#url extension
redstonedust · 2 months
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they took away my fuckin posting buttons. can have shit on tumblr.
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pseudophan · 6 months
i just lost two followers and it's making me laugh because judging by my most recent posts i assume they were diehard royalists? or at least people holding the british royal family in an unusually high regard? cry about it i guess idk, i do find it funny that you give a fuck though
on this note though of my followers holding different beliefs than me - if you're a terf? please kill yourself! i don't usually give a fuck because i just don't have it in me to start a war with everyone i disagree with but like. truly. if you hold any kind of prejudice against trans people whatsoever. fuck off from my blog lol i don't want you here
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erigold13261 · 1 year
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"TE-3N Carna and Maragold"
Wanted to draw teen versions of Carna and Maragold, so I did. Both wanted to have longer hair, though Carna kinda regrets faer decision (but isn't going to go back to short because the triple braid is something Carna loves to wear).
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carmenized-onions · 2 months
these are my thoughts
-the amish story?? we're starting with the amish story???? so you want me to bawl my fuckin eyes out, is that? i hate you onion.
-its been 0ERR minutes. damn right. feel the burn carmen berzatto, feel it!!!
-i actually had to switch tabs and play the countries of the world quiz cuz ohhhh my god carmy talking to chef david is never an easy pill to swallow
-mikey called me? i have been officially adopted into the family? im all warm inside. but as a middle child, i am offended. deeply. we also care for people and have to like keep the peace! also ouch, id feel so guilty as a baby getting the big bro attention when the big bro's actually baby is being left on read.
-oh shit oh shit we're back ahhhhhhhh please chef david/carmy needs multiple warnings. also so real so real so real receiving praise from someone who always criticized you is not as sweet as you thought it would be. actually somewhat repulsive.
-i mean,,,, great introspection there carm, but maybe like 0ERR minutes too late buddy
-"The only fuckin’ good thing in my life" ....okay maybe i change my vote and i support tony folding. im folding.
-“Hey asshole—” Richie stops, when he sees David. “Ah. You’re needed, Chef Carmen.” dont back down richie dont back down call him out in front of the stupid exec he put over everyone else. also did you notice in season three no one said 'cousin' once? not onceeeeee. carm deserved it, but damn did it hurt. please heal me onion
-“Want your coffee?” He corrects, like stroking your ego will make you fold. It does. ehehehehehe yeah yeah ill do itt
-fuck me this is dark.
-“Cousin get my fucking bag, now!” she called him cousin.
-ummmm can this be an x richie jerimovich now actually?
-carmen is definitely the joke. i know im tony, but id be on my hands knees for her too.
-onion. “And no one wants you to acknowledge that you’re the guy— Like you can take the compliment, but you can never say ‘I know, I’m doing it on purpose.’” how have you managed to capture the human experience of being the dependable people pleaser into words and such good words????? i could only wish to be as good at writing as you are. profession well chosen.
-'You laugh, and it quickly turns into a groan as you try to come up with something. “I uh… Oh! I fuckin’ hate the nickname ‘Jack’, that’s something.” “Oh?” He leans forward, teasingly intrigued— You’ve thrown him a bone, because you’re the guy, too. He’s able to focus on this in lieu of himself.' ahahahah i knew this was coming, if she liked jack it would've stayed jack but noooo its chip! i been waiting for this one, turn it up! also yes so 'the guy' of her, turning the convo to you only to help out the other guy cuz the guy never wants to be the center of attention unless its actively helping someone out ugh i love you onion
-i think im gonna try to minimize the comments, its like ive got one after every sentence, jeez cool it dude.
-sydmikey crossover kind of , wow. its hitting me. i wonder what they wouldve been like together.
-'and neither of you know this is a lie, yet.' actually fuck you onion.
-shit forgot the richie carmy fight was happening right out the window???????????????????????????
-lol. bear in the freezer 1.0
-you're making me miss mikey even tho im reading mikey but damn i miss my bestie and he should be enjoying the bear with us rn (even tho the bear is shit rn 0ERR but like if it wasnt)
-“If that’s what getting a star takes, I don’t want it.” oh fuck. us squidink truthers out here winning.
-'Richie’s a good dad. You will never find a good time to tell him this.' i know what you're referencing and i despise you for it. tony will tell him.
-'“Yeah, well you need to read Mark Wolynn’s ‘It Didn’t Start With You.’” Richie’s got lists of books now, instead of zingers. They somehow hit harder.' they hit very hard my man, very hard. #teamfuckeveryonebutrichie
read the rest so quick that i felt like i lived it. i hate you. you write so well. my best friend died dude ,you gave me a best friend who knew me and saw me and you killed him???
those are my thoughts. ive been reading this on an off since 10am, it is now almost 5pm. i was meant to be studying. truly the best form of procrastination is reading your work. i hope my review, tho lacking, it welcomed.
-jude the dude <3
So fun fact before we get into this, I am currently at my parents house packing all of my shit because I move into my apartment next thursday!! Thank y’all for being patient w/ me. I would fucking love to get the next chapter out tommorow (and answer all my asks) but we’ll see. I really need to prioritize packing but I,,,,, don’t want to. 
So now as my form of break I’m answering asks between boxes LMAO. SO ANYWAYS LETS FUCKING YAP FOR A WHILE!!~
(also please continue to send in essays, I've got quite the backlog if you're worried I didn't get it!! I probably maybe did!! Just busy fucking couple weeks)
I was so excited to do “what are you amish” as an opener, the doc was literally named ‘amish’ in google docs. I knew it was gonna shoot everyone dead on impact. Speaking of doc names, you ever wonder what the docs of these chapters are named?
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(mushy potato is still chapter 13 I just had edited it a lot and made a new guy) I’m a little unhinged. 
Anyways FEEL THAT BURN CARMY BABY!! This was such a distressing chapter. I think it only adds to the stress to have those really sweet (mostly) moments with Mikey and then go into actually on the fucking brink with Carmen. 
I APOLOGIZE TO ALL MY MIDDLE SIBLINGS!! I think we babies and middle kids should team up tbh to beat Older Sibling’s ass. Middle/Babies are 100% also taking weight on our shoulders and I feel like this is never appreciated, so I wanted to have Tony be a baby, cause it goes against that type of a Baby Sib never being the dependable one. 
I love my middle brother dearly though. I think I see trio siblings fall into the categories of
Oldest - On a hierarchy level, emotionally responsible for everyone. 
Middle - Often financially/emotionally responsible, keeps family connected.
Baby - On a personal level responsible for emotions! One-on-One dynamics, yknow?
At least, that’s where my family and coincidentally the Berzattos seem to fall. I have to stop yapping about this let’s MOVE ONNN
SOOO REAL to get praise and not feel good. It’s so wild. It’s such a wild experience to get the praise you always wanted from someone and then realize immediately oh what the fuck i don’t give a fuck what you think and quite frankly i should’ve never been trying to impress you?? It’s such a weird human experience. Can a psychology major explain this to me. 
0ERR MINUTES TOO LATE LMAOOOO— But yeah, from what I noticed, some seemed to fold after seeing how fucked the rest of Carmen’s Friday went. I feel like it also completely changes the feeling of Something to Do. Should I do a poll again? Actually no I wanna do a different poll hold on…
RICHIE! NEVER BACK DOWN NEVER WHAT? NEVER GIVE UP!!! I did notice the lack of cousin in S3, which completely made sense and hurt deeply, however I live in a world where I wanted everyone to at least a little bit understand each other. 
-ummmm can this be an x richie jerimovich now actually?
This is the poll I wanna do. Because I’ve seen a lot of RiChip or SquidInk truthers coming to the light. What the fuck would Mikey’s ship name be actually? Mikchip? McRib. What? 
You had me blusshinn with quoting the guy scene!! Thank you for saying so. I was fucking tweaking like ‘is anyone going to understand what the fuck i mean when i’m saying this or do i just need to go to therapy’. Turns out we all do. So. That’s good. THANK YOU!! I 
WAITTIN FOR THIS ONE!! CHIP ORIGINS!! I was considering having the Chip origin be another scene that would essentially be ‘off screen’ but it just felt so apt to do here. I actually had an entire other conversation planned for Mikey/Chip to have here but it just didn’t suit them. I’m so glad I went with this. And aufgh, my heart… It was always so fucking sad for me while writing this and switching back and forth between scenes and being like “GOD I DON’T WANNA GO BACK TO CARMEN/MIKEY ERA” they were both very difficult to write for different reasons. But going back to Carmen was always tough cause it was like oh yeah. Mikey’s dead by this one. And he’s not suddenly gonna come out and give someone a painful back massage. This SUCKS!!
I cooked with neither of you know this is a lie, yet. Everyone knows I caramelized the shit out of that one. 
More people need to fight in front of the restaurant. I want those bitches on STAGE. It’s so much more fun when it’s public and weird. 
Now are we a squidink truther or richip gang affiliate we have to choose one jude or are we doing a polycule because i dont know if that’s possible
LISTEN BE HONEST WHEN IS THERE A NORMAL TIME TO GO UP TO YOUR FRIEND AND BE LIKE “hey i think you’re a great father” WHAT? WHAT? I’D start fucking tweaking (crying in public), personally.
All the book reccs were brought to you by my family doctor prescribing them to me. I literally have them on a sticky note next to me. Shout out Dr V! Love you baby!! #teamfuckeveryonebutrichieanddrV
The last scene was very much so my full deep dive into time distorted grief poetry, which I fucking loved doing so thank you to everyone who enjoyed it (you!!). Bro, getting to the end was so hard because I also fell in love with best friend Mikey writing it and I was like man,,,, does he have to die though,,, can we like,,, make him into a marvel superhero or something and pivot genres?? I hate this,,, So listen Mr Storer killed him I just poured a fuck ton of salt in the wound. 
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR REVIEW, ALWAYS FEEL FREE TO SEND IN MORE THOUGHTS I LOVE TO GET THEM IT’S NEVER LACKING!!! Back to packing I go. I think I’ll tackle the desk next? Wish me luck brothers.
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zaptap · 8 months
oh shit tachiyomi is dead? rip
ive been using it since i think my first smartphone (2015-2017) which is like. a while. sad to see it go (though it should keep functioning for the time being, just anything that breaks won't be fixed)
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yellow-yarrow · 9 months
sorry to say that, but womensart is a terf
Ough thanks for telling me I'm deleting that reblog
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brisling · 1 year
tumblr defaulting to the for you algo feed for the home button, logo, and default tumblr.com :) fucking sucks :)
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krustybob · 10 months
*wakes up in a cold sweat* I Need To Apologize To My Ex From 3 Years Ago
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snowflop · 1 year
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I've finally been infected with the new dash layout, this fucking sucks
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magicwhiskers29 · 1 year
hey, please can you turn on custom url so i can go thru your wandersong liveblog chronologically? thanks (also i had to paste that question mark in bc it wouldn't let me type it. webbed site)
Sure! Here!
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typheus · 1 year
anyways. if you add
to the instagram url itll show ppl you follow in chronological order -_-
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strawberryybird · 1 year
i cannot believe tumblr has stripped us of our icons... now how will i spread the gospel of fer-tea-nand von aegir..... ferdinandless posting now...
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nowoyas · 2 years
If you ever see me rb stuff to my main blog just assume that I've just discovered that I'm blocked by someone
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transmandorianpavus · 2 years
thinking about a younger dorian realizing that he likes boys as another boy rather than as a girl. maybe something felt wrong or off before but realizing that he's also a boy is what makes everything click
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paper-mario-wiki · 4 months
in case you haven't thought about switching to firefox yet, here's an extension that will...
Notify you if a website you're on has employees that are on strike
Bypass paywalls for major news outlets like the New York Times
Change the browser theme based on the time of day
Directly install third party non-extension scripts
Save individual browser sessions to be reopened at any time
Use the TV format of YouTube in-browser
Make all chrome extensions compatible with Firefox
Turn YouTube dislikes back on
Fix Twitter and make it way less fucked up
Automatically remove trackers from URLs
And many more!
Feel free to add any other firefox extensions you think are slept on.
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cmondary · 2 months
TIMETRACE : Une timeline pour votre historique web
📌 TIMETRACE est une extension chrome qui améliore grandement votre historique et l'affiche sous la forme d'une frise chronologique indiquant le temps passé sur chacune des pages.
https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/timetrace-navigate-your-h/kmnfpbhpiadgjmbhajleoghenphldppi 📌 TIMETRACE est une extension chrome qui améliore grandement votre historique et l’affiche sous la forme d’une frise chronologique indiquant le temps passé sur chacune des pages. Une fonction de recherche dans le contenu des sites web est disponible ainsi que dans le titre et l’URL. ❤️ J’adore…
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