#université de montreal
if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"NOUVELLES GARDES-MALADES DE NOTRE-DAME," La Presse. May 31, 1933. Page 12. ---- La collation du diplôme de l'école des gardes-malades de l'hôpital Notre-Dame a eu lieu hier soir, sous la présidence de Mgr A.-V.-J. Piette, recteur de l'Université de Montréal. Cette photographie représente le groupe des nouvelles graduées prise avant le banquet qui inaugurait la cérémonie. Assises, de ganche à droite: Miles Emilienne Porte- lance, Blanche Pronoveau, Hermance Lacasse, Carmelle Lamoureux, Aurore Dupont, Cécile Perreault, Berthe Marleau, Marie-Ange Riopel, Rita Joubarne, Marguerite Rivel, Colombe Guevremont, Marie-Ange Paradis, Simone Mayotte et Denise Ledue. Debout en arrière: Miles Germaine Leduc, Lucile Beaulieu, Adéline Arsenault, Juliette Fraser, Simone Bélair, Laura Richard, Yvette Dion, Simone Saint-Germain, Régina Lalonde, Aline Duval, Estelle Pauze, Pauline Larocque, Alice Talbot, Hélène Talbot, Anna-Maria Chevaller, Rachel Désilets, Juliette Lafontaine, Juliette Jacob. (Cliché La "Presse")
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UQàM's SDHPP in Montreal is holding an EMERGENCY PROTEST and needs YOUR ATTENDANCE. The situation in Ghazzah has gone from catastrophic to imminently deadly for millions.
Please take the time out of your day this afternoon and attend.
It is taking place at Dorchester Square near metro Peel, at 2PM today.
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Their demands:
- An immediate ceasefire and the free movement of aid in Ghazzah
- A stop to all exports of military supplies - direct or indirect - towards the zionist occupation.
- An end to the 19 year blockade on Ghazzah.
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cliffpavlovic · 2 years
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La tour dans les nuages / The Tower in the Clouds #tower #tour #jour #day #clouds #nuages #campus @umontreal #umontreal #cdn #montreal #quebec #canada #mtl #mtlmoments #janvier #january #cotedesneiges #nightphotography #urbanphotography⁣ #hiver #winter (at Université de Montréal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoKl5kkL5hP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rorabrphotography · 7 months
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Université de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada #montreal #canada #photography #creative #creativity #monochrome #monochromatic #monochromephotography #blackandwhitephoto #blackandwhitephotography #bw #bwphoto #blackandwhite #bnw
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Roger Gaudry, first lay president of the Université de Montréal, in front of the Pavillon principal (now the Pavillon Roger-Gaudry). 1960s [City of Montreal Archives]
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drcare4u · 8 days
Therapies for Some With Prostate Cancer Focuses on Reducing Side Effects
Newer treatments for metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer like Nubeqa (darolutamide) are being developed to potentially reduce side effects like cognitive impairment and fatigue, an expert said. CURE® sat down with Dr. Fred Saad, director of prostate cancer research at Montreal Cancer Institute and full professor in the department of surgery at the Université de Montréal, on-site at the…
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Discover the QS Best Student Cities 2025: Top Destinations for International Students
As the world of education continues to evolve, finding the right university is just one part of the journey for students. The QS Best Student Cities 2025 ranking highlights not only the best universities but also the best cities for student life. This year, London has claimed the top spot for the sixth consecutive year, followed closely by Tokyo and Seoul.
Key Insights:
1,335,878 Indian students are currently studying abroad, and choosing a city that offers a vibrant student experience is crucial. The QS ranking evaluates cities based on affordability, diversity, employment opportunities, student satisfaction, and academic excellence.
Top 10 Best Student Cities 2025
London, England
Top Universities: Imperial College London, University College London, King's College London
Employment Opportunities: 4th globally
Living Expenses: £1,100 - £1,300/month
Tokyo, Japan
Top Universities: University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Waseda University
Desirability: 1st for quality of life
Living Expenses: ¥100,000 - ¥150,000/month
Seoul, South Korea
Top Universities: Seoul National University, Yonsei University, Korea University
Living Expenses: Approx. $6,300/year
Munich, Germany
Top Universities: Technical University of Munich, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Living Expenses: Approx. €300/year
Melbourne, Australia
Top Universities: University of Melbourne, Monash University
Living Expenses: $1,400 - $3,920/month
Sydney, Australia
Top Universities: University of Sydney, University of New South Wales
Living Expenses: $1,400 - $4,000/month
Paris, France
Top Universities: Université PSL, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Sorbonne University
Living Expenses: €800 - €1,200/month
Zurich, Switzerland
Top Universities: ETH Zurich, University of Zurich
Living Expenses: CHF 1,500 - CHF 2,500/month
Berlin, Germany
Top Universities: Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin
Living Expenses: €800 - €1,200/month
Montreal, Canada
Top Universities: McGill University, Université de Montréal, Concordia University
Living Expenses: CAD 1,000 - CAD 1,500/month
These rankings provide a comprehensive guide for students seeking an enriching educational experience. With factors like affordability, cultural diversity, and strong employment prospects, these cities are not only great for academic pursuits but also for personal growth and exploration.
Whether you're considering studying abroad or just curious about the best student cities, this list is a valuable resource for making informed decisions!
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1000stlouis · 2 months
Découvrez 1000 Saint Louis : Votre Destination pour une Maison à Vendre à Montréal
Bienvenue sur le blog de 1000 Saint Louis, votre expert immobilier de confiance à Montréal. Que vous soyez un acheteur pour la première fois, un investisseur expérimenté, ou simplement à la recherche de la maison de vos rêves, nous sommes là pour vous guider à chaque étape. Avec notre vaste connaissance du marché immobilier de Montréal et notre engagement envers l'excellence, nous faisons de l'achat d'une maison une expérience agréable et sans stress.
Montréal : Une Ville de Charme et d'Opportunités
Montréal, avec son mélange unique de culture européenne et nord-américaine, est une ville vibrante et diversifiée. C'est une métropole où le vieux rencontre le nouveau, offrant une qualité de vie exceptionnelle à ses résidents. Des rues pavées du Vieux-Montréal aux quartiers animés comme le Plateau-Mont-Royal, chaque coin de la ville a son propre caractère et charme.
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En tant que deuxième plus grande ville du Canada, Montréal offre une multitude d'opportunités économiques, culturelles et éducatives. Que vous soyez attiré par ses universités de renommée mondiale, son industrie technologique en plein essor, ou ses festivals artistiques et culturels, Montréal a quelque chose pour tout le monde.
Pourquoi Acheter une Maison à Montréal ?
Acheter une Maison A Vendre Montreal de nombreux avantages. Voici quelques raisons pour lesquelles de plus en plus de gens choisissent de s'installer dans cette magnifique ville :
Qualité de Vie : Montréal est régulièrement classée parmi les meilleures villes au monde pour sa qualité de vie. Avec ses parcs, ses restaurants, ses cafés et ses musées, il y a toujours quelque chose à faire.
Diversité Culturelle : La ville est un véritable melting-pot culturel, accueillant des personnes de toutes origines. Cette diversité se reflète dans la gastronomie, les festivals et les quartiers uniques de Montréal.
Marché Immobilier Attrayant : Comparé à d'autres grandes villes canadiennes comme Toronto et Vancouver, le marché immobilier de Montréal reste relativement abordable, offrant de bonnes opportunités pour les acheteurs et les investisseurs.
Éducation et Innovation : Montréal est un centre éducatif et technologique avec des institutions comme l'Université McGill et l'Université de Montréal, attirant des étudiants et des professionnels du monde entier.
1000 Saint Louis : Votre Partenaire Immobilier
Chez 1000 Saint Louis, nous comprenons que l'achat d'une maison est une décision majeure. C'est pourquoi nous nous engageons à fournir un service personnalisé et professionnel pour répondre à vos besoins spécifiques. Voici ce que vous pouvez attendre de nous :
Expertise Locale
Notre connaissance approfondie du marché immobilier de Montréal nous permet de vous offrir les meilleures options disponibles. Que vous recherchiez une maison à vendre dans le centre-ville animé ou dans un quartier résidentiel paisible, nous avons les compétences et les ressources pour vous aider à trouver la propriété idéale.
Accompagnement Personnalisé
Chaque client est unique, et nous croyons que votre expérience d'achat devrait l'être aussi. Nous prenons le temps de comprendre vos besoins, vos préférences et votre budget pour vous proposer des options qui correspondent parfaitement à vos attentes.
Processus Simplifié
L'achat d'une maison peut sembler complexe, mais avec 1000 Saint Louis, vous êtes entre de bonnes mains. Nous vous guidons à chaque étape du processus, de la recherche de la maison idéale à la négociation du prix, en passant par les démarches administratives et juridiques.
Réseau de Confiance
Grâce à notre réseau étendu de professionnels de l'immobilier, y compris des inspecteurs, des courtiers hypothécaires et des notaires, nous nous assurons que chaque aspect de votre achat se déroule sans accroc. Nous travaillons avec des partenaires de confiance pour garantir votre satisfaction.
Nos Propriétés à Vendre
Nous avons une large sélection de maisons à vendre à Montréal, allant des condos modernes aux maisons familiales spacieuses, en passant par les charmantes maisons de ville. Voici quelques-unes de nos offres phares :
Condos Modernes au Centre-Ville
Situés au cœur de la ville, nos condos offrent une vie urbaine pratique avec des vues imprenables sur le skyline de Montréal. Parfaits pour les jeunes professionnels ou les couples, ces propriétés modernes disposent de toutes les commodités nécessaires pour un mode de vie confortable et dynamique.
Maisons Familiales dans les Quartiers Résidentiels
Pour ceux qui recherchent plus d'espace et un environnement plus tranquille, nous proposons des maisons familiales dans des quartiers résidentiels populaires comme Outremont, Westmount et Côte-des-Neiges. Ces maisons offrent de grands jardins, des espaces de vie spacieux et sont souvent situées à proximité des meilleures écoles de la ville.
Maisons de Ville au Charme Historique
Si vous êtes attiré par le charme historique, nos maisons de ville dans des quartiers comme le Vieux-Montréal et le Plateau-Mont-Royal sont faites pour vous. Avec leur architecture unique et leur ambiance chaleureuse, ces maisons offrent une véritable immersion dans le patrimoine de la ville.
Témoignages de Clients Satisfaits
Rien ne parle mieux de notre engagement envers l'excellence que les témoignages de nos clients satisfaits. Voici ce qu'ils ont à dire :
Marie et Jean : "Grâce à 1000 Saint Louis, nous avons trouvé la maison de nos rêves à Montréal. Leur équipe a été incroyablement professionnelle et attentionnée tout au long du processus. Nous les recommandons vivement !"
Sophie : "L'achat de notre premier condo a été une expérience merveilleuse grâce à 1000 Saint Louis. Leur expertise et leur accompagnement personnalisé ont fait toute la différence."
Chez 1000 Saint Louis, nous sommes passionnés par l'immobilier et par le service que nous offrons à nos clients. Que vous soyez à la recherche d'une maison à vendre à Montréal ou que vous souhaitiez simplement en savoir plus sur le marché immobilier local, nous sommes là pour vous aider. Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour commencer votre aventure immobilière à Montréal avec 1000 Saint Louis. Ensemble, nous trouverons la maison de vos rêves dans cette magnifique ville.
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jobrxiv · 4 months
Master's (MSc) and Doctoral (PhD) Graduate Student(s) in Cancer Signalling Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer (IRIC), University of Montréal The Smith Lab (IRIC, Université de Montréal) is seeking new Doctoral students interested in cancer signalling and structural biology. See the full job description on jobRxiv: https://jobrxiv.org/job/institute-for-research-in-immunology-and-cancer-iric-university-of-montreal-27778-masters-msc-and-doctoral-phd-graduate-students-in-cancer-signalling/?feed_id=75960 #cancer_biology #cryo_EM #lipid_bilayers #NMR_spectroscopy #proteomics #ras_gtpases #signal_trasduction #ScienceJobs #hiring #research
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jcmarchi · 6 months
Stop out-of-control AI and focus on people - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/stop-out-of-control-ai-and-focus-on-people-technology-org/
Stop out-of-control AI and focus on people - Technology Org
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Companies need to stop designing new artificial intelligence technology just because they can, and people need to stop adapting their practices, habits and laws to fit the new technology. Instead, AI should be designed to fit exactly what people actually need.
That’s the view of 50 global experts who’ve contributed research papers to Human-Centred AI, a new book co-edited by two Université de Montréal experts that explores the risks — and missed opportunities — of the status quo and how it can be made better.
One important way would be through legal mechanisms, now woefully inadequate to the task, said contributor Pierre Larouche, an UdeM law professor and faculty vice-dean who specializes in competition law.
Treating AI as “a standalone object of law and regulation” and assuming that there is “no law currently applicable to AI” has left some policymakers feeling inadequate to an insurmountable task, said Larouche.
“Despite the scarcity – if not outright absence – of specific rules concerning AI as such, there is no shortage of laws that can be applied to AI, because of its embeddedness in social and economic relationships,” he said.
The challenge is not to create new legislation but to extend and apply existing laws to AI, he argued. That way, policymakers won’t fall into the trap of “delaying tactics designed to extend discussion indefinitely, while the technology continues to progress at a fast pace.”
Montreal lawyer Benjamin Prud’homme, vice-president of policy, society and global affairs at the UdeM-affiliated Mila (Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute), one of the largest academic communities dedicated to AI, agrees.
He urges policymakers to “start moving away from the dichotomy between innovation and regulation (and) that we acknowledge it might be okay to stifle innovation if that innovation is irresponsible.”
Prud’homme cited the European Union as an example of being proactive in this regard via its “very ambitious AI Act, the first systemic law on AI, (which) should be definitively approved in the next few months.”
Co-edited by UdeM professor and health law expert Catherine Régis and UdeM public-health expert Jean-Louis Denis, along with the University of Cambridge’s Maria Luciana Axente and Osaka University’s Atsuo Kishimoto, Human-Centred AI brings together specialists in disciplines ranging from education to management to political science.
The book examines AI technologies in a number of contexts – including agriculture, workplace environments, healthcare, criminal justice and higher education – and offers people-focused approaches to regulation and interdisciplinary ways of working together to make AI less exclusive of human needs.
University of Edinburgh philosophy professor Shannon Vallor points to increasingly popular generative AI as an example of technology which is not human-centred. She argues the technology was created by organizations simply wanting to see how powerful they can make a system, rather than making “something designed by us, for us, and to benefit us.”
Other contributors to the new book look at how AI is impacting human behaviour (via Google, Facebook and other platforms), how AI lacks data on minorities and hence helps marginalize them, and how AI undermines privacy as people ignore how their information is collected and stored.
Source: University of Montreal
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"L’UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTREAL AIDE A LA PRÉVENTION DES INCENDIES," Le Petit Journal. July 9, 1933. Page 8. ---- De nombreuses expériences faites à l'Université de Montréal ainsi qu'à trois autres universités canadiennes ont prouvé que les bâtisses en bois peuvent être mises à l'épreuve du feu. On se sert de l'isolation au gypse, minéral qui existe en grandes quantités dans toutes les parties du Canada. M. l'abbé Labrosse, professeur à la Faculté des sciences de l'Université de Montréal, est un des premiers savants canadiens à étudier cette question. A gauche: L'abbé Labrosse, de l'Université de Montréal, déterminant la température des murs d'une bâtisse expérimentale à l'intérieur de laquelle on a mis le feu à une corde de bols saturée de gazoline. Cette expérience eut lieu Pare Mance à Montréal. A droite, en haut: Le professeur G.-R. Anderson, de l'Université de Toronto, une des autorités sur le sujet, qui déclare qu'il est maintenant possible de construire des bâtisses en bois à l'épreuve du feu. A droite, en bas: Deux Esquimaux à Paugnirtung, ile de Baffin, sur le toit de la station médicale du gouvernement en train de mettre en place l'isolation au gypse qui rendra la bâtisse à l'épreuve du feu et en même temps servira à retenir la chaleur.
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UQàM's pro-Palestine advocacy group is calling on everyone in Montreal to go protect the McGill encampment! Sherbrooke street has been blocked. Please enter from Peel street or University street.
This is happening right now!
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Top 10 Cities in the World to Study Abroad – 2024
As we approach 2024, the landscape of international education continues to evolve, presenting students with a range of exceptional studying abroad worldwide. These cities are not only renowned for academic excellence but also for the rich cultural experiences they offer, making them ideal for students seeking both educational and personal growth.
The decision to venture abroad for education goes beyond obtaining a degree; it involves immersing oneself in new cultures, gaining insights from diverse perspectives, and unlocking doors to endless possibilities. In 2024, the pursuit of knowledge transcends borders, and here is your guide to navigating this exciting journey in the top study destinations.
London, United Kingdom: London, the global education hub and capital of England, attracts students with institutions like Imperial College London and London School of Economics. Beyond academia, the historic streets of Covent Garden and the vibrant art scene at Tate Modern provide a cultural feast for inquisitive minds.
Melbourne, Australia: Often ranked among the most livable cities, Melbourne is a dream for international students. The University of Melbourne offers top-tier education, while the city's coffee culture, street art, and live music scenes make every day an adventure – a perfect blend of education and lifestyle.
Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo combines educational excellence with cultural richness and technological advancement, making it a top study destination. From the serene Meiji Shrine to the bustling streets of Shibuya, students have access to prestigious universities and a firsthand look at cutting-edge technology.
Montreal, Canada: Montreal stands out with its bilingual education system, welcoming students in both English and French. Beyond McGill University and Université de Montréal, the city's old-world charm and vibrant student life, complemented by events like the Jazz Festival, ensure well-spent study breaks.
Paris, France: Paris remains an evergreen destination for students, with Sorbonne University embodying academic excellence. Living in a city that's a masterpiece of art, history, and cuisine enriches the student experience, complementing the pursuit of knowledge.
Munich, Germany: Synonymous with engineering prowess, Munich, home to the Technical University of Munich, offers a balanced mix of academics and leisure. Oktoberfest, the Englischer Garten, and historic architecture provide a unique blend of study and fun.
Seoul, South Korea: Seoul pulsates with energy and innovation, establishing itself as a top study destination. World-class institutions like Seoul National University attract students interested in technology and design, while K-pop and Korean cuisine add excitement to student life.
Boston, USA: Rich in history and culture, Boston is a magnet for scholars with institutions like MIT and Harvard. The city's student-friendly atmosphere, historical landmarks, and sporting events contribute to a well-rounded educational journey.
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Celebrated for its liberal arts education and open-minded culture, Amsterdam ranks among the top study destinations. The University of Amsterdam offers diverse programs amidst a city known for its canals, museums, and bike-friendly streets, fostering creativity and free thought.
Singapore: A cosmopolitan city-state, Singapore serves as a crossroads of Asia for students. Its education system, marked by rigor and innovation with institutions like Nanyang Technological University and National University of Singapore, is globally acclaimed. The multicultural society adds a unique blend of culinary delights and cultural festivals to the educational experience.
Read for more info: https://overseaseducationconsultant.edublogs.org/2024/03/12/top-10-cities-in-the-world-to-study-abroad-2024/
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jifarisak · 8 months
Write about your dream home. 🎴Montreal University Scholarships🎴▪️University:  Université de Montréal▪️Degree level:  Bachelors, Masters, PhD▪️Scholarship coverage:  Funded▪️Eligible nationality:  All Nationalities▪️Award country:  Canada▪️Find More Details here          💧💧💧💧💧https://kebenajobs.com/job/montreal-university-scholarships-university-feb-10-24/▪️Deadline: September 01/24‌‌
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10 Cheapest Universities in Canada for International Students.
Studying in Canada is an excellent alternative for those looking for an affordable degree as an international student. Canada offers low tuition rates for international and domestic students. Plus, you’ll be studying in an English (or French!) environment in a highly developed country. The education system in Canada is reputable and comparable to countries such as the U.K. and the U.S.
Many international students choose to study in Canada for the low tuition prices, ease and comfort of living, and great reputation of the universities. For those looking for affordable degrees, here are 10 cheap universities in Canada for international students.
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Top Universities 
U.S. News lists the top Canadian universities as University of Toronto, University of British Columbia, McGill University, McMaster University and University of Montreal. These universities are all recognized internationally as excellent global schools and still offer much more affordable tuition rates than their international counterparts. 
1. University of Montreal 
Bachelor’s Degree Tuition: $25,568 
Graduate Degree Tuition: $17,192 – $19,390 
2. McGill University 
Bachelor’s Degree Tuition: $19,886 – $31,500 
Graduate Degree Tuition: $17,193 – $27,011 
3. McMaster University 
Bachelor’s Degree Tuition: $36,652 – $40,960 
Graduate Degree Tuition: $6,307 – $17,096 
4. University of British Columbia 
Bachelor’s Degree Tuition: $38,389 – $42,803 
Graduate Degree Tuition: $9,314 
5. University of Toronto 
Bachelor’s Degree Tuition: $41,540 – $61,350 
Graduate Degree Tuition: $6,210 – $43,990 
Cheap Bachelor Degrees in Canada 
If you’re looking for the most affordable options Canada offers, look no further. 
1. University of the People
Location: Online
Tuition: Tuition-Free
Degree Programs: Associate, Bachelor, Master (Business Administration, Education, Computer Science, and Health Science)
UoPeople is a US-accredited online university, meaning you can study anywhere and anytime! The application process is simple, and the rewards of degree completion are definitely worthwhile.
2. Brandon University
Location: Brandon, Manitoba
Tuition: $7,203
Degree Programs: BA, BBA, BEd, BFA, BM, BN, BSc
International students at Brandon University are invited to apply with the university’s international application process. Brandon University claims to have a long and positive relationship with international students and offers one-to-one professor interactions and research opportunities not available at larger universities.
3. Université de Saint-Boniface
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Tuition: $10,570 – 16,850
Degree Programs: Bachelor’s Degrees in Arts, Social Work, Translation, Science, Nursing, Business, and Education. Students may continue studies toward a Master’s degree at the University of Manitoba
International students at Saint-Boniface must expect to be able to speak a certain level of French as this is a French university. Some programs also require a level of English proficiency as well.
4. Canadian Mennonite University
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Tuition: $10,003
Degree Programs: Three- and four-year BA, BSc, BBA, and Master’s Programs
International students at CMU are welcomed and encouraged to apply due to the undoubtedly wide variety of experiences and perspectives that they may bring. International students may choose from over 19 majors for bachelor’s studies.
5. Memorial University of Newfoundland
Location: St. Johns, Newfoundland
Tuition: $20,000
Degree Programs: More than 100 programs for Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Certificates
International students at MUN: Memorial University warmly welcome and encourage international applications. The university offers specialized services for international students such as student advising, an internationalization office, and international student groups.
Cheap Master Degrees in Canada 
1. Memorial University of Newfoundland
Location: St. Johns, Newfoundland
Tuition: $6,390
Degree Programs: Large variety of Master’s and Doctorate programs both in person and online, in fields of Humanities & Social Sciences, Professional Programs, Interdisciplinary Programs, and Sciences
2. University of Northern British Columbia
Location: Prince George, British Columbia
Tuition: $7,494
Degree Programs: MBA, MSc, MEd, MEng, MScN, MSW, Graduate Certificates, and Doctorate programs
3. University of Calgary
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Tuition: $4,319
Degree Programs: Offers course-based and research-based Master’s and Doctorate degrees in a variety of subjects
4. Simon Fraser University
Location: Burnaby, British Columbia
Tuition: $6,075
Degree Programs: Variety of graduate programs in Applied Sciences, Arts & Social Sciences, Business, Communication, Art & Technology, Education, Environment, Health Sciences, and Science
5. University of Saskatchewan
Location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Tuition: $3,000 – $5,000
Degree Programs: Over 80 Master’s and Doctorate degrees. Specializing in research and medical fields
Canadian universities may have low tuition fees, but you can’t beat the tuition-free rates offered by UoPeople. While the flexibility of an online degree offers the chance to study anytime and anywhere you want. 
The prices quoted in this article are correct as a the time pf publication. However, for more accurate results, it is advisable to contact the admissions office of the university directly.
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cwimmigration · 8 months
Maple Leaf Dream: Top 5 Canadian Cities for Students to Immigrate with Affordable Rent
Canada, with its breathtaking landscapes, diverse culture, and world-class education system, has become a magnet for students seeking an enriching academic experience. For international students looking to make the Great White North their home, choosing the right city is crucial. In this blog post, we'll explore the top five Canadian cities that offer not only outstanding educational opportunities but also affordable rent. Whether you're drawn to the vibrant urban life or the serene landscapes, Canada has a city for every student. Let's embark on a journey through the maple-lined streets and discover your ideal Canadian study destination.
Toronto, Ontario: 
The Cultural Hub:- 
Toronto, the largest city in Canada, stands as a beacon of cultural diversity and economic prosperity. Home to prestigious institutions like the University of Toronto and Ryerson University, the city provides a dynamic learning environment. Toronto's neighborhoods offer a blend of historic charm and modern amenities, providing students with a rich urban experience.
Despite being a bustling metropolis, Toronto boasts relatively affordable housing options compared to other global cities. Areas like Scarborough and North York provide students with budget-friendly accommodations, ensuring that the dream of studying in Toronto doesn't become a financial burden.
Montreal, Quebec: 
Where History Meets Modernity:-
Nestled in the heart of Quebec, Montreal is a city known for its bilingual charm, historic architecture, and vibrant arts scene. Home to McGill University and the Université de Montréal, the city attracts students from around the world. Montreal is renowned for its cultural festivals, culinary delights, and a lively nightlife that complements the academic experience.
Rent in Montreal is notably affordable, especially in comparison to other major Canadian cities. With neighborhoods like Plateau-Mont-Royal and Hochelaga-Maisonneuve offering reasonably priced housing, students can immerse themselves in the unique blend of French and English culture without breaking the bank.
Vancouver, British Columbia: 
Nature's Playground:-
For students who crave the perfect balance between urban living and breathtaking natural landscapes, Vancouver is an ideal choice. Surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. The University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University contribute to the city's vibrant academic atmosphere.
While Vancouver is often considered one of Canada's more expensive cities, savvy students can find affordable housing options in areas like Burnaby and New Westminster. The stunning scenery and diverse cultural offerings make Vancouver a compelling destination for those seeking a truly unique Canadian experience.
Calgary, Alberta: 
The Gateway to the Rockies:-
Calgary, nestled in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, offers students a mix of urban living and proximity to some of Canada's most stunning natural wonders. The University of Calgary and Mount Royal University attract students seeking academic excellence in a city that celebrates both its cowboy heritage and modern aspirations.
Calgary's cost of living is relatively moderate compared to other major cities. Neighborhoods such as Beltline and Bridgeland provide students with affordable housing options while allowing easy access to the city's vibrant arts scene, outdoor activities, and culinary delights.
Halifax, Nova Scotia: 
Maritime Charm on the Atlantic Coast:-
For students seeking a more intimate and coastal experience, Halifax on the east coast of Canada is a hidden gem. Home to Dalhousie University and Saint Mary's University, Halifax offers a close-knit community with a rich maritime history. The city's vibrant arts scene, historic sites, and coastal charm make it an attractive destination for students seeking a unique Canadian experience.
Halifax's cost of living is notably affordable, and areas like North End and South End provide students with budget-friendly housing options. With its friendly locals and a slower pace of life, Halifax offers a welcoming environment for students looking to escape the hustle and bustle of larger cities.
Canada's allure as an educational haven is undeniable, and choosing the right city is a pivotal step in realizing your academic and personal goals. Whether you're captivated by the cultural mosaic of Toronto, the bilingual charm of Montreal, the natural beauty of Vancouver, the dynamic spirit of Calgary, or the coastal allure of Halifax, each city has its own unique offerings.
CW Immigration understands the significance of this decision, and we're here to guide you through the immigration process. As you embark on this exciting journey, remember that Canada is not just a destination for education; it's a place where dreams take root and flourish. Explore, learn, and make the most of your Canadian adventure – the Maple Leaf awaits!
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