lesbiansanemi · 11 months
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These two days are going to be actual hell on earth
#I’m actually so fucking anxious about going to see my family#like it’s always nerve wracking and over stimulating and miserable#but I haven’t seen them since January#and they’re all acting super excited and like it’s gonna be fun but ik it’s gonna be the same it always is#which is tense and weird and awkward because we don’t talk to each other and know we don’t like each other#and I’m even MORE nervous than usual this time because I got a tattoo on my forearm since I last saw them#it’s a tattoo I can’t cover up that none of them know about#and I’m like what if this is it? what if this is the last straw for them?#and this is what finally leads to it all boiling over and them going ‘we KNOW you’re a lesbian and we KNOW you don’t go to church and we’re#NOT going to ignore it anymore because you did this PERMANENT THING that goes against our beliefs’#and then I will have a reaction to that. I’m not even sure what reaction but there will Be one#or will my mother and grandmother’s intense denial and desire for everything to be like it was when I was kid win out?#will they sweep it under the rug and not acknowledge it like everything else and pretend it’s all fine and we’re a big happy family#and I’m not going to hell and living a sinful life?#and my fucking sister is messaging me about meeting her bf#as if this matters. as if we’re close. as if it has any bearing on anything#as if I will still be an actual part of this family by the time she’s old enough to get married#uuugggghhhhhhhh#part of me wants it to go great and be nice and actually have a decent relationship#but I just know that’s not what is going to happen#and it’s so. blech. gross. ugh#I hate family stuff I wish they’d just hurry up and disown me so at least I know where we all stand#I’ve got t minus four days to finish mentally preparing#kaz rambles
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battleaxeproficiency · 4 months
vent under the cut as usual </3
i know that obviously grief is the type of thing that ebbs and flows and you cant necessarily get over in a super linear clear cut way . but god it is so frustrating to fall back into it after feeling pretty okay about where you were at .
i was finally starting to feel good about being here and then all day today ive been homesick and sad and i miss it . i miss who i was and the people i was with and the place i was in . i dont even hate where i am anymore . i just also dont really want to be here right now
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melelinoe · 8 months
i do truly get it now how it’s basically all about just passing the course regardless of ur grade with the way this fucking workload is being thrown at us bc GODDAMN IF I FAIL AND I HAV TO RETAKE MY COURSES AND PAY AGAIN I WILL ACTUALLY WALK OUT
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oliveasaltylife · 11 months
Hate that my migraine is already as bad as it is. All I’ve done is sit up but it feels like my head is being pulled backwards. My head is throbbing but it continues into my neck, tops of my shoulders, and down my spine.
I just want one day where I wake up without a migraine—just one.
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rosietherivendell · 2 years
Lord help me I have to buy a dress tomorrow
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solarisgod · 6 days
Been thinking of this reply with the Darkling and another one with Elizaveta involving Micah now that I'm in a better mental state to process them through, and these are few of the most rarest times when Micah's emotions and thoughts would become more extreme and excessive to the point where they can lead to Micah to self harm on the aspects of physicality ( e.g. Micah biting the Darking but the writing have implied xe could've done it to xemself on xyr hands or arms instead, Micah banging xyr hands to the surface when speaking to Elizaveta ) or mentality / emotionality ( e.g. Micah forcing xemself to think about Elizaveta's death ).
In general cases, xe's quite emotional and easy to be vulnerable in serious moments especially with xyr close connections, so crying and brief dissociation are common occurrences, but when these situations involve traumas ( of xyr own or others' or all of the above, ) and / or having circumstances that go against Micah's crucial beliefs and attitudes ( e.g. Micah not wanting the Darkling to kill for xem who doesn't want any more death to occur by xem as direct or indirect, Micah feeling hurt that Elizaveta thought xe couldn't love her easily as she is upon resurrection when xe believes xyr love could never be reduced or removed at all costs ).
Hence, it's necessary for usually Phoebus or Philos to take front and have Micah find composure in the mental space, otherwise xe'll likely end up harming xemself and possibly even those near xem if xe's not reacting / responding to the triggers such as freezing up or dissociating. Xyr extreme emotions and thoughts usually frighten xemself that in the aftermath, xe will often experience deep guilt and disappointment for " losing " xemself during these sort of moments, even though xe's not at the fault when xyr conditions and memories were the primary factors that would have xem engage in intense behaviours and thinking patterns.
But there are common times when, in the end, Micah will try to forgive xemself and do certain things as a form of self-love, such as giving xemself a hug for a certain amount of time or writing an apology letter to xemself, reminding xemself it's not xyr fault at all.
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puppydogsys · 2 years
lol im so sick idk what’s happening to me 🙃
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darlingkisses01 · 2 years
bro i think the runny nose and sneezing got worse
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dagasinfilo · 4 days
running entirely out of patience i want to kill and destroy
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catria-whitewing · 2 years
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tare-anime · 1 year
SxF Mission 83
(Beware of spoilers)
Hoo boooyy!!! We've been right!!!
It is Loid who got shot! Because he hesitate!!
The highlight of this chapter for me?
This panels
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Both men.
And both apologize to Yor.
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The brotherhood angst!!!
> Will this makes the relationship between Loid and Yuri better or worse?
> Will Yuri be hospitalized and thus making Yor upset, and Twilight to feel even more guilty?
> Will Yor notice Loid was hurt and blame herself for not being able to protect him?
> Will Yuri digs on information for Twilight who now he knows must be someone close to him for able to mimick his gestures perfectly? (Yuri is smart)
Another hightlight for me?
The return of belt move by Twilight.
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I love it how the original idea from anime team is adapted by Endo.
I will never forget the epic Twilight belt moves in anime ep 5! Accompanied by Know_name's banger piece TBD no less!
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And who teaches Westalis' best spy that belt move??
Why of course none other than his badass mentor: the Handler Sylvia Sherwood herself!
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(And somehow the last half of the chapter become less interesting for me 😅😅😅😅
Geez, I'm so subjective.)
Yea yeah, Fiona looks so much better with black hair. And as Twilight's mentee, she does shows her capability of being one of the best WISE spy.
And so is Agent mustache!! (A.k.a Midnight. Imma dub him Midnight. Or as @shinybluebirdwizard love to call him, Normal Normanson) He is shown to still able to work as a field agent.
And voila, looks like the person in the hotel is indeed the real Winston Wheeler himself. Quite capable in reading situation. Quite capable in diguises also.
Anyway. Very interesting arc so far.
I wonder where will Endo lead us now.
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haaam-guuuurl · 2 years
These people are geniuses, and morons, and absolutely unhinged, and it's an amazing plot twist and plot device, and it's the worst thing in the show ever, and it makes so much sense with the way the show has been going, and it is absolutely ridiculous for the show as a whole, and it's stalling, and it's moving forward in a whole new direction, and I hate them so much, and I fucking love it here, and UUUGGGGHHHHHHHH
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rocketbirdie · 28 days
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azzythetgirlgoat · 5 months
so I woke up this morning with cramps and pain all the way up my arm
and also couldn't really breathe and was sweating my ASS off
AND I STILL HAVE FUCKING COURSEWORK TO DO (online post-grad school so I qualify for uni)
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uuugggghhhhhhhh i hate when my brain rebels against me the night before an exam
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