poparthuriana · 5 months
Those who troll King Mark: Agravaine, Brandiles, Dagonet, Dinadan, Griflet, Mordred, Ozana le Cure Hardy, Uwaine les Aventurous
*From Le Morte d’Arthur, book X, ch. XII. Most of it is Dinadan, Dagonet, and Mordred.
The queen’s knights: Agravaine, Dodinel, Griflet, Kay, Sagremore
*The knights protecting Guinevere in The Knight of the Cart; suggestion courtesy of @grail-lifesupport
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tiodolma · 8 months
I still can't get over the fact that Gawain somehow killed his cousin, Uwaine
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illustratus · 2 years
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Quest for the Holy Grail - The Failure of Sir Gawaine; Sir Gawaine and Sir Uwaine at the Ruined Chapel.
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burningivy · 10 months
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neil-gaiman · 7 months
Mr Gaiman, I'm a really big fan of your work and so was my mum, and she even named me Yvaine after your character in stardust. However, after coming out as a trans man this name no longer resonated with me and I want a similar but more masculine name. I was wondering if you had any suggestions. Thank you so much for your amazing stories.
Well, one of the main inspirations for the name Yvaine was Yvain, one of Arthur's knights, famed for his pet lion. Lots of spellings to choose from "
Ywain /ɪˈweɪn/, also known as Yvain and Owain among other spellings (Ewaine, Ivain, Ivan,[1] Iwain, Iwein, Uwain, Uwaine, Ywan, etc.),
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lionofchaeronea · 10 months
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The Failure of Sir Gawaine: Sir Gawaine and Sir Uwaine at the Ruined Chapel (Holy Grail Tapestries, #4), woven for Lawrence Hodson of Compton Hall, 1895-96. Overall design and figures by Sir Edward Burne-Jones; overall design and execution by William Morris; flowers and decorative details by John Henry Dearle. Now in the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, Birmingham, England, UK.
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rjalker · 6 months
this also happened yo Yvain/Uwaine. stabb a guy in the head and then go hey?? why are you running? Get back here!!!
bro. Your sword is in his head let him run.
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erinhime83 · 7 months
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This is...a lot, but the only reason why I'm putting this on Tumblr is so I can save some space on my brother's server. I'm getting the impression that no one actually cares for my random little design sheets. :P
These are basically the families that Kai and her group interact with the most. So we have the Vances (Kai's family), the Suredans (Dylan's family), the Argalls (Aerona's family), the Tallises (Mickel's family), and the Acadias (Gabby's family).
Vances - I really really like how Soléne turned out. Like, I always have her in dresses and the like, but I didn't really 'see' her wearing them when I thought about it. She's around my age, so I thought it would be neat if she wore something that someone my age would wear, but with an Aeolian twist, and just...wow. Jonathon looks as geeky as ever, and still quite the looker (Kai and Dev hit the lottery int he genetics department, lol). Ilya, their grandmother, looks great as well, and I really really like the dress I put her in! Somehow looks regal. The other character is Ioné, the second princess of Aeolus, and technically a part of Kai's family, as their grandparents were siblings. I included her because I had no where else to put her, and she's somewhat important. I like how she ended up!
Suredans - Again, they all turned out nice, very green and blue. I didn't really mess with their designs too much, other than expand then out since these are full bodied. The only one I messed with was Lydie's (purple haired girl), and I like what I came up with! Like, its different from the others, which is what I was aiming for, since she's technically from a different kingdom? She's from below the surface, whereas the others are from above.
Argalls - Again, this was just me expanding out their outfits a little while tweeking a couple of things, like Uwain's outfit. He looks less cyberpunk than the others, but that was sort of the point, since he's the king and all. Meinwen looks badass, lol.
Tallises - I sort of forgot that I needed to do a set for these guys. I originally just did Ellyn before realizing that I needed everyone. I sort of went with a medieval look to them, since I 'see' Thanatos as being fashioned that way, despite being the oldest civilization in the galaxy. I like how Ellyn turned out - much like Soléne, I figured she sent enough time on Earth that she would figure out a way to make her Thanatian outfit sort of Earth-like? I also like how I gave them all colors rather than keeping them all black, white, and grey. >.< Severic had orange hair in the previous version, but eh, I 'see' him with dark hair, so there ya go. I didn't include Mickels' in-laws, because then it'd be too big. :P
Acadias - this one I completely forgot about until this morning. I had done Gabby's aunt and cousin before scrapping it because it was just them, but then remembered how they meet her actual parents in this book (spoiler? Not really). Hannah turned out super cute in her overalls! I did have to figure out Hermerians fashion, since originally, when Gabby was partially Asian, I was using Asian fashion. But then I realized that I see Hemera as, like, modern? But also I had to tweek it a little to make it look alien. So Jacen, her father, is wearing a suit, but with knee high boots. And then Helena, her mother, is wearing a nice dress, with with a belted corset. Honestly, they turned out really great. :D
Figured it was about time I get off my ass and post these, lol.
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mouseandboo · 9 months
Postcrossing US-9989737
Postcrossing US-9989737 by Gail Anderson Via Flickr: Postcard with a photo of one of the Holy Grail tapestries done by Edward Burne-Jones (1833 - 1898). This is a picture of Sir Gawaine and Sir Uwaine at the Ruined Chapel. Sent to a Postcrossing member in Belgium.
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blogdemocratesjr · 3 years
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The Ordeal of Owain by Leonora Carrington
There is a great difference between a coward and a hero; for the coward seated beside the fire talks loudly about himself, holding all the rest as fools, and thinking that no one knows his real character. A hero would be distressed at hearing his prowess related by some one else. And yet I maintain that the coward is not wrong to praise and vaunt himself, for he will find no one else to lie for him. If he does not boast of his deeds, who will? All pass over him in silence, even the heralds, who proclaim the brave, but discard the cowards.
“My lady,” [Yvain] said, “one should have mercy on a sinner. I have paid dearly for my foolishness, and I am glad to have paid. Folly caused me to stay away, and I acknowledge my guilt and wrong. I’ve been very bold to dare come before you now, but if you will take me back, I’ll never do you wrong again.
—Chrétien de Troyes. “Yvain, the Knight of the Lion”
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poparthuriana · 5 months
Those Who Troll King Mark: Agravaine, Brandiles, Dagonet, Dinadan, Griflet, Mordred, Ozana le Cure Hardy, Uwaine les Aventurous
Vowtakers: Arthur, Baldwin, Gawain, and Kay
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tiodolma · 1 year
said Sir Kay, for ye of Cornwall are nought worth. So Sir Kay made carry Sir Uwaine to the Abbey of the Black Cross, and there he was healed.
Kay may be a foulmouthed knight but if any of the Round Table Knights get hurt he goes into protective uncle mode.
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windenburgrkc · 3 years
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Seriol vit sur la plage, derrière son frère, un bateau de pirate approcher. Son père était parti pêcher et c’était l’homme le plus âgé de la maison. C’était à lui d’agir.
“Uwain, va te cacher à l’étage et préviens maman. Je vais tenter de les retarder.” dit-il inquiet à son frère.
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off-in-the-moors · 3 years
It the light of recent events, I decided to rewrite/reword my old post about Maggie Stiefvater's use of Owain Glyndŵr.
There are a few good posts about why using Glendower instead of Glyndŵr is a problem: X X In short, using the anglicized name is not only furthering the easure of welsh language but also damaging welsh culture. The "Glendower" was created and first used by Shakespeare in "Henry IV, Part 1", were Glyndŵr was portrayed as "wild and exotic; a man who claims to be able to "call spirits from the vasty deep," ruled by magic and tradition" and a magician. (Not to mention the play was written as Tudor propaganda.) Also, Owain Glyndŵr wasn't a king, but a prince.
In The Dream Thieves (ch. 24), after pulling out a shield from the lake, we get this piece of information from Gansey: "And it did seem like the sort of thing that would be brought along to bury with a king. He traced the ravens. Three ravens marked in a triangle — the coat of arms of Urien, Glendower’s mythological father." The problem is it's not true, in any shape of form. Urien (or Urien Rheged) was a late 6th-century king of Rheged, an early British kingdom of the Hen Ogledd (today's northern England and southern Scotland), who in Arthurian legend became "King Urien of Gorre". He did have a son named Owain, namely Owain mab Urien, who isn't connected with Glyndŵr in anyway but name. Owain mab Urien was the bases for the knight Ywain (Yvain/Ewain/Uwain) in Arthurian legend, best known from "Yvain, the Knight of the Lion" and "Owain, or the Lady of the Fountain". Owain Glyndŵr 's real father was Gruffydd Fychan II. Owain mad Urien and Owain Glyndŵr didn't even live in the same time period, with mab Urien died c. 595, while Glyndŵr lived c. 1359 - c. 1415. Why Stiefvater merged them together is beyond my understanding.
Coat of arms and Ravens
As mention previously, the "three ravens marked in a triangle" is the coat of arms of Urien, and is not conected to Glydwr. Glydwr's coat of arms was two lions, he also had flag with a gold drangon (Y Ddraig Aur) and a banner with four lions. Owain mab Urien/Ywian was connected to ravens in two more ways (that I could find): in "The Dream of Rhonabwy" the titular Rhonabwy has a dream were King Arthur has a game of gwyddbwyll with Owain, when "a messengers arrives declaring that Arthur's squires are attacking Owain's ravens"; and in "The Life of Saint Mungo" were is said he's a bastard son of Owain and princess Teneu, daughter of King Leudonus (Lot) who's attributed arms was a raven. The only connection between Owain Glyndŵr and ravens I did find was, in some legends Glyndŵr was in possession of a "raven stone" which allowed him to became invisible. He could also communicated with birds. I found no references of Glyndŵr being called "Raven King". (The only welsh figure referred to as it I could find was Brân the Blessed, but I'm not 100% sure about it. I also did find a polish legend about Raven King, which is kinda cool.)
Reality vs Legend
At it's with any other historical figure with cultural importance, legends grow around Glyndŵr. Like with King Arthur, who was a real people, are know this magical and mysterious figures of stories. Maggie throughout the whole Raven Cycle blurred the lines between what's are the real information and what was just a legend about Glyndŵr, which is understandable, it's a fantasy novel after all but what she did was fabricate information and passed them as true. Another thing is removing Glyndŵr from Wales. Owain is a example of the motif "king asleep in the mountain/sleeping hero", a historical or legendary figure sleeping until with people need him. Owian is also a national hero of Wales. Removing him from his homeland and making him nothing more than a glorified genie for a group of American kids to find is disrespectful. Someone could argue, it was stated in the book, Glyndŵr 's followers moved him to America to protect his body from the enemies and he could as well return to Wales. But this was never a point in the story, him being a Wales prince wasn't important. What was, the characters want of the wish he could grant and Gansey's obsession of finding him.
Maggie's being related to Glyndŵr doesn't give her a pass on butchering Welsh culture. (From what I know, she's a American with German and Scottish roots.) Although she did her research (in a notebook she lost before writing TRC, from what I remember) and visited Wales, she's doesn't have a inside that a welsh person or a person who lives in Wales has.
Thank you for your time, and please, don’t be an assshole who sends anonymous complaints and vagueposting on their blog.
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fiercestpurpose · 3 years
i'm reading a connecticut yankee in king arthur's court and sir uwaine came up and i was like !!! that's my man <3
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c0rpsedemon · 3 years
hnoc's crimes, a non-comprehensive list:
- not enough palomydes (i like him, he's very polite and i think he should get to hold hands with tristan and isolde (the irish one), he wasn't mentioned once)
- killing off both tristan and bedivere in one sentence (the two original variants of tristan's death were sooo sexy. and this? this wasn't. also bedevere usually lives and there's a narrative significance to bedevere being the last survivor of camelot. plus the like,,, one story i know of where he does die, there's a patroclus parallel there, they could have at least given me that)
- the two isoldes aren't even mentioned (they hate to see girlbosses winning)
- spelled ywain "uwain", kei "kay", and gawaine "gawain" (self explanatory)
- only had one ywain (there are over ten)
- old galahad (he's supposed to be a 15 year old who thinks he's better than everyone morally and kins jesus christ and has an eyestrain carrd filled with religious imagery and may or may not bite people)
- lancelot x arthur bad (alright this is a more serious one but lancelot couldn't be paid to care about arthur, like at all, his feelings range from disinterest to dislike, but more importantly arthur was like,,, 30,,, when lancelot was born and it was even said in the vulgate that arthur viewed him as a son)
- lancelot x guinnevere bad (alright this is bc medieval authors hated women and shouldn't be carried over to modern works but she was SO bad to him)
- arthur x guinnevere bad (HE TRIED TO KILL HER!!! REPEATEDLY!!!)
- the mechs don't know what a broadside ballad is (pellinore and the beast is described as one. it isn't)
- gawain (self explanatory)
- how DARE you separate mordred's betrayal from the deaths of his brothers, how DARE you make him betray anyone before gawain dies, how dare you make him oppose gawain, how DARE you portray mordred as the sympathetic and rational brother (demonstrates clear misunderstanding of mordred's character)
- where the fuck are the other orkneys, you don't understand gawaine or mordred's motivations, fuck you (namedropping gaheriet doesn't count, he's two separate characters by the end of the tradition)
- no galehaut (the most canon queer character in the tradition who?)
- story beats Bad (the grail quest had nothing to do with the fall of camelot it was elayne of astolat's death that caused it!!!! this is elayne of astolat erasure!!!)
- clearly based on pop culture a.rthuriana (pop culture a.rthuriana sucks)
- has clear th wh*te influence (seen in the existence of pendragon polycule and use of the phrase "once and future king", th wh*te was,,, very shitty to put it mildly and i don't want to trigger tag this post)
- has clear m*deline z*mmer br*dley influence (morgan as mordred's mother, once again i don't want to trigger tag this post but she's genuinely a monster and i hope she's rotting in hell)
- fridged morgan (what the fuck dude, she doesn't even die in ANY of the original texts)
- morgan as mordred's mother (i'm pretty sure they only speak to each other in like,,, one text, and even then they're part of a bigger group)
- ygraine as mordred's mother/arthur's lover (what the fuck dude THAT'S ARTHUR'S MOM)
- i hate pellinore's ass don't give him his own song (i don't want to trigger tag this, you could've given the song to palomydes and it'd have the same effect AND make the slightest bit more sense)
- guinnevere doesn't even vaguely resemble medieval guinnevere (she's a political genius ready to step in as regent at a moment's notice!! her role is strategist not gunslinger and she dhouldn't have to be able to fight to be seen as strong!! if you wanted a woman strong in the fighting sense there was morgan!! or sebile!! or even lynnette!!)
- arthur was a dick in the original (arthur was a dick in the original)
- villainized ladies of the lake (nimue/ninniane's only crime was what? sealing away merlin when he tried to [redacted bc i don't want to trigger tag this], she was obviously in the right!! vivviane/ninniane's only crime was kidnapping baby lancelot but she didn't know any better and he was fine with it!! (ninniane was proto-vivviane/nimue from the vulgate))
- merlin was a [redacted bc trigger tagging] in the original (you didn't have to have brian be him... you could have had brian be nimue and it still would've worked...)
- i've said it before and i'll say it again, if you wanted love-triangle-turned-polyamory, tristan, isolde and palomydes were right there!!! (this is pop culture arthuriana though so i'm willing to bet money the mechs saw that isolde was married to tristan's uncle and that was it when mark didn't even like her and he married her to piss of tristan and it was palomydes who was in love with her the whole time and i'm cutting myself off here bc i was writing this whole thing about why i thought tristan, palomydes and isolde were definitely in love and it was getting long)
- the conspicuous lack of palomydes, old galahad, and the whole perceval getting mentioned once thing means we don't get to think about palomydes having to babysit catholic children in the woods while they bully him into taking them with him to hunt the fucked up giraffe he's dedicated years of his life to (i like that scene)
alright this is all i can think of off the top of my head but like. yeah. i'm definitely going to rb this.
no this isn't in the place of that hnoc Bad essay i was writing. no i didn't forget about it for a month, what makes you think that? i'll post it Eventually. until then, follow my sideblog where i post about actually good a.rthuriana and also gothic lit, shakespeare, and classics sometimes (but mostly a.rthuriana), @acegalahads,
also if you want a) further explanation for any of these, b) to know what i refused to type, c) actually good arthurian recs, d) an explanation why i think palomydes, isolde and tristan are in love, or e) just know about anything arthurian, feels free to ask me, this may become not just a hyperfixation but a special interest and i love infodumping
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