poparthuriana · 5 months
Those Who Troll King Mark: Agravaine, Brandiles, Dagonet, Dinadan, Griflet, Mordred, Ozana le Cure Hardy, Uwaine les Aventurous
Vowtakers: Arthur, Baldwin, Gawain, and Kay
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tiodolma · 7 months
Then came in Sir Gawaine with his three sons, Sir Gingalin, Sir Florence, and Sir Lovel, these two were begotten upon Sir Brandiles’ sister; and all they failed.
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jefrozyul · 2 years
Les influenceurs web encore marginalisé!
Cher Richard Martineau, comment vous décrire et par quel mot pour commencer...
Petit récit pour ceux et celles qui ne regardent pas la télévision, le créateur de contenu Zoé Duval était de passage à l'émission Le monde à l'envers pour le terme sur les influenceurs et disons que l'un des têtes d'affiche de l'écosystème Québecor n'aime pas trop ce nouveau genre de personnalité publique.
Vous avez deviné je parle? Richard Martineau.
Mettons-nous quelque chose au clair, Martineau a fait une crise de jalousie tellement qu'on se serait cru dans Blanche-Neige et les sept nains quand la méchante reine demande au miroir qui est la plus belle du royaume et finalement c'est une autre au lieu de cette dernière.
Les "néo-influenceurs" vs. les vieux de la veille
Bref, les influenceurs du web ont pris naissance vers la fin des années 2000 et début des années 2010. Mais leurs présences dans le paysage médiatique s'est imposé vers la fin des années 2010 même devenu un métier parmi d'autre.
Mais sérieusement en 2023, il faut encore faire un dessin sur c'est quoi un influenceur ou une influenceuse?!
La plupart du public y voit plus des côtés négatifs et moins les côtés positifs comme exemple ce faire de l'argent facilement et rapidement mais je peux vous prouvez le contraire pour vous dire que gagner sa vie comme influenceurs du web est un parcours d'embuches.
Si je peux dire une chose est que ses jeunes, qui publient leur contenu sur le web, rêvent peut-être du monde des télécommunications et y trouvent une place où exprimer leurs talents car les influenceurs web peuvent se spécifier dans divers sujets autre que l'humour.
Conseil si vous êtes faite parti du club des vieux de la veille comme Richard Martineau, intéressez vous à vos enfants même petits-enfants de ce qu'ils regardent comme influenceur web et ne vous fiez pas des agités qui brandillent des épouvantails.
Une génération et ses influenceurs
Richard Martineau a une longue carrière dans le journalisme et ça tombe bien car depuis qu'il est embauché pour le Journal de Montréal, il y a un côté influenceur.
Mais dans son livre de la vie, être influenceur s'est résumer à René Lévesque ou encore Albert Camus. Ce n'est pas mauvais si on fait une profonde réflexion sur quel aspect ses exemples de Lévesque et Camus ont comme influence car l'influence prend plusieurs formes.
Grosso modo, développes pour être compris!
Les influenceurs d'aujourd'hui et d'hier influencent par leurs visions, leurs idées, leur art, leurs positions, leurs sens des affaires ou encore leurs volontés d'un monde meilleur. Bref la liste est longue...
L'influence est vu selon chaque individu.
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dustrial-inc · 6 years
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@itsyellowleather as nasty as they wanna be. ✨💿✨ #repost #artist #follow #losangeles #logohack #brandilism #90s #grunge #red #dustrial
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So we know about Irno, but what other OCs you got going on 👀
well let's see
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I'm exaggerating lmao. I don't have too too many, but here's what I got so far...
So there's Brandille "Twiggy" Camargo...
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...Klowdia Sed, who's a himbette with bad proprioception...
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(Twiggy and Klowdia are meant to be Bad Batch reader inserts but actual tangible stories have yet to manifest there yet so idk)
And the Little Lady, of course, sweet lil mush that she is...
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...And her himbo brother, who I've only really sketched as an adult so far...
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...And then there's the Kid, whose initial role I had to nix but whose design I enjoy too much so she's in idea storage...
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And my started-as-an-AU-of-an-existing-character-and-then-I-filed-the-serial-numbers-filed-off Byna the Devourer...
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444names · 2 years
american and tolkienesque forenames
Adana Adriel Adriet Aeroy Agnessa Aiwenduil Aladriel Aladûn Albard Albergia Alcar Alcarcus Alcardil Alcarmador Aldari Alethen Alfreda Alfreddie Allandy Allisa Alloyd Amant Amantoine Amarë Anatan Anciscil Andarl Andil Andir Andreddie Angbori Angborn Angeleg Annien Annon Antar Antoine Apristir Araglori Arank Aranklinto Arapher Arlimoth Arnoldwine Arthant Arvin Arvinya Arwendy Asfalothy Ausireen Avrance Baldad Balicia Baradaniel Barla Beatridget Becca Belebrita Belemmakil Belendil Belendrew Belephiel Beline Beorl Berek Bethor Betta Bevernance Bille Billi Bombul Bomburiel Branca Brandil Brantonya Bregon Brendi Bretche Breth Brucalimë Byrond Caladra Calexand Calmir Calmo Camirion Cardil Carlotho Carmendil Carolana Carold Caron Cassuil Castindo Castine Cathôr Cecellee Celemmakil Cemer Ceorlie Chadorah Chael Charavis Charl Charla Charry Chell Christal Christindy Cindon Claróf Claudith Claurondir Clydiant Corahael Coreen Cotte Crain Cynthienny Cynthor Daeritta Darlas Darri Davis Dawna Deanne Debonnette Delintony Deloberto Delodh Derin Deórwin Donnie Doren Dorey Dougluin Duila Dward Dwarth Dwayneth Déagon Déagorn Earloth Ebora Edgari Edgarion Edwight Edwingwë Elarenett Elbard Eldarrence Elegolive Elephan Elephien Elfhelmo Elfhil Elleen Ellie Elrohirion Elrosephen Elsean Elvia Eraldanita Eraldil Erindor Erkennett Estella Esteve Estin Ethandomi Ethostor Euniche Evelesten Evernice Eären Eärene Eärnichad Falott Felia Fernarda Feruce Finducalma Findur Franca Franthir Frerichel Frerie Funda Fëanorin Fírie Galachad Galandra Gamily Gamlaith Gayla Geneldarry Geneldir Genet Genettie Genevienny Georn Gilberta Gilraig Ginastred Glena Glenne Gloree Glóred Gormador Gracy Grathlee Gretchelm Gretha Grimboriam Gwendui Hadorendis Halba Halberrena Halda Haldam Hallador Halmo Hanice Hanny Hanto Harië Harole Hatti Hattârik Helly Helsa Helson Hengol Herberly Heres Herin Herma Herumorgel Heryl Hiriam Howardacil Howardo Howarta Ianna Ilmarite Imilkhâd Indur Inzila Ireen Irena Iristin Isilmacil Isilmari Isilmarion Isilvia Isumbara Ivanienor Jacque Jaimelairë Jaimelion Jasminya Jasonjamir Javis Jeanna Jeffer Jeffreca Jeffred Jenne Jennet Jeres Jessa Johan Johand Josepharn Juane Julion Karankline Karetchelm Karlennie Kathony Kathráin Katië Katridget Katrin Kellas Kelle Kenducalma Kerri Kimbold Kimbolger Kimbori Kinglir Kristinar Lagdustine Lagdustir Lalanc Lalance Landy Laude Lavernanc Lennatar Lindace Lloren Lolas Lonna Lorey Lorin Lucil Lugdustir Lydian Mablungon Maedhel Maedhelle Magola Magold Mahtar Mahtaron Malandrea Malvin Mamilkhâd Mamir Margon Mariam Mariel Marin Marshad Marthel Marthur Matti Mattârik Megalad Megander Meghanda Meghannise Melbard Meline Micher Micherry Milleen Mistindsey Mollia Muricia Míriette Nardacil Natan Nichary Olinton Ornen Orond Orophil Oscathelle Ostophia Ostorindo Pamelanca Peren Perin Pervin Primë Prishnákh Racillie Radon Rebecky Regorn Rendarl Renduila Rendy Rhondil Rhondo Rhony Ricia Robel Rodenis Rontoine Rosalvin Rossë Rubenjames Rómen Rúmillia Sadine Sadon Saeroy Saman Samanui Sandrette Sarumorgon Seriel Shelindor Sherunír Shirgio Smauriette Sméagolas Snowman Snowmanel Sopherry Sophil Stana Stelmo Stelperry Stephin Susir Sylvin Súrio Taman Tamandis Tamari Tamil Tamir Terrellena Thell Timothony Tonio Trach Turamonio Tyron Uftha Ufthandra Ulfangborn Urwenda Vaine Vaireen Valancis Valanhír Vanice Vardil Veralph Veres Victoriel Viduman Violas Viole Virgia Wandi Wartha Wendil Wille Windsey Yaval Yavanny Yvonnie Yvonniel Zachad Zachel Éomunda Íriel
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gringolet · 5 years
hey wait holy shit
while we're talking about ~dark galahad~ i think his grail quest actually killed more people than mordred did, statistically speaking
knights who die on the grail quest:
galahad himself
and between 29 and 27 other unnamed knights
knights who die at camlann
arthur, obviously
lucan? i guess
an unrecorded number of other knights who apparently didn't matter enough to name or count
but neither of those statistics is as impressive as the number of named knights lancelot kills while rescuing guinevere/escaping, holy shit his team kills are insane
mador de la porte
kay (but a different kay)
the lesson here is that the road to murdering dozens of your coworkers is paved with good intentions and that people named du loc are 100% more dangerous that the emo bastard destined to kill you
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my lovely patreon is up! patreon.com/brandilou
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poparthuriana · 5 months
Those who troll King Mark: Agravaine, Brandiles, Dagonet, Dinadan, Griflet, Mordred, Ozana le Cure Hardy, Uwaine les Aventurous
*From Le Morte d’Arthur, book X, ch. XII. Most of it is Dinadan, Dagonet, and Mordred.
The queen’s knights: Agravaine, Dodinel, Griflet, Kay, Sagremore
*The knights protecting Guinevere in The Knight of the Cart; suggestion courtesy of @grail-lifesupport
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devpatelsmustache · 6 years
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Not to be a banjo strumming hick but carli brandile snapped on this tune
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traveljobs · 5 years
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English prose romance
Sir Thomas Malory (Flourished Late 15th Century)
Practically nothing is known of this first great writer of English prose romance. Malory’s significance in the development of the English language is, for our purposes, not so vital a matter as his contribution to the art of story-telling. His vast compilation, which is a rewritten version of the outstanding episodes in the Arthurian cycle, was printed by Caxton in 1485, and, due to the rapid spread of books through the recently invented printing-press, Malory’s influence was far greater than it would otherwise have been. “Malory,” says Edmund Gosse, “tinges the whole English character; he is the primal fount of our passion for adventure, and of our love for active chivalry.” The present version is reprinted from Malory’s History of King Arthur and the Quest of the Holy Grail, London, 1886. There is no title in the original text.
Launcelot’s Tourney
And then the Queen let make a privy dinner in the city of London, . unto the knights of the Round Table; and all was to show outward that she had a great joy in all other knights of the Round Table, as she had in Sir Launcelot. All only at that dinner she had Sir Gawai- ne and his brethren; that is to say, Sir Agravaine, Sir Gaheris, Sir Gareth, and Sir Mordred.
Also there was Sir Bors de Ganis, Sir Blamor de Ganis, Sir Bleoberis de Ganis, Sir Galihud, Sir Galihodin, Sir Ector de Maris, Sir Lionel, Sir Palomides, and his brother, Sir Safre; la Cote mal Tail, Sir Persuant, Sir Ironside, Sir Brandiles, Sir Kaye the seneschal, Sir Mador de la Port, Sir Patrice a knight of Ireland, Sir Ali- ducke, Sir Astomore, and Sir Pinell le Savage, the which was cousin unto Sir Lamoracke de Galis, the good knight, the which Sir Gawaine and brethren slew by treason. And so these knights should dine with the Queen in a privy place by themselves; and there was made a great feast of all manner of dainty meats and drinks.
But Sir Gawaine had a custom that he used daily at dinner and at supper, that he loved well all manner of fruits, and in especial apples and pears; and, therefore, whosoever dined of feasted,-Sir Gawaine would commonly purvey for good fruit for him: and so did the Queen; for, to please Sir Gawaine,’ she let purvey for him of all manner of fruits.
S: https://guide.ensaristanbul.com/launcelots-tourney-part-1/
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guidemirela · 5 years
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English prose romance
Sir Thomas Malory (Flourished Late 15th Century)
Practically nothing is known of this first great writer of English prose romance. Malory’s significance in the development of the English language is, for our purposes, not so vital a matter as his contribution to the art of story-telling. His vast compilation, which is a rewritten version of the outstanding episodes in the Arthurian cycle, was printed by Caxton in 1485, and, due to the rapid spread of books through the recently invented printing-press, Malory’s influence was far greater than it would otherwise have been. “Malory,” says Edmund Gosse, “tinges the whole English character; he is the primal fount of our passion for adventure, and of our love for active chivalry.” The present version is reprinted from Malory’s History of King Arthur and the Quest of the Holy Grail, London, 1886. There is no title in the original text.
Launcelot’s Tourney
And then the Queen let make a privy dinner in the city of London, . unto the knights of the Round Table; and all was to show outward that she had a great joy in all other knights of the Round Table, as she had in Sir Launcelot. All only at that dinner she had Sir Gawai- ne and his brethren; that is to say, Sir Agravaine, Sir Gaheris, Sir Gareth, and Sir Mordred.
Also there was Sir Bors de Ganis, Sir Blamor de Ganis, Sir Bleoberis de Ganis, Sir Galihud, Sir Galihodin, Sir Ector de Maris, Sir Lionel, Sir Palomides, and his brother, Sir Safre; la Cote mal Tail, Sir Persuant, Sir Ironside, Sir Brandiles, Sir Kaye the seneschal, Sir Mador de la Port, Sir Patrice a knight of Ireland, Sir Ali- ducke, Sir Astomore, and Sir Pinell le Savage, the which was cousin unto Sir Lamoracke de Galis, the good knight, the which Sir Gawaine and brethren slew by treason. And so these knights should dine with the Queen in a privy place by themselves; and there was made a great feast of all manner of dainty meats and drinks.
But Sir Gawaine had a custom that he used daily at dinner and at supper, that he loved well all manner of fruits, and in especial apples and pears; and, therefore, whosoever dined of feasted,-Sir Gawaine would commonly purvey for good fruit for him: and so did the Queen; for, to please Sir Gawaine,’ she let purvey for him of all manner of fruits.
S: https://guide.ensaristanbul.com/launcelots-tourney-part-1/
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traqtravels · 5 years
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English prose romance
Sir Thomas Malory (Flourished Late 15th Century)
Practically nothing is known of this first great writer of English prose romance. Malory’s significance in the development of the English language is, for our purposes, not so vital a matter as his contribution to the art of story-telling. His vast compilation, which is a rewritten version of the outstanding episodes in the Arthurian cycle, was printed by Caxton in 1485, and, due to the rapid spread of books through the recently invented printing-press, Malory’s influence was far greater than it would otherwise have been. “Malory,” says Edmund Gosse, “tinges the whole English character; he is the primal fount of our passion for adventure, and of our love for active chivalry.” The present version is reprinted from Malory’s History of King Arthur and the Quest of the Holy Grail, London, 1886. There is no title in the original text.
Launcelot’s Tourney
And then the Queen let make a privy dinner in the city of London, . unto the knights of the Round Table; and all was to show outward that she had a great joy in all other knights of the Round Table, as she had in Sir Launcelot. All only at that dinner she had Sir Gawai- ne and his brethren; that is to say, Sir Agravaine, Sir Gaheris, Sir Gareth, and Sir Mordred.
Also there was Sir Bors de Ganis, Sir Blamor de Ganis, Sir Bleoberis de Ganis, Sir Galihud, Sir Galihodin, Sir Ector de Maris, Sir Lionel, Sir Palomides, and his brother, Sir Safre; la Cote mal Tail, Sir Persuant, Sir Ironside, Sir Brandiles, Sir Kaye the seneschal, Sir Mador de la Port, Sir Patrice a knight of Ireland, Sir Ali- ducke, Sir Astomore, and Sir Pinell le Savage, the which was cousin unto Sir Lamoracke de Galis, the good knight, the which Sir Gawaine and brethren slew by treason. And so these knights should dine with the Queen in a privy place by themselves; and there was made a great feast of all manner of dainty meats and drinks.
But Sir Gawaine had a custom that he used daily at dinner and at supper, that he loved well all manner of fruits, and in especial apples and pears; and, therefore, whosoever dined of feasted,-Sir Gawaine would commonly purvey for good fruit for him: and so did the Queen; for, to please Sir Gawaine,’ she let purvey for him of all manner of fruits.
S: https://guide.ensaristanbul.com/launcelots-tourney-part-1/
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religiontour · 5 years
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English prose romance
Sir Thomas Malory (Flourished Late 15th Century)
Practically nothing is known of this first great writer of English prose romance. Malory’s significance in the development of the English language is, for our purposes, not so vital a matter as his contribution to the art of story-telling. His vast compilation, which is a rewritten version of the outstanding episodes in the Arthurian cycle, was printed by Caxton in 1485, and, due to the rapid spread of books through the recently invented printing-press, Malory’s influence was far greater than it would otherwise have been. “Malory,” says Edmund Gosse, “tinges the whole English character; he is the primal fount of our passion for adventure, and of our love for active chivalry.” The present version is reprinted from Malory’s History of King Arthur and the Quest of the Holy Grail, London, 1886. There is no title in the original text.
Launcelot’s Tourney
And then the Queen let make a privy dinner in the city of London, . unto the knights of the Round Table; and all was to show outward that she had a great joy in all other knights of the Round Table, as she had in Sir Launcelot. All only at that dinner she had Sir Gawai- ne and his brethren; that is to say, Sir Agravaine, Sir Gaheris, Sir Gareth, and Sir Mordred.
Also there was Sir Bors de Ganis, Sir Blamor de Ganis, Sir Bleoberis de Ganis, Sir Galihud, Sir Galihodin, Sir Ector de Maris, Sir Lionel, Sir Palomides, and his brother, Sir Safre; la Cote mal Tail, Sir Persuant, Sir Ironside, Sir Brandiles, Sir Kaye the seneschal, Sir Mador de la Port, Sir Patrice a knight of Ireland, Sir Ali- ducke, Sir Astomore, and Sir Pinell le Savage, the which was cousin unto Sir Lamoracke de Galis, the good knight, the which Sir Gawaine and brethren slew by treason. And so these knights should dine with the Queen in a privy place by themselves; and there was made a great feast of all manner of dainty meats and drinks.
But Sir Gawaine had a custom that he used daily at dinner and at supper, that he loved well all manner of fruits, and in especial apples and pears; and, therefore, whosoever dined of feasted,-Sir Gawaine would commonly purvey for good fruit for him: and so did the Queen; for, to please Sir Gawaine,’ she let purvey for him of all manner of fruits.
S: https://guide.ensaristanbul.com/launcelots-tourney-part-1/
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weekendholiday · 5 years
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English prose romance
Sir Thomas Malory (Flourished Late 15th Century)
Practically nothing is known of this first great writer of English prose romance. Malory’s significance in the development of the English language is, for our purposes, not so vital a matter as his contribution to the art of story-telling. His vast compilation, which is a rewritten version of the outstanding episodes in the Arthurian cycle, was printed by Caxton in 1485, and, due to the rapid spread of books through the recently invented printing-press, Malory’s influence was far greater than it would otherwise have been. “Malory,” says Edmund Gosse, “tinges the whole English character; he is the primal fount of our passion for adventure, and of our love for active chivalry.” The present version is reprinted from Malory’s History of King Arthur and the Quest of the Holy Grail, London, 1886. There is no title in the original text.
Launcelot’s Tourney
And then the Queen let make a privy dinner in the city of London, . unto the knights of the Round Table; and all was to show outward that she had a great joy in all other knights of the Round Table, as she had in Sir Launcelot. All only at that dinner she had Sir Gawai- ne and his brethren; that is to say, Sir Agravaine, Sir Gaheris, Sir Gareth, and Sir Mordred.
Also there was Sir Bors de Ganis, Sir Blamor de Ganis, Sir Bleoberis de Ganis, Sir Galihud, Sir Galihodin, Sir Ector de Maris, Sir Lionel, Sir Palomides, and his brother, Sir Safre; la Cote mal Tail, Sir Persuant, Sir Ironside, Sir Brandiles, Sir Kaye the seneschal, Sir Mador de la Port, Sir Patrice a knight of Ireland, Sir Ali- ducke, Sir Astomore, and Sir Pinell le Savage, the which was cousin unto Sir Lamoracke de Galis, the good knight, the which Sir Gawaine and brethren slew by treason. And so these knights should dine with the Queen in a privy place by themselves; and there was made a great feast of all manner of dainty meats and drinks.
But Sir Gawaine had a custom that he used daily at dinner and at supper, that he loved well all manner of fruits, and in especial apples and pears; and, therefore, whosoever dined of feasted,-Sir Gawaine would commonly purvey for good fruit for him: and so did the Queen; for, to please Sir Gawaine,’ she let purvey for him of all manner of fruits.
S: https://guide.ensaristanbul.com/launcelots-tourney-part-1/
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