#universal pipette tips
shadowisles-writes · 1 year
Peer Pressure (Part 1) [Elucien]
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I don’t usually give into peer pressure
But I’ll give into yours
A/N: Here is my contribution to the first part of the third writing circle. A massive thank you to everyone participating, this is the biggest one yet and we have more ships than ever. You can find everyone’s work in this masterlist, make sure to go show some love!
Big thank you to @headcanonheadcase for listening to all my thoughts and for the beta on this <3
Word count: 3117
Read on AO3
Elain sprayed 70% ethanol into her biosafety hood and wiped it clean from right to left. No one had used it since she did earlier this morning, but you could never clean too much in a cell culture room. The air flow had been on for over five minutes, progressively filtering the air inside the hood so that she could start working without risking contaminating her cultures.
A water bath set to 37°C warmed her solutions while she began filling the hood with material. Pipettes, tips and petri dishes all got sprayed with ethanol before finding their place on the metal. Elain hummed to herself as she worked, she’d done this a hundred times and barely needed to think.
Clean to the right, dirty to the left. It was the policy in her university’s lab. Technically, everyone cleaned the hood before and after using it, but in the interest of sanity (nothing made Elain more crazy than someone’s sloppy work resulting in contamination in her experiments) they all placed their clean material to the right, and anything that was used and to be discarded moved to the left.
Human cells were kept at 37°C in the incubator to her right. The HeLa cell line came from a woman named Henrietta Lacks, someone Elain made sure her interns remembered as she never got the credit she deserved. After being diagnosed with cancer in the 1950s, the immortal cells from Henrietta’s tumor were taken and kept by researchers, without her knowledge or consent of course.
It had been legal at the time, but Elain—and every biologist she knew—still thought it was awful. Yet, they had been used over and over in medical research, and after so many years Elain had no better model for her experiments than this immortal cell line.
They required a bit of maintenance, but after a year of working with them Elain could practically do that in her sleep. She ran through the motions of a passage in no time and placed her new petri dishes on her shelf in the incubator.
Everything that was single use and had touched cells under the hood got discarded in the autoclave bag, and Elain quickly finished cleaning up after herself. Out of the room and with her gloves off, she finally got the chance to check the time on her phone.
It was still the middle of the afternoon, but there was only so much work she could do in the lab. This had been the last task Elain could think of before she was forced to get back to the small office she shared with a couple of other students to sit in front of her laptop. Now, she had no other choice but to work on analyzing her data.
The office was exceedingly gray apart from a few pictures she and the other girls had stuck on the wall in front of their desks. It was no surprise they would rather sit anywhere else on campus, and usually Elain did too, but this time she couldn’t afford a distraction.
It took all of her focus and three youtube videos for her to give up on statistics and bury her face in her hands. Why in the world had she avoided statistics after the second year of her undergrad? She remembered next to nothing about basic statistics, and what she could recall wasn’t even relevant to what she had to do for her current dataset. She was going to have to teach herself how to do this, and it was going to be painful.
Elain could always, of course, ask her supervisor. She just didn’t want to deal with the embarrassment of announcing she wasn’t capable of doing her own statistics because she’d been too lazy to take an advanced class during her undergrad.
The two girls she shared the office with would be no help, one was in the last year of her PhD and always hiding in the library to finish writing her thesis while the other was in her third year and always running around the lab to run as many experiments as she could. Neither had time to help her, or even liked statistics to begin with. No one became a biologist to analyze data, it was all about the lab work.
It was only then that it struck her. Some insane people did become biologists for the data, and she knew of exactly one in this department. While everyone else spent the majority of their time in the lab and made plans to hang out while they were there, Lucien Vanserra was somewhat excluded as he analyzed metaproteomics data.
He wasn’t the friendliest man Elain had ever met, he had his own office and was always hiding in there, but he’d been kind the few times they had interacted. He was the only person who might have the time and skill to help her.
Closing her laptop, Elain pushed her chair back and made her way down the corridor to find him. Lucien’s office was a mirror of hers a few doors down. The only reason he didn’t have to share it was that no one else became a biologist to spend the five years of their PhD running numbers.
“Hi,” she popped her head in after knocking. “Do you have a minute?”
“Sure,” Lucien pushed his chair back slightly to angle himself towards her and hid the tabs he was working on.
Somehow, Elain was too stuck remembering how handsome he was to get inside and speak. His office was just as gray and sad as hers, but his red hair was so pretty it filled the room with color. Russet eyes remained trained on her, just a shade lighter than his brown, flawless skin. His cheekbones were defined without making his face angular, though his jawline was something straight out of a magazine.
Elain was staring at his full, perfect lips when he awkwardly cleared his throat and she remembered what she was here for.
“Right,” she stepped in to let the door fall shut and helped herself to one of the free chairs to sit beside him. “I’m just starting to analyze some of my data, and I was hoping you could give me a hand with statistics, if you have the time.”
“Well, I don’t know how much data you have but I can probably help.” Lucien moved his keyboard to the side and pushed his monitor back slightly to make space for her laptop.
“Thank you so much. I guess it’s not much compared to what you’re used to,” Elain typed in her password and let him look at her excel file. “But I’ve never had to do this before, so I’m lost.”
He hummed to acknowledge he heard her, but his eyes were already scanning the numbers, figuring out how she built her table and how many variables she had before he looked at her again. “What am I looking at exactly?”
“That’s the data from my immunofluorescence,” Elain let him scroll through the rest of the table. “Basically, I did different treatments on my cells, then I fixed them on a slide and added a primary antibody to detect the protein I’m interested in. My secondary antibody is fluorescent, it detects the primary, so the intensity of the fluorescence detected by the microscope correlates to the concentration of my target protein.”
“Alright, so that’s your intensity,” he used the mousepad to point to some numbers. “And that’s your treatments? And you’ve already built some graphs?” He switched between the pages to look at them.
“Yeah, I know which treatment increases the protein concentration the most,” Elain had made the graphs pretty, adjusting the colors so that they’d fit the theme of the poster she was meant to present at a conference in just a few weeks. “But I don’t know if any of it is significant.”
“Right. So you need me to tell you which tests to run?”
Lucien looked at her like it was obvious—which it probably was to him. Her cheeks flushed, though she at least knew the answer to that after her reading and the videos she’d watched.
“No, I read up on that, tried to revive some memories from second year biostatistics. What I’m struggling with is R.” Just speaking the name of the program was enough to make her cringe. R was the most widely used program for statistics, and yet she had no idea how to do anything with it.
It was all it took for Lucien to pinpoint her problem. “You can’t code.”
“I can’t code.” Elain confirmed. “I’d really appreciate it if you could show me just for one dataset, and then I’ll use that as a template for the rest by myself.”
“It shouldn’t be too long, we could do it now,” Lucien agreed, emailing himself her file so that he could open it on his own computer. “You’ve used R before, right?”
“I used SPSS,” Elain made a face that told Lucien everything else he needed to know.
A class on R was enough to know how to run basic tests, it introduced just enough coding for it to make sense, but SPSS didn’t make you code for anything. If that was all she had ever used, she wouldn’t even know how to import her data into R.
“Alright, it might take longer than I thought,” Lucien said. “Maybe we can take some time tomorrow? I have a meeting in the morning and I need to finish a quick presentation for it. I could help you after lunch, if that works for you.”
“Yes, of course, whatever’s best for you.” Elain promptly nodded and reached for her laptop to get out of his hair. “Thank you so much Lucien.”
“Happy to help.”
Lucien took the next afternoon to help her, and the next, and the next. By Thursday, Elain’s brain had melted into a pile of goo and she was sure Lucien had to be sick of her. On top of everything he had shown her, she had spent her mornings trying to understand the next steps by herself only to find herself inevitably stuck.
“Fuck this,” Elain swore, dropping her head to her desk. She let out a loud groan to calm down, then straightened her back, took a deep breath and went back to staring at her screen. She deflated like a balloon on her exhale, the jumble of lines of codes making no more sense to her than it had in the past hour.
A knock came on her door, and Elain prayed it was someone coming to crash in her office to procrastinate so she could use it as an excuse to stop working. Lucien opened the door instead, an easy smile on his face.
“Hey, do you need me today?”
“Yes please,” Elain didn’t hesitate to say. He walked right in and stole a chair to sit beside her. “You’re an angel.”
“It’s no big deal,” Lucien ducked his head, a couple of strands of hair falling in his face. The rest was held back by a claw clip, and Elain thought of how unfair it was that every style suited him so well when she typically hated men with hair this long. “It’s this one, isn’t it?” Lucien pointed to one of the lines he had added to her code yesterday.
“Yes,” Elain sighed and tore her eyes away from him to focus. “I’ve been losing my mind for an hour, I think.”
“When we’re done you need to go get fresh air or do something fun, no one learning how to do this can do it all at once,” Lucien reached for the laptop, and Elain pushed it toward him.
“Well lucky for me there’s a party downstairs tonight with some dangerously cheap tequila.”
On campus parties organized by the science departments were very… unique. The space they had for it was large, but there were never enough students to fill it, which always made things awkward. Pair that with a student’s spotify staying open on a laptop for anyone to add songs to as the main source of music and it wasn’t hard to imagine how much anyone would cringe on a night like this.
Luckily, undergrads were just there to fill the space and grad students stuck together to drink and forget their work without having to go through the effort of dragging themselves to a bar or club. Elain had been roped in at the start of her first year, and she rarely missed those occasions anymore.
“Ah, sounds fun.” Lucien’s voice came out flat, his lie obvious.
“Are you coming?” Elain tried anyway. She’d been wrong in thinking he wasn’t friendly before she asked him for help, Lucien was lovely and easy to be around, and she was sure the only reason he was always working by himself was that no one else ever remembered to invite him.
“I don’t think so.”
“Why not?” Elain pressed, pushing her laptop back so he couldn’t use it as a crutch? “You should,”
Lucien sighed and looked at her. “There’s always a weird theme, I’m not dressed for it.” The sanitized excuse would have worked on anyone else, but she wasn’t ready to give up.
“Neither am I, for now.” Elain was in a plain pastel pink t-shirt and light blue jeans. Nothing about it screamed themed party, but she’d make it work. “I brought accessories, and you don’t need to fit the theme to come.”
Surely he knew that last part. Except… maybe he didn’t, and Elain gasped before she spoke again. “Lucien. Have you never been to any of these?”
“Guess not,”
“You’re in your third year!” She exclaimed. “How is that even possible?”
A shrug, then a helpless look towards Elain’s laptop as if the lines of code on the screen could save him. “I’m not that close with everyone else in the labs.”
“Well, neither was I until my first campus party.” Elain reasoned, toning her excitement down to plead with him. “Please come, I’ll be there, and it’ll be fun.”
Lucien, like the responsible man he was, pulled her work back within comfortable reach so they could get to the end of it. “We can finish this, and then I’ll think about it.”
“How much thinking will you need?”
“You’re not going to focus until I say yes, are you?” Lucien gave her a look, his head tilted as he read the expressions on her face. Elain kept her mouth shut and bit back a smile, her eyes full of hope. “Fine,” he caved too easily. “What’s the theme this time?”
“Tropical. I have hair pins with seashells on them and I bought this coconut shaped cup,” Elain opened one of her drawers. “Lucky for you, it came with a matching pineapple.”
“Of course it did.”
A very unproductive work session later, Lucien had fully given in for the party and Elain was rummaging through her things to accessorize them both. In an effort to get in the mood, Lucien was already sipping water from his pineapple and he’d stuck one of the seashell bobby pins in his hair.
“We can do better than that,” Elain’s curls had been pulled back slightly, uncovering her face, and it was now time for her to focus on Lucien’s hair. “Can I braid your hair?”
“Does it look like I know how to say no to you?” He lifted his pineapple and earned a grin.
“I’ll be quick.” Elain promised as she took the claw clip out of his hair.
Long strands of red hair cascaded down his back. What she guessed was usually straight, maybe slightly wavy, was now stuck in the shape it’d be held in all day. She brushed it gently, but it was barely tangled. Whatever products he used on his hair, they were perfect for him.
“Tell me if I pull too hard,” Elain parted a few strands near his temple and made quick work of braiding toward the back of his head.
Lucien didn’t say a word as she worked, closing his eyes and letting her use hair ties and pins until she was satisfied. Her fingers were used to the motions, she had grown up with two sisters and while they weren’t close anymore, there was a time when the three of them would spend the entire afternoon braiding each other’s hair in complicated updos.
“There,” Elain tucked the last strand away with her last seashell pin. “No more excuses, you fit the theme now.”
“Thank you,” Lucien opened his phone’s camera to check her work, and he could find no flaw in it.
He would have never done something like this himself—the style was more feminine than what he was used to—but it looked beautiful.
“Where are the girls from your office?”
“They’re not coming,” Elain applied a quick layer of pink lip gloss. “Emily is too busy finishing her thesis, and Mara is always with her boyfriend when she’s not in the lab.”
“Do you have one?” Lucien asked, making her frown.
“One what?”
“Boyfriend—or girlfriend, I guess,” he got up from his chair and busied himself with twirling the straw of his pineapple cup.
The coconut looked ridiculous in Elain’s hands, it was too big for her to comfortably hold in one hand, and the pineapple was a little bigger. Somehow, Lucien’s hands still dwarfed it.
“No,” Elain looked away from his hands and shrugged. “What about you?” She added innocently, as if she wasn’t burning to know if he had a girlfriend. It also wouldn’t shock her if Lucien was far too handsome and smart to be straight.
“No girlfriend,” he provided simply before he switched the subject. “Where’s everyone else?”
“They went out to get food. You’d know if you ever checked the group,” Elain waved the messenger chat in front of him. “You’ve been in it for ages, you know?”
“I might have muted that,” Lucien looked almost apologetic. Truth was he didn’t feel included whenever they invited everyone for plans and the more he waited to show up, the less welcome he felt.
“Fair enough, it gets annoying.” She moved on to grab her office keys, slipped her phone in her back pocket and grabbed her coconut. “Ready? There should be enough people now that it won’t be awkward,”
“Isn’t awkward the point of this whole thing?”
“Just be patient, it’ll be great when the alcohol kicks in.” Elain seemed to be buzzing now, the excitement of the party starting to show.
“This is going to be a disaster,” Lucien stepped out of the office first.
Elain only grinned. “Exactly.”
Please reblog and let me know your thoughts &lt;3
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uptothetrendblogs · 3 months
According to a new report by Univdatos Market Insights, the global pipette tips market is expected to reach around USD 1,150 Million in 2032 by growing at a CAGR of 8%. The pipette tips market concerns the global industry of laboratory supplies, which keeps a plethora of scientific, clinical, and research processes. Pipette tips for accurate and reliable measurement and transfer of liquids are vital accessories across many different laboratories. They help to avoid errors in the experiment and give more credibility to the results as a reproduction of the experiment would likely yield similar results.
Unlock The Insights of This Strategic Report  - https://univdatos.com/report/pipette-tips-market/get-a-free-sample-form.php?product_id=61501
Analysis of Global Demand for Pipette Tips
The use of pipette tips is directly proportional to the growth of the biotechnology and the dealing with pharmaceutical businesses. Scientists reported increasing demand for liquid handling due to high-throughput screening, drug discovery and development, and genomic research. This need was accentuated by the continuing COVID-19 pandemic that required massive amounts of diagnostic testing, vaccines, and associated research that were critical for efficient pipette tip usage. Lastly, the shift to more focused diagnoses due to molecular medicine and individual approaches in treatment also contributes to continuous demand for these crucial lab products.
In clinical diagnostics, pipette tips are used for PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay), and several other immunoassay techniques. These tests must be very delicate to give correct diagnosis outcomes because they are critical in guiding patients on the next procedure. Likewise, in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, reliability and credibility are essential since repeated outcomes are needed for accurate results, which in turn create a constant need for efficient pipette tips. In addition, educational and research institutions are also the other major consumer base because many university experiments require the use of pipette tips for numerous procedures.
Number of individuals with chronic medical conditions in the U.S. from 1995 to 2020 and projections for 2025 and 2050, (Data in Millions)
Pipette Tips Cost Considerations
Pipette tips themselves are one of the largest expenses and can vary in price depending on several parameters, such as the material it is made of, the design of that particular pipette tip, and its volume. Pipette tips specifically universal ones are normally manufactured using polypropylene making them quite chemical resistant and holding vile amounts of sample. However, situation-specific tips, for example, filter tips that stop cross-contamination and aerosol formation are relatively expensive due to the novelties they offer.
In laboratories around the world, robots have been integrated as replacements for human labor, and this has given birth to robotic pipette tips that are compatible with automated systems. These are more advanced sorts of tips and whereas they supply higher accuracy and performance they’re dearer than the primary styles due to their engineering and compatibility. Likewise, the application of such low retention and pre-sterilized tips also influenced the cost pattern of pipette tips.
Unlock The Insights of This Strategic Report  - https://univdatos.com/report/pipette-tips-market/get-a-free-sample-form.php?product_id=61501
Applications of Pipette Tips:
The pipette tips apply anywhere in large volumes, which is evident from the following categories of uses. The most relevant areas in clinical diagnostics include sample preparation, pipette-dispensing reagents, and performing different assays using pipette tips. Such accuracy is helpful to prevent inaccuracies in diagnostic tests that may be dangerous to the patient and affect treatment.
In the pharmaceutical industry, however, pipette tips are crucial components of the entire drug discovery process. High-throughput screening involves testing hundreds of compounds for therapeutic efficacy; this requires the use of equipment such as liquid handling stations, pipette tips. This enables the researchers to carry out massive experiments in the shortest time possible and with high levels of efficacy.
Recent Developments/Awareness Programs:- Several key players and governments are rapidly adopting strategic alliances, such as partnerships, or awareness programs for the treatment:-
In May 2022, Premix, Inc. was given a USD 79.9 million contract by the Department of Defence (DoD), on behalf of and in coordination with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), to start producing a plastic compound primarily used for pipette tips, which are crucial to COVID-19 and other diagnostic testing efforts. The American corporation Premix, Inc. is a division of the Finnish company Premix Oy.
The global pipette tips market is poised for continued growth, driven by the relentless advancement of scientific research, clinical diagnostics, and industrial applications. The demand for precision, accuracy, and efficiency in laboratory practices ensures that pipette tips remain essential tools across various sectors. While cost considerations present challenges, especially for smaller laboratories, innovations in manufacturing and the expansion of automated systems offer potential solutions for managing expenses.
Key Offerings of the Report
Market Size, Trends, & Forecast by Revenue | 2024−2032F.
Market Dynamics – Leading Trends, Growth Drivers, Restraints, and Investment Opportunities
Market Segmentation – A detailed analysis by Product, Technology, and Application
Competitive Landscape – Top Key Vendors and Other Prominent Vendors
Author: Aman Sharma
For more details Contact:
UnivDatos Market Insights
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Uttar Pradesh 201301
For Sales related queries, please reach us at [email protected]
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microlitseo · 4 months
How to Select the Right Pipette Tip: Step-by-Step Guide?
When working inside a laboratory setting, accuracy and precision of liquid handling are considerably of great importance for reliable results. One of the key components that play a significant role in this process is the pipette tip. Thus, choosing the right pipette tip can influence the outcome of your experiments by ensuring that the volumes are transferred accurately and contamination is minimized. This step-by-step guide will help you navigate the selection process to find the perfect pipette tip for your needs. 
Step 1: Understand Your Pipetting Needs
Before selecting a pipette tip, it's essential to understand the specific requirements of your experiments. Consider the following questions:
Volume range are you working with: Different pipette tips are designed for different volume ranges. Ensure the tip you select matches the volume capacity of your pipette.
Type of liquid you are handling: Viscous, volatile, or corrosive liquids may require specialized tips.
Working with sensitive samples: For applications like PCR, RNA/DNA work, or cell culture, contamination prevention is critical.
Step 2: Choose the Correct Tip Size
Pipette tips come in various sizes, typically indicated by their volume capacity. Common sizes include:
10 µL tips for very small volumes.
200 µL tips for general laboratory use.
1000 µL tips for larger volumes.
Make sure to select a tip that fits within the range of your pipette. Using an inappropriate tip size can lead to inaccurate measurements and potential damage to the pipette.
Step 3: Consider Tip Compatibility
Not all pipette tips are universal. Ensure that the tips you select are compatible with your pipette brand and model. Many manufacturers provide compatibility charts or guidelines to help you match the correct tips with your pipettes. Using incompatible tips can lead to poor fitting, leakage, and inaccurate results.
Step 4: Evaluate Tip Quality
The quality of the pipette tip can significantly impact your pipetting accuracy and precision. Look for the following features:
Smooth Surface: High-quality tips have a smooth surface that ensures accurate volume delivery and prevents liquid displacement. 
Low Retention: Some tips are specifically designed to minimize sample retention, which is crucial when working with valuable or limited samples.
Certification: For sensitive applications, choose tips that are certified DNase/RNase-free and pyrogen-free.
Step 5: Decide on Filtered vs. Non-Filtered Tips
Filtered tips have a barrier that prevents aerosols and liquid handling from contaminating the pipette. This is particularly important for:
Preventing Contamination: When working with biological samples or hazardous materials.
Protecting the Pipette: Filtered tips can protect the pipette from corrosive or volatile substances.
Sensitive Applications: Such as molecular biology or microbiology, where contamination can severely affect results.
Non-filtered tips are suitable as general laboratory equipment for they are used where contamination is less of a concern and can be more cost-effective.
Step 6: Assess Ergonomics and Ease of Use
Pipetting can be a repetitive task, and ergonomic design is crucial to reduce strain and improve user comfort. Consider:
Ease of Tip Attachment and Ejection: Tips should fit securely and eject easily without requiring excessive force.
Grip Design: Some tips come with a beveled or extended design that can improve grip and accuracy.
Step 7: Consider Bulk vs. Pre-Sterilized Packaging
Pipette tips are available in various packaging options, including bulk packs, racks, and pre-sterilized packs. Choose based on your workflow:
Bulk Packs: Cost-effective and suitable for high-throughput laboratories.
Racks: Convenient for everyday use, ensuring tips remain sterile and easy to access.
Pre-Sterilized Packs: Ideal for applications requiring strict sterility, such as cell culture or clinical diagnostics.
Step 8: Evaluate Cost and Budget
While it’s important to ensure quality and compatibility, budget considerations cannot be ignored. Assess the cost per tip and consider purchasing in bulk if it aligns with your usage and storage capabilities. However, avoid compromising on quality to save costs, as this can lead to inaccurate results and increased long-term expenses.
Step 9: Seek User Feedback and Reviews
Consult with colleagues or look for reviews and feedback from other users. Their experiences can provide valuable insights into the performance and reliability of different pipette tips.
Step 10: Conduct a Trial Run
If possible, obtain samples of different pipette tips and conduct a trial run in your laboratory. This allows you to evaluate firsthand how well the tips fit, their accuracy, and overall usability.
Selecting the right pipette tip is a crucial step in ensuring accurate and reliable results in the laboratory. By following this comprehensive guide, you can make informed decisions that align with your specific requirements, enhance your pipetting accuracy, and maintain the integrity of your experiments. Remember, the right pipette tip not only supports precision but also contributes to a smoother and more efficient laboratory workflow.
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songhai1010597 · 7 months
Universal Pipette Tips In Laboratory Applications
The choice of pipette tips is a critical consideration that directly influences the accuracy, precision, and reliability of liquid handling processes. Among the various options available, Filter Pipette Tips and Universal Pipette Tips have gained prominence for their distinct advantages in addressing specific challenges associated with pipetting.
Filter Pipette Tips are equipped with a barrier, often made of hydrophobic material, situated at the end of the tip. This design offers several advantages, making Filter Pipette Tips particularly advantageous in applications where contamination prevention is paramount.
Aerosol Containment:
The primary benefit of Filter Pipette Tips lies in their ability to prevent the aerosolization of liquids during pipetting. The hydrophobic filter acts as a barrier, trapping any liquid that may be drawn into the pipette tip during aspiration. This is particularly crucial when working with biohazardous or volatile substances, minimizing the risk of sample contamination and exposure.
Reduced Cross-Contamination:
Filter Pipette Tips contribute to the aseptic technique by reducing the risk of cross-contamination between samples. The hydrophobic filter prevents liquids from reaching the pipette shaft, ensuring that only the intended sample is aspirated. This is essential in applications such as PCR, where even trace amounts of contamination can impact the reliability of results.
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eakan2024 · 8 months
200ul Pipette Tips
200ul pipette tips are essential tools for precise liquid transfer in a laboratory setting. These tips are designed to fit onto pipettes and suction up a fixed volume of liquid, making it easy to measure and dispense accurately. 200ul pipette tips come in various size such as standard length and extra long tips, which are resistant to most chemicals and have low retention properties. The tips are also available in sterile options, making them suitable for use in microbiological applications. With their ease of use, accuracy, and versatility, 200ul pipette tips are an indispensable tool in any laboratory, facilitating scientific research and improving scientific outcomes.
200ul Pipette Tips Information
Product Description
200ul pipette tips are essential tools for efficient and accurate liquid handling in research and clinical laboratories. These tips come in high-quality materials which ensuring optimal sample uptake and minimal contamination risk. They are also compatible with a wide range of pipettes, making them versatile and convenient to use. Overall, 200ul pipette tips are indispensable for achieving reliable and reproducible results.
Features & Benefits
● Made of medical grade polypropylene from globally well-known manufacturer.
● Manufactured by Suitomo/DEMAG high-speed electric injection mold machine with highly precise mold in class 100000 clean workshop using automated processes.
● Unique polishing technology ensures smooth inner surface of the tip for precise pipetting with low residual.
● Stringent in-process QA and OQC to ensure the high quality of all tips.
● Compatible with main stream pipettors, such as Eppendorf/Gilson/Thermo single and 8 channel pipettors.
● Certified DNase-, RNase-, ATP-, and pyrogen-free.
● Excellent transparency for good visualization during pipetting.
● Precise graduation mark for easy pipetting.
● Availability of sterile/non-sterile, filter/no filter, regular/low-retention form.
● Two different lengths to select to meet versatile experimental requirements in the lab.
● The extra long tips are good for handling liquid from extra-long tube or very deep container.
Specifications of 200ul Pipette Tips
CT200A-0-T CT200A-1-T CT200A-3-T
200ul Standard Tips
Natural Color
Bulk: 1000 Tips/Bag Racked: 96 Tips/Rack Stacked box: 96x10/Box
20000/CS 4800/CS 9600/CS
Eppendorf®/ Thermo®/ Gilson®/Nichiryo®/ Oxford®/ Socorex® etc.
CT200A-0-Y CT200A-1-Y CT200A-3-Y
200ul Standard Tips
Bulk: 1000 Tips/Bag Racked: 96 Tips/Rack Stacked box: 96x10/Box
20000/CS 4800/CS 9600/CS
Eppendorf®/ Thermo®/ Gilson®/Nichiryo®/ Oxford®/ Socorex® etc.
CT200AL-0-T CT200AL-1-T
200ul Extra Long Tips
Natural Color
Bulk: 1000 Tips/Bag Racked: 96 Tips/Rack
5000/CS 4800/CS
Eppendorf®/ Thermo®/ Gilson®/Nichiryo®/ Oxford®/ Socorex® etc.
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zsupmedical · 8 months
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5ml/10ml Universal Pipette Tip
Universal Pipette Tip is designed to be compatible with most pipettes in the market, providing a reliable and convenient solution for various laboratory applications. These tips are made of high-quality polypropylene (PP) and offer excellent chemical resistance and clarity, ensuring accurate and precise liquid handling.
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pakgent · 1 year
PakGent 10ul Extra Long 46mm Low Retention Pipette Tips
These 10ul extra long 46mm universal pipette tips are designed for use in molecular biology and biotechnology laboratories. They feature an extra-long design for easy access to deep wells and microplates. They are made from robust polypropylene and are compatible with a variety of pipettes and lab equipment.
10ul Extra Long 46mm Low Retention Pipette Tips FAQs
What Is the Difference Between Low Retention Pipette Tips and Normal Tips?
The term "independent" refers to a person who is not a member of a group.
Are Low Retention Pipette Tips Autoclavable?
Yes, low retention pipette tips can be autoclaved without affecting their surface treatment or performance.
What Are the Benefits of Extra-Long Low Retention Pipette Tips?
These low retention pipette tips' extra-long form enables for better access to deep or narrow tubes, lowering the danger of sample loss or contamination.
Can Viscous Samples Be Used With Low Retention Pipette Tips?
Yes, low retention pipette tips are suitable with viscous samples because the specific surface treatment lowers substance adherence to the tip, resulting in less sample loss or contamination.
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aaltohelsinki · 1 year
An amazing experience at the Nordic Igem Conference
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The Aalto Helsinki Igem Team have recently participated in the annual Nordic conference, hosted by the Southern Denmark University (SDU) at Odense, Denmark, from the 28th to 30th of July, 2023.  The team has returned to Helsinki from the conference carrying with them some amazing memories, resourceful connections and an extensive learning curve. 
We had the opportunity to engage with other teams, gaining valuable insights into their projects and the challenges they faced. We also connected with them on LinkedIn or other social media platforms and explored potential collaborations. For example, the Stockholm team’s interest in testing our biomass with their sensors for microplastics was a thrilling prospect.
We also learned a lot from the alumni panel, the judges’ feedback, and the presentation tips from Christian Eiming, who emphasized creating a clear storyline by following the “Hollywood script formula”. We intend to take all their valuable advice to heart and improve both our wiki and our presentation skills.
The conference was a great opportunity to network, learn, and have fun. We are grateful to the SDU team for organizing such a wonderful event and to all the teams for their inspiring projects and collaborative spirit. We look forward to facing upcoming challenges with newfound knowledge and stronger connections, aiming for a remarkable iGEM success.
What did we learn?
At the Nordic conference, we gained valuable insights on improving our Wiki and presentation skills.
Thøger Jensen Krogh, an iGEM alumni and now iGEM mentor with a Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Bioinformatics, emphasized writing the Wiki text early on and refining it later to ensure a clear and concise representation of our work. We intend to follow this advice and write everything down as a rough draft instead of allowing perfectionist inclinations and writer’s block to get in our way. To enhance navigation, he suggested incorporating tour guides or clear drop-down menus. Overviews should be in layman’s language for accessibility, while detailed pages should use academic language for crucial project information.
The presentation tips from Christian Eiming focused on creating a clear storyline by following the “Hollywood script formula” which includes suspense and conflict to engage the audience effectively. Simple visuals and only highlighted data were recommended to keep the audience’s attention on the presenter. We intend to take all his valuable advice to heart and improve both our presentation slides and the way in which we present. We will then consult with him on our updated presentation and ask how we could further improve.
Towards the end of the conference all the teams presented their projects in front of a judging panel. Feedback from the judges highlighted the need to envision our end product more clearly for the audience. Then the Alumni panel shared their iGEM experiences, emphasizing the importance of building team spirit, setting achievable milestones, and celebrating small victories. They also mentioned valuable skills like maintaining a "keep pushing” mentality, taking on responsibility, effective delegation, and setting realistic work goals. These lessons will guide us in enhancing our project’s human practices and overall success.
We also congratulate the ABOA team for winning the golden pipette for their amazing presentation. It was an extensive learning curve watching the amazing presentations from the 9 brilliant teams.
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accumax · 1 year
How to Use the Various Types of Pipettes
What is a pipette?
A pipette is a lab instrument used to quantify and move little volumes of fluid precisely. It is ordinarily utilized in science, science, and other logical fields where exact fluid dealing with is required. Pipettes come in different sizes and types, yet they all basically function by bringing up a particular volume of fluid into an expendable tip and afterward administering it somewhere else.
There are two primary kinds of pipettes: air uprooting pipettes and positive removal pipettes. Air relocation pipettes work by making a vacuum over the fluid to be move, permitting it to be drawn up into the tip. These pipettes are ordinarily utilized for general applications and can deal with a large number of volumes.
Positive uprooting pipettes, then again, utilize a dispensable cylinder that comes into direct contact with the fluid. As the cylinder is discouraged, the fluid is drawn up into the tip. These pipettes are often utilized while managing gooey or unstable fluids or when high precision is required.
Pipettes are regularly flexible, permitting the client to set the ideal volume to be moved. They are intended to be exact and precise, with numerous pipettes having adjustment highlights to guarantee predictable and dependable estimations.
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Sorts of pipettes
There are a few sorts of pipettes accessible for various applications. Here are a few ordinarily employed types:
Micropipettes: Micropipettes are the most widely recognized kind of pipette utilized in research centres. They are intended for exact and precise estimation of little volumes, regularly going from microliters (μL) to milliliters (mL). Micropipettes are accessible as flexible or fixed-volume pipettes.
Multichannel Pipettes: Multichannel pipettes are like micropipettes; however, they have numerous channels, ordinarily going from 8 to 12 channels. They consider synchronous exchange of fluid in numerous wells or tests, saving time and expanding productivity, especially in high-throughput applications, for example, plate measures.
Pasteur Pipettes: Pasteur pipettes, otherwise called droppers or moving pipettes, are expandable plastic or glass pipettes with tight tips. They are regularly utilized for moving little volumes of fluid or for universally useful fluid handling.
Serological Pipettes: Serological pipettes are for some time, graduated pipettes with a wide tip and an enormous bulb at the top. They are principally utilized for estimating and moving bigger volumes of fluid, normally going from 1 mL to 100 mL. Serological pipettes are usually utilized in cell culture, sub-atomic science, and different applications where bigger volumes are taken care of.
Volumetric Pipettes: Volumetric pipettes are profoundly exact and exact pipettes utilized for estimating a solitary fixed volume of fluid. They have a solitary graduation mark close to the tip, considering exact estimations of a particular volume. Volumetric pipettes are regularly utilized in logical science and in the readiness of standard arrangements.
Dispensable Pipettes: This is the most essential pipette; it’s anything but a mind-boggling piece of research centre hardware and ought to just be utilized for unpleasant estimations. While using an expendable pipette, notwithstanding, utilizing a customary pipetting technique is basic. Suction fluid at a 90-degree point, administer at a 45-degree point and tap off to guarantee all fluid is administered.
Single-channel pipette: A solitary channel pipette is a non-dispensable device, commonly of the air-relocation assortment, that gives dependable estimation results with the utilization of a solitary expendable tip. Single-channel pipetting is usually associated with two strategies:
Forward Procedure: This is the expected capability and the most utilized pipette estimating method. To utilize this methodology, first press the unclogger to pause and marginally lower the pipette tip in the fluid, then, at that point, suction your deliberate volume by leisurely delivering the unclogger to keep away from bubbles. Place the tip against the repository’s side, then cautiously press the unclogger through the main stop to the last brush-out position while “igniting” the last drop from the tip.
Switch Procedure: While working with thick arrangements or arrangements inclined to bubbles, we have the choice of utilizing an opposite pipetting way to deal with lessened impedance from air bubbles. To utilize this methodology, press the unclogger right down to the third stop position (right down), somewhat lower in fluid, and gradually return the unclogger to the top to suction the fluid into the tip. Place the pipette tip against the container’s wall and press the unclogger to the main stop, then pull out the tip from the repository. You presently have an example of fluid in the tip that isn’t important for the estimation. You can then rehash it.
Rehash unimposing method: An expert can utilize this pipette to set and administer a predefined volume into a few containers without being in the middle between administrators. This limit of multi-dispensing saves time and work. The recurrent pipette gadget isn’t similar to a customary fab pipette. The differentiation is between a filling and administering switch and an unclogger. Follow these moves toward effectively utilizing a rehashing pipette:
Slide the filling switch right down.
Raise the locking clasp to the top.
Close the switch in the wake of embedding the needle-type tip into the barrel until it fits properly.
Drench the tip at a 90-degree point in the fluid.
Slide the filling switch gradually vertically to fill the tip totally.
Take action by disposing of the fluid from the first administration.
The recurrent pipette is currently prepared to work.
These are a portion of the primary sorts of pipettes utilized in labs. The decision of pipette relies upon the expected volume range, exactness, accuracy, and explicit application.
Original Source: https://nboxoffice.com/how-to-use-the-various-types-of-pipettes/
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microlitt · 1 year
Precise Pipetting Made Easy: Choosing the Right Pipette Tips
The precision and accuracy of even the best-calibrated pipette might be lost if the wrong type of tip is used. Depending on the experiment, the improper pipette tips can also cause contamination, waste of valuable samples or reagents, and even inflict bodily harm in the form of repetitive stress injury (RSI). There are numerous types of recommendations to pick from.There are a wide variety of tips to pick from. How do you determine which is ideal for your pipette and circumstance? Let us check this out in this blog:
Select high-quality pipette tips for accuracy and precision
Precision and accuracy are frequently the first factors that come to mind when deciding which tip type to use. Your pipetting will not be precise if there is any batch-to-batch, or even within-batch, variation in the form of the pipette tips. If the tip does not correctly fit your specific pipette, it may compromise the accuracy of your pipette. The drawn-in air can escape from your pipette barrel and tip if there is a weak seal, which prevents the proper amount of liquid from being inhaled. The ultimate volume supplied is therefore not entirely accurate. Choosing a tip that works well with your pipette might be challenging.
Pipette-specific or universal tips?
Using high-quality universal tips is the best option for your pipette and application. These universal tips are compatible with the vast majority of pipettes on the market. Universal tips have been developed to fit securely and firmly around all pipette tip cones, which vary somewhat in diameter from maker to manufacturer. Tips using the best technology, for example, are flexible at the proximal end of the tip (i.e., closest to the barrel), allowing them to suit a wider range of pipette types. In Microlit, you can find universal tips with all of the features discussed below (aerosol barrier, graduated, ergonomic, and so on).
Filter and non-filter Tips: Advantages and disadvantages
Filter tips and Non-filter tips are made for certain circumstances. If you're going to pipette something that could contaminate your pipette, such as volatile, corrosive, or viscous chemicals, you should think about Filter tips to safeguard your pipette and your samples.
Aerosol Barrier tips, also known as filter pipette tips, have a filter inside the proximal portion of the tip. The filter guards against aerosols and aspirating volatile or viscous liquids into the barrel, which can taint and harm the pipette. These tips are normally pre-sterilized and devoid of DNase/RNase. However, the term "barrier" is a bit misleading for some of these suggestions. Only a few high-end tips offer a true sealing barrier. Most filters just impede the flow of liquid into the pipette barrel. Because of the filter barrier in these tips, they are ideal for delicate applications such as qPCR.
The barrier eliminates PCR contamination by preventing sample spillover from the pipette, resulting in more reliable findings. Remember to perform your PCR positive and negative controls to detect sample carryover. Furthermore, filter tips are excellent 'training wheels' for newcomers. Pipette contamination occurs frequently when a new lab member mistakenly aspirates liquid into the pipette. Because liquid is in the piston, it is much easier and less expensive to discard a tip rather than send the entire pipette in for repair.
 Low retention tips
Low retention is an important feature regardless of whatever tip you use. Low-retention tips perform precisely what their name implies: they hold a small amount of liquid. If you've ever glanced at a typical pipette tip, you may have seen a small amount of liquid remaining after dispensing. Low-retention tips prevent this by containing a hydrophobic plastic additive that prevents liquid from adhering to the inside of the tips.
Ergonomic Tips
Pipetting, for example, can cause damaged joints and result in repetitive stress injury (RSI). As a result, firms have produced ergonomic tips that need reduced insertion and ejection forces, lowering the risk of RSI. Having said that, this feature is all about a good fit. An ergonomic tip is one that is specifically made to suit your pipette properly which reduces the risk of RSI.
Remember that you may typically obtain samples from various companies in order to determine what works best for your research.
To produce accurate and exact measurements, your pipette and tip must operate together. The number of suggestions available can be overwhelming. Using this guide will assist you in selecting the optimum tip for each application, resulting in cleaner, more robust results.
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viscilbs · 1 year
Best Laboratory Glassware Exporter In India
Research center labware glassware is a fundamental part of the logical business, and India is a center point for the creation and commodity of top notch Laboratory Glassware Exporter In India. The nation has various lab producers and exporters that take special care of the requirements of the worldwide academic local area. These makers give an extensive variety of lab visci items, for example, receptacles, cups, pipettes, and test cylinders, and that's only the tip of the iceberg, which are utilized in different research center applications. The research center Laboratory Glassware Exporter In India offers practical arrangements, guaranteeing that the items satisfy the global quality guidelines. With the rising interest for research center India items universally, India has turned into a go-to objective for quality lab dish sets trades.
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bdhutbazar · 2 years
China Pipette Tip Manufacturer Co., Ltd. a brand-famous manufacturer of pipette tips, biological laboratory consumables and medical protective products, plays one significant role in the respect of bioprocessing manufacturing covering the products of 10-1250 μl universal pipette tips, PCR plates & tubes, centrifuge tubes, deep well plates, magnetic rod sleeves, safety goggles, etc. They can
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Non-Filtered Pipette Tips For any laboratory, clinic, research, industrial, phamacy factory, and more, YOULAI / ULIKE liquid handling line has covered for any pipette need. Focused on high quality and reliability, these tips are manufactured in a Class 100,000 clean room from 100% polypropylene and guaranteed to be DNase, RNase, and Pyrogen free. YOULAI / ULIKE universal non-filtered pipette tips are treated with a low DNA and protein binding finish, ensuring precise results, and individually packaged sterile so they are ready to use as soon as you need them. The pipette tips are designed to fit most popular pipettors and are sold in 8 or 10 racks of 96 tips each.
Answer: You're highly welcome to visit/verify our factory or your assigned third party. Factory Address: Youlai Biotechnology Building, No. 5, Yichuang Road, Yuhang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Tel: 0086-571-85391597 / 0086-13958401559 (Jason) Em-ail: jason(at)ylpcr(dot)com , globalbusinessaa(at)gmail(dot)com
Fit most popular pipettors, like Pipette Tips for Agilent, Avantor, Axygen, Beckman, BIOHIT, BRANDTECH, DRAGON, Eppendorf, Finnpipette, Genrui, Hamilton, Integra, LICHEN, Matrix, NICHIRYO, Nayo, OpenTrons, PerkinEimer, Roche, Rainin, Sartorius, Thermo Fisher, THERMOLABSYSTEMS, Tecan, Zymark, • Tips have low DNA and protein binding treatment, • Certified DNase/RNase/Pyrogen free, • Certified free of PCR inhibitors and trace metals, • Sterile individually wrapped racks of 96 tips,
Non-Filtered Pipette Tips Refill Our YOULAI / ULIKE refill system is engineered to a new standard of quality and efficiency both in the laboratory and out. These tips are designed with quality in mind, manufactured in a class 100,000 clean room from 100% polypropylene and finished with a low DNA and protein binding treatment. Completely free of any RNase, DNase, and Pyrogens, YOULAI / ULIKE refill pipette tips ensure the lowest risk of contamination when handling liquids and the highest precision in results. Every package uses 40-50% less plastic than traditional racked pipette tips, lending a hand to the environment when the testing is done. The pipette tips are designed to fit most popular pipettors and are sold in 8 or 10 refill decks of 96 tips each. • Tips have low DNA and protein binding treatment • Certified DNase/RNase/Pyrogen free • Certified free of PCR inhibitors and trace metals • Sterile individually wrapped racks of 96 tips • Saves 40-50% less plastic than racked pipette tips
Filtered Pipette Tips For any laboratory, clinical, research, industrial, phamacy factory, and more, YOULAI / ULIKE’Pipette Tip liquid handling line has covered for any pipette need. Focused on quality and reliability, these tips are manufactured in YOULAI / ULIKE's Class 100,000 clean room from 100% polypropylene and guaranteed to be DNase, RNase, and Pyrogen free. Pipette Tips Ulike's universal filtered pipette tips are treated with a low DNA and protein binding finish, ensuring precise results, and individually packaged sterile so they are ready to use as soon as you need them.
The pipette tips are designed to fit most popular pipettors and are sold in 8 or 10 racks of 96 tips each. • Tips have low DNA and protein binding treatment • Certified DNase/RNase/Pyrogen free • Certified free of PCR inhibitors and trace metals • Sterile individually wrapped racks of 96 tips
Barrier Filter Tips • Super-micron barrier inhibits pipettor and carry-over contamination • Barrier will not trap liquid or contaminate samples if over-pipetting • Low Binding Polymer Technology reduces binding of DNA, enzymes and proteins • Sterile
Racked Tips Universal fit, compatible with most research-grade pipettors • Standard and extended length options • Durable cell rack can be repeatedly autoclaved • Sterile Fit most popular pipettors, like Pipette Tips for Agilent, Avantor, Axygen, Beckman, BIOHIT, BRANDTECH, DRAGON, Eppendorf, Finnpipette, Genrui, Hamilton, Integra, LICHEN, Matrix, NICHIRYO, Nayo, OpenTrons, PerkinEimer, Roche, Rainin, Sartorius, Thermo Fisher, THERMOLABSYSTEMS, Tecan, Zymark,
Pipette Tip Reload System Quickly and easily loads 96 tips into empty racks Compatible with most manufacturers' racks Fit most popular pipettors, like Pipette Tips for Agilent, Avantor, Axygen, Beckman, BIOHIT, BRANDTECH, DRAGON, Eppendorf, Finnpipette, Genrui, Hamilton, Integra, LICHEN, Matrix, NICHIRYO, Nayo, OpenTrons, PerkinEimer, Roche, Rainin, Sartorius, Thermo Fisher, THERMOLABSYSTEMS, Tecan, Zymark,
Answer: You're highly welcome to visit/verify our factory or your assigned third party. Factory Address: Youlai Biotechnology Building, No. 5, Yichuang Road, Yuhang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Tel: 0086-571-85391597 / 0086-13958401559 (Jason) Em-ail: jason(at)ylpcr(dot)com , globalbusinessaa(at)gmail(dot)com
Tip Station • High density packaging saves bench space • 192 tips per layer in a 2 x 96 format Fit most popular pipettors, like Pipette Tips for Agilent, Avantor, Axygen, Beckman, BIOHIT, BRANDTECH, DRAGON, Eppendorf, Finnpipette, Genrui, Hamilton, Integra, LICHEN, Matrix, NICHIRYO, Nayo, OpenTrons, PerkinEimer, Roche, Rainin, Sartorius, Thermo Fisher, THERMOLABSYSTEMS, Tecan, Zymark,
ROBOTIC TIPS FOR AMTUMATION ULIKE YOULAI offers a comprehensive line of robotic tips for Hamilton automation systems. These tips are manufactured to stringent specifications under strict process controls and assembled via automation to ensure consistent performance and quality. Tips are certified RNase/DNase-free and nonpyrogenic. Available in sterile, non-filtered and filtered options. Conductive black Polypropylene tips are available in 96-well hanging tip rack and nested tip rack.
Answer: You're highly welcome to visit/verify our factory or your assigned third party. Factory Address: Youlai Biotechnology Building, No. 5, Yichuang Road, Yuhang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Tel: 0086-571-85391597 / 0086-13958401559 (Jason) Em-ail: jason(at)ylpcr(dot)com , globalbusinessaa(at)gmail(dot)com
• 96 Tip/Hanging Tip Rack Format • Quintuple Packaging • Certified DNase/RNase free, Non-pyrogenic, sterile • Filtered option (Filtered with aerosol-resistant filters) • Endotoxin-Safe meets USP/FDA standards • Comply with USP 3127 (Heavy Metal Contamination) standards • Compatibility: Hamilton STAR, STAR, STARlet, STARplus workstations Fit most popular pipettors, like Pipette Tips for Agilent, Avantor, Axygen, Beckman, BIOHIT, BRANDTECH, DRAGON, Eppendorf, Finnpipette, Genrui, Hamilton, Integra, LICHEN, Matrix, NICHIRYO, Nayo, OpenTrons, PerkinEimer, Roche, Rainin, Sartorius, Thermo Fisher, THERMOLABSYSTEMS, Tecan, Zymark,
Conductive Tips Compatible with: • Tecan: Genesis, Freedom EVO, MiniPrep, Cavro • Qiagen/Corbett: CAS 1200/4200/4800, QIAgility • Perkin Elmer (Packard): Multiprobe II, Janus • Abbott Diagnostic: m2000
Answer: You're highly welcome to visit/verify our factory or your assigned third party. Factory Address: Youlai Biotechnology Building, No. 5, Yichuang Road, Yuhang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Tel: 0086-571-85391597 / 0086-13958401559 (Jason) Em-ail: jason(at)ylpcr(dot)com , globalbusinessaa(at)gmail(dot)com
ULIKE YOULAI Conductive Tips Fit most popular pipettors, like Pipette Tips for Agilent, Avantor, Axygen, Beckman, BIOHIT, BRANDTECH, DRAGON, Eppendorf, Finnpipette, Genrui, Hamilton, Integra, LICHEN, Matrix, NICHIRYO, Nayo, OpenTrons, PerkinEimer, Roche, Rainin, Sartorius, Thermo Fisher, THERMOLABSYSTEMS, Tecan, Zymark,
PCR REAGENTS Individual PCR Tubes • Made from Polypropylene (PP) • Thin-wall design helps liquid reach the target temperature quickly • Reduces the evaporation of the reaction solution • DNase, RNase, DNA free • Autoclavable
Answer: You're highly welcome to visit/verify our factory or your assigned third party. Factory Address: Youlai Biotechnology Building, No. 5, Yichuang Road, Yuhang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Tel: 0086-571-85391597 / 0086-13958401559 (Jason) Em-ail: jason(at)ylpcr(dot)com , globalbusinessaa(at)gmail(dot)com
PCR 8-Strips • Made of clear Polypropylene (PP) • Reduces the evaporation of the reaction solution • Increase the real-time PCR fluorescent signal strength • DNase, RNase, DNA free • Autoclavable
PCR Well Plates High quality Polypropylene material to guarantee low protein absorption and the loss of liquid • Specially designed for rapid thermal transfer • White plates are ideal for qPCR • Certified free of DNase, RNase, pyrogen, and human DNA
PCR Sealing Mat with Septa • 96-well sealing mat for round well plate • Ideal for automation and compatible with the ABI 3100 • Scored, non-sterile • Sealing Films & Foils Sealing Films • Perforated end tabs and a multiple split backing for accurate positioning and secure seal • Less than 0.001% moisture permeable under high humidity conditions and less than 0.01% oxygen permeable • DMSO resistant
Answer: You're highly welcome to visit/verify our factory or your assigned third party. Factory Address: Youlai Biotechnology Building, No. 5, Yichuang Road, Yuhang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Tel: 0086-571-85391597 / 0086-13958401559 (Jason) Em-ail: jason(at)ylpcr(dot)com , globalbusinessaa(at)gmail(dot)com
Sealing Foils • Ideal for manual sealing during PCR work and also for high throughput applications • Adhesive backing makes it easy to apply • Pierceable with a pipet tip for easy access to sample • DMSO resistant and no heat sealer needed
Microplates & Capmats • Manufactured from virgin polypropylene • Certified RNase, DNase, and Pyrogen Free • Automation compatible, with alphanumeric reference • Ultra-flat surfaces, with raised well design for improved heat sealing and prevention of cross contamination • Allows for storage down to -80℃ • These plates are transparent and non-sterile • Corresponding cap mats are made of silicon and non-sterile
Answer: You're highly welcome to visit/verify our factory or your assigned third party. Factory Address: Youlai Biotechnology Building, No. 5, Yichuang Road, Yuhang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Tel: 0086-571-85391597 / 0086-13958401559 (Jason) Em-ail: jason(at)ylpcr(dot)com , globalbusinessaa(at)gmail(dot)com
96-round well cap mat, pierceable ("-" perforation), alphanumeric grid 96-square well cap mat, pierceable ("-" perforation), alphanumeric grid 48-square well cap mat, non-perforated, blank 96-round well plate U-bottom 96-round well plate V-bottom ULIKE YOULAI PCR TUBES/ 96-WELL Plates Fit most popular pipettors, like Pipette Tips for Agilent, Avantor, Axygen, Beckman, BIOHIT, BRANDTECH, DRAGON, Eppendorf, Finnpipette, Genrui, Hamilton, Integra, LICHEN, Matrix, NICHIRYO, Nayo, OpenTrons, PerkinEimer, Roche, Rainin, Sartorius, Thermo Fisher, THERMOLABSYSTEMS, Tecan, Zymark,
ELISA Plates | Detachable & Undetachable strips • Made of PS material • Designed for ELISA method • Conforms to SBS/ ANSI • Flat and transparent bottom • Excellent well uniformity, CV <5%
Answer: You're highly welcome to visit/verify our factory or your assigned third party. Factory Address: Youlai Biotechnology Building, No. 5, Yichuang Road, Yuhang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Tel: 0086-571-85391597 / 0086-13958401559 (Jason) Em-ail: jason(at)ylpcr(dot)com , globalbusinessaa(at)gmail(dot)com
Pipette Tips PCR Plates Test Tubes Medical Instruments New Arrival Medical Protection Blood Collection System Nucleic Acid Sampling Cell Culture Series Elisa Plate
浙江友莱生物科技有限公司是2007年就成立的浙江友莱医疗器械有限公司于2020年在上海成立的全资子公司,公司专注于实验室和临床耗材的研发与制造。 公司公司拥有精密模具设计和制造的团队,结合中国、美国、德国合作伙伴的技术优势,专为诊断和医疗器械企业开展定制化服务,致力打造成与世界先进制造水平同步的高端研发和制造基地,在实验室和临床耗材产品的精密制造技术制造上努力达到发达国家的同等水平。 目前,公司业务分为两大部分: 第一部分是自主研发与生产的四大类产品:1.以高通量筛查为主,用于新药开发、临床诊断、CDC、血站和第三方检验诊断机构的自动化耗材,包括自动化吸头、检验板、封板胶片、多空样品板等系列产品;2.分子诊断的系列产品,包括PCR管/板等全系列产品、防交叉污染封样片、磁微球和纯化试剂等;3.以2-D码为基础开发临床样品的采集、保存、运送与制备体系,包括试剂与耗材等全系列产品;4.以自动注射为技术核心的小型医疗器械,包括胰岛素注射笔。 第二部分将专注于医疗与诊断行业精密塑料与复合材料制成品的设计与制造,可根据国内客户的不同需求,从设计到自动化制造为企业提供一体化解决方案,全方位支持国内外医疗器械与诊断企业的配套升级。 公司拥有多项发明和实用新型专利。
浙江友莱医疗器械有限公司于2020年在杭州成立了全资子公司-浙江友莱生物科技有限公司,位于浙江省杭州市余杭区义创路5号友莱生物大楼,主要从事高端生物实验耗材的研发、生产、精密医疗器械和试剂的生产。 公司的产品均在无尘车间生产,并逐步实现了全自动化生产,确保所有产品均无DNase, RNase, 蛋白酶以及外源性DNA/RNA的污染。 产品有高通量筛査的自动化耗材、分子诊断试剂与耗材、二维条形码为基础的样品釆集、运送与保存管、板及扫描仪和管理与运用软件、细胞再生工程耗材、血浆移液吸管等实验与临床检验耗材与试剂。 公司拥有多项发明专利,和先进的工艺及表面处理技术,产品广泛用于分子生物学与细胞生物学、常规临床检验、药物筛选、基因组学与蛋白质组学研究等领域。
#PipetteTips #PCR Products/Tip Combs #DeepWellPlates #CentrifugeTube #SerologicalPipette #CellCulture Products #RoboticTips #Workstation VTM Nasal/ #Throat Swab #CryogenicTube #HIVTEST #HPVTEST #Agilent #Avantor #Axygen #Beckman #BIOHIT #BRANDTECH #DRAGON #Eppendorf #Finnpipette  #Genrui #Hamilton #Integra #LICHEN #Matrix #NICHIRYO #Nayo #OpenTrons #PerkinEimer #Roche  #Rainin #Sartorius #ThermoFisher #THERMOLABSYSTEMS #Tecan #Zymark #CHINAPIPETTE #CHEAPPIPETTE #AFFORDABLEPIPETTE #THOMASSCIENTIFIC #lifescience #AMAZONPIPETTE #AMAZONTIPS #OPENTRONS #ALIBABAPIPETTE
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pipettetipses · 2 years
Pipette tips are critical for medical research and findings
Pipette Tips
Pipette tips undoubtedly are a vital part associated with biotech and living sciences research. They power everything from Serological Pipette Manufacturers In China Covid-19 diagnostics to be able to new drugs. A bench scientist can move through dozens of them daily. Despite their tiny size, they play an important role in every step on the research process. Inspite of their importance, pipette tips have become an increasingly rare commodity using labs.
There are several sorts of pipette tips available for several different applications. Filter tips are perfect for PCR and other sensitive procedures, while non-filter tips are ideal for simple experiments. In addition, non-filter tips are definitely cost-effective than filter tips and are less likely to be able to damage pipettes.
Filtered pipette tips are best used when exercising on volatile, corrosive, or even highly viscous samples. Without filter tips, these samples may possibly damage the pipette the whole length. They also keep the formation of aerosols from the liquid that causes contamination. They will be especially beneficial to get novice lab experts and university college students.
Whether you're utilizing a liquid or some kind of sample, it's vital that you have the proper pipette tricks of accurate measurements. While using wrong tip can cause contamination, waste involving samples or reagents, and also cause repetitive stress injuries. Buying the right tips can assist you avoid these concerns, as well as save money and time. ​ Manufacturers of pipette points follow stringent high quality control standards. They make sure the polypropylene employed for pipettes is freed from additives and 9-octadecenamide. Additionally use state-of-the-art technologies and automation to make high-quality pipette ideas.
Pipette tips are widely-used in biotech in addition to pharmaceutical laboratories. The following tips help scientists shift samples more accurately and quickly. The growth on this market is due to increased focus on boosting research and reducing the potential for loss of cross contamination. As more businesses develop their manufacturing capabilities, the demand for pipette tips will rise at the same time.
Pipette tips are a critical part of any scientific lab. They're just essential for numerous kinds of experiments and have many applications. To ensure the grade of the pipettes, regulating bodies have established quality standards. Manufacturers must meet or even exceed the ISO 8655 standards before selling pipette points.
Pipette tips are critical for medical research and findings that require sterility. While using right pipette guidelines will minimize the risk of contamination and make certain that results are as accurate as you can. Fortunately, there are actually pre-sterilized pipette tips which could help ensure your experiments are wash and accurate.
The caliber of pipette tips is usually heavily dependent on the grade of the injection molding machine found in the manufacturing course of action. Even the merest differences can impact the effects of a study. Therefore, it's vital that you choose the right method of tip for the research and keep away from cheap alternatives. An effective way to choose a tip could be to test them first in a laboratory before using them for the experiments.
Pipette tips presented in disposable and autoclavable options. They are used for a great deal of Serological Pipette Supplier experiments in biochemistry, microbiology, and also research labs. They could handle various concentrations of liquids and are also typically discarded immediately after use to minimize the chance of cross-contamination. The tip's excellent also depends on any type of cleaning method.
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eakan2024 · 8 months
10ul Pipette Tips
Pipette tips are an essential accessory for any laboratory that deals with liquid handling. The 10ul universal pipette tips are one of the widely used pipette tips in research laboratories, medical facilities, and other related fields. These tips provide reliable and consistent performance to ensure accurate results and reduce human error.
They are compatible with various brands of pipettes, making it easy to use them in different laboratory setups. YikangMed's universal tips are built with high-quality materials, which make them resistant to breaking or leaking. Their design ensures that they fit snugly onto the pipette without any forced effort.
Using these pipette tips promotes excellent lab practices and helps save time. They are ideal for a wide range of applications, including biochemistry, microbiology, and molecular biology.
We have different size for 10ul tips, such as the standard one, extended length and extra long tips for researchers' different requirement.
10ul Pipette Tips Information
Product Description
When it comes to scientific research, every detail counts. This is especially true for small volumes liquid handling. 10ul pipette tips are commonly used for small volumes pipetting. These tips ensure reproducible results and minimize the risk of contamination. They are available in bulk, pre-sterilized, and with or without filters. By using high-quality 10ul pipette tips, scientists can maximize the quality and efficiency of their experiments.
YikangMed supply three different sizes of 10ul tips for your various laboratory applications. The graduated tips can help you to monitoring the actual amount for very small volume liquid pipetting.
Graduated and Extra long pipette tips are a valuable addition to any lab, providing improved accuracy and precision when working with smaller volumes. With a capacity of 10ul, they offer a high level of control when transferring liquids, ensuring reliable and consistent results. These tips are a cost-effective solution for labs looking to improve their pipetting capabilities without breaking the bank. Their extra-long design also makes them perfect for use with deep well plates or other specialty applications. With their versatility and affordability, these tips are a must-have for any lab looking to improve their pipetting performance.
Features & Benefits
● Made of medical grade polypropylene from globally well-known manufacturer.
● Manufactured by Suitomo/DEMAG high-speed electric injection mold machine with highly precise mold in class 100000 clean workshop using automated processes.
● Unique polishing technology ensures smooth inner surface of the tip for precise pipetting with low residual.
● Stringent in-process QA and OQC to ensure the high quality of all tips.
● Compatible with main stream pipettors, such as Eppendorf/Gilson/Thermo single and 8 channel pipettors.
● Certified DNase-, RNase-, ATP-, and pyrogen-free.
● Excellent transparency for good visualization during pipetting.
● Precise graduation mark for easy handling of small volume of liquid
● Availability of sterile/non-sterile, filter/no filter, regular/low-retention form.
● Three different lengths to select to meet versatile experimental requirements in the lab.
Specifications of 10ul Pipette Tips
CT10A-0-T CT10A-1-T CT10A-3-T
10ul Standard Tips
Natural Color
Bulk: 1000 Tips/Bag Racked: 96 Tips/Rack Stacked box: 96x10/Box
20000/CS 4800/CS 9600/CS
Oxford®/ Socorex® etc.
10ul Extended Length Tips
(Graduated mark)
Natural Color
Racked: 96 Tips/Rack
Eppendorf®/ Thermo®/
Oxford®/ Socorex® etc.
CT10BL-0-T CT10BL-1-T
10ul Extra Long Tips
Natural Color
Bulk: 1000 Tips/Bag Racked: 96 Tips/Rack
20000/CS 4800/CS
Eppendorf®/ Thermo®/ Gilson®/Nichiryo®/ Oxford®/ Socorex® etc.
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mdhc2022 · 2 years
Universal Pipette Tips
MDHC Universal Pipette tips, made of polypropylene, are sterile and DNase/RNase free.
96 tips per Rack.
Our universal tips will fit Eppendorf, and Gilson and are compatible with multi-brand pipettes.
Types of Universal Pipette Tips
Rack Packing Filtered Pipette Tips
Perfectly fits all kinds of pipettes. Thanks to the exquisite workmanship, there’s no air leakage or suck-back.
-80℃ to 121℃. No deformation under high temperature and high pressure. Resistant to organic solvents and acids and bases.
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