#used vehicle in Cincinnati Ohio
sweeneyusedcars · 2 years
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2021 Ford Explore XLT SUV
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jakesweeneymazda · 1 year
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Jake Sweeney Mazda, you'll find an expansive inventory of Mazda vehicles that showcases the brand's commitment to craftsmanship and driving pleasure. From sleek sedans to versatile SUVs, they have a wide range of Mazda models to suit different lifestyles and preferences. Visit the website at www.jakesweeneymazda.com or stop by the dealership to discover why Jake Sweeney Mazda is the trusted choice for Mazda vehicles. 
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gayrobos · 2 years
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people have been asking how mikki became a stunticon. I’m not going to tell you yet, but let’s take a look at what the girls were doing 2 months before they met mikki!
[ID: the stunticons in: “410,757,864,530 dead cops.” a news reporter sits in her studio, with the bottom scroll reading “-con violence in Cincinnati, Ohio.” “The situation in Cincinnati continues as the ‘Stunticons’ battle police and National Guard in the streets,” she says. the screen cuts to archived footage of Drag Strip shooting her laser arm cannon past an overturned burning car. All of the Stunticons look a little different than we’ve seen them: they have scrapes, burn damage, and integrated weapons. Even the way they walk is more like soldiers than civilians. The reporter’s voiceover continues: “Claims that the robots have an extraterrestrial origin are gaining credence as their weapons’ power seems not of this world.” The camera cuts again: someone filming on their phone as Breakdown and Wildrider walk by, tall and imposing, under a cloudy sky. “Efforts to  get near the ‘spacecraft’ reported by residents as their home base have met with failure. However, they have not targeted civilian residences or persons, only vehicles. Reporter Tricia James was able to approach one of the Stunticons for comment.” The camera cuts again to show Tricia James holding a microphone up to Dead End, who is crouched over her, looking grim. “Tell them we’d love to stop fighting,” said Dead End. “We’ll stop the moment you stop attacking us. We’ve been fighting for thousands of years, and we’re sick of it.” She leans further forward, and James takes an alarmed step back. “But we’re also very, very good at it. Your choice.” the margins are clean and blank. end ID.]
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offender42085 · 1 year
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Post 921
Lawrence Greggs, Colorado inmate 181504, born 1995, incarceration intake in 2018 at age 21; scheduled for parole consideration on 05/07/2075 with full release on 05/07/2095
Murder, Robbery
In 2018 before Eighth Judicial District Court Judge Julie Kunce Field sentenced then 21-year-old Lawrence Greggs for second-degree murder and aggravated robbery she acknowledged that nothing she handed down could ever be true justice.
Justice, she said, would be to roll back the clock and allow for both Fort Collins victim Devon Smeltz and shooter Greggs to continue to live their lives.
"But I can't do that," she said.
She instead handed down a sentence that she thought was as close an approximation to justice as she could find: 80 years, the maximum sentence for Greggs' charges, in the Department of Corrections.
Greggs and two other co-defendants from Ohio were arrested for robbing and killing Fort Collins resident Devon Smeltz in a "drug deal gone bad."
Greggs and co-defendant Michael Gresham had made a plan to drive from Cincinnati, Ohio, to Colorado to purchase cocaine from Smeltz, and according to statements made to police, at the last minute, co-defendant Joshua Baker joined them to get out of his house.
The three met Smeltz in the early morning hours of Aug. 26, 2016, in the Timnath Walmart parking lot. Based on testimony from Fort Collins police detective Siobhan Seymour, the defendants, whose stories conflicted, stopped in Kentucky to pick up an AR-15-style rifle from someone in exchange for Xanax before continuing on to Colorado.
After arriving at the Walmart, Greggs got out of the Jeep and got into Smeltz's Mercedes. Smeltz reportedly did not bring the amount of drugs agreed upon, but Baker later told police the three had not brought much money with them.
Greggs had brought a Taurus revolver that he put in a bag — which may have been used to trick Smeltz into thinking there was money — and then shot Smeltz several times. Greggs returned to the Jeep where Gresham and Baker were still sitting and told them he needed to reload because Smeltz was not yet dead.
Greggs went back and shot Smeltz again, then got back to the car and said he needed help moving Smeltz's body into the trunk.
Smeltz had also been armed.
The men stole the Mercedes and drove to Smeltz's home to rob it but fled when Smeltz's mom heard a noise and went to see what was going on.
The three continued driving the Jeep and the Mercedes and dumped Smeltz's body in a field in Morgan County.
The two vehicles were later stopped by Illinois state troopers, and police said they found a bag of Xanax pills, a loaded semiautomatic pistol covered in blood, Smeltz’s phone and wallet, and a backpack that contained a revolver, Versace jeans, empty shell casings and $11,400 worth of cocaine (about 5 ounces). They also found more blood in the Mercedes.
In their investigation, police obtained surveillance footage from the Walmart parking lot and text messages from the suspects' phones and videos, some of which were played at the sentencing.
When Smeltz's mother, Dawn Becker, spoke at the sentencing, she implored the judge to give Greggs the maximum sentence allowed by the plea deal. Smeltz's father, Doug Smeltz, pointed out that the family members were opposed to the plea deal, which reduced the number of charges the defendants faced.
First Assistant District Attorney Mitch Murray told Field that Greggs' actions were "not an isolated error of judgement," referencing an Ohio incident Greggs was reportedly involved in, in which a drug deal was set up to then steal money, drugs and guns.
Murray said Greggs can spend his time in prison trying to make something of his life, which he took away from Smeltz.
Greggs' attorney Jeffrey Schwartz, however, painted a tragic picture of Greggs' life growing up.
He came from an impoverished home, in a "crime-laden community," in which he was abused by his mother, didn't know his father and later lived with his uncle. He was a victim to racism, even by his extended family, for being biracial. Greggs' mom, Schwartz said, used drugs while pregnant with Greggs and throughout his life and is currently serving time on federal drug charges.
But Greggs pushed forward, was the only one of his family to graduate high school, and joined the Army at 17 before having to be medically discharged because of an issue he could not control.
"Much like Devon Smeltz, (Greggs) had two different sides to him," Schwartz said.
While Smeltz was a loving father and son, he was also a drug dealer who at the time of the killing and was being investigated for his involvement in an apartment shooting, according to Schwartz.
Though none of Greggs' history excuses the horrific murder, Schwartz said, he felt it was important for the judge to "understand what created this person."
Schwartz said the court should consider that Greggs was 19 at the time of the murder, a time when his brain was continuing to develop, and was impacted by the traumatic incidents he faced as a child. In a few years, Schwartz said, he has already matured and is taking responsibility for his actions.
Greggs, who looked down during the majority of the hearing on Thursday, read a prepared statement in which he apologized to the court, the community and the family of Smeltz.
He said he wanted to be a productive member of society and that no matter what sentence he received, he would use the time to better himself and move in the right direction.
Field acknowledged the difficulty of the case, and the pain on all sides.
"I know there were no angels in this case," she said, adding that it was almost inevitable, with three guns and drugs, that someone would end up dead.
She said after balancing the goals of the criminal justice system and the circumstances of the killing, reviewing all the evidence and thinking "long and hard" about the sentence, it came down to a single action that was most impactful to her: Greggs went back to the Jeep to reload the gun after he had already shot Smeltz and then returned to shoot him.
Field said she does believe that Greggs has "a great deal to offer," but his choices on Aug. 26, 2016, limited what she could do.
(Joshua Baker, Colorado inmate 182197; discussed at Post 296.)
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handeaux · 2 years
One Hundred Years Ago, Cincinnati's New Year Began With . . . A Fox Hunt?
Bright and early on New Year’s Day 1923, several hundred residents of Milford, Ohio, gathered on Tealtown Road for a fox hunt. The hunters were not decked out in full regalia for an English-style romp, once described by Oscar Wilde as “the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable.” No, these were sturdy township yeomen, farmers out to protect their poultry. According to the Enquirer [28 December 1922]:
“Union Township is thickly infested with foxes and some real sport is assured. Foxes to be taken alive.”
Only the hunt captains were allowed to ride horses; the rest of the hunters marched on foot. No firearms were permitted, only clubs used to beat the bushes, and there were no dogs baying at the scent. Still, the Milford hunt netted six foxes captured alive and auctioned (for fur? pets?) at prices ranging from $9.50 to $18.75.
The remainder of Cincinnati’s residents were apparently nursing hangovers. Despite the imposition, two years previously, of Prohibition, and despite the ubiquitous presence of liquor-control agents, it is obvious that the flowing bowl ran unimpeded. The whole of Downtown was an outdoor party, according to the Cincinnati Post [1 January 1923]:
“The New Year was given a tremendous ovation, so to speak. Clanging of bells, blowing of whistles and discharging of firearms seemed louder than ever before. Automobile horns added to the din. Long before midnight those unlucky ones who had failed to make table reservations at hotels started to parade the streets. Theater crowds added to the throng.”
Police reported multiple incidents of people shooting pistols, rifles and shotguns. One of the few arrests that night was Charles Nichols, apprehended at Fifth and John streets firing a handgun loaded with blanks. Mary Daugherty, a widow living at 1715 Vine Street, suffered a mysterious wound in her right hand that police believe was caused by a falling bullet.
Adding to the din was a massive explosion on Vine Street at Fourteenth, which sent a sewer lid thirty feet into the air, returning to earth with a resounding clang. Investigators rushed to the scene and determined that fumes in the subterranean tunnels had ignited to create the blast.
With all the obviously lubricated revelry surrounding them, it is surprising that police made very few arrests for liquor violations. A twelve-year-old boy was found unconsciously inebriated in a vacant lot in the West End. Police transported him to the hospital and initiated a search for his supplier and for his mother, who was nowhere to be found. William Rockey, the village smithy of Loveland, was hauled in on charges that he was supplementing his ironmongering by distributing moonshine by the gallon. Norwood’s arrests amounted to a single tosspot, who was provided with a cell in which to sleep it off.
There was less liquor to go around on New Year’s Eve 1922 because prohibition agents had raided two 100-gallon stills, one in Mount Airy and one in Avondale. It appeared that both stills were operated by the same gang of bootleggers. In addition to the stills, agents confiscated 35 barrels of mash and 50 gallons of finished product.
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The big excitement in town on New Year’s Eve was out in Price Hill, where a gang of Cleveland auto thieves raised a ruckus at the Warsaw Avenue police station. Harry Forthoffer and Harry Legoy robbed a Cleveland clubman and drove to Cincinnati to meet up with Forthoffer’s brother, John. The trio were arrested for speeding in Price Hill and taken to the station (the old District Three building).
There, the Forthoffers were brought inside for booking while Legoy sat in the stolen vehicle under police guard. In the lobby, Harry Forthoffer pulled a gun from under his coat and waved it at the officers, who backed away. Abandoning his brother, held by police at gunpoint, Forthoffer burst through the front doors. As he made his break, Legoy saw that the police guarding him were distracted. He punched the gas and sped off. Forthoffer, now on foot, made a dash for Dempsey Park where he was able to evade his pursuers. Legoy was stopped a few blocks away and hauled into the station where, under questioning, he revealed the address of the flophouse in which the trio were hanging out. Police forced Legoy to drive to that address and hid themselves in the hallway and alleys. When Forthoffer saw Legoy sitting in the getaway car, he ran outside and jumped into the vehicle. Immediately surrounded by lawmen, his only complaint to the police was, “You got us too soon.”
Judge Charles W. Hoffman, of Cincinnati’s divorce court, reported a significant drop in marriage dissolutions during 1922. Judge Hoffman heard only 1,057 divorce cases in 1922, compared to 1,201 in 1921. Of the 1,057 cases in 1922, women won 608 decrees while husbands won only 289. Most of the remainder were denied and a few were suits for alimony only.
Amid all this excitement, the Cincinnati Post predicted brighter days ahead, illuminated by psychic energy. In an editorial [1 January 1923] the paper forecast interplanetary telepathy in language that would fit right into any pulp science fiction novel of that decade:
“Shall we, in 1923, talk with Mars or Venus by radio or mental waves? Shall we discover new psychic powers that have been lying dormant in us, waiting until Destiny is ready for us to use them? All of us have been vaguely conscious that such latent powers exist. Occasionally they are manifested by mysterious happenings that no one can satisfactorily explain. The World War, titanic struggle, was the forerunner of something new and tremendous. Great spiritual or psychic forces shook civilization to its foundations. Leading up to – what? We may know, before the end of 1923. Forward, across the threshold of the unknown.”
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
HAMILTON, Ohio (AP) — Authorities in southwestern Ohio say police shot and killed a man who pulled out a handgun when confronted by officers, about an hour after he allegedly fled the scene of a fatal shooting.
Police in Hamilton, a city north of Cincinnati, said a car crash at a gas station escalated into a felony assault that left one man dead of a gunshot wound at around 7 p.m. Saturday.
Police said the suspect fled in a vehicle that was later found in nearby Fairfield Township, and Hamilton officers went there looking for him. The officers spotted the man just after 8 p.m. and confronted him.
The man “produced a handgun which prompted both officers to discharge their firearms,” Hamilton police said. The suspect was shot and officers provided medical aid, then took him to UC West Chester Hospital, where he was pronounced dead, police said.
The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation is investigating the police shooting and Hamilton police are investigating the earlier homicide. Police said the Butler County coroner's office will release the identities of both men after their relatives have been notified.
Hamilton Police Chief Craig Bucheit said there are multiple investigations underway involving both cases and there are no additional suspects connected to the earlier homicide.
“It is still very early and there’s a lot of work left to do," Bucheit said. “From what I have seen, the officers followed their training, used good tactics and acted to keep a very dangerous suspect from hurting anyone else.”
Butler County Prosecutor Michael Gmoser said that he will present the results of the state investigation to a county grand jury, as is his policy for all such cases.
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arjaandsimoni · 5 months
Bad Blood
The Peters Cartridge Company Building, Cincinnati Ohio
It had originally been an ammunition manufacturer founded in 1887 which supplied multiple countries with weaponry during both the first and second world war, but their fortunes had ended with the end of the second of those and the company folded. It fell into disrepair after 1968 but was soon put on the registry of historic buildings in the mid-80s. Today the building is home to a brewery and an apartment complex… at least on paper.
In private however, the old building is home to quite a bit more.
Nelen pulled up outside the building in the largest rental vehicle he could obtain on short notice… but the simple fact of the matter was not all of them could come. Drusilla would have taken up most of the back by herself, and then there would be the matter of Lupe and Natasha, as well as the changeling prince and princess, Tex, and their recently arrived Indian allies Arja and Simoni… so it was decided that Drusilla would have to remain behind to guard the Smith Household.
Tex stayed back as well, the only human of their party besides Nelen would have been an obvious target for their foes. Nicu and Lupe stayed as well, though Natasha had insisted on coming to see this prince who would encourage suicidal levels of exposure among the vampires herself.
As he found a secluded area to park in he looked behind him, Dawn sitting shotgun in the bus. “Alright, we all remember the plan? If we can expose Al for what he really is then its entirely possible the vampires will join us or run for the hills, either way that means we won’t have to deal with them.” he nodded firmly, the magus dressed in just a winter jacket over his jeans and teeshirt, with sturdy boots.
“Quite, few vampyr would be insane enough to willingly side with a being of Hell. Our souls are in a tenuous enough state as it is.” agreed Natasha. She had dressed as she often did, in gothic finery. Even going into a battle she would not demean herself by wearing different garb.
Stephy was dressed in the same outfit he wore to fight Clarence, the changeling princess checking their purse again. “Got a few nasty surprises. Some more of those sunflowers that I told you about, a few bellbomb peppers…” he nodded as Sammi checked the edge on his rapier.
“Well, we’ll just have to hope that this does not go against us Nelen…” murmured the princeling, “If all else fails I can open a path to the Hedge, but we will have to come out somewhere, and the Hedge around here is… well…” he looked around, “Lets just hope it is not needed...”
“We’ll take that chance when it comes… and Arja?” asked Nelen.
“Yuth?” she replied, her voice muffled.
Nelen frowned, “… aren’t you being just a bit melodramatic?”
Arja sat there bundled against the cold, the vanara girl wearing a sweater and a pair of jeans with long underwear under a jacket that was also under a winter coat, two scarves wrapped around her face, and a bobble hat pulled over her head, her hands covered in thick woolen mittens and her feet crammed into fur-lined snowboots.
“… nuh.” she replied, narrowing her eyes at the magus.
Sammi grinned, chuckling to himself, as the vanara glared at him. “Wut?” she growled.
“Oh, nothing… just remembering all those times when I commented on how unpleasant the weather was in New Orleans, or Texas, or India…” he whistled innocently as he sheathed his weapon.
Simoni sighed at her, the garuda girl wearing a pair of woolen leggings under a denim skirt and her own snowboots, along with a sleeveless green sweater under a thick winter coat. She had to find a good balance that would allow for talons and wings if needed and had taken Stephy’s advice on leggings. All her legs really did was change shape, and leggings had no feet, so they worked as far as her transformation went. “Arja, we’ll just have to deal as best we can… if we’re fighting against vampires they’ll need someone who can use fire.”
Finally however, the group had to get moving… Dawn went in first, scouting the way invisibly as Simoni and Stephy managed to talk Arja down into ditching the coat and mittens. As a vanara her fighting often relied on agility, and it would be extremely hard to be agile in such bulky winter-wear.
Dawn crept her way through the building, her yellow eyes occasionally shining in the gloom as she made her way further and further towards what Dusty had told them. There was a hidden basement, all she had to do was know where it was and she could teleport them all in at once… and after a bit her sensitive ears picked up the sound of a lot of voices below her.
The cheshire focused, then suddenly was a good fifty feet straight down, standing on the ceiling, and wincing in shock.
There were a LOT of people down there… at least a few dozen that she could see, and she could tell that not all of them were human. A good chunk of ghouls obviously, or just mortal cronies hoping to get in on their master’s good graces to get offered their blood… but on the stage…
She narrowed her eyes, hissing, “Gotcha… ‘Al.’” she frowned, teleporting back to the bus and appearing in the front passenger seat.
“He’s here, and I don’t see his backup dancers anywhere so far.” she nodded.
Nelen grinned, cracking his knuckles, “Alright kids, lets go.” he nodded, taking Dawn’s hand and holding his back towards the rest. The other five put their hands on his and in a swirl of magic they all vanished!
The Hidden Basement under the Cartridge Company Building
“Now… I hear there’s been some bitching about the new policies…” began Al, the vampire prince wearing the same suit as before, but now with several fancy rings on his fingers and a pendant around his neck. He wore a thick pair of sunglasses over his eyes and a fedora hat. The sunglasses he felt made him look impressive, and the hat went with the suit.
He’d found Archibald’s old jewelry box and had taken some choice items. His left hand had several solid gold rings set with large gemstones etched with the image of strange creatures on them. On his ring finger was one with a huge ruby showing a shape like some strange lizard, his middle finger had an emerald with a scorpion design, and so on. The pendant was a stylized dragon, a symbol of power among some circles of vampires. Even among the undead, some believed in the power of the ’Son of the Dragon,’ Vlad Dracul.
“… and I heard rumors that one of our big shots has been staked.” he added, “I checked with my advisors, and ain’t nobody fuckin’ told me that the Mill Creek Monster got taken out! So those rumors stop NOW!” he slammed his fist down. “The Rat can do what he fuckin’ wants! If he wants to go play hide ‘n seek I don’t give a shit.”
There were several murmurs among the crowd, including among one very confused coterie who had been sent to the old Paper Mill personally by Astaroth… he had lied to the Prince about Clarence’s death? They saw some pretty obvious proof that he was gone for good…
“But the main thing is there’s still little chicken shits out there who don’t want to live like TRUE vampires!” he snarled, “We ain’t human, so stop pretendin’ to be! We’re BETTER than human! They’re our goddamn FOOD! They’re LESS than us! They don’t fuckin’ MATTER anymore unless they prove they do!”
The ghouls in the crowd shared worried looks at that, as did their mortal counterparts… as if they were just now realizing that they were swimming with the proverbial sharks. They looked to the vampires they served, but the undead refused to meet their gaze.
“I got Walter out tonight, ‘n he’s dealing with another group that was planning to ice me… so if anyone gets any dumb ideas…” he began…
… and that’s when the door to the basement was blasted off its hinges.
Wood splinters and embers soared over the heads of the crowd as a cry of alarm went up among the assembled undead and their minions and into the room rushed Nelen, a silver tipped stake already in hand, alongside Dawn whose hat and glasses were gone to reveal her feline features.
Stephy and Sammi came next, the changeling princess generating a swirl of ice and snow around his hand as the prince drew his blade and held it ready. Alongside them strode Natasha, her cane already opened to reveal her own weapon should it be needed.
Finally Arja jumped over the group and landed before them in her vanara form, her tail thrashing behind her as flames flickered behind her monkey-like fangs. She hated how cold it was here and was quite eager to turn up the heat. Simoni landed next to her, the garuda shedding her wings and scales to return to her human form.
“That’s ENOUGH!” snapped Stephy, stepping forward as he reached into his purse, pulling out a fresh bellbomb pepper. “We know who you really are! Did we not beat you badly enough last year ‘Al?’”
The prince rose from behind the podium where he’d taken shelter when the door was blown apart, hearing the changeling’s declaration… though, his reaction may not be what Stephy expected.
“… the fuck are you talking about? Who the hell ARE you?” he asked.
Stephy glared back, “Don’t play dumb! I heard Astaroth say your name and there’s only one ‘Al’ we know who could cause this much trouble!” he retorted… until he felt Nelen’s hand on his shoulder.
“Stephy…” he frowned, raising his eyebrow at the prince. “… that’s… not Al.”
“What?!” asked Stephy as Sammi faltered, his sword lowering a bit as Dawn stared at him. Arja and Simoni looked over their shoulders as well. Even Natasha looked surprised at this, glancing between him and the prince.
“Uh… well, that is my name…” commented the Prince. He was able to hear them even in the back, the basement had very good acoustics, and vampires had excellent hearing. The crowd was stunned, not sure how to react yet at the sudden interruption by a gaggle of supernaturals.
Stephy shook his head, “That’s the new prince! That’s the one who took over! We saw him in Dusty’s vision! That’s gotta be Al!” he insisted.
Nelen sighed, “Yeah, well Cernunnos can sense demonic auras and he says this guy is just another bloodsucker… That’s NOT Al!”
“Yes he is!” insisted the changeling.
“Yes I am…” commented the increasingly confused prince.
Stephy looked at the prince, then back at Nelen, “But… But I heard Astaroth…” he started, Nelen held up a hand however.
“Stephy… Did this guy say ‘Al,’ or did he say ‘Agaliarept?’” asked the magus in a rather strained tone.
“… er… he said… ‘Al.’” replied the changeling, their cheeks coloring as they began to realize their error.
“Stephy… do you know how COMMON a name like that is?” grimaced Nelen, “He could have been talking about an Albert, or an Alan, or an Alberto, or… THERE’S A LOT OF DAMN NAMES THAT START WITH ‘A L!’”
Dawn coughed, looking around, “Well… this got awkward in a hurry…” she muttered, glancing back at Nelen, “So… uh… Nelen, should I just yoink us outta here or…”
However as soon as she said that there was an audible snapping sound.
The group looked up, as did the assembled undead and their minions.
The prince’s face was an enraged grimace, his hand gripping the podium so hard he’d broken a chunk of it away, crushing it in his hand with his vampiric strength. “What… did you say his name was?” he asked.
Nelen frowned, stepping forward and looking straight at the prince’s face. “Its Nelen Fullmoon. Whats it to you Dracula?” he asked.
The prince stepped down from the podium, grinning at them… and it was a very nasty grin indeed. “Oh this is TOO fucking perfect! I’ve been waiting years for this!” he snarled, taking off his glasses and tossing his hat to the side.
Nelen squinted at his face, then his eyes widened, “You…” he glared back, “YOU MURDEROUS SON OF A BITCH!” he spat in fury as the rest of the group looked at the prince.
“Wait, Nelen… YOU know him?!” asked Stephy in shock.
“Oh I fucking know THIS piece of shit!” he growled, “He’s the reason I wound up saddled with a demon for a fucking decade!”
The vampire prince slowed to a halt, flexing his hands, “The little fag had it coming Fullmoon.” he retorted.
“SHUT YOUR GODSDAMN MOUTH MURDER!” he snapped, striding forward as if he’d forgotten all about the other undead in the room. “He’d never done anything to you, you wouldn’t have even known his fucking name if you hadn’t heard about him coming out… and what did you do?!”
Simoni stared, the pieces clicking together in her head, “Oh shit…”
“You and your rich asshole friends CHAINED HIM TO THE BACK OF YOUR TRUCK AND DRAGGED HIM UNTIL HIS BODY FELL APART!” he spat, every line in his face showing nothing but blind fury. “Yeah, I know exactly who this fucker is…” he growled, “Alfred Ludsthorp… heir to one of the local political dynasties… and someone who should be trapped in the quarantine ward at St. Elizabeth for the rest of his pathetic life.”
There was silence all around. Nelen’s allies knew his story now, about how his friend had come out as gay in the days before it was even remotely safe to do so, how the wrong people had heard about it, and how he had been tortured to death by a group of their well-to-do classmates.
How, when one of them went to his father to protect them, he was able to get away without even so much as being arrested because his father put pressure on the police to ignore the crime. How this drove Nelen to seek revenge in the worst way possible. He could have simply beaten them to a pulp with his own inborn Fullmoon strength… but instead he’d gone with something much darker.
He wanted those who had tortured his friend to death to suffer for what they’d done… and he made a deal with something awful to do it.
Standing before them was the man who had committed the murder that had sent Nelen down the road that led to him making a pact with Merihim, Demon of the Court of Wrath.
One Year Ago…
Francis Ludsthorp was a broken man. He had spent every cent he had to try to cure his son, to no avail. Antibiotics were useless, gene therapy was a lost cause, they’d even tried experimental radiation therapy without success.
He was running out of money. His political career was in shambles. About four years after his son wound up hospitalized his personal financial records had been stolen and leaked onto the internet showing how he’d been embezzling funds from the local government to line his own pockets. How he’d been using them to pay off investigators… there were even videos of the more recent meetings (god only knew how! The video looked like it was recorded from the ceiling!) A recall vote came shortly after, and when the dust settled nobody would trust him to run a gas station nevermind hold public office.
Then, one day, he got a call from the hospital. That year, just near the tail end of February, his son’s disease had just… stopped. It’d just vanished, all trace of it in his body. The virus cells were just suddenly gone.
He’d almost called it a miracle, until the hospital told him the rest of the story. The virus was gone, but the damage had been done. His son’s body was a disaster. The disease was akin to leprosy with a nasty grudge against its host and ten times more destructive than any strain they’d ever seen. Alfred would likely never walk again, his arms were atrophied to the point of uselessness, he was almost totally blind, it was a miracle he was alive at all…
Desperation took him. He wanted something, ANYTHING, that could help his son… and after weeks of searching, he found his chance.
The more superstitious doctors had commented that this disease almost seemed more like being cursed than sick with how little effect medicine had on it… and why not replace one curse with another. He was in politics, he always knew that there were some extreme ways to get power in the Greater Cincinnati Area… well, maybe that could save his son.
Thus, in the dead of night, he brought his son to a secluded warehouse, and met a man he would only ever know as William.
He didn’t stay to watch the deed get done, he couldn’t stand to see such a thing happen. Once it was over he insisted on taking his son home with him, despite William's warnings not to.
That next evening he went into his son’s bedroom to find him sitting up in bed, looking straight at him.
Francis ran forward to embrace his boy… and found out why William had tried to convince him to leave his son with him instead.
When Alfred finished with his father, and facing the horror of what he had done, William was waiting for him… and that was where his life as a human being had ended.
The Cartridge Company Basement, Present Day
The room was deathly silent, Nelen and Alfred staring each other down… then suddenly there was a small snicker.
“Wait… his name was Alfred all this time?” asked Dawn, “Like… Batman’s butler?” she snorted as Sammi put a hand to his mouth, trying to hide his grin as he held his rapier ready. Even Arja had to let out a small chuckle at that.
The prince’s eye twitched, his vampiric hearing able to pick out several stifled chuckles from the crowd as a few others made the connection themselves.
Nelen ignored her though, “How the hells did a worthless sack of crap like you wind up as the Prince?” he demanded.
Alfred sneered, “Like I’d tell you Fullmoon… but you’re right, I am in charge here… EVERYONE!” he snapped his fingers, “This is an order from your Boss! KILL ‘EM!” he shouted!
Nelen blinked, then remembered he was surrounded by the prince’s allies. “Fuck.” he whispered, then an instant later he vanished and reappeared behind the others as Stephy and Simoni ran forward and tore the stems off a pair of bellbomb peppers.
“BOMBS AWAY!” shouted Simoni, throwing her’s to the right as Stephy threw his to the left, the plants landing amid the crowd of vampires and their minions.
“Hope you guys like it spicy!” laughed Stephy as the peppers exploded into a massive cloud of capuchin and glamour, cries of pain erupting from within the mob as Arja moved forward, took a deep breath, and exhaled a huge cone of flame directly at Alfred!
The prince’s eyes widened as he grimaced, a wall of fire racing directly towards him! “SHIT!” he cried out, covering his face with his hands, and the flames hit home, blasting out around his form and scorching anyone too close to flee in time!
Several ghouls and a couple vampires went down, the latter screaming in terror as the flames ate away at their undead flesh… and then the flames died to reveal the prince crouching defensively… but totally unhurt.
Alfred looked up, clearly every bit as surprised as Arja was, a strange glow fading from the ruby ring he wore. “… uh… yeah… totally knew that’d happen…” he coughed, standing up, “WELL? DON’T JUST STAND THERE! GET THEM DAMMIT!” he shouted.
At this point the mob was quite likely to agree with them, several of them half blind and in pain from the peppery goblin fruit, the others recognizing that whoever they were they were definitely their enemies! All around them they could hear the cock of handguns, the sound of knives being drawn from boots or belt sheathes, and see the vampires assembled readying their own attacks.
“Dammit! DAWN!” yelled Nelen, “PLAN FIFTY THREE!”
Dawn nodded, then the group huddled together as she focused, and with a loud thunderclap they vanished from the room.
Plan Fifty Three: RUN LIKE HELL!
The group reappeared on the ground level outside, next to where Nelen had hidden their vehicle. “GO GO GO! GET INSIDE NOW!” he shouted, running towards the driver’s side as he fumbled with the keys, the rest of the group frantically rushing into their seats and bracing themselves.
Nelen stomped the gas hard and the van lurched forward, then he spun it around and gunned the engine as hard as it would let him go as the doors to the building burst open and after a few minutes several cars raced out of the parking lot after them!
Dawn glanced at the mirror and let out a low whining meow, “Neleeeeeeeeen! They’re coming!” she warned.
“Yeah! I noticed!” snapped the magus, pushing the engine until it cried as he tried to gain distance… but this vehicle had been built for hauling, not speed! “Shit, can SOMEONE slow them down?!” he asked.
Simoni whined, looking outside, but trying to fly in that chill would be borderline impossible! She’d be an ice cube before they got halfway above them...
For Stephy however… “Dawn! Get me and Sammi onto the roof!” he nodded, shrugging off his jacket and kicking off his boots. The cheshire nodded and grabbed both their hands, then teleported them up ontop of the van before warping herself quickly back inside as Stephy transformed, spreading his wings and trying to hold onto the swerving vehicle with his talons as Nelen fought with the icy roads below.
Sammi took his sibling’s purse, then climbed atop his back and nodded to him, the changeling princess letting out a loud birdlike cry as they took to the air!
Stephy yelped in surprise as the cars shot past below them, then whistled up a sharp tailwind and shot forward after them as Sammi dug through his purse. “Moving too fast to freeze the roads under them… bellbombs are worthless, they’ll have the windows up… no… not this one either… AHA!” he nodded, pulling out what looked like a strange straw doll, but made from a thorny vine rather than straw. “Stephy! Get ahead of them if you can!” he nodded.
Stephy focused, then let out another cry as they shot forward, the princess glancing below, then Sammi nodded and took the doll, gritting his teeth as he intentionally drew a thorn over his finger. “A little red water to help you grow m’dear…” he whispered, then tossed it down infront of the cars. It missed the first two, landed right infront of a second pair, and by the time the two following them reached that spot the drivers found a rather nasty surprise! The road was suddenly covered with a huge mass of razor sharp, unnaturally strong, and four-inch-long thorns! There were several loud bangs and their cars spun out of control as their tires were shredded to ribbons!
“Nice throw!” grinned Stephy, then he shrieked as several loud bangs came from below them. Their pursuers had realized they had enemies above, and they’d come prepared for a fight! Bullets whizzed by them as Stephy flapped to slow down, narrowly dodging a hail of lead… but this meant the windows were open now.
“Sammi! Get ready!” he nodded, shooting forward in the sky and angling downwards. They drew nearly level with the ground as Sammi pulled a bellbomb pepper out of his purse, biting the stem off… and as soon as they got close enough to one of the cars he threw it in through the passenger window and Stephy immediately flapped as hard as he could to regain altitude!
They were close long enough to hear, ‘is that a fucking pepper?’ before there was a massive splattery sound and the windows were covered in pulp and spices, screams coming from inside as the car swerved out of control before crashing into a ditch!
The changeling princess yelped as another spray of bullets shot up from below… then they looked forward to see the backdoor of the van opening.
Dawn was there, holding onto a handle built into the back of the van, and she was holding something… She grinned, then opened a cardboard box and poured out what looked like a bunch of shining metal objects, and another car went spinning out of control before slamming headlong into a tree!
That still left two though, and they were close enough to get a clear shot now! Several gunshots rang out, but the shadows under the door suddenly stretched down and hardened, and the bullets bounced off the barrier of darkness it created!
Of course… all this chaos couldn’t go unnoticed forever… and Sammi looked out across the snowy landscape to see something else on a nearby road. Several vehicles were approaching at speed, with flashing red and blue lights. “Oh oak and ash… someone called the police!” he swore, “Stephy!”
“I know I know… dammit what are we gonna do…” he whined, looking around. It’d be foolish to assume that the local vampire courts wouldn’t have agents in law enforcement. They could easily arrange for an ‘accident’ to occur in custody, it happened often enough already!
Then they saw ahead of them, a large bridge, a covered bridge to be specific. “Sammi… I know its dangerous around here… but we don’t really have any other choice!”
Sammi frowned, “I fear you’re right… blast it all, we’ll just have to take the risk!” he nodded as the two focused on the archway the bridge made and drew upon their own connection to the Wyrd.
Inside the van Nelen’s knuckles were almost white as he raced towards the bridge, bullets whizzing past on both sides of the vehicle as Arja and Simoni held on for dear life.
Suddenly, the space infront of him seemed to distort, the magus frowning. “What the… OH SHIT!” he swore as he realized what he was seeing, the view of the bridge shifting to reveal a pathway of thorn covered trees in a moonlit forest. “KIDS! HANG ON TIGHT!” he shouted as the van barreled over the bridge, the two cars behind it swerving to a halt as they saw the strange display… just in time for Sammi and Stephy to shoot past above them through the gateway, the portal slamming shut as the bridge returned to normal.
“The fuck was that…” asked one of the drivers as they got out of the car, staring at where the van had disappeared.
“Man I got no damn clue… c’mon, lets head back.” replied the other as they got back in their cars.
Soon the police arrived and took stock of the carnage along the roadside and the four wrecked vehicles… but of the van there was no sign.
Somewhere else…
Nelen slumped over the steering wheel of the van, the front end totaled from where it’d hit one of the trees. He raised his head with a groan, then looked around…
He’d grown up around here, he knew most of the area, but this was well beyond the fields he knew.
Stephy and Sammi had saved them from their pursuers and local law enforcement by sending them into the depths of the Hedge.
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eliteseoteam · 7 months
Car's Cash For Junk Clunkers Near Cincinnati OH - Automobile Buyers
"Car's Cash for Junk Clunkers" is your premier solution for selling old, damaged, or unwanted vehicles near Cincinnati, Ohio. Located conveniently within the region, our service specializes in providing quick and hassle-free transactions for individuals looking to dispose of their junk cars while earning cash in return.
Our process is straightforward and efficient. Whether your vehicle is running or not, we accept all types of cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs in any condition. This means you can turn your junk clunkers into cash without worrying about repairs or extensive paperwork.
When you choose Car's Cash for Junk Clunkers, you can expect:
Fair and competitive offers: We understand the value of your vehicle, regardless of its condition. Our team evaluates each car thoroughly and provides a fair market offer based on its make, model, year, and current state.
Convenient pickup service: We eliminate the inconvenience of transporting your vehicle to us. Once you accept our offer, we'll schedule a convenient pickup time and location, whether it's at your home, workplace, or another designated area.
Instant cash payments: Say goodbye to lengthy payment processes. Upon pickup, our team will provide you with instant cash payment, ensuring a seamless transaction from start to finish.
Environmentally responsible disposal: We prioritize environmentally friendly practices in disposing of vehicles. Whether your car is scrapped for parts or recycled responsibly, you can trust that we handle the process with care and sustainability in mind.
Professional and friendly service: Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service. We aim to make the selling process as smooth and stress-free as possible, guiding you through every step with professionalism and expertise.
If you're in the Cincinnati area and looking to sell your junk clunker for cash, Car's Cash for Junk Clunkers is your trusted partner. Contact us today to get a quote and experience the convenience of turning your old vehicle into instant cash.
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slimygeesemob · 7 months
Slimy Geese Mob Entry #5
What types of regional and local transport does Cincinnati need more in the future? Explain why.
A mode of transportation that Cincinnati could improve on and increase accessibility for is the streetcar. Cincinnati has a streetcar, The Connector, and it runs through and around OTR and Downtown Cincinnati. Through certain streets, the streetcar has its own lane and has its own stations for people to get on or off at. The Connector links a lot of Cincinnati’s popular areas, like Findlay Market, Fountain Square, and Washington Park. Although Cincinnati is planning on expanding its BRT routes, we should also expand the streetcar routes. Streetcars would benefit the city because it is more eco-friendly, The Connector is an electric streetcar. If the streetcar had its own lane, the streetcar would provide city-goers with faster travel times and decrease traffic while also increasing public transport use.  
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Bike infrastructure is also something that Cincinnati could improve on. Bike-sharing systems like Red Bike allow people to rent bikes at a station and use them for a short while. This is a fun and convenient way for transportation throughout the city. However, the infrastructure for bikes is not very safe. There are just over 60 miles of bike lanes in Cincinnati, but of those 60 miles, only 3 of those are protected bike lanes. Many of the existing bike lanes are treacherous and potentially dangerous for riders. The expansion of more and safer bike lanes would ensure more use of bikes throughout Cincinnati. Expansion of the bike infrastructure would also encourage the Red Bike system to set up more stations, allowing even more access for more cyclists throughout the city.  
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Adding a subway to Cincinnati’s choices of public transit would greatly benefit not just the city, but also Ohio. A subway can provide a vital link within and to other cities. They provide a fast form of transit while staying out of the way of traffic. Subways would encourage more use of public transport and provide more opportunities to lower income individuals, with the average price of a subway ticket being around $3. Like most public transit systems, subways would decrease air pollution made by personal vehicles as well.  
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References for Photos: https://spectrumnews1.com/oh/columbus/news/2022/09/19/cincinnati-streetcar-s-new-boss https://www.cincinnati-oh.gov/streetcar/how-to-ride/hours-route-and-station-stops/  
https://www.wvxu.org/local-news/2023-12-19/cincinnati-bikeshare-red-bike-will-shut-down-jan-12-until-early-spring https://www.britannica.com/technology/subway
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franklloydalwaysright · 7 months
What types of regional and local transport does Cincinnati need more in the future?
Cincinnati is currently lacking in public transportation and needs to expand its service. As it stands, the city only utilizes 2 modes of transportation, buses and the streetcar. While the bus network reaches into most neighborhoods and provides good baseline service, many routes cannot sustain current capacity and are ripe for expansion. This is why we believe a comprehensive Regional Rail, High Speed Rail, and bike service network should be prioritized for Cincinnati and the surrounding metro area. The Cincinnati combined metro area has a population of 2.2 million, and currently has no other methods of transportation outside of personal vehicles. Cincinnati also suffers from large amounts of traffic congestion, however no other options for travel exist. Providing useful public transportation would not only decrease traffic, but lower carbon emissions in the area.  
High Speed Rail  
The biggest form of public transportation that Cincinnati is not currently utilizing is a high-speed railway. By building a railway that connects even to just the major cities in Ohio, it would allow many people access to statewide travel. Railways have also proven to be generally safer than car travel as well as producing less carbon emissions. Currently, there only exists one intercity line between Cincinnati, Chicago and New York City that runs 3 times a week. The current Amtrak route is slow, plagued by delays, and is not efficient in connecting Cincinnati to other cities. With a high-speed rail network, Cincinnati could become connected with other large cities in the Midwest, with extremely useful corridors such as the Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, and Cincinnati alignment. Railways are also a great source of revenue for the state. By using tax-payers money to build the railways, they would be more affordable for Cincinnati to build. 
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"CONNOLLY TRAIN STATION-1008" by infomatique is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. 
High Speed Rail 
Reliant on there being a national high speed rail network, but would be super cool 
Bike network  
The smallest and most versatile form of transport would be bikes. This is something that Cincinnati has already been exploring with Cincy RedBike, a bike-share network that just reported its highest ridership yet in 2023, with 140,000 rides. On top of this, Cincinnati already has existing bike routes, such as the popular Wasson Way, a 6-mile-long greenway through eastern Cincy. The approval of these programs shows the value of having such a system in place. We propose a combination of expanding Cincinnati Redbike, expanding greenways, and building separated bike paths through the city. This will make biking both more accessible and safer to use and decrease the carbon emissions generated by smaller trips. 
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"Wasson Way" by 5chw4r7z is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. Streetcar Network 
Trams are less expensive than busses 
can carry more people 
easily electrified 
If the regional train system is the large transportation network, trams can be the smaller, more local transport system 
Regional Rail 
Often overlooked in the conversation of public transportation, regional rail networks often provide some of the most key services in urban metro areas. Regional rail services allow easy access from outer cities and suburbs to the inner city. While these trains do not run as frequently as a metro service, they offer higher capacity and can substitute many singular car commutes downtown. Downtown Cincinnati is still very oriented towards suburban commuters, as many of the streets act as one-way arterials and many lots are comprised of parking garages. A regional rail system would greatly benefit Downtown Cincinnati as suburban commuters will be able to take the train downtown and replace car trips on the interstate. In turn, Downtown would see less congestion and improvements in pedestrian infrastructure.  
Expanded Streetcar Network 
Finally, an expanded streetcar network would be beneficial to the city of Cincinnati. While it is a good move for the city to chase BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) routes in context of the current day city, using the ROW (Right of Way) for streetcars instead would provide higher capacity transportation. Streetcars are street-running trams that act similarly to a metro, with dedicated stops along the route. Streetcars, while often operating in mixed traffic, need their own dedicated ROW in order to properly function. A streetcar system would not act on their own, as bus connections are important for them to work. This mode of transportation would replace many low distance trips along busy corridors that would normally be taken by car.  
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"Rotterdam Tram" by Michel Curi is licensed under CC BY 2.0. 
Regional Train System  
Services the tri-state area, connecting the outer neighborhoods to the main city 
Fast, efficient 
Conclusion: Overall, Cincinnati has done a pretty good job at providing local public transportation, but there are areas that they can expand upon in terms of longer distance public transportation. By adding more railways, people in Cincinnati would be able to go more places from this one city while simultaneously cutting down on their carbon emissions.  
Discussion Question: Out of all of the public transportation options given, which one would you work towards implementing first? 
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mightypurplethunder · 8 months
Falling out of bed – 450 people per year die after falling out of bed;
Randy Llanes impaled on the bill of a swordfish;
Falling off a ladder and landing head first in a water butt;
Man killed by his own explosive while trying to steal from a condom dispenser;
Hit by a coconut falling off a tree, approximately 150 people each year are killed by coconuts;
Man died after being stabbed in the eye with an umbrella;
Teenager taking a selfie with a loaded handgun shot himself in the throat;
US cyclist, Troy Earl Smith Jr, shot himself to death with gun carried in his breast pocket;
Man crushed while moving a fridge freezer;
Undertaker Marc Bourjade crushed by his own coffins
Crushed by your partner;
In 1975, Alex Mitchell laughed so hard at The Goodies ‘Ecky Thump‘ episode that he died of heart failure;
Man run over by his own vehicle;
Texan Michael Warner, 58, died of a lethal Sherry enema;
King Adolf Frederick of Sweden – the King who ate himself to death;
24 people each year are killed by champagne corks;
Strangled by neckties or scarves;
Barry Pilgrim trampled by cattle in the Derbyshire;
Peggye McNair and Mark Mere – trampled to death by camels on a farm;
Alexandru Pop, 46, eaten by a drove of pigs;
Spectator deaths – hit by golf ball, cricket ball, racing/rally car or motorcycle;
Suicidal man who threatened to kill himself with a knife is shot dead by police;
Roger Wallace was killed by his own remote controlled plane
Stepping backwards off cliff or similar to help photographer get you in frame;
Falling from the top of a lighthouse;
Falling off an inflatable artwork;
Falling into a water butt;
Drowning in a barrel of mead;
Drinking too much water;
Killed by an industrial firework placed on head;
Eating too many carrots;
Swung by your ankles by a clown and hitting your head – William Snyder of Cincinnati, Ohio, died age 13 in 1854;
Falling off a theatre balcony;
Hit by a piece of falling scaffolding;
Crushed by giant bale of hay falling on your van;
Hit by bullets fired in celebration;
Falling out of a tree;
Walking through a closed glass door and being cut to death;
Drowning in the bath;
Car engine bonnet shutting on your head;
Heading a medicine ball;
Stabbed during argument over game of Ludo;
Falling on to wine glass and cutting neck;
Kicked by a horse;
Burned to death while making a barbecue from an oil drum.
Dropping weights on yourself while doing presses.
Owner of the world’s longest beard tripped on it and broke his neck
American lawyer Clement Vallandigham shot himself in a court room in 1871 while showing the jury how his client’s alleged murder victim had actually shot himself;
Eight people were killed in the London Beer Flood of 1814, when 135,000 gallons of ale burst out of the Meux and Company Brewery on Tottenham Court Road;
Death by carrot juice overdose. Basil Brown drank 10 gallons of juice in 10 days – overdosing on Vitamin A and suffering severe liver damage.
Very interesting.
Couple of questions though, first one being who are you?, second one what the actual fuck??
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sweeneyusedcars · 2 years
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millingroundireland · 10 months
Uncle Rob and the hotel business [part 2]
Continued from part 1
The following year, 1907, he was said to be working at the Hunts Hotel in Cincinnati. [2] Three years later, Rob and the rest of his family "would all be living at the Hotel Sterling." The following year, he was described as "formerly of Hotel Bennett, Binghamton, N. Y., and Grand Hotel, New York City." It was around that time that Reverend Charles Frederic Goss wrote a biography of Rob for his book in Cincinnati. By 1917, he was appointed manager of the back part of the Hotel Gibson in Cincinnati, working with W.E. Hawk, the assistant manager. [3]
Two years later, in 1919, there was an article in The Hotel World about Rob, working at the Grand Hotel in Cincinnati who had been recently elected to the hotel directorate after being a manager of the hotel for "several years," even a new vice-president of the Ohio State Hotel Association. [4] He outlined some of the "most essential" elements of hotels, in order to make them "efficient," in a letter to employees where he explained a bonus system, writing in a manner that somewhat reflects bosses in the corporate world today, the "corporate pursuit of happiness" as one article a few years ago called it:
The most essential items in the conduct of a hotel are courtesy, the elimination of waste, and faithful attention to one's work by putting forth our best efforts. Think what it would mean if our force of 125 people [at the Grand Hotel] all set out to be courteous to the guests and to one another, cut out all waste--which means turning out lights when not needed, turning off water, saving soap, stationary of all kinds, heat, coal, steam linen, butter, cream, sugar, matches, time and many other things.  The directors have put us in charge of this hotel and we can make it just what we wish. We can fill the hotel to capacity every day by being courteous, alert, and giving quick, careful attention to service. Then, if each one of us is a committee of one to boost and smile, we will get the new rooms, and if we get them, we will fill them. Be thoughtful of noise in the falls at all times and especially in the morning. People often retire late and want a little beauty sleep until about 8 or 9 in the morning. The dining room is a touchy institution and requires the closest study, and courtesy always wins there. One thing which we should be careful about is to watch the patrons when they come in the dining room door and be sure to seat them. If the head waiter is busy elsewhere or if his attention is taken up, the other waiters should take it upon themselves to see that the guest receives the proper attention....Let us all get the habit to make the Grand Hotel one bright spot, and one year from now take account of stock and see if it pays.
These views were no surprise, as the previous year, the Grand Hotel, called "one of Cincinnati's older hostelries," was being remodeled with addition of thirty guest rooms and a number of baths, with Rob "placed in charge of the hotel" after being joint manager of the Hotel Gibson. [5] Elsewhere he was described as one of the "prominent people" in the hotel industry, as the previous "co-manager of the Hotel Gibson" with W.E. Hawk in Cincinnati. With this, it was noted as taking "management of the Hotel Grand in that city," [6]
By the 1920s, he was providing a space for a group called the Cincinnati Carriage Makers' Club to meet, even addressing them at their meeting in May 1920 [7]. The hotel orchestra even played for this group. As it turns out, this group was made up of those whom tried to sell their horseless carriages, dreaming up passenger vehicles in the early 20th century. Most of the articles on them, including from webpages on the Carriage Museum of America's website focus on their role in the 1880s or 1890s. By 1917, they, part of the Carriage Builders National Association, seemed to be in the business of selling vehicles of some kind [8], while also talking about automobiles, that looked like:
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Left to right: First image courtesy of the Spokesman and Harness World, Vol. 33, p 84. Second image courtesy of the Spokesman and Harness World, Vol. 33, 194. Third image courtesy of The Spokesman and Harness World, Vol. 33, 195.
This post was originally published on WordPress in May 2019.
It did seem they were still focused on horse-drawn carriages as well, as in the name "carriage." By 1920, The Spokesman and Harness World declared that not only was the Carriage, Harness, and Accessory Travelings Salesman's Association of the United States (C.H.A.T.) based in Cincinnati, but it included companies like Firestone Tire & Rubber, and undoubtedly involved the automobile business, with prospects for "greater business...for the wagon and buggy business in Cincinnati" in 1920. [9]
© 2019-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
continued in part 3
[2] Executive Documents: Annual Reports ... Made to the ... General Assembly of the State of Ohio ..., Part 2 [Ohio, 1907], p 922; Ohio Dept. of Inspection of Workshops, Factories and Public Buildings, Annual Report of the Department of Inspection of Workshops, Factories and Public Buildings, to the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, for the Year 1907 [Office Chief State Inspector of Workshops and Factories, 1907], Vol. 23, p 72].
[3] Hotel Monthly [J. Willy, 1917], Vol. 25, p 4.
[4] The Hotel World: The Hotel and Travelers Journal (1919), Vol. 88, p 62, 68, 73, 97; the article was titled "Essential Items in Conduct of Hotels: Courtesy and Elimination of Waste Emphasized by R.B. Mills."
[5] "Cincinnati and Vicinity,"  Domestic Engineering and the Journal of Mechanical Contracting [1918], Vol. 83, p 32.
[6]The Hotel World: The Hotel and Travelers Journal [1918], Vol. 86, p 70.
[7] Motor Body, Paint and Trim [May 1920], Vol. 56, p 54.
[8] The Spokesman and Harness World [Spokesman Publishing Company, 1917], Volume 33, p 64, 163-9.
[9] The Spokesman and Harness World [Cincinnati: Spokesman Publishing Company, 1920], Vol. 36, p 26-7, 30, 39, 59, 76, 83, 93, 95, 103, 117, 125, 159.
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rpmtrish · 11 months
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Top honors were awarded at the annual SEMA Industry Awards Banquet by the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA), the trade association representing the $51.8 billion automotive specialty equipment industry. Winners of the prestigious awards are: - SEMA Person of the Year: Ian Lehn, BOOSTane - Gen-III Innovator of the Year: Jon Delgado, Repairify - Content Creator of the Year: Vin Anatra, Hoonigan Industry business owners, luminaries, and media celebrated the thriving industry during the Banquet. The ultimate networking and social event was attended by industry leaders, rising stars and volunteers. The 2023 SEMA Person of the Year award went to Ian Lehn, founder of BOOSTane in Cincinnati, Ohio, in recognition for his volunteerism in the industry. Lehn has served in leadership positions for two different SEMA councils, works with the SEMA PAC and supports various charities. His company received the prestigious LaunchPad product of the year award in 2014. The 2022 Gen-III Innovator of the Year award was presented to Jon Delgado, chief technology officer of Repairify. Delgado led the engineering of the patented as Tech Rules Engine, which uses empirical data to present users with the most accurate and cost-effective diagnostic scan option specific to a given vehicle. Delgado is also a key contributor and leader in ADAS calibration identifications with his adasThink solution. With the services he has delivered, shops can be confident that they are properly calibrating safety systems as required by OEM repair procedures. Vin Anatra is vice president of business development and has over 200,000 followers on his personal Instagram page. Beginning as an inexperienced kid from New York with a passion for cars, Anatra helped build one of the most notable and influential brands in the automotive apparel and media space—Hoonigan. The awards recognize outstanding commitment to the aftermarket industry and SEMA. Read the full article
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wiseedition · 1 year
US Teen Dies After Loose Truck Tyre Smashes Windshield On Highway
The Walton Fire Department "extricated" and transported the teenager to the University of Cincinnati Medical Center with life-threatening injuries.
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An 18-year-old student was killed in Kentucky, in the United States, after a truck tyre broke loose on a highway and crashed through the windshield, as per a report in People. Around midnight, Lauren Collins was travelling south on Interstate 75 close to the Ohio border when a truck tyre came loose on the southbound side of the road, according to a statement from the Boone County Sheriff’s Office.
“She was operating a white, 2012 Buick LaCrosse in the southbound lanes of I-75 at the time,” the Sheriff’s Office said in a statement on Facebook. Further, the police “responded to the 176.5-mile marker on southbound 1–75 for a single vehicle collision” at around 12:15 am. They said that she was the only one in the car at the time of the accident.
The statement added, “Deputies believe that another vehicle, possibly a dually pickup truck, was travelling northbound on 1–75 when its tire suddenly broke away causing it to roll out of control and over the concrete barrier, where it ultimately struck Collins’ vehicle.”
The Walton Fire Department “extricated” and transported the teenager to the University of Cincinnati Medical Center with life-threatening injuries. “Tragically, Collins passed away from her injuries while at the hospital,” the department noted. An investigation regarding the same is underway and police are currently looking for the truck driver.
The teenagers’ mother Amy Marsh told People, “Certainly we want to know who the driver is and I know in talking to the sheriff yesterday that they had not had any luck — not that that’s going to bring her back.” She said that “maybe the driver was unaware that their tyre was loose, I don’t know.” “It’s just hard to wrap your brain around,” she continued.
After returning home from work on Saturday night, Ms Marsh said she spoke to Lauren 15 minutes before died. The mother informed that Lauren worked two jobs to save money for college. “She worked at Buffalo Wild Wings as a server in the evenings. She came into my room at about 11:45 and said, ‘I’m going out to meet a friend.’ I said, ‘I wish you wouldn’t go. It’s late.’ She said, ‘Well, I’m off tomorrow’.” Ms Marsh added that she “saw her leaving on our nest camera at 12:00 am and I believe the accident happened at 12:13”.
She informed the outlet that she was sleeping until about 2 am when she heard someone at the main door of their house. Ms Marsh saw a police officer standing at the door through a camera app on her phone. Her husband told her that they had to rush to the University of Cincinnati Hospital since Lauren was admitted there.
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thedigitalhunt · 1 year
The Rise of Sustainable Businesses in Cincinnati: Eco-friendly Initiatives and Practices
Introduction: Cincinnati, Ohio, is witnessing a remarkable surge in sustainable businesses that are prioritizing eco-friendly initiatives and practices. This blog will explore the reasons behind this growing trend, highlight key initiatives taken by local businesses, and shed light on the positive impact they are making on the environment.
The Importance of Sustainability: Sustainable practices have become a vital concern worldwide, and Cincinnati is no exception. With increasing awareness about climate change, consumers are actively seeking out businesses that prioritize sustainability. By adopting eco-friendly practices, businesses in Cincinnati are not only reducing their environmental footprint but also appealing to a growing market of conscious consumers.
Green Infrastructure and Energy Efficiency: One key initiative in Cincinnati's sustainable business movement is the implementation of green infrastructure and energy-efficient practices. Local businesses are investing in technologies like solar panels, energy-efficient lighting, and efficient HVAC systems to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. These efforts contribute to a greener city and promote a culture of sustainability.
Waste Reduction and Recycling: Cincinnati's sustainable businesses are also focused on waste reduction and recycling. By implementing recycling programs, businesses are diverting tons of waste from landfills and conserving valuable resources. Many companies are also adopting circular economy principles by repurposing materials and reducing packaging waste. These initiatives not only reduce environmental harm but also inspire customers to embrace sustainable habits.
Embracing Sustainable Transportation: Transportation is a significant contributor to carbon emissions. Sustainable businesses in Cincinnati are taking steps to minimize their impact by promoting alternative transportation options. Some businesses offer incentives for employees who bike or use public transit, while others provide electric vehicle charging stations. These efforts not only reduce emissions but also contribute to a healthier and more livable city.
Collaboration and Community Engagement: Cincinnati's sustainable businesses recognize the power of collaboration and community engagement. Many local businesses are partnering with environmental organizations, participating in clean-up campaigns, and organizing educational events to raise awareness about sustainability. These initiatives foster a sense of collective responsibility and encourage other businesses and individuals to join the sustainable movement.
Conclusion: Cincinnati is experiencing a notable rise in sustainable businesses that prioritize eco-friendly initiatives and practices. Through green infrastructure, waste reduction, sustainable transportation, and community engagement, these businesses are making significant contributions towards a more sustainable future. By embracing sustainability, Cincinnati is not only improving its environmental performance but also positioning itself as a leader in the global movement towards a greener economy.
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