trabandovidas · 2 years
My favorite thing about this victory is the uruguayans going "they only won because they drank yerba canarias and we all know it" lmao
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sonsband · 1 year
lmao I went to experimental this evening and one of the moves was a sort of sideways somersault and the teacher called me out that I'd been stretching in plow pose before class like you're not supposed to see that.
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soundofseclusion · 10 days
39. SCHiM
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Release: 2024, PC/PS4/PS5/Switch/Xbox One/Xbox Series X|S Beaten: September 14th, Steam Deck Playtime: 3h 51m
I was relatively unimpressed with this. I didn't think it was bad necessarily, but the core gameplay gimmick didn't keep me engaged throughout my play time, they don't really mix it up much at any point, and the story was also mostly uninteresting to me. I found myself just wanting the game to be over at several points.
I bought it half-off just about a month or so after launch, which indicates to me that it's probably not doing very well. I held off at launch because even though the demo interested me, I wasn't immediately sold, and initial reviews were not extremely positive. After investing my time in SCHiM, I really just don't feel strongly about anything other than how unstrong my feelings are.
In a space where I'm forced to either recommend a game or not recommend it, I would choose to not recommend it. For the price I bought it at, I would still not recommend it. I've played plenty of games released this year which are more worthy of your time, at about the same price. But I do think it has its strengths, and I don't want to dismiss it entirely, so I'm torn. I wish it was shorter, which seems like a ridiculous thing to say about an under four hour game that costs 25 dollars by default, yet I feel that it doesn't have gameplay that is varied or interesting enough to justify its length.
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dq9 · 5 months
-hes got MAGIC whether hes a wizard, sorcerer, mage, or whatever depends on which is funniest at the moment. he uses a staff or scepter that CAN be used as a bludgeoning weapon if he absolutely must. though those hits are not particularly strong. in fact they are completely unstrong. they are weak as hell
-his physique is that of a college student who forgot to eat regularly for several weeks and is now just a bit too underweight to donate to the campus blood drive and is now REALLY embarrassed about it. can you get in melee range? keep in mind he DOES have chain lightning
-hes very silly, very goofy. he is often trying to be serious and that only makes his goofiness more apparent. this could perhaps be distracting to you, or perhaps a boon of sorts. can you make him giggle? this could work with or against you, choose carefully
-his stamina is quite poor. his spells are very strong, but he cant cast forever, and he ABHORS sweating. how good are you at dodging chain lightning? can u dodge at least until he gets tired and gives up? hes like that kid in the outfield in kid baseball. if hes out there too long, hes gonna start picking clovers
what are YOUR STRENGTHS?????? can you beat my GAY LITTLE WIZARD ELF???????????? i expect a 2k word essay on my desk by tonight
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superbolt · 8 months
sure thing, ive got feelings for this person. feelings that ive felt never before for a girl. she was someone i can relate to, she was someone ive always wanted to talk to. i always felt butterflies whenever i talk to her, hug her, and even cheek-kiss her.
we used to be strangers but got along easily. we weren't really friends-friends, but we do talk with each other all the time. thanks to time for making it possible for me to feel such a great feeling. it was a process of knowing more about myself and knowing more about her as well.
honestly, i wish that she feels the same way as i do even tho the feelings seem unstrong enough. ive always wanted to tell her that i like her but i just cant yet. i wish that someday, ill aslo be able to atleast say "i miss you" and "i like you" to her comfortably. 🥹
11:31 pm | 02.08.24
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Really wonder how they're gonna do the Destruction theme with the Summer Maiden
Choice = Fall: Cinder & Pyrrha, who constantly move towards their life goal/choice (being powerful; being a huntress). Also in Cinder's flashback "you make that choice, you'll be running for the rest of your life"
Knowledge = Spring: Raven, who learned the truth and ran from it in fear. She then twisted it around and presented a false Maiden to the world
Creation = Winter: Penny & Winter, Penny herself is a great creation, while Winter has worked hard to create a new life and reputation outside her family name
Destruction = Summer: ?
I dont know how they'll do Summer unless she joins Salem's side/is "evil". Maybe Cinder will take her power? Cinder herself has demonstrated a lot of destruction
They only way i can see them turning "destruction" into a "good" thing is if they find a way to push a harmony (ex. how the universe has to be balanced) or circle of life thing (ex. wildfires (that do happen to occur often in the summer lol) and volcano explosions destroy their surroundings, but it provideds rich soil that paves the way for life)
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dragontag420 · 6 years
If Dubh had to fight someone in the clan, excluding himself, who would it be? Would he win?
If he.. had to? Uh,, he once fought PC and Ap and got his ass handed to him. But he was being an angry bigot so that one just feels like, yeah, what did you expect?
Hmmmm.... He fights Zucca sometimes for practice and training, and no... he would not win against her in an all out fight...
I don’t know that he would have to fight anyone... He’s probably fit to win against half of them, and would lose to the other half. He’s strong, but there’s a lot of REALLY STRONG people in SedAhrkMen....
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handsome-john · 2 years
You know what? No! Screw you! *Unstrongs your fork*
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Gobbiefel and Greedyfish
Thoughtbook! I has name! You are now Logstin!
I gave Viggybun the hidesmarts.
Not cause I no like him, but cause he unstrong for Far East where Greedyfish are. Scaryscales live there and I no want them to pick fight with Viggybun!
But back to Greedyfish...
See Peddlestox likes Beastfolk. Likes help Beastfolk. Help Pomfiends make friend with Wyrmfolk.
And Peddlestox like Eenix! Smallfish of Inxli and Reckless so...
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When Greedyfish tell Peddlestox of must make happytimes or Greedyfish go bye...
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Peddlestox go help. For Beastfolk; for Eenix!
Is good thing they need tinkerskills!
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Loftyfish is why Peddlestox start call all Greedyfish as Greedyfish. Peddlestox know Loftyfish real name. No use.
Loftyfish talk down to Peddlestox. Think I unsmart, unknow. Too like parents, so no like Loftyfish.
Loftyfish no like how Peddlestox tongueflap too! He want tradeskills of Peddlestox? He work with gobbiespeak!
((Because I thought it was a fun tidbit to add, Kwas, when she deals with Uplanders, does use "normal speech" to make it easier to trade with them, especially now that she is out of Ul'dah. It isn't that she can't speak Common, its just easier for her to say Gobbiespeak works, easier to remember them, and a bit of a habit since she stayed with them for so long.
Seigetsu doesn't know she can speak like a normal human (never asked likely) and thinks she's unintelligent. Kwas knows this, and purposefully speaks worse just to piss him off and make herself feel better when dealing with his holier-than-thou attitude. He has yet to catch on to that!))
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transgenderization · 5 years
Phew. I am unstrong
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hutchismo · 3 years
The lingering spontaneous adaption in our species may be the awful impetus for men who encounter an else that desires a woman or those of the friends of men and if in a temporal notion of absurdity turn their attention to women and unstrong, or elses of their notion of less strong.
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paganchristian · 3 years
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More of the bubbles we blew that landed and stayed there for me to photograph, in the weeds (now I know for the moment this weed is called henbit, ... I know until the memory leaves me again, and it’s not for the moment henbit but for me it is because when the memory leaves me it won’t be henbit for me, but just that purple velvety weed I’ve loved since I was a child).  Like a garden of blown glass iridescent balls thrown out on the ground.  For the moment the bubbles haven’t popped yet, because the velvety weeds protect them.  Did it have anything to do with the cool air too?  A cool but not extremely cold day.  Is that good for bubbles or does it make a difference?  Something to do with the weather ,the temperature or anything else?  Well I am not an expert on such things. 
But anyway, if it’s all just an idle daydream, it deserves to be enjoyed if it can be, because to me it’s the only thing that hold my attention in this particular moment when I don’t feel like doing much else and my body is achy and my ife is disturbing and my religious belief system is also worrisome, but it’s lnot even a belief system nor is it mine, for me, because it’s just a religious consideration I’m halfway accepting and largely keeping held away from me, at arm’s length, shoved under the covers of layers deep of distractions that feel healthier, though like bubbles they feel they might burst and be gone, unsafe, unstrong, unsure, unstable, one day, when, I hope never, but health, life, growing up, society, all loom just outside the other side of this glass bubble world, home and lifestyle...  Unstrong?  Why did I say, that must, be my mind making strange and meaningless words again.  Unstrong and suggested spell correct word is unstrung.  Hmm.. 
Sometimes just like the teenage me which needed to vent in disturbing poetry and it transformed, healed, comforted, was an outlet, made my voice and reality feel real and valid and deep and full of feeling that i could carry along with me, that feeling that could carry me along,.. Sometimes that is how I might still feel in some kind of way.  Nevertheless that poetry was often totally absurd and meaningless when I tried to reread it and see just what I saw talking about, and it made no sense to me anymore, clueless as to what I was saying and why and what on earth I even could be trying to hint at in any sensible way at all.  But at the time it all felt like some kind of brilliant epiphany that would break new insights upon my life, memories to guide me by later on.  I think at some point I had to see because I saw and couldn’t unsee that it was at some pint negative for me, this disturbing poetry.  Whatever gift it had been was now something that took rather than gave to me anymore. Yet at one time it truly gave something mysterious.  Maybe a gift with many negative side effects, unseen, yet if you can’t see any better you are the one who has free will and autonomy to choose only the best you can see to do. and so it feels with people, so it feels with religious belief systems and the advice and the rules and punishments and threats, they think it’s the best they can give me.  And so with my own ability to give, to take, to receive only selectively and bar out the rest of it.  So with my family and their ability to give, or receive or ask and refuse, or take and not use what is given, or look and not see and see through distorted lens and get offended at true, pure love and gentleness.  So peoples’ abilities to love, to cling to that which hurts them and burdens and entraps them, whilst rejecting the health and wisdom of what they think is wrong for them, and wrong at all, and in this world like a bubble garden I can’t touch any of it, scared to shatter a thousand bubbles with a slight breeze from the butterfly effect of actions that I thought didn’t even have any consequences, now I have learned better and everything I do is just contained in some hidden courtyard, away from the world, so that my slight gestures don’t have unintended ripples in the interconnected internet of insanity as it often is, how many ways can you disrupt fragile spider web threads of other people’s lives without even knowing or meaning to reach them at all, and they you too.  
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aevxao · 4 years
Before you left the Earth, days before, I wanted to hold your hand for the last time. So I put my index finger in your frail palm.
And I hate you for not grabbing my hand. I would’ve asked for a kiss but you were stroked. There was nothing I could do.
So I watched your face. Oh beautiful, beautiful face. Like no other. You have always been the most beautiful soul. I spend salutations onto you.
Now that your body has dissipated, I am hopeless. Helpless. Weak. Unstrong. Depress- fuck. I am nothing without you.
Did you see my waterfall of tears by your death bed?
Did you see how I cried silently while visiting you at the grave?
I hope you did.
I will always love you. And pray for you. You are God’s favourite. Please give God my regards.
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lydiacole · 7 years
I want to make music and to sing these songs But how do I do it when I feel so unstrong? My friends, they get famous how I love them so When they tour my town I dance at the show And I don’t want to sound jealous though maybe I am But some days I just wish I was in their band Yeah, in their band you heard me right I would stand at the back behind all those lights I’d pick out each key so minimally To unlock the moment to set myself free Free from the pressure that invisibly weighs For no good reason and so much pain So why do I do this if it makes me so dark? Pour myself out and call it “art”? Because darkness, you see was already here And under my breath is way too near So I sing it all out and I sing it far Sometimes it’s easy and sometimes it’s hard And some darkness stays and some of it goes But if somebody hears it I don’t feel so alone
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goodandbadhearts · 7 years
💪Gun Show "get those pebbles out of your sleeve."
Keeps trying to flex. But really there are no pebbles.. In fact his arms kinda sink showing how unstrong he is. “I.. Least I can pick up things!”
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thebengali · 4 years
Good Morning World: The Anatomy of Sadness
It is a debilitating feeling that is clinging to me
Making me inert, rendering me unstrong.
I find myself in a languid state of unravelling
The pace of unravelling so slow
That I am not falling apart nor alarmed
But am suspended in between action and inaction
Between melancholy and dispair
Between life and the living of it.
My heart is beating slowly
Ever so slowly: it is almost still.
It is…
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