#unrebloggable for obvious reasons
cherry-blossomtea · 3 months
u know that thing that some people will do where they're like "well i'm a lesbian so i don't care about men at all" and they take every possible opportunity to remind you while discussing men. like.
okay girl. i happen to be bisexual and i love men. so.
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tam--lin · 4 months
I'm not gonna reblog it but the Sarah Gailey post that's like "interesting Hugo stats!" then gives you Palestinian death statistics bothers me deeply because the Hugos ~~drama~~ is literally about self-censorship of an organization attempting (badly) to avoid censure by a different government that's actively committing genocide against a different people.
I don't actually want all eyes on Palestine, I want many eyes on Palestine and many other eyes on other genocides happening, and mayhaps the coverage around the Hugos drama could be used to highlight a genocide that's been going on for years with little coverage.
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raikkonens · 1 year
you know kimi's racist right?
oh trust me i know it all. he's said and done a number of inexcusable things – the racism, the sexism, the anti-semitic merch......the list goes on. i won't stand here and defend him whatsoever. but i've also learned to separate the driver/public figure from the person, does that make sense? like, i can’t really support max verstappen as a person for things that he's said and done, but i can still recognize that he's an incredible driver. it's the same with musicians or filmmakers who are shitty people but make great art. you can acknowledge what they are (racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-semitic, you name it) while also acknowledging that they're artistically gifted. and despite all that kimi has said and done, i recognize that he was and is a generational talent.
trust me when i say that many drivers (including some favorites) have said and done things that range from questionable to reprehensible (and that is by no means an excuse or justification, just a fact). but people still follow them for reasons other than their morals or views, whether it be a love of the sport, the team, their personality, etc.
i just think pre-lotus kimi was cute, that's all!! he's my babygirl, my transmasc icon.....it's truly not that serious. im just a girl with a blog y'know? and this blog isn't about kimi the person but about kimi the public figure and driver. but if you don't like me or my blog or kimi, feel free to block, i understand!! <3
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spearxwind · 2 years
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Um. Why is my fucking ocean comic associated with s//ubmas. Im going to kill myself
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mediapen · 1 year
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fairydares · 7 months
i appear to have upset someone in this fandom...a quick look at their blog (i believe) has told me why 😬 well now i feel bad...had no clue the generalized complain-y post i reblogged from my main applied to them and was actually vague-posting about someone acting rather nasty in a completely different fandom (and a trend i've seen in several fandoms) but i digress.
while i'm genuinely sorry to have hurt anyone's feelings, i'm fine with this person having blocked me, honestly. there are certain narrative-related things in Fairy Tail that we just don't 't really share the same feelings on and while i'm chill with us feeling differently about it, they made it clear they really weren't and it was honestly stressful to interact with them and wonder when i was going to unwittingly express a feeling or preference that annoyed them.
mostly just making this post to uhh well 1. tell others to be more careful than i was about where you vague and 2. get it out in the open/address it. curating your experience is part of having an enjoyable fandom experience, blocking is healthy, and this is supposed to be fun :) okay now moving on!👆
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sawthatmountainburn · 8 months
re: lrb, I would like to believe that "love doesn't function like a video game hp bar" but. surely people just get tired of having to deal with your symptoms and meltdowns so often? and like, I've actually had my girlfriend come to my place and complain I keep asking her to help me with stuff, including asking her to get me ibuprofen bc i ran out and was dealing with cramps. and she apologized later, especially for the latter cause i was literally in pain and asking for pain relief, and like she was going through second puberty at the time so her emotions were all over the place. but still. it really left and impression on me and it's been like a year but I still feel shame when I ask her to help with like idk washing the dishes or cleaning my room and try to do it less.
and i also have a distinct memory of my mom blowing up at me after another day of me crying about how i was getting bullied in school. i don't think she ever apologized.
and there's plenty of other posts on here about how people will inevitably tire of helping you, especially if you're disabled. or posts from people who have personal experience with being left by friends or other loved ones for having hard to deal with symptoms. or endless posts about how being mentally ill is "a reason not an excuse" and how it's totally justified to drop you when you're too much.
so idk. i really do wish it was true what that person said. but there's a lot of evidence pointing to thatnot being the case. so idk.
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alienhazy · 7 months
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cassierobinsons · 2 years
going to be achingly earnest for a sec and say that a couple years ago i had a therapist tell me i should look into getting an ASD diagnosis and i compartmentalised that mainly because getting any sort of diagnosis under a tory-funded NHS is so fucking draining but also because blah blah seismic shift in how i view myself and my past experiences you know how it is blah. but the last year and a half of being in a fandom where we all agree a widely beloved character is autistic and that his autistic traits are actually what make him a comforting and humane presence in a show that frequently revels in pointless empty cynicism is very. well it's nice is all i'll say. thanks castiel supernatural.
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chr0matic-v0id · 1 year
Hi I'm Uni! I'm not a bot I swear! This blog is gonna be the main place I post my art and commission sheets and stuff. Please don't block me ;w;'
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mistninja · 1 year
CSM fans will be like "fujimoto is killing it with the female characters". Hes killing feminism maybe /j
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tyrannuspitch · 2 years
cant believe younger me used to be embarrassed about gansey being a republican. babe some of your future blorbos are going to be straight up fascists
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leguinning · 3 months
my new psychiatrist: it sounds like your parents gave you a piss poor example of a healthy, functional romantic relationship
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disasterdrvid · 6 months
really love the origins companions. they're scratching an itch in my dragon age brain that i dearly missed. im still pretty meh on astarion but i think thats my annoyance at his over-prevalence on tumblr dot gov seeping into my playthrough
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kirbydots · 1 year
I can’t stand it when people defend the omnipresence of the Bats across the DCU and how other characters are constantly sacrificed to make the Bats look cooler with “well, they’re the most popular characters.”
They didn’t become popular out of thin air! Characters like Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson and Tim Drake are popular and well-known because they’re promoted by DC, given top billing in any team they’re in, and are almost always in books. DC chooses over and over again to prioritize them over the rest of their universe — and, to get a little spiteful here, especially over the magical side of DC. Look at the recent Batman vs. Robin nonsense, and Bat-fate. They’re popular because they’re basically all we get!
Don’t get me wrong, I love the Bats! I grew up with Batman shows, and I’ve loved the Bats since I was four or five years old! That doesn’t make the fact that the DC universe seems to revolve around them any less insufferable.
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lavenderfeminist · 2 years
did you get your roommate stuff sorted?
YES. Please spread this far and wide. I made an addition to my original post but kept it unrebloggable because I was concerned about certain sensitive information continuing to spread, so I'm realizing a lot of people who saw the original don't know. I've been moved to a single and am trying to negotiate not having my payment increase because I should not be paying extra for my own safety when I was clear I did not want a single to begin with.
When I called, the woman at the housing office was audibly concerned, and told me what I'd already guessed: this year 's decisions were made by a system that only used gender identity; it was sex-blind. Meaning the system that paired me and my other female former roommate with an unaltered male wasn't allowed to discriminate based on sex! How wonderful! She said I was lucky that a single room had just opened up, and that she understood my concerns and would arrange my move immediately, but that her hands are somewhat tied as to having prevented the situation altogether, for obvious reasons. I'm going to be safe, and I'm very grateful for that.
That said, my female roommate is now set to live alone with a man. I am going to reach out to her and let her know I'm available if she's concerned about anything, but I am worried she will tell the male roommate. I am concerned about her, and while multiple people have expressed to me that a class action lawsuit is on the horizon, the fact that women are being put at risk and may be forever traumatized by assault/rape before a stop is put to this makes me furious.
Living alone is also significantly more expensive for me; I owe more for my room, and I'm not longer splitting the cost of certain amenities with roommates. I very much did not want or plan to be living in a single, and I'm sure there is someone out there who for health reasons needed the single room I am now going to be occupying. I am blessed that I'm not in a position where I need to make a choice between not living with a man and affording housing. I am sure I'm not the only woman who was put in a situation like this, and I'm lucky I found out early enough and had the option to move. It was left up to his discretion to tell me he was a male. What of women who find out when they meet their roommate face to face? What of women who discover there is no alternate housing available to them? What of women who find the alternate housing is too expensive for them to afford without putting them in financial straits? What of women who grin and bear it because they are afraid of what they may be branded if they refuse? I have faith this insanity will end, but how many women have to be hurt for it to end? How many are going to be hurt before it does?
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