#unless the person is literally plagiarizing word for word and its stupid obvious they stole ur work then its all inconsequential
mynumberfivethings · 4 years
i have another blog where i write fic for another fandom and i talk it out a lot w anons mostly so others will see those interactions and say something along the lines of: “oh man, i love this idea, i’d love to write it too but ur already gonna do it, so no point” but i constantly encourage them to write it anyways bc i am the type of person who loves to read and re read the SAME concept/trope over and over bc i enjoy it so much, so like, what? ten similar stories written by ten different writers? SIGN ME TF UP pls! u know? 
and the fact is, there hasn’t been a genuinely “original” idea in forever, so ya know, fuck it up ppl! it’s fanfiction! idc! 
so when ppl get mad about others writing v similar fics (as long as its not an obviously word for word copy stolen from the original work) i just cannot wrap my head around said anger? 
like, my longest WIP in ao3 rn is this tua AU im really enjoying working on and i remember being in the shower in early september one morning and getting the idea, which is basically: ooh, what if the temps commission decided to save five fifteen years into the apocalypse instead and he worked for them for a couple of years and he broke his contract at age 30 and after doing some math decided that the best way to stop the apocalypse from ever coming to fruition was to murder reggie??? but then he gets stuck raising the rest of his siblings (all of who are only 14, since in this AU he’s only been missing a year in their timeline)---and basically i had this idea and thought oh shit, this would be so cool bc there’s SO MUCH to explore, like reginalds death, five being mr. mom, grace gaining full autonomy thanks to five, pogo finally owning up to some shit, the kids realizing the extent of the abuse they suffered and getting to be KIDS! the temps commission eventually hunting five down! vanya’s meds could be addressed and everyones shock at learning she has POWERS! like, damn, the possibilities in my head were ENDLESS 
so as soon as i hopped out of the shower i wrote the general gist of the idea down in my phone notes app and left it there for like two days? only bc as much as i felt this fic calling my name i also knew it was going to be A LOT and i wasn’t sure if i was up to the task. so two days pass and i end up writing the first chapter, editing, revising, etc and i look at the final product and im happy w it so i post that bitch, and the next morning i wake up to this person complaining in my inbox that i ripped off their idea, and i looked at their fic (the titles are SO SIMILAR!! it’s a quote from season 2-”I’m the daddy”) and the summaries are also very similar, and they posted it literally two days before me, on the VERY  same day i had the idea originally and i just think its so funny bc like, BRUH, i was over here like look at me w my original ass idea, i love this AU, omg, big galaxy brained bitch over here that i am, hehehe, only to find out that our brain cells, from probably thousands of miles away connected very briefly on that early September day to come up w the exact same concept, like. damn. 
i did read their fic tho, and thankfully they took it in a v different direction and so while the general idea was the same, the stories differed SO MUCH so i was just shook, like, dude, did u even read my story??? 
BUT ANYWAY, all this to say: there has never been, nor will there ever be, an original idea, if we’re in the same fandom, i guarantee we’ve all shared ONE single braincell at some point and come up w the same fic idea, gif idea or meme idea and i think that’s fuckin swell honestly.  
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