#uranis in scorpio
astrojulia · 1 year
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The Revolutionary Power of Uranus:
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Uranus through the Signs.
# Aries
Positive Aspects:
1. Initiative and Spontaneity: Uranus in Aries inspires individuals to take initiative and embrace spontaneity, allowing for the pursuit of new opportunities and experiences.
2. Independent and Assertive Nature: People with this placement exhibit a strong sense of independence and assertiveness, enabling them to carve their own path and make a positive impact through their unique perspectives.
3. Pioneering Spirit: The combination of Uranus and Aries fosters a pioneering spirit, encouraging individuals to explore uncharted territory and bring innovative ideas to the forefront.
4. Freedom and Authenticity: Uranus in Aries promotes a sense of freedom and authenticity, empowering individuals to express their true selves and break free from societal expectations.
Negative Aspects:
1. Impulsiveness and Lack of Patience: The placement of Uranus in Aries can lead to impulsive behavior and a lack of patience, causing individuals to jump into situations without considering the consequences.
2. Recklessness and Unpredictability: There is a tendency for individuals with Uranus in Aries to exhibit reckless and unpredictable behavior, which can result in disruptive outcomes and unforeseen challenges.
3. Resistance to Authority: Those with this placement may struggle with accepting limitations and authority figures, feeling confined and restricted by external control.
4. Lack of Perseverance: While individuals with Uranus in Aries have the potential for initiating projects, they may struggle with maintaining perseverance, leading to difficulties in seeing projects through to completion.
# Taurus
Positive Aspects:
1. Innovative Approach to Practical Matters: Individuals with Uranus in Taurus possess a unique ability to bring innovation and fresh perspectives to practical and tangible areas of life, such as finance, resources, and productivity. They can introduce new methods and technologies to enhance efficiency and sustainability.
2. Resourcefulness and Financial Insight: This placement can grant individuals a keen sense of resourcefulness and financial insight. They may possess a natural talent for managing resources and finding creative solutions to financial challenges.
3. Grounded Revolutionaries: Uranus in Taurus inspires individuals to revolutionize the material world while maintaining a grounded and practical approach. They can bring about lasting change by combining innovation with a solid understanding of tangible realities.
4. Appreciation for Beauty and Sensuality: Those with Uranus in Taurus have a heightened appreciation for beauty, aesthetics, and sensory experiences. They may express their innovative ideas through art, design, or other creative endeavors that engage the senses.
Negative Aspects:
1. Tension between Stability and Change: The combination of Uranus in Taurus creates a tension between the desire for stability and the need for change and liberation. This can lead to inner conflicts and challenges in finding a balance between conventionality and innovation.
2. Resistance to Change: Individuals with Uranus in Taurus may exhibit resistance to change and a strong attachment to established routines and traditions. This can hinder their ability to embrace new ideas and adapt to evolving circumstances.
3. Stubbornness and Inflexibility: The fixed nature of both Taurus and Uranus can contribute to stubbornness and inflexibility in individuals with this placement. They may be reluctant to change their perspectives or methods, leading to missed opportunities for growth and transformation.
4. Overemphasis on Materialistic Values: Uranus in Taurus may amplify the focus on material possessions and financial security, potentially leading to a materialistic mindset and excessive attachment to material wealth.
# Gemini
Positive Aspects:
1. Innovative Communication and Information Exchange: Uranus in Gemini inspires revolutions in communication, information transmission, teaching, and learning. It encourages the development of new and ingenious ideas in these areas, leading to advancements in technology and the exchange of information.
2. Quick and Brilliant Mind: People born with Uranus in Gemini tend to have a faster and more agile mind, particularly when in positive aspects with Mercury. This enhances their ability to generate brilliant ideas and respond quickly and intelligently to various situations.
3. Embracing Technological Advances: Individuals with this placement are fascinated by innovation and excel in utilizing technological advancements, especially in the realm of communication. They readily adapt to new technologies and contribute to the evolution of communication methods.
4. Multi-talented and Versatile: Uranus in Gemini amplifies the tendency for versatility and curiosity. Those with this combination may have a wide range of interests and find it challenging to stick to just one area of focus, but this versatility can be seen as an asset in exploring diverse fields and generating new ideas.
Negative Aspects:
1. Restlessness and Difficulty with Focus: The restless nature of Gemini combined with Uranus can lead to difficulty in maintaining focus and sticking to one area of interest. The multitude of new ideas can create a sense of restlessness and make it challenging to commit to long-term projects or pursuits.
2. Overwhelming Amount of Information: The abundance of information in the digital age can be overwhelming for individuals with Uranus in Gemini. They may struggle to filter and prioritize information, leading to scattered attention and difficulty in absorbing knowledge effectively.
3. Lack of Depth and Commitment: The inclination towards exploring various ideas and interests may result in a lack of depth or commitment to a particular subject. This can hinder the development of expertise and mastery in a specific field.
4. Need for Relaxation and Grounding: Due to the quick pace of their minds and the constant influx of ideas, individuals with Uranus in Gemini may benefit from relaxation techniques to help manage restlessness and maintain a sense of grounding, but they do it? Nope.
# Cancer
Positive Aspects:
1. Innovations in Domestic Life: Uranus in Cancer brings radical changes and innovations to traditional domestic life. This can manifest through the invention of devices and appliances that make life easier and more practical, improving the quality of home environments.
2. Emotional Intelligence and Intuition: People with Uranus in Cancer tend to apply an emotional bias to their ideas and inventions. They possess heightened emotional intelligence and intuition, which can be valuable in creating solutions that cater to the needs and well-being of individuals and families.
3. New Concepts of Patriotism and Family: This placement can inspire new insights into concepts of patriotism and ways of relating to home and family. Individuals with Uranus in Cancer may challenge traditional notions of family and explore alternative approaches that prioritize freedom, individual rights, and unconventional ideas.
4. Heightened Imagination and Memory: The combination of Cancer's emotional nature and Uranus's influence can enhance the imagination and memory of individuals with this placement. This can contribute to creative problem-solving and the ability to recall past experiences and emotions vividly.
Negative Aspects:
1. Clash between Tradition and Innovation: The clash between Cancer's traditional and nurturing energy and Uranus's unpredictable and impersonal nature can create tensions in the modus operandi. This may result in conflicts between maintaining familial traditions and embracing new and unconventional ideas.
2. Mood Swings and Emotional Instability: The mood swings inherent to Cancer, coupled with Uranus's influence, can lead to increased emotional instability. Individuals with Uranus in Cancer may experience frequent and intense fluctuations in their emotions, which can pose challenges in maintaining emotional balance.
3. Difficulty in Establishing Emotional Stability: The unpredictable nature of Uranus combined with Cancer's sensitivity can create challenges in establishing emotional stability. Individuals with this placement may struggle to find a sense of security and emotional grounding, leading to feelings of restlessness and insecurity.
4. Resistance to Change: Despite Uranus being associated with revolution and change, the influence of Cancer can create a resistance to change within individuals with this placement. They may cling to familiar and comfortable routines or find it challenging to adapt to new circumstances.
# Leo
Positive Aspects:
1. Creative Sense and Self-Expression: Uranus in Leo brings a heightened emphasis on creativity and self-expression. Individuals with this placement are likely to have a strong urge to express themselves in unique and innovative ways, contributing to the appreciation of culture and art.
2. Personal Energy and Drive for Freedom: Uranus in Leo amplifies personal energy and the desire for freedom. It fuels self-confidence, risk-taking, and daring actions, empowering individuals to explore their passions and assert their individuality.
3. Positive Leadership and Charismatic Influence: The placement can inspire positive leadership qualities, as individuals with Uranus in Leo have the potential to become influential figures. They may inspire and motivate others through their charismatic presence and visionary ideas.
4. Inspiring Radical Changes in Arts and Personal Style: Those with Uranus in Leo have the potential to inspire radical changes in the realms of arts and personal style. Their strong self-expressive vein can lead to groundbreaking innovations and a shift in artistic trends.
Negative Aspects:
1. Stubbornness and Flirtation with Power: Uranus in Leo can manifest as stubbornness and a flirtation with power. Individuals may become resistant to change or overly attached to their own ideas, leading to inflexibility and a disregard for alternative perspectives.
2. Rebellion and Untimely Reactions: Attempts to curtail or limit the self-expression of this generation may trigger rebellion and untimely reactions. The desire for personal freedom and autonomy can drive them to assert their individuality forcefully.
3. Vanity and Speculative Impulses: The combination of Leo's focus on personal recognition and Uranus's inclination for risk can lead to vanity and speculative impulses. Individuals may prioritize seeking attention and engage in impulsive behaviors without considering potential consequences.
4. Less Powerful Position of Influence: Uranus in Leo is considered a weaker position of influence, as it is in exile. This suggests that the energies of Uranus, such as innovation and collectivity, may find more alignment with Aquarius than with Leo.
# Virgo
Positive Aspects:
1. Focus on Practical Details and Integrity: Generations with Uranus in Virgo have the potential to prioritize the practical details of humanity. They value integrity and emphasize the importance of balance between mind and body, recognizing the significance of holistic well-being.
2. Technological and Social Advancements: Historically, periods with Uranus in Virgo have witnessed significant technological advancements and social changes. Innovations in computer technology, such as the creation of the first computers and the automation of everyday tasks, have shaped the way people work and live.
3. Revolutionizing Health and Medicine: Individuals born with Uranus in Virgo have the potential to revolutionize the fields of health and medicine. They may contribute to medical research, promote awareness of the mind-body connection, advocate for healthier lifestyles, and popularize alternative therapies for personal balance.
4. Desire to Contribute and Serve: Those influenced by Uranus in Virgo in their birth chart have a strong desire to make a meaningful contribution to the world through their work and acts of service. They may invent new approaches to work, fight for better work conditions, and prioritize the quality of their contributions.
Negative Aspects:
1. Nervous Tension and Anxiety: Uranus in Virgo can contribute to nervous tension, particularly if there are tense aspects with other planets or if the individual is already prone to anxiety or nervousness. The fast-paced routine and the desire to maximize time utilization can increase feelings of stress and pressure.
2. Potential for Unconventional Behavior: Despite Virgo's inclination towards the familiar and well-experienced, the influence of Uranus contradicts conventional attitudes. This can lead to a conflict between the desire for stability and the inclination towards unconventional behavior, challenging traditional approaches.
3. Dynamic Routine and Time Pressure: Individuals with Uranus in Virgo may experience a dynamic routine and a heightened sense of urgency. They may feel that there is no time to waste, leading to a constant drive for productivity and efficiency.
4. Originality and Analytical Thinking: Uranus in Virgo enhances the mind's capacity for analysis, research, and originality. However, this intellectual prowess can sometimes contribute to overthinking or a tendency to approach problems or projects in unconventional ways.
# Libra
Positive Aspects:
1. Search for New Ways of Relating: Uranus in Libra inspires periods and generations to seek new ways of relating to others. There is a desire to break obsolete structures and find better alternatives in social relationships, including issues related to justice, diplomacy, and equality.
2. Revolutionizing Social Norms: The influence of Uranus in Libra encourages revolutionary activities and discussions on topics such as gender equality and justice. It inspires the emergence of new concepts of freedom within the context of marriage and partnerships, challenging traditional views and promoting personal freedom, integrity, and happiness.
3. Affinity for Human Relationships: Individuals born with Uranus in Libra have a natural affinity for the area of human relationships. They may possess original ideals about equality and reciprocal rights in interpersonal connections and prioritize friendly and harmonious interactions.
4. Impact on the Sexual Revolution: The generation influenced by Uranus in Libra played a significant role in fostering the sexual revolution. They broke away from traditional norms and helped to transform relationships, making concepts like open relationships and multiple partners more visible and accepted.
Negative Aspects:
1. Turmoil and Diplomatic Crises: Uranus in Libra can bring about periods of turmoil and diplomatic crises. The pursuit of change and the breaking of obsolete structures may lead to tensions and conflicts in social and diplomatic spheres, as established systems and relationships are challenged.
2. Unusual Relationships and Desire for Independence: Individuals with Uranus in Libra may have a strong need to assert their own ideals and pursue unconventional relationships. This can lead to a desire for independence and periods of wanting to be alone or explore alternative relationship dynamics.
3. Temporary Nature of Cultural Shifts: While Uranus in Libra inspires significant cultural shifts and revolutions in relationships, it's important to note that the impact may not be sustained over the long term. The era of "peace and love" and "free love" may have been relatively short-lived, but it planted the seeds for lasting transformations in relationships.
4. Challenging Traditional Values: The influence of Uranus in Libra challenges traditional values and norms, which can create tensions between generations and within society. It disrupts established beliefs and customs, leading to debates and conflicts over issues related to justice, equality, and personal freedom.
# Scorpio
Positive Aspects:
1. Dealing with Deep Emotions and Transformations: Generations influenced by Uranus in Scorpio tend to navigate deep emotions and transformations with ease. They have the potential to embrace and understand the profound changes that occur throughout their lives, fostering personal growth and inner development.
2. Development of Innovative Ideas: Individuals with Uranus in Scorpio have a natural inclination to develop innovative ideas that can lead to collective transformations. They possess a unique perspective and are capable of uncovering hidden truths, challenging social conventions, and pushing the boundaries of taboo subjects.
3. Embracing Change and Transformation: The energy of Uranus in Scorpio aligns with the themes of change, transformation, and the cycle of death and rebirth. Natives with this placement are courageous and daring, willing to explore unconventional paths and challenge emotional tensions. They find creative and constructive ways to overcome limitations and fears.
4. Recognition of Psychoanalysis and Mental Health: The influence of Uranus in Scorpio coincided with the increased popularity and acceptance of psychoanalysis as a useful therapy for mental conditions and everyday neuroses. It brought a shift in societal attitudes, moving away from considering mental health taboo or exclusive to the "mentally ill," and recognizing its relevance in personal well-being.
Negative Aspects:
1. Provocation and Belligerence: The presence of Uranus in Scorpio can evoke periods of provocation and belligerence, as it confronts social conventions and challenges established norms. This may lead to conflicts and tensions within society, as well as an increased sense of uncertainty about the future.
2. Intensity and Emotional Suppression: Natives with Uranus in Scorpio may experience moments of intensity and struggle with the expression and acceptance of emotions. There can be a tendency to avoid or reject emotions, potentially leading to emotional conflicts or a need to develop healthy emotional outlets.
3. Desire for Power and Control: The placement of Uranus in Scorpio may influence a greater personal need for power and control, particularly if it is in conjunction with the Sun, Moon, or Midheaven. This can manifest as a drive to be in charge or seek control over situations, requiring careful direction to avoid negative or destructive tendencies.
4. Exploration of Sexuality and Unusual Ways: Individuals with Uranus in Scorpio, especially if placed in the 5th or 8th houses, may have a propensity for exploring sexuality in unconventional ways. While this can lead to personal growth and liberation, it can also create challenges or conflicts in relationships or societal norms.
# Sagittarius
Positive Aspects:
1. Expansion and Optimism: Uranus in Sagittarius brings a sense of expansion, optimism, and vigorous enthusiasm for the future. Generations influenced by this placement have a strong belief in the potential for growth and progress, and they actively seek new horizons and possibilities.
2. Teaching and Learning: Natives with Uranus in Sagittarius have a natural inclination towards teaching and learning. They embrace new and expanded visions for humanity, introducing innovative concepts in areas such as philosophy, religion, ethics, and education. They are driven to share knowledge and inspire others with their teachings.
3. Appreciation of Freedom and Transcendence: Individuals with this placement value personal freedom and have a deep interest in spirituality, religiosity, and the search for transcendent truths. They are open to alternative ways of life and explore different approaches to religion and spirituality to reach a greater truth.
4. Cultural Exploration and Internationalism: Uranus in Sagittarius encourages a greater appreciation of foreign cultures and a curiosity about the world. Natives are inclined to travel, learn about new cultures, and embrace international perspectives. They celebrate diversity and the expansion of collective horizons.
Negative Aspects:
1. Fanaticism and Propagation of Truths: There is a potential risk for individuals with Uranus in Sagittarius to develop fanaticism or become overly zealous when propagating their truths. This can lead to conflicts or difficulties in recognizing and accepting differing viewpoints.
2. Restlessness and Desire for Constant Travel: The influence of Uranus in Sagittarius may create a sense of restlessness and a constant desire for travel and exploration. While this can be enriching, it may also create challenges in terms of stability or a sense of grounding.
3. Overemphasis on Idealism: The strong sense of optimism and idealism associated with Uranus in Sagittarius can sometimes lead to overly idealistic or unrealistic expectations. Natives may need to balance their visionary aspirations with practical considerations.
4. Media Influence: Individuals with this placement may have a strong appeal to media and communication. While this can be advantageous in terms of sharing their teachings and ideas, it can also create a susceptibility to media influence and the need to critically evaluate information.
# Capricorn
Positive Aspects:
1. Transformation and Reform: Uranus in Capricorn signifies generations that propose, create, and introduce new social, governmental, or commercial structures. They have the ability to initiate political and structural subversions, driven by a desire to transform conventions and challenge established hierarchies. This energy brings forth moments of crisis and reformulation, paving the way for new collective paths.
2. Logical Perspective and Problem-solving: Natives with Uranus in Capricorn have the capacity to put problems and crises into a logical perspective, enabling them to understand and resolve them effectively. The concentrated energy of Uranus in Capricorn is well utilized, favoring a pragmatic and practical approach to addressing challenges.
3. Modern Concepts and Practices: The influence of Uranus in Capricorn in the astral map generates a desire in individuals to introduce modern concepts, cutting-edge technologies, and diverse methods. They strive for progress and change that is not just for the sake of change but aimed at the common good and the deconstruction and construction of concepts. There is an alignment of business-inspired morality and profit with subjective causes.
Negative Aspects:
1. Tension between Revolution and Tradition: Uranus in Capricorn represents a tension between the planet of revolution, radical changes, and innovations and the most traditional and conservative sign of the zodiac. This can manifest in different ways, with natives constantly questioning traditional structures of society while also respecting the past. The challenge lies in finding a balance between the desire for change and the recognition of the value of stable structures.
2. Rebellion without Limits: There is a risk of extreme rebelliousness and an unregulated rejection of traditional structures without appropriate consideration. Natives may struggle with accepting previously considered traditional professions or services, following orders, or respecting hierarchies. The impetuosity and sense of freedom of Uranus may clash with the discipline and patience of Capricorn, leading to difficulties in finding a harmonious balance.
3. Struggle with Collective Authority: Individuals with Uranus in Capricorn may find it challenging to accept authority or adhere to hierarchies. They may be driven by a desire to wear the uniform, have authority, and gain respect within the collective. Balancing their impulsive and freedom-seeking nature with the need for structure and collective cooperation can be a source of tension.
# Aquarius
Positive Aspects:
1. Scientific Discoveries and Inventiveness: Uranus in Aquarius brings the potential for brilliant and important scientific discoveries. It attracts an original and inventive view of things, benefiting the entire generation. This energy fosters technological progress, evolution, and frenetic inventiveness, particularly in areas related to electricity, communication, and breaking boundaries in space-time. It is associated with the rapid rise of computers, the internet, and mobile communication, leading to societal changes never seen before.
2. Social Change and Elimination of Barriers: Uranus in Aquarius drives a greater need for social change and the elimination of barriers between nations. It encourages interactions that challenge crystallized traditions of the past, embracing the potential of the future. This placement attracts a focus on the collective, technology, and radical changes, contributing to a sense of renewal and the belief that things will never be the same.
3. Rebelliousness and Collectivism: Natives born under the influence of Uranus in Aquarius tend to carry the energy of rebellion and collectivism throughout their lives. They are more likely to have their sense of freedom awakened and embrace social causes, aligning with different groups that strive for greater equality and fraternity. This placement fosters basic humanitarian ideals, independence, detachment, and impersonality.
Negative Aspects:
1. Extremes and Unpredictability: Uranus in Aquarius represents a period of extremes and unpredictability. While this can lead to significant breakthroughs and positive changes, it can also create instability and sudden shifts that may be challenging to navigate for individuals and society.
2. Rebellion without Consideration: The rebellious nature associated with Uranus in Aquarius can sometimes lead to a rejection of established norms and traditions without due consideration. There is a need to balance the desire for change with the understanding of the potential consequences and the value of stable structures.
3. Impersonality and Detachment: The influence of Uranus in Aquarius may contribute to a greater sense of impersonality and detachment in relationships and interactions. While this can foster a broader perspective and objectivity, it may also create challenges in forming deep emotional connections.
# Pisces
Positive Aspects:
1. Intuition and Occult Abilities: Uranus in Pisces brings a natural and unconscious ability to delve into the occult and make great use of intuition. This placement enhances sensitivity and a deeper understanding of spiritual and transcendental concepts. It inspires individuals to tap into their intuitive and psychic faculties, potentially leading to profound insights and connections.
2. Humanitarian Ideals and Compassion: Natives with Uranus in Pisces are inclined towards the common good and have a deep sense of compassion. They are driven by a desire to alleviate suffering and advocate for those who have fewer privileges. This placement fosters new humanitarian ideals and encourages the transformation of religions and large institutions to create a more inclusive and compassionate society.
3. Spiritual Evolution and Care for the Environment: Uranus in Pisces accelerates the transformation of spirituality and the way people perceive their role in the universe. It raises questions about the human condition, spiritual evolution, and the importance of caring for the environment and oceans. Natives with this placement are likely to seek spirituality beyond traditional religions and embrace their own unique paths, often with a focus on sustainability and renewable energy.
Negative Aspects:
1. Escapism and Confusion: While Uranus in Pisces has its positive aspects, there is also a potential for escapism and confusion. The sensitivity and idealism associated with this placement can sometimes lead individuals to seek refuge in fantasy or avoid confronting reality. It's important for individuals with this placement to channel their creative potential in productive ways and avoid becoming overly detached from practical matters.
2. Crisis in Institutions and Religions: Uranus in Pisces can trigger sudden crises in large institutions, particularly religious ones. This can result in questioning traditional beliefs and seeking alternative spiritual paths. While this can lead to necessary transformations, it may also create periods of instability and uncertainty.
3. Need for Transcendence and Breaking Free: Natives with Uranus in Pisces may feel a strong need to break free from past influences and better understand the intrinsic workings of the universe. However, this can sometimes create a sense of restlessness and a constant search for something beyond the material world. It's important for individuals with this placement to find a balance between seeking spiritual transcendence and maintaining a grounded connection with reality.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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albanian-studies · 6 years
Witchy Albanian Vocab.
Inspired from @noonymoon who made one for German. You can check that out here.
THE ELEMENTS / Elementet 
fire - zjarr
water - ujë
air - ajër
earth - tokë
spirit - shpirt
WITCHCRAFT / (no translation)
witch - shtrigë
magician - magjistar
wand - shkop magjik (lit. magic stick)
broom - fshesë
chalice - kupë
crystal - kristal
candle -qiri
cauldron - kazan
bell - zile
incense - temjan
potion - ilaç
charm - hajmali
amulet - hajmali (same term is used)
talisman - hajmali  (same term is used for all three) 
spell - magji, formulë magjike
curse/hex -mallkim
banishment - syrgjynosje, dëbim
divination - parashikim
fertility - fertilitet
fidelity - besnikëri
peace - paqe
protection - mbrojtje
destiny - fat
memory - kujtesë, memorie
contentment - kënaqësi
happiness - lumturi
enthusiasm - entuziazëm
awareness - ndërgjegjësim
friendship -  miqësi
admiration - admirim
acceptance - pranim
prosperity - begati
abundance - bollëk
health - shëndet
empathy - ndjeshmëri, empati, prekshmëri
harmony - harmoni
knowledge - njohuri
beauty - bukuri
courage - kurajë
healing - shërim
wisdom - mençuri
success - sukses
energy - energji
curiosity - kuriozitet
dreams - ëndrra
friends - miq
pets - kafshë shtëpiake
animals - kafshë
truth - e vërteta
trust - besim
goals - qëllimet, synimet
love - dashuri
luck - fat
joy - gëzim
aries - dashi
taurus - demi
gemini - binjakët
cancer - gaforrja
sagittarius - shigjetari
capricorn - bricjapi
aquarius - ujori
pisces - peshqit
leo - luani
virgo - virgjëresha
libra - peshorja
scorpio - akrepi
earth - Toka
sun - Dielli
moon - Hëna
mercury - Mërkuri
venus - Afërdita/Venusi
mars - Marsi
saturn - Saturni
uranus - Urani
neptune - Neptuni
pluto - Plutoni
hope - shpresë
euphoria - eufori
passion - pasion
compassion - dhembshuri
serenity - qetësi, kthjelltësi
freedom - liri
poetry - poezi
poet - poet
poem - poemë
poetic - poetik
writing - shkrim
writer - shkrimtar
artistic - artistik
art - art
(to) paint - pikturoj
(to) draw - vizatoj
drawing - vizatim
painting - pikturë
(to) photograph - fotografoj
fantasy - fantazi
imagination - imagjinatë
surreal - surreal
(to) create - krijoj
daisy - margaritë
peony - lulegjaku, bozhure
carnation - karafil
tulip - tulipan
sunflower - luledielli
gerbera - margaritë
orchid - orkide
iris - iris
lilac - jargavan
gardenia - gardeni
jasmine - jasemin
magnolia - manjolë
hyacinth - zymbyl
lily - zambak
poppy - lulekuqe
violet - vjollcë
wildflowers - lule fushe
petals - petale
thorns - gjemba
wolf / wolves - ujk/ujqër
owl - buf
bat - lakuriq nate
cat - mace
dog - qen
bird - zog
fish - peshk
rabbit - lepur
bear - ari
tiger - tigër
lion - luan
leopard - leopard
cheetah - gatopard
raccoon - rakun
otter - vidër
deer - dre
butterfly - flutur
moth - flutur nate
fox - dhelpër
raven - korb
frog - bretkosë
horse - kalë
forest - pyll
woodland - pyjor
earthy - tok
flame - flakë
bonfire - zjarr (i madh)
mother - nënë
nature - natyrë
cosmos - kozmos
universe - univers
stars - yje
moor - kënetë
WITCHY / (no translation)
enchanting - magjepsës
enchanted - i/e magjepsur
supernatural - mbinatyror/ i mbinatyrshëm
fairy - zanë
fairies - zana
elf - elf
unicorn - njëbrirësh
wish - dëshirë
wise - i mençur
celestial - qiellor, hyjnor
mythical - mitik
magical - magjik
(to) bewitch - magjeps
spiritual - spiritual
spirit - shpirt
soul - shpirt
soulmate - shpirt binjak
twin - binjak
psychic -psikik
sigil - sigil
seal - vulë
wax - dyll
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