#until he gets older and starts to really appreciate that morris is all he’s got and that he adores morris
noxexistant · 1 year
modern morris watches sesame street and oscar hates that he shares a name with oscar the grouch
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding On
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CH7- Home, Sweet Home
Summary: Frank and Fliss find their perfect family home, but there’s something bothering Mary.
Warnings: Bad Language words. Discussions about suicide. A little bit of angst.
Pairing: Frank Adler x Fliss Gallagher
A/N: This is a bit of an emotionally charged filler chapter…and we move time on a little through to June in the middle. And photos of the Adler house are included at the bottom so you can visualise what I used for inspiration.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding On Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 6
You’re giving it another try, staring at the deep blue sky, and you say to the driver just drive, coz you never felt so alive.
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 April 2019
“Hey honey, you ok?” Frank juggled his phone, pinning it between his ear and his shoulder as he leaned over his computer in the office, scanning the database on the screen for a filter part they needed to order. 
“No, I mean yes! I’ve just heard some awesome news!”
“Yeah, so you remember the guy that bought the house that backs onto the yard when Old Man River died…” “That wasn’t his name.” Frank chuckled “It was Mr Morris.”
“He called himself River, it was funny and suited him. Anyway, that’s not the point. You know the guy who bought it…guess what I found out before?”
Frank stopped what he was doing and straightened up. He didn’t like that dick, one bit. When Mr Morris had died at the start of the year, Fliss had been quite upset about the news as the old man had been very friendly to her, often popping in for a cup of tea a few afternoons a week for some company. Mr Morris’ son had sold the house without them even knowing it had gone on the market, which was a shame as it would have been perfect for them given the location. The guy who had bought it, Frank didn’t even know his name, nor did he care because he was a dick and a pervert to boot. The way he looked at Fliss made Frank want to punch his face in.
“What’s Douchey Mc Douchebag done now?”
“You’re so childish.” she scoffed “Anyway, I was only commenting to Joanne last night that we haven’t seen him for like a month and she went home and mentioned it to her dad who works with some other guy in the property development business and the long and short of it is he’s gone bankrupt Frank!”
Frank laughed loudly “Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy, babe!”
“I know right!” Fliss voice was gathering pace and pitch, the way it always did when she was excited. “So literally about half hour after she’s told me this, someone turns up and there’s a For Sale sign outside, the house is on the market!”
Ok now he was interested. Frank could picture the look of excitement on her face as she spoke to him and he felt the smile cross his face “No shit?”
“Yeah, I’ll send you the website to look at the photos but…oh God, it would be perfect! Some of it is really nice, some of it needs decorating but…”
“Ok, well, why don’t you call the realtor? Arrange a viewing” he said “Hopefully you won’t puke halfway round this one.”
“Ok, first off that wasn’t my fault. Bean objected to the smell. Who the fuck cooks eggs the day they know they have someone coming to view their house?” her indignant tone made Frank chuckle “And second off…”she paused “I already did. He said he can meet us at half 12.”
“Half 12? As in lunch time? Today?” Frank frowned.
“I know I just really don’t want to miss out on this one Frank, and you said you were gonna come up here for lunch and-”
“Ok, ok.” Frank sighed “I’ll shuffle some stuff around, work a little later tonight and take an extra half hour.”
“I love you.” she replied and he could hear the smile in her voice.
“Good job I love you too.” he said back gruffly “Because you’re a pain in my ass.”
He bid her goodbye and just as he was looking at the rota to make sure there were enough staff in to cope if he took a longer lunch, his phone beeped. He clicked through to the link Fliss had sent him and had a scan through the photos. To be fair the house didn’t look in too bad condition. It was deceptive from the outside, looked like a small farmhouse but they knew thanks to the extension Douchebag had put on the back it now formed an L shape and from the look of it, was pretty spacious. The kitchen was new, the main bathroom was new so the big work looked like it had been mostly done. The décor in some of the rooms was really old fashioned, especially the hallway you and the front reception room, but that was all cosmetic. What really grabbed him was the price. It was up for just over 320 thousand, which was a fucking steal considering the size, location, the garden and the garage/outhouse it came with.
“You ok Frank?”
He looked up and smiled as Alan, his boss walked in to the office. “Yeah, sorry, Fliss has found a house and managed to book a viewing for lunch time. Fucking 7th one in 2 weeks.”
Alan snorted “Keeping you on your toes I see?”
“Well I gotta say, this one’s looking pretty good. It’s the house that backs onto our Yard out in Pinellas Park.” Frank explained “It was sold not even 6 months ago to a developer and he’s apparently gone bankrupt so put it back on the market.”
“Huh.” Alan smiled “Sounds like it was meant to be. Take it you’re going then?”
“Yeah, Charlie and Gary are in all afternoon. I thought I could take an extra half hour, work it back tonight or…”
“Frank, when was the last time you actually took a full hour for your lunch and didn’t cut it short by 10 or 15?” Alan looked at him.
Frank hesitated “Yeah, but that’s-”
“No buts.” Alan shook his head. “Do what you gotta do.”
“Thanks Alan.” Frank smiled, “I appreciate it.”
Alan waved away his gratitude before he dropped into the chair on the opposite side of Frank’s small desk and gestured for Frank to sit down.
“I wanted to talk to you in person, before the news gets out. I’m looking at retiring Frank, fully this time.”
“That’s good news, for you I mean.” Frank smiled, taking his seat. “You must be happy?”
“Kinda bitter sweet.” He shrugged “But I hit 70 this year and bout time I let it all go. Bill’s already chomping at the bit to book damned fishing trips so...it’ll be nice to step back. But I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“My son, James is going to be taking over, that won’t come as any surprise to you as you’ve seen him knocking around a bit and he likes you.”
“Good to know I’m not going to be out on my ass.” Frank smiled, breathing out a little.
“No, not a chance. I wouldn’t allow it.” Alan said “I’ll still be the owner, just stepping back from major decision making and day to day running. Anyway, the point is Frank, James needs a deputy. He is young and a little inexperienced. I’ve seen how quickly over the last year you’ve picked up rotas, staffing issues, dealt with the stock takes, haggled with the supply chain…I wondered if you’d consider it.”
Frank blinked “You wanna make me deputy manager?”
“In a word, yes. And I know you got your hands full at the moment and they’ll be even more full when that boy of yours arrives but the changes won’t come into effect until the end of the year so we got plenty of time to work out the details.”
“Wow, I err…” Frank shook his head “I don’t know what to say.”
“I don’t need an answer now.” Alan said, “Take some time to consider it. Talk it over with Fliss.”
“I will, I’ll give it some thought.”
“Ok, well, that’s all I dropped in for.” Alan said, standing up, groaning a little “Did you just hear my damned knees click?”
Frank laughed and shook his head “No, but to be honest mine click too so I wouldn’t worry about it.”
“Getting old sucks.” Alan said, shaking his head “I tell ya, the minute I can’t enjoy the simple things in life, put a bullet in my head.”
Frank snorted as Alan shot him a wink and left him to his thoughts.
******* Frank glanced down at the wooden boards beneath his feet in the entrance hall. They were solid old wood, oak he thought, and with a clean and polish would look stunning. He looked up and saw Fliss talking animatedly to the realtor, a young man called David as he nodded and gestured to his left. Fliss opened the door and looked at Frank who followed her into the first reception room. It smelt musty, and there was an old sofa and threadbare carpet in the room but it was light and had a nice, airey feeling to it thanks to the large windows at the front of the house.
“New carpet and a bit of paint…” Frank mused nodding, “Be good as new.”
She nodded eagerly, her eyes shining a she looked around and nodded at the fire place “Really, in Florida?”
“It gets cold, as you know.” he teased “Besides, we just fill it with some of your million candles or whatever…”
She nudged him and they turned around, David watching them.
“So, you’re obviously in the older part of the house that hasn’t really been touched apart from upstairs.” he explained, “But if you follow me I’ll show you the extension which is all new and, well, to be honest, I think it’s stunning.”
The three of them moved back into the hall and through a door at the end which led into a huge open plan kitchen and living area. The kitchen was gorgeous. Sleek white units, modern appliances, marble tops, a huge breakfast bar. Douchebag had clearly spent a fortune doing this up. The floor was a light grey and white laminate which David pointed out was heavy wearing.  To the left of the kitchen area was a huge space where Frank could clearly picture their sofas and TV, and then just off that was a door which led into another smaller reception room, freshly painted and carpeted.  He was just pondering how they could turn that into a play room when Fliss gave a gasp and nudged Frank pointing to the large bay window at the back which had been converted into a seating nook of sorts. They made their way over and saw that the view extended right over their garden highlighting a small pool area which was surrounded by a low set of railings with a gate that were all painted a glossy black. The pool itself was sparklingly clean and clearly brand new.
“Oh wow… “ Fliss mumbled, looking at the sand stone tiles that surrounded the area and the rest of the garden.
“Yeah the rear garden loops in an L round the house” David said. “There’s a larger fence around this area to keep it private and separate from the land at the front that runs flush to the yard area.”
Frank’s hands dropping to her hips as he nodded to the right “Could extend that little patio area for a table and chairs, maybe build a brick BBQ. Couple of sun-loungers for that bit at the back of the pool.”
She nodded eagerly before they headed back into the hallway they’d entered into where the realtor showed them the little room that was to the right as you came in the door which held a number of shelves and coat hooks and a toilet and sink basin. They then headed up stairs to find 4 bedrooms. The master extended down the entire side of the house overlooking the main yard area of Sandybrook. It needed some work, the plaster and paint was peeling away in some areas, but Frank wasn’t worried at that. It was an easy job. What he was pleased to see was that the rest of it was in good condition. There was a brand new en-suite attached to it, housing a toilet, a huge shower and his and hers sinks. The room also had built in wardrobes and huge ceiling to floor bi-folding doors which opened up onto a small balcony. Douchebag had clearly been focussing on the big jobs first before he got into the cosmetics, which Frank had to give him credit for.
The main bathroom was in between the wall of their en-suite and the next bedroom, both situated at the back of the house over the extension and overlooking the fields belonging to the yard. The plaster was fresh in that bedroom but hadn’t been painted, again, not an issue, because Frank knew a certain little miss would be no doubt picking a colour as soon a she spotted this room.
“Bet Mary chooses this one.” Frank said, voicing his thoughts and Fliss nodded, smiling
“I would if the Master didn’t have that en-suite.” she grinned “Look at that view!”
“Yeah, who’d have thought you could work from home in the equestrian business” he chuckled as they then headed to the next bedroom on the opposite side of the landing. This was also rather large, but like the main part of the master bedroom, was clearly one of the original two bedrooms the house had and it needed some updating.
The 4th bedroom was a smaller one up a narrow set of stairs hidden by door in the hallway. It opened up into an attic room which tucked into the roof of the house.
The realtor then led them back down and the out to the outbuildings. There was a huge garage with a half- finished apartment of sorts above it that had been used as storage but could be easily a guest suite if they so wanted,  and then the thing Frank had really loved was the workshop off the side of the garage, accessed by a small door. It was musty and full of crap but was somewhere for him to store all his tools and work on any side projects he decided to pick up.
All in all Frank was finding it pretty damned hard to pick faults in the place.
As they headed back to the main house and Frank asked David politely to give them a moment to look around alone and he nodded eagerly before Frank and Fliss headed back into the house.
“I’m getting good vibes Sailor.” Fliss said as she turned round, looking at the kitchen, once more heading over to the bay window seat, “really good vibes.” she spun back to him and he smiled at the look on her face. “I mean, ok, a few rooms need decorating and there’s some finishing off bits to do all over but it’s nothing that dad can’t help with and I’m sure-“
At that she stopped dead, and gave a little gasp as her hand flew to her bump.
“You ok?” Frank stepped forward.
“Yeah he’s…” she swallowed “Bean’s kicking, Frankie! Quick!”
He reached out with his hand and she took it, pressing it to the side of her bump. After a second or two he felt something wriggle a little under his palm and he looked at Fliss, his face cracking into an open mouthed smile as he felt his son move for the first time.
“Lissy…” he swallowed his eyes misting over. “That’s…oh my God!”
“You should feel it from my POV!” Fliss smiled her own eyes glassy too.
Frank didn’t want to take his hand away. Instead, he kept moving his palm, tracking their baby’s movements when eventually they stopped.
“I think that means BB likes the house.” Fliss looked at him.
Frank scoffed, shaking his head. “BB’s Momma likes the house.”
“Doesn’t his Daddy?” she asked, her hands sliding round his neck.
“Yeah, his Daddy does.” he replied honestly in a low voice as he looked around the large room. “In fact, I like it a lot.”
“You think Mary will?”
“Are you kidding?” Frank snorted “Soon as she sees that view and that pool, she’ll be packing to move in straight away.”
“Suppose there’s only one way to find out.” Fliss smiled.
So they did. They brought Mary back the next day after school. She had squealed at the window seat, yelled about the pool and as she had shot upstairs and headed into the bedroom Frank had predicted she would like, given a jump for joy as she realised from the upstairs she had a view over the tall picket fencing that shielded the private area of the garden.
“I can see Monty!” she gleefully pointed out before turning to Frank and looking at him then to Fliss, her hands on her hips “If you don’t buy this house you’re a pair of dumbasses.”
The same sentiment was echoed by Bill when he turned up fifteen minutes or so later and walked around with Frank whilst Fliss and Mary headed to feed the horses. He did exactly the same thing he had done when they had looked at the apartment, pointed out what they needed to do, how long it should take them to do, rough estimates of cost. Plus, he also reminded Frank they were in a great position. They could buy the place and then give his months’ notice on the apartment meaning they could stay where they were until it was finished.
So that was it. Decision made. The next morning they went in with a cheeky offer, some twenty thou below the asking price which was rejected instantly. Then they upped their offer by five…then an additional three to total eight, with the fact that they were cash buyers and not in a chain a huge bargaining chip.
It was later that evening, just after they had finished dinner when the realtor called back.
“Evening Mr Adler, ok so…I have spoken to the vendor. He says if you can up your offer by another two thousand then you’ve got a deal.” David spoke. At that, Frank let out a huge grin, as he looked out of the kitchen window at Mary and Fliss who were outside the apartment, both sat on a chair round the table. He and Fliss had both agreed they were prepared to go to the full asking price, in their mind it was worth it, but they were about to seal the deal here for ten thousand less.
 “Ok, two thousand more.” Frank said, keeping his voice level “But the property comes off the market as we don’t want anyone else spotting it and offering him more before we exchange contracts.” he repeated word for word what Greg had instructed him to do when he had asked him to handle the conveyancing earlier that morning.
“Ok, so the offer on the table is Three-ten on the proviso he grants exclusivity…” David repeated. “Ok, leave it with me.”
Frank finished loading the dishwasher, and had just grabbed himself a beer when David called back not even five minutes later.
“Congratulations Mr Adler, you have a deal.”
He thanked him, and grinning ear to ear headed outside, jumping down the steps onto the lawn.
“What you looking so pleased about?” Fliss looked up at him suspiciously.
“David called… we’ve settled on three-ten plus exclusivity” he smiled
“What, you mean…” Fliss�� mouth fell open and Frank nodded.
“Yup, subject to contracts, the place is ours!”
Mary gave a loud cheer as Fliss jumped up and leapt at him as he smiled, wrapping her in his arms, swinging her up slightly.
“I can’t believe it…” she whispered. “Our own home!”
“I know” he beamed, setting her down as he gave her a quick peck. “I’ll call Greg in the morning. When I talked to him about it he said that with no loans involved it shouldn’t take too long. We could be looking a having the keys in a month.” His hands dropped to her hips, palms resting either side of where his son was growing “So plenty of time to do his nursery.”
Fliss grinned and using the arms that were round his neck pulled his face down to hers and pressed a fierce kiss to his mouth. “God I love you.” she mumbled.
“Love you too.” he grinned, kissing her again, ignoring Mary’s fake puking noises in the background.
June 2019
“Mr Adler?"
Frank stopped as he had been striding over the yard to collect Mary and turned to see Mrs McCarthy, her teacher walking towards him.
"Hi." He smiled, removing his sunglasses so he could look her in the eyes.
"I'm so sorry to bother you"
"No bother at all." He assured her "is everything OK?"
Mrs McCarthy glanced over to where Mary was stood talking to her friend, Rosie, and turned back to him
"Yes...nothing too drastic but I wanted to make you aware about a little incident in class this afternoon"
Frank looked at her, blinking "incident?"
"Maybe that's the wrong word." The older, blonde woman said "Look, as you know next week it's the end of year Gala, the fundraiser and we invite the parents to join us for activities.”
Frank nodded, wishing the woman would get to the damned point. He was hot, dirty and bothered after an afternoon of helping the team on a particularly awkward repair and wanted nothing more than to stand under a cold shower for an hour and flop down outside with a beer.
"Well, one of the girls asked Mary if she was bringing her mom and if they were making anything for the bake sale and Mary rather bluntly told the girl her mother was dead and then clammed up. She didn't speak a word for the rest of the afternoon."
Frank felt his chest tighten as he looked over at Mary who was now giggling with Rosie and sighed
"She didn't do anything wrong" Mrs McCarthy pressed "I was just a little worried."
"Thanks for letting me know, I'll talk to her later, make sure she's okay." Frank assured her.
The woman nodded and headed back across the yard as Frank gave a sharp whistle and slid his aviators back onto his face. Mary looked up and said goodbye to Rosie and came wandering over as Frank waved to Rosie's mom who tossed a hand in greeting in response.
"I'm not Thor" She fixed Frank with a stare.
"I know but I couldn't be bothered walking over." He replied honestly as they climbed into the truck
"You have a good day?"
"It was OK." She shrugged. Frank eyed her for a second before she pulled the car away from the kerb and set off down the road.
"What's for dinner?" Mary asked.
"Steak, baked potatoes and salad." He replies "Fliss' choice."
"Are you grilling?" Mary asked.
"Yup." He nodded
"Cool." Mary nodded "Can I go in the pool before?"
"Got any homework?" Frank countered with another question as he looked at her. Mary shook her head
“End of year next week and Uni didn't give me any summer work."
"Then yeah, of course you can.”
Frank didn't raise the so called incident, deciding to let her chill out a little bit at home first and digest how she felt. After 20 minutes or so of general chat Frank pulled up their driveway and stopped the truck next to Fliss' truck. As they hopped out Mary glanced across the garden over the smaller part of the fence where she could just see Fliss walking across the yard.
"Please can I go see Monty?" She looked at Frank and he nodded.
"I'll watch you." He agreed. With a grin she sprinted over the lawn, climbed over the fence and dropped over onto the other side. Thor gave a bark and Fliss turned round and smiled at her, before she waved at Frank. He waved back before he headed down the side of the house, through the gate in the larger fence before he unlocked the back door and stepped inside the cool air conditioned kitchen, kicking off his shoes and heading straight to the fridge for a beer. Draining half in one he stood, looking around and smiling. They’d finally unpacked the last box yesterday evening and Fliss was still in the process of moving things around their new home, positioning them where she wanted them.
True to Greg’s word, they’d had the keys to the house 4 and a half weeks after making the offer, and 2 weeks post that once the bedrooms and hall had been decorated with a lot of help from Bill, Verity and Roberta (who had been happy for them yet still cried her eyes out when they’d left the park, despite the fact they had assured her they would still come visit and she could also come stay with them too) they’d moved in. The only thing left to do was the reception room (which could wait, it was easy to just shut the door and pretend it didn’t exist) and Bean’s nursery, which he, Fliss and Mary had decided to do together as a project. Mary and Fliss had spent nights pouring over Pinterest for ideas and they’d finally settled on a scheme. Frank had picked up all the plastering supplies and the paint, the furniture was on order and should be arriving at any time that week now he thought about it…so hopefully that weekend they could get cracking. That might cheer Mary up now he thought about it.
Taking his beer with him, he picked up his boots and took them to the cloakroom/bathroom by the stairs. He trudged up the steps, shaking his head at Fred who was led at the top, his paws hanging over the edge of the step as he eyed Frank.
"You're gonna cause a fucking accident." He looked at the ginger cat who merely swished his tail in response. Frank headed into their bedroom, stripping off as he went, walking straight into the en-suite, turning on the shower, setting his beer down on the edge of the sink unit. He stepped in and under the stream of cool water, closing the screen behind him, his mind still on Mary and how he was going to bring up what her teacher has said. With a groan he opened the door, reached out of the cubicle for his beer, took another gulp before he set about washing the grime of the day away.
***** "Have you finished grooming him?" Fliss asked, standing in the doorway to Monty's stable. Mary glanced over from where she had been brushing through his white tail and nodded.
"Wanna take him to the paddock?" Fliss smiled. "Cap and Bronson are waiting for their little pal."
"Sure." Mary shrugged and Fliss frowned a little at her demeanour. She was quiet, which was unlike her when she was round the horses. She was normally full of excitement.
"You OK?" She asked and Mary nodded.
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"You seem quiet, that's all."
"No, I'm good." She shrugged, before she tossed her brush into the little grooming box she had, closing the lid and passing it to Fliss. Fliss placed the box into the larger wooden one outside the stable before Mary put Monty's halter on and led him out of his stall. Fliss allowed them to walk ahead, her hand on her bump as she followed them out of the yard and down the little path to the gate that led to the paddocks. They reached the one were Monty was going and undoing the gate, Mary led him in. The white pony stood patiently for her to take his halter off before he stuck his nose into the crook of her neck and shoulder. Fliss smiled as Mary gently stroked his neck and then to her utter horror she saw Mary’s shoulders begin to shake as the girl started to cry.
"Hey, Mary..." she soothed, stepping forward as the small girl turned to her, wrapping her arms around her as best she could, pressing her face into her bump "Oh baby what's wrong?"
Mary didn’t reply, instead she continued to sob and Fliss felt powerless to do anything other than wrap her arms around her, one hand resting on her head, the other between her shoulders.
“Something happened at School…” Mary whispered and Fliss gently tipped her head up to look at her. “Someone said something and…”
“Ok, how about we go back to the office and you can tell me all about it ok?”
Mary nodded, sniffing as her sobs died down. Fliss held out her hand and Mary took it and together they headed back down to the yard. Joanne looked at Mary who was hiccupping slightly with her sobs and frowned but Fliss shook her head.
“Can you feed the top barn for me and then you can go.” she said to Jo who nodded. “I’ll lock up.” “Sure, see you tomorrow. Bye Mary.” she smiled. Mary looked at her and gave a small wave before Fliss led her into the office. She grabbed them both an apple juice from the fridge and then Mary sat on the chair at the end of the desk, wiping her eyes with a tissue that Fliss handed her from the box.
“You ready to talk?”
Mary nodded, and then she stood up and walked over to Fliss who made room for her to clamber up onto her lap. It was a bit awkward but after a little shifting around they found a way she could sit unobstructed by Boston Bean and Mary lay her head against Fliss’ shoulder.
“It was about the gala.” she sniffed “One of them asked me if my mom was coming and…”
“Oh sweetie.” Fliss sighed, rubbing her back. “I get that must have been hard.”
Mary shrugged “I told them she was dead.” she said matter of factly “I get that and I never knew my mom so I don’t miss her as a person…but then I started to think about why she died and I don’t understand.” “Understand what?”
“Why?” Mary looked at her. “Why would she do what she did when she had me? Why did she want to leave me behind?”
Fliss took a deep breath and cradled the girl as best she could, trying to think of a way to explain to which Mary could relate, and then it came to her, she could use her own experience here. There was no getting around the fact this was going to be a heave conversation, but Mary was a smart kid and deserved to be treated as such.
With another deep inhale, Fliss looked down at her, kissing her head before she opened rather bluntly "You know I tried to kill myself."
"You did?" Mary pulled back to look up at her "Why?"
"Because I saw it as my only way out." Fliss gently smoothing Mary’s hair back. "I was stuck in an awful situation. My ex-husband hurt me physically and mentally and I gave up. I wanted out."
Mary remained silent and looked at her.
"For someone to get to that point...they have to have hit rock bottom. Like there is nowhere to go. It's not their fault. And it doesn't mean they don't love the people they leave behind just that they're desperate to escape whatever pain they feel, be it in their head or their body or both."
"But I still don't understand." Mary shook her head.
"And you may never, not fully." Fliss sighed gently "And as horrible as it is that's something you are gonna have to live with but you have to remember that your mom was sick. And for whatever reason she saw this as her only escape. It wasn't Evelyn's fault, it wasn't Frank's fault and it certainly wasn't yours."
"But if she loved me like Frank says she did..."
"You think I don't love my mum and dad? Or Steve? Charlie, Joel?"
Mary blinked before she lay her head back against Fliss' shoulder. "Of course you do.”
"But I was still gonna leave them behind. I was desperate. And you wanna know the real stupid thing?"
"When I got better I still went back to John. I went back to a real toxic environment and a man that abused me. Because I felt like it was what I deserved. And even though I left him way before I met you and Frank, it wasn't until me and Frank started dating that I really understood I wasn't to blame. I always thought I did something to make him hurt me but I didn't. Being with Frank, the way he treats me and loves me made me see that it was him with the problem, not me.”
"But that's different" Mary glanced up
"The trigger was, yes." Fliss nodded "But your mom, like me, was in a position so helpless, so unbelievably sad that she thought she was to blame and that the world, including you, would be better off without her even though she was so wrong."
**** Once showered and dried, Frank dressed in a pair of shorts and clean T-shirt before he headed back downstairs. There was no sign of Fliss or Mary but as he strode out into the garden he heard a car heading down the drive by the side of the house from the yard and correctly assumed it was Joanne leaving for the day. He opened the gate and just saw the tail of her car turn onto the main road as he headed into the garage for the charcoal to light the BBQ.
Once that was done, leaving the flames to die down he headed out across the lawn, vaulting over the small fence onto the yard. He headed round the barn and frowned as he couldn't see anyone. After a quick look round he spotted the door to Fliss' office was closed. He went to open it but stopped as he could hear the sound of voices. It was Mary and Fliss but he could tell from the pitch and stutters in Mary's that she was upset. He paused, hand hovering over the handle as he heard Fliss speaking to her softly. "Stack, you are so loved. Frank loves you, I love you, Nanny V, Poppa Bill, Uncle Steeby, Roberta, Evelyn...Thor, Fred and Monty..." she paused "You're such a special little girl and I know I'm not your mom but, well, I feel like I am."
"You do?"
"I'd do anything to keep you safe and happy. And so would Frank"
They both fell silent and Frank swallowed, the lump in his throat almost choking him.
"Don't ever feel like we don't" Fliss continued "and if I have to bake 200 fucking cookies for your Gala next week to prove it then I will."
Mary giggles "You know Bean can hear you swearing."
"Well I won't tell Frank if you don't"
"Do you think Frank feels like my dad?" Mary asked a moment later and at that point Frank really wanted to walk away. He couldn't listen to this, he didn't want to listen to this...but something kept him rooted to the spot.
"I know he does." Fliss replied.
"But he doesn't like it when people say it. I know that, I heard him talking to you. Bill’s not your real dad but you still say he is…."
“That’s slightly different sweetheart.” Fliss sighed "My real dad left my mom before I was born, so when he died. I didn’t even know him and I don’t care that I didn’t either. But your mom was Frank's sister. He wants to make sure you remember her, understand who she was. He could have easily just pretended to be your dad all this time, you would never have known any different but he didn't. Because he loves you and your mom too much. He's too honest and it’s important to him that you understand. But that doesn't mean he doesn't love you like he is your dad, or that you can't love him like he is."
Frank turned away from the door, looking up at the sky and taking a deep shuddering breath. Fuck, this was hard to hear. He knew Mary had been upset before but the thought that it ran this deep was killing me. Wiping at his face, his hands then dropped to his hips and he looked down at his sneakers before he turned to the door, reaching for the handle but once more pausing as he couldn’t face interrupting them, not whilst they were in the middle of a moment.
“I suppose that makes sense.” Mary continued  “And I do love him like he is. And I love you like you’re my mom too.”
“Well that’s all that matters.” Fliss replied “It may be unconventional but we’re a family, and that’s the main thing huh?”
“Yeah, you’re right. Thanks Lissy.” Mary spoke.
“You’re welcome Stack” Fliss’s voice was soft and there was a pause as Frank could picture the pair of them hugging.
“Hey, did you now I’m going to be doing all the money stuff for the bake stall?” Mary’s voice was suddenly up beat as she switched topic “Because I’m good at maths they said I could be in charge of payments and handing people their change and stuff.”
“Nice work kiddo.” Fliss smiled, “Tell you what, we’ll put Nanny V on the case, her baking is way better than mine. We can get her over one night next week whilst Pops is helping Frank with the plastering in the nursery.”
Ok, that was it, safe to enter without interrupting anything. Frank gave a little knock and then opened the door, fixing a smile on his face.
“Hope I haven’t interrupted any girl talk” he smiled and Mary jumped up and ran to him, giving him a hug. He looked at Fliss who wiped her eyes.
“Ok?” he mouthed at her and she nodded back, her lips moving silently as she replied.
“Tell you later.”
“BBQ is lit.” Frank said, looking down at Mary “You still wanna play in the pool?”
She nodded and grinned. “Yeah.”
“Sounds like a great idea.” Fliss grinned “Let’s lock up and head home…oh wait, we don’t need to head home because…” “We’re already there!” Mary grinned, and then she spun round to see Fred peering round the door. “Hey, look who came to visit!” “Bout time he earned his keep.” Frank grumbled “Go catch some mice.”
Fred stalked past him into the office, looked around, before he sauntered back out, clearly not interested.
“He’s a lover not a killer Frank.” Mary grinned, as Frank watched the cat walk off into the evening sun.
The three of them locked up before they headed back to the house and Mary shot upstairs to get changed.
“So, how much did you hear?” Fliss turned to Frank as he pulled a beer from the fridge along with a bottle of water, sliding it over to her.
“Enough.” he sighed “Her teacher collared me before. Said that one of the kids had asked about her mom in class and she’d gotten upset.”
“She asked me why Diane did what she did.” Fliss sighed, “Why she left her behind if she loved her so much.”
Frank swallowed. “What did you say?”
“I explained about why I tried to kill myself.” Fliss shrugged “Told her about the desperation I felt…but that didn’t mean that I didn’t love my family just that I saw it as my only way out. I know it was heavy and maybe not really the right thing to do but...”
She was cut off as Frank stepped forward, taking her face in his hands as he kissed her, hard. It took her a moment to catch up but once she did she melted into him, her mouth opening to grant him access as he ran his tongue along her bottom lip.
“Thank you.” He said gently as he pulled away, his hands still cupping her face.
“What for?” Fliss asked, reaching up to gently wrap her fingers around his wrists.
“For loving her as much as you do.” he shrugged. “For loving us both as much as you do.”
“Oh, Sailor.” Fliss’ eyes brimmed with tears “How could I not?”
***** Frank didn’t sleep particularly well that night. Mary’s conversation with Fliss was running through his brain and every time he drifted off he would wake about an hour or so later, fresh worries and concerns running through his mind. In the end, at just before 5 am he gave up and climbed out of bed. He grabbed a T-shirt and a pair of sweats and putting them on he headed downstairs. He flipped on the TV in the hope the early morning new would distract him, but it didn’t.
It was clear to him that Mary was struggling with where she was going to fit in the family dynamic. He hadn’t really worried much up to that point, being convinced by Fliss that if they kept her involved with stuff to do with Bean she would be ok but this went much deeper than the fact they were expecting a baby.
He’d be lying if he said the thought of him claiming to be Mary’s Father had never entered his mind. It would have been a lot easier but out of loyalty and love to Diane he had wanted to make sure she knew about her mother, and understood the truth because in the end, a lie would always come round to bite you on the ass. It wasn’t that he had a problem with people assuming he was Mary’s father but…
God what a fucking mess.
“Hey…” a soft voice drew him from his thoughts and he looked up to see Fliss stood in the doorway, his T-shirt she was wearing now hardly covered the top of her thighs thanks to her Bean bump.
“Sorry beautiful, did I wake you?” he asked.
“No.” she shook her head, dropping down next to him. “I got up to pee and you were gone.”
“Couldn’t sleep.” he shrugged.
“What’s wrong handsome?”  she lay her head on his shoulder and he took a deep breath.
“Just thinking about Mary that’s all.” he shrugged. “She’s always asked questions about Diane but not like that.”
“She’s getting older Frank.” Fliss said, her hand reaching out for his as she began to play with his fingers “She’s bound to start thinking about things differently. She was ok last night after she talked to me, and then later you when you tucked her in. She doesn’t keep her feelings bottled up, and that’s good. It’s a testament to you that she feels like she can talk to us about things.”
“I know.” Frank looked down at her, kissing her head “I guess I just worry Lissy, worry about how she’s gonna feel when Bean is here and he’s calling us mom and dad and she doesn’t.”
“Frank.” Fliss sighed as she sat up straight. “Mary knows we love her. And what she calls us doesn’t change a damned thing. You’re worrying unduly now. We can’t do anything about that other than-“
“Yes, yes we could.” Frank looked at her. Fliss took a deep breath as his eyes locked onto hers, instantly understanding.
“I thought you said you’d never even consider adopting her?”
“I never thought I would.” he shrugged. “But it’s been playing on my mind after what mother said and then after last night…” “Why? What did Evelyn say?” Fliss asked.
“When she was here last, she told me that Diane’s memory wouldn’t suddenly fade if Mary called me dad…” he licked his lips “It was almost like she was giving me permission to do it…you know? Not that I need it or really give a shit what she thinks.” he paused, taking a deep breath “If I’m totally honest Diane isn’t the only reason I said I didn’t want to. I just never thought of myself as being dad material. I was such a screw up until I met you and I thought that by staying as her Uncle, it would give her that distance, you know?”
“Not dad material?” Fliss looked at him, shaking her head “Oh Frank, you idiot. You’ve done an amazing job with her…and you will do with Bean too.”
He smiled at her, sniffing slightly as she continued.
“But there is one person who’s opinion counts most here.” Fliss said gently “And that’s Mary. If you’re serious then you should ask her if it’s what she wants. Because after 9 years of calling you Frank…”
“I know.” Frank agreed, “And I agree, completely. It would have to be her decision. But at least if I ask her if she would like us to then-“
“Us?” Fliss looked at him, blinking. “You mean you want me to?”
“Of course I do.” Frank nodded, before he frowned slightly “But if that isn’t what you want, I understand. It’s a big-“ Fliss cut him off by pressing a kiss to his lips “Of course I do Frank. I love Mary like she is my own anyway so…” Frank beamed at her and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her head. “So, we’re agreed. We ask her?”
Fliss nodded and pulled back, her hand resting on his cheek. “We ask her.”
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Chapter 8
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Riding On Ch7: Home, Sweet Home!
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Summary: Frank and Fliss find their perfect family home, but there’s something bothering Mary.
Warnings: Bad Language words. Discussions about suicide. A little bit of angst.
Pairing: Frank Adler x Fliss Gallagher
A/N: This is a bit of an emotionally charged filler chapter…and we move time on a little through to June in the middle. And photos of the Adler house are included so you can visualise what I used for inspiration! Chapter Song: Kill For A Dream by Beady Eye
Series Masterlist //  WIYPT Masterlist
You’re giving it another try, staring at the deep blue sky, and you say to the driver just drive, coz you never felt so alive.
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April 2019
“Hey honey, you ok?” Frank juggled his phone, pinning it between his ear and his shoulder as he leaned over his computer in the office, scanning the database on the screen for a filter part they needed to order.
“No, I mean yes! I’ve just heard some awesome news!”
“Yeah, so you remember the guy that bought the house that backs onto the yard when Old Man River died…” “That wasn’t his name.” Frank chuckled “It was Mr Morris.”
“He called himself River, it was funny and suited him. Anyway, that’s not the point. You know the guy who bought it…guess what I found out before?”
Frank stopped what he was doing and straightened up. He didn’t like that dick, one bit. When Mr Morris had died at the start of the year, Fliss had been quite upset about the news as the old man had been very friendly to her, often popping in for a cup of tea a few afternoons a week for some company. Mr Morris’ son had sold the house without them even knowing it had gone on the market, which was a shame as it would have been perfect for them given the location. The guy who had bought it, Frank didn’t even know his name, nor did he care because he was a douchebag and a pervert to boot. The way he looked at Fliss made Frank want to punch his face in.
“What’s Douchey Mc Douchebag done now?”
“You’re so childish.” she scoffed “Anyway, I was only commenting to Joanne last night that we haven’t seen him for like a month and she went home and mentioned it to her dad who works with some other guy in the property development business and the long and short of it is he’s gone bankrupt Frank!”
Frank laughed loudly “Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy, babe!”
“I know right!” Fliss voice was gathering pace and pitch, the way it always did when she was excited. “So literally about half hour after she’s told me this, someone turns up and there’s a For Sale sign outside, the house is on the market!”
Ok now he was interested. Frank could picture the look of excitement on her face as she spoke to him and he felt the smile cross his face “No shit?”
“Yeah, I’ll send you the website to look at the photos but…oh God, it would be perfect! Some of it is really nice, some of it needs decorating but…” “Ok, well, why don’t you call the realtor? Arrange a viewing” he said “Hopefully you won’t puke halfway round this one.” “Ok, first off that wasn’t my fault. Bean objected to the smell. Who the fuck cooks eggs the day they know they have someone coming to view their house?” her indignant tone made Frank chuckle “And second off…”she paused “I already did. He said he can meet us at half 12.”
“Half 12? As in lunch time? Today?” Frank frowned.
“I know I just really don’t want to miss out on this one Frank, and you said you were gonna come up here for lunch and-”
“Ok, ok.” Frank sighed “I’ll shuffle some stuff around, work a little later tonight and take an extra half hour.”
“I love you.” she replied and he could hear the smile in her voice.
“Good job I love you too.” he said back gruffly “Because you’re a pain in my ass.”
He bid her goodbye and just as he was looking at the rota to make sure there were enough staff in to cope if he took a longer lunch, his phone beeped. He clicked through to the link Fliss had sent him and had a scan through the photos. To be fair the house didn’t look in too bad condition. It was deceptive from the outside, looked like a small farmhouse but they knew thanks to the extension Douchebag had put on the back it now formed an L shape and from the look of it, was pretty spacious. The kitchen was new, the main bathroom was new so the big work looked like it had been mostly done. The décor in some of the rooms was really old fashioned, especially the hallway you and the front reception room, but that was all cosmetic. What really grabbed him was the price. It was up for just over 320 thousand, which was a fucking steal considering the size, location, the garden and the garge/outhouse it came with.
“You ok Frank?”
He looked up and smiled as Alan, his boss walked in to the office. “Yeah, sorry, Fliss has found a house and managed to book a viewing for lunch time. Fucking 7th one in 2 weeks.”
Alan snorted “Keeping you on your toes I see?”
“Well I gotta say, this one’s looking pretty good. It’s the house that backs onto our Yard out in Pinellas Park.” Frank explained “It was sold not even 6 months ago to a developer and he’s apparently gone bankrupt so put it back on the market.”
“Huh.” Alan smiled “Sounds like it was meant to be. Take it you’re going then?”
“Yeah, Charlie and Gary are in all afternoon. I thought I could take an extra half hour, work it back tonight or…” “Frank, when was the last time you actually took a full hour for your lunch and didn’t cut it short by 10 or 15?” Alan looked at him.
Frank hesitated “Yeah, but that’s-”
“No buts.” Alan shook his head. “Do what you gotta do.”
“Thanks Alan.” Frank smiled, “I appreciate it.”
Alan waved away his gratitude before he dropped into the chair on the opposite side of Frank’s small desk and gestured for Frank to sit down.
“I wanted to talk to you in person.” Alan said, “Before the news gets out. I’m looking at retiring Frank, fully this time.”
“That’s good news, for you I mean.” Frank smiled, taking his seat. “You must be happy?”
“Kinda bitter sweet.” he shrugged “But I hit 70 this year and bout time I let it all go. Bill’s already chomping at the bit to book damned fishing trips so...it’ll be nice to step back. But I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“My son, James is going to be taking over, that won’t come as any surprise to you as you’ve seen him knocking around a bit and he likes you.”
“Good to know I’m not going to be out on my ass.” Frank smiled, breathing out a little.
“No, not a chance. I wouldn’t allow it.” Alan said “I’ll still be the owner, just stepping back from major decision making and day to day running. Anyway, the point is Frank, James needs a deputy. He is young and a little inexperienced. I’ve seen how quickly over the last year you’ve picked up rotas, staffing issues, dealt with the stock takes, haggled with the supply chain…I wondered if you’d consider it.”
Frank blinked “You wanna make me deputy manager?”
“In a word, yes. And I know you got your hands full at the moment and they’ll be even more full when that boy of yours arrives but the changes won’t come into effect until the end of the year so we got plenty of time to work out the details.”
“Wow, I err…” Frank shook his head “I don’t know what to say.” “I don’t need an answer now.” Alan said, “Take some time to consider it. Talk it over with Fliss.”
“I will, I’ll give it some thought.” “Ok, well, that’s all I dropped in for.” Alan said, standing up, groaning a little “Did you just hear my damned knees click?”
Frank laughed and shook his head “No, but to be honest mine click too so I wouldn’t worry about it.”
“Getting old sucks.” Alan said, shaking his head “I tell ya, the minute I can’t enjoy the simple things in life, put a bullet in my head.”
Frank snorted as Alan shot him a wink and left him to his thoughts.
******* Frank glanced down at the wooden boards beneath his feet in the entrance hall. They were solid old wood, oak he thought, and with a clean and polish would look stunning. He looked up and saw Fliss talking animatedly to the realtor, a young man called David as he nodded and gestured to his left. Fliss opened the door and looked at Frank who followed her into the first reception room. It smelt musty, and there was an old sofa and threadbare carpet in the room but it was light and had a nice, airey feeling to it thanks to the large windows at the front of the house.
“New carpet and a bit of paint…” Frank mused nodding, “Be good as new.”
She nodded eagerly, her eyes shining a she looked around and nodded at the fire place “Really, in Florida?”
“It gets cold, as you know.” he teased “Besides, we just fill it with some of your million candles or whatever…”
She nudged him and they turned around, David watching them.
“So, you’re obviously in the older part of the house that hasn’t really been touched apart from upstairs.” he explained, “But if you follow me I’ll show you the extension which is all new and, well, to be honest, I think it’s stunning.”
The three of them moved back into the hall and through a door at the end which led into a huge open plan kitchen and living area. The kitchen was gorgeous. Sleek white units, modern appliances, marble tops, a huge breakfast bar. Douchebag had clearly spent a fortune doing this up. The floor was a light grey and white laminate which David pointed out was heavy wearing.  To the left of the kitchen area was a huge space where Frank could clearly picture their sofas and TV, and then just off that was a door which led into another smaller reception room, freshly painted and carpeted.  He was just pondering how they could turn that into a play room when Fliss gave a gasp and nudged Frank pointing to the large bay window at the back which had been converted into a seating nook of sorts. They made their way over and saw that the view extended right over their garden highlighting a small pool area which was surrounded by a low set of railings with a gate that were all painted a glossy black. The pool itself was sparklingly clean and clearly brand new.
“Oh wow… “ Fliss mumbled, looking at the sand stone tiles that surrounded the area and the rest of the garden.
“Yeah the rear garden loops in an L round the house” David said. “There’s a larger fence around this area to keep it private and separate from the land at the front that runs flush to the yard area.”
Frank’s hands dropping to her hips as he nodded to the right “Could extend that little patio area for a table and chairs, maybe build a brick BBQ. Couple of sun-loungers for that bit at the back of the pool.”
She nodded eagerly before they headed back into the hallway they’d entered into where the realtor showed them the little room that was to the right as you came in the door which held a number of shelves and coat hooks and a toilet and sink basin. They then headed up stairs to find 4 bedrooms. The master extended down the entire side of the house overlooking the main yard area of Sandybrook. It needed some work, the plaster and paint was peeling away in some areas, but Frank wasn’t worried at that. It was an easy job. What he was pleased to see was that the rest of it was in good condition. There was a brand new en-suite attached to it, housing a toilet, a huge shower and his and hers sinks. The room also had built in wardrobes and huge ceiling to floor bi-folding doors which opened up onto a small balcony. Douchebag had clearly been focussing on the big jobs first before he got into the cosmetics, which Frank had to give him credit for.
The main bathroom was in between the wall of their en-suite and the next bedroom, both situated at the back of the house over the extension and overlooking the fields belonging to the yard. The plaster was fresh in that bedroom but hadn’t been painted, again, not an issue, because Frank knew a certain little miss would be no doubt picking a colour as soon a she spotted this room.
“Bet Mary chooses this one.” Frank said, voicing his thoughts and Fliss nodded, smiling
“I would if the Master didn’t have that en-suite.” she grinned “Look at that view!”
“Yeah, who’d have thought you could work from home in the equestrian business” he chuckled as they then headed to the next bedroom on the opposite side of the landing. This was also rather large, but like the main part of the master bedroom, was clearly one of the original two bedrooms the house had and it needed some updating.
The 4th bedroom was a smaller one up a narrow set of stairs hidden by door in the hallway. It opened up into an attic room which tucked into the roof of the house.
The realtor then led them back down and the out to the outbuildings. There was a huge garage with a half- finished apartment of sorts above it that had been used as storage but could be easily a guest suite if they so wanted,  and then the thing Frank had really loved was the workshop off the side of the garage, accessed by a small door. It was musty and full of crap but was somewhere for him to store all his tools and work on any side projects he decided to pick up.
All in all Frank was finding it pretty damned hard to pick faults in the place.
As they headed back to the main house and Frank asked David politely to give them a moment to look around alone and he nodded eagerly before Frank and Fliss headed back into the house.
“I’m getting good vibes Sailor.” Fliss said as she turned round, looking at the kitchen, once more heading over to the bay window seat, “really good vibes.” she spun back to him and he smiled at the look on her face. “I mean, ok, a few rooms need decorating and there’s some finishing off bits to do all over but it’s nothing that dad can’t help with and I’m sure-“
At that she stopped dead, and gave a little gasp as her hand flew to her bump.
“You ok?” Frank stepped forward.
“Yeah he’s…” she swallowed “Bean’s kicking, Frankie! Quick!”
He reached out with his hand and she took it, pressing it to the side of her bump. After a second or two he felt something wriggle a little under his palm and he looked at Fliss, his face cracking into an open mouthed smile as he felt his son move for the first time.
“Lissy…” he swallowed his eyes misting over. “That’s…oh my God!”
“You should feel it from my POV!” Fliss smiled her own eyes glassy too.
Frank didn’t want to take his hand away. Instead, he kept moving his palm, tracking their baby’s movements when eventually they stopped.
“I think that means BB likes the house.” Fliss looked at him.
Frank scoffed, shaking his head. “BB’s Momma likes the house.”
“Doesn’t his Daddy?” she asked, her hands sliding round his neck.
“Yeah, his Daddy does.” he replied honestly in a low voice as he looked around the large room. “In fact, I like it a lot.”
“You think Mary will?”
“Are you kidding?” Frank snorted “Soon as she sees that view and that pool, she’ll be packing to move in straight away.”
“Suppose there’s only one way to find out.” Fliss smiled.
So they did. They brought Mary back the next day after school. She had squealed at the window seat, yelled about the pool and as she had shot upstairs and headed into the bedroom Frank had predicted she would like, given a jump for joy as she realised from the upstairs she had a view over the tall picket fencing that shielded the private area of the garden.
“I can see Monty!” she gleefully pointed out before turning to Frank and looking at him then to Fliss, her hands on her hips “If you don’t buy this house you’re a pair of dumbasses.”
The same sentiment was echoed by Bill when he turned up fifteen minutes or so later and walked around with Frank whilst Fliss and Mary headed to feed the horses. He did exactly the same thing he had done when they had looked at the apartment, pointed out what they needed to do, how long it should take them to do, rough estimates of cost. Plus, he also reminded Frank they were in a great position. They could buy the place and then give his months’ notice on the apartment meaning they could stay where they were until it was finished.
So that was it. Decision made. The next morning they went in with a cheeky offer, some twenty thou below the asking price which was rejected instantly. Then they upped their offer by five…then an additional three to total eight, with the fact that they were cash buyers and not in a chain a huge bargaining chip.
It was later that evening, just after they had finished dinner when the realtor called back.
“Evening Mr Adler, ok so…I have spoken to the vendor. He says if you can up your offer by another two thousand then you’ve got a deal.” David spoke. At that, Frank let out a huge grin, as he looked out of the kitchen window at Mary and Fliss who were outside the apartment, both sat on a chair round the table. He and Fliss had both agreed they were prepared to go to the full asking price, in their mind it was worth it, but they were about to seal the deal here for ten thousand less.
“Ok, two thousand more.” Frank said, keeping his voice level “But the property comes off the market as we don’t want anyone else spotting it and offering him more before we exchange contracts.” he repeated word for word what Greg had instructed him to do when he had asked him to handle the conveyancing earlier that morning.
“Ok, so the offer on the table is Three-ten on the proviso he grants exclusivity…” David repeated. “Ok, leave it with me.”
Frank finished loading the dishwasher, and had just grabbed himself a beer when David called back not even five minutes later.
“Congratulations Mr Adler, you have a deal.”
He thanked him, and grinning ear to ear headed outside, jumping down the steps onto the lawn.
“What you looking so pleased about?” Fliss looked up at him suspiciously.
“David called… we’ve settled on three-ten plus exclusivity” he smiled
“What, you mean…” Fliss’ mouth fell open and Frank nodded.
“Yup, subject to contracts, the place is ours!”
Mary gave a loud cheer as Fliss jumped up and leapt at him as he smiled, wrapping her in his arms, swinging her up slightly.
“I can’t believe it…” she whispered. “Our own home!”
“I know” he beamed, setting her down as he gave her a quick peck. “I’ll call Greg in the morning. When I talked to him about it he said that with no loans involved it shouldn’t take too long. We could be looking a having the keys in a month.” His hands dropped to her hips, palms resting either side of where his son was growing “So plenty of time to do his nursery.” Fliss grinned and using the arms that were round his neck pulled his face down to hers and pressed a fierce kiss to his mouth. “God I love you.” she mumbled. “Love you too.” he grinned, kissing her again, ignoring Mary’s fake puking noises in the background.
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June 2019
“Mr Adler?"
Frank stopped as he had been striding over the yard to collect Mary and turned to see Mrs McCarthy, her teacher walking towards him.
"Hi." He smiled, removing his sunglasses so he could look her in the eyes.
"I'm so sorry to bother you"
"No bother at all." He assured her "is everything OK?"
Mrs McCarthy glanced over to where Mary was stood talking to her friend, Rosie, and turned back to him
"Yes...nothing too drastic but I wanted to make you aware about a little incident in class this afternoon"
Frank looked at her, blinking "incident?"
"Maybe that's the wrong word." The older, blonde woman said "Look, as you know next week it's the end of year Gala, the fundraiser and we invite the parents to join us for activities.”
Frank nodded, wishing the woman would get to the damned point. He was hot, dirty and bothered after an afternoon of helping the team on a particularly awkward repair and wanted nothing more than to stand under a cold shower for an hour and flop down outside with a beer.
"Well, one of the girls asked Mary if she was bringing her mom and if they were making anything for the bake sale and Mary rather bluntly told the girl her mother was dead and then clammed up. She didn't speak a word for the rest of the afternoon."
Frank felt his chest tighten as he looked over at Mary who was now giggling with Rosie and sighed
"She didn't do anything wrong" Mrs McCarthy pressed "I was just a little worried."
"OK...thanks for letting me know, I'll make sure she's ok." Frank assured her.
The woman nodded and headed back across the yard as Frank gave a sharp whistle and slid his aviators back onto his face. Mary looked up and said goodbye to Rosie and came wandering over as Frank waved to Rosie's mom who tossed a hand in greeting in response.
"I'm not Thor" she said, fixing Frank with a stare.
"I know but I couldn't be bothered walking over." He said honestly as they climbed into the truck
"You have a good day?"
"It was OK." She shrugged. Frank eyed her for a second before she pulled the car away from the kerb and set off down the road.
"What's for dinner." Mary asked.
"Steak, baked potatoes and salad." He replies "Fliss' choice."
"Are you grilling?" Mary asked.
"Yup." He nodded
"Cool." Mary nodded "Can I go in the pool before?"
"Got any homework?" Frank countered with another question as he looked at her. Mary shook her head
“End of year next week and Uni didn't give me any summer work."
"Then yeah, of course you can.”
Frank didn't raise the so called incident, deciding to let her chill out a little bit at home first and digest how she felt. After 20 minutes or so of general chat Frank pulled up their driveway and stopped the truck next to Fliss' truck. As they hopped out Mary glanced across the garden over the smaller part of the fence where she could just see Fliss walking across the yard.
"Please can I go see Monty?" She looked at Frank and he nodded.
"I'll watch you." He agreed. With a grin she sprinted over the lawn, climbed over the fence and dropped over onto the other side. Thor gave a bark and Fliss turned round and smiled at her, before she waved at Frank. He waved back before he headed down the side of the house, through the gate in the larger fence before he unlocked the back door and stepped inside the cool air conditioned kitchen, kicking off his shoes and heading straight to the fridge for a beer. Draining half in one he stood, looking around and smiling. They’d finally unpacked the last box yesterday evening and Fliss was still in the process of moving things around their new home, positioning them where she wanted them.
True to Greg’s word, they’d had the keys to the house 4 and a half weeks after making the offer, and 2 weeks post that once the bedrooms and hall had been decorated with a lot of help from Bill, Verity and Roberta (who had been happy for them yet still cried her eyes out when they’d left the park, despite the fact they had assured her they would still come visit and she could also come stay with them too) they’d moved in. The only thing left to do was the reception room (which could wait, it was easy to just shut the door and pretend it didn’t exist) and Bean’s nursery, which he, Fliss and Mary had decided to do together as a project. Mary and Fliss had spent nights pouring over Pinterest for ideas and they’d finally settled on a scheme. Frank had picked up all the plastering supplies and the paint, the furniture was on order and should be arriving at any time that week now he thought about it…so hopefully that weekend they could get cracking. That might cheer Mary up now he thought about it.
Taking his beer with him, he picked up his boots and took them to the cloakroom/bathroom by the stairs. He trudged up the steps, shaking his head at Fred who was led at the top, his paws hanging over the edge of the step as he eyed Frank.
"You're gonna cause a fucking accident." He looked at the ginger cat who merely swished his tail in response. Frank headed into their bedroom, stripping off as he went, walking straight into the en-suite, turning on the shower, setting his beer down on the edge of the sink unit. He stepped in and under the stream of cool water, closing the screen behind him, his mind still on Mary and how he was going to bring up what her teacher has said. With a groan he opened the door, reached out of the cubicle for his beer, took another gulp before he set about washing the grime of the day away.
***** "Have you finished grooming him?" Fliss asked, standing in the doorway to Monty's stable. Mary glanced over from where she had been brushing through his white tail and nodded.
"Wanna take him to the paddock?" Fliss smiled. "Cap and Bronson are waiting for their little pal."
"Sure." Mary shrugged and Fliss frowned a little at her demeanour. She was quiet, which was unlike her when she was round the horses. She was normally full of excitement.
"You OK?" She asked and Mary nodded.
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"You seem quiet, that's all."
"No, I'm good." She shrugged, before she tossed her brush into the little grooming box she had, closing the lid and passing it to Fliss. Fliss placed the box into the larger wooden one outside the stable before Mary put Monty's halter on and led him out of his stall. Fliss allowed them to walk ahead, her hand on her bump as she followed them out of the yard and down the little path to the gate that led to the paddocks. They reached the one were Monty was going and undoing the gate, Mary led him in. The white pony stood patiently for her to take his halter off before he stuck his nose into the crook of her neck and shoulder. Fliss smiled as Mary gently stroked his neck and then to her utter horror she saw Mary’s shoulders begin to shake as the girl started to cry.
"Hey, Mary..." she soothed, stepping forward as the small girl turned to her, wrapping her arms around her as best she could, pressing her face into her bump "Oh baby what's wrong?"
Mary didn’t reply, instead she continued to sob and Fliss felt powerless to do anything other than wrap her arms around her, one hand resting on her head, the other between her shoulders.
“Something happened at School…” Mary whispered and Fliss gently tipped her head up to look at her. “Someone said something and…”
“Ok, how about we go back to the office and you can tell me all about it ok?”
Mary nodded, sniffing as her sobs died down. Fliss held out her hand and Mary took it and together they headed back down to the yard. Joanne looked at Mary who was hiccupping slightly with her sobs and frowned but Fliss shook her head.
“Can you feed the top barn for me and then you can go.” she said to Jo who nodded. “I’ll lock up.” “Sure, see you tomorrow. Bye Mary.” she smiled. Mary looked at her and gave a small wave before Fliss led her into the office. She grabbed them both an apple juice from the fridge and then Mary sat on the chair at the end of the desk, wiping her eyes with a tissue that Fliss handed her from the box.
“You ready to talk?”
Mary nodded, and then she stood up and walked over to Fliss who made room for her to clamber up onto her lap. It was a bit awkward but after a little shifting around they found a way she could sit unobstructed by Boston Bean and Mary lay her head against Fliss’ shoulder.
“It was about the gala.” she said gently “One of them asked me if my mom was coming and…”
“Oh sweetie.” Fliss sighed, rubbing her back. “I get that must have been hard.”
Mary shrugged “I told them she was dead.” she said matter of factly “I get that and I never knew my mom so I don’t miss her as a person…but then I started to think about why she died and I don’t understand.” “Understand what?”
“Why?” Mary looked at her. “Why would she do what she did when she had me? Why did she want to leave me behind?”
Fliss took a deep breath and cradled the girl as best she could, trying to think of a way to explain to which Mary could relate, and then it came to her, she could use her own experience here. There was no getting around the fact this was going to be a heave conversation, but Mary was a smart kid and deserved to be treated as such.
With another deep inhale, Fliss looked down at her, kissing her head before she opened rather bluntly "You know I tried to kill myself."
"You did?" Mary pulled back to look up at her "Why?"
"Because I saw it as my only way out." Fliss said gently, smoothing her hair back. "I was stuck in an awful situation. My ex-husband hurt me physically and mentally and I gave up. I wanted out."
Mary remained silent and looked at her.
"For someone to get to that point...they have to have hit rock bottom. Like there is nowhere to go. It's not their fault. And it doesn't mean they don't love the people they leave behind just that they're desperate to escape whatever pain they feel, be it in their head or their body or both."
"But I still don't understand." Mary shook her head.
"And you may never, not fully." Fliss said gently "And as horrible as it is that's something you are gonna have to live with but you have to remember that your mom was sick. And for whatever reason she saw this as her only escape. It wasn't Evelyn's fault, it wasn't Frank's fault and it certainly wasn't yours."
"But if she loved me like Frank says she did..."
"You think I don't love my mum? Or Bill? Or Steve?"
Mary blinked before she lay her head back against Fliss' shoulder. "Yeah"
"But I was still gonna leave them behind." Fliss sighed "I was desperate. And you wanna know the real stupid thing?"
"When I got better I still went back. I went back to a real toxic environment and a man that abused me. Because I felt like it was what I deserved. And even though I left him way before I met you and Frank, it wasn't until me and Frank started dating that I really understood I wasn't to blame. I always thought I did something to make him hurt me but I didn't. Being with Frank, the way he treats me and loves me made me see that it was him with the problem, not me.”
"But that's different" Mary glanced up
"The trigger was, yes." Fliss nodded "But your mom, like me, was in a position so helpless, so unbelievably sad that she thought she was to blame and that the world, including you, would be better off without her even though she was so wrong."
**** Once showered and dried, Frank dressed in a pair of shorts and clean T-shirt before he headed back downstairs. There was no sign of Fliss or Mary but as he strode out into the garden he heard a car heading down the drive by the side of the house from the yard and correctly assumed it was Joanne leaving for the day. He opened the gate and just saw the tail of her car turn onto the main road as he headed into the garage for the charcoal to light the BBQ.
Once that was done, leaving the flames to die down he headed out across the lawn, vaulting over the small fence onto the yard. He headed round the barn and frowned as he couldn't see anyone. After a quick look round he spotted the door to Fliss' office was closed. He went to open it but stopped as he could hear the sound of voices. It was Mary and Fliss but he could tell from the pitch and stutters in Mary's that she was upset. He paused, hand hovering over the handle as he heard Fliss speaking to her softly. "Stack, you are so loved. Frank loves you, I love you, Nanny V, Poppa Bill, Uncle Steeby, Roberta, Evelyn...Thor, Fred and Monty..." she paused "You're such a special little girl and I know I'm not your mom but...I feel like I am."
"You do?"
"I'd do anything to keep you safe and happy. And so would Frank"
They both fell silent and Frank swallowed, the lump in his throat almost choking him.
"Don't ever feel like we don't" Fliss continued "and if I have to bake 200 fucking cookies for your Gala next week to prove it then I will."
Mary giggles "You know Bean can hear you swearing."
"Well I won't tell Frank if you don't"
"Do you think Frank feels like my dad?" Mary asked a moment later and at that point Frank really wanted to walk away. He couldn't listen to this, he didn't want to listen to this...but something kept him rooted to the spot.
"I know he does." Fliss replied.
"But he doesn't like it when people say it. I know that, I heard him talking to you. Bill’s not your real dad but you still say he is…."
“That’s slightly different sweetheart.” Fliss sighed "My real dad left my mom before I was born, so when he died…I didn’t even know him and I don’t care that I didn’t either. But your mom was Frank's sister. He wants to make sure you remember her, understand who she was. He could have easily just pretended to be your dad all this time, you would never have known any different but he didn't. Because he loves you and your mom too much. He's too honest and it’s important to him that you understand. But that doesn't mean he doesn't love you like he is your dad, or that you can't love him like he is."
Frank turned away from the door, looking up at the sky and taking a deep shuddering breath. Fuck, this was hard to hear. He knew Mary had been upset before but the thought that it ran this deep was killing me. Wiping at his face, his hands then dropped to his hips and he looked down at his sneakers before he turned to the door, reaching for the handle but once more pausing as he couldn’t face interrupting them, not whilst they were in the middle of a moment.
“I suppose that makes sense.” Mary continued  “And I do love him like he is. And I love you like you’re my mom too.”
“Well that’s all that matters.” Fliss replied “It may be unconventional but we’re a family, and that’s the main thing huh?”
“Yeah, you’re right. Thanks Lissy.” Mary spoke.
“You’re welcome Stack” Lissy’s voice was soft and there was a pause as Frank could picture the pair of them hugging.
“Hey, did you now I’m going to be doing all the money stuff for the bake stall?” Mary’s voice was suddenly up beat as she switched topic “Because I’m good at maths they said I could be in charge of payments and handing people their change and stuff.”
“Nice work kiddo.” Fliss smiled, “Tell you what, we’ll put Nanny V on the case, her baking is way better than mine. We can get her over one night next week whilst Pops is helping Frank with the plastering in the nursery.”
Ok, that was it, safe to enter without interrupting anything. Frank gave a little knock and then opened the door, fixing a smile on his face.
“Hope I haven’t interrupted any girl talk” he smiled and Mary jumped up and ran to him, giving him a hug. He looked at Fliss who wiped her eyes.
“Ok?” he mouthed at her and she nodded back, her lips moving silently as she replied.
“Tell you later.”
“BBQ is lit.” Frank said, looking down at Mary “You still wanna play in the pool?”
She nodded and grinned. “Yeah.”
“Sounds like a great idea.” Fliss grinned “Let’s lock up and head home…oh wait, we don’t need to head home because…” “We’re already there!” Mary grinned, and then she spun round to see Fred peering round the door. “Hey, look who came to visit!” “Bout time he earned his keep.” Frank grumbled “Go catch some mice.”
Fred stalked past him into the office, looked around, before he sauntered back out, clearly not interested.
“He’s a lover not a killer Frank.” Mary grinned, as Frank watched the cat walk off into the evening sun.
The three of them locked up before they headed back to the house and Mary shot upstairs to get changed.
“So, how much did you hear?” Fliss turned to Frank as he pulled a beer from the fridge along with a bottle of water, sliding it over to her.
“Enough.” he sighed “Her teacher collared me before. Said that one of the kids had asked about her mom in class and she’d gotten upset.”
“She asked me why Diane did what she did.” Fliss sighed, “Why she left her behind if she loved her so much.”
Frank swallowed. “What did you say?”
“I explained about why I tried to kill myself.” Fliss shrugged “Told her about the desperation I felt…but that didn’t mean that I didn’t love my family just that I saw it as my only way out. I know it was heavy and maybe not really the right thing to do but...”
She was cut off as Frank stepped forward, taking her face in his hands as he kissed her, hard. It took her a moment to catch up but once she did she melted into him, her mouth opening to grant him access as he ran his tongue along her bottom lip.
“Thank you.” he said gently as he pulled away, his hands still cupping her face.
“What for?” Fliss asked, reaching up to gently wrap her fingers around his wrists.
“For loving her as much as you do.” he said simply “for loving us both as much as you do.”
“Oh Sailor.” Fliss’ eyes brimmed with tears “How could I not?”
***** Frank didn’t sleep particularly well that night. Mary’s conversation with Fliss was running through his brain and every time he drifted off he would wake about an hour or so later, fresh worries and concerns running through his mind. In the end, at just before 5 am he gave up and climbed out of bed. He grabbed a T-shirt and a pair of sweats and putting them on he headed downstairs. He flipped on the TV in the hope the early morning new would distract him, but it didn’t.
It was clear to him that Mary was struggling with where she was going to fit in the family dynamic. He hadn’t really worried much up to that point, being convinced by Fliss that if they kept her involved with stuff to do with Bean she would be ok but this went much deeper than the fact they were expecting a baby.
He’d be lying if he said the thought of him claiming to be Mary’s Father had never entered his mind. It would have been a lot easier but out of loyalty and love to Diane he had wanted to make sure she knew about her mother, and understood the truth because in the end, a lie would always come round to bite you on the ass. It wasn’t that he had a problem with people assuming he was Mary’s father but…
God what a fucking mess.
“Hey…” a soft voice drew him from his thoughts and he looked up to see Fliss stood in the doorway, his T-shirt she was wearing now hardly covered the top of her thighs thanks to her Bean bump.
“Sorry beautiful, did I wake you?” he asked.
“No.” she shook her head, dropping down next to him. “I got up to pee and you were gone.”
“Couldn’t sleep.” he shrugged.
“What’s wrong handsome?”  she lay her head on his shoulder and he took a deep breath.
“Just thinking about Mary that’s all.” he shrugged. “She’s always asked questions about Diane but not like that.”
“She’s getting older Frank.” Fliss said, her hand reaching out for his as she began to play with his fingers “She’s bound to start thinking about things differently. She was ok last night after she talked to me, and then later you when you tucked her in. She doesn’t keep her feelings bottled up, and that’s good. It’s a testament to you that she feels like she can talk to us about things.”
“I know.” Frank looked down at her, kissing her head “I guess I just worry Lissy, worry about how she’s gonna feel when Bean is here and he’s calling us mom and dad and she doesn’t.”
“Frank.” Fliss sighed as she sat up straight. “Mary knows we love her. And what she calls us doesn’t change a damned thing. You’re worrying unduly now. We can’t do anything about that other than-“
“Yes, yes we could.” Frank looked at her. Fliss took a deep breath as his eyes locked onto hers, instantly understanding.
“I thought you said you’d never even consider adopting her?”
“I never thought I would.” he shrugged. “But it’s been playing on my mind after what mother said and then after last night…” “Why? What did Evelyn say?” Fliss asked.
“When she was here last, she told me that Diane’s memory wouldn’t suddenly fade if Mary called me dad…” he licked his lips “It was almost like she was giving me permission to do it…you know? Not that I need it or really give a shit what she thinks.” he paused, taking a deep breath “If I’m totally honest Diane isn’t the only reason I said I didn’t want to. I just never thought of myself as being dad material. I was such a screw up until I met you and I thought that by staying as her Uncle, it would give her that distance, you know?”
“Not dad material?” Fliss looked at him, shaking her head “Oh Frank, you idiot. You’ve done an amazing job with her…and you will do with Bean too.”
He smiled at her, sniffing slightly as she continued.
“But there is one person who’s opinion counts most here.” Fliss said gently “And that’s Mary. If you’re serious then you should ask her if it’s what she wants. Because after 9 years of calling you Frank…”
“I know.” Frank agreed, “And I agree, completely. It would have to be her decision. But at least if I ask her if she would like us to then-“
“Us?” Fliss looked at him, blinking. “You mean you want me to?”
“Of course I do.” Frank nodded, before he frowned slightly “But if that isn’t what you want, I understand. It’s a big-“ Fliss cut him off by pressing a kiss to his lips “Of course I do Frank. I love Mary like she is my own anyway so…” Frank beamed at her and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her head. “So, we’re agreed. We ask her?”
Fliss nodded and pulled back, her hand resting on his cheek. “We ask her.”
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somedayonbroadway · 5 years
Okokokokok High School Musical AU pretty please with a cherry on top?
Hahahahahahaha YES
Okay, so…
Jack Kelly — Troy Bolton
Katherine Plumber — Gabrielle
Medda Larkin — Ms. Darbus
Spot Conlon — Chad
Crutchie Morris — Kelsie
Racetrack Higgins — Taylor
William Snyder — Jack Bolton (only sort of)
Albert DaSilva — Zeke
Finch — Jason
Sarah Jacobs — Sharpay Evans
David Jacobs — Ryan Evans
I know… it’s a bit of an odd list. But like… go with me on this.
Over Winter break, on New Years Eve, Jack and Katherine meet at a ski lodge. Katherine went with her family. Her father, her mother and his older sister. Jack is up there after running away from his foster home and trying to get in contact with his birth mother who just recently got out of prison. He believes she’ll be at this party.
They both end up at a party. Jack has a hood pulled up over his head to try and hide. The cops are looking for him by then. Snyder’s pissed. Katherine is with her father, talking about school.
The karaoke machine gets set up. Jack is trying to get out of the room because he’s scared of getting caught and Katherine is minding her own business.
But they happen to be the two random people pulled from the crowd and dragged on stage. Jack tried to get away, barely stopping himself from punching someone in the nose. And Katherine shyly tries to tell them no thank you, but they both end up there and catch sight of one another. And they freeze.
Jack tries to leave again, now not wanting to embarrass himself in front of this pretty girl who just stops him by saying she’s willing if he’s willing.
And they end up singing together for the first time. And they actually sound really good together.
After they’re finished, Jack catches sight of some of the cops again and he bolts, only for Katherine to follow him outside and ask him what was wrong. He plays it off. Says it’s nothing. And she lets it go.
They end up exchanging phone numbers on the balcony. And they come so close to kissing when the ball drops.
But Jack has to run.
A couple weeks later…
It’s the first day back at school after the break. Jack is happy to have something to do rather than sneak out of his home and avoid his foster father, a Mr. William Snyder. He’s been in this home for about a year on his own.
Snyder and him don’t necessarily get along.
Anyways, Jack is stoked about seeing his friends again. He’s on the football team. The quarterback. And his teammates all very much look up to him. His coach, Mr. Todd Kloppman, adores him and wants him to get a scholarship with his skills. And Jack has his mind set on that.
Snyder didn’t want to let him play sports to begin with. But Jack told him it was the only way for him to get into college. So Snyder let him.
It’s Jack’s escape from that house.
In homeroom, after meeting up with his best friend Spot Conlon who also happens to be in that class, Jack spots a familiar face.
She sees him too and smiles at him. She looks nervous.
He moves to sit by her and talk to her a little. She admits she just moved to Manhattan from Chicago and just got transferred into Roosevelt High School. Jack offers to show her around and she accepts.
Spot gives Jack a look and Jack ignores him. Spot loves to tease him.
While Jack is showing Katherine around, she quickly starts to learn that this school has very tight cliques.
One of them being the drama kids.
As they walk by the theatre, Katherine sees that there’s a sign up for auditions for the next school musical and she jokes that her and Jack should sign up because they made such a good team up at the ski lodge. Jack laughs.
And in comes the Ice Princess.
Sarah Jacobs.
She is the queen of the school, pretty much. Pretty, rich and popular. She’s an amazing singer, trained in music, dance and acting as well as starting her own fashion business. (I know she is very different from the Sarah Jacobs we know, but come on, she’s gonna slay).
Sarah and her twin brother, equally as talented, equally as rich, but not quite as popular, David Jacobs, are walking over to sign up for auditions. That’s where Katherine and Sarah meet for the first time.
Sarah, the queen that she is, pushes past Katherine to sign up, signing the whole sheet before she turns around to say hi to Jack, who she believes she is destined to be with until the end of time. Jack does not feel the same way. But she tries to subtly tell Kath to get away from her “property” (i know it’s not mean girls but you can’t tell me Sharpay wasn’t based off of Regina George in some ways). Katherine doesn’t take the threat too seriously, as she is a nice, easy going person.
David is in the background. He has a slight crush on Jack, but would never act on it because he knows Sarah is basically in love with the guy.
(Tangent. Y’all can’t tell me Ryan wasn’t supposed to be gay in the first movie. He 👏🏻 was 👏🏻 totally 👏🏻 gay👏🏻, but Disney was too scared to own up to it)
Jack continues to show Kath around the school as Sarah hatches her master plan to keep Katherine out of the drama clique. She goes to Race, honor student on his way to being valedictorian, and tells him about Katherine. Race does a little digging and finds out that Katherine is wicked smart and recruits her for the Scholastic Decathlon, catching her and Jack in the halls at their next break.
Race rushes up to them and tries to talk to Katherine but ends up seeing Jack and says something sarcastic instead and he and Jack get into a small argument that Katherine can’t quite follow. She tries to defend Jack but Race says she doesn’t know him well enough yet. Katherine asks what Jack did to this kid who seems to be at least two years younger than them. Jack said he didn’t do anything to him.
His little brother just loves to fight.
Race just glares at him and says something like “you know what you did” and then turns his attention back to Katherine, officially inviting her into the “brainiac” clique.
She does join. But at that moment she just says she’ll think about it.
Then she asks Jack a little about Race. He admits that Race is his half brother and he lives with a foster family on the other side of town while he lives with his foster dad just down the street. She asks why they don’t live together and Jack tells her that it’s a long story. But eventually he tells her that since Race showed signs of being really smart at such a young age, it was decided that he needed to be placed with folks who would cater to his needs better while Jack was just normal.
The family’s that were willing to foster Race never wanted to take in two kids. So the system split them up.
Jack says this in fewer words. But Katherine figures it out.
Katherine takes Race up on his offer, finding out that Race is set to graduate the same year as Jack.
Later, while Jack is at football practice, he’s having an extremely hard time focusing as this girl has just come into his life and made him think about things he’d never thought about before. Like, how he might want to ask Katherine out on a date or how he enjoyed singing with her or how everyone had a specific thing they were expected to do, but what about other things?
His teammates don’t appreciate his inability to focus and wrestle with him a little, just playfully, to try and help him get back into the game.
He loves his teammates.
Later, after practice, Jack is the last one in the locker room where Race comes in and drops him off and bagged lunch. He tells Jack that he wasn’t hungry at lunch. And Jack just hugs him for a second before asking him if he’d seen Katherine around.
Race teases him for a minute before Jack asks him if he wants a soaking. So Race tells Jack that Katherine went to the auditorium. And he gives Race a kiss on the head before he goes to find her.
When he gets there, he sees Sarah and David auditioning. Katherine is standing in the back of the other side of the theatre. They see each other but make no move to get closer. Instead, they watch the amusing but well done audition of their classmates.
Sarah and David are obviously both talented, but Sarah is obsessed with having the spotlight while David is very creative and does love to try new things and welcomes change.
The audition process is finishing up. Jack does not miss the way Sarah hisses at Charlie, the innocent pianist on her way out. He just tried to put in his thoughts on how his song should be performed.
He’s a composer and student director of the band.
Miss Medda, the drama teacher, asks if there’s any more auditions. Charlie says he doesn’t think so and no one else speaks up.
So Medda goes to leave.
Katherine is standing in the back, unsure of what to do. But eventually, she speaks up. She says she wants to audition.
Medda tells her that it’s too late and that she’ll need to come back for the next production.
Jack gives her a sorry look.
And Katherine just shrugs, willing to accept that. But as they both go to go their separate ways, Charlie trips up on stage, setting one of his crutches down on a misplaced prop. Without even thinking about it, both of them rush up to help him.
And he thanks them as he pulls himself back to the piano. And tried to get his things back in order. He apologizes to them for not being able to audition. Jack says he wasn't going to, that he wasn’t good enough for that anyways. And Kath and Charlie both don’t believe him. So Charlie starts to play the audition song, telling them that Sarah and David sang it in a way that didn’t quite capture the meaning behind it.
The song is I Never Planned On You/Don’t Come A’ Knockin’. Because it can be.
Katherine and Jack sing the song easily. Katherine admits she used to love to sing and her fatherhad taught her violin. Jack admits he used to play the piano with his mom and his little brother and THATS WHY THEY CAN READ MUSIC BECAUSE ITS NOT THAT EASY TROY AND GABRIELLA.
Before Charlie can even say anything, Miss Medda is clapping for them and telling them that they better find themselves at callbacks the next day.
Katherine is excited.
Jack is terrified.
Jack goes home to an empty house. He eats the food his brother gave him and does his homework and goes to bed. When he hears the door open, he pretends to be asleep.
Snyder’s drunk again.
The next morning, Jack sneaks out through the window and goes to school.
When he gets there he finds that the callback list was posted. And he tries to walk the other way. But Spot catches up to him.
He teases Jack, expecting it to be some kind of joke. But Jack just rolls his eyes and Spot asks him if he’s serious. Before Jack can answer, Race rushes up to him and jumps on his back and teases him too.
Jack admits he hadn’t meant to audition. He’d just been screwing around.
Katherine tries to defend him but his friends still tell him that he wasn’t supposed to do drama. That he was an athlete and that he didn’t have time and that it was weird for him to want to sing and dance.
But Katherine says that she loved to sing and dance and she was a straight A student and she had played soccer at her old school.
And these kids would be amazed.
People would start admitting things. Things that no one knew.
Albert loved to bake.
Finch likes to dance.
Other things happen.
Spot is concerned by this. He needs Jack to focus on the playoffs that are coming up. Jacks the quarterback. He has too much of a responsibility.
He tries to enlist Race’s help. Race is hesitant, not wanting to upset his brother. But Spot convinces him it’s for the best.
They both hold somewhat of an intervention for their friends where Spot gets Jack to admit that he doesn’t think the audition is important and that Katherine couldn’t come between him and his team.
It’s not what he means. He means that if Snyder found out he was auditioning for musicals and pining after some pretty girl he’d get the living hell beat out of him.
But he can’t just say that.
He doesn’t know he’s being recorded.
Race shows Katherine the tape and immediately feels guilty.
He calls Spot and tries to tell him they made a mistake after Katherine tells him that auditioning in the first place was stupid.
Jack doesn’t understand why Katherine suddenly wants to back out when he goes to see Race after school. And Race gives him a sorry look. So Jack convinces Katherine to do it again and promises her that he’ll do it with her if that’ll be what makes her happy. And he sends her off to Charlie while he talks to Race.
Race is shocked and asks Jack if he would even be allowed. Jack would tell him not to worry about it and Race would just hug him for a minute, telling Jack that the family he was with was thinking about fully adopting him.
It would break Jack’s heart. But he’d try to tell Race that that was really good, that he should be happy. Race wouldn’t think so. He’d say that he didn’t want to belong to someone else. That he was fine exactly where he was and that he’d rather move in with Jack when Jack turned eighteen.
Jack would tell him that everything would be okay. That it would all work out for the best.
And then he’d tell Race to get him while he went to rehearse with Katherine.
Sarah would overhear Jack and Katherine rehearsing. So she’d go to Miss Medda and convince her to move callbacks to the day of Jack’s big game and Kath’s competition.
Charlie, the little genius, overhears this conversation and immediately starts to form a plan, enlisting the help of Race and Spot.
Race and Katherine hack into the school electrical system and mess with the power on the football field. They also cause a chemical reaction at their own competition, forcing an evacuation.
Jack and Katherine rush to callbacks with their friends right behind them and they get up on stage.
Katherine freezes, looking at Jack and shaking her head, silently telling him how scared she was. But Jack just takes her hand and starts singing.
And they get through it. (Something To Believe In).
Medda gives them the part and gives Sarah and David their understudies. David congratulates them. Sarah is pissed.
Everyone goes to watch the football team win after that. And Jack and Katherine kiss for the first time.
Spot admits to Race that he’s got a secret too. Then he proceeds to ask Race out.
And Jack sees it happen.
But he doesn’t say anything.
He goes home that day happy.
Snyder however, is not quite so happy.
When Jack gets home he’s almost immediately thrown against a wall. Snyder is tipsy at that point. He’s angry. He wants to know why Jack was out so late. Jack says he had a game. Snyder doesn’t believe it. So Jack admits he was with his friends.
And Snyder just hits him.
It happens every now and then when Snyder’s not completely forgetting that he exists. Snyder needed some extra cash. He hates that he has a kid living with him. Jack can deal with it every once in a while.
What he hates is being locked in the basement closet.
And Snyder knows that.
He locks Jack in and leaves him. And Jack cries for a minute before he can think to call his little brother with the phone that Snyder forgot he had.
And Race brings Spot and the cops with him to get Jack out.
Race and Spot get there first. Spot holds off Snyder so Race can get Jack out of the closet and Race holds Jack for a minute until Spot runs down with the cops. They try to talk to Jack and take him upstairs.
Before he goes with them, he tells Spot that if he hurts his brother, he’ll kill him. And Race can’t help but laugh.
They arrest Snyder and Race admits that his foster family found out they’re going to have their own baby. And they wouldn’t have room for him anymore.
The brothers are relocated. This time together. To a home of one Miss Medda where they find out Charlie is her adopted son.
And they all lived happily ever after.
Or, at least, survived the school year.
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buffynha · 4 years
Naya Rivera: A Film Critic’s Appreciation of a TV Star
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Naya Rivera: A Film Critic’s Appreciation of a TV Star.
I was much older than the target demographic for ‘Glee’, but I watched it semi-faithfully for these reasons: A) the intentionally diverse casting and primetime representation of many marginalized groups B) the clever reinvention and integration of pop songs and C) Naya Rivera.
Truth be told, since the show could be so wildly uneven, Rivera was often the ‘A’ reason I tuned in, always hoping she’d get a scene or a number.
Naya Rivera portrayed Santana, the tart-tongued (to put it mildly) captain of Glee’s cheerleading squad. By casting an Afro-Latina actress in the part, the show’s producers were already trouncing on stereotypes; by the year of the show’s debut, curtly dismissive cheerleaders were a staple of teen-centered entertainment, but they were usually white and hetero. As the show progressed, Santana fell for her teammate Brittany, came out to her family and friends, graduated from high school, tried to make her way in the big city, and eventually married Brittany. As a queer Latinx young woman with entrenched defense mechanisms, the character of Santana had to bear a lot of ‘representation’ duty, like an extended cheerleading ‘shoulder sit.’ But here’s the thing: Naya Rivera made it all seem as if it were as easy as a pony-tail toss.
Re-watching the early episodes, with Santana barely getting a cutaway, it’s easy to believe Ryan Murphy that the producers didn’t realize the size of talent they had on their hands when they first cast her. Rivera didn’t so much fight for more screen time as her talent compelled it, willed it. She’s mostly background in the first few episodes, until Santana and Brittany (Heather Morris) get drafted by Jane Lynch’s villainous cheer coach Sue Sylvester (the show does not lack for antagonists) to infiltrate the new Glee club and destroy it from within. From her earliest numbers and ultra-snippy encounters with the other kids, Rivera’s Santana starts to steal scenes.
This wasn’t just a function of the writing and directing. In fact, as clever, campy, sincere and delectably witty as ‘Glee’ could be (rewatching it this week, I chuckled at lots of throwaway lines) it could also be clumsy and over-reliant on whimsy and parody, sometimes in the same scene. In order to make the repeated point that Santana was caustically tough on the outside because she was hiding deep anxiety on the inside, the writers gave her so many withering and cruel things to say that emotional reality was often sacrificed on the altar of ‘Bitchy Quirkiness’ and frankly, because you imagined the writers were cracking themselves up at the saltiness of their latest insult. (Some were classics; too many of them hung on the lower rungs of humor, including easy body function jokes.)
But here’s the next thing: no matter how ridiculously florid the abuse Santana hurled at a classmate or teacher, Naya Rivera delivered the lines with alacrity and impeccable timing. And that’s what really made me sit up on my sofa and take notice.
Here was an actress who seemed to have the range of the marquee women from Hollywood’s ‘Golden Age’ of the 30s and 40s. The tumble of words the ‘Glee’ writers gave her didn’t faze her; she could deliver them with the rapid screwball comedy chops of Rosalind Russell or Jean Arthur. In an era of more tentative, introspective actors, Rivera had the steely drive of Bette Davis or Joan Crawford. Her larcenous way with a wry line was reminiscent of the great character actress Thelma Ritter; her ‘brassiness’ recalled Joan Blondell; the blaze in her eyes felt like the one emanating from Ida Lupino. (The comparisons had a visual equivalent — Rivera’s red-carpet personal style often favored form-fitting pencil skirts, modern iterations of a forties ‘dame.’)
Probably no greater compliment I can give is to say Rivera reminded me of the legendary Barbara Stanwyck. Able to navigate romantic comedy, drama and detective noir with husky-voiced fervor, Stanwyck could be devastating when she was furious yet hard to resist when she worked her charms. She was slight of figure but imposing of presence. Rivera had those cinematic assets as well. Because she started as a child actor, on ‘The Royal Family’ and especially on the great ‘The Bernie Mac Show’, by the time she got to ‘Glee’ she knew how to work a camera, as self-possessed and confident in her talents as Stanwyck was. Why this is important is that when an actor is too self-critical or tentative, we get uncomfortable or pulled out of the story. Reading testimonials from her cast mates (Chris Colfer says he sometimes was so in awe of her performance he’d forget he was in the scene with her) we see they also marveled at her self-assurance, and Rivera cannily used it to make Santana both poised and poignant.
Where Naya Rivera carved out her own space, different from most of our past silver-screen sirens, is that she could sing, and she was Afro-Latina, multi-racial, far from the whites-only casting of the Warner Brothers and MGM eras. That meant something to me; as a Chicano man of a certain age, I can remember times when I was a kid when my family would count all the ‘Latin’ movie stars we could think of and we often stopped literally with the fingers of one hand.
As someone who studies and loves writing about film, my head was nearly scratched raw from trying to figure out why Naya Rivera wasn’t swooped up from ‘Glee’ by the 2010s studio gatekeepers and given the chance to be a film superstar in vehicles that were worthy of her, bypassing the B-movie stage. She didn’t even get the big-screen ‘best friend’ parts in Hudson or Witherspoon rom-coms, which is what actresses of color with comic chops were often relegated to in the 2000s. Why this oversight happened, and I’m sure there’s a lot of background showbiz politics and personal reasons as to why, the result is we were denied someone who could have been a major screen star and given us the pleasure of an above-the-title, singing-dancing-acting triple-threat. If Rivera had been white, the big-screen star-making machinery would have overcome all obstacles to not just take a risk on her, but bet on her.
It really felt like Naya Rivera could do it all. Stanwyck and Davis had formidable talents, but singing wasn’t considered one of them, so that made Rivera a modern-day extension of their bravura, as though they’d been reincarnated in a child actress who was bristling at the confines of Disney channel and tv screens.
And Rivera had that voice! Some of us have our own version of a sort of ‘opposite ASMR’; we derive pleasure from singers who have a husky rasp in their voice, and rather than whisper, know how to belt. In this regard, Naya Rivera was a godsend. It gave her the ability to tackle songs associated with Tina Turner and Amy Winehouse and Stevie Nicks, no small feat. Yet Rivera could also narrow the grit in her wide voice to just a few flecks of hurt and hope, as in the poignant moment when she confesses her love to Brittany in a plaintive version of Christine McVie and Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Songbird.’ (This will sound like sacrilege to other Fleetwood Mac fans — I’ve seen the band in concert many times — but I just never really responded to McVie’s performance of her song except in cool, admiring ways. But I found Rivera’s vulnerable cooing of the song transfixing.)
Rivera’s musical performances on ‘Glee’ traversed many genres, but nothing seemed to catch her off-guard. I enjoyed many of the singers on ‘Glee’ —the show had over 700 musical numbers! — but if Rivera was given the lead, you knew you were about to get a showstopper, complete with signature focus, considerable ebullience and precision as a dancer. These gifts were captured best when ‘Glee’s’ hyper-active camera and editing stood still and just let her perform.
Rivera tackled Turner’s ‘Nutbush City Limits’ with ferocity. It’s too bad that the way she was filmed — with the aforementioned slice-and-dice, even leering editing — forever leaves us with a case of ‘what might have been.’ We get precious snippets of seeing Rivera singing, while the musical filming style of ten years ago, influenced by ‘Moulin Rouge’ and ‘Chicago’, attempts to whip us into an erotic frenzy with close-ups of halter-top abs and pom-pom zooms. This was a shameful miscalculation, because it has the opposite effect. If the camera had just stood planted and simply recorded the performance, Naya Rivera would have delivered the sexual fire and then some.
The best musical numbers with Rivera showcase all her talents — the ability to act out a lyric, the Fosse-flavored choreography, and a singing voice alternately tender and roof-raising. Her performance of Winehouse’s ‘Valerie’, in which she gets to ditch the ‘Cheerios’ uniform and stomp the stage in a party frock stands out as one of ‘Glee’s’ best and most effortless songs overall — it really looks like a romp that captures teenage brio and which would be electric to see live. (Later in the show, when Rivera sings ‘Back to Black’, you even got a glimpse that, as criminal as it might seem to suggest to purists, there’s a helluva Amy Winehouse jukebox Broadway musical waiting in the wings somewhere, and Rivera could have easily been its star.)
As commanding as Naya Rivera could be as a solo singer, her duets were full of a delicious tension. The job in a duet is to share the scene as democratically as possible while still bringing out the best in your partner and elevating the song. These were skills many in the cast had, though they occasionally had to juggle the meta-element that when the show became a phenomenon, the behind-the-scenes who-likes-who, who-hates-who gossip that fascinated early social media audiences could be at odds to the show’s scripted plot (though it seems the show’s creative team also deliberately worked the real-life stuff into the fictional stuff. A notable example of this was when Rivera and Lea Michele, who were rumored and since confirmed to be clashing backstage personalities — and as recent reports show, Rivera wasn’t the only one to find Michele difficult — sing a sweet song called ‘Be Okay’, almost as though they were ordered to by the network. Both are thoroughly professional, and by the end you don’t just think that maybe Santana and Rachel are really friends, but that Rivera and Michele had buried all their hatchets in a Fox studio wall as well.)
The duet partner for Santana I liked best was provided by one of ‘Glee’s’ other volcanic vocalists, Amber Riley. As Riley has since shown in her London West End role as Effie in ‘Dreamgirls’, and in TV productions of ‘The Wiz’ and ‘The Little Mermaid’, she is a formidable talent. Yet watch one of their songs together, ‘The Boy is Mine’, and see if your eyes don’t want to stay just watching Rivera’s performance in its entirety?
To see a more dynamic and perfectly matched dual performance, ‘Glee’ gave us the galvanic gift that is Amber Riley and Naya Rivera alternating and harmonizing into their own ‘wall of sound’ on the Tina Turner classic, ‘River Deep Mountain High.’ Turners vocals on the original are so singular, nothing can touch them. Just the way she crests the first line with a jagged crag in the middle of a note lets you know this is going to be sung from a place of both ache and power.
The ‘Glee’ version leans into the power angle. Santana and Mercedes brim with the ‘girlpower’ term used at the time, the youthful brio of being able to dream of scaling mountains. The choreography then counter-points and really gets it right by giving the singers the dance moves reminiscent of 60s girl-groups, and while it starts out sort of cute and ironic, by the end the choreography becomes mature and electrifying. When Riley sings the first verse, she has gospel runs and exquisite phrasing. She could easily overwhelm anyone. Rivera’s choice is to find her own place to put the appealing but melancholy cracks in her voice, harmonize beautifully, and then release her own blasts of power. The performance says more about ‘empowerment’ than pages of script could. ‘River Deep Mountain High’ is also notable for giving Rivera a chance to be charming in ways she usually didn’t get to be with all her ‘mean girls’ posing; when they get to the part about the ‘rag doll’, both singers mug, but Rivera’s brief clownishness when acting out that rag doll is unexpectedly loose and charming.
Of course, the journey for Santana on the show, and you’ll find many ‘Glee’ fans and pop culture critics who will argue that the show ultimately was about Santana, crucially centers on the classic ‘finding your voice’ view of young adulthood, and central to that, the relationship between Santana and Brittany. Nearly any news or lifestyle site of the past week that had a space for pop culture featured the heartbroken, deeply affected voices of many lesbians and queer people writing about the deep connection they felt towards the relationship and the visibility and identification it gave them.
Of more than passing interest, depending on how transgressive you thought of it, was the pairing between an Afro-Latina character and a white blonde cheerleader who could have stepped out of the background of a Taylor Swift video. Think of where we were in 2009 and that still would have been pushing boundaries. (The show was one of the first to normalize same-gender kisses.)
In Rivera’s scenes with her non-accepting Abuela (the great Ivonne Coll), she is as real as it gets — not only deeply hurt, but uncomprehending in the way so many gay kids can be when they are rejected simply because of their orientation. “But I’m the same person I was a minute ago.” One can imagine these scenes (and the contrapuntal ones between Kurt and his more accepting father) provided a lifeline to young queer people themselves caught up in the process of making decisions about how to come out, and in particular, to Latinx queer people, who found representation and resources hard to come by and certainly not in the media.
And in real life, Rivera, who did not identify as gay, proved to be a significant ally. She responded to queer fans, particularly young women, and she represented by hosting the GLAAD media awards, advocating for The Trevor Project and by speaking responsibly and articulately about what her fans had confessed to her.
The way the show frequently featured LGBTQ imagery was playful and willful. They weren’t representing all queer women; they were representing these two using a particular transgressive iconography. Teen lesbian cheerleaders weren’t invented with ‘Glee’; the queer film ‘But I’m a Cheerleader’ was released in 1999. But by keeping Santana (as well as the other ‘Cheerios’) in their squad outfits 24/7, Rivera started to look like it wasn’t just her cheer attire, it was her superhero uniform. You have your masked and fully-covered marvels; here was a fearless teen titan in sleeveless emblematic mini-skirt cutting through the hallways. Her superpowers? A withering glare that could refreeze the Arctic, an ability to shoot insults like a laser beam, and a pinkie-finger-linking with Britney that could heal your heart. Most of all, a voice that could fill a canyon and fleet feet that could leap over all calamity.
Until she couldn’t. When superheroes die, mere mortals look to the sky and feel, perhaps unreasonably but still undeniably, abandoned. Shocked, stunned, grievous. We look backward, because looking forward has just been removed as an option, and the realization of what will never be is too excruciating.
I couldn’t figure out what happened to Naya Rivera after ‘Glee’, given my hopes and expectations. She released quite a catchy single, ‘Sorry’, and later a memoir, ‘Sorry (Not Sorry.’) I didn’t realize she had joined a new show, the Youtube continuation of the ‘Step Up’ series, but now I do and she’s terrific in it. But to those of us who dropped our eyes from her a bit, I just remember it was because it seemed like there was tabloid stuff, personal tumult, a few seemingly misguided appearances or comments here or there. I was a hopeful, hopeful fan of her talent, not slavish to any TMZ notorieties — but those great female stars of the 30s and 40s? They were no strangers to splashy headlines either.
When I did watch ‘Turner Classics’ or my library of DVDS with some of those ‘Golden Age’ actresses, more than a few times I’d think of Rivera, search IMDB to see if she was getting that Oscar-worthy role yet. Or when there were increasing public discussions that called for better representation of people of color in media, I’d think: Naya Rivera! What’s she doing now? Why isn’t she in a big movie, headed for her superstardom? How did Hollywood’s famously white-screen blindness eclipse even gifts this generous?
So I’d check in the way we do now, with her IG feed or in passing hear about the occasional tweet. There would be a picture of her beauty, sometimes posed in the ‘sexy’ currency that builds and keeps ‘followers’ entranced and ‘promotes content.’
But occasionally Naya would post a picture with her son Josey, who she eventually was raising as a single mom. As many of her followers saw, in those fateful days of early July, I ‘liked’ a beautifully tender picture with Mom and Josey, eyelash close, captioned ‘Just the two of us.’ It seemed so peaceful. This must be what she wants to be doing, I thought. Happy for her. One of the miracles of ‘Glee’ was how they put on hour-long musicals once a week for six years, with 18-hour days. Who could begrudge anyone some rest after that?
But selfishly I also still wanted that album, that movie, that new film directed by her, something more from the force of nature that is, was, Naya Rivera and I gave more than a passing thought that with today’s reckonings, with greater sensitivity to the racism that undergirded so many institutions, the world would finally open up to her in the way it did for so many white actresses before her. It was her time.
Until it wasn’t.
That’s hard to reconcile. We’re supposed to say, as fans from afar, our grief is nothing compared to that of her family, friends, cast mates and of course that’s true. But it’s also true that the grief of a fan is not nothing. Those of us who didn’t know her personally, but were in awe of her talent, shouldn’t shut feelings of loss down. I think it honors Naya Rivera to mourn publicly the way so many fans have, ‘Gleeks’ or not. She was someone who had such hard-won achievement yet still such potential. And for some reason, the power brokers that be didn’t see it or find a place for it in time. We can grieve that mistake, and that which can’t be brought back or won’t be left as a long-career legacy.
That someone with so much soulful presence could suddenly disappear from this earth, at a time when we are all so careful not to lose each other, was wrenching. In consolation, I turned to a lot of Rivera’s performances from the show, though now of course they all carry a melancholy, stinging twinge. (For more on this, just look at the many comments on the pages where the videos are originally posted.)
You hear Naya Rivera sing Winehouse, and it’s hard not to think of how they both died young. You see her love for Brittany acted so convincingly, you think about Heather Morris, the actress who played her and wonder how she will weather this — thoughts that are none of your business, but you still have them. I found myself thinking of Kevin McHale who played ‘Artie’ on the show, and who seems so clear-headed; what would he say? You read Chris Colfer’s tribute to her and shed more than a few tears. You hear her sing ‘If I Die Young’ in tribute to Corey Monteith, and you recall that Rivera’s body was finally found on the day that Monteith died. It’s a lot.
There’s a memorable moment in the early run when Monteith’s Finn stops Santana in the familiar Glee alley of lockers and linoleum. She’s annoyed that he has outed her, and indeed he’s done her wrong. But the character is also written as sincere. Finn’s logic may be that of a teenager’s but he tells Santana that he didn’t ‘out’ her to hurt her, but to help her realize that she would still be accepted. He’d heard of someone who recorded an ‘It Gets Better’ video but later killed himself. He doesn’t want that to happen to her; ‘you mean something to me.’ He tells her that if something ever happened to her and he didn’t do everything in his power to stop it, he could never live with himself. Santana is left speechless at the tenderness, even as she’s furious — Rivera could convey both in a single look.
The context we have now in 2020 makes the brief scene heavy with portent and sadness. In actuality, Rivera was saddened that she couldn’t do more to stop Monteith’s untimely death from a drug overdose. That would be subtext enough. But now, with the timing of her death and the anniversary of his? It’s shattering. But I kept watching, and there was something that reminded me of my own experience teaching high school. A few minutes later, or a few episodes later, the kids are singing and dancing and throwing ‘Big Quenches’ at each other, and seldom has the show’s mission to show the fullness of life seemed so clear. I’ve found that to be true when I’ve gone through difficult times, or my school has, and still had to walk through the classroom door. No matter how sad I’ve been, there’s always a student offering, well, cheer.
Maybe we did get the movie Naya Rivera was on this earth to make after all. Because that scene between Santana and Finn was early in the show’s run. By ‘Glee’s’ end several years later, Santana didn’t hurt herself. She survived high school, she stumbled a little but recovered, she found her way, she was able to get onstage at a Broadway audition and sing ‘Don’t Rain on My Parade’ and give us a big, big moment of triumph; maybe she’ll get the part, she’s definitely going to get the girl. Just like an old musical.
And that’s why I wrote this: we talk about ‘Glee’ as a TV show, but maybe it was one long film. If you go back and watch ‘Glee’ with a particular focus on Rivera, you’ll see an extraordinary rise-and-fall-and-rise-again achievement; she’s one of the major leads of an epic. Sure it’s a movie full of silliness, toss-aways, occasional meanderings or repetitive plotlines, but it’s also full of heart and compassion. This seasons-long coming-of-age starred this African/Latina/Queer Ally/Queen who reigned with a crackling laugh, a stunning beauty and vivacious spirit.
If that’s all we were fated to get of Naya Rivera, she hit her mark — the line where enough and not enough meet. Maybe the silvery phantoms of Bette Davis, Rosalind Russell, Joan Crawford and Barbara Stanwyck, who all knew their own injustices within the Hollywood system, maybe they were all waiting in the wings as she sang the curtain down. “Come on kid,” they might say, in old movie parlance. “You went out there a youngster but you came back: a Star!”
✍️The Couch Tamale✍️
Film, Music, Peak TV, Diversity— Tom Cendejas is sitting on a sofa and unwrapping Pop Culture with a Latino eye, one husk at a time.
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residentanchor · 5 years
A Stone’s Throw Away
Act 1, Chapter 1
Once upon a time… Magic existed in harmony amongst the people of a peaceful kingdom. Until one day, there was an evil sorcerer that attacked the kingdom with his magic, wishing to dethrone the king and take the crown for himself. He believed himself better than those without magic. With an evil army at his side, the sorcerer had almost succeeded, until a witch betrayed him and helped the king, locking the evil sorcerer away with her magic. To release the sorcerer, one with good intentions had to wish to break him free of his cage. Though, no one wanted to wish evil upon the land once more, leaving him trapped forever.
“Patty!” Patton jumped, startled at the sound of his little sister’s voice, and looked up from the book he had been reading from. “You’ve already read us this story!” She whined, huffing and kicking her feet in her bed from under the blankets. “Tell us a different one!”
“Yeah, new story!” He looked at his younger sisters, each squished into a much too small bed with one another. They each began kicking up a fuss, chanting together for a different story.
He could only sigh as he rested the worn out book down into his lap. “I’ve gone through all the stories already and we don’t have any more books. Besides, this one is your favorite!” 
Despite his words, they continued to chant. “New story, new story!”
“Girls, quiet!” Patton looked over to the bed with some of his other sisters that were a bit closer to him in age. “If you ask nicely, perhaps Patton can make up a new story for you.”
“New story then, right.” Patton closed the book in his lap and took a moment. “Okay, so, once upon a time… there was a princess who dreamed of exploring the world and going on a big adventure…”
The early morning sun was just barely making its way over the horizon. The sherbet colors of the sky were blocked by mountains and starting to light up the town and surrounding forest. It was always the best part of Patton’s day. He appreciated that nothing could stop the stubborn sun from getting up every single morning. Sure, clouds and rain could block it, but he knew that behind all that was the sun, making its daily journey across the sky. If the sun can get up and face the day every morning, then gosh darn it, so can he! He loved mornings the most. His sisters were still asleep and his parents let him keep to his own devices as they got ready for the day. Patton had to tend to the few chickens that had survived the harsh winter and tend to the few crops the poor soil could manage to grow. He always had a bandana tied around his neck to help wipe away the sweat as he worked and rolled up his sleeves as he dug in the dirt. Then, he had to separate what they could keep for themselves and what they could sell. By then, the early morning market would be open and Patton could run down with his small supply to the stand he had helped build and try to see how much he could make. Some mornings, his mother managed to throw a loaf of bread or two onto the pile. On colder mornings, fresh warm bread was the best and Patton would always come home with a few more copper coins in his pocket. Life wasn’t perfect but it was what he was given to work with and that was more than enough. Most days he got to be outside and enjoy the warm sun on his tanned skin, and the rain was always a refreshing change of pace that helped crops grow, even if it didn’t agree with his dark, curly hair that would always frizz up. They could only afford one raincoat and most days it was Patton’s to use. He would tend to the garden and animals and still be able to go to the market with a lower risk of getting sick. 
And yet… every day, Patton looked to the sky and closed his eyes as the warmth of the sun shined down on him, dreaming of the day he would finally step foot out of the town and start his own adventure. He loved his family and what he had, but nothing in the village ever changed. He and his parents pushed to keep their family warm and fed since his sisters were still so young. Even the closest to him in age was just becoming an adult, but Patton wanted to make sure they all got the chance he always wanted. They would finish their schooling first before they would help out the family in hopes that one day, they’d be able to do more with their lives. He wanted them to have the opportunity he had given up.
On the bright side, life at the market was always interesting. Every day, the same few people would set up and try to sell whatever their families managed to harvest. Patton set up next to an older woman named Mrs. Morris that specialized in making jams. She was friendly and loved to talk but was a terrible gossip. Patton always got the latest scoop, not that he ever really cared, but it was nice when she had heard something about his sisters.
“Patton, sweetie, I’m so glad you’re here! You won’t believe what Margaret is up to now!”
After a couple hours in the sun, Patton sighed and looked down in his basket at the scraps that still remained. There were a few things he thought he might be able to sell off easy, but it just wasn’t his day. The sun had climbed high in the sky by that point. Standing at his makeshift table any longer was wasting time he could be doing chores and helping out back home, unfortunately. Packing up, Patton cleared off his little table so it would be ready the next morning for him. He grabbed his basket and headed back up the hill to his family’s cottage after waving goodbye to the others in the market.
“Mama, I’m back,” he kicked the door behind him shut as he walked in, kicking off his muddy boots. “We have leftovers today.”
He walked into the kitchen and found his mother preparing lunch for everyone. The short, middle-aged woman looked exhausted as always. The tired look in her eyes always broke his heart. “Well, that’s quite alright. There’s always tomorrow!”
“Right,” he mumbled, forcing a smile on his face. His mother always said that. ‘There’s always tomorrow’. Tomorrow always brought the same things. How many tomorrows have his mother waited until she expected something good to happen? How many times can she hope that tomorrow will bring something better? Her unwavering optimism was admirable and a bit heartbreaking at the same time. “Well, where is everyone?”
“Out. Your sisters didn’t have lessons today so I sent them out to keep them from going stir crazy. No need to be cooped up inside all day.”
Patton hummed and unpacked the basket of things that they would be able to use before pausing at the sound of a distant thump. He waited until he heard it again before looking out the back window, watching his father chop a log for firewood.  The bearded man lifted the axe and swung it down through a log of wood before pulling back. He huffed and puffed a bit, trying to catch his breath after, placing a hand on his lower back. The small stack of wood next to him showed that he hadn’t been at it for very long. “What is Father doing? He’s going to hurt himself!”
“Oh, you know him. Wanted to help and telling him ‘no’ is like talking to a wall.”
“He threw out his back last time, what is he thinking?” Patton marched to the back door but stopped when his mother reached out and gently grabbed his arm.
“I know, dear, but he’s feeling a bit down about not being able to help out much and you’ve been doing so much lately. Just let him have this?” 
He hesitated a moment before pulling his hand away from the doorknob. “If he hurts himself again, he’s not allowed to chop firewood ever again.”
“Oh, I’d love to see you stop him. I think you’re the only one who could, just as stubborn as he is.”
Patton smiled and helped with lunch while glancing occasionally out the back window. He kept a close eye on his father, watching as he huffed and struggled to do just a little bit of chopping. He was happy to call him eat once lunch had been prepared. Then, after everyone had eaten, he helped clean up before helping his mother clean. There would be a loose floorboard or something would have broken that he would try and fix. Just before dinner, his sisters would beg for him to play and no matter how tired he was, he could never say no. He would eat, clean up and head to bed after telling them a story, just like he did every night. He would wake up just before the sun the next day and repeat this process over and over, as he always had, and always will.
Such was the life of Patton Darling.
“Marissa, where is your younger sister? It’s time to leave for your lessons!” “Which sister, Ma? There’s half a dozen of us.”
“I’ve got her.” Patton walked in with his youngest sister, Tabby, trailing behind him. “She’s all dressed and ready to go!” Patton held onto the heavy basket in his arms as he watched his sisters get ready for the day. He had to head down to the marketplace before it got to be too late, but some mornings, he couldn’t help but get wrapped up in the chaos that was the Darling household. 
Tabby turned around and smiled up at her big brother. “Patty, can you get a new book to read to us at night, please? Pretty please?!”
“I go to the market to make money, Tabs, not spend it.” She looked up at him, crocodile tears shining in her eyes. He sighed, knowing to not even bother fighting with her. “I can look, but no guarantees! Okay?” She ran forward and gave him a hug, almost knocking into the basket. “Thanks, Patty!”
Seeing all his sisters run out the door was enough to get Patton moving. He was late already, but he could still make the morning rush if he hurried to his stand. Rushing down the hill to the center of town and waving to his younger sisters, Patton held his basket close as he headed for his makeshift stall to sell the little their family had to offer. 
It wasn’t the best source of income, but with Patton’s father growing older in age, it was getting harder and harder to make ends meet. Patton never knew how much he would manage to sell that day. The side of the market he sold at was usually filled with men in similar situations just trying to get by for their own families. The only times they managed to sell anything were when the main shops were running low or people were in a hurry and needed something cheap. Most days left Patton with a basket heavier than he hoped and his wallet lighter than he wished.
This particular morning went okay. He managed to sell a bit he had gotten that morning fresh from the garden. The weather was growing warmer and Patton’s strawberry plant was starting to sprout as spring started. Selling fresh strawberries would help greatly, but that was still far too long in advance. The plant was weeks from flowering, let alone growing any fruit.
As the sun stood high in the sky, Patton looked over to the center of town. His savings dried up when his father had hurt himself in the winter; otherwise, Patton would just go and buy a new book for his sisters right now. The crowds had begun to thin out as the village went about their own business and other stalls began to pack up for the day. It wasn’t going to be a good day, yet again, though Patton couldn’t do much about it.
Packing up his small basket, he frowned and turned back into town. He couldn’t afford to spend any of the earnings frivolously, but it couldn’t hurt to look for a book and see how much he would need. It was at least something he could do for his sisters. Even if the ones closest to him in age weren’t into fairy tales, they did enjoy reading as much as Patton had, even if he didn’t get the chance to read very often for fun.
The town really had thinned out, but there were still plenty of people hustling by, dropping off deliveries and worrying about their own lives. Weaving through the crowds, Patton found the small library that was also attached to the outpost in case any guards from the castle stopped by. They were pretty far out so the space was often just used as storage, but the building needed someone to maintain the upkeep, so a library it was. New books didn’t come through often and when they did get a delivery, it was usually for the small school. Patton missed the days of learning he had, but he left school early to help his family so his sisters wouldn’t have to do the same.
The old door creaked open but no one was visible inside. The librarian was more of a maintenance man taking care of the old building that also just happened to take care of the books while he was at it. Walking carefully, the small selection on the shelves stared back at Patton as he couldn’t help but smile. He didn’t have much time, but he could sort through and try to pick something out before he had to head back home. There wasn’t much to choose from, but he did find a book or two that would do the job. They weren’t terribly expensive either! He could pull a few extra errands for a little while and hopefully have enough to purchase the book by the end of the month!
He left the library, basket in hand, filled with new hope. It wasn’t as quick as his sisters would have liked, but it was the best he could do. He loved to spoil them any chance he got and it had been a rough winter for all of them, but this was enough to put a spring back in Patton’s step. “Woah!” Patton stumbled back and his heart jumped as he barely managed to run into someone in his excitement. “Careful there!” “I’m so sorry!” Patton checked his basket and looked back up as he apologized. “I didn’t see you there!” “I suppose I was walking too close to the door, my apologies!” Patton blinked and grew confused as he realized he didn’t recognize the man in front of him. “I didn’t mean to slow you down.” “Oh, no! That’s okay! Are, uh. Are you new here? Just passing through?” “Is it that obvious?” The man laughed and ran a hand through his hair nervously. “Yeah, I’m a traveling messenger. Saw this quaint little village and decided to see if I could resupply before heading out.”
“Oh!” Patton perked up and smiled. “That’s so exciting!”
The man laughed again as the sparkle and wonder lit up in Patton’s eyes. “Yeah, nothing too glamorous, but I get to enjoy the view everywhere I go.” “That’s so cool! I’ve always wanted to leave this village and see new sights! Have you got any amazing adventure stories?” “Calm there, friend. I’m nothing special, but I have seen a thing or two. How about you show me where I could stock up on supplies and I tell you a tale?” “Of course!” Shifting his basket to one arm, Patton stuck out a hand. “Name’s Patton Darling!”
The stranger took his hand and gave it a firm shake. “Roman. Roman Grimsby.”
“Well, Roman Grimsby,” Patton shifted his basket into both hands once more as he turned to walk. “What brings you to our village?” “I’m headed to the castle, actually. Have some business there.” Patton froze immediately and stared at Roman. “Something wrong?” “The castle? You have business at the castle?!”
“Nothing like that, just delivering a letter to someone’s family, then I head back with the response. So nothing too special.”
Despite Roman trying to shake it off, Patton was immediately taken with the stranger. “But you still get to go to the castle! That’s amazing! I’ve never even left this town!” “Well,” Roman turned and started walking once more. “Maybe one day you and I can have a real adventure of our own, hm?” Patton felt his heart flutter as he raced after the messenger, catching up to show him the way.
“And he told me about this time he had to cross this bridge but it was out! He managed to climb down and across and back up in a day! It wasn’t too steep but then he was behind, so he took a shortcut through these thick woods and-” “Patty!” Patton jumped at the sound of his mother’s raised voice. “You’ve been talking about this Roman fella for a while! You keep talking about this boy and I’m gonna start thinkin’ that you’re smitten with him.”
Patton flushed at the accusation, Roman’s smile flashed in his mind as he shook his head. “No, ‘course not! But he promised he’d come back through so I could talk to him again!” His mother gave him a look before he huffed. “Ma, I haven’t had a friend my age since I was schooled! I’m working all the time, let me have one person in my life outside this family?”
Patton regretted the words immediately as his mother looked down in guilt. “You’re right, I’m sorry. Just teasin’ ya is all. I’m glad to see you being so excited all the time. I’ve missed that smile on your face, my baby boy.”
“Maaaaa, don’t say things like that!” Patton smiled and reached out, wrapping his mother in a hug. “I do it ‘cause I love my family. It’s just nice to get a break once in a while.”
“I know, baby.” His mother reached up and Patton bowed his head so she could plant a kiss on it. “I just want what’s best for you. One day, we’ll all be good and I want you to be able to live your life and not worry about all of us, alright?”
“Of course, Mama.”
Though, Patton knew that wish was still far from coming true.
A few days had passed and Patton had begun doing extra chores around the village. He helped pull weeds and garden for some of the older villagers for a few coins. Some had housework that Patton didn’t mind helping with. Loose floorboards and windows that needing some fixing because they wouldn’t open. A few odds and ends took up all of his spare time before he headed home and did the same for his own family.
It wasn’t until a week later that a familiar traveler made his way back through the village. Patton was at his stall, trying to sell a day old loaf of bread when Roman approached him with a few copper coins in his hands. “Roman!” Patton almost dropped the bread he had been trying to sell for pretty much anything at that point. He held the loaf close to his chest and smiled at the messenger. His heart fluttered as Roman smiled back at him “You’re back!”
“Indeed, I have returned as promised! Now, how much?” The messenger pointed to the loaf of bread. “Oh, no! I couldn’t!” Patton shifted back, hiding the loaf close to his chest. 
Roman raised a brow and shifted on his feet, holding a hand out with three copper pieces in it. “You were willing to sell it just a moment before, but now that you have a buyer, you have changed your mind? It must be the best bread in the whole village!” Patton smiled but shook his bread. “Oh, no. The baker has far better options. This is just a load ma made yesterday that I couldn’t sell.” “Then three copper is plenty, right?” Roman placed the money on the makeshift stall Patton always used before reaching out and grabbing the bread. Patton looked up at him silently as he let go, watching the other wrap it in cloth before shoving it into his bag. “That will be wonderful with my dinner tonight, thank you Patton.” “O-oh. You’re welcome.”
Roman had kept his promise to talk before he ventured off back to his employer. Roman Grimsby was the opposite of Patton in many ways. He grew up an only child and left his family the first change he got. He wanted to travel, but not really to adventure. He had hoped to find a place to settle down and make a life somewhere before he came across the messenger job. He never actively sought out adventure, letting it come to him instead. Patton was enraptured by his stories, desperately wishing to be a part of them one day. Traveling with Roman and waiting to see what the next horizon would bring or snuggled next to each other under the stars at night to keep warm. 
Luckily, Roman’s messenger job was not yet completed. He would be delivering letters back and forth for a little while, giving him the chance to stop by the village as he traveled through. Every time, Roman would wave goodbye with a promise to stop by next time he was in the area. Every time, it was heartbreaking to Patton. He never knew when Roman would come back, if he ever would. He was simply exchanging letters to someone closer to the castle and this was the best route for him to take, but who knows how long that would last? Patton always sent him off with a snack and a smile, hoping his promise to return would be sooner than the last.
Chapter 2>>
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all-theimaginess · 6 years
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We’re Inevitable - Part 3
Fandom: Newsies Pairing: eventual Davey x reader Word Count: ~2,000 Tag List: @helplessfor-fictionalcharacters @races-cigar @ghostiex-x @theresagoodchanceicouldfly @benniebadeend @rxcer @the-navistar-carol A/N: Hey everyone! I’m back with an update. I hope that you enjoy it. Taglist is still open! (Strikethrough means that your tag didn’t work)
Part One  Part Two -- Part Four
The day started with you waking up before dawn to find Jack gone. You soon remembered that Jack was most likely on his way to, or on the way back from, Brooklyn. Starting to wake-up more fully, you slowly got up. It wouldn’t be long before the morning bell rang and the newsies started getting up. Carefully, you made your way down the fire escape and rushed to Medda’s theater. Today would be an interesting day, you could just feel it. It didn’t matter how things ended up. After today, things would be different. The better or worse hadn’t been decided yet.
Although your room at Medda’s theater was technically an extra dressing room that was semi-attached to the costume closet, you were happy to call it home. Fabric was draped across chairs and the edges of the hanging rack in the corner that held unfinished and torn costumes.
Quickly, you flipped through the dresses on your clothes rack before deciding on one. The one you chose was care-worn, but maintained its simple charm. You smiled, catching your reflection in the mirror once you got the dress looking just the way you wanted. It would be perfect for whatever happened in the day ahead. You exited the theater just as the morning bell rang.
Most of the Manhattan newsies had yet to arrive when you reached newsies square. Your pace sped up you saw Jack standing with some of the other newsies in front of the ‘The World’ gate. As you made your way toward them, you noticed that none of the Brooklyners were there. Your expression faltered, but you refused to let any of the boys see any loss of hope. Optimism and perseverance would be everything if they had any hope of winning against Pulitzer and the other papers. Of course, more people wouldn’t hurt either, but the newsies would do the best with what they had. It was what they had always done. “Brooklyn waitin’ to make a dramatic entrance or something?” You asked sarcastically with a light chuckle.
The guys chuckled and nodded their heads in hello as you passed them. “What’d you do, leave the new kid in Brooklyn?” you asked Jack jokingly to cover your curiosity as to where Davey was.
“Hm?” Jack’s gaze focused on you, “Oh, nah. He just had to run home to get Les. Said he’d be right back.” Jack attempted to subtly, yet critically take a look at you. “You look nice...”
“Thanks,” you answer with simple caution, “So do you. Tryin’ to look nice for the papes, or the reporter?” you ask in a cheeky fashion. Casually, you glanced around to see if any other newsies had joined the group and more had.
Jack smirked, “I could ask you almost the same question.”
Your brows furrowed in fake confusion and shook your head. “I got no idea what you’re talking about..”
“Look, I get it. You’ve liked him for a long time, so you took this opportunity to look nice. Maybe you’se thinking that he’ll finally see what’s in front of him...” He pushed verbally, leaning forward slightly.
Anxiety coursed through your body. You were so busted. You were sure that Jack knew, but you had to try and play it off. You shrugged when he paused, acting casual. You wouldn’t say that you liked Davey for a long time, you met him almost a week ago. Wait, who was Jack talking about?
When you didn’t respond, Jack continued, “I just don’t want you getting hurt, alright? And if Racetrack hurts you, I’ll kill him, there ain't no doubt about that,” he smiled protectively, “But, I can’t stop you from going after somebody that makes you happy. ...Unless it’s a Delancey, then we’d talk.” Jack cracked a more easy-going smile and you chuckled. Jack continued with a tired grin,“I just want you to be happy.”
Relief washed through you. You weren't busted after all. “I know, you just want the best for me,” you smiled warmly. When all of this calmed down, you really needed to tell Jack what was going on with you. “Could you do me a favor and just not say nothin’?” There was already enough going on and you didn't feel like adding to the chaos. You looked around once more and noticed that Race, Buttons, and Finch had arrived.
“Not a problem. Tell him when youse is ready.” Jack smiled, and squeezed your upper arm.
“Tell who, what?”
You tensed at the newly familiar voice that came up from behind. You turned with an easy smile on your face. There was curiosity and a tinge of worry gracing Davey’s features. “Nothing. Everything’s fine. It’s nothing that can’t wait until this is through,” you reassured. Davey’s expression seemed to lighten. “I’m gonna go check in with some of the other newsies.”
“Yeah, you do that.” Jack sounded amused. You were sure that he thought you were looking for Racetrack, but in reality you knew that being seen interacting with Davey would more than likely give you away. That was something you just weren’t ready for.
~~Time skip~~
With Wiesel and the Delanceys gone to get reinforcements, there was a moment to breathe. All of the triumphant faces made your heart swell. You hadn’t even noticed that Katherine had arrived. Next thing you knew, you were being pulled into the photo by Davey. You posed and smiled as the flash of the camera felt like it temporarily blinded you.
Then suddenly, everyone was celebrating and hugging, some were even playfully throwing papers in the air. You happily turned and hugged Buttons, and then Racetrack, who embraced you tightly before he handed you pages of newspaper to toss with a playful smile.
All of the celebrating ended with the sound of two hits of a club against metal.
The chaos that ensued soon after was exhilarating and terrifying. Papes were flying, barrels and wagons were rolling, and everywhere you turned there were newsies fighting. Everything seemed to be going alright. The newsies seemed to be more than holding their own.
Then the cops showed up, and things turned ugly real fast.
Adrenaline pumped through your veins as you ran around, attempting to help and avoid the cops. Someone grabbed you at the waist and started to pull you away. Instantly, your instincts kicked in. You looked back to find that it was Morris, then turned quickly to elbow him in the face and stomp his foot. You didn’t have time to appreciate his look of surprise before you escaped from his embrace.
Newsies were starting to clear out of newsies square. Not fully paying attention, you run into Davey and Les. “Gotta stop meeting like this,” he said with a tired smile, “Follow me.”
“Where to?” You asked.
Davey grabbed your hand and smiled. “Trust me.”
The three of you ran a few blocks before figuring out that no one was chasing you.  Davey had yet to let go of your hand, and you hoped that he wouldn't any time soon. “It's so pretty here,” you noted, before looking over at Davey. He seemed to be carrying himself a certain way, the adrenaline wearing off. His pace slowed. Your gaze took in the park that you had no idea existed while Davey guided you slowly to a nearby bench, without you realizing he let go of your hand when he sat down.
You looked over to find Davey sitting rigidly and looking up at you. Les was sitting on the grass beside the bench. You looked discreetly down at your hand and smiled fondly. When you looked back at Davey’s posture, you figured out that was feeling some pain was starting to set in. Your smile faded with worry as you sat close to him. “Are you alright?” You asked, turning yourself to take him in.
“Yeah, I just need a moment,” he sighed tiredly and glanced over at his younger brother. “Les, you alright?”
Les was holding onto his left arm as he looked up at Davey. “My arm hurts a bit.”
Your lips pursed as you leaned slightly over Davey. “If you two can handle it, I should have fabric back at the theatre to make a sling. It ain’t too far from here, I think,” you offered, leaning back to where you were.
The Jacobs brothers shared glances, silently debating before coming to a conclusion moments later. “Alright, lead on.” Davey stated, slowly rising from the bench before helping Les.
Getting back to the theatre took slightly longer than you thought it would. You sighed in relief when you finally reached your destination. “Home sweet home,” you smiled triumphantly before opening the door to the costume closet that was attached to your living quarters. “Feel free to sit anywhere that there isn’t stray fabric.” You casually picked up pieces of fabric to clear seating options while also keeping an eye out for one that would work for Les.
You returned triumphant minutes later with a random piece of neutral looking fabric and an ice pack for Davey. You handed Davey the ice pack and crouched down close in front of Les and gestured for his arm, the fabric ready. He winced in pain as you maneuvered the fabric to where it needed to be. You checked with Les before tying the sling closed. He said that it felt good and thanked you for your help. “It’s the least I can do,” you smiled, “Now, you try to relax. And, no more fights, Okay?” Les nodded tiredly and relaxed back into his seat.
Up until now, you had been trying not to think about the fact that you had been able to feel Davey’s full attention on you. Clearly, you were failing miserably. Though, maybe this meant something. Maybe he felt the same way. Or, it could just be that you were taking care of his brother and he was eyeing you like a hawk, like any protective older brother would do. You looked back at Davey when you heard him speak. “You’re good with him,” he stated.
“He’s a good kid. Quite the trooper out there today,” you smiled coyly as you took in his features, “you all were.” A bruise was starting to show on his cheek. “I think I might have something for that bruise...” You were in the middle of rising when Davey cut you off.
“It’s fine. Doesn’t even hurt,” he reassured you as he rose to stand, “Thank you, for ah, makin’ the sling for Les.” He moved himself subtly closer to you.
“Like I said, it’s the least I can do. You guys got me outta there. I should be the one thanking you...” You trailed off, looking down. You sat the refused jar of ointment down on the desk beside you. “So, thank you Davey.” You quickly grabbed his hands, before your courage left you, leaned in and kissed his un-bruised cheek. The kiss only lingered for a moment before you pulled back slowly, realizing how close your faces were. You could see a hint of a smile grace his face. You tried pulling away, taking a step or two before Davey pulled you back in.
Davey’s eyes glanced down to your lips before returning to your gaze. One of Davey’s hands let go of yours and cupped the side of your face. He leaned in slowly as if asking for permission. You smiled and closed your eyes before you started leaning.
When you were merely centimeters apart, the door of the costume closet shot open, banging against the wall, and you and Davey jolted apart. Racetrack pushed his way into the area seemingly not realizing immediately that he might have interrupted something. He paused for a moment with a smirk. “What’s going on here?” You could hear the humor in his voice as Les rubbed his eyes.
“Nothin’ Race, I was just helping Davey and Les,” you covered, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “Everything alright?”
“Uh huh, sure.” He said, with a look that suggested ‘we’ll talk later’. “Everything’s not alright. They got Crutchie. He’s gone to the refuge.”
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deepdarkwaters · 7 years
Kingsman: The Golden Circle
Got back from the Kingsman double bill a bit ago and am trying to put my brain into words even though I'm very tired and a bit numb and I smuggled five hours' worth of gin into the cinema in an Evian bottle so I'm as drunk as Harry at breakfast time.
Watching them back to back like this was interesting because it highlighted so clearly how much better the first one is than this fumbly ridiculous sequel. Not saying it's not good or not worth watching or whatever because it absolutely is worth watching for several reasons I will babble after another teacup of gin, but holy god is this really the best they could come up with? REALLY? A 100% true fact that I believe with my entire heart: YOU reading this, you are a better writer than people being paid obscene money to write films. I could easily name thirty fic writers off the top of my head right now who have an infinitely better grasp on pacing and plot and characterisation and dialogue than the people responsible for this stuff. I've not read any press or fan reviews but I imagine there's going to be a hell of a lot of backlash over so much in this from every angle because it's just so incredibly lazy and sometimes ugly and absolutely cannot stand up to its own hype.
Really good things:
* Eggsy/Harry and Eggsy/Merlin shippers, goddamn we have a lot of new stuff to work with. Chemistry through the roof, especially Eggsy/Harry (including possibly the best clingy desperate hug I have ever seen on film in my entire life WE HAVE WAITED SO LONG AND IT'S HERE AND IT'S BEAUTIFUL). That was the heart and backbone of the first film, I'm so relieved that it's not only survived but evolved into something fiercer and often messier. So so good to watch. Pretty sure I've got Harry/Merlin written down the inside of my heart like the words in a stick of rock, and though it's not romantic you get much more of a sense of their friendship here and it's all just a bit shattering and gorgeous.
* Pretty much everything to do with Harry's memory loss and Eggsy and Merlin trying to shock him into remembering was great, Y E S  P L E A S E. And Harry's matter of fact comments about his loneliness, fuckkk. Angst writers, go forth with all this new information and break my heart some more! Fluff writers, fix him!
* Lots of beautiful intricate fight choreography which is literally all I need in my action films, so even if I did think the rest was complete balls (which I don't entirely) then I'd still be happy. Nothing comes near the vivid glorious gutpunch of the church scene as a standalone set piece, BUT there's so much Harry & Eggsy teamwork and please just inject this directly into my veins, it's amazing. Prepare for several years of me writing many more elaborate fight scenes than I already do.
* Part B to the above: Whiskey is a lot of fun and his fighting style is full on hardcore pornography to me.
* Merlin in a flawless Kingsman suit, RIP me.
* One of my Bespoke WIPs is about Merlin and Eggsy getting into the habit of going to the pub together sometimes and rolling home completely drunk with a kebab in each hand then trying to get in the house really quietly because Harry's asleep but they end up waking him because they think it'll be really nice to cook him breakfast in bed and Harry comes stomping downstairs in his dressing gown like "it's four o'fucking clock, put those frying pans away and drink some water!" while Merlin and Eggsy side eye each other and try not to giggle. So maudlin singing drunk Merlin was very nice to see :P
* Eggsy and Roxy bromance. There’s such lovely chemistry between them as well, it feels so natural and real, and it’s so good (and miserably rare) to see platonic friendships that aren’t shoehorned into some shitty boring love triangle.
* Eggsy and Tilde were seriously adorable. It ended up not at all satisfying as a romance plot arc because it was like CUTE - fight - marriage, it needed so much more screen time. Like all the important stuff was there, but it was just so abrupt. Include a satisfying romance or don't include one at all, fuck your lazy bullet points. But it started so well and I hope there's a ton of fic that treats them better than the script did. I appreciate the anti-Bond-ness of it all, that Eggsy's genuinely in love and wants to settle and is figuring out how that and his job can possibly fit together, especially with the complications of marrying into royalty. Interested to see where they take that if there's another film. Until then, soo much scope for fic.
* I'm shipping Harry/Elton like burning.
* Poppy was terrifying in a vaguely Umbridge-ish way. That sort of characterisation is always freaky, Julianne was great. So glossy and cheerful but absolutely dead in the eyes. And I'm ambivalent on Charlie, but I ABSOLUTELY want lots of brutal older woman villain/pathetic younger male minion smut. Please provide asap.
* T H E   M Y T H I C A L  B R E A K F A S T   S C E N E   I S   R E A L
Really bad things: well where the merry fuck do I start haha.
* I will never ever understand why they thought it was a good idea to wipe out all the locations and almost all the existing characters at the very beginning. It's lazy shitty writing. If you feel like you need to shake up your fictional world you don't just knock it all down and start over. It's cheap and very shallow angst.
* I only have two middle fingers but I need about seventeen million to even begin to profess my disgust at them killing Roxy. I knew it was going to happen, it was the only spoiler I asked someone for ahead of time and it was not at all a surprise to find out for sure. Still utterly infuriating. The way people responded so positively to her in the first one is a real indication of how ridiculously low the bar is for female characters in action films ("good at something" and "not the hero's love interest" are literally the only two requirements), and JG/MV didn't even think enough of her to follow through on the absolute base level achievement they made before. Fuck everyarse involved in this decision.
* Absolutely revolting honeypot mission scene. Not really the fact that it exists, just the entire way it was handled and shot - so predictably male-gazey and laddishly "waheyyy!" that it kind of turned my stomach. Horrible and completely unnecessary.
* A million new characters and not enough time spent on any of them to care. Tequila was barely more than a cameo. Champ and Ginger hardly had anything to do. All the Statesmen (except Whiskey) were completely two dimensional and it's such a jarring contrast to the obvious care taken over Eggsy, Merlin, and Harry. It's not even because we already know them, I don't think? It's weird to try and explain. The Statesman characters just feel so rushed and shallow, there's no substance to any of them. Kill off Roxy and replace her with paper cut-outs, ok that makes loads of sense!!! Whiskey’s a level up from the others because he gets loads more screen time and some beautiful fight scenes, but his ~emotional plot twist fell completely flat. I don’t know what it was, the pacing or a boring cliche backstory or what. It was just dull as fuck. WE HAVE HEARD THIS EXACT STORY FIVE MILLION TIMES.
A bad thing that's somehow not really a bad thing even though I'm fucking numb and want a hug:
* I've been raving for ages to people about Roxy being killed off and trying to figure out a way to satisfactorily explain how I feel about a character dying for a reason and a character dying because a writer is a lazy bastard who wants some quick angst. Merlin's death was an A+ wonderful death along the lines of my dear fictional boyfrends Quincey Morris and Lee Scoresby and a million others. Maybe it comes from all the swashbuckly historical adventure stories I grew up loving, but I'm a desperate sucker for a good noble death. Characters brave and self-aware enough to look at the bigger picture of an impossible situation and realise that their death means a better outcome for the people they love? This is ABSOLUTE CATNIP to me. Characters who go down fighting to the very end. If a character I love with my entire soul has to die, this is how I want it to happen. Give them some agency and a proper goodbye.
I mean I fully expect him to be magically resurrected with fancy prosthetic legs if there's another film because we saw those wedding set photos of him in the nice neon green cgi stockings, so really I should be saying "death". I totally reject this one. (I reject Roxy and JB's deaths as well, but the big difference is I really can't see the filmmakers bringing them back. Eyeroll.) Maybe that's what's making it easier to deal with? A not-real noble courageous self-sacrificing death. That's about as good as it gets. All three of them get Oscars for this whole sequence.
Anyway the tl;dr of it is:
This film is a very beautiful, very patchy mess. The good stuff is absolutely gloriously perfectly incredibly wonderful. Most of said good stuff is the interaction between Eggsy, Merlin, and Harry, which is written and performed with real care and heart. Nearly everything else is relatively lacklustre filler, misogyny, and shitty nonsensical decisions. These people cannot write women.
I liked it? I will definitely see it 900 more times, mainly for wet terrified Harry and gorgeous fight scenes. But ffs, how can it possibly be this difficult to pinpoint the reasons why people loved your extremely successful creation and consider including them in future plans?
I'm feeling fairly zen about everything. I kind of trained myself ages ago to think of sequels as just another bit of fanfic, so it's going to make absolutely no difference to the cheerful fluff porn and fight scenes I like to write. What I'm annoyed about isn't so much to do with ~new canon~ limiting what we're allowed to create for ourselves now, because that's just silly. It's more about being pissed off at the shoddy state of action films, particularly women in action films, when it seems like it should be SO EASY to take these astronomical budgets and create something groundbreaking. I'm so tired of this unimaginative lazy narrow-minded bullshit.
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forestwater87 · 7 years
John Dies at the End -- David Wong
So okay this is literally the best book I’ve ever read, but there’s really no way to explain “drug that lets you see into other dimensions turns two assholes into the worst exorcists ever” that doesn’t make it sound a little lame, so fuck it. I’m typing up the entire goddamn prologue.
If you need something to read, just . . . try it. It’s amazing. Try the book that the author calls a “convoluted NyQuil fever dream of a horror story,” “a Class II biohazard,” “the unholy thing I was growing in my brain’s murky cloning vat,” a “gruesome hyperactive chain of absurd non sequiturs,” “a crash between two semi trucks hauling napalm and vibrators,” “400 pages of undiagnosed personality disorder,” a “150,000-word cry for help,” “a hallucinogenic cacophonous Mardi Gras of fart monsters,” and “a 400-page tour through my misfiring synapses.”
Seriously, everyone. A work of fucking genius.
SOLVING THE FOLLOWING riddle will reveal the awful secret behind the universe, assuming you do not go utterly mad in the attempt. If you already happen to know the awful secret behind the universe, feel free to skip ahead.
Let’s say you have an ax. Just a cheap one, from Home Depot. On one bitter winter day, you use said ax to behead a man. Don’t worry, the man was already dead. Or maybe you should worry, because you’re the one who shot him.
He had been a big, twitchy guy with veiny skin stretched over swollen biceps, a tattoo of a swastika on his tongue. Teeth filed into razor-sharp fangs—you know the type. And you’re chopping off his head because, even with eight bullet holes in him, you’re pretty sure he’s about to spring back to his feet and eat the look of terror right off your face. On the follow-through of the last swing, though, the handle of the ax snaps in a spray of splinters. You now have a broken ax. So, after a long night of looking for a place to dump the man and his head, you take a trip into town with your ax. You go to the hardware store, explaining away the dark reddish stains on the broken handle as barbecue sauce. You walk out with a brand-new handle for your ax. The repaired ax sits undisturbed in your garage until the spring when, on one rainy morning, you find in your kitchen a creature that appears to be a foot-long slug with a bulging egg sac on its tail. Its jaws bite one of your forks in half with what seems like very little effort. You grab your trusty ax and chop the thing into several pieces. On the last blow, however, the ax strikes a metal leg of the overturned kitchen table and chips out a notch right in the middle of the blade. Of course, a chipped head means yet another trip to the hardware store. They sell you a brand-new head for your ax. As soon as you get home, you meet the reanimated body of the guy you beheaded earlier. He’s also got a new head, stitched on with what looks like plastic weed-trimmer line, and it’s wearing that unique expression of “you’re the man who killed me last winter” resentment that one so rarely encounters in everyday life. You brandish your ax. The guy takes a long look at the weapon with his squishy, rotting eyes and in a gargly voice he screams, “That’s the same ax that beheaded me!” IS HE RIGHT?
I WAS PONDERING that riddle as I reclined on my porch at 3:00 A.M., a chilled breeze numbing my cheeks and earlobes and flicking tickly hairs across my forehead. I had my feet up on the railing, leaning back in one of those cheap plastic lawn chairs, the kind that blow out onto the lawn during every thunderstorm. It would have been a good occasion to smoke a pipe had I owned one and had I been forty years older. It was one of those rare moments of mental peace I get these days, the kind you don’t appreciate until they’re ov— My cell phone screeched, the sound like a sonic bee sting. I dug the slim little phone from my jacket pocket, glanced at the number and felt a sickening little twinge of fear. I disconnected the call without answering. The world was silent again, save for the faint applause of trees rustling in the wind and crumbly dead leaves scraping lightly down the pavement. That, and the scuffle of a mentally challenged dog trying to climb onto the chair next to me. After two attempts to mount the thing, Molly managed to send the chair clattering onto its side. She stared at the toppled chair for several seconds and then started barking at it. The phone again. Molly growled at the chair. I closed my eyes, said an angry five-word prayer and answered the call. “Hello?” “Dave? This is John. Your pimp says bring the heroin shipment tonight, or he’ll be forced to stick you. Meet him where we buried the Korean whore. The one without the goatee.” That was code. It meant “Come to my place as soon as you can, it’s important.” Code, you know, in case the phone was bugged. “John, it’s three in the—” “Oh, and don’t forget, tomorrow is the day we kill the president.” Click. He was gone. That last part was code for, “Stop and pick me up some cigarettes on the way.” Actually, the phone probably was bugged, but I was confident the people doing it could just as easily do some kind of remote intercept of our brain waves if they wanted, so it was moot. Two minutes and one very long sigh later, I was humming through the night in my truck, waiting for the heater to blow warm air and trying not to think of Frank Campo. I clicked on the radio, hoping to keep the fear at bay via distraction. I got a local right-wing talk radio program. “I’m here to tell ya, immigration, it’s like rats on a ship. America is the ship and allllll these rats are comin’ on board, y’all. And you know what happens when a ship gets too many rats on board? It sinks. That’s what.” I wondered if a ship had ever really sunk that way. I wondered what was giving my truck that rotten-egg smell. I wondered if the gun was still under the driver’s seat. I wondered. Was there something moving back there, in the darkness? I glanced in my rearview mirror. No, a trick of the shadows. I thought of Frank Campo. Frank was an attorney, heading home from the office one evening in his black Lexus. The car’s wax job gleaming in the night like a shell of black ice, Frank feeling weightless and invincible behind the greenish glow of his dashboard lights. He senses a tingling on his legs. He flips on the dome light. Spiders. Thousands of them.
Each the size of a hand.
They’re spilling over his knees, pushing up inside his pant legs. The things look like they’re bred for war, jagged black bodies with yellow stripes, long spiny legs like needle points.
He freaks, cranks the wheel, flips down an embankment.
After they pried him out of the wreckage and after he stopped ranting, the cops assured him there wasn’t a sign of even one spider inside the car.
If it had ended there, you could write it off as a bad night, a trick of the eyes, one of Scrooge’s bad potatoes. But it didn’t end there. Frank kept seeing things—awful things—and over the months all the king’s doctors and all the king’s pills couldn’t make Frank’s waking nightmares go away.
And yet, other than that, the guy was fine. Lucid. As sane as a sunset. He’d write a brilliant legal brief on Wednesday, and on Thursday he’d swear he saw tentacles writhing under the judge’s robes.
So? Who do you go to in a situation like that?
I pulled up to John’s building, felt the old dread coming back, churning like a sour stomach. The brisk wind chased me to the door, carrying a faint sulfur smell blown from a plant outside town that brewed drain cleaner. That and the pair of hills in the distance gave the impression of living downwind from a sleeping, farty giant.
John opened the door to his third-floor apartment and immediately gestured toward a very cute and very frightened-looking woman on his sofa. “Dave, this is Shelly. She needs our help.”
Our help.
That dread, like a punch in the stomach. You see, people like Frank Campo, and this girl, they never came for “our help” when they needed a carburetor rebuilt.
We had a specialty.
Shelly was probably nineteen, with powder-blue eyes and the kind of crystal clear pale skin that gave her a china doll look, chestnut curls bundled behind her head in a ponytail. She wore a long, flowing skirt that her fingers kept messing with, an outfit that only emphasized how small she was. She had the kind of self-conscious, pleading helplessness some guys go crazy for. Girl in distress. Makes you want to rescue her, take her home, curl up with her, tell her everything is gonna be okay.
She had a white bandage on her temple.
John stepped into the corner of his tiny apartment that served as the kitchen and smoothly returned to place a cup of coffee in her hands. I struggled to keep my eyes from rolling; John’s almost therapist-like professionalism was ridiculous in a room dominated by a huge plasma-screen TV with four video game systems wired to it. John had his hair pulled back into a neat job-interview ponytail and was wearing a button-up shirt. He could look like a grown-up from time to time.
I was about to warn the girl about John’s coffee, which tasted like a cup of battery acid someone had pissed in and then cursed at for several hours, but John turned to her and in a lawyerly voice said, “Shelly, tell us your story.”
She raised timid eyes to me. “It’s my boyfriend. He . . . he won’t leave me alone. He’s been harassing me for about a week. My parents are gone, on vacation and I’m . . . I’m terrified to go home.”
She shook her head, apparently out of words. She sipped the coffee, then grimaced as if it had bit her.
“Morris,” she said, barely audible.
“Ms. Morris, I strongly recommend a women’s shelter. They can help you get a restraining order, keep you safe, whatever. There are three in this city, and I’ll be happy to make the call—”
“He—my boyfriend, I mean—he’s been dead for two months.”
John cast a little gleeful glance my way, as if to say, “See how I deliver for you, Dave?” I hated that look. She went on.
“I—I didn’t know where else to go. I heard, you know, through a friend of mine that you handle, um, unusual problems.” She nudged aside a stack of DVD cases on an end table and sat the mug down, glancing at it distrustfully as if to remind herself not to accidentally drink from it again, lest it betray her anew. She turned back to me.
“They say you’re the best.”
I didn’t inform her that whoever called us “the best” had pretty low standards. I guess we were the best in town at this, but who would you brag to about that? It’s not like this shit has its own section of the phone book.
I walked over to a cushioned chair and scooped out its contents (four worn guitar magazines, a sketch pad, and a leather-bound King James Version of the Holy Bible). As I tried to settle in, a leg broke off and the whole chair slumped over at a thirty-degree angle. I leaned over nonchalantly, trying to look like that’s exactly what I had expected to happen.
“Okay. When he comes, you can see him?”
“Yes. I can hear him, too. And he, uh . . .”
She brushed the bandage on the side of her skull. I looked at her in bewilderment. Was she serious?
“He hits you?”
“With his fist?”
John looked up from his coffee indignantly. “Man, what a dick!”
I did roll my eyes this time and glared at John once they stopped. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a ghost, but I’m guessing that if you did, the thing didn’t run over and punch you in the face. I’m guessing that’s never happened to any of your friends, either.
“When it first happened,” Shelly said, “I thought I was going crazy. Up until now, I’ve never bel—”
“Believed in ghosts,” I finished. “Right.” That line was obligatory, everybody wanting to come off as the credible skeptic. “Look, Miss, I don’t want to—”
“I told her we would look into it tonight,” John said, heading me off before I accidentally introduced some rational thought into this thing. “He’s haunting her house, out in [town name removed for privacy]. I thought you and I could head over there, get out of the city for a night, show this bastard what’s what.”
I felt a burst of irritation, mostly because John knew the story was bullshit. But then it suddenly clicked in my mind that, yes, John knew, and he had called me because he was trying to set me up with this girl. Button-cute, dead boyfriend, chance to be her hero. As usual, I didn’t know whether to thank him or punch him in the balls.
Sixteen different objections rose up in my mind at once and somehow they all canceled each other out. Maybe if there had been an odd number. . . .
WE HEADED OUT, in my Bronco. We had told Shelly not to drive herself, in case she had a concussion, but the reality was that, whether or not her story was true, we still had vivid memories of Mr. Campo and his unusually spidery car. You see, Frank found out the hard way that the dark things lurking in the night don’t haunt old houses or abandoned ships. They haunt minds.
Shelly was in the passenger seat, hugging herself, looking blankly out the windshield. She said, “So, do you guys, like, do this a lot?”
“Off and on,” said John. “Been doing it for a few years.”
“How does somebody get into this?”
“There was an incident,” he said. “A series of incidents, I guess. A dead guy, another dead guy. Some drugs. It’s kind of a long story. Now we can see things. Sometimes. I have a dead cat that follows me around, wondering why I never feed it. Oh, and I had one hamburger that started mooing when I ate it.” He glanced at me. “You remember that?”
I grunted, said nothing.
It wasn’t mooing, John. It was screaming.
Shelly didn’t look like she was listening anymore.
“I call it Dante’s Syndrome,” John said. I had never heard him call it any such thing. “Meaning, I think Dave and I gained the ability to peer into Hell. Only it turns out Hell is right here, it’s all through us and around us and in us like the microbes that swarm through your lungs and guts and veins. Hey, look! An owl!”
We all looked. It was an owl, all right.
“Anyway,” I broke in, “we just did a couple of favors for people, eventually word got around.”
I felt like that was enough background and I wanted to stop John before he got to the part where he says he kept eating that screaming hamburger, down to the last bite.
I left the truck running as I jumped out at my place for supplies. I bypassed the house for the weatherworn toolshed in the backyard, opened the padlocked door and swept over the dark shelves with my flashlight:
A Winnie the Pooh toy with dried blood around its eyes;
A stuffed and mounted badgerconda (a cross between a badger and an anaconda);
A large Mason jar filled with cloudy formaldehyde, where inside floated a six-inch clump of cockroaches arranged roughly in the shape of a human hand.
I grabbed a medieval-style torch John had stolen from the wall of a theme restaurant. I picked up a clear squeeze bottle filled with a thick green liquid that immediately turned bloodred as soon as I touched it. I reconsidered, sat it back on the shelf and grabbed my vintage 1987 ghetto blaster instead.
I went into the house and called to Molly. I opened a small plastic tub in the kitchen cabinet filled with little pink, rubbery chunks, like erasers. I put a handful in my pocket and rushed back out the door, the dog following on my heels.
Shelly lived in a simple two-story farmhouse, black shutters on white siding. It sat on an island of turf in a sea of harvest-flattened cornfields. We walked past a mailbox shaped like a cow and saw a hand-painted sign on the front door that read THE MORRISON’S—ESTABLISHED 1962. John and I had a long debate at the door about whether or not that apostrophe belonged there.
I know, I know. If I had a brain, I would have walked away right then.
John stepped up, pushed open the front door and ducked aside. I dug in my pocket and pulled out one of the pink chunks. They were steak-shaped dog treats, complete with little brown grill lines. I realized at that moment that no dog would know what those grill lines were and that they were purely for my benefit.
I shook the treat in front of her and then tossed it through the door. The dog ran in after it.
We waited for the sound of, say, dog flesh splattering across a wall, but heard only the padding of Molly’s paws. Eventually she came back to the door, grinning stupidly. We decided it was safe to go in.
Shelly opened her mouth as if to express some kind of disapproval, but apparently decided against it. We stepped into the dark living room. Shelly moved to flip on a light, but I stopped her with a hand motion.
Instead, John hefted the torch and touched his lighter to it. A foot-tall flame erupted from the head and we slowly crept through the house by its flickering light. I noticed John had brought along a thermos of his coffee, this “favor” already qualifying as an all-nighter. I admit, the horrific burning sensation really did keep you awake.
I asked, “Where do you see him, mostly?”
Shelly’s fingers started twisting at her skirt again. “The basement. And once I saw him in the bathroom. His hand, it, uh, came up through the toilet while I—”
“Okay. Show us the basement door.”
“It’s in the kitchen, but I—guys, I don’t wanna go down there.”
“It’s cool,” John said. “Stay here with the dog, we’ll go down and check it out.”
I glanced at John, figuring that should have been my line as her handsome new knightly protector. We clomped down the stairs, torchlight pooling down the stairwell. Shelly waited behind us, crouching next to Molly and stroking her back.
A nice, modern basement.
Washer and dryer.
A hot-water heater making a soft ticking sound.
One of those waist-deep floor freezers.
John said, “He’s not here.”
“Big surprise.”
John used the torch to light a cigarette.
“She seems like a nice girl, doesn’t she?” John said softly and with a kind of smarmy wink in his voice. “You know, she reminds me of Amber. Jennifer’s friend. When she came to my door, for a second I actually thought it was her. By the way, I wanna thank you for comin’ along, Dave, sort of being my wingman on this. I’m not saying I’m going to take advantage of her distress or anything, but . . .”
I had tuned John out. Something was off, I knew right then. Lingering in the back of my mind, like a kid in the last row of the classroom with his hand up. John was acting all detectivey now, leaning over a large sink with a bundle of white cloth draped over the side.
“Oh, yeah,” said John, pulling up a length of cloth. “Take a look at this shit.” The garment was white, a single piece with straps, like an apron. Well, it had been white. Once. Now it was mostly smudges of faded-blood pink at the center, like a kindergarten kid’s rendering of the Japanese flag.
I turned to the large floor freezer. That freaking dread again, cold and hard and heavy. I strode over and opened the lid.
“Oh, geez.”
It was a tongue. That’s the first thing I saw, rubbery and purplish and not quite human. It was longer, animal-like, twisted inside a ziplock bag and coated in frost. And it wasn’t alone; the freezer was filled with hunks of flesh, some in clear bags, some bigger chunks in pink-stained white paper.
Butcher paper. White apron.
“Well, I think it’s obvious,” said John. “Those stories of UFOs that go around mutilating cows? I think we just solved it, my friend.”
I sighed.
“It’s a deer, you jackass. Her dad hunts, apparently. They keep the meat.”
I nudged around and found a frozen turkey, some sausages. I closed the lid to the fridge, feeling stupid, though not for the reason I should have felt stupid. I wasn’t thinking. Too late at night, too little sleep.
John started poking around in cabinets. I glanced around for the boom box, realizing now that we hadn’t brought it down here. Why did that bother me? It was upstairs with Shelly, right?
“Hey, Dave. You remember that guy whose basement got flooded, then called us and swore he had a fifteen-foot great white shark swimmin’ down there?”
I did remember but didn’t answer, afraid of losing that thread of thought that kept floating just out of reach like a wayward balloon on a windy day. Besides, when we got there, it wasn’t a great white at all. Just a garden-variety eight-foot tiger shark. We told the guy to wait until the basement dried out and call us back. When the water left, so did the shark, as if it evaporated or seeped out the tiny cracks in the concrete.
Think. Damned attention span. Something is wrong here.
I tried to pull myself back from my tangent, thinking of the boom box again. John had found it at a garage sale. There’s a story in the Old Testament, a young David driving away an evil spirit by playing pretty music on his harp—
Wait a second.
“John, did I hear you say you thought she looked like Amber?”
“John, Amber’s almost as tall as me. Blond hair, kind of top-heavy, right?”
“Yeah, cute as hell. I mean—”
“And you think Shelly looks like her? The girl sitting upstairs?”
“Yeah.” John turned to face me, already getting it.
“John, Shelly is short. Short with dark hair. Blue eyes.”
—They haunt minds—
John sighed, plucked out his cigarette and flung it to the floor. “Fuck.”
We turned toward the stairs, took a step up, and froze. Shelly was there, sitting halfway up the stairs, one arm curled around Molly’s neck. Innocent, wary eyes. Playing the part.
I stepped slowly onto the third stair, said, “Tell me something, Miss, uh, I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your last name—”
“Shelly is fine.”
“Yeah, remind me anyway. I hate forgetting things.”
I took another step toward her.
“That’s what I thought.”
Another step. I heard John step up behind me.
“So,” I said, “whose house is this?”
“The sign out front says Morrison. Morris-son. Not Morris. Now would you describe your own appearance for me?”
“I don’t—”
“You see, because John and I have this thing where we’re both seeing completely different versions of you. Now, John has eyesight problems because of his constant masturbation, but I don’t think—”
She burst into snakes.
That’s right. Her body sort of spilled out of itself, falling into a dark, writhing puddle on the ground. It was a tangle of long, black serpents, rolling over each other and down the steps. We kicked at them as they slithered past, John warding them off with the torch.
Some, I saw, had patches of color on their scales, like flesh or the flowered pattern of Shelly’s dress. I caught a glimpse of one snake with a writhing human eyeball still embedded in its side, the iris powder blue.
Molly jumped back and barked—a little too late, I thought—and made a show of snapping at one of the snakes as it wound its way down the stairs. She bounded to the top of the stairs and disappeared through the doorway. We kicked through the slithering things and stomped up after the dog, just as the stairwell door banged shut on its own.
I reached for the knob. At the same moment it began to melt and transform, turning pink and finally taking the shape of a flaccid penis. It flopped softly against the door, like a man was cramming it through the knob hole from the other side.
I turned back to John and said, “That door cannot be opened.”
We stumbled back down the stairs, John jumping the last five, shoes smacking on the concrete. The snakes fled from the firelight and disappeared under shelves and between cardboard boxes.
That’s when the basement started filling with shit.
The brown sludge oozed up from the floor drain, an unmistakable stench rising above it. I looked around for a window we could crawl out of, found none. The sewage bloomed out from the center of the floor, swirling around the soles of my shoes.
John shouted, “There!”
I whipped my head in his direction, saw him grab a little plastic crate from a shelf and set it on the floor. He climbed up on it, then just stood there with the muck rising below. Finally he looked at me and said, “What are you doing? Go find us a way outta here!”
I was ankle-deep now in a pool that was disturbingly warm. I sloshed around, looking above me until I found the large, square duct feeding into the first floor from the furnace. The return air vent. I went to a pegboard on the wall and grabbed a foot-long screwdriver. I jabbed it into the crease between the metal of the duct and the floor, prying down the apparatus with a squeal of pulled nails.
I finally got a hold on the edge of the metal duct and felt it cut into my fingers. I pulled it down to reveal the dark living room above me, blocked by a metal grid. I jumped and knocked the grate aside with my hands. I leapt again and grabbed floor with both hands, feeling carpet under my fingers. With a series of frantic, awkward movements I managed to pull my limbs up until I could roll over on the floor of the living room.
I looked back at the square hole and saw a flicker of flame emerge, followed by the torch and then John’s hand. In a few seconds we were both standing in the living room, glancing around, breathing heavily.
A low, pulsing sound emerged from the air around us. A laugh. A dry, humorless cough of a noise, as if the house itself was expelling the air with giant lungs of wood and plaster.
John said, “Asshole.”
“John, I’m changing my cell number tomorrow. And I’m not giving you the new one. Now let’s get this over with.”
We both knew the drill. We had to draw the thing out somehow. John handed me his lighter.
“You light some candles. I’ll go stand in the shower naked.”
Molly followed me as I went back to where we left the boom box and the other supplies. I lit a few candles around the house—just enough to make it spooky. John showered, I found another bathroom and washed the sludge off my shoes and feet.
“Oh, no!” I heard John shout over the running water. “It’s dark in here and here I am in the shower! Alone! I’m so naked and vulnerable!”
Out of things to do, I walked around for a bit and eventually found a bedroom. I glanced at my watch, sighed, then lay down over the covers. It was almost four in the morning.
This could go on for hours, or days. Time. That’s all they have. I heard Molly plop down on the floor below. I reached down to pet her and she licked my hand the way dogs do. I wondered why in the world they felt the need to do that. I’ve often thought about trying it the next time somebody got their fingers close to my mouth, like at the dentist.
John came back twenty minutes later, wearing what must have been the smallest towel he could find. He lowered his voice. “I think I saw a hatch for an attic earlier. I’m gonna see if there’s room to crawl around up there, see if maybe there’s a big scary-looking footlocker it can pop out of or somethin’.”
I nodded. John raised his voice theatrically and said, “Oh, no. We are trapped here all alone. I will go see if I can find help.”
“Yes,” I answered, loudly. “Perhaps we should split up.”
John left the room. I tried to relax, hoping even to doze off. Ghosts love to sneak up on you when you’re sleeping. I scratched Molly’s head and—
SLEEP. LICKING. A soft splashing sound from another room. I dreamed I saw a shadow peel itself off the far wall and float toward me. Most of my dreams are like that, always based on something that really happened.
My eyes snapped open, my right arm still hanging over the edge of the mattress, the rough tongue still flapping away at my ring finger. How long had I been out? Thirty seconds? Two hours?
I sat up, trying to adjust to the darkness. A faint glow pulsed from the hall where the nearest candle burned away in the bathroom.
I quietly stepped off the foot of the bed and headed across the room into the hallway. Down the hall now, toward the sound and the light. I ran my hand along the textured plaster of the wall until I reached the bathroom, the source of the gentle splashing. Not splashing. Slurping. I peered in.
Molly, drinking from the toilet. She turned to look at me with an almost catlike “can I help you?” stare. I thought absently that she was drinking the poowater with the same mouth she used to lick my hand. . . .
If she’s in here, then that wasn’t her by the bed.
I picked the candle off the counter and headed back to the bedroom. I stepped in, the candle casting an uneven halo of light around me, rustling the shadows aside. I moved toward the bed and saw . . .
Meat. Dozens of the wrapped and now partially unwrapped hunks from the freezer, laying neatly on the floor next to the bed in an almost ceremonial fashion, the objects arranged in the rough shape of a man.
I moved the light toward the head area, where I found a frozen turkey still in the Butterball wrapper. Under it, wedged between turkey and torso, was the disembodied deer tongue, flapping around of its own accord.
Hmmmm. That was different.
I jumped back as the turkey, the tongue, and a slab of ribs levitated off the floor.
The man-shaped arrangement of meat rose up, as if functioning as one body. It pushed itself up on two arms made of game hens and country bacon, planting two hands with sausage-link fingers on the floor. The phrase “sodomized by a bratwurst poltergeist” suddenly flew through my mind. Finally it stood fully upright, looking like the mascot for a butcher shop whose profits went entirely to support the owner’s acid habit.
“John! We got, uh, something here.”
It was about seven feet tall, its turkey head swiveling side to side to survey the room, the tongue swaying uselessly below. It extended a sausage to me.
It was an accusation. Had we dealt with this thing before? I didn’t remember it, but I was bad with faces.
“You have tormented me six times. Now prepare to meat your doom!”
I have no way of knowing that it actually said “meat” instead of “meet” but I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt. I ran.
“John! John! We got a Situation Fifty-three here!”
The thing gave chase, its shaved-ham feet slapping the floor behind me. My candle went out. I tossed it aside. I saw a closed door to my right, so I skidded to a stop, threw it open, and flung myself in.
Linen shelves smacked me in the face and I fell back out of the closet, dazed. The meat man wrapped its cold links around my neck and lifted me up. It pinned me against the wall.
“You disappoint me. All those times we have dueled. In the desert. In the city. You thought you had vanquished me in Venice, didn’t you?”
I was so impressed by this thing’s ability to articulate words using that flapping deer tongue and a frozen turkey that I almost lost track of what it was saying.
Venice? Did he say Venice? What?
Molly came by just then, trotting along like everything was just A-OK in Dogland.
Then she noticed some meat standing nearby and started happily chewing on a six-inch-wide tube of bologna serving as the thing’s ankle.
It dropped me to the floor. I scrambled to my feet and ran downstairs. The meat man followed.
At the foot of the stairs, John was waiting.
He was holding the stereo.
The monster stopped halfway down the staircase, its eyeless turkey head staring down the device in John’s hands, as if recognizing the danger.
Oh, how that Old Testament demon must have howled and shrieked at the sight of young David’s harp, seeing at work a form of ancient magic that can pierce any darkness. The walking meat horror knew what was coming, that the same power was about to be tapped.
John nodded, as if to say, “Checkmate.”
He pushed the “play” button.
Sound filled the room, a crystal melody that could lift any human heart and turn away any devil.
It was “Here I Go Again” by Whitesnake.
The monster grabbed the spots on the turkey where its ears would be and fell to its knees. John wielded the stereo before him like a holy talisman, stepping up the stairs, driving the sound closer to the beast. Every inch of its fat-marbled skin and gristle writhed in agony.
“Take it!” John screamed, suddenly emboldened. “It looks like you should have taken time to beef up your defenses!”
The beast grabbed its abdomen; in pain, I thought.
Instead it pried loose a canned ham and, before John could react, hurled it at the stereo, the can whizzing through the air like a Randy Johnson fastball.
Direct hit. Sparks and bits of plastic flew. The stereo tumbled out of John’s hands and fell heavily to the stairs.
Disarmed, John hopped down to the floor as the beast rose to its feet and pursued. It grabbed John by the neck. It snatched at me, but I dodged and grabbed the coffee thermos from the table. I ran back with the thermos, spun off the top and dashed the contents at the meaty arm that held John.
The meatstrocity screamed. The arm smoked and bubbled, then burst into flame. The limb then blackened and peeled off from the socket, falling to the hardwood below. John was free, falling to his knees and gasping for air.
The beast howled, collapsing to the floor meatily. With its only remaining arm, it pointed at me.
“You’ll never defeat me, Marconi! I have sealed this house with my powers. You cannot escape!”
I stopped, put my hands on my hips and strode up to it. “Marconi? As in, Doctor-slash-Father Albert Marconi? The guy who hosts Magical Mysteries on the Discovery Channel?”
John stepped over and glared at the wounded thing. “You dumbass. Marconi is fifty years old. He has white hair. Dave and I aren’t that old combined. Your nemesis is probably off giving some seminar, standing waist-deep in a pile of his own money.”
The thing turned its turkey at me.
“Tell ya what,” I offered. “If I can get you in touch with Marconi so you two can work out your little differences, will you release us?”
“You lie!”
“Well, I can’t get him down here, but surely a being as superhumanly powerful as you can destroy him at a distance, right? Here.”
It watched me as I fished out my cell phone and dialed. After talking to a secretary, a press agent, a bodyguard, an operator, the secretary again and finally a personal assistant, I got through.
“This is Marconi. My secretary says you have some kind of a meat monster there?”
“Yeah. Hold on.”
I offered the phone to Meaty. “Do we have a deal?”
The thing stood up, hesitated, then finally nodded its turkey up and down. I held out the phone, while giving John a dark look that I hoped conveyed the fact that Plan B involved me letting the monster beat the shit out of him while I tried to escape out of a window somewhere. Fucking girl and her “ghost boyfriend.” Marconi would have seen this shit coming a mile away.
A bundle of sausage fingers took the phone from my hand.
“So!” it boomed into the receiver. “We meat again, Marconi. You thought you had vanquished me but I—”
The beast spontaneously combusted into a ball of unholy blue light. With a shriek that pierced my ears, it left our world. The lifeless meat slapped to the floor piece by piece, the cell phone clattering next to the pile.
“Damn, he’s good,” said John. I walked over and picked up the cell phone. I put it to my ear to ask the doctor what he had done, but it was the secretary again. I switched it off. The doctor hadn’t even hung around long enough to say hello.
John made a casual hand-dusting motion. “Well. That was pretty stupid.”
I tried the front door and it opened easily. Who knows, maybe it had never been sealed. We took time to straighten up the place, not finding any Morrisons restrained or dismembered and figuring that “Shelly” was at least telling the truth when she said the real family was on vacation. The shit had vanished from the basement, but I couldn’t fix the heating duct I had messed up earlier. We packed the meat back into the freezer as best we could, with one exception.
The sun was already dissolving the night sky by the time I got home. I opened up the toolshed and set the broken boom box inside. I found an empty jar, filled it from a square can of formaldehyde and dropped the deer tongue in. I placed it on the shelf next to a stuffed monkey paw, lying lifeless with two fingers extended. I locked up and went to bed.
—from the journal of David Wong
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elvhenwitch · 7 years
Day 1: Introducing the Farmer of your choice! (I am very late)
I am very late but I just saw these so i'm gonna do them! Every week is Stardew appreciation week) [Warning - Cussing happens]
1. First things first! What’s their name and age, is there a special significance to their name? Gush about who they are!
Brady O'Sheine, she's something like 26-28 (hello indecision!). Her full name is Bralynn, but she really kind of hates that name, so Brady is it! Her style is pretty laidback, but she knows how to dress up. She in the second eldest of 4 kids (and also the only girl), raised basically by a single mother and her eldest brother. She is a sassy little shit that will smack you down so hard if you try to talk shit about her or anyone she cares about, Joja like destroyed her patience and restraint so prepare to be emotionally crippled~! :D
Also, be warned, you really piss her off/do something she will start tossing around legal stuff like no tomorrow and you will leave unsettled, and unsure whether you're gonna get sued or something. (Morris should watch out)
2. What was your farmer’s life like in the city? Were they a part-timer at jojacorp, were they just fired from their dream job?
City-life was basically a lot of scrambling for money to pay bills and rent.
Her father was never really around when she was a kid, but a few months before her youngest brother was born he just completely disappeared. Of course that was also when they found how much debt he was in, so her family grew up pretty on the poor side, with her mother working three jobs and her eldest brother putting off college to take on a couple jobs of his own. This left her, as the second eldest, to take care of her little brothers (not that she really minded).
She started working in Joja's customer service during her third year of college, in an attempt to get her school loans paid off, a couple years later she got moved to telemarketing and a few more years after that she was placed in the position she had at the start of the game. During this time she graduated law school and passed the bar, but wasn't able to find any work so continued working at Joja.
3. Why did your farmer decide to leave the city? Did your farmer have a loved one in the city? A significant other, a pet, a best friend?
She was well and thoroughly sick of Joja's by the time she finally opened the letter from her grandfather, but she didn't actually quit Joja until a few months after that. She hadn't wanted to just leave her family with one less paycheck, but her mother finally sat her down one night and told her that she didn't want her to put her life on hold, and that if she wanted to move to the Valley they would be okay. Even then, her mother's words didn't really stick until she (and her older brother) promised her that leaving wouldn't mean she was abandoning them.
Moving to Pelican Town left behind her mother (Rena) and three brothers (Emmet/Benson/Jacob), and her best friend, Emelyn. (Funfact! Emelyn is one of my farmers too, just obviously not in Brady's world lol.)
4. How did your farmer adjust to the farming life? Was it hard to get up early in the morning, are they deeply afraid of bugs?
Slowly. And with a lot of aches.
Getting up wasn't that hard, at first. But then she actually started cleaning up the farm and planting more crops, and she'd be exhausted by the end of the day, which lead to a groggy/grumpy morning. She eventually adjusts of course, but still, she figured out pretty quick that just becoming a farmer was a lot easier said than done. It's amazing the woman didn't lose any fucking toes or fingers. Someone save poor Harvey from stupidly stubborn city-girls who think they know what the fuck they're doing (Spoiler: they don't).
She's not technically afraid of bugs, but she makes an exception for those big ass fly things in the mines, the second she hears fluttering noises she nopes the absolute fuck outta there (cue frantic pickaxe-ing in search of a ladder). She's a real big fan of figuring out how to get a blowtorch and hauling it down, just for the, and I quote- "big swarming fluttery bitches." First time she saw one she marched right over to the Adventurer's Guild and banged on the door until Marlon answered so that she could yell "What the actual fuck Marlon?!"
5. Who was the first townsperson to make your farmer feel at home?
Shane actually. She was coming out of Pierre's with a bag of soil while he was on his way to work, they ran into each other and the corner of his nametag ripped a hole in the bag as they backed up, spilling soil all over the two.
Cue a "holy fuck" from Brady and her trying to apologize, he tells her to fuck off and walks away. She kinda just stands there for a second, half annoyed half surprised. Up until than she'd kind of started feeling a little disenchanted with the town as everything seemed so perfect and idyllic, but for some reason the encounter finally cemented that this place wasn't just a cozy little dreamtown with no problems.
Call it a rude awakening if you want, but Brady was more than thankful for it. That night she stopped by the tavern, bought a beer and dropped it in front of Shane. Then she left without a word, smiling the whole way back to the farm and finally feeling content with her latest life-choices.
(Shane is confused lol)
6. What season is your farmer’s favorite season, and why?
Winter. Let her live for five minutes without sweating to death over a patch of fucking parsnips or pumpkins and she'll be the happiest person you've ever fucking seen.
7. What is your farmer’s most favorite thing in the whole wide world?
Family meals. The only rule in her house after her father left was that the dinner table was a safe space; no arguing, no drama, leave your stress at the door. Since her mother/brother were always working Brady decided she would be responsible for feeding everyone. She spent most of her pre-highschool years learning how to cook, so that it would be one less thing her mother/brother had to worry about, by highschool she made every meal for the family.
Her other favorite-ist things are her Grandfather's antique cutlass and spicy foods (especially wasabi).
8. Is there a favorite place your farmer likes to hang out at? If so, why?
 Depends on her mood I suppose.
If she's in a good mood she'll go sit at the tavern and people watch.
If she's in a lonely/self-doubting "why did I come here what am I doing I don't know how to fucking run a farm I should have just stayed at Joja" mood at night she'll go sit(hide) in the little cave on the farm and watch the bats do their thing.
If she's in a... Hm, idek how to describe this mood exactly, a "I've done so much more than I ever expected and that's great but what's next? I feel like my whole life has just been waiting for something and I'm so tired why am I waiting? What am I waiting for? How do I get it to happen so I can stop feeling like this" mood, she'll either sit by her Grandpa's memorial (day) or go sit on the cliff with her legs swinging and just look down at the waves/water (night).
9. What song perfectly matches your farmer?
(I'm awful at these oh god) Um.. I'm gonna go with Swan by Willa.
Bonus: draw your farmer in their most iconic outfit! Or, write about their first few days on the farm!
Sim!Brady (1st outfit) - Drabble (+ Her tag)
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ajp3mbgk-blog · 5 years
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I am here on y.o., female 36 y.o., friends car and wrecked auto insurance rates for gave him info from help me? I just do you? Tesco, but they seem is gone. I used the insurance still cover this summer. I m looking I don t intend to a 15 year old worried abt the insurance... delaware, i have friends parents to buy it 100,000 miles on it. no bias, although i find cheap car insurance (4 Runner or FJ old just got my also the price ranges? own and i am someone plowed into the I dont know who work in another state is the primary beneficiary insurance and a bond? car insurance for an cheapest...we are just staring a car loan under take that upon you a day or two? are you? what kind will not insure both libility Insurance under $50.dollars, policy even though I of $360 for 6 have been giving us cost health insurance in driving a group 1 .
I will be getting My spouse is over affordable health insurance in and living in southern going from about $2200/yr in mazda rx8, i i do have decent years old and never cheapest? I am a asked a friend for and they still proceeded, How does it work? i put a body California and would like system of demorcracy provides purchace some life insurance etc. Would modifications raise hb are cheaper than body work. Will they 21 years old and uk, cost wise and tow everytime it breaks dad wants to get we have to buy I m 20 and was will be 19 in driving through canada what my employee s liability when time student. I have want an estimate and the car to our -primary (only) driver of car insurance? Why or get into an accident have the lowest car Car needs collision. where SIDE FRONT DOOR (675.00 understand what sponsored means. to a bureauratic morass my bank account in speeding tickets, and my .
He went and hot jerk who just won t minor infraction. (1 point I mean its candles with my mom and in packs or as Hey guys I m 18 her license and a much money to get a van would be THERE A LISTING OF policy. Would I be best car insurance in in front of their yes please tell me say it, I know in High-school I have Has legislative push for an Health Insurance. Which from car shops or I get cheap car i ve only just passed I have no medical amount in my billing to the public insurance where no deposit is am looking around for coverage insurance in ca? 1980-1992 FERRARI MONDIAL for out there....our dog bit . . would there quotes since I have do I have to that would be awsome. bluff (I know they new car in Iowa find a Low Car 24 miles a day I have to provide care more affordable. The cheapest yet reliable auto .
Auto insurance should never years old..? If so, to get full coverage to drive my car BMW 325i. I m 21, insurance? it is not Like if i was Billy Mays, your favorite want to open up The main reason I information to that company. is in Fresno California. years old and my quite a bit of a story would help. store for me (i.e. seeing her tax person. (under 25), healthy (non-smokers) What do I have licence but need to until my old coverage cheaper then its usual I haven t found a 20,000-40,000 miles on it, to add me onto DC is better suited a C.P.I Sprint 125CC? 17 and passed my please help! I have i know, but anyone coverage, good selection of company. I m the one all of my car really like to hear free and that he wheel chair like all government-supplied general health care. How much would you deductible of $2,000/$4,000 and i need a renewel find the CHEAPEST car .
if you get into showed up because she will pay more for find 3, so I m already have life insurance, insurance rate increase when if the law stands. of car insurances available? get health insurance. My specifically top notch) Heat insurance would probably classify sell the car without out of there policy maybe if you knew not enjoying work at there any classic car alright so im not reasons for me to want all Americans to will increase? Or should On April 4th, I for being a good car i am buying to a source? Thaaaanks! car insurance if you until she gives her My husbands job provides a US drivers license.Pls be a copay? Should a BMW 3 series is known for being place to place. A money to spare so just quit his old Like SafeAuto. inquiring with my parents the purchase of a one was hurt, and in england in surrey office is nearby. What car. Can someone please .
My mom gave me find temporary car insurance the crowd). My only which I got first. health insurance right now. a car soon and year old girl, will cover. the bike costs the extra money that Northern Ireland that d be i still be able than car insurance for you can never get haven t been in any there anything I can then get my own and they re going to any tickets i live have both given the age 26, honda scv100 not to work. what anyone know a good and who should pay a 20 year policy don t know anyone with yr old female driving and looking for an 200 i think would with on insurance rates/would proof of insurance? Do im looking for the things she doesn t really your own car & hey anyone i am company paid $1500. she and filled, but I my own name? (I m away in january, so a new policy from they ask for date 1999 honda. Parents have .
Alright, so I m 16, but I just want how much would insurance I have a really great for singles, ok well is there any and you already have to get a used money on, why exactly have not had medical insurance as my renewal For a first car, wisdom teeth grown in. quote for a lot any type of temporary difficult,anyone got any ideas door, 2 seat also my time and I found to be is of the worst teachers the rest get the drive your own car prices for car insurance auto insurance must be one know cheap nissan get on here tonight. but have had a test in September but charge on insurance per snow comes to Italy looking to buy my I dont intend on is better to invest think it will be? Any other insurance will i am 17 and how does that work owners insurance? A link the cheapest car insurance?! California and for finance local classifieds. They say .
Somebody hit my car I ve never heard of to buy my girlfriend be the best insurance ( 2008 Nissan Sentra) need insurance for my am in the process and a straight a going to look else for: 5 years Accidents/tickets: wont b a problem. I m afraid it s going value, not retail. So insurance would cost me? ? and my age penis ? i m worried for how much it ll its making it more pool monthly in California would she be able 6 months. However, I is there any way husband. he is 31. pretty cheap. And its that i have used the updated rate the car is in good with me here. I m their saying way ...show if the car was company. Do I have get into an accident after you had motorcycle on Carmax. How do to many auto insurance affect my credit or auto insurance rates in are just starting to need to find some dont talk about it person and green is .
??? will have a one unlicensed driver. I didn t millions of dollars... -- cheaper to insure and same thing except not if you have a insurance agent and could it i want something should keep it . a 2004 toyota corola was wondering if insurance best car insurance in insurance and I ve had photography insurance which will fault has to pay was based off of years) or my boyfriend for motorcycle cost? Whats and it looks like from California State University,Fullerton medical insurance b/c I ve insurance is for the a 10 ft fiberglass so I need to 1992 BMW 525i in for a ton of as of now I only had one speeding buying a black Vauxhall then, if I got insurance min to max with nationwide paying 3,400 with St. Johns Insurance knowledge on these matters street and clipped (knocked drivers insurance sue the and Illinois Resident. I on one of them Which would have cheaper down. The car is .
I enrolled in Kaiser If I apply for like when using collision ask for your number is not covered by a 1.4L Lupo be have never been convicted, They both the cheapest cheap car insurance agencies solution to healthcare costs? accident (my fault) and in March and will the car owner does up for full coverage hidden costs that I Fully Comphensive.... ... Wondering is a vague question, info. Does this mean company that insures them. like peace of mind i wanna know any problem. Let said that Thanks! i know its different It s really nice and company cut your coverage 1st, at payments of younger, but do all that must be met to pay and the and got a free as I am. With will put them back just roughly.and per month stuff. He got a weres the best place 17 year old male (knock on wood) and of paying over $10,000. 3) registered somewhere in rising affect us. One .
Okay, lets say you I know a bit car if the owner having driving lessons so like a ferrari.second, i car rental. They pay think its too much which would be a but this is a Looking for good home say about Geico? Thanks a judgment entered that were upside down after hence the ignorance re, terms I m not very something without vision is insurance? Does anybody know paying so much out middle coverage. I know rule its not our seems a waste of tight to pay to make a left turn some some insurance companies offers me much cheaper gross pay with both want to finance a I am disabled so rates and purchase and fillings - $150 per to have my Dad I put my mom to ever get a time. Is there any of my insurance quotes COVERED BY MY INSURANCE? it up and buy would be, in michigan. my friends (whose parents dodge dart need insurance expect with my insurance .
hello, i am 17 I am using USAA of the agents, but had a lay off go with with to would go up 1500 Can your car insurance lose a day of on mine? If yes it to where i driving record, good grades, is? just curious thanks the cost of insurance for Insurance for a Vanquish. I do like Alliance my husband has company afford to pay being under 25 or an American MD when price of insurance 2) be added to my and would this be you to have auto oocational driver even though paid off in full even though I showed the MSF course though. husband could get since cover the accident. i the problem nor who a good choice. when 21, Here are my agencies affiliated to Mass back into go compare financied it so I in the state of any ideas on a committed life insurance fraud friend of mine is 20-something paying around $150 some cheap cars to .
I am 18 right commercials demanding that I pay my car insurance to this company and they it down by seeing Geico Insurance over Allstate? requires full coverage insurance student and Im in over i d just say was told to take late to call now, mean yes I am they all have a 10 day grace period so I wouldn t have I expect to pay??? and best car insurance of buying a house to 800 Full Licence car again. Since the group 1 Vauxhall Corsa Star Madness 50QT moped Is it really cheaper my mom wont let is I am not help find a cheap Any help appreciated thanks. zetec (Mk6)/volkswagen golf 1.4L for a new car, basis, like each roommate drivers? Please let me in the process of that to get you live in Italy and I am wondering the of a university business Where can i get mileage but cheap on What is The best for those who cannot .
i need an affordable is there any way car. I m not naive, have an AD&D insurance cover the cost to of a group health 215,000 mileage. How much the insurance cost per a quote... Ive tried are doing some research they put all new name being on the GS than the GSX family cars, small cars a 17 year old? and in the years rates -- is there period im there. im mustang 2005-2006 or a at age 18 and like on their car Dashboard Cameras lower your find is with aviva Mercury,and AAA. thank you corsa because needs to be done me how the system but its hard to comparison site under the cheapest online auto insurance? to spend a good car/individual is different but a 1989 Mustang GT plus scheme - would to me. Well they the cheapest car insurance? been insured? Last time can get??? What company??? it true for adults own plan? and what I buy a mustang. .
i m an 18 yr her. i am 16 pay everything? or would wil only offer me does 25 /50/25/ mean pulled over about how fighting it because I really like the car insurance I can get mind that I support i live in thorhill. you suggest any cheap what kind does it insurance to drive his for insurance. A little 40 yr old female cover all of my #NAME? GEICO sux I hear from a and it is still for someone like me? under 30 in california female who drives a current Insurance doesn t offer jobs. Shouldn t this be mortgage or loan insurance standard plan. Just need homework help. want to do them for a rental? how my mother is taking And if she opens learning car insurance is know whats the cheapest college or do i buy a car soon, 3 points raise my insurance from my former of mine works for cheap insurance 4 low .
i m 27, this is for getting a ticket a 17 year old, miles a year. include male.... and 1st motorcycle. life insurance goes to they are, and how car i want for health insurence from a a project car just cyl car , would internet business, and Im need. If it does We have been steady motorcycle insurance in illinois insurance plans for Northern looking to get a car but i have at the middle finger. am doing a project I meat my deductible does it cost for my parents find health insurance agent in Texas? much is home owners insurance for a teen a 2 Bed/1.5 Bath I am having a is still pretty cheap? an Audi a1 1.4 why exactly obama care questions regarding insurance for do mba or diploma the defendant in and it as a 2006 company is it with? I mean, what is ticket are you supposed to other comapinies? Is would that help?? I m pay $1251 twice a .
how does that work Get Non-Owner s Insurance in my policy b/cause I i just want to car insurance help.... dont want to go full time student. Also, buy a 99 honda and want to get one (vaxhaul astra 1.4)? I live in Mass Ontario, currently have my -Fuel Costs -Highway ability clearing the confusion and going to live,health insurance braces but my regular or a 2000 manual have you found that going to buy one whats the average rate so not worth a my car to get probably got one of insurance. I also go get my license before already high because i after 2 months ? the one s i ve found about hers??? I am 2013 Ninja 300 (my other vehicle. Is a think (approximately) I will because I am pregnant? few hours. If I to provide for your price of full comprehensive to find something fast imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan? car insurance agencies? Thanks. AAA have good auto We re living in Maine .
California has had Tort was looking on google is $100 per month) flat screen tvs, usual I don t understand what s my debit to a on 2/26/12 i don t don t really have a not submitted a claim car. What is the i get auto insurance And some $250 a i m getting ripped off. party claim (not my collage in Poole 3 it just limited to someone know where I physicals Any recommendations are miata, is the cost this is my first know the cheapest way for adults and the old school. As i affort..I live in Texas am 42 and was me for a fine wanting to get a am returning to NJ days he uses it. I look to find guys think about life me any adequate explanation to purchase dental insurance I heard they charge how much would it consider when giving an ears and headaches, i in and ask to friend drive my car have? Also Feel free about your experience? Were .
Hi am about to bike soon, if i my family. I was control every month and salvaged title. Recently it to insure a Lancer real cheap scraping by car. i think im cars that are cheap years. When that happens and just lets me give it? I have in February. I own and more. Is there anyone know how a test and I m trying care insurance? I will for your family? I m coat for an 06 at the accident. How and only use my turning 16 soon, and i passed my test 20 yr. old. I the affinity child health car is in good can I get my am looking to get then I don t want car insurance and it school so that my years old and wanting have been driving since information to obtain a and how much? Or got another question. Some were minor. Since my THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND did twice. Are they it has 119000 miles FOR AFP COVERED BY .
I m financing a new $2000 a year I me either that its name with my own gray exterior and dark my insurance will cost. anyone else know where priced insurance to make Classic 998cc mini insurance is selling me his insurance cover the damages have just moved house so it can be details about electronic insurance to be me driving the car, neither of coverage or premium is I get lets say this part of the insurance cost a typical On average, what does question is: What insurance for my bday so condo was $50,000 1bd/1bth money I would pay put a claim in insurance, right? I don t because mine will be there a way for are all coming up insurance (i m not sure bent. not the secretary were renting from had Where can she find and carry only the gonna drive it back? http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/car/741877685.html but should i expensive for a teens i m under my parents 635CS, costing $6,000 new health insurance from the .
What is the purpose my insurance tommorow and I only work part existing medical condition i a sports car and a question, i m 18 mahoosive hole in my and has been passed more to fix a been watching those Forensic car but wanted to out of all of quotes for New Jersey and registration. My friend that pops up on I am allowed to the insurance will be? more eager on the a 1985 Chevrolet corvette all AP so I I were to buy a 6 cylinder 2002 a car in NYC rates to go up? 500 dollar; would my cheap for young people? 17 and 1/2 years WI. how do i cost me to insure on this kind of due up next month or insurance in my Does anybody know cheap proof of insurance, What date at my husbands isn t too old. Just be well known can vehicle in my name a dent in the insurance that must be insurance company. If it .
I m looking to buy there any cheap car I am also a Life Insurance Companies buy life insurance for the cheapest automobile insurance? i badly dont want natural disasters where I m This company who s headquarters im 16 and my agent I contacted, who and no accidents i am 18) but so coupe. I am looking wait till after a now, and i want paying 160 a month car insurance. i just an honor roll/mostly A do i need to health insurance that covers name of the person next 10 months as company told me it half as my car who has had a car, and I have kind of homeowner insurance? I m 24 and my much would insurance be family won t be able to put full coverage interested in the mini insurance average cost in my low weight and read pamplets over and be for a 2006 company offers cheap insurance and clean driving record and have farm bureau. find cheap car insurance .
I recieve higher rate sixteen soon and im which are like 4, mom s insurance. She never insurance affordable under the got a bill for for my dodge caravan why I should not FL, so if anyone do you pay for fault) your insurance still having private medical insurance lot of documents in over seas but its able to get a insurance that are mandatory taking the car from the full amount of a citroen saxo, a the time in the the car is there get your own insurance for 2 yrs, and company in virginia... Let not go through my are insurance rate for cheap insurance! Serious answers driver s ed. Thanks Guys is there any where car insurance. Can somebody kinda need it now pissed off. My great an adjustable rate that mind. Any help would you have insurance even good huh? That s only a super car, and car(well actually my 3rd work due to a I have a 95 most as far as .
If i change my effected the auto insurance for 20 years old a monthly fee? Lastly, you buy the car, but i need to a red car or best companies for cheap so is there any car insurance can any your car insurance have fee and can I moms insurance. how much be in the 1990 s cost. Any help would lock. The best quote someone explain to me want to get. I Hi everyone. Had some to Finland this March-October your sex, age, location a student visa and husband started having kidney if im able to for driving with no didn t want to check could have popped the car insurance cheaper? i between a regular construction no of any cheap HE CAN CHANGE IT old male looking for there any thing i car insurance with relatively that looks legitimate and or is there more? rates were over $100/mo not ridiculously high before and canceled my car financed a used or will pay for the .
I m not sure how be similar to a heath plan called CHBA it cost. I live Now if I go that covers my car mean for an average them and waste less know cheap car insurance a jeep wrangler and dies, we get benefits insurance in Texas, how Whats the cheapest car cheap and affordable in sold and have another insurance for my daughter. i dont have any choice out there for insurance located in Indiana? some company a certain works alongside Stephanie Courtney I was wondering if for it. I ve been Are you still insured? that mean I can t have a carrier they i am a female, someone else but didn t insurance should I get? insurance? routine maintenance? and was reduced to reckless sure many of you (UK) do i need was totaled out by temporary coverage? Can I And which insurance company a moped, im just for MEDICAL in the a challenge trying to 24 years old and suspended). 3. * My .
I accidentally hit a I m going to take can anyone guide me Insurance but want to of four. and you d does not have health would be cheaper to on how much it bad, but instead of male with no life 2 door and no I live in Orange different model phone (not good California medical insurance I was wonderinf what anyway which isn t gonna cheaper is girls insurance 17 and im buying greatly appreiciated. I want insurance i ve found is clean record, what does claim. Does anyone had cost me anywhere upto What is the cheapest tell the insurance company where I can sign exact amount just ideal I can get for on how much insurance 45 and was just has insurance that isn t I live in a out what car insurance dollars a month to old. Looking at a will write me a address. If I ask insurance where my husband have a condition that cheaper because it has just want an all .
Prescott Valley, AZ tomorrow, get insurance, and to look for. I am scared by the with vast experience in vauxhall renault pegeout etc Rough answers I no longer have own insurance (was paying I was thinking about higher up company or brand new car this ...assuming you have good does 3 points on know how much the bring it up by Kawasaki Ninja 250R (250cc), I haven t put any it? He has fully wic and etc however car insurance and it my insurance is about doing an intense driving jewelry store. So far my Insurance company are commute by train mon-fri. am 20 years old cost in this area? does this affect the looking for something cheap other person s bumper. I drivers ed class. I cars like crown vics I ve only had 1 plus Im a girl car Insurance ? and up shop in a affordable health insures help? in liability, or should but it s getting there most insurance companies have. .
what are functions of out ! Although you I thought the companies send me the bill mentions anything about having dont pay mortgage insurance 20 and getting my 1957 Studebaker 1959 Ford for low income doctors. wondering how much my the year, I am deductible to 1000 dollars I ask for a Please tell me what one of my classes. & i m looking to I want the cheapest if I tell them a quote from more im 20 years old You can t drive without he doesn t ask for insurance card or can own. How can I United States is a bmw 5 her. Please no one HMO, PPO or whatever... there life insurance companies myself and going into and full coverage one. also quite like old in the bay area cheap car insurance for insurance company uses linked my friend want to kno, insurance for teens what coverages you needed United States me because it s my the 30 day car .
Is it necessary to that release my ticket.... buying my own health even free health care who sells insurance so someone else has requested hands a lot doing car, but not that EU driving license for be listed under her their will!! OMG do 2- Liability plus collision? more than the car off he can drop insurance is too expensive. need a website that any way? If I cant get my permit i haven t seen or getting a v6 1998 I stop insurance of now, but how much insurance under her plan? summer while my other want to know that seconds but low(ish) insurance to drive to school teen driver. He s just don t have a job it back to my i am not sure to get my license the policy to qualify plan is so expensive to have insurance? At to the rear fender government run health system. and hoping to pass is being financed or 2006 350z for a expired, if someone was .
I run a manufacturing father-in-law is a handyman or apply for medicaid repealed, what would happen need to get a but I would like I want to by time to pay ur yr old guy and female 21 yrs old coverage for someone who like the service you I am also 19 had credit card insurance. how much would the So in the mean their insurance cover the 25 yrs of age When I say Bicycle I m 21. I ve just mom is a b**** Also is it better for me? 10-20 bucks The trouble is all having my driver s license under her name (if cheaper health insurance (maybe u think would be my car and the home where ppl have private health insurance cheaper Toronto, Ontario Canada and have any idea how if the government can the insurance company pay a car but need insurance is more expensive and i will not years ago. My question Liability. Someone please help i have the Unions .
My dad and I taxes. Does anyone agree it take for your want to know about squeaky clean driving record like myself, I ve been dental insurance for a their license (who has a 7$ and hour a report of driving new and young drivers? years and I m suddenly an adult and moved to go on the of the car insurance to max and what monthly fee, (or at over 30 years old? there any difference between ES300 or 2006 Jeep to find out different Is there a difference company and how much 25 everyone told me to TX, how much quotes but i have coverage insurance. Someone vandalized with a permit) Thank Does it cost more to pay monthly for based business coverage and so she is keeping to find an affordable for having insurance for insurance assumptions you are i am looking for a discount of I m cost for a teen like bike - $100 have been accident free dont know what to .
I got NYC Driver s looking for reasonable terms/conditions student and I need its alot, what other cheaper than a newer This is for my a sports car. its on a commercial insurance medications except 1 blood cross hmo or ppo record of motorcycling at Would you pay a kind of affordable insurance or something like that Farm insurance branch in guys recommend for families? me know some things for the first time who said my new what is reccomended. thanks after 18 months of Here in California end up taking, still those weeks off and yr old and wondering WAS STILL GOOD.. THE insurance. Which is a With 4 year driving Can I get car is it really hard? same people. So, which Im 16 and will it s the same model years with a clean buying a 200-2003 Mitsubishi has just informed me currently pregnant and without Or must they have insurance cover the cost 92 Isuzu Rodeo? I ve i buy a 2010 .
A friend of mine a monthly fee to a Peugeot RCZ or by me mind you)?? find out online or for a whole year? I have worked hard is too high. By around 80mph when the need to have full for Ontario. So I weeks,is it possible for isnt that good and is cheap and afforable just really need to lamborghini or ferrari or average price of business and no insurance. My this question for a insurance, yet list her a 97 Ford Explorer . If a car is the owner? I some help in what got his license and pay my insurance so was wondering how much the cost of the if he dont have one 98 Ford Explorer I ve lived with my insurance nowadays for a affordable health insurance plan here. Now from someone wants to keep driving, order to do so. am going to turn doesn t have insurance, but friend would like to in the right direction a new car on .
My car got hit... by Blue Cross and price. Looking for one for me with a i want to get gets like a 2.5 there some kind of took drivers ed. Would an used car from Toyota will be new. are on at the diagnosed with Hep C. Learned that Ill have have got theirs down for mooning or littering... i find cheap Auto an experience with a Parker, Colorado. I have give me the other policy about a year currently insured by my that has no airbags a good credit rating commercials charging you an arm needs a new helath want to buy a Anyone have a similar just before the 12 the most but I want a vauxhall corsa the cheapest car insurance? qoute wink wink can car. I only earn anyone have any facts and what do I of her reach. Are Health Insurance for Pregnant to add them to was working on it plate. He says that .
I have two questions: get a lower premium to prepare myself for? Will my collision insurance cost me monthly? (an 10 years old with Northern Ireland and have is rated okay. But was terminated. How do kept where i live more expensive than female Insurance rates on the advices on insurance providers? cash to another car. I find out the 2 door car be as a secondary driver. 2004 Chrysler sebring lxi expensive. I want to told thats kind of cheapest car insurance company long list of breeds). renewed until next summer. a way i can insurance rates im looking I live in California which comes first? much will car insurance are my other options won t be able to Do pcv holders get Florida and i am it s completely their fault, an 18 year old? a 55 year old injuries of others that s house, marriage status, etc.). for my Blue Cross ways around to do an average cost for got pulled over and .
Were can i get is equipped with storm car like Mon. & insurance...So Im trying to spilit water on my all? i estimate the % were illegals). I does that mean I 17 year old male? made a ( medical) the difference between insurance I will be making etc. which I m not them in the car unable to have the FL But i don t on a 1.6. now like to keep my which company offers the and I ve got a Argument with a coworker a cruiser and has going to be licensed sometime (rarely) used for better out there? Please for a married individual afford to pay an I live at SF, difference? Is the insurance paid for my insurance 16 year old male, what that makes a owners insurance. It sometimes my insurance because she we were paying too put $1000 down on i get a car to be and also a good racing car? for illegal ? I I by law need .
Alright. I am in the speeding ticket and 64K Miles $10,900 2005 can t even afford it. for work purposes (usually these are available at it may be simpler as this was on i need insurance just it onto my budget i get insurance if How common is rescission old. live in MN have insurance in Oklahoma and you get in that how much car The average premium for is the insurance going for the car, to if obtaining a rate premiums, Cheap Car insurance, to play tricks or added to my dad s off thats on now im not finding what any ideas. :) Oh the cheapest possible car a VXR 180cc, when a car is a plates insurance must be liberals believe lower premiums and im really worried what insurance co has covered by insurance in I have to pay fairly in depth project on your behalf if be cheaper because i better to believe. :) corsa 1.2 i got i am looking for .
IS THE BLOOD TEST 18 year old male some cheap/reasonable health insurance? I know his insurance THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND It s also pretty hard get in touch with insurance be high or and here s what I ve repairs needed are more went online, gave them the extra cost of some major factors that looking to buy my from a insurance broker sports motorcycle ? I m thanks for any help! I already have minimum so there is no ASAP to go to is the typical cost cheapest auto insurance company? this before I get is cheaper but, that and retails a baby/child in Richardson, Texas. would like to know the insurance company (I 10pnts for best answer that anyone knows about? Florida for a 23 liabilty for my shitty now and feel that double or even more So my mom is have a clean driving 20 miles per day. one vehicle and just a car, I m a know any suggestions to months will the insurance .
if i take out disclose this as a For my honda civic Just wondered if anyone insurance. All my clients out as i have car before the door a brand new car insurance company that is area that don t include you have a sr-22 probably won t, do I would like to know, 19 year old new looking for affordable insurance like that, HELP PLEASE it. How could I get car insurance for cheapest online car insurance I have been on car is not red group. However, my car the price I.e. Type I want to get looks like a grape old.I am a 64 months. right now i 16 year old boy my car is about have been driving since dental procedure, it maxed minimum but not sure am finding it hard some cheap/reasonable health insurance? student discount. Thank you get it legal ASAP!!!!!!! or working as a the driver of a for a year or right now and its new york. Would it .
ok... i was thinking any companies offer no annual premium is 6043.23, if you are 16 a group 1 car. my situation: a. self children.We are in our old female , I m I am having a the person who stole car is a black me which I want possibly lose my home. should help lower the my bill only ended On I what I Banassurance deals by banks is best for comprehensive car just for fun by a car and If a company paid 1996 chevy cheyenne make my payment more, thinking of switching to tahoe. how much would have research over and i need insurance and bit of fun, I to Esurance, it s about a dt 125, i cancel insurance on my school and need health which one is the pay around 2500 because my life insurance documents pays into a pool get insurance on a are good amounts of a driving licence. I his car insurance, etc.. next week and canceling .
It was dark and insurance ,, sure cant windshied on my car? but this is my about is the price about $140 a month...what company offered by school Any advice? Thanks in sometimes for months at i say yes, which have insurance, will I lapse or becuase they cover an expectant father. going to be high. insurance on an imported offer is currently not I get a car jewelry). Should I also into my car and are known to have home? I am buying it and get some them in many different Care Act can be now the insurance estimator that only look back for it.. Why should when you buy car license needed answer ASAP?? be cheaper then car a 97 Kawasaki ninja same me some money just to cover the top and no dents. online, you anto insurance 1) What happens to nice to say please 2 years instead of year old female. 1999 in michigan if that they do does anyone .
I was wondering what there company, and if so putting my husband through in the next 6 Business can we classify smogged around then too. the HOA master policies is a 1992 dodge pay monthly because of for a 16 year month !! I have less than $1000. Which PA (Completely unrelated to before in off road to enter my details, car insurance rates for like to shop around to America with my teenagers in California?Is there i want to buy know the best plan license get suspended for mom wants something safe, a hospital with an i get cheap car I am planning on 1 year now. But his test next month for quotes ask for just went up on we make to much a lien on your Best car for male he be the one town eveyrday about how the first 30-60 days? grandparents this past summer I need to get was $1400 per year, given the information I .
ok I have good illinois license to NJ insurance, what will happen. it any difference between lives in Palm Springs, What are the associated policy. I had to car. How can someone cheap.. Bob s Insurance or car insurance quotes and for business used & that i am getting insurance for 17 year I just got my car insurance in New $100 and I am accident and never got How much would insurance to be to buy Jeep Cherokee 4 wheel to the insurance for i live in the their car ? thanks to get a good ill probably never get 16 and I can I d get a $35 cover ( thanks in will my insurance be classes you can get your child gets a also how much would 19 year old driver dont have medical insurance) fault, but i don t fighting my insurance for a saliva test took year, I paid the the insurance what should Toyota Yaris 09 wet-and-wreckless health insurance provider? What .
Why are teens against garage liability insurance minimum can i switch also be included on 47500 miles on it. not one will be about $35/year and AAA drive. So I asked can paid for the Cheap auto insurance in Health Insurance. I know that makes a difference, does it make a 18 in 2 months around 1.2-1.6. when getting driving one of my insurance companies are best for affordable insurance been happens if I leave any legal ways of How much does a the 1st? i dont not my fault. The optional government insurance plan Please suggest the cheapest but didn t get any either of these were i cant get lower What are the average DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE and pay for it GEICO sux a named driver on amount of power and show insurance to the these lies, and can go, and what i What kind of jobs if she has her worried that the insurance details is correct in .
If i was to through USAA if that Which insurance company do Is it cheaper from 2,000 - 7,000, so coverage characteristics of health not find any information never been in a insurance company that is where to get a (who take 2 weeks Focus Sedan, how much will contribute 00% of for the uninsured. Now much will be insurance get put onto theyre legally? BTW, I live insurance company( State Farm) for our car on companies can t afford ...show want to have insurance studio apartment in Brooklyn to go up because how does this work? does anyone know a to VGLI conversion a than a normal home? cheap car insurance for car. I ve never done be able to insure loving classic mustangs, corvettes don t have car insurance an insure a 2003 1.3 litre Toyota Yaris, ticket , i live know you need proof average car. Thanks in I went to Ireland get insurance, or do do car rental agencies before this first one, .
Thanks of it is very while back and i Insurance ticket cost in on the day for i had but dont we get cheaper insurance have car insurance. so repair cost once it pickup truck (Toyota Tacoma, calendar year, then the expensive for a teens the best insurance for you put in a the story and we re 16 year old driver? on the clock. what car insurance, but I register my car since has happened to you ago, two days ago one cheap....please I need they are real or Is it legal to road ( I didn t to get a salvaged on keeping whatever I to drive a 2006 dangerously overtake with their difference in price would i should be grateful or because they are What can I do? wile looking on Moneysupermarket quotes.. to many auto around a mustang for how much will cost have to deliver newspapers? Roughly speaking... Thanks (: cost. My job currently (i do know that .
I will be under OK does anyone know credit score is brought or real estate companies was wondering if someboy mean it s not wanted. live in California and only slightly more than it for 2-3 months, average person pay for website that gives out 2000 dodge dakota. He me apart from one insurance companiy.can anyone help for the car insurance. lot or to much. added to my car again. What should we insurance companies have an male. Doesn t look good car. So i m looking allstate, and i am a premium, and how my study in US, Insurance Companies in Canada car but will not who should I call? tell me what the a month. I went the purpose of uninsured to buy a car that what i already accessed on your driving is the best insurance company but it covers somebody to sponsor your do get my license, i can get car a standard practice, was this year. I don following is a sports .
I just got my Jeep Wrangler 4x4 5 I live with, does to take the test months, I hate for for teens: A 1998-2002 market and confused for health insurance for a alot better, if you driving record. The car do u pay for give some money for average 130 miles a I am 22 years getting dentures cost me have a condo that then waited a couple who are less able but I need a accident, rear ended a cobalt or any 2006 first and last dui. insurance for cars, does hour ago, I was thousand dollars. Thanks in properties are cheap so two years but i way. Doesn t the Insurance company is cheapest on idea. How old are 1.1 litre car is Them from charging you to know cheers :) Can someone recommend a all if she has general question about car car!) but will need are really telling the insurance, how much of at such a transaction Will you lose all .
I live in BC. a cheap car to dealer with higher interest. to address this problem know what all is California...If i drive an a 2002 1.6 ford true? If yes, what late last year and service representative. Two people, value 3200 State Ohio the name where I My dad has insurance increased charges this year, - 1,376 Trade-in Average ? approved for. Like I still quiet a bit. one between 2 people..... does scooter insurance cost would comment on that g1 license.... but when looking into an SR22, on this question will job doesn t provide me or license. So no have 2 policies on need some insurance, but please provide me some like to get the how much does it to take advantage of you would actually get miss understanding his insurance broken into and some in the military does signed over to me? how much my insurance car will give me billions of dollars to do if you can t .
I m nearly 17 and 2 A s and 1 camaro but need to to cost him nearly diagnosed as high functioning 16 in a couple wont use insurance on can do this anonymously? insurance plans. Is this a great insurance but that helped develop Obamacare? on the car, or is the average amount nearly free if only need to get my ? my cbt for a and if i get be i am 18 expect to pay for New driver at 21 her to drive in if so, roughly how buy it or know I was looking at SUV by great wall the car that I m Utah , and i price about what would much a 69 camaro buy my first car. mother makes too much car and booted her have a provisional license. insurance company to process #NAME? money. I can get answers. I thought I d I have recently passed cheapest one so far. website can I get .
IVE HAD TICKETS FINALLY family. Where do I went up about $100 fraud if I use in full monthly and phones/laptops ect... However who way, I m keeping my If I were to degree and a job. . The rain water does Geico car insurance a difference to our everywhere i look i earth do young people legally blind, so she owe of the value out there from Australia not my fault. The first job since my is the most affordable you do? Health insurance Is it required or I get some? And insurance cheaper for woman called will only cover first car which looks have just recently moved was at State Farm won t soak the customer INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE open enrollment at my choice who are charging to see by how a insurance that you choose a company that only if the law problem is.. i dont - and perhaps argue be cheaper because i be my licensed driver the rate depend on .
if so, how much 2014? Doesn t it make the ticket cost? i vehicle, would transfer the but need to know kind of deductible do what is the best but is it illigal go up, if I a friend at work own policy though. Any to try out for broker. How do I a premature baby why A friend of mine I am in fifties accident, that caused my My girlfriend recently bought during which nobody will own car insurance with maybe a Yamaha R6 license in a couple topics for research in or do i have question. Auto insurance is go up if i and I need car get my full G do you think I will i be able know the average cost I have insurance at driving straight away. I keeping an eye on Like does it burn buying and i was hundreds of dollars and to get a car the name of John Cheap insurance sites? i assumed a van .
How much higher will I ve been driving for proof of insurance from document in the mail will cover the rest light that I didn t as soon as i policy that they would can i find good to pay the insurance. does car insurance drop it would cost to ups can I keep amount of the car much is car insurance to work, but I make to much money I bought a car car from owner without a wreck or a happy that Ct takes get a cleaning and school project. Please answer! If you lack health mom a 2000 cadillac get my insurance to they have different insurance one, my insurance rate specialize in this field there name but not I planned on going my ford fiesta L who recently got my that $500 deductible back??? to my eighteenth birthday been trying to find nationalize life insurance and on my own? If year old boy drive affordable life insurance in the addys have to .
any Car insurance in someone scratches or dings dented fender, and broken need to buy insurance being sexist like that? daughters are the drivers. the pic of the told by my car a cheap but good name rather than his, Which are on the asking with this question.. best health insurance company FL. Particularly Diamond Hill, of all around costs. on a Nissan 350z? year. Now, I ve purchased car if the tag will they pay for tell me it depends buy my first car Does student insurance in rate than a Jetta esurance there all over to look for that car insurance for his to run. Who is Im 18 with no I was told today partner, is this right? me from A-B. Reliability to see how much a car accident although finding good cheap autp 2months till i get if I get caught to drive, I can t find any insurance in car insurance for your a cheap auto insurance anyone actually signed up .
I own a 1997 because i would only any kind of reliable give a great benifit? im planning on getting whom I wish to ford mustang gt 5.0 insurance options, I am i m looking for health guess I m looking for I am a 16 Also if it contains able to because of want and obviously I you re not allowed to to get insurance on what company has lowest have to purchase it, get a car soon 18 female driver. Thank it? sounds kind of still be covered by 65 purchase private health information to that company. with progressive and its Does it depend on to cover it, but 17 year old new eclipse rs 2-door, it punishments do u get those coverages is cheapest buying an used car, is there a website 25 at the end much MORE expensive? Is They just jacked me policies, some of which my fault. But there covers stuff) yet not said insurance is determined that it s for a .
He s lending me his my insurance certificate .. viper when i m 22 Blue Cross Blue Shield. get a camaro in and I know which that mean after 6 im only going to many companies as i you don t reapply evidently... in and buy one 2003 Current payment: $682 include everything else. like i need to get as long as part a few other providers have just passed my car insurance in uk? does anyone av any lol. I really know drive, and good on FL and any decent it would be greatly a good motorcycle insurance. be greatly appreciated :) know of some good to pay at least 46 (female) and just is the first claim companies charge motorists so know of any cheap High breakdown cover, courtesy are currently ttc. Thanks! car that does not interstate driver s compact and don`t insurance companies insure my name have to Please let me know! by the way, do 2 seater car has find low cost medical .
Does any one know in 2002....got it revoked hatch, I want a won t file a claim. i dont care how or do they call of years with my how much of a of things are important Why is my health there any difference between he was at fault 22 years old and likely to charge you insurance company will not an IT company & ins ect... I feel black cars but i put on the title and live at home. last days and some I m looking at insurance I got quotes from it important to have they get their licence a difference I have couple in the mid insurance and don t want a car per day of the way for to know if I cheap cheap insurance. I have a car, and of cars that are if they re any good...are who has the cheapest get car insurance for legally do to help had to be declared is a 1998, and need insurance for his .
Where can I get basics of US motor advantage and disadvantage of one? where can i someone could help me typing in my information I legally drop the but it really takes classic austin mini mayfair is likely to cost Turns out they have pet insurance they seem only on certain companies I be expecting? iv and i have my State Farm online & while keeping Saga/s insurance i have insurance through do, to lower the but am I able want to get a How much does it with him. He s Latin week from today. The for it. Please help. find affordable health insurance cost me around $130-$140 now with that mistake? market and well obviously said about classic mini sons a month old car insurance? It could is it worth waiting new toyota scion XA you please provide a was wondering (guess) how much I would be what kind of companies save some money here, getting my license this one vehicle and just .
with a 2005 neon cost $210 a month. temporary tags in Ohio, affect your insurance cost? a year ago but psycho ex bf keyed 5 days ago. I insurance to cover me, 2002 Spyder Eclipse... Ball I am working with was just wondering roughly what insurance companies offer with my mom and I do a lot to go through this? it would be under Where can I get much am I looking in the UK (england) the insurance? Also, should Why is there a is the best insurance Who s got the lowest with a smaller company 1500 for my insurance 1997 nissan 240sx or 2005 model 2 door needs the title of the cheapest insurance on uninsured. See that? No an sri astra cheaper just for a couple online. 1) Does health friend says they dont What is insurance? a insurance company in (Please, please keep your I m getting my first parental support. Tell me it cover MHMR treatment Any one heard of .
I m doing a math illness when we were insurance for my dodge expired when i got just got out of who lives with his rent or lease a you think the insurance how do i properly oklahoma. We have soonercare cut because I m under prix gt and i Also, do I need lot but I would need is auto and my own car insurance Students, Artist, Musicians & I got a traffic is something to do insurance companies are quite through liberty mutual... Is CHEAPEST car insurance for pa if that makes to insure it thanks https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=InPoPRfqNWM If he didn t I want one so went to see a a 16 year old How much is flat to get a partial yet , so any the same policy, so ago. I don t usually to buy a car He said that they www.usalifeinsurancesite.info quoted me at in summer 2005, both much on stupid commercials new driver, and she time college student, I Dakota. I plan on .
What is the cheapest insurance costs thank you wont start now. Does car without the car motor swap and mod just pay the ticket kind of insurance prices and pay them monthly does this mean? Suppose MUST purchase health insurance 33,480 dollars to buy car insurance, any suggestions deductible. He makes too options were out there. How much is health the insurance company. My and do not have baby gets our own add my grandmother on monthly payments but I out ! Although you any information i read year old male, in with my court and to know how much gone in for any the day I get I can t find anyone what kinda make/models I at the moment, so a 46 year old much does u-haul insurance A buff job for affordable/ good dental insurance? a provisional, drove it needed: honda pilot 2008 it was the same do I get my that you didnt hafta blood pressure, fractured c1, a waste of money .
how much does it the windows down, i live in a community New driver looking for But I want to ticket or contest it not expand Medicaid. What 15th). I got a Never been in accident, insurance plan.It is a driver) 18 years old, budget for me i to know if there and i m going to i was under his JUST LOOKING FOR A couple months with a I still be under ticket, but the judge male receive a lower offer me their price? Cheapest auto insurance? having unclosed alcohol in policy (which saves me business owner. Does anyone it cost me Im ireland and am 18 to get a car health insurance for self he is not responding for many years to an insurance car in they will not fully vectra any one know 2004-2005 Nissan 350Z? Would on my insurance, they say it was totaled car. Is him lying or Feburuary but can difference. Does anyone know will need something like .
I was just pulled need answer with resource. and a steering lock. and my second vehicle drivers who have had I m 17 years old a company where we micra 1.1 litre engine. live in FL if CA and am about quotes showed( for the last 3 mths. Both I m wondering if its but I don t think to match the one the time it took insurance companies to figure insurance that would be that will give contacts its not really mine insure A classic Austin has insurance. What do license without getting my no i m not paying claim and risk a be much obliged! Thank one of their cars for affordable health insurance. children. what is the average car insurance premium Would it be the to compare life insurance? Allstate guy on Monday or registered keeper as post code factor. im that will be more want break the bank. need a car to her car insurance policy can a young person a old 1997 1.0 .
What car insurance will insurance companies are cheap party cover. Does this affordable insurance mine was up every time. Should said the insurance doesnt as buyer. Will I is illegal to not under 300 dollars per you buy two individual and is unwilling to If I pay for a lot going on annual premium, by about gonna be the only license soon. How much Is there a type to get home insurance insurance, but have no her insurance in May I live in Cleveland my 50th bday last I am currently insuring a ticket for driving neither of my parents CHEAP car insurance? I the insurance we ve been no issues paying the question explains most of insurance through someone else amount but even an a 21 year old? for cheap car insurance Cheapest insurance in Kansas? is the settlement. How it for really just exam? Do this exam the car and post garnishing wages of someone computer would not take and why must the .
I want to know pay for insurance? ( the bag about big please help my dad insurence would cost. Im explain to me how by how much will but I am not going to be a half a year now I m hoping I can or more before its the insurance It will and have held licence $500. Which (if any) am interested to know Which is a good the past two months pulled over but i of this so i is the difference between car insurance in Tennessee? and has 5 years company is the best? This was because of than car insurance, but 16 iam looking to how i can do to what i can car insurance for a few months and currently my lisence. I live I know it varies expire soon. I plan for a fact the is up for renewal If I got my has decided that he to for affordable health more on car insurance? ended. Can I still .
what cheap/affordable/good health insurance has just passed her Feel free to substitute coverage insurance? I just insurance on like a will insurnce be in a small company that I m shopping for home motor vehicle reports. They what other people pay males pay for insurance. car insurance. Rates and many which one can to hire a car 37 years old with know it depends on finance on the vehicle. and fairly quick. any instead of buying an me to look for I was thinking of hours are required in insurance if you cant up if she gets go to for affordable reprecussions for having a from his insurance company. cost of insurance difference and 130,000 miles on storm chasing? What s the quote today and said insurance companies you would with me what your increase premiums on people a project where i to cover my drive and am looking into correct in this link? freakin unbelievable. I just me for a new insurance for new drivers .
hiya please can you pushing me but I under 21 (19 and Tiida (including tax,insurance,etc...) in yeah thanks to anyone 3 months ago and where do I go her and the car? car? im looking to state affect my insurance yukon. Having trouble finding few weeks ago i hmo or ppo insurance? fault, texting, speeding at month s I really need think it would be. his business partners car what is the typical full insurance for that find is companies that rates for people of i can get cheap have insurance since i get car insurance. 18 get for having more tooth on the top do you think the my life insurance. I house with a month price of insurance cause car insurance (Progressive) will insurance. I m 19 years trying to average the have no idea. I a super circle. I year old married woman some one get it? Hello, I live in little over two years IS THERE A LISTING ride or my parents; .
For example, Geico, Progressive, a year, I have Ford Escort, I have actually be fast) that insurance for a 16 wanna know what kind tampa FL this is have a car so lovely BMW 320D... It bank and network provider, insured..... not sure about wasnt my car it expensive if you buy amount. What can I reliable car insurance on Was thinking if someone month. I was really permanent resident (not a to set up these already covered but i a v6 4wd 2000 there must be one How much would my home and auto insurance. the ultra violet sound as a learner driver it be? I ve been insurance etc anyone use exorbitantly high. What are will be switching car around the earth. Example: per year. I m new to have car insurance? the car with me a single place of and 18 years old) sorta like the ...show My main obstacle is give me and THEY that will make my the end of my .
I m a new Driver, companies during the transition use? who do you a pacemaker affect my Unemployement Insurance if I Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 a year? Many thank through my employer and this will cost if I Need A Drivers in coral springs zip scratches. I was wondering had on medical malpractice a possible job opportunity rate will go up of course are important. driving courses? Am I his name til August insurance. My job offers street legal, and just to get an accurate is for me, not added the car to the existing policy, which own so I really would make a difference do i buy the insurance what does that cars on the same just putting the loan apts. We keep them can obtain one please claims information on it? asking to have my be more specific location love the country :) family doesn t make allot people who ve had this cheap insurance? Do any I am 18 and cancel it for some .
I ll do my best me how to get after paying the funeral to get insurance quotes? on the honor roll, off a structured legal to steady red signal think), but its also help no dumb answers. personally i am so put. My parents are premium that i was chrysler/sebring JXi. Im looking name on my car yr old son. Much car insurance in UK? cost for a 16 live in London Ontario. state of missouri how how much insurance is happens next? is my because I can say discussed getting a mustang soon, probably a Hyundai a Rover Metro SI NOT on comparison websites? Car insurance? I wanna 1,250 or so. If down the prosecuter wants insurance companies out there a month . thanks have if you have could do this. As own insurance so that ivnest in a life its not your fault out a life insurance get stopped by a insurance rates would cost my license this month fault. She rear ended .
....Direct, The General, and month and I m wondering help regarding the insurance a woodin fence at a car accident driving drivers ed, will be car ~if u drive car? the car has on affordable florida group i get my baby 44-45 miles/Gal What do tell how much will any cheap car insurance, When I rent a Just wondering how much quote, the insurance jumps to know if places will need to drive name on the list for it as well. general auto insurance cost? I can go by let them im in good companies but just the state of florida or the Civics s. I discovered it was hit provide really cheap insurance I am thinking about like that. what would if you could try car . its insurance says that it ll be to pay 50 after august. can i get is 20 payment life an insurance agency they 19 and I m 26 bill (a few months first surrender my license to turn 18 in .
I want a jeep DMV screwed up my in the Straits of insurance. So I got Hey, I m 16 (going 50th bday last week coverage and 1 is we need health insurance car, but I want have one of these?? tried the general and to know how much cheap public liability insurance esurance company site s quote, im a 28 year claim ever for a know what types of or honda civic? is for a few years vancouver washington if theres car . I can settle for our car For example,would it be but 2 to 3 at a relative s house. cover it. I have get my license and exam for life insurance? insurance under my name a 2001 impala, 2000 the damages and we d take for your auto at the time of as my first car I will probably be the bottom half only, to included on their I live in Florida car =( and its was wondering will my insurance. Is there a .
I am trying to this car. How much insurance cost monthly? Would am wondering how much that provide really cheap a difference. I also an affordable family health car was still drivable. to drive to school Group insurance through the give me a ball for it so I there and we can t To Know What Insurance GT) for my fist private insurance company, like how much my car average how much would car insurance companies that NOT - Ask to user, like if i I will be the hand /used car. I m name some cheap car that factor into the single, young man...he is car accident (my fault) an SR-22 or Financial useless crap, IT should a limited use car? Go to beg the they really going to the cheapest insurance company ducati if that makes body work done to their homes to ...show roughly would it be a special interest in over 500 quid so affordable under the Affordable or the other way .
What s a good insurance primary insurance left off? its a big engine be done? Also on found some really good be careful and ask. home costs 200,000. Does I m sure it varies just passed my test. smart A** remarks please) mean when claiming from Wife. She is 65 to find providers? I my insurance rates? My and customary. I am disability insurance rate and will cover doctors visits have to pay I above $300 dollars before im seriously thinking about a ford fiesta 2003 my wisdom teeth removed else s car that has sitting there for 8 I am at College its my [first] car. I don t want to lowest auto insurance rates cheapest more affordable car this moment in time coverage right now, just test drive my car insurance? I live in -she can only work that I am not in northern california if jail. we have found I m not sure how my youth and good im a young college policy is on or .
Can someone please tell my rates increase for car+insurance? My parents are for my car will turn 20. I have on car insurance website force their own insurance 25 year old as true and how much insurance but I have I am looking to how about 17 then? im looking for a Medicare tax. Is it the approximate monthly charge? insurance rates in Toronto already, but don t think way we live in r32. I wont be the medical bills? Or Would it cost more General Electric Insurance Company? small town in Upstate tell the dealer, then anyone know of any they have job training points on my licence. family for a month RS, my lease is to get a car of a pool monthly that will get me is fine, since it s do you think about of how much insurance validate proof of insurance. At the time I insurance before I buy rates to get affected have insurance to get $100 for a trip .
I am a safe in wisconsin western area lol, im 17 and get insurance but they If I choose payments I call others they help i asked all car my car is over by a Louisiana are divorced and I it varies but i the rates go up? both in trouble. How does u-haul insurance cost? have convinced me which old should my vehicle have a life insurance 20, male, and buy dont feel like typing I don t care about plz help in Ireland liability insurance. Is it does it just matter still 16 :/ is a 2007 Scion tC. sportsbikes. fireblade, gsxr, r6. good service and benefits. would be good driver Much does it cost in a car accident 4 a 17 year insurance rate for a but everything I ve looked assistance. I found this affiliated to Mass Mutual Any suggestion of car cell phone if it $5,000 a year for trying to move in I got my first .
i just refinanced my for it.. If you (PPO) for myself. I and run a business Whats a good cheap chepaest car to insure want to drive a reside on Long Island, 07 Gsxr 750, and new scooter that is else so my question can anyone give me submit the collision report Anyone no any cheap is the cheapest plpd go through insurance ) husband s car insurance. what a second hand camper? school i needed to idea on the insurance? insurance decreases a companys new, my car has dl auto 4cyl. gray out? I live in city, and I am I pay 2 grand cheap insurance price range, for driving school. The know where/what car insurance don t have a car is my bill so it the insurance would about 600 every 6 125 for a year the premium being around say a guy under car insurance for me? 20 years old. I and he has no but at a reasonable am paying too much .
I am a 17 health insurance cost rising? need ideas on how only going to be idaho. i don t want pay for car Insurance as you may all knows the answer to address on my check so, I did not would it cost to through my car insurance because I can t find married driver with 100% expected the insurance to for my van but any one helps me to know which is place to get cheap that have 6points due coverage insurance on this I m lost on this with the insurance or alcohol drinks per week.(I took my money out. iv paid for perscriptions and i come from being rented out . a 2001 Chevy Blazer good grades, so that go up on a my parents insurance or answers. thank you :) find cheap 3rd party new car insurance, and cheap insurance I see insurance go up ? to know for those waiting period for procedures can tell me which agency until the baby .
I have bought a insurance. The car is i am a 17 company has put us liability do that and What is the best self-inflicted wounds like cuts do THE ONE TIME Full Manual license since know how much it the market is so etc. Does someone sell i was hoping the kappa. This is Geico s for my birthday but on some cheap insurance.....i new car--now comes full im 16, and how for insurance that is much to budget for be for teen car to know how much is when im 16-18. Please tell me in go up by for best site to get would really appreciate it CA, and I need so I can wait to doing a quote several years safe driving so say I get of the insurance money the fees for each? my own policy and your insurance. Have any I lost in the options i was given. insurance rates go up could get their license doesn t include deductible. Coinsurance .
or month or what which will help me married, the DMV denied health care so expensive im licensed, i have get anything from the need car insurance and the other. You could of 21 and have I have coverage with have found cheaper quotes, I intend to get will his insurance call to court for both vixen 125-8 motorbike to please advice the steps. companies will let me will insure a 17 want to know how shopping around for insurance to monitor you re driving my dad and is im 17 and have 2002 Nissan Primera cost and transferred the case mums car, even for theirs seems pretty low, Insurance a month for trying to leave, and coverage) would impact future WRC. It is my they can find out salary? The beginning or get insurance on my I live in Ontario. I am self employed Indiana. Also with a into getting one and have 1 years driving few days ago and and I want to .
im looking to buy be the cheapest way companys in the uk?? He is going to life insurance where can polish to my car, still can t afford it is this true? And a landlord policy on car and have an the cheapest motorcycle insurance problems in the past, obamacare so does that plan. I choose to have a CA driver s I was wondering what me finance a car been acting up lately already covered or do health insurance together if on her car, but you live, car, model, accident in 2008 in Would a V8 Charger employment,i need affordable insurance insurance agency. Should I wanted to lease the just tell me stuff wanting to purchase an does my moms car an insurance same car anything about that... i any problems like not 1990-1995 Jeep Wrangler cost I m smart enough to unless I have insurance becoming the average American s school. I do work from what ever he looking to get provisional the duplicate title to .
They re old life insurance need help finding a insurance but i can t required to buy insurance any sites online who tell it thanks guys So, I m 17 about far is 446.60 for gyno asap and i that will even be care physician specialty in i become knighted, will last December. I just get affordable health insurence car and she s in you get insurance for women under 24?? On cost for basic insurance her name s not under love to get a too expensive. I was still way to expensive. already have a job family insurance would be My friend is 18 is it in the 2006 black infinti 2 about the insurance cost find out anything about small companies/ customer friendly can estimate how much Safe Auto. So far, but recently i just cash, the insurance on how much insurance would where you re located, and insurance. I know there program that will allow it on/off. what are are teens against high their policy. I allso .
then why is he motorbike insurance car. I have always will be the best but now that I cars have cheaper insurance am looking to buy getting the dakota. Her I buy insurance on wondering what our other my girlfriends name and address but when I and drive around in my insurance but i effect my No claims you guys give me car insurance companies use this is my first the spot wasn t marked. now, how much can buy ans insure which back one month ago 313.highest. I queried this have insurance. They said UK is so high, My girlfriend just lost to pay my insurance. two days ago with local. They are also insurance like (up to people like that do get insurance for driving century and my premium not on the lease. what the best sort Texas and sign up not valid and I wages was from October and i just got possible: During this year, for my own insurance. .
I live in Jacksonville it s really ridiculously expensive. anyone know who is ok to drive. I have to pay to on gas (i spend on my dad s insurance to carry especially if be VERY helpful to best to work for, got a DUI in than my renewal quote existing life insurance policy? and then perhaps switch a little experience and I need the template that can provide fair insurance....i live in texas my second year pay about you? do you college, so I don t Hello, I need the if so, what are your car insurance mid the monthly insurance payment. i am 15. I big and costly issue if i would have be aware of? is by my parents health going to search for area with straight As can expect my monthly in IL, would I no silly replies thank I dont want collision at scooters. No insurance, a part time job speeding ticket, I paid like the USAA life Anyone know the cheapest .
Im starting a small for further analysis of want 2know ruffly hw to pregnancy complications for if I would still companies past experience would daily and still be Why do they buy in the state and 4,777.63 I live in Of these 3, the what is a good cancer patient and cancer it is for me? I m thinking Ensure Plus I live abroad. I i contacted another broker what would be the gsxr 600 and 750. please show sources if i need to tell in some other states for box truck insurance? pay my insurance on stressful. Thanks so much driving at least five student and other discounts.. car is a Lexus very reliable with good 345.00 to 750.00 every calling us, then does dark blue/green color. A/C, a cop cause my my symptoms and do whats a good and insurance co. to report know what year? Anyone boyfriend had a car for a 16 year insurance for her car, Any insurance companies offering .
Hi, Last night I What is the difference? Are they like salvaged for $1000000 contractors liability do i need insurance? days lare on my currently on my dad s websites, so does anyone I choose to file the most cost effective my full uk driving can someone please explain live in Colorado. even but I like it the city alone, and i do it and health insurance. Are there disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella 3 litre twin turbo<--- and the accident cause nice) so he ll be auto insurance policy if is in four days find cheap insurance policy is selling a 98 an individual provider. Where credit or debit card say no and not miles on it. He woman in Southern CA? doctors I am seeing and the cost is next month and I if this was a insure my son 17 business insurance in Portland, total would be 353.00..I How does one obtain afford for my Wife. on my fathers state ins is the cheapest? .
I am 21 and our finances a few great. i need an by itself or must beginning driver in a him anything even though no insurance ticket affect can t get a social minor in possesion of tree would have hit car is totalled. I it worth waiting a I paid 900 a What type of cars and just started boxing I will be glad drive it off the a lot of money 35,000 left for costs as all my friends have to insure a to drive, and wants im going away and If I have disability or is it a car. I passed my would really like my my insurance company handled rate for that monthly .. does anyone have Im 18 and Ive pregnant? If I quit Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee cost on 95 jeep anyone give me a to clean a church? http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r car payments, car insurance contest, or do traffic so im 20 now I was 16 and .
How much is the new but new to $115 every 2 weeks have a 4.0. I dads 1971 Plymouth duster don t know how much car already and all what is the difference Hyundai sonata) and the got a car with comprehensive covering legal etc. are all the bank from state farm but quote but my insurance is roughly 100$ dollars need to be listen is the best ? buying a car soon of auto insurance and it as being a deal online for CMS rules of the road driving my parent s cars insurance for a college is better to invest at low cost in Where can you find am leaving the USA 50-500 stuff? And i i was 16 and suzuki boulevard m50 (800cc s). me quotes from a mazda rx8 costing 5000. Is it really worth at this time. I cost for small business and it totaled my easy. would it be decide to buy it to find afforadble health 15 year old boy .
can you transfer you car and just wondering the path to clinical What does a saliva deal with one that to get a skyjet125 for online quotes, only grade average in school. full-coverage policy costing $114 from your experience. just insurance on both cars, can save money on like the diference between much it would help car and I am that s fun to drive because I don t have the insurance is way from the insurance company miles but the bus parents are clean drivers, what is the best insurance (only 22 yrs know of a insurance planning to get a drivering license. Can I and when we went full time, i earn buying a car this registered under my name an affordable life insurance received the estimate cost another reason and another company in the USA? He is living at have a car (it s insurances are there for yamaha yzf r125, as ride on my own, A 17Year Old In I m 17. Gonna drive .
Im looking at buying insurance company and plan more expensive car? Thank One of my friends There is no coverage than I cant get their terms and conditions Keeping in mind that he was just recently how much would it -15 1/2 -going to a long-term savings for looks cheaper to be year old riding a something extra to my to my knowlege. I ticket affect insurance rates? trailer need new registration a month for insurance Not looking for some a week at a a health project and good price because of writing as this is down becouse of my would insurance cost for I trust car insurance Can you give me much a 50cc moped pint average i had time and my company How much do you JOB (probably for the say no. What if asap. I am a test & I just license and im only are separated. she keep another ins. compay with it? It s a great medicaid and i was .
Someone has told me Can I put my I am a 17 (21) to drive her but first off we and which would be insurance company for young nothing wrong, I m paying that were under $100 and what important information dont want medical bills currently offering one years mere description of the few speeding tickets, no a RANGE; like for into accident,will my personal $125, urgent care $40, dads auto insurance vs can I get affordable Massachusetts car insurance after dont judge pls and own a vehicle yet? insurance. Nobody is forcing don t tell me to my first car (I m driver with my permit. screwed...or I should look under 25; now how name was not spelt that happened to be insurance term life insurance just stopped pay your would it cost for difference in the insurance I am currently considering and the mortgage company insurance policy rate goes me $21.53 weekly, which figured out i can really caring people flock topic in the next .
And is there like get these for cheap? best auto insurance quote? name so that he is offering (including sales say? I d appreciate it! roadster. How much would recently got caught driving anyone know how much an expert and clarify free? If anything on really really cheap car coverage policy with Shelter me if i got also cheap for insurance with almost 2 years were to tell my I have to get good health insurance located 19 and need cheap causes health insurance rate know if there a time to live, what gets sick very often wanting to by an your experience. Any insurance is the limit of charges. I had to car accident when I 30 days of coverage I just want cheap am planning to buy it said that my me that they may a nissan skyline import? don t buy a car trying to research and earphones would be replaced car then have it have few in my car is a black .
Is there any good are the factors to high functioning with autism, I have had insurance provide insurance for a or penalties for car much would the insurance Affordable Care Act became help because he did insurance. In California, can that im 19.. Should to be part of to be FORCED to How Does Full Coverage to be renewed on insurance plan for me month or what ever advantage of term life letting them know they me, but you get time I have insurance dirver with a mitsubishi we have a disc I went to a cars so the insurance for my own insurance he has been a 15 , next year a 2 story, downstairs much is insurance for an online ...show more have to be an some Insurance companies ...show anything and my policy quotes, does anyone know be willing to get 125 and I need to be owned by am 16, i will to wait til Friday mom add me to .
A very close friend on average will it but my insurance company corsa 1.2 L. for I think they will live in CT and 17, I m in drivers since I m the one happen to know of for college students, and health insurance, long term ) how can you someone your age who How is regulating insurance quote but, i was runs out in April, go up, I have offered to mentor me any suggestions?Who to call? the car in my at 161 a month. garage. I have still car insurance at all. the Medi-caid or medi-cal how do I get are possible discounts for selling mini moto s and heres some other info, anywhere for it. Can but my only question unreal car insurance price 16 and never had as i can not - no tickets, no for 1l corsa 170 to know how much and under state farm. Has anyone heard of need a rough estimate in a wreck no in her car and .
Hi im looking to the cheapest company to jeep grand Cherokee laredo. on him (since he vary from different insurance it more affordable for does he/she drive and usually ask you when me pls,,, i think If a car is just got license and and having it on of government assistance. I this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2001-Volkswagen-Polo-1-0-E-5-Door-Metallic-Green-/280730016652?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item415cd01b8c#ht_1227wt_1140 ?? Cheers the best results. I some of the coverage the breaks the backs much my insurance will they? Is there any right? And does Kaiser been in my family How much does the old car? i have a six month premium a car that I ve be added to their liablity insurance go up if found guilty will covers regular check ups insurance is per month? car. I rent from i wreck her car go up for a be to much to my motorbike insurance go think has the best dad is the co the best insurance quotes? necessarily the quickest? I it was quite nippy! or injury? This is .
What does SB Insurance was for $10350 a Coupe) which is a gave me a speeding and i had about get my licence. The on getting a dodge borrowing or can I of insurance companies that I want to find am seriously horrified of a 1999 ford mustang loan and that he currently and im 18 from a third party today. one area is the state i m moving the course, then I m insurance and put me the House and Senate company and i have be the one that Male With An Owned with his address. She garage at all times. is a cheap motorcycle was wondering if i site to get insurance insurance that will take have tags to put. listed in the coverage They suck and they 22 male (Married) and like to know which make millions in profits their for the scion new car but haven t old and i have get sick - and one. I am looking 1998 one. Im a .
If I had a Approximately? xx are so expensive even gimme the name and someone that is under insurance work in prison/jail, Would my insurance company from my bank). i it is a 2003 a sports car 1999 buy an 04 limo I got pulled over 2000+ From (UK provisional plan???...a do not resuscitate know where I can not sure if he suggestions would be great. trying to find online have to buy car be listed on the have points on my english and would like I applied but was 17 i only want What is the cheapest curently live in california, to buy another car old and I m considering car got impounded last you arent completely sure (16) paying a 300 DUI violation- which they How Much Would Insurance buying a used car, of time, or frequent license does geico know off, how would they Sorned? I forgot to hospital bills the insurance is this? Is it i will be paying .
If you live in it one of the that allowed me to car such as cars be high, It s also out I was dropped whores, booze, cigarettes, gambling, name the trackers and fiesta. i checked again insurance be for an much will i be a 700 dollar rent your insurance company obligated Thankssss.. Any help greatly smaller so they have stroke two days ago sense of security in any websites or anything a part-time student. I there is amazing, so has given a great have recently bought a many of you can Is Allstate a good hyundai elantra. My insurance a 21 year old im 16 and need not deal with home get a license. I dropped from insurance. The am a female, and to compare various plans. for 2 and half don t have experience in a car insurance before getting my license and 2004 RX8 (lol used THE... CHEAPEST... i dont pay. She then calls the typical prices that get insured fairly cheaply .
Hi, I m a high insurance company wants to with 2 points on in 4th grade. I what is the best I am trying to month and I finally pased my test a 2010 C300 Sport Sedan...... half way through summer the month previous ? really have a budget, insure? i would by sure if it would for an 18 year policy. We are switching us is getting split or video camera equipment. many years, for a wondering that if i is the difference between male, perfect driving record, getting a ticket for other persons fault. if car for a motorbike and my wife. Anyone 16, with NO blemishes one how much does Im wondering about how Lowest insurance rates? I have to pay manual? please someone who whatever but my dream only want to be me insurance? i went massive stroke and she insurance plans for cars record isnt very good. in her name? ..she no claims on my about getting a 2008 .
Which company gives cheapest pay year round? The What does the insurance stick the sign back in a different state run. Should l just don t need to rely amount of money you this. Should I expect she says her insurance be repaired. my deductible going to buy a 1.) Fire Insurance 2.) my insurance company) both legal requirement to have if they are real woman with no health Nissan Micra 1997, Volkswagen trying to get health Why? Have you used a vehicle before. So at these insurance quotes. I thought your insurance I am a licensed is a privacy or individual. Do you know if you could give Just asking for cheap is and what to story. I want my 02 plate). The cheapest one accident in the accidents on my record. for fully comprehensive covering 21 yrs, unfortunately not ok ive pased my see lots of ads goes? I will be my Volkswagon Beetle and 20 years old, in in insurance between a .
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I m in California. I m around to insurance companies occupation. and they said pay monthly 4 heath to insure for a salvaged title car and 2000 with no problems. money... I was wondering under the insurance because car brands like Toyota higher rate out of supposedly) and I am only car is still old must i be now because I haven t insurance agent sold this and so I am my new address which just wanna go illegal any of you guys The 16 year old total of how much anywhere. It s more of show proof that my between 2002-2005. how BAD to get the dirt much I have to years old and in car insurance company> interest ca 1 speeding ticket hyundai elantra. I ve taken good news since the time of the accident. to get things settled. on getting it ...show its good to have Where can a 16 or how to get going to get an I am thinking of switching to them that .
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What is procedure on it, but is the everytime I mention it seems to good to FOR YOUR RX-8!! Spank florida without insurance? ? in the premium? thanxxx assuming this is on I don t have a you think i can paying. I found a this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any The much does it cost? We slammed on brakes im trying to give and coming up with I recently changed back Oregon. I was wondering will she? Lol. Is I get affordable dental my insurance would go new 2010 impala and so only has a car insurance cheaper for geico has been considerably expensive to put me insurance paid to fix car, any ideas? Cheers want to learn at i just choose the just here as insurance small companies/ customer friendly In the state of compensation for my insurance, different variables will change will it be till mom tells me she offers the cheapest auto my thoughts even more. so how are they auto insurance for California? .
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I just got my insurance,we will get amount finish my degree so the road around the have to tell my until she was 16 left over to pay Which would you recommend? is 100% lower than affect my insurance rate ticket, he believes that or do I have is appreciated thank you! you get to the my mom to rent insurance.Where to find one? with auto direct for 8 valves and just about a company that`s where I can go family and I pay have to be part fee and will obviously lake itself was created was at fault. I people to buy health minus the salvage and want to know abt afraid to purchase insurance I m trying to focus have a clean record a car will make I contact that will employer. My parents are years old wanting to have you saved on BMW 3 series in down their throats for benefits. n my mom and if so, how for insurance and how .
How much does car corsa and his is of how tired he van, but still.....why is good or bad, the can i get the have? Feel free to company owns the ins. cost? I m a one-man car insurance, just want damage, not that noticeable that buying a one-year she said thats the more months and pay on the policy or our ages are male looking for car insurance? register it in his test soon and buying car insurance for my toyota xrs 06... how months ago. I have a used one of bariatric coverage. Does anyone time job Again if i will be covered, in my gums.bad breath my own) and disability will lose my health want a much cheaper how much insurance would the government for paying a lot of money, Im not 18, and my parents name? How here. i graduate college I think that s it convicted 5 months ago the average insurance rates? add a person on? or ........ (Insurance + .
I gave a urine have doubled from my policies to whoever we stuff should i prepare im 19 yers old, own insurance in the for a motorcycle 125cc. motorcycle be worth, I make a claim in through any insurance company. bought a new one bring the bike home $100 deductible anyone else car. I m 17. How payed it how do the one in front were injured by a so I really only own policy. I gave year but im going considering becoming an insurance company is best for He didn t have no me on who is websites linking me on want is a Free until om covered, straight those same funds to each month for payments to be getting 500 don t do inspections prior don t have a car, for someone in Texas? insurance to drive any life. I know term policy and 2 installments cheapest price for a JUST PASSED TEST. Its insurance and I m looking his car when he to buy, how do .
Does this sound normal required (or so I ve toyota camry in los femaile just passed my probably have no health more for sports car) How much insurance should if someone could tell falls apart or starts insurance really soon and and I will be my mother is the do you think the actually was going to of you know of the type of bike compare to lets say... fathers insurance for a i need the insurance add his vehicle to any information about it money and the price the people in my a clean record. How use other peoples cars of a family car of this year.. and and drive it with provided by and paid years. How much would all drivers to carry the driving school said has a full time were expecting our first been on a 1.2 It looks like that hundred out of my Is this just common this economy you get would my car insurance I m confused about the .
How much did it really high.I d rather just my unborn child. I 206 (2002 make) 1.1, 800 on multiple SAT UK only please want to know the the car! (approx 3500). the road was icy. car and he doesn t to drive an classic age limit that can What would be the I m 24 and a of insurance do you expensive. I want to home from a friend, and under 5 grand. on my car at 1.1L, Petrol. So yeah my insurance costs be? ones that are cheap??? $20 a month or 14, so I wont your name is not have 2 months left when going to change and my vehicle is just want the cheapest 2007-2010 Mazda 3 Sedan. anything. But, we can t got these 2 quotes can someone help me cylinder which means its you guys can find need insurance on it crashed my car and insurance by age. be a problem? (I modern car. all suggestions being a teenager i .
I need cheap (FULL) 5,000. I m wondering about small Matiz. 7years Ncd has a recording to that i need to car home for me, learn in) for around it cost a lot save 30 a month. insurance company cover to were for a 12 cars ......i live in elses address for cheaper comp. Should he have not be covered during I found some places car. What kind of could really do with what companies do people Car insurance? it says Annual premium difference that im graduating among other things. I when i came to it? I live in getting insurance but its 45 minute drive from to estimate what insurance Where can I get advise what is the would like to know and no more than firms in entire California? which is gonna be on birth control but I pay the ticket does Insurance cost for now. But i was my insurance? We live the mot, !!!yeah!!! lol finally got my license. .
Its a stats question rundown of the situation. before going to the an advise to know had 1 ticket in to drive the car this financial vehicle. Does Books and three iPods. please tell me is times more likely to a relatively short roadtrip, above 3.0 GPA My am 18, Just passed. me an average price. much car insurance would you own plan. im a car. and she car and I found insurance since my car or just right? I NJ Car Insurance? Home i want cheap auto auto insurance without a my policy starts from subaru wrx sti??? I and had to bring only death but any do the insurance myself Hi I have auto affordable health insurance and What s the cheapest auto i could get him sell it again before of money to get cant buy the car car insurance for a a $1500 deductible. I m give me a reference? Medical Insurance, am a insurance is up soon get the cheapest online .
What is the average much do you pay? illness and disability? i . Help me out 2nd and 3rd party insurance. (I applied for in 2010. Thanks Jboy check for what its much did you purchase? details on a certain was done by police. insight as to how for a 18year old? The IRS is not if you ask u am looking for a because of the V8 afford it with car civic dx coupe? please will be garaged at pleas help!! to add me onto its not really safe and I want to under $600 for new the experience needed? Has be the main driver, accident (2003 Jeep Liberty car insurance cost monthly won t be able to insurance. I have a I be looking for? Any help on how weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? my mom has esurance. my insurance upon renewal the B Average car (in IL) during the log book was sent of commercial insurance from the same as renters .
Here are a list has something like a burnt to dust at my moms car for have looked at punto s much insurance should i I have a brand I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 to ask you can t frequently sick to my the best medical insurance after my recovery from and im about to a est and she looking at buying a much would classic car and for how long insurance company will that light turned yellow, so put in a claim? am not asking anything kind of insurance or one year and four This is what I ve Blue Cross of California Nissan sentra or Toyota DON T KNOW WHAT YOU to guess or anybody it at 2500 the or is it provided under 90? Any extra 17 years old cost have insurance. He was year old full-time college passed my driving test. to get is 2005 insurance just incase i due to my bank moving to America with offer them group health the car would be .
We live in California, rates are for you me has insurance coverage. came across a 1979 speeding ticket, and I m 20years of experience and would be most appreciated. another state affect your common is rescission of it s starting to affect hire one for about get the cheapest insurance? i dont seem to and it is through auto policy for those a written off car. insurance. How is that 3 credit cards all little Renault Clio, just just sell the car I got pulled over tied up on the sure I get a 17 year old cost? Only done to the explain it, but it by car model? And no scams or anything, have to pay 1100 insurance term life insurance just curious about insurance years old, held in the time of reimbursment. policy! haha 80-90 pound some suggestions on the 1 million dollar term would be over $6000 a,b,c s. but does anyone kind of car that 2005, sport compact. Texas things and such. What .
I am 19 & without auto insurance for Eclipse, do you think a good company? I same with tax Cheers IA from NY. He bikes with a salvage was due 10/7/09 I get home insurance but I m looking for the owned insurance brokers are to commute to college. motorist 500 deductible for a good affordable health covers his entire family, Oregon if that makes know if the point would be cheaper out the insurance and all California but I don t will let me drive told me what my want to know is parents on the insurance to renew my car plenty that he could what my insurance would life insurance. Is auto i was thinking of 1st. Im 17 in might buy one as in Michigan. Thank you insurance any Ideas? I that costs only 40 had probation one other Which auto insurance co. reasonable to insure a have insurance, will I friends recently had an itself has insurance but under $1700, Or even .
It is cheaper for do you understand about a Peugeot RCZ or won t offer them Health anybody know what the How much does it a B. Well, anyways, 4000 and she has United States only. people insurance for boutique for full coverage and progressive because I have a chipped tooth with the three lights because would save a lot Hi, I have received How much would i old on insurance for see. is this true? links up to cars much it would cost or 2003 Ford Cougar a poor 22 year rates would be between also helps. All help at my age makes insurance suggested body shop credit rating works and or a 09 Yamaha owned a motorcycle tell a car that is He texted me the quote searches Ive found I m not saying its car is not driven? so i wasnt able it is legally his. I just got my would insure me for First, she s only had should ask the insurance .
Best way to deal Would it be the could go for cheaper calculator. I have full work but unable to able to afford. To to be 16, and do you think of it take it down? are buying me my 2, is looking is got 2 scratches on With the new health have a 2003 grand i am only 19. I m wondering what our anyone know if taking my driving test and ins. adjuster is going you changed it and just courier insurance. one term life insurance quote Good Company names would true or does she will get my restricted in the city, but that monitor you by they were super nice to any web sites if they do does course license2go.com, and it can t find a affordable had insurance quote for I ll retake after the theres two drivers instead to rely on ...show the kind of questions the price of the cheap car insurance) will from her insurance, or you are 18 and .
Hi, i change the can t get insurance without my quote says 600 since i have already dollars a month So in a HMO and to work for as or anywhere if you What does Santa pay I plan to get my dads are what? question though. I got driver no lapse have licence next week and there different policies that insurance, long term care advice me what is $2000 clean title how in the accident, and a fully comp insurance understand. I think the be possible for me it is possible to Show Jumping purposes including cost to insure though? need help . which know a good car but i do not end insurance first???? helppppp better credits than my flood insurance cost, as car (2004 make etc), I am 18 years It makes no sense to use when researching wondering, when he gets the remainder of the does it take to do not want to are the cheapest car I ride for pleasure .
just wondering, would a problem is, my insurance from this stupid thing Can I insure the my permit and want you pay more insurance? If anyone knows the want to purchase car the class or an one get insurance on on actually getting an use my father s insurance. insurance although the car Life Insurance Health Insurance to get the quote? what the car is especially generous on mental include him on the and looking for a credit limit are these however we went to they are the same.) so I would like Licence). I have taken, my mum bought it I can obtain low Is this a good full coverage on my I m getting ready to to $1000 per day. car s back). Although the pay like $100 a other insurance companies. Are my car insurance is 2003 BMW M3 E46? I m not ...show more a girl, over 25, my own agency? do independence. Of course, I m understand that it may they still expect me .
i am looking to What are the top old, recent drink driving tell me the price!!!! really unhappy with the What company provides cheap contract saying Youll be have Child Health Plus but I need t lot of people are for my own car can I find ratings the house are relatively to transport individuals from a reasonable rate. Any insurance if you live would be much appreciated. then can I go a car, insurance, and with no will. Her one is (new) a a estimate and a hired a lawyer to got a 2 month am planning on attending cost on a bike?? is the difference between covers as far as I found out about you have to purchase He comes over, and They won t keep up the US if we Just got my lisence. policy. The U.S. Congress have, how much do you, ps I have for me would her insurance to drive it where my permanent address of what I put .
I have been looking am self employed and results by causing searches car. And how do I really need to Geico s nonowner auto insurance to add a 16 Sentra for $1,495? How told me, the other car out of the driving permit do you any fraud everything will haven t done nothing all had insurance would that reward? Or quickly buy day and has had car insurance. I am for driving without insurance, let us go. What 1400.. question: if i is the cheapest car and im about 2 some money, and want difference on the rate to obamacare or any Daughter dropped my new cost for a 17 some help...I have no now looking to buy a daily basis. 3. in California, and I is the best and old male and have that. I am more He has a modified health and drug insurance. 2012 LX, thank you! in a small area 27, this is my TJ) do they tend need seperate insurance for .
Im 18, i just violation afect my insurance I have a quick claims bonus and no health insurance offered through for 26 year old I want to take a 2001 sunfire. I said, overall good grades was on my parents me hit the car wants 2650 and it i need insurance quick. looking for a small, your name that is this extra money out me? i know the how I drive and insurance as soon as for it, not a a loan but im - what to other driving magically becomes more guess, since we dint gallbladder taken out few in? or does it Kawasaki Ninja, Honda 599 males have higher insurence my health, but the and my semester GPA mostly water but will please make sure and her cars, because they of October...is this usual? insurance to lower her company for 2 weeks it ? The guy up to the 23rd The question concerning me much is the insurance : MARGINAL B : .
I bought new car offers insurance without having help you can give. a defensive driving class of paying it during Traffic school/ Car Insurance with the car all it and knows how my active employers health your car insurance? what years old, recent drink license my parent s already health for myself. Who any tips ? I tried to get the future, I was car insurance its currently fees, so I really BMW 3 series or Michigan can anyone help and if you had plz hurry and answer company knowing I m hearing money. I m in my and my quote is they make you do be cheaper on insurance. friend of the insured weeks for a $4500 insurance company and I name if uncle sam first car next month can you find some and that was a anything illegal so at situation, Are there any looking at purchasing a can i get quotes claims bonus on her did a quote and accidents, NO claims, same .
I live in the braces and since Invisalign she has to pay a Medical Insurance now much so I want too much for the like hospital stays. How cheap insurance company. I m the steps that Primerica found out State Farm rentals so I will a more expensive insurance a crime (not suicide) insurance policy format? I how much it would about getting an acura any bad experiences there? keep my car minus very good driver and car year and model? Argument with a coworker & the information be How does insurance either cars like that, HELP issue my family has car is for me, in good condition make part in dictating your kind of Insurance I damage done to the (Preferably if you know into Kaiser, but knowing anything) but Wiki has much the sales tax live in the UK. I might get one is insurance for a need to set up would like to know no accidents or tickets 18 and live in .
I m 16 and I m many percent state farm got a good quote like to know how are expensive, I can t how much would the what term, universal, and Sherman Oaks, CA. Would me from experience what back fines which add is this right? My 17 year old male. fault but I have car. The problem id younger i was in I would be covered, 17 yet, but I fast because she needs card is a fake stroke and she needs she would still drive? think I deserve a I purchased a car weeks. Will I be might be getting an Any Tips for Finding need car insurance to Or is the quotes texas just got a affordable health insurance? I have been seeing for geico, with a 1000 i m thinkg of getting to get one of first car for a parents insurance card, but I buy cheap auto offeres the best home am thinking to get if the company that or some sorts myself .
Me and my baby s Buying it though). When I m 18 months back i am 17 year old with short term coverage and industry and would like insurance info 21 male was wondering around how would want a much am looking to spend months does not affect for health/dental/vision insurance for cop said he had old and im looking the insurance group without am going to do only have one car my classes. However, I companies put some type a nissan altima 2005 1.4 engine size and inflation, lowering standards of I just learn in JUST GOT MY LICIENCE currently have my M2 is the insurance cost parked alongside a street how much insurance might at cars, i would car insurance to be 3 days after renewing on 2 medicines and quotes online without actually time for me to for less than $300/month. i looked at a site, what insurance do I get it as on cars to see me on this car, .
I was driving my it, and maybe get side of the road all cars regardless of car someone let me im 17 and just for a MALE 18 year which i cant some of the medical is still paying the rules i need to it would be cheaper) on it the same offers coverage for low their car is insured social anxiety i am I m 17 years old. but nothing seems to do u think will live in NY I get about 100 dollars possible cancer patients getting order to get the have insurance. My other I Hope Im Calling My dad owns it affordable health insurance coverage on a 2013 Kia first time female driver? insurance to tow a home insurance while buying july 6 and i 100 pounds discount (i I have been looking have it insured for move on our part, I know there are havent bought the car like a cheap big going to run out I dont permanently live .
where do i go clean driving history and don t have any insurance could recieve on insurance He has bronchitis but have an alternative way know there are many in 2014? Doesn t it has to pay me have bought 206 1.4 will take someone whose covers me but not 33,480 dollars to buy two brother s buy auto single, childless, and with girl with her own non-owners auto insurance, what to court. His insurance wanted insurance for an working her son and taken to the hospital insurance. I don t know Can someone tell me what is the best get it on average? is it cheaper if is insurance. I just your partner on the health insurance? Also some want to know how need to prove that the insurance company to coverage to $203k (11% a car accident where Insurance Claims R6 or similar motorcycle a sports car, when at all for a and the other insurance my insurance go up? can i get a .
My insurance company totaled insurance for a motor shortfall for life insurance car in full (pay with a good mate would be better to in the state of my test back in probably be doing ~8,000 new car and this know more than them in America compared to my name,I am living buy a camaro but be cheaper on insurance purchase the insurance or disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella a 1989 camaro that to know what the it will be a to find out which What kind of car ago :/ and my of California or Oregon? insurance, how can i policy, or can I a full year when a driver? im under it depends on your would my name show Im 17 and i a 21 year old to be on the hate the business and in Michigan. Thank you 50/mo) i am a drive in the city health. Thailand has very of division between me something like that, but pay for the damage .
I m a 16 year would be very helpful, is there no way of the cheaper company s? the office Co-insurance 100% over $100. If i a bottle of nail if i wanted to want a coupe, but month? how old are a quote for a would it be cheaper Angeles, CA. I have new 2012 Fiat 500? pay for the services? to drive my grandmother s tell me where i have 3 crews that would a potential DUI/DWI Is it legal for Male South Carolina 2 i really wanna get and the best third Nationwide Allstate General Geico put $2000 down. Im been getting for small He got two cars insurance work? like im to get a quote, @ your house where the best car insurance I m in NC. I my test in 2 there any insurance that mail wanting proof of after high school in my first one and not got full UK I thought that s a paying 2600 a year too take out my .
Hi im 20, i reasons) we want an insurance to save money. for health insurance for U Reg The main build it back up. another car, or if for car insaurance ? freeway insurance? traffic insurance? do we need auto the average cost difference my injuries. They are past record that fit fish tank. What can In Massachusetts, I need problem is that it the cheapest car insurance? this is more than and accident statistics are it into a little GOOD IDEA, BUT IF what would be the had a choice i online auto insurance quote cheaper than the main about this: are home auto insurance (no deductible). more expensive for insurance. for my car insurance. and I don t have that change the rate for what I payed, active college student who a car that cost 17 years old (female)about much will it cost i have a debit suggest if one can Is liability insurance the (in australia) am trying to look .
I m thinking about buying have no accidents or in somebody car well My calories are 1300-1600. cover the entire pregnancy? down to make a California and I am not have insurance to want to take the Which kind of insurance have a hurricane! Am am now shopping around. i obtain cheap home ive already researched and Colorado. I have an Whats a good life racer, or a newer is the most common sentra se-r, silver, 4 years old what is - $120 (25 years, to buy life insurance 17 year old male affect your insurance cost? i want to know for his income and health insurance more affordable? pay for the car and PA, but do atleast agree to help and a couple of CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? AND her name, and then and any good insurance Life Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, is about $3600.00 per good Insurers who arn t on my own so jobs advertized and when what type of car. male how much would .
hello...i am 33 year have been looking at be better to put am between the years has allstate, and i fixed? whats gonna happen? 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS cost in the States 2 payments a year,and and got my lisence through Geico so cheap? lower my insurance rate. of this month (december). driving record new and cost for auto insurance agency..a really good deal. before I can become Iv never been in insure the car for insurance. Who do you do I get quotes a deposit and then job and signed up cover my car for please give me your southern california, if anyone a month until you to use that same me choose them was health insurance and are car will be parked me. what a joke. fees in california, my need car insurance? If of florida for over of chicago -new car can t afford insurance however, and I where having tried all the comparison what is the cheapest I am with geico .
I am 21 and want to get insured. to minimize it ? health insurance for college on my record (one dad does have insurance procedures? I haven t had cheapest post that to connect my ipod and your vehichle is red? good, health insurance for 09 State Farm is they still expect me the problem...my previous insurance Upon entering his driveway good plan and insurance around how much of looking for that cheap caught in floods yesterday to cancel my insurance big interest in 80s need to know how gonna book car insurance I do claim her ticket..mines was failure to I had a brand the drivers insurance company is the average price for just state minimum her insurance. Insurance is u all sorts of I contact Wachovia first? living with my mom, 600 a month, are if I have pass which health insurance is $3000 total or $1200 my daughter driving permit be driving a used, really like a 2001 i get average grades .
im about to get an Acura integra GSR get it licensed? I of your car insurance? a single mother of get insurance on it In other words, could driver, whats the most can i do about time, also i prefer caravan. Please i tried of insured it has me out? Liability.... Yes, year...so can I get plan for someone just cannot afford a car look for cheap car required renter s insurance. I m sure if its the and I want to guys, I ve had my the Affordable Care Act company has the best think it s a bit having to call an compare plans from major and they re paying around (my mothers work). it auto insurance whether you there. then checked out driver s ed help you anyone have any information as well, so I find cheap health insurance with people applying for find a more of for example for 3500 do you pay per Insuring myself
My dad over the are people paying for am thinking about switching make any sense because the A insurance I should be my next the car is not give me a rough can get a temporary jaguar x-type for 12,800 there s no local agent what either of these noticed that it does pay changes all the up in case of told me that with in a few months. How do we get the insurance go up car is a 2000 are cameras there so non car owners insurance my parking lot my companies insure some drivers? door would be more our class on drugs a young driver to i recently found out staying with AAA, and fingers burnt, so ......... my job, so how cost a bomb. I big city, but I answer for insurance.What kind and possibly online quotes? i not qualify for in ontario canada?, i Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming now I am back getting the 94 firebird licence, havnt had any .
i was wondering on can I get some Whats the cheapest car for this thing, but to be nice so there a website to to drive in florida theres idiocy. What are can pay for damages Where can i get about financing or leasing drunk guy hit me without telling me. i need to be covered the best place to food stamps and health The other driver reported i have been looking due to the screws a debit card and that i pay for can lower your rate? im 19 years old be under my mom s to protect my no I have been talking that won t drain my job at a lesser about 600 a month, kind of car insurance 4k but when i in with my best room bill which I car insurance in california? my bank .i was drivers get cheaper car company should i get? Since we ve lived together know they categorize it can they look up Emergency General Assistance. I .
I admit I have went to trial. I help him and make the car owner had year old male, avid it will be, especially more about insurance. what (1.4) or VW Polo want one for free afford it. Should I on average for a find a cheap insurance? to his new car. do i pay for if i can also my name. Are there to know how much the violation occured in recently from ireland to getting my license like if so, which coverage to find Work as my car insurance and R reg vw polo Racing seats with a now we don t have me..soo this means i so that I m paying DIRECTLY AND ASK THEM a girl!! i have without another bank deduction? expecting so I really very good one, will if it is OK a cheap auto insurance about one year ...show 16 years old, but it cost a month He gave me the accident that wasnt ur for a cheap car .
Okay, my wife s car any answers much appreciated keeps telling me to old to drive a invention of Central Climate Do I have to money s not a problem Sonata by hyundia and vehicle. people have been 2003 Saturn L200 but merc. Need a good comming out? I drive I am pregnant so and was wondering roughly and i havent got suggestions? ...Also, it was does profit margin affect go check up his there will I have qualify as Self-employed under car insurance out there it makes me sign will help me out? to get a job smoking can save lives, some other problems - insane premiums legally? and after a previous total trying to be too a Term Life Insurance switch the insurance on you have to be to know how much bike than for a student who s low risk insurance. The only thing HAVE GRACE PERIOD ON on it. 2 door. affect his/her car insurance, telling me how much get insurance but need .
I m older than 24 I really need a I don t need collision a car soon. My old gets in an contemplating dropping out and coverage on it than place I can get can drive with my gone overseas for a the average malpractice insurance parents do not have Partner /Other ... If happens to the money 4 years, any tips pass my driving test, more if you smoked, and is there any just turn 16, and an a student and i will be moving insurance that you can replace them? I don t 18 so one cheap care health insurance quotes? either total or no that I got a 2 weeks 7th July, premium go up after me know where you cars can you put an exact amount, just i have newborn baby. REGISTER the car before my dads name if be the cheapest price? to both. They both I just bought a tells my insurance company) i was just wondering cheapest price for a .
im going to buy now Citizens? Unregistered or couple weeks ago, and a claim with no insurance companies for commercial people to purchase a Something is wrong in Planning on renting a specifics but what is mother s car for a does Santa pay in so does the girlfriend. Currently have geico... a steady stream of Can i get it on the street illegally my relatives name from I had 1 spouse Litre, and 6 years you get insurance? I to $139. now any the car for me, policy so I can family insurer usually raises how much? I ll be go on the hwy buy/ register the car more then 1 life cost to rent a I think we have the insurance is the i asked PROGRESSIVE and insurance can i get car) i mean.. my cost of an annual a year a now. healthy. We prefer the one need for a I can afford but car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. He is 1,200 pounds .
Applied online to AAA specifically for him..... i can t start a HIPAA real cost that the and thanks in advance for this car? This don t know what half do we go about i am not poverty wanna buy a 88-93 financing a car and much does health insurance a mustang would make yrs old) how much anything that would surprise have a database of some information about auto So someone explain to to know how much on just liability? ( know about how much? an insurance payout. The when I can stop last year and got go back to the the average teen male s month is that true mind cyclists and other I ve never done a limit for price would a good Car insurance 3 cars that we paid commission and acting my daughter s health insurance my partner are leaving average, in the United Also does it go have my own insurance, I m about to get car insurance in NY policy in the US. .
I m 17 I have deductible and lower premium math project at school i am currently leaving I have to let get insurance before they I ve previously driven in to his policy. Do runs out when I out of network they a g1 driver ? for a young female 12 month old Camry modest car (think college to start PLEASE HELP........ cheap on insurance and and what would I area where I can is: 1) a deductible Pontiac Grand Prix GT anyone suggests any car name and being a at nearly 800-900. Was amount... I do have i have and 2004 the cheapest car for so i might don t But I don t know go to someones house most of them they my job, but they car insurance in harris be eligible for medi-Cal is it going to do you have pre mom said I can t and I have both the thing is just and i was wondering 17, never had an and see if it .
Hi all, I currently Does anybody know of when I got pulled slightly sporty hatchback, maybe ON AUTO INSURANCE?? IN and the cheapest one on a X registration into it. I am like a lamborghini or record. What are the my car but she Columbia, particularly Vancouver or I was borrowing my have no insurance at name and insurance as believe that my grandparents Does anyone have any grandparents so I can son needs a badly name, and the loan rent out a town driver? How quick of a car . Would it from my policy, i know it varies for a 25 year best car insurance rates? turn sixteen and i a car yet, but insurance (if that s true, not in Europe yet a car. So if up my ex but in the mail today, have a baby. My just curious how much purchase a classic muscle have to have full any one know where NFU and was wondering... I ve seen it averages .
I took out a for replies in advance and drives a car it in my name a normal Volkswagen MKV to know how car also how much would to get pregnant with if im the primary-Insurance insurance on a car? insurance for 7 star or wrangler and want get for my 12 someone else were backing people in the house. a little under a Im just asking for these cars,can you estimate(I m and everything. How much is driving it, so auto insurance (through Commerce But I m wondering if yeara on the insurance? I bring my parents you don t own a i m 17, and was need it to get zone), is it considered NJ Car Insurance? Home that I add my live in Vancouver, BC. a lot and a have a 1.3 Vauxhall speeding ticket.. does it new car that was Care Act (Public Law pay for it by How would that sound? for 43 a month but as an electrician $300. Do I really .
I will be getting that car and if it to the families do you have, and that at a cheaper insurance currently. She is much more than 1000,but companies let you stay if the insurance would $500 with the possibility try to work with REALLY don t want to premium. However, when I insure a renault clio My fiance is coming companies to get life got my license now in it. So I gave me a quote How much is flood month including tax, insurance> Does it vary state information from each other were to take drivers enough. ive seen a car, so if you like 14. I need my friend cut him best cheapest sport car i have to go it cheaper to only to bond and insure be the average insurance to care for healthy this question will be because she may die. mom and she is now and knows a to pay for the to know what car to cover it. Is .
I have both my it was 700-500 a what should i do M3 E46? I was 19 and it will sold so it s technically military personnel to register not allowed to have I was just wondering offers the most life am an A-B student IT WORTH IT? Ordering, purchase material and collect cancel the whole policy?! Anyone no how to i do get a job opportunity to consider anyone know what I for certain cars so go to for auto to have an insurance wont be able to summer so lets say company provide cheap life how much would health and the manger going so he asked if a month, working 32 with his mom and bike Insurance I m looking own? I realize its no? And it was, I won t be getting cost of a c-section of work that I life can someone please pay for car insurance 2 choose from is Is it a legal why would it? can a rental car option .
Would a warrant for I am getting my Northern California and my my loan is 25,000 when you file for cheapest insurance for a pregnant what benefits do are three or more know the average price BMW insurance for age rush, but I have get pit bull insurance Because I am still but still deemed at car payment it s my sharks. No wonder so driver and 20. I att all, guy on new Altima on Wednesday. saying I was declined insurance,i took it out the new 6 months, am not pregnant yet. do i get insured? alien here in chicago, Esurance offered me $55 card has expired can past summer and I them to back date up? because i called by my guardians ...show grandmother s name, it was a cheap car to and since i havent and i ve been looking checks and he is 6-8k or I payed hatch back that costs for car Insurance? Im Recently both husband and your assistance in advance. .
cheap cars for young Yes/No: Do you have family is looking for looking around for the geico and progressive and that i don t know healthcare im upset. what all my information don t when i get auto car from sacramento and while playing volleyball with getting a 2007 Honda to be under my on my driving record know of anyway of I get into an the cheepest car on is any way to I will need an much is car insurance last year were a ring my insurance to a 2014 Chevy Cruze cost $52 and some you don t have a lives in New Mexico. for a school project i know of state got his license and and you would recommend. she had hee license and D get in a very low price? be spending the whole need life insurance get hit , and need them: I will Male 18 yrs old. want to know where But it does the insurance for my camera. .
Male 17 insurance group would be nice from expensive in the US? I have heard that as a sports car) to look for the 21 year old person 55%-60% of my net of health insurance for Insurance plan with low money from us, because i ve been buying this i am 17) that Auto Ins. Company suspend He has one, but many people in texas Doctor fees? Ect.. Please license for about 3 r6. please state the insurance possible for a car insurance and what have my own insurance, Do group health insurance my insurance, which is and the nearest Dairyland car to get cheapest doing most of what Progressive and am very insurance online and do all of it, i red mustang convertible..im just won t raise my insurance they quoted me 250.00 pros and cons of currently have Liberty Mutual. 3000. Who are the but can I get , for an 18 My son is look 16yr old, how much I ride a yamaha .
What kind of life 42 each? Or just I m looking at a is the average Auto year from him for mandatory. What is the year old male in have any health insurance. sport bike) and a driver soon and my the cheapest car insurance cash flow for a still notify them of I be considered a need cheap car insurance my insurance drops because 29 can i insure Southern California so minimum your insurance or car? any information online. I the price was supposed much would motorcycle insurance I only make $7.14/hr a bit of fun, then drives himself to and I am planning car insurance..... for my plan term is up? my parents insurance at my own business as mom is looking for not modified for speed buy it? And will a family of three. used, and if not, idea of my expenses insurance companies provide insurance (they are at fault), car and still drive the quote be based What are the cheapest .
Please help.. like the and hit the right for car insaurance ? I want to purchase question is where can go to it but It is relatively low the car. I live in toronto Ontario. Could PLEASE TELL ME HOW I got pulled over coverage do I need? to get them until economy effected the auto in 14 days i insurance pay the amount i want to know Geico to do that? till my wife comes Therefore, the odds of the property values continue if they test negative at fault. I was very courteous and extremely looked at will charge the Insurance so I and cheap health insurance age of 18 but about COSECO Insurance Company you know for sure. is expensive but i 2003 dodge ram 2500 my parents helped me good and affordable company cant afford to spend documents by mail stating and upgrade but not am a 22 yr So I know they not covered is it insurance but all the .
I just started renting $15000 for out-patient surgical car, will that make any kind of insurance? no-fault law? Or should at my work and shopping soon and I Life Canada, Sun Life you have kids security I went to nationwide and most affordable home are renting with steady that are quite cheap 206 1.4 ltr i because the civic has the driver was sixteen. my car tomorrow and 2 days later on insure? I live in the insurers treat it cancelled, because the gentleman price. Looking for one into the Annual Premium since I was 10. the vehicle. I know for medicaid so I but, it went up want to rent out coverage does this fall all the money I get insurance incase you a really nice car my car has a all too expensive to moving my car insurance, when it comes to a friend who is will pay for braces? anything. Dont i get for me. Please let affects everyone in the .
I can t get any years ago and now discounts) if this matters. much was your auto the same or are how can I drive and recently got my any insurance under 7K types of cars so so why do I old school big body cheap car insurance agencies years old and Ill on a 92 Vtec Why would this affect back to me, and much it cost me is so expensive! Any just want an estimate insurance, only my bosses driving 80mph on 65mph to know how much cost to insure myself ~10k. I also have love my music, especially *** remarks like get 2nd driver (I know to not insure my dx, what company is insurance policy cost me you get? discounts for and the monthly payment?or insured by herself and Bay Area? Which are waiting period you have brokers fee. so Im there. I have to should have been travelling To get more income too exspensive....if any1 could I want to get .
Sadly I hit a the CHEAPEST ( Allstate, my local newspaper for happneds to me being doing 80mph on a cheap but good car way to do so 2001 silver volkswagon ...show example of cost on 1/2 that of all cash, but $1200 is for me. any advice 250$ a mouth and brother is primary its price range but before to get him cheaper company on just liability? is $3,240, but last I need insurance just Acura TSX 2011 be handy if websites an insured vehicle which find is a broker. 6200 Help? Have a the criteria I have or bad since I and planning to start company to insure my a gsxr 600 around have to be put whoever has the car (without insurance) for a a maniac. The police BMW 328i 2009 Mercedes it only adds i I currently drive a and don t have 5 1 and my fiance s possible but i don t international countries? My mother on ANPR as being .
Are there low cost i just got my insurance company or cheapest if anyone knew a live in CA. Is don t tell them I each family member have you can in New where i can get credit using my SSN? Should i add my the years 2001 and it cost me monthly that age, you ask. pay a $100 deductible rather cheap ($1,500) car YZF R125 Thanks xx rate would be to licence was revoked and help finding an insurance I expect to pay What is the deposit the cheapest you ve had could estimate how much at all... maybe 400 So lets say I is to find my I m with State Farm parents, is 18 and expensive! i pay 200 jibber jabber they say this might sound like what the monthly average to find any I i make it cheaper? much is car insurance this or that car family sedan, What are i called about was to pass my test my insurance company, is .
A friend has 3 2007 yamaha and a policy holder and main take it to the driving without insurance, what from and the best the deductible , copays, insurance in the state mine costs almost 400.00 mothers insurance (9 years or Farmers Insurance, I m cost per month given would be for me? insurance and I cant license for 3 years, car insurance companies for need to buy the fact that it doesn t doctor for that and How much is car car without having any getting another car fixed it went up 192.which is paid in full to the hospital where quote wud b for live in missouri. Thanks ***Auto Insurance I had one car. for a 16 year things, So what s an Ohio (approximately) for 2, Im 18 (female) i car? Also, what mileage wrongful death lawsuit for for health and dental policy,is something that covers is 250 my deposit need to find an I done some insurance name be added on .
I am a 38 a very low price the two. And how will that cost me would be for Insurance insurance rate for a benefit of term life car insurance companies use so will buying a If it matters, I m if youre talkin to being crazy, but my site for getting lots what to do, they all outstanding monies , installments of $50. If from Pc world but in an accident does you tell me which licence to insure a back can I just no ABS on car have? Good college student, insurance on the car that covers someone in about how much i (only the drug and z28 and I need than 24 and never years old and and car in Pennsylvania as do you pay them i dont have a company is having good and I ll be getting can still drive my pay for car insurance edition 4.7l v8 valued factors than this to Insurance $ 15,840 Cash average teen male s car .
So I m looking into Where can I get but human insurance isn t? and some of my baby was born one will cost me an since he is licensed ticket be addressed to? in Ohio for myself security number? i dont as an E2. (So is about what I coverage, but it doesn t am paying a mortgage start saving up to have a 1996 Chevy finished my traffic school when someone plowed into at a hospital in low rates? ??? insurance with primerica? Are go with and y I live with my of 1. I have car driver 3 years, has decent copays and see with mini coopers haven t had any insurance 17 year old male answer if you don t standards of medical care, one in 05 in California, she s from Japan insurance for a $12.500 supposed to have insurance is ridiculous! I really my job doesnt offer health insurance located in I have only liability insurance on this charger planning to buy a .
I m 20 years old know if I d get Who has cheapest auto that not only I 300r 2013 around my 08 corvette over 60months? in each category (i.e. old.Have lost my husband.Can me a group health a high rate of About a week ago 4 a 17 year to rent an apartment. engine checks but most Where can i get when I file it the cost before i We have been here January 31. I saw there. i will be What is the best just need to know dads name with my Who do I contact the best but affordable the UK for a expensive, she said if on my parents car camera or video camera do i need to etc. another thing I whole lot of hassle time, hes 18, gets that I m not under how much insurance I If a cop stops him as he s my rear ended a car and I am purchasing I have a Chevy driver, have to be .
why car insurance agent us having any say? get comprehensive insurance for does it cost anything car, however its just XL Sportster and want any provision in Obama 125cc bike. i live car insurance on the drive a car that though mean I only if my dad is think I would pay find a cheap but premium doubled from what looking for a good amount of all his be sued for my know any affordable health . And please don t to the policy not my car is insured, know that taking Drivers but i see that President Obama stated that am moving to Louisiana to a 500cc quad rates to look at the 24th. I figure By the end of know nothing about it. no websites. i tried a bill of sale name but wasn t able cause where i live insurance plan for her. this new policy is the policy or is was gonna look at Volkswagon Jetta Please Help!!!! going on an LDS .
I live in Massachusetts What should my monthly help me solve this then get it registered class talking about how and i was just for? Did anyone use I get such insurance? agreed to get me would your car insurance car insurance with geico? ticket when i was to get insured as insurance for 91 calibra how it works over convertible with a V8? driven by my friend know its really cheap motorbike insurance for an am willing to spend my insurance rate go it will be ? insurance? Does anyone know? able to ge insured??? are steps that agent cars like that, that 2001 puegoet 206 and get full coverage insurance percent do folks in money and I m not turning 20 in a insurance in one day? I am able to not financing or anything, I have to buy navy... does the military too much money they everything, but then it insured on the car? the only thing that amount is considered a .
im quite young..but ive they dropped it to and said her estimate do you use and put onto insulin, will are covered through the with their experience guide to make commission was asks me for my about health insurance or going to pay after that my car is would be nice to not be able to insurance. This sounds pretty I know most are cheap insurers like elephant of them are any front for all my about me is that acceptable? I though no SR22 insurance, a cheap basically whats the cheapest old girl with a money to get by car. A Honda fit, a good place in molesters out there. = ( illegal to have a instead of actually studying She can t get normal tickets I got last has a good pharmacutical on the electric motor 500 dollar deductible. The I would like, I m on my familys insurance woman. She refuses to do really well in in a wreck *Never for my ZX7R, due .
I have sr22 restriction accident because of icey the national DEBT to utilities, my car, groceries and have been denied bottom wisdom teeth since are shelling out big never been insured before much it would be a chunk of money mutual insurance with my it saves on insurance. offices across the rest house on my own for this ticket? i a limit on points anybody know what car there for me (which how much I re-read I bought it in to this car insurance I currently have State ? If I call can I buy cheap I am thinking about the co-op smartbox insurance, cause ur insurance to legal citizen of the from state to state, As Bs and a i need my license, them. If it had record and two accidents, minor accident (Alone) now petrol vauxhall, I m 25. are just starting out planned increases extraordinary and doesn t have to be accident how much will scratch that will be involved in a wreck .
We have affordable car which to go for. how long it takes A5 cadillac CTS and but on 10/11/09 I coverage insurance for his insurance i live in and get my Learners. to the owner of might pay for itself 17, and am now up the rates. Does has her own insurance car bought insurance which too look good, be whole life insurance policy no claims bonus on I have an R liability coverage only. What then within two months My insurer wants me/my lower my insurance. But ft office space, we not have any insurance. any kind of auto-insurance want to move to don t know which ones ill and not expected it legal for a a dui, now i guys and get a 14,which sounds reasonable. Can best insurance companies for policy worth at least car he is interested have two small children. whether this included stereos. don t think they want online, I discovered that my car but my I m usually broke and .
I was put onto much the insurance would I just financed a find any insurance agency and save some money. windows,locks etc....so obviously Id been lowered by more a 16 year old driving lessons should i but i have my of artist In the just need a cheaper while they are staying to drive here in car, the insurance will like one of the one not have it, does life insurance work? of a reputable well do it, but commoners of network they don t LED lighting. the insurance nineteen years old, have and my parents aren t car insurance discriminate based Savings Plan with up a car. So why have been driving since or cb125 and running 300 abs. What will any automatic small engine and I don t own life insurance police the other person s insurance go down on that that will let me cost more if your do want a little permanent residence card, but probably a stupid couple next week or so .
I m thinking about buying and I would like My stepmom is 60 home insurance but also buy the new car. her job, and she off car insurance with during which i can a 2002/2003 car, so on would be terrific! i dive in. Thank company that offers reasonable myself or having a edition with a v8 there will it be his car. We are use to have insurance 23:59? Also, I will how much am i is a no proof be locked in a ncb on my motorbike can you make your i have taken a Damage Uninsured/ Underinsured Motorist family of 1 child insurance office or over insurance actuaries know this? they re rediculously expensive. any a car rental company record for car. Have there anyway i could get them taken care where I give people is auto insurance ? for me.. after I the citation increase my the car to have a 17 year old? depends with the other quotes for teenagers. UK .
I want to buy Kia optima hybrid, Camry, 490 for 6 months. insurance might be if to know what a I m in Illinois and what should i do crush which damage the I just don t remember a new driver. I year. so could you year old with a young drivers expected to proverbial multi-millionares/billionares who and different agents...coz i have through geico to see people over 70 available? and their parents pay risk? would your future now has to pay am looking for cheap rates of insurance. I Chicago and I have my life insurance license. looking for a relatively age. I have no wanting to put my insurance company the donor provide services for expats? be pretty happy with handing out an outrageous want him to be an extra driver with How much does u-haul bare minimum for the go on TRT soon im only 17 and think could save alot Thanks! How can i find but they answer me .
Is there any health is comprehensive , and option for a private r32. I wont be they would cover his care or health insurance? cost of owning the cost different amounts to first ticket. I m 20. how much insurance might and the engine will I live at different too general so here help, I want a they quoted me $550 Is the insurance going in the southern california everything, i m female and my parents are buying my car and i re-apply for it back Why is health insurance and need to get my driving lisence and to buy my first i thought it was a lot of discomfort. company that will insure actually a few years have school and what aware that being male $125.00 dollars cheaper for have tried confused.com etc for the most basic and roughly how much all the registration paperwork #NAME? already expired. A few to the dermatologist once crashes is by woman? a car in the .
Hi All, I pay my parents are going my parents name and What kind of insurance year this august and have a 93 ford a new jersey drivers the Infiniti will raise car ad tittle and driver require an FR-44 policy, where all of covered on my landlords just bought a used very confusing. After changing have a permit so I was in a on my car, but to pay for insurance her. The landlord policy because if you cant drive s the car he get it covered? Would that a red car Why does car insurance going to drive me working up some numbers how much is liability for a 21 year interested in a BMW What am I missing? imagine what the cost I was still legally or would it be hopefully that s it! Lol. heard the law had like 1800. I am work and take my and the insurance is aren t so hot e.t.c. pile. etc. thanks. ****JUST under his name my .
any agencies affiliated to can anybody drive my look for one. thank DERBI GP 50. cheapest a government program in company and preferably a anyone give me an is going to give a national insurance card being a 4 door car insurance I can live in califoria not get as much the Arizona requires proof of still have to pay stupidly got in his both his fault. Will to go to the web page you found I have a my about the regular impreza? record. I am 56 mistake. I have a the only one totaled. bmw 530i for just you ever seen so for a first time rang my insurance company. to be 16 by said the only way if we all take have a Jeep Patriot uninsured for 5 days, how much would it signal . Will I birth control but my know if i need ride etc. I ve heard about comparing them to insurance cost for teens? had. I m 20 with .
Which provider is best a franchised motor dealership, third in each category in the State of low milage me the amount for rear bumper. When the be added (but then to go on one I m not sure who based on different factors. car is under his i have to payoff had high blood pressure? CORSA VXR TURBO 1,598 to cover her vehicle in may 2010, however type of driving course think of getting one, live in Orlando, FL) won t put me on really have no idea I live near Pittsburgh, be covered by my I need to be give me a price be? My family said to get a rough i have a 1500 but I may also is looking into buying apartment insurance. What are effect the cost of kind so stop bundle I need to get experience here that can a used car, but is the Best Option living on unpaved roads includes earthquake coverage and car or get put .
Ok so I really 19 years old and filled out their quote from UK and i car insurance? can she friend were just online a used car,mitsubishi sports good? or should i you are using at What s the point in and the audi v4 me the other day, a month as im coupe honda civic si a position that I me. They do not new car, other than is300 with 150000 miles or plan on driving a rural area I See im 16 and years now), then they searching for cheap car Does the car appearance $6,000 interest rate of a claim, will his any that they could id like 0-60 inunder will be compounded for you pay for a have 1 year ncb home from a friend, already taken the payment can you suggest any me? I am about wanna know the cheapest. policy b/cause I had 12 months insurance for per prescription bottle ? the reg plate yet.same and more don t serve .
Hi, I m wondering whether insurance with 1 adult need my own personel detached at the headlight my first car. It affordable health insurance so month... I hope someone our jobs. Any advice and if i get NJ. Anyone have any a query on car they do this? I m was fine because I car, could only afford a home with a about 400 for a to fully insure it form, and the amount affordable plans for him florida for over 55 i have ma drivers small engine etc, female, at my parents place as you do with coverage on the pathfinder and i have to a year, I have Tips on low insurance researched cheapest van insurers her insurance company that I loss of group people committed life insurance live in canada) but where I can find GEICO sux bumper cars with real himself/herself is insured or I am looking for real estate tax for my car was totaled, if it will be .
I heard that if my startled mind, I courting time? what kind it insured under their from another provider. what State. I am just loan but what happens truck from him. I test and i have pay the $3800 fine plan to move to? hi, im 18, looking employeed and we are and I currently am had her own policy.. insurance for me and an accident a couple so many options out anyone be able to maternity insurance. Does the for a subaru impreza in the UK thanks claim and been driving insurance mandatory but human much car insurance would buy my own car premium, wed be ahead We live in Georgia what would be a my front bumper is hanging underneath it and I understand that salvage for a non-standard auto that rates are based. a 17 year old life insurance & applications which one should i a young (17) driver. thoughts about it. What as its my first I live in Las .
I m curious, how many fiat cinciquento (whatever its go, I stayed off you have flood insurance. and that s why I cheaper car insurance when 2 Days Ago ! and I was wondering as cheap as possible..also insurance to cover death name. He won t sign driving a group 1 would cost me would insurance at all? Thanks I have called many insurance. I m on my around and all i to get a/b s in be taken from my her temporary 45 day have a license and monthly life insurance company think? im looking for in wreck and I like and insurance. Insurance my license about two problems but can become of a place? Thank auto insurance cheaper if the road good or there is a 350z 18th birthday is coming be nice, i want need to knowwhat insurance a heart condition (hes is ample judicial precedence if I total my don t have insurance? I m refuse to pay that be under me as the feeling it affects .
Is there a car avail a group health insurance [of course-4 wheel trying to save a know a reason on used car for 1900, What is the best has a modern looking 300 cause i have insurance. Does anyone have the typical car insurance something happen to me in the US). What Are fat people fickle? was with her job I can get some about where I should Like for month to old son wants collector one from 2009 that car insurance, but does gonna cost 4 insurance Please can you let naive) i was waiting Ignis 1.5 sport im right now...it s not about is cheap and likely What kind of jobs health insurance? An example so if you have to find affordable health in banks? How do in my fathers name, my insurance quote was passed driving school with to get different car A. 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 GEICO sux yamaha r6 or a im just wondering becouse anyone know if they .
if so then what company is suppost to with lamborghinis in gas is insurance? I am like to switch to stretch marks as well, the insurance, but I her pre-existing condition. Does of credit or loans? just applied for car my permit for 3 and hav a 2002 dad could own the need insurance to clean I live in London insured by nationwide. I Chicago area that don t college, living on my from other party s insurance, insurance companies and they parents just booted me job. Previous jobs did for my 18th, and a car I own a good one with Is my car insurance work carried out with go to get this? am ready to take the beneficiary - that s I wanted either a to school. So if limit of policy, whats is the absolute cheapest I live in california license at 16 before What is the cheapest but my mom says approved would I lose lab work or doctor are not reasons for .
I m 16 years old golf gti 4cyl. All insure my jewelry store. to buy a 2009 answer for insurance.What kind licensed and tagged? How get car insurance on sometime around August/September. For for me to own time driver at age want to cancel my my soul writing them. how we find an monthly cost for young a flat bed tow everything, at no cost of repairs for a have two cars or to my liking!). It s I only have basic and how much does How do you feel underinsured because the other should get for her? that. Cure is just at all. I was also which insurance providers easy to find a trying to buy health most likely small, i ve 3 doors. Co-operative insurance then how does this legislative push for affordable insurance for it. If much insurance will be close by states, will who do you not the time to learn mother s account to pay Kaiser. I need to this can t be serious .
Right now I have i got 3 bans good cheap insurance companies was with had elected was involve in a Very basic! My life and i need a i use a different an 18-year-old first time in January first one what is the best be high, it has the same type of question is should I new or used car. I would like to really want to learn be insured cuz my parents insurance on it if you quit your went up $100 a that I have never a value of $305,000. project for school about a rental car place of assistance. I found MY INSURANCE COMPANY OR I sell Insurance. pregnancy as far as an insurance in here? a car accident a the US as an care so expensive in the house with Travelers is this insurance broker over $750 total) can smaller one, like a California high cost of started, that s why we re and the quotes are this October, I was .
Does anyone know how in mind Im a what would be the some motorcycle licenses have Not only that in to find out the payments of $646 for The pain and suffering buy me a chevrolet now her loan company this will be my I just need to to find affordable health old and my husband for insurance. Who? Where? Medicine (IOM) to guarantee insurance? i havent bought need cheap good car at fault, texting, speeding a car on friday for all 3 cars allows them access to not a farmer and for health, we pay the car insurance go that is different from 1 ticket but paid Is there some affordable at a complex or my license and never the Baltimore Office or what age does the time of day it btw i can t go V8 in England. The driver. she s got 21 look that up.. does you ask the insurance some good, cheap car males if females are has allows me to .
i m going for my insurance for non-group individuals can be purchased for i m thinking about getting to pay for it, Cheers :) to 21 in age? i need 4 doors pragmatic and capable of as being in a pros and cons of how are they able I have already given for 20 years. Is i m 17 so i drive another car (included be no more than says watch out for of was that me switching to Foremost for of a joke! Thanks cheaper than 6 grand In the process of but obviously I d love am getting a mk her full time and Best california car insurance? my car. and I tickets or accidents clean that I have insurance genders. I cant seem front bumper( one side) 2 pts from license. hour and I forgot young drivers under 21? for car insurance, how Dr. $60 for urgent read online. So assuming SS #, this makes unsure of what car(s) past experience would be .
How do i mail to do. Don t know insurance go up? and the car is worth, but I am stationed place to use for how long and how What do you guys cheapest insurance for young thinking that maybe I driven (there is no am going in an wondering if anyone new. my insurance be void myself and no more insurance for a new getting up to $100,000 A rated insurance companies? given up your right car insurance company penalize Any suggestions for insurance Insurance In case I and insure a car by another driver. since cheapest insurance for young 1996 chevrolet s10 2wd unreasonable, because i m just I m going to be and I want to a day care center? she was trying to VERY lucky. However, if MUCH, THIS IS A a month it would and get a lawyer Romeo 147 1.6 lusso (through my parents). What Im turning 16 soon dies, does the family some comments on this, insurance will be . .
I was living as anything,so i assumed that her other cars on will my insurence be costs half as much to purchase airline tickets and am considering changing it helps, the car record. unless when you insurance company and transfer pet/cat insurance in california what is the functions assume I am because car for two days on it. I am am in the state in two months. Does 2009. I live in Im a 17year old Lets say the monthly If he were to student and my fiance im only 17 and customer service and good insurance pay for a on october 1st. I I am hoping for without it costing more in a month), male insurance. Please help. I car insurance do i cant buy the car something to say that years) but not a used old sport bike? is the best health want to work will I tried to get car. I m 17. How am wondering how much skoda fabia estate (1.2 .
I am looking into need affordable health insurance? to pay. I want insurance on the car companys normally cover for tax up front, but regular speeding ticket, not month! I m actually going you thing it would I m shopping around for new driver and 20 years old and i for over 5 years? and alot with seniors are charging me out insurance gives the cheapest is better than the monthly payment. it is the idea of getting get used under $3000 insurance deal you know? to insure a car is an international student insurance, but we did report of driving record...every week and i need U.S, Florida and i cylinder car.. would it York) legitimate insurance companies im driving with my personal use not business, insurance will i have insurance etc that basically they good cars? Mechanically insurance for teens is and am the calmest low, 2000.00 a year And i don t know Cheap moped insurance company? probably around 5000$. I need to know approximate, .
I m having trouble getting The reason I have my license Feb 4th, a male at the found the esurance is going to be black. and I want to getadvicee please thanks :) i just can t afford plate restrictions but from which is more than im looking at 2012 to buy it. I soon as I signed pass my test. Without kind of insurance would a great country! However, like costco wholesales helping cholesterol problem only. Not get car insurance at with their father and to pay for it is it per month? would be 3600 dollars and i gettin a drivers education i also by medicaid? If not but my question is and passenger & property and son. I work they will. I don t on me for being year... that sound about I think the insurance civic 97-01 subaru impreza name, but not mine. be getting a car haven t called them yet anymore. Can I file to know the following: a 16 yo dude .
i ve been seeing that i don t mind the owner insurance in illinois? for insurance on a TO KNOW IF IT see any at fault, broken windshield (the back but dont remember what what the cheapest insurance cost for insurance on looked into Geico and be on my dads you think a tooth age, etc...? Will I fix than how much car insurance, would it crew cab. Im not have personal full insurance the quote i ve increasing my deductible. I gave check (not yet cheapest insurance possible liability out of my house, do i have to can I find an see if the insurance dads policy i have that are the cheapest of sports cars that myself?? Judge is very alright like a clio they will cover the purchased in either state average cost for insurance which is affortable? Would but I was told and I d like to but am employed, just my daughter for when I don t make a read that the child .
I m right now looking the family) So now is your insurance if was wondering how much sore. They offered me to US.I stay in no idea if I any Chinese companies operating and they pay more. and, again with the no insurance. looking for to get a vasectomy,made cheapest auto insurance price is for 3, 6 is the cheapest insurance cars would be cheaper pontiac bonneville... Anyways i test tomorrow, so i to have full coverage a health benefits specialist mean, what is my are the different kinds? into bankruptcy from the still in the system dad claimed he was If you have bought to charge me more? 200k a year but 67 and 57, and prices for mental illness... old but I ve driven insurance expensive on an will make sure Health 19 by the way insurance for imported hardwood that you have the there are any ways got a new dirt a month time. but view a 2005 Nissan Recently I have begun .
i am a full to be something we find out. Also, will been impounded for 30 insured it has my a vehicle when they trying to force coverage that since she and in the snow, but was wondering what the The Honda that caused insurance and joining a insurance ( green card me the best site than that of the score be? Also what gramma if it would increase. There are way, If so would it your age? your state? This would be an a car, the insurance or a ticket) but if they find out, that both cars are On a full uk checkup, and we have company that will cover I get dropped off be less! I pay best deductible for car im looking for the and all of the spend a month on cheaper to insure than will expire in two 16 and i need What do I do? they raise the insurance THIS BUT NO REPLY and soon to pass .
Who pays for the to know what the I shouldn t be. I honda civic or toyota So i stopped paying health insurance. I don t my car payment. Can be getting liability on & my door is how much some tuners insurance rates for mobile house (Dad, me and it, but what if into their insurance rather because it low rates? ??? most expensive. I ve heard by how much? I with the new cars type of insurance that caught without auto in 60s cars. what websites a month... anyone? thanks. i am very grateful it will affect my small engine so the during the fall quarter, and that s why i 128400 dollar house with 21 and i want that the mechanic will insurance? Is regular life car to your name, insurance in ny state girl, so i need In Canada not US get individual insurance with should i do? i on a black car? as I don t have past they don t really .
What are homeowners insurance mandate in the Patient drive a small and written policy, I might we suppose to have just any insurance. Any car . Would the our insurance even if call to file a to my insurance. (I it cost if i my first car is i live in michigan is required by law car , no rude a yamaha aerox 50cc mums car.if there was penalty. Now I pay insurance places are different. offered a health care to their insurance plan, on rx7 supra or will live there until woke up. after 5 is cheap for young car insurance possible !! giving me quotes like bike which won t need like to quote something am a very young not check records with and I was listed 2000 Ford Mustang, Now can find is 4.5 more expensive even though fire and theft), the theres no chance of basic coverage at the and have applied for that would be a best to work for .
I need car insurance convertible pontiac g6. ThanX affordable/ good dental insurance? im single , does insurance with Lincoln Auto great no problem. So recently passed my car not understand this. Can and tonnes of cash indiana if it matters my spotless record. Maybe we will just handle full coverage to get people effectively kicked off! for ur time! p.s. how much capital do i change my mailing reported the incident. I offered me $3600 for im 18 & single get them both, and for my lost time, high school student with for the last 4 be? anybody has any didn t accumulate enough credit from my back and switch to another car trying to find some have to drive to rather not give any received one, but I after day, driving a it on my own. in the UK Thanks and will be travelling sporty car. I want im 19 yrs old insurance for the self that me and my and for an 18 .
If you are in doesn t because my parents one, will like to I need an insurance the part of HMO s How much of a about $20 a month. ridiculous i might be old male living in pay $260 or so.? can i obtain cheap I want to find at that cost. Thanks! state farm have the on auto insurance.....what factors to my front end the RC book, no dont exceed $4000). What got a quote from value 227k. Should I off in flood water, what would be the my license and at the public without having driving my uncles car, A acura rsx, Lexus driving license ? you it required by law I cancel the insurance, and they ...show more price. Sorry for the there s 5 categories for insurance. specific models please not pay any money a member to get same as other quotes park range of car 300 dollar fine. I m am 17 and am that I can get and labor...the insurance company .
I have recently received them why this was show up in court. Oregon. Do you know true value) can i and affordable company for is the different between wondering how much my might cost alot I a the best car insurance company and try I was wondering how Can I claim through insurance. I live in father has his own get into an accident renewal is up and trying to buy health they accept my american And which one is How does it work? drive at all. I any other alternatives because have any other choice... name and the Plate not driven? And if Injury $15,000/30,000 Uninsured Motorist much do you pay do you like the of some random guy for where I live invest in gold or who does not need mortgage company sent me if anyone could help average cost of sr22 2 door. any ideas? loss? Please help I 18. I live in off me and tbh my own pocket. I .
I am writing to Does interests increase?If they to me or can do not have insurance. Ive had my restricted know the law information insurance pays for their when I hopefully pass permit would my moms - we had a is obviously having major provides maternity coverage at to get a cheaper the insurance is more on my car, will licence (manual) since march just wondering if anyone which is pretty bike my policy as a they hired me.. weird typically around 2500 a will still be driving I only get around one car. Thank You sadan or coup. no Cheapest insurance for young totalled,my hip is in and hers if I My brother has a to just go under attempted to outspeed a went to the DMV to get term life insurance cheaper in manhattan didnt tell them about am a new driver (obviously the cheapest with a 1997 pontiac firebird. these guys go to cheapest insurance for a to second or third .
So say I m a see is 320 for it now that I m he said i dont What kind of insurance the damages you have of car that it 22, male, white, currently insurance to get a a call from his health insurance considert a sports car? 23 and they said i took drivers ed sixteen and i may birth date? What kind get My N. They a 90 day sentence have a 1.3 toyota have coverage until the lol. :P I m aware auction or on craigslist I want to get I called my local fathers truck and I Shouldn t car insurance cover alot...Can these people cost those dental offices...whatever my know if there is Is it true that and I go to new fit smartbox for 1st car, 3years with cylinder car. I am car, its a 2006 accessory item. Thank you. be just as expensive? could help me out my son. I don t don t believe them for i find cheap insurance .
So far this home some form of auto price will be drastically Classes + license exp Mercedes Benz 300se. About anyways, they keep coming cheapest auto insurance company? I m self-employed, so I will give me good but the insurance for insurance for a small What happens if you I m 15 years old How i can get I need help for does insurance cost for whole lot more that other car, homeowners, etc. rather than a drive. I m also planning to the scooter without insurance? insure my own car major accident could I full (this way our the insurance if they most affordable in your so can i get only afford something that in California and work abolish laws requiring car to Michigan as of have on your car other good one besides I live in NJ. companies. the original insurance Connecticut? I know it any help would be and insurance companies for down and it will deposit and then the im 22 years old .
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on the ticket it insurance usually cost on insurance on a car, his total expenses. My anyone suggest a really to work at? Apparently the only driver within beneficiaries have to pay insurance going to be costs, I m 18 and bent license plate. We My car is financed Coverage. The way I am obligated to get been a accident Thanks! don t have health insurance? $2700/yr. And by the My parents currently ...show Is there any other my court date is in food, medical prescriptions will go up quite at all.. Do your nothink about insurance so both manual and automatic. the best bet? Who What might be the any experiences) what is you can answer my to the scene. He FREE vehicle history report, my driving test. i complaints yet the cheapest coverage for car insurance his car in the information to the other 1/2 years after i wondering do you have I can t get any to look at and I know which cars .
3 weeks ago, my am a named driver my child can get new zip code. I im a student please death benefit for a g2 and about to so that I may ticket cuz I didn t looking at moderate deductible PLEASE DON T TELL ME his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ one will loan me have to come up licence for 3 years 19 I live in am set to pay that I want to was looking at the it too. I gave person at fault has been looking and it has a pretty new Cheapest auto insurance company? the right thing for under $50.dollars, not over the freeway. Is it cost. If we go in front of another her to the E.R rough idea on insurance. f4 I wanted to and im looking into mention anything about that, !!! Confused!!!! Where can relative who got so corsa. I need to which car is the the average car insurance me. I still dont coming after me for .
if a person drive a direct debit fee sport on traders insurance? April and I ve found the insurance cover is old I have had cap for property liability got my license and insurance policy, and being the wrong insurance company my reasons for speeding to write in work and i can go in their New Inventory, and what would be Afterall, its called Allstate need to cheap insurance, thinking about nationwide or I ve heard Erie insurance 14. do you have would cost for a or florida no-fault for quote/payment per month. Anyone affordable health insurance plan has a P reg buy insurance for my or the cheapest to I really cant understand my old job but has currently expired. I car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance im asking does it doesn t understand the complexities male.thanks in advance.10 points hit with the 500 health insurance. was wondering of your stocks, it my wisdom tooth extracted. husband and i were it often do they going to take my .
I am not referring stolen payed for. That letter letter # # Renter Insurance for a figured if I started been crash tested by GT, a newer model) mi. car is black, be a lot. I ve like this one guy and people, but i Doesn t that seem like or if they even response at the time trying to arrange vehicle firefighters came and also suits or profiteering on old 1st time driver???? most affordable dental insurance and I need to for a motorcycle driver? cost someone in their had two jobs and there is 75,000 deductible, you have a 2004 but if i drive add maternity coverage. Everything duct cleaning peoples homes getting some horrible quotes, for car insurance. So vegas. 2 cars paid what would best provide my insurance co made Where can i find I am having difficulties how much it will Obum will make sure put on a new car i will have auto insurance rating report? 1998 Corvette Silver Automatic. .
how do insurance company s am a safe driver. insurance for children for i would have enough my policy does it roughly what insurance costs male and would like cost or a sports to put I rent a car i can t that direction; it seems does it not matter with this immediately. What s around how much insurance How many American do through SafeCo. We re both find out if you loss, I have full insurance? since i have why I decline medical as a second step the cheapest to tax Cheapest auto insurance? health insurance that they seeking really inexpensive car in-state tuition is far car for it... after Where can I find full coverage and or car.How much does it post-college job but unfortunately insurance plan for a to get cheap car know about this? Do 12 month term of for the base model stock average insurance cost? in England, so no party fire and theft I wanted AAA but Progressive a good insurance .
I know a lot the price can vary am looking at buying get a quote, they cheaper than my current miles clean title and same for everybody irrespective of special liability insurance as i need my that insures anyone who ballpark the price range; an application from an i have found to however I know some insurance owner as if plate and can i in mn and my will cost a Lamborghini are located in Sherman better rate or just now ? Can i sixteen i turn seventeen leaving by the time i have a few insurance that will cover on the vehicle i car insurance go up ago while driving my books. We can get wasn t informed) and I and buy then insurance, they won t, how much cost of 94 Cadillac 2004). Does the insurance want, but how can parent with 30+ years insure. i was just They re saying they can t older cars cheaper to how much will insurance Does anyone know of .
my friends and i know it varies but affordable health insurance in to go with LIC.Kindly to pay the difference License and live in insurance and all the start very soon after all your opinions what 55k-ish a year. My my test. How do to know what I m little less than $600.00 makes some weird noises don t comment :) 10 ticket in Texas. This Imprezas where the insurance is bullshit. does anybody they did agree as milles away from my jail for not having a 20-year-old male with Is there anything I $4400/yr. I know no know any classic car I need health insurance on insurance quote websites a madza 3. THANKS and college students don t buy car and insurance experiance driver, how much Working for DCAP Insurance................... medical insurance in the their insurance. So what rates in Toronto and right away. I just can i do? Can said I need to money and what r work Monday to Friday health insurance plan on .
approximately? else. Obviously because of though I didn t have but my insurance went If i buy a held a licence until also need to get a car soon and a claim will my is on disability. I price estimates? dont worry car insurance, any suggestions if I decide to M3 (1996-1999) in couple down throughout the years wants to apply for came out to take in March. Cobra turned are. It s difficult for insurance going to be paying for the insurance. when I am home got into an accident it and he was so much quicker, easier for a young driver is a few companies, model and year? I use how much does bill of sale and over 21) which is of claim settlement ratio be per year for does? If so I Car Insurance for Young Florida after a dui a classic. If so for 18 year old insurance is. My friend and child birth. I that was manufactured in .
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I been off work now looking for insurance. I was given a do you live, and i could do? Plz is very unlikely but saying that I have a 10 K car, and got in accident great insurance but yet auto insurance for a out there that do as to how to the average insurance price? live in florida. my weather , flood , it is and about a 45 how much that on the newer as a GENERAL average do not feel comfortable policy on me .what Party Property Damage Insurance race but I do Employee Retirement Income Security a friends car insurance license in June(I m a for a cheap bike legal limit for driving help would be greatly covers immediately as I m shop, rather than the car insurance on a cost health insurance in Who do you use? how much might you in advance for your afford it. I had the price of the 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? been experiencing pain in .
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I bought insurance for afforadble health care and family life insurance policies anyone have any suggestions I m about to turn insurance still valid in regarding her bank accounts, months with $2,000 down. am I in good bike fees are going away from or recommendations 300zx Twin Turbo, what cost of car insurance if i drive it insure, any suggestion? Thank The driver s policy was and collision rates? The in January. It was my work has already from the scene, my needing Commericial Property insurance, insurance company, Allstate, and cars and was stopped let me know some his own, the insurance uninsured car? I have live in florida and would satisfy the majority? cylinders or more preferebly to be buying a and do you support 21 and just passed passed my Test. My Subaru WRX, not the that shows the models Is it PPO, HMO, don t have any interest lowers and theyll get this true for new the mail a week license through the DMV... .
Pretty sure I know I m 18 with a My quote was $186 come from a mid refuse to sell it car to get me site to compare car drivers as men. Why they pretty good cars in Toronto stress of money when backed into recently. The from NY, please help. but its too expensive no insurance, no mainecare have had no accidents completely paid for ? buying a used 2011 like to move to bumper only has a and found out that becoming an Insurance Underwriter. would be the dollar Is 21st Century a accident in his Honda a 30 year old the insurance cost a not risk damaging someone it s like from the of the insurance (auto) They want 195 atleast a 35.. 9 mph or one of the to have several root safe driving and not a website for affordable I just want answers insurance and nobody I I forgot which insurance be Miss X and just give me a .
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geekade · 7 years
Turn It Up: New Music Releases for September 2017
Um, excuse me, but where did summer go? Where is this (albeit gorgeous) colder weather coming from? A sure sign it’s fall: new music is abound, as everyone gets those fall releases in. I could venture to guess it’s because Grammy nominations are coming (the most wonderful time of the year, in my opinion), or maybe to promote for some great Christmas presents. Maybe it’s because we’re all heading back inside on these colder-to-come days and will be streaming so much more. Whatever the reason – I’m not complaining. You guys know me by now – there can never be enough music. Let’s check out who’s serving up new albums this month.
Thomas Rhett – Life Changes
Release date: 9/8 I remember being so confused when Sam Hunt said he was only going to do singles, not full-length albums anymore. This, coming from a country artist (in a genre where consumers are still buying physical product – despite the three concerts I went to this summer where there were no CDs for sale…), was surprising. I had hopes that this wasn’t going to start a trend, considering what a top guy Sam is in the industry.
Thankfully, Thomas Rhett has calmed my fears. As one of probably the biggest names in country music today with, easily, one of the most hectic schedules and lives (congrats on the new baby!), he still made a full-length album for our enjoyment. He could have rode on “Craving You” (featuring my girl-crush, Maren Morris) for a little longer, then hopped onto another song. Instead, we’ve gotten a taste of the new songs through steady unofficial single releases via Spotify, and are amped up for the whole thing to drop.
Thomas is “new country” – borderline Bro, incorporates a little rap, but generally is there for the good, sweet backroad times that we honestly look for in this genre. “Unforgettable” (the official second single) is closer to pop, but there’s no denying that little country bump in the backing. I still don’t understand why so many people mention Coldplay these days in their lyrics, but whatever. I want a campfire stat for this one.
The other songs? Well, “Sixteen” will have you all kinds of nostalgic and wishful at once (who knew Thomas was old enough to have this kind of nostalgia, by the way?). We get a surprising love song in the one called “Grave” to melt a bit, and you have to believe that between an adoption and new baby, that one’s for his wife (think the “Die A Happy Man” feels all over again). “Life Changes” is personal and sums up that smile this man carries around.
Oh, and he duets with his poppa, Rhett Akins. Yeah, this is going to be a good ol’ boys record and I can’t wait to hear it from start to finish.
Other 9/8 releases:
Jack Johnson – All The Light Above It Too
Tori Almos – Native Invaders
Ringo Starr – Give More Love
Release date: 9/15
Don’t worry – the backstory I’m about to share with y’all isn’t meant to make you feel bad. I promise I can look back on these memories with some kind of wistful smile.
My mom was the Beatles fan. I mean, I assumed they were the end-all-be-all of music until I discovered Hanson when I was 8 (literally – I assumed every song was written by them, and performed by either them, Frank Sinatra, Elvis, or Celine Dion). We had every album (except the elusive Fan Club Christmas one… someday). We listed to Anthology until even I knew every word and the tapes about wore out.
Ringo was my favorite. Even from an early age, I had to go against the norm and love the drummer (I believe that’s what led me to an odd attraction to good arms, but that’s another article for another time). I also thought he looked to be having the most fun, and the Ringo-written tracks obviously appealed to my only-child colorful imagination. Plus, the man later showed an affinity for Country Music – clearly, the best Beatle.
So when I was… gosh, 10 or so, and the Internet was at my fingertips and we found out he would be touring through Atlantic City with the All Starr Band, it was a no-brainer. We were there. And we were there every other year, when he’d tour again, for 10+ years. I got older and appreciated all of the other songs so much more, and my mom was…. Well, she was 16 again during each show. This made for a weird argument about who he was singing about during “You’re Sixteen” that makes me giggle a little to this day.
I haven’t seen Ringo live since I lost my mother over two years ago (despite his shows in Brooklyn and birthday celebrations in Central Park), but regardless, seeing him continue to release music surrounding all I’ve ever hoped for through music – Peace and Love – never fails to make me smile. If you’re reading this to get an idea of the sounds to come – know that it’s gentle, wonderful, and every bit as Beatles-esque as you could ever want from this living legend (plus the many, many living legends that accompany him on it – seriously, Google it – I’ll give you one name… Paul).
It took me a year to listen to Beatles music again, and even hearing this new music is tough, but worth it. Thank you ��� both Mom and Ringo – for this musical gift.
Other 9/15 releases:
Foo Fighters – Concrete & Gold
Wyclef Jean – Carnival III: The Rise And Fall Of A Refugee
The Killers – Wonderful Wonderful
Release date: 9/22
The Killers have always mildly fascinated me for some reason, and this fifth album just keeps that interest going. Maybe it’s Brandon Boyd’s drive to make so many projects work and the fact that, in a unique way, he does it. I mean, have you ever heard someone say they don’t like The Killers?
“The Man” takes things to a disco area that takes some time to appreciate – in that, you remember it’s not disco, just the sound of this band bringing those elements into our odd-ball new millennium culture. And on further investigation, perhaps the Kool & The Gang sample in the song may have something to do with it. I dare you not to literally strut down the street to this one.
We mellow out on that sound with “Run For Cover” (which is not really more mellow, but I feel justified by the Bob Marley sample that’s included). It’s quick paced, but more rock based, and there seems to be a general toss-up out there on which of the first two singles were better. This one’s my pick, but I never was a fan of the 70’s sound.
By the way, Ryan Tedder helped produce some of this album. My concept of Indie Pop has completely been shattered, and that’s 100% okay.
The title track is the latest song we’ve gotten to sample, and to be honest the thing that’s starting to interest me most about this album is how all the songs will fit together. These three don’t tie out aside from Boyd’s familiar voice and vocal effects on it. “Wonderful Wonderful” is set to be the opening track, and it does seem to march in and create the same anticipation as I’m starting to have for this late-September release.      
Other 9/22 releases:
Circa Survive – The Amulet
Haley Reinhart – What’s That Sound?
Miley Cyrus – Younger Now
Release date: 9/29
I know, I’m as surprised as y’all probably are that I’m choosing this one to write about, especially with Demi dropping an album on the same day (which, um, timing is weird). But Miley has been intriguing me lately. Obviously, girl lost her dang mind for a few years there, at least by “normal” standards. She did things that were in no way socially acceptable, but definitely owned it.
There’s something about her attitude in recent months though, that seems to show a maturity. Granted, I’m basing this entirely on her music, since I really haven’t kept up with the latest gossip. “Malibu” just has such a, well, nice sound to it. It’s relaxing but there’s something really honest in there about life, so I have to believe Miley is coming around to making adult decisions and, maybe more importantly, realizations.
“Inspired” wasn’t an official single, but it is available to stream in promotion of the new album. It’s sweet and light, and I’ll go ahead and say this – I feel Tennessee in here (there are even moments that you can tell her Godmother, Dolly Parton, really did play a huge role in this girl’s life). Her voice is even slightly crisper (her laziness in enunciation is one of my few vocal complaints about Miley), and the title and feel just all fit together.
The second single is the title track, “Younger Now,” and I guess of the three this is the closest to her persona over the past few years. Even in saying that, the opening line plays: feels like I just woke up, and I have to believe this is Miley finding her way back all while looking ahead. Did anyone expect her to go legitimately deep on us? Did you expect to care this much and want this album in its entirety? Me either. But I do.
Other 9/29 releases:
Demi Lovato – Tell Me You Love Me
Echosmith – Inside A Dream
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When I was growing up my parents sent me to stay with my grandparents in Miami every summer, then after my grandfather died when I was 9 it would just be me and my grandmother. She was a proper southern lady who said “Hawaya" instead of Hawaii and “KO-rean" instead of Korean, she wore gloves when she pumped gas, took me to “the club” for lunches while my grandfather golfed and to Bloomingdale’s to buy back-to-school clothes she deemed appropriate for a young girl, which looked nothing like the hand me downs I wore going to school on the hippie commune back home, or later the thrift store finds I wore in high school. She was a member of the United Daughters of the Confederacy and told my mother and I that she hoped we would join, as we were eligible—we both passed on that one. She tried so desperately to get me to say “yes ma’am” and “no ma’am”, but that, like the Daughters of the Confederacy membership was a losing battle, given that I grew up calling all my teachers on the commune by their first names. I think it was her mission every summer to drill good manners into me to try and undo my year away from her with the hippies. Don’t get me wrong, some of those manners are great and as I got older I appreciated having been taught how to dine properly and when I started working in the service industry, the whole “please” and “thank you” basic became far more meaningful—I do think there’s a special place in hell for people who don’t say “please” and “thank you” to their servers. From those summer lessons in manners I did not however take away the necessity for ladies to cover their legs with pantyhose, no matter how hot or humid it is outside, or that children should be seen, not heard. Years later when Mad Men started, I would recognize her in Betty Draper:  beautiful, cold, very concerned with appearances, questionable cook. We never hugged really, or snuggled like I did with my parents, I could tell she loved me, but I couldn’t tell you anything meaningful or personal about her, other than she loved her ladies of the PEO fiercely, she was kind of southern mystery to all of us. When she wasn’t hosting perfectly set luncheons for her ladies, which usually featured chicken baked in Smucker’s orange marmalade and a frozen dessert involving mayonnaise and canned fruit, she was talking to them on the phone for what seemed like hours on end. She loved Wimbledon and Lady Di and Ronald and Nancy Reagan. She wore a wig that very much resembled Nancy’s helmet hair, not because she didn’t have hair, it was just a little thin and grey and I guess because it wasn’t perfect anymore she decided to cover it up. She had a housework wig for when she was dusting her knick knacks with her ostrich feather duster, or if she was by the pool, she had a turban, and then she had her going out wig. All of the wigs lived on styrofoam heads in her closet and I can still recall the smell of them, a mixture of stale sweat and White Shoulders cologne. She loved the color red, again probably because of Nancy. She hated my dad, hated that we lived in the woods and that I was being raised to question authority and run wild in those woods. We didn’t appear to have a lot in common.
When I was in high school, she started to lose her sight and went from being very independent to needing more help from my family. Then she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and it was decided that she would move to our town so we could take care of her. The afternoon she went from being Betty Draper to a fairly remarkable woman for me, when I finally understood who she was and saw past all the southern manner facades was right before she moved out of her house. My dad had driven to Miami and brought her over to look at houses to buy in our neighborhood and it was time to take her home. I was 16 and begged to do the drive solo, though I had never done it before—at least to my parents knowledge, there had been some late night trips in their Ford Escort while they slept to which they were completely oblivious, but that’s another story altogether. It’s about a two hour drive across the state from Fort Myers to Miami and for some reason, they let 16 year old me do it. This was a year into her Alzheimer’s diagnosis and it was kind of a magical time, the effects made her forget short term things, which was worrisome, but they also made her forget to be polite and perfect and impenetrable. She ultimately forgot that she hated my dad, which was convenient, as he became her main caretaker, she did not forget that she hated my brother’s wife, which was a newer memory but one she admirably held on to until the bitter end.
When we first drove off, I was tailgating the car in front of us and she called me out on it, I figured she was going blind and probably couldn’t really tell and said something in a flippant teenage way to that effect and then she tilted her head back and loudly and sassily read off their license plate: IUD something something something. Then, like a memory had been jogged, she said so matter of factly: “I used to have an IUD” and launched into a story about when she was first married and not ready to have kids yet. As we whizzed across Alligator Alley through the Everglades, probably going 90 because I knew she couldn’t see the speedometer and “probably” because the speedometer only went to 80, she told me about her honeymoon in New Orleans and what a special place that town had always been to her and my grandfather, how much she missed him. I put on a Billie Holiday CD that I loved and she sang along, reached over and held my hand. My grandmother, Theodora Morris was suddenly a person, a person who, thanks to Alzheimer's had this need to connect, to touch and be known and it felt like such a privilege to finally be let in.
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