vabroapp · 3 months
Increase ROI by implementing Vabro
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Implementing Vabro can indeed increase ROI (Return on Investment) in various ways:
Improved Productivity: Vabro facilitate better task management, progress tracking, and collaboration among team members. With clear visibility into tasks, deadlines, and responsibilities, teams can work more efficiently, completing projects faster and delivering value sooner, thereby increasing ROI.
Enhanced Communication: Vabro often include features such as real-time messaging, file sharing, and commenting, which streamline communication within teams. Clear and effective communication reduces misunderstandings, prevents delays, and fosters collaboration, ultimately leading to higher productivity and ROI.
Better Resource Allocation: Vabro provide insights into team capacity, workload distribution, and project timelines. With this information, project managers can allocate resources more effectively, ensuring that the right people are working on the right tasks at the right time. Optimal resource allocation minimizes idle time and maximizes productivity, ultimately increasing ROI.
Faster Time-to-Market: Vabro helps team plan and execute these iterations efficiently, allowing them to deliver new features or updates to market faster. By reducing time-to-market, businesses can gain a competitive edge, capture market opportunities sooner, and generate revenue earlier, thereby increasing ROI.
Continuous Improvement: Vabro support the principles of continuous improvement and adaptation. They provide mechanisms for collecting feedback, reviewing performance metrics, and identifying areas for enhancement. By embracing feedback and making iterative improvements to processes and products, teams can deliver greater value to customers, leading to higher satisfaction and increased ROI.
Risk Reduction: Vabro enable better risk management through early detection of issues, transparent reporting, and adaptability to changing circumstances. By identifying and addressing risks promptly, teams can minimize project delays, cost overruns, and quality issues, ultimately protecting investments and increasing ROI stability.
In summary, implementing Vabro can increase ROI by improving productivity, enhancing communication, optimizing resource allocation, accelerating time-to-market, fostering continuous improvement, reducing risks, and increasing transparency across projects.
🔗 Visit www.vabro.com to know more.
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coolcut-turtorial · 2 months
Welcome to CoolCut!
Hello everyone!
We’re thrilled to welcome you to the official CoolCut Tumblr! This space is dedicated to sharing everything you need to know about CoolCut and CoolCam products. Whether you're a seasoned user or new to our community, this blog is here to keep you informed, inspired, and connected.
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At CoolCut, we believe in the power of creativity and technology. Our mission is to provide you with the best tools to capture and edit your most precious moments. From professional filmmakers to hobbyist videographers, our products are designed to meet the needs of every user.
What to Expect
Here’s what you can look forward to on our blog:
Product Announcements: Stay up-to-date with the latest releases and updates from CoolCut and CoolCam.
Tips and Tutorials: Learn how to get the most out of your CoolCut products with our expert guides and how-tos.
User Stories: Get inspired by the amazing projects and stories from our community.
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Thank you for being part of the CoolCut family. Let's make something amazing together!
Stay cool,
The CoolCut Team
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jogoagilecoaching · 5 months
Learn how to effectively split user stories in Agile with five popular techniques explained in this video! Subscribe for weekly updates on Agile practices and techniques. #UserStorySplitting #AgilePractices #AgileTechniques
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jonfazzaro · 6 months
"This is a political and technical improvement in the way of working. Where it is practiced, teams are more successful in building products that satisfy the needs of the product community."
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agile-rant · 1 year
What Is A User Story & Tips To Create
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What is a user storyUser Goal Reason What is a user story, it is not full requirements Still asking what is a user story? Here are tips to create Last thoughts on user stories Additional content after what is a user story What is a user story? A user story is a concise and simple narrative used in Agile software development to capture the requirements and expectations of users. It is a way to express user needs from their perspective and provide a clear understanding of the desired functionality or feature. User stories are typically written in a structured format and serve as a means of communication between the development team and stakeholders.
What is a user story
A user story typically consists of three main elements: the user, their goal, and the reason behind that goal. It follows a simple template: "As a , I want so that ." Let's break down each component: User This describes the role or type of user who will benefit from the feature or functionality. It could be a specific user persona or a broader category. For example, "As a customer," "As an admin," or "As a first-time user." Goal This specifies what the user wants to achieve or the desired outcome. It should be concise and focused on a specific action or functionality. For example, "I want to view my order history," "I want to edit my profile information," or "I want to search for products by category." Reason This explains the purpose or benefit behind the user's goal. It helps the development team understand the underlying motivation and consider the user's perspective. For example, "so that I can keep track of my previous purchases," "so that I can update my contact information easily," or "so that I can find the products I'm interested in more efficiently." By using this format, user stories provide a clear context and help prioritize development efforts based on user needs. They are concise, user-focused, and avoid technical jargon or implementation details, which allows for flexibility and encourages collaboration between stakeholders and the development team. User stories are often written on index cards or digital tools, such as project management software or Agile management platforms. They are typically organized into a product backlog, which serves as a repository of all user stories. During sprint planning or backlog refinement sessions, user stories are reviewed, prioritized, estimated, and assigned to development iterations. What is a user story, it is not full requirements It's important to note that user stories are not comprehensive requirements documents but rather placeholders for conversations and collaboration. They provide a starting point for discussions between the development team and stakeholders, enabling them to clarify expectations, identify potential challenges, and make informed decisions throughout the development process. In summary, user stories are concise narratives that capture user needs and expectations in Agile software development. They follow a structured format, highlighting the user, their goal, and the reason behind it. User stories serve as a means of communication, facilitating collaboration and prioritization within the development team and with stakeholders. With the above, and the below tips, you don't have to keep asking what is a user story.
Still asking what is a user story? Here are tips to create
- Use the "As a, I want, so that" structure: Follow the standard format of user stories by clearly defining the user, their goal, and the reason behind it. This helps maintain consistency and ensures a clear understanding of the user's needs. - Focus on the user: Keep the user at the center of the story. Avoid technical jargon or solution-oriented language. Instead, concentrate on the user's perspective, goals, and expected outcomes. - Keep it concise: User stories should be short and focused. Aim for simplicity and clarity. Avoid including unnecessary details or specifications that can be addressed separately. - Make them independent: Each user story should stand on its own, without dependencies on other stories. This promotes flexibility and allows for easier prioritization and iteration. - Use actionable language: Ensure that user stories are actionable and provide a clear direction for development. Use active verbs and specific action words to describe what the user wants to achieve. - Prioritize based on value: Prioritize user stories based on their value to the user and the business. Focus on high-priority stories that deliver the most significant impact. - Add acceptance criteria: Include clear acceptance criteria that define the conditions for the story to be considered complete. These criteria help the development team understand what is expected and enable effective testing. - Collaborate with stakeholders: Involve stakeholders, such as product owners, customers, and end-users, in the creation of user stories. Their input and feedback are valuable for capturing the true needs and expectations. - Use personas: If applicable, create user personas to represent different types of users. This helps in tailoring the user stories to specific user groups and ensuring that their needs are adequately addressed. - Validate with user feedback: Continuously validate and refine user stories based on user feedback and testing. This iterative approach helps in incorporating user insights and improving the accuracy of the stories. - Avoid assumptions: Ensure that user stories are based on real user insights and data rather than assumptions. Validate assumptions through research, user interviews, or user testing. - Review and iterate: Regularly review and refine user stories as the project progresses. As new information and requirements emerge, update and adapt the stories to reflect the evolving needs of the users.
Last thoughts on user stories
Remember that user stories are living documents that can evolve and be refined throughout the development process. By following these tips, you can create effective user stories that capture user needs and guide the development of valuable and user-centric products.
Additional content after what is a user story
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The effort vs impact matrix can help you prioritize your user stories Also, a great read from Atlassian on user stories. User stories with examples and a template Read the full article
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learnersinkcourses · 1 year
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Agile teams know the importance of Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog. Learn how to use these tools to streamline your project management and stay ahead of the curve.
learn more>>
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scrumhelp1 · 2 years
Ways to Add Details and Level of Details in User Story
Discover the ways to add details and levels of information to user stories for success in your agile project. Splitting the story and adding acceptance criteria can provide precise details. Share the right level of detail to complete an iteration without overwhelming the team.
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ssyscript · 1 year
User Story dan User Story Point
User story adalah persyaratan atau permintaan singkat yang ditulis dari sudut pandang pengguna akhir. Setiap epic bisa terdiri dari beberapa user story. User story harus mewakili nilai yang disampaikan kepada pengguna.
Cara penulisan user stories:
As a [persona], I [want to], [so that]
Contoh penerapan user stories pada Epic “Building Core Engine” for promotion Engine initiatives:
as an admin team, (who) i can setup promo type & quota (what) so  i can create promotion for users (why)
as an admin team, i can i can setup promo banner so  the audience understand the promotion value
as an admin team, i can setup promo eligibility so i can define the target audience and limit
Penerapan user story ticket pada PRD ada di bagian solution. Biasanya 1 user story ticket terdiri dari 1 requirement. contoh:
[PRD Sign Up by Google]
Show Google button in registration page
Open Google Signup page in the same tab/not redirecting to other tab/other app
After user register, user data will be registered in our user DB
After registration completed, user is redirected to onboarding page
Namun, adapula yang memberikan beberapa tiket dari setiap user story. contoh:
Tiket 1-> designer’s ticket Tiket 2-> fronted to show the button Tiket 3 -> backend engineer to connect button with Google API 
Story point
Perbedaan priority dan story point: Priority adalah urgensi dari sudut pandang PM/PO mengenai mana yang lebih penting untuk lebih dulu dikerjakan.
Sedangkan story point adalah pemilihan user story dari sudut pandang Engineer, mengenai seberapa sulit pengerjaan suatu task, sehingga sebagai PM/Product owner harus memasikan engineer mengisi story point.
Story point biasanya merupakan total dari point per task dari user story. Contohnya pada suatu user story, effort point pada frontend 2, effort pada backend 3. Maka nilai effort point user story tsb adalah = 2 + 3 = 5. Story point juga bisa digunakan sebagai pertimbangan Effort pada perhitungan prioritas solusi menggunakan RICE framework.
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paskariu · 2 years
title of the lecture unit: "advanced software engineering"
topic: How to write a userstory aka stuff you already had in the first semester
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kaiasky · 5 months
managers love to compliment themselves for talking about stuff. "Its good that we're talking about this, we really need to have an open dialog about this. lets keep talking about this and schedule a new meeting for tomorrow. let's write stuff down and make some userstories. let's continue to get a fuller picture."
if you did NOT do this you do not get to pat yourself on the back. you did NOT have a productive meeting. you had a 1 hour social club and you didn't talk about anything fun. i will continue doing what i am doing and, god willing, it will be too late for you to demand we change course by the time the next meeting hits.
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riya-sharma-25 · 17 days
Success Stories: How Ridebuddy Transformed Daily Commutes”
Real-Life Experiences from Satisfied Users” Introduction: Hear from Ridebuddy users who have experienced a transformative change in their daily commutes thanks to our platform.
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Conclusion: Be inspired by these success stories and see how Ridebuddy can make a difference in your own commuting routine. Hashtags: #RidebuddySuccess #UserStories #CommuteTransformation
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vabroapp · 2 months
Visit www.vabro.com
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ronasit-design · 2 years
How to animate IOS modal in Figma?
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Do you like our tutorials? Save them for the future and share them with your friends!  ronas_it
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jogoagilecoaching · 5 months
Explore the concept of spikes in Agile/Scrum with this informative video! Learn about their types, benefits, and examples. Subscribe for insights on Agile methodologies, Scrum practices, and more. 🚀
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jonfazzaro · 2 years
"Let go of the belief that we should accurately capture all the requirements before starting work."
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agile-rant · 1 year
Use Case Vs User Story - What's The Deal
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Use cases and user stories are two different techniques used in software development to capture requirements and describe user interactions. While they serve similar purposes, they differ in their structure, level of detail, and focus. Let's explore the distinctions between use cases and user stories.
Table of Contents
Use Case Vs User Story - ComparisonStructure Level of Detail Focus Flexibility Granularity Collaboration Last thoughts on the use case vs user story Additional reading
Use Case Vs User Story - Comparison
Structure Use cases: Use cases are typically structured documents that follow a predefined format. They consist of sections such as actor descriptions, preconditions, main scenarios, alternative scenarios, and post-conditions. Use cases provide a detailed step-by-step description of how users interact with the system to achieve their goals. User stories: User stories, on the other hand, are short, concise narratives that follow a simple format: "As a , I want so that ." They are often written on index cards or digital tools and capture the essence of user needs without going into extensive detail. Level of Detail Use cases: Use cases tend to provide a higher level of detail, including specific steps, actions, and system responses. They focus on capturing a comprehensive description of all possible interactions and scenarios, covering both the main and alternative paths. User stories: User stories are intentionally less detailed and provide a higher-level overview. They focus on the user's goal and the value they expect to derive from it. User stories do not provide an extensive description of the steps or system behavior. Focus Use cases: Use cases concentrate on the complete system behavior and the interactions between users and the system. They aim to capture a holistic view of how the system functions and respond to user actions. Use cases are typically used in the analysis, design, and testing phases. User stories: User stories emphasize the user's perspective and their specific needs or goals. They are primarily used to drive conversations, collaboration, and prioritization during Agile development. User stories are often part of the product backlog and serve as a placeholder for future discussions. Flexibility Use cases: Use cases are more rigid and may require additional effort to modify or update. Changes to use cases often involve revisiting and updating the entire document, potentially impacting other sections or related use cases. User stories: User stories are designed to be flexible and easily adaptable. They can be modified, re-prioritized, or split into smaller stories without significant impact on other parts of the system. This flexibility allows for incremental development and iterative improvements. Granularity Use cases: Use cases tend to cover larger and more complex scenarios. They often describe end-to-end interactions, involving multiple steps and actions to achieve a particular goal. User stories: User stories are typically more granular and focused on specific features or functionalities. They address a single user need or goal and can be developed and tested independently. Collaboration Use cases: Use cases involve collaboration between stakeholders, business analysts, developers, and testers. They provide a comprehensive description that requires input from various roles to ensure accuracy and completeness. User stories: User stories promote collaboration between the development team and stakeholders, especially product owners and users. They are written in a simple and understandable format that encourages conversations and shared understanding.
Last thoughts on the use case vs user story
In summary, while use cases and user stories both capture requirements and describe user interactions, they differ in their structure, level of detail, focus, flexibility, granularity, and collaborative aspects. Use cases provide a comprehensive view of system behavior, while user stories offer a concise user-centric perspective. The choice between the two depends on the project's needs, development methodology, and the desired level of detail and flexibility.
Additional reading
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What is a user story and tips to create them
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What is a use case and tips to create them Some good info at Easy Agile on use case vs user story, the differences and when to use them. Read the full article
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