#unless “help” includes a nice morally-grey man that only has a soft spot for me
The good thing about an incredibly emotionally tumultuous couple of weeks is that I've gotten so much inspiration for writing.
Like, sure, am I in debt? Lots. Is everything falling apart? Yes. Am I on the verge of a mental break down? Yes.
But, I've written a lot for my WIPs. Like hundreds of thousands of words. And came up with new plot points and character architecture. Really putting it all together.
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((Hi, thank you all for your patience and your help. Sava here is one of my newest characters and I tried to make his history as brief as possible. My inspiration for making him was that I wanted a semi-princely, Shakespearian like character in my space story. I’d like to know if everything in his story makes sense and how I can improve his character.
World: His story takes place in the fictional world that my cousin and I made, but in the Space series. It’s the year 2036.
Some facts: I don’t know how to describe Seidians other than that they are mixtures between werewolves, Horses, and a Reptiles. They have a habit that whenever they feel like something bad is going to happen, or that there’s danger coming, they abandon or ignore their children, and they let the danger follow the parent.
Sava has 3 names that he uses. The name Sava is like a papal name, he took it on before ruling, K'dbacii is what he goes by in the galaxy, and his actual name is Savianu))
Name: Emperor Sava Reid'an II
Aliases: “K'dbacii” which means “Exile” in his language or Savianu, which is a name that Koza uses only.
Gender: Transgender Male
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual.
Age: He is 278 years old which is seen as middle aged for his race.
Occupation: He is the current ruler of Ti'šchena, which is a distant planet.
Alignment: Neutral, but he kind of leans towards the good side of things.
Group/Organizational Affiliations: He is affiliated with the Amaranians, The Shershen’, and any of the A'maranian allies.
Family Iitä Koza: She was the one to raise him after he was sent away. In his opinion, she’s his mom. She raised him, she has always been there for him and she truly cares for him. He will always be grateful for her guidance and help.
Rahgna the White: Rahgna was his birth mother and in his opinion, one of the smartest leaders that has ruled the planet. He eventually learned that she had a child with Xhedes because he threatened to kill her, and Sava. Like her, he’s highly analytical and logic driven.
Sava: She was his grandmother and one of the former rulers of the Moon clan. He was the only person who could understand her after she fell victim to a sickness and she taught him how to fight. He uses her name out of respect.
Rhianu: Although he loves him to death and he would do anything to keep him safe, nobody knows that this is his son.
Viggo Hwajae: He’s in a weird spot with him. He trusts him enough to work with him and he knows that if he asks him to do something, then he can get it done, but he’s not really buddies with him. They can have a decent conversation with eachother and they do respect one another, but that’s about it.
Best Friends: He’s not a friend person, but if there was someone that he trusts with his life, it would be a priestess named Koza. She’s been there for his mother, for him, and for Rhianu as well.
Relationship Status: Divorced
Significant Other: Sreda Roks-Alakkaria: Sreda was his ex-partner and he is Rhianu’s father. He rarely speaks about him because they divorced and he moved to for some silly reason.
Other Relationships: Xhedes: Xhedes is actually his fathers half-brother. He is an older Seidian who wanted the throne. He lived his life vicariously through his son, Kyrida. He is responsible for exiling him and murdering his own sister-in-law, who was Sava and Kyrida’s mother.
Prince Kyrida: Kyrida is actually his half-brother. He is a coward, but his father feels that he is the true ruler to the throne. He hates that his cousin tarnished his families reputation like that.
Height: 8'10
Weight: 790lbs
Build: Muscular and strong. He has really nice arms.
Skin Tone: Slightly furry and Grey with darkish undertones.
Hair: Very jet black and long, but it goes white at the tips.
Eyes: In the light they are neon green with orange sclera, but at night they seem to glow a bit.
Identifying Marks: His pitch black hair with white tips, Moon clan tattoos, and he wears a lot of jewelry.
Appearance: Sava is a very handsome young man who is a Royal Seidian, so his hair grows longer than that of a normal Seidians. He’s 8'10 and about 790 pounds of muscle. He has dark grey skin that looks slightly furry and he is adorned with facial and body tattoos that represent the Moon Clan. His hair is long and super black with white tips at the end. He has quite a few scars on his body, which include two parallel ones from where chains were stuck into him, a few scratches on his back from fighting, and surgery scars. He has sharp, big, white teeth, and like many Seidians, his tongue is blackish-blue and he has curved, dark, sharp nails. Like most Seidians, his eyes glow but glow brighter in the dark. They are highlighter green and bright orange. He wears quite a few pieces of jewelry that belonged to his mother and grandmother, like their earrings, bracelets, and arm cuffs. From the waist down, he has on leather and metal armor that is really common on his planet. Like most Seidians, he’s shirtless most of the time, but he is usually seen with wearing his royal armor because he finds it intimidating. He keeps his hair down, or in a long side braid.
Personality: Due to being imprisoned for years, Sava is a cautious and suspicious person. He’s aloof and he may seem like he’s not telling the truth about anything, especially himself, but he does this so that he can keep those that he loves safe. He never really shows it unless he feels comfortable, but he can be charming, he has chivalrous tendencies, and he is a man of his word, making sure that he keeps his promises and he keeps his friends safe. He is a Seidian, which means that he’s brave, he believes in honor, and he can be very violent and savage when it comes to asserting his position or defending his honor, but he’s also compassionate and thoughtful like the Amaranians. One thing that sets him apart from many Seidians is that he’s not closed minded. He believes that working with, and respecting outsiders is important to the survival of anyone. He also shows a tremendous amount of love for his son, which is not really a Seidian characteristic.
Motivations: In his own way, he is motivated by justice. He feels that his family was wronged for no reason and he seeks to make things right.
Current Goal: Stopping Gaiatorix
Life Goal: He wants to actually have a calm life where it’s just him and his son and they are living their lives.
Motto: “Do not underestimate me”.
Best Quality: He is a thinker and he has a good moral compass. If he feels like he can trust someone, then he will work to keep his end of the bargain that they made.
Worst Quality: He does have a slight temper because he’s not good at expressing his feelings. He also has a hard time dealing with his Seidian nature and his A'maranian upbringing. Sometimes this causes him to not do anything at all.
Fears: He does have a fear that he won’t be such an effective leader as his mother or his grandmother.
Hobbies: Reading, Painting, and collecting books.
Talents: Although he’s really quiet most of the time, he’s a great speaker. He is also charming if he trusts you. He has an extremely accurate memory, and he has a knack for figuring things out quickly.
Skills: He is a trained fighter and although he’s never tried it himself, he knows a lot about piloting. Because of Koza, he is fluent in 13 intergalactic languages.
Abilities: He naturally has enhanced senses like sight, smell, and hearing. Seidians are tanks, so besides being able to see in pitch black conditions, he is extremely durable, he is extremely strong, and he’s very agile for his size. Like all Seidians, He can actually go into a type of berserk mode where everything is enhanced times 10, but he rarely goes into this form because it tires him out quickly. He is an accomplished fighter and he’s learned how to fight Seidians while they are in their berserk form.
Secret: He is actually afraid of himself. He has some really bad intrusive thoughts, and he’s always active so that he could get his mind off of things.
Influential Memory: His influenced memory would be being raised on Akrinco. He felt like it taught him a lot of things, and although he doesn’t talk about it much, he has a soft spot for that planet.
Role Model: His source of inspiration is his Grandmother. She was exiled as well, but she managed to regain her kingdom by being one of the bravest women that he has known.
Crush: That’s hard to define. He rarely talks about himself, and he does not have many crushes. If he had to have one, it would be on the Shershen’ Queen, Merrylin.
Source of Embarrassment: His biggest embarrassment is that he’s shorter than an average Seidian. They are around 9 feet tall on average, but he’s only 8'10, which is short for them.
Source of Pride: He sees his son as his source of pride. He loves that kid and he would do anything to keep him safe. He’s proud that he following his dreams and that he’s got a safe job instead of messing around with other Seidians who could potentially hurt him.
History: Sava was born to Rahgna the White, a powerful military tactician and the current ruler of Tišchena, who had disappeared for a few years. She soon returned with another child in her arms and A civil war broke out against Rahgna and her brother-in-law, Xhedes, which caused his Rahgna to send Sava away to a foreign planet at the age of 10. A woman named Iitä Koza explained that his mother wanted him to live with her on Akrinco because it was safer, but he wanted no part of that. Life on Akrinco was difficult and he was not fond of this woman because they came from two different cultures. He did have hopes that his mother would come back to get him, but soon days turned into weeks, months, and years, with no word of her ever coming back. He soon learned that Koza was reading up on Seidian culture and she started to treat him in a way that was acceptable on his planet. He was surprised and he tried to be nicer to her, seeing that she meant no harm to him at all. He started to see her as his substitute mother for the time that he was there. It had been 35 years since he had been home, but Sava was feeling more at home on Akrinco. He married an Amaranian man, but they had a nasty divorce. He gained custody of his child and Koza was more than willing to help him out with raising his baby. Within this year, he came out to her and she was accepting of him. She told him that she would be there for anything that he needed and he was glad that she understood. Sava chose to go through HRT, and he did go through top-surgery. He felt like he was in a comfortable place with who he was. He then received a letter from his mother asking him to return to Tišchena, which he eventually accepted, but he asked Koza to watch his son because he was growing strangely suspicious of his mothers request. When he arrived on his planet, he was escorted to the throne room where he saw his Uncle and a younger man. A lie was told and he saw that his Mother and Grandmother paid the price for this. His Uncle spread the rumor that Sava was there to assassinate the Emperor, which he had no intention of doing at all, but he was exiled and imprisoned for 200 years as a punishment. 200 years passed and he held onto his anger, plotting revenge against his uncle. He was soon released by someone who was calling themselves Emperor Heriotza, the Makarasan leader. He knew that this person was a fake, but he was desperate to leave. He agreed to work with her and he reluctantly helped her to conquer these lesser planets. He endured being verbally abused by the impostor because he wanted her to leave so that he could go back to Akrinco, but he eventually got so upset by her actions that he killed some of her subordinates. She got scared and returned him to Tišchena, where he killed his Uncle, proved his birthright, and took his family’s throne back, taking on the name Sava II. He eventually learned that this impostors name was Gaiatorix, and that in her anger, she raised Akrinco and she kidnapped all of the Seidians that were living there. He although he wasn’t sure what had happened over the last 200 years, had a feeling that his son would be among this group of captives, so in an effort to build an alliance with the Amaranians, he pledged that his planet would like to join forces with the other planets which included Akrinco and the Shershen’ planet of Acoa. Many people were amazed to hear of this because Tišchena never truly aligned themselves with anyone in over 400 years, and finally someone was going to do it.
Welcome back!
Sava has a strong background, and strong connections, but I did find some inconsistencies I’d like to take a closer look at. For example, he very much wants to take his birthright as a leader, but also wants to lead a quiet life raising his child. How does he feel about the inherent conflict between these two? What will he have to sacrifice? How much time will he be able to put into each?
He is also listed as being neutral, but you later state that he has a very strong moral compass. That sounds a lot closer to good than neutral. Or do you mean neutral looking at the other axis, which is between lawful and chaotic? Perhaps he is neutral on the lawful scale, and good on the moral scale? I would also like to know more about his personality as a leader. Is he a micromanager? Does he delegate too much or too little? What parts of ruling does he find most tedious? Does he enjoy being recognized? Does he like being a General instead of a Soldier once he is in charge?
I find myself confused because you mention that he acts on his Seidian nature, but never clarify what that means. They are werewolf, horse, reptile like, but those animals have a lot of very conflicting personality types, so I’m not sure what could be influencing him.
Speaking to the world overall, as you may have noticed this blog is very trans friendly, and we think it’s important to tell trans stories, but this character’s story sounds very human for lack of a better term. Since this character is an alien, why not give him a different narrative when it comes to transitioning? Maybe those aliens choose their gender when they reach maturation, or perhaps there are more than just two binary genders. Maybe HRT isn’t even necessary. There are ways to put in healthy trans narratives that aren’t bogged down by our issues. Not necessarily something you have to change, just a thought to keep in mind.
Happy Writing,
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