#upper mon four icons
adobe-outdesign · 2 years
Is it too early to ask for thoughs or headcanons on the 4 perils? I just really like those guys.
Before we get too far, can I just mention what a great concept the Treasures are? They're probably some of my all-time favorite legendaries. The way they're based off the four perils is a nice mythology reference, but this is greatly enhanced with the way they're vessels with fake bodies. This is very cool and unique, and that combined with the way they're sealed away to prevent natural disasters gives them an appropriately epic, legendary feeling to the quartet. Just the vibes alone are immaculate.
For the record, my personal favs from most to least are Wo-Chien, Ting-Lu, Chien-Pao, and Chi-Yu, but honestly all of them are great in some compacity or another.
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I know Ting-Lu was somewhat contentious when it first leaked, with many feeling like the body is too vague-looking compared to the other Treasures of Ruin. However, I honestly really like the abstract look—I feel like it makes it look all the more eerie, almost somewhat eldritch. It also really helps convey that the object is the actual Pokemon and the body is just made out of materials, more so than any of the other Treasures.
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If I have one problem with the design, it's that the ritual bowl/ding feels like it's barely attached to the head; it looks like it's going to fall off any moment. I also feel like the neck's a bit long. Otherwise, the colors are nice and the concept and typing are clear.
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Chien-Pao is an interesting combo between a saber-toothed cat, a snow leopard, and something akin to a ferret. It reminds me a lot of a spotted genet, though that probably wasn't intentional:
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Regardless, this is a neat design, with the body being made of snow and the markings actually being ice crystals. The simple white and light blue palette conveys snow and cold, while the black coloring on the sword draws attention to it. I also like that the sword is snapped in half, with each half composing a fang. It's a nice touch.
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My only complaint is that the sword going through the top of the muzzle looks a bit odd. It was probably done like that to show that the snow is built around the sword, but it just creates a weird tension point there. I also feel like the random crystals on the cheeks weren't needed, and I wish the model looked less smooth and more like actual snow. Still, it's nice looking overall.
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Chi-Yu is the least ominous of the trio, but then again it is still the most ominous goldfish I've ever seen, so that's something. Once again, the objects are obviously the beads, though this one gets points for incorporating the emotion, envy, into the design by using jade magatama beads specifically.
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I think my only problem with it—which is unfortunately a big problem—is that the body works well in 2D, but really does not translate well at all. I don't know why GameFreak is allergic to particle textures, but Chi-Yu looks more like paper with fire drawn on it than actual fire, especially compared to other 'mons with much more realistic fire on their bodies. This makes the beads feel jarringly three dimensional in a way that doesn't jive with the body. The actual design of the flames, with them forming some beautiful swirls and scales, is fine; I just wish it looked better when you were actually using it and not just looking at the artwork.
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And finally, Wo-Chien, my personal favorite. I had high-hopes for a legendary dark-type snail, and thankfully, Wo-Chien did not disappoint. The muted color palette feels appropriately dark but earthy at the same time, and I love how the upper body is clearly just piles of leaves, with branches forming the iconic snail eyes. The way the colors alternate in said leaves also help break up the head while still making it clear what you're looking at. It's hard to make a snail look powerful and creepy, but they pulled it off beautifully.
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I guess the only drawback is that the tablets that make up the shell are much less emphasized than on the other Treasure's designs; there's nothing to specially draw your eye to them from either a color or a size perspective. At the same time however, they do fit beautifully with the palette, and it could be argued that the body shape draws your eyes from the head to the "shell" naturally anyway.
So as a whole: all of these guys are honestly really solid, and some of the best legendaries we've had in a long time; cool inspiration, interesting concept, good designs, and a mythological feel make these four throughly enjoyable.
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yaibathing · 5 years
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like if u save / don't repost
twitter: @swnazu
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namjoonchronicles · 7 years
distract | nj
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▶ summary: There’s only one way to tame a raging fire. Namjoon knows just how to do it, effortlessly and sweetly.
“Because being blamed for something you didn’t do is exhausting! It’s draining, because you don’t know if you should pretend to take the fault so you could make some friends and be a socially-abiding employee when all you want to do is be free!” You let your bag fell flop at the side of the bed on the floor and, lashed out some more.
“...And if you’ve been with me long enough, you should know that I’m not the type to listen to anyone’s shit. It doesn’t matter who they are or what they are, if they’re lying through their claws, I won’t be smiling and telling them all the things they want to hear. And if you know me, you’ll understand that I will not be a tact sugar-coated liar who licks ass for a living.” You paced left and right by the window glass that looks out the balcony.
The curtains are left open and the neighboring buildings were the only thing that can be seen. Namjoon stood, leaning by the door with his arms crossed, observing, analyzing, listening and attempting to execute the best possible reply in this dangerous situation.
One wrong thing he says, will make this all a lot worser than it already is. 
So he chose to be quiet.
“This company is ridiculous. The co workers are oblivious and they’ve made a fool out of me during a department meeting. I didn’t misplace the drugs. I didn’t even touch a cytotoxic carrier. How could they say that I did it?” There’s defeat in your voice and it didn’t go unnoticed by Namjoon. He is after all the one that usually had to perk his ears up when moments like this comes.
Hands over your head, you turned to face Namjoon, with the bed standing between you and him and you exhaled, “I just need your hug.” A weak smile passed your lips, a small shrug on your shoulders and pleas in your eyes was all it takes for Namjoon to lunged over to you, and pulling you into a warm embrace that’s known to heal all the pain you’ve ever felt.
His sturdy chest against your forehead, and you could feel his arm around your shoulder, holding you as close as he could, while he plants a firm kiss on the top of your head. Your hand flew to his upper arm to keep it there, inhaling his heavenly cologne and taking the advantage of being this close to listen to his heartbeat.
When things go awry, Namjoon knows just how to cater to you. Even when at first, he was awkward in giving. He learnt a lot from you. Namjoon bares to you a side the world never knew existed. In exchange, you show him the side you’ve kept to yourself for so long. Together, you completed each other.
But it’s not all joyous ride together, with each other. There are side of Namjoon that you simply couldn’t comprehend— the workaholic side, the humility on things he should boast about, the perfectionist in him that rejects all mediocre and safe options simply because it isn’t risky enough; and there are sides of you that Namjoon find petty and unneeded—like your insecurities, your constant need of validation and turbulent mood swings that sometimes drove him beyond insane.
Namjoon’s intricated way of thinking fits your complicated thoughts in the most outstanding way. You both could talk for hours on the rooftop at midnight. Spilling your most intimate feelings about things going around you, identifying constellations in the night sky, soft murmurs of kind words that strangers will never hear from you; these conversations rarely reside on the surface—knowing Namjoon.
His poetic ways of putting words into a sentence and how they sound like nonsense to shallow minds was a way you two connected. His passive-aggressiveness met your sarcastic remarks, to equate a disastrously perfect couple. Namjoon and you were a imperfectly perfect equation that mathematicians hadn’t figured out yet.
Namjoon puts a distance between you both and you whined at the sudden loss of warmth to which he giggled low in return. With his dimply smile, he slide his hand down your arm and filled the gaps between your fingers with his before guiding you out of the room and into his studio.
The door labelled: Mon Studio, Sound Engineer; on the outside.
He pushed you down to sit in his seat while he stays standing up behind the chair. “What...why?” Your thoughts are scrambled as you watch him dart his hand out from each side of you, clicking on the mouse rapidly as he tries to search for a file you didn’t know off. “Hold on a minute okay, babe.” He trailed his voice as his eyeballs starts to fidget on every corner of the heavily crowded desktop full of track icons.
“Wow your desktop is very organized.” You threw a sarcastic remark and he chuckled short, “...Haven’t got the time to sort them out properly. Been busy at night, you see.” He tutted his tongue, suggestively, before biting his lips. “Oh really...?” That is a judgemental statement disguised in a form of question, from you to him.
He shrugs a bit and the chair rocked as he passed, “Yeah, my wife can’t keep her hands off of me. But can you blame her?” You snapped your head around at him, digging your against your cheek while trying to come up with a good clap back but Namjoon tipped his chin at the screen so that your attentions falls to it instead of him.
“You sir, have a very distracting face.” You heard your own voice in the video he played on his desktop for you to watch. You remembered this video. It was taken in Ilsan, on your first Chuseok together with his family. The camera focuses on him and his deadly fashion style. He had a Ray Ban glass on, with a red beanie.
“Is it me or is this coloring is just off?” You were not well-versed in using video cameras especially the modern ones so you tend to ask Namjoon everything about it since he reads the manuals. Namjoon appeared to be walking towards you and together, you both were figuring out how to use the video cameras. Before it falls to the ground, of course. The camera was still recording although it cuts off for about 0.8 seconds due to the fall. Namjoon is heard to be rather flustered, “It’s just slipped out of my hand...!”
And you calmed him down with an assurance, “Look it’s not the end of the world okay? It’s fine. It’s okay. We can still use our good ol’ phone to film stuff and it will be just as fantastic.” The screen flashes black before turning into a scene at a beach. Namjoon looks younger here. Of course he does, it was taken in 2010, he was 16.
As indicated by the dates below.
The video focuses on him, grainy and low quality but still, Namjoon looked stunning. “I can never get over how beautiful you are.” You commented, sounding like you’re in-trance. Younger Namjoon looks very innocent, and he was just filming his feet walking by the sandy beach, the sound of waves hitting the shore was the only thing you hear.
“This is at the height of the porn watching thing, right?” You shot and Namjoon covered his eyes, smiling shyly. “Can’t you just watch without making anything funny?” He gushes and you took the chance to annoy him some more. “You’re making me a pervert for watching a 16 year old you, are you trying to send me to jail? Jail bait.” You darted. Namjoon shakes his head cutely and grinned at the screen.
“I’m going to take my wife here.” Sixteen year-old Namjoon sounded determined. “I want her to enjoy the sound of the waves and the breeze...” Video-Namjoon added and you snarkly say, “We did more than just enjoy the sound of waves and breeze when we were there, Little Namjoon.”
Namjoon slammed the pause button and you exclaimed, “But why!”
“I’m not going to play this video if you keep being like this, stand up.” He said, biting his smile and you did as he told. He sat on the chair and gathered your waist so you sat on him. “You need to shush and appreciate this video,” Namjoon leaned his chin on your shoulder and you pressed the space bar so that the video resumed.
“That night on the beach was fun.” You added quickly and Namjoon pressed his forehead on your shoulder now, vibrating in place to hide his chuckle. “Can we be PG13 at least for the rest of four minutes, please?” He darted his eyes on your side profile and you glanced at him, “We are Rated R baby, you know that.”
“Okay. Can we pretend that we are PG13?” “For three minutes? Yeah.”
Namjoon’s video showed you sleeping on the bed next to him. Bare shoulders and he plants a kiss on them before sliding out of bed. “PG13 my ass.” You shot and Namjoon pressed his lips together, “Sweetie, look here!”
“No!” “Why not?” “Because I have a zit on my face.”
Then the video switches to all the vacations you both went together on. The part where Namjoon went to Rome. When he broke the pan holder. How he snapped the chair into half. And you’ll be behind the video camera laughing your head off. “All I did is hold them.” He sounded sorry.
“Oh honey, don’t worry about that.” You would say. The screen goes black and to present-Namjoon who is in a black turtleneck with ash grey hair-do, fixing the camera to focus. “Hey baby...” he greeted, exclaiming. “You just left for work after a strenuous midnight workout and I’m making this video to thank you for it.”
You had to clamp your teeth down your lower lips to stop the smile from getting wider than it already is. “So if you remember, you had a pretty bad day yesterday and you took it out on me...” Namjoon pulled down his turtleneck and showed an angry red kiss mark, “But I’m not here to complaint. I’m here to do anything but that. I’m here to say to you that if you ever have a bad moment in life, I’m at your disposal.”
Namjoon inhales deeply, “Everytime you say you had a bad day, which usually began by how badly people treated you; I just want you to know that it doesn’t make you a bad person to feel angry about it. I also want you to know that if it ever come across your head that you’re horrible person; which you aren’t by the way, I want you to rewind to the beginning of this video where you assured me that eventhough I’m clumsy and a hopeless King of Destruction, you always make me feel better about myself.”
You absent-mindedly went, “Aww.”
“When I accidentally break things, I get very upset. Because it makes people think that I’m in capable of taking care of things. I see their faces when they were about to hand me some objects. I understand their fear of me destructing it, but at the end of the day, I’m human and I have feelings.” Namjoon sighed. You took his hand into yours and patted them gently. “You make the darkness less dark, you make the edges less sharp. You make the winter feel warmer, you make my weakness less weak. You make the bottom less deep. You make my crazy feel normal.”
You are the who. Love is the what. And this is the why.
Namjoon’s video ended with you and Namjoon on a hammock together, enjoying the breeze on a tropical country beach with coconut in hand. “Baby, who do you belong to?” Namjoon asked you while the camera showing his face and yours. He was laying his head on your stomach.
“An idiot.” You shot.
Namjoon’s smile is gone in a second before him replying with a wide grin at the camera, showing all his teeth, “But I am your idiot...” shows the wedding ring to the camera, “Foreverrrrrrrrrrrr.”
You were dying of embarrassment, behind him. He vowed to embarrass you and you vowed to annoy him; for the rest of your lives. 
Turning over your shoulder, to face him, you link your forehead to his and smiled, “...Why are you so distracting.” Namjoon inhales and whispered, “...I made the video to keep your mind off of negative things, is it working?”
Yes it is.
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Pokémon Sun introduced the idea of regional forms or variants of pokémon previously known and loved from other games and it looks like the same is going to be true for the Galar region in Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield. We got a first glimpse of four new form pokémon as well as a newbie Morpeko so we'll take a look at that too. Flaming Galar Region On the brink of the UK's collapse, Game Freak have seen fit to commemorate the end of the state by setting Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield in a region, heavily inspired by the UK. In particular it seems that the British Empire and industrialisation are being celebrated with the coal pokémon Rolycoly and a new Weezing form inspired, it seems, by factory owners. What better way to celebrate colonialism and the tens of thousands of children that died working in factories for a pittance? Here's the new Weezing: Richie: Yaaaaas Fairy/Poison, dig that shit! Maining Weezing, calling it now! I cant abandon my fire-rabbit starter quick enough! The Victorian industrial revolution design is funky, the dour grey and top hats is fantastic. Even Weezings iconic expression works here conjuring the fat-cat stiff-upper-lip-old-boy aura. Brill. Cunzy1 1: Yeah. Hard love. TGAM have a shared love of poison types especially the gen wunners Weezing/Muk/Arbok/Golbat. Already shipping Alolan Muk and Galarian Weezing. Hopefully this means Weezing might have some viability? Curious about the hidden ability too. Following in the footsteps of giving rubbish pokémon an equally rubbish new lease on life; see also Mega Beedrill and half the cool-design-but-not-at-all-viable-Alolan-forms there's a new zigzagoon line form for the Galar region AND an evolved form. Cunzy1 1: When you're favourite pokémon doesn't make the cut take solace in the fact that zigzagoon got a new form and evolution. Richie: It looks like a badger fucked the mid 1970's - early 1980's punk subculture. Are badgers quintessentially British? I dot get this mon... Evolve and Box. Cunzy1 1: You know what. I take it back. There're three people out there whose favourite pokémon is Linoone and against all the odds they've been fan-served. I'm happy for them all. Richie: Yeah and it will appease all of the fanartists begging for another bipedal furry so that Lucario and Zoroark et al and have big furry fanarting orgies. Cunzy1 1: They knew exactly what they were doing with Obstagoon's tongue and there's terraflops of deviant art already. Enough with the dark types though. Lastly, because aside from the fanart market, none of these new pokémon are especially merchandise shifters we've got another useless adorable electric type to turn into plushies, notebooks, stickers, backpacks... Richie: Oh wow another electric type I wont use, I mean  how many electric rodents do we need? Cunzy1 1: Although it does instantly earn a spot on the not at all viable shit colour/form changing dream team alongside Ditto, Kecleon, Castform, Minior and Darmanitan which needed some electric support I guess(?).
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Fashion icon Gloria Vanderbilt died this morning, according to her son, CNN's Anderson Cooper. The designer and socialite was 95.
Fashion icon and artist Gloria Vanderbilt dies at 95
By Eliott C. McLaughlin | Updated 12:22 PM EDT, Mon June 17, 2019 | CNN | Posted June 17, 2019 |
(CNN)Gloria Vanderbilt died Monday morning, according to her son, CNN's Anderson Cooper. The fashion designer, artist and socialite was 95.
She died at home with friends and family at her side.
"Gloria Vanderbilt was an extraordinary woman, who loved life, and lived it on her own terms," Cooper said in a statement. "She was a painter, a writer and designer but also a remarkable mother, wife, and friend.
"She was 95 years old, but ask anyone close to her, and they'd tell you: She was the youngest person they knew -- the coolest and most modern."
In the spotlight from the start
Born in New York in 1924, Gloria Laura Morgan Vanderbilt grew up in France. Her father, financier Reginald Vanderbilt, the heir to a railroad fortune, died when she was a baby.
Gloria was the focus of media attention at an early age, dubbed "the poor little rich girl" amid an intense custody battle between her mother and her father's enormously wealthy sister, Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney. Her aunt prevailed in court proceedings.
"As a teenager she tried to avoid the spotlight, but reporters and cameramen followed her everywhere," Cooper said. "She was determined to make something of her life, determined to make a name for herself, and find the love she so desperately needed."
Her first marriage was to Hollywood agent Pat DiCicco in 1941, when Vanderbilt was 17.
At 21, she took control of a $4.3 million trust fund her father had left her. She divorced DiCicco two months later, promptly remarried -- this time, to conductor Leopold Stokowski, who was 63 at the time.
"I knew him for a week and married three weeks later," she once told Cooper during an interview.
Asked if her friends thought it was weird that she had fallen for a man four decades her senior, she said, "It didn't matter to me."
An artist at heart
With Stokowski, she began pursuing her passions, beginning with her artwork, which she first put on exhibit in 1948. She had two sons with Stokowski: Leopold Stokowski was born in 1950, and Christopher Stokowski in 1952.
In 1954, she made her stage debut in a production of the romantic drama, "The Swan," at the Pocono Playhouse in Mountainhome, Pennsylvania. She published a book of poetry the following year, the same year she divorced Stokowski.
She found love again in Hollywood with director and producer Sidney Lumet, who would go on to earn multiple Academy Award nominations for films such as "12 Angry Men," "Dog Day Afternoon" and "Network."
The two married in 1956. Following their divorce in August, Vanderbilt married for a final time on Christmas Eve of that year. With writer Wyatt Cooper, she had two more sons: Carter Cooper in 1965 and Anderson Cooper in 1967.
Vanderbilt found another avenue for her creativity in the years that followed. Tapping her artwork as a muse, she produced fashion and textile designs that would earn her the 1969 Neiman Marcus Fashion Award, before opening the door to a line of ready-to-wear garments in the mid-1970s.
Under her GV Ltd. brand, she'd go on to sell millions of pairs of jeans bearing her trademark swan logo.
"If you were around in early 1980s it was pretty hard to miss the jeans she helped create, but that was her public face -- the one she learned to hide behind as a child," Anderson Cooper said. "Her private self, her real self -- that was more fascinating and more lovely than anything she showed the public.
Losing a son, finding solace in words
Tragedy struck the family in 1988 when Carter Cooper, 23, jumped from the 14th-floor terrace of his parents' penthouse in the Yorkville neighborhood of Manhattan's Upper East Side. Carter had suffered with depression.
The following years were rough ones for Vanderbilt. On top of coping with the loss of a son, her lawyer and psychiatrist bilked her out of millions. She successfully sued them, but still had to sell her mansion in the Hamptons and a five-story Manhattan penthouse to pay debts.
In 1995, she moved in with Anderson Cooper and began working on a book, "A Mother's Story," which published in 1996. The book documented her grief after Carter's death. Despite her struggles, she always welcomed stories about her boy, she told People in a 2016 interview.
People "will start to talk about him and then say, 'Oh, I'm sorry,' and I say, 'No, I love to talk about him. More, more, more' -- because that brings him alive and it brings him closer and it means that he hasn't been forgotten," she told the magazine, Anderson Cooper by her side.
Jones Apparel Group bought Gloria Vanderbilt Apparel Corp. in 2002 for $138 million, and Vanderbilt delved wholesale back into her love for art and writing.
She put 25 oil paintings on exhibit in Manchester, Vermont, in 2007, and in 2012, staged "The World of Gloria Vanderbilt: Collages, Dream Boxes and Recent Paintings" at the New York Design Center.
She published a history of her love life, "It Seemed Important at the Time: A Romance Memoir," in 2004, and published an erotic novel, "Obsession," in 2009. She was 85 when the latter made its way to bookstores.
Her relationship with her now-world famous CNN anchor son was memorialized in a 2016 HBO documentary, "Nothing Left Unsaid: Gloria Vanderbilt & Anderson Cooper," which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. Later that year, the pair published a joint memoir, "The Rainbow Comes and Goes: A Mother and Son on Life, Love, and Loss."
Of his mother's extraordinary life, Anderson Cooper said, "I always thought of her as a visitor from another world, a traveler stranded here who'd come from a distant star that burned out long ago. I always felt it my job to protect her."
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homedevises · 6 years
How You Can Attend Four Rivers Of Paradise With Minimal Budget | four rivers of paradise
The Senate on Tuesday anesthetized the best across-the-board attention legislation in a decade, attention millions of acreage of acreage and hundreds of afar of agrarian rivers beyond the country and establishing four new civic monuments anniversary heroes including Civilian War soldiers and a civilian rights icon.
The Four Rivers of Paradise | Flickr – Photo Sharing! – four rivers of paradise | four rivers of paradise
The 662-page measure, which anesthetized 92 to 8, represented an ancient admission to dealmaking that has abundantly abolished on Capitol Hill. Senators from beyond the brainy spectrum acclaimed home-state assets and congratulated anniversary added for bridging the accessory divide.
“It touches every state, appearance the ascribe of a advanced affiliation of our colleagues, and has becoming the abutment of a broad, assorted affiliation of abounding advocates for accessible lands, bread-and-butter development, and conservation,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.
It’s a abstruse win for attention at a time aback Admiral Donald Trump has answer development on accessible acreage and scaled aback safeguards accustomed by his predecessors.
The bill, which the Aldermanic Budget Office projects would save taxpayers $9 million, enjoys ample abutment in the House. The lower alcove is assertive to booty it up afterwards the mid-February recess, and White House admiral accept adumbrated abreast that the admiral will assurance it.
The admeasurement protects 1.3 actor acreage as wilderness, the nation’s best acrimonious protection, which prohibits alike anchorage and automatic vehicles. It assuredly withdraws added than 370,000 acreage of acreage from mining about two civic parks, including Yellowstone, and assuredly authorizes a affairs to absorb offshore-drilling acquirement on attention efforts.
The amalgamation is awash abounding of accoutrement for about every agent who casting a vote Tuesday. Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., acclaimed the actuality that it will actualize 273,000 acreage of wilderness in his state, best of it aural the boundaries of two civic monuments that Trump threatened to shrink. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Chairwoman Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, who co-authored the bill, amid a accouterment that allows built-in Alaskans who served in Vietnam to administer for a acreage allocation in their home state.
“We accept additionally formed for months on a bipartisan, bicameral base to absolutely accommodate every distinct chat in this bill – actually bottomward to one one-tenth of a mile for [a] assertive designation,” Murkowski said as she apprenticed her colleagues to vote for the bill on Monday.
House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Raúl Grijalva, D-Ariz., hailed it as “an old-school blooming deal,” adage he and the top Republican on his panel, Rep. Rob Bishop (Utah) “are adored to assignment calm to get this beyond the accomplishment line.”
Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., a advance adjudicator on the bill, said the actuality that the legislation protects so abundant of the nation’s admired backdrop won a ample constituency. “There’s some corners that approved to demonize admission to accessible acreage as – ‘oh that’s aloof some environmentalists and that’s it,'” she said in an interview. “And that’s not it. It’s way bigger than that.”
The Trout Zone: Back to Paradise Valley: Yellowstone Day Four – four rivers of paradise | four rivers of paradise
The legislation establishes four new monuments, including the Mississippi home of civilian rights activists Medgar and Myrlie Evers and the Mill Springs Battlefield in Kentucky, home to the absolute aboriginal Union achievement in the Civilian War.
John Gilroy, who directs U.S. accessible acreage attention at the Pew Charitable Trusts, said in an account that the package’s added than 100 accoutrement arose from negotiations on the bounded level, which provided abundant drive to affected the archetypal gridlock that has appear to ascertain Capitol Hill.
“What we saw all the way through was a aboveboard accomplishment to get to yes on a lot of pieces that had bounded support, bipartisan abutment and abutment beyond the two bodies,” Gilroy said. “It’s been years in the works. These are not proposals that were anticipation up aloof aftermost week, about in Washington D.C.”
Perhaps the best cogent change the legislation would accomplish is assuredly acceding a federal affairs that funnels adopted conduct acquirement to conserve a advance of sites that includesmajor civic parks and wildlife preserves, as able-bodied as bounded baseball chunk and basketball courts. Authorization for the accepted program, the Acreage and Water Attention Armamentarium (LWCF), accomplished months ago due to the fractional government abeyance and added disputes. Liberals like the actuality that the money allows agencies to set abreast acreage for wildlife habitat. Conservatives like the actuality that taxpayers don’t accept to bottom the bill for it.
Congress is now set to reauthorize the armamentarium in perpetuity, admitting it will not accomplish its spending mandatory. Aldermanic allotment for the affairs has “fluctuated widely” aback its birth in 1965, according to a 2018 Aldermanic Research Service report. Less than bisected of the $40 billion that has accumulated up in the armamentarium during its bristles decades of actuality has been spent by Congress on attention efforts.
“We ambition we would accept gotten it, but it’s still a big win,” said Jonathan Asher, a government relations administrator at the Wilderness Society who formed at the Environmental Aegis Agency during the Obama administration. “There are affluence of associates of Congress that appetite binding funding, but it’s a longer, added lift.”
The bill reauthorizes and funds the Neotropical Migratory Bird Attention Act through 2022, which provides abode aegis for added than 380 bird species, and codifies a signature affairs of Admiral Barack Obama’s. That program, the Every Kid Outdoors Act, allows U.S. fourth-graders and their families to appointment civic parks free.
The admeasurement additionally expands the boundaries of added than a half-dozen civic parks and adds three units, including two Civilian War sites in Kentucky, the Mill Springs Battlefield and Camp Nelson.
The amalgamation adds acreage to Death Valley and Joshua Tree civic parks while attention 350,000 acreage of accessible acreage amid Mojave Civic Bottle and Death Valley, accretion the connectivity of the three sites. “This is one of the missing pieces in the mural affiliation addle in the California desert,” said David Lamfrom, administrator of California Arid and Wildlife Programs at the Civic Parks Attention Association.
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The bill would additionally be a benefaction for addition constituency – hunters and anglers.
Bow hunters would be accustomed to accompany their weapons through civic parks aback aggravating to ability areas breadth it is acknowledged to hunt. Added important, it makes all federal acreage accessible to hunting, fishing, and recreational cutting unless contrarily specified.
Jesse Deubel, controlling administrator of the New Mexico Wildlife Federation, said in an account that accretion wilderness in his accompaniment will be a able allurement for hunters gluttonous bighorn sheep, mule deer, blanch and added animals. “People will biking to these places to accompany bold in this wild, beastly habitat.”
The accessible acreage amalgamation would additionally assure about 620 afar of rivers beyond seven states from damming and added development, generally delegating administration of the waterways to bounded authorities. It includes safeguards for a array of rivers – everywhere from the tributaries for the agrarian Rogue River in Oregon, accepted for its active apricot populations, to the already heavily attenuated Nashua River that flows from Massachusetts to New Hampshire and is accepted with kayakers.
In abounding cases, locals accept been allurement Washington for years for these protections to bolster tourism.
Montana’s absolute aldermanic appointment – two Republicans and one Democrat – apprenticed for the abiding abandonment of mineral rights of almost 30,000 acreage of U.S. Forest Service acreage abreast Yellowstone Civic Park. Addition accouterment in the bill would accumulate acreage in Washington’s Upper Methow Valley from mineral admission and exploration, to assure North Cascades Civic Park.
“It took accessible acreage to accompany disconnected government together,” said Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., afterwards the vote.
Colin Davis, buyer of Chico Hot Springs resort in Montana’s Paradise Valley, said that he and added bounded business owners accept spent the aftermost four years alive to annihilate the anticipation of gold mining on Yellowstone’s doorstep. Companies accept eyed two abstracted sites, both abreast Davis’s 120-year old celebrated property.
“To accept automated mining in both those places, on a calibration that would accomplish it financially viable, is absolutely aggressive to our economy,” said Davis, who advisers 180 people. “This is the affection of the aftermost best place. … This association has appear calm over this.”
Allegory of Gihon Pictures | Getty Images – four rivers of paradise | four rivers of paradise
A alternation of compromises won over advancement groups apery hunters and anglers, conservationists, geologists, Built-in Americans, forth with bounded officeholders and accommodation of commerce. Utah’s Emery County, for example, adored the appellation of 661,000 acreage of wilderness, 300,000 acreage for a civic amusement breadth and 63 afar of aegis on the Blooming River in barter for added than 75,000 acreage of acreage that it can advance elsewhere.
Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, emerged as the legislation’s best articulate opponent, aspersing the restrictions that accompany any new wilderness and the achievability that the bill will accomplish it easier for the federal government to admission clandestine land.
“This bill perpetuates a abhorrent accepted for federal acreage action in the West, and decidedly for Utah,” he said.
Lee categorical his action in the Deseret News a day afterwards inferior Sen. Mitt Romney, R, of Utah dedicated the amalgamation in the aforementioned paper. “We can conserve wildlife, assure celebrated sites, advance admission and bottle Utah’s accessible acreage in a way that reflects the priorities of rural Utahns,” Romney wrote. “This is the approaching our accessible acreage charge and deserve.”
In an interview, Heinrich acclaimed that Republican and Democratic supporters of the bill ashore calm to defeat adverse amendments such as Lee’s, which could accept unraveled the deal.
“That’s article you acclimated to see all the time,” he said. “That’s been abundant added attenuate in contempo years.”
The amalgamation designates several added adequate areas in Utah, including the 850-acre Jurassic Civic Monument and the abundant added all-inclusive San Rafael Swell Amusement Area. Scott Groene, controlling administrator of the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, said the wilderness designations will accumulate automatic agent use at bay in Desolation and Labyrinth Canyons, allotment of the affecting red bedrock mural that defines the state.
“Spectacular canyons will abide quiet places,” Groene said.
But in a assurance of the trade-offs activists fabricated in the legislation, Groene acclaimed that alone bisected of the river active through these canyons will be adequate aback alone Emery County accustomed the bill. “We’ll accept to appear aback and assure the added bisected of the river later.”
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vacationsoup · 6 years
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Planning A Visit To Mont-Saint-Michel
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An Introduction to Mont-Saint-Michel
A visit to Mont-Saint-Michel should definitely be on your Normandy bucket list. It's a rocky island commune topped with a 13th century Gothic abbey. Discover 13 centuries of history and restoration at this UNESCO World Heritage site. The iconic abbey is perched on top of an island and it literally takes your breath away the first time you see it. It’s magical and an absolute must-see for visitors to Normandy.
If you want an overview of what to expect at Mont-Saint-Michel then take a look at Rick Steves' video. This was published in 2009 and shows vehicles parked near to the Mount. This isn't possible now but check out the 'Practical Information' section about parking. You'll get to see the main street with the shops and restaurants as well as the abbey.
If that's whetted your appetite, then read on to discover more about the island and its history, the abbey, the dam, shops and restaurants, things to do in the area, practical information and how to make the most of your visit to Mont-Saint-Michel.
The History of Mont-Saint-Michel
Mont-Saint-Michel's long history began in 708 when Bishop Aubert of Avranches erected a sanctuary on the island of Mont Tombe in honour of the Archangel Michel. Benedictine monks settled there in 966 and were responsible for the growth of the new monastery and its focal point for pilgrims.
The diverse architectural styles reflect construction methods dating from the 10th century when it was first built through to the 19th century restoration. The Abbey church is built on the summit of the Mount at an altitude of 80 metres and sits on an 80 metre long platform consisting of four crypts built into the spur of the rock. The abbey church is known as La Merveille; a thirteenth century addition regarded as its crowning glory. The Mount is positioned on the border between Normandy and Brittany and was both a place of passage and a fortress for the Duchy of Normandy.
The abbey buildings have been transformed throughout the centuries. The conflicts of the Hundred Years War between France and England in the 14th century led to powerful fortifications being built. These additions included a wall flanked with defensive towers and enabled Mont-Saint-Michel to resist attacks by English troops. It remains the only place in Normandy not to have been conquered by the English and is a symbol of national identity. In 1421, during a terrifying siege, the Romanesque chancel of the church collapsed, and was not completely rebuilt until 100 years later, in a flamboyant Gothic style.
During the 17th and 18th centuries the Mount lost its importance in both military and religious terms. Following the French Revolution the monks of Mont-Saint-Michel were driven away and the abbey became a prison until it finally closed in 1863. While the prison saved the Abbey from destruction this former religious monument was severely dilapidated. In 1874, the Abbey was classified as a historical monument and the long process of restoration began. A causeway, constructed in 1878, made access to the Mount easier. This was followed by a tramway line for transporting visitors whose numbers continued to grow.
In 1969, a small community of Benedictine monks was established at the Abbey, who were replaced in 2001 by the Monastic Fraternities of Jerusalem. The conservation work led to it being listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979.
In 2014 a building project started 10 years previously saw a dam and a new elevated road bridge opened. The previous causeway had permanently linked Mont-Saint-Michel to the mainland. However, the tidal surges in the bay had led to the area becoming silted up. In July 2014 the new bridge returned Mont-Saint-Michel to an island which now becomes cut off from the mainland at very high tides. 2016 saw the statue of Saint Michel being re-guilded. Today the Archangel shines brightly on top of the world. This project involved shrouding the abbey spire with scaffolding and removing the statue by helicopter before it was replaced. A year long project during 2017 focussed on the restoration of the cloister. The Abbey therefore undergoes continuous building work led by the Chief Architect of Historical Monuments.
Have a look at this video which shows the setting of this delightful island commune.
The Abbey
A visit to Mont-Saint-Michel isn't complete without visiting the abbey. Only certain parts of it are open to the public and you follow the signs which take you on a journey across three different levels and through time.
At the entrance to the abbey, is a stone staircase which will take you to a security point located in the original Guard Room. There may well be a queue of people here belonging to groups and tours. Groups take the left hand side of the staircase and individuals use the right hand side. Once through security (bags will be scanned and you walk through an airport-style scanner to check you have no metal objects on you), head for the ticket office on the right. Purchase your ticket, audio guide if required and pick up a leaflet. Retrace your steps to go back to the Guard Room and head over to another stone staircase once your ticket has been checked. You're now on the lower floor of the building and are going to go up to the upper floor.
The first part of the tour is outside. Climb up the wide stone stairs of what is known as Le Grand Degré which sits between the abbey buildings and the church. Look up and you'll see suspended passageways built between the 14th and 16th centuries that linked the two sides. At the top of the stairs are some restrooms (currently the only ones in the abbey) and a small open area giving a great view toward the dam. Go through a small room where there are some models showing the development of the Mount. Walk out into the open and onto the west terrace. If the weather is good, so much the better as you'll have great views here across the bay. Tombelaine and Mon-Dol are the two smaller islands you can see. Brittany is to your left and the Normandy coastline to your right.
Before you head into the abbey church, take a look at the Neogothic spire of the church tower. It was built in 1897 and has a gilded statue of Saint Michel as it's crowning glory.
The gilded statue on the church spire at Mont-Saint-Michel
Now head into the church and explore before crossing a small room (gift shop) that leads to the cloister. Traditionally cloisters are the centre of an abbey but the Mont-Saint-Michel has buildings on only two sides. One side has three arched windows which give a wonderful view across the bay. The cloister leads directly into the refectory - a vast room with pillars down either side an a wooden vaulted ceiling.
You now leave the upper floor and walk down the stone steps to the middle floor. The first room you visit on this floor is La Salle des Hôtes (Guests' Hall) which is directly underneath the refectory. Another huge room which was designed for receiving royalty and nobility. From here, you walk through La Chapelle Saint Madelaine. Leaving here there's a brief visit into the open air before you walk into a crypt (Crypte des gros piliers). This crypt was built in the mid 15th century and supports the Gothic chancel of the abbey church which is directly above. The large pillars and small windows make the crypt rather dark so head over to the right hand side of the crypt to the exit if you don't want to linger too long here.
A short walk along a passageway leads to another crypt (Saint Martin) that's is directly underneath the south arm of the abbey church transept. The visit then takes you to the big wheel (La Grande Roue) that occupies the former ossuary where human bones exhumed from churchyards were preserved. The wheel was installed around 1820 and was used to hoist provisions up to the prisoners during the time it was a prison. It replaced pulleys that were used for hoisting building materials up the building during the middle ages. You can see where the pulleys were on the outside of the building slightly towards the left hand side of the building.
La Grande Roue
Another small chapel (Saint Étienne) leads on from here and was the chapel of the dead. Leaving here, you climb another staircase - the north south stairs - which is directly below the west terrace in front of the abbey church. At the top of the stairs turn right into a covered walkway which the monks used as an ambulatory. Stairs lead down into La Salle des Chevaliers (the Knights' Hall). This vast room was built to support the cloister which sits directly above it and was where the monks worked and studied. This room, together with the cloister, are my favourite parts of the building.
Salle des Chevaliers at Mont-Saint-Michel
To leave the middle floor, take the spiral stone staircase down to the lower floor which will take you briefly into the other end of the ticket hall. This room is known at the almonry and was where monks received the poor as well as pilgrims. You then walk through into the gift shop and out into the open air. You're now at the back of the Mount and can get a view of the small chapel at the base of the rock. Walk through the small garden and back out through a turnstile onto some steps slightly lower down from the entrance to the abbey. If you turn right as you come through the turnstile you'll be heading towards the Abbey entrance. Heading left will take you towards the ramparts and you can now explore the village.
Mont-Saint-Michel ramparts
For an in-depth behind the scenes view, watch this amazing video below. Given special access to secret passageways and hidden areas of the abbey, it's a fascinating insight into those parts of the abbey that aren't open to the public. It's in French but sub-titled in English. You may need to click on the settings icon (the cog) to activate the subtitles.
The Island
If you want to explore the small village, it's completely free to wander around. Watching the spectacle of walkers crossing the bay, glorious sunsets or sunrises as well as the high tides are free. Early morning and evenings tend to be quieter.
Crossing the bay on foot should only be attempted with an experienced guide due to quicksand and a rapidly advancing tide. The list of guides for crossing the bay is here https://www.ot-montsaintmichel.com/en/traversees-baie-msm.htm You can also hire a guide to help you discover the surrounding area, the village and the abbey. The list is here. https://www.ot-montsaintmichel.com/en/visites-guidees-individuels.htm
There are two entrances to the village. The main one is straight ahead of you as you walk along the bridge road.
Near the main entrance
This leads to an entrance where you'll find the tourist office and restrooms. Walk through another gate with a drawbridge and you arrive in the narrow cobbled street which leads to the foot of the abbey steps. This street (La Grande Rue) is pretty commercial with souvenir shops, bars, restaurants and galleries. However, it's the only place to buy refreshments on the island and consuming food and drink in the abbey isn't permitted.
There is a small flat grassy area below the abbey where you can pause and take a picnic. At the top of the main street is the parish church of St-Pierre, cemetery and four museums. Also look up as you navigate the cobbles at the houses above the shops. These houses were built in the 15th and 16th centuries. Details about the parish church and museums is here https://www.ot-montsaintmichel.com/en/visite-mont-saint-michel.htm
For a list of restaurants inside the walls https://www.ot-montsaintmichel.com/en/restaurants/inside-msm.htm
Details of shops in the village https://www.ot-montsaintmichel.com/en/commerces.htm
If you want a pretty expensive omelette, then perhaps La Mère Poulard restaurant experience is for you. Established in 1888, the house speciality is a fluffy omelette cooked in a copper pan over the fire. Read the story here https://lamerepoulard.com/en/home2/
The second entrance is to the left of the main entrance and is a much quieter route away from the shops.
The second entrance to Mont-Saint-Michel
Practical Information
Getting There
Address: Abbaye du Mont-Saint-Michel 50170 Le Mont-Saint-Michel Ph. : 33 / (0)2 33 89 80 00 GPS COORDINATES Latitude : 48.6360 Longitude : -1.5114
From Saint-Malo and the West: Take either the D 155 and D 797 or then N 176 to Pontorson, then D 976. From Caen and the East: Take the A84 and N 175 in the direction of Rennes. At Pontaubault take the D 43, D 75 and D 275 to Le Mont-Saint-Michel. Follow the signs for the parking and 'navettes' (shuttle buses). There are two entrances to the car park.
You'll be directed to a parking area and will take a ticket as you go through the barrier. Take this ticket with you as you'll need to visit a payment machine just prior to returning to your car. For information about parking costs, click here http://www.bienvenueaumontsaintmichel.com/en/preparing-your-visit/prices
You now have three options to get to the island - on foot (30 - 45 minutes), a free shuttle bus called Le Passeur (12 minutes) or a horse drawn carriage which is a paid service. More information is here http://www.bienvenueaumontsaintmichel.com/en
A special bus route runs from Pontorson train station to the island with journeys scheduled to connect with the train timetable. For more information see here. http://www.bienvenueaumontsaintmichel.com/en/preparing-your-visit/arriving-by-train
The Tourist Information Centre
The centre is near the car park and is open 10am - 6pm every day except 1 January and 25 December. There's an exhibition about the island, restrooms, baby changing facilities, car park ticket machines and kennels. Animals (other than guide dogs or assistance animals) are not permitted on the shuttle bus. You can take your pet to the island by walking there although they are not allowed in the abbey.
Download their brochure here http://www.bienvenueaumontsaintmichel.com/file/medias/cppmsm-anglais.pdf
Opening hours for the abbey
Information is here http://www.abbaye-mont-saint-michel.fr/en/Prepare-for-your-visit/PRATICAL-INFORMATION The abbey is closed: 1 January, 1 May and 25 December. For the last few years, visitors have been able to enjoy extended evening opening hours which have been very popular.
Prices for entry to the abbey
Information is here http://www.abbaye-mont-saint-michel.fr/en/Prepare-for-your-visit/PRATICAL-INFORMATION#price
Entry to the abbey is free of charge on the first Sunday of the month, between November and March. Audio guides are an additional 3€.
There are scheduled guided tours throughout the year in French and English. There are usually two a day - one in the morning and one in the afternoon. You don't need to book and there's no additional charge on top of your admission fee. They last around an hour and a quarter. Ask at the ticket desk for information. There are additional tours and talks in French http://www.abbaye-mont-saint-michel.fr/Actualites You could also organise your own tour of the abbey and or the village with an English speaking guide (see the info in section about The Island), pick up the English version of the short leaflet in the ticket hall or buy an audioguide.
The Surrounding Area
Take a look at the 2018 brochure of the surrounding area including helicopter trips, train rides around the bay, American and German cemeteries, artisan producers, health and well-being experiences, biscuit shops and nature trails. https://issuu.com/bitpontorson/docs/mon_complice/1?ff=true&e=32899822/58977612
The Dam
The damn is built at the mouth of the Couesnon rives and regulates the ebb and flow of the water. It came into operation in 2009 and offers a great view of Mont-Saint-Michel. If you catch the free shuttle bus, you can get off at Place du Barrage and explore the dam. It's the second stop. The bus starts at the tourist Information Centre/car park. The first stop is for a small number of shops, restaurants and cafés. The second is for the damn and the third stop takes you within 350m from the base of the Mount.
More information about the dam is here http://www.projetmontsaintmichel.com/en/organise_your_visit/dam_tours.html
How can you make the most of your time there?
During the summer it is busy but given it’s an UNESCO World Heritage site, it’s not surprising. The information above will give you some of the practical information on tide times, parking, the shuttle buses etc. I’d recommended going early or late in the day to avoid the crowds. Between 12 and 2pm is also a good time as many people will be lunching. Saturday can also be a good time as this is often the start and end day for holidays in peak season. The summer evening openings are also a little quieter.
The main entrance is to the left of the red and yellow Normandy flag. If the tide is low enough, head for the building on the far left instead. This is a quieter route and gives you a great view of those fascinating turrets you can see. It’s often busy around the steps leading up to the abbey but there are two queues and one is for groups. You should take the queue on the right hand side which is for individuals. Once you’ve got your tickets, take a free leaflet and decide if you want to purchase an audio guide. Then, you can wander round to your hearts content admiring the amazing architecture and views across the bay. Take your time as it’s not easy to double back as in places you go down narrow spiral stone staircases.
To help you plan your time at Mont-Saint-Michel, the following websites may be useful http://www.abbaye-mont-saint-michel.fr English version http://www.abbaye-mont-saint-michel.fr/en/ http://www.ot-montsaintmichel.com/en/accueil.htm and also http://www.bienvenueaumontsaintmichel.com/en
For tide times click here https://www.ot-montsaintmichel.com/FCKeditor/UserFiles/Brochures-OTMSMN/HORAIRE-DES-MAREES-2018-OT.pdf
This leaflet is also very useful and includes a map of the island https://www.ot-montsaintmichel.com/FCKeditor/UserFiles/Nouveaux-plans-du-Mont/Mont-Saint-Michel_map_ANGLAIS.pdf
Damn information and leaflet http://www.projetmontsaintmichel.com/en/organise_your_visit/dam_tours.html
Useful Tips
There are a lot of steps on the island and in the abbey
Taking a pushchair isn't recommended due to the steps and cobbled streets
Check the tide times and opening times of the abbey
Take your time in the abbey as doubling back isn't easy
Restrooms are located at the Tourist Information Office, inside the main entrance to the island, at the top of La Grande Rue and at the top of the first staircase in the abbey
Refreshments can be purchased before you get to the island is the shops near the car park or in the bars and restaurants on the island.
Food and drink shouldn't be consumed in the abbey
Dogs aren't allowed on the shuttle bus or in the abbey. They are permitted to go on the island and possibly in bars and restaurants depending on their policy.
Some ticket machines for the car park only take cash and others only take credit card
Take your car parking ticket with you and pay for it before you return to your vehicle. Machines are near the Tourist Information Centre and the main walkways to the car parks.
Enjoy your visit to Mont-Saint-Michel!
We spent 3 weeks creating the best online guide to Normandy on the web. It includes everything from a bucket list, must see attractions to the best places to eat and drink.
It covers Mont St Michel, Monet’s garden, the D Day beaches, wine tours and much more. .
It’s packed with our personal recommendations, maps and videos.
Travel Tip created by Chris in association with Vacation Soup
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adidas Originals x wings+horns
adidas Originals and wings+horns come together for a brand new Fall/Winter 2017 collection this season, continuing a collaboration that has united timeless adidas sportswear design with the Canadian menswear label’s precise contemporary aesthetic. Founded in 2004 in the Pacific Northwest of Canada, the label’s unique command of organic, traditional production techniques and laser-precision modern perspectives has produced consistently premium menswear collections, equal parts timeless and ageless.
In their collaboration with adidas Originals, wings+horns brings this same unwavering design ethos to a range of adidas Originals silhouettes old and new, elevating the brand’s enduring sportswear aesthetic through new material approaches, sophisticated color palettes and elevated production techniques. The Fall/Winter 2017 instalment proves no exception, taking inspiration from old world tailoring and classic clothing production to create a referential collection informed by contemporary fashion design. Each piece is then unified through the collaboration’s joint-branded ‘Mon’ logo – an embroidered patch displaying the adidas trefoil encased within a stylized circular frame.
In apparel, the collection includes 5 exclusive, premium ‘Made In Canada’ garments in natural tones.  Outside of the ‘Made In Canada’ pieces we see an offering of iconic 3-stripes designs transformed with unique materializations and innovative approaches. adidas’ coveted Firebird Track Top is reimagined in wool with cable-knit motifs, faded felting effects and tonal branding details, complemented by a classic knitted crewneck. Jersey pieces and long sleeves complete the offer through functional panel constructions, hand-stitch details, tonal textures and fading 3-stripes suede print motifs.
Outerwear then presents headline concepts from the collection, bringing the collaborative ethos of adidas Originals by wings+horns to its apex. The quilted vest combines lightweight nylon with a felt lining and Mongolian camel wool padding to create a ‘light & dark’ reversible offer. The bomber jacket iteration then expands the vest design with an interior bomber lining in tonal black, while a winter-ready coat design brings the collaboration’s clean, elemental aesthetic to a classic menswear silhouette, finished with ‘Mon’ branding and wings+horns’ razor-sharp sartorial perspective.
The apparel range is accompanied by four footwear silhouettes that bring the adidas Originals by wings+horns formula to classic and contemporary 3-stripes footwear design. The Superstar Pro Model — the high-top iteration of the iconic shell-toe sneaker — steps out in a full black waterproof leather construction with waxed laces, gusset tongue and hand-stitched details on the heel with ‘Mon’ branding. 2017’s headline silhouette the Campus is then rendered in a one-piece premium leather make-up with 3D molded 3-stripes and subtle ‘Mon’ branding, elevating an archive classic with understated modern design. The second generation of the iconic NMD silhouette, the NMD_R2 then receives 2 new treatments; the original design assumes a charcoal Primeknit wool blend construction with welded overlays and a black leather heel-patch, while the new NMD_C2 Chukka model combines texture and tone through a felt textile upper in heather brown with tonal details including a deconstructed leather heel-patch.
The adidas Originals by wings+horns FW17 collection will be launching ONLINE on Thursday 26th of October at 00:01BST.
adidas Originals x wings+horns was originally published on Hanon
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