#unknown regions more like unknown genders
metalmewtwo-kxb · 14 days
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Pokédex Update:
Auroreon - the Iridescent Feather pokemon. A flying type. When it fans its wings and tail, it can manifest beautiful yet powerful beams of light in concentrated attacks and healing moves. If it ever opens its eyes, it will unleash its wrath on the unjust.
- Auroreon's feathers always seem to glimmer in the light, causing even its body to give off a faint prismatic glow. They are also sturdy, soft as cinccino velvet, and capable of keeping sheltered pokemon warm. If the weather and conditions are right, Auroreon will spread its feathers over the grass and sunbathe (or moonbathe at night). This makes the moisture in the air above it become a captivating blanket of shifting colors. The shiny variation of this pokemon is said to also manifest colors of light that very few humans are able to see.
- The 'eye spots' on Auroreon's feathers serve as a natural statement of beauty as well as a means of confusing opponents. And the halo above its head is a result of the fur's natural light refraction.
From Recovered Texts and Documents:
- Long ago, a king encouraged the use of these feathers for decorative purposes during his reign. This greatly decimated the population of both eevee and Auroreon in their region. Those with dark feathers were considered "impure" and hunted for sport. A few were kept as pets and servants, which was illegal save for those with the king's written permission.
- Some groups of the past believed Auroreon to be among the pokemon known as "the Heralds of Arceus", messengers and light-bearers who served the Creator of Worlds. There were a variety of pokemon believed to hold this title, each described as "familiar yet unique" to each respective species. They were more powerful than their counterparts, and some rarely spotted if not considered an illusion. They were also quite gentle and well-mannered, and their roles involved giving life and healing to the world. However, these pokemon were considered dangerous in times of conflict.
- It is said "the false king" of their home region was single-handedly responsible for the disappearance of the Heralds, the beginning of conflict between humans and Arceus, and the terrible aftermath of the last great war. Rumors spread that Arceus removed the Heralds from the world of humans to save those pokemon from the cruelty that would follow in coming years.
Notes Continued:
- Further research is being conducted, as a single pair of Auroreon were recently spotted in an isolated area with an unusual eevee. One white, and one dark. The gender of each is unknown, though ancient texts suggest that females have shorter capes than males.
- There is no documentation of what their open eyes look like. Texts only say that no one who saw them directly lived to tell the tale, including the false king.
Decided to take my own stab at creating a flying type eeveelution, and potentially add a second typing later on.
I'm really happy with how it turned out, and glad I had another chance to delve into more of the comic's background lore.
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
So, I cannot stop thinking about this. Petlike yandere Red Death, but raised from an egg. Perhaps reader is a dragon rider, who was exploring the volcano post HTTYD1, since I can't imagine Red Deaths are anything but rare. Thank you very much!
Yeah, this was my take on baby Red Death! I apologize for weird formatting.
Yandere! Red Death raised by Viking! Darling
Pairing: Animal/Pet-like
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Overprotective behavior, Territorial behavior, Possessive behavior, Alpha dragon, Isolation, Violence, Generational yandere concept, Not entirely yandere/overprotective, I had thoughts with this, Forced companionship.
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There was only one known appearance of a Red Death in the series.
It's said they live 2,000 years and lay 3,000 eggs before they die.
It's unknown if the last Red Death ever laid eggs, considering how we never see another Red Death, we can assume it didn't.
However, for the sake of this concept, let's say one egg manages to survive on Dragon Island.
As a dragon rider you had decided to do an expedition on Dragon Island and found the volcanic egg.
As an experiment you were probably instructed by Hiccup to carry the large egg to a secure location.
After all, not much is known about The Red Death.
This would be the perfect opportunity to research the new dragon type that's only been encountered once.
The egg is no doubt kept near a volcanic region but you are sent to oversee its development.
Being picked for such a task is no doubt exciting at first.
Something about this concept to note is the fact your Red Death won't be fully mature.
It may even take your full lifetime before your Red Death even hits what could be considered a teen.
The baby dragon will get big, sure, but not as big as its mother.
I imagine when you have it the size is only going to be about a medium size dragon.
So it will be rideable, but unable to reproduce or use its full abilities.
When you raise the dragon you are careful to note behavior and diet.
You feed your Red Death red meat and keep them in a hot area.
You have them visit volcanic areas for lava baths.
You are quick to note down everything you learn about the dragon while caring for them.
You even grow attached to them, while they attach themselves to you.
Admittedly it's hard to take notes when your Red Death, the size of maybe a large dog at the start, keeps nuzzling into you.
Red Death's can be a ruthless and controlling species, but a baby doesn't have the ability to control dragons yet.
They'd be demanding and needy, like little divas.
But they aren't capable of full control yet.
You are sure to report all your findings to Hiccup as you care for your Red Death.
While they are still small you simply watch and feed them while researching.
When they are a size where you can ride them you work on teaching them how to fly and carry you.
The dragon is certainly not agile, they're more tanky than anything.
Your Red Death is a brute due to their body type and personality.
Also, wouldn't it be problematic if they learned to control dragons once riding age.
Unbeknownst to you, your Red Death is a dragon that will be taken care of for generations.
You know how you have to put a tortoise or parrot in your will due to their lifespan?
Same thing would happen with you Red Death due to their ridiculous lifespan.
Imagine if they became yandere for your entire bloodline?
They just know your children and their children are related to you, so they defend them.
It may all be fun and games researching your Red Death now, but the truth is you're stuck with them.
They see you as their parent and treat you like family.
So while you can ride them now, soon they'll continue growing.
When you leave this world, they'll still be here.
They may even stumble their way to your grave and sit there.
I feel this Red Death is more caring due to being raised by a human.
Some Vikings are till wary about you as they know tales of the original Red Death.
Even more so when your dragon starts exhibiting alpha behavior.
Yup, you heard me, Red Deaths are similar to Bewilderbeasts since they both act like dragon leaders.
They can command dragons, hold territory, have a sense of authority... etc.
So you run into some problems when your dragon starts roaring to command smaller dragons and claims territory,
They're still affectionate towards you but are expressing dominating behavior.
They even summon smaller dragons to protect you.
Think of this, as you fly on them they usually have some sort of dragon flock around you both.
With their methane breath type they can cause flash fires in an instant.
Your Red Death may move you from your home when they start nesting.
You would be forced to live in a more volcanic area so your Red Death can nest in the crater.
Although, that sounds like a future generation problem.
Your kids/grandkids would have to deal with that.
I actually think the idea of a generational protective dragon is interesting.
Your kids and so on are simply told they have a draconic protector, your Red Death.
As a result, this dragon will defend them with their life.
A protective Red Death is no joke either.
They're capable of swallowing dragons whole when they hit a certain age, which is actually their main food source other than whole sheep and other creatures.
So you are stuck with this dragon right up until you die.
While your Red Death is behaved now, it's mostly because they are young.
They're overprotective and sometimes possessive, but not quite an uncontrolled problem yet.
You think it's cute.
Although other Vikings can see the issue before you can.
You have no idea what you've done, have you?
When they grow older, your kids will suffer the consequences of your actions.
Your Red Death loves you and wants to protect the family you build with them...
Even after death, your Red Death fulfills such a wish... at the cost of those around it.
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loge2718 · 17 days
Guilty as Sin? 💙
Thrawn x Reader - A song fic!
Song: Guilty as Sin? - Taylor Swift
Summary: Moving to Lothal for a promising job that was given by the Empire was a bold move for you. Here in Lothal, you felt lonely. Until a certain Grand Admiral came into the picture. You wanted something more than casual. But, does he want it to? 
Tags & Warnings: No smut, just mentions of sex, slight angst at the end
A/N: I didn’t specify the reader’s gender here but, since this is purely a self-indulgence fanfiction and the art that I made for is also purely self-indulging, I imagined the reader here is female.
Word count: 1.6K
Y'all... I have not written any (fan)fiction in such a long time, so, apologies in advance... I'd be posting the video and the art that I made for this fic in a different post, in case you don't like the fanfic and just would like to reblog the art you can find it here (X)
Out of all the people in this planet, out of all the people in this outer-rim, out of all the people in this galaxy. You are in a situationship with him.
That ran through your thought as he traced his finger around your upper thigh. It feels like he was writing something, that you were not so sure. Perhaps something in his language?
What if he's written 'mine' on my upper thigh Only in my mind?
He is, of course, the alien that rose through the ranks of the Imperial Navy like it was nothing. The Grand Admiral. Mitth'raw'nuruodo from the Unknown Region. Or as he lay beside you, cuddling you in a desperate embrace… Just Thrawn. You wish you could stay in this moment forever, this will be the death of you.
One slip and falling back into the hedge maze Oh what a way to die
Thrawn, the man you met in an art gallery here at Lothal. You arrived at Lothal just a few months prior, still adapting to your new job, new surroundings. Your family and friends are all the way in the mid-rim. You moved here because the Empire promised you a better paying job. However, with that decision, it left you stranded in Lothal, alone. In a way, you both are similar. 
There you were sitting in front of a painting by a local artist hundreds of years ago. So focused on the painting, taking in every detail. Subconsciously, you started to zoned out with everything that was going on with your mind.
Moving away… Moving away has been difficult for you, you were born and raised in your homeplanet, you even got your full education there. The empire promised you a decent job with a good amount of money, but the catch was, the job was located in the outer-rim in a planet called Lothal. So far, the promise has been kept. Though, it did not hide the fact that you were lonely, very lonely.
"Do you like the painting?"
A smooth voice snapped you out of your trance. Yes. You did like the painting, it is relatable, you said. However, you continued, describing the one of the paintings that you were fond of from your home world. The one you often visit in the gallery, with family, friends and even ex-lovers.
"Interesting take" He said
"How about you, what do you think about it?" 
And with that, one thing led to the other. First, it was just a simple introduction, Thrawn, he introduced himself and so did you. Then, the conversation went on for hours, and a couple different places… One of them was your newly owned bed. To say that he was amazing in bed was an understatement.
He understood you. He understood your body, he listened to your body. His touch felt like a warm fireplace on a cold winter night. His kiss felt like Heaven for the longing sinners. Each movement of his felt like waves crashing in the sea, bringing you closer and closer to shore.
You felt like this could be a start of something, or just a one night stand. Nevertheless, that was an experience, a really good one indeed. Even so, you didn't know who he was. He was just another man you brought home that night. That being said, Thrawn. his name still echoed in your mind on some sleepless nights.
A few days later, at the grand opening of the Empire-owned factory where you were assigned as a project manager, he was there, accompanied by the Governor of Lothal. He was in his stunning white navy uniform. Ah so he works for the Imperial Navy, you contemplated. His uniform was also complemented with gold shoulder plates and… a Grand Admiral plaque. A Grand Admiral, you thought to yourself. Unbelievable, You have managed to sleep with him. One of the strongest, most influential and most adored people in the empire.
You must be… His voice came to a blur as he greeted you and introduced himself and you . That would not be the first time. Grand Admiral, it is nice to be acquainted with you, you replied. The days went on as usual, your higher up was luckily busy that day, so you were the one who was assigned to give the Grand Admiral a tour.
You were relieved at first, thinking that he would break the facade. However, that seems to be false. His voice stayed cold to you. He was really cold to you. As if you didn’t moan his name over and over a few nights ago. His demeanor was that of a stranger, even when you two were alone touring the freshly built factory. You understand that it is protocol, but it was torture. Before you knew it he departed, you thought that would be the last time you would ever see him.
Until it was not. 
Not long after you arrived home you were surprised with your doorbell ringing. Strange, you thought. You were not expecting a visitor nor are you familiar with your neighbors yet. One look at the door feed got you sprinting to your front door. There stood Thrawn. He stepped in, and without saying a word he passionately took your lips in a deep kiss. 
As the both of you broke the kiss, Nice to see you again… you said with a hint of sarcasm, but alas smiling. Then, he took your lips again. After all that, he carried you to bed. Surely the second time with him would not be as mind blowing as the first? No. You were wrong. It was, as a matter of fact, better.
"Thrawn, I thought I'll never see you again, especially after today…" you said while you were laying on his chest. 
He disagreed. He said he would love to continue seeing you, being with you. This arrangement was of course with an exception. Nobody else has to know that we are intimate. he emphasized. That statement was not a surprise for you. That's easy enough, a price to pay being in bed with the notable Grand Admiral. you thought.
I keep recalling things we never did
You reach for his lips in response and agreement to his words. You were right, this one night stand did turn into a friend with benefits type of situation. But did you really want that? Or did you hope for something more?
Messy top lip kiss
A month or two have passed since you two made that agreement. Other than your apartment, he had brought you to a few different places. Lothal's only 5-star hotel was one of them, the cabin he owns in the far corner of Lothal was the other and even his personal Lambda shuttle. This little meetup of yours got you excited every time you saw his flagship - the Chimaera above the capital. His ISD in the sky of Lothal meant that he would be meeting you soon.
How I long for our trysts
As it was your day off, your neighbors, the one you got close with, started to be suspicious and started to question you. Who is the Pantoran you kept seeing? She asked. Nobody, he is just a friend. You answered immediately. 
A friend would not have gifted you flowers. A friend would not kiss your forehead and lips before he left. A friend would not have fucked you so perfectly, so intimately. He would not have cared for you so gently too after sex. Yes. Just a friend. You repeated, reassuring yourself. You really wanted something more, did you?
Without ever touching his skin How can I be guilty as sin?
Later on that afternoon, as the Chimaera looms over the capital. He came to visit you. This time was different, this time he brought you flowers, not just any flowers that he often gave you. These were the flowers native to your homeplanet. He explained he had some work to do there, and might as well give these flowers to you, since he knows that they are dear to you. Thank you, Thrawn. you said as tears were forming in your eyes. You quickly ran inside and put them in a vase before jumping in Thrawn’s speeder. 
Then, as per usual, he took you out for dinner first, continued by walking you to his hotel suite that he rented for the night. That was before everything snowballed into the unholy amount of things you both did in that hotel room.
He sent me 'Downtown Lights' I hadn't heard it in a while
Out of all of the people in this entire universe, you are with him. Laying in bed with him, receiving tender kisses throughout your delicate body. His finger tracing every inch of your skin. Stay the night with me, Thrawn. You begged. He murmured something that wasn't basic. You did not understand him at all, but his body language said it all. 
He could not stay. 
He pulled you closer and murmured something else, kissed you on the forehead. Your peace was disturbed by a chime from his comm. The chime turns out to be an emergency call. Earlier to that he thought he could stay with you for at least another hour. However, that plan was cut short. He got up, tidied himself and in a blink of an eye, he is gone yet again.
Your thoughts came rushing through your head like a gust of wind, as tears started forming in your eyes. Could we ever be more than this? You sobbed softly to the empty room. From the kisses he gave you, to all the good times you both had, to flowers he gave you from your homeplanet. 
Could Thrawn and you be more than this?
Am I allowed to cry?
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r0guedr0id · 10 months
Sweet Potato
Modern AU Firefighter Din Djarin x GN!Reder
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Summary: You move to your new apartment and meet your new neighbours.
Warnings: Fluff!!!, Meet Cute Trope, Gender Neutral Reader, no y/n, Mentions of food and eating, This is literally the most SFW piece I’ve written ever, Good Dad Din Djarin!!!, But also stressed!
Words: 1336
A/N: This is just a little one shot for you to enjoy as I enjoy sweet potato! I wrote it to celebrate I’m getting my own place finally, one step further from my abusive family, so this is practically autobiographical lol. Anyway, life has been hectic and I felt a little blocked with The Unknown Regions IV, since smut is coming and I want it to feel natural between Din and Reader, but things are finally flowing. Let me know if you like this little self-indulgent piece! The lovely dividers are from @saradika by the way!!!
Edit: I added a moodboard hehehe
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You had just moved to your new apartment on the outskirts of the city. Aspiring to be a cosmopolitan girl all your life, you had finally surrendered to your true nature: you craved a quiet existence. Luckily, after some searching your friend Martha had made you an offer you couldn't reject. She'd lend her spare flat to you at an affordable price if you could keep an eye on her grandma, who lived next door. The woman was a kind, sassy 80-year-old lady and you adored her, so it was a win-win situation for you.
After a busy day of moving boxes around with the help of your friends, you (and your plants) were finally settled. With a content sigh, you collapsed on the sofa, looking at the strip of blue sea that was visible from your new balcony. You smiled toothyly, proud of yourself. Finally, you broke free from your family and achieved having your own space.
The morning after you were sitting in your elder neighbour's kitchen with a warm cup of coffee between your hands. Violet, that was her name, was delighted with having you there. She had shown you all the pictures of her grandkids before breakfast and now you were chatting about which plants you could add to your new house.
“Let me give you a piece of this one, if you put it in water, the roots will be out in a week.”
You grabbed the tiny branch and tucked it in carefully.
“I have something for you too!” From inside your tote bag, you took out a paper bag that contained Violet's favorite sweet potato pie. Her face lightened up and she took one serving. But just when she was going to have the first bite, someone knocked on the door. Who could be this early in the morning?
“Oh, maybe it's Din,” Violet said casually and started standing up from the chair. You had no idea who that was but followed her to the door. People trying to scam the elderly had been sadly a common thing in the previous months.
“Good morning sweetheart!” She greeted them when the door was finally opened, and someone responded with the cutest coo. A kid? You couldn't see anything, since the old lady had the entrance only half opened.
“Morning Violet.” That was the most beautiful baritone voice you had ever heard. “Grogu, be polite, that's her pie.”
“There's more inside if he wants one.” You poked from behind your friend's white locks with a friendly smile and finally met with the stranger's eyes. And what a beautiful pair of eyes. His chocolate irises went from Violet to you alternatively and his brows frowned with a silent question. Din knew you weren't her grandkid and was aware of scammers too. Who were you?
“This is our new neighbor, Martha's friend. Just moved in yesterday.” The lady introduced you to Din and the man relaxed a bit, but you were more tense than ever. He was like a dream. Lean and muscular, tattooed arms and the softest looking face. You could sense his gaze scanning you, as if evaluating if you were a threat or not when something grabbed the hem of your clothes.
“Eh?” The biggest pair of eyes returned your look from the floor and you felt you were gonna die from the cuteness.
“Hello little man, are you here for your pie?” The child cooed enthusiastically and Din sighed in defeat. You crouched to be closer to the kid's height, dumbfounded by the little one. He chirped, visibly delighted, but then looked at the older man for approval. Violet was laughing softly at the scene, knowing how much Grogu enjoyed food.
“I'm sorry to interrupt your breakfast,” Din said, shifting his weight while looking at how you made funny faces to the kid. “The fire station just called, there's a big emergency, I'm on duty and they need backup and…”
“Of course, he can stay with us!” Violet interrupted with a dismissive gesture and Din's shoulders visibly relaxed. The kid looked delighted at the prospect and made grabby hands to be picked up by you. You indulged in his petition, obviously.
“Thank you so much, Violet, I'll compensate you.” Din looked at the kid in your arms still hesitant. You were a total stranger but he looked like Grogu already trusted you. And you were Violet's friend too.
“I have a lot of experience with kids, I'll take care of him as my own.” Your kind face convinced him and finally Din nodded. Then, to your surprise, he touched his forehead with Grogu's and he was suddenly so close you could smell his shampoo and the aftershave he used to keep that nice mustache.
“Be polite with them kid.” Grogu giggled and grabbed Din's face with his claws in a sweet embrace. Your heart melted at the tender gesture. It was clear they loved each other a lot, even though you didn't know if they were related or not.
“He's an angel,” Violet responded, caressing the kid's fuzzy head. “But I need you to do something in exchange for keeping an eye on him, son.”
“Whatever you need Violet,” Din responded surprised. The old woman grinned mischievously and then went inside the house. Grogu then surprised yourself to death jumping to the floor and following her.
“Does he…make that a lot?” You asked Din, confused about how such a small kid could manage that jump. Now alone with his caretaker, you felt your nerves growing in your belly. He was handsome and also imposing.
“You can't imagine.” He rolled his eyes and let a tired sigh escape his plump lips and you laughed. It was going to be an interesting day in Grogu's company. “It's so kind of you to visit Violet.” He declared after a short silence. You looked at him wondering what he was referring to. “She's been so lonely since her husband's illness. It's sweet.” He added the last phrase almost muttering and without looking at you. So the big man was shy.
“I enjoy her company, I'm glad we are neighbors now and we can hang out more often.” You offered him a wide, sincere smile.
“I'm glad too.” He responded after licking his lips, his big brown eyes now fixated on yours.
“Here you have, you weren't gonna leave without some sweet potato pie!” You didn't notice when Violet had returned, that's how distracted you were with the new neighbor. She had packed some of the pie you had baked for her and now was handing it to Din in a container. You observed that Grogu was already having his fill, stuffing his little mouth while grabbing the lady's skirt.
For the first time, you saw him smile. The warmth of his expression was contagious and you noticed the cute dimple in his cheek.
“This was the condition to take care of Grogu?” He said accepting the gift.
“Exactly. I'm sure you haven't had breakfast. Am I wrong?” Din looked somewhere else in shame, totally guilty. “And I love the pie, but this time she has baked too much to my poor sugar levels, sorry sweetie.” She apologized but then winked at you. What was she plotting?
“You baked it? That's incredible.” Now your face was red and you started to pick what Violet's intentions were. “Grogu seems to love the pie.” The kid cooed agreeing, his tiny clothes covered in crumbs. He was too adorable to be true.
Din's phone interrupted the conversation and with a concerned look, he gestured to the stairs. Violet just told him to leave with her and Grogu and you waved at the firefighter. You then crouched again to speak to the toddler.
“Let's go, little man, we're having lots of fun.” And you did, indeed.
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That day in the fire station, everyone had a bite of your delicious sweet potato pie, and Din was forced to talk about the new lovely neighbour who had baked it. They wouldn’t stop teasing, but all he could think was in seeing you again, the sweet potato neighbour.
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himbeereule · 4 months
Hello! I just read the demo. I loved it!! I'm excited to read the remaining parts of this prologue. By the way, I'm surprised at the trouble you took with the reactions to MC's attractiveness. Depending on our appearance will there be an important impact on history?
Anyway, thanks for the demo! I loved everything ❤️❤️❤️
Ehmm I have quite a few questions: 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
1 - Why is MC so popular? What is the reputation of the siblings among the people?
2 -Is there any reason why the empress is so absent in the lives of her children?
3 - Who besides the emperor and brother knows about Lebedev's incident with f! MC?
4- Will there be a funeral for the royal family?
5- I just love Lavrentiy. It seems like he was jealous (?), although he equally loved MC
6 - What were the last thoughts of MC's family before being executed? Will we see more of them in the future?
7 -How did other monarchies react to this "revolution"?
8- How rich/relevant is Nevtskiya in the world? And it has great military power? Besides agriculture, is there any other important sector for the economy? Can we promote the development of the country?
9 - What is the standard of living of the general population?
10 -Will there be much difference in the story of a male or female MC?
11 - What religion does the country have?
12 - Were there many other popular protests in the past?
PS we are lucky that the rebels didn't leave MC's body hanging or decapitated in some public place haha
About the attractiveness: there will be scenes like the ones with Sabilov where it'll play a role, but it won't have a really important impact on the story overall.
1- MC is popular because the newspapers pushed them as a celebrity. As for why they did that... you'll have to find out eventually. As for the siblings: Artemiy is revered as the Crown Prince, but he's a pretty distant figure, so it's more formal than personal popularity. Lavrentiy is very controversial due to his escapades (you'll learn more about that). Sasha/Tasha is very private and mostly unknown among the public.
2- This'll be expanded upon in the scenes with your siblings I'm planning to add to the Prologue - basically, she realized the person she married (arranged marriage, but initially she was very happy with it) was an absolute asshole. So she ended up getting the kind of depression where you isolate yourself from everyone and everything.
3- Nobody, though at least one person is guaranteed to find out. Towards the end of the story, though.
4- No. You'll see why later...
5- I said it before, but I'm super happy people liked Lavrentiy. I hope his additional scenes will cement his image of "would actually be lovely if he stopped being so mean"
6- Can't answer, spoilers ^^"
7- There won't be intervention armies, but they see it as a prime opportunity to expand their influence. Whether you'll let them sponsor you or your enemies at the cost of getting dependent and owing favours will be a major decision later on.
8- Nevetskiya is huge, and old, but that's pretty much it. It's a regional power, too far behind in economy, society and technology to really contend with any of the great powers - but it is still counted among them. Industrialization is already beginning to happen, hence the revolution, and its development will be a factor in the story and especially the gameplay.
9- For the nobility - extremely high. For the clergy and the emerging traders and industrialists - pretty high. For the accountants, bureaucrats and landowners - okay. For the peasants and workers (which is almost the entire population) - abysmal.
10- There will be some exclusive story arcs for all genders.
11- I haven't really touched on religion yet, as of now it's just a vague polytheistic copy of the Orthodox Church. I'll develop its lore more once it comes up in the story.
12- Yes, there were peasant revolts every one or two years, but they were quickly and brutally suppressed.
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random-kazakh-stuff · 11 months
Okay so one of the symbols of modern Kazakhstan's independence is Altyn Adam - Golden Man*(as in person).
Altyn adam refers to an artefact that was found 1970 in Issyk kurgan(burial)*.
It looks like this(id in the end of the post and in alt):
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It is actually quite interesting how the artefact was found.
In 1968 the town Issyk became a town and wanted to develop. However, they needed experts to first check that there are no historical sites, which is what they did. For all of 1969 they were carefully uncovering he kurgan, and in 1970 they finally opened it.
It was empty. The place had signs that it has been robbed several times before.
One archeologist, Bekmuhanbet Nurmuhanbetov*, decided to check some 30-40 meters away, and found a side-burial which was left untouched since 6-5th century BC.
They found so many artefacts that listing them all here would be quite difficult.
What I would like to mention though is who was buried here:
Gender is unknown*, but the age is around late teens(16-18)
The person that was buried here was most likely to be a child of some kind of tribe leader, because their burial is smaller than the main one.
About the tribe! The burial probably belonged to Saka tribes. Saka people might relate to Scythians(they are probably part of the same cultural group?)* *. Anyways this particular kurgan was made by Tigraxauda people. Their name derives from persian and means. Pointy hats........
The golden armor is probably more ritualistic(haven't seen it in direct text sorry) than anything because the golden pieces of armor are wood covered in golden leaf. The helmet is made from golden plates though.
There are actually some interesting thing that are present on the helmet. By that I mean the arrows, which are said to symbolise 4 parts of the world. There are also multiple animals* on it. As a whole the costume consists of 4000 golden pieces.
And finally, Why is it so important?
Well to answer this question, you should know USSR's relationship with history and how is was teached in Kazakhstan specifically: mainly, world history through the lense of revolution and how Kazakhstan just sorta became part of USSR after it was Russian Empire's colony*. Nothing before that as people that lived on this land.
Which led to a very hard situation after the independency was gained because well. The majority of people were Kazakhs, but a lot of culture and identity was lost. And part of it was history.
So an artefact this old brings a sense of legitimacy. It also doesn't hurt that it's pretty.
ID and notes under cut
[ID: Armor on a mannequin in a museum setting standing above camera. The mannequin is wearing long-sleeved jacket which is a mix of red fabric and triangular golden pieces. The same pattern is on its boots. The pants are made from a red fabric. It is wearing a very large conical headpiece almost as tall as its chest(40cm). It is very pointy. The headpiece has 4 golden arrows and some animal ornaments on it. The figure has a bow and and an arrow in its hands, and a sheath for sword and another weapon on its belt. It is also wearing a red cape just reaching its thighs. ]
* Actually there are several artefacts like this! Around 6 or so which were found in different regions at different time. All of them are called golden men, just the place that varies. This one is Issyk's Golden Man. Some of them are actually made from solid gold and not gold leaf which I find fascinating.
* Ok so kurgan is used interchangeably here with burial. And in a way kurgan is a burial. It is also in a way like a pyramid? There are things left for the dead so they can carry them to the afterlife, but the kurgan itself is built a bit in and above ground. The rooms are made from logs, and then covered with dirt to create mounds. I also heard that a herd of horses would run it over a bunch of times to set the earth.
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*Full name Bekmuhanbet Nurmuhanbetov Nurmuhanbetovich. He eventually organized a museum for the kurgans he found. He died in 2016, at the age of 81, and for some reason he has "Bekem-aĝa"(aĝa means older brother, uncle just an older friendly male figure) as his pseudonym on his Wiki.
*Actually Saka seem to had been pretty great about equality. There is also a very cool story about their female chief Tomiris.
*Historical records about nomadic people come exclusively from settled ones. Because a lot of stuff they would probably write on(despite the claims about lack of writing system) would't have survived because you know. Nomads.
*Haven't mentioned it in the post but sometimes Saka people are called ancestors of Kazakh people and uhhhh. They are probably more related to modern Europeans than to us. They still had similar lifestyle and lived on this land though. And they were more mixed than anything because you know, race is bullshit.
* Oh also fun fact one of the animals is a tulpar which is a horse with wings. The same mythical animal is present on Kazakhstan's official coat of arms.
*should I keep making these notes? because I feel they might take away from the flow of the text, and some details are simply not that important or I cannot convey them properly. so. what do you think?
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azullumi · 2 years
can you do some headcannons of spending your time w/ tighnari? like helping him with his studies and helping him pick flowers!!
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summary — your alone time with tighnari rarely comes and when it does, the two of you always spend it wisely and it's at these rare moments that you'll learn to cherish every single bit with him.
pairing — tighnari/gender-neutral reader
tags — fluff, established relationship; headcanons
word count — 931
a/n — i'm having a fried brain as i wrote this with heavy eyes but like i really wanted to write
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Your alone time with Tighnari rarely comes and when it does, the two of you always spend it wisely especially when he’s often busy with his work. This sometimes leads to the two of you searching for ways to spend time together instead of waiting for that said opportunity to come. Even when it’s just in the small and short moments that you two could spend, you’ll cherish it greatly. 
“Do you have some time?”
“If it’s for you, of course. Although, I can only give you a short amount of time as I still have other duties to finish, is that fine?”
Oftentimes, you’ll accompany him while he’s out—only when he lets you and he’s not going somewhere dangerous like an area of withering or venturing out in unknown regions of the forest because he was notified of dangers lurking in that said place. He’ll let you come with him as he looks for new species of plants or just picking for some herbs and flowers, always teaching you about everything that he knows about what you saw or just anything that you’ll ask.
He’ll tell you about the Dos and Don’ts of certain things, greatly emphasizing on what to not eat and avoid smelling so you don’t end up putting your life at risk and him having to worry about your safety. He educates you about the poisonous plants that are commonly found in the forest and animals that you must avoid at all cost. He’s particular and strict but you understand because everything is just for your own protection since the forest could be an enemy to those who are a stranger to it.
“You should never— and when I say never, it’s really never—never ever eat that no matter how hungry you are.”
“Whenever that plant is in its activated state, avoid inhaling its scent.”
New knowledge about your environment always comes whenever you’ll go out with him and it’s not like you mind because it helps you in becoming more familiar with your surroundings and knowing everything that you need. Tighnari has a lot to tell you, especially about what he has learned as he is willing to share them as long as you are also willing to listen. He often helps you in your studies when you need it and alternatively, if he ever needs help about something that you are knowledgeable about, he will not hesitate to seek out for you.
“(Name), are you free? Can I ask for help over here?”
The two of you have a small garden built and made together and only you and him are allowed to access that. It is where you grow some crops and tend to flora and botany. You could say that its convenience is great as Tighnari could easily research and study about some plants on a much closer range and he could even grow some of them too.
The garden is never neglected as it is also where you spend some time together especially during the morning when you two are watering the plants, tending to the crops, picking out the weeds, cleaning up, and everything. Although it can be exhausting right after.
When he’s studying and doing some sort of research, trying to finish it up in one sitting, you’ll prepare some snacks for him and make sure that he’s not forgetting to take some rest in between. When he does take a break, he’ll ask you to come over to his direction and once you do, he’ll just either hug you as you sit on his lap or hold your hand with the excuse of energizing himself and honestly, it’s such a cute excuse.
However, your time with him isn’t just spent on learning, picking flowers, and studying. When either of you two or just the both of you are tired and need some rest, your time will be spent sleeping together while cuddling. He’ll hold you near him, the space between you just nonexistent as he wrapped his arms around you nicely and not tightly so as to not accidentally suffocate you. He mostly prefers it when your back is facing him and he’s hugging you from the behind because he gets to smell the scent of your hair and feel you much closer to him.
When time would even allow, he’ll take you out on a date that he has planned and that date isn’t just going out of the forest but is instead going to the city and having a meal together in a place that he booked a reservation for. He has a romantic meal prepared just for you two, having yours and his favorite foods prepared and in addition, he also has a bouquet of your favorite flower ready.
But not every date is planned. Sometimes, it’s just something that happens or came up on a whim, something that you just suddenly decided on when the two of you are together and had nothing to do. These types of dates involve going to an area with a magnificent view and where you can also watch the sunset while having a small picnic, going down the river and playing in the water with him, or it could be stargazing on a high place while laying down the grass.
There are multiple means that you can spend time with him, time that you always seek out and memories that you create together, and even if it’s just the most silent moments with nothing but the presence of one another, he’ll cherish and hold it closely to his heart.
— navigation | masterlist
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koijikido · 5 months
Koiji Kido
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Nickname: Koi Age: 46 Nameday: 15. Sun in 3. Astral Moon (15. May) Race: Viera - Veena Gender: male Orientation: gay Profession: wood warder, dancer, bard
P h y s i c a l A p p e a r a n c e
Hair: medium length, snow white, fluffy Eyes: sky blue Skin: lighter soft skin Tattoos/Scars: white moon and star syombols
F a m i l y
Parents: unknown - his tribe had the tradition to not tell directly about mother and father, they were more raised like a bunch of kiddos, all on same levels with same bondings to others.
S k i l l s
Abilities: subtle • diplomatic • good-natured • combative • intelligent • orientation and survival in the wilderness • strong against cold • can hide very well especially in snow regions • music • dance
T r a i t s
Most positive trait: will helpy anyone who needs his help. Is a very bright soul that wants to spread positive vibes to others and get them some energy and smiles!
Most negative trait: He has a very twisted fiew on fear (not when others fear something but he himself) and how to deal with it or how to show it. This comes from his growing up in his tribe and how they thought them to view and deal with it.
L i k e s
Colours: blue, green Smells: fresh scents, wood, nature, fruity and citrus fragrances Textures: soft and elegant textures are his favourite! Drinks: lemon or lime tea or lemonade, coffee with a hint vanilla
O t h e r D e t a i l s
Smokes: no Drinks: now and then Drugs: none Mount Issuance: He is using different mounts, but his beloved Chocobo Tayo will always be with him! Been arrested: Nope
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There you go! thank you for tagging me @zerelth & @ishgard! Sorry for the wait, I finally have time to answer it! 😁
Tagging @avirael , @gazihsah , @orion-bun , @pettyeti , @raenyr-nodea , @snotsloth , @shibaikyatto , @this-is-ris , @moonmoon-ren , @ilbers , @thewordkeep-ffxiv
I'm tagging also anyone who wants to do it, show me your OC's! 💕
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mariacallous · 9 months
In 2024, increased adoption of biometric surveillance systems, such as the use of AI-powered facial recognition in public places and access to government services, will spur biometric identity theft and anti-surveillance innovations. Individuals aiming to steal biometric identities to commit fraud or gain access to unauthorized data will be bolstered by generative AI tools and the abundance of face and voice data posted online.
Already, voice clones are being used for scams. Take for example, Jennifer DeStefano, a mom in Arizona who heard the panicked voice of her daughter crying “Mom, these bad men have me!” after receiving a call from an unknown number. The scammer demanded money. DeStefano was eventually able to confirm that her daughter was safe. This hoax is a precursor for more sophisticated biometric scams that will target our deepest fears by using the images and sounds of our loved ones to coerce us to do the bidding of whoever deploys these tools.
In 2024, some governments will likely adopt biometric mimicry to support psychological torture. In the past, a person of interest might be told false information with little evidence to support the claims other than the words of the interrogator. Today, a person being questioned may have been arrested due to a false facial recognition match. Dark-skinned men in the United States, including Robert Williams, Michael Oliver, Nijeer Parks, and Randal Reid, have been wrongfully arrested due to facial misidentification, detained and imprisoned for crimes they did not commit. They are among a group of individuals, including the elderly, people of color, and gender nonconforming individuals, who are at higher risk of facial misidentification.
Generative AI tools also give intelligence agencies the ability to create false evidence, like a video of an alleged coconspirator confessing to a crime. Perhaps just as harrowing is that the power to create digital doppelgängers will not be limited to entities with large budgets. The availability of open-sourced generative AI systems that can produce humanlike voices and false videos will increase the circulation of revenge porn, child sexual abuse materials, and more on the dark web.
By 2024 we will have growing numbers of “excoded” communities and people—those whose life opportunities have been negatively altered by AI systems. At the Algorithmic Justice League, we have received hundreds of reports about biometric rights being compromised. In response, we will witness the rise of the faceless, those who are committed to keeping their biometric identities hidden in plain sight.
Because biometric rights will vary across the world, fashion choices will reflect regional biometric regimes. Face coverings, like those used for religious purposes or medical masks to stave off viruses, will be adopted as both fashion statement and anti-surveillance garments where permitted. In 2019, when protesters began destroying surveillance equipment while obscuring their appearance, a Hong Kong government leader banned face masks.
In 2024, we will start to see a bifurcation of mass surveillance and free-face territories, areas where you have laws like the provision in the proposed EU AI Act, which bans the use of live biometrics in public places. In such places, anti-surveillance fashion will flourish. After all, facial recognition can be used retroactively on video feeds. Parents will fight to protect the right for children to be “biometric naive”, which is to have none of their biometrics such as faceprint, voiceprint, or iris pattern scanned and stored by government agencies, schools, or religious institutions. New eyewear companies will offer lenses that distort the ability for cameras to easily capture your ocular biometric information, and pairs of glasses will come with prosthetic extensions to alter your nose and cheek shapes. 3D printing tools will be used to make at-home face prosthetics, though depending on where you are in the world, it may be outlawed. In a world where the face is the final frontier of privacy, glancing upon the unaltered visage of another will be a rare intimacy.
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mulberryasher · 4 months
[Fanservant] Cuauhtémoc
I hope you guys like my first servant oc and also if you do comment below. Also, like and share this post with other media (Reddit, Twitter, instagram, Pixiv and etc.) for my support and can continue to post more like this post. You can also spread and be creative with this servant oc. Thank you. :)
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Japanese Name: (クアウテモック)
Class: Saber
AKA: Cuauhtemotzín, Guatémuz, Last Aztec Emperor, Ruler of Tlatelolco, cuauhtlatoani, Hero of Unyielding Jade, Guatémuz the Valor, Cuauhtémoc the water sun
Cuauhtémoc, who fought the Spanish to the best of her ability, is considered a hero who defended her homeland from these conquerors, a symbol of valor. As she continued to protect her homeland, time came slowly like a fading sun; she wanted to save her people and homeland, but the Spanish executed her at the end of her life.
In historical records, Cuauhtémoc is a male, but she disguises herself as a male.
Bond 1:
Height/Weight: 154cm, 42kg
Origin: Historical Fact,
Region: Aztec civilization, Mexico
Alignment: Lawful-Good
Gender: Female
After pretending to be a man, she doesn't know how to react to affection.
Bond 2:
An Aztec Emperor who wants to bring peace and see her people's smiling faces when she becomes the emperor after the latest Aztec emperor in Tenochtitlan. It is known more as Mexico-Tenochtitlan during her time. She is a lovely and calm person who sincerely wants to change Mexico-Tenochtitlan for her people before Hernán Cortés, the conquistador who would later destroy the Aztec empire. She has an elegant, beautiful lady aura, and even when she talks to others, she is cheerful and exciting even though she has knowledge of the modern from the throne of heroes.
Bond 3:
After the death of the latest Emperor, Cuauhtémoc decided to protect her people and land. She opposed Montezuma's plan to allow them into Tenochtitlan and fought fiercely against them when she replaced Montezuma. Her unfailing distrust and hatred of the Spanish helped her rise to the position of Tlatoani upon the death of Cuitlahuac. There were no records of her fighting the war, but her extraordinary leadership and selfless defense of her homeland were. In her childhood, she witnessed the bloody battles of Aztec warfare since the Aztecs waged war to reap tribute and take captives for religious sacrifices. They were also given to Aztec society so victorious Aztec warriors could receive high honors. She wants to bring peace without violence and create a homeland of smiles.
Since Cuauhtemoc was not recorded in history until her reign as emperor, her date of birth is unknown. As the oldest legitimate daughter of Emperor Ahuitzotl, she probably attended the last New Fire ceremony to mark the start of a new 52-year cycle. In 1515, she was named ruler of Tlatelolco, with the title cuauhtlatoani, meaning "eagle ruler," after concealing herself as a male to enter the boy school and military service. She works hard to reach her position of rulership since Cuauhtemoc pretends to be a male of high birth and a warrior who has captured enemies for sacrifice because she prefers death to be their hands. She even earns a name known as Guatemuz from the Spanish conquistadors.
Bond 4:
Mana Burst (Water): EX She was blessed by the goddess of water and given the divine water that rivaled the fifth Sun of his power—the discharge of magical energy in liquid form. Having her Noble Phantasm concealed, her magic energy nature is established as water by the divine aura that emanates from it. Divine water increases its rank.
The embodiment of Mexico-Tenochtitlan: EX She is an emperor who wants to protect her homeland and wants to change Mexico-Tenochtitlan to bring peace. Her leadership path and unyielding will are refusing to surrender and wishing to save Mexico-Tenochtitlan.
Blessing of the Fifth Sun: B Even though tortured and captured, she refused to surrender, and some sources said, "Our Sun has gone from our vision and will remain in Mictian, the place where the spirits repose." She believes that Huitzilopochtli will guide Mexico-Tenochtitlan and the people who will survive, and one day, someone will bring her homeland peace to the people's future.
Bond 5:
『Inner World Chālchihuitl Blade』
Rank: A++
NP Type: Anti-Fortress
Sword of Jade
A weapon not forged by man nor divine was forged within the Inner Sea of the Planet. A Noble Phantasm that can rival Holy Sword Excalibur. A sword that is forged by the world from stores of many unknown weaponry that have yet to be discovered from the current time.
『The Fifth Sun Storm 』
Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Unit / Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 0-10
Maximum Targets: 1-20 people
This Noble Phantasm unleashes five slashes at once. This ability's fearsome power combines the five Suns of the Aztec gods into one Sun to become a rainstorm of blood that can rival Huitzilopochtli, who was honored above all in Tenochtitlan as the patron god of the Aztecs. While it is an Anti-Unit technique, it is so powerful that the surrounding area gets caught in the blast. (Naturally, its strength lessens when used as an Anti-Army technique.)
“Soy la uno como el sol, blessed by the given divine of the inner sea jade…May this sun become water, may the water become the blood of my people's death, SANGRE DEL QUINTO SOL CHALCHIUHTLICUE!”
Known to the Spanish conquistadors as Guatemuz, he was the last Mexica tlahtoani of Mexico-Tenochtitlan. He assumed power in 1520, one year before Hernán Cortés and his troops captured Tenochtitlan. Cuauhtémoc, son of Ahuízotl and cousin of Moctezuma Xocoyotzin and Tecuichpo, when she reached nubility. He took power in Tenochtitlan after the conquistadors had already left, but famine, smallpox, and a lack of potable water had devastated the city. Cuauhtémoc arrived at this moment after having been tlakatekohtli (chief of arms) of the resistance to the conquistadors since the death of Moctezuma before the call by the Spanish "Sad Night," he has been identified as a military leader of the Mexicas.
Driven by his foresight and belief in the Mexicas' resilience, Cuauhtémoc orchestrated the reorganization of the Mexica army, the reconstruction of the city, and its fortification in preparation for the inevitable conflict with the Spaniards. He tactfully dispatched ambassadors to neighboring towns, seeking alliances and reducing their contributions, displaying his astute leadership.
After eighty days of warfare against the Spanish, Cuauhtémoc called for reinforcements from the countryside to help defend Tenochtitlán. The surviving Tenochcas sought refuge in Tlatelolco, where even women participated in the battle. Only Tlatelolcas remained loyal, and even women took part in the battle. As he and his family fled Tenochtitlán by crossing Lake Texcoco, Cuauhtémoc was captured on August 13, 1521.
Tragically, when confronted by the conqueror, Cuauhtémoc, pointing to the dagger on his belt, requested to be slain with it. Unable to defend his city and vassals, he chose to meet his end at the hands of the invader. This act, viewed as a sacrifice to the gods, was a poignant testament to the depth of his loyalty and the anguish of his defeat. According to duplicate Spanish accounts, Cortés declined the offer and treated his adversary with magnanimity. The brave warrior defended the capital, he claimed. Even an enemy in a Spaniard's eyes is worthy of respect. The end of his life can't help but feel a deep sympathy and sorrow for Cuauhtémoc's tragic fate.
Cuauhtémoc's death was not of interest to Cortés at that time. As a subsidiary of Emperor Carlos V and Cortés, he preferred to use his dignity before the Mexicas as Tlatoani. As part of the city's cleaning and restoration work, which occurred in the months following the conquest, Cuauh émoc took advantage of his initiative and power to secure the Mexica's cooperation. However, due to what the Spanish perceived as 'greedy Spanish stewardship and distrust of the Spaniards,' the last Mexica tlatoani was tortured and killed by Cortés.
Artotria Pendragon: “Altria…Wait, King of Knights. It is an honor to meet an ideal king. Ufufu, this is exciting. I hope she and I can have lunch together and get along as friends.
EMIYA (Archer), MORARSEU (Caster)(OC): "The red archer and the black caster both end up with the same fate but for different reasons. I could be their big sister and help them out! Also, I CAN HELP COOKING DINNER!"
Huitzilopochtli (Saber) (OC): "HUITZILOPOCHTI! I am your biggest fan, and I pray you can guide my people after the Spanish conquistadores. Sorry, this is out of character. It is just a big honor to meet our Sun of Mexico-Tenochtitlan. I am a bit surprised that you are different from what I hear.?? So you were summoned with a human male vessel. Still, it is a great honor to meet you. I mess up again!"
Tezcatlipoca: "...The black Sun, I don't like him. He is very selfish, and I hope he doesn't start a war because just because if he got into a fight with his other siblings. It will be another destructive battle."
Kukulkan: "The evil serpent, be careful, Master! Wait, what? She is not evil but a good serpent? Is she the sixth Sun, then? Sun of a lostbelt? Then, sorry for my attitude. If she is a lostbelt version, she differs from the Pan-human history. Maybe that's why my Noble Phantasm is acting up because of the merge with another God…. It's nothing, Master."
Quetzalcoatl: "ehh, Quetalcoatl? The Feathered Serpent. I thought you were a male god, but it seems you were summoned with the female vessel."
Tenochtitlan: "An embodiment of the city of Tenochtitlan before known as Mexico-Tenochtitlan. Our people indeed love our homelands. Am glad I meet you, Meztliapan. Then, let's be friends; I hope we can get along very well, and I can also help you introduce other servants!"
Gilgamesh (Archer): "Gilgamesh? Is he known as the King of Heroes? Why does he look at my Macuahuitl? He seems very mad and confused."
Yamato Takeru: "Takeru-san is a good person. We have some common interests, like blessing by divine water and sharing our favorite foods. I LOVE RICE BALL AND RAMAN! Takeru-san shares lovely, delicious food with me."
Castoria: "It's Altria-kun. She is a fun and energetic person. She is teaching me what magecraft is. She is fun to spend time with, and when it comes to food, I share my favorite food."
Uesugi Kenshin: "Kenshin is playful when we sparring. We play along well, but she seems to have lost something of herself. Even though I have the god-like power of my blade that rivals Huitzilopochtli's power, I want to help her in any way I can, not just to sympathize with her. But as a friend."
Something you Like: "My homeland, family and the people of Mexico-Tenochtitlan. I love food! My favorite is tamales of salsa verde con queso and Enchiladas Rojas with lettuce and cheese. It's yummy when I think about it. Sorry for my attitude, Master."
Something you Hate: "What do I hate? I hate Spanish, especially Hernán Cortés. My people and the latest Emperor were just too nice. The Spaniards' greed ruined my people and homeland."
About the Holy Grail: "The Holy Grail that can grant wishes, it is good but is not something I don't want. I accept my past and my actions. I want to see someone who one day brings peace to the people of my homeland."
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silverslates · 22 days
@pokemon-oc-tournament Submission!!
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Nebula, the Umbreon
Nebula is normally seen by themselves, and is normal to feel cold- not just personality-wise, but also to the touch. They normally will stick with one or two others at most, preferring not the be in a crowd. Nebula is an introverted character btw :3
As Nebula is an umbreon, they would need to keep Dark typing, but I wanted to move a bit closer to a spacey character, so I decided on more of a Ghost or Water typing for them!
Nebula commonly uses if they were gendered; She and Them most commonly, but well, that doesn't matter too much right now- also silly girlie fren >:3
Back when Nebula was an eevee, they commonly went by Nebu, or Leia. (Star Wars reference hehe) Also, they lived in a group with all of the families working together to help everyone, so all of them would help out, all of them would have a mouth to feed, and all of them would stay busy- keeping everything together.
Nebula's siblings Zora and Mink were both very dear to her, and they were all commonly together, until Zora- he evolved into a Vaporeon and left the group to adventure in the seas, and Mink was caught, and unknown to all, became a Flareon. That really doesn't work name-wise lol-
As both of Nebula's sibling left- she was alone with nobody their age to talk with- so she was left to her own devices when it came to tasks, and the free time that felt so boring and long.
This for the most part changed when Nebula evolved to an Umbreon, and she was finally able to leave the family home, going off on their own to visit the world, meeting her one and only, Golden, a strangely colored Leafeon. They would both journey the region together, and end up falling in love over time.
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As shown in her design, Nebula has wings!! They are on the smaller side, but still work, letter her fly across areas, and glide easily- also being feathered for less weight/being less heavy.
Her tail also happens to be wisping away, which is a part of her ghastly self, making her able to slightly make herself see-through or unable to be hit, like a reflect, but it goes though you!
As in a normal umbreon too, it's rings/markings on their body will glow under moonlight, also filling it with a mysterious power.
All Pokémon have four/4 moves, so this is Nebula's moveset below:
Confuse ray
Shadow ball
Those are the four I chose, but any others they could learn would probably be Hyper voice or wish.
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It's unfinished, but I edited a sprite to fit her too! :D (haha lol)
A lot of my inspiration was already with shiny Umbreon, as they were already one of my favorite both Pokémon-wise and by variants. I also was inspired by the songs below!:
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ask-mysterious-muses · 8 months
"I'm OK, really!"
Updated character reference for Aevery
UPDATE! Added Mega Keystone Hairclip post ch 15
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Name: Aevery Lumin
Nicknames: Little Dove (Karen), Clover (Marianette), Aev
Age: 10
Residence: Terajuma (Unofficial), League HQ
Gender: Male (He/They)
Orientation: Friend
Occupation: Pokémon Trainer, Interceptor, Ace Commissioner (Unofficial)
Family: (Mom) Nancy [Unknown]
Good Traits: Strong Trainer, Resourceful, Great at making friends
Bad Traits: Can be too trusting or forgiving, Will run head first into danger whether he scared or not, Literally 10, Poor sense of self worth
Interceptor trait: Healing
Likes: Libraries, Adventure, The color green, Shenanigans
Dislikes: Arguments, Betrayal, Death
Extra: Has nightmares that get more frequent and more vivid as his journey goes on. Able to communicate quite well using facial expressions and body language to make up for non speaking, but when he gets real emotional, it's like flipping a switch and all he can do is talk. Started to make more of an attempt to be conversational after a certain Terajuma sidequest.
Main Team:
Echo (Rowlet ☆)
Sylveon (Mom's Sylveon ☆)
Daniel (Chandelure)
Sparks (Boltund)
River (Walking Wake)
Billy (Banette (Can Mega))
Extra Details:
Aevery thought he was just a kid moving to a new region with his mom, looking forward to meeting new friends and pokemon. Now, so much of what he knew was a lie, and he doesnt know exactly who or what he is anymore.
With a journey full of tragedy, miracles, and mystery that gave him more questions than answers, he can only try to keep his head held high with hope that he can save the future for his friends. Even as his own future, and past, become more uncertain, he can't let them know how scared he is.
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chaosintheavenue · 1 year
2023 Fallout OC Census- Results
At long last, it's here! This time, we had 593 usable responses.
(There are a few categories I haven't analysed just yet, which is mostly because I have Ideas for how to display that data. Please stand by…)
Getting right into the numbers...
Fallout (original): 18 Fallout 2: 8 Fallout 3: 59 Fallout New Vegas: 214 Fallout 4: 160 Fallout 76: 28 Fallout Tactics: 2 Van Buren: 13 A spin-off, AU or mod: 14 A TTRPG campaign: 13 Multiple of the above: 41 None, just the Fallout universe: 22
Are they the in-game protagonist?
Yes: 328 No: 203 It's complicated: 61
Unmutated human: 444 Ghoul: 51 Synth: 41 Ghoul-ish: 13 Other mutant: 9 Supernatural/spiritual being: 7 Robot (non-humanoid): 7 Super Mutant: 6 Cyborg/android: 5 Unknown/it's complicated: 2 Other: 7
Definitions of a few categories, just to clarify exactly what's in there:
Ghoul-ish: Refers to all characters who are partially ghoulified, ghoulify during their storylines, and unique characters with primarily ghoul-like traits
Other mutant: Refers to all characters who are specified to have unique mutations from any cause, unless they better fit into the ghoul-ish category. This is a very diverse umbrella category, and in past surveys has included everything from characters specified to have 76-style mutations that basically function as perks, to a character similar in form and nature to the Master
Cis woman/girl: 217 Cis man/boy: 154 Trans man/boy: 76 Nonbinary: 47 Trans woman/girl: 27 Agender: 16 Genderfluid: 7 Genderqueer: 6 Man/boy, unknown or varies if cis or trans: 5 Transfeminine: 3 Bigender: 3 Demigirl: 3 Woman/girl, unknown or varies if cis or trans: 4 Butch: 2 Demigender: 2 Questioning: 2 Intersex: 2 Lesbian: 2 Māhū: 1 Multigender: 1 Queer: 1 Transmasculine: 1 Unlabeled: 1
Bonus answers I enjoyed: [redacted], a man in a certain sense of the word, cat, doesn't care for this, eh, God knows, a link to the Wikipedia page for Stone Butch Blues, it's complicated, man of questionable gender, no gender left beef, lost their gender in the war, people assume she's a woman but she doesn't really care, whatever's funniest, yeah
Where are they from?
In previous OC survey location maps, I've only included a single data point for each character, regardless of how many places they may have connections to. However, this time I've decided to include each place that a character has lived as one data point.
The list of assumptions I use when creating these maps:
Arroyo = Oregon
Mojave Wasteland = Nevada if no more specific locations provided
Capital Wasteland = DC if no more specific locations provided
Vault 101 = DC (I feel like this one isn't geographically accurate, but it's to fit in with the above assumption)
Washington unqualified = Washington state, not DC (even for Fallout 3 characters, especially since I know of a Fallout 3 character who is intended to be from Washington state)
Appalachia = West Virginia unless otherwise specified
NCR = California
Legion territory with no other information given = Arizona (this feels like the biggest generalisation of all to me. Maybe take the Arizona count with a pinch of salt?)
'Near X place' = in the same state as X place
I go by the current fifty US states. No splitting of California or considering Canada to be part of the US
Locations that could not be easily defined or placed in a specific state/country (examples: the US as a general answer, multistate regions of the US, continents, or extraterrestrial locations) have been excluded for the purposes of this map
The map for the US:
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Massachusetts: 104 California: 79 Nevada: 77 DC: 74 Arizona: 32 West Virginia: 25 Texas: 17 Utah: 15 Oregon: 14 Colorado: 13 New Mexico: 7 Virginia: 6 Maine: 6 Idaho: 6 Pennsylvania: 5 Illinois: 3 Washington: 3 Louisiana: 3 Florida: 3 Wyoming: 3 Tennessee: 3 New York: 3 Rhode Island: 2 North Carolina: 2 Minnesota: 2 Vermont: 2 Alaska: 2 Missouri: 2 Nebraska: 2 Michigan: 2 Indiana: 2 Kentucky: 2 Oklahoma: 2 Maryland: 2 Montana: 1 Connecticut: 1 Georgia: 1 New Jersey: 1 Wisconsin: 1
And the map for the rest of the world:
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Canada: 7 Mexico: 7 UK: 7 Russia: 4 China: 2 Australia: 2 France: 2 Brazil: 1 Ireland: 1 Israel: 1 Finland: 1 Germany: 1 Japan: 1 Panama: 1
Further breakdown of characters from the UK: Wales: 4 (…these are all my guys, what can I say?) England: 2 Unspecified: 1
Has this character ever lived in a vault?
Yes: 223 No: 366
Minutemen: 99 Railroad: 86 Followers of the Apocalypse: 80 Brotherhood of Steel: 77 Yes Man/Independent Vegas: 63 NCR: 50 Caesar's Legion: 38 Original faction: 36 Institute: 26 Kings: 16 Great Khans: 14 Nuka-World raiders: 13 Mr House: 13 Raiders in general: 13 Goodneighbor: 11 Enclave: 11 Arroyo: 9 Think Tank/Big MT: 8 Reilly's Rangers: 7 Underworld: 7 Ciphers: 7 (would you believe me if I said the majority here are not mine? XD) Responders: 6 Acadia: 6 New Vegas Strip in general: 6 Lyons' Pride: 5 Children of Atom: 5 Megaton: 5 Gunners: 5 Boomers: 5 Powder Gangers: 5 Cult of the Mothman (all variations): 4 Crimson Caravan: 4 Chairmen: 4 Mojave Express: 4 Necropolis: 3 Shady Sands (pre-NCR): 3 Vault 13: 3 Twin Mothers: 3 Diamond City: 3 Freeside: 3 White Glove Society: 3 Vault-Tec: 3 Bishop family: 3 Regulators: 2 Tunnel Snakes: 2 New Canaan: 2 Gecko: 2 Settlers/Foundation: 2 Abolitionists/Temple of the Union: 2 Galaxy News Radio: 2 80s: 2 Desert Rangers: 2 Unity/Master's Army: 2 Vault 76: 2 US Government: 2 Broken Hills: 2 Sanctuary: 2 Blue Ridge Caravan Company: 2 Goodsprings: 2 Cutthroat raiders: 2 Feral ghouls: 2 Hub: 2 Ghouls in general: 2 Nuka-World in general: 2 Little Lamplight/Big Town: 2
And the list of factions with one response, allegedly for the sake of something called 'brevity': Boulder scientists, Vault City, Littlehorn & Associates, Jacobstown, New Reno, Brotherhood Outcasts, Marked Men, Mole Miners, Treeminders, Forged, Junktown, Triggermen, Free States, Vault 101, Vault 81, Slags, Hubris Comics, Bunker Hill, Rivet City, Van Graffs, Ug-Qualtoth, West Tek, Vault 95, Novac, Atom Cats, The Outer Worlds factions, Commonwealth Super Mutants, caravan companies in general
I was initially planning to include a separate 'ish' category for each faction, to account for characters that are aligned with factions unwillingly/temporarily/out of necessity, but looking at the dataset, that sort of situation was so much more prevalent than I realised and quickly made everything very clunky.
Main approach to problems
Diplomacy: 211 Combat: 147 Stealth: 101 Technical skills: 79 Avoidance: 53
And finally for now- preferred weapon type
Small guns: 191 Melee: 128 Energy weapons: 91 Big guns: 82 Avoids combat altogether: 49 Explosives: 27 Unarmed combat: 24
As always, thank you to everyone who participated and gave me a little information about your OCs! If you'd ever like to talk more about them, my inbox is always open :D. Getting to learn about everyone's brainchildren is definitely my favourite aspect of my tangential foray into the Fallout fandom sphere.
My future plan for this dataset includes… a lot of pie charts, to put it mildly. As I've done for past survey datasets, I'll be compiling pie charts for each question, separating responses by the game that the characters are from, and we'll see if any trends emerge!
32 notes · View notes
yutopia-eleftheria · 1 year
Galarians Headcanons
About their names headcanons : Most of the time, I did the French name combined with the English names. The reason why the French names are before is simply because I am French. If you prefer it the other way around, I don’t mind and I completely understand why.
Note : The Pokémon that are noted in full italics are added and/or imagined by me.
+ I decided to add some nicknames since they grow more attached to their Trainers if they gave them a name.
Note : Galar is the other name for England. “England” as well as “English”, etc... are used by others so people can easily understand what is talked about, but the people that comes from here more commonly used the words “Galar” and “Galarians” to talk about their country/region.  In addition to that, both England towns and Galar towns coexists together. The same works for other regions.
The same things work for :
Unys (Unova) / United States
Kalos / France
Alola / Hawaii
Paldea / Spain
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Victor Giuseppe (surname inspired by the manga) :
Age : 14 years old
Birthday : March 22nd
Zodiac Sign : Aries
Height : 5′1″ (155 cm)
Weight : 110 lbs (50 kg)
Hometown : Unknown 
Place of Residence : Paddoxton (Postwick)
Sexuality : Gray-Sexual
Lover : Tracie Bede (previously Travis)
Future Child : Deeara Giuseppe Bede ♀
First Pokémon : Canarticho de Galar (Galarian Farfetch’d) ♂
Team (from the manga) :
“Lance” Palarticho (Sirfetch’d) ♂
"Stick” Gorythmic (Rillaboom) ♂ 
"Métal” Bétochef (Conkeldurr) ♂
"Évent” Gouroutan (Oranguru) ♂
“Crosse” Mr. Glaquette (Mr. Rime) ♂ 
Shifours (Urshifu ; Water Type) ♂
- Originally not from Galar. After their father left, their mother decided to move to Galar so her parents could grow in a better place.
- He likes to go for a walk in the forest, especially the Slumbering Woods.
- He loves to make curry for his friends and his Pokémon when they go on camping.
- Although he loves his twin sister Gloria, he doesn’t like how often she gets them into trouble. It makes a bit worried for his sister too.
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Gloria Giuseppe :
Age : 14 years old
Birthday : March 22nd
Zodiac Sign : Aries
Height : 5′1″ (154 cm)
Weight : 99 lbs (45 kg)
Hometown : Unknown
Place of Residence : Paddoxton (Postwick)
Sexuality : Gender Neutral Bisexual
Lover : Nabil Hop Landon
Surname after Marriage : Gloria Landon
Future Children : Danaël Landon ♂ & Tender Landon ♂
First Pokémon : Flambino (Scorbunny) ♂
Team (from the manga) :
“Octet” Pyrobut (Cinderace) ♂
“Kilo” Hastacuda ♂
"Tera” Salarsen (Toxtricity ; Low Pitched) ♂
“Peta” Bekaglaçon (Eiscue) ♂
“Giga” Hexadron (Falinks) 
“Méga” Limonde de Galar (Galarian Stunfisk) ♂
- Originally not from Galar. After their father left, their mother decided to move to Galar so her parents could grow in a better place.
- She is a fairly curious girls. She absolutely loves battling other trainers and let’s be honest her : she is a sore loser.
- She had a hard time with Travis, but it gets better as they get to know each other afterwards. They got along better after their transitioning as Tracie.
- She absolutely hates sandstorms. Yup, that’s a fact.
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Nabil Hop Landon :
Age : 13 years old
Birthday : March 2nd
Zodiac Sign : Pisces
Height : 5′3″ (160 cm)
Weight : 121 lbs (55 kg)
Hometown : Paddoxton (Postwick)
Place of Residence : Paddoxton (Postwick)
Sexuality : Non Binary Polysexual
Lover : Gloria Giuseppe
Future Children : Danaël Landon ♂ & Tender Landon ♂
First Pokémon : Moumouton (Wooloo) ♂
Team :
“Fluffsy” Moumouflon (Dubwool) ♂
“Kiki” Gorythmic (Rillaboom) ♂
“Dusk” Corvaillus (Corviknight) ♂ GIGANTAMAX
“Derps” Ronflex (Snorlax) ♂ 
“Boison” Wattapik (Pincurchin) ♀
“Sizzle” Zamazenta
- He is watching literally EVERY battle of his older brother Tarak, and when he missed one, he register the battle to watch it later on.
- He is always seen outside the house, and therefore hates heavy rain as he can’t go outside because of the bad weather.
- He wants to spend more time with his brother.
- His family fully supports him at his new dream of being a Professor Pokémon, and he became Sonya’s assistant. Since Sonya is now officially with Tarak, he finally got to spend more time with his older brother.
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Tarak Leon Landon :
Age : 26 years old
Birthday : November 30th
Zodiac Sign : Sagittarius
Height : 6′0″ (183 cm)
Weight : 170 lbs (77 kg)
Hometown : Paddoxton (Postwick)
Place of Residence : Paddoxton (Postwick) /  Brasswick (Wedgehurst)
Sexuality : Biromantic Demisexual
Lover : Sonya Magnolia
Future Children : Ambrosia Landon ♀, Rose Landon ♀ & Evan Landon ♂
First Pokémon : Charmander (Salamèche) ♂
Team :
“Pyro” Dracaufeu (Charizard) ♂ GIGANTAMAX
“Poséïdon” Lézargus (Inteleon) ♂
“Lancelot” Exagide (Aegislash) ♂ 
“Tusks” Tranchodon (Haxorus) ♀
“Pebble” M. Glaquette (Mr. Rime) ♂
“Jet” Lanssorien (Dragapult) ♂
- No matter what type of clothes he wears, he always  has something that looks like a cape on him.
- He may be the “Undefeated Champion”, but he doesn’t like when the battle is too easy.
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Sonia Magnolia :
Age : 24 years old
Birthday : February 1st
Zodiac Sign : Aquarius
Height : 5′10″ (178 cm)
Weight : 134 lbs (61 kg)
Hometown : Brasswick (Wedgehurst)
Place of Residence : Brasswick (Wedgehurst) /  Paddoxton (Postwick)
Sexuality : Bi-curious
Lover : Tarak Leon Landon
Surname after Marriage : Sonya Landon
Future Children : Ambrosia Landon ♀, Rose Landon ♀ & Evan Landon ♂
First Pokémon : Voltoutou (Yamper) ♀
Team :
“Princess” Voltoutou (Yamper) ♀ (wears a blue dog collar)
“Pixel” Farfaduvet (Whimsicott) ♂
“Nova” Mistigrix (Meowstic) ♀
“Millie” Flotoutan (Simipour) ♀
- She really like history, but when she wants to know it. If someone else, like his grandmother told her about it, she is not ecstatic as when she she decide to learn about it on her own.
- She really likes fashion and looks up to her childhood friend Donna as she became a model.
- As much as she loves Tarak, she absolutely hates when he is lost and she has to find him.
- Her Pokémon likes to tease her by eating and shredding her documents into pieces.
- She is pretty maniac when it comes to her workplace. it better be clean or else she could be very angry.
Professor Magnolia :
Age : 77 years old
Birthday :
Zodiac Sign :
Height : 
Weight :
Hometown : Brasswick (Wedgehurst)
Place of Residence : Brasswick (Wedgehurst)
Sexuality : Heterosexual
Lover : None anymore
Future Children : None. Already has at least one
First Pokémon :
Team :
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Travis (now Tracie) Bede :
Age : 16 years old
Birthday : April 11th
Zodiac Sign : Aries
Height : 5′5″ (165 cm)
Weight : 115 lbs (52 kg)
Hometown : Unknown
Place of Residence : Corrifey (Ballonlea) / Winscor (Wyndon)
Sexuality : Trans Torique
Lover : Victor Giuseppe
Surname after Marriage : Tracie Giuseppe
Future Child : Deeara Giuseppe Bede ♀
First Pokémon : Bibichut (Hatenna) (given by the chairman)
Team :
“Clair” Sorcilence (Hatterene) ♀ GIGANTAMAX
Mysdibule (Mawile) ♀
“Dia” Gardevoir ♀  (wears a pale purple ribbon on the neck)
“Madam Nia” Galopa de Galar (Galarian Rapidash) ♂
Nymphali (Sylveon) ♀
- They like everything that is fancy and beautiful. Sally probably saw it instantly and that’s why she chose him as her successor.
- They want to have some more attention, especially from his father figure.
- They hate being dirty, especially being covered in mud.
- Surprisingly enough, they hate Normal Types.
- They also are terribly afraid of dogs.
- An unknown accident that occured some times after the events of Sword and Shield caused them to lose both of their legs. Thankfully, Shehroz will hear of what happened to them and will make them some unique Macro Cosmos prosthetic legs. Moreover, they got all the support that they needed to ultimately transitioning from male to female.
- Shehroz and Sally will both have custody of them, with Sally guarding them the first two weeks of the month, and Shehroz the last two weeks.
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Rosemary Piers :
Age : 15 years old
Birthday : March 11th
Zodiac Sign : Pisces
Height : 4′10″ (147 cm)
Weight : 90 lbs (41 kg)
Hometown : Smashings (Spikemuth)
Place of Residence : Smashings (Spikemuth) / Winscor (Wyndon)
Sexuality : Aromantic Trixique Lesbian
Lover : Solana Shieldmilia
Surname after Marriage : Rosemary Piers Shieldmilia
Future Children : Claire Shieldmilia ♀, Rhine Shieldmilia ♀, Tommy Shieldmilia ♂ & Scarlet Shieldmilia ♀
First Pokémon : Morpeko (caught by her older brother Peterson)
Team :
“S’mores” Morpeko ♀ (wears a flashy pink ribbon on the neck)
“Pandora” Léopardus (Liepard) ♀
“Fester” Coatox (Toxicroak) ♀
“Hoodsy” Baggaïd (Scrafty) ♀  (wears a purple ribbon on the neck)
“Puck” Angoliath (Grimmsnarl) ♀ GIGANTAMAX
- She loves sweets so much. In fact she is not used to smile because she used to have a lot of cavities as she never stopped eating sweets behind her parents’ back.
- She is easily blinded by the sunlight when it’s really strong.
- Rosemary finds Solana super cute when she tries to express herself with words. She is blushing hard but she tries to hide it. But of course Solana notices it and she helps her hiding when it happens.
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Percy Milo :
Age : 20 years old
Birthday : May 18th
Zodiac Sign : Taurus
Height : 5′2″ (157 cm)
Weight : 187 lbs (85 kg)
Hometown : Greenbury (Turffield)
Place of Residence : Greenbury (Turffield) / Skifford (Hulbury)
Sexuality : Pansexual Trans
Lover : Donna Nessa
Future Children : Lane Milo ♂, Hope Milo ♀, Nile Milo ♂ & Iridesca Milo ♀
First Pokémon : Gossifleur (Tournicoton)
Team :
“Eldie” Blancoton (Eldegoss) ♂
Ludicolo ♂
“Bella” Joliflor (Bellossom) ♀
“Bloomsy” Ceriflor (Cherrim) ♀
“Fritter” Dratatin (Appletun) ♂ GIGANTAMAX
“Nana” Chevroum (Gogoat) ♀
- Children loves him as he is kind and very cuddly.
- Despite being a farmer, he has always wanted to have a big family, hence why he will have four children with Donna in the future.
- His hobby is gardening, and he is a pretty good cook.
- He is absolutely terrified on storms and thunder.
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Donna Nessa :
Age : 21 years old
Birthday : January 11th
Zodiac Sign : Capricorn
Height : 5′9″ (175 cm)
Weight : 119 lbs (54 kg)
Hometown : Skifford (Hulbury)
Place of Residence : Skifford (Hulbury) / Greenbury (Turffield)
Sexuality : Biromantic Demigirl
Lover : Percy Milo
Surname after Marriage : Donna Milo
Future Children : Lane Milo ♂, Hope Milo ♀, Nile Milo ♂ & Iridesca Milo ♀
First Pokémon : Chewtle (Khélocrok)
Team :
“Koko” Torgamord (Drednaw) ♀ GIGANTAMAX
Sarmuraï (Golisopod) ♂
“Hermes” Bekipan (Pelipper) ♂
“Doug” Maraiste (Quagsire) ♂
“Ursala” Prédastérie (Toxapex) ♂
“Shiro” Lamantine (Dewgong) ♂
- She is a model and a Gym Leader at the same time. She also likes fishing when she has some free time, although she doesn’t have that much to be honest.
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Kabu Arwen :
Age : 55 years old
Birthday : February 10th
Zodiac Sign : Aquarius
Height : 5′4″ (162 cm)
Weight : 181 lbs (82 kg)
Hometown : Hoenn  
Place of Residence : Motorby (Motostoke City) /  Ludester (Circhester)
Sexuality : Abroromantic Omniasexual
Lover : Lona Gordie Melony
Future Children : None. Already has a lot now that he is with Lona
First Pokémon : Chartor (Torkoal) ♂
Team :
“Suzu” Chartor (Torkoal) ♂
“Shizuka” Feunard (Ninetales) ♀
“Taro” Arcanin (Arcanine) ♂
“Mami” Malamandre (Salazzle) ♀
“Takéo” Scolocendre (Centiskorch) ♂ GIGANTAMAX
“Haruki” Braségali (Blaziken) ♂
- He is a very caring person. If you dare to hurt his family and you see him around, you better run as fast as you can.
- He eats spicy food and takes very hot bathes to though up his body even more.
- He hates when a Challenger gives up either in his Challenge or during the battle. He thinks it shows they have no honor.
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Faïza Bea :
Age : 17 years old
Birthday : June 13th
Zodiac Sign : Gemini
Height : 5′5″ (165 cm)
Weight : 143 lbs (65 kg)
Hometown : Old Chister (Stow-On-Side)
Place of Residence : Old Chister (Stow-On-Side)
Sexuality : Genderfluid Aroace
Lover : Alistair
Surname after Marriage : Faïza
Future Children : Aaron ♂, Lumos ♂, Lunaïs ♂ & Loreleï ♀
First Pokémon : Machoc (Machop) ♀
Team :
“Hestia” Mackogneur (Machamp) ♀ GIGANTAMAX
“Astro” Brutalibré (Hawlucha) ♂
“Octo” Krakos (Grapploct) ♂
“Joan” Palarticho (Sirfetch’d) ♂
“Tank” Hexadron (Falinks) 
“Teddy” Chelours (Bewear) ♂
- She is very athletic and she almost never stop training. This is due to the strict education her parents gave her.
- She has a hard time with babies. So of course it took her quite some time to accept to have children when she grow older.
- She also hates the taste of coffee.
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Alistair :
Age : 12 years old
Birthday : 
Zodiac Sign :
Height : 4′8″ (142 cm)
Weight : 86 lbs (39 kg)
Hometown : Old Chister (Stow-On-Side)
Place of Residence : Old Chister (Stow-On-Side)
Sexuality : Demiromantic Bigender
Lover : Faïza Bea
Future Children : Aaron ♂, Lumos ♂, Lunaïs ♂ & Loreleï ♀
First Pokémon : Fantominus (Gastly) ♂
Team :
“Spooks” Ectoplasma (Gengar) ♂ GIGANTAMAX
“Dusky” Noctunoir (Dusknoir) ♂
“Peekaboo” Lugulabre (Chandelure) ♂
“Snowy” Corayôme (Cursola) ♂
“Masky” Tutétékri (Runerigus) ♂
“Teatime” Polthégeist (Polteageist)
- They like to visit Sally from time to time.
- Despite their age, they prefers to walk at night and alone.
- They are very shy and always hides their face behind his mask. They feels very uncomfortable when they don’t have it.
- Pretty much like Rosemary, they don’t like being exposed to the sunlight.
- Since they are so unsure of themselves to a point where he doesn’t say his ideas of names for their future children, Faïza didn’t choose any names for two of their children and let Alistair choose their names. These children being Lumos and Lunaïs, and Faïza is really happy with those names he chose, hence why she called their only daughter Loreleï ; as a reminder of her two older brothers.
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Sally Opal :
Age : 88 years old (Canon)
Birthday : April 3rd
Zodiac Sign : Aries
Height : 5′4″ (162 cm)
Weight : 146 lbs (66 kg)
Hometown : Corrifey (Ballonlea)
Place of Residence : Corrifey (Ballonlea)
Sexuality :
Lover : None
Future Children : None. WAY TOO OLD FOR THIS SHIT !
First Pokémon : Crèmy (Milcery) ♀
Team :
“Gretel” Charmilly (Alcremie) ♀ GIGANTAMAX
“Willia & Andia” Smogogo de Galar (Galarian Wheezing) ♀
“Trixie” Mysdibule (Mawile) ♀
“Bonnie” Togekiss ♀
“Rita” Cocotine (Aromatisse) ♀
- Despite being very slow due to her age, Sally likes a good calm walk from time to time.
- She loves to visit the Professor and talking while sipping some tea together at the Professor’s house.
- She has custody over Travis (now Tracie), and takes care of them the first two weeks of each month.
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Chaz Gordie (his father’s name) :
Age : 23 years old
Birthday : December 9th
Zodiac Sign : Sagittarius
Height : 5′8″ (173 cm)
Weight : 220 lbs (100 kg)
Hometown : Ludester (Circhester)
Place of Residence : Ludester (Circhester)
Sexuality : Trans Heterosexual
Lover : Pivonia Rose Peony
Future Children : Midnight Gordie ♂ & Jane Gordie ♀
First Pokémon : Frisonille (Snom) ♀
Team :
Golgopathe (Barbaracle) ♂
“Sheldon” Caratroc (Shuckle) ♂
“Jojo” Dolman (Stonjourner) ♂
“Deeno” Tyranocif (Tyranitar) ♂
“Pepper” Monthracite (Coalossal) ♂ GIGANTAMAX
“Scruff” Lougaroc {Midday Form} (Lycanroc) ♂
- Born a girl, but transitioned to Male.
- Despite refusing to follow his mother’s steps as an Ice Gym Leader, he absolutely loves Snom (Frissonille), as he grew up with them.
- Despite his stature, he is a very good dancer and his favourites are modern dances, such as Hip Hop.
- He may like being the center of attention, but he absolutely hates on paparazzis who will never stop chaisng him.
- He was a bit scared of Oleana at first, but he will get used to it as she will part of his family.
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Lona Gordie Melony (her real name) :
Age : 49 years old
Birthday : December 20th
Zodiac Sign : Sagittarius
Height : 5′1″ (155 cm)
Weight : 198 lbs (90 kg)
Hometown : Ludester (Circhester)
Place of Residence : Ludester (Circhester) / Motorby (Motostoke City)
Sexuality : Panromantic Heterosexual
Lover : Kabu
Future Children : None. ALREADY HAS 5 !
First Pokémon : Locklass (Lapras) ♀
Team :
“Carrie” Locklass (Lapras) ♀ GIGANTAMAX
“Aurora” Beldeneige (Frosmoth) ♀
“Charlotte” M. Glaquette (M. Rime) ♀
“Waddles” Bekaglaçon (Eiscue) ♀
“Frosty” Darumacho de Galar (Galarian Darmanitan) ♀
- She is said to be in good terms with everyone (except her oldest child, thats is).
- She absolutely loves children, which is definitely the reason why she had so many (she has 5 children actually).
- Despite not being in a good relationship with her oldest child, Lona still loves Chaz from the bottom of her heart. She fully supports him no matter what despite his decision of not being an Ice Type Gym Leader just like her.
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Peterson Piers :
Age : 20 years old
Birthday : January 3rd
Zodiac Sign : Capricorn
Height : 5′8″ (173 cm)
Weight : 130 lbs (59 kg)
Hometown : Smashings (Spikemuth)
Place of Residence : Smashings (Spikemuth) / Kickenham (Hammerlocke)
Sexuality : Genderqueer Asexual Gay
Lover : Roy Raihan
Surname after Marriage : Peterson Raihan Piers
Future Child : Délilah Piers Raihan ♀
First Pokémon : Zigzaton de Galar (Galarian Zigzagoon) ♂
Team :
“Abel” Ixon (Obstagoon) ♂
Baggaïd (Scrafty) ♂
“Kraken” Sépiatroce (Malamar) ♂
“Jupiter” Moufflair (Skuntank) ♂
“Chomps” Salarsen {Low Pitch Form} (Toxtricity) ♂
“Scarletta” Roublenard (Thievul) ♀
- He always had a crush on Roy, but he never admits it until way later.
- He used to be a very overprotective brother, but deep down he has always wanted to Rosemary ruled the Gym after him.
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Roy Raihan :
Age : 25 years old
Birthday : March 22nd
Zodiac Sign : Aries
Height : 6′8″ (203 cm)
Weight : 170 lbs (77 kg)
Hometown : Kickenham (Hammerlocke)
Place of Residence : Kickenham (Hammerlocke) / Smashings (Spikemuth)
Sexuality : Lithromantic Deminonbinary
Lover : Peterson Piers
Surname after Marriage : Roy Piers Raihan
Future Child : Délilah Piers Raihan ♀
First Pokémon : Duraludon (Duralugon) ♂
Team :
“Titan of the Skies” Duralugon (Duraludon) ♂ GIGANTAMAX
Chartor (Torkoal) ♂
“Grape Jelly” Muplodocus (Goodra) ♀
“Armored Mountain” Boumata (Turtonator) ♂
“Sweeping Tornado” Libégon (Flygon) ♂
“Roaring Scales” Ékaïser (Kommo-o) ♂
- As surprising as it sound, Roy absolutely loves ancient artifacts and the History of Galar. He is very proud of protecting his region’s History in Hammerlocke. 
- He doesn’t like the strict behaviour and overall personality of Oleana.
- He is not really into Fairy Types either, but he has always loved the Dragons.
- He hates Sally so much. However, the real reason behind that hatred is unknown.
- Despite being considered the hardest Gym Leader and the last one to face, Roy has already lost multiples times against Lona, and he considers her as the biggest threat he has faced, after Tarak of course.
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Shehroz Peony Rose (both parents’ names) :
Age : 37 years old
Birthday : September 26th
Zodiac Sign : Libra
Height : 5′7″ (170 cm)
Weight : 194 lbs (88 kg)
Hometown : Motorby (Motostoke City)
Place of Residence : Winscor (Wyndon)
Sexuality : Multisexual Hermaphrodite Pangender
Lover : Liv Oleana
Future Children : Rosalie Peony Rose ♀, Sol Peony Rose ♂, Masquerade Peony Rose ♂, Lancelot Peony Rose ♂ & Mia Peony Rose ♀
First Pokémon : Cufant (Charibari) ♀
Team :
“Rani” Pachyradjah (Copperajah) ♀ GIGANTAMAX
Lançargot (Escavalier) ♂
Noacier (Ferrothorn) ♂
“Phœbe” Berserkatt (Perrserker) ♀
Cliticlic (Klinklang)
“Gracie” Roserade {*shiny} ♀
- He and Dhilan were supposed to be twins, but Shehroz was a premature baby. This explains why they are almost identical. This also explains why Shehroz is not as tall and as tanned as his brother.
- After he lost his father, he worked hard in order to help his younger brother Dhilan so they could live better. That’s how he manages to climb so high up.
- However, he used to suffer slight anxiety when he was a kid. But after his father’s death, he has to take care of his little brother all alone. This caused his anxiety to grow rapidly. This is mostly the main reason why he acted the way he did in the events of Sword and Shield.
- He is more present for his family now.
- He actually remembers Travis’ new name Tracie way better for some reason. He is also trying his best to recreate a bond between them.
- He will eventually learn that Travis (not fully Tracie yet) has had a terrible accident and because of that, they lost both of their legs. He was devastated when he learned that and decided to help them out. He will make unique Macro Cosmos prosthetic legs with no one’s help so he could help them out. This will be a major event to recreate a family bond between. After they told him that they were transitioning from male to female, Shehroz was fully supporting them.
- He is Aaron Adams’ childhood friend, but he is two years younger than the latter. Despite the fact that Shehroz came from a pretty modest family when he was young, and Aaron was from a rich one, Aaron didn’t care about that at all. He loves spending time with Shehroz and considers him as a little brother since he is an only child. He was in good terms with Dhilan as well but it wasn’t the same. He was there to support Shehroz after he lost his father.
- After Bernard Girikanan got the full direction of his business after stopping the madness caused by his own mother ever since their father died, Shehroz helped Bernard out as it was off to a bad start because of all the previous events. They became great friends and Bernard considers Shehroz as a mentor. The relationship between Bernard and Takuma is pretty much like Shehroz and Liv to say the least.
- He will have custody over Travis (now Tracie), which taking care of them the last two weeks of each month.
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Liv Oleana :
Age : 33 years old
Birthday : November 6th
Zodiac Sign : Scorpio
Height : 5′11″ (180 cm)
Weight : 146 lbs (66 kg)
Hometown : Unknown 
Place of Residence :  Winscor (Wyndon)
Sexuality : Heteroromantic Trigender Hypersexual
Lover : Shehroz Peony Rose
Surname after Marriage : Liv Peony Rose
Future Children : Rosalie Peony Rose ♀, Sol Peony Rose ♂, Masquerade Peony Rose ♂, Lancelot Peony Rose ♂ & Mia Peony Rose ♀
First Pokémon : Miamiasme (Trubbish) ♀
Team :
“Tallulah” Miasmax (Garbodor) ♀ GIGANTAMAX
“Agatha” Momartik (Froslass) ♀
“Venus” Sucreine (Tsareena) ♀
“Valentina” Malamandre (Salazzle) ♀
“Mina” Milobellus (Milotic) ♀
“Effie” Chaffreux (Purugly) ♀
- Despite what she may look like, Liv actually adores all Pokémon. It’s probably due to her harsh past when she was in extreme powerty.
- She has always loved science, and her dream was to work as a scientist. She does a lot of that in Macro Cosmos.
- She doesn’t really like Roy’s behaviour.
- Liv will one day see Pivonia and she reminded her of Shehroz. She decided to talk to her, and Pivonia replied that she was Dhilan’s daughter, and since Liv knew that Dhilan was Shehroz’s brother, she instantly knew that she was therefore Shehroz’s niece.
- She told Pivonia Shehroz’s story and Pivonia just wanted to see him and stay by his side. She was even mad at her father for not telling her that she has an uncle.
- She gets along very well with the Bernard and Takuma duo, as they look a lot like them. She gets along with Takuma the most as they are both the Vice-President of their companies.
Jean-Fleuret Sordward :
Age : 29 years old
Birthday : October 6th
Zodiac Sign : Libra
Height : 5′9″ (175 cm)
Weight : 148 lbs (67 kg)
Hometown : Winscor (Wyndon)
Place of Residence : 
Sexuality : Heteroromantic Omniasexual
Lover : Emmanuelle
Future Children :
First Pokémon : Canarticho de Galar (Galarian Farfetch’d) ♂
Team :
Palarticho (Sirfetch’d) ♂
Sarmuraï (Golisopod) ♂
Exagide (Aegislash) ♂
Scalproie (Bisharp) ♂
- They are twins, but Jean-Fleuret is born on October the 6th a few minutes before midnight, and Jen-Targe is born on October the 7th a few minutes after midnight. This is why they call each other “older brother” and “younger brother”.
Jean-Targe Sordward :
Age : 29 years old
Birthday : October 7th
Zodiac Sign : Libra
Height : 5′9″ (175 cm)
Weight :  150 lbs (68kg)
Hometown : Winscor (Wyndon)
Place of Residence : 
Sexuality :
Lover :
Future Children :
First Pokémon : Canarticho de Galar (Galarian Farfetch’d) ♂
Team :
Palarticho (Sirfetch’d) ♂
Archéodong (Bronzong)
Hexadron (Falinks)
Cliticlic (Klinklang)
- They are twins, but Jean-Fleuret is born on October the 6th a few minutes before midnight, and Jen-Targe is born on October the 7th a few minutes after midnight. This is why they call each other “older brother” and “younger brother”.
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Sophora Klara : 
Age : 18 years old
Birthday : October 30th
Zodiac Sign : Scorpio
Height : 5′9″ (174 cm)
Weight : 128 lbs (58 kg)
Hometown :  Brasswick (Wedgehurst)
Place of Residence : Isle of Armor
Sexuality : Ceterosexual Cisgender
Lover : Saturnin Avery
Surname after Marriage : Sophora Avery
Future Children : Rachida Avery ♀ & Fleur Avery ♀
First Pokémon : Ramoloss de Galar (Galarian Slowpoke) ♀
Team :
Roigada de Galar (Galarian Slowking) ♀
Drascore (Drapion) ♀
Smogogo de Galar (Galarian Wheezing) ♂
Brutapode (Scolipede) ♀
Flagadoss de Galar (Galarian Slowbro) ♀ DYNAMAX
- She and Saturnin did not get along at first. That’s mainly because they wanted the same thing : to be a Gym Leader. And they thought that only one of them could succeed. Deep hatred was even sensed between the two.
- In the end, they would put their differences aside and start working together.
- They will spend so much time together to fulfill their dreams that they will fall in love with each other.
- Together, they will join forces and create their own Gym on the Isle of Armor, and they will switch from one to another just like the duos Faïza/Alistair and Lona/Chaz.
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Saturnin Avery :
Age : 19 years old
Birthday : September 2nd
Zodiac Sign : Virgo
Height : 6′1″ (186 cm)
Weight : 152 lbs (69 kg)
Hometown : Corrifey (Ballonlea)
Place of Residence : Isle of Armor
Sexuality : Intersex Homocurious
Lover : Sophora Klara
Future Children : Rachida Avery ♀ & Fleur Avery ♀
First Pokémon : Ramoloss de Galar (Galarian Slowpoke) ♂
Team :
Flagadoss de Galar (Galarian Slowbro) ♂
Galopa de Galar (Galarian Rapidash) ♂
Rhinolove (Swoobat) ♂
Alakazam ♂
Roigada de Galar (Galarian Slowking) ♂ DYNAMAX
- He and Sophora did not get along at first. That’s mainly because they wanted the same thing : to be a Gym Leader. And they thought that only one of them could succeed. Deep hatred was even sensed between the two.
- In the end, they would put their differences aside and start working together.
- They will spend so much time together to fulfill their dreams that they will fall in love with each other.
- Together, they will join forces and create their own Gym on the Isle of Armor, and they will switch from one to another just like the duos Faïza/Alistair and Lona/Chaz.
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Mustar Honey :
Age : 85 years old
Birthday : August 13th
Zodiac Sign : Leo
Height : 5′5″ (166 cm)
Weight : 185 lbs (84 kg)
Hometown : Old Chister (Stow-on-Side)
Place of Residence : Isle of Armor
Sexuality : Multiromantic Heterosexual
Lover : Apia Honey
Future Children : None. Already has one. TOO OLD FOR THIS SHIT !
First Pokémon :
Team :
Shaofouine (Mienshao) ♂
Luxray ♀
Corvaillus (Corviknight) ♂
Lougaroc {Day Form} (Lycanroc) ♂
Ékaïser (Kommo-o) ♀
Shifours {Dark Type} (Urshifu) ♂ GIGANTAMAX
- He trained absolute champions, such as Dhilan, and, of course, Tarak.
- He considers every youngsters that trains in his dojo as his grandchildren now.
- He was very proud of how far Sophora and Saturnin have come.
- He talked about that to his wife and they contribute in building thei Gym on the island.
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Apia Honey :
Age : 40 years old
Birthday : September 30th
Zodiac Sign : Libra
Height : 5′8″ (172 cm)
Weight : 132 lbs (60 kg)
Hometown : Ludester (Circhester)
Place of Residence : Isle of Armor
Sexuality : Biromantic Pansexual
Lover : Mustar Honey
Future Children : None. Already has one (although she is thinking of adoption)
First Pokémon :
Team :
Leuphorie (Blissey) ♀
Darumacho de Galar (Galarian Darmanitan) ♂
Gallame (Gallade) ♂
Malamandre (Salazzle) ♀
Togekiss ♀
Florizarre (Venusaur) ♂ GIGANTAMAX
- She was the one that suggests the idea of building the Gym to her husband Mustar after he told them about their wonderful evolution.
- She is considered as a “wonderful aunt” from the young trainees of the dojo.
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Dhilan Peony Rose :
Age : 37 years old
Birthday : December 26th
Zodiac Sign : Capricorn
Height : 6′4″ (193 cm)
Weight : 205 lbs (93 kg)
Hometown : Motorby (Motostoke City)
Place of Residence : Motorby (Motostoke City) / Couronneige (Crown Tundra)
Sexuality : Panromantic Bi-curious
Lover : Paige Vernon Peony
Future Children : None. Already has 2
First Pokémon : Cufant (Charibari) ♀ (caught with his older brother’s help)
Team :
Berserkatt (Perrserker) ♂
Archéodong (Bronzong)
Cizayox (Scizor) ♂
Pachyradjah (Copperajah) ♀ GIGANTAMAX
Galeking (Aggron) ♂
- He and Shehroz were supposed to be twin brothers, but Shehroz was prematurate, and therefore became Dhilan’s older brother rather than his twin brother. This is the main reason why they are almost identical.
- Since Pivonia will want to spend time with her uncle after she learned the truth, Dhilan will try to do some efforts to make their relationship better. Eventually, when they will talk and understand how each other felt, the relationship between the brothers will be way better.
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Pivonia Peony Rose :
Age : 15 years old
Birthday : March 20th
Zodiac Sign : Pisces
Height : 5′5″ (166 cm)
Weight : 106 lbs (48 kg)
Hometown : Motorby (Motostoke City)
Place of Residence : Ludester (Circhester)
Sexuality : Maverick Omnisexual
Lover : Chaz Gordie
Surname after Marriage : Pivonia Gordie
Future Children : Midnight Gordie ♂ & Jane Gordie ♀
First Pokémon : Ptyranidur (Tyrant) ♂
Team :
Rexilius (Tyrantrum) ♂
- When she went in Winscor (Wyndon) for some days with her parents, she accidently heard a conversation between Liv and some of the Macro Cosmos employees. They were wondering if their boss was doing a bit better, in which Liv responds that his state didn’t change that much.
- Liv will see Pivonia and she reminded her of Shehroz. When she talked to her, Pivonia replied that she was Dhilan’s daughter, and since Liv knew that Dhilan was Shehroz’s brother, she instantly knew that she was therefore Shehroz’s niece.
- She told Pivonia what happened and she will get to her uncle’s side with Liv as soon as she heard his story. She was even mad at her father for not telling her that she has an uncle.
- Even if her father hold a grudge against his own brother, Pivonia wanted to stay by his side. And since Dhilan wants to make his daughter happy, he will accept her request.
- She absolutely love spending time with her uncle Shehroz. Thanks to them she is learning more and more about the Dynamax and Gigantamax phenomenons, which she absolutely admires. Thanks to that, she will get along with both of them.
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Paige Vernon Peony :
Age : 34 years old
Birthday : Unknown
Zodiac Sign : Unknown
Height : 5′4″ (163 cm) (Her daughter is already taller than her)
Weight : 134 lbs (61 kg)
Hometown : Ludester (Circhester)
Place of Residence : Motorby (Motostoke City)
Sexuality : Straight-Ally
Lover : Dhilan Peony Rose
Future Children : None. Already has at least one
First Pokémon : Unknown
Team :
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Solana Shieldmilia (my OC) (surname inspired by the manga) :
Age : 14 years old (physically)
Birthday : January 27th (hence her jersey number)
Zodiac Sign : Aquarius
Height : 4′10″ (147 cm) (just like her lover ♥)
Weight : 117 lbs (53 kg)
Hometown : Kickenham (Hammerlocke)
Place of Residence : Winscor (Wyndon)
Sexuality : Demiromantic Non Binary Omnisexual
Lover : Rosemary Piers
Future Children : Claire Shieldmilia ♀, Rhine Shieldmilia ♀, Tommy Shieldmilia ♂ & Scarlet Shieldmilia ♀
First Pokémon : Scorbunny (Flambino) ♂
Team (during the Gym Challenge) :
“Syon” Pyrobut (Cinderace) ♂
Corvaillus (Corviknight) ♂
“Applejack” Pomdrapi (Flapple) ♀
Salarsen {High Pitched Form} (Toxtricity) ♂
Palarticho (Sirfetch’d) ♂
“Gwladys” Givrali (Glaceon) ♀
- She has tried the Gym Challenge as soon as she got her starter Pokémon Scorbunny, which she named Syon. She has done this Challenge with a specific team, but now she has many different teams to so she can face all the Challenges she can encounter in her way.
- Just like Tarak and Travis (now Tracie) before her, she has been endorsed by the chairman. And just like her predecessor, she also dons the chairman’s logo on her jacket, but it’s in the front, heart side, rather than being on her back. However, she has a fairly unique logo on her back that is reminiscent of the Rose Tower.
- After doing the Gym Challenge, she was always seen alongside Macro Cosmos, so people thought that she was an intern in here. Soon enough, she was joined by her best friend Draggoun, who competed in the Gym Challenge at the same season as her.
- When she is in Macro Cosmos, she is always seen alongside a Shiny female Charibari (Cufant).
- She is in good terms with both Shehroz and Liv and respects them deeply. However, her friend Draggoun is not afraid at all to tease them almost everyday.
- She loves to go on Dynamax Adventures to hunt for the infamous Legendary Pokémons. She loves the adventure even more when she goes with Pivonia. The two got along very well as they both look for thrilling adventures.
- She doesn’t talk that much. Or we can rather say that she talks, but she isn’t able to say a lot of them. Nor all the words she knows are right.
- However, she is very expressive. So thanks to that we know her current mood.
- It was revealed that she has slight autism.
- She may not talk well, but she writes very well. Her handwriting is pretty beautiful and easy to read.
- To counter that problem, Shehroz taught her the sign language.
- So to resume her situation : she can’t really use the words verbally, but she can write in any situation. She knows the words but she isn’t able to express them that much. When she is writing, we can see that she knows the vocabulary almost perfectly.
- However, since she is now used to use sign language as she speaks, she is now understood by a lot of people.
- She is eager to learn new things. Everytime something new is in front of her, the curiosity is eating at her. She is a rather quick learner.
- Nothing is known about her past yet. However, Shehroz seems to know more about her than what other people know...
More to come on her infos soon...
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cerebrum-cupcakez · 17 days
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Ancient Apostate
⋅•✧───────────── ☾ ─────────────✧•⋅
Weapon: Sword
Element: Anemo
Gender: Female
Birthday: July 13
Constellation: Chimaera
Region: Khaenri'ah
Affiliations: None
Special Dish: Simple Stew (Goulash)
⋅•✧───────────── ☾ ─────────────✧•⋅
A one of a kind survivor of the Cataclysm. Affected by both the curse of immortality and the curse of the wilderness, Stasya found herself torn between two sides. Would she give in to her fate and become a mindless beast, or join her brothers and sisters in arms to retaliate against the heavens above?
In the end, she chose neither. She could not remember the events that lead to such a tragedy, but she knew she wanted no association with anything or anyone related. And so she walks her own path, hardened by five hundred years of self-imposed solitude.
If asked how she feels about the fall of her home nation all those years ago, she'll reply "Celestia sought to punish the sinners of Khaenri'ah. But was everyone involved truly a sinner as they claimed?"
If asked how she feels about The Seven, she will remain silent, and her expression will tell you all you need to know.
If asked what she wants in life, she will at first remain quiet. But if prodded, she will finally answer:
"I want the same as everyone else. The right to live, and the right to die."
⋅•✧───────────── ☾ ─────────────✧•⋅
Additional Information:
While she will occasionally descend for supplies, she chooses to live on Dragonspine.
 Because of the proximity to his research camp, she most often interacts with Albedo. While their relationship is unusual and rocky at times, he's the person she would most consider a friend.
Her relationship with Kaeya is strained at best and hostile at worst. Both are distrustful and prefer to avoid the memories the other bring up, but at times, it's nice to confide in someone who understands what it's like.
While she's interacted with most of the Mondstadt cast at least once, she isn't particularly close to anyone else and prefers to keep to herself.
Her favorite food is cheese due to how easily it can be preserved, and her least favorite food is slime due to an experience where she accidentally froze her stomach after eating a cryo slime.
While usually kept busy by basic survival tasks, Stasya will sometimes make carvings out of scrap wood. She doesn't have any particular attachment to them though, and will often discard the finished product.
Stasya is capable of mimicking others voices, and can speak with a polyphonic overtone, or "dual-toned" voice. When frustrated, her voice becomes deeper, rougher, and more like a hilichurls.
Her right eye tracks movement but droops lower than the left due to an old head injury. She will often experience migraines due to the resulting struggles with her vision.
Due to a mix of factors, she has limited facial expressions. She does not smile naturally, and while she can physically make herself smile, she looks strained and forced. On the flip side, it's very easy for her to end up "snarling" when frustrated or upset. Outside of that, she often ends up with a blank, apathetic facial expression.
The reason she is affected by both curses is due to genetic chimerism, with two zygotes (one "pure-blooded" and one "half-blooded") having merged together in utero. However, this fact remains unknown to her, and she assumes that her particular situation is a matter of luck or a cruel twist of fate.
Due to the curse of the wilderness, Stasya has lost most of her past memories, and feels disconnected from the few she can recall. The only memory of her past she can recall in perfect detail is the fall of Khaenri'ah, no matter how much she wishes she could forget.
She was seventeen when Khaenri'ah fell. She has aged slowly since then, and now appears to be somewhere between mid to late twenties.
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cryptidsncurios · 28 days
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Xigbar is a Werewolf in this One and As Usual There’s a Lot To Unpack So Get Ready Kids
[[bio subject to change/additions if necessary]]
Name: Designated Luxu, and has changed names throughout the course of time. Currently goes by “Xigbar”
Age: Exact age unknown, but like... old af
Birthdate: Year unknown, but he remembers May 22nd from way back, so sure, that's it now
Creation Location: Modernly the Russian region, exact location unknown
Ethnicity: Modernly identifies as Russian, possibly half something else, but uncertain
Languages: English, Russian, West Slavic languages, and plenty of bits and pieces of various other languages
Height: Human form - 6′0" (About 183 cm) ; Wolf form - Approx. 9ft fully standing (About 274 cm)
Weight: Human -180-ish lbs (About 82-ish kg) ; Wolf form - Uhhh Heavy. :|
Race: Lycan
Sex / Gender: Cisgender Male
Sexual / Romantic Orientation: Pansexual / Demiromantic
Perhaps Luxu had always been what he was---something a little more than a werewolf, but nonetheless a captive of the moon's power.
His pack consisted of a strange bunch---referred to as the "Foretellers"---always in robes and masks, and under the tutelage of he who was called "Master of Masters." They were magical, the lot of them, including Luxu---ancient and terrifying. Mortals that knew of their existence feared and revered them, as though they were something close to deities, and would clamor for their benevolence and protection.
But after some time of roaming the world, far into the east, the Master gave them each an important "Role"---Roles that would dictate the future, though he never specified exactly how, and each were told in secret from the others---and Luxu was no different. He was tasked with observing the evolution of mankind---and that, amongst them, one amongst the pack would turn traitorous towards their Role.
Thus Luxu was given the Gazing Eye---that which had belonged to the Master himself, then horrifically implanted into his right eye---and when the pain had finally subsided, he found himself alone, left with nothing more than his Role and his intuition as his guide.
And so he wandered the vast world, traveling ever-westward from what would some day be called "Russia," the years ticking by. Despite the curses he carried---both his lycanthropy and the Eye that so often plagued him with its agonies---he attempted to adapt to a normal lifestyle, trying to blend in with the blossoming human population as best as he could.
Each attempt ended in failure.
Whether due to the still-uncontrollable violence of the Wolf within him, or his extended lifespan, all of his efforts were for naught. And with no companions with which he could share his life, and no chance for him to have a family due to his biology, Luxu was cast into utter despair. Attempts were made to cease this despair---but even that was impossible.
Thus, he continued his traveling and his aching, adopting new aliases and seeking purpose beyond his Role that he had come to see as an eternal hell on earth.
Adopting the identity of "Braig" in the mid-1900s, serendipity seemingly led him to what would become his life for several decades: joining the growing pack of a lycan named "Xehanort."
Xehanort had a family of his own already, kin that he had created from human-shaped dolls called "Replicas," with the assistance of an associate named Even (who would, eventually, be the second to have the Bite befall him, after Dilan and before Aeleus). These beings created from the Replicas were dubbed his "sons," named Xemnas the Superior (idk how ansem will fit into this but whatevs, i might figure it out later??), Ansem the Seeker, and the Young One. (again idk listen this can change.)
Braig---dubbed "Xigbar" upon his entry into the fold---was the first outsider to join (and intrigued Xehanort with what he could sense was powerful lycanthropy, thus his allowance into the pack), followed by Xaldin, Vexen, and etc, all the way to Roxas.
Vexen then furthered his experiments with the Replicas at the behest of Xehanort---though, despite his passion for scientific research, became acutely suspicious that Xehanort's plans were moving beyond simply making their "family" a tad larger.
And of course, Xigbar had been aware of Xehanort's malice from the beginning.
Once perfected, he intended use his magical prowess to absorb all the abilities and power that he had granted and nurtured within the rest of the pack, and combine it with the Replicas---to create terrifying werewolves that could probably destroy anything in their path.
Because, like... world domination, or whatever. Or maybe to balance out werewolves to humans. There's definitely some kind of Prophecy involved but.. Like, this is Xehanort, does it really have to make sense? Nah, it just has to work.
In the end, aside the 'Nort family, the pack worked together---Xigbar included---and destroyed all of the Replicas, and each and every trace of research was stolen away by Vexen---to which location it was delivered to remain forever a secret. (It was at this point that, from one of the Replicas was tainted with Xigbar's spilled blood, and thus Xion ( @perditos )---basically his daughter---was created, and taken under the control of Vexen for even further study, with Xigbar's DNA tampered through, y'know, science-y stuff. But that is something he would have to deal with in the future...)
Plans thwarted, Xehanort and his family retreated to who-knows-where, and the pack dissolved, each of them going their own ways.
And so Xigbar exists in Salem, MA these days---just chillin', I s'pose.
...At least, until he has to deal with the next living nightmare.
World Notes:
This is the kind of world where everything fantastical exists. Therefore, ethereal beings, mythical monsters, and all creatures that are a part of global lore are real in this universe, and have been around for as far as history recalls. However, they’ve all had to adapt over time to fit into the ways of the modern world, no longer exactly feared and revered as they used to be. So catch your vampires working at your local 24-hour gas station during the nightshift, forest nymphs tending to the gardening section of the hardware store, and—for the G.aiman fans—djinns driving taxi cabs in the big city. To the untrained eye, though, they’re just people like anyone else.
Werewolf Rules:
There are actually an array of forms of lycanthropy that differ from the type of curse that Xigbar himself has, with their individual quirks. Xigbar's particular lycanthropic curse is unique in that his Bites are instantaneously fatal, as his birth with the Master and the Foretellers is quite mysterious in origin. However, other forms of lycanthropy will turn others through the Bite (such as Xehanort and his clan), but only if the victim of the attack survives. Often werewolf attacks prove lethal due to their viciously venemous nature, but those with strong blood and resolve will recover, albeit now burdened with the curse.
Initially, the transformations of newly-born werewolves are uncontrollable and completely dictated by the moon, victims of the curse thrown into a mindless, frenzied state, starving only for a release from their bloodlust. However, over time and through force of will, one can control their urges during the full moon metamorphoses, and—eventually—engage in transformations at will, even without the aid of the moon’s power (Xigbar's ability is at this point, due to his experience). In the end, though, a metamorphosis must take place during the full moon.
No matter their age, however, transformations still take a physical toll, and depending on how long they’ve been transformed, time equivalent must be taken to recuperate.
Werewolves are usually grouped into families or packs. Within families, usually there is an understood hierarchy, but when wolves from different families, unrelated by blood, form a pack, this often causes an innate power struggles for dominance—hence the creation of ranks.
The particular form of lycanthropy Xigbar has rendered him sterile, so he's just a lonely lil fella from here on out. :(
The number one weakness of werewolves as a whole? Silver. (And, hilariously, Xigbar himself has a whole cache of silver bullets—just in case he has to deal with any unwanted guests.)
There is no known cure for the lycanthropic curse.
Odds and Ends:
Xigbar has studied a slew of religions and spiritual beliefs, but ultimately, he has become somewhat enamored of Paganism. The deities he occasionally pays tribute to are Jarilo (a Slavic deity) and Dionysus (Greek), both of which are closely tied in origin—and he likes them because they’re just overall pretty chill in his book. He also admires Artemis, due to her association with archery, the hunt, and the moon.
He jokingly identifies as a Vědmák, even though it’s not completely accurate, but it still gives him a chuckle.
Originally incredibly skilled with a bow, Xigbar has updated his skill to firearms, and—as always—is an amazing shot.
He currently semi-resides in Salem, MA, due to New England’s rather magical leanings drawing him there.
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