#urban buddy housing
urbanbuddy · 4 months
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) - NDIS Housing in Brisbane
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is purpose-built, affordable housing funded by the NDIS. It’s designed to encourage movement out of institutions and congregate housing, parents’ homes and group homes and into more individualised living options.
Investing in SDA is a fantastic way to increase your portfolio and receive exceptional rental yields. It’s also an opportunity to make a positive social impact.
1.        NDIS Housing Options
NDIS housing Brisbane participants have various housing options available to them, depending on the type of support they receive. These include Individualised Living Options (ILO), home modifications, medium term accommodation and respite.
The NDIS can fund Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) that is built and designed to create independence, freedom and quality of life. This can be a shared or individualised dwelling, and is usually located close to amenities and services.
Medium Term Accommodation (MTA) is a short-term living option that can be funded by the NDIS for up to 90 days. MTA is a great way for participants to try out different types of housing while they wait for their permanent home.
NDIS MTA providers like Home Caring offer high-quality group homes in Kuraby for participants to enjoy communal living. They can also access a range of supports, including a home management service, respite and behaviour management. These services are tailored to your individual needs and support you to live your best life.
2.        NDIS Subsidies
Ndis housing participants can access specialist disability accommodation (SDA) if they meet the eligibility criteria. These include undergoing an assessment to identify their goals, needs and the support services that are required to achieve them.
Once the NDIS has assessed a participant’s needs, they will receive an individualised plan. This will provide them with a funding allocation to meet their support needs. This includes support to find and purchase affordable, accessible and suitable housing.
Investing in an NDIS SDA home is a win-win opportunity for both you and the person living with disability. The NDIS participants with SDA are able to live in a custom-built
home that is designed to suit their individual needs, while you receive a Government-backed income stream.
Sana Living is a registered NDIS SDA provider, offering a range of homes for rent across Australia. We offer a range of group homes, villas, and hybrid designs. Our multi-award-winning homes offer a range of solutions and a space that’s your own.
3.        NDIS Housing Providers
Hilltop Caring has a cosy home in Kuraby that offers short-term NDIS accommodation. This could be respite to give your usual carer a break, or to try out new living supports and build your independence. They provide SIL, STA, MTA, and ILO NDIS independent living options, which are designed to help you live as independently as possible.
ADAPT Housing specialises in building NDIS specialist disability accommodation (SDA) for Participants and Service Providers. They offer a range of homes, from shared houses with varying levels of support to individual villas for people with high needs and complex care. They have also developed a model of building that is flexible and scalable to meet the unique needs of each participant. This has allowed them to create a sustainable business model that allows them to grow and meet demand. Their homes are built to a high standard and include features such as stoma care, access ramps, and specialised kitchens.
4.        NDIS Tenancy Agreements
With over 36,000 new SDA dwellings required nationally, there is a massive opportunity to build NDIS/SDA homes with your SMSF and earn a return on your investment. This can be realised by utilising a specialised arrangement with SIL providers. These providers have the capacity to find participants for your SIL home and will lease your NDIS/SDA property to their clients, usually on a rooming agreement basis.
This will enable the SIL provider to lower their operating costs and offer participants housing as part of their package, without having to pay an accommodation supplement to the NDIS. This model provides greater stability and returns for investors as well as improved access to housing options for NDIS/SDA participants.
It typically takes around 12 months to build a SDA/NDIS compliant home from the time you commit to a head lease with a SIL Provider, due to council delays, supply chain issues, weather conditions and Christmas period. This does not include the time it takes to register your home on a database, which can be up to 6 months.
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greykolla-art · 2 months
Can you draw urban fantasy?
Just a little bit, curious.
Love your art, by the way.
What an interesting question. 😂
I do have a KIND OF urban fantasy graphic novel, that I’ve been working on for 4 years with my writer buddy.
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It’s got a lot of houses.
And sewer vampires.
And magic and blood.
That’s kind of urban fantasy at least.😂
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vaguely-concerned · 9 months
Stray Gods Character Design Thoughts
In order we're going Pan, Apollo, Persephone, Eros, Aphrodite and a little bit of Venus! Disclaimer that I have no professional experience in character design at all, so these are only my vibes-based ramblings and observations purely for fun and because my brain simply won't shut up about this game haha. Also I will freely admit Pan probably gets the most attention in this because of who I am as a person and where my heart truly lies at the end of the day lol
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Ok, first of all I have so many questions and they all delight me. This guy is the god of the wild places ("Where else would I be, but among the trees and the wild things?"), he lives in a magical garden on top of an office building... and he’s walking around everywhere in an expensive three piece tailored suit (when Freddie accuses him of being a sleaze in a cheap suit he protests mildly that his suit is anything but cheap haha). The cut of it is really carefully thought out and planned, but the bold colours under the grey coat and (studied I am sure) careless details like the tie also make it fun and playful. Which is pleasingly coherent with the general theme of his character in the writing too and I adore it.  
This is not the point, I know, but I’m wondering how he makes that work just like. Practically now. Has Athena fixed up Olympus with in-house laundry service? And other sentences I did not expect to type out today lol. Ah well he’s wily I’m sure he has his ways. 
I can't heap enough praise on it, this design is SUCH an interesting and elegant marriage of the immediately recognizable satyr features and thus animal symbolism with all its added pagan weight in a post-Christianity setting, and the sort of ‘man of wealth and taste’ imagery of the devil at the crossroads they clearly want to evoke, especially in his first scene. And partially through his mannerism there’s also an added element of like… eccentric but surprisingly competent college professor — just look at the way he carries himself whenever he isn’t putting on the charm or when he’s being guarded and self-contained. That little hands resting on his back pose exudes ‘nerd’ so deeply to me haha. (Incredibly fuckable nerd, to be sure, but still!)
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you don't fool me buddy I know what you are. I know all the trouble you went to to get a book.
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His body language shifts very quickly between wild playful expressiveness and a sort of nonchalant urbane detachment that borders on coldness sometimes, and it fascinates me. Especially since that more refined unavailable side seems to be something he’s deliberately cultivated, to some extent. When Grace calls him out on how boring it sounds to just let yourself go numb and distant to survive, he doesn’t deny that at all, only saying that at least it’s been quite effective. 
Putting the rest under a cut to save people's dashes! I may, as they say, have gotten a tiny bit carried away.
Physically he’s not very imposing — he’s only a little taller than Grace, and the shortest of all of the love interests, which I find somehow very charming and also plays into him being more of a guile-based character. “Seeing as I am neither big nor truly bad, it behooves me to be wary of those who are both” indeed!
I’m fairly sure he’s the character wearing the most layers. Even his hands are mostly covered by gloves. He partially covers up his eyes with the tinted glasses — interesting, as one of the features that most give his real nature away with their sidewise pupils, and the lenses are tinted purple as the complimentary colour to yellow, so it downplays just how bright they are. All together it’s very much a ‘well, he’s certainly got to be in there somewhere’ sort of vibe at times. (Since he also seems to care about his clothes quite a bit — he complains about scuffing his pants during the climb in the Medusa mission if you go the lockpick route — I have drawn the conclusion that getting him out of all of that must take quite a bit of time, no matter how much practice he’s probably put in over the years of meeting 'delicious people' lol) 
It’s a design that manages to give, at the same time: animal-featured ancient god, deal with the devil, teacher, overtones of con man if you’re inclined to be Freddie-levels of uncharitable lol, eccentric rich weird uncle… there’s a lot going on here and somehow it all works haha. He isn’t wearing any jewelry at all unless you count the glasses, which now that I’m looking at the rest of the character designs in this game is actually fairly rare among them!
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His eyes really are incredibly bright when uh naked as it were, though. I like the implication that he is aware of this and actually goes out of his way to downplay it, even when he’d normally be wearing glamour anywhere it would strictly matter for it to show. Between that, the meaningful zoom in on him at the Underworld when Apollo says that all the Idols can be themselves there even if they don’t look human, Pan claiming he’s been distrusted and side-eyed by the others basically since the beginning and seeming kind of frustrated and hurt about it, in his deflecting way, and the implication of a hierarchy among the Idols at least under Athena’s leadership in this stained glass painting (notably all the visibly non-human Idols/hangers on are at the bottom, and Hecate, Asterion and especially Medusa are the characters most affected and confined by the oppressive status quo Athena upholds)...
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this one! sing it with me now EVERYBODY LEAVES THIS PLACE ALIVEEE ok we can move on
you know, some possible Subtext and Implications going on here, I’d say. (It is only potential subtext and implication, though, so, you know, take my extrapolations here with a grain of salt!) He certainly doesn’t do himself many favors with the persona he’s built up in regards to being trusted and included either, but his status as a little bit of an outsider does seem to precede that so I feel like it’s more of a response than the main cause. Along the same lines he gets much more testy about the Green route of ‘I Can Teach You’ than he does about you just not choosing him in the Red one, he takes that pretty gracefully. So it is the being deliberately kept on the outside and openly distrusted and dismissed that gets to him. (To be clear I don't think openly distrusting a strange guy showing up in your living room like that is at all unreasonable either haha I just think the nuances of his response are enlightening as to where he's really coming from)
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this one isn't even to illustrate anything it's just because I love him so much and think he's pretty I'll be real with you all
Anyway I just keep thinking about how incredibly tender it would be if sometimes, when they’re in private, Grace takes his glasses off to see his eyes better and he lets her. That shakes something deep in my soul apparently. That fucks me up but like in a good way.
- Apollo’s style of dress leaves his navel helpfully exposed for the copious amounts of depressed gazing he habitually subjects it to. (I say this not entirely without affection.) 
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a crumpled tissue of a man
In keeping with his incredibly emo mode, there’s very little colour involved and he doesn’t take much care to present anything with care (look at the state of that shirt and tell me if Apollo has picked up an iron in the last forty years), BUT interestingly he’s not entirely open and unadorned, he does wear that network of jewelry across his chest and neck. Which I think is to show that the old Apollo is not entirely gone (“There he is, god of the sun”), even if he has been a sack stuffed with sad for a long time now. I wonder how many of these things are leftover preferences from being only Lucas — presumably the tattoos at least are from before he fished Apollo up from the sea? If I’m reading the vibes right on that, the blue of the tattoos and the gold of the sun… thingy he wears with the jewelry are the main splashes of colour in his design aside from his hair, and they’re both ‘leftovers’ from both his previous lives, surfer bro and solar deity recently fallen on hard times. Physically he would be tall and imposing, parodically built, except that he carries himself with all the confidence and panache of a damp depressed dishrag. 
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Also I can’t believe this guy is walking around everywhere in sandals. Apollo makes sad flip-flop sounds wherever he goes, including when he steps up during ‘The Trial’. That’s so amazingly pathetic (affectionate). 
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We can see from the photo with him and Calliope that he wasn’t always quite this much of a mess. Once, he did his shirt up a whole maybe four buttons and wore something that wasn’t beige!
Intellectually I acknowledge that it's a design meant to provide fanservice, even though I personally could not consider this guy in a sexual or romantic light if you gave me a thousand years to build up to it. (I've said it before but if he's anything to me, he is the incredibly fail father figure continually letting me down in tiny ways I never had.) Godspeed to the Apollo-enjoyers out there, though, Summerfall gave him those abs and that poor little meow meow energy just for you and it's your right to enjoy that
- Pan and Apollo also bring out some really interesting contrasts both as characters and designs when you hold them up against each other:  
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Once you scratch the surface a tiny bit Pan clearly has just as much self-loathing as Apollo (“If Athena had taken me up on my offer, the Idols would have been better off” uh. Okay buddy we’re gonna have to process that one together later what do you say), but where Apollo is completely helplessly open in his misery at all times, you need to unbutton Pan at least three layers until you get a honest or straightforward emotion out of him and I think that’s amazingly carried through into their visual designs. It's Good Visual Storytelling Brent   
- I’m fairly sure the colour of Persephone’s suit is supposed to evoke pomegranate seeds. See and judge for yourself I suppose: 
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She also has details on her coat that depict foliage and growing plants, but colour-wise they and the rest of the detailing is in the blue-green that symbolizes the Underworld and so death. Her jewelry is gold, which — and I’m about to do some reaching here, I’ll be big enough to own — could play in with Hades being the god of riches as well as of the dead/the underworld. Probably it’s because it works well with the colour scheme, but I’m going to pretend that it’s because even if she didn’t get the throne she did get that motherfucker’s hoard when she killed him <3 Love that for her. Her jewelry is more rose gold than Apollo’s yellow gold, too. Watch me go for even more of a reach: between the necklace and the watch, those round discs of gold remind me of the coins put on the eyes of the dead but like you know repurposed since she doesn't need them to pay the Ferryman. I never promised I'd be reasonable in this did I.  
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The short hair works real well for the butch vibe and looks amazing no notes, but I think it’s also a deliberate way to differentiate herself from her younger self — when speaking of Demeter’s death, she says that moment was also the final death of that young her, ‘that girl with the long hair who loved her gardens’. Clearly the Idols do a lot of reinventing themselves over the ages in more and less conscious ways.
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She has a tattoo of what looks to be foliage and a skull across her left chest and arm. I really like that idea of her having the testament to both sides of her — goddess of spring, queen of the underworld — directly on her skin, under two layers of clothes that each represent those aspects. The one on her arm looks like stalks of grain tied together to resemble the bones of the hand/forearm, maybe? which is metal as fuck, needless to say. 
She is TALL and scary and the staging always plays that up, Grace tends to look up at her like O.O. I love how sharp she is too. 
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Also she is incredibly hot but you don’t need me to tell you that you all have eyes I assume. 
- I love literally everything about Eros’ design except his hair. Not even the concept of the haircut and colours or anything, just the way it’s rendered. It looks like one strange flat cap I can’t quite make understandable in three dimensional space as hair in my head lol. Other than that it’s a banging design though, the delicate see-through material over the leather BDSM harness is genius. Choosing this form of sensuality and attractiveness for him to embody -- one that is so deeply queercoded -- also works super well. The warmth and vulnerability of his body language on top of it is *chef's kiss*. just. please define his hair a bit more and it's perfect haha.
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- I'm not sure I have that much to say about Aphrodite’s design except that of course she is beauty she is grace etc., it takes a lot of thought to make such a simple design shine and by god did they do it she’s so stunning. Also interesting how her dark blues and greens with cool/silvery details contrast with Venus’ warm reds and pinks and… brass? Idk I don’t really understand jewelry haha. All warmth and soft romanticism, anyway, it looks nice. (Side note but I love Venus’ rose tattoo.) Eros and Venus have much more matching colour schemes and they both bring those islands of warmth standing around Aphrodite in her shimmering ocean coolness. (Which of course is something she has to deliberately put on before going into public these days, and is unselfconsciously glamorous in the way of an old timey Hollywood starlet, as the blue route of 'The Ritual' lampshades)
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:') *whisper* everybody...
Venus is wearing pearls, which is pleasing considering her connection to Aphrodite (and the backgrounds of the 'Lost in a Moment' variant of 'The Ritual')! and both of her and Aphrodite's outfits go for a shoulderless look to great effect.
ETA: When the camera is close on Aphrodite you can actually see that she has dark circles under her eyes, only partially covered by the makeup :'( I didn't notice that before I played through 'The Ritual' on a bigger screen today
All in all I just want to acknowledge what a fantastic job the character designers at Summerfall Studios have done! There are some really fresh new takes on these mythological figures here, and it makes so much sense within the world the game presents without resorting to well-worn and tired iconography, I really do admire it greatly.
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hookhausenschips · 1 month
Echoes Of Terror
500 Follower Special!!!
Summary: Y/N has always loved horror movies, now she becomes the Final Girl.
Warnings: graphic details, death, murder, Texas Chainsaw Massacre
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The sun hung low on the horizon as our beat-up minivan rumbled down the dusty Texas highway. Max, the self-proclaimed leader of our motley crew, was behind the wheel, his hands gripping the steering wheel with a sense of purpose.
"Are we there yet?" Daniel groaned from the backseat, his lanky frame sprawled out across the seats.
Max chuckled, casting a glance over his shoulder. "Almost, buddy. Just a few more miles to go."
I sat in the passenger seat, gazing out at the endless expanse of scrubland stretching out before us. There was a sense of freedom in the air, a feeling of adventure that I couldn't help but embrace.
Beside me, Lando fidgeted with the radio dial, searching for a decent station amidst the crackling static. "I swear, there's nothing but country music out here," he muttered, frustration evident in his voice.
I rolled my eyes, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Just embrace it, Lando. We're in Texas, after all."
As the miles ticked by, the conversation turned to our destination: an abandoned farmhouse rumored to be the site of the infamous Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I had heard the stories, the grisly tales of a deranged family terrorizing unsuspecting travelers, but like my friends, I dismissed them as urban legends.
"It's gonna be epic," Oscar declared, his excitement palpable.
Carlos nodded in agreement, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I heard there's still blood stains on the walls."
I laughed, shaking my head in disbelief. "You guys really believe all that stuff?"
But deep down, a seed of doubt had been planted in my mind. There was something about the desolate Texas landscape, the oppressive heat, that sent shivers down my spine.
As night fell, we finally arrived at our destination: a desolate stretch of countryside shrouded in darkness. The farmhouse loomed ominously in the distance, its weathered boards groaning in the wind.
"Here we are, folks," Max announced, cutting the engine.
I peered out at the dilapidated structure, a sense of unease settling in the pit of my stomach. The air was thick with anticipation, the darkness alive with whispered secrets.
"We're really gonna explore that?" Logan asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
Max grinned, his eyes alight with excitement. "You bet we are. Who's with me?"
Without hesitation, my friends clamored out of the van, their eager footsteps echoing across the dusty ground. Reluctantly, I followed suit, my heart pounding in my chest.
Inside the farmhouse, the air was heavy with dust, the floorboards groaning beneath our weight. I trailed behind the others, my senses on high alert. Every creak of the floorboards, every rustle of the curtains, sent a shiver down my spine.
"Split up and search the place," Max declared, his voice echoing through the empty rooms.
I hesitated, a sense of foreboding settling over me like a heavy blanket. But I didn't want to appear cowardly in front of my friends, so I pushed aside my fears and forged ahead.
It wasn't long before I heard screams echoing through the house, the sound chilling me to the bone. Heart pounding, I raced towards the noise, my footsteps echoing in the darkness.
I found Max lying on the ground, clutching his leg in agony. His face was pale, his eyes wide with terror.
"What happened?" I asked, my voice trembling.
Max rambled about a masked figure wielding a chainsaw before succumbing to shock. Panic surged through me, threatening to overwhelm my senses.
"Where are the others?" I demanded, my voice rising with desperation.
But there was no answer, only the eerie silence of the abandoned farmhouse. We were truly alone, stranded in the heart of terror.
As night fell, the temperature plummeted, and a sense of dread settled over me like a shroud. We had to find the others, had to escape this nightmare before it was too late.
With trembling hands, I dialed for help on my phone, but there was no signal. We were cut off from the outside world, at the mercy of whatever lurked in the darkness.
Determined to find my friends and escape the nightmare, I set out into the wilderness, my senses on high alert. Every rustle of leaves, every snap of twigs, sent my heart racing.
Hours passed, the darkness pressing in around me like a suffocating blanket. Exhaustion threatened to overwhelm me, but I pushed on, driven by the desperate need to survive.
Finally, I stumbled upon an old slaughterhouse, its rusted gates hanging askew. Inside, the air was thick with the stench of decay, and the walls were splattered with blood.
With mounting horror, I realized the truth: we had stumbled upon the lair of the infamous chainsaw-wielding family. They were not just legends; they were real, and they were hunting us.
Adrenaline surged through my veins as I prepared to make my final stand. I armed myself with whatever makeshift weapons I could find, bracing myself for the inevitable confrontation.
One by one, I faced off against the members of the deranged family, each more twisted and sadistic than the last. But I refused to back down, drawing on reserves of courage I never knew I had.
In the end, I emerged battered and bloodied, the sole survivor of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. But as I limped away from the slaughterhouse, the chilling realization dawned on me: the nightmare was far from over.
The family's legacy lived on, lurking in the shadows, waiting to claim its next victim. And I knew, deep down, that I would never truly escape the horror that had consumed my friends.
As I crept through the darkened corridors of the slaughterhouse, my heart hammered in my chest. Every shadow seemed to pulse with malevolent energy, and the air was thick with the stench of death.
My mind raced with questions: Where were my friends? Had they fallen prey to the chainsaw-wielding madman? Or were they still out there, lost and alone in the darkness?
I stumbled upon a blood-stained room, the walls adorned with grotesque trophies of past victims. My stomach churned, but I forced myself to press on, driven by a desperate need to find my friends and escape this nightmare.
Suddenly, a noise echoed through the darkness, a low, guttural growl that sent shivers down my spine. I froze, my breath catching in my throat, as a figure emerged from the shadows.
It was the killer, clad in tattered rags and wielding a gleaming chainsaw, its blade stained with blood. My heart thundered in my chest as he advanced towards me, his eyes burning with unholy fervor.
With a surge of adrenaline, I sprang into action, dodging his swings and lashing out with whatever makeshift weapon I could find. But he was relentless, his movements swift and deadly, and I knew that I was no match for him in a fight.
In a desperate bid for survival, I fled deeper into the bowels of the slaughterhouse, the killer hot on my heels. I ducked and weaved through the maze-like corridors, my breath coming in ragged gasps, until I stumbled upon a grim discovery.
There, in a dimly lit chamber, I found my friends, their faces twisted in agony, their bodies bound and mutilated beyond recognition. Horror surged through me as I realized the full extent of the killer's depravity.
I sank to my knees, overwhelmed by grief and despair, as the killer closed in for the final blow. But in that moment of darkest despair, something inside me snapped.
With a primal scream, I rose to my feet, my eyes blazing with fury and determination. I refused to be another victim of his madness. I refused to let him win.
With every ounce of strength left in me, I launched myself at the killer, driving him back with a ferocity born of desperation. Blow after blow rained down upon him, until finally, mercifully, he fell to the ground, his chainsaw clattering to the floor.
I stood over him, panting and bloodied but triumphant, as the weight of what had transpired settled over me like a shroud. I had survived the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but at what cost?
As dawn broke on the horizon, I emerged from the slaughterhouse, the sole survivor of a nightmare that would haunt me for the rest of my days. But as I limped away from the scene of carnage, a glimmer of hope pierced the darkness.
For I knew that I had faced the darkness and emerged stronger for it. And though the scars of that fateful night would never fully heal, I would carry on, a living testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unspeakable evil.
The first rays of dawn painted the sky in hues of pink and orange as I stumbled out of the slaughterhouse, my body battered and bruised, but my spirit unbroken. The air was thick with the stench of death, and the distant howl of a lone wolf echoed through the desolate landscape.
I glanced back at the slaughterhouse one last time, the memories of the horrors that had transpired within its walls still fresh in my mind. My friends, my companions, lay slain by the merciless hand of the chainsaw-wielding killer, their faces etched forever in my memory.
Tears stung my eyes as I thought of Max, the fearless leader of our group, cut down in the prime of his life. Lando, with his infectious laughter and irrepressible spirit, gone in an instant. Daniel, the gentle giant whose strength could not save him from the clutches of death.
Oscar, the prankster with a heart of gold, his jokes silenced forever. Carlos, the daredevil who lived life on the edge, meeting his end in the most gruesome of fashions. Pierre, the artist with a soul as deep as the ocean, snuffed out before his time.
Charles, the quiet intellectual with a fierce loyalty to his friends, taken from us too soon. And Logan, the youngest and most innocent among us, his bright future extinguished in the blink of an eye.
Their faces flashed before my eyes, a ghostly procession of lost souls haunting my every step as I limped away from the scene of carnage. I vowed to honor their memory, to ensure that their deaths were not in vain.
But even as I emerged from the darkness into the light of a new day, I knew that the nightmare was far from over. The chainsaw-wielding killer may have fallen, but his legacy lived on, a dark shadow looming over the Texas countryside.
As I made my way back to civilization, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, of being hunted by unseen eyes lurking in the shadows. The road stretched out before me like a ribbon of endless uncertainty, and I knew that my journey was far from over.
But as long as I drew breath, as long as the fire of defiance burned within me, I would never stop fighting. For I was the final girl, the lone survivor of a horror beyond comprehension, and I would not rest until justice was served and the echoes of terror were silenced forever.
F1 Taglist: @hiireadstuff, @really-fucking-tired, @donteventry-itdude, @spookystitchery, @evie-119, @dhanihamidi, @leclercdior
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battle-of-alberta · 1 month
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Finally introducing Marion (Sherwood Park) after months and months of teasing! She represents a bedroom community east of Edmonton that "technically" is one of the largest cities in Alberta... or would be, if it was actually a city.
Your first fun fact is that Marion was originally going to be named Campbelltown, but since there were too many Campbelltowns across Canada, Canada Post forced her to change it to avoid confusion. She's much much younger than most of the other munis being founded in 1953.
More fun facts below!
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Like Mac, Marion represents a "hamlet" in a very large service area, which means she can reap the benefits of being both rural and urban at the same time while also benefiting from living in Ed's shadow too.
I think generally the relationship between her and Ed is "he's scary! one time, i actually had to go to his house and nearly died!!"
where Ed is like "I don't know what her deal is or why she freaks out whenever I'm around" (meanwhile Edith trying to explode her with her mind)
She's just masc enough that Mac doesn't feel intimidated by her and they're best buddies. Her other close friends are other satellite communities such as Stab St. Albert and Spruce, etc.
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The Strathcona County Website boasts their own Raisin Sour Cream Pie Recipe, which is sooo mid-century 'Berta lol. Back in the 50s, Marion had much longer hair, but found the upkeep too difficult and sheared it all off some time in the last few decades.
Refinery Row occasionally makes national meme news, I remember seeing some "THIS CITY IN CANADA LOOKS LIKE THE EYE OF SAURON" type clickbait on blogto or some such thing that I can't find now, and apart from not being a city, we immediately clocked the location from the photo. It just looks like that sometimes. Don't worry about it. :)
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Like I say, don't worry about it!
Was doing a lot of newspaper research in the late 80s/early 90s and a plastics plant explosion was front page news for a while, so this was on my mind.
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softtcurse · 2 years
Pretty Girl
synopsis: your relationship with jack was complicated to say the least. A fuck buddy venture yet a sour taste fell into your mouth at the thought of him. But you can’t help but want something more from someone who’s not willing to give you the same.
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Passin' around
You blacken your body
No conversation
To ease up your mind
And nobody sings
To see the outside of it
“His name is Jack, he’s really sweet. Urban told me about him a couple of times!” Your bestfriend Ree assured you. “And I mean obviously you know who he is girl. Let’s not fuck around with ourselves he’s like THE IT man right now” She grinned and you walked with her with a slight roll of your eyes. Dating wasn’t in your vision at the moment, and although you appreciated her wanting to be the one to set you up with Mr. Right, you just didn’t see that coming your way anytime soon.
“Ree Im not really up to the club scene right now, I just want to go home and lay down” You whined and watched as the plethora of clothes around you fell onto the ground. She was pulling out every piece of clothing she could out of your closet to see which one you would be wearing.
“Please!? It’ll be so fun I promise! If you start hating it then we’ll leave. You know I’d never want to make you feel uncomfortable”
With a heavy sigh and a nod of your head. You promptly grabbed the dress she was holding up to you and agreed.
You did need to get out of the house and start being yourself again after all.
Your eyes snapped open. You look down. A sigh leaving your lips. Your thighs were patterned with bruises, a hiss escaping your lips when you traced them with your finger tips. You were again reminded of all the things Jack and you did the night previously. The way he had grabbed you, turned you on your back to look at your face while he fucked you. Jack Harlow could be sweet on you when he wanted too. One of the many reason why you didn’t like him.
You looked to your side and saw no sign of him. Thinking he was probably gone again just like all those other nights for the last couple of months.
“Well” you hummed and got yourself off of the bed. Wincing when the soreness in your core made its way evident. Your top long thrown in an empty chair on the corner of the room. When he had tugged it off your body.
Your panties ripped on the side of the bed on the ground. Internally you felt at war with yourself. How the fuck do you keep allowing yourself to keep doing this?
As you maneuvered your way to get some clothes on you paused. A sound of your kitchen came, a couple pots moving around and you heard some cups shift too. You weren’t stupid and you knew exactly who it was. Snatching a robe from your close you quickly tied it around you waist. Tracking downstairs you didn’t even notice that you had left your phone.
The sweet smell of coffee as well as the sizzling sound of bacon hit your senses.
As well as the sound of a very familiar voice.
“Yeah, I’ll be there in 30 minutes, I just gotta finish something here real quick” You hear peeked the corner and there he was. 6’3 dressed in some sweat pants and a t shirt he had left at your house a few days before. Washed, since you had done some laundry and accidentally tossed it in with your own clothes.
Accidentally was becoming a word you were all too familiar with nowadays.
You didn’t mean to eavesdrop. But you couldn’t help it.
Watching as he played the food. A smirk on his lips as he talk to whoever was on the other line.
“Yeah, yeah. I gotta go now though. Alright bye”
He clicked his screen and ended the call.
“You done over there spying?” Jack asked. Bringing a piece of bacon to his lips but yet he didn’t look at you.
You jumped. A flush of heat hit your cheeks at being caught snooping. Fuck.
You straightened your back and crossed your arms over your chest. Rolling your eyes and clearing your throat.
“Snooping? It’s my house” You walked into the kitchen fully. Your legs being hit by the cool breeze as he had a window cracked open.
He hummed and chewed. His eyes locking with yours. You fought the urge to look away. “What are you even still doing here Jack?”
You sat down on the stool where your island countertop was. A plate slid towards you. Bacon, eggs, toast, and some mixed fruit. Your stomach was basically begging you to eat. “What am I still doing here? Can’t a guy just make a pretty girl some breakfast without there being a motive?” Jack whispered into your ear. His hand touching your back. A shock of what felt like electricity ran through your back.
A sarcastic laugh escaped your lips.
Pretty girl
You were so used to that nickname falling off his lips. Smooth like butter and thick like the finest honey you’ve ever tasted.
“I just assumed you had another side piece to get to” You shrugged and picked up your fork. Brining s piece of egg to your lips and chewing slowly. You could smell his expensive cologne lingering on his skin even with all the shuffling and moving around you both did last night. His chain that had been previously hovering over your face as he fucked you into the mattress now sat obediently on the material of his t shirt.
“So what if I do? You’re not my girlfriend” He snapped at you suddenly.
A silence fell over you two.
Once again you were reminded why you didn’t like Jack Harlow.
You scanned his face for any sign of regret and you found none. Of course not. A permanent smirk on his features, almost as if he knew that it would get to you.
“You’re right I’m not, and I don’t want to be. Dealing with you 24/7, with your ways and not knowing what other bitch you could possibly fucking is not something I want to be drawn into” You dropped your fork harshly onto your plate. A loud clink from contact.
“Get the fuck out of my house”
“With pleasure pretty girl, see you next time”
Two days had passed and you’ve only occasionally exchanged text with Jack back and fourth. A little phone sex thrown into the mix. Your vibrator just wasn’t enough sometimes, and even though you didn’t like Jack he was there for whenever you needed a release. He was more than willing actually.
“He keeps asking about you, you know?” Ree mentioned over brunch. Your peach and mango cocktail sitting cold in front of you. A few sips down and you knew you were in it.
“Yeah as I’m sure he asks about a bunch of the girls he fucks in a daily basis” You snort back a laugh and shake your head.
“I haven’t seen other girls at the shows I go with Urban too, who knows? Maybe you’re just different him him?” You watched your friend grin and shrug. Taking a sip of her own drink while she watched your face contort into confusion. You quickly had shrugged that aside. There was no way Jack Harlow liked you. The feeling was mutual.
And nobody's hiding it
Nobody's hiding it
Nobody's hiding it
A VIP lanyard around your neck and your satin baby blue dress fitting perfectly around your body. You had gotten some heels for an event you had been invited to a month or two prior and you hadn’t ended up going. Who were you to waste a nice pair of heels? So you decide to wear them tonight for Jack’s final show of his tour. Come Home The Kids Miss Yo. You loved the album, you let his ego grow when you told him how much you loved it too.
As you were getting checked in by security you noticed a few fans off in the distance waving at you and shouting your name. You were only associated to Jack by Ree and Urban. You had been put on some blogs as well as some fan accounts whenever you were seen with him which you tried to keep very minimal, as minimal as you could, really. You offered them a small smile and wave. The very tall security guard nodding his head and leading you to the back of the venue. A private hallway leading down to where Jack would surely be. Hopefully Ree and Urban too.
“He’ll be in that room right there” The guard nodded at you. He looked very professional and his demeanor was nothing more than that.
“Thanks I appreciate it” You released a breath You didn’t even know you were holding. The heel of the man’s shoes clicked and before you knew it he was rounding the corner and disappeared. You could hear the echoes of the people talking from outside even from where you were. It just showed the amount of people waiting to see a piece of him. They adored him, Jack had a charm to him that was undeniable and even if you didn’t like him you could admit that.
You walked towards the dressing room door. Your hand turning the knob slowly.
“I missed you so much baby, god it’s been so long since I’ve seen you heard a whiney voice.
“I know pretty girl” the all too familiar voice with the all too familiar nickname. You didn’t know why it felt like utter poison escaping his lips. You could practically see his lips move as he said those two words.
Your teeth clenched. Your throat closed up and for a moment you felt as if all the air had been punched from your lungs.
“Am I going to see you tonight?”
“Mhm, I’ll tell one of my guys to bring you back to the bus so we can go up to the hotel room”
A loud squeal from the woman and a couple of kissing sounds fell into the air.
You had never felt so humiliated in your life.
Fuck Jack Harlow.
Your mind felt so numb you didn’t even hear the footsteps approaching you.
“Hey YN? You good?” You looked up. Urban. He looked genuinely concerned. Something you had been needing from someone in your life that wasn’t Ree.
“I’m okay” You whimpered out.
“Hey, hey. What’s wrong? You want me to get Ree-“
“No no, please don’t. Please don’t” You begged him. Your eyes felt heavy. A couple ton of weights holding onto your eyelid. You were stopping yourself from being a mess to a man who you knew yet felt so much like a stranger to this point.
Your senses were so heightened up to this point. You heard the door click open.
“What’s going on here?”
“YN’s not feeling good” Urban spoke for you. Looking in between you and Jack. Not knowing if that was the right thing to say. You looked in the mix between utterly pissed and utterly sick.
“What?” Jack’s hand placed under your arm. You immediately moved it out of his grasp.
“Don’t fucking touch me ever again. Don’t you text me, don’t ask for me, don’t even look at my shit ever again. Do you understand me?” You spared his feelings not one bit. Your gaze turned to his. If looks could kill Jack wouldn’t be standing where he was right now. You knew that for a fact.
“What the fuck are you going on about? What’s wrong with you?” Jacks laugh was bitter. It left a sour taste in your mouth. You should’ve known. Everything was a joke to him.
You read his face and he seemed to be shocked. Sure you two had your plenty of arguments, they never came down to yelling. It was more jabs and sly remarks. Then you two would fuck it out like you always did. This felt so much more different, and he didn’t know why the pit of his stomach sank.
“Woah, calm the fuck down-“
“NO! FUCK YOU! DO YOU HEAR ME?!” You felt embarrassed and ashamed, more so knowing that his girlfriend for the night. Was in the dressing room hearing you get humiliated, they probably both got off of the fact that you were so stupid to even come here.
Your finger was pointed directly at his chest.
“You sit and send me a whole fucking VIP badge to come see you, you ask my fucking bestfriend about me as if you give a damn about me and then I come here like a fucking idiot knowing I despise your guts and hear you talking about making plans to fuck someone else after your show is over?” You try to dissect what you knew to be true. It sounded like you were explaining it to him but it was more so for yourself. You were trying to understand what the whole point of it was.
“Ermm, I think I’m just gonna-“ Urban felt extremely uncomfortable with the situation, and in any other scenario you would have felt bad but he was guilty by association.
Jacks laugh radiated the empty hallways and your ears. You were overdosed with distain at this point.
“So you’re tripping because I invited you to my show- which by the way it was just because my bestfriend is dating your fucking bestfriend so I felt like I needed to” Ouch. “And because I’m not fucking you tonight? Come on pretty girl, you can have me tomorrow night. I promise”
Oh you wanted to punch his so fucking bad.
“You don’t get to decide who I fuck, we’re not dating. I don’t want to date you or anyone for that matter, so if you feel the same then why are you up my ass about it? Stop acting like you’re fucking in love with me or something”
You hated the fact that his words hit harder than they usually would. You didn’t know why. You knew this.
“I’m glad we got that out of the way. Next time you decide to humiliate me then do it in-front of a bigger audience. That’ll do you more good.” You turned to Urban, hearing Jack scoff behind you.
“Please don’t tell Ree. Please” You asked. “She’ll worry about me and I don’t want her to waste her time doing that anymore”
“Umm, yeah no worries YN. I’m sorry” Urban apologetically looked at you. You didn’t know what he was apologizing for. Was he sorry because he knew? Or because of his friend’s actions? You didn’t care anymore.
“Yeah thanks” You mumbled and walked away. Ripping the VIP lanyard around your neck and tossing it on the ground. It left a slight sting on your skin.
One more reason to not like him, and you were okay with that.
Your emotions had been pent up over the last week or so. You managed to find the urge to block Jack on everything you would. Even on tik tok. Just to get your point across that you truly wanted nothing to do with him anymore. Urban had kept his end of the bargain and hadn’t told Ree anything. You knew she’d end up finding Jack and possibly fighting up if she found out. Not that you couldn’t deal with it yourself but she was very protective over you and it wouldn’t end up pretty.
“I’m doing this for her, I’m doing this for her” You kept mumbling to yourself. Outside of the restaurant, squeezing your fights and acting like everything was fine and well. The most you could do. Lying to Ree wasn’t something you liked doing, but when she had asked why you didn’t arrive at the show you had made some bullshit excuse that you had fallen sick due to some food you ate. That was enough for you to cover up that whole night.
“YN I know you don’t like him but please just try to get along with him for me? Please?” Your bestfriend Ree begged you. Her hands enclasped and in a rayed position because at this point that’s what she felt like. Holding on to her sanity that you would be in a room with Jack for a couple of hours.
Unknown to her, you were trying the hardest you could. Only the universe knows how much it took out of you to get dressed and stand being in a room with him.
“Ree I don’t know how to tell you that I don’t want to be around him! He’s a condescending asshole and he equally doesn’t like me so why the fuck does it matter?” You pouted your lips. You looked too fucking good tonight to waste an outfit. You had just been informed by Ree that Jack was making an appearance at her birthday dinner. Urban being her boyfriend he was bound to be there and you knew that. But that didn’t make you any less pissed.
“Why are you acting like that?” Ree looked at you and smirked. Crossing her arms.
“You’re acting like yall haven’t been fucking like you’re in heat for the past couple of weeks” She shrugged.
“Shhhh! Way to reveal my darkest secrets” You felt heat creep up on your cheeks and you moved a piece of your hair behind your ear.
Ree tugged you along. You obliged. A sign escaped your lips. She was so lucky you loved her.
So, so so lucky
As soon as you walked in your eyes narrowed down to the man you dreaded to see. You hadn’t spoken or even texted him in nearly a week. Which was a record for you. You folded so quickly for him sometimes it was ridiculous. Not to be mistaken with your distain for him because you really didn’t like him. Now more than ever.
You swore it
As soon as his eyes looked at yours. A stupid grin appeared on your face. Ree had long left your side and ran to Urban. Who awaited her with bags of gifts and a sweet grin. His arms awaiting her too.
“What’s with the face?” Jack asked you. Bringing a drink up to his lips. There were a lot of your friends at the table where you guys would be having Fee’s birthday dinner. Even a few members of PG who you haven’t really met yet.
“The face?”
“Mhm, you look mad” Well not shit. You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.
“I’m not mad. You being here is just an inconvenience for me”
“Oooo I see” Fuck he looked so good. His curls sitting perfectly on his head. His blue new balance track suit fitted perfectly too.
“You thought I wasn’t gonna come huh?” He had leaned down to whisper into your ear. A shudder fell on your spine.
“Pretty girl, not so smart”
“Don’t call me that”
“Why not? You loved it when I would hold your hands behind your back while I fucked you senseless and called you that”
You wanted to squeeze your legs shut. It had been a minute since you’ve gotten any. That was purely because you couldn’t bring yourself to out yourself into another situationship, that and you didn’t want to sleep with a random one night stand.
Open your mind
Filled it with bullshit
Locked up your heart
Without even knowing it
It must be a sign
The days that we're living in
“I’d rather not be associated with the other women you have attached to your name. Thanks”
“Listen if it’s about-“
“No, I don’t want to talk about it. I told you I was done and I meant it.”
Jack’s face visibly fell. You could see the way his jaw clenched and you almost felt bad for him.
“I just want to explain myself a little more, so I don’t look like the most awful person to you.”
“It’s a little too late for that don’t you think?” You offered him a sad smile. “I can pretend that we get along for the sake of our friends. But as far as you and I are concerned. There’s no us Jack. There will never be and you’ve made that quite clear.”
“You can’t blame this all on me, you don’t like me either” Jack stopped you as you were beginning to walk away to take your seat.
“No Jack I didn’t, but maybe for just a second I was changing my mind”
“I’m sorry”
You paused. A shaky sigh escaped your lips.
“I didn’t touch her. I haven’t touched anyone since we started…doing whatever we were doing.” His hand came around your wrist. Pulling you closer to him. Not intimately but just enough so it was only the two of you in your own little bubble. Everyone else was distracted and that was a good thing for the both of you.
“Can we go back to my car and talk about it? Please?”
You gulped. Looking around, Ree who smiled at your and gave you a thumbs up. A guilty pit fell to your stomach. You would have to tell her the truth sooner or later. You then turned to Jack and nodded.
It only took 5 minutes for you to go outside and get inside his car. The black tinted windows giving you some sort of comfort. Jack had opened and closed the door for you. He always did, but it was especially intimate in the way his hand fell to the small of your back to make sure you got in just fine.
You kept having to remind yourself that he wasn’t your boyfriend. You two weren’t talking.
He was just Jack Harlow. Someone he’d always been in your life.
You watched him get in. Your eyes darted towards the dashboard once he got in comfortably. His fingers tapping against the steering wheel. Although you two had no intention of going anywhere.
“I didn’t fuck her”
“I know, you told me”
“I feel like you don’t believe”
“Why does it matter what I believe?”
Jack laughed. Not in a condescending way like he usually would. A guilty laugh.
“I care what you think…”
It was your turn to laugh now.
“Did I come here to listen to you tell jokes?”
“I’m being serious. What I said was stupid and I know it was. Trust me, I got a scolding from Urban for what I said.”
You sighed throwing your head back and closing your eyes. Your lashes hitting your cheeks. You kept your hands on your lap.
“You still kissed her Jack. You still….you still called her what you called me. Maybe it’s stupid, but it hurt. I don’t know why so don’t ask.” You stopped him. You knew that would be a question.
“It’s not stupid, I wasn’t thinking. I guess I just….I don’t know. That’s the only time I called her that.”
“Who was she?”
“Do I have to answer that?” Jack cautiously asked. He was expecting you to punch him in the mouth as soon as you saw him in the restaurant. But the way you kept yourself restrained made him even more nervous.
“You dont have to,but I’d appreciate it” You mumbled. His hand inched closed to yours before finally his hand was on top of yours.
“Some girl I used to mess around with back in Louisville, before I moved to Atlanta” He gripped your hand softly. You knew he was being genuine.
“Okay, I believe you” You assured him.
His hand inched closer to your thigh. You let him.
“I missed you”
“Did you?”
He smacked his teeth and rolled his eyes.
“You know I did, come here” He patted his lap. You were more than happy to obliged.
You managed to shift over with ease. Your head hitting the roof a little before you were settled in his lap. His hands immediately cupping your cheeks and bringing you down to kiss him. Your lips entangled in a messy make out session. His large hands beginning to run down your back and at the curve of your ass. Lifting the material of your dress. You had a flimsy pair of panties on.
Your arms wrapped around his head. Pushing his mouth closed to yours. It was getting warmer and warmer by the minute. Fuck, you needed this.
“You want me to fuck you good?” Jack mumbled against your lips. Your nude and brown ombré lipstick getting smudged against his lips.
“Mhm, please fuck me good” You begged.
Jack smirked and nodded. Who was he to deny you?
“Lift your hips up for me pretty girl” You lifted your hips and let him pull his sweats down. You could feel how hard he was through them and even more when his boxers exposed how needy he was for you. Your right hand leaned down and you cupped his dick through his briefs. Earning a very loud groan from the back of Jack’a throat.
Pushing down his briefs his hard dick slapped his abdomen. You licked your lips and started pumping him while he worked on pushing your panties aside.
“Slide in slowly pretty girl, take your time” Jack instructed your. His eyes squeezing shut when you sunk down in his length. Your shaky moans and whimpers directly on his ear. His hands placed themselves on your waist- well one in your waist, the other on your throat.
At that point your eyes were filled with lust, glazed over with pure need that you were getting your drug of Jack Harlow. Nothing else really mattered in that moment. You knew that was part of your problem.
“Oh fuck!” You tossed your head back. Starting to rotate your hips. The dirty sounded of his skin hitting yours felt so sinful. Every inch of him inside of you, you could feel every vein. He was your own real life Adonis.
“Yeah that’s it pretty girl. Fuck your self on my dick. Take what you need from me you dirty bitch” Jack o panted through clenched teeth. His lips finding your neck yet again. Sinking on your delicate skin which would 100% leave a bruise on the spots.
You felt your legs quiver. Her hands desperately reaching to grab onto his hair.
“I-I’m gonna cum!” You yelled. Messy and sloppy thrusts being reciprocated by Jack.
“Cum for me baby, I’m gonna come inside of you okay? Can I please do that?” Jack asked you. Which you nodded. You were on birth control anyways.
It didn’t take much longer for your climax to come. For Jack to release himself inside of you. For your eyes it glaze over as you stared into his eyes. Pressing your lips with his again.
“Let’s go back to my place?” Jack asked you.
Jack lazily reached over to grab his phone. His eyes being hit by the harsh sun immediately. In his mind he cussed himself out for not investing in black out curtains. His hair messy from the activities from the previous night. All he could think about was taking you out to eat some syrupy waffles and a cup of hot tea. Fuck he could really use some.
“Baby can you close the blinds for me please?” Jack muttered. Reaching over to touch the side of the bed you always laid on. Only to find cold covers.
He assumed for a second that you were in the bathroom brushing your teeth or maybe even taking a shower. However he didn’t hear the faucet or the shower running.
Jack sat up rubbing his eyes. His bare chest being hit by the cool air.
Your clothes were gone, your phone was gone. It was as if there was no trace of you to begin with. If it wasn’t for the lingering smell of your perfume Jack would’ve thought he was going crazy.
Snatching his phone frustratedly off the covers he was quick to unlock it and open his contacts. His finger hovering over your name on his phone.
pretty girl 💓
Hesitantly he clicked on it.
“Please leave your voice mail box for-“
It was finally your turn to leave.
And nobody's hiding it
And nobody's hiding it
Nobody's hiding it
And nobody's hiding it
And nobody's hiding it
430 notes · View notes
nattinatalia · 10 months
Urban x Harlow sis: Adopting an animal together.
Dog Or Turtle?
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You’ve been wanting to do this since you started living on your own, but then your career as a media influencer kicked off and you had no time for the responsibilities that come with it.
After many months of debating about moving in with your boyfriend, he had suggested that you both adopt an animal so you don’t feel lonely whenever he’s on the road with your brother.
The problem with that? He wants no dogs or cats.
“Urban.” You start, looking around at all the different sizes of cages. “Just look at them, they need a better home.”
“I know baby, but that’s way too much of a responsibility. You’ll hate having to pick up their poop.”
“But didn’t you hear his story?” You pout, bending down in front of a dog cage. “He was used in fights, he suffered a lot.”
“Which means he’ll be aggressive.”
You sigh, “What’s the point of you bringing me here and not letting me pick?”
“We both have to decide on one.” He bends down next to you. “As much as his story is heartbreaking, I don’t want to be worried about you if one day he turns on you.”
You give the dog a last scratch on his chest. “I’m sorry buddy.” You say sadly, get up and cross your arms.
Urban stands up next to you, “Let’s go look for something smaller yeah?”
You shrug, “You decide on what to get, I’ll wait for you in the car.” You don’t wait for a response from him as you walk out the shelter and towards the car.
*next day*
To say that you were disappointed was an understatement, Urban had not only gotten an actual turtle but he had left early in the morning with no explanation.
You were watching the turtle, known as Hyde, walk slowly around the tank Urban had bought him last night. You were about to google some tips on how to keep the tank clean, when the front door is slammed against the wall.
“Wait, okay calm down dude.” You hear Urban say, sounding out of breath.
You quickly furrow your eyebrows, and head to the entrance way of the house. “What is-oh my god.”
“SURPRISE.” Urban yells.
You drop to your knees and in an instant, you get tackled down to your back. “Oh my god, hi.” You chuckle, you start scratching all over his body and leaving kisses. “Such a good boy.”
“Damn, he didn’t get that excited when he saw me.” Urban says, “Matter of fact, you don’t even get this excited when I come home.”
You sit up, the dog knowing no personal space, sitting down on your lap. “Please tell me he’s ours?”
“He is.” Urban shrugs. “My heart broke when you walked out from the shelter yesterday. I never want to see that look on your face again.”
“So we’re adopting two animals?”
“Nah, the turtle is for Sunni.” He comes to sit next to you, petting the dog. “The shelter said you can keep the name they had given him, or change it.”
You shake your head, “We’ll keep it, I’m sure he’s used to it by now.” You grab the dogs face and bring him closer to you, your nose touching. “Oh I’m going to love you so so much buddy.”
He starts liking all over your face as you and Urban laugh at that.
“Thank you my love.”
Urban winks and leans in to give you a kiss, you pull back when the dog barks and gets in the middle of you two.
“Great, I adopted a cockblocker.”
130 notes · View notes
inkandguns · 7 months
I can’t stop thinking about project homeless (needs a better operational title). Maybe I do four months in Colorado Springs, four months in Naples by mom’s house, and four months in Palatine, IL, where I was homeless before.
I think a monthly trip to the gear locker for changing up loadouts would be fair. I have family in all three areas but I do not want to be leaning on them for support. More stipulations would be that I have to reside the way a homeless person does: bivvy site, car, etc. No sleeping at a girlfriend’s house or on a buddy’s couch.
My main source of income would be FedEx ground - any homeless person can get this job. I happen to be entering my fourth year there so my hourly rate will be really good in any urban area. I feel like this is fair because again; any homeless person can work at FedEx ground.
I would do some months with dog, some months without her. I feel like she would be a big advantage even though she’s gentle 99% of the time. I’ve been training her to sleep by my feet and keep them warm. Dog adds a level of complexity I haven’t dealt with before.
Maybe I’ve gone completely insane or smoked too much of the excellent weed I grew this year, but can’t banish this operation (still needs a better operational name) from my mind.
Hardcore mode: do three months in each of the above cities and the last three months in the Seattle area.
42 notes · View notes
nellasbookplanet · 1 year
Book recs: great, unique and creative worldbuilding in fantasy books
A note: this is very much a subjective list. I typically do not care much for historical medieval-esque settings (though seeing as I'm a big critical role fan, obviously there are exceptions), but rather prefer settings that mix up historical and modern, fantastical and scientific, and make up entirely new things and societal structures not based on our world.
Other book rec posts:
Really cool sci-fi worldbuilding
Mermaid books
Dark sapphic romances
Vampire books
Without further ado, let’s go!
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The Unspoken name by A.K. Larkwood
Honestly there's so much going on in this one worldbuilding-wise that it's kind of hard to explain. Portals, flying ships, orcs, elves, creepy snake gods, cults, immortal evil mages who traumatize teens as their hobby. It's also very queer!
A Master of Djinn by P. Djèli Clark
Set in an alternate 1910's steampunk Cairo, where djinn and other creatures (among other things, creepy steampunk angels) live alongside humans. We get to follow an investigator as she races to catch a criminal using a powerful object to control djinn and stir unrest. Fantastically creative and fresh, and also features a buddy cop dynamic between two female leads as well as a sapphic romance.
Sunshine by Robin McKinley
Urban fantasy on a level of its own, where dangerous magic exists alongside humans. It keeps you guessing and much is left unexplained; if you want clear answers and explanations to everything you might be disappointed, but if you want a world that feels mysterious and dangerous and lived in you'll probably like it. It follows a baker who, after getting kidnapped by vampires, gets embroiled in a dangerous struggle.
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Radiant (Towers Trilogy) by Karina Sumner-Smith
A strange mix of fantasy, sci-fi and post apocalyptic, Radiant follows a girl without magic in a world where magic is currency. Those with much of it live in magically floating towers, while everyone else scrambles to survive in the ruins of an old city left devastated from an unknown cataclysm. The setting is creepy and mysterious and leaves me itching as I want to dig for more. Also there are ghosts.
Three Parts Dead (Craft Sequence) by Max Gladstone
This is one of those books where you just kind of have to let go and go along as it throws you all over the place. I started reading it expecting an urban fantasy, but it is much more and wholly unique. It features a world where gods and magic are deeply enmeshed with society at large, and a base of much of its technology and progress. It doesn't quite feel historical, but also not modern, but rather like you took a fantastical world and let it develop naturally into its own contemporary era.
Strange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer duology) by Laini Taylor
One of my favorite things is when the mysteries of the world and how it works become part of the plot, with characters trying to figure out their own world. Strange the Dreamer is beautiful and complex and will hurt your heart. Personally I didn't care much for the central romance, but the wonderful characters, themes, mysteries and world make up for it.
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The Dawnhounds by Sascha Stronach
Like Three Parts Dead, The Dawnhounds is a book where you just kind of have to let the story and the world wash over you. It skirts the line of scifi and fantasy, with a futuristic world of environmentally friendly mushroom houses and deadly fungi bio weapons next to literally god-given superpowers and near-immortality. It's really cool and unlike anything else I've ever read. Bonus: it’s also sapphic!
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms (Inheritance Trilogy) by N.K. Jemisin
Another example of a world that feels wholly like its own organically developed thing, with societal structures developed around the magical aspects and a presence of gods and demi-gods, many of whom walk the streets and will smite you if you piss them off.
Dead Witch Walking (The Hollows series) by Kim Harrison
Okay, here we have an actual urban fantasy. While I got a bit worn out by the many, many love interests throughout the series, the worldbuilding is simply phenomenal and relies heavily on a well-developed alternate history. Basically, magical beings such as vampires, werewolves, elves, fairies, witches, etc, used to exist secretly alongside us, but when humanity delved into genetic research instead of the space race during the cold war, an engineered virus ended up wiping a good chunk of us out and the magical beings stepped in to stop us from going extinct. Now in the modern day, we co-exist but tensions remain. Our main character is a witch who, alongside her roommates (a vampire and a fairy) solve mysteries and crime and end up unveiling secrets about their world centuries in the making.
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Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger
Another urban fantasy, this one aimed at young adults and featuring indigenous mythology alongside creatures such as vampires and ghosts. We follow a young apache girl with the ability to raise ghosts as she works to solve the murder of her cousin.
Red Sister (Book of the Ancestor trilogy) by Mark Lawrence
Honestly, most of what I've read by Mark Lawrence so far could be featured on this list (special shoutout to his Broken Empire trilogy!). We follow a young girl training to become an assassin in a slowly dying world, where ice is overtaking the land and only a small band along its middle is habitable, kept alive by a mirror in the sky sharpening the dying sun's light. Question is, how long will this machine last, and what even is it? Very dark but very good.
The Fifth Season (The Broken Earth trilogy) by N.K. Jemisin
Listen, N.K. Jemisin gets to have two books on this list, okay, she is very good at what she does. In a world regularly torn apart by natural disasters, a big one finally strikes and society as we know it falls, leaving people floundering to survive in a post apocalyptic world, its secrets and past to be slowly revealed. We get to follow a mother as she races through this world to find and save her missing daughter.
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The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez
AKA the book the killed me. Two boys travel throughout their land with the body of a god as her horrible, horrible children try to hunt them down. It's hard to explain more than that, but trust me when I say the narrative voice and literary techniques are incredibly unique in how they blend past and present, reality and story, lead and bystander. Truly an experience. Bonus: gay romance!
Wild Seed by Octavia Butler
Master of slightly fucked up romance, Octavia Butler knocks it out of the park in this story featuring two immortals struggling throughout the centuries. What do you do when there is only one other person remotely like you, and you simultaneously can't stand them and can't live without them? Apparently, you turn yourself into a dolphin for a while.
Birth of the Fire Bringer by Meredith Ann Pierce
Cards on the table, it has been a great many years since I actually read this, and just as many years spent meaning to read the sequels (I have a lot of stuff on my tbr okay, don’t judge me), but I do remember it making a great impact on me back in the day. Our main character is a unicorn! Fighting wyverns and gryphons! How cool is that!
Bonus AKA I haven’t read these yet but they seem really cool
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The Surviving Sky by Kritika H. Rao
From Goodreads: This Hindu philosophy-inspired debut science fantasy follows a husband and wife racing to save their living city—and their troubled marriage—high above a jungle world besieged by cataclysmic storms.
High above a jungle-planet float the last refuges of humanity—plant-made civilizations held together by tradition, technology, and arcane science. In these living cities, architects are revered above anyone else. If not for their ability to psychically manipulate the architecture, the cities would plunge into the devastating earthrage storms below.
Clean Sweep by Ilona Andrews
Urban fantasy but the vampires are aliens? Sign me the fuck up
The Gaslight Dogs by Karin Lowachee
From Goodreads: At the edge of the known world, an ancient nomadic tribe faces a new enemy-an Empire fueled by technology and war.
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exhuastedpigeon · 8 months
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Feels Like Magic
A Buddie Urban Fantasy AU
Rated: T | Buddie | Chapter: 5/9 | 5.6k Updated Weekly on Wednesdays
Buck has always loved waking up at the Diaz house. Even back when he was waking up on the couch instead of in bed with Eddie, he'd loved it. He'd loved the way Chris would come into the living room in the morning, trying to be quiet and failing miserably because he was 10 and hadn't figured out how to modulate his tone yet. He'd loved the soft look on Eddie's face when he saw Buck  tangled in blankets on the couch. But now that he wakes up in bed with Eddie, he's pretty sure there isn't any other place in the world he’d rather be. Waking up surrounded by the familiar smell of Eddie’s detergent and something so distinctly Eddie that Buck’s pretty sure it doesn’t have a name, waking up to the warmth of another person, with someone he trusts with his life. It just feels safe. It feels like home.  He wakes slowly on his second official day staying at the Diaz house. They’d gotten off work at 7 last night and had been bullied into going out for a drink with the team. Then, Eddie’s sisters had met up with them, which turned into a few more drinks. They hadn’t ended up getting home until almost midnight - Buck had never felt more his age than when Sophia and Adriana had tried to get them to stay out even later and Buck had looked at Eddie who was already looking at him with the same face.  They went home and both passed out before they’d even turned on the white noise machine. Buck was just grateful that Eddie had insisted they brush their teeth and drink some water before they collapsed into bed.   Buck feels like they’re entitled to a bit of a slow morning, especially since Chris is spending the weekend with his friend Nolan and his family in San Diego for Nolan’s birthday. It’s rare that they have a day without anything to do, he wants to savor it.  He feels Eddie stir next to him, but it doesn’t feel like Eddie is planning on getting up just yet either. Not when Eddie pulls Buck even tighter against his chest with the arm that’s wrapped around his waist and nuzzles into Buck’s neck, his stubble scratching lightly in a way that makes Buck glad it’s Eddie pressed against him and not the other way around.  “Morning,” Eddie’s breath is hot on Buck’s neck as he speaks. Buck has to repress a shudder at the feeling and resists the urge to move his hips back so his ass is flush with Eddie’s crotch. They’re platonically sharing Eddie’s bed, they’re platonically holding each other. And listen, Buck knows that there are feelings here, he knows that Eddie and him have something special that they haven't talked about, that they haven't named yet. But he also knows that for as brave as he is at work, he's a coward. He's scared to make a move and risking everything they've built together. Buck is aware that he would sound insane if he says any of that out loud, but he keeps repeating it to himself anyway like if he thinks it enough he’ll start to believe it. He’s happy the way things are and he’s okay with things never changing, he is. He swears. 
Continue on Ao3
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harlowsbby · 2 years
urban tells phoenix he ate all his halloween candy!! (jokingly) just to see his reaction 😹😹😹
You’re in big trouble
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Lately you weren’t sure what has gotten into Phoenix but he’s been a bit more grumpy then usual.
Urban came up with this “great” idea to make it seem like he ate all of Phoenix’s Halloween candy to try and teach him a lesson, that acting out has consequences.
“Urban I don’t think this is a good idea, you know how Phoenix gets, he’s extra sensitive just like his mother.”
“You see now that last line wasn’t needed Jack.” Your voice came from Urban’s voice, when Urban told you about his idea you immediately hated it and there was no way you were about to be there to witness that.
“Baby I still don’t understand why you left, we both need to parent him and show him that acting out in school or in general isn’t a good thing.”
“I agree with you Urban but my son is not about to hate me at the age of six because his big headed dad came up with this bright idea to tell him he ate all his candy.” Jack stiffed a laugh at you calling Urban a big head, Urban rolled his eyes and hid the candy at the top of the fridge, he put a few boxes of cereal around it so it wasn’t noticeable.
“I think he’s awake.” Jack told Urban and sure enough he heard Phoenix running down the hallway and down the stairs.
“Baby are you staying on the phone?”
“No, I’ll deal with the consequences of your actions when I get home, I love you now good luck.” You ended the call and Urban tucked the phone in his pocket as Phoenix came into view.
“Good morning buddy.”
“Good morning daddy and uncle Jack.” Jack loved Phoenix but when Phoenix got upset it was best to stay clear.
Urban and Jack watched how Phoenix went into the cabinet to look for his candy mind you it was only seven in the morning.
“Daddy, have you seen my candy? I can’t find it.” He whined and tossed his blue stuffed animal dinosaur Jack had gotten him.
“Phoenix it’s too early for candy you need to eat real food for breakfast not candy.”
“But I want my candy! I don’t want cereal for breakfast.”
“Ooo the attitude is worse than I thought.” Jack mumbled.
“Phoenix you won’t be getting any candy at all.” Urban told him, Phoenix paused and looked up at Urban slowly.
“What do you mean daddy?”
“I ate all your candy, I ate it all because you’ve been being bad in school and acting out around the house and you know mommy and I don’t like that.”
Phoenix’s bottom lip started quivering.
“Way to go Urban, dad of the year award I’d say so myself.”
“You ate all my candy?! But that was my candy daddy you can’t eat all my candy. You’re greedy daddy.” Phoenix yelled and started stomping his feet.
“Well if you weren’t acting out I wouldn’t have eaten it all.” Urban way trying his hardest not to laugh considering this was suppose to be a teaching moment.
“You’re greedy and I’m telling mommy you’re a big greedy monster.” Phoenix stomped back upstairs to go call you.
“Is he really going to call Y/N?”
“No.” Urban laughed “He doesn’t have a phone he’s six.” Phoenix did have the iPad you gifted him for his birthday that year though.
A few hours later you came through the door with a irritated look on your face.
“Uh oh.”
“Why did Phoenix call me crying, I thought you were suppose to be teaching him a lesson not making him cry.” You said sternly and Phoenix appeared around the corner with a smile on his face.
“Did you get my candy mommy?” You coo’d and pulled out a bag of candy out of your purse, Urban’s mouth fell open.
“Baby, why did you buy him that bag of candy? He already has a bag.”
“Well now he has extra, Phoenix go upstairs I’ll bring your Halloween candy up to you soon.”
“Okay mommy, I love you.”
“I love you too buddy.”
Urban’s eyes widened he knew he was about to hear it from you now.
“I hope you know you’re sleeping on the couch for the next week maybe two and the next time you pull something like this it’ll be a month Urban.”
“But baby he needs to learn.” Urban tried defending himself but he quickly stopped when you glared at him.
“Fine I’ll stop.”
“We’re both great parents Urban and Phoenix isn’t old enough to express his emotions so if he needs to act out then so be it.” You wrapped your arms around Urban’s neck, he lowered his head and smiled at you, before giving you a quick kiss.
“I love you baby girl.”
“I love you too Urban.”
He licked his lips and had a smug look on his face.
“What’s that look for?”
“You wanna try for baby number three.”
“Urban, you’re sleeping on that couch for three weeks”
“It was worth a try.”
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sinspark4 · 7 months
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Roddy's Ghost Adventures
The Rake: This is the first video Rewind stumbled across after finding something called "The Dark Web" when searching for media for his crew mates. The video is distorted, corrupted, everything inside it is hard to make out or understand. All Rewind can gather from the feed is the panicked screaming of a human and glowing, yellow eyes. He does his best to clean up some of the feed but there are strange viruses lurking in the coding Rewind doesn't want to get anywhere near. He thinks he sees a forest, a house in the background, and a sign reading "Warren Park Trail, Montana." Then the video just ends. Abruptly. He took a moment to contemplate the recording before reading the caption.
Locals spoke of a creature known as "The Rake," a nightmarish being with sunken eyes, elongated limbs, and razor-sharp claws.
Legend had it that "The Rake" was once human, transformed by dark experiments or supernatural forces. Its first recorded appearance was in the late 1800s when it stared hauntingly at a family before vanishing into the night.
As years passed, more encounters were reported, each describing the creature's ability to appear and disappear, leaving behind an aura of dread. Witnesses spoke of its featureless face and guttural noises, claiming that even a brief encounter could plunge a person into madness.
Rewind snickered. This was ridiculous. They'd been on and off earth enough times they would have known if there were any humanoids outside of humanity by now. Some sparkling humans must have just gotten bored.
He ignores the twinge of discomfort ringing in the back of his processor and shuts his vocalizer off just in time to stifle the high-pitched yelp clawing up his intake when a bright yellow hand lands on his shoulder.
"Hey Rewind, whatcha got there?" Rewind turns his helm to stare up at his captain. Slowly, a smile spreads his lips behind his facemark. Oh this.....this will be good.
Log 1
Bots along for the ride: Rewind, Rodimus, Drift
Location: Warren Park Trail, Montana
Subject of interest: Urban Legend - The Rake
Notable Mentions: The air here seems....heavier. Shadows seem to somewhat defy sources of light. Rodimus has taken it upon himself to "Flame up" so everyone can see where they place their pedes. Drift's headlights help but they don't seem to penetrate the strange blanket of darkness. Walking around tonight in search of this legend has proven fruitless. Perhaps this is the first he can strike off the list? He will have to wait till they were back on ship and he had a moment to himself before he can review the feed. He's going to have to do a lot of tweaking before the video is comprehensible.
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Here is the rendered photo without the drawn on Video Cam.
This is the first installment of my new mini-series. I am so excited to finally post this, I've had the rendered photo done for a while now and was just waiting on myself to finish up the companion comics.
This literally was entirely inspired from solely two things.
1.) As I was sketching Roddy for practice, the song "Dumb Ways to Die" came up on my for you playlist on Spotify. This kinda put in a little seed of sorts.
2.) My brother is starting to get into art and we often go to the cafe together to practice. It's great being able to have a critique buddy right there as you're working together. On the day after scenario 1, him and I went to the cafe and I had been practicing landscapes. My intent had been to make a fairytale like environment. I showed him, we looked at each other, and both stated. "Yeah that's haunted." It's like a light bulb went off in my head. A very very insistent light bulb.
And thus, "Roddy's Ghost Adventures" has been born! Stay tuned for future installments~
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earthtoharlow · 2 years
Sunday Kind of Love
Chapter 3
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AN: hope you enjoy 😉
Previous chapters
I rifle through piles of toys and stuffed animals on the floor. Brooklyn is gonna be late. It’s Wednesday and we have been doing good for the past week making sure we left the house for school on time.
“Brooklyn!” I yell. Where the hell are they, I always put them in the same place; the basket near the door.
“Brooklyn!” I yell again as I walk down the hallway to her room. I poke my head in quickly and see my daughter laying on her stomach watching cartoons on her bed.
“Honey, if we don’t leave in the next 3 minutes, you’re gonna be super late to school.” Brooklyn turns her attention away from the tv and looks at me “but momma, the show is just getting to the good part!”
I ignore her and a scramble to get her shoes and socks on. “I know baby, but we have the dvd remember. We can watch this episode anytime. Now, have you seen momma’s car keys? I can’t find them anywhere and we’re really gonna be late.”
I look up and see Brooklyn with her arms crossed with a pout on her face. “Please, Brooklyn. Please help your momma out.”
“They’re on the kitchen table, you threw them down after we came back from the store”
“Perfect, come on let’s go” I darted out of the room in a complete fluster and found my keys sitting right on the table, exactly where she said I left them. “Hiding again” I huffed to myself. I slung Brooklyn’s backpack on one arm and grab her hand as we leave the house. We’re gonna be so late.
I was driving in silence for a few minutes before I heard Brooklyn speak from the backseat. “Can we listen to some music?” I look at her through the mirror and nod my head.
As I turn on the radio, the opening chords of “First Class” by Jack Harlow comes on. Just as I was about to turn the station, I noticed Brooklyn in the back nodding her head along and shaking her fingers.
“And I can put you in (first class, up in the sky)…”
I tap my fingers along the steering wheel and sing softly to the rest of the song. Soon we were both giggling and singing along to the radio as we pulled up to the school. I looked at the clock and noticed we made it with 5 minutes to spare. I quickly unbuckle Brooklyn from her car seat and walk her into the preschool. I walk her to the front door and bend down to her height.
“Ok give momma kisses, I promise to be here at the same time as I always am to pick you up.” I told her softly before I started messing with the edges of her hair making sure it was in place.
“Mom! Stop it!” Brooklyn whines before holding her pinky out for me to grab. I kissed our joined fingers and whispered “I love you, Lyn. Have a good day”
“I love you too, bye!” Brooklyn says before she runs off to class before she ends up late. I turn with a sigh before heading out the school and make my way back to my car so I can start my own work at home.
“So...have you texted her?” Urban turned away from the game for a moment to look over at Jack. “What?” he questioned him before continuing to play 2K
“Dude, don’t play dumb, you know, the girl with the kid who you haven’t stopped talking about since Sunday?”
“What?! I haven’t been talking about her all week!” He huffed. “Yeah sure, buddy!” There was silence for a few moments before he spoke again.
“Should I text her? I mean I don’t want to be a bother.” Urban said nervously. Jack pausing the game so he could look at his friend.
“She wouldn’t have given you her number if she didn’t want you to reach out to her. She even told you she works from home. She’s interested or at least wants to get to know you.” Jack tells Urban before picking up the controller again
“I guess you’re right.”
“Wait...what did you say” “I’m not saying it again”
“Hold on—“
“Shut up.”
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It was noon when I decided to take a break from my computer. Being a freelance Graphic Designer had its perks but staring at the computer all day long can really hurt your eyes. I push back from my desk and grab my phone. I always put it on do not disturb while I’m working. I looked down and was shocked to see I had a text from Urban.
Urban: hey, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight? Maybe go see a movie or something?
Urban: and of course little miss Brooklyn is invited
I smile as I read his message. I felt giddy at the thought of hanging out with him somewhere other than the ice cream shop.
Y/N: I would love too!
I bite my lip wondering if I should invite him to Brooklyn and I “The week is almost over, let’s have a movie night” It wouldn’t hurt to have another person join in on our fun. Something about Urban makes me trust him. I don’t get bad vibes from him like I did….I shake my head before I could even start to think about Brooklyn’s father. I quickly send Urban another text.
Y/N: I have an idea, how about you come over and join our weekly movie night we do? There will be drinks and popcorn! It’s Brooklyn’s night to pick so I totally understand if you aren’t in the mood to watch a Disney movie lol :)
I nervously toss my phone after sending the text. I tried to keep myself busy by trying to get back to work but nothing was stopping my mind from spinning. Maybe, it was too soon to invite him over. I mean, I’m just a stranger. He wouldn’t have texted me if he thought I was a creep. Maybe. I mean…he is white. Before I could stress myself out any further, I hear my phone ding. I quickly grab my phone and see it’s a reply from Urban.
Urban: You had me at popcorn, I would love to join. Should I bring anything special?
Y/N: No, I’m a pro at this. You just bring yourself!
Y/N: . Actually, I would bring a blanket and maybe a pillow. Brooklyn likes to hog all the cover!
Urban: Sounds perfect, I can’t wait.
Y/N: Me too, come around 5:30. I’ll see you then :)
I sent him my address before putting my phone back on silent so I could finish more work before I had to pick up Brooklyn. Tonight is going to be fun.
“Mommy hurry! We have to get the fort set up before he gets here! Everything has to be perfect!” Brooklyn whines as she begins trying to drag the kitchen chairs in the living room
“Baby it’s not even 5 yet, we have plenty of time. I promise.” I tell her before helping her with the chairs.
“Mr. Urban could show up early and we won’t have anything ready! That would be super...super no I got it! It would be super embarrassing!!” Brooklyn says with a huff and pushes her freshly washed hair out her face.
“Let’s take a deep breath and calm down, everything will be fine. Why don’t you go figure out what movie you wanna watch while I set up the fort.” I tell her, she nods her head and bounces off to find a movie. “Crazy girl” I muttered before I started grabbing all the pillows off the couch.
I was starting to pop the popcorn when there was a knock on the door. Before I could leave the kitchen, tiny footsteps ran past me. “Wait a minute young lady, what did I say about answering doors without me?”
“Sorry I’m just so excited!” “Me too Lyn, me too.”
I take a deep breath and reach for the doorknob. I open the door and there stands Urban dressed in joggers and a dark colored hoodie.
“Hey, uh I brought some candy. I hope that’s okay, I just figured you can’t have a movie night without candy. “ Urban says holding up the bags of candy
I smiled at him and let him inside. “Well it’s a good thing everyone in this house loves eating candy, good job.” Before he could respond back, Brooklyn was tugging on his sleeve to get his attention. Urban bends down to her height so he could make eye contact.
“Mr. Urban! I’m so happy you’re here, do you wanna go check out the fort?” She says grabbing his hand. He looks up at you with a look of confusion and mouths “fort?” but you give nothing away as you just give him a smile. He turns back to Brooklyn, “lead the way, kid!”
Brooklyn giggles and begins tugging him towards the living room. Urban stops wide eyed as he sees the pretty big pillow fort in the room. “This is amazing, Brooklyn! Did you do this all by yourself?” She starts to sway shyly next to him before shaking her head. “No momma, helped me”
“You guys did such a great job! Wow” Urban turns to me and gives a smile. “Thank you for inviting me.”
“It’s no problem, how about you guys get settled in while i grab the popcorn and then we can get comfortable and start the movie?”
As you were walking back to the living room you paused as you heard Urban and Brooklyn talking
“So what movie are we watching tonight?” I heard Urban ask Brooklyn
“Only the greatest movie in the world! Moana!” Brooklyn exclaims. “Moana? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that one.” Brooklyn then lets out a small gasp. “what?! Mr. urban that’s crazy talk!” Urban lets out small chuckle
“Well it’s a good thing I’m here tonight to watch it with you and your mom.”
“Yeah, you’re gonna love it! Soon it’s gonna be your favorite movie too!”
Taking that as my cue to join, I get the movie setup and start to make my way inside the pillow fort. I was surprised to see Brooklyn sitting so close to our guest. If she got any closer I’m sure she would’ve been sitting on his lap. I’ve never seen Brooklyn so comfortable with someone so fast. I was even more surprised that Urban didn’t seem to mind. I pressed play as the three of us settled into the movie.
I smiled as I looked over and saw Brooklyn giggling at the movie. Brooklyn and I had a rough year leading up to our move to Atlanta so it was nice seeing her with a smile on her face. Urban seemed to be enjoying the movie as well, watching with a smile on his face and whispering questions to Brooklyn when something confused him. The fuzzy feeling I was feeling in my stomach while watching them interact lowkey made me nervous. I was scared to let another man into our lives especially so soon after everything with Brooklyn’s dad. I could tell Brooklyn was starting to get attached.
Urban must have noticed me staring because he turned from the movie, smiled and offered me some of the candy he brought over. I held my hand out as he dumped some in my hand. Just as I was about to speak, Brooklyn spoke first.
“Ok everyone shush, this is my favorite part!” Urban and I turned towards to the tv as Moana was about to start singing
“I've been staring at the edge of the water, long as I can remember, never really knowing why…”
The fort was tall enough for Brooklyn to stand up and spin around. She played on giving us a show as she grabbed the remote and pretended it was a microphone.
“One day I'll knoooooow, If I go, there's just no telling how far I'll go!”
After her performance, Urban and I give her a round of applause and she crosses her feet at the ankles and gives us a dramatic bow. She then dramatically flops back down on the pillows next to me.
As the movie came to an end Brooklyn was slowly falling asleep in my lap. I tell Urban to wait for me in the kitchen as I go and carry her off to bed. I gently press a kiss to her forehead and close the door behind me.
“It was nice having you here tonight, even though you had to watch a Disney film.” I say with a slight smile.
“I had fun, honestly. I very much enjoyed the multiple musical performances we got during the watch” he says with a chuckle. “Oh yeah that girl really knows how to work a stage!” I say.
“If you aren’t in a hurry to go home, I can warm us up some pizza and we can watch another movie? I mean, it’s still pretty early.” I asked. I had a lot of fun with him tonight and I didn’t really want the night to end just yet.
“You had me at pizza”
The both of you stood and made your way back to the living room, you stopped when you realized that the pillow fort was still up. It would take too much time to take everything down. Urban informed you that he was fine watching another movie under the fort and you guys both settled in.
“So…” I looked over and grinned at him. “What should we watch?”
Urban Wyatt just added to his story!
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sitp-recs · 1 year
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Happy happy birthday @cavendishbutterfly! I still remember the excitement and blissful joy of finding your writing through Bridges, which remains one of my favorite Drarry oneshots to this day! I’m so happy to share this space with someone as talented and cheerful as you. Your fics have brought me comfort and warm, fuzzy feelings when I needed the most, and I love your supportive and positive energy towards fandom and your friends. Here’s a humble Cav reclist to celebrate your birthday and spread some love for my favourite gems. Check out that range with so many comfort tropes and ratings, plus the sexy healing and evocative atmosphere we deserve. From short shorts with beautiful prose to an 80k 8th year epic, this list has everything you need to get through one more week. And btw, Cav was incredibly prolific last year and I think everyone should go check their full catalogue right away. Then join me to add your own favorites 🎉🎉🎉
Windy City (T, 1.6k) - one of my earliest faves, such gorgeous prose and a sharp sense of place, the melancholy urban atmosphere is breathtaking. And journalist Harry as a treat!
Harry works hard at this whole journalism thing, even when they send him abroad to do his investigating. He'd just rather be home.
In The Wings (T, 1.6k) - this short is so gentle and healing I could cry, I’m enchanted by Draco’s soft pov and those vivid ballet descriptions, so very dreamy!
Ballet has been a path to healing for Draco after the war. Now, it's his final performance in the starring role, and his boyfriend is in the audience for the first time.
To Make A Way (E, 5.4k) - the fuck buddies cinema AU you didn’t know you needed! Sexy af mixing casual and sweet, organic slow burn and a gorgeous contemplative tone underneath. It’s about the aching!
When Harry finds Draco in the back row of the cinema, he doesn't mean to accidentally befriend him. Or fuck him. Or catch feelings. The thing is, Draco only does casual.
Glowing (T, 9.7k) - the softest vampire cottagecore domesticity you’ll read today, this made my heart melt. So darling and intimate, it felt like I was right there beside them. Flatmates by Cav just hits differently, I’m telling you!
Harry's lived alone and vampiric in his cottage for ages, until a long-lived Draco Malfoy suddenly shows up to answer an advertisement Harry had practically forgotten he'd put in the Prophet. Cue soft blood drinking, quiet nights of reading and crocheting, and Harry thinking that maybe--just maybe--he might not be so alone anymore.
Bridges (E, 16k) - ultimate comfort read with travel roommates exploring Budapest, Harry exploring his sexuality, soft contemplation and poignant conversations. I love how easily this fic flows and the atmosphere is 👨‍🍳💋
Harry and Draco are on a trip to Budapest to help with Kingsley's re-election, but that's the boring bit. More interesting: Harry Potter is changing his Tinder preferences to include men.
The Hardest Hue To Hold (M, 17k) - another incredible love story set outside the UK with a charming academic background and fascinating characters. I love how Cav included different mythology references, and the honest, delicate take on Harry’s trans journey.
Harry needs to get the hell out of England. So he sets up a teaching assistantship in America, hops on a plane, and heads off to a fresh start. Except there’s a familiar face among the university faculty, and it’s really not the familiar face that Harry wanted. Or at least, it’s not who Harry wanted at first.
Inertia (E, 83k) - almost 100k of delicious 8th year enemies to friends to lovers, I live for the angsty slow burn and the exquisite coming of age vibes. Soft and healing and full of hope!
It’s three months after the war. Harry has already mucked up all his plans. Draco is no longer the prince of Slytherin house. And they sure as hell didn’t both mean to go back to Hogwarts at the same time. Cue snarking, long conversations…and unexpected snogging.
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rorykurago · 10 months
So I'm watching "Mech Cadets"
because I'm still a giant dork for Pacific Rim and this looked like good PR-esque content.
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it is PR fanon. Animated. Only mild AU.
Like... There's genre fiction, then there's this. Let's count:
Jaegers Ro-bos fRoM sPaCe that have to bond with a pilot so there are two (2) minds controlling the body? Check
main Jaeger Robo is blue and yellow with a glowy heart? Check
J-Tech Mech tech department? Check
Neon/steel/grimy urban aesthetic? check
Marshal and Old Guard Pilot are old buddies? check
Angry Ace Pilot who is child of a Marshal? Check
Angry Ace Pilot who tops the class but still doesn't get the recognition they think they deserve? Check
Angry Ace Pilot mad the wash-out gets to go around the system and still gets a Jaeger Robo? check
Kwoon? Check
Drivesuits? Check
Pilot duels in the kwoon with hanbos? check
everybody wearing Air Force-style dress blues or flight bags? check
Cadet Academy in the middle of a desert nowhere? Check (technically that's a 'Training Day' X-over, but I'm counting it)
Cadet Academy is a giant metal tower full of shiny lights in the middle of nowhere? check
enemy are bony insect critters from another dimension world? check
enemy critter bleed bright blue? Check
chief scientist is Newtlieb? check
chief scientist misappropriates resources to sell/militarise kaiju sky-ju biology? check
...which goes very badly? CHECK
Big Scary Skyju is a threat physically bigger than and with features unlike anything seen in decades of war? check
the threat is Coming From Inside The House? check
Mech-Tech maintenance crew rivalry? check
drivesuit pain feedback that disables the pilot? check
Jaeger with a busted arm? check
Pilot with a busted arm? Check
Girl Ace Pilot and Boy Ace Pilot sitting side by side on a gantry leaning on each other to look into the glowy heart of a Jaeger-Mech? CHECK
More to follow lmao
Don't get me wrong, this is great (occasionally terrible) content and I'm immensely enjoying revisiting Jaegerland. But, like, .... I'm on ep FOUR and there's already so much crossover. Nobody is going to convince me PacRim had nothing to do with this. The Mech Cadet comics were released from 2017. Come on. Come ON.
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fulminare-art · 7 months
they don't say anything about it because they're afraid they'll scare people but greylock is a documentary all that happened we just don't talk about it I know because I live in massachusetts but we keep it on the dl because like the government doesn't wanna admit they fucked up with the whole mind experiment thing but we all know regardless yeah the people who went to the mountain are basically just like super bloodthirsty coyotes atp we don't even care anymore we just reenforced our houses and didn't let anyone weird inside and the casualties have gone down some kid went to the mountain because of some urban legend thing and when he came back he said he was totally fine and should let him into the house havent seen him in a while wonder what happened to him anyways yeah more an inconvenience than anything my buddy hyperfixated on trying to bring his favorite anime boy to life by thinking about him really hard and now nagito or whatever that danganronpa guys called is out there real scary shit huh massachusetts is massachusetts ig
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