#until granny oni took him in despite what he is
erikatsu · 8 months
im so sad over itto wtf
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xiao-come-home · 2 years
Genshin men going through your period with you;
✰ Characters: Ayato, Itto, Kaeya, Diluc, Zhongli, Xiao, Thoma, Albedo, Kazuha.
✰ Words: 1,6k.
✰ SFW headcanons ; fluff ; no reader pronouns or gender specified, but the reader is implied to have an uterus.
Warnings: none. please tell me if you wish to get something added!
A/N: this is actually a request that i got a long time ago, im sorry! I decided to add a few boys as a compensation :) they’re a bit shorter tho! request at the end of the post.
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he’s probably the busiest out of everyone, so you definitely have personal maids assisting you as soon as he steps out of the estate; not that it makes him calmer, though. Even if he trusts his stuff a lot, he’d rather personally take care of you.
Ayato does have quite an experience dealing with periods, since he has his dear sister - which is also a perk! Ayaka is more than happy to spend time with you until Ayato gets home. And probably to share your pain together...
When your pain reaches the limit, he doesn’t hesitate to bring a doctor. And no, you can’t talk him out of it. And no, the doctor can’t leave the estate until your pain goes away.
Ayato is probably the most calm out of everyone as well - it’s somewhat reassuring though. His gentle smile gives you so much comfort, even more so when he lies next to you in bed and kisses your forehead, whispering that it’s all going to be okay while playing with your hair.
He’s attempted to make you a healthy soup once. Weirdly enough, it took him twice the time it should take to cook...
Thoma becomes your full-time bodyguard whenever Ayato leaves! Not that he minds, there’s always a lot to catch up with.
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oh lord.
he’s absolutely lost. especially for the first time. His usual, cocky behavior pops like a bubble, so now you have a beefy child that holds you squished against his chest for hours. also, he’s probably panicking more than you.
in solidarity, he’s crying with you. 
in a more serious tone, Itto’s really worried about you. As not only his life partner, but a member of the Arataki gang, he can’t stand seeing you in so much pain, yet he’s barely able to do anything, that really sets off his guilt.
Attempts to talk you out of your pain! Tells you various adventures that happened, how many times he’s gone to jail, and how Ms. Hina’s stand happened to be in possession of the Arataki Gang... Wait, what?
When no medicine or comfort works, he holds your hand very tightly, putting his head onto your shoulder - he gets unusually quiet, his brows furrowed; Itto isn’t mad at you - but rather, angry that you have to endure all of this. He’s feeling so, so dirty for just watching you suffer. This isn’t right.
Whenever you cry, he kisses your tears away. It’s definitely not enough for him, but as soon as he sees that you appreciate his presence in any way, he feels a wave of hope.
Asks Shinobu and Granny Oni for help! He does want to make you feel better, and being there for you is not enough for him. Even if it’s traveling through half of the Inazuma to gather special herbs Granny told him about, he’s gone in a second.
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the cavalry captain probably hates your period as much as you do. He especially isn’t pleased seeing you in so much pain, so he’s trying not to be as annoying as he usually is.
he’s trying to check up on you as soon as possible, occasionally - he even stays home, so he’s able to take care of you the whole time. Though, while at work - he’s feeling on edge, which is totally visible despite him trying to hide it.
Kaeya actually... Asks Jean or Eula for guidance. While they offer quite good advice, deep down - he feels a bit guilty for not being able to lessen your pain.
Even though it’s hard for him to compensate for your pain - he’s way more affectionate with you! He places gentle kisses on your lower stomach, gives you massages, or simply, just holds you in his arms.
Can’t sleep? Don’t worry, Kaeya can’t sleep while being aware that you’re in pain. He doesn’t mind staying up once in a while, so he’s trying to shift your attention from pain as often as possible - be that telling you stories about Klee’s adventures, gossiping, or simply just reading for you.
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similar to Kaeya, he wants to be available for you as much as possible - which, technically, isn’t needed at all, because he’s perfectly capable of recruiting new maids just to serve you.
heating pad? nah, he’s warming you up with his hand and pyro vision. don’t worry, he’s particularly gentle with that; he’s tested it on himself... once.
listen, this man is dedicated. whenever your pain is too unbearable to the point of insomnia, he’s making you various juices to try out. yes, so what if it’s currently 3:57am, Diluc is busy making you a new mango drink. Maybe a little half asleep.. but it’s tasty.
Being the Teyvat batman makes him barely sleep at night anyway, so he’s down to you being his taste tester. Or, perhaps, listening to his stories about beating some treasure hoarder’s butts. Or Kaeya’s...
Prefers to simply ask you what to do to make you feel better - after all, there’s no other person that knows you better than you yourself, right? He complies with whatever you say, as he doesn’t want to upset you - whether it’s him cuddling you until you feel a bit better, or just giving you space.
he’s actually willing to bring you the best doctor in Teyvat, regardless of the cost. Mora has no value to him, as long as you’re suffering; he does bring it up once in a while, hoping that you’ll change your decision and let him take care of you professionally.
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he’s probably seen it multiple times in his life - being a former god, the only question that arises is whether he handles the situation correctly.
BUT! He’s got so much knowledge, that at this point he’s testing on you what ancient method works best - seriously, ointments, compresses, herbal teas - the only downside sometimes is the taste... or smell.
During the most painful moments, Zhongli doesn’t hesitate to hum you a soothing melody, while having you sit in between his legs, leaning against his chest; he traces an invisible pattern on your thigh ever so slightly, hoping to get your mind in a warm place.
knowing probably a handful of excellent healers/doctors, he might get in contact with one, to get a bit more insight of it, or just for them to check up on you.
Brings you a bouquet of flowers! Zhongli always leaves them on the bed next to you; each bouquet is always different, whether the arrangement of flower species, or colors - but has a small, handwritten card that explains it thoroughly and why it reminds him of you.
I feel like he’d try to do a lot of “homemade” things together? Like cooking or baking - perhaps making you some sweet stuff, like chocolates. Though, mostly by himself, having you watch him or taste his goodies while being comfortable, wrapped in a blanket.
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he’s so, so sweet! his smile is enough to make you feel better :(
constantly checks up on you, especially whenever Ayato lets you stay at Kamisato estate. Literally, his free time is sitting next to you and knitting or talking.
This sweetheart prepares you many tasty dishes like soups or your favorites! Also, expect some tasty cupcakes when you wake up after a very needed nap, at least once a week.
Taromaru likes to spend time with you as well! The problem is, you can’t really understand his engaging conversations...
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poor thing thinks that if you’re already in so much pain, then his karmic debt won’t make it any better - therefore, he avoids you (unwillingly) until persuaded otherwise.
keeps you company when you don’t sleep! he knows you need a lot of rest right now, so he shyly sits next to you on your bed with you in his arms. Tries his best to initiate small talk or just lets you listen to his heartbeat.
brings you qingxin flowers. sounds familiar...
whenever you need any supplies, Xiao visits Liyue harbor and grabs them for you. Please appreciate it. He’s trying really hard.
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this man is DETERMINED, and I mean DETERMINED A LOT to find a cure for your horrible pain.
makes you breakfast before leaving to Dragonspine :(
Though, whenever he’s at home with you, he likes to draw you a lot - often wearing different clothes, visiting places you haven’t been to yet, or including magical scenery. You lying still on the bed helps him a lot.
sometimes you’re left alone with Klee when Albedo leaves to bring you the necessary stuff - Klee, after a solid explaining from your lover and noticing by herself, tries not to be a bother too much and just enjoys her time with you! Be it showing you her drawings or even napping together. It truly gives Albedo a big smile on his face when he’s back.
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he. he precious. must PROTECT
Kazu wants you to feel the most comfortable you can during that dreadful week, so he fluffs up your pillows, covers you gently with a duvet, and gives your nose a kiss before joining you shortly after.
Reads you his poems, sometimes even writing haikus with you. 
He’s also willing to cook you some light things to make you feel better! If you like fish, he’ll gladly prepare his special grilled fish to eat together.
he’s just. so gentle. treats you like glass and wants you to feel at least a bit better by having him by your side :(
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tasunomyuzu · 2 years
ooc. additional muses (forgotten and ocs) to be added to my muse list soon...
TW: death... abandonment
this took longer than expected because I always add more muses than I intend to... >.> but here you go! muse page will be updated probably tomorrow... I’m going to go play some games a bit since I work early in the morning and want to relax before I have to go to bed. still trying to figure out some other muse ideas I had in mind.
will need to figure out more for most of my Genshin ocs and figuring out what weapons they use and shit... but later.
Herbalist Gui - hydro mage, went to the academy with Lisa, has a crush on her, had to drop out due to family issues, now working with Baizhu (from the princess pretends to be crazy)
Andrius - wolf of the north (from wicked fetter - non god form & sengoku night blood - god form)
Kichiboushi - tanukiiii babyyyy (poco from poco’s udon world)
Obi - elf, worked for the abyss order, pyro abyss lector / fatui pyro agent?, got out, adventurer, doesn’t ever stay in one place for long, has a vision of some sort maybe? (from 1hp club)
Solaire - sunshine boy, half elf, part of the knights of favonius / paladin, parents moved from Mondstadt to Fontaine / Natlan, moved back to Mondstadt, has a vision of some sort maybe? (from 1hp club)
Kaito (name subject to change) - tengu, pyro vision (upon request, from kamisama kiss)
Emil Alphonse Sonnen - lesser god, god of wildlife, can turn into different animals (prefers bunny, can talk to any animal), Mondstadt born / Inazuman, baby faced (but really born around the same time the traveler and their sibling arrived in Teyvat), went into a dormant state after the cataclysm, woke up around the time the traveler’s sibling became leader of the abyss
Itachi - kitsune, descendant of hakushin, father / older brother / uncle of two abandoned kitsune (either saiguu’s or someone else’s)
Okimi - name given by Itachi, nickname Kimi, sister to Okimi
Asahi - name given by Itachi, nickname Asa, brother to Okimi
Genshin sideverses
Amon - sacred beast / adeptus / maybe a descendant of the Kätzlein Bloodline like Diona?, from Sumeru, backstory still in progress (from my gently raised beast)
Eri - half oni, mother was a human, father was an oni, both of them killed when she was just a baby, taken in by a family who found her hiding in a small crawlspace near her parents’ dead bodies, eventually placed into multiple homes, constantly moved around, nobody wanted her around bc of her being part oni, eventually ran away at 7 years old and eventually taken in by Granny Oni and Itto (depending on verse)
Thoma oni verse - mother was human, father was oni, father grew angry and killed his mother so he hides his horns / oni side from most, doesn’t acknowledge he’s part oni, has a fake backstory so others don’t find out the truth / are afraid of him, maybe kills his father in return? or father killed himself after finding out what he did??? still a wip!
Twisted Wonderland:
Ace Trappola (Genshin verse?)
Malleus Draconia
Ortho Shroud
Cheka (need to come up with a Genshin verse)
Genshin verses
Malleus - son of Zhongli / Guizhong, was given to the adepti to look after during the archon war, after the war Zhongli needed time to mourn leaving Mal with the adepti, unable to control his powers, he turned into a dragon (after watching his dad become one) and was unable to turn back for some time, when he was old enough, he went out to look for his dad despite the Cloud Retainer trying to keep him there, tried to turn back into a human, but failed only being able to hold it briefly for a few minutes until he was older and could control his powers better (often seen walking around naked until someone had ran into him and had given him clothes, though he still prefers to be naked most of the time), angry at the world (his father, his mother, humans)
Ortho - helper to “the bad man” who kept Rory in a cage, but wasn’t there when he changed back, coming back to find Rory where he stayed until the Knights of Favonius found them, he grew attached to Rory, having no family of his own and followed him everywhere, healer, cryo or hydro??, maybe was an experiment? no family? maybe his parents kind of just dropped him off on bad man doorstep or something, needs to have either his eyes / mouth covered for some reason? (sensitive eyes... has breathing problems?)
Possible muses once I read up on them / meet them in game
Cater Diamond
Floyd or Jade Leech
Kalim Al-Asim
Ruggie Bucchi
Vil Schoenheit
Epel Felmier
this is all I got for now but... question for my followers, would anyone be interested in possibly seeing the following as test muses?:
Alice, Klee’s mom (Alice Nakiri from Food Wars as the FC)
another oc from the Kätzlein Bloodline (Millianna from Fairy Tail as the FC)
Azhdaha (Kagura Demuri from Genesis as the FC)
Dvalin (no FC idea yet)
unnamed OC experimented on by Dottore to combine wolf DNA and human DNA (Lumine from the webtoon Lumine as the FC)
unnamed Sayu brother OC (Yuri Kamanosuke from Sengoku Night Blood as the FC)
still have to decide which of the fandoms I still wanna rp because I have a lot of muses and will probably drop some fandoms / muses that aren’t.. super active? will I ever be done with my muse list? probably not... :/
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