#user: jojo.
aureliahillshqs · 9 months
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todos conocen a YVES MAXIMILIEN GRIMALDI-CASIRAGHI, pero su reputación está por descubrirse.
jojo, ¡bienvenide a @aureliahillshqs! nos encanta tenerte con nosotres. a partir de ahora contás con 24 hs para enviarnos la cuenta, en caso de necesitar más tiempo, ¡no dudes en solicitarlo! pst! también queremos contarte que si todavía no rellenaste este form, nos serviría mucho que lo hicieras. ¡gracias!
nombre/alias: jojo.
¿tenés más de 21 años? sí.
zona horaria o país: méxico.
nivel de actividad estimado: cinco de diez.
triggers: pedofilia y zoofilia.
¿aceptás que tu personaje se vea involucrado en las intervenciones realizadas por la administración del grupal? sí.
¿algo que agregar?: <3
nombre: yves maximilien grimaldi-casiraghi.
faceclaim: tyler lawrence gray
cupo: uno
edad y fecha de nacimiento: veinticuatro.
descripción física: 
hebras rebeldes siempre se han acomodado en alborotados caireles castaños, besos de baño dorado regalados por parte del sol de florida se nota en algunos mechones con tonalidades más claras. estatura alcanza apenas el nivel promedio de entre los monegascos con sus ciento setenta y cinco centímetros, con lo cual está conforme. maximilien siempre se destacó en los deportes, diversidad de los mismos le han ayudado a enfrentar diferentes ejercicios que le ayudan a hacer crecer formidable musculatura. facciones han encontrado el punto la armonía entre delicadeza y masculinidad, tanto sus mejillas como puente de nariz han sido salpicados con sin fin de pequitas, su mandíbula afilada realza sus pómulos bien definidos y barbilla está ligeramente partida. aspecto que adora presumir es color aceitunado de iris han adoptado. tiene varios tatuajes esparcidos por su cuerpo y lleva perforada una de sus orejas.
descripción psicológica:
yves está acostumbrado a moverse como y cuando él lo desea, personalidad aventurera se da gracias a la facilidad con la que puede tomar decisiones; aunque estas no sea precisamente las mejores, difícilmente el joven dudará de sí mismo. gracias a terquedad es que constantemente se ve envuelto en discusiones verbales con sus padres, impulsividad excesiva le han llevado a tener las mejores experiencias de su vida, pero al mismo tiempo lo han acercado a las peores situaciones que ha tenido que enfrentar. se muestra leal a aquellos que le muestran lealtad, es fácil para el extrovertido joven acercarse a los demás pero pocos tienen la fortuna de ser considerados amigos de verdad, todos aquellos que no encajan en etiqueta son medios para conseguir lo que desea.
historia o datos curiosos:
i. desde el día uno está consciente de los beneficios que vida le ha regalado, sabe que está él y el resto del mundo, lo cual ha aprovechado siempre a su favor. nunca le ha interesado en encajar con familiares que continúan bajo reglas que corona les ha impuesto pero siempre se encarga de hacerles saber a todos el peso que sus apellidos llevan.
ii. su vida jamás cayó en la monotonía, siempre se le ocurría un plan diferente y era él quien siempre jalaba a los demás. si querían surfear cerca de una tormenta, si esperaban pasar la noche en un cementerio, ¿buscaban a alguien que les llevara en un skate amarrado desde un carro en movimiento? yves era al que buscaban, estudios jamás fueron prioridad; sabía que tenía la vida resuelta.
iii. lo intentó, quiso darles el gusto a progenitores después de cargar con la culpa de hacerlos pasar con tantos inconvenientes a lo largo de su corta vida pero no funcionó. la indecisión jamás fue palabra que describiera personalidad masculina, sin embargo se vio cambiando de carrera tres veces antes de tomarse un hiatus indefinido.
iv. vida deportiva siempre fue lo principal entre intereses, nunca imaginó que lado creativo despertaría gracias a estudio de tatuajes que empezó a frecuentar una vez llegado a aurelia hills.
v. tiene un perrito golden que es su vida.
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Kira doesn't know about Killer Queen's trademark Jojo poses
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brightgoat · 10 months
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[ green child AU .5 ]
jolyne runs off with stone free and pucci bullies whitesnake part 1
part 2
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jhonny · 8 months
"kakyoin is the rational one" "kakyoin is mature and calm" FALSE he saw a baby avert eye contact and his FIRST thought was to punch its lights out
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spenglerstwinkie · 4 months
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30 days to train aka 30 days for kars to cyber bully joseph
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gyunitos · 3 months
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Vai Flexionando A Xotaaaan 👊🏻 (>。☆) 🙈
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cyanoprawn · 8 months
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Steel Ball Run paper dolls ☆
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cyphyree · 1 year
au where Holly went to Egypt with Da Bois and Jotaro to save Joseph who's dying from the Dio-Disease.
Mom and son bonding time.
Holly meeting Enya, also a mother, who tells her that even Holly would kill for her son.
Dio perhaps meeting Holly in-person, and maybe even being reminded of his own mother.
Joseph on his sick bed trying to explain to Suzi Q that no, their precious daughter isn't going on some life-threatening mission to save his ass haha don't worry it everything is fine wait Suzi just booked tickets to japan wait Suzi stop-
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movie-gifs · 2 years
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JOJO RABBIT (2019) dir. Taika Waititi
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filmreel · 2 years
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JOJO RABBIT (2019) dir. Taika Waititi (insp)
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dailyflicks · 2 years
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What do we do now?
— Jojo Rabbit (2019)
dir. Taika Waititi.
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aureliahillshqs · 9 months
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todos conocen a SHIN TAESEONG, pero su reputación está por descubrirse.
jojo, ¡bienvenide a @aureliahillshqs! nos encanta tenerte con nosotres. a partir de ahora contás con 24 hs para enviarnos la cuenta, en caso de necesitar más tiempo, ¡no dudes en solicitarlo! pst! también queremos contarte que si todavía no rellenaste este form, nos serviría mucho que lo hicieras. ¡gracias!
nombre/alias: jojo.
¿tenés más de 21 años? sí.
zona horaria o país: méxico.
nivel de actividad estimado: cinco.
triggers: pedofilia y zoofilia.
¿aceptas que tu personaje se vea involucrado en las intervenciones realizadas por la administración del grupal? sí.
¿algo que agregar?: -
nombre: shin taeseong
faceclaim: byeon wooseok
cupo: cuarenta y cinco.
edad y fecha de nacimiento: treinta, dieciséis de abril.
descripción física:
imposible no distinguir anatomía que sobresale del promedio, con sus casi ciento noventa centímetros de altura es difícil para él no ser captor de atención. complexión podría resultar esbelta a simple vista, sin embargo, bajo textiles se esconde musculatura obtenida gracias a consistencia en entrenamiento con pesas. cabellera suele llevarla de un largo exacto, ni un centímetro más bajo ni más largo, lo suficiente para estilizar de manera que acompañe pulcra imagen. tiene un tatuaje sobre costilla derecha y otro más a media espalda, ambos realizados en época de juventud. en cuanto a estilo sabe manejar adecuadamente su dualidad, sabe vestirse dependiendo la ocasión pero siempre que pueda optará por vestir algo que sea cómodo.
descripción psicológica:
elocuencia se ve reflejada en su capacidad para expresar ideas de manera articulada, así como en su habilidad para manejar situaciones difíciles con serenidad. es un individuo que inspira confianza, brindando un sentido de estabilidad y seguridad en cualquier entorno.algunas veces, su naturaleza calmada puede llevarlo a evitar conflictos, lo que podría interpretarse como indecisión o falta de asertividad, puede llegar a sobreanalizar las situaciones, volviéndolo un perfeccionista, y a veces, dificultando la toma rápida de decisiones.
historia o datos curiosos:
i. aún recuerda cuando de niño visitó casa familiar de pequeño amigo y notó que hogar carecía de alberca, no podía elegir en qué auto debían llevarlo al colegio y tampoco tenía un reconocido chef con estrellas michelin disponible para hacerle sus hot cakes al desayuno. esa fue la primera vez que conoció existían diferentes realidades, que su normalidad no era la misma para todos.
ii. cualquiera pensaría que hijo mayor quedaría en tercer plano ante llegada de los siguientes en línea, pero idea no podría estar más alejada de realidad. las responsabilidades crecieron a la par de beneficios.
iii. durante su crecimiento no tuvo grandes intereses, la facilidad con la que todo llegaba a sus manos. quienes le rodeaban, y escuchaban su apellido, regalaban más de lo necesario minimizando los esfuerzos que cualquier otra persona debería realizar para conseguir lo mismo. iv. a inicios de juventud decidió que necesitaba retos en la vida, estaba cansado de no tener que hacer nada más allá de pedir algo para que le llegara. intentó en diversas áreas, deportivas, culturales, empresariales, pero historia siempre era la misma, eso cambió cuando decidió unirse al ejército.
v. tw: mención de tept, depresión. sencillamente, la vida decide por sí misma, años después al ser el único en salir con vida de misión a la que había sido enviado junto a pelotón fue declarado con el síndrome del superviviente y estrés postraumático, teniendo que ser dado de baja con honores pues no era más apto para el servicio. le tomó más que unas simples meses superar el estado depresivo en el que cayó después de fuerte situación, incluso en la actualidad, algunas veces tiene episodios que le desestabilizan.
vi. encontró un nuevo mundo dentro de los videojuegos, le ayudaban a mantenerse encerrado del mundo externo cuando lo único que hacía era influir en trauma. con el tiempo notó que era realmente bueno en aquello que, además, disfrutaba. de esa forma llegó a convertirse en jugador profesional, llegando a competir de manera oficial en diferentes plataformas.
vii. la palabra decepción nunca formó parte de su vocabulario, era común que tomara parte en todo aquello que sus padres le pedían, siempre cuidó de sus hermanos tanto directa como indirectamente (o al menos lo intentaba) pero las cosas se vieron complicadas cuando noticia de embarazo llegó a la familia. si bien no tiene la custodia completa, se encarga que a pequeña no le falte nada.   
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ackitscaramel · 1 month
STAND PROUD! (aka the artist is abt to get beat up)
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time: 9h 30m
pov: You’re cooked
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Chapter 1: Joanne's Sweet Endeavor / A Sweeter Encounter
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Pages: 5 Words: 1978 Summary: Joanne, a determined twelve-year-old, runs the Sweet Tooth Candy Shop while her parents are away. She expertly assists customers, helping a grandmother pick out the perfect gift for her granddaughter, and manages a group of mischievous kids attempting to steal candy. Joanne sternly confronts them, offering a small treat and a lesson in honesty. As the day winds down, a suspicious group of men loiter outside the shop. Joanne senses danger and prepares to defend the store using the magical abilities of her candy bear, vowing to protect her parents' business no matter what.
The Sweet Tooth Candy Shop was a beacon of color and joy in the heart of town, its windows lined with every kind of candy imaginable. From sugary rock candy to chewy licorice, the shop was a paradise for anyone with a sweet tooth. Today, however, the shop had a special charm—it was run by Joanne, a twelve-year-old with a knack for business.
As the bell above the door jingled, Joanne looked up from behind the counter, her brown curls bouncing with her movement. She adjusted her apron and greeted the new customer with a bright smile. “Welcome to Sweet Tooth! How can I help you today?”
The customer, a middle-aged woman with a fondness for bright scarves, smiled back. “Hello, dear. I’m looking for something special. It’s my granddaughter’s birthday, and I want to get her something sweet.”
Joanne’s eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. “We’ve got just the thing! Follow me.” She led the woman to a display of colorful candy jars. “We’ve got some beautiful candy gift boxes that can be personalized. You can choose a selection of candies to fill them.”
The woman’s face lit up. “Oh, this looks perfect. I think she’ll love these gummy bears and the chocolate truffles. How much for a box like this?”
Joanne calculated the total quickly. “That’ll be twenty-five dollars for the box and the candies.”
The woman nodded and handed over the money. “Thank you, Joanne. You’re doing a great job here.”
“Thank you!” Joanne said, ringing up the sale and packing the box with care. “Have a sweet day!”
As the woman left, another customer entered—the local neighborhood kids. Joanne recognized them instantly; they were often found eyeing the candy jars with more interest than was strictly allowed.
“Hey, Joanne!” greeted Danny, a tall boy with an impish grin. “We’re just browsing.”
Joanne’s gaze was sharp, and she was ready. “Uh-huh. Browsing, right. Make sure you don’t touch anything without asking, okay?”
The kids exchanged glances, and Danny’s grin faltered a bit. “Sure, Joanne. We were just... um, looking for something.”
Joanne kept a close watch as the kids wandered the aisles. Her instinct proved correct when she saw them covertly trying to slip candy into their pockets. With a decisive motion, she grabbed the broom that was always at hand behind the counter and walked over to them.
“Alright, enough of that!” Joanne’s voice was commanding as she brandished the broom. The kids froze, wide-eyed. “You’ve been warned. Either pay for what you want or get out.”
One of the girls, a smaller kid with pigtails, looked particularly nervous. “We’re really sorry, Joanne. We didn’t mean to steal.”
Joanne’s expression softened slightly, though she kept her stance firm. “Well, if you’re sorry, I expect you to apologize properly. And if you’re still hungry for candy, here’s something on the house.” 
She reached into a jar of sour taffy and handed them each a piece. “Now, scram. And don’t come back without paying.”
The kids mumbled their thanks and hurried out, the sour taffy already making their faces pucker in surprise. Joanne shook her head, a small smile tugging at her lips. She could be tough when she needed to be, but she had a soft spot for kids who made honest mistakes.
Later that afternoon, the shop was buzzing with the usual assortment of customers. Joanne’s attention was split between ringing up purchases and keeping an eye on the stock. She had just finished wrapping a box of chocolate-covered almonds when a group of older customers entered.
“Good afternoon!” Joanne called out brightly. “Can I help you find anything special today?”
A tall man with graying hair and glasses smiled warmly. “Yes, actually. We’re looking for some old-fashioned sweets. My wife and I are celebrating our anniversary, and we thought some classic candies would be perfect.”
Joanne’s eyes lit up. “You’ve come to the right place! We’ve got a great selection of vintage candies. Follow me.”
She led them to a display of nostalgic treats—root beer barrels, jawbreakers, and nougat bars. As the customers browsed, one of them, a woman with a gentle demeanor, asked, “Joanne, your parents must be proud of how well you’re running the shop.”
Joanne’s heart skipped a beat. She offered her rehearsed response with a casual air. “Oh, they’re on vacation. I’m holding down the fort while they’re away.”
The man raised an eyebrow but didn’t press further. “Well, you’re doing a marvelous job. We’ll take some of these root beer barrels and a few of the nougat bars. How much do we owe you?”
Joanne quickly rang up their purchases and bagged the candies. “That’ll be thirty dollars.”
The man handed over the money, and Joanne gave him a receipt with a cheerful “Thank you for shopping at Sweet Tooth! Have a great day!”
As the last customer left and the shop quieted down, Joanne began her closing routine. She swept the floor, restocked the shelves, and prepared to lock up. The sky outside was turning dusky, the streetlights casting long shadows.
But as Joanne turned the “Closed” sign on the door, she noticed a group of men loitering nearby. Their presence was unsettling—there was something off about the way they hovered around the shop. Joanne’s instincts went on high alert.
She grabbed her trusty stuffed bear from her bookbag, her fingers brushing against its soft, comforting surface. With a quiet murmur, she activated its special magic, and the bear’s plush exterior shifted into a glossy candy material.
Joanne felt a surge of determination. She would protect the shop, no matter what. The men approached, their intentions clear. Joanne gripped her candy bear tightly, ready to defend her parents’ store with all the courage she could muster.
And so, as the evening shadows lengthened and the Sweet Tooth Candy Shop closed its doors for the night, Joanne prepared to face whatever challenge lay ahead with the same fearless resolve she brought to running her beloved shop.
The Sweet Tooth Candy Shop was buzzing with energy as Joanne prepared for a new day. She had been working tirelessly to set up a new display of lollipops, each one intricately shaped into stars, moons, hearts, and other delightful forms. These were not your average flat lollipops; they were grand creations, each one a piece of edible art propped up on sturdy sticks. Joanne meticulously arranged them on the counter, her excitement evident in the way she adjusted each display.
The morning sun was just beginning to shine through the shop's windows when the bell above the door chimed. Joanne turned to see a young boy about her age stepping in. He had tan skin, dark spiky hair, and was wearing goggles perched low on his forehead. His clothes were worn and somewhat shabby, giving him a rough-around-the-edges appearance.
Joanne offered her usual friendly greeting. “Good morning! Welcome to Sweet Tooth. Can I help you find something special today?”
The boy glanced around the shop with a dismissive air. “I don’t want to buy anything from you,” he said, his tone a mix of defiance and disdain. He looked Joanne up and down, his eyes lingering for a moment longer than necessary. Though he tried to hide it, a faint blush colored his cheeks as he found himself captivated by her determination and spunk.
“I came here to take some candy,” he continued, folding his arms defiantly. “Those kids who came in yesterday? They were working for me. I’m here to take what I want.”
Joanne’s smile faded, replaced by a look of stern resolve. “If you’re here to steal, I won’t go easy on you. I’ve got a job to do, and I won’t let anyone mess it up.”
The boy’s eyes narrowed, and he shrugged with a hardened expression. “I don’t care. I’m a thief, not a saint.”
Joanne’s frown deepened. She wasn’t about to let him walk away with her candy, not after everything she’d done to keep the shop running smoothly. “Fine, if that’s how you want to play it.”
Without warning, she grabbed a handful of the newly displayed lollipops and hurled them at him. The colorful confections flew through the air, but the boy was quick on his feet. With a flick of his wrist, he transformed his left hand into a large, bladed sword, blocking the incoming lollipops with ease.
“Is that the best you’ve got?” the boy taunted, his sword-hand slicing through the air as he deflected the candy missiles.
Joanne wasn’t deterred. She grabbed more lollipops and continued her barrage. “I’m not giving up so easily!”
The boy, who had been ready to steal the candy, now found himself engaged in a fierce battle of attrition. His ability to morph his body into mechanical constructs gave him a solid defense, while Joanne’s candy-throwing skills kept him on his toes. The shop was a flurry of colors and motion as the two clashed, the floor littered with shattered lollipop pieces.
Joanne’s eyes darted around the shop, searching for more lollipops to use as ammunition. Her focus was momentarily distracted when she noticed a giant candy sculpture on a precarious stand. It wobbled dangerously, tilting towards her.
Her heart skipped a beat. “Look out!” she shouted, but the boy’s attention was already drawn to the falling sculpture. Without hesitation, he dashed toward Joanne, tackling her out of harm’s way.
With a swift motion, he shifted his back into a deformed shield, his body morphing to absorb the impact of the falling sculpture. The candy crashed down onto the shield, and for a moment, everything went quiet. When the dust settled, the boy and Joanne were lying on the floor, safe and sound, though surrounded by candy debris.
Joanne looked up at him, astonished. “Why did you save me?”
The boy’s face was flushed, and he looked away, trying to hide his embarrassment. “I didn’t want to kill you. I’m a thief, not a murderer.”
Joanne’s expression softened, and she could see the sincerity in his eyes. “You really mean that?”
The boy nodded, avoiding her gaze. “Yeah. I’m sorry for everything. My name’s Luke. I didn’t want to cause any more trouble. I’d like to make it up to you. If you’ll let me, I could work here at the shop and pay off any damages.”
Joanne’s initial hesitation melted away as she considered his offer. She could see the potential for redemption in his eyes. With a bright smile, she extended her hand. “Alright, Luke. Let’s start fresh. We’ll clean up this mess together, and you can work here to make things right.”
Luke took her hand, his expression a mix of relief and gratitude. “Thanks, Joanne. I promise I’ll work hard.”
Together, they began to clean up the shop, sweeping up the candy shards and resetting the displays. As they worked, Joanne could sense that Luke was genuinely remorseful and willing to make amends. The two of them worked side by side, their earlier conflict forgotten as they bonded over the shared task.
By the time the shop was cleaned up and ready to reopen, Joanne and Luke had formed an unexpected alliance. The Sweet Tooth Candy Shop was back to its cheerful self, and Joanne felt a new sense of camaraderie with her unlikely helper.
As they prepared to open the shop again, Joanne looked at Luke with a hopeful smile. “Let’s make today a great day, shall we?”
Luke nodded, a smile of his own tugging at the corners of his lips. “Absolutely. And thanks for giving me a second chance.”
With a fresh start and a new friend by her side, Joanne was ready for whatever the day might bring. The Sweet Tooth Candy Shop was once again a place of joy and sweetness, and Joanne couldn’t have been happier.
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moonkhao · 17 days
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HeartKillersTH He wants to get to know the owner better. #TheHeartKillers #GMMTV
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