#user: ceres.
After much tribulation, Calvin has finally been digitized!!
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letzgetsilly · 9 months
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Based on: https://x.com/punkittdev/status/1609123278878314496?s=46&t=eh1r9dqvCJ5Qp5z4NFX0Lg
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
wait are you watching knb? That's like of my favourite animes ever, ngl- i can't wait to watch you work your way through the series!
Have you met kise yet? Or takao (aka the man i simp for the most)?
(and i know i haven't interacted much before but i love your works!)
I AM!! im rewatching it bc i tried during the p*ndemic and couldn’t get into it !!!! i watch on the train to and from campus !!! also idk yet :( am not good with the names just yet also!! thank u i hope to see u in my asks again soon cutie :D
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aureliahillshqs · 8 months
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todos conocen a KATARINA VIVIANNE GRIMALDI-CASIRAGH, pero su reputación está por descubrirse.
cere, ¡bienvenide a @aureliahillshqs! nos encanta tenerte con nosotres. a partir de ahora contás con 24 hs para enviarnos la cuenta, en caso de necesitar más tiempo, ¡no dudes en solicitarlo! pst! también queremos contarte que si todavía no rellenaste este form, nos serviría mucho que lo hicieras. ¡gracias!
nombre/alias: cere.
¿tenés más de 21 años? sí / no. 
zona horaria o país: gmt +1.
nivel de actividad estimado: seis.
triggers: incesto, pedofilia, non-con, maltrato animal.
¿aceptás que tu personaje se vea involucrado en las intervenciones realizadas por la administración del grupal?sí / no. 
¿algo que agregar?: 🧸
nombre: katerina vivianne grimaldi-casiraghi.
faceclaim: chloe rose robertson.
cupo: 02.
edad y fecha de nacimiento: veinticuatro años.
descripción física:        (**) mechones de dorado cabello ondulado enmarcan rostro angelical, siempre perfectamente colocados excepto los días en los que duerme más de la cuenta, se extienden hasta la altura del pecho. mirada oceánica está resaltada la mayoría de las veces por sutil aplicación de máscara de pestañas, y sus labios tienen siempre un tono rosado y brillante, sonrisa de blanca dentadura mostrándose siempre detrás. con una altura de 1,73 postura siempre es recta y figura se transforma en gracilidad. tiene un pequeño tatuaje justo debajo de su oreja, un pájaro que abre sus alas.
descripción psicológica: es como un soplo de aire fresco, eso es lo que dicen aquellos que la conocen demasiado o que apenas lo han hecho unos minutos. siempre parece tener energía inagotable, es criatura que se mueve a propio compás y sabe cómo manejar situaciones. divertida, ocurrente y soñadora, habla como si tuviera gran público delante que la admirara. es natural, muchas veces deja que las emociones la consuman ya sea de manera negativa o positiva, es pasional, sucumbe muchas veces a emocionalidad, otras pareciera que es acogedora y ligera, sin embargo hay algo en el brillo de sus ojos que deja en evidencia que se está conteniendo. domina las emociones, trabaja con ellas, eso se ve reflejado en sencillez que posee para mostrar u ocultar aquello que considera. muchas veces tiende a dispersarse entre mundo soñado y realidad, se deja llevar con facilidad porque no teme abrirse a nuevas experiencias, y ser tan voluble a veces le juega en contra. tiende a exteriorizar, eso sí, no suele entregar confianza así como así y, para su pesar, menos en temas del corazón. es emoción pura, un huracán, una estrella brillante, honestidad andante aunque en ocasiones sea una desventaja, no sabe cómo pero al final, logra encandilar.
historia o datos curiosos:
      i. ‘ don natural, frescura, talento innato ’ son aquellas palabras que colmaban los titulares de blogs de opinión y de la prensa internacional, refiriéndose a las habilidades de katerina como actriz. ella lo llamaba golpe de suerte, pero muchos otros eran veloces en catalogarlo como privilegio impulsado por un linaje que parecía ser tan sagrado como la iglesia, de aquellos que solo eres capaz de admirar desde fuera de vitrina de cristal, no hay manera de adentrarse a través de muros y paredes construidas por generaciones. a una joven katerina, o kate como la apodaban los más allegados, solo le bastó con deslumbrar a uno de los directores más conocidos del momento, fue dicción improvisada de monólogo que transcurría en su cabeza, los movimientos y expresiones naturales que se sucedían una seguida tras de otra. se metía de lleno en un personaje y su historia que terminaba por hacerlo suyo. el director, casi de inmediato, la colmó de halagos y le dijo: ‘ bueno, parece que estamos ante una joven promesa. ’ en ese momento no comprendió la magnitud de las palabras y todo lo que podrían acarrear consigo como una estela deslumbrante, más tarde lo descubrió, claro, pero solo pudo pensar en que se le hacía sumamente sencillo desenvolverse para contar una historia con su labia y gráciles movimientos.
      ii. se adueñó de la profesión como de los personajes que interpretaba, katerina poseía demasiada facilidad para cumplir las expectativas que conllevaba ser joven promesa, o próxima actriz de la década, nunca se le complicó catapultar habilidades a medida que fama se iba incrementando. por supuesto, matrimonio grimaldi-casiraghi estaba más que satisfecho con que su hija emprendiera camino al éxito, ignorando que jovialidad que brillaba en sus ojos había sido recién descubierta. en su libro de vida, adolescencia e infancia no fue lo que alguien llamaría normal, porque el peso de la monarquía siempre aplastaba todo lo demás de alguna forma, siempre aparecía como una maldición condenada a llevarse. katerina logró, a su manera, desprenderse de aquello con la gracia que la caracterizaba, aunque no había tenido que esforzarse demasiado durante toda su vida para lograr cualquier cosa, solo se tumbaba en el jardín con grandes y magníficas expectativas sobre la vida, soñando en grande, y como si el universo respondiera a aquello, siempre sucedía. sin embargo con la actuación era distinto, quizá por primera vez pudo sentirse como pájaro libre que vuela fuera del nido por primera vez. era envidiable la capacidad para que el mundo la escuchara y quedaran encantados con mágica personalidad, que a veces en entrevistas, terminaba tomando las riendas y parecía un monólogo de propia existencia.
      iii. lo suficientemente dotada de habilidades para que triunfo estuviera asegurado, lo hizo, destacó en un mundo demasiado pequeño donde nadan los mismos peces en eterna pecera. era suficiente para colocarse en el hueco aprobado para una grimaldi-casiraghi, estaba cómoda moviéndose entre hilos que manejaba a la perfección, con soltura, sin embargo siempre hubo algo más que iba de la mano de la actuación que la encandiló desde el primer minuto. conoció a muchas personas, secretos sobre el mundo que la rodeaba que pensaba que iban a permanecer ocultos para siempre, un día, acompañada de algunos compañeros de profesión, se vio arrastrada hasta local que presentaba dualidad entre jovialidad y experiencia, dos mundos que convergían para rendirse ante la comedia. aquella noche katerina se subió al modesto escenario de manera e improvisó un monólogo, creyendo que experiencia previa en entrevistas sería suficiente para conquistar otro terreno. y así fue, fue descubriendo risitas que hacían eco poco a poco, cada vez una más sonora que la anterior, entonces se desveló de manera súbita una admiración agradable. las risas, los aplausos al finalizar, la sensación de cosquilleo que brindaba la atención y el poder que sentía sobre el escenario… no fue la última vez que lo hizo. desde esa noche se aficionó a mundo incomprendido, de vez en cuando ( normalmente alentada por compañeros ) actuando de manera no profesional con monólogos improvisados que más tarde recibían halagos. los rumores no tardaron en propagarse, por internet ya circulaban vídeos de espectáculos propios, aunque sin importancia, en la pantalla se magnificaba como una gran revelación. no fue de extrañar que progenitores no lo aprobaran demasiado, ese lado que tenía guardado desde hace tiempo, desde que siendo adolescente quedaba prendada de programas de humor.
      iv. los rumores comenzaron a deslizarse por senda más bien negativa, generando una necesidad de pronta finalización de los mismos, sin embargo aquello no estaba en sus manos y lo sabía. ya tenía suficiente experiencia en aquel mundo como para saber que era cruel y frívolo, oscuro en su cara más decadente hasta un punto en el que podías hundirte con una facilidad aterradora. debía admitirse a ella misma que no sabía ninguna de salir de aquellas enredaderas que se habían cernido con crueldad a su alrededor, no por su culpa, sino por la de terceros que machacaron su confianza como un plato hecho añicos del que solo quedan los pedazos. utilizaron su recién descubierto gusto por la comedia y reconocimiento ( a medias ) en la comedia para hilar una historia vengativa, en la que se sumó viejo amor que no llegó a consolidarse nunca después de eso, además de personas que creía fieles compañeras. durante unos meses estuvo alejada del foco mediático, no porque no pudiera afrontar consecuencias de mentiras y traiciones, no, estaba mucho más ocupada confeccionando un plan para volver a ensalzar figura de joven promesa, ocultando, eso sí, todo lo relacionado con la actuación. fuertemente aconsejada por hombres y mujeres trajeados que eran como segunda familia, retomó la actuación a una escala mucho más grande que antes, ya no solo se trataban de películas y series, su mundo se expandió al baile y también a la música. así, resurgió como el ave fénix que vuelve a abrir sus alas de forma mucho más majestuosa que cuando pereció y, así, consolidó su carrera definitivamente. de todas formas, no sin pagar el precio de sentirse un poco más resquebrajada por dentro.
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apt225hq · 9 months
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merodeando en el emerald está rowan catlet, ¿estaremos tratando con el responsable del atroz crimen cometido? finley hearst y laurence ulrick ciertamente no descartan la posibilidad. ahora queda en el inquilino del departamento #740 probar su inocencia.
¡cere, te damos la bienvenida a apt225hq! a partir de ahora, tienes cuarenta y ocho horas para confirmar tu cuenta. de tener alguna duda, ¡acá estamos!
nombre: rowan catlet.
pronombres: masculinos.
edad: veinticinco.
fecha de nacimiento: 29 de mayo.
nacionalidad: estadounidense.
rostro reservado: braeden lemasters.
perfil psicológico: persuasivo, hermético, desconfiado, desenfadado, desapegado, carismático, magnético.
hijo de dos magnates tecnológicos que cimentaron su matrimonio en un negocio sumamente exitoso; el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías. con el paso de décadas, se convirtieron en nombre de referencia en el mundo de la tecnología actual, y rowan contempló la evolución desde niño. la presión ejercida sobre él al igual que sobre sus hermanos solo fue en aumento, era el objetivo de progenitores que tuviera una carrera exitosa al igual que ellos, y para complacerles él mismo se presionó a sí mismo en los estudios, pero al mismo tiempo encontró algo más que le distraía del mundo real: la escritura y la fotografía. nunca dejó de desarrollar aquellas habilidades en paralelo aunque sus padres no lo aprobaran, la ausencia de apoyo en núcleo familiar le llevó a recluirse en sí mismo, a presentarse a los demás como una imagen de conveniencia dispuesta a comerse el mundo y a cautivar cuando no encontraba compañías cercanas en propio hogar. el resultado la mayor parte del tiempo era un vacío que llenaba con aquello que denominó en su mente como su verdadera pasión. se tomó un año sabático en el que viajó por el mundo escribiendo y fotografiando, recibiendo elogios por talento innato cuando presentaba sus trabajos a personas que conocía en el camino ( todo esto con la desaprobación presente de sus padres ). viaje le moldeó un poco más a ser quien es ahora, reticente a los compromisos, desenfadado y complaciente a la vista, pero que detrás carga con demonios personales. recibió una llamada de su padre en medio de retiro espiritual, como él lo llamó, pidiéndole ( más bien exigiéndole ), que regresara a casa porque él siendo el mayor debía empezar a asumir responsabilidades junto a sus hermanos, y rowan no pudo negarse. los catlet se trasladaron a londres a consecuencia de los negocios, haciéndole esclavo poco a poco de aquello que tanto aborrecía desde niñez, sin embargo prometiéndose que por lo menos mantendría su vida alejada de hogar familiar más que amplio para albergar a cuatro equipos de fútbol. así es como llegó al emerald, buscando hacer la jaula un poco más grande.
seudónimo: cere.
pronombres: femeninos.
edad: +21.
triggers: non-con, incesto, pedofilia, abusos sexuales.
zona horaria: gmt.
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hermitmoss · 1 year
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Disability Pride flag + Star Wars
Image description: 7 panels toned in the colours of the disability pride flag, with text indicating their meanings, with backdrops of Disabled characters in Star Wars.
1: A black-toned panel that says "BLACK" and "commemoration + mourning". The pictures are of a community carrying out a funeral march for Maarva Andor, a Disabled leader and organiser, Hera Syndulla mourning Kanan Jarrus, her Blind spouse, and Poe Dameron mourning Leia Organa, a Disabled woman and leader.
2: A green-toned panel that says "GREEN" and "sensory disabilities". The pictures are of Kanan Jarrus and Chirrut Îmwe, both Blind people.
3: A blue-toned panel that says "BLUE" and "emotional + psychiatric disabilities". The pictures are of Obi-wan Kenobi and Reva Sevander, who both have mental health disabilities that include flashbacks, and of Leia Organa, whose actress was bipolar, and who described herself and Leia as being so similar it was hard to tell where one ended and the other began.
4: A gold-toned panel that says "GOLD" and "neurodiversity". The pictures are of Theron Shan, who has a different neurotype to the one he was expected to at birth, Hardcase, who has hyperactivity, and Yoda (who is also a mobility aid user) and Jedi younglings, who all have a different neurotype (Force-sensitivity) from the norm. In the picture of Yoda and the younglings, he is talking about how he values how their minds work differently from other peoples'.
5: A red-toned panel that says "RED" and "physical disabilities". The pictures are of Saw Gerrera, an amputee who uses supplementary oxygen and a staff as a mobility aid, Weazel, who has dwarfism, Luke Skywalker, an amputee, and Lando Calrissian, a cane user.
6: A white-toned panel that says "WHITE" and "invisible + undiagnosed [disabilities]". The pictures are of Finn, who was unaware of his neurodivergence for the first decades of his life, Cere Junda, who has trauma, and Greez Dritus, who has an addiction.
7: A black-toned panel that says "BLACK" and "rage, protest + rebellion". The pictures are of Chirrut Îmwe and Kanan Jarrus fighting in the Rebellion against the Galactic Empire, Reva Sevandar fighting against one of its enforcers, screaming in rage at somebody who traumatised her, Maarva Andor giving a posthumous speech encouraging rebellion, and Leia Organa giving orders to Rebellion fighters who are about to engage the Empire. /End.
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tremendouskoalachild · 11 months
Transcript (from about 0:27 on) under the cut
I've had a lot of Star Wars fans, and gamers in general, ask some pretty great questions about Bode and his motivations and why he does some of the things he does. So I figured I'd just share a little bit of some of the behind the scenes work that I do for a character like Bode. And let me say right off the bat: I'm a huge Star Wars fan but I don't pretend to be, like, a Star Wars academic – so if you want to come at me with how my headcanon is factually inaccurate, you're welcome to do so, it's not going to bother me, but that's not why I do it. I create these backstories because it gives me an emotional hook, so that Bode's emotional journey is honest, for me.
And I should also say, anything I say now isn't on any of the writers or anyone else on the Survivor team, this is all just my broken dumb brain. So, let's talk today about Ghost Star.
So, the song Ghost Star was introduced by one of the writers, Danny – mad genius Danny – pretty late in the sequence of things, and then brought to beautiful life by Tajinae, who plays Kata and is ridiculously talented. I'm very jealous. So, Danny had asked me in a session, would you feel comfortable singing a song as Bode? I don't sing, which may have become quite apparent if you play the game, but any chance for me to show and share more of who Bode is, stuff that you don't get to see in all the missions, I'm grateful for. So I was like, hell yeah. And I got this song titled Ghost Star, so the first thing I did was look up "ghost star", specifically looking for anything revolving around astronomy.
I don't know if this was Danny's thought from the get-go, I have never talked to him about it, but in my research I found that there is a theory being postulated that when you're looking up at the night sky and you see the sky just covered in stars, that there's actually a lot of astral bodies you're not seeing. Among them being ghost stars, which are stars with dark matter cores. Dark matter has gravity but never undergoes nuclear fission the way a normal star does, and therefore emits no light. So there are stars out there with tremendous gravity that are essentially invisible to the naked eye.
And I thought that was really beautiful and poetic, in a way, and then I started thinking about Bode and a question that arises a lot, which is: why does Bode not get found out by Cal, or Cere, or Cordova, these incredibly powerful Jedi?
That's a really good question, and it made me wonder if perhaps there is a rare contingent of individuals who have the ability to tap into the Force but don't emit a Force resonance like most people do – which is how a Jedi is able to tell that someone else is able to manipulate the Force. I mean, Emperor Palpatine is a perfect example of an incredibly powerful Force user who is literally standing right in front of Master Yoda and all the Masters on the Jedi Council, and they never know. So, maybe this is a rare trait that they share.
And that got me thinking, that would probably be something that you'd pick up on very early at the Jedi Academy as a youngling. And one of the things that Bode shares with Cal is that before Order 66 he worked in intelligence.
It would be a very powerful asset to be able to take an operative and insert them into situations where they can watch over Force users without that target knowing that he can manipulate the Force. Where would that be useful? Intelligence gathering, obviously, but also the Jedi equivalent of internal affairs. Jedi are incredibly powerful. And power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. And if anyone's seen The Clone Wars, you know that there are very powerful “Jedi” that are not good. Pong Krell being a great example. I want to punch him, repeatedly.
So perhaps operatives like Bode were sent to gather intel and make sure that the Jedi out there were doing what they're supposed to be doing. One example. And, perhaps, his operative name was Ghost Star.
Order 66 happens, all hell breaks loose, everything that Bode has known burns to ash. He's on the run and somewhere on his journey he meets a wonderful woman named Tayala.
When you have to run and hide and constantly change locations for fear of being found, that's not something you can do with a significant other and not let them know what you're doing and why. So I'm sure Bode shares his past with Tayala. And then a while later, Kata is born.
Anytime Bode gets an inkling that Imperial intelligence has been sniffing around, or forbid an inquisitor makes their presence known anywhere nearby, I think Bode leaves his family behind, travels to distant parts of the Galaxy and very subtly makes himself known, so that he attracts the attention of intelligence or the inquisitors and draws that focus away from his family.
And Kata's so young and doesn't understand why her father has to leave for weeks or months at a time, and so Tayala sings her a lullaby called Ghost Star, which brings Kata comfort while she waits for her father to come home. And it's also for Tayala, perhaps a silent prayer that her husband comes back safely.
And they survive like this, constantly moving, constantly on the run. And then one day Bode is out with Kata. They're coming home and as they're getting closer to the house, he hears Tayala singing Ghost Star, which is a song she never sings if he's home. And he knows that something's gone terribly, terribly wrong.
And he flees with Kata, and the inquisitor that was waiting for him at home in their anger strikes down Tayala, knowing that, somehow, she gave them away.
So, a lot of things happen. Bode makes some very difficult, very terrible choices in the pursuit of keeping Kata safe, and now sings Ghost Star as a way to make sure that Kata's memories of her mother stay as fresh as they can; and just because it brings him comfort, but it also is a poignant reminder of a terrible, terrible day and the fact that he left his wife behind and that his wife paid the price for Bode being who he is.
And I think in his time as a dog for the Empire Bode has done some terrible, terrible things. I think he's often sent to hunt down Jedi that are that are in hiding, especially if it seems like they're trying to rally up resistance, because he can come in and his target will never see him coming. I think he's an assassin, and I think every time he does it a little piece of Bode chips off.
And I think Bode hates himself for it, and I think a lot of times, especially if it's a mission where he's gotten to know his target to any degree, that makes it that much harder to do what he knows he has to do. And in those moments he uses Ghost Star as his anchor. He sings it to himself when he's alone, as a way to remind himself of why he's doing the terrible things he's doing, that there is a greater purpose, which is making sure that his daughter stays safe and that Tayala’s sacrifice is never in vain.
And then he meets Cal, and I think finds the brother he never had. And in the crew of the Mantis the family he's lost, a family that would allow Kata to live a normal life. And he really struggles with what to do, and tries desperately to make it work. And when it becomes clear that Cal is going to share the information on Tanalorr and turn it into essentially an access point, Bode is devastated, because the Empire has already found Cal, Cal just doesn't know it yet. And if they found him now they'll definitely find them again, if this turns into essentially a way station. And Bode makes an impossible choice.
And he tries to use Ghost Star the way it's always worked in the past, to kind of remind him of what's important, and I think it fails him, and I think it breaks him.
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gffa · 1 year
Hi, I was wondering if you have any thoughts on how to reconcile Merrin's character with the way we're meant to see the dark side as inherently corrosive and damaging? Other Nightsisters made sense as dark side practitioners but I don't know how Merrin fits in. The JFO games don't seem to be ignoring the dark side thing, considering Cere's whole arc in the first game. Merrin as a dark side user seems dissonant to that message?
This is going to be the most unsatisfying answer because I think the only way to really reconcile it is "magick is somehow fundamentally different" from how the Force works for other Force-sensitive. It's not a great answer, because it does still break the worldbuilding because magick is still sourced in the Force, and the dark side is inherently corrosive, but I'm willing to go with it because I don't think a Nightsister could use the Force the way a Jedi could and a Jedi couldn't use the Force the way a Nightsister could, I'm chalking it up to how both come from the same energy field, but the way they tap into it is fundamentally different and unique to each other, and that's enough for me to go, eh, fine, I just won't think about how it breaks narrative themes. I mean, Talzin said that she never could use the Force like a Jedi would, she didn't have the ability, but we see how powerful a magick user is, which tells us that there must be some fundamental difference in how you tap into things. Like, Nightsisters may not be Force-sensitive at all, but magick-sensitive. (Or maybe anyone can do magick if they undergo the Nightsisters' rites? we never saw Morgan use magick before the Great Mothers changed her, right? ETA: @emmettarthur-blog is right that Morgan used magick on Seatos before that, even if they seemed greatly amplified by that.) Maybe, by going through magick, it's not the same kind of connection to all living things in the galaxy, it's not the same tapping into the flow of the energies of life and death, that it's not dependent on your emotions and thoughts. So, Merrin can use magick in anger and it doesn't have the same blowback that it would if Cal used the Force in anger, because they're entirely different types of connection to the Force.
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cirilya · 4 months
I finished star wars jedi: fallen order for the first time and i have to say that there is something so poetic and meaningful to me that Cal was knighted with a inquisitor's lightsaber. The red one. The weapon of a darkside user. And the fact that i spoiled jedi: survivor to myself a little bit and i know that cal will struggle with the dark side just makes me so excited (i like to watch my men suffer).
I also like how the whole situation has many different meanings, like cere's relationship with trilla and cal, reconnecting with the force, or showing how sad it is that because of the difficulties that jedi survivors (🧐) have to face, a padawan couldn't even have a proper ceremony - yet it still means a lot to him.
(am i saying nonsense because im so c$+=eepy?,
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mischiefxmuses · 4 months
closed starter for @vcndetta - Sol x Ceres
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"Seems there are more force users here than I expected." Sol stepped beside the woman. His hands in his pockets and lightsaber on his hip. Though he did rarely use it. If it was avoidable he would. It was a last resort. "Odd as I had never heard of this place until I found myself here."
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roseaceae · 30 days
and i won't forget to put roses on your grave
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 ִֶָ ᯽ .゚ https.inthefieldofanemones.com is the debut mini album of south korean boy band BLUE ROSE.﹙02.13.16﹚
released in the bruising winter of FEBRUARY 2016, the debut album ‘IN THE FIELD OF ANEMONES’ seems to function as more of a return than the debut of a group consisting of well unknown people. the countless creative decisions and specifically designed structure made most question if this album was originally recorded for someone else, how does a group just debut with this? extensive electric guitars and all. true to the spirit which would become synonymous of the group, the album is a look on the feeling of melancholy in all of it's truest forms, a piece of work detailing the cruelties of toxic love, and how, life doesn't always work out the way we may want it to.
though not a smash hit in it's original days, often blasted for ‘trying so hard to be different’, it was clear from the get go that the album was something truly special, a combined collection of five tracks that completely encapsulated how it felt to get kicked down. the album had quite the resurgence in 2018 after each individual track abruptly went viral in their own right, skyrocketing the sales from their previous five hundred fifty thousand to one million. it's safe to say, even if the album didn't exactly fly when it was released, it's remembered as an arguably great piece of music.
 ִֶָ ᯽ .゚ . . STATS !
 ִֶָ ᯽ .゚ . . THE TRACKS !
FLOWER ROCK WRITTEN. 梅沢謙三 & 나해일 PROD. 梅沢謙三 & 나해일 WITHERED WRITTEN. 향나무 PROD. 나해일 BLUEMING WRITTEN. 케레스 PROD. 梅沢謙三 & 케레스 A MONSTER WRITTEN. 파란 장미 PROD. 梅沢謙三 & 나해일 REI WRITTEN. 梅沢謙三 & 나해일 PROD. 梅沢謙三 & 나해일
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 ִֶָ ᯽ .゚ . . the general consensus of the public is that this album is a four (.5) out of five
 ִֶָ ᯽ .゚ 𖦹 insight from an anonymous user 021716
‘IN THE FIELD OF ANEMONES’ is a sure fire debut album, an unprecedented identity usually not seen in newly debuted groups.. or bands i suppose you could call them. the album is a weird mixture, because in the never ending winter depression, that's exactly what this album delivers? it's a strange way of expressing “i fucking hate everything” through catchy electric guitar tunes and insanely well shot notes. i'm not sure that the groups exact goal was to attempt relatability through their constant complaints regarding life and everything about it, but if it was, sign me up, it's not something i even knew i needed, but now that it's around, i simply can't stop listening to it.
the opening track, which also happens to be the title ‘FLOWER ROCK’ is so fucking insane i had to check a few times if this was actually a kpop album or not. this song, along with two others on the album, was written and produced by the strangest duo to come out of the second generation of beloved boy groups KENZO & CZR, but even with their questionable friendship that includes the strange ways they refer to each other (it's clear their ‘friendship’ can best be described as ‘a dangerous feat of codependency’), it's clear that the two know music, and the two know how to conceptualize music in a certain way. ‘FLOWER ROCK’ isn't the most telling song, it doesn't have an overarching message, it's simply a catchy rock song with crazy vocals (i greatly commend cupid & ceres), it was the perfect take for title in my opinion, as the general public would probably have a heart attack with any of the other tracks being chosen.
the second track ‘WITHERED’, written by member juniper, is horrifically gloom-ridden. the song delves into the topic of suicide, seemingly more of a diary entry that was turned into a song to spread some message. i have to admit, after the title track got me pumped up, looking up the lyrics of this song really made me sink back down into my seat. it's a harrowing look into the minds of idols that are typically deemed to be “perfection personified”, it's somewhat of a breath of fresh air, something that you don't exactly expect from a debut album. the song also isn't your usual ballad, no, it's fucking aggressive, it screams in your face, it screams the whole way out until it's done. in a way, it's agonizing, but in a strange way, the agony is worth it. i was genuinely surprised, but i suppose that's the point. the song usually bounces between top 3 and 2 for me, but it never goes below that.
track three ‘BLUEMING’ is a cute tune that i would listen to on a friday when classes get too bad and i need to hammer back a few ones (for all intensive purposes that was a joke!). i could dance to it, really, i might just make up one right now. it's definitely a crazy jump, considering we went from a singing about dying to singing about love. the attention to gender neutral lyrics is something i didn't click until my second listen (okay ceres i see how you play..), but it's also kind of cute? thank you ceres we appreciate all you've done for society!! it's not my favorite song on the album, the lovely (pun intended) lyrics give a different look to the album that i assumed would be all sadness. of course not all of the lyrics are.. happy, i assume this song is dedicated to an ex lover of sorts, but if you go into it blind, it seems pretty fun! i'll dance to it in between drinks!! i'll make sure to!
our second to last track ‘A MONSTER’ is a song written by all of the members, and good lord it has no right to slap as hard as it does. the rap?? the instrumental?? maybe we should all just die because who does dione think he is? anyway, my death aside, the song is an amazing contender for title, and should've been at least a promoted bside, i would literally pay for that, i still will pay for that!! (luxe design contact me). it admittedly takes a good getting used to, especially if you aren't exactly in tune with the style they were going for. the instrumental is so strange that i question how they made it work as well as it did, i hope it becomes their thing, i need to hear ceres sing over tweaked soundcloud beats more, but alas.. it's a good song, i'm almost sort of ashamed to enjoy it.
and finally, the final track, ‘REI’, one of my favorite kpop songs of the year by far. coming from one of the many meanings of the name, “soul” or “spirit”. the song is actually so surprising in the sense that you hope it would be cute, but it isn't. again written and produced by our favorite pair of homosexuals (do not sue me for that i totally believe that kenzo and czr have a completely normal friendship), “rei” seems to be a placeholder name for the person who hurt these men, and honestly what the actual fuck did rei do because they are DEVASTATED, who even sings like that!? this track quickly takes it's place as my favorite on the album, stealing the top spot away from ‘WITHERED’, who is really just having a losing battle with ‘A MONSTER’. with all that said, ‘REI’ is the spitting image of heartbreak itself. it's crazy, someone must've really hurt ceres, did you HEAR those notes? give him some therapy!!
all in all, the album was spectacular for a debut album, it feels like these guys have already been around for years, they all seem to have so much experience. i have never seen a debut album like this in kpop, a song about suicide in winter is INSANE, i guess the winter depression is hitting them hard. not to mention, the music videos were like watching some feature length film, i have a lot of hope for blue rose, their name is super cute, and their concept seems promising. though some of the songs had points i couldn't exactly wrap my head around, it's all pretty good music. my formal ranking of the tracks on this album is rei, a monster, withered, flower rock, and blueming. a good start to a hopefully promising career.
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xdle-coxns · 9 months
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( ID START// A flag with 4 stripes colored: Nile Blue, Leaf Green, Grass Green, and Evergreen. Below the Blue stripe and above the green stripe are black fades overlapping the gray stripes. Atop all of the stripes is a simple black outline of a coffin with a dark gray filling, a filled-in Black ribcage, and a 5-petaled Black flower inside of it, along with two lines with dots on the end above and below them. //END ID )
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— A florcorporic neogender linked to both death & rebirth ; with Moss blooming out of corpses both old & new , as well as growing around skeletons . This term can be macarshric if the user wishes . — Bryophyta + corporis — Requested by @epikulupu .
CERES @ 09 NOV 2023
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reveriers · 6 months
IM JINAH queda reservade exitosamente a nombre de CERE.
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aureliahillshqs · 8 months
CHLOE ROSE ROBERTSON queda reservado en el CUPO #02 de la FAMILIA GRIMALDI-CASIRAGHI a nombre de CERE.
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apt225hq · 9 months
* braeden lemasters ha sido reservado como inquilino del departamento #740.
cere, a partir de ahora cuentas con 48 horas para mandar el formulario. ¡te esperamos!
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xnote08 · 1 year
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340  -  Ceres Fauna
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