grail-lifesupport · 2 months
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of course he lived in the screaming marshes
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poparthuriana · 4 months
Neglected Siblings: Aglovale, Agravaine, Clarissant, Daniel son of Brunor, Dornar, Elaine of Cornwall, Ganieda, Gaheris, Hector de Maris, Kay, Lucan, Madog son of Uther, and Safir
The Queen and her Knights: Agravaine, Dodinel, Griflet, Guinevere, Kay, and Sagremore
Werewolves Anonymous: Alastrann, Bisclavret, Gorlagon, Marrok, and Melion
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queer-ragnelle · 5 months
who are your favorite niche/unknown knights
Hard to quantify what "niche" really entails as the level of Arthurian knowledge varies wildly. But if I had to pick one? Dodinel the Wild. He's first mentioned by Chrétien de Troyes, but here's his introduction in the Vulgate, where he's an actual character.
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[The Story of Merlin: 20. Dodinel the Wildman]
He's one of the guys who joins up with Gawainet and co to menace the Saxons and eventually join Arthur's court. In the Third Perceval Continuation, his lady hypes him up. It's cute!
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I don't know why I just like him. So far as I know, he hasn't appeared in any retellings. But I intend to change that. ;^)
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gawrkin · 2 months
Open question: Are Sirs Sagramore and Dodinel consistently associated with Queen Guinevere?
I had this impression they were her most consistent companions/attendants/bodyguards outside of Sir Gawain.
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rjalker · 8 months
When they came into the great hall, there were so many knights there who rose before them that I cannot call by name the tenth part of them, or the thirteenth, or the fifteenth. But I can tell you the names of some of the best of the knights who belonged to the Round Table and who were the best in the world.
Before all the excellent knights, Gawain ought to be named the first, and second Erec the son of Lac, and third Lancelot of the Lake. Gornemant of Gohort was fourth, and the fifth was the Handsome Coward. The sixth was the Ugly Brave, the seventh Meliant of Liz, the eighth Mauduit the Wise, and the ninth Dodinel the Wild. Let Gandelu be named the tenth, for he was a goodly man. The others I shall mention without order, because the numbers bother me. Eslit was there with Briien, and Yvain the son of Uriien. And Yvain of Loenel was there, as well as Yvain the Adulterer. Beside Yvain of Cavaliot was Garravain of Estrangot. After the Knight with the Horn was the Youth with the Golden Ring. And Tristan who never laughed sat beside Bliobleheris, and beside Brun of Piciez was his brother Gru the Sullen. The Armourer sat next, who preferred war to peace. Next sat Karadues the Shortarmed, a knight of good cheer; and Caveron of Robendic, and the son of King Quenedic and the Youth of Quintareus and Yder of the Dolorous Mount. Gaheriet and Kay of Estraus, Amauguin and Gales the Bald, Grain, Gornevain, and Carabes, and Tor the son of King Aras, Girflet the son of Do, and Taulas, who never wearied of arms: and a young man of great merit, Loholt the son of King Arthur, and Sagremor the Impetuous, who should not be forgotten, nor Bedoiier the Master of the Horse, who was skilled at chess and trictrac, nor Bravain, nor King Lot, nor Galegantin of Wales, nor Gronosis, versed in evil, who was son of Kay the Seneschal, nor Labigodes the Courteous, nor Count Cadorcaniois, nor Letron of Prepelesant, whose manners were so excellent, nor Breon the son of Canodan, nor the Count of Honolan who had such a head of fine fair hair; he it was who received the King's horn in an evil day; he never had any care for truth.
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dangerous snacks
The queen rode to the fountain and dismounted with all of her retinue. When the ladies had all rested, the queen said, “Sagremor, it would be good to eat.”
“Truly, my lady, if only someone had some food.”
“You’ll have to go look for something.”
“Indeed, I don’t know where I’d look, unless I go to Mathamas’s tower, which is nearby in the forest.”
“You won’t accomplish much there,” observed Kay. “There’s no knight in the world who hates my lord King Arthur as much as he does.”
“By God,” exclaimed Dodinel the Wildman, “all the better to go there to shame him and to do him harm. If Sagremor wants to go, I’m ready to accompany him. My lady the queen will wait for us here.”
(Lancelot part IV, Chapter 124, editor Norris J. Lacy)
love that the next ~50 pages of misadventures and rescues are precipitated by these dummies forgetting to pack a lunch
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evediaphoenix1123 · 2 years
I love Trollhunters and it's saga (not movie tho don't like it) but I'll admit I honestly saw Wizards being different?
Like I knew it would probably have time travel, but part of me hoped it wasn't gonna include that. Like part of me thought it was gonna be a telling of a Future Camelot that's been frozen in time ever since the Kilahead Bridge war-
So after talking to @casualdreamworksenjoyer the both of us put our minds together to create the Time Capsule au. This is the first au I've posted on Tumblr and I plan to release others (I am just a bit scared of posting sometimes).
The au is still under development, I've got a good saying on past timeline but I'm working on current timeline events ! I've got ideas on how I really want it but it's still a process.
( The pictures are made by the picrew Gentleman of Hera and Lady of Hera)
What started out as a normal working night for Douxie is suddenly shattered when he is suddenly attacked by a man in Green Knight armor. Suddenly he finds himself saved by Merlin and brought to new Trollmarket. Once he gets there Merlin informs him of the recent attack of the Arcane Order to New Trollmarket. With these violent attacks, Merlin realizes the Order is trying to capture them to find Camelot again.
Douxie, Merlin, and the Trollhunter gang travel to the hidden land of Canelot and discover the kingdom has been frozen in time and still ruled by King Arthur. Camelot will test everyone, from hidden history to betrayal of allies. The risks will test everyone and lives will be in danger.
╗Camelot history╔
The kingdom of Camelot was at its prime, full of promise. It was advanced for its century, full of magic and the newest invention. It was ruled by King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. But one day everything started to fall apart one by one. So many events happened at the same time, it was hard to really figure out which one was the fall of Camelot. Still, even most of the true stories that caused Camelot to be known today were burned by the King and Knights themselves to hide the sins. What the public knows is that Morgana betrayal, Sir Modred attempted assassination, the war of Kilahead, and the Order led to the dark years that almost wiped out the lives of Camelot. Even so, King Arthur held his head up high, siding with powers of magical beings they made a shield to Camelot that held them in time and held them hidden from the world. Even so the Order is still trying to get inside for something that was buried in the walls.
Douxie had been outside the gates when Camelot was locked away, he had been taking Merlin to his tomb. When he returned he was greeted with nothing so he assumed Camelot was destroyed. So he moved on trying to live his life through grief, so to say he is angry about Camelot actually being around still and no one telling him is an understatement. Still he will find out hidden truth about his true legacy, truths that where buried.
King Arthur is mostly silent, tired from everything he has went through. He has lost his sister and a few friends but he is determined to keep his kingdom healthy and to find the traitor along his ranks. He is still hiding secrets among secrets about his past, only Gwendolyn knows them.
╔The Knights of the Round Table╗
Sir Lancelot - Arthur right-hand man. The leader of the gang. He is Arthur most trusted ally. He is boastful and strongest, even though he keeps himself held high there easy to tell he is hiding something. Maybe it's secretly feeling of hate.
Sir Galahad - Another close knight to Arthur but is Merlin friend. Knows Merlin secrets. He doesn't differ much from the cannon Galahad in the show.
Sir Dodinel - A knight with the mysterious ability to tame any birds. His violent behavior scares anyone nearby and he loves to scare people. Even though he loves to scare, he does his job. He isn't scared to spill blood for the castle of Camelot, even if it is the blood of his own friends.
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Sir Bedivere - A mysterious man, not much is known about him. He is as quick and strong like a snake. Even though he is considered scary by outside people, he is honestly a very sweet guy who tends to be awkward in social situations.
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Fallen Sir Mordred - The Traitor tried to kill Arthur. He has been executed for his crimes. Even after death he still haunts Arthur. Even though he isn't talked about much, he was a good friend to the people. Even though he could sometimes be standoffs and cruel he was still someone dear.
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Fallen Lady Morgause - Mordred sister. She was sealed away secretly, Arthur couldn't kill her. She still has many secrets hidden. She was like her twin, standoffs and cruel, but she held loyalty to her brother even when he threatened Arthur.
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Sir Lucan - the Butler who can kick anyone butt, he is serious about Order and clean stuff. He stays mostly quiet and cares for King Arthur and guests.
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Sir Galeschin - Arthur long lost relative who stuck up. Always known to bully Douxie to no end, due to his royal connections he takes everything way too seriously and will try to use his title against you.
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Lady Flonesse - One of the strongest woman to ever exist, she was said to have faced an army of trolls by herself. She was married to Morgana, to say she still hurt by everything is an understatement. Even though she doesn't talk much about it anymore she still got some hidden truths
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Sir Erec - Housewife knight. Loves his wife more then the job. He is still one of the greatest Knights around and is like the caretaker of everyone here. He is kinda like the Maes Hughes of Trollhunters.
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More to come soon
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maliseiya · 3 years
Pour un de mes cours à l’université je dois établir une comparaison entre Iwein de Hartmann von Aue et Yvain ou le Chevalier au Lion, ce qui fait que je relis les deux oeuvres en parallèle et.  Dans le passage “à la porte de la chambre, à l’extérieur, se tenaient Dodinel, Sagremor, Keu, monseigneur Gauvain ainsi que monseigneur Yvain et, avec eux, Calogrenant, un chevalier fort avenant qui avait débuté à leur intention un récit non à son honneur, mais à sa honte” je suis convaincue que Calogrenant leur raconte comment il est tombé de son cheval et comment son armure a rouillé, impossible de me faire changer d’avis. 
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glatisants · 4 years
Gawain: Alright, lads, let’s save the day! Roll call! Galescalain?
Galescalain: Here
Gawain: Dodinel?
Dodinel: Hi
Gawain: Sagramore?
Sagramore: ayy
Gawain: Yvain #1? haha you’re #1 because you’re the No. 1 Yvain in my heart (does playful finger guns at Yvain #1)
Yvain “No. 1 in Gawain’s heart”: (smiles, does finger guns back)
Gawain: (mimes catching a bullet and putting it in his pocket for safekeeping) Yvain #2, aka Yvain the Bastard? ...not a comment on his personality, folks, he’s a very nice lad
Yvain “The Bastard”: (waves cheerfully)
Gawain: Yvains #3, 4, 5 and 6?
Yvains 3-6: (in eerie unison) We are always with you, cousin.
Gawain: (gives a thumbs up) Great!!
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poparthuriana · 5 months
Those who troll King Mark: Agravaine, Brandiles, Dagonet, Dinadan, Griflet, Mordred, Ozana le Cure Hardy, Uwaine les Aventurous
*From Le Morte d’Arthur, book X, ch. XII. Most of it is Dinadan, Dagonet, and Mordred.
The queen’s knights: Agravaine, Dodinel, Griflet, Kay, Sagremore
*The knights protecting Guinevere in The Knight of the Cart; suggestion courtesy of @grail-lifesupport
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poparthuriana · 5 months
Fair Unknowns: Guinglain, Helie, Robert, and Tiodogolain
The Queen and her Knights: Agravaine, Dodinel, Griflet, Kay, and Sagremore
Team Sorelois: Galehaut, Guinevere, the Lady of Malahaut, and Lancelot
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grail-lifesupport · 2 months
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the hunt did not go as planned
those three guys are Dodinel the Wildman, the knight who loves to hunt and his two friends Kay of Estral (or the strange) his constant companion and Sangremore the unruly, his other weird cousin. Dodinel is funnily enough related to gawain (the genes just run in the family)
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they scratched the giraffe onto the well for palamedes hehehehe
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grail-lifesupport · 3 months
I always found it funny the amount of people with the same name in arthuriana. There are two people named kay, one of whom is named 'the stranger', 3 people who were murdered cause their name sounded like gawain and the killer mistaken them for the gawain of orkney, and 17 Ywains on a good day.
Bedivere has this the worst. Cause he has a father named pedrawt which is actually possibly a corruption of his own name and a grandfather named bedivere and a castle named after bedivere
and there is a guy named pedivere of the straight marches who isn't related to him but did try to kill his coworker bors once and pedrog of the splinter spear who isnt his father but people keep using him as a byname for bedivere and nebedons, who isnt a different character but is actually a misspelling of bedivere which i only figured out by reading an article written 30 years ago while i was researching about griflet.
this took me like 2 years to research and sort out
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queer-ragnelle · 2 years
Other than Arthur’s son—who else should Twrch Trwyth kill?
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queer-ragnelle · 2 months
Owain comes to court, brand new knight, awkwardly trying to fit in. He keeps to himself. Then the other guys start talking about ladies they admire. Enid. Ragnelle. Even Gwenhwyvach! In her own way. Someone mentions last Pentecost, trying to recall…
“Who was that pretty damsel that came with Morgan Le Fay?” Tor asks. “Remember her? She had the most startling blue eyes…”
“Yes!” The others rejoin. They go back and forth, but no one can remember her name.
“Why don’t we ask King Arthur?” Dodinel suggests.
“Good idea!” says Girflet. “After all, the damsel accompanied the king’s own sister.”
This apparently sounds agreeable to the rest, as everyone begins to vacate their seats.
“Morfydd!” Owain blurts out suddenly, surprising even himself. Then, in a smaller voice he says, “The damsel’s name was Morfydd.”
Everyone stops. That did ring a bell. “Aye, Owain,” says Sagramore, “that was it!”
“Would that I could see her at the next Pentecost,” ponders Aglovale.
“Mayhaps I shall ask for her favor,” says Calogrenant.
A high laugh rips out of Owain before he can stop himself. All focus returns to him.
“What’s so funny?” asks Dinadan with a shrewdly raised brow.
“Gentleman, I assure you, the damsel will not be at the next Pentecost.”
“Oh?” says Lamorak, sounding neither disappointed nor particularly interested. “And how do you know that? Don’t tell me the sorceress queen Morgan Le Fay has taken you into her confidence.”
“Indeed, Owain tell us,” says Geraint. “How do you know the goings on of Morgan Le Fay’s mysterious damsel Morfydd?”
Now Owain’s panicking little, but conceals it with another shrill chuckle. “Oh she’s uh…my sister?” He hopes he appears confident.
The other knights take a long look at Owain and he forces himself not to turn aside.
“I see it,” Lucan the butler says as he pours himself another goblet of wine. “In the eyes.”
“Right, right. Tis the color.”
“Very blue.”
“Same nose, too.”
“Could be twins!”
“And you say she won’t be coming?”
“No,” Owain, the knight formally known as Dame Morfydd assures them. “Definitely not.”
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grail-lifesupport · 3 months
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obsessed with the two unicorns here
this place is awesome it has all the little medieval illuminations of the arthurian guys like kay, dodinel, gawain, dinadan etc
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