#people are SO mean to him. they throw beans at him during festivals. try to pick on granny oni. insult him to his face and behind his back
erikatsu · 1 year
im so sad over itto wtf
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izusun · 3 years
Goblin anon here absolutely screeching over feral quirkless Midoriya, it's everything I wanted
I would like to also introduce a brand (my brand) of feral to Midoriya: pyromaniac.
Imagine Midoriya getting through the entrance exam by saving people, but also by bringing makeshift Molotov cocktails and wrecking almost as much shop as Bakugou.
Imagine the battle trials where Bakugou tries to blow up the building because "that's the only way to keep this little shit down" and in response Midoriya dodges and then sets the building on fire.
Imagine the USJ incident, which goes about the same, but his first instinct is to set the Noumu on fire. Yes he does so. He also nearly sets the stadium on fire at the sports festival so much that they had to evacuate sections of the stadium.
Midoriya (say it with me now) sets Stain on fire. When Tsukauchi meets with the murder trio after the Hosu incident, he just sighs and is like "Midoriya, really?" And this is when we learn that Midoriya has a history of coming across random villains and setting them on fire. When Inko arrives to pick him up she's just like "You're grounded."
There's theories about what Midoriya's quirk, everything from increased intelligence to extremely shitty luck to the ability to make anything he touches explodes (due to his inane ability to make a bomb/lighter out of the most insane things). When it comes out that he's quirkless, it just makes everyone even more afraid, as Midoriya can make a bomb out of some LSD and a rubber duck quirkless-
Pyromaniac quirkless Midoriya.
- Goblin anon
GOBLIN ANON IT’S BEEN AGES IM SORRY IM JUST RESPONDING NOW (ive been so bad at responding asks my god i struggle but thank u for ur au dumps, i love loVE THEM SO MUCH!!!!)
feral quirkless gremlin midoriya going through shit by setting things on fire is just the way to go im duwldjwksk
i read midoriya with molotov cocktails and i have not stopped simping for and thinking about this midoriya
genuinely swooning at this ver of him
midoriya probably has a collection of lighters and basically does those hand tricks to calm him down or to take his mind off of things
bakugou and midoriya being more familiar with each other in their middle school days compared to canon and bakugou gifting midoriya with personalized all might lighter god that’s adorable
ok but they’re talking about their favourite heroes and bakugou goes, “shocking that you don’t like endeavour.”
and midoriya just shrugs, twisting his hand and fingers to orchestrate the fire’s dance from his lighter, his viridian eyes brighter and says, “his fire feels wrong.” and they leave it at that
midoriya being inspired by bakugou’s explosions and attempting to copy those so bad that bakugou thought midoriya’s trying out for support classes
he yanks out makeshift molotov cocktails from his bag, lights them up and throws them at the bastard. the sludge villain screams and retreats slightly because not only was he facing the fires but also the exploded glass shards. it gave enough time for bakugou to explode the villain and escape enough to allow him to breathe. in the end, all might still defeats the sludge but he misses bakugou and midoriya who escaped. no ofa for firey green bean.
bakugou helping midoriya create more explosions.
“but kacchba i want fire, not explosions!”
“same difference you pyro asshole!”
midoriya learns them anyways and enjoys it.
i have two ways:
one: midoriya appealed to the staff that he needed support items and they allowed him and they watched in shock as this little boy explodes the arena worse than the explosion-quirked student. of course he passes and aizawa took him on as his student.
two: midoriya appealed to the staff that he needed his support items but the staff did NOT allow him because they’re considered weapons (as if quirks are not genetic weapons but i DIGRESS) and so when the exam starts, he stays at the very back of the other examinees. this was so that when he arrives at the scene, there are already spare parts for him to scavenge so that he can build makeshift explosions (foregoing whatever shit he learned from katsuki because all that’s on his mind right now are molotov cocktails)
so that’s what happens. he scavenges parts and hides inside one of the buildings so that he can focus more on making explosions and be less worried about being attacked. when he was fully geared, he steps out and begins to retaliate.
he works fast as to not waste his time and the makeshift explosions. because of this, others (ahem-aoyama-ahem) had no opportunity to steal his score.
same thing happens: uraraka gets caught and midoriya explodes the zero pointer. this time, however, the robot is utterly destroyed.
aizawa and majima saw midoriya’s performance, adored it, and began fighting for midoriya.
“majima, he’s here for the hero classes.”
“great. now give him to me.”
nezu pretends that he’s not planning on splitting midoriya’s schedule anyways.
BATTLE TRIAL OH MY GOD rip all might i bet you keeled over so bad, you were one second from turning to small might there and then.
all might: ok so one explodey kid to look out for. that’s not bad.
all might, one minute later: this green kid looks familiar…
all might, ten minutes later: what the fuck.
NO BECAUSE bakugou and midoriya being excited to explode things (well, more like midoriya’s excited and bakugou just wants to fight midoriya) and having a blast when fighting each other.
1a’s probably thinking “oh no” followed by “they’re hot” (literally too because yk the building’s on fire.)
midoriya saw this monster running to aizawa and he just points a more eloquent looking flame thrower (thank u mei for working with midoriya with that) at this beast and sets it on fire.
it effectively slowed the noumu and gave the others an opportunity to pull aizawa from the hit zone. it also granted all might more freedom when fighting the noumu because it was slowed enough that all might didn’t have to worry about exceeding his time limit.
the fire damaged some of its nerve processes that the scientist and afo had not accounted for. of course this review is returned to them and many of the noumus become fireproof because of this incident.
midoriya crushing on todoroki because fire.
he was actually very interested in todoroki prior to sports fest but something about todoroki’s fight against sero sparked something more in midoriya. midoriya saw the anger from his ice, now he wants to see the same intensity from his fire.
his spiel of “that’s your power, todoroki” goes differently. todoroki still pulls him aside and trauma dumps on him but this time he goes, without missing a beat, “that fire is a waste on you.”
todoroki full body pauses because that’s not something he’s ever, well, considered to hear after trauma dumping.
“what?” he croaks, confused at the bubbling feeling. it’s a miasma of anger and hurt, but to a scale so unfamiliar.
midoriya shrugs. “fire is unique, more so as an elemental quirk. you think it doesn’t make half of you—well, i mean you’re right. it doesn’t. you make it. you control it. fire is often uncontrollable and yet here you are, having it as your power. it’s yours to control, so control it. use it.”
todoroki’s ears are ringing.
“you have it as your power.”
“so control it.”
and so he did.
midoriya watched todoki’s fire; watched the way the flames lick up up up and leaves no air bathed in heat. midoriya sees the rawness of anger and determination and thinks, “this is how fire should always look like.”
unconsciously he also thinks how todoroki’s fire is far more beautiful than endeavour’s.
midoriya loses and he’s not as sad about it. losing to something sentient (fire, not todoroki), for him, is a blessing.
todoroki advances along with bakugou.
bakugou who is jealous of todoroki because he saw how midoriya eyed todoroki’s fire and knew todoroki’s a competition in other more ways.
bakugou wins again, this time less angry because todoroki used his fire against him.
todoroki full on pausing because he thought he’s the one who set stain on fire unconsciously only to follow the fire’s trail and sees it’s from one of midoriya’s many support items.
“shoot i didn’t mean to burn him that fast!”
“that’s your issue!?”
midoriya gives them a “duh?” look and todoroki feels himself warming up (HAH another fire pun) at midoriya’s ease.
flying noumi still comes and picks him up but midoriya also sets this thing on fire. the difference between a winged noumu and a normal noumu is that the wings are far more flammable and midoriya had quite a bit of fun at setting it on fire and hearing the crackling of flames on rubbery wings.
endeavour casts him a glance that speaks of approval and midoriya doesn’t know if he hates it or not.
tsukauchi arrives and sees not only stain, but the noumu and heaves up a very big sigh. “midoriya, really?”
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
More undateables with a demigod hades mc???
By request, have yourself a part two!! 
Demigod MC Series: Hades Pt. 2 (Un)Dateables Edition!
I will ask that y’all please don't ask for continuations of other gods unless I say it’s okay to do again. This series already fills my inbox something fierce and this is a one-off that I allowed for during the request window.  If I have to make ideas for new gods while continuing a bunch of old MCs, it'll burn me out fast...
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena, Hades Pt. 2
Oh, he has no problem at all hosting a child of the Underworld, hell he even throws them a welcome banquet when he finds out! Hades is a dear friend - and practically a parental figure to him growing up - so he's more than happy to take in one of his children for a year.
Diavolo is actually one of the few people that the MC can talk to about their home with any kind of fondness. Usually when they bring up things like the comforting wailing of the River Coctyus, the brothers will give them weird looks... but Diavolo knows where they're coming from!
He spent numerous summers in the Underworld growing up doing things like pestering Charon on the River Styx or playing games with Cerberus (the other one) in the Asphodel Meadows... His beach house is actually modeled after his childhood summer home in the Isles of Paradise! Really, it can be a lovely place if the gloom doesn't bother you!
So in the spirit of his fond memories, Diavolo really tried to make their time in the Devildom a fun one!... in his maybe trying a little too hard way…  
Poor MC found themselves offered pretty much everything under the moon… Tickets or exclusive passes to different cultural events/festivals, invitations to gala events, and tours of nearly every inch of Hell by the Prince himself - it was… it was a lot for the poor introverted thing…
It didn’t help that Diavolo would have a hard time gauging if they were having any fun due to their naturally melancholic nature, which only pushed him to try harder… He means well, he does. He’s just not the most in touch with what would make an anti-social doom child happy...
It took Barbatos and Lucifer stepping in for the mortal to actually start getting some much needed space and that improved their experience significantly. Sometimes less is more, Dia… Less is more. But they appreciate his efforts anyway.
Also has a pretty amicable relationship with the Ruler of the Underworld, though his is much more professional compared to Diavolo’s. He actually has a good deal of appreciation for the man for taking good care of the Prince during his visits, so he sees this as an opportunity to return the favor.
Like Diavolo, he’s rather focused on making sure the MC is having a good stay in the Devildom, but he’s much more subtle about it. He’ll come by the House often to check up on them and make sure everything is to their liking... 
Even the brothers notice that he treats them like anothering visiting Lord/Lady in that way, which he would argue they very much are and should be respected as one. It’s the least the Devildom can offer their father at this point.
His visits may also be an excuse for keeping an eye on the brothers to make sure they don’t do anything to inconvenience their “young guest…” To be honest, the entire House is a little paranoid about that… Nobody wants to know the punishment for hurting MC if Barbs is the one dishing it out...
Apart from watching out for them, Barbatos tries to encourage the MC to accept the Young Lord’s gifts (while also actively advising Diavolo to go easier on them at the same time). It would be so disheartening to him if his Prince feels like he hasn’t offered them the best experience that he could… He’s sure they understand.
Any time that he invites the MC to tea, they usually end up talking about their father in some way. Barbs knows a surprising amount about the god… He’s been around about as long as Chronos - preceding the birth of Aether and Chaos themselves - so he has some stories to tell.
The MC did once ask him why he doesn’t just run everything if he’s really been around for so long... his answer was: “Kings and their kingdoms will rise and fall… Worlds upon worlds are born, then cease to be. But time is what brings about all changes… So, I think I’m perfectly content with the power I possess. Wouldn’t you be?” 
Annnd they never asked Barbs another question like that again… and people think death is scary… 
He was honestly a little worried for their new companion for quite a while… It’s not like there’s never any sadness in the Celestial Realm or anything, but they seem to have something else entirely…
He’s heard stories about the Underworld. He’s never been himself, that’s usually a job for the Seraphim due to the… dreary nature of the place - but he’s heard it would make the Devildom look downright festive…
If he were being honest, he had half expected the MC to be obsessed with skeletons, ghosts, and other elements of darkness but that wasn’t the case. They certainly knew a lot about those things, but they appeared to have a healthy interest in the afterlife in general, so they asked him a lot of questions about the Celestial Realm, angels, and how the souls of the blessed are treated up there… It was surprising to say the least.
Of course he did the same and, frankly, Simeon found it incredibly wasteful that so many Greek followers find themselves just wasting away in a field of nothing for so long… but that’s neither here nor there.
He was also surprised by how gentle of an influence the MC ended up being on Luke as well. He had always suspected that the little angel just needed a bridge between him and Devildom to start finding appreciation for it, and the MC fit that bill perfectly - nothing he was used to, but still approachable enough to make everything less frightening. He thanks them a great deal for that… but...
It’s just that… Well they’re just so… depressing sometimes…! He doesn’t want to blame them because it hardly seems like their fault! They’re a very kind person, it’s just an atmosphere around them… It brings him to tears if he isn’t careful…
He’s invited the MC to Purgatory Hall on multiple occasions to chat and try to make them smile… When they do, the gloom is dispelled - even just a little - and they’re a truly beautiful creature regardless. It’s just so unfortunate that their life brings so much sadness...
Even so, he actually likes the MC enough to consider basing a character on them if he ever wrote another book. Something about a gloomy but sweet protagonist at home in a world of darkness sounds appealing… doesn’t it?
He didn’t know how to feel about the MC when they met. At first, he actually thought they were just as unhappy as he was to be there due to how depressed they looked but when they told him that wasn't true, he was really confused...
The Devildom is a dark, brutish, and dangerous place. Why would anyone feel at home down here??
But… well… He would spend time with them at RAD between breaks (partially to help scare off their many, many demonic suitors) and it might be weird to say, but they really made the Devildom look beautiful… literally.
The world just looks better when they’re around! It’s really hard to describe because it’s not something you notice much until they leave, but when the MC is around everything looks more vibrant and inviting! The grass gets greener, flowers grow bigger, and butterflies/birds hover around wherever they are like they have their own gravity - the realm loves them!
It started getting hard for Luke to hang onto his disdain for the place when they made it look so appealing… And then they started talking to him about the Underworld and the creatures they’d befriended there… creatures a lot worse than any demons he’d seen there...
Like. If the MC can be good friends with a bunch of rude walking corpses, then he could probably make friends with a demon right? There’s nice ones… kind of… 
Beel. He can make friends with Beel.
Like Simeon, he does feel bad that they seem so sad all the time… but unlike the older angel, he’s a bit more understanding that this is just how they are and enjoys his time with them regardless. (It helps a lot that just being around this little bean of a boy can lift their spirits anyway).
And you know what’s even better for him? When Lord Diavolo gives the MC tickets to things that they don’t want to go to, sometimes they’ll invite him along or give them to him instead! 
He’s gone to the Devil’s Coast with MC and Simeon sooo many times by now and he loves it!! Maybe the Devildom isn’t so bad after all, I mean, it can be a lot of fun when you go to the right places, anyway.
Oh, he finds them both deeply fascinating and utterly terrifying - so just his sort of test sub-er, person!
He kids (somewhat), Solomon isn’t that dumb/lacking in self-preservation instinct. Experimenting on a child of death in a land of the dead (even if it’s not their “home turf”) would be asking for trouble. They’d have more than enough ammunition to fight him off and if their father found out? Immortality wouldn’t even begin to save him...
That being said, questions aren’t necessarily experiments… and oh boy, does he have a lot of them.
If the MC isn’t being pestered by Diavolo or the brothers, then they’re probably having to put up with Solomon nipping at their heels trying to get them to use their powers or answer all sorts of “innocent” scientific questions…
“MC, reanimation of Greek dead requires a blood offering, correct? Do you have to sacrifice animals for that process or do you allow them to feast on your own?”
“MC, when you’re controlling a skeleton do you move the body as a whole or do you have to animate each individual bone due to their lack of ligaments?”
“Think fast!! Oh look, you just caught the skull of my good friend, Richard! Could you bring him back from that, or should I fetch the rest of him?” 🙂
They put up with it because, believe it or not, he’s not nearly the weirdest person they’ve ever met (a lot of crazy people drift in and out of the land of the dead…) and well… they’re a pretty lonely person too so it’s not like they have a lot of standards when it comes to friendships anyway.
But the second they breathe a word of this to Barbs or Diavolo, this boy is on his way to a royal restraining order… Where does he even get those skulls…?
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shotorozu · 4 years
During the sports festival when everyone’s fighting against another student, I was wondering if you could do head cannons of Shinsou, Bakugou, and Mirio reacting to their quirkless crush that fights like a total badass against some bully student that underestimates her. She can whoop anybody and is a pro with close quarters combat so she has inhuman reflexes, strength (can yeet boys bigger than her easily), and knows what to do against others with strong quirks when close enough so she’s scary when fighting but she’s actually a very sweet and mellow person when people initiate a friendly conversation with her but she doesn’t take to kindly to disrespectful mofos like Monoma or others trying to put her down for being quirkless. She loves being underestimated just to see the looks on her opponent’s faces after beating the dog shit outta them.
(I’m sorry that it’s a lot but I get very descriptive with things like this 😭, if you don’t want to do it just ignore it)
i love requests like this 🤠 i don’t like how some people portray Y/N as a doormat, so do i love powerful! Y/N? yup.
quirkless! reader whooping ass
characters : shinsou hitoshi, bakugou katsuki, togata mirio
fic type : headcanons [kinda angsty?? turns into mild fluff]
legend : [Y/N = your name] since anon said “she” i’ll make it f!reader. reader’s ability matches to anon’s description too
notes : still doing all of my requests 🤠 just be a lil more patient :))
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shinsou hitoshi
he saw you in 1-A and sat there and wondered what your quirk was at first
then it dawned on him that you’re quirkless
would’ve been lowkey bitter if he didn’t already like you so much
he’s not bitter because of his feelings. you’re actually really sweet— it would feel like a crime to hate on you
but, you don’t tolerate any slander, nope. you will clap back if anything happens
anyways, he admires you a lot— since he can finally relate to someone.
since both you and him don’t really have ‘flashy’ quirks i mean,, you don’t really have one
he’s seen you study and train from afar so you could finally hone your abilities
and so that you could catch up with your class
so, safe to say— you’re capable.
but is he a lil worried when he sees that you’re up against someone that’s been tormenting you?
kinda.. but he knows he shouldn’t underestimate your abilities
so he sits back and watches you practically beat the shit out of your bully in the match
and he’s like ❤️👄❤️ wow
afterwards, he makes sure to check if you’re okay.
and it’ll take a while for him to finally confess his feelings, because.. insecurities
he’s so happy you said yes
if anyone teases you for having no quirk,
shinsou, like the lanky person he is— will tower over them and scare them off
(even if they were taller than him, they’d be a lil scared anyway)
man’s lowkey a bean stalk. your boyfriend of a bean stalk though 👁👁
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bakugou katsuki
imagine the treatment bakugou would give you because you’re quirkless
(basically— he’ll treat you like shit)
he’ll think you’re the BIGGEST extra, like.. why are you even in the hero course??
eventually, you gain his respect of course.
and he can actually see why you’re on the hero course in the first place 
you remind him a lot about deku since your nose was always stuck in a book like him. 
but in the end, it was worth it because you were always in the top with momo when it came to written tests and stuff
your technique in battle— it’s just.. 
(kinda wants to copy your technique sometimes) 
katsuki experiences field day x1 because your opponent is monoma from 1-B
which is kinda funny because.. if you don’t have a quirk—
then what the hell is he gonna copy anyway 👁👁❓
monoma’s mouth is always running per usual
but there is no back talk once you’re done with him :))
katsuki experiences field day x2 when you throw monoma across the arena
in short? he’ll make you spar with him constantly
but then he’ll be a little soft with you, he just doesn’t realize it
it’s a subconscious thing with baku <3
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togata mirio
treats you like royalty
i mean.. mirio’s kinda like a golden retriever ngl, always nice to everyone
so if you quip his interest— you’ll get the finest treatment
and if you’re quirkless?? it really doesn’t matter.
if you had the baddest quirk, it still wouldn’t matter. he’s not endeavor- he’s not looking at quirks and shit
he’ll always be there regardless of quirk power, but!!
you’re so cute :)) he likes watching you study, and practice techniques in your spare time
(it’s not weird when it’s mirio, because the genuine curiosity puts you at ease.)
is he a little worried when he sees that you’re partnered up with your long time bully in the sports festival
he looks pretty chillax from the outside
but he’s actually really concerned. especially if their quirk is a little different
(like.. you don’t know their weakness so oops.)
but he knows he should trust you :) so he watches as you throw your bully across the floor
he’ll be very proud of you :))
it looks like he’s just being mirio when he scand your body with his hands
but this is him discreetly checking for wounds you didn’t report to recovery girl.
the sports festival alone causes the mutual admiration to blossom
and before you guys knew it— you’re dating.
you guys are powerful, but in different ways (couple goals oh my)
(you tried carrying mirio once, and to his surprise— you actually managed to do it)
overall? the best boyfriend. take care of each other :))
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading (sorry for the late answer anon omg)
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing
do not plagiarize my work :))
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be my festival date! (sugawara)
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word count: 2,570
pairing: sugawara kōshi x fem!reader
warnings: fluffy beans and an adorably playful suga lol 
a/n: hello everyone!! thanks again for all the love you’ve shown this little series :) i’ve had a lot of fun writing it, even if it’s not my most popular fics. I feel like i’ve written these for myself so it makes me love them more! i hope you all love a playful and teasing suga as much as i do!!! enjoy!!
haikyuu masterlist | be my festival date! masterlist
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Sugawara honestly thought he would be a lot more nervous than he was. He thought back to all the times he had been called to join the court during a game, how the blood would shoot right out of his hands and leave his fingers feeling numb and cold. Or how he felt taking college exams, his whole future practically decided by the outcome of his scores.
And yet… when faced with the most hilarious and silly, crazy beautiful girl who had the most insanely contagious energy out there, and getting to go on a dinner date with her? Somehow Sugawara’s hands weren’t feeling numb. For some reason, he felt totally calm.
Maybe that was just another effect you had on him - because you had so many. The third year always thought that romance mangas and movies had always exaggerated about how your heart could swell in your chest, or how your whole face could feel like it might explode from warmth just thinking about the person… 
“And yet,” Suga murmured to himself, pushing his hand to his chest in an attempt to make his heart feel less like it was going to burst from his ribs. A smile graced his lips for a moment as he thought about how entertaining it was, the whole club vying for your attention, each of them becoming as soft as can be for you. “I’m not going to lose,” he said firmly out loud, as if trying to convince himself.
“Lose what? I thought we were getting dinner?” You spoke up suddenly, smiling up at him with that smile that made him feel a little lightheaded.
“Y/N! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” Suga scolded you, his heart already faint but his smile still wide. “You’re gonna give me a heart attack!”
“Oh come on, you sound like an old man!” You teased, poking his chest. “I didn’t mean to sneak up on you - I said hello. But you looked so deep in thought, I don’t think you heard me.”
Suga blinked in surprise, his ears going pink as he realized he hadn’t even greeted you properly, “I’m sorry! Let’s start over shall we?” He laughed, giving you a wave and one of those signature smiles. “Hey Y/N! Are you ready for the best dinner of your life?” He asked, offering you his hand like a pure gentleman.
You happily took his hand, but not before teasing him with, “You know, that smile looks all innocent but I feel like you’re preparing to throw me in the lake or something.”
Suga scoffed, acting all offended as the two of you started to make your way towards the food trucks, “How dare you, I am nothing if not the most kindheart gentlemanly type!”
“Mhm sure. Like how gentlemanly of you when you poured a bucket of water on my head,” you pointed out with a giggle.
“No, like how gentlemanly of me when I offered you my clothes after that,” he teased, winking at you playfully. “I promise, no soaked clothes this time around! Just dinner and some music,” he beamed, nodding towards the band that were playing nearby. 
The smell in the air was enough to make your stomach, which hadn’t previously been all that hungry, feel like it hadn’t eaten in years. Different foods were being sold at different booths, people lining up with that starving look in their eyes.
“See something you like?” Sugawara asked you, his own eyes travelling down to see what might interest him.
You nodded quickly, dragging him to walk up and down the booths with you to see everything up close. The two of you finally decided to just get a plate of everything and to split it all together like a good family meal. Suga quickly realized that all the containers of food were piling in his hands and pushed them into yours, “Here, how about you go find us a spot and I’ll get the rest!” He suggested, glancing around. “I’ll trust you to find a super romantic spot!”
You rolled your eyes as he laughed at how quickly you got embarrassed by him, because Sugawara always knew how to embarrass you. “I just like it when you look at me like that,” he had told you before, a cheeky wink following to just add to the warmth on your skin. 
It was a while before you managed to find a table, most of them were already taken by families and festival visitors. But there was one off to the side, far away from the music so it wasn’t too loud, but enough that you could still enjoy it. Maybe it was because this bench was so far away from the others that it didn’t get taken as quickly, but you thought it was perfect. There was a nice view of the oncoming sunset from the seats, and you felt yourself sitting there just watching the sky for a moment before remembering you should probably lay out all the food.
Your stomach started to growl loudly as you started to take out the food, arranging them in a way so they were easily accessible on both sides of the table. Your eyes started to drift over to wherever Sugawara was as you waited, smiling as you found him almost instinctively turning to look at you too. He gave his little smile and held a finger up, as if to tell you he’d be there soon. And sure enough, Suga soon came running over with more food than you thought he was going to get, making you laugh as he struggled to put it on the table.
“How do you expect us to eat all of this?” You giggled as he handed you some chopsticks and a plate.
“I couldn’t help it! It all smells delicious and I couldn't skimp out on the food on our first date,” he stated, as if this was obvious, grinning to himself as he looked at it all. “It’s alright if we can’t finish it. I can pack some of it for the others. But obviously, let’s eat all the best parts, alright?” He chuckled, starting to pile food onto your plate.
You never had to tell him what kinds of things were your favourite - it was like Suga always knew. He gave you more than enough helpings of each dish that you had been dying to try, “Okay ready?” He asked, after both of your plates had gone heavy with food.
You nodded eagerly, barely needing a cue before digging into your food. Suga joined you quickly, the two of you barely having time for words in between the inhalation of the dishes, besides you mumbling with a full mouth, “Oh my god, that’s incredible,” and Suga sometimes motioning aggressively towards a dish as if begging you to try.
“Do it!” He insisted for one particular dish, his eyes sparkling as he looked at you excitedly.
You glanced at the food he was talking about, scrunching your nose up a little as you noticed an ingredient you weren’t particularly fond of, “Mmm, I think I’ll stick to this one,” you responded, trying to seem casual enough that he wouldn’t challenge you. But it was Suga, so of course he was going to.
“Oh come on now, how are you going to find new things to love in life if you don’t give them a try,” he joked, grabbing some with his own chopsticks and holding it out to you. “Come on, say ahh!”
You glared at him playfully, trying to decide if he would let this go if you kept saying no… before sighing and giving up, accepting the food he was holding in front of you.
Dammit, you thought to yourself as you chewed, still glaring at him. He was right… it is good…
“It’s good right?” Sugawara laughed, noticing how much more upset your face got. “I have good taste, Y/N, I told you! Besides, everything tastes better when you’re sharing with a lover right?”
There was a sultriness in Sugawara’s tone that you hadn't ever heard before and it caught you so off guard, you almost choked. Your eyes quickly averted from his, trying to pretend like you hadn’t heard it, but Suga’s laughs made it clear he knew you had. 
There was something so heartracing about Sugawara - you could never put your finger on it. You always thought that this goosebump raising, heart racing, breath snatching feeling would go away after a while of getting to know him, becoming friends with him… but it never did. Sugawara made you feel like you were falling in love every single moment, making you comfortable and feel secure, and yet still finding new ways to make your heart flutter.
As the food slowly disappeared, Sugawara and you cleared the table and kept some of the food for him to hand to the other boys later. “Feeling up for a walk?” He asked suddenly, smiling at you as you wiped your face with a napkin.
You groaned a little, wanting to just sink into the floor with your food-baby, shaking your head, “I feel like I could take a giant nap to be honest.”
Suga smirked, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, “Nonsense! The evening is still young! Come on!”
You whined some more as he tugged you along, though to be honest, he was right. It was probably best for you two to walk a little after eating so much because if you sat down immediately, you were definitely going to fall asleep and that would be an awful way to end the night. The two of you talked about what had happened previously in the day, Suga throwing his head back in laughter as he told you about how nervous Asahi and all the other boys were as time passed with all of them standing around. “You know, Y/N, I always thought that volleyball was going to be the only thing that connects us all. We’re all so different ya know? To be honest, without volleyball, I’m not sure I would’ve ever hung out with the second or first years… but now there’s you. An incredibly special girl… and we can all see it.”
Your face was getting even warmer now, “Oh stop, you’re exaggerating!” You giggled, shaking your head and pushing at his chest a little.
Suga watched you for a moment, a bit surprised before just smiling and tugging you towards a nearby hill to continue watching the sunset on. The two of you sat there for a moment, you leaning into his chest slightly as you watched the sky get painted with beautiful colours.
“Ya know what I just realized? Your wrist is super empty,” Suga stated suddenly.
You tilted your head up to look up at him, your eyebrows furrowed a bit as you tried to read the emotions on his face, “Sorry?”
“Your wrist. So bare,” he shrugged, a sliver of mischief in his eyes.
“I don’t like where this is going,” you groaned, but you couldn’t help but smile because Suga had such a weird way of going about things.
“No no, you will, I promise. I think we need to make your wrist less empty ya know? Hmmm what could we possibly do about it,” he hummed playfully, before reaching into his pocket and tugging out two bracelets. “Well look at that, two matching bracelets,” he gaped sarcastically, making the both of you laugh.
“Where did you get those?” You asked through your laughter, him displaying them both in his palms for you.
“Oh ya know, I found them on the sidewalk,” he teased further, watching as you rolled your eyes at his dumb responses. “Kidding! Just found them at a shop,” he insisted with a chuckle. You couldn’t stop smiling, the way he kept acting like this was such a casual gift. They were gorgeous bracelets, the silver band contrasting with the one jewel, both bracelets having similar ones but with different shades. “That’s your favourite colour right?” He asked after a moment, almost unsure.
You nodded quickly, almost scared to actually touch them, “They’re way too pretty, Suga! I… feel a little bad I didn’t get you anything.”
But Suga just shook his head and smiled, taking your hand and slipping the one bracelet onto your wrist, “Don’t be. Just wear it every now and then and think about me alright? That’ll be the best gift I could ask for.”
You held your hand out for a moment, admiring the sparkle of the gem in the sunset rays before beaming up at him, “You’re too nice to me.”
“No way! You always say I’m too mean to you!” He accused you, laughing as he patted your head gently. “Stop looking at me like that, it’s really not that great of a gift,” he insisted sheepishly.
But you shook your head and pressed a kiss to his cheek gently, squeezing his arm, “Stop that, I love it! I’ll wear it all the time now,” you said happily, going back to admiring your new bracelet. Sugawara felt his whole face go red as your lips touched his cheek, trying to cover his fluster with the sound of him clearing his throat. So much for feeling calm - did you just not realize the effect you had on him? How could you be so casual like that?
But Suga couldn’t help but feel proud of himself as you sat there happy. Was it possible that you didn’t know why all the guys were so into you? Could you really not see how special you were to them? Suga’s mind wondered how to show you just how important you were to him while the two of you walked back to the festival, his hand interlacing into yours. You were one of the best things to happen to him - did you really not know?
“I’ll see you later then, okay?” You smiled up at him as the two of you got to the ferris wheel. “Thank you for such a great dinner… and for my gift..”
Suga nodded, watching you turn before calling out to you once more, “H-Hey wait a minute! Y/N! You know I really like you don’t you? Everything about you… we all really love having you around with us, and especially when we get to be alone with you… you’re like a part of us we didn’t know we were missing.”
Your face was probably so warm, you were going to end up spontaneously combusting right then and there. You watched as Suga just smiled at you, giving you a small thumbs up like he did for the team all the time, “I...I really like you too, Suga,” you mumbled nervously, Suga laughing a little at how shy you got before walking towards you and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Alright then, bugaboo, off you go. Have fun okay?” He smiled, waving as the two of you held each other’s gaze for as long as possible before you disappeared. Sugawara let out a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding, scratching his head nervously. Damn… you really were special. Now if only Suga could be just as great of a guy as you deserved to have. (Little did he know, he already was as great as you could ask for).
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yandere-mha-blog · 3 years
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Chapter 11: New home
Words: 2166
“Man, this mask is not cute at all.” The girl said as you looked at her 
“I think it looks fine, all that matters is that it works.” you said
“Oh look, some new friends.” She said looking at a girl with long green hair, adn girl with short brown hair, and before you knew it she was out of your line of sight and sliced the brown haired one arm, before you even knew that happened, she was fast. She grabbed the slash mask and her friend placed an arm in front of her
“Is your arm okay?” she asked “what type of person just comes swinging out to cut someone with a knife.”
“Asui and Okacho.” you said as you were still in a tree, good thing hawks taught you how to use your quirk for blimbing and packing
“Who said that?” Asui said
“How do you know our names?” Okacho said looking around
“The sports festival.” Asui said
“Correct.” you said as you looked at Toga
“To shallow not enough blood.” She said as you were kept on look out and out of sight “usually with a  good wound I can just suck out the blood, but with this it makes it so much easier, so i'm going to stab you now.”
And with that toga charged and Asui flung ocacho out of the way and right towards the tree you were in, you grabbed her by the suspenders and flung her back down before she could run down to the camp and alert the others, you had to make sure to avoid her hands otherwise you could be sent to the atmosphere and never returned
“Tsuya, I found the other one.” She said
“Aww tsuya is such a cute name, i'm going to call you that too.” Toga said pulling her mask down to give a smile
“No only my friends can call me that.” Asui said as she tried to run but toga flung a needle at her it got caught in her hair and she was pinned to a tree, ocacho made eye contact with you as you patted the sides of your belt, aka telling hawks you needed to go up, which he did, a system of touches to indicate, left, right, up or down
“Tsuya she can fly, must be her quirk.” Ockacko said as she ran to help her friend who toga was about to drain, and to your surprise she was able to take toga down, the two were having a chat, before toga stabbed her in the leg and drained her, you patted your belt and feel down and kicked Ockacko off, and getting toga back up.
“Thanks bestie.” She said as a group of guys came into view, time for you to leave
“(name) there are too many here and I don't feel like dying.” TOga said and you nodded and grabbed her and patted your belt to go up “bye bye besties- oh who is that.”
“Who is who?” you asked as you were on your way out.”
“The green haired one covered in blood and mangled.” Toga said
“Oh izuku midoriya, he destroyed himself during the sports festival, he is really strong but his quirk has a habit of destroying his body.” you said as you set her down and got the notice that The guy you had been sent to capture was good as got, you looked over at Mr, compress who had been the one to get him, then you saw hawks land in a tree and stare the kids down, he put his hand out and Mr, compress set something in his hands as the kids were yelling for their classmate back, you patted your belt and hawks sent you flying to him
“Huh where did she come from?” izuku said “hey give him back.”
“What bakugou does not belong to anyone you egotist.” Mr compress said handing you a marble
“Now which one of us has the Bakugou? That is the question.” He said and booked it, you gave hawks a look and he sent you flying in the other direction, and hawks in another one, the kids split up
“The nighthawks have to have him.” Todoroki said “he is the fastest so he is trying to get away, 
“I got a plan.” izuku said as you are sent on your way, hawks had entrusted you with tokoyami, once you were far enough you patted the belt and he let you down, you look into the marble he was passed out and asleep, you didn't feel right about this, this isn't right. You broke open the marble and The bird you saw at the sports festival was laying on the ground unconscious
“Are you going to kill me?” he muttered out
“No.” you said and patted the belt and flew off, hawks on the other hand was laughing at the kids attempt to catch up to him, he thought he would throw them a bone and slowed down, right before he crushed the marble and a giant boulder came out and the kids ran into it as they fell, hawks used his feather to stop the bolder from crushing him
“YOu are fast, but not fast enough, and you really think they would interest a free bird like me with a big stakes mission.” 
“GIVE HIM BACK.” Izuku said, hawks gave a half smile
“He is that way, hope you are fast enough this time.” Hawks said and flew off to regroup with you, you landed on his back
“We tricked em, this is all over, the portal is going to open up soon.” Hawks said “between the fire, toxic gas, a tank of a man being demolished by a teenager, lets go.” Hawks said
“What did you do?” you asked
“Eh nothing much.” Hawks said remembering how he sent Muscular over the side of a cliff after The finger destroying kid broke all his arms, before looking over to you and placing you on his back “Lets go...oh you have gotta be kidding me.”
“What happen?” You asked
“They are leaving without us...screw them, I'll find our own way home.” Hawks said before turning himself around and getting out of the training camp, you briefly heard the blood curdling scream of a student yelling for his friend.
Hawks was a master of stealth however when word caught wind that Nighthawk and “talons” as they dubbed you, what a dumb and mediocre nickname, how original. Still Hawks isn't talking much on the way back, maybe he was mad that his so-called “companion ditched him to get caught with the others that were defeated. The two of you landed on top of a building and you slid off of hawks back and looked over the skyrise.
“Alright hand him over.” Hawks said sticking out his gloved hand
“Hand who over?” you asked, you knew playing dumb wouldn't work but maybe it woudl of been better if you told hawks about your slight change in plans.
“The student, Tokoyami, the one I handed over to you for safe keeping.” Hawks said “did you lose him?”
“Of course I didn't.” you said
“Great, then hand him over.” Hawks said
“...i didn't lose him, but i did.” you gulped “I Didn't take him with us.” “Oh.” hawks said “You did what now.”
“...look It didn't feel right okay.” you said “i don't care about what this “League” is doing, but i don't want to be put under kidnappers.”
He looked upset, he looked a bit angry, then he let out a sigh of relief, putting a hand to his chest as he exhaled. 
“Ah i knew i could trust you.” he said then patted your head “
“Excuse me?” you said
“It was a test chickadee, look I didn't want to help those people, and they knew that, but if they knew i wanted to get on of the U.A kids then they would let me off the hook with all that suspension.” he said waving his hand “But they had there eyes on me, not you that much since you aren't well known, i didn't want them getting their paws on anyone but...well devil's advocate i guess.”
“So you aren't angry that-”
“Nope stop being a worry wart, but still I can tell this is going to set off something big...so how about we get out of Kamino and hang out in the countryside for a bit.
“What do you mean something big is about to happen?” you asked
“My third secondary covert is puffing up, which means something bad is going to happen, and I don't want us to be around when it does.”
“You are a very weird man, but I'll trust your gut...or feathers.” you said as he used one to tickle under your nose as you swatted it away
“Stop that.” you said
“Nah.” he said as he kept tickling under your nose till you sneezed
“Ew you got your snot on my feather.” he said, shaking it off before reattaching it.
“So where are we going?” you asked
“You will see once we get there.” Hawks said with a smile “now hope on i've had my rest hope back on.”
“Are you sure you don't want to rest for the night, you look a bit tired.” you suggested
“(name) im fine now let's get going, I don't want to travel in the morning.” Hawks said, you internally signed and hoped on his back again and the two of you were off, you wondered where he was taking you exactly.
So standing outside an old shack that looked like it was on it's last leg was a bit of surprise
“Welcome home.” He said
“What type of dumb is this.” you said
“Hey, that's no way to talk about a man's childhood home.” Hawks said moving a piece of plywood
“Childhood house?” you said as you say hawks open the door only for the door to home off the hinges, the wood was so old the screws just slipped out.
“That is easily fixed.” Hawks said “And yes this rusty old shack is where i would sleep, eat and shit as a kid.”
“Was it always this ummm run down?”
“Your harsh words wound me.” Hawks said as he used his wings to get the cobwebs dusted out, well it was Hawks you trusted him so you walked in, only for the floor bored to crash under you Hawks caught you and lifted you up and placed the piece of plywood that was covering the door on the floor
“Sorry should of warn you about that boobytrap.” Hawks said, ``We remove this plywood when we go out, or when we sleep, so if someone tries to come in, stitch to the bottom.” Hawks said
“Okay then.” you said “Any other bobbytraps I should know about?” you asked
“Hmmm there is this one bean that if you lean against will make the one above it swing.” Hawks said pointing to the beam with the “X do not touch.”
You gave him a side look and kept walking around, you saw an old tv that was covered in a thick layer of dust, you dusted that off with your hand, this palace was littered with cans, trash, dust and whatever that green stuff was.
“You really lived here as a kid?” you asked
“Well I did till my dad got caught by the authorities, then me and my mom had to skedaddle.” Hawks said
“...Where is your mom?” you asked
“Doesn't matter, I don't know, like I said she thought I wasn't worth the trouble of having around so she abandoned me on the street because the HPSC was after me.” Hawks said “Wonder how different things could've been if the HPSC did get a hold of me.”
“...well, you weren’t, why is your dad arrested anyways?” You asked as you found an old tattered blanket
“Petty thief, murder, jaywalking.” Hawks said “oh hey look at my blanket you found it i forgot about this tattered thing.”
“Oh I was going to use it as a dust rag.” you said handing it over, and Hawks tossed it to the side
“Look I know the palace sucks, but we gotta lay low for a bit okay.” Hawks said, as you patted his head
“I know.” you said “we just grew up in very different conditions yet we are in the same spot.”
“Well when you put it that way you make it seem like there is no hope.” Hawks said “I wonder if the water still works. I got to clean my wings.”
“Okay i'll try to make a bed.” you said as he left and you smacked a couch cushion against the floor trying to remove the dust before you heard hawks scream from the bathroom
“WATER WORKS BUT IT'S FREAKING COLD!” He yelled out, you gave out a tiny laugh before getting back to work.
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bnhaven · 4 years
A Potential ‘Hidden Quirk’ Idea
To begin: I am so sorry. Truly. I swore I’d be a writer of fluff, and yet here we are...again...whoops.
Anyways, let’s get on with it! 
So, if there’s one thing we love about our innocent cinnamon roll of a boy, aka Izuku “Deku” Midoriya, it’s that he’s willing to go beyond (plus ultra style) in order to save the day, even going so far as to break his bones to the point of disfiguration. Adrenaline helps him fight through the pain, and even then I’ve heard a lot of people talk about his insanely high pain tolerance.
Like, ridiculously high. I mean, the Overhaul fight??? Where Izuku just destroys himself so that Eri doesn’t Rewind him out of existence? Wild. It’s like, unimaginable. Even with the decade of bullying to get used to pain, it’s almost unreal for the green bean to be able to push through so much naturally.
Which is where I say: what if it wasn’t natural?
Look, some Quirks are probably hidden ones. Ones that you can’t immediately see, ones that aren’t emitter types. Quirks that just affect the wielder, not anyone else. Like Nedzu’s High Spec, for example. But what’s another Quirk that no one would be able to see?
One that negates pain. 
Now, I don’t think that Izuku would have always had this Quirk. I think it’s one that needed the right conditions to form. Like, let’s say...a really hard punch, something with an almost explosive force.
Lucky for Izuku, he has a classmate with a very painful Quirk, and a penchant for using it on those he deems weaker or lesser. Thus, when the bullying started, Izuku’s Quirk finally kicked in after one hit went too far.
The Issue: Nobody realizes that Izuku got his Quirk. Not even Izuku realizes it. Why? Well, Izuku thinks it’s just a high pain tolerance. He still feels Bakugou striking him, he just...doesn’t feel much else. He knows that he feels pressure, so he must have just gotten used to Bakugou’s hits. (And with all of the burn scars that Izuku is gaining, he wouldn’t be surprised if he’s lost some nerve endings due to the damage.)
And Izuku would definitely have burn scars in this AU (I’m not really sure if canon gives him said scars, I’ve done more reading for this fandom than watching, oops.) But no matter what happens in canon, this Izuku would have burn scars for one reason: Since Izuku doesn’t feel pain, he doesn’t cry out. Since he doesn’t cry out, Bakugou thinks his explosions aren’t strong enough to hurt...so the boy uses stronger blasts in an attempt to prove his ‘point’. (There is definitely an inferiority complex going on here, where Bakugou subconsciously worries that his Quirk is weak if ‘Quirkless Deku can stand there and take one of my hits without a single flinch’.) He pushes himself harder, lets more force into every controlled blast, etc.
So Izuku has no clue that he has a Quirk, Bakugou uses crazy amounts of explosions on the boy, neither realizing just how much damage is happening because Izuku can’t feel any pain.
Canon continues. The Sludge Villain stuff goes as usual, and All Might chooses Izuku as his successor just like always. The training montage from hell might actually be more self-destructive, not only because Izuku feels the need to catch up but also because he doesn’t feel so exhausted/sore. (Along with pain, the boy also doesn’t really feel when his muscles and body are sore, so he doesn’t realize he needs to take a breather.) But that isn’t the focus, so let’s move on!
The Entrance Exam occurs, and wow that really should have clued someone in. Because Izuku breaks his limbs for Uraraka and when he hits the ground, instead of dragging himself away he tries to stand up. He actually manages to find a 3-pointer, and breaks two more of his fingers by flicking in its direction, destroying it with a gust of air before he collapses to the ground.
But wow, everyone is just like ‘this boy is wild’ before completely forgetting about how they heard his bones crunching with every step. 
Continue on. 
Quirk Apprehension Test? Izuku doesn’t really get why Aizawa is complaining about how he shatters himself. Like, he doesn’t need to stop just because his arm is apparently broken. It’s fine, he can still use it. Still, he settles on breaking a single finger because he can’t risk expulsion, and he definitely doesn’t have the courage to talk back to a teacher. 
Hero v. Villain Fight? Izuku doesn’t even collapse after the final blast, instead walking off without batting an eyelash. Iida ends up corralling him to Recovery Girl’s room, because first Izuku protested having to leave without getting to watch the other teams, then he got distracted by the school and nearly got lost.
USJ? Izuku goes a little more feral, fun times.
Sports Festival? Oh honey you know things are going to get wild here. Broken bones left and right, yeehaw it’s shatter city baby!
Izuku ends up with even less self-preservation with every passing problem, basically. Since the boy can’t feel pain, he assumes that any injury that he does get isn’t that bad. After all, wouldn’t he be crying and, you know, hurting if it was bad? Izuku knows what pain feels like, and this isn’t it!!
It’s only the realization that breaking bones so often could end his career early that causes Izuku to try new approaches to the whole Quirk-using situation. Even then, the boy has no sense of when to stop, and as such pushes himself to the point of passing out from either exhaustion or blood loss multiple times.
-One such time was after getting impaled. The boy didn’t realize he had a broken pole halfway through his back until Kaminari screamed and passed out from seeing Izuku bleeding, a giant rod jabbing out of him. Izuku tried to shrug it off.
Sometime around the impalation incident, people begin to notice that Izuku has a freaky high pain tolerance. 
But nobody really connects the dots until Bakugou goes too far in training.
The bad news: his opponent loses a limb.
The good news: It is Shouji, and it’s one of the regrowable ones.
The bad news: the following dialogue occurs after school…
Bakugou: What the fuck? But that’s barely anything!
Aizawa: Bakugou. That explosion had enough force to sever your classmate’s hand off of his limb due to how you directed it. You should know to limit yourself by now.
Bakugou: But I was! That one is so weak that even Deku can walk away without flinching! 
Aizawa: There is no way that Midoriya would be able to move on without needing medical attention after a hit that bad.
Bakugou: He has.
Aizawa: ...I beg your pardon?
Bakugou: Deku fucking has! How do you think I learned my limits, huh? Deku has taken a hit like that directly to the chest and didn’t even flinch! I know how weak I am!
Needless to say, Aizawa proceeds to lose his absolute shit. He makes Izuku stay after class the next day, and questions him about whether or not Bakugou has ever used his Quirk on him. 
Izuku, a boy who is unafraid of breaking three limbs to save a girl from a giant robot, but who is terrified of teachers most of the time, cracks without too much pressure. He admits that Bakugou has used his Quirk on Izuku for years, but ‘It wasn’t bad, sensei! They were like love taps, I never even felt a thing!’
And Aizawa knows something is wrong with this, something isn’t adding up because if Shouji lost a limb to Bakugou’s hit, Izuku has to be lying...or there’s another factor in this equation.
Aizawa dismisses Izuku, and spends the night trying to figure it out.
And then he does.
The next day, he makes Bakugou and Izuku stay in the classroom during lunch. He questions them on their past. Bakugou complains about how ‘weak’ he’s always been, Izuku brushes past the concern without much thought because it never hurt, and sure there were markings but-
Aizawa: Markings?
The scars are revealed. Well, the ones on his upper body.
This is when Bakugou begins to realize that he’s fucked up.
During training, Aizawa pulls Bakugou and Izuku off to work with him separately. He
brings out machines that test how much force a blow gives off, and has Bakugou throw his ‘weak’ explosions at them.
As it turns out, Izuku should have been in crippling pain from everything Bakugou did. And then Aizawa drops the ‘I think you have a pain-related Quirk’ on Izuku, and yeah.
I didn’t really plan an end, sorry. I just think it’d be interesting, you know?
On the bright side, at least Izuku isn’t constantly in pain!!! He just got his body a whole lot more damaged than he would have, and has maybe half of the self-preservation that his canon counterpart possesses.
Finally, for an extra bit: Izuku only feels pain when Aizawa erases his Quirk. It’s not pleasant. (And, to make him even more oblivious, Izuku believes that the pain is because his Quirk is being ‘severed’ in its connection, not that this is lingering pain that comes from having bones shattered over and over without hesitation.)
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OH MY GOD THOSE LEO SHORTS WERE PERFECTION!!!!!! 😍😍😍 a bouquet of potatoes loooooool I was HOWLING 😂😂😂 your Leonardo is so on point I literally cannot - this is exactly how I picture him! Thank you so much you beautiful human 😊❤ I'm so so sorry but I love your writing so much can I make another request? the suitors comforting an mc whose social anxiety flares up while they're out in town/having a panic attack? If you don't feel like it or aren't comfortable with it that's 100% alright 💖
I’m sooooooooo sorry for making you wait this long. i feel like I’m going o be apologizing for all eternity. I am really happy you like my work. ahahhhaha I try. XD Anyhoooo of course I will make this. I can honestly write about anything, if I’m writing ,even if the thought would bother me in real life, it seems so much more acceptable. idk is it just me. Maybe it’s because I get to control the events. Yeah so I will stop wasting your time and I will get into it. Also I would like to say that I have never had a panic attack. I’m writing this from the information I got from my friends who had experienced this. So if this is not accurate pls don’t come for me.
Warnings: Panic attacks pretty self-explanatory since it’s in the asks but I’ll put it here just in case
So you were walking with are friendly neighborhood gentleman
it was pretty ok since most of the road was pretty empty
but when you turned the corner you suddenly found yourself in the most crowded road there could possibly be
you kept brushing shoulders with random people and you felt like everything was closing onto you
you breathing sped up and yet no matter how much air you breathed in it felt like your lungs where hollow
you staggered and leaned into Comte
he noticed you where in distress and immediately pulled you aside
he sat on a bench and pulled you into his lap
he gently stroked your hair and whispered soothing words in your ear until you calmed down
The next ones are in the following location: a very, very crowded street, during a festival
You were just about half way into your outing when Leo noticed you where acting a bit strange
He quickly caught on when you started breathing rapidly tho
Internally he’s like oh shit oh shit but he’s actually super chill about it
Like Comte he will pull you aside and sit you down on a bench 
He however, places his two hands right next to you, blocking the view and caging you in between his arms
He smiles down at you softly and caresses your hair until your breathing becomes regular again 
Ahahahahahahhahahhaha he’s dead
When he sees you he immediately knows
I mean he’s a doctor, come on
He pulls you aside as quickly as humanly or vampirely possible
He will twirl you into an empty alley and pull you into a tight hug, while peppering your face with kisses
He will whisper sweet nothings into your ear and will tell you that everything will be alright
He holds you like this for a long time and even after you’re ok he doesn’t want to let you go
Poor boy almost had a heart attack
He will immediately notice
He’s not sure exactly what’s going on but that does not stop him from pulling you away to a quiet part of the street and hugging you saying something like “It’s alright Y/N. I got you.”
He used you name OH MAH GAWD
No I’m kidding sort of
He will hold you close with your ear pressed up against his chest, allowing you to hear his heartbeat 
After you calm down he’ll kiss the top of your head chuckling “ My silly little Hondjie”
Heart attack nr.2
He will immediately pull you aside and will ask you what’s wrong
And that would be cute and all
If you could actually answer
Poor boy has no idea what the heck is going on
In the end he will hug you and start to cry and beg you to stay with him
When you recover and realize that the love of your life, this sweet baby angel little boy is crying, you instantly feel guilty
You explain to him that it’s ok and this happens sometimes when there is a big crowd
This little bean thought you were dying
He will get it once you explain it to him tho
He knew what’s going on
He scooped you up and took you to a quiet corner and squatted down in front of you patting your head gently and smiling reassuringly
He places your hand on his heart and whispers
“ Can you feel that Y/n? That heart beats for you. Let it sooth you in your time of need.”
Smooth motherfucker 
You calm down and you look at his still smiling face
Even though he smiles you can still see the worry in his eyes
He pulls you close
“Are you feeling better Toshiko-san?”
This boi…... nope nope nope
He can’t handle this
As soon as he sees you hyperventilating he panics as well
On the inside
On the outside he seems super calm about it
He leads you away from the crowd and sits you down on a bench
He rests your head on his shoulder and starts humming a soft melody 
His angelic voice calms you down and you look up at him and give him a grateful smile
He returns it and takes your hand in his and you just sit there in a comfortable silence
Unlike Mozart this baby would be losing it
He has no idea what’s happening
He quickly pulls you aside
He’s awkwardly patting your back and praying you’ll be ok
When you calm down he will pull you into a tight hug and tell you never to scare him like this again
Since then the two of you have never been seen on an overcrowded street
Not that Isaac minds
When he notices he scoops you up and hurries to a secluded area
He lets you lean against a wall but your knees buckle and you slide to the ground
He kneels before you and cups your cheek staring at you intently
You slowly start to calm down and Jean is hesitant at first, but then a pulls you into a hug letting your head rest right above his heart
When you calm down completely and try to get up since you have to keep going Jean refuses to let you go
You scared the ever loving daylights out of him
So you two end up sitting there and honestly it turned out to be much better this way
He immediately notices that something is off
He looks down at you, huddling into his side, and realizes what’s going on
He picks you up bridal style and runs for the nearest deserted area
Once he’s there he drops down to the ground and hugs you close, rocking you slightly
Slowly you start to calm down
You look up at the former emperor and you are surprised to see tears glistening in his eyes
He never wants to see you hurt and seeing you like this made him feel terrible and like the worst lover ever
He pulls you even closer
“ I swore to protect you nunuche, I’m sorry.”
You’re quite shocked 
You cradle is cheek and the give him a sweet kiss reassuring him that it is not his fault
Being from the 21st century he is sort of  familiar with the symptoms of a panic attack
So when he notices the change in your behaviour, he knows
He gently guides you to the side of the road and sits you down on a bench 
He sits next to you and holds your hands drawing soothing circles on them
when you calm down you look at him gratefully
and he
But then he kisses you so I guess it wasn’t that bad after all
He is ready to stab whoever upset you
Then he realizes he would probably need to annihilate an entire street worth of people and ain’t nobody got time for that
He takes your hand and leads you to an empty bench far away from the crowded street
He strokes your hair and whispers sweet words in your ear
You calm down and he gives you a charming smile
You practically throw yourself at him and hug him tight while thanking him
That little gesture made him the happiest made on earth     
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grimmyreaper · 4 years
May I please request whatever BNHA boys and girls are YOUR FAVORITE to write for with a girlfriend who is basically Mercy from Overwatch, with angel wings and an ability to either heal people or boost their stamina, depending on which hand she uses, kinda like Shoto? Thank you, and stay safe!!
Denki, Izuku and Ochaco with a GF with a Healing Quirk
Wordcount: 679
I wasn’t sure if you wanted headcanons or not, but I thought it would work best in that form. I hope this is okay.
Denki Kamanari
He 100% flirted with you when you first met. But that's just who he is.
You met in the sports festival, having accidentally bumped into him while waiting for the second event to begin.
“Beautiful angle.” He had mumbled, looking at your wings. You giggled and thanked him, blushing as you did so. Kamanari continued to flirt until it was time for the second event.
After the Sports Festival he came up to you and eventually you decided to hang out on a later date.
One hang out lead to more, and those lead to eventually lead to dating.
You quirk doesn’t really work to help him when he short circuits. So, you do still have to just deal with it. But that doesn’t mean that you don't stick around and help him afterwards.
You used to try to help him study but eventually you gave up because you both kept getting... distracted. Speaking of studying... tests.
This boy has some form anxiety, or at least, I think. So, you spend time with him to help if he has anxiety attacks or panic attacks.
These especially happen when tests are announced and after tests. You basically spend most of the time convincing him that he can/has passed the test.
Sometimes you wake up to over 100 texts ranging from 12-5 in the morning, some of them are genuinely cute.
Most of them are memes.
Izuku Midoriya
You met him when he broke his bones and went to the infirmary for the first time.
You’d been spending time with your grand-aunt, Recovery Girl. When a green haired boy with a broken arm is brought in by a blond man.
You were sent out, but you could hear her berating one or both of them through the door. Well, you heard her tone, having heard the same tone a few times yourself.
When you were allowed back into the infirmary your asked to look after Midoriya while Recovery Girl did paperwork.
He was so interested in your quirk. You told him to meet you after school at your favourite place, and you'd talk about it with him there. Basically, you asked him on a date. He blushed as he agreed.
You spend hours talking, only a short amount of time was you explaining your quirk to him and him frantically writing while mumbling.
You became friends after that, and you took his advice on how to use your quirk to its max ability.
When Midoriya breaks his bones, you try to hold your ground and not heal him, but you can’t resist his cute face.
The longest you’ve lasted is a day.
Ochaco Uraraka
When you’d first saw her, you thought she was going to throw up. So, you used your quirk to help her.
She thanked you with a big blush on her face.
It wasn’t hard to tell she already had a crush on you.
You walked her to her class before heading off to your own.
During lunch she saw you and invited you to sit with her and two other boys.
From then on you were best friends.
After hearing about the U.S.J. incident you immediately went to make sure she was okay.
You were so glad when you found out she was.
After her fight with Bakugo during the sports festivel you looked for her for a while.
Once you did find her you hugged her and congratulated her for holding her own for as long as she did.
“I’ll take you out to celebrate.”
After that you left her blushing.
You went to a small, cute cafe.
Anytime someone asked if it was a date, she went pink. When you said it was, she when red.
It will forever be you goal to make this absolute bean blush.
The two of you cuddle a lot.
During your cuddle sessions you wrap your wings around the two of you.
Your feathers are so soft, so you end up falling asleep like that.
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mydisasteracademia · 3 years
Random Izuku Midoriya Headcanons
BABY BOY. Send tweet.
I’m not getting into manga spoilers of course.
This lil’ green bean is your biggest cheerleader. You wanna be a hero? Hell yeah, he’ll be there to encourage you while you work for it! You wanna be a vigilante? A little more concerning, but he wouldn’t rat you out to the cops unless you did something really illegal (like kill heroes, Stain).
On the flip side, if you became a villain, he would be heartbroken. At first he’d insist that you were probably coerced or brainwashed into joining, but once you both cross paths and he realizes that you joined willingly... well, he’s gotta take you down one way or another. Thankfully, he’s willing to go easy on you if you’ll just let him take you down.
SERIOUS MORAL COMPASS. Growing up idolizing heroes can do that to you in the long run. Izuku believes in doing the right thing, even if it goes against a law in doing so.
You know those memes where people compare “stereotypical delinquent” Bakugo to “nerdy goody-two-shoes” Midoriya? Yeah, those are 100% correct. Izuku would absolutely throw down any day of the week, regardless of who the person is. If he perceives them as working against the side of good, your ass is getting Detroit Smashed. And not in the sexy way.
At least he’s incredibly loyal. Izuku is the kind of person who would help you run from the cops if you were justified in what you did. After going to Yuuei, his worldview of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ as been knocked a little off-kilter as he’s gained experience in the field, but his core morals still remain. He’s just a little more likely to break laws to achieve it.
So happy to have actual friends that he documents literally everything you tell him. His slightly-creepy habit of writing everything down (and mildly stalking you) might come out for a bit, so if it creeps you out, please tell him to back off a little. He’s not doing it to be creepy or perverted, he’s genuinely just a little clingy because he has horrible abandonment issues. Doesn’t mean it’s not creepy, though.
Ah yes, he can be a bit clingy in your early stages of a friendship. It’s a bad habit that he has to shake, but with your help, he’ll be able to ease up a little.
If you identify as female, good luck getting past the super blushy phase with him. This poor boy is so nervous around girls, it’s likely that you might think he’s weird in the beginning just because of how red he gets and how he can’t stop stuttering in front of you. Getting paired together during PE will greatly help him get out of that shyness, though. Training and battle do wonders to get him to focus and see past your gender differences.
Are you non-binary? Genderfluid? Trans? No problem! All you have to do is say something and he’ll address you accordingly. He has literally no problem accepting you for who you are. Depending on how you identify, he might get curious and ask tons of questions. He’s not trying to irritate you or mock you! He just wants to learn everything he can about your identity so that he can better understand you. He’s so eager to learn, it’s adorable.
Headcanon that he has an absolute GLOW UP in his second and third years of high school. Y’know All Might when he was training with his Quirk for the first time? Yeah, that. He’s already hella ripped, but imagine him with a growth spurt (putting him somewhere about 5′8″ to 5′9″). Imagine. IMAGINE. Girls crush on him. Boys crush on him. Everybody is just so amazed at how much he grew up.
Genuinely sees good in just about everyone, no matter how villainous.
That being said...
Heavily dislikes Endeavor, and not just because he made the connection between him and Bakugo when they met at the Sports Festival for the first time (and especially when Shouto talked about his abusive behavior). Wouldn’t wish ill on him and wouldn’t randomly antagonize him, but he cringes whenever he hears someone gush about the (now) Number One Hero and works harder to encourage Shouto in his own ambitions as a hero-hopeful.
“All Might wouldn’t have abused his children,” he’s muttered on at least one occasion. “All Might doesn’t have a massive steel rod stuck up his ass 24/7.”
He is glad that Endeavor is trying to change, but will not give him any wiggle room when it comes to his behavior around his family.
Gave Shouto an All Might figurine for his birthday, partly as a petty jab at Enji, and mostly because he knows how much his friend loved the hero when he was growing up. (Shouto absolutely loved it. It stands proudly in his bedroom now.)
100% the type to freak out over new up-and-coming heroes and ask for their autographs as a grown-up, then start crying out of happiness when they ask for his in return. His love of heroes never really fades as he gets older, it just matures with him.
Sometimes when dealing with the more egotistical heroes, he genuinely wonders about Stain’s ideology. “Stain was probably right,” he says to himself, before snapping out of it. “No, focus, Izuku. Hero-killing is off the table.” Sometimes it’s reeeeally hard not to think about.
He’s ran into Spinner once or twice. The villain was kind of awkward around him, but he was polite enough (and was quite obviously buying groceries and not causing havoc), so Izuku was polite enough to leave him alone. They ended up bonding over having to deal with trigger-happy, hot-blooded teammates/friends. Whenever one sees the other, they either wave and keep moving or just nod politely.
Please, just... give me Izuku/villain friendships please. I crave. I need.
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enchanted-prose · 4 years
#19 Gamble
“cat why are you posting everything right now?” 
because i have this finished and it’s not fair to my pals if i only have the whole thing published on one platform
Word count: 5,007
Characters: Jaron, Roden, King Oberson (original character), Ayvar (original character), Feall Cormeach (original character), Renlyn Karise (original character)
Notes: Feall’s man bun. that’s all
It was almost sad, seeing the great hall devoid of the grandeur of Blackberry Night. Sadder still knowing that Renlyn Karise hadn’t been able to see the fruits of her labor. Jaron had no intention of shedding any tears. Today, Feall was declared recovered.
There were questions demanding answers, and Jaron was determined to get as many of them as he could.
He’d taken a morning climb down the castle wall to test his leg, and managed to avoid slipping. Mott wasn’t impressed and immediately escorted him back inside.
At least Jaron managed to get the climb in, if Mott had known sooner, Jaron was certain he would’ve been locked in his own office. He would’ve been forced to tend to the stack of papers on his desk he’d been avoiding since the Faola attacked him.
The Faola would’ve been a fool to stick around Drylliad. According to Roden, the Faola’s sleeves were split on both sides, marking him as a thief with no loyalties. 
Making him an easy target for everyone bigger than him.
Even if the sleeves were stitched, the slits would still be recognizable.
Jaron asked Roden multiple times if he’d seen the Faola darting around town, almost trying to find a reason to free Renlyn. The Faola was responsible for the attack, carried the name Mireldis Thay, and lusted for revenge with enough fury to commit treason. Renlyn, though passionate, carried a quiet fury. If the Faola made an appearance on the streets, Jaron would either have to let Renlyn go, or recognize that there were more people determined to slaughter Feall.
Everytime it seemed like the situation was clearing, Jaron found a flaw.
Tapping his fingers together, Jaron slipped past the columned corridor leading down to the great hall. 
Think, think, think.
Imogen would’ve told him to make a list, but he had no paper. He’d have to remember his list until he returned to his office. 
Feall didn’t recognize the Faola during that very first attack by a personal name, but by other aliases, and even then the Faola had been used as a name for the entire group rather than the individual. The attack only resulted in stolen goods, but no deaths. It took a note to Oberson requesting Feall be handed over to the Faola to bring the circle to Mireldis Thay. There was a second attack on Feall, and that was when Jaron took responsibility for finding the culprit. Jaron and Imogen realized that Jolly likely knew more than he let on, the third attack happened, and Renlyn was confined to her apartments.
It would be a busy day.
He needed to know if Roden had seen the Faola snatching loaves of bread to throw to the woman with no eyes in lower Drylliad.
He’d then know what to do with Ayvar.
And then he’d confront Feall.
Every word Feall said was honest, but that was the catch.
Each word he said didn’t equal everything that actually happened.
Jaron snatched a steaming iced bun from a passing plate, and shoved it into his mouth. The bun burned his tongue, but he continued chewing anyways. The sweetness justified the bun’s abuse.
Saints, he should’ve grabbed one for Roden.
There was a second captain’s quarters hidden near the back of Jaron’s throne. Roden rarely used it, and Jaron didn’t blame him. It was dusty and sneaky, meant to hide a bodyguard while the king sat upon the throne. However, Jaron still knocked on the door, just in case Roden was hiding inside.
No sign of any type of movement, not even from the few mice that managed to escape Imogen’s cat’s deadly claws.
He wiped his icing stained fingers on the leg of his trousers, and marched off to the kitchens.
No sign of Roden there either. Odd, considering that the kitchens were among Roden’s favorite places. He was the kitchen staff’s favorite and always managed to get his hands on a meal when he visited.
It was a cozy place. Drying herbs hung from the ceiling and a dome shaped oven crackled in the corner. Jaron glanced around, making sure nobody was looking at him, and snagged a vanilla bean from where it hung. A part of him wanted to know if it tasted as good as it smelled.
Previous experiences with biting into other drying herbs reminded him that it wasn’t worth it to bite into the bean.
He pocketed the dried vanilla, and spun on his heels to exit. The kitchen door slammed shut. Jaron glanced over his shoulder, grinning.  “I beat you to all of the iced buns, didn’t save a single one.”
“I got lemon tarts this morning, so I’m not too disappointed,” Roden snipped. He tugged at the sleeves of his dark shirt. “I’m sorry I wasn’t at my office, I woke up early and-“
“You don’t need to excuse yourself, I’m not mad. Although I will be mad if I don’t get the answer I want.”
“I’ll do my best to answer.”
His palms grew sweaty. It was wrong to hope for a specific answer, but Jaron couldn’t stop himself from wishing. He wanted to be right. He wanted to know that Renlyn wasn’t responsible for the various attacks. The more he wondered, the more his hopes grew.
“Have you seen our Faola friend around?” Jaron asked. He stepped out of the kitchens, knowing Roden would follow. “Any sign?”
Was it wrong how much his heart sped up?
Was it wrong that he wanted so badly to be wrong for the first time in ages?
Renlyn had been a friend to him and the others in her own way. Her biting words kept them dancing on their toes, and searching for ways to match her prowess.
It was hard to believe that somebody could smile and get excited about a hand carved wardrobe while plotting to behead another friend in her quiet moments.
“I’m sorry, Jaron,” Roden shook his head. “I haven’t seen any movement from the Faola, especially not after that night. I’ve seen the others, if that helps. They’re rallying behind a new face.”
 “Masked or unmasked?” said Jaron, forcing himself to laugh. 
He had no excuse to release Renlyn from her new prison.
“Unmasked, calls himself Ulspierre. He’s Ayvar’s brother. Very unsettling.”
Though now he had good reason to release a scarlet haired thief.
Jaron clasped his hands behind his back and paused. He’d walked a little too quickly, leaving Roden behind. “Thank you, I suppose, for telling me. It wasn’t what I wanted but I can’t control the truth.”
“What does it mean for Renlyn?” Roden asked. 
“She’ll remain in her chambers until we can get a genuine confirmation of her identity, and I’ll decide her fate from there.”
“There’s something not quite right about Renlyn, and I’m not sure why.”
Jaron pushed the door open to Ayvar’s tower room, bracing himself for the hundreds of spiraling steps before him. “Jolly was completely clear and completely misleading all at once.”
“Exactly,” Roden nodded. “I’ve been around Jolly for ages these past few weeks, and he’s really quite blunt when he wants to be. He’s never brought up Mireldis Thay around me.”
“Did you ever ask?”
“Well, no, I try to keep work and my friends separate.”
“But I’m your friend and I work with you,” Jaron paused on the stairs, heaving in a breath. “By the Saints, why did we have to put Ayvar in the tower?”
“Because she’s a woman and it’s not respectful to her to leave her in the dungeon with watery eyed criminals.”
“Have you been reading Amarinda’s romance novels again?”
“That was a one time thing, and the answer’s no.”
Ayvar’s tower room was hardly better than her cell in the dungeons. She had a cot, blanket, and clean water. Additionally, she was completely alone, save for the guard posted outside of her room.
“Good morning, I hope you didn’t try to use your hair as an escape rope,” Jaron said. “Hello? Ayvar?”
“Captain Harlowe?” The guard gripped his halberd like it was the only thing holding him together.
“I can answer questions too.”
“Your Majesty?”
The room was completely empty, and the sight of Ayvar’s folded blanket made Jaron’s rabbit heart begin to race. Did she die in the night?
Silenced to keep whatever song she sang under wraps?
“Where’s Ayvar?” Roden demanded. “There was a prisoner here, soldier, and you were under strict orders to never let her out of your sight!” “Sir, I, uh,” the guard bowed to Roden, realized his mistake, and then bowed to Jaron. “The prisoner was requested for an audience, King Oberson himself came to escort her to a private location.”
“Do you know where he’d be?” Jaron asked.
“No, sir, I’m sorry. Sir. But I know where the prisoner was taken; you’ll find her in Lord Feall’s chambers, supervised by two other guards. We made a promise not to let her out of the castle without your approval, sir.”
Roden groaned, “You were told not to let her out of the cell, actually.”
“It’s not like he could’ve said no to a king,” said Jaron. He suddenly had another reason to add to another list. “We needed to talk to Feall anyway.”
“But the stairs, Jaron, the stairs.”
“You need to work off those lemon tarts anyways, I knock two things out of my schedule and you don’t get soft in the middle. It’s a win-win situation!”
Although Jaron secretly dreaded the long descent down. 
If he forced a joke or two, he wouldn’t have to explain his frustrations. Explain how much he hated the idea of locking Renlyn in the dungeon because she didn’t have an alibi for the night he’d been attacked. 
Silence meant he could think.
He could paw through his list.
Feall didn’t know the Faola’s individual identity during the first attack. Jolly arrived in Drylliad for the festival. Oberson grew afraid because rumors spiraled about Mireldis Thay. A letter demanding Feall reached Oberson, confirming that Mireldis Thay was searching for Feall, or at least someone wearing her name was. The second attack on Feall. Regar’s arrival. Row’s pleas. The third attack. Renlyn’s arrest.
Regar’s arrival.
Jaron hobbled down the stairs as fast as he could, his leg beginning to scream. “I can’t go this fast!”
Roden thundered past, taking the steps by pairs rather than one at a time. “Sure you can, Jaron! Just admit that I’m faster than you!”
“That’s not fair!”
Feall’s chamber was on the opposite end of the castle, tucked several floors beneath Jaron’s office. Somebody was having a conversation behind Feall’s closed door.
“I went up and down the tower stairs looking for you Ayvar, so Feall, I’m sorry for not knocking,” Jaron said, pushing his way into the chamber. “Though ask my permission the next time you want to move a prisoner of the crown.”
The chamber was plain, a standard guest room. White painted walls, canopy bed, simple desk, fireplace. Although this room couldn’t be plain with Ayvar’s brilliant hair falling over her shoulders. She wore manacles, and was flanked by two guards. 
“Good morning, your Majesty,” Ayvar bowed. The chains on her wrists clinked together. “I’m sorry finding me was such a chore, but it seems that I don’t have that much control over what I get to do these days.”
“A price you have to pay for breaking the law,” Jaron countered. “It’s almost better that you’re here with Feall, I have important matters to discuss with you both.”
Feall was standing, the bandages around his torso visible through his linen shirt. His curling hair was tied in a bun at the apex of his head. He didn’t look like a liar. 
“I sent a page to request your presence,” Feall bowed. “But you were nowhere to be found and I needed to speak with Ayvar.”
“You should’ve waited for my permission.”
“The matter was urgent.”
“Explain the matter, then,” Roden growled. “You answer to Carthya’s king while you’re on Carthyan lands.”
The crisp morning became stale in an instant. Feall took a step back, while Roden casually set his hand on his sword. The hammering in Jaron’s ears was too loud. His heart raced and he didn’t know how to stop it.
Too many things could go wrong, too many things. Feall could attack him. He could kick at his bad leg and escape. Jaron had no idea what would happen if he received another blow to the leg. What he would-
He’d be alright. Roden was in the room with him. 
And besides, Jaron trusted Feall.
They were at least acquaintances. Possibly even friends.
“I wanted to apologize,” Feall winced as he stood a little straighter. “Ayvar tried to save me all those weeks ago, she’s been imprisoned for an unjust cause, and I felt like it rested on my shoulders.”
Jaron crossed his arms, “Ayvar, is this true?”
“I don’t see why I’d need to lie,” she said. “Lord Feall is telling the truth.”
“Your patched friend tried to kill him again.”
“And apparently he kicked you, your Majesty. Please understand, the Faola was built based on a legend, and unfortunately our cause was  used for an ulterior motive. We never wanted to harm the king.”
“I find it so interesting that you’ll still beg your cause,” Jaron tilted his head. “Stealing is still a crime no matter what you do with what was stolen.”
He’d never admit that deep in his heart, he would’ve taken the same path. Stealing from the nobles sitting before their flickering fires to give to the match girl freezing in the streets. But as the king, he couldn’t say something like that.
So he kept it to himself. 
Ayvar entwined her fingers together. “Is there anything you want to ask of me?”
“Not exactly,” Jaron said. “My answers have been found, no matter how disappointing. Will you return to banditry when you’re eventually freed?”
“Do you already have plans to arrest me?”
“I don’t but Captain Harlowe might. He’ll get awfully bored now that things are beginning to die down.”
“Then you’ll have to forgive me for not answering.”
“Take her back to a holding cell, she’ll know her fate by this afternoon,” said Jaron.
The guards beside Ayvar nodded. She bowed her head once again, muttering her gratitude as she was escorted out of the room.
With her out of the way, it would be much easier for Jaron to be himself. He couldn’t allow himself to look like a fool in front of one of his subjects. There was no telling what would come out of his confrontation with Feall; he could appear very foolish if things didn’t go the way Jaron wanted them to.
“Sit down, Feall, we have a lot to talk about and I don’t want to strain you with your wound,” Jaron gestured to the simple chair beside Feall’s desk.
“If you think I need to take a seat, then you should too,” Feall said. “You were injured too, your Majesty.”
Jaron frowned, “I can stand if I like.”
Feall grimaced as he sat down, and he looked to Jaron. “I will do my best to say what you want me to say.”
“But I don’t want to hear what you want to tell me, I need to know the full truth.”
“Yes, yes you do. Where would you like me to start? Can I ask you a question first?”
“I suppose you can, unless you’re asking me to leave, in which I won’t.”
“Your Majesty, is it true that you located Mireldis Thay?” Feall’s face was devoid of any emotion. “Is she here in the castle?”
“The gossip made its way here too. I currently have our suspected Mireldis Thay kept in a safe cell. However, it seems that you have more history with her than I thought. There’s something more than a good old fashioned ‘I want to kill you for your title’ happening with her, isn’t there?”
To Jaron’s surprise, Feall nodded. “You never asked, so I never spoke of it.”
“Why not?”
“There are things I don’t feel comfortable thinking of, let alone discussing it.”
“Then I hope you can forgive me,” Jaron frowned. “Your comfort put my wife in harm’s way, and it’s not something I’ll ever forget.”
Imogen. The most valued person in his life.
He’d slaved away in order to survive, but surviving isn’t living.
Imogen inspired him to live.
He didn’t want to think of a world where he didn’t have her hand to hold onto. A world where he didn’t hear her lectures each time he climbed out of their bedroom window instead of taking the stairs.
That world was cold and desolate, but a fantasy.
Imogen had almost suffered the consequences of a battle she’d never even heard of.
“Is the queen hurt?” Asked Feall, almost managing to leap to his feet. He didn’t make it very far before he pressed his hand against the bandage around his torso.
Jaron scowled. His face was made of stone lines. “Imogen is fine. But you have to be completely honest with me Feall.”
Every story had a beginning, middle, and an end. They were long and they were short. Jaron smirked; he’d canceled almost every one of his meetings later that afternoon. He would hear every detail Feall gave if it meant Jaron stayed there the whole night.
However, he wasn’t sure if Roden had the same drive.
“How do you know Mireldis Thay?” Jaron crossed his arms. “You’re here as a guest in my home, not a prisoner. You’re my friend, you have no reason to lie to me.”
Feall looked down at his hands, his shoulders going soft. 
It was unsettling, watching a knight of Feall’s stature shy away from telling a story.
He finally heaved in a breath, and began his tale. “As you know, there are five lesser kings in Bymar who answer to King Norman. King Graer Thay led Idunn Craich, and took me under his wing after my father fell in a skirmish with Gelynians. I became his ward; an example to his children. Mireldis and I knew each other long before-”
“You knew Mireldis Thay as a child and you never told us!” Roden snapped. “Do you-?”
“Hush, this isn’t even the good part of the story,” said Jaron.
“Thank you, your Majesty,” Feall cleared his throat. “I became the, ah, man of the household when Graer returned to the mainland to train with King Norman’s household. I was- I was sixteen at the time.”
There had been many times when Jaron had gone to the crypt where his family was buried. He hid there among stone coffins, almost praying a spectre would appear just so he could say goodbye.
He hadn’t begged for an unholy apparition in years.
The look on Feall’s face faltered. His stern squint widened.
Almost like he’d seen a spectre. Almost like he was seeing the ghost of a person he never said farewell to.
“Take your time,” Jaron murmured.
“Queen Ingrid Thay took care of most matters, I handled the rest. Mireldis grew jealous, claiming I’d taken both her mother and her father from her,” said Feall. He rubbed his forehead. “She sulked, so I ignored her. I grew capable of managing funds and trade under Ingrid’s- under Ingrid’s guidance. I gained favor, Mireldis did not. 
“Two years later, Graer hadn’t returned, and the Avenian war broke out. Queen Danika called for every man who could fight, I was of age, and I answered her call. It was the last time I saw Mireldis as a princess. I was fighting in Gelyn when Ingrid wrote to me, explaining that Graer had been conspiring with Avenian generals to betray King Norman, and that the sixteen other noble houses extracted punishment. Graer and all those who followed him deserted the next day.
“I returned to Bymar, but not immediately to Idunn Craich. King Norman and Queen Danika invited me to spend a season with them, and I did. I returned to Idunn Craich to help Ingrid, and once I saw fit, I returned to the mainland. There was a series of bandit attacks near the Gelynian border that following summer, attacking both Gelynians and Bymarians. 
“My orders were to find out if the attacks were correlated, and then to stop the perpetrator if they were. It took months of tracking to eventually recognize a pattern; the attacks occurred near mountain passes, and the survivors often told wild stories about trolls attacking them with scythes.”
Jaron didn’t hide his snort, “Were they trolls with scythes?”
“Luckily, no. They were Gelynian miners and sheep herders who were trying to gather fortune,” Feall explained. “Eventually, we were able to map out the attacks and find the epicenter, which led us to a tiny cottage in between both Gelyn and Bymar. I saw a girl inside. She would’ve been Mireldis’s age, but when we returned to arrest the bandits, they were nowhere in sight. The girl left with them. We found her body settled in with the victims from another attack. I assumed she was Mireldis. She’d always had hair that lingered past her knees, and the corpse I saw had the same.
“I continued serving the king in protecting the Bymarian-Gelynian border, until I was called north. A new bandit appeared, stealing from caravans but never with more than ten others. Called himself the Black Knight, though now it seems that he is in fact a she. The Black Knight vanished, eventually turning to terrorize south Bymar by leaving Various men and women tied to trees. It was much harder to track her there, as the pattern often extended into Gelyn. Earned herself the name of Shrike. She vanished before I could take her in, which turned out to be because she was anticipating my arrival in Drylliad protecting King Oberson.”
The memories were coming back. Jaron remembered the exchange between Feall and the Faola. Between Feall and Mireldis Thay. He’d heard Feall throw out both of those names; nobody knew that Mireldis Thay was wearing a mask.
“And you figured out that the Black Knight, Shrike, and the Faola were Mireldis Thay when she sent that letter to Feall, demanding that he hand you over to her,” Roden frowned.
Jaron could practically see the smoke coming out of his ears. He was working his brain too hard.
“Exactly,” Feall rubbed at his forehead again. “It really came together when I almost died. Twice.”
 “Congratulations, escaping death multiple times is a requirement for being a person I speak to for more than a few weeks,” said Jaron.
Feall’s story was wide, it dragged in several other people. Honest people, like Queen Danika and King Norman. Jaron knew they gave truth and expected truth from those they brought into their court. 
He’d have to think about Feall’s words.
It frustrated him knowing that Feall knew Mireldis as a child, and yet, this factor was never discussed. 
Was this how Imogen’s cat felt when it saw a mouse run across a kitchen floor after they’d hunted tirelessly for it?
Jaron tapped his toes, stacking the information. Think, think, think. There was a detail staring him in the face, but he wasn’t sure just what it was. Something big and important. Arguably important, that is. If it was so vital, Jaron wouldn’t have forgotten it.
“Did you have a good relationship with Mireldis?” Jaron asked, fighting the urge to pace.
“I- well, yes. We were playmates at one point, but things have obviously changed since then,” said Feall. He twirled the strings of his shirt around his fingers. “Your Majesty, would it be, ah, nevermind. Sorry, sir.”
“Spit it out, Feall. No point in not asking for something, you don’t know what I’ll say.”
“Would allowing me to visit Mireldis be out of the question? I want to see her, I want to- I want-”
“To apologize?”
“To ask her why she hates me so.”
Everyone always wanted answers. They always wanted to know why people did things that they did, especially if those things involved people getting hurt.
It wasn’t enough to just accept that maybe some people chose differently.
Jaron knew Feall was hoping to find an answer. He wanted to know that there was a sliver of goodness in Mireldis Thay. He wanted to know that something caused her years of banditry and assault. It could excuse her actions. Jaron recognized the naiveté in Feall’s plea, he wanted to fix Mireldis.
But not everybody had an underlying just reason for what they did. Bevin Conner claimed to be a patriot and then murdered Jaron’s family. Devlin, the former pirate king, led a life of piracy in the name of ambition.
It was all too likely that Mireldis Thay hated Feall and tried to kill him because she could.
“What makes you think Mireldis would want to see you?” Jaron asked, crossing his arms.
Feall cracked a bitter smile, “I don’t think she ever would want to see me, but I want to see her. I’ll forego any danger in the name of justice.”
“Then allow Roden and I to accompany you, in case Mireldis decides on a whim to snap your neck.”
“If she can snap my neck, I think we should be concerned about what she’d do to you.”
“I can hold my own, Feall,” said Jaron. “What happened when I was with you was just a lucky blow.”
Or was it?
The Faola had kicked at his leg rather than running him through with a sword. Jaron was lucky to have walked away with his life.
The kick to his leg was a demonstration of power. Mireldis Thay could’ve killed him, but she didn’t.
Just like her proximity to Imogen could’ve given her a window to kill the most important woman in Carthya, but she never used the opportunity.
Extending a hand, Jaron nodded. They’d go to see Mireldis Thay. Feall could confirm her identity, confirm that Renlyn Karise was just a false name. She’d finally display a show of emotion rather than keeping her same deadpan expression, and Jaron would gloat for a moment before deciding her fate.
He had no intention of following through with the treason charge. Renlyn would be valuable in the future.
It was a stupid move to execute a future ally.
“Jaron, something’s been on my mind,” Roden said. He’d fallen behind by a few steps. “I’ve been thinking a lot about the attacks on Feall.”
“Ah, thinking can be quite dangerous for you,” Jaron countered. “Every time you think of something, I think of something, and suddenly everything’s on fire.”
“I’m being serious.”
“So am I. Are you planning on setting the forest on fire?”
“No! I’m thinking about-,” Roden burst. His face colored as his voice echoed around the corridor. “I was there, after Feall’s second attack. I drove them away and took Feall back to-“
Jaron motioned for the guards outside Renlyn’s door to come closer. “Do you want Feall to thank you?” He asked, and then turned his attention to the two guards. “Has she done anything foolish? Is she still in there? Any cursing or vase-throwing?”
One of the guards shook his head, “No, sir. The lady within hasn’t made a sound, she’s received her first meal already. Didn’t say a word.”
“We thought she was dead for a few minutes,” confessed the second guard. “It’s not natural, being able to sit so quietly for that long.”
“Ah, that’ll change,” Jaron said. “We’ve come to visit her. Brought her an old friend.”
“Jaron, please, it’s really important,” Roden tried, he held his hand up to keep the guards from butting in.
“Ignore that hand, we’re talking. Have-“
“Feall wasn’t the only victim on the night of the second attack! He-!”
“I know, Roden, I heard the entire ordeal and then read the-!”
“Mott, Tobias, and-!”
“Stop interrupting me!”
“Not until you listen!”
Picking fights with Roden was too easy, but Jaron hated it when Roden did the fight picking. Those fights were usually heated and ended with fists flying, and Jaron had no intention of getting a fist to the face and-
“Oh Saints,” Jaron pressed both of his hands into his hair. “Oh no, no, no no. Feall, don’t open that-!”
Unfortunately for Jaron’s dignity, Feall opened the door to Renlyn Karise’s room.
The important detail he’d forgotten came rushing back, triggered by Roden’s attempts to point it out. It ruined everything.
Renlyn Karise had been the fourth victim during the Faola’s second attack on Feall. She’d handled the situation all too well, bounding back to tending to Imogen the very next day. It made it easy to forget that she’d been kneeling on the ground with Tobias and Mott while Feall fought for his life.
“Do you get what I was trying to say?” Roden snapped. “Renlyn is the reason Feall didn’t lose his head that night!”
“Don’t remind me,” Jaron rubbed his temples. He’d never hear the end of this one.
“Is- is this a joke?” Feall called from Renlyn’s room.
Jaron didn’t have the patience to stay to hear Renlyn’s stifled snicker.
He didn’t like it when he was wrong, and he’d been wrong in one of the worst ways.
He’d arrested a woman without full thought, and let Mireldis Thay escape.
“Get Ayvar, Roden, we’re going to fix this,” Jaron growled. “The longer we wait, the farther she’s run away.”
“And what will we do about Renlyn?” Roden asked.
“Nothing, I don’t want to deal with her just yet. We have a bandit to catch. Renlyn can sit in her gloating glory until we’ve got the right Mireldis Thay sitting in the dungeon.”
“This would be our third suspected Mireldis Thay, maybe we should give this fight up.”
“I’m so glad you can count that high! I don’t care if we catch a thousand false Thays, I will not accept this defeat!”
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plusultrabitchez · 6 years
I Will Run To You Chapter 1: UA Sports Festival
Shinsou's POV "It's time for the next match! Shoto Todoroki vs. (Y/N) Kubo!"
Midnight's voice rang through the stadium. Hitoshi perked when he heard her name. It was the Semifinals. Whoever won this match would continue to on to fight that asshole Bakugou kid. He was glad the crowd didn't boo her this time. During her first match, some asshole in the crowd threw stuff at her and called her "Villain Spawn" and soon after a lot of the crowd joined in and started booing her. Luckily Aizawa got on the stadium mic and defended her and called out the asshole that started it all. It made him sad how she reacted. No surprise, just acceptance, like she expected it to happen.
Kubo had won her previous matches easily and quickly. He wondered how she would fair against Todoroki since he was a big stand out in the festival so far.
"Ready? BEGIN!" . . "Holy shit!" Hitoshi muttered under his breath as Kubo effortlessly shattered an ice attack from Todoroki. "I had no idea she was this powerful." He thought. Whenever Todoroki sent out a huge blast of Ice Kubo would deflect it and throw a blast of pure energy his way. The entire stadium was on the edge of their seats.
The match was brutal and had been going on for almost 15 minutes. Hitoshi could tell the teachers were about to step in since both of you were in pretty bad shape. Earlier in the match, Kubo had dislocated her left shoulder, but before the teachers could step in she had popped it back into place and screamed: "Is that all you got?!" She was a legit badass and Hitoshi was really starting to admire her tenacity.
Kubo and Todoroki were on opposite sides of the battleground and started running at each other full force. Todoroki starting on a huge ice wall and Kubo generating a giant force field. Cementoss quickly created a wall between the two of them causing Todoroki to pull back, but Kubo didn't slow down.
She demolished the cement wall, the ice wall and forced Todoroki out of bounds in one fell swoop. She landed in front of Todoroki's unconscious body, the camera showed her on the giant screen. She was covered in cuts and bruises, but she still had a victorious smile. She went to take a step forward but her leg snapped and she screamed in pain as she collapsed to the ground which made his heart skip a beat.
The teachers rushed up to the two of them along with the medical team. There was some deliberation between them, then Midnight's voice came over the stadium speaker.
"Todoroki was forced out of bounds. However, Kubo's injuries are too severe for her to compete. Therefore Todoroki will move on to the next round!"
"What?!" Hitoshi stood up and clenched his fists. "That's bullshit! She beat him fair and square!" He couldn't believe the crowd was cheering. And he knew it was just because she had villain parents. If she had hero parents or even just regular parents she would be more popular than Bakugou and Todoroki combined. "I only met this girl a few hours ago. Why the hell do I care so much?" He thought to himself as he watched her unconscious body be taken off the field. "Should I go check on her? Would that be weird?" Hitoshi's thoughts were all over the place. He stared off into space and let his internal debate rage on. "Fuck it." He said and headed to Recovery Girl's Office. . . ~Your POV~ "This is such bullshit!" You sat on one of the beds in Recovery Girl's office while your dad Kaito and Aizawa tried to calm you down. "So just because I snapped my leg in half I can't compete?!" "Kubo, listen to what you're saying." Aizawa said. "You're in no condition to-" You cut him off. "I've had way worse and was able to fight then!" You looked to your dad who looked at you sadly. "(Y/N) you had no choice then. Trust me, this isn't because we don't believe you can, we just want to put your health first."
Tears of frustration welled up in your eyes. "You both know that I have to work 10x harder than anyone at this school because of who my parents are." You choked back a sob. "This was supposed to be my shot."
Kaito sat on the bed next to you and held you close while you cried. "You'll have another shot. This isn't the end."
After about an hour of Recovery Girl working her magic, your leg was pretty much healed. You had managed to stop crying and calm down a bit. You were still frustrated, but you understood the teachers were just trying to look out for you.
"You'll need to go easy for the next week and make sure to elevate at night." She told you while she patted your knee. You smiled at her. "I will. Thanks for fixing me up. Sorry for all the yelling earlier. I was upset and my adrenaline was pumping." She waved her hand. "It's quite alright dear." She smirked and leaned in. "I thought it was bullshit too." Her comment made you giggle. "Alright, get out! I'm sure I'll have more patients to deal with soon."
You stood up and hobbled out the door. "Hey." You heard a deep voice. You looked over and saw Shinsou. "Oh, hey. What are doing here?" You asked limping over to him. "Did Midoriya fuck you up or something?" He chuckled. "No no, I'm fine." He gulped and rubbed the back of his neck. "I uh, your fight was pretty intense so I just wanted to see if..." He looked at the floor in efforts to hide the pink painting his cheeks. "...just wanted to see, if you're okay."
You felt pink paint your own cheeks and gave him a soft smile. "Yeah uh, nothing she couldn't handle." You said gesturing at Recovery Girl's Office.
"It was a pretty bullshit call that they made. You won fair and square. They should've let you fight." Shinsou said looking up at you.
You smiled as your stomach did a backflip. "Thanks, Shinsou. I mean, in their defense my leg snapped pretty bad."
Shinsou looked at your leg with a concerned look. "Does it hurt?"
You waved your hand nonchalantly. "Meh, I've had worse. No biggie."
"She's had worse than a snapped in half leg?" He wanted to ask more about what you meant but decided not to press the subject.
"You know you're a really good fighter." Shinsou said breaking the silence.
"Oh, thanks! Lots of practice." You said fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. "Why the fuck am I so nervous?"
"I could teach you if you want." You blurted out.
Shinsou looked surprised. "Umm..."
"Oh fuck, now I insulted him. God (Y/N) you idiot he probably is already learning and why the hell would he want to learn from a fellow student let alone you of all people."  Your mind was going nuts.
"Uh sorry, I didn't mean to insult you. I'm sure you already-I mean, I'm sure you have someone- I uh...I'm gonna go." You started to limp away as you tried not to die of embarrassment.
"Kubo wait..." Shinsou reached out and grabbed your hand to stop you from walking away. His touch sent sparks through your body. He wasn't as built as your other male classmates, but he had strong hands. "That would be awesome actually."
His words made you perk up. "Really?"
He chuckled. "Yeah I mean, it was kind of obvious in my match with Midoriya that fighting isn't my strong suit."
"Well, I thought you did fine." You smiled sweetly at him. "Midoriya is a hell of a wild card. I never know how fights will go with him."
Your words made Shinsou feel a bit better about his match. "Well, if I want to get into the hero course I obviously need to know how to fight effectively."
"It'll be easy! I can totally teach you! I've been training since I was 4 so I have a lot more experience than the other first years and I can teach you everything I know."
Shinsou smiled. "Thanks Kubo, that's really nice of you." He realized he was still holding your hand and quickly let go and shoved his hands in his pockets hoping he wasn't blushing too hard.
"Sure! Anything I can do to help." You said and gave him a thumbs up. "We can start meeting up after school next week. I'm sure I can convince the school to let us use the gym."
"Oh wow, so soon?" Shinsou gulped.
You looked concerned. "Is that okay? If you're busy that's totally fine! Just let me know when you're available to start."
Shinsou relaxed a little bit. "Yeah, that sounds good."
You smiled and your stomach growled loudly causing you to blush, but Shinsou laughed. "Do you want to get some food?"
"Oh my god yes please, I starving."
~Shinsou's POV~
After hitting up some of the food booths just outside the stadium and getting a ton of Gyoza and Dango, the two of you headed back up to sit with your classes and watch the final match. The two of you had somehow gotten onto the topic of horror movies and she was gushing about her favorites. He was liking this girl more and more. She was a total badass, sweet, smart, she loved horror movies, and was completely stunning. He was having to make a conscious effort not to stare at her and come off as a fucking creep.
"Oh my god I may love her." Shinsou thought to himself as he listened to her gush about Silence of the Lambs. While the two of them discussed Hannibal Lecter, a cute round-faced girl with brown hair came up to them.
"Hey, Uraraka." Kubo said with a smile. "What's up?"
"I just wanted to check on you since you've been gone for a while. I was worried."
Kubo seemed genuinely surprised by this which made Shinsou a little sad. How could someone so great not have a million friends?
"Oh, thanks Uraraka. That's so sweet of you. Yeah, I'm fine, I was just grabbing some food with Shinsou here."
His heart leaped when she said his name.
"Oh yeah! You fought Deku! That match was great! Your quirk is so cool!" Uraraka said and held out her hand. "It's so nice to meet you!"
Shinsou shook her hand and noticed the pads on her fingertips. "Toe beans..." he muttered.
"Oh fuck!" Kubo grabbed Uraraka's other hand and looked examined it. "Oh my god, you DO have little toe beans! Awwwww."
Uraraka went wide-eyed. "But... they're on my hands. Are you saying my fingers look like toes?"
"No!" Shinsou and Kubo yelled in unison. "You just have cute little pads like cats do. It's adorable!" Kubo said and gave her a reassuring smile. God, that smile. Shinsou wanted to see it every day.
"Okaaaay, well the final match is about to start, Midoriya and I saved you a seat up front." Uraraka smiled.
"Aw thank you." Kubo turned to face him. "Let me know when you want to train?"
"Yeah definitely will! I'll see you around school." Shinsou said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Great! Oh and Shinsou?"
"Thanks for the food and for checking on me. That was really nice of you." She gave him a soft smile that made his heart melt.
"It's no problem. I'm glad I got to meet you today."
Kubo giggled. "Me too."
Shinsou smiled as he watched Kubo and Uraraka made their way to the class 1A viewing box. He walked into his own class's viewing box and sat down next to one of his friends.
"Dude you were gone a while, you okay?"
"Yeah, I was just checking up on Kubo." He said leaning back into his seat.
Another one of his classmates scoffed. "I'm sure princess is fine."
Shinsou rolled his eyes. "She's the farthest thing from a 'princess'."
"How would you know? You only met her a few hours ago."
They had a point, but Shinsou felt it in his bones that she was more complex than just a pretty girl in the hero course. "There's just...so much more to her."
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thetradeway · 3 years
Session 41 17 Apr 2021: Wait, a TRAP door? Ahleqs casts Mage Armour.
Duncan is walking back from the opticians, so we start a little bit late. Ed is also going to be late, but he says to go ahead without him and he’ll catch up.
Mr. Pickles has a gift for Ahleqs (which Joe forgot until this week…)
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Should be fun riding through the streets of Waterdeep - until he gets done by animal rights activists.
Matthew reminds us of what Brother Charity and Gideon did at the end of the last session - the buddy cop movie, during which they got some names of some people. (He explains in a very sketched out way until Sophie asks him to clarify a bit further, ‘like I was asleep or something’.) (For those who weren't there at the time, she *was* asleep.)
Mirt, Harper’s quest, Maxeene, talking horse, ride around the city, inn with a glory hole in it, disguised selves, names of a sun elf fellow and a half orc lady. Timothy P. Fuckapple and Thunderbuns, ah yes. (apparently Matthew was going for Danny Dyer, but he’ll take Ross Kemp.)
“That was exhilarating!” Charity says to Gideon as they flee down side alleys.
(Joe shows us an image of Undermountain, the dungeon under the Yawning Portal.)
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(holy shit.)
We pick back up at the Dagger. Kessler wanted to ask Shanks about procuring us a book to offer the monks at Candlekeep. (Joe shows Melaina her new weasel…)
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Kessler and Ahleqs arrive back at the Dagger, shortly followed by Charity, Carl and Gideon. Kessler points and laughs at Gideon’s disguise.
Tarragon has gone to find Renah and challenge her to an arm wrestle, loser buys drinks. Matthew worries that it might turn into a bar fight. Ahleqs: “It’s all fun and games until someone throws a dwarf.” Tarragon wins 18-21, and asks for a half an ale. “I’m very small and I’m not used to drinking.”
The others are deciding how to contact Shanks about the book. Ahleqs asks at the bar what would be the best way to get in touch. Ria and Jirr are tending bar tonight. Ria isn’t sure who Ahleqs means when he asks for Shanks. She offers to ask the other staff, and has a chat with Jirr.
Jirr can get a message to Shanks for us. Or - do we want to meet her? That might be better. Jirr will organise a meeting in the cellar. This might take a day or so to arrange.
Do we need preparations or supplies for the journey to Candlekeep? (Shopping episode! Somewhere, Travis Willingham sighs.)
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We probably need rations. We also need to get passage on a boat - we could ask Surge (Gunna's water genasi friend in the Docks Ward), or Larissa. Either way, to the Docks Ward!
(Charity Prestidigitations Gideon before we leave.)
Kessler debates buying a shield and goes to speak to Filiare before we go, as well. (Scribe’s note: Her AC is already 18.) He will sell her one for 7gp; she accepts, choosing a metal one with a plain front so she can add her own design. She sells her crossbow bolts as well.
Ed joins us and Charity remembers about the mad druid that Tarragon needs to speak to, but that’s not for a few days. We decide to speak to Surge first as he’s slightly less dodgy, and if he’s unavailable or can’t help, then we’ll try Larissa. We’re trying to get passage but also get paid for it, like going to a festival and pretending to be cleaners.
(Duncan gets lost on his way to the kitchen to make coffee, and finds himself in the off license buying beer.)
As we go through the streets toward the docks, a bird lands on Tarragon’s shoulder and gives her a scroll from Amithrel, giving her the name of the druid whose tome may be of use in curing Tansy’s illness. She asks the bird to thank Amithrel for her and it flies off.
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Kessler: “I wonder if I could snatch that bird out of the air…”
Duncan OOC: “This whole time I’ve just been imagining you grabbing birds out of the air and eating them.”
There follows a discussion about the diets of goblins, and how much evidence there is to suggest that they really do eat babies.
Melaina makes a Perception check to get us to the Docks ward (I almost wrote Dicks ward by accident lol). We find the temple, and Surge is in the middle of it, feeding sick sailors. He sees us and recognises us, and asks straight away if we’ve seen Gunna.
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Melaina, suddenly and excitedly: “Have you seen him? Not that we care about… where… he… is…”
Surge says that he saw him briefly before he left, and that he said something about visiting his father. It could take a few months for him to return.
Melaina asks about passage on a boat. Do we want to pay, or work, Surge asks us? Well, we’ve acquired some skills in recent times. He asks about what sort of skills we have. Fire magic?, Ahleqs suggests. Tends not to be popular on wooden boats.
Kessler can make stuff…? Melaina is an elf, she could make a good lookout? Tarragon is a herbalist, she can make poultices. How many are there of us? Six? Yeah, six. Seven, if you count Brother Charity. (We’ve accepted Carl as one of us.) (Charity looks wounded.)
Ahleqs makes a Persuasion check with Guidance - 25 total.
To Candlekeep, you say? Maybe the return journey as well? Space for seven, we’re looking at a cargo ship. Is there any way Surge can contact us? We’re staying at the Dagger. Surge will ask around and send word.
Brother Charity has some shopping he wants to do. Where would he find adventuring supplies? Market in the Trades Ward. He wants Healer’s kits and scroll scribing kits, that sort of thing. We like to travel in a lump; our lump arrives in the Market.
Between a lucky roll and help from Charismatic Ahleqs, Charity can have 20gp off the asking price of 70, to the shopkeeper’s chagrin.
Tarragon buys some more herbs, as she’s offered her services as a herbalist on whatever ship Surge can get us passage on. Kessler buys some healing potions.
Anyone else want to do some panic buying? Chain mail! A gun! Some big bombs! The Death Star! Nope, that’s it. We head back to the Dagger.
So - rations, and a meeting with Shanks to maybe procure a book. Gideon has a heavy supper and falls asleep in front of the fire. (Tarragon: Five bean chilli from the new vegetarian menu, and a peach liqueur.) As we sit down to eat, Jirr motions to us. We’ve got a guest.
Shanks meets us in the cellar. Can she procure rare and curious books? Ahleqs explains what it is we need - a book that the monks of Candlekeep don’t already have in their collection. What about something unique, like a journal? Are we familiar with Xanathar’s thieves’ guild?
No-one is really sure what it’s real name is. The higher ups in that guild are known as The Hand. Their master of magic is a woman called Emerine (I think?). She’s a powerful wizard, not to be crossed. But she is undertaking research in the sewers, Shanks knows where. She has a something called the Tome of Bindings. Shanks could take us there to get it? She can time it for when the wizard isn’t in.
Would this wizard part with the book, or will we have to nick it? If we time it right, she won’t be there to defend it. But she’ll likely have traps and stuff. Ahleqs asks what do we think the chances are that she has an actual Beholder there? Low, says Shanks, as the guild leader is one and Beholders are notoriously territorial and won’t put up with another close by.
It would be doing Shanks a favour, if we got that book away from her. Can we be ready first thing?
Charity: “All those in favour say Aye.”
All of us except Kessler: “Aye!”
Kessler: “I don’t see why not, I mean I’ve got no objections…”
Shanks tells us it’ll be another trip to the sewer, so get ready.
Tarragon, thoughtfully: “Do you know anyone who sells nose plugs…”
Shanks returns the following morning and leads us into the sewer. We make CON saves against the smell. Only Tarragon fails and is polite enough to lean away rather than puking on Brother Charity, which she feels is very magnanimous of her.
Shanks leads us to a new (to us) part of the sewer, where we haven’t been before. It looks in poor state of repair. She points to a locked trap door. The wizard has been seen going in and out of there. Do we need help picking the lock…?
Melaina: “I think we’ve got this.”
(Wait, a TRAP door? Ahleqs casts Mage Armour.)
Melaina checks for traps and unlocks the door with ease, and after some wrangling, Joe gets a marching order out of us. (A police car goes by in horrible Nottingham.) There’s a small delay while Joe fights his way through all the gubbins I’ve filled roll20 with (SO MANY RED DRAGONS!), and puts our tokens on the board.
Back in the charming sewers again! It’s a nice part, and doesn’t smell. It’s part of the old elven sewer.
Ahead of her Kessler sees a metal door, with a slot into which something presumably fits. She checks for traps - it is not trapped. She goes for a pick, but rolls a 12 so nothing happens. She could try impact engineering… (Is that a fancy-lady way of saying she’s going to twat it?) Melaina elbows her way to the front and does it properly.
(Gideon has had too many meads and has probably fallen asleep - or gone to the kitchen to get sausages, so the DM moves him gently out of the way.)
We are just exploring when Joe tells us to stay where we are - uh oh!
We all make STR saves except Tarragon, who is now glad she was stuck at the back.
They roll so badly that they couldn’t pass if they added all their scores together. They are hit by lightning from the pillars in the room, as well as being blown around by wind.
Kessler shoots at one of the pillars to try and discharge the magic, but is at Disadvantage because of the wind and rolls a 9. It zaps her, and she takes 13 lightning damage.
Melaina has a go but also fails and takes some lightning damage. Joe rolls 4 1s for her damage though, noice.
Ahleqs makes an arcana check to see if he can figure out this magic, but rolls a nat 1. He uses a Sorcery point to re-roll for a 17. It seems to be retaliating when attacked, and there are glyphs on the floor that zap you if you stand on them.
Kessler and Tarragon see that the winds inside the sphere seem to be physically blowing the ammunition off course. Perhaps magic might work better…?
Ahleqs tries an Eldritch Blast, and it hits. Yay! He assumes the foetal position; just as well because he gets hit with lightning.
Tarragon does a Thorn Whip, which also hits. The pillar is starting to look damaged, and she takes 17 lightning damage. Oof! Kessler fires off a Firebolt, as Ahleqs downs a potion. She hits for 3 damage and takes 15 lightning damage. Yikes.
Melaina does a magic arrow at it - or, a spell? Or Charity can do a spell, so Melaina isn’t using up a spell slot?
He does a Divine Eldritch Blast. (A what? He is a Cleric, right? Sophie, OOC: ‘He’s a sneaky bastard is what he is.’) It does 1 damage, which is just enough - the pillar breaks. He does a Cure Wounds for Kessler, and offers the same to Ahleqs.
Melaina tries the door. It is a large, metal double door. She checks it for traps - once she’s found her character sheet again. She sees the telltale signs of trappage! She sleight of hand disarms it with a 27 - “Bazinga.” She then unlocks the door. It swings open to reveal a monster - “Lock it again! Lock it again!”
We roll initiative. DM asks if one of us want to take the Grease Wizard “because I think you’ll need him”. Oh shit. Matthew and Sophie both take him so they can squabble over him.
(Sophie OOC: “What is that thing? Oh, it’s massive and it’s got a big old sword.”)
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It moves forward and breathes poison on Kessler, Melaina and Tarragon. Only Melaina makes her save. If only our front-line fighter wasn’t on a boat going to see his mum!
Tarragon rages and does Cure Wounds on herself (but the other way around); Melaina casts Woundbind on Kessler, who went down after the poison breath. (How’s that shield working out?) Melaina bonus-action-disengages and backs up.
Kessler gets to her feet and goes for a Thunder Gauntlet, which misses. She stands her ground.
Ahleqs: "I stand my ground too!" (We all laugh.) He screams (part of his spellcasting ritual), and casts Fireball. It doesn’t bother trying to make the save - ah shit.
Kessler, Tarragon, Ahleqs and Gideon (and Melaina) make perception checks - we all notice that the creature absorbs the fire, and any little dents in the armour repair themselves. Matthew-as-Gideon - “Fire appears to mend it!”
Ahleqs runs away.
Grease wizard doesn’t have Enlarge-Reduce prepared, sadly. He has a go at Enfeebling it instead. He rolls an 18 and it misses.
Oh fuck…
Kessler, right up in melee range: “Run, save yourselves!”
Ahleqs, already halfway out of the room: “Way ahead of you!”
Charity casts ‘a buffing spell’ on himself to get more HP, and then shilleweghilghosllhsoaslkhhah. Carl holds an action, as there’s not much he can do.
It’s the golem’s turn. It tries to squish Kessler, who is standing right in front of it, by bringing its sword down on her noggin. It misses! But dents her new shield. Then it swings an arm, trying to slam her into the wall. That time it hits for 14 damage.
Tarragon goes for an Indiana Jones slide between its legs but fails her Dex check and hits it in the legs. (If Duncan was DM she’d have hit something else.) She tries to batter it with her quarterstaff, but misses.
Melaina hides and shoots, and hits the thing! She rolls badly on her damage, however. (Joe assures us that this fight is winnable; we all make dubious noises.)
Kessler goes for the Thunder Gauntlets and hits it for 11 Thunder damage. She uses Fury of the Small on top for an extra 7 damage. She would like to disengage for a bonus action and split her attack; after a short discussion it’s decided that she can. She wants to move behind it so she makes a DEX check - and passes! Like a greased seal she slides between its legs. She goes for her second attack, with Advantage as she and Tarragon are now flanking it. She hits again for 8 more Thunder damage.
"Are we still in the shit? We kind of are, aren’t we." Ahleqs uses all his remaining Sorcery Points to create a 4th level spell slot before screaming “GO AWAY!” at it and casting Banishment. It fails the save and disappears!
We still need the gem around its neck, which is very much phase 2 of the plan, and Ahleqs will leave that to us.
Kessler: “I would say next time make that your opening gambit?”
Ahleqs, Concentrating: “Look, let’s not waste this minute bickering.”
(DM decides that was inspired so he won’t enforce it now, but next time Ahleqs casts Banishment he will actually have to produce the spell component - something distasteful to the target. Duncan, OOC: "I may go full monkey and fling my poo at it.")
We prepare - moving to flanking positions and rerolling initiative. Tarragon goes bear and waits to re-Rage.
Bear Tarragon and Kessler both hit with their attacks of opportunity as the thing pops back. Brother Charity goes for a whack with Sheldflhjdasdlaflfghhh, and natty 20s it for triple damage - 36 total!
It’s Kessler’s turn. She punches it upside the back of the head for a 19 which misses, then natty 20s for her second hit. Max damage, then she rolls the damage dice again, yeah!
Tarragon does a multi attack and crits with her claws - bloodied nose. Max damage and roll again - she gets max damage on that roll too! She’s so pleased it’s hard to maintain her rage.
Melaina goes for a shot but misses.
Ed has woken up! He is pleased to know that Matthew, about to take Gideon’s turn, was about to Grease something. He asks how this thing feels about fire, and is warned that it loves it. He’s very disappointed until he realises that he can use his new toy.
Wait is this the main big bad, or is this on the way to the big bad?
Sophie, OOC: “We just got into this dungeon, we’re in the foyer.”
He does Phantasmal Killer! The thing makes a WIS save - at Advantage - and fails. Ed, delighted: "It’s timid and scared and frightened." It makes another WIS save on each of its turns, or takes more psychic damage; for now it takes 16.
It’s immune to psychic damage - and being frightened.
That is a poor show, Joe.
Brother Charity is up, and he’s the last one before the golem. Gideon: “We’ll have to do this the old fashioned way Charity, go and stab it with a spear!”
It’s still flanked, so Brother Charity rolls with Advantage and hits it with a 26 for 12 bludgeoning damage with Shillgslahkfksjddkghglhlhllbblhh. It’s looking tatty now, yeah!
It doesn’t get its breath weapon back, phew. It attacks the bear, at Disadvantage (because it is not attacking Kessler). It hits, but she takes half damage.
It’s Coward Time! He doesn’t need to move closer so he casts Shenanigans at level 2. He expends a spell slot to regain a sorcery point. Now he casts Shatter at level 3, using the sorcery point to use Careful Spell and steer it around his friends.
It does a CON save (“I imagine it’s okay at those”) which it has Advantage on, but it’s a construct so it has Disadvantage as per the spell. They cancel each other out so it makes a straight roll, and gets a 16 which succeeds. It takes half damage though. Having covered his eyes as he cast the spell Ahleqs shouts, “Did I get it?”
We all want Carl to get the how-de-do-dis. He does Gauntlets of Helm but misses even with Advantage.
Kessler goes for the Thunder Gauntlets and hits with her second attack, for 7 thunder damage. It’s at Disadvantage to attack anyone but her again.
Tarragon does a multi attack and hits with both - and gets the how-de-do-dis! She rips it apart with her bear claws, with a horrible screeching noise of claws on metal.
We get the crystal key!
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(After the dust settles, Joe reminds us of when we fought the Flesh Ripper and Melaina very cleverly hid herself on the other side of a doorway through which the Flesh Ripper was too big to fit. We look again at the map we’re on now to see that we came through a corridor that would be too big for the golem… We are so stupid.)
The crystal fits in the slot in the door, which leads us down another corridor into a study. Melaina rolls to pick the lock with a 27. We get the book, yeah!
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(Next week we pick up with our old campaign, for which I DM. I will try to add an entry here, but it won’t have the same level of detail!)
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astrofireworks · 7 years
ok so on Sunday my sister and I went to Universal Studios Singapore for her birthday and literally the first thing I thought of was theme park performer!Bin and visitor!Eunwoo so this spilled out 
happy 500 days with astro ~~~
Minion lover Cha Eunwoo
I'm cackling
So the new minion movie just came out and they're saying that the theme park near Eunwoo's place has minion-themed stuff to promote it
Including a giant inflatable minion !!!!!!
And so Eunwoo, our neighbourhood minion trash,
You know
Has to go
And so he wakes up on a Saturday morning, heads over to the theme park and enjoys the minion festivities
Unironically because he's lee dongminion
And because he's bought the ticket already he figures he might as well enjoy the entire theme park so he grabs lunch and goes around to the different attractions
Until he comes across a stage
Street performer Bin
Has a showtime every hour or so, depending on the crowd & depending on his boss
Performs on the main stage right near the entrance
Mostly does dance and damn he's good at it
He & his crew (Rocky, Hoshi, Dino, Chani) do a five minute routine every showtime and they get thunderous applause every single time & usually almost half the crowd is filming them
The other half being kids who scream and clap in delight
And a small handful of teenage girls who also scream and clap in delight
Gets hungry after every single show
Dino gets alarmed sometimes because "bin are you sure you can eat all this before the next show?"
Finished everything every single time & gets hungry right afterwards too
Basically a food black hole bless his soul
Rocky doesn't even get surprised anymore when he looks at bin's table and he's polishing off two full meals for lunch
Does extra shows after their own five minute segments just for fun
Steps off the main stage & just dances freestyle slightly to the right
Sing sometimes too or beatboxes so the rest of his friends can dance
You know how there are queues to take pictures with characters and stuff like shrek or the minions or stuff
Yeah people queue up to take photos with the dance crew
Most of them being young kids beaming in excitement and Chani also beaming in excitement because he is also a young child
I love him so much stop me
But also some of them being Smitten™ fangirls who giggle their way through the photos & press numbers into their palms
But Bin always palms them off to Hoshi and Rocky because there's really only one person he wants a phone number from
Every Saturday there's always this one guy who comes
It's always during his two o'clock show and again during his six o'clock show
And the first time he saw him Bin fumbled and missed a step
Essentially the first mistake he's ever made on stage so he sat down afterwards sweating over it
Even though literally nobody else noticed because Hoshi was in the centre being spectacular and he was exiting stage right
Like "why did I make that mistake omg" and "it was beCAUSE OF THAT G U Y" 
hold up Bin what
literally the first image replaying in his head after the stage is that guy's face
Bin didn't get a clear look because he's been spinning around stage and because said guy was half hidden behind a bunch of giggly girls but he got a short glimpse of clear bright eyes, a half smile and carefully ruffled hair in a white shirt
And it's that image of an angel that stays with Bin through his three, four, five o'clock shows because wow he has never seen someone who could make him mess up his steps like that
How annoying, Bin tells himself, what a terrible guy
Until he sees him again at his six o'clock show, this time in the front row, grinning, one hand on the strap of his backpack and the other in a pocket and a thin silver chain around his neck that disappears into the v of his collar
And wow his face is easily one of the best??? looking ????? ones ????????? Bin has ever seen ????????
And judging from the girls nudging and whispering beside him it's easily one of the best looking ones everyone and anyone has ever seen
And he nearly misses a beat staring but Dino brushes by him and he moves right back in place
But the whole dance he's staring at the angel and gets startled every time the angel meets his eyes and smiles
And dammit Bin is blushing
I mean everyone else thinks it's because of the heat and because Bin is dancing but Bin knows
And his face is flushing and dammit Bin shouldn't be affected !!!!!! because he's on stage and dancing and shouldn't be distracted !!!!!
But two can play at this game bitxh
So he throws a wink and a grin in the angel's general direction when he's in the centre
You know
This one 
And watches the man flush and bite his lip and look down
And also hears the very audible swooning of the girls next to him because they think it's meant for them
But yes the man leaves right after even though Bin was keeping an eye out for him so he could catch him after the show
And so Bin resigns himself to seeing that beautiful smile in his dreams and only in his dreams
Because ??? Literally there's probably no chance he'll ever see this beautiful man again
Until the next Saturday at two o'clock when he shows up again
Bin truly wants to scream
He's in a soft blue button up this time, thin and light enough for the weather in a theme park but somehow structured enough to make his broad shoulders seem endless and for him to look soft and boyfriend and he's smiling gently waiting for Bin to start his stage
Bin, stOP IT
But as usual he disappears before Bin can get off the stage to talk to him so Bin just cries internally in despair
I mean there's always the six o'clock show right
But the moment Bin finishes his stage he sees a soft blue shirt detach itself from the crowd and drift off towards the theme park exit and he feels his heart sink in disappointment
And so Bin goes through the motions of pictures and smiling and thanking people for their support then flops over to the closest refreshment stand because boy he needs a drink
Because wow chances are that if that man's already come two weeks in a row to enjoy the theme park it's unlikely he'll ever come again
He'll never see that man again
Oh well
And our son just looks so mopey that MJ hands him a turkey leg and a Coke and pats him on the head
And because this is MJ he obviously asks about it
what a sweet caring bean
But when Bin refuses to speak about it MJ just sagely nods and whacks his friend on the head
MJ: "is it boy trouble or"
Bin, muffled through a mouthful of meat: "shussup"
MJ, loudly cackling because if anything that's a sure confirmation
Sanha sticking his head out from where he's manning the minion booth beside MJ's food cart
Cue teasing-fodder-hyenas Hoshi, Rocky, Dino and Chani leaping into Bin and Sanha and yelling at Bin to spill
Bin sensibly yelling back that he'll probably never see that guy ever again because this is a theme park, dammit, nobody comes more than twice a month because the tickets are too bloody expensive
MJ whining sadly about lost love and the boys all awwing at Bin
And so they all go back to their daily lives, Bin quickly forgetting the man in favour of focussing on dance routine and new pranks to pull on his crewmates
You guessed it
Eunwoo makes an appearance for the third Saturday in a row
And when Bin steps on stage his eyes are caught by a small silver flicker and large bright eyes curved in a smile
And so he grins brightly at the angel because goddammit he isn't letting this angel fly away again because third time lucky right?
Right after the performance comes to a close Bin slips off the stage and towards the angel
Who has his arm around the shoulders of another guy
He has never once entertained the idea that angel boy might be taken, that someone else might have been wowed the same way he is, that someone else might have courted this man first
And now that he does, he feels disappointment and a vague sense of despair welling up in his heart and elbows and eyebrows and everywhere
He truly thought he was going to talk to that man today
But I guess not
And so he skips his post-performance snack and sits, huddled in a corner of a room looking in the mirror because that man the angel had his arm around?
He was beautiful
Large brown eyes with beautiful eyesmiles, bright grin, sharp jawline, sun that could power a village for five years (MJ claims this one though, Bin thinks his smile could power one for at least seven years), cute mole beneath his lip and matching silver chain
Bin might have the body honed by dancing endlessly daily for more than half his life but
Wow this boy is truly beautiful too
The both of them are
and MJ and Rocky are waiting at MJ's refreshment stand, waiting for Bin to come out and claim a bag of potato chips
But he doesn't
And it’s when Rocky walks into their shared prep room with a bag of chips to dangle in Bin's face he sees Bin staring despondently at a mirror
"It was a dumb crush anyway it wasn't going anywhere"
"Wait hyung what"
Bin, startling: "wAIT"
Bin, sulking: "yeah? Him and his boyfriend?"
Rocky: "Oh my god you're jealous"
"Ur jealous aren't u"
"Oh my gOD HAHAHHA" (loud smiley park minhyuk laughter)
Ok but rocky isn't an entire lil shit he hugs Bin, pats him on the head and tells him it's alright
But he's still a lil shit so he opens Bin's bag of chips and eats that
And Bin gets up and chases Rocky around the room and suddenly just like that, with Bin running after Rocky and Rocky cackling and trying to stuff as many chips in his mouth as humanely possible, the atmosphere is alright again
Bin performing at all his shows with a lighter heart because screw that beautiful human he doesn't need to see his beautiful face and beautiful smile every day to be happy
And right at six o'clock he sees angel in the crowd waiting and bin makes sure he does extra good !!!!
And because he's not a little bitter or anything he totally doesn't wink in the angel's general direction
And keep his eyes trained on the angel's just to see how much he can make him blush
Not at all
Eunwoo blushes a lot
Eunwoo, for once, not disappearing after the performance
Because goddamn he got a season ticket to come to the theme park for a reason and that reason was to enjoy the dance performances (and also the minion parades)
And to talk to Dance Boy !!!!
And Jinjin wouldn't let him disappear anyway
Jinjin didn't buy a ticket to not see the boy eunwoo's been moping over for the past two weeks
"his smile is so bright jinjin"
"he wore a sleeveless black tank today his arms were amazing jinjin"
"his eyes are the shiniest jinji-"
"but he's beautiful, jinjin, you have to see him when he dances, I'm like nothing compared to him I'll never stand a chance" 
yeah right Eunwoo jinjin doesn’t believe you he's going to see for himself
and so jinjin: ok fine I'll buy a ticket and suffer through the minioning to see this angel myself
Eunwoo shaking nervously and Jinjin squeezing his hand supportively before letting go quickly
He's pretty sure the reason why Dance Boy disappeared so fast from the stage was the fact that he saw Eunwoo's arm around his neck
I mean, Eunwoo was trying to keep him from yelling out Eunwoo's number at Dance Boy but Dance Boy probably doesn't know that
And so he doesn't want to give Dance Boy the wrong idea !! Because no matter how much Eunwoo whines Jinjin is a Good Friend !!
And so Jinjin gently pushes Eunwoo towards Dance Boy when the stage nears its end because there's no way he's wasting his ticket without a result
And so after the last beat ends Bin finds himself thanking the audience and coming off the stage
To run right into Eunwoo
Wow Jinjin was right Dance Boy really looks like a cat up close
Beautiful, Eunwoo thinks
He watches Bin's cautious smile morph into one with slight worry and remembers that ???? He gotta respond
What a dude
"Um, hi."
Wow what ????? Angel Boy has ???? An angel voice ?????
A voice ???? He wouldn't mind hearing every day?????
first thing when he wakes up in the morning, last thing at night before he sleeps ?????
Dammit Bin sTOP
"I think you dance really w-"
"Thanks for coming every we-"
Both of them stopping flustered because wow what
Eunwoo being horrified because wow #EunwooExposed Dance Boy knows he's been coming every week so much for being "unremarkable" Eunwoo
Bin blushing because wow the angel thinks he dances well??????
Rocky hysterically laughing in the background
"Yeah I come every week to watch y-"
"I think your face is really nice to-"
Someone save Rocky he's wheezing on the ground
Chani hugging his stomach because ‘your face is really nice’ incredible, Bin, 
Jinjin torn between eavesdropping and wanting to hide himself in the ground because holy heck eunwoo's so embARRASSING
Hoshi finally stepping in because while he loves Bin Hoshi truly has no sense of self preservation whatsoever
"Hi I suggest you two fuck"
Brb gotta save Dino he's on the floor wheezing too
Bin spluttering "hyUNG"
Jinjin adding "well I don't disaGREE EUNWOO WHAT DO YOU SAY"
Eunwoo coughing and blushing and being slightly scandalised and planning ten thousand ways to kill Jinjin in his head 
and finally responding "well, perhaps a date first? or perhaps i should know your name first????"
Bin, shaking,
Chani helpfully supplying, "his name is Bin and his shaking means yes”
thanks Chani son 
Jinjin slightly panicking and going “WAIT BIN”
everyone turning to Jinjin 
baby Bin’s eyes widening in alarm because what if this ‘thing’ is that Eunwoo is actually a serial murderer and is secretly our to kidnap dance crew members and 
ok bin firstly he wouldn’t tell you if he was a murderer
“the real reason why eunwoo got a ticket to the park was because he has a min-”
eunwoo, eyes widening lunging to cover jinjin’s cackle: “OH MY GOD SHUT UP” 
jinjin, screaming at the top of his lungs: “A MINION OBSESSION”
bin, mildly terrified,
but yes fast forward two months into the future,
Bin and Eunwoo going on dates that don’t involve the theme park 
Bin still performing his heart out every Saturday for Eunwoo
Eunwoo making good use of his one-year season pass and visiting his boyfriend 
Eunwoo sitting near his boyfriend’s stage with a cup of coffee and a book and whiling his day away people watching and Bin-watching 
and well, minion-watching 
Eunwoo defending his boyfriend from overly enthusiastic stans by appearing almost silently with a hand on Bin’s elbow, smiling slightly coldly 
Bin appearing in between shows to surprise Eunwoo (read: steal his coffee & steal kisses) and generally reminding other staring theme park visitors that Eunwoo is his and not a theme park attraction thank you very much
(hisses) i never want to see another minion in my life 
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exadorlion · 7 years
@theinevitablesense Washington - God of Paternity, Leadership and Time Entire Back Love
Washington is the leader of the Gods. ↳ Having been one of the first two born from nothing ↳ Together, with Martha, he created all life and the major gods ↳ He wanted a happy family, but got a petty, squabbling messes that just makes him sad and tired
Martha Washington - Goddess of Maternity, Children and Space Entire Front Hatred
Martha is a gentle, but firm, goddess. ↳ She was one of the first two born from nothing. ↳ With Washington, created all life and major gods. ↳ Also wanted a happy family, but is happy with her less-than-ideal clan. Looks for the bright side.
John Adams - God of Communication and Compromise Right Hand
No one likes John Adams ↳ The eldest and most powerful of the Washington’s creations ↳ Uses his powers to assert his superiority ↳ Gets pissy when people talk about him behind his back ↳ When pressured, can bring even the most divisive of enemies to reach an agreement
Adams V Hamilton Adams, when he was but a few moments old, invented spoken language and taught it to the Washingtons. When humans were created, Adams taught them the language too, so that way they might be able to communicate with each other. Adams prided himself on this achievement, lauding it above his godly peers. Eventually, Hamilton got fed up with it and claimed that anyone could do what Adams had done, if given the chance. Adams challenged Hamilton to prove his claim, certain the younger god couldn’t. Hamilton, trying to show Adams up, not only created a new language, but created a visual language, writing. Hamilton taught his new language to the humans, proving both languages equally useful. Which is how Hamilton stole Adams’ spotlight and got an extra domain to rule.
Alexander - God of Sun, Writing, and Life Right Arm Quill Hamilton is a salty, jaded bean. ↳ Major Gossip ↳ Messes with Burr at every opportunity ↳ Calls Seabury the God of “Being An Absolute Fuckwad” ↳ Secretly just wants love ↳ Touch-starved and longs for affection ↳ Fights everyone.
Burr - God of Moon, Patience and Death Left Arm Spear
Burr is tired out soul who wants peace. ↳ His job as the god of death exhausts and saddens him. ↳ Doesn’t dislike Hamilton, is just often annoyed by him ↳ Good friends with Jefferson ↳ became one of two gods that Jefferson would speak to after the death of Martha J.
Theodosia and Burr During the early days of humanity, Burr fell in love with a human woman named Theodosia. ↳ When she died, Burr turned her physical body into the stars and scattered them across the night sky, so he might see and be with her forever.
Jefferson - God of Agriculture and Nature Fingers
Jefferson is a pure little bean. Really sheltered and innocent. ↳ Doesn’t know slang (daddy) ↳ Plays with hair when nervous ↳ Hid from Hamilton at first ↳ Wears silky togas
Grows drugs without knowing what they are. (High most of the time)
Death of Martha Jefferson ⇒ Seasons When the world was young, Thomas fell in love with a human woman, who inevitably died. Heartbroken, Thomas shut himself away in his garden. Winter is when the anniversary of her death rolls around and he gets sad. The rest of the time, he manages to distract himself well enough.
Jefferson’s Garden is a Holy Place ↳ No one can die while in the garden. ↳ Laurens cannot enter the garden. ↳ When Martha J was dying, Thomas attempted to save her by bringing her to the garden. ↳ However, she didn’t want to live forever, and was willing to die like humans should. When Thomas turned his back, she walked out and dropped dead before he could stop her.
Legends of Jefferson After losing Martha, Jefferson locked himself away in his garden for millennia, refusing entrance to humans and gods alike. Only his two closest friends, Burr and Madison ever saw him, and soon many humans and some gods began to doubt he even existed. Some claimed the grief of losing Martha caused Jefferson to fade from reality, leaving behind the garden as the only sign he was ever there. Others simply thought Jefferson had abandoned them, and therefore turned their backs on him. It was only once Hamilton happened upon him that people began to realize the God of Nature was not gone or had abandoned them. He was simply very high and very sad the entire time.
Madison - God of Healers, Health and Disease Neck
Madison is a quiet, cold god. ↳ Good friends with Jefferson ↳ Constantly sick ↳ Volunteered to bear the diseases of humanity so that some humans might survive ↳ Secretly loves humanity, though often keeps his distance ↳ Tries to get intoxicated but is unable to get drunk
Madison and Jefferson After Madison took on the illnesses for humans, Jefferson offered to help him find treatments to either cure various diseases or at least alleviate symptoms and pain. The two work together, Jefferson creating plants with different properties and James giving him advice based on what worked and what didn’t. They accidentally created weed together. Even when Jefferson sealed himself away, he let Madison in to continue their work.
Franklin - God of Hearth, Creation Stomach
Franklin is everyone’s grandfather and crazy uncle rolled into one ↳ Born from literal fire ↳ Taught early humans how to harness fire and make tools ↳ Constantly goes down the human world to try out new inventions ↳ It doesn’t always go well ↳ Tries again anyway.
Angelica - Goddess of Wisdom and Knowledge Eyes (General Area)
Angelica is smarter than you ↳ Loves her sister goddesses, especially Eliza and Peggy ↳ Hella feminist ↳ Visits Human universities and schools often Swore a vow of celibacy
Angelica v. Humans ↳Angelica is frustrated and annoyed by humans ↳They come to her for advice, and she’s just as likely to point you to another god or lie to you than actually help you out ↳ Eliza tries to get her to be more compassionate, but all Angelica wants to do is learn, read and not be bothered by dumb humans
Jay - God of Judgement and Justice Wrists
John Jay is done with everyone’s shit. ↳ Jay likes going to human courtrooms and watching the proceedings ↳ Very sick
Lee - God of Honor, Deception Left Shoulder Blade
Lee tries his best but always comes up short. ↳ Based on the duality of honor and deception ↳ Lee is either the most virtuous god out there or one of the worst, depending on the day ↳ He oversees human affairs of honor, watching duels and deciding the victor ↳ Liars, manipulators and other conniving individuals also look to him for guidance ↳ Followers of Lee are often very self-centered individuals
Lee v Laurens
Eliza - Goddess of Emotion, Forgiveness and Passion Chest
Eliza just wants everyone to get along, please. ↳ Finds herself cleaning up after the other gods’ mistakes ↳ Healing divides driven between people as a result of godly action ↳ She tries to foster positive relationships between others ↳ Though the friendliest of the gods, often walking among humans openly, when she is crossed bad things happen to those who hurt her. ↳ Her sorrow and anger are just as powerful as her joy and love.
Eliza and Hamilton At one point devoted to each other, Hamilton cheated on Eliza with Mariah, because he’s a hoe and generally slept with everyone at one point. When Hamilton fesses up, Eliza turns from him, leaving him a lonely bitter bean. No one feels bad for him.
James Monroe - God of Information and Prophesy Forehead to Ears
James Monroe is often overlooked, but content to chill. ↳ Hangs out with Angelica a lot ↳ Never answers questions plainly, everything’s in goddamn riddles with this guy ↳ Only tells people as much as he wants to ↳ Chill dude ↳ Either liked or disliked, no in between.
Monroe V. Hamilton After Hamilton’s affair with Mariah, Monroe (having seen this as a prophecy) confronts Hamilton about his actions. Hamilton confesses, but swears Monroe to secrecy. Unfortunately for Hamilton, Monroe had already delivered his prophecy, and the other gods grew suspicious. Hamilton, forced to confess his affair, gets pissed at Monroe, and attempts to go to war. Burr managed to step between the two of them before too much damage was done, but the rift between the two gods has never been mended.
Monroe and Prophecy Being the God of Prophecy, Monroe is gifted with visions of the future. He has always been accurate. When a vision needs to be communicated to humans, Monroe uses human Prophets to speak for him. Monroe has predicted most things, including the apocalypse.
Mariah - Goddess of Seduction, Love and Lust Boob Area idk Chest too?
Mariah doesn’t want to hurt anyone but ends up doing it a lot anyway. ↳ Though often depicted as a seductress, Mariah also rules over all form of love, sexual or not ↳ Honestly has good intentions ↳ Her solutions to problems aren’t always the best ↳ Kind of a sucker for a love story ↳ Despite being the Goddess of Love, Mariah is often the loneliest, searching for her own love.
James v Mariah Once, in her attempt to find herself a companion, she was tricked by a human named James Reynolds. Reynolds lured her into his home, trapped her through some means I haven’t thought up yet, and forced her to marry him. He treated her poorly, abusing her despite her godliness. The other gods searched for her, but is was Burr who found her one night during his travels over Reynolds’ house. Upon being rescued by Burr, Mariah turned Reynolds into a slug.
Friedrich Von Steuben - God of Fertility and Sexuality
Battle Axe
Von Steuben is kind of like that one uncle of yours that isn’t actually related to you but everyone likes him so it’s cool. ↳ Steuben throws the best god parties ↳ Likes to hang out with Lafayette (and his giant harem/party gang) and Franklin ↳ Drinks fire for fun ↳ Doesn’t like pants
Ben Walker Ben Walker was a normal human, just minding his own business, when he happened to run into a disguised Steuben at a festival. The two were instantly taken with one another, but when Steuben brought Ben to one of Lafayette’s parties, Ben was disgusted with the decadence and left. Confused, Steuben pursued Ben, who wanted nothing to do with the gods and their lifestyle. Steuben, determined to win Ben over, promised to give up his partying ways for a year. Steuben courted Ben relentlessly, delivering roses each day to the human man. At the end of the allotted time, Ben had fallen so hopelessly for the god, agreed to join Steuben in the godly realm. Granted immortality, Ben stays by Steuben’s side, though he still disapproves of Laf and his harem.
Lafayette - God of Food, Wine, and Travels Legs Sword
Lafayette’s a good guy as long as you don’t touch his wine or threaten his friends. ↳ Has a giant group of humans, nymphs, other creatures and minor gods that follow him around in a constant party ↳ Likes to crash the houses of the richest humans and take their shit ↳ Has lots of good stories, but is a horrible storyteller ↳ Fell in love with lots of gods, never had his feelings returned ↳ Avoids tough situations (runs away from confrontation, usually consists of people asking for his hand in marriage.)
Lafayette’s Followers Lafayette is always attended by a grab-bag of creatures, humans, and minor gods that follow him around. The group lives in an almost constant state of partying, often drunk or high as well, and sometimes it just becomes an orgy. While with the group, all of Lafayette’s followers are granted temporary immortality, which is only revoked when the person in question leaves. As a result, some of his followers have been around him for centuries.
James Armistead Lafayette A human that travels with Lafayette, James Armistead was a slave to a wealthy but cruel landowner. When Lafayette’s band of merry drunks crashed the landowner’s house for the night, James Armistead was forced by his owner to entertain the group with stories. Lafayette, quite impressed by the man’s skill, mentioned this to the landowner. James Armistead was then offered as payment to get the God and his followers to leave. Offended that another human would be offered as payment, Lafayette turned the landowner and his wife into the first vultures. As an apology, Lafayette offered James Armistead a place in his party as his Official Storyteller. Grateful, James Armistead accepted and took Lafayette’s name as his own last name.
Lafayette and GWash Lafayette adores and loves gwash, above any other god. At the beginning of time, Washington gave Lafayette the sword he chose to be his death weapon. During the apocalypse, Lafayette is sent to kill Washington, as everyone assumes Lafayette might be the best candidate to actually pull it off. It doesn’t work, however, and Lafayette (while happy Washington lives) is devastated. He hands Gwash his sword and is killed on the spot.
Mulligan - God of Spies, Tailors and Weavers
Mulligan is an extremely friendly guy for what half of his job is. ↳ Knows how to make just about anything out of yarn, thread and fabric ↳ Hangs out with Martha Washington and sews with her ↳ Doesn’t talk about the other half of his job unless he has to ↳ Has a habit of letting captured spies go free, slipping them away from their captors and back home
Laurens - God of War, Revolution and Righteous Revolt. Half Human // Half God
Gun Laurens is reckless but loyal. ↳ Laurens is a cursed god, forced to ‘die’ everyday, but regenerates pretty quickly. ↳ Really flippant about it. ↳ Does dumb shit because it doesn’t matter if he dies. ↳ Secretly hates it. ↳ When presented with a conflict, Laurens is more likely to take the side of the underdog. ↳ Especially revolutions, it is a rare day when Laurens supports the reigning power.
Laruens’ Birth Laurens was the last of the gods to be born. Washington and Martha, running out of energy to fully form a god, asked Burr to give them a recently deceased human. Using the empty body, the two parent gods used the rest of their power to give life to Laurens, stuffing his Godly soul inside the human body. As a result, Laurens’ very being and his physical body are constantly at war. Laurens is forced to ‘die’ once a day to keep himself whole, but is reborn with each sunrise over the Godly realm.
(I mean,,, unless you can think of a better reason why Laurens has such a shitty existence.)
Laurens and Hamilton Really chill best friends. Laurens and Hamilton occasionally use Laurens’ death curse to do dumb shit, like drop him from as high in the sky as possible to earth. One of the only people that can touch Alex due to his lack of need to keep himself physically safe, Laurens has died a lot from hugging his friend. Though the constant cycle of death upsets them both, they joke around with each other to make it bearable.
Peggy - Goddess of Orphans, Homeless, and Other Forgotten People
Peggy will fight you, whenever, wherever, she’s ready to go. ↳ Like her charges, Peggy is often forgotten by humans, or considered a minor goddess ↳ ↳ Nothing makes her more angry than to be dismissed as ‘unimportant.’ ↳ When people hurt those she’s tasked with protecting, she goes hardcore in her punishments ↳ Can be found in homeless shelters, orphanages and other such places among her people, trying her best to help ↳ There’s too many under her umbrella, though, and her power is often stretched very thin
Seabury - God of Religion, Faith and Priests
Seabury considers himself better than he is. ↳ Only god to have a shrine or statue in every temple, even those not devoted to him ↳ Protects those who devote their lives to service of the gods, no matter which god they choose ↳ Stickler for ceremony ↳ Hates it when the other gods act childish or otherwise ‘tarnish their reputations.’ ↳ Big whiny baby. Actually pretty pacifist comparatively.
Seabury V. Hamilton While King George III was around and doing his false prophet thing, Hamilton and Seabury had an argument about how much harm King George was doing, if any at all. Hamilton shouted at Seabury, threatened war, and Seabury backed down. Humiliated, Seabury decreed that all church proceedings had to take place either at night, in the shade, or indoors. Hamilton just laughed at him and occasionally pokes his head through church windows to mock him.
Philip - God of Poetry, a branch of Hamilton
Philip will roast his dad, but gods help you if you try to do it.
Hamilton’s son, Philip is one of the many Gods Hamilton spawned to take charge of different writing styles. Looks like Laurens because Hamilton wanted his first son to look like his best friend. When humans invented rap, Philip fell in love with the art form. What I’m saying is he rap battles humans. Constantly.
Philip and Hamilton Philip adores his father, but the affair affected him deeply. He sided with Eliza, whom he considers his mom, during the fall out. Since then, their relationship has been healed somewhat, partially due to the Eaker Incident. He will drag Hamilton, but gets highly protective when others do it.
Phillip V Eaker When the news of Hamilton’s affair reached the humans, one young man began to insult Hamilton. Philip took offense to the blasphemous talk, and challenged Eaker to a duel. Though Philip could not die, he agreed he would lose if he took damage that would kill a normal human. Eaker cheated during the duel, however, catching Philip off guard and hitting him in such a way that made Eaker win. Philip, highly upset, turned Eaker into a quill, which Philip uses to write poetry, sometimes about how stupid Eaker was.
Paul Revere, William Dawes, Samuel Prescott and Sybil Ludington - The Four Messenger Gods
Sally Hemmings - The first nymph. Created by Maria in an attempt to make Thomas feel better after Martha J’s death. Upon gaining sentience, she decided to make her own life, and left Thomas behind.
Thomas Paine - Immortal traveler who wanders, telling stories about the Gods
Ben Walker - Immortal Companion to Von Steuben, was once human.
James Armistead Lafayette - Immortal follower of Lafayette, storyteller that travels with Laf’s eternal party.
HUMANS: Martha Jefferson - Pure Human that Thomas fell in love with. Theodosia - Pure Human that Burr fell in love with. Her body became the stars after her death. James Reynolds - Human Asshole that trapped Maria and got his shit kicked in. Eaker - Dumbass Human shit that gets turned into a quill by Philip King George - False Prophet Sam Adams - Human who introduced Laf to brewery Henry Knox - Human warrior that gained Laurens’ favor by leading a tiny army to victory against a larger force.
Eclipses are Basically Hamilton messing w/ burr and Burr being DONE. Solstices are the one day of each year when one of them sleeps in. Equinoxes are the two days they are pals. Burr is prophesied to do the impossible by killing Hamilton, and thereby bringing about the apocalypse.
SUNFLOWERS. Thomas made Sunflowers for Alex because Alex was sad humans couldn’t look at him.
Hamilton didn’t believe Jefferson existed for a while, tho Burr knew and Hamilton thought Burr was just fucking with him. Burr and Jefferson hang out because shared dead human girls.
Philip and Eaker’s duel is because Eaker was being blasphemous and Philip got offended and ended when Eaker cheated so Philip turned him into a quill.
Each and every god as a weapon/item special to them that must be used to kill them. It is the only object that can hurt/kill a god and each god has a unique item.
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fuckyeahevanrwood · 7 years
Evan Rachel Wood on Her Gritty New Psycho-Thriller, the Emmys, and Westworld Season Two
Evan Rachel Wood doesn’t have a lot of time on her hands, what with playing both robot Dolores and robot-who-doesn’t-think-she’s-a-robot Dolores on HBO’s Westworld — and, this season, it seems from that killer season-two teaser trailer, woke-robot Dolores. So it says a lot that, on hiatus, she starred in a gritty independent psychological thriller, A Worthy Companion, from two Montreal fine-art photographers (and brothers), Carlos and Jason Sanchez, first-time movie directors. The film, which debuted at the Toronto International Film Festival, follows Wood as Laura, a 30-year-old fuckup working for her father’s (Denis O’Hare) cleaning company, as she strikes up an ill-advised and increasingly disturbing relationship with Ava (Julia Sarah Stone), the 16-year-old daughter of one of her cleaning clients. It’s a wrenching and often unlikable part that delves deep into the complex of the cycles of abuse, and how the familiar path for those in pain is to perpetuate more pain. Wood’s is a barn-burner performance, but even the Sanchez brothers are shocked she said yes pretty much right after reading the script, and met up with them to talk it over the day after Westworld premiered.
“We were flattered because she told us she wasn’t going to make another film that year,” Carlos told me. They’d seen her in 13 and The Wrestler, but Jason says the Westworld trailer is really what convinced them to cast her, because it was impressive watching her switch between her robot and human characters — which is what Laura is often doing in her manipulations as she switches from tender to enraged and back again. Wood brought so much authentic pain to the part that the Sanchez brothers rewrote the ending because they felt the original one didn’t do justice to the character she’d been building. “We were super stoked to work with her,” said Jason, “but what we got from her was just fucking mind-blowing.”
We spoke to Wood — who looked amazing in a bright-orange Altuzarra coat and sparkling Louboutin booties — about diving into this movie, what to expect from “woke Dolores” in season two, and how freaked out she was for her Westworld finale moment with Sir Anthony Hopkins.
So, the opening scene of this movie is insane. This guy walks into your apartment, blindfolds himself, and then you get so rough and violent with him during sex that he throws you off him and runs away. I was like, “What is happening?” I know. [Laughs.] We don’t waste any time. One of the things I loved about the script is that this was the first scene, because I read it for the first time and went, “What is it?” But also, I thought, “Good for you! You’re holding nothing back!” I thought it was a great way to tell the story — usually it builds and you’re like, “Who’s good? Who’s bad? What’s going on?” but here, right away, you see the darkest side of this girl. And then the whole first half is just this crazy tension because you know already what’s lurking under there. I thought it heightened everything really well.
Why do you think she needs the guys she has sex with to have blindfolds on? Who knows? She’s got a lot going on in there, a lot of mental disturbances. I’m assuming she’s gay and was abused at a very young age. Those two are not connected in any way, but if she has issues with men, and if she has issues with her own sexuality and shame and whatever she’s dealing with, when you’re traumatized that young, it manifests in ways that don’t make a lot of sense until it goes to the source. It manifests in everyone a little differently, and I think that’s just her thing.
The main relationship of the movie, this 30-year-old woman with a 16 year-old girl, will be pretty controversial for audiences. It definitely is. Another thing I love about the script is that my part was originally written for a man and then they gender-swapped it, which is so cool because it brings so many different layers to that character and to the relationship. I love that it is two women, but it’s never really talked about or touched upon. It’s not what the movie’s about. It’s about a woman and a younger girl, but it’s really about abuse, the cycles of it, the psychology of it, codependency. When I saw it, I wasn’t even phased by it. There was so much other stuff going on.
And the Sanchez brothers told me it’s the only movie you shot last year? Yes. And I didn’t want to do anything. I’d just done Westworld and I was like, “I’m taking a break,” but then I read the script and was like, “Dammit, I have to do this. And it’s going to be hard, and I’m not going to like doing it.” But I hadn’t read a script like that. Somebody compared it to Big Little Lies and how it really showed the whole picture, not excusing the perpetrator but humanizing them, giving you insight into what was going on and how they got to that point. It excited me because it wasn’t black and white: Here’s the victim, here’s the abuser, let’s focus on the victim the whole time. No. It’s a more in-depth look in how we get to this point, and how does the abused become the abuser?
There’s not really a good or bad guy; abuse is a well-rounded tragedy for everyone because normally, when people are doing that, it’s because they’ve been broken at a very young age. So it’s just as tragic watching somebody be prisoner to their own trauma, not in control of what they’re doing because their perspective is so skewed. I’m not excusing what she does in any way, and it was important to me that we didn’t let her completely off the hook. But I definitely think it’ll spark more conversations about it for sure.
You really lay everything out on the screen. Were you okay at the end of every day? Yeah, but I needed a month afterwards, because I was messed up a little bit after that movie. I need to rest and go to my house in Tennessee and just … don’t think about bad things. It took some recalibrating.
Weren’t you supposed to do a different movie this year, your own directorial debut? It’s a road-trip movie you wrote, right? I cowrote it. But I had to push it because it got too stacked up against the Westworld schedule, and I want to do it right, so I pushed it.
But it is going to happen? Yes, after season two.
With the same cast of Jenny Slate, Alison Pill, and Cynthia Erivo? Yes, as of now.
That’s great, because it’s such a good cast. The best cast.
Jenny spilled the beans, didn’t she? She did! I was like, “Don’t worry about it.”
I felt bad, I love Jenny and I actually wrote the article where she said it, and as soon as people started picking it up as a big news item, I was like, “Oh no.” I know! [Laughs.] She texted me right after like, “I think I did a bad thing.” I was like, “No, it’s fine. It’s fine.” She’s great. I just saw her new movie, Landline, and she’s so incredible.
I was nervous about asking you! No, it’s fine. I’m not nervous about it in any way.
Okay, good, so this is the part where I deluge you with Westworld questions. Where are you at in the filming of season two? We’re at the halfway point.
Obviously feel free to stop me if I run into something you can’t say. I mean, there are so many things I can’t say! [Laughs.]
Where are you filming? Santa Clarita and Utah. Same as season one.
Can you give me one free-and-clear clue about season two? It’s twice as ambitious. I’ll try to say the things the showrunners have said, so I know it’s okay. I think somebody asked Jonathan Nolan if we were going to see other worlds this season, or how many worlds we would see, and he said, “More than one?” So there’s that little tidbit. [Laughs.]
Can you talk about how Dolores has evolved? The last time we see her, she is unhinged. I think we’re going to see a new, woke Dolores. We’re going to get to see what that looks like and how it plays out.
Like woke as in Westworld woke, not as in politically correct woke, right? Dolores woke! It’s fun! [Laughs.]
In the trailer we see her riding that horse and shooting guns like a fucking champ. She’s a very different, different character — with still the essence of who she was, but awake.
What is your favorite part about playing woke Dolores in season two? The show is always a surprise. We don’t get to know exactly what happens, so we’re finding out along with the audience, and it’s just a ride. You have enough info to do your job, but you never know what’s going to happen next. It’s constantly exciting, it’s never boring, and it’s extremely difficult because it’s a very complex, challenging, technical role. But because there are endless possibilities on the show. I feel like I could do it for ten years and it would be different every year. So I don’t think I’ll ever get bored.
I think in older interviews you said you figure out the season one twist pretty early on. How are you doing sussing out the season two twist? I figured it out again!
Because you’re a nerd! Yeah, but it’s a lot like last season — I figure it out, but they don’t fill in the blanks for me. Usually I’m like, “Okay, I think I have an idea of where this is going,” and then the payoff is always so incredible, so much bigger than I could ever imagine. I think the same goes for the audience — you’re supposed to figure out the show, and even if you do, it’s okay because the payoff will always be way more than you could ever dream up. So I did kind of talk to one of the showrunners and say, “Okay, tell me if I’m going in the right direction. Is it this?” and they said, “Stop bugging the writers room! Don’t tell this to anyone!” I was like, “Okay! Okay!”
Did you learn any new skill sets that you could take out into the real world and be, like, a ninja? I mean, you already used shotguns and rode horses in season one. Yes, but this is a whole other level. I mean, she’s pretty awake! [Laughs.] I’ve maybe been learning a few things here and there that are fun. But it was crazy, when we shot the scene for Comic-Con, Jonah came up to me and said, “How would you feel about riding a horse with no hands at full speed shooting a rifle?” I said, “I mean, I can do it …”
You already knew you could! No! I’d never done it! But I’ve ridden before, and I’ve ridden bareback, and when you ride, you’re already riding no hands anyway, but this is — it was a whole other level! I remember just kind of staying calm all day, and when it was over and we did it I was like, “Great, I’m going to go have a panic attack and get on my knees and thank God I’m still here!” But they’re so safe on that show, the wranglers are incredible and the horses so well-trained that it was one of the cooler things I’ve gotten to do in my life. So much fun. And not fake. [Laughs.]
It’s funny when you talk about how much more ambitious it is. They had to halt filming in the season one to rewrite scripts. So what does that mean, just on a practical standpoint, to make it more ambitious? We’re approaching it differently this year. They were writing while we were filming last time, and that was too complicated, so they have everything written. Season one, we were also shooting out of order, which is weird, but it was the first season, and it is an ambitious show, so we were all figuring out how it works. Now that we know how it works, we’re all kind of surrendered to the experience — and to never really knowing what’s going on.
You choose what you submit to the Emmys, right? What did you pick? I submitted episode ten. You know, it all comes together for Dolores in that one.
And you knew she was going to do that? No, not until I read it. I was absolutely shocked.
You were like, “Thank you!” It was incredible! So well-written. Jonah directed the pilot and the last episode and they’re stunning, but no, I had no idea.
What did Anthony Hopkins say to you after you shot him in the head? I went up to him after I read it and said, “I’m so sorry, I have to kill you!” and he was like, “No, it’s wonderful! It’s such a beautiful piece of the story! It’s great!” He was all for it, but it was one of the most nerve-racking experiences of my life, holding a gun to Anthony Hopkins’s face. A real gun, not loaded! I was just like, “Ahhhhhh!!!!” [makes face of being excited and terrified and overjoyed all at the same time] “Ahhhhhhh!!!” I just kind of did one of these before every take.
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