artzypaw · 4 years
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Happy Valentines Day!
Commission for @aesa-the-nerd!
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dragonshost · 4 years
Good Magic, Good Friends, And Good Food
Oneshot written for @lockandk3yfiction.  Happy birthday, my friend!!  I hope you have a fantastic one!!
Pairing: Uraraka x Kirishima x Bakugou
Rating: K
Word Count: 1507
Summary: Uraraka receives a surprise visitor in her magic item shop, with a surprise gift in tow.
Ochako Uraraka looked up at the sound of wind chimes, a spell she had set up in lieu of an actual bell to announce the arrival of new customers.  To her surprise, a very familiar red-haired man stood in her doorway instead, sporting his usual smile and an unusually large package in his arms.
“Welcome!” she greeted him in her customer service voice, utterly failing to modulate it into a normal human volume.  She grimaced as the grin on the interloper’s face grew in response.  “Sorry,” she apologized.  “Force of habit.  And you surprised me.  What brings you all the way to my shop, Eijirou?”  The last part came out a tad more sarcastic than she had intended.  In her defense, Eijirou Kirishima only worked a couple of blocks away from her.  Though what, precisely, his line of work was still remained a mystery to her.
The man, a longtime friend and former classmate of hers, let out a lighthearted laugh.  “Special delivery for the shopkeeper who works too much.”  He hefted his burden a little higher.  “Figured you wouldn’t have taken a break for lunch yet.”
He was right, which was slightly embarrassing.  She had been working a lot more hours than usual lately, but her shop was finally starting to develop a good customer base!  Magic item shops weren’t exactly as rare as they had been in the dark ages, but with the popularization of magic with common humans and the recent birthrate uptick in the witch population, there was a lot more competition than there used to be.  Making her own shop stand out, along with warding all the more dangerous items against unwary and unmagical, meant that Ochako had been scraping by with only a couple of hours of sleep here and there.  Employees might have helped – if she’d had any, that is.  But she’d already taken out a loan to start the place up, and she wanted to keep her overhead as low as possible (so to speak – a lot of the products were on floating shelves she’d crafted and bespelled herself). Therefore, everything had to be done herself, which was finally starting to pay off!  With a little more hard work, she could start sending money home for her parents.  But just how had Eijirou known that?  Ochako didn’t recall having told anyone about her schedule lately.  Visits from her old classmates and friends were few and far between.  Eijirou himself had only stopped by twice so far since she’d opened, nearly 6 months ago.
Before she could pose the question to him, her traitorous stomach let out a loud grumble.  Ochako wanted to sink beneath the counter and hide.
“Ha!”  Ochako hadn’t thought it possible, but Eijirou’s already sunny expression brightened even further with delight.  “So my intel was right!  Luckily for you, I come with nourishments.”
Who?  Who had snitched?  Who was to blame for this embarrassment?
Eijirou plopped the wrapped package onto her potion-mixing countertop, which was relatively clear of objects for once. “Do you have any stools?  Or cups…?  Oh, beakers!” Grabbing a couple of clean ones, he set them next to the food and started to unwrap the large lunch.
“You… you didn’t have to bring me food!” Ochako protested weakly.  Oh gods, stars, and magic… whatever Eijirou had brought with him smelled divine.
As another growl rumbled from her midsection, Eijirou commented, “Clearly I did.  Though I won’t claim full credit for the idea.”
Trying not to outright salivate as Eijirou continued to reveal more and more dishes, Ochako swallowed hard.  “Did you make this yourself?”
Eijirou laughed at the notion.  “No way.” Then he cleared his throat and frowned in a very familiar way (albeit a bit exaggerated).  “‘Dark magic is banned, you know.’”  His face relaxed.  “Or so Katsuki said the last time I tried to cook.  He also said something about how creating dark matter should be left to the scientists.”
Ochako choked with the force of her laughter at the mental image of whatever horrifying creation Eijirou had conjured into being, and his long-time friend’s utter disgust with it. She could perfectly see the other man’s expression in her head.  “How is he doing, by the way?  You two are housemates, right?”  The two had been close in their days at the magic academy, if she recalled correctly. She had kind of run in a different circle than them, but she’d had her fair share of encounters with the very loud, very crass Katsuki Bakugou.  One duel in particular came to mind, from their first year, where she’d had to scramble to avoid getting blown up.
Finding the stools, Eijirou pulled them over to the counter.  “Katsuki’s doing fine.  He blows up stuff for a living, nothing could make that explosion-spell maniac happier.” He paused, then added, “But don’t tell him I said that, or he’ll try to blow me up again.”
That elicited another giggle-snort from Ochako.  “Not that it would do anything.”  Eijirou’s earth magic defensive spells were in a caliber of their own, even back in the academy.
“It’s the principle of the matter!” Eijirou insisted.  “And besides, I’m still working on the fireproofing spells on the house.  I was never any good at those… and neither is Katsuki, for that matter.  He’s the walking definition of whatever the opposite of fireproofing is.  I’m telling you, some days I swear his sweat is made of nitroglycerin.”
Ochako shrugged.  “Sorry, can’t help you there.  My specialty has always been anti-gravity spells.”  Which was, surprisingly, an earth discipline like Eijirou’s magic, but in a completely different direction.
She sat down on the stool and inhaled the smell wafting up from the food.  “Seriously, though, where did you get this from?  It looks and smells amazing.”
“It tastes pretty good, too!” Eijirou informed her.  “Katsuki made this himself, I’ll have you know.”
Her jaw dropped.  “What?”  Ochako wasn’t sure she had heard that correctly.
“Katsuki made it. Shocking, I know.  But I’m telling you, ever since Katsuki took over the cooking, I haven't even wanted to eat out.”
She squirmed in her seat. “Is… is it okay to share it with me, then…?”
Eijirou regarded her with curiosity.  “Course it is.  He made if for you, after all.”  When she stared back at him in wide-eyed disbelief, he let out a snort.  “Do you think he graces me with a lunch this extravagant?  No way. This was all for you.”
Her gaze drifted to the food.  There really was quite a bit of it, and it was beautifully presented too.  “But why?  I thought he disliked me, honestly. Why would he do something so nice for me?”
“You thought he disliked you?!” Eijirou responded, shocked.  “Really?  He likes you a lot.  Ever since you gave him a run for his money back in first year, in that one duel.”
A wry smile worked its way onto Ochako’s face.  “He certainly didn’t show it.  Not back then, anyway.”
Her friend nodded.  “True, he was pretty awkward back then.  Bad at expressing himself.  Didn’t he hate your best friend, too?  Midoriya?”
“Yeah.  Never could quite figure that relationship out.  But you never seemed to have a problem with him, though,” Ochako teased lightly.
“Eh, I’m thick-skinned.” Eijirou’s eyes shone with mischief. “Besides, I always liked that cool, manly aura he gave off.”
Ochako had to credit him that much.
“He has quite the mothering tendency, too.  This was all his idea, actually,” Eijirou confessed.  “I only found out about it when he shoved me out the door this morning with orders to deliver this to you on my lunch break.”
A smile wormed its way to the surface.  “That’s adorable.”
Eijirou nodded.  “Isn’t it?”
Although this still left one question.
“Wait,” Ochako said, thinking hard.  “If you found out from Katsuki, who did he find out from?”
“Midoriya, I assume,” confided Eijirou.  “Via the usual info dump session.”
Yeah, that was one relationship Ochako would never understand.  People who said that women’s relationships were complicated had clearly never met those two.
“By the way, I’m supposed to bring you over for dinner if you like the food,” Eijirou stated.  “To make sure you’re taking another proper break.”
Ochako blinked rapidly, her eyes feeling a little moist.  “Are you sure?  I wouldn’t want to impose.”
“Katsuki said that you have a standing invitation to eat with us from now on.”  Eijirou smiled kindly at her.  “For what it’s worth, I agree.  Come over anytime you like.”
She nodded, tentatively. All of this was just… so much.  She was genuinely touched by the kindness both Eijirou and Katsuki had displayed to her with all of this.  “Thank you.  Seriously. For all of this.  I…”  Honestly, she needed time to process everything first before she even considered taking up the offer.  A lot of assumptions she’d made growing up would need to be reexamined, for a start. “I’ll think about it,” she promised.
With a firm nod, Eijirou accepted her answer.  “Alright, time to dig in!”
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My full piece for the @summerexplosionzine! The zine is free to download, and full of so many talented artists and writers! Check it out!
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transmascace · 6 years
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Anybody ask for some kirikacchako? No? Too bad you got it.
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imthesixtysqueen · 6 years
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Holy trinity
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danasgonecrazy · 6 years
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No one asked me for my dumbass opinions and yet here they are. I only really like the ones marked off as OTP and Like pairings, Okay and Maybes might as well be marked as BROTP but they’re separate cause they’re still good or decent ships in my eyes. In the end, the series ain’t about romance and if I could just cover the whole screen in that Platonic Orange Love I would. 
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evilkitten3 · 7 years
Sure thing! :D
send me a character’s name + ☄ and I’ll tell you my top three ships for them.
Kirishima Eijirou
1. Bakugou Katsuki
2. Uraraka Ochako
3. Bakugou Katsuki and Uraraka Ochako
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queenlypirate · 7 years
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urakiribaku doodles !!
instagram | ko-fi
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Uraraka: This is my boyfriend, Kirishima, and this is Kirishima's boyfriend, Bakugou.
Bakugou: Hey.
Yaoyorozu: Hey... oh... wait, sorry. What's the situation?
Uraraka: What do you mean?
Yaoyorozu: How does this work?
Uraraka: Kirishima is gay but he's straight for me, but he's gay for Bakugou, and Bakugou's really gay for Kirishima. And I hate Bakugou.
Kirishima: It's not that complicated.
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You said you would like to see some poly ship, but that would imply to change a bit the plot, can we?
Hi there anon! Absolutely wonderful question! 
Yes! You are completely able to change the plot slightly so long as the general theme of the movie is still available. 
For example, let’s take UraKiriBaku and the Little Mermaid. An example could be that you could write the scene where Ariel/Ochako is on the shore as a human and Kirishima and Bakugou find her but as they try to communicate with her, they realize she has no voice (but she recognizes them from the boat party) so they take her up to castle to give her proper clothing and such. While it differentiates from the plot, it still gives a similar theme to what the scene was describing! 
So yes, feel free to change up the plot a bit so long as the general theme and elements of the movie are still there. So long as a reader can recognize what film they’re from, then you are all good! :’3 I hope that answers your question!
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akeemi-life · 7 years
Hello!! I saw that you ship both Kaccho(?) and kiribaku and I was wondering what you thought about UrarakaxBakugouxKirishima ( in a poly relationship)
Hi! I love the poly relationship of urakiribaku : ) I’ve even made a few drawings of the three of the them living together.
I just would love if Bakugou gets the two cinnamonrolls and they all live in this cute little (A bit runned down) house, where they eat and sleep together.
Their adventures going shopping would be adororable too and also the three of them going for a run in the morning while Bakugou screams that that is his ALONE time, yet still gets annoyed when the next morning they aren’t ready yet to go for a run instead of just leaving them behind lol.
Uraraka and Kirishima trade places calming Bakugou when he gets pissed and they both annoy him while he’s cooking and laugh together and AHH IT WOULD BE BEAUTIFUL ;;
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liltoothbrush · 7 years
imagine an urakiribaku scene where bakugou told uraraka to give him another 20 pushups. kirishima ask bakugou to stop but uraraka insists to keep exercising to become stronger. kirishima then cries because that's so goddamn manly.
YESSS they're my ot3, romantic and platonic, I love the idea of them being gym buddies!
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danasgonecrazy · 6 years
Hey BNHA fans!
Would you be interested in joining a Bakusquad server? It wouldn't just be about Bakusquad but I figured I need a theme to go off of... And my one friend and I talk about this group of idiots a lot. I just don't have too many close friends who like bnha/are caught up with the anime so I figured I could look to this hellsite and make some new friends.
If you're interested, just give a like to this post! This is an lgbt friendly server by the way.
ALSO a warning. I'm not a fan of bk/dk so if you are... I mean, you're welcome to join but don't talk about the pairing. It makes me uncomfortable. The rest of the pairings (that aren't students with teachers/pro heroes) are fine.
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queenlypirate · 7 years
all i want in life is more urakiribaku content please amen
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liltoothbrush · 7 years
thoughts on urakiribaku?
That's some good shit right there! (They're actually my ot3)
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dragonshost · 8 years
UraKiriBaku + "kittens" please i need something cute in my life
Needle pricks of pain shot up his leg, as a tiny orange puffball scaled the limb like a tree.  More sharp pains came from tiny claws hooked into his scalp, as another puffball claimed his skull for a throne.
Bakugou’s eye twitched.
“Why are there kittens.”
A black paw slapped across one of his eyes, claws still fully extended.
Uraraka flushed, and gently removed the kitten threatening to take out Bakugou’s eye.  “Eijirou found a box of them abandoned, and since he couldn’t stand seeing them like that, he took them home.  He said that a true hero does not abandon any life, no matter how small.”
Yeah, that sounded like him.
A sound like a whistling teakettle erupted from Bakugou’s closed mouth as another tiny monster made a flying leap and sank its demon claws into his rear end.
Endure it, he told himself.  Endure… it.  He wouldn’t be defeated… by… balls of fluff… with claws…
And fangs, he discovered with a yowl, as another kitten decided his finger looked tasty.
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