#uva wise
leadendeath · 1 month
mate. im sitting in the confessional right now with this.
i have a "guilty ?pleasure?"- well, not pleasure exactly, it's just something to background listen to while i do other stuff... so that i don't have to look at the show's art style which i generally do not like much- maybe a better term is a "bad habit"- of putting on peoples' reviews/video essays of the works of someone whose name sounds a lot like "fizziepop".
and let me tell ya.
the combo of the double take/"oh no he's cute" feeling i got when i saw this guy.
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i have too much of a mental sickness for this they can't be doing this to me man. i almost had a moment of "......hmmmmaybe i could give the show a try 🤔" weakness. can u guess why. take a guess. a wild one.
help me.
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reestallized · 1 year
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I just completed Pokemon Scarlet 😭❤️
Although the Canon ending would take place within Violet as in Reestalverse
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the-decapod · 6 months
look who's still awake
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opscurus · 7 months
// there's a lot of things out right now game (I think) and animation wise but I just don't want to see, and I'm not opposed to people writing/reblogging it but as long as I can tag it to block seeing it I'm okay with following people that write those series, but if they don't tag their content I'm liable to unfollow and block them, no matter how much stuff we've done or have yet to do. If I'm not comfortable looking at stuff someone's going to get blocked.
It's more for images that I can block, role plays are fine as long as I can block character tags and stuff if necessary.
Edit: since people asked, the things I don't want to see are from: haz/bin hot/el, fi/ve nig/ts at fre/ddys, hell/uva bo/ss, and recently po/ppys play/time, dog/day, and the ama/zing dig/ital circ/us.
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
The Great Crater of Paldea, Paldean History, and Paradox Pokemon
Hello everyone and welcome to my “I skipped hours of sleep for this post!”
I was watching an analysis video on Porytube by researchers Bird Keeper Toby and researcher Espy Juju (as well as considering @trainer-sean , and it got me thinking. So I did my usual research, which involves re-reading the Scarlet/Violet books, taking peaks at classified Paldean and Area Zero documents, and having to sneak into Area Zero again. This is an analysis of the video, as well as my own personal theories (I'll link the vid at the end!)
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The Great Crater of Paldea; Theories & History
Everyone who lives in Paldea, or has heard about these Pokemon, knows about Area Zero. (And that one meme of raiding Area Zero a couple of years ago?)It’s where the Terra-orbs come out of, and are from the large Terra crystals growing inside of them.
The book itself states that Area Zero has been around for millions of years, but that was mostly a guess by Heath and didn’t have any scientific evidence to back it up. But, Bird Keeper Toby mentions something really cool, and seems like a factual theory. And, as Prof. Juju states, “[historian at Narjan-Uva academy] states the crater was a million years old. However, this seems to be a guess, or over-exaggeration for flair, or even possibly a lie to hide something bigger.” I can honestly believe the lie part, but I’ve talked to her a couple of times, and she seems like the kind of person to want to get the real truth, no matter what. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Paldean government or top professors were hiding something, and were lying to the public. But, Professor Toby has a very good theory on what happened.
Toby mentions the war across multiple regions that happened 3,000 years ago, saying it connects to the creation of Area Zero. This isn’t too hard to believe, as the war's ripple effects seem to have greatly affected plenty of regions. Meteorites began falling down from the Hoenn region at this point, and he says this was caused by AZ’s war against his brother in Kalos 3,000 years ago. This was one of the most dangerous wars in world history, with plenty of kingdoms around the world collapsing, and having great dangerous changes to the world happen. When his Floette passed away, the power of Xernas and Yveltal created an ultimate and deadly weapon, which was used to bring AZ’s Floette back to life, and the power being shot into the sky came back, and put a complete stop to the war.
It’s hard to say the full history of this. Because of this blast, a lot of ancient artifacts, documents, and even civilizations have been completely wiped out. We can guess what it was like, as there are ruins all over Paldea and legends that have been past on.
This isn’t really connected to Paldean history, but I want to mention that. You know that one fallen tower in Galar that’s located in “Watchtower ruins?” As a lot of Galar history is still a bit foggy, this tower could have been destroyed by that war. If you’re reading this @legendofzacian , you’re a historian, correct? Do you have any thoughts on this?
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Anyways, back on track!
Juju says that the ancient king of Paldea (potentially AZ’s brother), had a partner Pokemon, who was the last Pokemon seen in the Scarlet & Violet book.
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Considering this Pokemon (if it’s real) is theorized to be legendary or mythical, it would make sense that such a powerful king would have one. It even has the crown and everything. He suspects that this Pokemon has a relation to Zygarde in some way. One thing I find really cool is Prof. Juju’s note on the name similarities between Az and Area Zero. Area Zero can be shortened to Az, so what if Area Zero was named after AZ?
The ‘meteor’ (or theorized blast of energy) seems to have blasted the region very badly, and set the m far behind advancement-wise, putting them back in something similar to the Stone Age (I find it hard to believe it would put them back in the stone age, as they managed to rebuild their kingdom in only 1,000 years), which would end the war. Hell, he even says the blast could’ve had such a powerful impact that it created a portal/wormhole to a different point in space and time. And this is where the point in history seems to be erased. It’s so hard to pinpoint Paldean history before this because almost everything about it was wiped out. As the people of Paldea were desperate for hope, Area Zero seemed to be calling to them. Whether it was a form of mass hysteria or if it was actually calling to them is unknown. Considering that a potential legendary/mythical Pokemon was known to dwell around that area, I like to believe that it was calling to them, in a way.
So at this point, the empire wasn’t an “empire,” but different sections across Paldea that had their own ways of ruling, customs, cultures, etc. But everyone wanted to see what was happening in Area Zero and to see what possible treasures lie there (and if they could get their potential legendary/mythical Pokemon back). Wars broke out across Paldea, right after the most devastating war in world history happened, which only seemed to destroy development more. But the ones that did manage to make it to Area Zero never ended up returning.
800 years ago, the Paldeans finally realized that in order to get to the heart of the Crater, they would have to unify. So then all of the Paldean territories came together in an event known as “The Great Unification” happened. This is also when Naranja-Uva Academy was built. Originally, at the time, it wasn’t a school. It was just a place where people would store knowledge. But it acted a lot like a school, so they decided to classify it as a school not too long after that.
200 years after that, Heath and his team finally managed to descend into the Great Crater and make it out alive. This is when things get a little weird and hazy about where these Paradox Pokemon come from.
The Expedition and Heath
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Compared to other old regions, like Hisui where pokemon are more wild, Paldeans at this point have been living side-by-side with Pokemon for many years at this point, so it wasn’t seen as odd for Heath to have a Cyclizar traveling with him back then.
Heath found many strange Pokemon down there, like the Paradox Pokemon we know today, but also the ones that we aren’t even sure are real in this case. There are Pokemon there that resembles the legendary trio from the Johto region, but that doesn’t match the lore of the Johto legendaries. And they didn’t and couldn’t even exist yet. Toby mentions how that wouldn’t even happen until 50 years later! So, how did they get down there? What are these Pokemon? How did they imagine Pokemon that wouldn’t even exist until a lot later? 
And that wasn’t the only strange thing to happen to him as well. He mentions how he woke up in a mysterious place with notes he doesn’t remember writing, and a medal tablet being found that couldn’t have possibly existed back then, as they weren’t advanced enough for that, and the writing about the medal didn’t make any sense. 
In the last part of the Scarlet and Violet book, Keith shows a drawing of a place that researchers still haven’t been able to find yet. Bird Keeper Toby states, “I believe that in the secret area of Area Zero, Heath made contact. Not physically with this disc legendary Pokemon that appears on the final page, but instead, he was able to commune with it. He had followed its voice; the voice that had been echoing out through the Great Crater to all the people in Paldea.” So, if Toby’s theory is true, that means that the calling to the people of Paldea wasn’t mass hysteria; it was the legendary Pokemon trying to communicate. Heath was able to get his artist to draw what this Pokemon looked like, and it’s in a weird space (a lot of people say they can see it, but I still can’t see where this Pokemon starts or where it ends ;-;)
As Heath and his team rose to the surface, he expected to be praised for his work! Instead, he was mocked and ridiculed. People decided that it couldn’t be true and had to be fantasy, so magazines picked it up and started talking about it as if it wasn’t true. But these pokemon were still thought of in the minds of the people, and this is where things get a little hazy.
Paradox Pokemon
Paradox Pokemon are Pokemon that come only from Area Zero and are stated to come from the far past or far future.
On my blog, I talk about Paradox Pokemon as if they’re from the ancient past. I mean, that’s what the documents say, and what the top researchers in Paldea say. But hearing the words of @trainer-sean has made me think a little.
One hole I find in Paradox pokemon is that they’re stated to be a billion years old. I disagree with this COMPLETELY. 1 Billion years ago, the planet was completely unrecognizable. The planet was literally just a giant cloud of gas, there weren’t any stars or anything like that, and it was just a completely dark place. These Pokemon being a couple of million years old? sure. But 1 billion? That just can’t be true!
Espy Juju makes another good point. These Pokemon are Bootstrap Paradoxs. They don’t have an origin, or their origin is just “A god in the machine.” And of course, there’s the theory that these Pokemon were the imagination of the professors that research them, combined with the consciousness of the people in Paldea. Prof. Juju theorizes that the Legendary Pokemon sees the wishes and dreams of the Paldean people and creates things to achieve those dreams, which would include making Paradox Pokemon. So if these pokemon were created at anytime, it’s possible that Paldean researchers were able to send them into the past, which would allow Heath to find them, and keep this weird time loop paradox going on forever.
So, why does this Pokemon want these people to enter Area Zero? Well, Toby’s theory states that after it was launched from this reality, it was stuck in a reality outside of our reality. Creating all of these Paradox Pokemon and Terra shards, it leads people to the Great Crater because it’s looking for a way out of its reality. Terrasteralizing and getting more people curious about area zero is their way of doing that. (Toby also notes how the terra shards look a bit like Zygarde, whose connection has already been stated) But using these crowns similar to that of Zygarde and using these crystals is their way of observing our world. The unnatural material that appears on the territorialized pokemon’s head (lightbulbs, temples, boxing gloves) is the Pokemon’s understanding of the world we live in. But we can’t officially note what this pokemon wants. We can only hope for more research and what the future holds.
So this adds A LOT of things here. First off: I’d have to start declassifying the Pokemon Fossils I found as “Paradox Pokemon,” which wouldn’t be too hard. Plus, I can use it to my advantage if this ever comes up in court (I snuck into Are Zero to get these). And they’d just be counted as “Ancient Pokemon.” It’s kind of exciting once you think about it. If we want to know more about the past (I know I should as a researcher, but I can’t bring myself to care about the ‘future’ paradox Pokemon), we can’t look at Paradox Pokemon. We have to look at fossils and artifacts and such.
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@trainergraceneedstherapy , we could really use this information to help us study Area Zero more! If what these researchers said about it is true, this means that Area Zero would be like another plane of existence. And what more can we learn about this legendary Pokemon? What other pokemon can we find there? Can we learn about the comet that ended the war? Or just history in general, because we don’t know much about it. This is so exciting!
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(Here's the video
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evo-lutioneternal · 2 months
Hi, fellow Naranja-Uva attender! I don’t go to Blueberry, but I know the twins do and it sounds awesome! Anyway, the Hatterene line seems so cool but I could never have one bc too much emotion :( so what’s yours like?
Mine is quite different from the average Hatterene as she's used to me being emotional. The line can make for good emotional support pokemon, but I do not reccomend it for the average trainer.
Personality wise, Astella is quite the character. She is very particular about how things should be done, as she also has a strict routine for herself to follow daily.
(I sometimes time what I do in accordance with it since it helps me keep a sense of the passage of time, which is something I admittedly struggle with.)
She also hexes people she dislikes, and she is quite spiteful. However, I am grateful to be spared from her ire. She does indeed live up to the reputation her line has, do not be fooled by her calm temperament in the face of emotions. She just chooses whos emotions to tolerate, and uh... 9/10 times it will not be yours
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xman34theidiot · 8 months
A really dumb idea I had:
A manga series in the Pokémon world, kind of like JoJo. It details the events of the games, but in a world where instead of Pokémon, people just. Have access to Infinity energy directly. The parts are:
Part 1: Red Green Blue
A tale of a ninja boy studying to become a great ninja. Probably the weakest story wise. Based on gen 1.
Part 2: Golden Days
2 years after the protagonist's journey, a young man ventures to explore the region he calls home, making friends and enemies along the way. The first to follow the Infinity formula. Based on gen 2.
Part 3: Flaming Oceans
A young man explores Hoenn on a vacation, oblivious to the lurking horror of the legendary beings awaiting him. Based on gen 3.
Part 4: Temporal Spatial Madness
A general election is taking place in Sinnoh, and a young man seeks to win it. On his campaign trail, he stumbles across a major conspiracy to overthrow the world order as we know it. Probably the most groundbreaking so far. Based on gen 4.
Special Saga: Will of God
A young man is sent to the ancient past by the Lord Arceus for unknown purposes. While dealing with the politics and mysterious powers of the land of Hisui, what awaits him? Based on Legends Arceus.
Part 5: Ideal Truth
It's Unova! A young man goes out on a journey of self discovery with his friends, and meets a man with a unique power: a complete lack of Infinity Energy. Along his path, he deals with those who seek to wipe out Infinity Energy altogether. Based on gen 5.
Special Saga 2: Shades of Gray
Two years after the Team Plasma incident, a new hero shows up in the wreckage. What world will he shape? What world has been shaped already? Based on BW2.
Part 6: Deadly Daily Stroll
In the beautiful region of Kalos, a new power awakens. What is this "Mega evolution"? Who are these people who desire eternal beauty? And what new and old faces will we meet this time? Definitely a game changer for the series, as it introduces arc gimmicks into the main series(they EXISTED in Special Saga 1, but not in mainline.)Based on Gen 6.
Part 7: Arrows of Sun and Moon
On the Alolan Isles, a young man seeks to become a master archer, despite his lack of skill. As he hones his skills, the forms of Z moves come into play. How will this power propel his growth? My second favorite idea. Based on gen 7.
Part 8: Warrior of Heaven and Hell
A young Galarian boy is sent on a journey by the strongest fighter in the region. Moreover, the power of "Dynamax", increasing one's size and strength, is becoming ubiquitous. What will this mean for the world? Probably my least favourite idea, but I still like it. Based on gen 8.
Part 9: Futurama
A teenager from Kanto moves to Paldea to go to the prestigious Uva Academy. On his way, however, he notices a mysterious injured woman at the beach, revealing metal and wires from her injuries. Moreover, he soon learns the power of "Terastal", crystallizing oneself to increase one's power. What is the true meaning of this phenomenon? What does it have to do with the woman at the beach? Who is she? And what does all this have to do with the mysterious Area Zero of Paldea? My personal favorite, and if I make specific region posts, the one I'm doing first. Based on Gen 9.
Takeaway: I am weird. Idk like/reblog if you want me to go further in depth on what I think any one part would be like. Have a wonderful day human
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wobblewokgaming · 2 years
Something for a certain AU.
I recently have gained some interest in a Pokemon AU known as "The Masked Vigilante AU", which was made by @shinyhappydigistar. They said that they planned on designing some villains for the story, but only had a solid idea for a character he named Pathos, so I thought it'd be fun to design some villains for this story, and see if they them.
First off, the aforementioned Pathos, who I have made a design for.
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Pathos, according to @shinyhappydigistar, was a villain created (unintentionally) by Larry via the Indigo Disk, aka Terapagos, when he wished for a villain to validate his status as a "hero". Personality wise, he's very childish and somewhat whiny.
Now we enter some of the villains I made for the story. First up;
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Dr. Generis, formerly known as Gerald Aaron, a Pokemon Geneticist/Mad Scientist who has an intense hatred for Chairwoman Geeta, who he was once friends with during his Academy years. Due to an accident, Gerald attained a volatile sense of hatred against Geeta, along with humanity as a whole. In order to get vengeance, Dr. Generis began to develop serums that infused Pokemon DNA into the bodies of humans, causing them to take horrific forms.
Next is;
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Toxic Terror, one of Dr. Generis's experiments. He used a bullied Academy Student known as Harold Harlem, who was an expert on Poison Types. Due to this expertise, the Mad Doctor made a serum that had the DNA of a Muk, a Weezing, and a Ditto. The result was a horrendous, horribly smelling homonculi that was barely similar to that of a human, but could shift into a human form thanks to the Ditto DNA. After the experiment, Harold used his new powers to wreak havoc on the Naranja-Uva Academy, and was seen conversing with the two two faces on his shoulders as he did so. Luckily, Vigilante took him down and gave a thorough talking to the bullies.
Next is;
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The Sugarbug, another one of Dr. Generis's experiments that was made up of varying insectoid Pokemon, along with the genes of a Flygon. It seems to have an abnormal vendetta against Geeta, an abnormal attraction to baked goods and acts abnormally calm when around the Exceptional Everyman, Larry.
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Vulcan, formerly known as a well renowned Volcanologist Michael Simmer, a hotheaded Supervillain with a hair trigger temper. This pyromaniac can shoot beams of molten rock from the palms of his hands, which hardens instantly when it comes into contact with the air. Vigilante, with the help from the Water Gym Leader, Kofu, managed to stop him before he could burn down Porta Marinada.
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Jordan "Breaker" Fernando, a former bare knuckle boxing champion, which was overshadowed by the existence of Pokemon and the abilities they had. Due to this, Jordan holds a seething hatred against Pokemon Battling, calling it a "fake sport for cowards" and viciously attacking/grievously injuring anyone who dared to challenge him. It had gotten so bad, that Vigilante had no choice but to intervene. Ever since he had lost to the masked hero, Jordan deemed him his only equal that he ever had, and vowed to get stronger just to beat him.
Last but not least;
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Pharoah Phantomb, once known as an Explorer called Sebastian Collins. After his team knocked him out and sealed him in the depths of a pyramid he was exploring (after stealing as much treasure as they could from the tomb), Sebastian met a Cofagreigus that seemed to sense his rage about his betrayal. After many months, which resulted in their bond to one another to become rather great, Sebastian had grown malnourished and dehydrated, growing closer to death by the minute. Not wanting to see his only friend die, the Cofagreigus fused his essence with Sebastian, the two becoming one vengeful being. Luckily, Vigilante stopped him from killing his former colleagues, once he found out where he was going to do the deed.
Hey, @shinyhappydigistar, I hope you enjoy these concepts!
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charcadett · 2 years
hiii lol just went through the entrance hall of uva academy and got some of the books that arent related to game mechanics everyone already knows. please lmk if scarlet has anything different i am so curious :0
Ground Floor, Left Side
The Uva Academy School Song
Over grand Mesagoza stands our dear Uva,
Where we enter as seeds and leave in fruition,
Our minds wide as the crater, for wise educators
To fill with individual spirit and future ambition.
Teach us well, O grapes of Paldea!
Ground Floor, Right Side
Student Registry
“This thick book holds a thorough record of the academy’s students and when they attended! Wait, what’s this? Some of the recent pages have been torn out so you can’t read them!”
Second Floor, Left Side
Appreciating Sunflora
In Artazon, a town alive with flowers and artwork, there is a special and abiding love for the Sun Pokemon Sunflora, whose sunny, floral figure and bright smile never fail to warm the heart.
Denizens of Attazon have long revered nature- the subject of much art made in the town- and the nurturing sun. Sunflora embodies qualities of both, which is why the town has a tradition of gathering and caring for these Pokemon.
Festivals of Paldea
The Paldean town of Cortondo, wildely known for its olive production, is also home to the peculiar Olive Harvest Festival. Partcipants try to usher in a plentiful olive harvest by rolling large balls that resemble olives into a goal.
It’s said that the more olive balls are rolled to rhe goal, the more abundant next years’s crop will be. All comers, including tourists, are welcome to join the Olive Roll- so, reader, do give it a try yourself if you’re in town for the festival!
Art: The Scenic Route
This month, we’re taking the scenic route over to Artazon to see Surrendering Sunflora by Brassius, the Verdant Virtuoso. This humble colimnist wonders if ever a work has so aptly captured ennui and languor as this installation.
The sculptures are every bit as surreal as the title, prompting great minds to debate what has sent these Sunflora into a state of surrender. But though the meaning may elude us, the reader is urged to visit Artazon and see for themselves.
Second Floor, Right Side
Paldean Sports Monthly
The Sub-zero Shredder has done it again! The world’s second-ranked snowboarder put on a clinic at the Montenerva Cup, claiming his sixth straight win in Paldea’s major competitions. No one’s been able to snatch that crown yet!
“If you think you’ve got what it takes, come take me on!” this ice-cold athlete declared from the winner’s podium, and you could just feel his rivals steel their resolve. We’ll see how things unfold in two weeks at the Glaseado Mountain Cup!
Sweet Truth!
This tasty pastry wonder is undergoing a popularity sugar rush that’s got lines put the door all day long! It’s Patisserie Soapberry, located in Cortondo- olive central- at the foot of a very large tree!
At the heart of it all is Katy, the proprietor, who inherited the shop from family and keeps its ovens hard at work! Soapberry’s Bug-type Pokemon theme is on full display in its pastry lineup- they’re a treat to see and to eat!
The Musician’s Register
Four decades into her career, Ryme- the “MC of RIP,” whose flows are said to bring the dead to their feet- maintains her huge following and her rap legend status. The theme of death pervades her work- and not just because her bars slay.
When Ryme was in her teens, her dear Puppy Pokemon passed away, and she poured her grief into a song. When she sang it, her partner came back to her as a ghost Pokemon. In that moment, the rapper we know today was born.
Top Floor, Left Side
Galar: A History
We made for the town Stow-on-Side, which sits tucked away in the mountains, to study an ancient mural painted upon a wall of rock. But out plans - and the mural itself - were shattered by an attack from a Copperajah!
Yet behind the mural, what should we find but a pair of Pokemon statues- one bearing a sword, the other a shield! These statues, older than any artifact we’d yet discovered, called into question everything we know about the legendary hero.
Of People and Pokemon
Far in the past, humankind and Pokemon lived in mutual fear of one another. But some humans who loved and appreciated Pokemon made an effort to bridge this divide, and gradually the two sides grew closer and found harmony.
Top Floor, Center
Fine Foods from Far Away
Have you chanced upon Pewter Crunchies, the fabled signature dish of the Kanto region’s Pewter City? These snacks’ rugged, browned appearance makes rhem almost rock-like at first glance.
Indeed, Pewter Crunchies were inspired by the Rock-type Pokemon for which Pewter Gym is renowned. Unfortunately, their forbiddingly tough appearance and surprisingly thin flavor have kept them from attaining true popularity.
Top Floor, Right Side
Charcadet’s Adventures
Charcadet, the Fire Child Pokemon, may have been little, but did that stop it from being a mighty hero? Not one bit! When a mean Gengar came along to play tricks and scare people, Charcadet stood tall! “Raaah! Hi-YAH! it cried!
But soon, brave little Charcadet got bound up tight in Gengar’s looong tongue! How could the Fire Child Pokemon get out of this mess? Just as things started to grow hazy before Charcadet’s eyes, the sound of a voice came…
“Two paths lie before you, young Charcadet,” it said. “Choose between these two sets of armoe and assume a new form so you can defeat Gengar!” And sure enough, two sets of armor appeared before Charcadet… (To be continued)
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ask-majoko-and-pals · 8 months
hi hi! it's nice to meet you all!
you go to uva academy, is that right? that's really cool! i've heard a lot of cool things about that place recently~
do any of you have a favorite pokeball? either that you like to use, or just like to look at!
~cove (@apricorns-and-pokedolls)
Majoko: Nice to meet you Cove! And why yes! I'm a teacher there! Well, teaching assistant... And my favorite pokeball is a heal ball! It's cute and helpful!
Rye: I'm a teaching assistant as well. Personally, I like the look of ultra balls. Even though Majoko insists on calling them "Hyper balls."
Hack: Quick balls are most convenient. I'm not a teacher, I just work for the league. I graduated from there like Rye and Majoko.
Dante: I like luxury balls the best. They're classy and comfortable, and I want the best for my pokemon! I don't go to Uva, but I visit Majoko on-campus.
Galatea: Dive balls are my favorite, aesthetic-wise. However, I think every pokeball has an elegance to it! I'm also a Uva Alumni!
Lucibelle: I guess that makes me the only one of us that's actually still a student... Er, I like the regular pokeball just fine. But the cherish ball is my favorite.
Hack: Yeah, because you're an ex-dropout—
Galatea: Hack, don't be rude!
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doubleddenden · 8 months
and more keys to finish out the set right now, these being academy keys for high importance people- Btw, i like to think Monochrome Academy is a lot like Naranja/Uva in which all ages are accepted, even rich douche bags and ex celebrity rock stars trying to blend in and failing
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and here's a collection of all the keys and the gang thus far, of which I might add more to later if i feel like it
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a colorful gang of characters, i'd say. probably won't write anything with it, but i would like to do a fan fic one day lol. I'd probably have maybe 3 or 4 more characters I'd want to make that are OC's, but until i have designs down I think I'm solid with what I have.
which trainer is your favorite? Team wise, I'm pretty partial to Karden, but oc design wise I'm pretty partial to Silver. As far as key design, the Orvell twins I think are my favs.
and as usual, a thank you to this site for helping to organize the teams
and the rest i did in ms paint and paint.net
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itsskoll · 2 years
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Finished this one! Didn't actually take that long. Wished I'd made the details and relationship sections bigger and shrunk the team bit, but oh well.
Mr Syma in all his glory. He's charismatic, friendly, rebels against his rich parents and loves his pokemon. He likely has other pokemon, but I haven't decided what yet. He doesn't have much of a story rn since Scarlet and Violet aren't out yet lmao. Did wonder if he'd join Team Star but haven't decided yet. I'll wait until I play Violet.
His team rn consist of Quince, the sprigatito (his starter from Uva). Quince looks cute here but he's a spiteful lil kitty who hisses at anyone he doesn't trust. Didn't get along with Syma at first, but they reached a friendship. Lazslo, the shiny meowth (Kantonian, more of a pet). Syma got Lazslo as a young child and they've been thick as thieves since then. Lazzie is very much an emotional support pokemon. And Milkshake, the shiny giratina! Ain't that a weird one? Syma inherited Milkshake from his ancestors, Halcyon and Volo. Specifically, Hal caught the giratina from an ultra wormhole. Milkshake was pretty confused after being in statis for 200 years, but he gets along with Syma. Loves his cooking.
Relationship wise we got: Fans- Kyuna, Nessie and Mossy (discord friends who have the hots for him lol) Paternal Aunt- Cynthia. Syma admires her and likely gets a gabite from her. Ancestors- Halcyon and Volo. Hal is my PLA sona and Volo is my husband so ofc. They're his... greatx3 grandpas I believe? Boyfriends- Wren, my partner's sona and Arven! Casual/FWB- Professor Turo and Brassius. What can I say? Syma likes em older. Probably add more to the list after more npcs are revealed lol
Not too much else to say. He wears his pins on the orange flap of the jacket. He has claws and fangs as inherited from Hal's genes. His face is very Volo-like. He dyes his fringe to suit his outfit. Sometimes his eyes glow, y'anno. Normal stuff!
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operationstrixpjct · 1 year
Era Natal de 2022 quando a WISE resolveu promover um desafio entre a staff com direito a vários prêmios~ Veja todas as dezesseis fanfics que foram criadas com muito carinho. <3
Crônicas de Natal
Noite de inverno
Last Christmas
O dever é da Mamãe Noel
A Luz Interior do Natal
A pequena esperança de Natal
Yor não sabe fazer bengalinhas doces
Eu Sou a Estrela Natalina
Natal em família
Querido Papai Noel
A Rabanada da Yor
Uva-passa no arroz
As Renas Trazem Felicidade
Casa de Gengibre
É Natal, Feioso!
Bebida Que Aquece A Alma
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goddess-mixmi · 2 years
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“It’s clear, it really was a shithole!”
(Redraw of Jolyne and Ermes from the final batch)
For context Elena was never a prisoner at GD st. Prison only Uva was cause she got wrongly convicted but these two were in that place for a good fuckin while. Elena hated the nasty atmosphere and no cell service and Uva just hated people. So when Jolyne planned to break out they tagged along after fighting off Carlos and Alejandro. They escaped unnoticed thanks to Madonna’s stand creating underground tunnels for them.
Cannon wise Uva would’ve broke out with Weather and Anasui while Elena would do the same with Jolyne, Ermes and Emporio.
{Uva is the adoptive daughter of Tiziano and Squalo, while Elena is the daughter Terrence T D’Arbya d my oc Nefera DeNile}
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yveltalreal · 1 year
Death God!Xerneas, Life God!Yveltal Role Reversal Au (@untitledswanna)
oh this is a good one.
so i dont think yveltal would like. actually change all too much? personality wise i mean. like life and death are so closely intertwined with eachother and to who yveltal is i dont think personality wise hed be a totally different bitch. honestly hed probably just be like. not weird about the concept of death.
he wouldnt have lost one of his chosen to like. maples ancestor though. like he wouldnt have been told to kill her so she wouldnt have thrown his chosen at the time into the distortion world where she mcdied to giratina. that like absolutely affected how he perceived humanity and his chosens for a while? so with that not happening like some of his views on the natures of humans and those that are chosen would be radically different. fuck, hed have his chosen of that era for a lot longer. hed be fucking living la vida loca.
speaking of maple he wouldnt be yveltals chosen either. yveltal probably still takes an interest, but the event that caused maple to become a chosen would play out differently since yveltal being a god of life means he could just. pick that bitch back up instead of having to give her access to their abilities. their relationship would be more of the kind they had when maple was a kid where maple didnt know yveltal existed and yveltal showed up at his house to torment his cat mom but that shit never ends.
yveltal has this thing where he cares about his sister and like everything in the world dearly but understands it is arceus' will to destroy what no longer can exist and to help the transferal of life energy from one place to another, as well as the processing of souls and death itself. while death is a natural thing he helps take care of the life force that is removed and helps transfer it to a new source. as a life god he like. doesnt have this weird thing where sometimes he feels guilty about destroying the things xerneas keeps alive?? instead he might just be kinda annoyed with xerneas for destroying his shit lmao
the whole fuckin. thing where everyone was worried and freaking out about yveltal possessing maple and being around naranja uva wouldnt happen. like whos gonna be as worried abotu the life god hanging around ur bestie as they were with the death god.
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years
There’s nothing ironic about show choir (8/30)
Prompt: Lyrics
It’s a miracle that Rutaceae hasn’t figured out our plan. All of Vitis is in agreement about this. We need the original songs to be a step above Rutaceae and people admire me for the plan.
It’s been three weeks. Three weeks of me ignoring Simon while also writing a song about him. That’s another reason Rutaceae cannot find out about the whole original song thing.
He’s making it hard, though. Rutaceae doesn’t know what Vitis is planning, but according to Agatha, they know we are planning something. As a result, Simon’s stalking me.
He did this as well in our fifth year. That’s when he first became lead soloist after the previous Rutaceae lead soloist graduated. I don’t know what he was trying to gain, since Dev was lead soloist that year (may my ears rest in peace) (I love my cousin and he can sing okay-ish, but he is not a belter), and yet he chose me to follow around.
Which only led to me realising that I am in love with him.
Honestly, whatever relationship I have with Simon is incredibly complicated and it is a goldmine for lyrics.
I know I am the one who came up with the original songs plan, but I am not a writer, so I need all the concentration possible, but Simon makes it so difficult.
“What are you doing?”
I look up from my notebook.
Simon’s standing in the doorway.
“I live here, remember?” I deadpan.
“Yes, but you’re usually not… here.”
It’s true. We’ve been living here for over seven years, but we both avoid this place like the plague. It’s very hard to miss that we share the room, though. My wall is filled with violet banners, flags, crests and pennants with the Vitis logo. Simon’s wall is filled with the scarlet Rutaceae variants.
(Agatha hates it and wonders why we also have to take the rivalry outside of choir.) (Does she not see that there is no ‘outside of choir’?)
“I need to be alone,” I say. I close my notebook so that he can’t see what I’m doing, but he can see that I am writing something.
“Are you…” Simon tilts his head in confusion and fuck, it is adorable, “Journaling?”
“Yes,” I lie.
Simon frowns.
“You’ve never done that before.”
“It’s a new habit,” I lie again. Fuck me, even though we aren’t in our shared room a lot, of course he knows I have never journalled before.
Simon looks unconvinced.
“Alright,” he eventually says and to my surprise he sits down on his own bed.
I raise an eyebrow.
Is he staying here?
“A little privacy, please, Salisbury,” I say.
“I have a name, you know,” he mutters, “And no worries, I am going to read. Not your stuff. I have a life of my own.”
“Right,” I say and I turn away from him. This is a recipe for disaster.
End notes: Just imagine the Naranja and Uva Academy crest for the logos of Rutaceae and Vitis. That’s what I do as well. Honestly, there is a lot wrong with Pokémon Scarlet and Violet performance-wise, but design wise they went hard.
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