#unit 2: Virus - Structure
dzthenerd490 · 2 months
File: Resident Evil 6
Code Name: The C Virus/ The Chrysalid Virus
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Samples of SCP-AFG are contained at the Level 5 Biohazard Labs of Site-AG. They are separated in four vials all placed within a biohazard box that is locked by a 6-digit code. The biohazard box is locked within one of the freezers of the Biohazard labs, its door and handle are reinforced with electricity to shock anyone who tries to open it. Only an AFA-2 with a specialized glove is able to open the door and is entrusted to take out SCP-AFG samples when needed. Any testing must be approved by three Level 5 Foundation staff members. 
In the event of a containment breach, Mobile Task Force Hades-4 "Bio Rebels" is to be contacted and sent to Site-AG at once to protect the SCP-AFG samples. It is only because of SCP-AFG that there is even a MTF Hades-4 unit at Site-AG to begin with. Even though Site-AG has been created to avoid containment breaches for obvious reasons, the Foundation cannot afford to take any risks. 
Description: SCP-AFG is a virus created with the same genetic structure as SCP-AAY-Veronica and SCP-ABE. This has allowed SCP-AFG near limitless mutations to any host depending on the strain they are infected with. So far only three strains have been recorded with each one having higher mutation rates than the one before it. There is SCP-AFG-Beta, SCP-AFG-Delta, SCP-AFG-Omega, and SCP-AFG-Alpha.
SCP-AFG-Beta is the most basic of all the variants normally taking the form of blue gas. Once someone has inhaled this gas who is not immune to SCP-AAY or has not taken the vaccine they will become a zombie immediately. Unlike SCP-AAY-1 instances, zombies created by SCP-AFG-Beta are stronger, have heightened senses, and more aggressive. They have the ability to occasionally hold weapons and can even mutate themselves. It's possible for zombies of SCP-AFG-Beta to become faster or grow larger allowing them to lift boulders or withstand heavy amounts of damage that would tear apart or kill normal zombies. It's even possible for the SCP-AFG-Beta gas to revitalize rotted corpses to the point they can stand again and kill anyone who isn't infected yet. Though SCP-AFG-Beta can be created artificially it has been made that its possible for other SCP-AFG variants to create the gas naturally. 
SCP-AFG-Delta is a bridge strain between SCP-AFG-Beta and SCP-AFG-Omega. SCP-AFG-Delta does exist in injection form and can spread through bite but that normally doesn't happen given the circumstances. When someone is injected with SCP-AFG-Delta they become a zombie like organism that has multiple eyes grown on the face. They are able to hold weapons, have greater strength and speed, heightened aggression, more durable skin, and are able to follow complex orders and remember said orders without forgetting a single detail. 
The organisms created by SCP-AFG-Delta are slaves to anyone infected with a stronger strain of the virus or can be programed to follow orders of others. DNA testing has shown that SCP-AFG-Delta victims are able to recognize the DNA of certain people and obey them without question, never bringing them harm only protection. Furthermore, they have the ability to mutate when damaged. 
When an SCP-AFG-Delta instance receives damage to a limp or other body part there is a high chance it will mutate as a response to make the organism stronger. These new limbs and body parts typically have mixed mutations of insect, reptilian, or fleshy characteristics. These mutations can be used as body weapons, armor, and even life extending organs. These mutations continue as they increase damage and do not stop until the SCP-AFG-Delta instance is dead. The best way to kill an SCP-AFG-Delta instance is ether with necrosis venom weaponry or just damaging it continuously until it finally dies. 
SCP-AFG-Omega is a more concentrated strain leading to disastrous effects. SCP-AFG-Omega exists only in an injection form, this is the only way someone can be infected which makes sense given the effects afterwards. Once someone is infected with SCP-AFG-Omega they instantly catch on fire due to their bodies over heating with rapid mutations. Their bodies then become encased with a liquid that covers them entirely and quickly hardens. After a half minute the cocoon opens up from the back and releases a random monster. Its unfortunately impossible to predict what exactly will result from this mutation.
SCP-AFG-Omega infection most commonly can result in a giant lizard like monster that has great speed and agility. Then there is the large hulking flesh like monster that has what appears to be hardened blood and bone growing out of it as thick armor. There are also grotesque monsters that spread SCP-AFG-Beta gas from the spore sacks all other their body. Then there is the rarest mutation where the result is a swarm of mutant wasps that sting with SCP-AFG-Beta venom. There are unfortunately other mutations that either are combinations of the previously described mutations or completely different. Unfortunately, this is not the end of SCP-AFG as a whole. 
SCP-AFG-Alpha is the newest and rarest strain only existing after being enhanced with antibodies created by those who are immune to the previous viruses. When someone is infected with SCP-AFG-Alpha, their body becomes a vessel of limitless mutations. Essentially, they become no different to SCP-ADU in that they can change shape at will, grow in biomass, and grow larger and/or stronger the more they consume. The main difference is that anyone infected with SCP-AFG-Alpha will have complete control over the virus though their mental state might deteriorate a little leading to increased aggression and a lack of common sense. 
SCP-AFG was discovered in 2012 thought it was officially declared contained in 2013. It is the first and most successful original product created by the terrorist Group of Interest: Neo Umbrella. For those that don't know, Neo Umbrella is an international black-market terrorist organization comprised of Neo-Sarkites, Proto-Sarkites, Deserter Mekhanites, Rouge Scientists, Bio Terrorists, International Terrorists, Mercenaries, old employees of TRICELL and old employees of the Umbrella Corporation. They have joined together in an effort to create a new arms race of biological weapons and use the money and connections to become the new rulers of the entire world. 
The Foundation actually got its official confirmation of Neo Umbrella's existence back in 2012. Agent Sherry Berkins of the newly created Mobile Task Force Hermes-9 "Acid Rain", saw hand first their actions. She was in [data expunged] during a mission to find people who were immune to SCP-AFG and only barely managed to make it out alive. Please see Addendum X-40 for details.
Though there were various other run ins during the incident between Foundation staff and various Persons of Interest. This included Leon Kennedy of PENTAGRAM, Chris Redfield of the GOC, and International Mercenary Ada Wong. Please see Addendum X-41 for details.
Despite their organization still being new they managed to grow in power rather fast even making ties with the Family. The Family is a powerful fraternity that was actually one of the founder groups of Group of Interest: The Global Occult Coalition. Once the SCP-AFG incident was resolved the GOC found all members involved and had them executed by order of the ACPA. 
Though the incident ended with several powerful Neo Umbrella members dead, the organization still exists and has slowly been recovering and growing their power in the shadows. Foundation agents believe that Neo Umbrella is now under the control of several individuals who call themselves, The Board. These individuals act as a counter to the O5 Council and have declared war against the Foundation. Despite their activity being reduced since the incident, SCP-AFG is a prime example on why they should not be underestimated. 
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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mmmmalo · 2 years
Hiveswap Reread Pt. 1
Current takeway is that in the same way that Psycholonials focuses on China paranoia (plot: a leftist Chinese-American infects the world with revolution alongside the "China virus" of Covid 19) Hiveswap is very much about Red Scares directed at Russia, Cold War nuclear anxieties, and those fears' persistence past the end of the USSR. Like the game's set in '94, but Jude still won't touch Tetris cause it's got Commie germs.
Trolls emerge from anxieties, so the red scare may go a ways towards explaining why Fozzer is a communist (until he isn't) and Boldir took her wardrobe from a SPY VS SPY cartoon. The structural power of slurs in Homestuck trained me to seek potential terms of perjoration so I looked up Russian stereotypes and was reminded of the country's popular association with bears, which turned my thoughts toward Bronya Ursama (ursa mama > mama bear). It turns out "nyanya" (няня) is a Russian word for babysitter! and "bronya" (броня) itself means Armor. My first instinct was to read Armored Mamabear as a reference to Alphonse Elric, since Bronya's clapping motion is reminiscent of the alchemical prayer performed by those who attempt Human Transmutation -- a suitable topic for the brooding caverns -- and Alphonse in particular dreamed of motherhood, repeatedly storing life in the belly of his casings. There's even a moment where you the reader "CLAP YOUR HAND over your mouth to keep from GAGGING", implicitly connecting Bronya's gesture to an Alternian paradigm of birth, vomiting.
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But perhaps instead of "vomiting", we should say "purging": the name "Armor" also seems to designate Bronya as a feminine Stalin (meaning 'Steel'). "There's no leader, but do as I say" positions Bronya as leader within a very old joke mocking the persistence of heirarchy in a political system (Communism) ostensibly aimed at eliminating class division. "Protect the Mothergrub" becomes "PROTECT THE MOTHERLAND". Bronya's pronounced terror towards possible purges marks her as a stereotypical subject of Stalinism, but she's also positioned as the purger: "babysitting" acquires a morbid connotation through Alternia's deadliest ass, such that Bronya's odd sense of responsibility (she says she can't be friends with someone she can't TAKE CARE OF) implies not only a need for control but also a need for killing power in all relationships. Only trust who you can crush.The successful route (which avoids purges!) involves persuading Bronya to relinquish her iron grip and trust the People to lead themselves. The route looks at Stalin and goes I Could Fix Her.
I laughed the moment I started Bronya's route: her designated song, the Phantasmagoric Waltz, sounds like it came straight out of the Nutcracker, Tchaikovsky's famous ballet. The joke suggest Joey's love of ballet might function as a signifier of Russian culture in Hiveswap -- and perhaps her love of tap dance would likewise become an American signifier? Joey's dream of uniting the dance styles would then suggest achieving unity of opposed political entities... but I worry that "unity" implies "domination". Joey shuns guns but her tap shoes are sometimes discussed as though they are guns, eg when Joey claims they would blast a pile of garbage apart. So the (eventual, not yet) combination of dances would come to represent war? More to that point:
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My initial notes emphasized the element of interactivity, but if the gyroscope functioned as a representation of an atom, this would effectively be saying that Joey's tap shoes are nukes? (This approach is colored by One Piece, which uses a large orrery within a Tree of Knowledge shaped liked a mushroom cloud to represent nuclear capability. ) In which case "unity" would mean outright destruction.
Either way, Joey's itchy trigger toes become parcel to the general air of (nuclear) war anxiety that pervades the story. I suspect Joey's outspoken hatred of animal death is similarly a reaction to Laika, the dog who died aboard Sputnik-2 (one of several test satellites whose flight path above the US initiated panic over potential orbital missile strikes). The flashlight is our satellite symbol: Jude's treehouse (like Terezi's before him) locates him metaphorically in the numinous aether*, using a flashlight to blink morse code messages like a satellite beaming information down to Earth. When Joey finds her own flashlight, she refers to it as a tomb for all the Pogs she finds inside instead of batteries. Pogs means dogs here: it's a nightmare of finding a satellite filled with dead Laikas. Puppy Surprise is having puppies!
* I also wonder if (again inflected by One Piece) if Jude's burning fall foliage might represent a mushroom cloud? But I'll focus on the other approach for now.
So a fear of orbital missile strikes (and an urge for preemptive strikes?) is linked to the weaponization of the flashlight. One of the paintings in the hallway features a horse scared of lightning (violence from above!), the bolts of which Jude has stickered over with an alien invasion (violence from above!) whose tractor beams of abduction resemble the rays of a satellite flashlight. Unsure what to make of Joey turning the invasion into birthday party though...
Brief diversion from Red Scare speculation: the game seems to imply that Jude's pet is Lord English? in addition to being a serpent, as others have already concluded. The toy castle at the foot of Jude's door, the one with Lord English's winking face for a gate, has a counterpart across the hall: in the other painting (Venus of Urbino), a dog at the foot of the bed has been modified with a sticker of a winking dog's face. The shared expression marks Lord English as a pet... but just as importantly, the parallel draws a line between the reposed/nude Venus ("churched up" with some clothing by a prudish/bashful Joey) and Jude's room. 5 interpretive angles occur to me, not necessarily mutually exclusive:
1. The myriad KEEP OUT signs on Jude's door can be superimposed onto Venus, relaying a sense that Joey views her attraction to women as improper (as the clothes she drew on might've already indicated), and/or a sense that the world around Joey disapproves
2. The nudity is superimposed on Jude, suggesting a repressed attraction to her brother. Earlier Joey expressed annoyance that the clouds (juxtaposed with Jude's tree house) were "ephemeral and UNTOUCHABLE" a sentiment which if redirected at Jude suggest annoyance with the incest taboo.
3. The two above combine into an antisemitic gesture, a desire to "church up" (ie convert) the Jews. This relies on pun drawn from Alternia: "archery" is rendered Jewish by fixating on the "ARK" component, part of Alternia's tongue-in-cheek depiction of a post-ChristianGenocide world. The plush Sufferer in the hall (struck by one of Jude's many arrows) invokes this facet of the fantasy -- it also meshes with the fear of Russian missile strikes invoked by Jude, perhaps leaning into the old conspiracy theory that Communism was a Jewish plot.
4. Supposing for a moment that Joey were a trans girl, we could integrate Lord English (or rather, the serpent he represents) into the equation: the phallus becomes the guard dog of femininity, the beast preventing its attainment... a glimpse into Joey's school life reveals that kids call her a POSER when she tries to talk about GAMES, which might be leveraged towards Joey experiencing transphobia: the association of girls with roleplay is part of Alternia's underlying transphobia, as best I can tell. Unless it's just plain old misogyny to say girls are categorically "false"? Perhaps both...
But there's a bit on the staircase to the attic where Joey remarks she would like the plush caterpillar more if it were to spin a chrysalis (ie become a fairy), which again scans as trans imagery in the context of the house's immersion in Alternian lore... I presume the remark is self-reflexive, but I suppose Joey might simply like if all icky boys became girls, Jude included? But then after saying that dancing on the stairs is dangerous (you could break your legs!), she dances ballet for the caterpillar alone and incurs the risk -- this scans as an invocation of Tavros, whose accident was parcel to Alternia's denigration/depictions of f*gs (read as a blanket term for "feminine men"... though it's possible "masculine women" are being denigrated in the same breath? Bluh)
5. Back to the Red Scare: in the wake of Bronya and the Mothergrub, perhaps we might read Venus as representative of the Motherland! The apparent desire for union with the feminine (in terms of romance or identity) would fall victim to the same violence haunting the unity of tap and ballet: it means destruction, conquest! Those godless (ie Jewish??) communists need to be Churched Up, PERMANENTLY....
...or something like that, that's my understanding of the conspiracies at play so far. Next time, we go downstairs!
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brightgnosis · 2 years
Multi-Class Aggregate Notes on Plant Susceptibilities & Their Management Techniques
Pin Oaks and Red Oaks are susceptible to Iron Chlorosis if the soil PH raises above 7.0- a common problem in Oklahoma as our soil PH falls naturally between 6 and 7; they can tolerate a PH as low as 5.5, and to 6.5 at highest, but higher PH levels reduce their ability to absorb Iron into their system appropriately.
Swift management requires Iron Injection Treatments at the base of the tree by a certified Arborist, once every 2 to 3 years depending on the severity of the Chlorosis and the PH of the soil.
While soil PH does naturally lower over time, intentional soil management with elemental sulfur, aluminum sulfate, or sulfuric acid to reduce soil PH overall, however, should be heavily considered if you want to preserve the tree properly.
Strawberries and Beans are also highly susceptible to Chlorosis.
Amend soil with proper nutrients as necessary as shown by soil testing, to treat the appropriate type of Chlorosis exhibited.
Violets are some of the most difficult to manage or eradicate once escaped from cultivation. The best time of the year to attack them with targeted Broadleaf Herbicide treatments is during the fall then the rhizomes are actively storing nutrients to overwinter.
Violets and African Violets should not be confused in terms of edibility- though their eradication and management techniques are roughly the same.
Zinnia and Mexican Zinnia are both susceptible to Powdery Mildew.
Resistant cultivars exist.
Knockout brand Roses are particularly susceptible to Rose Rosette Virus.
Rose Rosette is systematic and incurable (despite people claiming they have cured it). The only recourse is to remove the Rose fully and to properly dispose of it.
Phlox is susceptible to Powdery Mildew.
Resistant cultivars exist.
Pines are incredibly sensitive to any changes in soil quality, structure, and depth, and can be killed easily (and quickly) by upsetting any of these three factors.
If you have a Pine Tree, do not plant or disturb the soil around it, at least out to the edge of its canopy at minimum, in order to best avoid damaging or upsetting it.
Silver Maples are one of the most notorious ornamental trees known for their incredibly destructive shallow, fibrous root systems- which are not easily controlled or managed.
If the tree is already causing destruction, the only recourse is to remove the tree and apply stump treatments.
Best case scenario, if you really want the tree, choose your site carefully and opt for spaces along no known underground or aboveground structures of any kind (including raised or other forms of garden beds, as their roots can and will grow vertically into structures above ground).
River Birch is similar in root behavior and structure, but less well known due to its less ornamental nature. Management options are the same for both.
Trumpet Vine is native to the United Stated in most areas, but its highly aggressive growth pattern can make it a high nuisance plant with invasive qualities- especially when improper varieties are planted. It is incredibly difficult to eradicate because, similar to Japanese Honeysuckle (a true Invasive), eradication requires removal of the full Mother Root or it will continue to grow back.
Selectively and carefully apply a Broadleaf Herbicide treatment to fresh shoots as they appear.
Follow fresh shoots to the mother root underground and uncover as much of it as possible. Simply pull it all out by hand and pray you got it all.
Follow fresh shoots to the mother root underground and uncover as much of it as possible. Apply a standard cut stump treatment through fresh cuts in the root.
Verbenas are susceptible to Powdery Mildew.
Resistant cultivars exist.
The reduction of Fairy Rings is both cost inefficient and time ineffective.
This is from my own notes during my formal Master Gardener Training. If you found this helpful or interesting, please consider Tipping or Leaving a Ko-Fi (being Disabled, even $1 helps); you can see my other "Original Content" here.
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lalsingh228-blog · 2 months
Antibody Testing Market Projected to Show Strong Growth
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A Latest intelligence report published by AMA Research with title "Global Antibody Testing Market Outlook to 2028. A detailed study accumulated to offer Latest insights about acute features of the Antibody Testing market. This report provides a detailed overview of key factors in the Global Antibody Testing Market and factors such as driver, restraint, past and current trends, regulatory scenarios and technology development.
Definition: Antibodies are immunoglobulins, which are Y-shaped proteins formed by the immune system to help protect the body from foreign invaders. An antibody test is a blood test that tests for the existence of antibodies. When the body battles an infection, such as COVID-19, or when patients undergo a vaccine, such as a flu shot, antibodies are formed. Which is how a virus's immunity is created. These tests are also known as serology tests. After the illness has passed, these checks are deployed to assess the incidence of disease in a population. Serology examinations include blood samples, which are obtained from a person's arm or a finger stick. Prevalence of Covid and SARS cases are major factors owing to growth in Antibody Testing market. Major Players in This Report Include, Alere Inc. (United States), Hoffmann La Roche , Abbott Laboratories, Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc. (United States), ERBA Diagnostics Inc. (United States), Trinity Biotech plc (Ireland), Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (United States), Antibodies Inc. (United States), EUROIMMUN AG (Germany), Immuno Concepts (United States). Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @ : https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/167779-global-antibody-testing-market Global Antibody Testing the manufacturing cost structure analysis of the market is based on the core chain structure, engineering process, raw materials and suppliers. The manufacturing plant has been developed for market needs and new technology development. In addition, Global Antibody Testing Market attractiveness according to country, end-user, and other measures is also provided, permitting the reader to gauge the most useful or commercial areas for investments. The study also provides special chapter designed (qualitative) to highlights issues faced by industry players in their production cycle and supply chain. The Global Antibody Testing Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below: by Type (Assay Kits & Reagents, Software & Services), Disease (Covid-19, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Crest Syndrome, Other), End Use (Hospitals, Clinical Laboratories, Test Centers), Technique (Inova Diagnostics (United States), Zeus Scientific Inc. (United States), Ortho Clinical Diagnostics (Unites States)) Market Drivers Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Cases
Emergence of Advance and Effective Techniques Market Trend Technical Progress in Medical Industry
Heavy Investments in Research & Development Opportunities Low Penetration in Remote Regions Challenges Sudden Demand Shocks Such as Due to Covid-19 Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/167779-global-antibody-testing-market
Geographically World Global Antibody Testing markets can be classified as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa and Latin America. North America has gained a leading position in the global market and is expected to remain in place for years to come. The growing demand for Global Antibody Testing markets will drive growth in the North American market over the next few years.
In the last section of the report, the companies responsible for increasing the sales in the Global Antibody Testing Market have been presented. These companies have been analyzed in terms of their manufacturing base, basic information, and competitors. In addition, the application and product type introduced by each of these companies also form a key part of this section of the report. The recent enhancements that took place in the global market and their influence on the future growth of the market have also been presented through this study. Report Highlights:
Comprehensive overview of parent market & substitute market
In-depth market segmentation (Trends, Growth with Historical & Forecast Analysis)
Recent industry trends and development activity
Competitive landscape (Heat Map Analysis for Emerging Players & Market Share Analysis for Major Players along with detailed Profiles)  
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Antibody Testing Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Antibody Testing market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the Antibody Testing Market.
Chapter 3: Changing Impact on Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges & Opportunities of the Antibody Testing;
Chapter 4: Presenting the Antibody Testing Market Factor Analysis, Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region/Country 2017-2022
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Antibody Testing market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by Manufacturers/Company with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions (2023-2028)
……………. Buy this research @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/buy-now?format=1&report=167779 Key questions answered
Who are the Leading key players and what are their Key Business plans in the Global Antibody Testing market?
What are the key concerns of the five forces analysis of the Global Antibody Testing market?
What are different prospects and threats faced by the dealers in the Global Antibody Testing market?
What possible measures players are taking to overcome and stabilize the situation?
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Middle East, Africa, Europe or LATAM, Asia. Contact US : Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 201 565 3262, +44 161 818 8166 [email protected]
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ahopkins1965 · 2 months
COVID-19 naming
During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the disease and virus were sometimes called "coronavirus", "Wuhan coronavirus", or "Wuhan pneumonia".
In January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) tentatively named it "2019-nCoV", short for "2019 Novel Coronavirus", or "2019 Novel Coronavirus Acute Respiratory Disease". This naming was based on the organization's 2015 guidelines for naming novel viruses and diseases, avoiding the use of geographic locations (such as Wuhan), in part to prevent social stigma. A similar structure has also been used by the AP when referring to virus variants, for example, referring to it as the "Delta variant" rather than the "South African variant".
On 11 February 2020, the WHO named the disease COVID-19 (short for coronavirus disease 2019). That same day, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) formally announced it had named the causative virus as SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) based upon its genetic similarity to the 2003 SARS-CoV. The separation between the disease and the causative virus is based on the same nomenclature policies that separate AIDS and the virus which causes it, HIV.
WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus explained that CO stands for coronavirus, VI for virus, and D stands for disease, while 19 stands for the year, 2019, that the outbreak was first detected. As such, there has never been a "COVID-1" or any other "COVID-" series disease with a number below 19.
Chinese virus
From January to March 2020, US President Donald Trump repeatedly described the virus as the "Chinese virus". In March 2020, the president claimed to have abandoned the term, telling Fox News "we shouldn't make any more of a big deal out of it". On March 18 and 19, 2020, Trump twice defended using the term "Chinese virus" amid instances of bigotry against Asians in the United States. Trump referred to it as "the China Virus" at least as late as January 2021.
This description was also used by members of the Spanish far-right political party Vox, especially by its leader Santiago Abascal in March 2020.
CCP virus
The Epoch Times has reportedly funded right-wing groups promoting the use of the term "CCP virus" to lay blame on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for the pandemic. Chinese-born New Zealand sculptor Chen Weiming created a 20-foot statue in Liberty Sculpture Park in Yermo, California, depicting Chinese leader and CCP general secretary Xi Jinping with spike proteins as his hair, naming it "CCP virus".
Stylization of the term has varied since the virus's and disease's discovery. The World Health Organization (WHO) stylizes the disease as COVID-19 with all letters capitalized and many other organizations have followed their lead. The AP Stylebook, Chicago Manual of Style, and the Modern Language Association (MLA) have styled it similarly. Several observers have noted the importance of proper stylization, despite the seeming ridiculousness of worrying over such matters "at a time like this" (during the early days of the pandemic), recalling the confusion and prejudice which resulted from unclear or inconsistent naming as was the case with AIDS (which was called GRID/HTLV-III/LAV at various times) and non-A, non-B Hepatitis. They have also pointed out that future researchers will benefit from consistency when reviewing past data and research.
However, stylization as "Covid-19" has become common as well. Numerous news sources including The New York Times, CNN, Politico, The Wall Street Journal, NBCNews have presented the term with a capital C but all other letters as lower case. As a result, use of "Covid-19" has become commonplace and even the accepted standard in some cases. Use of "Covid-19" in news sources from the United Kingdom like The Guardian has also been the norm since most British newspapers only capitalize an entire acronym if the acronym is typically spelled out like "B-B-C" or "N-H-S" while acronyms which are pronounced as words, like "Nasa" or "Unicef" have their first letter capitalized and all subsequent letters lowercase.
While COVID-19 refers to the disease and SARS-CoV-2 refers to the virus which causes it, referring to the "COVID-19 virus" has been accepted. Reference to SARS-CoV-2 as "the coronavirus" has become somewhat accepted despite such use implying that there is only one coronavirus species. Similarly, use of "COVID" for the disease (if the first rendered as COVID-19) has been tolerated. Use of "the Coronavirus" to refer to the COVID-19 pandemic which began in December 2019 has also been accepted. Although such use does not specify the year or which coronavirus-related disease is being referred to, given its all-encompassing impact at the time, such references have been deemed justifiable. Use of "the" when referring to the disease, virus, or 2019 pandemic has been quite varied with some requiring use of "the" while others have not. The Oxford English Dictionary noted that "the" is typically not used when referring to the disease, COVID-19, but is not uncommon when referring to the virus.
Reference to the virus and/or the disease as "corona", "the corona", and "the rona" has also arisen in various parts of the world.
Colloquial names
2022-09-13 phylogenetic tree of life of COVID-19 using the PANGO nomenclature; only a few of these variants have come to public notice
Numerous mutations and variants of SARS-CoV-2 have acquired colloquial vis-à-vis scientific labels for ease of pronunciation and usage, both in the lab and to some extent in mass media. The nomenclature draws from the corpus of mythology (both Greek and Scandinavian and astronomy.
Public messaging has been a concern given that these elements of popular reportage can be at variance with the Greek alphabet nomenclature established by the WHO; other schemes have been proposed.
Arcturus (XBB.1.16) was named on social media after the star; Kraken (XBB.1.5), Cerberus (BQ.1.1), Typhon (BQ.1), and Gryphon (XBB) were coined by evolutionary biologist T. Ryan Gregory (from his own personal nomenclature of mythical creatures); whereas Pelican, Quail, and Mockingbird (variants of 20I/501Y.V1), have not gained wider usage. The BA.2.86 variant was named 'pirola' (sic) by a group of scientists on social media in late 2023, and was brought to public attention by an August edition of the Wall Street Journal. (Inasmuch as the World Health Organization has suggested using astronomy for its plethora of names, the Twitter user @JPWeiland suggested the obscure Jovian asteroid 1082 Pirola "for its uniqueness" and the possibility of shifting the nomenclaure to Pi or Rho if needed.)
Nicknames have also arisen for mutations such as Nelly (N501Y), Doug (and Douglas) (D614G), and even Eeek (E484K), initially meant as convenient labels in University of Bern lab discourse.
See also
Virus classification
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Shi Zhengli
Chinese researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology
COVID-19 pandemic
Pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2
Virus that causes COVID-19
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hippiemikelove-blog · 3 months
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sunaleisocial · 3 months
MIT scientists use a new type of nanoparticle to make vaccines more powerful
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/mit-scientists-use-a-new-type-of-nanoparticle-to-make-vaccines-more-powerful/
MIT scientists use a new type of nanoparticle to make vaccines more powerful
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Many vaccines, including vaccines for hepatitis B and whooping cough, consist of fragments of viral or bacterial proteins. These vaccines often include other molecules called adjuvants, which help to boost the immune system’s response to the protein.
Most of these adjuvants consist of aluminum salts or other molecules that provoke a nonspecific immune response. A team of MIT researchers has now shown that a type of nanoparticle called a metal organic framework (MOF) can also provoke a strong immune response, by activating the innate immune system — the body’s first line of defense against any pathogen — through cell proteins called toll-like receptors.
In a study of mice, the researchers showed that this MOF could successfully encapsulate and deliver part of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, while also acting as an adjuvant once the MOF is broken down inside cells.
While more work would be needed to adapt these particles for use as vaccines, the study demonstrates that this type of structure can be useful for generating a strong immune response, the researchers say.
“Understanding how the drug delivery vehicle can enhance an adjuvant immune response is something that could be very helpful in designing new vaccines,” says Ana Jaklenec, a principal investigator at MIT’s Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research and one of the senior authors of the new study.
Robert Langer, an MIT Institute Professor and member of the Koch Institute, and Dan Barouch, director of the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and a professor at Harvard Medical School, are also senior authors of the paper, which appears today in Science Advances. The paper’s lead author is former MIT postdoc and Ibn Khaldun Fellow Shahad Alsaiari.
Immune activation
In this study, the researchers focused on a MOF called ZIF-8, which consists of a lattice of tetrahedral units made up of a zinc ion attached to four molecules of imidazole, an organic compound. Previous work has shown that ZIF-8 can significantly boost immune responses, but it wasn’t known exactly how this particle activates the immune system.
To try to figure that out, the MIT team created an experimental vaccine consisting of the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding protein (RBD) embedded within ZIF-8 particles. These particles are between 100 and 200 nanometers in diameter, a size that allows them to get into the body’s lymph nodes directly or through immune cells such as macrophages.
Once the particles enter the cells, the MOFs are broken down, releasing the viral proteins. The researchers found that the imidazole components then activate toll-like receptors (TLRs), which help to stimulate the innate immune response.
“This process is analogous to establishing a covert operative team at the molecular level to transport essential elements of the Covid-19 virus to the body’s immune system, where they can activate specific immune responses to boost vaccine efficacy,” Alsaiari says.
RNA sequencing of cells from the lymph nodes showed that mice vaccinated with ZIF-8 particles carrying the viral protein strongly activated a TLR pathway known as TLR-7, which led to greater production of cytokines and other molecules involved in inflammation.
Mice vaccinated with these particles generated a much stronger response to the viral protein than mice that received the protein on its own.
“Not only are we delivering the protein in a more controlled way through a nanoparticle, but the compositional structure of this particle is also acting as an adjuvant,” Jaklenec says. “We were able to achieve very specific responses to the Covid protein, and with a dose-sparing effect compared to using the protein by itself to vaccinate.”
Vaccine access
While this study and others have demonstrated ZIF-8’s immunogenic ability, more work needs to be done to evaluate the particles’ safety and potential to be scaled up for large-scale manufacturing. If ZIF-8 is not developed as a vaccine carrier, the findings from the study should help to guide researchers in developing similar nanoparticles that could be used to deliver subunit vaccines, Jaklenec says.
“Most subunit vaccines usually have two separate components: an antigen and an adjuvant,” Jaklenec says. “Designing new vaccines that utilize nanoparticles with specific chemical moieties which not only aid in antigen delivery but can also activate particular immune pathways have the potential to enhance vaccine potency.”
One advantage to developing a subunit vaccine for Covid-19 is that such vaccines are usually easier and cheaper to manufacture than mRNA vaccines, which could make it easier to distribute them around the world, the researchers say.
“Subunit vaccines have been around for a long time, and they tend to be cheaper to produce, so that opens up more access to vaccines, especially in times of pandemic,” Jaklenec says.
The research was funded by Ibn Khaldun Fellowships for Saudi Arabian Women and in part by the Koch Institute Support (core) Grant from the U.S. National Cancer Institute.
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jcmarchi · 3 months
MIT scientists use a new type of nanoparticle to make vaccines more powerful
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/mit-scientists-use-a-new-type-of-nanoparticle-to-make-vaccines-more-powerful/
MIT scientists use a new type of nanoparticle to make vaccines more powerful
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Many vaccines, including vaccines for hepatitis B and whooping cough, consist of fragments of viral or bacterial proteins. These vaccines often include other molecules called adjuvants, which help to boost the immune system’s response to the protein.
Most of these adjuvants consist of aluminum salts or other molecules that provoke a nonspecific immune response. A team of MIT researchers has now shown that a type of nanoparticle called a metal organic framework (MOF) can also provoke a strong immune response, by activating the innate immune system — the body’s first line of defense against any pathogen — through cell proteins called toll-like receptors.
In a study of mice, the researchers showed that this MOF could successfully encapsulate and deliver part of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, while also acting as an adjuvant once the MOF is broken down inside cells.
While more work would be needed to adapt these particles for use as vaccines, the study demonstrates that this type of structure can be useful for generating a strong immune response, the researchers say.
“Understanding how the drug delivery vehicle can enhance an adjuvant immune response is something that could be very helpful in designing new vaccines,” says Ana Jaklenec, a principal investigator at MIT’s Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research and one of the senior authors of the new study.
Robert Langer, an MIT Institute Professor and member of the Koch Institute, and Dan Barouch, director of the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and a professor at Harvard Medical School, are also senior authors of the paper, which appears today in Science Advances. The paper’s lead author is former MIT postdoc and Ibn Khaldun Fellow Shahad Alsaiari.
Immune activation
In this study, the researchers focused on a MOF called ZIF-8, which consists of a lattice of tetrahedral units made up of a zinc ion attached to four molecules of imidazole, an organic compound. Previous work has shown that ZIF-8 can significantly boost immune responses, but it wasn’t known exactly how this particle activates the immune system.
To try to figure that out, the MIT team created an experimental vaccine consisting of the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding protein (RBD) embedded within ZIF-8 particles. These particles are between 100 and 200 nanometers in diameter, a size that allows them to get into the body’s lymph nodes directly or through immune cells such as macrophages.
Once the particles enter the cells, the MOFs are broken down, releasing the viral proteins. The researchers found that the imidazole components then activate toll-like receptors (TLRs), which help to stimulate the innate immune response.
“This process is analogous to establishing a covert operative team at the molecular level to transport essential elements of the Covid-19 virus to the body’s immune system, where they can activate specific immune responses to boost vaccine efficacy,” Alsaiari says.
RNA sequencing of cells from the lymph nodes showed that mice vaccinated with ZIF-8 particles carrying the viral protein strongly activated a TLR pathway known as TLR-7, which led to greater production of cytokines and other molecules involved in inflammation.
Mice vaccinated with these particles generated a much stronger response to the viral protein than mice that received the protein on its own.
“Not only are we delivering the protein in a more controlled way through a nanoparticle, but the compositional structure of this particle is also acting as an adjuvant,” Jaklenec says. “We were able to achieve very specific responses to the Covid protein, and with a dose-sparing effect compared to using the protein by itself to vaccinate.”
Vaccine access
While this study and others have demonstrated ZIF-8’s immunogenic ability, more work needs to be done to evaluate the particles’ safety and potential to be scaled up for large-scale manufacturing. If ZIF-8 is not developed as a vaccine carrier, the findings from the study should help to guide researchers in developing similar nanoparticles that could be used to deliver subunit vaccines, Jaklenec says.
“Most subunit vaccines usually have two separate components: an antigen and an adjuvant,” Jaklenec says. “Designing new vaccines that utilize nanoparticles with specific chemical moieties which not only aid in antigen delivery but can also activate particular immune pathways have the potential to enhance vaccine potency.”
One advantage to developing a subunit vaccine for Covid-19 is that such vaccines are usually easier and cheaper to manufacture than mRNA vaccines, which could make it easier to distribute them around the world, the researchers say.
“Subunit vaccines have been around for a long time, and they tend to be cheaper to produce, so that opens up more access to vaccines, especially in times of pandemic,” Jaklenec says.
The research was funded by Ibn Khaldun Fellowships for Saudi Arabian Women and in part by the Koch Institute Support (core) Grant from the U.S. National Cancer Institute.
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themarketinsights · 7 months
Virology Market to See Massive Growth by 2028
Latest released the research study on Global Virology Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Virology Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Virology The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are GSK (United Kingdom), Pfizer (United States), AbbVie's (United States), Gilead Sciences (United States), Takeda Pharmaceuticals (Japan), Kineta, Inc. (United States), Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals (United States), Novavax, Inc. (United States), AllCells (United States), Nektar Therapeutics (United States)
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/191138-global-virology-market
Virology Market Definition:
A principal department of virology is virus classification. Virology is the scientific learn about of viruses – submicroscopic, parasitic organisms of genetic cloth contained in a protein coat and virus-like agents. It focuses on the following components of viruses: their structure, classification and evolution, their methods to infect and take advantage of host cells for reproduction, their interplay with host organism physiology and immunity, the illnesses they cause, the methods to isolate and lifestyle them, and their use in lookup and therapy. Virology is a subfield of microbiology. Virology is the scientific self-discipline involved with the learn about of the biology of viruses and viral diseases, which include the distribution, biochemistry, physiology, molecular biology, ecology, evolution and scientific elements of viruses.
Market Trend:
Notable advances in Nanotechnology, Nanostructure-based electrical Sensors have been emerged as promising Platforms for real-time, sensitive detection of numerous Bioanalytes
Market Drivers:
Rising Public Awareness on Campaigns Diseases and Modern Technologies for Identifying and Treating Viral Illness
Market Opportunities:
Healthcare Infrastructure
Facilitated Diagnostics
Growing affordability of Diagnostic tests for Viral Diseases
The Global Virology Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:
by Application (Medicine, Agriculture, Nanotechnology, Others), Diagnosis Test (Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV, Other), Disease (AIDS, Common Cold, Ebola, Genital Herpes, Influenza, Others)
Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa
Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.
Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/191138-global-virology-market
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Virology Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Virology market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the Virology Market.
Chapter 3: Displayingthe Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the Virology
Chapter 4: Presenting the Virology Market Factor Analysis Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying market size by Type, End User and Region 2015-2020
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Virology market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries (2021-2026).
Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source
Finally, Virology Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies in decision framework.
Data Sources & Methodology The primary sources involves the industry experts from the Global Virology Market including the management organizations, processing organizations, analytics service providers of the industry’s value chain. All primary sources were interviewed to gather and authenticate qualitative & quantitative information and determine the future prospects.
In the extensive primary research process undertaken for this study, the primary sources – Postal Surveys, telephone, Online & Face-to-Face Survey were considered to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study. When it comes to secondary sources Company's Annual reports, press Releases, Websites, Investor Presentation, Conference Call transcripts, Webinar, Journals, Regulators, National Customs and Industry Associations were given primary weight-age.
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arunima123 · 7 months
Pest Control 101: Safeguarding Your Abu Dhabi Home from Unwanted Invasions
In a region known for its stunning architecture and beautiful landscapes, Abu Dhabi residents face a common challenge - pest infestations. The warm climate and urban environment provide the perfect breeding ground for a variety of pests, from cockroaches to mosquitoes. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore effective ways to protect your Abu Dhabi home from these unwanted intruders, with a focus on cockroach pest control, insect control service, and mosquito control companies.
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Understanding the Pest Problem in Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, is a place of beauty and luxury. However, its warm climate and urban environment create ideal conditions for various pests to thrive. From common cockroaches to mosquitoes, these invaders can turn your dream home into a nightmare. In this article, we will delve into effective pest control methods to help you maintain a pest-free living space.
The Abu Dhabi Cockroach Menace
Cockroaches are a common pest problem in Abu Dhabi. These resilient creatures can adapt to various environments and can be found in homes, restaurants, and businesses. To tackle this issue, it's crucial to understand their behavior and employ effective cockroach pest control Abu Dhabi strategies.
Cockroaches are attracted to warmth, moisture, and food sources. Abu Dhabi's climate provides the ideal temperature and humidity for their survival, and with the abundance of food, especially in homes and restaurants, these pests can become a persistent problem.
Strategies for Effective Cockroach Pest Control in Abu Dhabi
1. Maintain Cleanliness: The first step in cockroach control is to eliminate their food sources. Keep your kitchen and dining areas clean, wipe down countertops, and store food in airtight containers. Regular cleaning can significantly reduce the attraction for cockroaches.
2. Seal Entry Points: Cockroaches can enter through tiny cracks and gaps in your home. Inspect your property for potential entry points and seal them to prevent infestations. Pay close attention to areas like windows, doors, and pipes.
3. Use Bait Traps: Cockroach baits are effective at luring and killing these pests. Place bait traps in areas where you've seen cockroach activity, but keep them out of reach of children and pets.
4. Regular Inspections: Schedule regular inspections with a professional pest control service in Abu Dhabi. They can identify potential infestations before they become a severe problem and offer targeted treatment.
5. Chemical Treatments: If your cockroach problem is widespread, consider professional pest control with safe, approved chemicals. Pest control experts in Abu Dhabi are well-trained in using the latest, environmentally friendly methods to eliminate cockroaches.
Tackling Other Insect Invaders
Cockroaches aren't the only pests that can disrupt your life in Abu Dhabi. Insect control services can help you combat various insect intruders, such as ants, termites, and bedbugs.
Ants can invade your home, particularly your kitchen, in search of food. To control them, keep food sealed and clean up crumbs promptly. If the problem persists, consult an insect control service for effective ant control.
Termites are a significant threat to the structural integrity of your home. Regular inspections can help detect termite infestations early. Professional pest control companies can provide termite control solutions tailored to your specific needs.
Bedbugs, though less common, can be a nightmare to deal with. These blood-sucking insects can infest your mattresses and upholstery. If you suspect a bedbug infestation, it's essential to contact a professional pest control service for thorough eradication.
Mosquito Control Companies in Abu Dhabi
Mosquitoes are a common nuisance in Abu Dhabi, and they pose health risks due to the transmission of diseases such as dengue fever and Zika virus. To protect your family, consider the services of mosquito control companies.
Abu Dhabi's warm climate and proximity to water sources make it an attractive breeding ground for mosquitoes. Here are some strategies to tackle this pest:
1. Eliminate Breeding Sites: Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water. Regularly inspect your property for stagnant water and eliminate it to reduce mosquito breeding grounds.
2. Mosquito Nets: Installing mosquito nets on windows and doors can help prevent these insects from entering your home.
3. Mosquito Repellents: Use mosquito repellent sprays or lotions when spending time outdoors, especially during dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active.
4. Professional Mosquito Control: Consider enlisting the help of mosquito control companies in Abu Dhabi. They offer services such as fogging, which effectively reduces mosquito populations in the vicinity of your home.
The Importance of Professional Pest Control Services in Abu Dhabi
While implementing preventative measures is crucial, there are situations where professional pest control services are necessary. These experts are trained to handle various pests effectively and use safe, eco-friendly methods to protect your family and the environment.
Professional pest control services offer several advantages:
1. Expertise: Pest control professionals are trained to identify the specific pests infesting your home and choose the most effective treatments.
2. Custom Solutions: They create tailored pest control plans based on your unique circumstances, ensuring efficient results.
3. Safe Pest Control Methods: Abu Dhabi pest control companies prioritize the safety of your family and the environment, using eco-friendly products and methods.
4. Preventive Measures: Beyond eradicating current infestations, they provide guidance on preventing future pest problems.
5. Time and Money Savings: While DIY methods may seem cost-effective, professional pest control can save you time and money in the long run by effectively addressing the issue.
Conclusion: A Pest-Free Abu Dhabi Home
In Abu Dhabi, keeping your home pest-free requires diligence and, at times, the assistance of professional pest control services. Cockroaches, ants, termites, bedbugs, and mosquitoes are just a few of the pests you may encounter. Understanding their behavior and implementing preventative measures are essential steps in maintaining a pest-free environment.
Whether you're dealing with a cockroach infestation or seeking protection from mosquitoes, there are pest control solutions available in Abu Dhabi. By following the advice in this guide and enlisting the help of pest control experts when needed, you can enjoy a comfortable and pest-free living space in this beautiful city. Remember, a pest-free home is a happy and healthy home!
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sarnews · 9 months
Russia Release Damning 2,000 Page Report Proving Covid Was a Globalist Bioweapon
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The Covid-19 virus was created as a bioweapon against humanity, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin who has painstakingly compiled a 2,000 page report forensically detailing the crimes of the US Deep State and globalist elites.
According to Putin, Big Pharma and US Deep State actors are guilty of “manufacturing” the Covid-19 pandemic to take over the world, and the 2,000 page report lists Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and George Soros as co-conspirators in the plot against humanity.
Putin has been prepared to bide his time while collecting the evidence, but according to Russian sources, the president understands the time has come to blow the lid off the globalist charade and educate the masses about the agenda of the elite.
Before we dive in, subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already, and join the People’s Voice Locals Community for exclusive and uncensored news and views.
Finally the truth is starting to emerge. Brave men and women all over the world are refusing to submit to the diktats of the globalist elite.
And as the people of the world continue to wake up to the crimes of the elite, the time has come for justice to be served.
“Russia wants justice for the creation and release of SARS-CoV-2, while the West covered up the origins and censored scientists and journalists,” the Russian Embassy in the United States said on Thursday.
According to Putin, the global elite left their fingerprints all over the crime scene.
Russia has now laid out the evidence in black and white and submitted to the UN over 2,000 pages worth of reports proving that the globalist elite and US Deep State, in cahoots with Big Pharma, are responsible for manufacturing the pandemic.
Russia’s highest ranking biological military official just went on TV and accused the US and Big Pharma of releasing biological weapons to rule the world.
Of course, mainstream media in the West is doing everything it can to suppress the report and the news that it even exists.
Remember when the mainstream media were telling us that Fauci’s biolabs in Ukraine were just a vast far-right conspiracy theory? They lost control of that narrative thanks to people like yourself, who refused to believe their lies, and demanded to see the evidence.
Biden’s Pentagon was finally forced to admit they have operated 46 biolabs in Ukraine under Fauci’s control since the early 2000s. Talk about a major humiliation for the mainstream media and their fact-checkers.
So what was the Pentagon’s excuse for operating these secret biolabs? Well, apparently they are involved in a US project to rid the world of “weapons of mass destruction“.
Remember the last time the Deep State trotted out the “weapons of mass destruction” lie?
That shameless lie led directly to the Iraq War and the humanitarian and economic disaster that followed it – just the way the neocons wanted it to play out.
Now, according to Russian officials, the bio-research activities launched by the US Defense Department in Ukraine require an appropriate legal assessment, including from relevant international bodies.
“Of particular concern is the activity deployed by the Pentagon in Ukraine. The United States has involved dozens of state institutions and private companies of the country in its projects,” the embassy stated.
“Civilians and military personnel of the republic became donors of biomaterial and simply experimental subjects. There is no doubt that such actions require an appropriate legal assessment, including from relevant international structures,” the statement continued.
The international community continues to raise serious questions about the uncontrolled dual-use research under the auspices of the US Defense Department and Russia has repeatedly pointed to “gross violations” by the United States of its obligations under the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.
According to Russia, “there is no question about any good goals of the projects of the US Defense Department. Evidence of US work with potential agents of biological weapons is available and they are far from isolated as well as evidence of attempts to deliberately enhance the properties of pathogens of economically significant infections.”
This is very interesting because it corroborates what the renowned truth-teller Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told Tucker Carlson on his Twitter show last week.
Tucker asked Biden’s primary challenger about the shadowy biolabs in Ukraine and RFK Jr’s jaw-dropping answer should be required viewing for everyone who is still living in the dark about the agenda of the elites.
Did you catch that? Under treaties signed by US Congress, Fauci’s crimes in developing bioweapons are punishable by hanging. And as the report released by Russia details, Fauci isn’t the only Deep State goon caught up in this crime. There is forensic evidence proving Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and George Soros are guilty of the conspiracy against humanity as well.
No wonder the Democrats are employing every trick in the book – and inventing new ones – to avoid losing the 2024 election to Trump.
Depopulation and eugenics are taboo subjects that provoke horror and disgust in ordinary people with normal values and morals.
A glance at history shows that humanity has routinely rejected depopulation programs like the Third Reich’s Nazi eugenics campaign.
We understand on a basic human level that no government or unelected globalist organization should have the god-like power of creation and destruction over the human race.
But what if I told you the eugenics movement did not actually die, but simply went underground, where it has remained hugely influential in elite circles, including Fauci, Bill Gates, and Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum?
The WEF claims to be committed to improving the state of the world.
But there should be an asterisk after that statement. They are committed to improving the state of the world for the lucky few who remain after the great depopulation eradicates 94% of the people the elite consider “useless eaters” from the face of the earth.
As the co-founder of the American Eugenics Society Frederick Osborn put it in 1968, “Eugenic goals are most likely to be attained under a name other than eugenics.”
More than 60 years after Osborn uttered this statement, the eugenicists have finally achieved their goals. The Covid pandemic and experimental vaccine is simply eugenics under another name.
And for years, US taxpayers were paying Dr. Anthony Fauci, the world’s most influential “death scientist” since Josef Megele, more money than any other government employee. This tells you all you need to know about the real priorities of Obama and Biden regimes.
Here at the People’s Voice we are determined to continue exposing the crimes of the elite. As RFK Jr hinted, one day these criminals will be held to account – and the punishment will fit the crime. But we need your help to continue redpilling the masses.
Subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already, and join the People’s Voice Locals Locals Community for exclusive and uncensored content and to support the channel.
I hope to see you there.
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techncrack · 11 months
Important Factors in Cold Room Storage Selection
Cold capacity is one of the main pieces of the frozen food inventory network - connecting the assembling system with transportation to the retailer.
With supply chains turning out to be increasingly perplexing and expanding long, it's a higher priority than at any other time for suppliers to guarantee that short-lived items that are put away in their distribution centers are kept inside a severe temperature range (ordinarily between - 20 degrees Celsius and - 28 degrees Celsius). A temperature contrast of even a couple of degrees can possibly cost organizations a tremendous expense so there is no leeway.
A decent supplier can have a massive effect on the progress of your business and assumes a vital part in bringing down capacity and dispersion costs and keeping up with consumer loyalty. Retailers anticipate that frozen food items should hold their quality and be followed through on time and on the off chance that the supplier doesn't convey, this can at last harm your image and notoriety.
As well as powerful temperature control frameworks, with regards to choosing a chilly stockpiling stockroom for the capacity of frozen food items, there are some extra contemplations that makers and producers should remember.
1. Plan Angles
The plan of the virus room design will influence the practicality and effectiveness. Accordingly, you ought to examine and analyze different cold storerooms prior to settling on the best counterpart for your business. The virus room walls will influence the refrigeration effectiveness, so you ought to assess the module. In a perfect world, a wall with thick protection is great for normal and profound freezing applications while the principles of cool spaces for vegetable capacity can be less severe.
The floor is additionally a significant plan thought in the refrigeration structure. On the off chance that you introduce the virus room on a typical cool floor, ice will develop on a superficial level. This is badly arranged for individuals who utilize the space and it presents falling dangers. You ought to choose a cooler that is viable with floor-warming frameworks. This element will keep the floor liberated from ice and, thusly, safe. Furthermore, guarantee that the shape, size, and entryway configuration match your assumptions.
Looking for cold storage manufacturers visit this link.
2. Refrigeration Framework
The kind of refrigeration framework utilized in chilly room stockpiling is a significant viewpoint. By and large, cool rooms are overhauled by an evaporator which draws heat from the internal compartment, and a condenser which delivers the intensity. Be that as it may, different refrigeration frameworks are gotten from this essential idea. In the event that you are keen on a straightforward virus room with a solitary temperature zone, you ought to pick a cut on refrigeration. This is planned with the evaporator and condenser in a similar lodging.
Then again, the remote gathering framework isolates the two units, so they are associated by means of pipelines. This is more effective in delivering heat, so it is appropriate for enormous extra spaces. If you have any desire to introduce a few associated cold stockpiles at a conservative value, you will require a unified refrigeration office. The framework is ideal for huge activities like general stores and stockrooms.
3. Temperature Guideline
You ought to pick a virus room office with ideal temperature guideline capacities. In a perfect world, you ought to have a control board in which you can set the favored settings, and the virus room ought to have the option to support them. Moreover, think about introducing an office with independent cool zones for the greatest usefulness.
4. Nearness, Access, and Area
Utilizing cold storerooms near your creation or developing destinations can be a gigantic advantage as far as limiting fuel miles and expenses and diminishing your carbon impression. Moreover, a key thought ought to be whether the distribution center has simple admittance to significant vehicle courses. With various vehicles coming all through the office every day, simple access guarantees a smooth and proficient activity.
In the event that the stockroom is important for a more extensive organization that traverses various nations then this gives you scope for growing your business into different distribution centers in these areas.
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5. Coordinated planned operations and history
There has been an ascent in cool capacity suppliers growing their portfolio to turn out to be completely coordinated operations suppliers, enveloping capacity, conveyance, and worth-added administrations. There are various advantages that emerge from re-appropriating your whole strategic activity to one supplier including saving important time and assets which can be redirected into other center business capabilities.
Besides, you will have more noteworthy admittance to exceptionally learned stockroom experts who have an immense measure of involvement with the operations business. It's likewise critical to take a gander at the history of a chilly storeroom to check whether they are meeting their KPI targets and in the event that they are now taking special care of the necessities of major frozen food makers.
6. Cold Storerooms
The offices on offer are additionally critical. Is the office working to preserve energy while as yet keeping up with the right temperature? Does the office offer chilling, surrounding temperature stockpiling, and frozen stockpiling?
7. Joining with Different Arrangements
While a cool storeroom ought to have the option to give you fundamental warehousing and transportation choices, there are times you could require more. For example, assuming an organization offers cross-docking, which guarantees the swiftest conceivable conveyance of time-delicate items, guaranteeing that food varieties show up as new as could really be expected. This is an illustration of "in the nick of time" transportation, and it can save you a lot of cash and time while building more grounded associations with your most esteemed clients.
8. Security
At long last, security is a main issue. Ensure that the cool stockpiling supplier you pick treats the security of your items extremely in a serious way, and has a completely prepared staff, as well as a best-in-class security arrangement set up.
Picking the right cool stockpiling supplier doesn't need to be a problem. Search for organizations that can meet your temperature control needs, assist you with setting aside time and cash, and that work with you to guarantee the best items are conveyed.
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preetiken · 1 year
Philippines Pharmacy Retail Market is anticipated to grow by USD 6Th Mn by 2025- How will the market gain traction to be able to reach at its targeted number?
The government distribution of medicines will improve in future due to the initiatives such as Botika Ng Bayan, Distribution through Local Health Units and Rural Health Units, says a report by Ken Research
1.Corona Virus effect on pharmacy sales in Philippines Pharmacy Retail Market.
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Other Challenges in Philippines Pharmacy Retail Market Outlook to 2025
Demand for OTC products like Alcohol Based Cleaners, Vitamin C and D Tablets, Immunity Boosters and Health Supplements was boosted during quarantine. Maintenance Medicines were also in high demand. During the starting of the Quarantine, Pharmacies witnessed increase in sales due to bulk purchase, later the sales declined. Pharmacies faced supply chain issues especially in the ECQ zones. This has affected the sales of the pharmacies. Further, Philippines witnessed lockdown for a long duration.
2.Trends and Development that the Pharmacy retail market of Philippines will experience.
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In July 2018, DOH relaunched Botika Ng Bayan initiative to provide free essential medicines for common diseases focusing on rural and poor people. The chain stores have increased tremendously in the Philippines. Especially TGP and Generika as they have adopted franchise model for store expansion. This increase in chained pharmacies has led to the growth of house brands or private labels. In starting of 2019, President Rodrigo signed Universal Health Care (UHC) Bill into law (Republic Act No. 11223) which automatically enrolls all Filipino citizens in the National Health Insurance Program. This will increase the healthcare affordability in the region.
3. Assessing the Possibilities in the Philippines Pharmacy Retail Market
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Penetration of internet, growth of social media has opened more connectivity options for the companies.
Drive Through Stores, self-service stores are increasing customer convenience.
This has helped in increasing the footfall in pharmacies for purchasing non pharmaceutical products.
Chain stores can serve regional customers where they don’t have strong presence.
Key Segments Covered
By Market Structure (In USD Billion)
Organized Market
Unorganized Market
Type of Store Location (In USD Billion)
Standalone Pharmacy
Hospital Based Pharmacy
By Region (In USD Billion)
By Type of Sales (In USD Billion)
Prescribed Medicines
OTC Products
Non Pharmaceutical Products
Medical Equipment
By Type of Drug (In USD Billion)
By Therapeutic Class (In USD Million)
Anti Diabetic
Vitamins/Minerals /Nutrients
Gastro Intestinal
Companies Covered
Mercury Drug Corporation
Watsons Personal Care Stores
SouthStar Drug Inc.
The Generics Pharmacy
Rose Pharmacy
Generika Drugstores
Several Regional Players & Others
Key Target Audience
Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Companies
Pharmaceutical Importing Companies
Pharmaceutical Distributing Companies
Major Retail Companies
E-Commerce Pharmaceutical Retailers
Consultancy Companies
Industry Associations
Regulation Bodies
Time Period Captured in the Report:
Historical Period: 2014-2019
Forecast Period: 2020-2025
Key Topics Covered in the Report
Healthcare System in the Philippines
Major Hospitals & Doctors in the Women Healthcare      
Usage of Contraception & Family Planning in the Philippines
Health Insurance in the Philippines
Supply Structure of the Philippines Pharmacy Retail Market
Trends & Development in the Philippines Pharmacy Retail Market
Issues & Challenges in the Philippines Pharmacy Retail Market
SWOT Analysis & BCG Matrix in the Philippines Pharmacy Retail Market
Philippines Pharmacy Retail Market Size & Segmentation, 2014-2019
Online Pharmacy Regulations in the Philippines
Telemedicine & Growth of Online Medical Consultation in the Philippines
Major Telemedicine Providers in the Philippines
Operating Model of Hybrid Pharmacies
Competition Scenario, Market Share, Cross Comparison of Major Players (Online & Offline) and Company Profile
Assessing Regional Pharmacies in the Philippines
Corona Virus Impact on the Consumer Behavior & Pharmacy Sales
Future Market Size and Segmentations, 2019-2025F
Covid 19 Impact on the Philippines Pharmacy Retail Market
Analysts’ Recommendations
Contact us:
Ankur Gupta, Head of Marketing and Communications
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meyerlemontrees · 1 year
The Magic of Meyer Lemon Trees: Your Guide to Growing and Caring
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A Vibrant Citrus Addition for Your Home Garden
Meyer lemon trees are a popular choice among gardening enthusiasts looking to add a splash of color and an enticing citrus aroma to their home gardens. Known for their deep yellow fruit, slightly sweeter taste, and beautiful appearance, these citrus trees are both ornamental and practical.
The History of Meyer Lemon Trees
- The Meyer lemon tree, named after agricultural explorer Frank Meyer, originates from China and was introduced to the United States in 1908. - This hybrid fruit tree is a cross between a lemon tree and a mandarin orange tree, resulting in its distinct sweetness and vibrant hue. - Due to quarantine restrictions implemented because of citrus viruses, Meyer lemon trees saw a decline in popularity in the mid-20th century. However, a virus-free variety was later introduced, leading to their resurgence in home gardens.
Ideal Growing Conditions for Meyer Lemon Trees
To ensure the Meyer lemon tree thrives in your garden, consider these requirements:
1. Climate: Meyer lemon trees perform best in USDA hardiness zones 9 to 11, where temperatures remain relatively warm throughout the year. They can tolerate temperatures as low as 20°F, but protection from frost is essential for optimal growth. 2. Sunlight: Full sun exposure is key for these trees, as they require at least six hours of sunlight per day. 3. Soil: Well-draining soil with a slightly acidic pH level of 6.0 to 6.5 is best. To maintain healthy roots and prevent overwatering, avoid planting your tree in clay-heavy soil.
Pro Tips for A Flourishing Meyer Lemon Tree
For a happy, fruit-bearing tree:
- Water your tree regularly, ensuring the soil remains consistently moist but not wet. A good rule of thumb is to apply water when the top two inches of soil feel dry. - Feed your tree with a balanced citrus fertilizer to encourage fruit production and overall plant health. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for optimal results. - Prune the tree gently, removing dead or broken branches to promote a strong structure and avoid damage from excess weight.
Meyer Lemon Tree Care Indoors
For those who live in colder climates or lack outdoor gardening space, Meyer lemon trees can be grown in containers indoors!
- Choose a well-draining pot that is slightly larger than your tree's root ball, and use high-quality potting soil. - Ensure your tree receives adequate sunlight by placing it in a south-facing window or supplementing with grow lights. - Be mindful of proper watering and fertilization, adjusting for the indoor environment.
Reap the Rewards of Your Meyer Lemon Tree
Once your tree is established and cared for, you'll begin to see the fruits of your labor—quite literally! Meyer lemon trees typically start producing fruit after two to three years, and a single tree can yield hundreds of lemons per season.
Not only will your Meyer lemon tree enhance your garden with its vibrant foliage and aromatic blossoms, but its fruit will prove to be a versatile and delicious addition to your cooking. From refreshing lemonades and zesty dressings to mouth-watering desserts, the possibilities are endless!
Now that you're equipped with the essential knowledge about Meyer lemon trees, it's time to embark on your gardening adventure and enjoy the countless rewards of this fascinating citrus tree.
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vertanvertan · 1 year
Bug Bulb Scam Is 5 Star Rated Service Provider
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A new product known as bug bulb is a simple, valuable mosquito deal with method. The situation uses complex technology to bring in along with remove discrepancies with no bad compounds or insecticides. Its style and design attraction nasty flying bugs in and electrocutes all of them to safeguard you and your family by scratchy, uncomfortable articles. The 780 possesses an easy-to-use type rendering it useful plus safe to use. Based on the vendor, this Bug bulb is definitely a “game-changing solution to the annoying and dangerous problem of mosquitoes.” Typically the company’s web-site features a 30-day warranty, being sure clientele will go back the device when they not satisfied along with its functionality. Likewise, this website benefits protect processing ways of a great safeguard of ones own info in addition to visa or mastercard details. To understand any location of your bug bulb by boundery, families may focus on the following website link .
This system operates emitting some UV light who copies large of human skin. Several are enthusiastic about that light while they representative this utilizing would-be foods options, for instance man. Right after they comparable with the light-weight, they are really lodged by just it's electronic curls along with destroyed. The bug bulb cost and safe to use round youngsters and even animal friends, rendering it an excellent choice for all those with the help of confidential complexion. The nuvi 780 is another great option for many who just want to stop deadly synthetics in addition to bug sprays inside of their dwellings. The software creator boasts of the fact that technique is 100% purely natural plus friendly to the environment, making it feel like a superb way to normal pesticides. In addition, it doesn’t unleash distressing odors or just atomizers, that can be mistaken for individuals with responsive body.
Not to mention it is bug-zapping features, the actual Bug bulb is mostly a 2-in-1 device the fact that ambigu to be a lantern and / or flash light. This feature is designed for hiking voyages besides other out of doors exercises. Their easily portable and lightweight structure helps that it is quickly transmitted, in very small motor vehicles. Your lamp offers a built-in suspended loop, empowering visitors to carry it again anywhere you want to achieve. Significantly better is always to please click here or perhaps head over to your established webpage to be informed on boundery bug bulb reviews.
Dissimilar to some other parasite zappers that are wanting high-priced toxins, typically the Bug bulb is inexpensive easy to preserve. The gps unit is definitely common and is put into use outdoors or indoors and keep nasty flying bugs far from home. Aside from that it incorporates a entirely removable variety receptacle that would be successfully purged together with polished, reduce the potential risk of bacterial not to mention organism growth. All the Bug bulb is an easy, effective, together with natural cure for aggravating insect damage. Its own potent 360-degree insurance policy coverage helps keep a yard and also outdoor patio mosquito-free, so you can relax and enjoy the summertime. It has the low-power eating plus in length life of the battery convert it into a cost-effective as well as successful replacement of the more pricey virus zappers. Moreover, the actual light remains safe and secure pertaining to animal friends and youngsters to try, this means you don’t need to bother about contaminated toxins entering your own home. A manufacturer’s web site offers a secure the counter practice, being sure the security of your very own information and facts together with plastic card statistics.
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myvaccinebox · 1 year
Successful Delivery of Vaccines Through Cold Chain Holders
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For the most part, on account of any unexpected spread of specific infections, the meds will be promptly observed and whenever they are tried to be successful against the microorganisms or infection causing the sickness, they ought to be conveyed to pharma shops close to medical care suppliers with the goal that patients impacted can get quick help.
By and large, these prescriptions come as antibodies for giving speedy alleviation when contrasted with different structures like vaccines. Typically, vaccines are known to be temperature delicate thus they ought to be painstakingly conveyed without giving the possibility of any synthetic responses. For the most part, proficient research facilities will be searching for proficient firms with experience in moving immunizations in this regard.
The effective dissemination of immunization during a sickness flare-up or scourge relies on each period of the cold chain circulation framework through which it moves working together as one. From the research facility to the place of the organization to general society, the appropriate conveyance of temperature-delicate immunizations requires discipline all through the whole dispersion chain.
Keeping up with the right temperature all through cold chain carrier is indispensable to the effective organization of antibodies and guaranteeing general well-being. The suggested temperature range for the capacity of immunizations is 2-8 degrees Celsius. The inability to appropriately store immunizations and hold them back from fluctuating out of this protected temperature reach can make the antibody lose its adequacy. Temperature trips couldn't demonstrate inefficiency and bring about exorbitant item misfortunes, yet could likewise bring about the ill-advised organization of the antibodies and posture well-being dangers to people in general.
Hence, it is imperative to have the most effective refrigerated steel trailers, portable refrigerated units, and generally the most ideal virus chain arrangements that anyone could hope to find with the end goal of proficiently moving antibodies to their objections. This requirement for capable temperature-controlled transportation administrations has brought about the modernization of the virus chain industry, and organizations that have some expertise in chilly capacity significantly add to mankind by assuming such a basic part in the conveyance of life-saving prescriptions.
The innovation behind temperature-controlled bundling keeps on being refined and has progressed to where worries about decay during the conveyance of basic antibodies, drugs, and medications have been extraordinarily lessened. The protection and bundling advancements inside temperature-controlled compartments have developed to the point that holds times have been extraordinarily expanded. Moreover, high-level temperature observing and detailing highlights that pass indispensable measurements and can be downloaded onto an assigned PC or a hand-held gadget, help to approve hold time execution all through the transportation interaction
Meds, yet in addition a few different items really do require temperature controlled conveyance. These days, the innovation behind temperature-controlled bundling is increasingly refining, and as a result of this dangers related to inappropriate shipment of temperature-controlled items are properly limited. Moreover, a portion of the expert firms are guaranteeing savvy transporting arrangements are likewise following high-level temperature checking and revealing framework that can keep them refreshed about the temperature changes if any.
This furnishes them with the chance to go to fitting lengths when the necessary temperature is lessening or expanding. At the point when a firm is searching for the best answers for temperature-controlled transportation, they should contact an expert firm with experience in this field for ensuring that they can accomplish the objective of safe delivery.
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