deamus · 7 years
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@lightningeranet​ creation event: Dumbledore’s Army
H E R M I O N E   G R A N G E R ;;
Godhood is just like girlhood : a begging to be believed. (x)
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parchaayi · 7 years
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moodboards: autumn
[... ] of yellow leaves and gossamer in autumns that there were with morning mist and silver sun and wind upon my hair
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regulussirius · 7 years
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Harry Potter Edits → Hogwarts Houses (+ Minimalist)
Ambition, cunning, resourcefulness
Hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, fair play
Intelligence, knowledge, wit
Bravery, daring, nerve, chivalry
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njmphadora · 7 years
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@harrypotternetwork Creation Event: Pride   ➥ Lavender Brown & Parvati Patil
“They were still holding hands. Parvati looked down at their fingers, brown and black interlaced, and she felt for the first time like she had a path ahead of her, a future she was heading towards. She had never been happier.”
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Dransy edit for @fortesques birthday, happy birthday Fran!!!
“Prove them wrong. Show them who’s boss.”
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pekkarolling · 7 years
Prompt for @hpwritersnet: Minerva Mcgonagall
Minerva Mcgonagall was nervous.
She didn’t show it, of course, keeping her spine straight and her expression neutral. Her father, a pastor, had taught her at least that much: when you’re a flurry of emotions, keep the storm inside until later, and let your best face show. Minerva didn’t know how well this had worked for her father, seeing as she hadn’t attended church for some odd ten years out of her eleven.  But it seemed sound advice. So she kept the nervousness inside her as she listened to the giggles and whispers of her Hogwarts class. More than a few had made quite a few friends on the train and were eager to share their thoughts and fears for the sorting ahead with their peers.
But Minerva, or Minnie, as she liked to be called, had only made a single friend on the train ride–if he could even be called that. He had already gone up at the sound of his name (which was rather whimsical, Minerva thought, though her own name had caused quite the stir up in Scotland). A tattered hat had been perched atop his head for five long minutes before it roared a hearty “Ravenclaw!” and sent him to his appropriate table. She was happy for him; Filius Flitwick hadn’t wanted much, but he had wanted blue and bronze for house colors.
Minnie didn’t have her heart set on anything. She was too sensible for that. Although Ravenclaw was looking far friendlier now that the boy who had the same thoughts on Quidditch as her was seated at their table….
“McGonagall, Minerva.”
She stepped forwards, heart thrumming. This was it. 
The hat was warm–possibly because it was sentient, possibly because it had been atop quite a few heads before hers. All of which were turned towards her, like she was on a funeral pyre, or in a casket, or–
She decided to close her eyes. It helped.
���Hmmmm,” whispered the Sorting Hat, as though it was like a cat curled right next to her brain. Minnie shivered involuntarily. “I see you are quite the responsible girl, Minerva.”
Her lips tugged downwards. She was sick of being the responsible girl, the girl who cleaned up everyone’s messes. It would be much better to be valiant, and brave–like her mother, when she stood up to the pastor’s wishes–or intelligent and wise, like the one girl in the village who found a way to get all her chores done in twice the time so she could study to become a nurse to better the world. 
Minnie was sick of being the older sister.
“Ah, so you tend towards Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, then?” the hat mused. 
Minnie pressed her lips together. “Yes,” she thought back. “I’d rather be a hero or a scholar than a stand in for Ma.”
“Why can’t you be both?”
Minnie thought about it, and sighed. The hat had a point, as strange as it sounded. “I can’t be both. How can knowledge be heroic? How can being a hero be smart?”
The hat chuckled, which screamed condescension. “You will find out.”
“Can you not be confusing?”
Another laugh. Minnie crossed her arms, putting on the expression that she used when her brothers were acting up and she was having none of it.
“You’re plenty wise enough to make this choice, and plenty brave enough to pick the right one for you.”
There it was: the truth. She thought about it long and hard, exchanging more words with the Sorting Hat before whispering what she wanted. 
Minerva McGonagall wasn’t always a legend, or a strong witch, or the best in her year. Once upon a time she had been a small little girl who was forced to grow up too soon with a penchant for magic and following her father’s advice. Once upon a time, she had just been “Minnie”. 
Once upon a time, she had a choice, and that choice would shape her life forever.
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betsydobsons · 7 years
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<H4> Harry Potter and his amazing oblivious tendencies </h4> <I>for @zabiniblaisee !! Happy birthday Mariah, this is a lil late bc my laptop is in for repairs :((
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deamus · 6 years
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character posters → Neville Longbottom
discover the uprising within yourself.
shake off the doubt that others dare cloak around your resilient shoulders. (x)
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parchaayi · 7 years
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moodboards: dare me 
sometimes you stand under the hot gush for so long, looking at your body, counting every bruise. touching every tender place. watching the swirl at your feet, the glitter spinning. like a mermaid shedding her scales.
you’re really just trying to get your heart to ‘slow down’. you think, this is my body, and i can make it do things. i can make it spin, flip, fly. afterwards, you stand in front of the steaming mirror, the fuchsia streaks gone, the lashes unsparkled. and it’s just you there, and you look like no one you’ve ever seen before. you don’t look like anybody at all.
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regulussirius · 7 years
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Narcissa and Bellatrix requested by @ncrissamalfoy
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njmphadora · 7 years
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greggoryyy asked scorpius malfoy or and albus potter   ➥ want one?
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im sorry for the shitty ass banner i made it in like two minutes lmao
anYWAY I MADE A BIRTHDAY PAGE AND I WANT YOU GUYS TO JOIN SO I CAN CELEBRATE YOUR BIRTHDAYS bc who doesnt love people celebrating their birthdays?
mbf this excitable trash
reblog this post 
send me an ask with your name and birthday
what you get:
a spot on this cute page i put myself on there bc validation
a spot on my updates tab through the month of your birthday
a kick ass promo on your birthday
a request on your birthday (please send your request in advance so i have time to make it pleasee)
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deamus · 7 years
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character moodboards (1/?): Luna Lovegood
“Be messy and complicated and afraid and show up anyways.” (x)
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deamus · 7 years
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character posters → Susan Bones
I must endure & endure & still endure. (x)
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parchaayi · 7 years
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"m-meeting? but umbridge has banned clubs. she'll see us going there! i'll fail my O.W.L.s! i’ll be expelled! we'll all be expelled!
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parchaayi · 7 years
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gryffindors: parvati patil, class of ‘98
[...] how parvati patil had produced such a good reductor curse that she had reduced the table carrying all the sneakoscopes to dust.
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