#sick cat scam
Reminder, if you ever get a random ask that's like "sorry for bothering you, but could you share my pinned post about my sick cat?" it's a scam.
Doesn't matter how convincing the blog looks, it's all fake.
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aquitainequeen · 1 year
Hi! First of all I would like to apologize as I might really need your help, I know that you might find this ask weird and inappropriate at the same time but I do have huge favor to ask if you would be so kind to please check my pinned post, because its for my cat who needs an immediate life saving surgery and If you feel it in your heart to help me with this, please do boost or share it and I would be eternally grateful. 😭
Why yes, person that made their blog two days ago, with the fundraiser for your sick cat as literally the second post and a few currently trendy posts to flesh out your account. (Also, you mixed up your beloved pet's pronouns in your pinned post.) I'll give you a boost.
Watch out for these sick cat scams, friends; they'll usually look something like the ask above, from someone who's literally never interacted with you before, and they'll always ask you to pay through PayPal rather than a GoFundMe.
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dandelyle · 1 year
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If any of you get a message like this in your inbox, delete it immediately. This is a common scam going around tumblr right now. I've gotten 2 identical ones from different blogs in the last month. The blogs are very new, but have all the "right" elements so a gullible person would easily fall for this and be scammed.
The blog has a unique url, a pfp, a background, colors on their blog other than default, a convincing bio, and a smattering of posts. HOWEVER, the posts are never older than two days! For this particular blog, the oldest post was from just 1 hour ago!
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[black is the scammer. names of all blogs have been censored to protect privacy of non-scammers and to prevent susceptible people from visiting the scammer's blog.]
These scammers prey on your emotions in order to steal your money. You'll feel good about "helping" some "poor little kitty" who likely doesn't exist. They may have "proof" including vet bills on the pinned post, but those can easily be faked.
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cleanlenins · 2 years
Hi there, im really sorry. I know its kinda inappropriate to ask for a favor like this but I just wanted to ask if you could possibly share or boost the post I pinned for my cat. We're in desperate need of help right now. I hope youd consider, if not I understand dont worry. Be safe always! Pls do send me a msg or answer this ask privately if possible <33
A quick reminder for my new followers.
This is a scam. A really common scam. They send an ask about how they have a sick pet and ask you to reblog the post about it in the hopes of using YOUR credibility to get people to donate. There a couple of really easy ways to spot it.
One, you should always be skeptical when sent something like this. Think about the kind of asks you get from normal people. Do they ask this? No, they don't.
Two, check their blog. Do they have any other posts on it besides them begging for money? Do the posts they have make sense or is it just a random hodgepog of posts they probably grabbed from the trending page?
Three, and probably the most definitive, how long has the blog been around? Because you can look at timestamps on posts. For example, this one above only started posting today. They have a ton of posts, but only starting today?
Yeah, a scam.
Make sure to block and report these blogs!
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chocochococoffee · 1 year
Hiya !! I must apologize for being this direct! I know times are tough and I might sound desperate but I’m hoping that you would be so kind to please boost/share the post I pinned for my cat who’s kidneys aren’t functioning properly and needs urgent help care as we are trying to raise some funds for his needs. if you have some time to spare, pls check it out as it would be so meaningful to me as I’m praying it would reach more people! Thank you and have good day! <3🥹
took me some minutes of searching but guess what, you are featured here as part of a Pet Donation Scam https://www.tumblr.com/kyra45/727714788048879616/current-scam-accounts
so try to go somewhere else to catch fools in your stupid games and please do your best to kill yourself in the meanwhile, if possible by chugging acid
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loupgawou · 1 year
beware tumblr user itsheeva
their blog is fresh, and they sent me an ask telling me to reblog their charity post, but answer the ask privately so that my signal boost looks genuine.
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Please block and report this blog as 'spam'. And stay safe!
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skarabrae-stone · 1 year
Don’t Fall for “Sick Cat” Phishing
Just a reminder that if someone you don’t know suddenly sends you a message asking for help paying vet fees for their sick pet, it’s almost certainly a scam. Don’t give them your money! And make sure to report them to Tumblr for phishing:
click the meatball menu for “report”
select “report something else”
select “unlawful uses or content”
select “phishing”
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greencheekconure27 · 11 days
At the risk of sounding heartless and horrible: I don't care what the cause is, I do not and shall not answer random donation asks from strangers sent to my mailbox. It looked like a scam ten years ago it still looks like a scam now.
For those who sent me a genuine ask- I really am very sorry but this is my boundary. I can't spend endless hours vetting everyone personally.
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tic-loud-tic-proud · 1 month
Tumblr is being weird and apparently I have like 20 asks I never got notifications for ... Sorry to everyone who was waiting on answers 😭
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monsterkingdom · 3 months
im getting many people (and bots mingled in and piggy backing off of the dono posts) my inbox after one or two boosts and im sorry if anyone needs to contact me but im closing asks for now
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taibhsearachd · 3 months
Oh cool just got my first "send me money for my dying cat" spam ask, except it's the Palestinian family version of that! I hate it here.
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hawkeabelas · 1 year
Yo hello there! I’m very sorry to bother you at this time of the day but I’m kinda hoping if you’d be so kind to check the post that I pinned on my blog and maybe give it a little help by boosting/sharing it? it’s for my cat :((( and we need help to get him the tests that he needs. It would really mean the world to me and I understand if you don’t, still appreciate you and stay safe! Btw, please do send me a msg to reply or answer the ask privately instead as I dont want other blogs to think im a spambot or what, once again im sorry for asking this, praying you’d consider! 🥲🙏
In case any of my followers or followers-in-law gets something like this, this is a scam. This person scraped the photos off of a real fundraiser to try and profit off of peoples' sympathy, etc etc y'all know how people like this work.
Blazing red flags include:
You made your blog like five hours ago. Come on man.
You followed me and then IMMEDIATELY asked me for money??? And we don't even have similar blogs in any way so ??????
I looked up the name of "your" cat and it took me to the #scam tag and this is not your first attempt at making this exact same blog lmao
"uwu pweeeease don't post this publicly people might think I'm a scam" fuck all the way off please
blocked and reported to both tumblr and paypal.
I can't help right now, but if anyone would like to I'll link the ACTUAL FUNDRAISER by the person who ACTUALLY NEEDS THE MONEY FOR THEIR CAT below. Please help if you can, to offset losses from scammers like this one.
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crabussy · 1 year
Hi! First of all I would like to apologize as I might really need your help, I know that you might find this ask weird and inappropriate at the same time but I do have huge favor to ask if you would be so kind to please check my pinned post, because its for my cat who needs an immediate life saving surgery and If you feel it in your heart to help me with this, please do boost or share it and I would be eternally grateful. 😭
okay two day old account
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chocochococoffee · 2 years
Hi there, im really sorry. I know its kinda inappropriate to ask for a favor like this but I just wanted to ask if you could possibly share or boost the post I pinned for my cat. We're in desperate need of help right now. I hope youd consider, if not I understand dont worry. Be safe always! Pls do send me a msg or answer this ask privately if possible <33
guess who received the sick cat scam
fuck you
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chickalupe · 2 years
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Oh, just got an ask for the fabled “sick cat” scam I’ve seen so much about! 
...Does this mean I’m finally famous on Tumblr Dot Com?!?!
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glassdemons · 8 months
being poor fucking sucks and australia fucking sucks its just america lite
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