’VE BEEN RLLY GREAT I JUST MISS GOING ON HERE AND ALSO UPDATE: i am on choices more now too. i’m currently reading the heist monaco and i am obsessed i am definitely gonna give it a reread
* ˚ ✦ oh I feel you 100%! I've been entirely devoted to my studies and I just want it to end already, but also not, because it would mean finals and I'm not ready for my entire life to be dictaded by some math exams. but I love how ruthless you are, like people slacking off? not on Ves's watch. the low grade is what they DESERVE.
AND TREE GUY ASIXJSIS I'm so happy for you both you guys sound so cute!!! Discord movie dates? Come ON I wish I was you right now 😔 which by the way have I mentioned that Coco is one of my absolute favorite movies of ALL TIME and I bawl my eyes out every time I watch it because I feel like I should mention that. Definitely a great bonding film, tell me how the little date went <3
AND CHOICES OMGGG girl you are way in over your head 😭 The Heist: Monaco is SO GOOD, among the best stories on the entire platform, and replaying it from time to time makes keeping the app worthwhile imo, but the stories only got worse after that and I miss Choices' glory days, to be honest. But feel free to scream about th:m in my inbox any time because I, too, am obsessed 💜 and idk if you've played them already but I can't recommend Endless summer, It lives, and The crown and the flame enough. They are God Tier.
and no, unfortunately I do not have tea as of now, my life has been pretty uneventful aside from the occasional academically-induced burnout </3 as you know the I-could-carry-her guy friendzoned me, but that was a while ago and we're back to being really good friends. I'm glad I confessed, though, because it's the most romantically vulnerable I've ever been with someone and that confession required a great deal of courage, but I proved to myself I could do it! anyway the tea will be coming from you majorly from now on I'm afraid. but if any cute guy catches my attention you will be the first to know, of course ;)
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darlingfreddie · 5 years
🔥 wait one more im sorry djdbfjf opinion on the borhap casts opinion on borhap!! okay im stopping djdbf ily
caz u really want me to get worked up i hnghjhg ily too 😔
okay opinions on the cast: 
so first off yall already know i love rami he’s precious, he’s real nice from what i’ve seen, he babie. Joe is real funny his humor is lowkey my sense of humor and i think he’s real neat but sometimes he does take the whole him/ben thing a bit too far and the fans go nuts over it and its just Yikes sometimes. Gwil– dont know much about him but he is tall tree friend and looks like a sweetie. Ben looks like a sweetie pie too but i dont know much about him or watch interviews of him to know much either. Overall Ben has BSE (Big Sweetie Energy) and i just wanna give him a hug :( Lucy is a great actress and i think she’s lovely but i do wish she would own up to that Mistake y’know,, 
Now for the Big Rant ah yes Bo Rhap,, In short that movie was Garbage™
((gonna put the rest under the cut bc its really long and just uhhh yea so dont read if you dont wanna get your feelings hurt bc im ranting about bo rhap for the 1000th time hhhh)) 
Literally watching it was the most anticlimactic moment of my whole life. Bo Rhap is a total and utter disrespect to not only queen but Freddie himself. Its so inaccurate and plain wrong i cant even see how its associated to queen. The script is so BAD,, like some of those lines were cringe/off putting. I think maybe the only reason i may have enjoyed it was bc it was queens music thats it. and i think some people are blinded by the kick ass soundtrack and cool costume design to see that that movie is just plain wrong. 
And not to mention…. Bo rhap is homophobic af. “But it showed freddie kissing TWO (2) guys!!” 
Yes but it also had him make numerous unnecessary sex jokes towards mary to show their ‘great’ relationship and had him PINNING after her the WHOLE movie. The whole 2 hours was just Freddie desperately wanting to be with mary and being mad at himself bc he had the Gay™. They made it seem as if he was in love with her but unfortunately he was gay Oh No :((
and freddie never even KISSED paul as far as im concerned like yea way to go bo rhap show freddie kissing a person who was the biggest toxic source in freddies life oh no wait sorry according to bo rhap EVERY gay man is toxic/ wild and out of control oh my bad i forgot. and then they had the NERVE to make his actual HUSBAND Jim ‘the help’ when that was something jim said he hated being reduced to. especially when they met and the fact that they had freddie grope him as a first meeting?? I hate it
They handled the coming out scene so badly, the fact that they made it all about mary infuriates me. Coming out is such a big step and a big moment when you finally come to terms with who you are and are ready to share that with other people- ESPECIALLY in the 70s and what happened it the movie? the movie completely shits on freddie’s feelings as if we actually give a flying FUCK about what mary had to say then and the thing is— bitch mary didnt even SAY that shit irl??? “i love you mary but! its always something!” like bitch no,,, irl she said she accepted him and knew for a while like they literally wrote the worst coming out scene, a scene that completely disrespects freddie and his sexuality, for the dramatics. 
also the fact that mary was made as the only one who cared for freddie and the only one who was ever there for freddie is BULLSHIT,, it’s just trying to sell this tragically ‘romantic’ love story that never fucking happened!
Im just,,, so pissed that this movie all the way up until release day claimed to be ‘freddie’s story’ when they didnt even have the balls to show freddie get a first boyfriend, or show freddie with his gay friends in New York, or show him with phoebe, or show him just authentically loving being gay. No, they had to show him hating himself for being ‘cursed’ with the Gay in order to sell tickets to Straight Old White Men who are queen ‘fans’. Right. 
Bo rhap was just a total let down, it was a waste of an opportunity and it was so heckin homophobic and worst of all, it was just a disrespectful disservice to freddie. like my mans did not put in like 20+ years of his life into music for THAT to be made about him. And im not gonna lie, i hate that it’s gonna be associated with queen forever. 
And im not saying yall cant like it im just sayin,,, I Hate It. 
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