#uranus in virgo
astrojulia · 1 year
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The Revolutionary Power of Uranus:
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Uranus through the Signs.
# Aries
Positive Aspects:
1. Initiative and Spontaneity: Uranus in Aries inspires individuals to take initiative and embrace spontaneity, allowing for the pursuit of new opportunities and experiences.
2. Independent and Assertive Nature: People with this placement exhibit a strong sense of independence and assertiveness, enabling them to carve their own path and make a positive impact through their unique perspectives.
3. Pioneering Spirit: The combination of Uranus and Aries fosters a pioneering spirit, encouraging individuals to explore uncharted territory and bring innovative ideas to the forefront.
4. Freedom and Authenticity: Uranus in Aries promotes a sense of freedom and authenticity, empowering individuals to express their true selves and break free from societal expectations.
Negative Aspects:
1. Impulsiveness and Lack of Patience: The placement of Uranus in Aries can lead to impulsive behavior and a lack of patience, causing individuals to jump into situations without considering the consequences.
2. Recklessness and Unpredictability: There is a tendency for individuals with Uranus in Aries to exhibit reckless and unpredictable behavior, which can result in disruptive outcomes and unforeseen challenges.
3. Resistance to Authority: Those with this placement may struggle with accepting limitations and authority figures, feeling confined and restricted by external control.
4. Lack of Perseverance: While individuals with Uranus in Aries have the potential for initiating projects, they may struggle with maintaining perseverance, leading to difficulties in seeing projects through to completion.
# Taurus
Positive Aspects:
1. Innovative Approach to Practical Matters: Individuals with Uranus in Taurus possess a unique ability to bring innovation and fresh perspectives to practical and tangible areas of life, such as finance, resources, and productivity. They can introduce new methods and technologies to enhance efficiency and sustainability.
2. Resourcefulness and Financial Insight: This placement can grant individuals a keen sense of resourcefulness and financial insight. They may possess a natural talent for managing resources and finding creative solutions to financial challenges.
3. Grounded Revolutionaries: Uranus in Taurus inspires individuals to revolutionize the material world while maintaining a grounded and practical approach. They can bring about lasting change by combining innovation with a solid understanding of tangible realities.
4. Appreciation for Beauty and Sensuality: Those with Uranus in Taurus have a heightened appreciation for beauty, aesthetics, and sensory experiences. They may express their innovative ideas through art, design, or other creative endeavors that engage the senses.
Negative Aspects:
1. Tension between Stability and Change: The combination of Uranus in Taurus creates a tension between the desire for stability and the need for change and liberation. This can lead to inner conflicts and challenges in finding a balance between conventionality and innovation.
2. Resistance to Change: Individuals with Uranus in Taurus may exhibit resistance to change and a strong attachment to established routines and traditions. This can hinder their ability to embrace new ideas and adapt to evolving circumstances.
3. Stubbornness and Inflexibility: The fixed nature of both Taurus and Uranus can contribute to stubbornness and inflexibility in individuals with this placement. They may be reluctant to change their perspectives or methods, leading to missed opportunities for growth and transformation.
4. Overemphasis on Materialistic Values: Uranus in Taurus may amplify the focus on material possessions and financial security, potentially leading to a materialistic mindset and excessive attachment to material wealth.
# Gemini
Positive Aspects:
1. Innovative Communication and Information Exchange: Uranus in Gemini inspires revolutions in communication, information transmission, teaching, and learning. It encourages the development of new and ingenious ideas in these areas, leading to advancements in technology and the exchange of information.
2. Quick and Brilliant Mind: People born with Uranus in Gemini tend to have a faster and more agile mind, particularly when in positive aspects with Mercury. This enhances their ability to generate brilliant ideas and respond quickly and intelligently to various situations.
3. Embracing Technological Advances: Individuals with this placement are fascinated by innovation and excel in utilizing technological advancements, especially in the realm of communication. They readily adapt to new technologies and contribute to the evolution of communication methods.
4. Multi-talented and Versatile: Uranus in Gemini amplifies the tendency for versatility and curiosity. Those with this combination may have a wide range of interests and find it challenging to stick to just one area of focus, but this versatility can be seen as an asset in exploring diverse fields and generating new ideas.
Negative Aspects:
1. Restlessness and Difficulty with Focus: The restless nature of Gemini combined with Uranus can lead to difficulty in maintaining focus and sticking to one area of interest. The multitude of new ideas can create a sense of restlessness and make it challenging to commit to long-term projects or pursuits.
2. Overwhelming Amount of Information: The abundance of information in the digital age can be overwhelming for individuals with Uranus in Gemini. They may struggle to filter and prioritize information, leading to scattered attention and difficulty in absorbing knowledge effectively.
3. Lack of Depth and Commitment: The inclination towards exploring various ideas and interests may result in a lack of depth or commitment to a particular subject. This can hinder the development of expertise and mastery in a specific field.
4. Need for Relaxation and Grounding: Due to the quick pace of their minds and the constant influx of ideas, individuals with Uranus in Gemini may benefit from relaxation techniques to help manage restlessness and maintain a sense of grounding, but they do it? Nope.
# Cancer
Positive Aspects:
1. Innovations in Domestic Life: Uranus in Cancer brings radical changes and innovations to traditional domestic life. This can manifest through the invention of devices and appliances that make life easier and more practical, improving the quality of home environments.
2. Emotional Intelligence and Intuition: People with Uranus in Cancer tend to apply an emotional bias to their ideas and inventions. They possess heightened emotional intelligence and intuition, which can be valuable in creating solutions that cater to the needs and well-being of individuals and families.
3. New Concepts of Patriotism and Family: This placement can inspire new insights into concepts of patriotism and ways of relating to home and family. Individuals with Uranus in Cancer may challenge traditional notions of family and explore alternative approaches that prioritize freedom, individual rights, and unconventional ideas.
4. Heightened Imagination and Memory: The combination of Cancer's emotional nature and Uranus's influence can enhance the imagination and memory of individuals with this placement. This can contribute to creative problem-solving and the ability to recall past experiences and emotions vividly.
Negative Aspects:
1. Clash between Tradition and Innovation: The clash between Cancer's traditional and nurturing energy and Uranus's unpredictable and impersonal nature can create tensions in the modus operandi. This may result in conflicts between maintaining familial traditions and embracing new and unconventional ideas.
2. Mood Swings and Emotional Instability: The mood swings inherent to Cancer, coupled with Uranus's influence, can lead to increased emotional instability. Individuals with Uranus in Cancer may experience frequent and intense fluctuations in their emotions, which can pose challenges in maintaining emotional balance.
3. Difficulty in Establishing Emotional Stability: The unpredictable nature of Uranus combined with Cancer's sensitivity can create challenges in establishing emotional stability. Individuals with this placement may struggle to find a sense of security and emotional grounding, leading to feelings of restlessness and insecurity.
4. Resistance to Change: Despite Uranus being associated with revolution and change, the influence of Cancer can create a resistance to change within individuals with this placement. They may cling to familiar and comfortable routines or find it challenging to adapt to new circumstances.
# Leo
Positive Aspects:
1. Creative Sense and Self-Expression: Uranus in Leo brings a heightened emphasis on creativity and self-expression. Individuals with this placement are likely to have a strong urge to express themselves in unique and innovative ways, contributing to the appreciation of culture and art.
2. Personal Energy and Drive for Freedom: Uranus in Leo amplifies personal energy and the desire for freedom. It fuels self-confidence, risk-taking, and daring actions, empowering individuals to explore their passions and assert their individuality.
3. Positive Leadership and Charismatic Influence: The placement can inspire positive leadership qualities, as individuals with Uranus in Leo have the potential to become influential figures. They may inspire and motivate others through their charismatic presence and visionary ideas.
4. Inspiring Radical Changes in Arts and Personal Style: Those with Uranus in Leo have the potential to inspire radical changes in the realms of arts and personal style. Their strong self-expressive vein can lead to groundbreaking innovations and a shift in artistic trends.
Negative Aspects:
1. Stubbornness and Flirtation with Power: Uranus in Leo can manifest as stubbornness and a flirtation with power. Individuals may become resistant to change or overly attached to their own ideas, leading to inflexibility and a disregard for alternative perspectives.
2. Rebellion and Untimely Reactions: Attempts to curtail or limit the self-expression of this generation may trigger rebellion and untimely reactions. The desire for personal freedom and autonomy can drive them to assert their individuality forcefully.
3. Vanity and Speculative Impulses: The combination of Leo's focus on personal recognition and Uranus's inclination for risk can lead to vanity and speculative impulses. Individuals may prioritize seeking attention and engage in impulsive behaviors without considering potential consequences.
4. Less Powerful Position of Influence: Uranus in Leo is considered a weaker position of influence, as it is in exile. This suggests that the energies of Uranus, such as innovation and collectivity, may find more alignment with Aquarius than with Leo.
# Virgo
Positive Aspects:
1. Focus on Practical Details and Integrity: Generations with Uranus in Virgo have the potential to prioritize the practical details of humanity. They value integrity and emphasize the importance of balance between mind and body, recognizing the significance of holistic well-being.
2. Technological and Social Advancements: Historically, periods with Uranus in Virgo have witnessed significant technological advancements and social changes. Innovations in computer technology, such as the creation of the first computers and the automation of everyday tasks, have shaped the way people work and live.
3. Revolutionizing Health and Medicine: Individuals born with Uranus in Virgo have the potential to revolutionize the fields of health and medicine. They may contribute to medical research, promote awareness of the mind-body connection, advocate for healthier lifestyles, and popularize alternative therapies for personal balance.
4. Desire to Contribute and Serve: Those influenced by Uranus in Virgo in their birth chart have a strong desire to make a meaningful contribution to the world through their work and acts of service. They may invent new approaches to work, fight for better work conditions, and prioritize the quality of their contributions.
Negative Aspects:
1. Nervous Tension and Anxiety: Uranus in Virgo can contribute to nervous tension, particularly if there are tense aspects with other planets or if the individual is already prone to anxiety or nervousness. The fast-paced routine and the desire to maximize time utilization can increase feelings of stress and pressure.
2. Potential for Unconventional Behavior: Despite Virgo's inclination towards the familiar and well-experienced, the influence of Uranus contradicts conventional attitudes. This can lead to a conflict between the desire for stability and the inclination towards unconventional behavior, challenging traditional approaches.
3. Dynamic Routine and Time Pressure: Individuals with Uranus in Virgo may experience a dynamic routine and a heightened sense of urgency. They may feel that there is no time to waste, leading to a constant drive for productivity and efficiency.
4. Originality and Analytical Thinking: Uranus in Virgo enhances the mind's capacity for analysis, research, and originality. However, this intellectual prowess can sometimes contribute to overthinking or a tendency to approach problems or projects in unconventional ways.
# Libra
Positive Aspects:
1. Search for New Ways of Relating: Uranus in Libra inspires periods and generations to seek new ways of relating to others. There is a desire to break obsolete structures and find better alternatives in social relationships, including issues related to justice, diplomacy, and equality.
2. Revolutionizing Social Norms: The influence of Uranus in Libra encourages revolutionary activities and discussions on topics such as gender equality and justice. It inspires the emergence of new concepts of freedom within the context of marriage and partnerships, challenging traditional views and promoting personal freedom, integrity, and happiness.
3. Affinity for Human Relationships: Individuals born with Uranus in Libra have a natural affinity for the area of human relationships. They may possess original ideals about equality and reciprocal rights in interpersonal connections and prioritize friendly and harmonious interactions.
4. Impact on the Sexual Revolution: The generation influenced by Uranus in Libra played a significant role in fostering the sexual revolution. They broke away from traditional norms and helped to transform relationships, making concepts like open relationships and multiple partners more visible and accepted.
Negative Aspects:
1. Turmoil and Diplomatic Crises: Uranus in Libra can bring about periods of turmoil and diplomatic crises. The pursuit of change and the breaking of obsolete structures may lead to tensions and conflicts in social and diplomatic spheres, as established systems and relationships are challenged.
2. Unusual Relationships and Desire for Independence: Individuals with Uranus in Libra may have a strong need to assert their own ideals and pursue unconventional relationships. This can lead to a desire for independence and periods of wanting to be alone or explore alternative relationship dynamics.
3. Temporary Nature of Cultural Shifts: While Uranus in Libra inspires significant cultural shifts and revolutions in relationships, it's important to note that the impact may not be sustained over the long term. The era of "peace and love" and "free love" may have been relatively short-lived, but it planted the seeds for lasting transformations in relationships.
4. Challenging Traditional Values: The influence of Uranus in Libra challenges traditional values and norms, which can create tensions between generations and within society. It disrupts established beliefs and customs, leading to debates and conflicts over issues related to justice, equality, and personal freedom.
# Scorpio
Positive Aspects:
1. Dealing with Deep Emotions and Transformations: Generations influenced by Uranus in Scorpio tend to navigate deep emotions and transformations with ease. They have the potential to embrace and understand the profound changes that occur throughout their lives, fostering personal growth and inner development.
2. Development of Innovative Ideas: Individuals with Uranus in Scorpio have a natural inclination to develop innovative ideas that can lead to collective transformations. They possess a unique perspective and are capable of uncovering hidden truths, challenging social conventions, and pushing the boundaries of taboo subjects.
3. Embracing Change and Transformation: The energy of Uranus in Scorpio aligns with the themes of change, transformation, and the cycle of death and rebirth. Natives with this placement are courageous and daring, willing to explore unconventional paths and challenge emotional tensions. They find creative and constructive ways to overcome limitations and fears.
4. Recognition of Psychoanalysis and Mental Health: The influence of Uranus in Scorpio coincided with the increased popularity and acceptance of psychoanalysis as a useful therapy for mental conditions and everyday neuroses. It brought a shift in societal attitudes, moving away from considering mental health taboo or exclusive to the "mentally ill," and recognizing its relevance in personal well-being.
Negative Aspects:
1. Provocation and Belligerence: The presence of Uranus in Scorpio can evoke periods of provocation and belligerence, as it confronts social conventions and challenges established norms. This may lead to conflicts and tensions within society, as well as an increased sense of uncertainty about the future.
2. Intensity and Emotional Suppression: Natives with Uranus in Scorpio may experience moments of intensity and struggle with the expression and acceptance of emotions. There can be a tendency to avoid or reject emotions, potentially leading to emotional conflicts or a need to develop healthy emotional outlets.
3. Desire for Power and Control: The placement of Uranus in Scorpio may influence a greater personal need for power and control, particularly if it is in conjunction with the Sun, Moon, or Midheaven. This can manifest as a drive to be in charge or seek control over situations, requiring careful direction to avoid negative or destructive tendencies.
4. Exploration of Sexuality and Unusual Ways: Individuals with Uranus in Scorpio, especially if placed in the 5th or 8th houses, may have a propensity for exploring sexuality in unconventional ways. While this can lead to personal growth and liberation, it can also create challenges or conflicts in relationships or societal norms.
# Sagittarius
Positive Aspects:
1. Expansion and Optimism: Uranus in Sagittarius brings a sense of expansion, optimism, and vigorous enthusiasm for the future. Generations influenced by this placement have a strong belief in the potential for growth and progress, and they actively seek new horizons and possibilities.
2. Teaching and Learning: Natives with Uranus in Sagittarius have a natural inclination towards teaching and learning. They embrace new and expanded visions for humanity, introducing innovative concepts in areas such as philosophy, religion, ethics, and education. They are driven to share knowledge and inspire others with their teachings.
3. Appreciation of Freedom and Transcendence: Individuals with this placement value personal freedom and have a deep interest in spirituality, religiosity, and the search for transcendent truths. They are open to alternative ways of life and explore different approaches to religion and spirituality to reach a greater truth.
4. Cultural Exploration and Internationalism: Uranus in Sagittarius encourages a greater appreciation of foreign cultures and a curiosity about the world. Natives are inclined to travel, learn about new cultures, and embrace international perspectives. They celebrate diversity and the expansion of collective horizons.
Negative Aspects:
1. Fanaticism and Propagation of Truths: There is a potential risk for individuals with Uranus in Sagittarius to develop fanaticism or become overly zealous when propagating their truths. This can lead to conflicts or difficulties in recognizing and accepting differing viewpoints.
2. Restlessness and Desire for Constant Travel: The influence of Uranus in Sagittarius may create a sense of restlessness and a constant desire for travel and exploration. While this can be enriching, it may also create challenges in terms of stability or a sense of grounding.
3. Overemphasis on Idealism: The strong sense of optimism and idealism associated with Uranus in Sagittarius can sometimes lead to overly idealistic or unrealistic expectations. Natives may need to balance their visionary aspirations with practical considerations.
4. Media Influence: Individuals with this placement may have a strong appeal to media and communication. While this can be advantageous in terms of sharing their teachings and ideas, it can also create a susceptibility to media influence and the need to critically evaluate information.
# Capricorn
Positive Aspects:
1. Transformation and Reform: Uranus in Capricorn signifies generations that propose, create, and introduce new social, governmental, or commercial structures. They have the ability to initiate political and structural subversions, driven by a desire to transform conventions and challenge established hierarchies. This energy brings forth moments of crisis and reformulation, paving the way for new collective paths.
2. Logical Perspective and Problem-solving: Natives with Uranus in Capricorn have the capacity to put problems and crises into a logical perspective, enabling them to understand and resolve them effectively. The concentrated energy of Uranus in Capricorn is well utilized, favoring a pragmatic and practical approach to addressing challenges.
3. Modern Concepts and Practices: The influence of Uranus in Capricorn in the astral map generates a desire in individuals to introduce modern concepts, cutting-edge technologies, and diverse methods. They strive for progress and change that is not just for the sake of change but aimed at the common good and the deconstruction and construction of concepts. There is an alignment of business-inspired morality and profit with subjective causes.
Negative Aspects:
1. Tension between Revolution and Tradition: Uranus in Capricorn represents a tension between the planet of revolution, radical changes, and innovations and the most traditional and conservative sign of the zodiac. This can manifest in different ways, with natives constantly questioning traditional structures of society while also respecting the past. The challenge lies in finding a balance between the desire for change and the recognition of the value of stable structures.
2. Rebellion without Limits: There is a risk of extreme rebelliousness and an unregulated rejection of traditional structures without appropriate consideration. Natives may struggle with accepting previously considered traditional professions or services, following orders, or respecting hierarchies. The impetuosity and sense of freedom of Uranus may clash with the discipline and patience of Capricorn, leading to difficulties in finding a harmonious balance.
3. Struggle with Collective Authority: Individuals with Uranus in Capricorn may find it challenging to accept authority or adhere to hierarchies. They may be driven by a desire to wear the uniform, have authority, and gain respect within the collective. Balancing their impulsive and freedom-seeking nature with the need for structure and collective cooperation can be a source of tension.
# Aquarius
Positive Aspects:
1. Scientific Discoveries and Inventiveness: Uranus in Aquarius brings the potential for brilliant and important scientific discoveries. It attracts an original and inventive view of things, benefiting the entire generation. This energy fosters technological progress, evolution, and frenetic inventiveness, particularly in areas related to electricity, communication, and breaking boundaries in space-time. It is associated with the rapid rise of computers, the internet, and mobile communication, leading to societal changes never seen before.
2. Social Change and Elimination of Barriers: Uranus in Aquarius drives a greater need for social change and the elimination of barriers between nations. It encourages interactions that challenge crystallized traditions of the past, embracing the potential of the future. This placement attracts a focus on the collective, technology, and radical changes, contributing to a sense of renewal and the belief that things will never be the same.
3. Rebelliousness and Collectivism: Natives born under the influence of Uranus in Aquarius tend to carry the energy of rebellion and collectivism throughout their lives. They are more likely to have their sense of freedom awakened and embrace social causes, aligning with different groups that strive for greater equality and fraternity. This placement fosters basic humanitarian ideals, independence, detachment, and impersonality.
Negative Aspects:
1. Extremes and Unpredictability: Uranus in Aquarius represents a period of extremes and unpredictability. While this can lead to significant breakthroughs and positive changes, it can also create instability and sudden shifts that may be challenging to navigate for individuals and society.
2. Rebellion without Consideration: The rebellious nature associated with Uranus in Aquarius can sometimes lead to a rejection of established norms and traditions without due consideration. There is a need to balance the desire for change with the understanding of the potential consequences and the value of stable structures.
3. Impersonality and Detachment: The influence of Uranus in Aquarius may contribute to a greater sense of impersonality and detachment in relationships and interactions. While this can foster a broader perspective and objectivity, it may also create challenges in forming deep emotional connections.
# Pisces
Positive Aspects:
1. Intuition and Occult Abilities: Uranus in Pisces brings a natural and unconscious ability to delve into the occult and make great use of intuition. This placement enhances sensitivity and a deeper understanding of spiritual and transcendental concepts. It inspires individuals to tap into their intuitive and psychic faculties, potentially leading to profound insights and connections.
2. Humanitarian Ideals and Compassion: Natives with Uranus in Pisces are inclined towards the common good and have a deep sense of compassion. They are driven by a desire to alleviate suffering and advocate for those who have fewer privileges. This placement fosters new humanitarian ideals and encourages the transformation of religions and large institutions to create a more inclusive and compassionate society.
3. Spiritual Evolution and Care for the Environment: Uranus in Pisces accelerates the transformation of spirituality and the way people perceive their role in the universe. It raises questions about the human condition, spiritual evolution, and the importance of caring for the environment and oceans. Natives with this placement are likely to seek spirituality beyond traditional religions and embrace their own unique paths, often with a focus on sustainability and renewable energy.
Negative Aspects:
1. Escapism and Confusion: While Uranus in Pisces has its positive aspects, there is also a potential for escapism and confusion. The sensitivity and idealism associated with this placement can sometimes lead individuals to seek refuge in fantasy or avoid confronting reality. It's important for individuals with this placement to channel their creative potential in productive ways and avoid becoming overly detached from practical matters.
2. Crisis in Institutions and Religions: Uranus in Pisces can trigger sudden crises in large institutions, particularly religious ones. This can result in questioning traditional beliefs and seeking alternative spiritual paths. While this can lead to necessary transformations, it may also create periods of instability and uncertainty.
3. Need for Transcendence and Breaking Free: Natives with Uranus in Pisces may feel a strong need to break free from past influences and better understand the intrinsic workings of the universe. However, this can sometimes create a sense of restlessness and a constant search for something beyond the material world. It's important for individuals with this placement to find a balance between seeking spiritual transcendence and maintaining a grounded connection with reality.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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harlronica · 2 years
psychic/intuitive astro placements for Uranus
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In Astrology, Uranus seeks to push past all limitations brought on by the planet Saturn. Uranus is the inventor of the solar system, and is associated with extremes, breakthroughs and breakdowns, limitlessness, and being an outsider. A Starseed origin in alignment here will be the origin aspect that is most assisting in your humanitarian mission and future aspects of your incarnations. 
Uranus is a generational planet that changes signs every seven years, and governs the sign of Aquarius. Those with Uranus in 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house have learned/passed the test of Saturn.
*Psychic/Intuitive Astrological placements for the planet Uranus* "I Evolve"
Uranus in Virgo: (1961-1969) this time sparked a yearning for greater physical and psychic healing along with a more developed intuition being brought forth. Especially if aligned with the Corvus stargate which runs along the Virgo degrees.
Uranus in Sagittarius: (1981-1988) intuitive, prophetic, and optimistic. Especially if aligned with the Lyra or Shaula stargate which runs along the Sagittarius degrees.
Uranus in Aquarius: (1995-2003) provided a stronger interest in the metaphysical fields- most comfortable here in its home sign. Strengthens intuition/psychic abilities if other strong intuitive/psychic aspects are found in the natal chart. Especially if aligned with the Andromeda Galaxy which runs along the Aquarius/Pisces degrees.
Uranus in Pisces: (2003-2010) brings in the incarnation of those who are spiritually intuitive and are able to grasp knowledge of spiritual truths. Very spiritually psychic if in alignment with the Andromeda Galaxy which runs along the Aquarius/Pisces degrees.
Uranus in 1st house: visionary and intuitive. These chart holders are likely to be born with a natural ability to change the world if their visionary abilities are used in beneficial ways. Especially if Uranus is running along an Aries degree which is connected to the Pleiades stargate. They have passed the test of Saturn.
Uranus in 4th house: intuitive and sensitive. These chart holders are likely to be natural healers and nurturers. Especially if Uranus is running along a Cancer degree which is connected to the Sirius and Hydra stargate. They have passed the test of Saturn.
Uranus in 5th house: unique, unconventional, artistic, and creative. Likely to be very intuitive and serve as creative catalysts (especially if Uranus is running along a Leo degree which is connected to the Regulus stargate- The Family of Archangel Raphael.)
Uranus in 7th house: these chart holders are meant to act as mirrors for the collective. This placement signifies that these chart holders are "ahead of their time." They have passed the test of Saturn. They bring on great catalytic change and are usually quite intuitive. Especially if Uranus is running along a Libra degree which is connected to the Arcturian stargate.
Uranus in 8th house: brings in a very strong psychic feeling as well as a keen intuition. These chart holders are likely to naturally transform the collective and their own collective experience. Especially if Uranus is running along a Scorpio degree which is connected to the Antares stargate- The Family of Archangel Uriel.
Uranus in 9th house: intuitive and visionary. Unconventional and naturally philosophical people. Mind expansion and higher learning comes easily to these chart holders and they have well-developed instincts. Especially if Uranus is running along a Sagittarius degree which is connected to the Lyra stargate.
Uranus in 11th house: most comfortable here in its home house. Similar to Uranus in the 7th house- these chart holders are considered to be "ahead of their time." Very intuitive people who can connect easily with (and transform) the collective. Natural innovators. Especially if Uranus is running along an Aquarius degree which is connected to the Andromeda stargate/galaxy.
Uranus in 12th house: psychic and intuitive. These chart holders have a natural desire and ability to change the world. They're likely to be born with great spiritual power and knowledge as Uranus in the 12th house signifies having your freedom and independence stripped away in a past life. Many past life famous activists are likely to have this placement. These people were born with the ability to make the world a better place. If other intuitive/psychic aspects/positions are present in the chart then these chart holders have great healing abilities and spiritual power which is repressed due to being in a lower dimensional realm. This is especially true if Uranus is running along a Pisces degree which is connected to the Andromeda stargate/galaxy.
Note: not all astrological placements for Uranus are listed. If your Uranus house/sign is not listed that does not mean that you do not have other intuitive/psychic indicators in your chart. Everybody has intuitive and psychic placements to one degree or another in their astrological chart. This is why it is important to refer to the entire astrological chart as a whole! <3
What house/sign is your Uranus in? Note below! Mine's in 7th house Aquarius! :)
For business inquiries please email [email protected] ! I'm currently offering Full Starseed Origin chart readings for $30 and Half Starseed Origin chart readings for $20 which is a shorter reading than what you receive with the Full Origin reading. I accept paypal/venmo and do not require payment until after the reading.
What you will receive in each reading:
Full Starseed Origin Reading: for $30 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found within your astrological natal chart. You will also receive a full detailed description of where each Starseed origin is located at in your natal chart and what this means for you; along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each Starseed origin. For this reading it is required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with birth location. The timing for this reading can range anywhere between 1-3 days due to the thoroughness of the reading.
Half Starseed Origin Reading: for $20 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found in your astrological natal chart along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin. You will not receive a detailed description of where each origin is located and what it means for you as you would with the Full Starseed Origin Reading. For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with your birth location. The timing for this reading is usually within the same day requested.
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sapionic · 2 months
Venus Synastry ASTROLOGY
When your Venus falls in someone's house. Houses 1-7.
When your Venus falls in someone's 1st house, you are likely attracted to them or you are likely to be very hands on with them. Same with the 2nd house, but they would provide you with valuable things and even money. They are the house person which means they are providing you something. Your venus being in their 2nd house can make it easy for them to do things for you and they can even enjoy doing things for you.
When your Venus falls in someone's 3rd house, they are someone you are comfortable with. They may always have things to share with you socially and in other ways as well. This can be a person you value having close.
When your Venus falls in someone's 4th house, this can be someone likely to have a familiar connection with. This can result in partnerships of any kind that feels safe.
When your Venus falls in someone's 5th house, they are probably a good romantic partner towards you on a romantic tip. As a friend, they provide you with fun experiences. This could be a good person to party with. You are likely to enjoy this person.
When your Venus falls in someone's 6th house, they can be someone you wouldn't mind doing everyday things with. You probably would enjoy seeing them everyday. Could be someone you like running around with in general. They can be very supportive/helpful towards you. Very good synastry for family.
When your Venus falls in someone's 7th house, they are a partner you see value and longevity with. They likely embody certain qualities you love. Your Venus being in their 7th house makes them ideal or close to ideal for you whether romantically or generally. You likely enjoy their company.
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lunaa007 · 3 months
Astrology observations #3
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These are my personal observations and should be taken in the context of the whole chart, never isolated 😊
Some of this is 18+, no minors allowed
♦️Mars-Uranus aspects can indicate a liking for risky activities and extreme sports, like motorcycling or base jumping. They can even like to put themselves in danger as they need the adrenaline. Routine is super boring for them, they need to try new things very often. They should be careful to release this nervous energy with sports, work they're passionate about or things like that or it can backfire. This aspect can be tempered down with Saturn aspects or a lot of earth energy in the chart.
♦️Venus square mars aspect: can often be mean to the person they like, classic "if he pulled your hair it's because he likes you" stuff. Can be very passionate, might have difficulty to separate feelings from lust. They might have talent for artistic sports like dancing or ice skating. For women, they might like a more sporty fashion style.
♦️Sun-saturn aspects: especially for harsh ones, this can really change the expression of the sun sign. I know someone with sun and several planets in Leo, but they are all square to Saturn and you could never tell she's a Leo; she is very reserved, shy and restrained in life. But as with all Saturn aspects this can change with age, the personality coming through more and more while keeping an amazing sense of discipline, wisdom and grounding.
♦️Moon-uranus aspects: with harsh aspects (conjunction, square, opposition), the mother might have been emotionally cold during the childhood, and she might have been a bit erratic and unpredictable. This could have showed up as frequently moving places, or having a mother considered weird or crazy by society. With soft aspects like trine or sextile this could show up as an untraditional family, maybe having two fathers or two mothers, or parents very into technology, but this was not hard on the person and it helped them develop their individuality and independence.
♦️Taurus mercury: these people can learn much slower than other people (this does not mean they are not as intelligent, their rhythm is just different). At school they might have felt behind their schoolmates or felt like they didn't have enough time to finish their exams/homework. It is important that they don't feel bad about this and take the time they need to do their work. This might be less strong with Uranus influence on mercury. ♦️ Aquarius moon natals and their need to always read and watch self-development content without ever actually feeling their feelings 🙃
♦️ Venus conjunct moon: these people are so kind, they have such a big heart and do not wish harm on anyone, please stay mindful of who has access to you as many people might want to be in contact with this energy but sometimes also energy vampires.
♦️ Mercury conjunct/square pluto and their dark humor! I have this in my chart and one of my colleagues actually said to me three days after she started: "your jokes can be really dark sometimes" 😂 it gets worse when I'm tired as I don't filter my jokes so much before saying them. These aspects might also think a lot about death and dark themes, they can be the type to think "what happens if I die tomorrow", or "I could die if I do this" but not in a worried way, just thinking rationally about what is possible.
♦️ Leo mars women and their secret backup plan of becoming a stripper or an exotic dancer 💃 these women often have a talent for dancing, and performing can make them feel desired and confident.
♦️ Aries moon/mars placements and their road rage! Both my parents have these placements and my god the number of stressful rides to school I had when I was a child 😂 this can also apply to the other fire mars.
♦️ Lilith conjunct ascendant: these people often provoke reactions everywhere they go, they rarely go unnoticed whether it is positive reactions or negative. The women with this aspect might get sexualised a lot, and the men with this aspect might attract animosity from other men. ♦️ Sun-jupiter and moon-jupiter aspects: they might always see the bright side of things, "it will get better", "this is temporary", seeing the glass half-full. A lot of optimism, faith in a higher meaning, maybe too optimistic sometimes and too trusting that things will unfold in the right way.
♦️Mars square pluto women often attract creepy men on the street, interactions with aggressive men might be unfortunately common. It is important to not repress their anger and channel their power in something like martial arts.
♦️Gemini moon/IC: they might love to talk with their loved ones at home, a lot of communication and learning in their private life. If they live alone they might be a lot on the phone or always have music or tv or radio on.
♦️Mercury square saturn: they might doubt their intellectual abilities when young, their learning style might not fit the classic school system. It is important that they are encouraged by their family, and with time they will gain confidence and master the learning techniques that fit them best.
♦️Mars in virgo might care too much about pleasing their partner in bed and have a hard time receiving pleasure without giving anything. They might also feel self-conscious if they do not feel "clean" like not fresh out of the shower. It is important for them to practice letting go of their thoughts and doubts and be present in their body. They deserve pleasure as much as everybody else!
♦️ Jupiter in the 2nd house might have a very good self-esteem, if the moon and venus are not too afflicted. And if it is the case it helps the native deal with the harder aspects.
♦️ That's why it is so dangerous to interpret an  aspect in isolation of the rest of the chart, a challenging aspect might be very beneficial in a chart and less in another one. For instance moon conjunct saturn might be more challenging for a Capricorn moon which is already quite controled and closed off, but in the sign of Aries it might help the native tame their impulsivity and control better their emotions. 
♦️ Or moon square Uranus might be beneficial for a Capricorn moon or a Taurus moon as it might help them break out of their routine and become more adaptable and flexible to change.
Thank you for reading!
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black-lake · 4 months
astro observations 11
your astro granny is back, I've been doing this for so long omg. some of it is venting, like always, so ignore that, but maybe don't you may find words of wisdom there. anyway, enjoy. also warning, it escalates to heavier subjects fast 🪐 🔭
🕰️ Virgo and gemini risings can pull off any type of glasses, sunglasses, bug-eye glasses, cat-eye, mirrored ray-bans, you name it. They even look cute with goggles no joke. They also make the smart and academia aesthetics look so cool and elegant in a chaotic way, not in a taurus capricorn way but in a- 'I spilled coffee on my boss's laptop this morning and I'm still talking about it way- because omfg- did you see the way they looked at me? it's like I've done it on purpose or smth but I didn't, not sure if they have a crush on me or they fucking hate me, what do you think? I'm pretty sure they don't hate me tho, but I can't tell, do you think I should quit?' 🎙️🎬
🕰️ I recently looked up George Clooney's chart and omggg, it all makes sense. The moon conj saturn in capricorn, giving him that nostalgic wise aura along his taurus sun, uranus and pluto opp ascendant kind of indicating finding his perfect partner later on in life, venus in aries and mars in leo, he's fiery but that fire so damn well contained with all the earth. His asc and jupiter in aquarius, yeah only an aquarius women with so much air and intelligence can maintain his attention and lock him in lmao. His synastry with Amal Clooney reminds of that of Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively. Manifesting a relationship like this for everyone reading 🧘🏼‍♂️✨
🕰️ Personal planets in scorpio 10° or 22° is a sexy mf combo, esp moon, venus, mars and asc, it gives bedroom eyes and seductive domineer, also godmade bone structures. 🗿
🕰️ Pluto opposite or square ascendant, a very classic aspect for friends/coworkers/admirers/people in general turning enemies and talking shit behind your back. This aspect can easily make people speculate, overanalyze your actions, assume things, spread rumors and lies about you out of jealousy and intimidation. 
🕰️ Any planet conjunct the desc can bring the physical manifestation to that planet's shadow side, up to 10°. It can conceal traits of that planet in the sign it’s in, as it’s descending and escaping the sun’s light. Pluto on the desc brings a few shadow traits out of people and conceals their true intentions from the native. So the native has to face those traits, learn to see them from miles away, to discern what people’s intentions are and whether it's that or their own perception and fears. In other words, they start from naive to paranoid to bs detectors, and it takes a long painful journey to get there.
🕰️ Even tho personal planets on the desc are much easier to see and handle, venus on the descendant can bring shallow traits and empty promises out of people, mars on the descendant, not as easy, can bring out anger, toxic masculinity and aggression. Saturn on the desc can bring immaturity, irresponsibility, immoral and disloyal behaviors out of people, stagnation, delays in connection and loneliness, pushing the native to learn patience and endurance. The native will meet people with such traits over and over again until they learn to spot and discern them faster and take the right action. ☔️
🕰️ I’ll keep talking about it in this blog cuz it’s always been one of my biggest challenges. What I learned with pluto on the desc is that you will keep attracting the same kind of enemies to challenge you if you don’t own your power and stop diluting yourself for someone else's fragile power hungry ego, because people will have a problem with you anyway. Also don’t hold too tight to anyone, never be afraid to lose people, because trust me you will. Almost no one is meant to stay in your life, they’re meant to transform you and leave. The only thing you’re meant to rely on is your power and independence. The moment you see it the easier cutting ppl off becomes. 
🕰️ I have venus in aries and I find myself always having a girl crush on celebs with this placement, Rihanna, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Jennifer Aniston. They all seem to share that fiery independence mixed with a childlike but fierce demeanor which I admire, plus they never age. 🐈‍⬛
🕰️ I have mercury in aries and mars in scorpio, but for some reason I’m fascinated by people with mercury in aquarius and mars in sagittarius, with mercury in aqua I always expect something fascinating about their minds but I can't guess it cuz it's always different, but females with mars in sag omggg the sass is hilarious, I can’t help but laugh when they get blunt, loud and shady out of nowhere lmfao.
🕰️ Speaking of placements I’m fascinated by, what’s the deal with moon in taurus? I keep thinking it must be… nice.. to have? people that have it are so grounded and serene it makes me think it’s the best moon sign. If you have it please share the emotional difficulties you experience, because I can speak of every moon sign emotional traumas in detail but for some reason I be romanticizing this one. ☕️
🕰️ Another placement I really admire is moon conjunct saturn, there’s just something unspeakable, that isn’t tangible (even tho they have timeless mesmerizing eyes) but on a soul level I can sense their wisdom and nostalgic aura. It’s like there’s a balance of feminine and masculine qualities which come out in their mannerisms. People that have it, Timothée Chalamet, George Clooney, River Phoenix, and every hot man ever. 
🕰️ Have you ever asked yourself why Morgan Freeman has such deep unique and easily recognizable voice? It's his mercury conj uranus in taurus. Who else has an easily recognizable voice, Kim Kardashian, mercury conj uranus in scorpio. 
🕰️ Having the axis of virgo-pisces over your sun-moon, like virgo sun opposite pisces moon, or mercury-moon can give someone a soft voice, their voice can even be therapeutic and healing. Think of Michael Jackson's speaking voice.
🕰️ The hardest aspect in any chart for me are oppositions or squares to pluto, saturn and chiron. These are easily the most challenging aspects you can find in a chart.
🕰️ Those that have lilith/pluto in the 1st, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th tend to have haters in their workplace, in groups or wherever they go often. It’s saddening but I’ve seen it a lot. Can also make ppl copy your style or attitude then hate on it, and never admit they got inspired by you.
-- potential triggers in the following one, pls skip if necessary.
🕰️ Difficult planets on the angles, saturn, pluto and chiron mainly can truly mess with someone's mental health to the point of them wanting to- yeah that. The most drastic effect is when they sit on the descendant and MC, since it deals with connections, groups of people and the public, a lot of it is outside of the native's control, and at times more than what they can handle. Their usually painful past experiences and memories has shaped their perception of the world to a dark and despairing one where they don't see a better future for themselves. A few examples, Kurt Cobain (chiron and saturn conj desc and pluto conj asc all tightly opposing), Mac Miller (chiron conj desc, saturn conj asc and pluto conj MC). Marilyn Monroe (chiron conj MC and saturn close to the IC, pluto conj nn). 
🕰️ I see every major astrological transit as a collective test, lesson and preparation for the next transit. It made sense that corona happened when pluto was in capricorn, a pandemic that restricted our freedom and made us prisoners in our own homes. There was a stellium of mars, jupiter, saturn and pluto all in cap the moment quarantine started in march. It was all about teaching us to respect societal rules and structures that keep us safe, whether it had to do with the government or the medical system, whether it was real or fake or real fake. Yes you have to give up some freedom for safety, that’s how surveillance and security cameras everywhere you go work, for your safety. 
🕰️ It taught us to care for the health of humanity, to live responsibly and respectfully when in crisis, even if that means compromising our freedom and limiting our movement. Trusting that the structure built over the past decades is somewhat reliable and helpful. We saw how some people put their own freedom above anything and anyone out of superiority, that's the selfishness we collectively needed to face before pluto moves to aquarius and we are given freedom we didn't learn how to appreciate or use responsibly. We had to learn the value of personal freedom vs discipline and structure.
🕰️ There are two planets I’ve seen repeatedly in people that manifest like magic, saturn and neptune. To add a third it would be uranus. Conjunctions and oppositions to these planets are like superpowers in manifesting your desired reality. All work in different ways. 
🕰️ For example people that have personal planets conjunct saturn (esp sun and moon) are easily attuned with the physical world and have some sort of control over time, turning it backwards or forwards, making themselves look younger and older at the same time, knowing the actions to take to bring anything into the three-dimensional world.
🕰️ Now this leads me to an astrology book I recently came across, the Alien Constructs the work of Edwin Steinbrecher and Stephanie Jourdan, discovering aspects that constitute an alien chart. The alien construct occurs when one of the outer planets, that is saturn, uranus, neptune or pluto, is conjunct or opposite the sun, moon, ascendant or the chart ruler. An individual that has one or few of these is different from other humans, they possess supernatural abilities, and typically have rough childhoods and adolescence.
🕰️ Every aspect with each of the outer planets has a unique ability, for example when the sun conjoins an outer planet it's called Power Alien Construct, the moon conjoining an outer planet is a Vessel Alien Construct, an outer planet conjoining the ascendant is an Instrument Alien Construct, an outer planet conjoining the descendant is a Shadow Alien Construct. Saturnian aliens are able to manifest things in the physical realm, plutonian aliens are masters of metamorphosis and irreversible change, uranian aliens are able to see the future and raise energetic frequencies. 
🕰️ Sun conjunct pluto is Plutonian Power, aliens are able to destroy that which is not built upon truth, understand the true nature of birth, sex, death and power, generate energy and power,  integrate polarities, perform psychic surgery, see beneath solid surfaces, shape-shift into animals, minerals or plants, heal utilizing sex, magnets or lasers.. etc. Moon conjunct uranus is a Uranian Vessel, aliens are able to comprehend the cycles and trends of the futures, safely corral erratic energy or electricity, channel high-frequency beings, telepath to imprisoned or trapped individuals or animals, sense the formation of inventions and innovations. Look it up, it's fun and tell me what alien construct are you and how you relate to it. oh it reminds me of a post I did a while back of aspects as superpowers.
Happy pluto in aquarius 🛰️✨ (will come back in years and see how this aged)
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aryana-thefairy · 11 months
Astrology observations Part-4 🦋
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🦋If you have a Cancer Sun/Cancer Moon friend, consider yourself lucky. The love of cancer is forever, don’t do them wrong. Cancer Moon has the best sense of humour. Adorable people.
🦋why do most Victoria's Secret models have so many Gemini placements in their natal chart? Both Naomi Campbell and Gisele Bundchen are Capricorn rising, with incredible bone structure and the best runaway walks.
🦋 It is always the friend with Taurus /Virgo placements giving you skin care advice and recommending products. I have seen a lot of these natives who are into Korean skincare, gua sha, and rose quartz / jade rollers. The thing about earth signs is that they love their self-care relaxing time.
🦋Lilith in 6H deals with power struggles/dynamics with co-workers. At your core, you have a hard time obeying authority.
🦋Uranus in 1H reminds me of the Beyonce song “Alien Superstar.”One of a kind, OG it girl. People with Neptune and Uranus in 1H, what is it like being copied all the time?
Marilyn Monroe has Neptune in the first house and Audrey Hepburn has Uranus in the first house. I feel both of these gorgeous women are icons in their rightful ways. Ariana Grande has both Uranus and Neptune aspects in the first house. She is heavily copied by others.
🦋I get complaints all the time about no mention of male attractiveness indicators. I mean beauty is subjective. I think Scorpio Men has it going on. Examples: Ryan Glosing, Ryan Reynolds, Leonardo DiCaprio. They have this pensive stare, the ladies love it. Although I find it a little disturbing that Leo only dates younger girls ⛳
🦋Venus in 2H is blessed by Aphrodite herself. Attractive faces. Planets in 2H affect the facial features. Examples: Brad Pitt, David Beckham, Scarlett Johnson, Zoe Kravitz.
🦋My Leo-rising friend loves experimenting with her hair with reddish tones. She is sort of a ginger at the moment. But with her features, she can pull off anything. She always gets compliments on her thick hair.
🦋Most Libras give me Elle Woods vibes. People honestly underestimate how intelligent and wise they truly are.
🦋Pisces Moon has a soulful watery gaze. hopeless romantics. My Pisces moon girls, you are too nice for your own good. Put yourself first. Don’t compromise your boundaries for any man. You are a queen.
Disclaimer : Personal observations are biased. Take what resonates 💋💋💋✨🦋
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gayou01 · 1 year
Astrology observations pt 27
DISCLAIMER- Placements will not play out the same way for everyone and having challenging placements + aspects does not mean that you are a bad person or that you will have a bad life. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t
-people with Neptune in the 11th house don’t usually end friendships on bad terms, the parties involved just drift apart and never really speak again
-if you’re an Aries moon, chances are your mom ran the household, married or not. Even if your father was around, she was the main one handling things
-people with pluto in the 11th house are usually loners and prefer having a close circle of friends they knew for a very long time rather than make new connections that they view as superficial
-people with mercury in water or fire signs have the tendency to let their emotional biases cloud their judgement, especially cancer
-on the other hand, people with mercury in earth or air signs tend to put so much emphasis on logic that they seem to lose their ability to empathize (ahem, Capricorn and Aquarius)
-people with Uranus aspecting mercury tend to be absolute nerds and they have the most interesting hobbies. Think of that one kid you knew at school that loved anime and would Naruto run down the hallways
-Scorpio moons have an especially hard time fully getting over their exes, even if they are in a new relationship
-Chiron in the 1st house aspected with Venus and/or mars can indicate being constantly body shamed and being made to feel unattractive by a lover
-Juno in the 9th house can indicate marrying outside your race and/or culture, meeting your spouse in school or while traveling
-people with mercury in earth signs require a lot of time and practice to be good at something while people with mercury in air signs tend to learn faster and experience beginner’s luck more
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xeeroo08 · 1 year
Astro Observations 《2》
Disclaimer : I am not an astrologer so please take these observations with a grain of salt. Plus I have noticed, I ranted a lot here so please bear with me. It's only for fun.
♦️ Mercury could indicate what kind of genre/content you like to read. For example:
Mercury in Taurus/2nd – Cookbook, rom-com, finance, fashion magazines.
Mercury in Leo/5th – Children's story books, Tales, quizzes, riddles, Adventures books.
Mercury in libra/7th – Romance novels, fashion magazines, pamphlets, brochures.
Mercury in Scorpio/8th – Non-fiction, Thrillers, mystery, smut.
Mercury in Sagittarius/9th – Encyclopedia, Rom-adventure, historical books, Atlas.
Mercury in Pisces/12th – Spiritual books, inspirational, Autobiographies.
♥️ Pluto in 11th house is a big Best friend crisis placement, if you ask me. In this, you can never be anyone's only bestfriend and no one can be your bestfriend. Friends are a lessons in your life. They come, you transform each other in some way, they go. Nobody stays long enough. Their definition of best friends is tricky, because– "We have known each other for 6 years but we haven't talked since 3 years, are we still besties?" To these people, Instead of feeling betrayed or petty, accept it and move on.
♦️ People with Asteroid hobby in their 11th house might like to do coding or other technical work. Technology and social media plays a major role when they are free. They might even share their hobbies with others on social platforms.
♥️ No matter what the reputation says, Sagittarius venus are the most hardcore lovers. They also don't mind a bit of possessiveness in the relationship. When I say possessiveness, they don't want to hear how you will lock them up in a castle for the rest of their life if they try to run away from you. Whereas, that might be a fantasy for some but its not for Sag venus. They will purposely take the next immediate flight and be gone for good. What they actually want to hear is how you will chase them to the moon and back. And no matter where they go, you will always be there to embrace them with your open arms. All we Sagittarius people need is to feel grounded not caged.
♦️ Asteroid Lie aspecting Neptune could make very imaginative and fluent liars. Sometimes it won't make any sense but you will still believe them because they lie with such a honesty and projection that you are forced to doubt your own judgment. Their lies are very descriptive and they make them on the spot. They appear dreamy as if they are not lying but living their own reality. Sometimes it comes handy to them but sometimes it backfires when they forget what they lied about for no reason.
♥️ Aquarius Rising got nothing on Uranus conjuct ascendant. Look, I get that Aquarius is ruled by Uranus but honestly I can't relate to the stereotype when they say Aquarius risings have a unique fashion sense. Being a Aquarius rising and having Uranus in first house I personally think it fits the Uranus conjuct ascendant more. Yes, I like to stand out but my fashion sense is not that unique. I like it different but simple. My brother has a 12th house Uranus conjuct ascendant and he is a uranian more than me. He wears the most unconventional outfits at very wrong timings. He has a very unique fashion sense and he remains fixated on it until the last moment. Man... and he still pulls it off effortlessly. I could never do that.
♦️ Asteroid Sharp (5426) true to its name could indicate the area of your life where you excel the most and are quite attentive. You also learn and grasp those parts quickly. For example: Asteroid Sharp in Aquarius means you are good with electronics,technology, innovating things. In 2nd house could mean you handle money matters very well. In 10th house, you make profitable business deals, bargains and have a good eye when it comes to trading something.
♥️ Have you seen a Mars in 4th house getting angry? They are never angry. Well, never angry enough to be angry. But be careful just because they are not saying anything for the past twenty minutes while you are chewing their head off doesn't mean they are calm. It means either you are someone they can't cross with for the time being or they are thinking of hundred ways to kill you without getting into jail. Good luck bby, these people are damn calculative and smart. They will let you walk all over them for a moment but later.... oh boy you will not even realize what hit you. And trust me, they will have a strong alibi.
♦️Venus in 10th house 🤝 Get them a man/woman with financial stability. They themselves prefer to be independent and classy in a relationship. But no matter what financial stability is a must for them. Maybe not the first but definitely one of the top priorities.
♥️ Virgo Mars people are really fond of ropes, handcuffs, belts, elastic things and all. Idk why my brother keeps checking their strength when he encounters them. Hmm...sus
♦️ Saturn in 1st house could mean you were forced to grow up too early. You had many responsibilities on your shoulders at a young age and faced a lot of difficulties expressing your weaknesses. You might also be the person in the family who is looked upon and respected the most. No decision is taken without your consultation because you are considered to be the wisest of all.
♥️ Pluto in 3rd house, don't tell me your school life was easy. Either you failed a subject, were bullied for no reason, had abusive teachers, teachers who always picked upon you, unstable attendance or your family could hardly afford your studies.
♦️Scorpio/8th house Mars and their gazes. God, please don't stare at me like that. I get chills. There was this girl in my class. She used to stare at people a lot, that too bluntly. We thought she was creepy. But later after knowing her, she turned out to be really sweet and pretty decent girl.
♥️ Moon in 3rd house, very very curious people. They need to know everything there is in this world until they are emotionally satisfied. My 8 year old cousin asked me where do babies come from? She also added, don't say from God.
♦️I don't know about other Pisces placements but Pisces venus, they do have a thing for foot. Trust me on this, I had a deep conversation about this topic with my cousin who is a Pisces venus and because I didn't want to go with stereotype judgment, I had to make sure it was true. But it can vary from person to person tho.
♥️ Saturn in 2nd house people could come from a poor household or used to be financially unstable. But trust me it doesn't stay this way throughout. They usually face many difficulties with money until they don't at all. Karma always pays off and most of the times they live a very satisfied life. Very down to earth people. They don't fear poverty either.
♦️8th house Virgo are suckers for hygiene and perfection. But can be quite freaky in bed. Or the complete opposite of both. They can also have a guilty conscience after sex or masturbation.
♥️ Chiron in Capricorn/10th house can be very hard on themselves. These people often feel incompetent when it comes to their professional life. They can be insecure and anxious if things don't go their way. For them being unemployed is much worse than being heartbroken and it can be destroying.
♦️ Saturn in 6th house placements have an unimaginable disturbed mental health. They don't show and it seems as if no one sees it either. They pretend that everything is okay and no one can tell that it is not. Sometimes they are not even capable to share because people around them make them feel as if they are not supposed to. They often feel restricted when it comes to their emotions.
♥️ Now this is kinda funny but I have noticed some of the people having Sagittarius in fifth house or prominent Sagittarius/Gemini placements come off very lively and enthusiastic when it comes to kids. They also have a thing for irritating kids in a funny way to the point they start crying. Then they laugh it off.
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malachiteclouds · 2 years
💋(18+) natal astrology observations part 1
✫ 8th house jupiters could be whole-ass virgins and still radiate BDE big dick energy since jupiter expands what it touches (this is especially true if it is in a fire sign or scorpio). these people also tend to just know what to do in the bedroom even if it is their very first time.
✫ people with venus conjunct/square mercury will know exactly what to say to make you finish, but they will wait until the very last moment to say it. they may not even say it at all, but rather keep it all to themselves. they will edge you with their words.
✫ aries/1st house lilith is the throat GOAT of the zodiac. a blessing and a curse because a lot of people may prefer their mouths to their 🐱.
✫ mars square/conjunct neptune/uranus screams crippling porn addiction to me I'm sorry
✫ pluto in 1st house people will fuck you with their eyes. you may have to look away at times as it can feel super intense. they see through you completely. it feels like you have something degrading painted on your forehead.
✫ mars square/conjunct jupiter people can have really amazing stamina and they are super competitive. they may have sex for a really long time, but that doesn't mean it takes them a really long time to finish. the type to be fully soft while still having their hands on you.
✫ venus conjunct neptune or pluto have siren eyes for sure. depending on the signs and houses, venus conjunct sun or moon have doe eyes.
✫ scorpio moons x being called mommy unsolicited.
✫ virgo/6H venuses have the best hands and know how to use them very well. they also always have a distinct smell or is known for smelling good. almost makes me think like pheromones and shit
✫ cancer risings and their AMAZING skin.
✫ saturn opposite venus likes the idea of getting caught in public or getting caught by someone who they shouldn't have. It's something about this need to express love and intimacy in a way that either feels defiant or revolutionary to a paradigm that has been established for them previously.
✫ moon trine saturn likes being made to wait. they like being forced to practice self-restraint and exercise their dignity with a sense of grace. they love to be made to feel completely desperate while being just as desperate to keep their composure. they want to serve you.
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letters-to-me · 10 months
astro observations | pt. 1
Hi!🤍 This is my first post with astrology observations. I am not a professional astrologer, but I have been interested in astrology for several years.
Note: These are just my observations, you don't have to agree or identify with them. Do not take everything seriously. English is my second language so forgive me for mistakes and typos. do not copy, steal, rewrite my work, or repost on other social medias
Sun square Uranus creates highly individualistic and unconventional individuals who may appear selfish and eccentric. These people have a strong desire to showcase their uniqueness and serve as examples for others. They struggle with accepting authority and often resort to rebellious behavior to draw attention to themselves. A classmate of mine from primary school has this aspect and used to rebel against teachers to impress his friends. He also bullied the weaker ones. Moon sextile Mercury this aspect gives really good memory. People with this aspect are often very intelligent. These people are interested in their origin and roots. Mercury sextile Uranus gives the ability to discover and invent new things. These people like new technologies. They often need to exchanges ideas and opinions with others. They have novel way of thinking and they like to argue about opinions. Jupiter in 11th house people are really lucky when it comes to friends, groups. Others find it easy to befriend them. Even their open enemies are relatively respectful and have shown mercy. They usually have a lot of close friends. People with the Moon in Virgo feel that anything they do is not good enough for their standards and will always find something to complain or nag about. Virgo moons tend to get upset if certain things aren’t perfect. I also noticed Virgo moons can have severe bitch energy. Libra moons may avoid conflicts and confontation. People with Moon in Libra, that I know, love to be the centre of attention and are keen to express their opinions. Most of them can be people pleasers. Scorpio venus are incredibly receptive and observant. They can come off as very passionate but may also get attached very easily as well as being obsessive. It’s like a 'ride or die' placement. I’ve never met a person with Venus in Scorpio that didn’t obsess over their partner. Scorpio venuses smell bullshit from a mile away and are not afraid to tell you what’s up. Venus square Neptune people day dream a lot and idealize people. Venus square Neptune makes people have rose-coloured glasses. They are too forgiving. Mars in the 11th house may find it difficult to make and keep friends. There may occur competition amongst friends. These people also have a habit of distancing themselves too much and ghosting other people. Venus opposite Pluto natives tend to attract people who are obsessive, attached and controlling. There may be insecurities in relationships, such as an obsessive fear that your partner may cheat on you or leave you. You may feel tempted to control your partner. "Power is my mistress. I have worked too hard at her conquest to allow anyone to take her away from me." – Napoleon Bonaparte who had this aspect.
I hope you enjoyed it. Wish you all the best and have a wonderful Thursday!!!🤍
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triangular-eye · 1 month
[ 4 ] astrology observations 💚🧩🍀
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- virgo risings benefit more from not being in charge as they like to follow things
- jupiter 1st house natives feel suppressed by rules/regulations/common following of philosophies
- uranus rebels to the following of ideals, jupiter rebels to the said ideals
- new best friends come in during the zodiac representing the 7th house (ex: aquarius rising: in leo season)
- venus conjunct lilith causes the native to be unable to differentiate between love & lust.
- people in your life fall in your house where their rising sign is (ex: an aquarius rising would fall into the 5th house of a libra rising & inspire/deplete their creativity or affect their children).
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- libra risings & late virgo risings (15° onwards) live by organising & decluttering their psyche (because virgo 12h)
- natives with uranus retrograde in their chart long for the acceptance of change but get horrified & run away from it the moment it manifests.
- natives with sun opposite moon feel afflicted when faced their own character; am i too emotional or too logical? which side of me is the real one?
- the 12th house rules over our memories, not short term everyday ones that is mercury/3H; but in depth memories or visual/photographic ones.
- the sign ruling your 12th house shows how you can interpret your rem dreams: virgo 12H by organising the details of the dreams, aquarius 12H by finding what to innovate in your life through the dreams, sagittarius 12H by gathering a philosophical perspective like what is the lesson i am teaching myself through my unconscious?
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hausofneptune · 2 months
✾ persona chart series ✾ the moon
[astro notes no. 008]
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hey y'all! i've been hyper-fixating on my persona charts for the past two weeks and i thought it'd be fun to make a cute lil astro notes post about it, so here we are! these notes/observations are all relative to the placements in one's moon persona chart, not the natal chart. as always, energy manifests differently for everyone, so if it don't apply, let it fly.
the moon persona chart is representative of how your emotional nature impacts your personality and different areas of your life. it's indicative of your feminine/nocturnal identity, and how that part of you is shaped and expressed, as well as how your domestic life is structured. click here to calculate your persona charts!
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༄ moon in taurus can be representative of needing physical/material security in order to feel emotionally fulfilled and stable
↝ this placement can also indicate a persistent or "fixed" nature when it comes to one's emotions, these natives may be immovable in the way that they feel at times
↝ they may also have mothers, maternal figures, or family in their households growing up, that influenced them in some way shape or form to care deeply about being financially stable enough to take care of themselves
༄ uranus in the 1H can show someone who’s very emotionally expressive, and may be perceived as being emotionally unbalanced or erratic at times
↝ this may also indicate that one’s home life (growing up and/or present day) is turbulent or unconventional in some way shape or form
↝ this can also manifest as feeling as though people misinterpret your emotions and the way in which you express them
༄ mercury conjunct venus is indicative of seeking and building connections that feel safe enough for emotional expression and vulnerability
↝ these natives could encounter difficulty in their interpersonal relationships if they repress their true emotions and prioritize “keeping the peace” over honest communication
↝ this can also indicate finding ease in processing emotions and expressing one’s feelings through creative endeavors such as writing or singing
༄ mars in virgo indicates a strong emotional investment in one's devotion to their work or "practical" obligations
↝ this can also manifest as the native habitually overthinking their own feelings, or being doubtful that they can reach their goals, despite their achievements
↝ this would be another placement that ignites a deep need for stability in the native, and can even cause physical ailments if that need is not met (i.e. stomach/bowel issues, anxiety, migraines, etc.)
༄ ascendant trine moon can show up as someone who, through the lens of those around them, is defined by their caring and nurturing qualities
↝ these natives tend to be very empathetic and intuitive, and may express themselves in a way that is influenced by their maternal figures/family. they may also view their homes as an extension of their own personal self-expression.
↝ they're typically innately trusted by those around them, as they tend to have an acceptance of their own emotional nature that in turn extends to those around them
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༄ sun opposite saturn can indicate a feeling of constraint surrounding one's emotional expression
↝ this can manifest as someone who may feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities, and can result in a strain between emotional vulnerability and their obligations, these natives may struggle with being too self-critical at times
↝ on the flip side, an evolved manifestation of this aspect can grant the native with a level-head in relation to navigating their emotions, and the ability to be more rational in conflict
༄ jupiter in the 9H manifests as someone who feels deeply connected to their spiritual growth and places emphasis expanding their beliefs
↝ these are the type of people who others may lean on in vulnerable moments, as they're inherently very optimistic and are able to offer reassurance and comfort to those around them
↝ their values are typically derivative of their own personal feelings, and they tend to be very enthusiastic about their beliefs as a result
༄ moon sextile pluto is representative of feeling one's emotions on a deeper level than the average person
↝ this tends to be a very spiritual placement, as these natives are able to recognize the subconscious feelings and needs of those around them due to their intuitive nature
↝ these natives may need to work towards instilling boundaries and keeping their cup full before pouring into others, as they're innate healers and instinctively want to help those that they're connected to
༄ neptune in aquarius indicates someone who seeks to protect and nourish those who are unconventional or whose beliefs and self-expression reject the status quo
↝ these natives may have struggled with feeling like outcasts in youth, as a result are open-minded and accepting to those whose identities are unorthodox in some way shape or form
↝ they tend to find emotional fulfillment through aiding humanitarian causes, and may even excel as social workers, therapists, community organizers, etc.
༄ mercury in scorpio shows someone who is extremely intuitive and emotionally stimulated by exploring the deep, psychological depths of those around them
↝ they seek emotional connections where they're able to bare the deepest parts of their soul with the other person without any judgement or shame
↝ these are the types of people who are deeply dedicated to the things that they believe in, and refuse to let any challenges get in the way between themselves and their passions
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tarotwithavi · 1 year
Astro notes pt3
Saturn in 10th house can mean that father was mostly away due to work and couldn't spend time with you. But also tries to do everything he can for you. But probably had high expectations from you. This placement is mostly found in oldest child.
Pluto in 3rd can mean that at a time no one wanted to be friends with you in school but later everybody loves you.
Venus in 9th people love/are interested in astrology and occultism.
Venus in 8th means that people love you but also spread rumours about you.
Sun in 10th house people come off as mature. Or are forced to.
Jupiter in 4th people learn things quickly.
Uranus in the 1st house gives a very unique and creative mind.
Venus in 8th people have tragic love life. They either have one person they'll die for or have a lot of relationships. There's no in between.
People with pluto in 10th will go through a lot of tragedies in their life but will have success.
People with Mars in 1st have a dirty mind ( sorry not sorry)
In my last post I said that trios will have something in common. Like you sun sign could be their moon/rising. So if you want to know if your trio will work or not. Check their sun/moon/rising. If your signs doesn't match then you won't fit in their group and mostly be left behind.
You can also check the house their sun/moon is in. If yours don't match, sorry to say that group isn't for you.
Having same sun and moon signs means you are same on the inside and on the outside.
Virgo risings are obsessed with stationary. No matter if they need it or not.
Taurus moon culture is spending money whenever you're in a bad mood.
Virgo and Taurus people are collectors. They love collecting things .
Having many fire placements mean having too much energy.
People with pluto in 6th win over their enemies easily.
Sun in 2nd means that your father is a well known teacher. Or likes teaching.
That's it for today! Let me know if you want to add something here or correct me over something!
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punksocks · 1 year
Astrology Observations No. 8
*based on my personal experiences, take them with a grain of salt
-I wanted this to be my 18+ edition bc 8th house but I don’t have enough spicy observations yet lol
-Virgo placements & Scorpio placements having 100 invisible tests some has to pass before you let them get close to you
-Why yes my Jupiter is in my 3rd house. Why yes I did start recommending documentaries to documentary students because I watch that much educational content for fun.
-Cancer suns can beat out Leo suns for being the most charismatic one in the room and that’s coming from someone that loves Leo suns.
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-Someone said to be a full time artist you either need the external structure of a rich sponsor/family with money/sugar daddy or the internal structure of being an earth sign and I love that lol (Idek how to explain how I got to the mad men zodiac roast where I saw that line lmao)
-Geminis lie but get so boldfaced they often contradict themselves a lot. And Cancers manipulate but often go so hard on it that it starts to become pretty obvious. Pisces can actually be the best at both, especially if they don’t have any earth placements, no energy to ground those illusions.
-Ok I’ve been googling birth charts to practice reading them (thank you for your dms I’ll reply soooon!) and I was surprised Robert j Oppenheimer (the guy that spearheaded making the atomic bomb) was a cancer moon because of all the destruction the bomb caused (and from the beginning they knew that was going to be a destructive endeavor) BUT Cancer’s are very nationalistic so I could see this being his rationale. Until all the violent consequences, of course. (Very specific but he may have been apart of the scientists that advocated for peace after the bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki but I don’t know fs)
-Also a LOT of actors have aries moon and/or Leo mars (including aries moon for Cillian Murphy who’s playing Oppenheimer in that new movie, full circle connection)
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-Virgo mars people can embody a certain gender fluidity. The women can dress in masculine clothing and carry a certain tinge of a masculine vibe and vice versa for feminine energy and virgo mars men. (Not sure if this applies to all mutable mars or not).
-Scorpio rising/pluto in the first house and wearing sunglasses on the streets just to avoid weird eye contact with strangers
-Saturn conjunction moon/Capricorn, Aquarius moon/Aquarius and/or Uranus 4th house - what was it like not having a childhood? (Gang, gang)
-*reads that Capricorn Mercury is straight forward*
Me with Capricorn Mercury rx:
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harmoonix · 1 year
🌹Astrology Notes🌹
These can also be called Degree Notes since a lot of them are about Degrees ❤️
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Intro Song ❤️☺️
Virgo's Suns are the balance between brain and beauty, that combination of I'm smart and pretty too. (This can also apply if you have the Sun or Ascendant at Virgo Degrees: 6°, 18°)
Water and Air moons are very sensitive people, they are having a very emotional nature and inner child.
Capricorn Placements are getting very JEALOUS, but VERY jealous in relationships too with their partners, they can get very jealous when someone doesn't give them enough attention
Cancer and Pisces placements are so underated for their anger. Seriously, they can get very angry and create a lot of conflicts and chaos
People with North Node in Leo... You know their destiny is gonna be big
Recently i discovered that Sagittarius and Scorpio Venuses get along so good like what??? They both have a very attractive energy omg Fire + Water combination 🫂
Leo Risings people can get along so good with people who are Aquarius Risings they are sisters signs and can have a lot in common, and hobbies, talents too
Pluto aspecting the ascendant can give you very big and misterious eyes, very big magnetism those people can find people asking them a lot about their eyes (I call myself out here i have Pluto sextile ascendant and i get asked a lot about my eyes 👀)
Sagittarius Risings are having a very nice body shape and a very fiery energy i swear those people have so much fun in them
Any planet/asteroid that enters in your 7th house is gonna affect your relationship life
People with Sun in Taurus Degrees (2°, 14°, 26°) are very charismatic and very fashionable,they can be very good at arts and music and at singing too
People with Sun in Aquarius Degrees (11°, 23°) wanna be different from other people, they always had something's that made them unique.
Neptune in the 4th house can make you to dream about your family and maybe to dream about your spiritual family also, since Neptune is a very spiritual planet, they can also dream about family members who lost their lives 🫂💫
Uranus in the 11th house can make you the unique friend in your friend group, you can always have something different from your friends
Venus in Aquarius Degrees (11°, 23°) can give you very unique love experiences and partners, your spouse can be very unique in their talents or their job
Mars in the 2nd house can give you a very good physical body
People with Ascendant in Aries Degrees (1° 13°, 25°) can be very stubborn and very dominant toward others
Moon at Libra Degrees (7°,19°) can make you to be very balanced with your emotions and you know how to control your feelings very good and enough to not show others when you feel sad. I send you a lot of hugs ⊂⁠(⁠◉⁠‿⁠◉⁠)⁠つ
Pisces Placements like to listen to sad songs even when they are not sad, 😭 sometimes they can transform this into a habit
Gemini Risings are having such a good charisma towards others to always make such a good first impression when they met someone
Saturnian/Uranian Risings; (Aquarius and Capricorn) Saturn guides them very much and a lot of times they need to learn big lesson in life because Saturn knows these people are very strong and strong enough to end every challenge. If you stop them from going on their path way Saturn can punish you really bad because Saturn really cares about what happens in these natives life
Leo Mars can be really seductive people 👀, they are very good at seducing
Fire Mars people can have a lot of simps around them 👀 but be careful because you attract people who can see you only for your outside and not your inside
Air Moons people tend to have around people who can misunderstand their emotions, or tend to be a little cold around other people because it can be hard for them to open up.
8th house in personal planets (Sun,Moon,Mars,Venus,Mercury) can attract stalkers
8th house Mars can have a very big drive in bed
11th house placements, be careful when you make friends, some people can be fake and use you for personal reasons and they can betray or backstab you so please choose your friends with much care
6th house placements, please don't forget to take a break if you are tired and take care of yourself and your needs too. These people are workaholics and they can work 24/7 but they always forget to take a break :(, relax your soul a bit and take care of yourself
7th house placements can have a dark side beside they are destined to have very good relationships, but these people can lost themselves for people their love, they can become very obsessive of their partners and forget about themselves, make sure to spend some time with yourself and to take care of your heart ❤️
Don't forget to take care of you ❤️
With love, Harmoonix
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soleius · 1 year
🌷 astro observation I;
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helos and welcome to my first post of many astro observations ;w;
this has been sitting in my drafts FOR AWHILE and thought i might as well just post them
ofc this is for pure entertainment, however pls feel free to refute a point or further dive into one if something resonates
i’ll happily discuss 💫
enjoy loves 💞
i often see virgo placements having stomach issues but has anyone ever talked about gemini’s and their stomach issues?
to my scorpio moon babies, how bad were your cramps growing up? i remember having nights where i’d be rolling in bed and contorting in any position to ease the pain of them
leo moons are ones with lion mane like hair— big in appearance and in most cases really thick
libra in big 3, specifically libra risings are often close to their parents or will try their best to maintain a good relationship to them— even if it means having to make sacrifices on their end
aries mars you guys do thorough research when it comes to finding the best of anything especially when it involves spending money
sagittarius in big three makes you an effortlessly entertaining story teller
your mars sign could indicate what type of driver you are on the road
1st house aquarius/uranus placements often do something different from the rest, theres a need to stand out and often not it manifests in unique approaches and creativity
7th house stelliums are (if not absolutely) hyper-dependent when it comes to relationships, and it doesn’t have to be romantic ones. theres a deep desire to be close with at least one person they know they can trust and rely on with everything whether its a friend, partner, or family member.
neptune 1st house (depending how its aspected) can struggle with self, whether it’s identity or self-image
something i’ve noticed when it comes to libra placements in your big 6 is that they dont give out unsolicited advice unless if asked for their honest thoughts and opinions
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© soleius 2023
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