#urianger is smart and has good plans
haunted-xander · 8 months
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This is a common exchange in the Waters-Augurelt household
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tallbluelady · 2 months
(Mid ShB, after Rak'tika. Takes place in a shared WoL verse. Word count 3.3k ^^;)
Rowan bolted awake from her nightmare. She had fought Zenos again, a regular visitor of her dreams of late. What woke her this time is that he tore Urianger from her heart. She shook her head. The image was patently ridiculous in the early morning light, but still disturbing enough to know she wouldn't get settled back to sleep anytime soon. It was planned to be a recovery day of sorts, so Rowan could potentially take a nap later. She sighed, pulled up her hair, and started to get dressed.
Sniffing the various teas the Exarch had selected and finding them all unsatisfactory, Rowan started to shuffle down to the common room in the Pendants. Mayhap she'd see Thancred and Minfilia with some coffee biscuits. Or Kitali looking for aught to eat. Urianger was an unlikely subject, he'd probably only fell asleep a few bells ago…
But Urianger was far more likely a person than the pair she found. Sitting at a table, plain as day, was Emet-Selch and Yloise. Yloise smiled and waved to her, and Emet-Selch looked like the cat who had caught the mouse. Rowan gave a small hum and tried to find a better metaphor as she approached the table.
"You know, we were just talking about you," he said over tented fingers. "Why don't you have a seat and join us?"
"I was just going to find a tea blend I liked and return to my room..." Rowan muttered, unable to come up with aught more convincing.
"Just tea? With how bleary eyed you look, you may need something stronger. Here -" he poured a third cup, " - Yloise and I were just enjoying this fine coffee together. I'm sure we could spare you some."
"Oh, it's excellent, Rowan. You won't even need that much cream and sugar in it," Yloise added. She seemed... giddy? Gods, let that just be the coffee. 
Rowan eyed the cup and then the Ascian. "You do know I trust you about as far as I can throw you. Well, I could probably throw you farther if I got the drop on you."
Yloise chortled at that. "See, I told you Rowan has bite to her bark."
Emet-Selch smiled with a hint of steel in his eyes. "That's smart of you, I won't deny. Whether or not you could get the drop on me is another story. But here, as proof of its safety..."
He poured a fresh cup for himself and drank the coffee black. He gave a contented hum.
"I can't tell you how overjoyed I was when I found this particular variety of coffee bean survived the Sundering..." he said wistfully. "A dear friend helped to cultivate it."
Rowan found herself taking a seat at the table before she realized her curiosity had won her over. Yloise reached out and patted Rowan's arm. Rowan blinked at the uncharacteristic affection. There's no coffee strong enough to explain that.
"Oh, here, let me add some cream and sugar for you..." Emet-Selch took the creamer and poured it til it was exactly the soft brown that Rowan liked it, and then added two sugar cubes.
"Yloise, did you tell our sworn foe how I like my coffee?" Rowan asked.
She shook her head, her green lenses causing the light to dance. "Nay. Strangely, he knew how I took mine too."
Rowan squinted at her friend's smile, then glared at Emet-Selch.
"Tis a gift of mine," he said with a shrug. "Most people's personalities line up with their coffee order."
"I won't deign to have you tell me mine own personality, even if you got my order right." Rowan swirled her cup in her hands.
She thought she heard a small gasp from his direction, but he seemed composed by the time she looked up.
"Suspicions aside, it really is quite good," Yloise said, taking a sip from her cup. "There's naught that I can detect in it to worry about."
Emet-Selch smiled and sipped his own coffee in a show to prove that it wasn't poisoned. I suppose it's inconvenient to poison your body even if you are effectively immortal.
She sighed, took a sip, and felt herself rush off into an Echo Vision. Dammit.
*   *   *
There were three masked figures at a table. It was raining outside, or it was at least grey. It took Rowan a minute to understand what they were saying as they all spoke in that over-loud language the Ascians were wont to speak in.
"- and please refrain from using my given name in public. I've asked both of you this multiple times," Emet-Selch's unmistakable voice rang from the figure in the red mask. "The Convocation deserves the honor of my title, even if you don't think I do."
One of the opposing figures sighed in an exaggerated manner, much like Yloise would. "Really? And after all the work Minthe did to create this concept of coffee just for you? You're worried about honor?"
"Oh, it's just that we're not special enough to him, Ariadne. I've heard him tell Daedalus he can use his name," said the last figure, Minthe, who swirled her cup just like Rowan would.
"Oh, you did, did you?" Ariadne turned to the red-masked figure.
The figure who spoke with Emet-Selch's voice sighed. "Please refrain from spreading such personal information to everyone, Minthe."
"It's just to Ariadne." Minthe took a smug sip of her coffee.
"Tell ya what, Emet-Selch. If you admit that you appreciate Minthe's coffee, we'll keep that little detail between us." There was a wink to Ariadne's tone.
"You need not black mail me for that, Ariadne." The red masked figure turned to Minthe. "I am grateful to you, truly. You've created something both potent and drinkable."
"Fulfilling both of our measures of success on a concept," Minthe said primly.
He nodded and the last thing Rowan saw was the figure in the red mask take her hand.
*   *   *
Rowan flinched when she came to and felt Emet-Selch's gloved hand on her wrist. "Don't touch me."
He raised his hands in a nonthreatening manner. "You were gone for a while. I wanted to make sure you were alright."
"Then you should have asked Yloise to check my pulse. She's a competent healer."
"I told him you wouldn't like it," Yloise said sheepishly. "But he insisted. And he even managed to save your cup of coffee from falling."
Rowan turned to her. Yloise was one of the few people who encouraged her to set boundaries and help keep them up when Rowan couldn't. And here she was letting the Ascian trample all over them.
"Then all the blame should be on me - twas my fault for assuming such familiarity. Tis one thing to accept a drink from a comrade, tis quite another to initiate physical touch. I took advantage of your vulnerable state and for that I am sorry." There was some actual regret to his tone.
Rowan gave a noncommittal hum at his little speech. If Emet-Selch wanted to give the appearance of contriteness, he was doing a good job of it. But it didn't do aught for the fact that he had orchestrated multiple genocides. She tried rising from her seat, but sat down when she felt woozy and heard concern from her companions. She wasn't going to give Selch the satisfaction of catching her. So they all sat in an uncomfortable silence while Rowan recollected herself.
"Is there anything you'd like to talk about, Rowan?" Yloise asked. Is there anything in that Echo Vision you saw?
Rowan took another sip of coffee. Despite her vision, it was some of the better coffee she ever drank. But it was mostly to give her time to think. How could she get Emet-Selch out of there? Well, if he insisted that he was a man like the rest of them…
"You know, I'd really prefer some privacy with Yloise, if that's alright with you, Emet-Selch," she said. "Tis a delicate matter I'd speak of to her."
"Oh, if there's aught to be said to Yloise, it can be said in front of me," he said, smugness returning to his tone.
Figured he’d say that. "Well, I do suppose the Paragons of Eld would have such fascinating opinions on contraception and menstruation..."
His smugness immediately dropped. Got him.
"It might be for the best. We'll, uh... talk to you later," Yloise said.
"Oh, I will speak to the lot of you later, have no doubt about that." He waved his hand dismissively and disappeared into the void, cup and all.
Rowan let out a sigh of relief, then jumped when she realized Yloise was leaning in close.
"So are you and Urianger fucking now?" she asked, eyes bright.
Rowan could only let out a few croaking sounds at that. Then she shook her head. "That's not important, I just needed Emet-Selch gone.”
Yloise laughed. "Well, you did a good job of it. The drop on his expression! Gods, I couldn't have thought of any better."
"Oh, thank the Twelve. When I saw you two at the table I was worried..."
"About what?" she asked quickly.
"Have you seen the way he looks at you? Like... like you're some sort of bauble to be coveted. I don't like it."
"Ha. Well, have you seen how he looks at you? Like he's a wounded man. All pain and regret."
Rowan grimaced. "I have caught glimpses of that, aye."
"Isn't that just fascinating? Aren't you curious why a Paragon of Eld looks at you like that? What could even cause that? I mean, you've always been curious."
Rowan looked at her half drank cup of coffee and set it back on the table. "I dunno, I find my curiosity's quickly sated for the man who signed the order for Black Rose."
Yloise grimaced. "Rowan..."
"Yloise, Gods know we need someone to track what Emet-Selch is doing. And it looks like you have an easy in with him. But... pray, don't get swept up in his game." She rose to her feet. "I think I've had enough coffee for now."
If she said aught else, Rowan ignored her. She headed towards the aethernet shard nearby. The annoying part was that Yloise was right. Rowan was curious. The three of them in the vision, set in the same positions as their little meeting. Obviously that was orchestrated. Emet-Selch had said the coffee was cultivated but the woman - Ariadne - said it was a created concept. Whatever that even meant. And... Minthe and Daedalus. Those must have been the ones she saw in the vision in Idyllshire.
Her mind was worlds away when she bumped into someone at the aethernet shard. Rowan actually bounced off of her fellow collider, and was grateful for the steady hands at her arms when they righted themselves.
She blinked. "Urianger! Uh, oh, I'm so sorry."
"Tis quite alright; thou merely gavest me a momentary fright. Is aught amiss?"
Rowan shook her head. Then she realized her hands were on his chest and her thumbs were stroking the fabric of his chiton. She sheepishly withdrew them, though it seemed he didn't mind.
"Ah, mayhap I should get a proper breakfast."
Urianger nodded, hands slowly tracing down her arms as if he didn't want to stop touching her. Rowan didn't want him to stop touching her.
"I too, was seeking sustenance after finding naught of use in the Cabinet of Curiosity. Shall we adjourn to the Pendants?"
"Ah - nay. I was just there," she said. She saw his puzzled look and added, "I can explain over a pastry."
 They found a stall with suitably flaky rolls and took a seat by a bench. The whole thing felt rather nostalgic to Rowan.
"Do you remember the day I bumped into in Vesper Bay?" Rowan asked.
"Would it not serve to recall that day by the most important fact that it was thy first successful attempt at arcanima?" Urianger asked, faint smile on his lips.
"Aye, well, twas not aetherology that reminded me of that today."
"No, I suppose that other event twas the greater reminder."
There was a softness to Urianger's expression that caught on Rowan's heart. She realized that he must have always been so soft with his expressions, but it had been obscured by his goggles and cowl. She smiled back at him, reveling in the ease of doing so.
"Ah, but how far we have come! I..." Urianger swallowed. "What a fool I was for not seeing thy interest sooner."
Rowan turned away. "Tis my fault, really. I never said aught after Moenbryda... and Raer is so kind and gentle. If any man deserves you, twould be him."
"Ah. Yet he seemed so adamant that it was but a passing tryst for him... surely to save thine heart, yet he wounded mine by saying so."
Rowan hummed and the two of them finished off their pastries. The talk of wounded hearts reminded Rowan of her conversation with Yloise.
"I, ah. Before I bumped into you, I had coffee with Yloise," she said. "And Emet-Selch."
"Art thou well? Is Yloise yet safe?" Urianger asked.
"She's fine. I'm... physically well. Yloise would've been able to find aught strange with the coffee... but I'm fairly certain that he tried to orchestrate an Echo vision. Though I can only guess as to why."
"Curious. May I ask what thou sawest in the vision?"
"It's not what but who. There was Emet-Selch on one side of the table, and two women on the other side. Who resembled Yloise and I in our mannerisms." Rowan began to fold the wrapper her pastry had been in.
Urianger's brow furrowed. "It hath been surmised that each soul on the Source was once part of an ancient, whole soul. But tis a rare thing to see a vision of one's past self, even just a singular lifetime ago."
"Mayhap tis more likely when you're exposed to things of that past life. This... this is not the first time I've seen a woman resemble myself in a vision." She pressed the creases of the wrapper. "Once after eating curry I saw a man and that same woman having a picnic."
Urianger put a hand to his chin in thought. "Thine Echo seemeth to activate more with a physical sensation, if I recall correctly. Strong flavors such as curry and coffee must have had an influence upon thy memory."
"Aye, that's what I thought." Then Rowan turned. "Wait, you remember my Echo is like that? I've only had a scant number of visions throughout my life, and you weren't present for most."
"I do. Twas one of the details that convinced me of mine ardor for thee." He smiled and took her hand. "That and my numerous dreams of rowan trees."
Rowan laughed. "You know a rowan tree by sight?"
"I had visions of the same tree since I was but a lad. Luckily Sharlyan is a nation of learning and I easily found an example in a botanist's folio. Oft I would be caught in dreams of peril - only to fall from deepest azure skies -" he kissed her hand "-and land safely into the boughs of a rowan."
"Oh, that cannot be true, you incorrigible flirt," she giggled at it all the same.
"Tis so, though I am indeed incorrigible in that regard. The dreams first lead me to know that thou wert one of the Warriors of Light. Though mayhap they had always meant to lead mine heart to thee."
Rowan simply smiled and watched as Urianger stroked her hand with his thumb. Wasn't there aught else she wanted to do that day? To be fair, this was what she'd more or less had always wanted to do... The emotion felt distantly familiar and she had to shake her head.
"Urianger... you don't have to answer if it makes you feel uncomfortable but... When you worked with Elidibus, did he ever give any hints that it was his title and not his name?"
He gave a small hum and turned his attention to their hands. "Nay. Twas not a subject of importance in those days. Wherefore dost thou ask?"
"Emet-Selch is a title, as my Echo vision revealed to me. Also, it seems they were all very fond of wearing masks back before the Star was rent in twain... and I'm just... Do you think there's aught to be gleaned at the Cabinet about any of that? I would've doubted it, but the pictographs in Rak'tika make me think there could be aught."
"I cannot say aught of the efficacy of such a search, but I would fain aid thee in thy quest for knowledge," Urianger said quickly. His eyes were sparkling at the prospect.
Rowan smiled. "Then lead on, wise Archon."
It turned out that Urianger already had an alcove set up in the Cabinet. Rowan had usually borrowed books and taken them to her room in the Pendants to read, but it appeared the Archon had a different mode of study. He moved a stack of books off of the generous loveseat and tried to organize the tomes, muttering to himself. She was nigh transfixed in his motions. Rowan had resigned herself to a fruitless investigation earlier, but mayhap she'd find joy in the company.
"Mayhap thou shouldst start with these, my lo -" Urianger froze. "- m-milady."
Rowan nodded and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, acting as she didn't hear what he just said. He looked relieved when she took the pile of books without comment. I suppose it's still too soon for him to use the "l" word as well... She took a seat and started to read through the indexes for the titles of the Convocation members. Surely there was written history of their meddling with the fate of the First? When that was exhausted, she searched for the names of the Ancient ones she knew.
She perked up at the mention of Minthe in one text, only to laugh at the book's title. Botanica Norvrandt.
"Doth there be something amusing in thy study?" Urianger asked, looking up from his tome.
"Ah, it's... the woman who resembles me. It turns out she's named after a plant as well. Or mayhap the plant is named after her." Rowan yawned that last bit and stretched.
"Mayhap a break in our research shall do us both some good." Urianger stretched and sat on the loveseat next to her.
"Oh, you don't have to stop if you're..." She noticed his arm on the back of the love seat and general openness to his stance and expression. "Oh."
After a few nervous chuckles between them, Rowan rested her head on Urianger's shoulder.
"Art thou comfortable?" he asked softly.
Rowan sighed and readjusted. "You can put your arm around me if you want."
He nodded and looped his arm around her, hand resting on Rowan's waist. There was a dreamy look to his eyes that made her feel warm.
She nuzzled in closer. "Are you going to get bored while I drift off?"
"With a fair maiden such as thyself upon my arm? Perish the thought - only fools need constant stimulation and amusement," Urianger teased. "I have plenty to ruminate on in the mean time as well. Thou needst not be concerned for mine entertainment, my dear."
Rowan buried her blush in his shoulder at the term of endearment.
"Have I embarrassed thee?" he asked, concerned.
"Mm. Nay. I'm just unused to the gesture. I do - I do like it."
He gave a contented sigh and started to play idly with the ends of her hair. Rowan sighed and cuddled in more, thoughts drifting idly towards sleep until...
Her eyes snapped open. "Yloise."
"Is aught amiss with our comrade?" Urianger asked.
"Nay. She... she just gave the worst tree pun imaginable."
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leejafythe · 2 years
Bath Time
FFXIV Write 2022 Entry: Tepid Word Count: 2147 CW: Descriptions of injuries - burns mostly. AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41627190
“With the restoration of our first element, the Empty was once more blessed with the most essential ingredient in the cycle of precipitation: water. Under normal circumstances, the heat existent in the atmosphere would cause water to evaporate from the land's surface. As invisible vapor, it is borne by the wind high unto the firmament, where it doth condense as clouds before descending once more, returning to the land in the form of rain” Urianger explained to the group. They had finally returned to the Empty after restoring the lightning element but taking some time away for Leeja’s injury recovery. 
“It seems we need wind-aspected aether to create more clouds. That it hasn't rained yet must mean there aren't enough.” Thancred hummed, resting his hand on his hip. Leeja chewed her lip, knowing exactly who she was about to go against.
“And even before that, we need fire-aspected aether to make the water evaporate” none of them witnessed Leeja’s brief moment of panic. She knew she had to fight them at some point but she prayed not together. Well, Gaia seemed to think otherwise.
“It seems to me that one's not much good without the other. Why don't you just draw out both elements together?” Everyone stared at Gaia in sheer surprise, yet Thancred was the first to speak up. 
“You're suggesting that Leeja fight two deiform entities, each one as deadly as Ramuh, at the same time? Do you realize how absurd that is?” he snapped, worried about any further injuries out of fear for her life. The miqo’te, on the other hand, was quiet. 
“And yet...'tis a notion that doth warrant further consideration.”
“Oh, you can't be serious…” Thancred was beginning to feel irritated by it all. It would put Leeja in extreme danger and would put a lot of stress on Ryne. His protectiveness was showing.
Leeja tuned out as Urianger went into the science of everything. She knew it was dangerous, as did Ryne, but given that look on her face, Leeja knew it was a path to walk down. Ryne was dead set on restoring the Empty and Leeja had promised she would be by her side every step of the way. “My concern is for the burden this would place not only on Leeja, but Ryne as well” he sighed and looked at the pair of them. “What do you both make of the plan?”
“If Urianger thinks it'll work, I'm willing to give it a try!” Ryne was willing to take the risk, and then attention was turned to Leeja. “Leeja? What do you think?” The dancer swallowed hard, suddenly feeling the pressure on her shoulders.
“I… I won’t lie, it is a lot of pressure with a lot of risk and anyone would be smart to run,” Ryne looked disheartened at her words, “but I’m not just ‘anyone’. I’ve fought fiends a lot uglier than Garuda and Ifrit so I’m happy to help. I promised you I’d be by your side through this, Ryne, and I am going to keep my word” Leeja smiled warmly at her, her eyes twinkling with excitement. Thancred sighed and shook his head.
“As long as you know what you're letting yourselves in for. You're going to need all your strength, so see that you get plenty of rest.” They both nodded.
While Ryne, Thancred and Urianger chatted away, Leeja headed back to the tent. She formulated a battle plan in her head, trying to work out how to fight to deiforms at once. She sat on the edge of the cot and sighed. Why did she agree to this? Right, Ryne. I’m doing this for her . She rubbed her face and laid back on the cot with her eyes closed. She heard the tent flap open and close again and cracked an eye open to look at the staring intruder. “You are mad.”
“I know, honey. You don’t need to tell me” she smiled a little and sat up.
“Both of them? Both of them !?”
“Keep your voice down, Thancred” she looked at him. “I know, it’s such a stupidly dangerous thing to do. But I’m doing it for Ryne. I’m doing it because she has her heart set on restoring this wasteland. Look around! We’ve already made lasting change! I don’t want to ruin things for her” Thancred shook his head and smiled.
“Thank you. For believing in her.”
“I always have, love. Always” she stood and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck as she felt his hands rest on her lower back. 
“I know. And I am grateful for it.” He kissed her tenderly as he pulled her tight against him. Her soft purring made him smile. “You will be okay, won’t you? Take all manner of precaution?”
“Do you want me to take my gunblade instead? I’m faster without it but for your peace of mind, I’ll take it” she cupped his cheek gently and ran her thumb along his skin.
“If you need the speed, then take your chakrams” he turned his head and kissed her palm.
“Ryne’s outside” she smiled at him.
“I know–”
“No I mean she’s outside our tent, love. Go see what she needs. I’m going to do as you suggested and get some rest.” Thancred took his leave while Leeja got herself ready to sleep.
Leeja came stumbling out of the fight with Garuda and Ifrit who ultimately fused together to become Raktapaksa, making Leeja’s already difficult fight a touch harder. Thancred caught her as she fell “Leeja?!” 
“We need to get her out of here and get her wounds tended to” Thancred looked at Urianger who just nodded in agreement. “Hold onto me, Leeja. I’ll get us out of here.”
“I can walk… promise” she pulled out from his grasp, took a step and fell as she cried out softly. Thancred caught her once more and lifted her. 
“No, darling, you can’t. Come, let’s get you patched up.” They left Eden’s core and went back to camp.
In the tent, they checked her over. Her fur was matted and burned off in places, her hair just as equally knotted. Her armour was burned, damaged and torn in places - likely from the wind attacks. In the damaged areas, her skin was exposed as the protective layer she wore under the leather and chainmail gear was a mix of fire burned, wind burned, bruised and wounded. The worst of it all was the long burn up her outer left leg and some of the leather that had been melted into it. “I suggest we return to the Crystarium. ‘Tis crucial she be seen by Chessamile” Urianger healed her wounds after Thancred removed the leather very carefully.
“I agree with you on that. These seem to be doing more harm than good and I’m worried about what will happen to her should we continue” Thancred sighed and looked at Urianger once he covered the open wound with a bandage and lifted her carefully to take her to the Sky Slipper. “Ryne, Gaia, one of you will have to sit up front while I hold Leeja up.”
“‘M tired… gonna sleep for a bit…” Leeja’s eyes closed and that was the last thing she remembered.
A day later, back in the Crystarium, Leeja limped through to find Thancred in the bathroom waiting for her. He had run the water for a nice soak that Leeja definitely needed. “You got my message. Good.” She hummed in response, feeling tired and achy. 
“Aye. Sorry, love. I’m just tired” she gave him an exhausted smile. 
“I’ll be quick. Let me get the matting out. Come sit in front of me” he beckoned her over and sat in front of him on the chair. Thancred grabbed a comb and began to attempt to brush the matted fur. 
Whenever he hit a sensitive or sore patch, she whimpered and winced or hissed. He apologised every time but she was too tired and snapped at him each time.
“I’m sorry, love. I’m so tired I just want to sleep, okay?”
“I know, darling. It’s fine, let’s get this over with”. When he finally realised he stopped tugging at the fur. “Right, strip and get in the bath.”
“No. Don’t want to. Want to go to bed” she got up in a bid to leave he grabbed her gently.
“Leeja, if you don’t you’ll complain your tail and ears hurt.”
“‘S fine, I can handle it” she attempted to wriggle free but his hold on her tightened. “You can’t make me.” Her breath hitched as she felt his lips close to her ear.
“Want t’ make that bet, sweetheart?” his voice had dropped and he growled the words. She couldn’t stop the moan that left her lips as she stopped fighting him. He chuckled “so, still want to fight me?”
“Aye, I am but I know how to get you to behave. Now, strip and get in the bath, darling. I’ll be gentle with your fur, I promise” he kissed her cheek, smirking when she swallowed hard.
“Y-yes sir.”
With trembling hands she removed the clothing she had on and dropped it to the ground before climbing into the bath, gasping softly as she sat down. “It’s barely hot.”
“It would have been hot had you not argued with me about getting into it” he grinned as she pouted. “Just relax, trust in me to take care of you.” Leeja sank down in the water, blowing bubbles in a sulky manner. He smirked as she sat up and hung her head.
“Fine” she raised her tail from the water and lazily draped it over the edge of the tub for him. He grabbed the conditioner for her fur and gently massaged it in carefully, avoiding the burns where he could, smiling as she closed her eyes and purred softly. He began to very carefully comb out the knots while Leeja scrunched her face up in pain. “Fur needs a trim…” she spoke softly and hissed as he caught a particularly painful patch, realising it had been burned. 
“Sorry, darling. And I agree, you do need it trimmed.”
“Mm… Alisaie’s pretty good at taming it” she shivered for a moment.
“Getting cold?” she nodded and looked at him. “Rinse your tail then and you can get out” he stood and found a towel for her as she rinsed off the conditioner.
Leeja stood and grabbed a smaller towel that was left just off to the side, using it to dry as much from her tail as possible before wrapping the larger one around her body, stepping out of the now cold bath water. She dried her feet and popped them into her slippers to keep them safe from the cold floor and went to get herself dried and changed. Thancred heard a pained gasp from behind the curtain as she changed “Leeja? Is everything alright?” 
“Just… just fine” Thancred wasn’t convinced and stood outside the curtain, hearing the shaky breath.
“Leeja, what’s going on?”
“Caught… just caught one of the burns, love. I’m fine, love, truly I’m fine” she opened the curtain and gave him a shaky smile. She had changed into a red chamise and a pair of loose cotton shorts, mostly to keep pressure of the worse of her injuries on her legs. Her belongings had been put into a bag to carry back to the apartment. “See? Just fine.” He noticed one of the burns on her arm had become inflamed and all red.
“Hm. Come, let’s go home shall we?” He held his arm out for her with a smile. She took hold of it and nodded.
“Aye, please. Need to get some of the salve on them, they’re feeling stiff and sore.” 
They headed back to the apartment, slowly and taking their time. It was clear walking was causing her discomfort but was also wearing on her energy. “Are you sure you’re alright to walk? I have no issue carrying you.”
“I’m okay, love. Thank you anyway. Just being able to hold onto something is stopping my leg giving out on me” Leeja opened the door when they finally arrived and headed inside. She dropped down onto the couch and hissed quietly before taking a deep breath. She placed her hand on her on her chest and cast healing aether into herself, trying to recover from the pain.
“I can go an get Urianger or Alphinaud?” she shook her head. Thancred handed her the balm she had been given by the chirurgeons and carefully massaged it into the wounds. “Darling, you cannot keep fighting the pain on your own.”
“It’s fine, love. Honestly I mean it. I can handle it when it’s just small bursts. When it gets too bad, I promise to tell you” she smiled tiredly and kissed him deeply
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sarenhale · 2 years
WHAT are aydee and estinien up to after endwalker??? and also for arihel and uri, if someone asked them what they think of the other (with the other not around) what would they say
Hmm great question... I think that after all that happened in Endwalker, between saving the fucking world (again) and all the emotional and physical damage, they both deserve some rest away from everyone and everything 😂
I'd like to think they would return to Ishgard and visit their friends there, stay with Aymeric for a bit, and also visit Haurcefant's and Ysayle's resting places. I also always wanted Estinien to get back to visit the location where Ferndale once was with Aydee. I think that after all they went through, they really want to visit what is important for both of them. Estinien starts to open up and sharing that dark part of his life, what caused his pain and path of vengeance years before, with Aydee is a big step for him starting to heal.
They would both visit Aydee's dads too, of course, that both took an active part to help people affected by the devastation during Endwalker and collaborated with the grand companies and the Scions on the side lines.
After the big doomsday panic had passed, they would all enjoy some quiet together in the Black Shroud where Aydee's dads live, it's a very peaceful house in the middle of the woods, that would allow everyone to get the quiet and peace they deserve for a while!
Estinien would also propose 😳 but I don't think they would marry yet, maybe they would wait a bit in the future until they feel more comfortable with it. But yeah they'd be engaged 😳
As for Urianger and Arihel getting asked about the other, hmmmmmmmm...
Arihel would probably literally still be wondering how he got so lucky to be with someone so beautiful and smart, maybe sometimes feeling like 'what the hell does he see in me', I think that after YEARS he would still be flabbergasted that Urianger is into him as much as he is 😂 It comes from a bit of insecurity he has about himself, but also sometimes genuinely wonders why and how it all happened, how they happened to fall for eachother like that, like some kind of random event that no one could foresee and plan, not even them. It would be something Urianger thinks about too, especially since for the longest time he thought he could plan and foresee it all. Maybe he just didn't think some good things could happen to him as well, and he would be able to find happiness. Arihel probably thinks about what Urianger and the others think about him sometimes. He's a murderer, after all, and it's not like killing his father could be excused by anything. Sure, maybe killing Nergaal stopped a bigger threat, but Arihel fully knows he did what he did for personal reasons, and only for himself. It’s something that he needs to come to peace with, but that will forever plague him.
Urianger would probably wonder how Arihel managed to forgive and trust him, after all the information he kept secret from him, especially during Shadowbringers, about the plan he had with the Crystal Exarch, and Arihel's condition. He probably still feels guilty for it sometimes, and thinks that Arihel is too kind to trust him again after all he hid from him, thinking he shouldn't be forgiven and be loved. I think this is one of his greatest insecurities, probably believing he doesn't deserve to be loved and kept close for who he is and what he has done. Losing Moenbryda also opened a wound that will never fully closed inside him, and sometimes makes his ability to open up and love someone difficult. What if he could lose it all again? The idea that Arihel is able to forgive and trust him so easily sometimes terrifies him, in light of what happened and could happen again.
Some FOOD for thought!! I love reflecting about stuff like this, these characters are so interesting to imagine together and what I like about FFXIV a lot is how they insert real struggles, insecurities and important moments in every character's story, and we can imagine stories from there, how they would react to things happening in the world, how something traumatic in their past could affect their relationships and ability to love, etc. Thanks so much for asking!! ❤
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faelune-home · 4 years
FFXIV Write 2020 #3: Muster
(A/N: So I’m trying FFXIV Write ^-^ Idk yet if i’ll go back to try days 1 and 2′s prompts, but I’ve picked up at day 3 for now.
Despite looking up the prompt word and understanding the meaning - gathering up troops, collecting oneself etc - I could not for the life of me actually figure out a story to write for that. However it randomly crossed my mind that ‘muster’ sounded similar to ‘mustard’, so it prompted this instead; a teaching moment for one that might not be used to certain words and would like the help. My miqo girl started in Gridania, so she - and I the player - has a bit of a soft spot for Yda and Papalymo, it’d make sense for her to turn to them.
Word count: 1313)
“Can I ask a favour?” Yda and Papalymo halted their conversation, turning to see a nervously shuffling Fufu standing nearby. One of the newer recruits to the Scions, and one they themselves had even met previously around the Shroud.
“Sure thing! We’ll be here awhile before we have to go back to Gridania, and I’m guessing Thancred hasn’t called for you yet? So whatever it is, we’ll help out if we can,” Yda smiled, giving the miqo’te a quick thumbs up. Despite her hands still wringing on the edge of her tabard, the girl smiled back, slightly reassured.
Taking a breath, she then blurted out, “I need you to teach me smart things please.” Both archons shared a look, confusion evident on their faces.
“That’s a rather vague favour,” Papalymo coughed, frowning, “A bit more elaboration please?”
Fufu’s ear flicked. “Well, you archons are smart scholar people, and you know a lot of things. Like fancy words. I don’t know a lot of words. I can read ‘cos some old scholars would pass through my village every so often and offer to teach the younger kids in exchange for a few days stay, but that was only really enough to get by.” -- she pouted -- “I thought I’d be fine coming here and doing adventurer stuff, just knowing enough to be able to read help submissions from people, but now I’m a Scion, and it turns out I need to know more. I need to know smart words so I can understand missions.”
There was a pause after her impassioned plea as the archons seemed to think it over, then Yda offered a compassionate smile and asked, “Did something happen?”
“Minfilia was talking about the plan -- to handle Ifrit sometime over the next few days. At one point she was talking about the Immortal Flames and how they were gonna get together for their part in it all, but she used a word and I didn’t get it. I only managed to figure out from the rest of the plan that it was about gathering them together, but I started to panic that maybe everyone here will use more words I don’t get, and if I’m gonna be needed for important stuff, I can’t go around not understanding what I need to do.” Her wide eyes grew glossy, her own panic over the situation getting to her. Yda quickly started patting the miqo’te shoulder in what she hoped was a comforting manner.
“Oh come now, it’s alright, there’s no need for tears,” she cooed, “What word was it, if I can ask?”
“I-it was something about must-ing the troops? I thought she said ‘mustard’ but that sounds silly and it didn’t make sense, but I didn’t want to interrupt her ‘cos she’s so busy so-!” A tear dripped down her cheek, which Yda wiped away.
“Oh there there, that’s an honest mistake if you don’t know something. We don’t need to-- well, we don’t need to ‘muster up’ tears over this, we’ll simply learn and move on, right?” She flashed a grin at the archer, hoping she understood. Fufu’s ears flattened against her head, but she nodded all the same.
Turning to her partner, Yda asked, “Well, Papalymo, what do you think? I’d be up for a lesson or two to be honest.” She punctuated her enthusiasm by pounding her fist into her hand.
Papalymo nodded, getting to his feet onto the chair and said, addressing the keeper, “Having heard your case, I can well understand your issues. I’d be fine with teaching you a few things. Though I must ask first, out of curiosity, why come to Yda and I for this?”
A sniff. “Well, it’s a few reasons. I know you two better than the others, so that made it feel easier.” Then she glanced around the room, and lowered her voice before continuing, “But the others just feel too difficult to approach anyway. Urianger sounds too confusing and I don’t get what he’s saying most of the time--”
“Understandable,” Yda interrupted, nodding her head, only to flinch when Papalymo shushed her harshly.
“--well, and there’s Y’shtola. She seems nice, and I know she probably is, but I was just worried she’d think I was being silly asking this--”
Yda cut her off again with a gasp, “Y’shtola would never, I promise! She’s incredibly patient if she has the time.” 
“Yda,” Papalymo hissed, “mind your volume.” Indeed, the Hyuran woman’s cry had made the others in the room turn to watch the group, casting curious stares toward their corner. Ducking into the chair and bowing her head low, Yda nodded for Fufu to continue.
“Alright, so Y’shtola could maybe have helped. B-but after you two, okay?” They nodded.
“And why not Thancred?” The pugilist asked.
“He’s busy right now, so I can’t wait till we’re in the field to ask him. And…” she trailed off, shuffling again. Another breath in as though to boost her own confidence, she said, “A-and I’ve heard of his reputation from a few girls around here and in the Bay, so I kept thinking that even if he agreed he wouldn’t take it seriously and he’d just try to--” She stopped as Yda burst out laughing, while Papalymo sighed and shook his head.
“You think he’d be too focused on skirt chasing to teach you?” the Hyur laughed, once again catching the rest of the room to stare at her. The older man grumbled, “I’ve kept telling that man that his habits would come back to bite him someday.”
“Oh, my sides. I’m so sorry,” Yda giggled, “I don’t mean to sound mean about this, but that is just--” Fufu couldn’t help but glance around, feeling a growing discomfort at the attention directed at them.
Eventually, Yda seemed to calm down enough to say with a still mirthful tone, “He has brought that whole image on himself, but I promise you right here and now that he’s not like that when it counts. If you needed help, he’d give it. Hells, he’d probably understand better than most of us what you’re going through.”
Fufu’s ears perked up. “He would?”
“That is a valid point,” Palaymo nodded, “He himself was born and raised in Limsa Lominsa most of his life before coming to Sharlayan at Master Louisoix’s suggestion. I can only imagine the grief he received from his peers when he first started there.” His eyes shone with a realisation as he then turned to his friend and said, “Actually, you would also be a good tutor for the same reasons, Yda.”
“Ey?” Her head snapped to face him. Likewise, Fufu’s gaze turned eagerly to the seated woman.
“Aye, indeed. Yda and her own sister came all the way from Ala Mhigo. I personally helped with teaching them when they asked. I suppose now I remember it, the request wasn’t dissimilar to your own, my dear.” A wistful smile crossed his face.
“Oh, I remember,” Yda nodded, a cheeky smile on her own lips, “You were quite the harsh taskmaster.” This made the mage frown, and he snapped, “Would you rather handle this on your own?”
“No no, the help would be nice.”
Yda turned back to the young expectant looking Scion and said proudly, “We’ll be happy to help you. But don’t exclude Thancred or Y’shtola from the idea either. Don’t be afraid to ask, and you’ll get there quicker than you think.”
Fufu’s eyes shone with fresh tears, though they were now paired with a relieved smile on her face. “Thank you. I really really appreciate this!”
Papalymo hopped off his chair and motioned for the ladies to follow him, stating over his shoulder, “Well then, we’d best get started now while we have the time. Twelve knows when we’ll all be sent off to our respective tasks, so let’s see what we can do now.”
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winterstorm032802 · 4 years
I made this myself, the name of my character is Nora so that’s what will be written. Enjoy, please recall this is a what-if situation not canon but has spoilers so read at your own risk
What if you became a Lightwarden?/Major Shadowbringer Spoilers!!!!
It had been done, taking Vauthry's Light and finishing it all. Nora couldn't stop it though, she fell to her knees in pain as the Light began to consume her. Alphinaud cried out "Nora!" Alisaie joined "Are you alright?" "The Light, she can't contain it" Ryne looked to the sky as Y'Shtola spoke "The sky! It's changing back!"
Ryne was right, the night sky changed back to the everlasting Light and Nora screamed. Alphinaud was quick to go by her side "Nora! Don't worry, we'll help you. Please keep it together" Nora opened one eye to see the Elezen and gave a strained smile "My friend, forgive me" "No! Don't please" Nora moved one hand to his face and put one hand on his cheek feeling the warmth "Alphinaud, I'll miss you. All of you, I'm sorry to ask of this but... Put an end to me, I'm asking you. As a friend" Alphinaud tried to get the Warrior of Darkness to stay awake as the Light blinded her vision "No! Don't leave us Nora!" Nora glanced at Thancred and nodded, he looked hurt but nonetheless he ran over and grabbed ahold of Alphinaud taking him away.
Alphinaud cried out and tried to get out of Thancred's grasp "No! Let me go, Thancred, damn you let me go this instant!" Nora shut her eyes tight and screamed, the Light she coughed and threw up as it overabundantly overtook her very being...
Hints of the Miqo’te showed but other then that she looked exactly as a Sin Eater does, her power coming off in waves. The power she held and taken from every other Lightwarden was massive compared to any kind known. Nora held a large Arcane Book, wings from behind expanding 10ft wide, her skin pale and her eyes devoid of color, she looked blankly at her friends. Nora turned to Alphinaud and even though her face showed no sign, her eyes looked sad "Alphinaud...I...love....you..." Alphinaud's eyes went wide upon hearing her words and he shouted "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! DON'T DO THIS PLEASE I BEG YOU! NORA I LOVE YOU! I ALWAYS HAVE! SO PLEASE, STAY!" Alphinaud reached his hand out to Nora but she turned away giving out a ear shrieking cry, Nora left...
The Light returned through all of Nordvant, Alphinaud stayed in his room exiling himself from all his friends, even his own sister. The Elezen refused to leave the room and upon doing so had stopped nourishing himself. Alisaie and everyone talked to him from the other side and served food which he ate. Yet the food lacked taste to him, Hells, everything lacked something now that she was gone. Alphinaud felt angry looking upon the Everlasting Light, when they managed to get to the Exarch he and Urianger told them what they had planned.
Alphinaud was pissed at both of them, he almost hit the Exarch and so badly wanted to shout and scream at them for their friends' life. The Exarch with Urianger and Y'Shtola went through ways to save their friend. Alphinaud gave up on answers or false hope, instead his mind dwelled on the past and what he could've done had he been stronger. Yet he wasn't. That's what hurt him the most, he isn't strong or smart enough to save Nora. The first few days of his were spent stuck in the Cabinet of Curiosity begging for some answers, upon no such of a trace, he stopped going and he abided to his room. Away from the world.
Except it never ended, Alphinaud would hear and see it all. He would hear her laugh as clear as day, he would see her mismatched dark blue and teal sparkling eyes and he would hear her voice speak to him. Yet it was for naught. It was pure torment, his mind playing mere tricks.
"Alphinaud, why do you hide away?" Alphinaud looked to see who he longed for, yet he knew it was never going to be real again. "Because your gone and I'm done with these games you play on my mind! Your a Lightwarden now! A-and I couldn't save you, nor could the others... Leave, I implore you to go" Nora frowned and stepped closer "Alphinaud I-" "I SAID GO ALREADY!" Alphinaud shouted and slammed his fist on his desk, breathing heavy he sobbed once more and fell to his knees "Just go... I beg of you..." With that she left, leaving Alphinaud to himself.
"Alphinaud, it's me Alisaie. May I come in?" No response.
Alisaie opened the door to see the messy room he kept himself in, which is to say the least an exact opposite thing he normally goes by. Usually she'd have a hard time seeing a speck of dust in his room but this was not that kind of thing he did. That's how she knew it was worse then she thought. Alphinaud's hair was undone and stuck out in different ways. "Alphinaud, I think you'll do better in fresh air-" "And see that damned Light sky? I think not" "Brother please-" "No Alisaie, I don't want to" Alisaie got annoyed, his response never changed "Alphinaud you need to face it, one way or another" "You think I don't know that? I'll have to face her again if she were to ever show up in the Crystarium with an army of Sin Eaters" Alisaie grabbed Alphinaud by his collar and dragged him out his room, he protested ever so. "This is for your own good, Alphinaud I know you're upset and sad but you must face it one way or another" Alphinaud stopped struggling and Alisaie took him to the borders of the Alphinaud where the barrier would still protect them. "Please, brother I don't like seeing you like this. We need you, I know it hurts and-- and maybe you wish to hit and scream at someone-anyone-but right now they need us out there" Alisaie watched her brother, he kept his head down and he let out a soft cry.
"I-- I miss her so much. I see her, every day I see the Warrior of Darkness... I never got tell her, to her face that I love her. Why? Why her? If only those damned Ascians wouldn't have done this, then she would still be here! Her laughter rings in my head. By the Twelve it hurts so much to want to turn around to look at her and yet she'll never be next to me once more!"
Alisaie's eyes pricked with tears and she sat next to Alphinaud "Sometimes I see her too, I miss our good friend. We all knew how you two felt for each other, sometimes I wanted you to get it over with and confess so I wouldn't have to see such a lovey train wreck as you two were none the wiser" Alphinaud looked at Alisaie and slightly smiled "Is that so?" "Oh very so Alphinaud, it was always a bore watching you stare at your precious Warrior. It's the exact reason Krile and I kept teasing you around her so often" Alphinaud chuckled and looked back down "Thank you, Alisaie" Alisaie sighed "Anytime Alphinaud"
Alphinaud gasped and sat up looking around he noticed Nora's presence beside him. Her dark blue and teal eyes opening she looked at him and smiled "Good morning h-- Huh? Alphinaud your crying, what happened?" Nora sat up and wiped a stray tear away and Alphinaud embraced Nora "Twas a horrible nightmare is all, one which I am glad did not pass" Nora hugged Alphinaud back and he tightened the hug, he feared it was going to end up that she would disappear and yet here she was. "Do you wish to tell me about it?" "You turned...the Light corrupted you. I couldn't handle it, I hated myself for it. But twas only a nightmare, something which never happened, for that I'm glad for"
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vyhtheas · 4 years
FFXIV: A Random Retelling Bit Dump:
I'm not really having a good day today..." Amethyrel'a signs to Vemmesera, looking troubled, hoping maybe she’ll think of something that’ll make him feel better, as she’s done multiple times in the past.
"I'm sorry to hear that...let me just..." She pulls out her deck Tarot Cards, shuffles them, pulls a few cards, before looking like she’s some she can work with.
"The cards seem to suggest that if I make you a bunch of your favourite cookies, it should improve the rest of your day."
"You...really just went through all of that just to get the idea to make...cookies?"
"I mean I was going to suggest brownies but cookies just seemed primed to provide the most positive vibes today...also they're faster to make"
"Hey look what I did, I used magic to make a chocolate axe!" Vemmasera says excitingly to Ammathrel’a and Ulleonne, holding an large axe that looks like it is indeed fully made of chocolate”
"...Good for you..."
She takes a bite out of the axe "Nom"
"...how does it taste" Ulleonne says, concerned
"You know what, it actually tastes good, I used some chocolate and one of my axes as a mould to base onto, and it worked great!" she says, extremely proud of herself to have pulled off such a feat.
"That's actually pretty smart, good job! But...you're not going eat the whole thing are you?"
Ammathrel’a and Vemmesera are out on a walk together in the Black Shroud, her get jumped be a bunch of Ixal, poised to attack them both.
"Hey..." Vemmasera says, with the look on her face that she’s about to drop her favourite pun.
Ammathrel’a: "Please don't..."
"Can I AXE them a question?"
"I...thought you were better than this..."
She laughs: "I'm not, I guess you could say I’m a PUNNY bunny!" Vemmesera says, all to proud of that joke.
The scions are having a night all hanging out playing games, drinking, and relaxing after a busy week.
Thancred manages to beat Urianger in an arm wrestling match,
“Ha, that...that was too easy, now pay up like we agreed upon” Thancred says triumphantly, and somewhat slurred from drinking. “Now...I feel like I want to challenge someone else...a girl, I’ll throw in a bet of 20000 gil.”
“Of course you of all people want to challenge a woman, it’s the only way someone would willingly want to hold your hand” Y’shtola says.
“I...I would never! I just want to challenge someone who isn’t Ammathrel’a or Urianger.”
“As much as I dislike the notion, I’d rather you not be completely humiliated by Vemmasera, I’ll give it a go, and match you bet.” Ulleonne says reluctantly.
“Hah I accept your challenge!” Thancred says confidently.
“I...does he not realize how strong Ulleonne actually is...it’s because of the alcohol isn’t it? Vemmasera says to Ammathrel’a quietly.
“I bet 10000 gil against Thancred!” Yda spouts, slamming gil on the table.
“Ha, I’ll also be 10000, might as well take advantage of an opportunity” Y’shtola says, putting her own gil into the pile.
“Um...oh...” Thancred says, slowly realized he’s made a terrible mistake.
“Now then, lets get this over with shall we?” Ulleonne says with a big grin on her face, putting her hand out to start the challenge, with Thancred slowly bringing his had to meet hers”
Ulleonne is sitting in a chair reading a book, while Vemmasera walking into the room, holding Ammathrel’a my the scruff on the back of his shirt, with crumbs all over his face.
“He got into the cookies again...they’re all gone.”
Ammathrel’a pulls out another cookie, and starts eating it, seemingly unfazed by whats happening.
“Ugh...like a child! Well he see sure seems to have had quite the meal, send him to bed alone” Ulleonne says, pointing to the door leading to the bedrooms. “And no supper for him tonight, he’s had quite the meal already”
Vemmasera walks off with Ammathrel’a in tow, but Ammathrel’a realizing that he’s really messed up.
“I...couldn’t help but overhear, but that doesn’t seem to be much of a punishment...especially over something simple like eating too many cookies” Thancred says, a bit confused with what’s happening.
“See normally it’s not a problem, but Vemmasera was saving those cookies for Tataru’s birthday, and we weren’t able to tell Ammathrel’a to not eat them, but he should have known better. As for sending him to bed early, well he doesn’t like to be away from us, not that he’s too clingy, he just doesn’t like being alone, and you would be surprised how well something like this works”
Ammathrel’a thinking of an extremely reckless and stupid plan to engage a pack of tough looking enemies.
"Whatever idea you have, we're not doing it, we’re going to take this cautiously, I know you’re used to fighting with Vemmasera and how she does things, but we are going to do things slowly, besides, you’re still recovering from your last bout"
"Oh yeah!? What what if I do my plan anyways?" Ammathrel’a signs to Thancred brazenly.
"If you do it, I’ll tell Y'shtola..."
“Who will lecture you, and then go tell Ulleonne, who will be more that happy to tell you how much you messed up, and I don’t think you want Vemmasera to know either...do you?”
“You...you monster!” Ammathrel’a signs, looking as if Thancred’s words have reached it’s mark.
"Our coffers are looking a little barer than usual this month, I don't know what to do other than cut some costs to get through this month...”
"I could do a sexy calendar shoot" Ammathrel’a signed, confident his idea would work.
Y'shtola almost chocks on her tea "I think we’ll come up with a less...frivilous idea, besides, I don’t think anbody need to see...something like that Ammathrel'a..."
"But...my girlfri-"
"Don't...you DARE finish that sentence" Ulleonne yells to Ammathrel’a
Ammathrel’a and Urianger are at the table, eating breakfast when suddenly an sudden presence looms over Ammathrel’a, and Urianger is a bit shocked, until he realizes what said presence actually is.
“Good morning sweetie, I hope you slept well” Vemmasera goes in to give Ammathrel’a a kiss on the cheek.
“Ha, the two of you have quite the dynamic together, while it reminds me of... *ahem* it just does well to see how happy you two, and Ulleonne of course make each other happy” Urinager says smiling.
“We’re all just like a bunch of peas in a pod, as I...think the saying goes. I’ve been told our relationship brings a lot of positiveness to our friends, and I mean...look at Ammathrel’a, he’s such a cutie.” Vemmasera responds, rubbing Ammathrel’a’s head.
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