#using the loss of a dear family member to grab pennies
chocochococoffee · 2 years
Hi there, im really sorry. I know its kinda inappropriate to ask for a favor like this but I just wanted to ask if you could possibly share or boost the post I pinned for my cat. We're in desperate need of help right now. I hope youd consider, if not I understand dont worry. Be safe always! Pls do send me a msg or answer this ask privately if possible <33
guess who received the sick cat scam
fuck you
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gumnut-logic · 6 years
Gentle Rain (Part Ten)
Title: Gentle Rain
Warm Rain Series
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten
Author: Gumnut
30 Jan – 3 Feb 2019
Fandom: Thunderbirds Are Go 2015/ Thunderbirds TOS
Rating: Teen
Summary: Sometimes it is so gentle, you don’t realise it is happening.
Word count: 2555
Spoilers & warnings: Virgil/Kayo, Scott/OC, spoilers for Warm Rain up to this point in the timeline.
Timeline: Six months after ‘The Proposal’, almost a sequel.
Author’s note: For @scribbles97 Well, anyone reading my Tumblr will know this part set me kicking and screaming and multiple headdesking. I got stuck and it wouldn’t write and I didn’t have a fun time. However last night I broke the first dam and this morning the second one kicked over and hooray, here be Part Ten. It should also be noted that somehow, Virgil is completely absent from this part. Please don’t hate me. This may have been why it was so hard to write - it may be my only fic bit without Virg ever. But he will be back, cos I have evil plans! Many thanks to both @scribbles97 and @the-lady-razorsharp for putting up with my extensive wailing and moaning and also for your wonderful support and help. And to all of you who have waited the extra few days while I kicked my brain into gear, thank you :D
Disclaimer: Mine? You’ve got to be kidding. Money? Don’t have any, don’t bother.
“So what are your intentions towards Scott Tracy?”
Em stopped in the middle of the path. “Excuse me?”
The blonde woman’s expression was mild, perhaps a little curious. “You are obviously attracted to him.”
“And that is your business, how?” Oh, god, he didn’t have a girlfriend, did he? Her heart sank. He obviously liked this woman, greeting her with warmth. But then, it had been Scott who had taken her hand and then there was Kayo. Em frowned. There was no way his sister would let her anywhere near her brother if that had been the case. “Who are you to Scott Tracy?”
That perfectly plucked eyebrow rose at her. “Nothing more than a concerned friend.”
“Who has what to be concerned about?”
“Ms Harris,” and the woman squared her stance with Em’s. “The Tracy brothers are a unique situation. Do you think you are up to the challenge?”
“It is Doctor Harris, and I don’t see anyone, much less a Tracy, as sport.” She spun on the spot and continued at a walking pace down to the edge of the cliff in front of the house. Hovering on the edge, she stared out to the ocean. It was still a stunning colour, its turquoise stained by the yellows shed by the sky. But her stomach was unsettled. What did this woman want from her? Was she being warned off? Was she a ‘friend’ who believed she owned more than she did? What did she want with Scott Tracy?
She turned the ‘scoot around slowly to face Penelope. “What do you want?”
The woman smiled. “Simply to ensure Scott’s safety.”
Em sighed, her shoulders dropping. “Then you’re failing miserably. The man nearly got himself killed a few weeks back.”
“Some things simply can’t be helped.”
“Really? Well, they should be. These men are not superhuman, yet they are attempting superhuman feats. Virgil and Gordon were nearly killed this morning.” She was still seeing that wave attempting to engulf Thunderbird Two.
The woman didn’t react. “It comes with the territory. The question is, are you prepared to deal with the situation.”
Em locked her gaze into those challenging blue eyes, advancing instinctively, her fingers twitching on the ‘scoot’s controls in her palms as she fisted her hands. “I have dealt with life and death my entire career, with no small amount of consideration for my own and my family’s. I can ‘deal’ with the situation, Penelope.” Screw the ‘Lady’ part of the equation, she wasn’t acting like one. “It doesn’t mean I have to accept it.” Her blood boiled. “As for my ‘intentions’ towards Scott Tracy. That is my business, his business and has zero to do with anyone else. Quite frankly, your ‘ladyship’, you can bugger off.”
Again with the delicate arched eyebrow. “I see.” Pressed lips. “There was no need to resort to profanity.”
“I will resort to whatever the hell I have to.”
“That is good to know.” And Penelope turned back towards the house. “Now come, my dear, we have a new guest to meet.” A sudden roar of jet engines and Tracy Two was once again on approach to the runway.
Em stumbled mentally. What?
A glance at the landing aircraft and another at the elegant woman walking back up the path. The hell? Was that a test?
She grit her teeth.
Turning back to the ocean, she forced herself to calm down. There was no way she was letting this woman get under her skin.
The waves lapped at the bottom of the cliff mocking her.
Too bad she already had.
Scott loved his grandmother. He admired her for her spirit, her strength and her character. But the woman knew how to curdle a grandson’s stomach, and not just with her cooking.
As they all entered the comms room, Sally was hanging off her guest’s arm like an escort girl off a playboy at a party, and grinning just as guilelessly. Not really the position of a respected elder. Fortunately, the man she was ogling had more than two cents between his ears and was treating her kindly, not a little smitten himself.
He better.
Scott was still unsure of what he thought about his grandmother’s relatively new relationship. She had expressed so much eagerness the first time she set eyes on the man. Virgil’s hero worship hadn’t helped.
Scott sighed. The man seemed genuine enough and kindly, but he set off Scott’s protective instincts, both on his grandmother’s behalf and oddly regarding Virgil as well. He swore Virgil regressed in age around the man. Even Kayo had commented on it. It was almost as if his brother had found his messiah or something.
It made Scott uncomfortable.
But the man checked out. Kayo and Penelope had reassured him of this on several fronts. He was an honest man and he appeared to have an honest fondness for his grandmother. He even treated Virgil like a tolerant grandfather.
Scott eyed Grandma still staring up into the man’s eyes.
It sounded primitive, but he better treat his family kindly otherwise he’d park Thunderbird One’s rockets on his head and torch him with her afterburners.
A gasp. “Uncle Crispin?”
The non-sequitur echoed through the room like a ricochet.
Kip Harris looked up in astonishment. “Emaline?”
Scott stared at Em who had just come up the stairs behind Penny. He turned back to Kip...Harris. “You have got to be kidding me.”
But the man’s eyes were only for Em, widening in horror. “My god, Emaline! What happened?”
Em stared at the only remaining member of her family. Her father’s brother. He was staring at her, shock in his eyes.
She became very conscious of being half the woman she used to be, of the Tracys in the room, of the eyes staring at her in surprise.
Penelope’s blue gaze.
Oh god.
Something was stuck in her throat.
She wasn’t ready for this.
Her heart thudded in her chest and she suddenly couldn’t get enough air. She had to get out.
With the echo of a pair of worried blue eyes following her, she activated the ‘scoot, backed away, tore down the stairs and out onto the patio desperate to escape. There had to be a way...
There. She tore between the pam trees and out onto a path that led who knew where.
If Scott had been more mobile, he might have grabbed her before she could have run, but he wasn’t.
Instead, he turned to his grandmother’s boyfriend, eyes blazing. “What the hell was that?”
But the man seemed truly in shock. “When...how did she lose her legs?”
Scott blinked. “What?”
A hand landed on his arm. “Scott.” He looked up to find Penny standing beside him. “Follow her.” There was something in the woman’s eyes and her voice dropped to a whisper. “She’s dealing with more than you know.”
His eyes widened and worry set in. With a glance at his grandmother who was moving to console Kip, he tore out of the room as fast as Thunderbird imPatient could take him.
The path wound its way around the edge of the island and before she knew it, she was beside the island’s runway, its parade of palm trees waving in the wind.
Each breath had become a sob. A harsh indrawn gasp followed by an incoherent whimper. She...it just...oh god....she should never have come. What could they possibly be thinking of her? What could he be thinking?
And to run like that. What had happened to her spine? Where was her strength? Why was she sobbing instead of snarling?
She let the ‘scoot drift, not caring where it took her, and not surprised when it collided with a straggly bush beside the cliff overlooking the ocean. Her eyes caught the waves far below, but they blurred with unshed tears.
And she was crying.
All of it. The accident, Scott’s injuries, her injuries, the loss of her legs, becoming friends with legends, travelling to Tracy Island, Virgil’s injuries, the cyclone and Thunderbird Two, Scott, his kiss, his smile, his eyes, his voice...
Oh, god, no.
She hid her face in her hands, desperately attempting to straighten herself out. Fear, mortification, embarrassment.
There was a hand on her arm.
And he was turning her, drawing her to him, reaching up to pull her down to his height, his one arm as strong as it had been earlier in the day, his broken arm, flailing for grip.
And it was his broken arm that caused her to give in. She couldn’t have him doing himself anymore damage. She couldn’t.
Just couldn’t.
The ‘scoot dropped and he grabbed her. And she gave in, dropped her shields and let it all go.
Crying all over his shoulder, leaving tear stains on his shirt. But she couldn’t stop, it was just too much.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
He was saying something, but she couldn’t hear him over her sobbing. He was holding her tight.
She shouldn’t be doing this. She should be strong. Em Bloody Harris...oh, hell. Another rush of tears. God, what was he thinking of her?
He was stroking her hair, combing fingers through her curls.
It was strangely calming.
And finally she could hear him. It was a mantra. “It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay.” One for each stroke of his hand.
Like a heartbeat.
She focussed on it. He kept doing it.
Her breathing evened out. It was lulling and she was exhausted.
He kissed her hair and she let herself simply drift in his arms. Safe.
Time hung.
She blinked wet lashes, almost half asleep, and realised what she was doing.
Oh god.
She struggled to sit up, to regain a modicum of dignity, but he wouldn’t let her go.
“It’s okay. Stay there.” He had his fingers in her hair again, soothing. “It’s okay.”
Her heart twisted, but she was tired of fighting, tired of keeping it all together. She let a breath go and sagged into him. He held her tight.
“I think we need to talk.” His voice was quiet and undemanding. Her breath hitched a moment, but she knew he was right. She owed him an explanation.
But the words wouldn’t come.
“Did you lose your legs in Perth?”
Her breath caught in her throat and it came out parched. “Yes.” She was glad she couldn’t see his face.
His grip tightened on her arm. “Why didn’t you tell me? All this time..” He stopped talking and resumed stroking her hair. “What happened under that building?”
And still she couldn’t say it. She didn’t want him to know, yet she had screwed it all up royally. Hell, half his family knew already and it wouldn’t be fair to keep him in the dark. But still she couldn’t say it.
A sharp indrawn breath. “What did you do? You came to me. You helped me. What happened, Em?”
There was fear in his voice. “I didn’t want to tell you.” Her voice was faint. She could hardly hear herself. “It wasn’t your fault.”
“My fault? Hell, what did you do?”
She had to sit up. She had to look him in the eye. He deserved that much.
He let her go and she straightened, catching her first sight of his worried blue eyes. She swallowed and forced her voice to work. “You were bleeding badly, but I couldn’t reach you. I was pinned. I knew that if I didn’t help you, your chances were not good. So I...got myself out from under the rubble to reach you.” He was staring at her in horror. She panicked grabbing his arms. “I didn’t feel it. It didn’t hurt. I’ve been a paraplegic for over five years. So I haven’t really lost anything. They were useless anyway.” At least that is what she was going to tell herself for the rest of her life.
He was still staring at her, his gorgeous blue eyes still horrified. She hurried to continue. “It was my choice. You couldn’t die. You and your brothers have sacrificed so much. I couldn’t let you die.” She straightened, grasping for that spine she had, the one that actually worked when she wasn’t a sobbing mess. “It was my choice.”
Still he didn’t say anything. A swallow and his stare continued, but she could see his mind racing behind those eyes. What was he thinking? His lips parted, but still nothing came out.
And suddenly she was in his arms and he was crushing her to him.
She gasped, the hoverscoot slipping out from under her, only staying attached due to her harness. Her weight was all on him and she was suddenly aware of his pounding heart beating through his ribcage into hers.
But most of all she was aware that the bloody idiot was putting pressure on his injured ribs and abdomen and if she didn’t move, she was likely going to hurt him. But she couldn’t get purchase and he wouldn’t let go.
“Don’t you dare hurt yourself.” She said it muffled into his shoulder.
Still he said nothing, just clung to her. She couldn’t see his face. She had no idea what he was thinking.
No answer.
His shoulders straightened under her and he was letting her go. She could feel his shields going up and when she was finally able to get her ‘scoot back under her, he had regained his composure with the exception of a sparkle in his eyes. She swallowed. He had called on the commander of International Rescue.
She still had no idea what he was thinking.
Had she ruined everything?
He reached out and took her hand. “Thank you, Em.” He looked down at their hands, his head shaking slowly. “I don’t know how I can ever repay you for such a...sacrifice.” His voice broke on the last word.
She flared up. “You don’t owe me anything, Scott. It was my decision.”
“No!” And now she was angry. “There is no debt. It was my choice, Scott Tracy, don’t you dare try to take that away from me.” Softer. “Please don’t let this come between us.”
Us. She shivered. Was there an ‘us’?
Something sparked in that blue. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers. “Us?” He smiled the most alluring smile he had deployed on her yet, his eyes peering up at her through his long, dark lashes.
“Oh, you shit.” She thwapped him on his shoulder, just as he grabbed for her again around her waist drawing her in, his smile becoming a grin as she squirmed.
And then they were nose to nose, his eyes were sparkling again and he was kissing her.
There was something there that wasn’t there before, something passionate, something urgent, he needed something and she had it.
She saw stars as he took her breath away.
When he finally let her go, her head was spinning and her body reacting. Bloody hell.
His hand cupped her cheek and her vision was full of those gorgeous blue eyes again. He kissed her gently once more. His voice was little more than breath. “Thank you, Em.”
Caught, her own voice as breathless as his, all she could say was, “You’re welcome.”
End Part Ten.
Part Eleven
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