#us election 24
sailoreuterpe · 2 months
My tradcath, neocon, bigot father said, and I quote, "I might just have to donate to the Dems to keep Trump out of office."
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designworldsposts · 11 months
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1st-n-front · 2 months
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Harris-Walz 2024. LET’S F’N GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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short-wooloo · 1 year
If I see anyone blaming Biden for student loan forgiveness being struck down I'm gonna lose my shit
Because if you think this is Biden's fault, you're a vapid fucking dumbass
The republicans have fought against loan forgiveness from the start
The republicans filed lawsuits against it
The republicans took it to scotus
And the republican controlled scotus is the one that struck it down
Biden did not have the power to just snap his fingers and make student debt go away, the office of the president is not a king
And don't you fucking dare say anything about "bIdEn CoUlD hAvE eXpAnDeD tHe CoUrT"
60 votes, the Democrats have 51
Biden and the Democrats are not to Blame here, it's the republicans, it's fucking always the republicans
Vote blue in 24, vote blue no matter what, every election
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krudekraft · 2 months
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"These Guys Are Weird" Collection available at Redbubble
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cayomuchacha · 29 days
sadly it seems a vocal plurality of americans will simply always prioritize their material security over the lives of others.
you know, until harris actually makes concrete acceptable progressions wrt Palestine, until that happens KAMALA HARRIS CAN CHOKE, because, well ONE SHOULDN’T THINK that a military expansionist apartheid regime and genocidal rogue state such as israel deserves ANY right to “self defense” in a clear obfuscation of israel’s violative, menacing, authoritarian, expansionist and so clearly the antithesis of a self defensive position in the region.
I really, really don’t think any well meaning Democrat should so calmly accept such unacceptably condoning rhetoric of a pariah state committing genocide. We must demand from and hold accountable our leaders to the ideals from which we draw our collective power as a democracy.
:3 no respect for treaties with genocidal states! in breaking decency and humanity they thereby break the treaties! Which necessarily invoke propriety and good faith relations. please dont act like you liberals actually believe in treaty law now when you keep so quiet over broken treaties with Cuba, Hawai`i, Native Sovereign Nations, and beyond.
fuck you uncaring americans who only wish to elect a democrat so you can tune out from political engagement. many of us aren’t granted that luxury
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brieflie · 2 months
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damn he really said “bye den”
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dawnthefluffyduck · 10 months
I can't believe what I have done
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I have been peer pressured into creating score art for a channel me and my friend watch
If you haven't seen it, here's one of his more recent videos; we usually sit and watch tons of them at a time lol. Never thought I'd actually be submitting anything to it though haha
Jokes aside I'm happy with how it came out lol, it's always good to practice keeping that lineart super duper clean every now and then :) transparent version under cut
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"Following #TaylorSwift's endorsement of Kamala Harris, there has been a "400% or 500% increase" in #voterregistration — between 9,000-10,000 people per hour, according to data firm TargetSmart.
"It's really unlike anything I've seen," says TargetSmart senior adviser Tom Bonier." @CBSNews
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1st-n-front · 2 months
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lurkiestvoid · 6 months
I found an old abandoned blog that still had posts from the absolute hellfire that was 2016-2017 and just. Holy shit. It was a very detailed flashback to the actual reality of that time.
The political/election arguments were almost all entirely 100% identical to current, often right down to the exact words used, except with "Hilary" instead of "Biden". And then, after Nov 2016, the absolutely bonkers influx of weekly and then daily chaos that was the Trump administration.
massive news posts filled with dozens of links that were just 'quick update on this past week' 'in case you missed it, here's everything that happened this weekend' 'news from the last three days' bc so much horrible balls-to-the-wall surreal bullshit was happening SO FAST the only way to stay informed was daily news megaposts that still couldn't catch everything
Like, it really was that bad, constantly, from the November election results onwards, he really started fucking with things quite immediately. And these really are the exact same circular and toxic infighting arguments that led to those exact predicted results last time. And we really are doing this again, but this time with bonus gaslighting about whether or not we're repeating ourselves.
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thegoodmorningman · 2 years
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abigailspinach · 2 days
Feeling Reassured?
At a campaign rally Monday in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump creepily tried to reassure women voters that he’s not only not a threat but will be their “protector”:
“I always thought women liked me. But the fake news keeps saying women don’t like me.”
“You will be protected, and I will be your protector.”
“Women will be happy, healthy, confident and free.”
“You will no longer be thinking about abortion.”
The president who ushered in the overturning of Roe v. Wade, bragged about sexually assaulting women, and was found liable for sexual abuse now realizes that the legacy of the Dobbs decision that his three Supreme Court nominees made possible could wind up being be his own election defeat in November.
The scramble Trump has been engaged in for months to blur his position on abortion so as to give his women supporters incentive to stay in his column while not alienating his evangelical base is now reduced to a plaintiff cry of “I always thought women liked me.”
Quote Of The Day
It’s not just Trump.
GOP Senate nominee Bernie Moreno (OH), at a town hall event last week but first reported yesterday by NBC4 in Columbus:
You know, the left has a lot of single issue voters. Sadly, by the way, there’s a lot of suburban women, a lot of suburban women that are like, ‘Listen, abortion is it. If I can’t have an abortion in this country whenever I want, I will vote for anybody else.’ … OK. It’s a little crazy by the way, but — especially for women that are like past 50 — I’m thinking to myself, ‘I don’t think that’s an issue for you.’
2024 Ephemera
Hung out to dry: Donald Trump hasn’t given a dime to the cash-strapped National Republican Congressional Committee, which is responsible for holding the GOP’s House majority.
Nebraska Hangs Tough Against Trump Pressure
It looks like a key state lawmaker in Nebraska won’t budge, potentially spelling the end of Donald Trump’s effort to change the rules late in the game in order to harvest one additional Electoral College vote.
Trump Escalates His Jihad Against Immigrants
Trump’s “blood and soil” rhetoric against legal immigrants in Ohio prompted the crowd at his Pennsylvania rally to begin chanting “Send them back.”
Election Security Watch
Georgia: Anna Bower offers a gentle corrective on how much mischief the MAGAified state election board can really stir up in the post-election phase (the quick-read version is here).
Arizona: The latest strategy in fighting election skepticism is radical transparency.
Ohio: A local election board voted not to use the county sheriff for security during in-person absentee voting after his dehumanizing Facebook post in which he said people with Kamala Harris yard signs should have their addresses recorded so that immigrants can be sent to live with them if she wins the presidency.
Is Iran’s Trump Campaign Hack Still Ongoing?!?
Judd Legum reports that he received Trump campaign internal documents – including a letter dated Sept. 15 – from a conduit named “Robert” who was shopping materials purloined in Iran’s hack of the Trump campaign.
I Miss Run Of The Mill Public Corruption
Back before democracy itself was regularly on the ballot, TPM’s bread and butter was public corruption – an endemic but not existential threat to democracy so long as it’s kept under control. (I grew up in Louisiana and cut my teeth as a journalist there, so I’m familiar with the perils of out-of-control corruption.) Now I have what almost amounts to nostalgia when we get stories like that of former Rep. George Santos (R-NY) or this new revelation about his former New York House delegation colleague Anthony D’Esposito (R-NY) involving patronage and sexual peccadilloes:
Shortly after taking the oath of office, the first-term congressman hired his longtime fiancée’s daughter to work as a special assistant in his district office, eventually bumping her salary to about $3,800 a month, payroll records show. In April, Mr. D’Esposito added someone even closer to him to his payroll: a woman with whom he was having an affair, according to four people familiar with the relationship. The woman, Devin Faas, collected $2,000 a month for a part-time job in the same district office. Payments to both women stopped abruptly several months later, in July 2023, records show, around the time that Mr. D’Esposito’s fiancée found out about his relationship with Ms. Faas and briefly broke up with him, according to the four people.
It hearkens to a earlier, simpler time, another thing Trump ruined for all of us.
A War Both Sides Hoped To Avoid
David Ignatius: Sadness and dread as the next Lebanon war looms
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 month
The state-run Korean Central News Agency ran an editorial after the former president said Washington’s relations with the East Asian country would improve if he was re-elected in November.
“No matter what administration takes office in the US, the political climate, which is confused by the infighting of the two parties, does not change and, accordingly, we do not care about this,” the state news agency said.
It rejected the idea that Mr Trump’s first presidency had a substantial impact on US-North Korea relations, and said personal connections and diplomacy should be looked at separately.
And it said it had no interest in talking to a possible second Trump administration if all it offers are “dialogue with sinister attempts and dialogue as an extension of confrontation”.
23 Aug 24
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centrally-unplanned · 4 months
55% believe the economy is shrinking, and 56% think the US is experiencing a recession, though the broadest measure of the economy, gross domestic product (GDP), has been growing. 49% believe the S&P 500 stock market index is down for the year, though the index went up about 24% in 2023 and is up more than 12% this year. 49% believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high, though the unemployment rate has been under 4%, a near 50-year low.
My new calling card/mantra: You cannot policy tweak your way around this
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