phamios · 2 years
Đại học Việt - Pháp tổ chức Hội nghị Hóa học quốc tế lần thứ nhất
Đại học Việt – Pháp tổ chức Hội nghị Hóa học quốc tế lần thứ nhất
Nhiều nhà nghiên cứu có ảnh hưởng lớn đã nhận lời làm diễn giả chính tại sự kiện sẽ được Đại học Khoa học và Công nghệ Hà Nội (USTH), hay Đại học Việt – Pháp, tổ chức hai năm một lần kể từ năm nay. USTH đào tạo cử nhân ngành Hóa học tại Khoa Khoa học Cơ bản và Ứng dụng với hai chương trình: Chương trình cấp bằng USTH; và Chương trình cấp song bằng hợp tác với Đại học Aix-Marseille, ĐH Đông Paris…
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lokitu · 1 year
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Fat Dad Club, part 3 - Now up on Patreon. The fat, expanding dads are out on the beer!
“He pulled up his sweater, needing a few tries, then peeled up the shirt beneath, knowing the buttons would only best his drunken fingers. His large, beer-stretched belly poked happily out, protruding under the bar lights. Another cheer went up. More salutations. Boony gave his gut a contented pat and a rub. ‘You showed usthe way, Joe,’ he said, grinning like an idiot, feeling thoroughly flushed with happiness and alcohol.”
Read the new chapter at:
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anastpaul · 3 months
Quote/s of the Day – 14 June – St Basil the Great
Quote/s of the Day – 14 June – St Basil the Great (329-379) Bishop of Caesarea, Confessor, Father and Doctor of the Church. “Let listening to worldly newsbe BITTER FOOD for youand let the words ofSaintly menbe as combsfilled with honey.” “He seems to demand of usthe most entire renunciation …So, if we keep back for ourselves,any earthly goods or any perishable supplies,our minds will remain…
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some-triangles · 2 years
This is by way of formalizing the current hiatus.  I think we lasted just about as long as Star Trek: The Next Generation, which is a good run by anybody’s standards. 
The executive summary: we are still good pals and there may be the odd one-off episode here and there.  For more of us, join the trucks discord or visit trux.horse (which will become a real website at some point.)  For more of me, listen to Wizards vs Lesbians. 
If you have enjoyed Trucks over the years, leave us good wishes for our next endeavors. 
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simurghed · 9 months
if the travellers played among usThe bureau regrets to inform you that Tumblr user simurghed has been identified as the first case of mass hallucination via worldwide web. The wizard will administer his cure at an unforeseen hour of night. Thank you.
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ambuschool · 3 months
Sayangkah Allah padaku?
My big big big question along my master’s journey 6 months ini. Pertanyaan yang menggema sepanjang 6 bulan ini karena rasanya struggle gak kelar-kelar :
Cuaca yg semakin menggila (no one told me that Australian house is having POOR insulated) , nilai yg biasa aja cenderung jelek (walau sudah terduga tp tetep sedih), anak yang sakit terus karena alergi dingin (tau banget kan kl anak sakit stresnya emak-emak kaya apa) , most and foremost tentu saja tentang kehidupan finansial yg gak membaik-membaik (ujian duniawi banget sih tp ttp matters!).
Jujur rasanya homesick parah sebulan terakhir ini. Pantesan orang banyak melakukan “Winter Escape” karena ternyata se-gak nyaman itu, apalagi utk anak-anak tropis kaya kita yang biasa dapat matahari. Gatau udh berapa kali cek harga tiket pesawat di traveloka, tapi selalu urung kalau membayangkan harus membayar sekian puluh juta, apalagi dgn hutang2 yg masih menumpuk, fyuh :( Ditambah, keingetan kl emang ada yg namanya “seasonal depression” due to winter season, jadi makin-makinlah.
Bener-bener feeling blue banget. Kemarin mencoba mengkomunikasikan dengan suami tntg keinginan untuk break sebentar ngurus anak saat nanti di bulan oktober-november, malah ditanggapi dengan negatif. Ngasih perhitungan finansial yang gak memungkinkan. Se- struggle apa sih kita disini? Se-struggle bahkan kemarin kita gak punya makanan sama sekali di kulkas untuk dimasak, apalagi untuk beli makanan di luar lebih gak memungkinkan! (Karena stipend belum turun).
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Malah pernah juga dalam keadaan gak punya uang sama sekali, di rekening cuman 2 dolar dan suamiku 1 dolar apa ya, tapi alhamdulillah masih ada makanan yang bisa dimasak dan dimakan. Ya gitu aja deh cycle-nya tiap bulan. Kena mental gak tu?!
Rasanya udh mau meledak. Salah satu indikator level stresku udh gak ke handle adalah aku cepet marah sama anak. Bahaya banget. Akhirnya tadi kubuka laptop dan nulis aja random - ranting about my life yg kok gini banget , sambil ditutup dengan feeling guilty juga kok kayanya gue gak bersyukur banget TAPI GAK BOONG INI SUSAH BANGET 😭.
No one knows what my writing is about, kecuali Allah dan emang tulisannya kutunjukkan buat Allah. Intinya : Allah tuh gak sayang sama gue, dia gak pernah nolongin gue dan cuman ngeliatin gue doang lg tertatih-tatih!
Setelah nulis, ku buka WA di laptop. Baru keingetan tadi pagi kak arin ngasih video rekaman intensive quran class tentang surat Al-Fatihah. You know what is the first page????
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Pas baca doang rasanya gak setuju. Mana ada Allah sayang sama gue. Ku langsung nonton rekamannya dan pas Usth. Tika Faiza ngomong, udah langsung nangis sejadi-jadinya. Gak bisa ngejelasin isinya apa tapi ya Allah, at the moment tuh rasanya kaya dipanggil lagi, dipeluk sama Allah dan Allah bilang “I am here. Yuk sini yuk” wallahi (demi Allah mewwek lg ini nulis jam 2 pagi 😭😭😭).
Di saat ngerasa hopeless bgt Allah, terus tiba-tiba Allah gerakkan hatiku buat nonton rekaman itu dan kata usth. Tika, “Ini bukan sebuah kebetulan temen-temen semua disini. Allah yg menggerakkan hati temen-temen.” 😭😭😭
Semakin denger penjelasan ustazah tika (yang baru setengahnya karena anakku udh ngajak main), semakin aku tau kalau Allah tuh sayang banget sama aku, cuman akunya aja yang gak sabar sama proses. It just 6 months, tho… rasanya ku throw back ke beberapa momen-momen berat dalam hidupku : Ketika aku sempet depresi juga sampe bolak-balik ke psikolog, ketika aku kehilangan anakku, ketika aku profesi ners yg aku gak suka banget. Semua gak lebih dari 1 tahun masa-masa gelapnya.
Usth. Tika membahas bagaimana kita sebagai manusia harus bisa menyelami apa-apa yang Allah berikan buat kita. Walau manusia sering kali bergantung buat hanya “melihat” dengan mata dan telinga, tapi Allah berikan akal juga untuk manusia dapat mengetahui maksud dibalik kejadian tersebut. Setelah akal, manusia juga dibekali hati, untuk semakin menyelam makna dari setiap kejadian tersebut.
Usth. Tika menganalogikan ketika kita berada di pantai. Rasanya nyamaannnn bgt dengan pasir yg lembut, sepoi-sepoi angin, hamparan laut tak berbatas, itu aja udh membuat diri kita tenang dan senang. Tapi ada keindahan yg jauhh lebih hebat ketika kita bisa snorkeling atau diving, dan melihat beragam ikan dan juga terumbu karang di dalam laut.
Dan penggunaan mata dan telinga yang superfisial itu kadang membuat kita tak bisa menangkap makna lebih besar. Sama seperti kita mengandalkan mata dan telinga ketika membaca qur’an, rasanya cepat bosan. Tapi mungkin akan menarik ketika kita membaca arti Al-quran, ada kisah-kisah yg bs diambil. Tapi akan lebih indah lagi ketika kita tidak hanya membaca arti, tapi men-tadaburri Al-Quran :”)
YaAllah nangisss 😭😭😭 dari nonton 50 menit penjelasan ustazah Tika itu kujadi sadar, bahwa Allah tuh sayang banget sama aku, cuman mungkin krn keterbatasan ilmuku, keterbatasan kemauanku untuk melihat, aku hanya melihat secara superfisial dari ujian-ujian yg Allah berikan. Ditambah interaksiku sama quran yang minesss bgt, membuatku semakin-semakin ngerasa ditinggalin sm Allah padahal akunya yang bloon 😭😭😭😭
Astaghfirulloh-astaghfirulloh 😭😭😭 mudah banget blaming orang lain padahal yg salah ada di diri sendiri 😭😭😭😭 malu woiiii maluuu Na 😭😭😭😭😭
Padahal selama ini selalu mengimani bahwa Allah gak pernah aniaya saya hambaNya. Tapi baru diuji “sedikit” aja langsung ngerasa ditinggalin, gak dipeduliin sm Allah 😭😭😭😭 astaghfirulloh-astaghfirulloh. Allah tuh sayang bgt sm aku, krn tadi tuh smp terucap bahwa aku udh gak mau doa lagi sm Allah udh gak peduli. Tp baru nulis dikit gitu aja langsung dipeluk sm Allah melalui kajian ustazah Tika yg passsss bgt aku nontonnya pas keadaan lg hopeless 😭😭😭 ya Allah timingmuu 😭😭
You know what? Setelah nonton itu hatiku bener2 langsung plong! Isn’t it crazy? Berhari-hari mellow dan Allah angkat rasa tsb cm karena nonton video berdurasi 50 menit?!!!! YaAllah ya rabbb. Emang engkau maha ya Allah maafin hamba yg pernah mau berputus asa dr rahmat engkau 😭😭😭😭
Jujur jadi capek bgt sm kebodohan diri dan ketidaksabaran diri dlm berproses. Padahal lo juga yg minta ada di posisi ini, tapi pas di jalanin sulit, kok nyalahinnya ke Allah heyy malu, Na 😭😭😭😭
Faghfirli faghfirlana.. Maafin aku ya Allah. Jangan bosen tuntun kami ke Jalan yg lurus, jalan orang2 yang kau ridho bukan jalan yg engkau murkai.
Aamiin ya rabbal alaminn.
Melb, 8 juli 2024
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sonicsupastar · 4 months
should watch obs it's REALLY cool
THIS USTHE ONE WITH theee square and circle RIGHT Imnot familiar with all of the object shows 😭 If it's rhe right one I watched one episode..... I think i will finish it when I have time!!!!!!! :3
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xplrvibes · 1 year
Have you seen that Sam and Colby were being all cryptic earlier and now state that they went BACK to the conjuring house yet again? And that we now have ANOTHER announcement coming on Sunday? I am officially scared now. You got any words of comfort or guesses as to what the hell it all means?
I did see that, anon!
If it makes you feel better, they also went to make a promotional tiktok at the local Rhode Island Hot Topic, so whatever happened at the Conjuring must not have been that traumatizing, lol.
If you want my honest opinion? I think they either forgot to shoot something or lost footage and had to go back to re-shoot. 🤷‍♀️ If there's one thing they are good at (*most of the time), it's hyping their videos up in such a way that builds excitement and suspense, so I think all this vague mystery and intrigue is really just them getting everyone excited for Oct 22nd. They're starting to lay some groundwork as to the themes of these videos by saying vague stuff like, "it's all about love," and "everything happens for a reason" and having to go back to the Conjuring for "answers" sounds more suspenseful and interesting than having to go because "we lost 4 hours of footage from day 3" or whatever.
But that's just me speculating. I promise you, xplrclub members are just as in the dark as everyone else. These days, that 20 bucks a month only really gets usthe lowdown on the otter cafes they visited in Japan lol.
My guess is that they will be announcing all 4 videos on Oct 1, the dates they will be released, and probably a promotional poster or something foe the theme of this Hell Week. But again, that's just me speculating!
Anyone else have any other guesses/weigh-ins?
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friendscfmine · 11 months
richard, proposing to elayne: it's not gonna be meth..... it's gonna be... usth ❤️
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metanarrates · 1 year
give usthe mytho and ralsei character similarities essay i know you have inside of you
autism is my favorite guy forever and ever. what if you were a destined princely hero but also it sucked ass (you are an object created to tell a story and serve others) (you exist to be calm and kind and protective but maybe you've got more complex emotions that you straight up do not know how to deal with) (who the hell ARE you when you're not giving all of yourself to protect the world?) i love it when there's a little guy who seems to have accepted his fate but oops it turns out he's actually in a story about defying narratively destined fates
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fallevs · 11 months
assumption: you enjoy poetry <3
Actually, a lot! I was always fascinated by it. Also, my nonno was a poet (by passion) and it was curious to see him babbling because he was creating rhymes in his head.
This is my favorite, by Eugenio Montale.
Ho sceso, dandoti il braccio, almeno un milione di scale e ora che non ci sei è il vuoto ad ogni gradino. Anche così è stato breve il nostro lungo viaggio. Il mio dura tuttora, nè più mi occorrono le coincidenze, le prenotazioni, le trappole, gli scorni di chi crede che la realtà sia quella che si vede. Ho sceso milioni di scale dandoti il braccio non già perché con quattr’occhi forse si vede di più. Con te le ho scese perché sapevo che di noi due le sole vere pupille, sebbene tanto offuscate, erano le tue.
I put the translation because it's wonderful.
I have gone down, giving you my arm, at least a million stairs And now that you are gone it is emptiness at every step. Even so our long journey was short. Mine lasts to this day, nor do I need any more The coincidences, the reservations, the traps, the glimpses of those who believe That reality is what is seen. I have descended millions of stairs giving you my arm Not already because with four eyes perhaps one can see more. With you I descended them because I knew that of the two of usthe only true pupils, though so blurred, Were yours.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 7 months
"Our Way" as sung by Harry to Meghan by u/Visible_Ad5164
"Our Way" as sung by Harry to Meghan And now our end is nearBut don't bring down that final curtainNo friends, oh yes it's clearThey hate our guts, of that we're certainBlackballed from black-tie ballsNFI'd to every partyBut still we're proud to sayWe did it our wayRegrets, they're not for usThe Toad Abode, a drafty wreck The jobs they sprung on us Were carried out without a paycheckNo freebies were allowedThe staff were rude and way too whineyAnd so, my love and IWe did it our way.Yes, there were times our big fat mouthsLeft our IQs in zero doubtBut through it all, when we were bashedWe doubled down on all our trashWe know we liedAll that asideWe did it our way.Who needs a family When all we need is one another?Your dad is sick and broke (and by the way I lost my mother)The Windsors cut us offThe MI5s kept me at bayI tried to get the scoopThey stood in my way.Oh, what are we, if not two dummiesWith no more access to royal money?The Bank of Pa Has slammed its doorBut we will grift our way to more!Let the record show --then pass the blow--We did it OUR WAY. post link: https://ift.tt/O7RrAwP author: Visible_Ad5164 submitted: February 20, 2024 at 03:56PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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anastpaul · 6 months
Our Lenten Journey with the Angels and the Saints – 27 March – Let Us Too Glory in the Cross of Our Lord
Our Lenten Journey with the Angels and the Saints – 27 March – Wednesday in Holy Week – Isaias 53:1-12, Luke 22:1-71 and 23:1-53 – Scripture search here: https://www.drbo.org/ “When Christ has already given usthe gift of His Death,who is to doubt that He will give the Saints,the gift of His own Life?”St Augustine “And he released unto them,him who for murder and seditionhad been cast into…
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nurulkhaa2927 · 1 year
Berkali-kali jalanku tertatih, ingin menyerah lalu dipaksa kembali bertahan. Terulang lagi, lagi dan lagi.
Air mata telah menjadi teman yang akrab, pikiran buruk, perasaan kalut hampir mewarnai setiap hari.
Tapi nyatanya aku masih berdiri disini.
Kemarin aku ke MAPK. Hampir cancel karna aku lagi ga ada uang dan males capeknya.
Tapi lagi2 aku emang butuh setidaknya melihat beliau2 para asatidz. Mbah Suke, Ust Mundzir... untuk apa? merekatkan lagi semua yg pudar.
Hari ini aku membaca tulisan anak-anak untukku. Hari ini juga aku sakit sekali untuk satu hal i. Aku benar-benar sedang menyiapkan kepergian terbaik dari tempat ini. Tapi tulisan mereka selalu membuatku kembali bertahan. 
Lagi2 entah berapa kali seperti ini. Anak2 selalu berhasil menarikku kembali. “Wes huru hara rasah dipikir, fokus anter anak2 ke gerbang terbaik mereka”.
Aku bener-bener sedang tidak baik, tapi dengan kemarin lihat kesederhanaan ust usth selalu membawaku ke banyak hal yang indah. Kesederhanaan. Ilmu. Keikhlasan. Tawadhu. Wira’i. Ya Allah bisakah aku menjadi pendidik yang seperti itu?
Dulu kelas 12 angkatan 1, sekarang kelas 12 angkatan 2. Alasanku kembali, oke ayo berjuang lagi.
Atau kepolosan anak kelas 9 yang tiba2 “Dulu kita belajar man ba’daki dari miss nuna, miss mau belajar lagi sama miss nuna boleh?” padahal mereka habis juara baca kitab tingkat provinsi. Ya Allah sejauh ini dan aku masih sering patah oleh hal-hal kecil yang menggugurkan keikhlasanku ngabdi dengan Yai?
Ini sedikit tulisan anak2 yang membuatku merasa dipeluk mereka. 
Apalagi dengan “Miss makasih sudah mengantar kita sampai gerbang Azhar”
Aku gak pernah hebat, tapi doa-doa guru-guruku dulu yang hebat, mimpi-mimpiku dulu yang hebat.
Nurul, kita mulai lagi ya? Kita cintai lagi semua rasa sakit ini, anterin mereka ke gerbang terbaik mereka. Kamu harus semangat, jangan nglokro, jangan suka jam kosong, jangan takut capek, jangan takut apa2, satu: anterin mereka ke gerbang terbaik.
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askammoknights · 2 years
"Excuthe me, thir." A quiet, raspy voice, with a lisp thick enough to be nearly tangible, rings up from underneath the counter, before a pair of arms hoists up the very short individual clearly struggling on their tiptoes to be visible.
"Can you help me find a weapon to usthe? I can't thee well enough to usthe the schooterth," she taps pointedly at the very thick wire-rimmed glasses on her face, "and they don't really make rollerth or bruscheth that fit crab-thizthed bodieth." She tilts her head down, tapping on the inexplicably-there-and-inexplicably-real horseshoe crab shell initially hidden behind her crimped tentacles. "The clothetht I've gotten wath the Carbon Roller, and that'th thtill too big for me... Inkbruscheth don't hit hard enough thinthe I'm not very thtrong, and I've tried the Thplatana, but I'm not good at aiming that thinthe, well... I can't really thee."
She fixes you with an incredibly weary, but still pleading look, as if she knows the answer to the question she's asking already, but still desperately wants a second opinion. "Tho, can you help me...? It'th okay if not." Her grin tightens at the corner of her mouth, the anxiety palpable in every bit of her body language.
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…Well, this is not the kind of customer he was expecting, but he tries not to show his surprise. How is that possible…? He wants to ask a lot of questions, but--no, this is a customer, with a problem he needs to figure out how to solve.
"Trust me, I know both of those problems well." The only acknowledgment of the whale in the room he's going to give. He's literally standing on a stool to see over the counter.
"I know you said you can't see well, but have you tried using shooters that don't require aiming? The Aerospray is a painter that isn't terribly accurate anyway, and the Sploosh-o-matic and Dapple Dualies have such a small range that you pretty much have to be directly in someone's face to splat them. Alternatively, the TWA cares more about parameters than specific weapons--ink capacity and usage, max ink pressure, saturation per landed shot, max range, that kind of thing. I might be able to do a custom that's smaller, but fits another weapon's parameters. It'll cost extra, though. We can probably work something out."
He smiles apologetically and shrugs. Parts aren't cheap, unfortunately.
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tsaljasalafa · 1 year
Awal yang baik, dan akan menjadi yang terbaik.
Prediksi yang nggk dikira2, sampai bisa dititik ini. 1 tahun bersama dg 4 background yang berbeda. Disatukan ditempat titik awal sebuah perjuangan.
Takdir itu baik ya, aku cuman minta buat dapat yang baik, ternyata dapat yang terbaik.
Disini, salah satu ruangannya sedang aku duduki, depan komputer jam 01.01 pagi. Wah, lusa pagi aku akan memulai kehidupan diwaktu yang sama dengan keadaan yang sdh beda.
1 year ago,
Diberi barisan dengan org2 yang ternyata berhasil mengubah setengah tabiatku :) dengan 4 ekspresi hati yang berbeda.
Survey ditengah bulan ramadhan, sempat main ke jkt padahal baru kenal nama doang. Sampai diinformasikan ternyata kita adalah perintis sebuah lembaga perjuangan, rasa takut tuh nggk berhenti oleh aku yang minim pengalaman ditempat sebelumnya.
Kita bingung, sudah datang tapi tempatnya 70% lagi selesai. Didepan gedung ini 'Ya Allah, bismillah bisa'.
26 Juni 2022, Datanglah Anak2 polos dengan bertumpuk barangnya dan rasa bangga yang dibawa keluarganya.
Hal yang baru, menjaga koperasi sendiri dengan meyakinkan para orang tua agar tidak khawatir anaknya sulit saat berkegiatan. Hehe, ternyata seru ya berkomunikasi gt.
Berkelanjutan, mengenalkan kepada mereka hal positif dengan metode bahasa arab&inggris.
Mudarrisah? No, no. G cukup satu aja, Mudabbiroh Mulahidzoh Mudawiroh Mu mu nya banyak. Apalagi mitsaliyah, wah udh lah.
Mungkin karena kecilnya, sampai anak2 mengiraku anak SMP sepantaran dengan mereka. Memang dari dulu, aku prefer bersosial dengan yang dibawahku seperti ke teman biasanya.
Barulah aku menyadari, ternyata lingkungan ku dari dulu sudah baik, tapi aku yang belum dapat mengimbanginya.
Bahkan mentor2 ku semua orang baik dengan pengalaman yang hebat. Hari kehari, semakin muncul jati diri yang tertutupi selama ini.
Dalam hal ubudiyah, benar2 hal ini yang aku inginkan sedari aku lulus SMP. Mengutamakan beribadah dengan sebaik-baiknya, bahkan yang sunnah sulit untuk ditinggalkan.
Mereka Maryam Farsya Qonita. Terimakasih ❤️, sdh menerima tabiat2 burukku dan mengubahnya mjd baik. Yang tidak ragu saling support dari hal sepele. Storynya nggk bisa diceritain disini sih, banyak. Spill deh sedikit : Baca Yasin sambil pegangan tangan karena kesalahan besar, rooftop dengan durian, berangkat tahsin berempat bolak-balik karena hanya ada 1 kendaraan, yah banyak lah.
lusa ya:)
Nggk kalah hebat, Ustadzah Ebira, dr.shaza, dr.shofwah, usth tyas, usth addin, usth anis, dan masih bnyk lagi. Aku g bisa nyebutin kebaikannya satu2. Terlalu banyak
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