#untamed rewatch tag
hakuryuu · 2 years
water spirit exorcism trip is just Trip To The Lake With Your Crush And Your Sibling As Sponsored By Lan Xichen
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likeshipsonthesea · 3 months
i'm gonna have to watch this traumatic gay vampire show huh
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criticalrolo · 2 years
Seeing you get into something I don't know is so fun!
It's like "There goes Claire reblogging those guys again!" I feel like a grandma who doesn't understand your job but supports you nonetheless.
ALSDJSKSKKDD thank u grandma for the good vibes I genuinely appreciate it 💗 have a good day!
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littleteacupdragon · 1 year
Oh! Lan Zhan calls him Wei Ying for the first time after the lanterns. Where he certainly didn't look like a lovestruck teenager that he is. Interesting!
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fine-nephrit · 24 days
🥏 Where to find good XF fanfics
👽 On Tumblr
@lilydalexf has an encyclopedic knowledge of fics and continues to be an invaluable resource. You'll find a boatload of themed fic lists, individual rec posts and helpful answers to anon asks.
@txf-fic-chicks-blog seven years of almost daily recs, with well-written blurbs and a lot of fun, run by @kateyes224 and @piecesofscully. Look out for their themed days: "Casefile Monday", "Tumblr Tuesday", "Editor's Pick Wednesday", "Post-Ep/Missing Scene Thursday", "Novel Length Friday", "Smut Sunday", and the very cool "Because You Watched"
@msrlibrary a well-tagged library of MSR fics; each entry includes a short excerpt and a nicely chosen image from the show.
@201daysofxfiles a rewatch blog by fandom veteran @wendelah. Each episode in season 1-7 is paired with its own fic rec post.
@enigmaticxbee an aesthetically pleasing and neatly organized rewatch blog that is packed with great content, including excellent fic rec lists categorized by season, story type, trope, and more. Each episode guide sometimes features related fic recs.
@thatfragilecapricorn30 posts one fic rec every Friday, accompanied by a nice writeup.
@randomfoggytiger curates many fic rec lists sorted by often fun and creative categories.
@cecilysass has a google doc titled "fics I love", which is a fantastic fic list categorized by story type, complete with thoughtful blurbs. She's also shared two episode-related fic rec lists on Tumblr: here and here.
@pookie-mulder writes a monthly fic journal with good recs.
**self-promo plug** I post fic recs on my Tumblr blog @fine-nephrit under #nephrit's fic rec. Plus, I reblog others' fic recs that I come across!
👽 Rec Communities
XF Book Club: the best thing ever, an absolute gem that deserves to be preserved for posterity. During its run, 270 fics were recced and discussed in depth here. The community's intelligent and insightful comments on this blog are sometimes even more enjoyable to read than the fics themselves.
The Fic Filter (xf tag): well-curated selections with short blurbs.
Multifandom Het Recs (xf tag): a major rec site's xf section that offers nice "why this must be read" writeups. @het-reccers
Crack Van (xf tag): another major rec site with a big xf section, featuring endless recs and blurbs
Fancake (xf tag): another major rec community's xf section boasting an extensive thematic tagging system
👽 Personal Blogs
Emily Shore aka Naraht: meta essays, fanvid recs, fic recs—great stuff aplenty
Bad for the Fish aka Scarlet Baldy: fantastic fic list paired with highly enjoyable reviews and analyses of the fics she's read. @badforthefish
Ramblings of a Mind Untamed: reviews of a dozen or so classic fics
xxSKSxx XF Fanfic Recs: still active in 2024! @xxsksxxx
X-Libris: more of a fic library, this is the best place to download nicely-formatted ebooks of pre-AO3 oldies. What I love most is the incredibly detailed and extensive tagging system.
👽 Individual Rec Lists with good writeup
Character Manifesto - Dana Scully: a character analysis and 10 Scully-centric fic recs, categorized by "best of .." selections. Amazing format and choices!
Character Manifesto - Fox Mulder: same format as above for Spooky
bachlava's awesome fic rec essays, covering classic fics and slash fics
ShipRecced blog's classic MSR fics and newer MSR fics recs
luminary's 16-fic rec post
RivkaT recs fics and writers @rivkat
Anna Otto's favorite stories
Syntax6's rec list on her site, great rec list on Tumblr and FTF rec list @syntax6
👽 90s Old School Rec Sites
The Basement Office - Musea: a treasure trove of extensive fic lists with lovely written blurbs, recced by a group of talented writers from back in the day
The Other Side - Fanfic Recs from Beyond the Grave: a large collection of 'scary' or 'spooky' story recs with nice blurbs. Beautiful web design.
the Rookery - Favorite Authors: nice commentary on a list of classic fic writers
X-Files Fanfiction 101: an intro guide to fic categories and what to read for each
The Primal Screamers: a fun site run by a mailing list that hosts fic recs with blurbs, and a 'Coffee Talk' section full of delightful discussions of canon
Idealists Haven - Elemental Fanfic Archive: an archive with rec blurbs
Chronicle X: a large, well-organized archive with blurbs, plus a 'Can We Talk' discussion section of novel-length fics, plus a total of 46 author interviews. Simply incredible!
👽 Special Mention
The X-Files Lost and Found: a fic finder message board that is miraculously still very active today—How wonderful! Its FAQ page hosts a huge collection of well-categorized themed fic lists (not recs), including "Classics (or, Your Fanfic Education is Not Complete Until You've Read ...)".
Where do you find your next read? What did I miss? Reblog and share your favorites!
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okay so it has come to my attention that neither i nor @mqfx has actually made an official post as to what is going on in october so here it is:
⭐️ join us for untamed october! ⭐️
what is untamed october you might ask? well, charlie mqfx and i decided that since it's been 5 years since CQL aired, it's time for a cql renaissance! starting on october 1st 2024, we will be rewatching cql (and maybe making fanworks to contribute to the fun!!)
don't worry about a schedule; we're all busy adults, and you can take it at your own pace. the point of it is to have fun and relive some of the whimsy we all had when cql was first airing! if you want to try and get some of your mutuals or friends who have never seen cql before to watch it, october is the time!! if you have fanart or a fanfic you've been wanting to post, october is it baby!!
if you want to participate with fanart, fanfic, gifsets, etc., feel free to tag your work with #untamed october or #untamedtober ! i'll be making sure to go through those tags all month to boost everyone's work!!
here are some notable works that will drop this october:
⭐️ @trans-xianxian will be drawing an entire set of major arcana cql themed tarot cards!! check out this ask to see the gdrive folder with the progress 🩵
⭐️ i believe a couple of people may be making gifsets, but i don't know who! i know they'll be beautiful though 🩵
⭐️ and of course, i myself am going to be dropping my 36 chapter fanfic, a complete rewrite and revamp of my fanfic from 5 years ago, Odd Geometry! I will be posting the official summary of it soon, so please check it out 🩵
and of course, the fun won't be quite over yet.... tgcf fans better hold onto their hats for november when @mqfx drops the rest of Idle Dreams Far South! you can read the first chapter of it here!
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respectthepetty · 4 months
What do you mean you're a small blog?
You'll always be famous to me for pioneering the Alans Scale of Anger and I think you also do that other thing with... Colours? 🤔
I AM a small blog!
Y'all just think I'm something more because I'm always here, reblogging, living in the tags, and being unhealthy about mis tóxicos. I'm everywhere, all the time, and being really loud about it, so it just feels like I'm bigger than I really am. I'm like Kimberly in Pit Babe. My blog is tiny, but I cast a large shadow solely because of how much space I take up posting every two seconds.
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But if there is one thing I want to be known for, it's the Alan Scale.
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It's been serving me well for over a year, and I'm sure it will be of use during my SOTUS rewatch since, apparently, thinking I was going to get less than 216 votes was a mistake when I ended up with 535.
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However, I think the votes have more to do with Tumblr folks liking polls, and not the size of my blog, but I like that people really showed up for their favorites, so now I'm watching THREE shows for June! I'm going to start with the winner, Love in the Air, because if I like it, I'll watch Love Sea when it's released. But only if I like it!
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I'm going to watch The Untamed in the middle since it is the longest, and it's color coded, which is not super important to me or anything. I just happen to write about colors every now and then. But it's not like a big deal or something I'm "known" for.
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Which is why I think the Alan Scale really is my thing! I hate on a lot of stuff hence the Pride Petty Watch, Petty Prison, and Grudge Garden, so Alan has been useful in gauging my anger. It's also why I'm saving SOTUS for last. I'm fully prepared to be upset, so Alan and the other Petty Watches will hopefully calm me down.
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Thanks to everyone who voted in my teeny tiny blog's little petty poll to pick my Pride watches!
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 5 months
"your top 15 favourite tv shows can say a lot about your personality!"
Thank you so much for the tag @morkofday 🥰
How could I rank my top shows? They all mean so much to me and are all from different times in my life and from different genres... I can't compare Gilmore Girls to Moonlight Chicken! So without a rating here we go!
Gilmore Girls
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The show I watch to feel cozy and comfy! Most of the times I do a rewatch of my favorite episodes in autumn/winter and just enjoy Stars Hollow and all the quirky characters. And I am a huge fan of Lorelei... not her love life, but she is a strong and independet woman and I love that.
Moonlight Chicken
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What can I say? I love EarthMix and GeminiFourth! And the story was more of a family drama and something different than the usual GmmTV stuff. The story of letting go of the past and starting a new future, which is scary with all its obstacles, really captured me and I still think of it from time to time.
Pushing Daisies
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I love this bitter-sweet story of the unlucky pie baker and the love of his life never been able to touch each other but love each other nevertheless. The criminal cases were interesting and I enjoyed the colorful scenery, but nothing could top my love for Lee Pace. This man...
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My new favorite show. I loved it from beginning to end. And I don't want to let go of them. The hurt is still too fresh to talk about them 😭 Their story was so well written and the actors were so good in portraying the characters and their inner monologues and thoughts and I love it so much!
Love for Love's Sake
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The one show I will never be able to get over. The feelings I felt after it ended were not normal! I was heartbroken! This series means so much to me and Myungha will be forever one of my favorite characters ever! The story is unique and beautiful and so deep! Damn, that is such a good show!
It's okay to not be okay
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This show that broke me on so many levels. The amount of tears I shed! It was really a journey and I loved the characters and their growth.
Queer as Folk
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I was obsessed with this show and him, Brian Kinney! The topics they showed were, and still are, so important and relevant. It is not just some gay men fucking, but different stories about the community and their problems, fears, breakthroughs and their every day life. And Debbie will be forever this iconic mother figure for all of them and for us too.
The Untamed
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I don't know how many shows broke me, but this one... this one hurt so good! It is such a masterpiece of a series. What is good and what is evil and aren't there multiple ways to get to the same goal? There is so much love in this series and so much pain. At its peak I cried for 15 minutes straight... One of my all time favorites, but I couldn't rewatch it yet. The pain is still too real. I convinced my best friend to watch it and now she is mad at me and can't go on with it, because the same scene broke her too and now she is afraid of more pain to come. I understand her so well!
A Breeze of love
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Most of the times there is this one show a year that blows me away and I can't get a grip in life afterwards. This year is somehow different as there are already two shows that had this effect on me, but for 2023 it was this here. It is such a simple story and there was nothing special about their story, but I adored it to the max and I rewatched it multiple times. I can't really tell why I love it so much, I just do.
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This is one of the shows that can easily play in the background when I am doing other things, because I know it by heart. The amount of times I rewatched that is not normal and even though I don't really like the last season that much, the first three are hilarious and just so good!
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And another one I know by heart and could rewatch all the time. This show feels safe and there are so many memories connected here. I watched it after a bad breakup to give me some comfort or when I had a huge fight with my best friend, those friends were there for me. And even now I watch a few episodes when I feel down, because they can lift me up so easily.
Once Again
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Aaaand we have another one that broke me! Hurray! Guess I love cozy and comforting shows and those which totally destroy me. Great for me! This one had me sobbing during the whole last two episodes. I have my problems with time travelling, and I don't say it was a good execution here, but I just don't care, because the story is unique and special and I love it.
Be My Favorite
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The one that broke me and healed me withing hours. The beginning might be a little bit cringy, but it easily became one of my favorite shows out there. It feels so good to see the character growth and all the love that comes within. I still think about them very fondly.
A Tale Of Thousand Stars
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This back hug alone made it one of my favorite shows of all times. But for real, this started my EarthMix-love and I am still not over them. The story is beautiful and the scenery is stunning and the pining is perfect and I have so many emotions about them and this show!
Star Trek - The Next Generation
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Since I can remember I am a little trekkie, but only TNG. I love the cast and their adventures. I had a huge crush on Wesley when I was a kid. I watched his episodes so many times, it would be embarrassing, but that was what little Josi's heart wanted... Favorite character is by far Q. All of his episodes are hilarious and brilliant!
It was really difficult to break it down to only 15, because I love TV shows and there are some that I wish I could have put up here, but the rules are the rules.
I am as always lost who did this and who did not, so feel free to ignore me, if you don't want to or already did it! I am tagging @wen-kexing-apologist @pose4photoml @twig-tea and @troubled-mind
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metamagic-adept · 6 months
Tag game! Tag nine people you would like to know better. i was tagged by @stone-stars, thanks Han!!
Last song: “April Sky” by Ten Towers. a good reminder that there’s no need to rush
Favourite colour: a warm muted purple or mauve. second favorite is sunny yellow!
Currently watching: fantasy high: junior year and dungeon meshi. a little bit of leverage and rewatching the untamed when i want something familiar.
Sweet/savory/spicy: sweet first and foremost, but savory is also very good.
Relationship status: single and content (much happier since figuring out that I’m aro.)
Current obsession: Baldur's Gate 3, the Strixhaven 5e game I play in, and naddpod (my beloved evergreen obsession.)
Last thing you googled: “monkey man release date USA” (my friend and I were trying to figure out showtimes for our local theater, whose website can be funky)
i tag (no pressure, just for fun): @wandering-lupine-in-london, @nevercouldhurt, @frodothesaxophonegod, @minister-of-silly-walks, @literalliterature, @domesticatedanimals, @robothell, @tempestclerics @paladinbaby
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hakuryuu · 2 years
gay rights
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lurkingshan · 1 year
BL/QL Ask game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
Tagged by @clara-maybe-ontheroad to start some trouble. There are a lot of these, so I'm mostly going to do quick hits and maybe expand on a few that really get me going.
The categories are:
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL
It would be easier to list the BL soundtracks that are not horrible (offense intended).
Most cringe-inducing line (cute)/Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad)
I'm so bad at remembering specific lines of dialogue unless I think they're beautiful/heart-wrenching, so I got nothing.
Most stupid decision made by a character
In a BL?? Baby, I do not have all day.
Worst plot line
Hmmm I'm gonna give in to recency bias and say faking amnesia to get your fiancé to love you again after you iced him out and denied him sex for four years because of your tiger attack-related PTSD (no I am not making that up, never change actually Naughty Babe).
The most problematic show you've watched
Problematic is in the eye of the beholder, so honestly who can say.
A show people love but you find bad
LOLOLOL. There are. So many. Probably the one with the wildest fandom fervor :: Shan personal enjoyment ratio is KinnPorsche.
A show people find bad but you will defend
Theory of Love and y'all stay wrong about this. It is easily one of the best early Thai bls and the writing, character development, and narrative structure are all excellent, but people hate slutty characters so they can't deal with it.
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A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it/were horny/because of that one character
Why r u? What can I say, I'm a Fighter/Tutor girlie.
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A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated
Hmmm I usually just drop it if I'm truly not having fun. I guess you could count me finishing Minato's Laundromat 2 despite knowing any hope for it was over at the end of episode 9. I just needed to see how mad I was going to be in the end (pretty damn mad).
A bad show that you would still recommend
There is too much BL nowadays to be trifling with the bad shit.
The character that ruined a show the most/most awful character that you hated
PLERN PLENG (Together With Me). cc: @bengiyo the co-president of the Plern Pleng antis.
Most awful character that you loved
Boston, a beautiful chaos demon (Only Friends).
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A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like
Anyone played by Podd or Jimmy (it's their faces I can't stand them sorry to those men).
A hero that should have been a villain
This is an interesting one! I’m not sure this counts, but I’ll just say I did not love the way The Untamed white washed Wei Wuxian and removed his culpability for all his worst choices (I recognize this was largely due to censorship). I much prefer the more morally complex and deeply flawed version of him we got in MDZS.
A morally bad character you're into/you're not into and you wish people would stop being into
I don't believe in holding fictional characters to real life moral standards. Bad behavior makes for good stories.
The show that disappointed you the most
Let me take this opportunity to drag Plus & Minus again, a show that had all the right ingredients to be a top tier friends to lovers narrative and absolutely blew it to do some beyond clichéd noble idiocy and breakup bs that violated character and undercut the relationship to such a degree that I can never rewatch or enjoy anything about it again.
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons
Hmm I do not have one. It's rare for me to not be able to find something of value in any media I consume.
Tagging @chickenstrangers @sorry-bonebag @kayatoasted @blmpff @twig-tea in case you want to play!
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languidlotus · 1 year
tagged by @aleng-neng. What are my fave top 9 shows in no particular order. (All of these I have at 10/10.) I'll only pick recent shows, as they're the ones I have listed on MyDramaList and thus have a ranking for. XD This means it's mostly bls and cdramas. 1. Moonlight Chicken.
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One of my feelgood shows, even though it's still new. It feels comfortable and adult and grounded, with a bunch of amazing actors who are clearly comfortable with each other. As an 'older queer' it resonates with me a lot and I didn't dislike a single thing about it.
2. The Blood of Youth.
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A really fun show with gorgeous, engaging characters and the right mix of beautiful scenery, beautiful people, and creative storytelling that I like. Sprinkle in some excellent fight scenes and a bunch of my favourite actors and I'm sold!
3. Old Fashion Cupcake.
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I talked about mature stories earlier and this is another one of those. I could see myself in the main lead just a bit too much for me not to love this. Nozue recognizes that he's maybe stuck in a rut and complacent when he doesn't have to be. And, maybe, that handsome junior at the firm could help him get out of it (and make him recognize he's not straight).
4. KinnPorsche.
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Look, I know it has its issues. I know. And I know people have an issue with some of the fandom. I get it and for the most part I agree. However, this was the first BL in a long time that I had the urge to write fic for. I enjoyed the complexity of the universe and the characters that much. (Even if some of it didn't make sense. but that's half the fun!) And that's why I like it. It got my brain involved. (And I just adore Tankhun, okay.)
5. Word of Honor.
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Years ago I watched a few cdramas and then...somehow forgot about them? (I don't know how I did that.) However, back in 2019 I got back into them and eventually stumbled upon The Untamed. 'This is the pinnacle of cdrama for me and my tastes!' I thought. But then Word of Honor showed up. Look, everything about this show is stunning. The story, the characters, the setting, the clear and unadulterated love between the two main characters. Everything and everyone is beautiful and I've never gone through a cdrama as fast as I did this one. It's beautiful in ever sense of the word. And so, so queer. Don't believe me? Just search 'word of honor cdrama' in the gif section on tumblr and marvel at the art.
6. A Tale of Thousand Stars.
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This is not the first Thai BL I watched, but it almost feels like it? Because ATOTS is the first one I remember going crazy about (and it set me on the road to basically loving everything EarthMix are in together). I was super invested and wanted to draw art and everything. It's just such a nice, soft, romantic story and the characters are so fun. This is probably the one I've rewatched the most.
7. Semantic Error.
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As you can tell, I generally like stories that feel far away from home. I like magic and fantasy and settings that aren't typical. However, this is one of the few exceptions. I think it's the characters and their journey and the perfect execution of tropes that would have felt stale in any other show. It's a fun story with excellent characters and I get why it's so popular.
8. Mysterious Lotus Casebook.
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Technically, I can't say this show is 10/10 yet because it still has a bunch of episodes to go. However, I can tell it's going to get close at least. (And will probably get to 10.) I keep comparing it to a perfect blend of The Blood of Youth and A League of Nobleman, in that it's a fantasy world with a master swordsman who's dying (and begrudgingly adopts a cute puppy who loves him) and a bunch of cases that need solving (to unravel the overarching plot). It's so much fun and the settings + characters are so beautiful. (And I may or may not heavily ship the loyal, eager puppy with the stoic, lying dying man who tries to push him away (and literally abandon him) in an attempt to keep him safe (from harm and heartache).) The hurt/comfort and love against all odds is strong in this one! He gave up his lifelong dream to protect a man who's been lying to him ever since they met and whom is at that point a wanted fugitive!! Because he trusts and loves him so. Also, it has a bunch of very handsome and gorgeous actors/characters in it, whom I love (and who suffer beautifully).
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9. ??? I only have 8 shows that I've given 10/10 to (or a prospective 10/10, lol), so I'll just leave you with some other recommended shows that came close! Bad Buddy
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Between Us
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Choco Milk Shake
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Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms
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My Only 12%
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Ancient Love Poetry
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That's it! I invested way too much effort into this, but...it was fun? Sorry for clogging up your timelines with this, though!
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thewalrus-said · 5 months
Tagged by @brigdh!
Last song: Last full song was "Dance, Dance" by Fall Out Boy, but I was in the middle of "Misery Business" by Paramore when I got home.
Favourite colour: Purple theoretically, blue practically
Last Book: In the middle of Murder on the Rockport Limited, because I wanted to reread the first few TAZ graphic novels to see if they'll be okay for my niece's fifteenth birthday, and also I want to reread them before Suffering Game comes out in...June? *googles* July. I can tell from the cover that it's gonna fuck me up and I am so ready, frankly.
Last Movie: Oh god, I don't remember, but just running the probabilities it was likely Fatal Journey, the Untamed spin-off movie about the Nie brothers.
Last TV Show: As above, so below: I'm rewatching The Untamed, ostensibly for the purposes of copy-editing the subtitles but mainly because I'm still in the phase of fandom obsession where I need to Inhale all the Content as often as I can physically stand.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: I'm gonna be up-front with you, I can call sweet and spicy to mind, but if you asked me to define 'savory' or give examples of savory food, I would absolutely draw a blank and maybe start crying. So I can't answer this question sldkfjslkdjf
Relationship status: "it's complicated" with fictional character Nie Huaisang
Last thing i googled: The release date for Suffering Game :D
Current obsession(s): MDZS, specifically Nie Huaisang, specifically all the possible situations and machinations that could result in him doing ungodly things with Lan Xichen.
Looking Forward To: A couple of times a day @socksolotl will gently feed me snippets of her upcoming megalongfic like I am a baby bird, and I am always in some sort of quantum state of looking forward to the next. Also, @incandescentantelope is reading TGCF for the first time and I am also always in some sort of quantum state of looking forward to her distressed livetexting.
tag 9 people: @socksolotl @incandescentantelope @luka-button @lexicaldreamer @theliteraryluggage @jewishvitya @findingschmomo @dreamclock @thedreadpiratematt (only if you want to!)
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vivifriend · 6 months
Nine people I'd like to know better:
I was tagged by the lovely @thequeenofthewinter and @bostoniangirl21 Thank you. 💖
Last song I listened to: Yu Di - Lin Hai
Favorite color: It's a tie between brown and silver.
Currently Watching: One Piece and The Apothecary Diaries. (I can feel the urge to binge a new C-drama building though. XD No idea which one though. Which usually means rewatching The Untamed, Eternal Love, or Word of Honor. Or watching bits and pieces of random dramas on Viki until I find one that hooks my interest).
Sweet/Savory/Spicy?: Spicy please. 😊
Relationship Status: Married
Last thing you googled: picture of riding a camel. (Someone shared a line from a story about a character clinging to a camel's neck while trying to ride it, and I'm still trying to wrap my migraine-addled brain around that).
Current Obsessions: Skyrim, ESO, 4thewords (look, the starfall monsters are adorable, ok?), The Apothecary Diaries, various C-Dramas
Tagging: @sixylicious, @raine-kai, @rainpebble3, @changelingsandothernonsense, @aowyn Zero pressure whatsoever. 💖💖
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bbcphile · 6 months
Get to know me better tag game
Thanks to @wuxia-vanlifer , @pastelcheckereddreams , and @tiny-breadcrumbs for the tag!
Last song I listened to: That depends: one that I chose, or one that I heard? Because I was in a cafe in Paris this afternoon that started playing “You Sexy Thing” on the soundsystem and almost did a spit-take with my latte. In terms of something I chose, I just put on Patrick Wolf’s “Teignmouth” (the Sundark and Riverlight version) before sitting down to answer these questions because I refused to have that song be my answer. :D
Currently Watching: Getting close(ish) to finishing some group watches of Luoyang and rewatched of Destined and The Untamed, and about to start a watchalong of Immortal Samsara with @eirenical, and on my own I started watching Legend of Shenli and In Blossom, which I put on hold because of travel (and wanting to spend my spare time writing).
Currently obsessed with: It’s still Mysterious Lotus Casebook, and that’s not changing any time soon. :D (it better not, at least! I’m almost 50k into writing what will probably be around a 100k fic for it, so I better keep with this hyperfixation for awhile, lol). I’m still regularly checking AO3 for my other favorite fandoms, but MLC hasn’t left a lot of brain space for other things.
Tagging @athenasdragon @zishuge @yletylyf @rose-tinted-vision @popotobun @xthelastknownsurvivorx (as always, no obligation to do it if you’re tagged, and feel free to consider yourself tagged if you see this! I tried not to tag people I tagged before in a different version of this back in February, so if you don’t see your name here, I’m not ignoring you! <3 )
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poorlittleyaoyao · 6 months
I'm currently rewatching The Untamed in its entirety! The liveblog tag for it is "masala necromancy wizard hour" for your blocking needs.
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