#unusual-tier shitpost
tangentburd · 1 year
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I finally got around to watching the first Spongebob movie hahaha!
(ok yes i’m only like a generation late but whatever)
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splathousefiction · 1 year
Places To Find Me/My content
Primary Site:
Features my fiction, editorial and other writings. Repository for both current large narrative lore audios and other audio projects I have been a part of.
At the moment, the quickest way to reach me. Probably not for long given Elon's "genius" marketing moves, but for RN where I post most actively and the first place I post projects when they're live.
Like the above, except I post nudes a lot more. Quickly becoming the "Twitter" platform of choice for me. Still in it's infancy as a platform. All pictures of my naked, writhing flesh will be appropriately spoilered and tagged.
This is where I post my live-action pornography and all current NSFW audio via my subscription tiers. If you're looking for that kind of stuff, this is where you wanna go first. Everything is behind a paywall, but it's not unusual for me to post some free content on occassion.
The largest current repository for all my audio, at least until they ban me from the platform. Actively hate this website a lot, so I rarely use it for anything other than a mirror of SFW uploads. Yes, I check and read every unhinged comment someone posts about my work here. If you want a "splathouse through the ages" and some incredibly poorly edited, years old NSFW audio, this is where you go.
Absolutely fucking hate reddit with the force of a thousand suns. I never check here, but this is indeed my account.
Mirror of my shitposts/SFW uploads. Those also get uploaded here.
See above.
This is probably my most active content platform outside of Fansly. Patreon is primarily home to my SFW audio, and features patron-exclusive podcasts like The LaCroix School Of Chaos Theory (now in it's second season!), Smoke Session, The Workshop and gets early access to written content and Big Monthly Audios before the public does. My patrons are the only reason splathouse exists and you can join for just a dollar.
Amazon Wishlist:
If you ever feel like physically sending me something in the mail, this is where you do that.
My steam profile is...
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send games plz
If you'd like to support my SFW stuff, Patreon is the best way to do that. If you'd like to tip me, Fansly is currently the best way to do that (I also have Cashapp).
I currently am allowing anonymous questions here on tumblr. I absolutely will remove that if any of you act fucking weird. Don't be a dick, I no longer have the patience for it.
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kamari333 · 5 years
how about G and R? [you've already done I and M]
More Ask Meme!!! Wooooo! (i c u grim)
G: Care to share a favorite crack fic?
Thats hard since I don’t really... well its my understanding that “crackfic” means something very different to most people. Most people seem to use it to mean “absolute shitpost mess that was never meant to be read or experienced for quality or depth”. And to that definition, I have to say no. Since I don’t read those. And I try not to write them.
I use “crack fic” to mean either “something so good I keep going back for more all the time” or “bears the content of a rare unusual content or ship”. To that, I can say I am guilty of reading:
Chill or Be Chilled by TotalSkeletonTrash
The Simple Series by GoldenAu and TKWolf
among other things~ Like, anything by KeelyWolfe, or MsMk, or... uh... well I like reading and all I read is crack for me. If it aint crack I usually wont read it (with some extenuating circumstances)
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
Fanfic wise I think:
TotalSkeletonTrash (specifically from Chill or Be Chilled)
NilChance (for their ATTL series)
MaximumOverboner (for their amazing god tier Papyrus writing)
As for non fanfic? I read a lot of Mercedes Lackey, Tamora Pierce, and Robert Jordan, and some others I cant remember the names of. Like, The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, Wizard’s First Rule, the Wayfarer Redemption series...
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
(my matchup info)) i'm bi, a londoner and i have loong dark brown hair, bright blue eyes and pale-ish kinda skin with light brown freckles on my cheeks and nose. i like playing sims 4, playing w my cats and binge watching Netflix. i love!! music and have a pretty good voice, my favourite artist is Lana Del Rey but i also like Lady Gaga, die antwoord, and 00s pop girl music e.g Britney Spears (don't shame me lolol). im quite smart but peaked a few years ago which is quite depressing lol. p1
pt. 2 speaking of I have depression and anxiety and take meds for both. im sarcastic, quiet, easily annoyed, funny and am a top tier shitposter. fr my feed is constantly full of memes. I’m almost always on some form of social media. im drawn to darker people and villainous characters despite being the opposite lmao. i put on a confident, independent front but inwardly im v insecure and easily manipulated if u can get past my front. i use humour/disinterest as a defence and hate looking weak. thank u!
Fandoms asked for (over two combined requests): Game of Thrones, Once Upon a Time, Yuri!!! On Ice, American Horror Story, Twilight, Death Note, The Vampire Diaries. 
Death Note: Mello (Mihael Keehl)
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Mello games and you play Sims 4 so sitting next to each other on your individual consoles would be how the two of you spend lazy days and quiet evenings together. You have a varied taste in music which is actually quite dark (Lana Del Ray) and inspiring/iconic (Lady Gaga) whereas Mello just likes heavy music which, when played at peak volume, thrums through your rib cage and echoes in your heartbeat. Between Mello’s explosive temper and your depression and anxiety, things can be tense. He snaps at you sometimes without thinking and you may retreat from him all together as a result. Show him your latest memes, though, and he’ll huff a reluctant laugh through his nose, breaking the ice. He’s not big on apologies even when he’s wrong but even so he’ll silently apologise in only one way: he’ll give (not just share) you one of his most expensive, preferred chocolate bars. Overall, he’d be one of your biggest comforts and vice versa. Just knowing that he’s watching the CCTV live of you walking down a dark or isolated street to make sure that you get home okay makes you feel a little warmer. Even when he’s pissed as hell at you or something else, he won’t let you go to bed feeling alone in a bad way. It’d be an explosive kinda love ;) [inappropriate death joke lmao not sorry]
American Horror Story (AHS): Violet Harmon
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Violet would adore you. There would be some tensions because she’s quite abrasive (and rightly so, in some cases) but also because you both have depression, though you also have anxiety and you both put up fronts to hide yourselves. That’s likely how you bond - with Violet confessing to you one hot summer’s day that she “hates everything” and the whole situation with her parents. She can rant for hours when you leave her to it, just listening. Sometimes you share a part of yourself. You’re quite a talkative couple, but only in private. If there are people around, it’s obvious you’re together but there’s no set reason that they can see. Vivien and Ben have, generally, never seen their daughter so animated; you only bring good to Violet’s life. You’re both sarcastic and easily annoyed so any arguments are basically just really accurate roasting sessions until one of you hits a nerve (and then it stops because Violet just leaves to go somewhere - you never know where) or you’re both laughing. In this way, there are moments in your relationship that are hard to stomach. Watching mindless TV shows on Netflix and cuddling is a good way to break any ice that lays between you; Violet would make acerbic comments about something the lead has done and you’d listen, always able to tell if something more is under the surface. The similarities between the two of you creates your relationship; you see yourselves in each other and only want to help as best as you can.
The Vampire Diaries (TVD): Damon Salvatore 
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Damon would be very protective of you. You don’t like appearing weak but even when you’re down and sobbing on your knees, your body unable to hold you up anymore, Damon’s never thought you looked stronger. It takes strength to show weakness, even when you’re alone. If you ever forgot to take your meds, Damon would stand over you in with a glass of water in one hand and your meds in the other, that passive-aggressive look on his face. He’d watch you take them, arms folded, and then he’d give you a steamy kiss that leaves your toes curling for the rest of the day. Damon pretends to have no feelings because it’s easier and you put up a front. However, because Damon can’t shut off his humanity without forgetting his love for you, so he has to face his humanity which means he begins to feel guilt and everything that’s already there if he wants to feel it, which he doesn’t but… He does eventually. Because of you. You are the good in his life.You have similar defence mechanisms so it’s not unusual for one of you to walk into a room, see the other and immediately say “stop doing that” or “don’t do that” - no one else can tell that Damon is pretending, except you and Stefan. Similarly, it’ll be the brothers who can tell that you’re pretending. The contrast of your long dark hair and your bright blue eyes would be what drew Damon to you and I feel like he’d call you his “little siren” because of that. As such, he comes to understand that it wasn’t Katherine he’s been looking for all this time…
… It was you.
Twilight: Edward Cullen 
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You caught Edward’s attention by singing one day. He was just passing by, skipping Biology (blood work) and he heard you singing. He hadn’t meant to tune in to your radio station but sometimes he couldn’t help it. And you did have a lovely voice. He would likely buy some of the same albums that you own so that he could get to know you through music. Over time, he would learn to just intuitively tune in to your radio station and he’d hear your thoughts - this is a promise he would make to himself to not do once you’re friends and then dating and he’d definitely stick to it. He’s conveniently free on sunny days so you’d spend those days watching Netflix with a blanket around your body to protect you from his ice cold one (it’d be really hard to explain away catching a cold during a heatwave) and he’d press kisses into your hair, your kitty purring away just above your shoulders. Though Edward would do his best to not listen to your thoughts, on your worst days some of them drift through his mind and he’d take your hand tightly and say “Don’t” or “That’s not true.” He’d try so hard to help you; I think, pre-Bella, he also has depression so he’d do his best to help you because he knows what it’s like, and not just because he can hear you.
Yuri!!! On Ice: Victor Nikiforov
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Victor would have such a loving relationship with you. Ohh, he’d try so hard to make you smile each and every day. When he’s not on the ice competing or eating way more food than he should be able to consume in one sitting (seriously, where does it go? Does his stomach start in his toes?), he’s curled up with you on the sofa watching something you want to watch on Netflix, Hulu or whatever else you use. He doesn’t mind what you watch, so long as you do it together. You love to shitpost and you love memes, and Victor loves taking pictures of the most obscure things so between the two of you, your followers are well fed! You’re always texting each other memes, jokes and sending pictures to each other with cryptic captions or song lyrics attached, making the other person burst out laughing in strange places like the ice rink or a classroom. You have more of a jokey relationship than a serious one, though that’s in abundance when either of you have depression or anxiety flare up. In any case, bed time is always met with gentle touches, soft smiles and careful reassurances. Even, and most especially, when you’re angry at each other. Love is never so important as it is during the bad times.
Once Upon A Time (OUAT): Regina Mills
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It would be really touch and go to date Regina for a while. It would be very challenging and many people, including her and in your darkest times, yourself, would tell you that she’s not worth it. That you’re not worth it. But you’re all wrong. She is so, so worth it. Once she splits from the Evil Queen, once she grows into herself and grows into the Charming family, once she overcomes her abusive childhood and comes to love herself, she is a ray of sunshine and she glows. I’ve always loved and been so proud of Regina, and you would be too. You both put on fronts to protect yourself and you’re both very convincing so a lot of the time, the two of you have to mentally step back and see what the other is really thinking. Luckily, you know each other very well so it’s not hard to see when either of you are feeling especially insecure or unwell. Regina would literally rip her heart in half if it meant saving you, and at times she’s risked her life for you. She lives for your cuddles, especially when her many duties as a mum, a mayor etc. get on top of her and she just needs a break. You bring her back to herself time and again, and she will always do her utmost to return the favour to you. You have a strong, loving relationship underneath it all. It just takes patience and a special bond to be able to see it from the outside.
Game Of Thrones (GOT): Joffrey Baratheon
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Joffrey is the most villainous person on this matchup. I was very hesitant to match you with him, I really was, but some of the others on this list are almost as bad. So. I think your personality would have a more positive effect on him. Cersei got her claws as far into him as she could, but even once she tried to reason with him and keep him reined in, he was too far gone for her to be able to help. But you... Mm. I think you’d have a similar impact on him to Margaery. You put on a front to protect yourself and this would be what Joffrey would listen to... to begin with. Once you’re properly courting and Joffrey is able to see what you don’t say; he would soften. He would still kill and be an utterly evil piece of work, but he would exercise more mercy. He would still wrongfully torment Tyrion, but he would draw a line when you start anxiously tugging on his sleeve. He doesn’t cuddle, mocking the action all together, but then one day he walks in on you curled up in bed reading a book and he just can’t resist curling around you, an arm slung over your shoulders to possessively keep you beside him. It would be a tumultuous, dangerous relationship but then... it’s Westeros, what do you expect?
There!!!! I hope you enjoyed!
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thehandwixard · 7 years
How about roxy lalonde for the ask meme?
the gal!! the GAL!
My otp: definitely roxycallie, its just so fucking nice to see these two gals have their relationship growing throughout it and all of their scenes together are just so heartwarming and aaaaaaaaaGH
My most hated pairing: i actually like most roxy ships but i cant stand roxy/dir.k, firstly because they dont work well romantically imo, and even if they did dirk is gay and its. not good at all to ship a gay guy with a girl
My unusual otp: roxy/nepet.a. i dont think it’s too unusual but then again i never see it around. it was one of my first ships in homestuck and i still love it cause. badass rogue gals having a cool time.
My crossover otp: i dont really think in crossover terms that much but i think roxy and. i have no clue 
My brotp/friendship otp: dirk and roxy. they are, however, great friends in the apocalypse and really care about eachother
Character headcanon: roxy is literally a top tier shitposter, no one can touch her, she and dave create an entire multilayered meme culture on earth c even they cant understand anymore
A Gif that shows how I feel about the character: uhh.
you know garnet slowly smiling in “alone together” i cant insert gifs but thats the one
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tangentburd · 5 years
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have you lost weight or are you just happy to see me— sprrrkt
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tangentburd · 5 years
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tangentburd · 5 years
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Yes, we will sail these ships so dear From lone bushman to handsome rogue But all those pairs you see not here Will you praise with a heart as bold?
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