#uzi fell first
dronebiscuitbat · 4 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 7)
The one thing Uzi did not mind about her transformation was her ability to fly alongside N during scavenging missions. He often had to slow down (thrusters will always be faster than manual flying), but it didn't seem to bother him in the least, especially when she was sharing her favorite songs with him over short-range.
And no, it didn't all consist of Nightcore thank you very much. She was sharing the ones she thought he would like.
Of course, N liked all of them, so she probably could blare Nightcore at full volume and he'd like it, but she was still keeping it mostly mainstream, mostly because he seemed to like singing lyrics if he knew them, which was fun!
Because he was good at it.
He nailed nearly every note so long as he was familiar with the song, and it was gorgeous, his voice smooth as butter and just high enough to reach the minor keys without sounding off.
And yes, it did make her core flutter like it was full of a million butterflies, but that was besides the point.
“Hang on, lemme give you this one.” She sent another over to him, her wings flapping above her as they both glided comfortably.
“How many do you have?!” N asked excitedly, although it was definitely in the sense that he was eager to hear all of them and not that he wanted her to stop.
“Years worth of emotional repression leads to years worth of saved angst, what can I say?” She replied, poking a little fun at herself, she pushed ahead as he opened the audio file, scanning the ground for any parts she needed.
This one was a little angry sounding, but the guitar was nice, and there was a woman singing in the background that he wished didn't sound so sad, but it was pretty, at the very least.
“Do you want me to just give you my playlist? I've kinda just been sending you singles from it this whole time.” She fell back in line with him, wings beating above her, wow, he never realized how strong they looked before.
“Yes!” He beamed, being ecstatic to listen to more, it was leagues better than anything he'd ever heard play at the manor, plus he felt as if he was learning quite a bit about her just through her saved songs.
He noted the complete lack of love songs, there were plenty of breakup songs, but it didn't seem that Uzi had either never felt that way about anyone or she may have just not liked the sappiness of them. He wasn't sure, he was kinda hoping for the latter, she deserved someone to make her happy, surely?
“Here. But we can't spend all night doing this, it not really what we're here for…” She sent him a massive folder that was going to take a bit to install, in the meantime. They both flew upwards, trying to spot things from higher up.
“No worries, what are we looking for?” He asked, just replaying the same songs he'd already listened to on repeat, just at a lower volume.
“A hardware store preferably, that explosion melted all my railguns internals… stupid J… pain in my ass even in death.” She added, sounding bitter. He didn't argue.
“Hmm, I think I saw one last night. I can send you the map data?” He offered, not noticing how closely they were flying, he could feel each beat of her wings. The urge to wrap his tail around her hit him suddenly. She wasn't in danger. What was this about?
“Sweet! Yes!” She gave him a thumbs up, and so he sent the map data to her, and she went silent looking it over intently.
And here he was admiring how she could intently focus of his map data while also flying near perfectly again, if he ever needed to revist a location he had to stop flying lest he hit something. Not her though, her mind was so lightening fast. Not just in this, but in everything.
Man his best freind was so cool. And pretty.
She… was pretty. But that was random.
“Yeah, you did pass one, this way!” She did pause in the air for a moment, but only to turn to him and make sure he was following, he nodded, letting her lead him.
Her tail swirled behind her as she kept herself aloft, it was graceful in it's own way, since she had to think more about consciously flying then he did, and so she ended up doing more spins and tricks in the air just by flying normally. It was almost like watching a dance, albeit a bat-like one.
“We're here.” He heard her shout before diving, and he followed without question, landing beside her with a metallic thud in contrast with her graceful perfect landing.
Okay, what the heck was going on with him today?
“Anything specific?” He asked, dusting the snow off himself before it melted and refroze to his chassis. Ignoring the random intrusive thoughts that seemed to be increasing in frequency and intensity.
“Small screws, wiring, oh! And capacitors! Lots and lots of capacitors.” He knew at least what two of those things were at what they looked like, so he nodded and followed her into the blasted out store after beating the snow out of his cap.
Her tail whipped around into a flashlight, pointing it at the rotten shelves and the icesicles hanging above them, a skeleton was at the counter, still in uniform, and still in the position of looking bored.
“Split up? I'll look for the capacitors, you get the screws and wiring?” She turned to him, with the absence of others she always seemed to smile, he gave her a thumbs up and beamed her one right back, before turning and wandering to the nearest shelf, leaving them both alone with their thoughts.
Uzi was already searching deep in the electronic section, trying to find capacitors that weren't completely broken or frozen, with a task at hand her mind was blessedly empty for once, enough that she was humming absent-mindedly whatever song had gotten trapped in her head.
She didn't sing, she didn't like her voice and thought it was too deep for most songs, but humming was fine, if it wasn't done in front of other people. Robo-God forbid someone hear her not being aggro for ten seconds. But here she was alone, and N was on the other side of the store, he couldn't hear her.
And even if he could, it was N. He wouldn't ever make fun of her for anything.
She smiled. At this point trying to deny her feelings was pointless, he made her feel so special, so wonderful. And he was so happy to spend any time with her, whether it be listening to her music or watching a movie or agreeing to visit a baby with her. He was always down, loving every second.
It rubbed off on her, she found herself smiling more, liking her life more, liking herself more. She was beginning to feel less like a freak and more like a person, all thanks to the lovable goofball she called her best freind.
And she wanted to call him more, connect with him more, but… she couldn't be certain he felt the same way. He was always so loving but he was like that with everyone, he cared, and that's just who he was.
So nothing he did proved he liked her like that. Romanticly. Never in a million years did she ever think she would be longing for someone, or even have a crush in the first place, but here she was, admitting to herself that… she was in love. Ew
But at the same time, the way he had been looking at her in the nursery, with a small smile on his face and his eyes digitally half-lidded. He looked… almost like he wanted to kiss her.
But that had to have been her imagination, he'd asked if she felt better right before, maybe he'd just been concerned.
With a victorious gasp she found a whole box of preserved capacitors and quickly stashed them in her bag before going off and trying to find the boy in question, core full of butterflies but also very very heavy.
N had finally finished downloading Uzi's monster of a playlist and was skimming through it while picking up his second box of screws, he doubted she needed this many, but being an overachiever never got him in trouble before.
He fingered the wiring he had in his pocket, feeling satisfied that he'd completed his task and yet still felt anything but.
He was… confused.
Uzi was his friend, his best friend. And yet the more he thought about her the lighter his core got, in a way that was new to him. Well no, that was it wasn't it? It wasn't new.
It was just attached to a new person.
But… he didn't have a crush on Uzi did he? He could form sentences just fine around her, he wasn't nervous or artificially sweaty. He just wanted to be close, to protect her. To be there when she needed him. That wasn't romantic. It was protective! Like all friends should be!
And yet he still felt unsatisfied, like he was missing something.
“Hey! Did you find what we needed?” He heard her before he saw her, bounding up to him with a crooked smirk, her tail twitching behind her and her wings folded against her back. She was cute…
He shook off his thoughts again.
“Yeah! Here!” He he presented the screws and the wire to her with a smile, his tail twitching as her hand grazed his as she took them, no that wasn't a spark you're imagining things.
“Thanks!” You ready to head back? It's going to be morning soon.” She asked, punching his shoulder playfully, a small laugh left his mouth.
“Yeah! And we can listen to music together on the way back!”
“Sure buddy.”
And with that they took off, commenting on songs and cracking jokes about the stupid ones, flying high to get home faster. With each minute he felt himself relax, whatever confusing mess his thoughts were causing right now didn't matter, they were laughing, and she was smiling. He would figure it out later.
“Is… is this song about a potato?” He asked slowly, causing her to snort before devolving into a fit of laughter.
“Y-yeah? I thought it was funny, and I rigged the teachers lounge to play it on repeat once.”
N didn't want to ask why, but he felt that it was a very Uzi thing to do.
“Hey, I might need to crash at your place tonight. Charge is low and I don't wanna pass out on the way home.” As she said that, a little low battery symbol appeared at the top right corner of her visor, showing she wasn't lying.
“Sleepover!” He shouted, making her smile again, he really liked her smile…
“Yeah, whatever.” She rolled her eyes, but her words lacked any sort of bite. There was a brief comfortable silence before;
“Oh… this one's kinda sad.” His face fell at little as he listened. An orchestral swell being out of place in the rest of the playlist.
I am tired of this dream….
Will it ever end for me?
“Sorry, I don't have a lot of happy ones that aren't also sarcastic…” She admitted sheepishly, she probably should find happier songs now that she was thinking about it. She felt happier now, what was the harm? So long that it was only her and N that would ever hear them.
I don't have the will to know…
Can you help me see?
“Oh! Duet!” He hummed happily, that fact alone seemingly making him feel better about it.
Let my body keep you warm…
Let my essence be your breeze.
Oh. This was a love song, and a rather longing one. He looked over Uzi's playlist, this one was added only recently. About three months ago, huh that was around when prom happened.
Can you hear me calling?
Please look out for meeee…
“N! Look!” Uzi shouted and he looked up, the gas giant was being eclipsed by Copper-9s barren moon, causing the entire night sky to be lit up in a burnt umber red. But he'd be lying if he said that was what caught his attention.
Can you set me free?
Will you take my soul away?
Uzi was silhouetted in the light perfectly, sending warm oranges and reds bouncing off her features like she was gazing at a roaring fire, she was hung in the air, snowflakes falling slowly around her, the light turning them to embers dancing in the air. She was smiling, her hands reaching out to touch one of the dancing flames.
Casting me in cold
Bury me in bones
Rest eternallyyyyyy…
He felt all the moisture in his mouth evaporate on the spot, and any further thought through his processors die. If flying wasn't an automatic process, he would have fallen from the sky in shock.
She looked beautiful.
Will you take me home?
Can we see the moon again?
Dancing in the dark
Till we fall apart
I can't end this dream...
Next ->
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jooseralt · 6 months
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Guess who’s back
(Back again)
Hi, hello. I fell off the face of the earth when it came to Tumblr so I give a completed version of my Uzi and doodles.
I’m alive though.
First of all, I am literally delusional given as my Uzi looks nothing like the canon one and I find it funny- Secondly, someone asked when I’ll be updating my Nuzi fic (for those unaware, I am writing, yes. It exists.) and all I can reveal right now is that chapter 6 is so, so long. Maybe longer than chapter 5 so I can only ask for people to be patient (Not saying this person was not though, they were really sweet lmao)
Anywho, I shall go back into my hole now.
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Things I loved about the Murder Drones Finale: Part 1
Spoilers, obviously
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Those are the hands from the first ever teaser! Full circle baby!
Cyn hacking the planet’s radios to play her own theme is iconic.
Braiden and Rebecca, RIP.
Uzi’s “I am god” paper definitely deserved that A.
That teacher could not give less of a fuck about anything.
That slap was so unnecessary.
Uzi and Nori reunion!
“If u a lil b#%$&” Nori, please.
Spaceship Pilot N!
The animation is SO good!
“Stop :)” Cyn…
The entire confession scene was perfect. And Falling For You playing while they literally fell through the atmosphere? I love them.
“I owe you one Spaceship”, N is so cute!
So that school bus was alive.
Thad and Lizzy having no lines was criminal, but at least they’re here.
As much as I love J, V kicking her add was very deserved.
“I lived bitch.” This show gets my sense of humor. 
Lizzy and the sentinel was fantastic.
We got a tiny bit of J development. It seems Tessa’s death really hurt her, and now she knows there’s pretty much no escaping Cyn, and all of this has just been her coping.
“How about you bite me!” YES V!
“Suck on DIS!”
“WTF was that?” “Idk that’s just how they are.”
Uzi and N are such a power couple.
The music has been top tier this entire show. AJ Dispirito has my heart and soul.
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muwapsturniolo · 7 months
✯Somebody Else✯
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Inspired by this reel i saw.
Summary: Chris lays in bed with another while thinking of his ex-lover
warnings: hella angst, brief mentions of sex, swearing, Chris being upset. weed.
Chris groans as he spills his seed into the condom, pulling out of the girl beneath him and collapsing next to her. Both of them breathing harshly from the intense sexual encounter.
After a few minutes, the girl sits up and tries to leave the bed, but Chris stops her, "Stay for a bit, we can roll up and chill."
She stares in confusion, not use to guys asking her to stay after sex. They are usually the first to throw her clothes in her lap and tell her to hurry up and leave.
It's a nice change of pace.
She nods and grabs her shirt, slipping it on along with her underwear. She settles back into the bed, sitting crisscross on the black sheets. Chris sits up, reaching into his nightstand to grab the items needed to roll a blunt.
As he starts grinding the weed, the girl speaks.
"Who's Dessi?"
Chris stops what he's doing, his heart clenching at the name.
"Who's Des-No I heard you. Why are you bringing her up? How do you know her?" His tone holds a bit of malice, clearly frustrated with the name.
"You literally called me her name."
He pushes the paraphernalia to the side and rubs his hands over his face in exhaustion. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. that was probably awkward to hear." He apologizes.
He didn't even know he did it and it has him thinking, has he done this to other women who have laid in his bed? The thought alone makes him want to throw up.
"Wanna talk about her?" The girl offers. Chris slowly turns to her, "Huh?" She rolls her eyes and grabs the grinder from his lap.
"Talk about it. it's clear you still have love for her. Maybe if you talk about her you won't call another girl by her name." She jokes softly.
He goes back and forth with idea. He could talk about her and risk crying like a little bitch in front of his one-night stand, or he could keep his emotions bottled up like he always does.
"Roll up first, I'll play some music."
The girl nods and proceeds to roll two blunts, figuring they will be here for a while. As she lights the first blunt, the sound of Lil Uzi's The Way Live Goes fills the blue-illuminated room. Chris settles back down, a pair of grey sweatpants adorning his hips.
They sit in silence until Chris finally speaks.
"She was someone I loved...I loved her and she screwed me up big time." The girl hands him the blunt, figuring he needs the drug to continue. He takes a hit, ghosting it before blowing it right back out.
"We met a couple months ago and I fell hard. She was beautiful, a little shorter than me, with beautiful brown skin. She always wore wigs but I loved when she wore her natural hair, even though she said it was too much to keep up with."
The girl mumbles something along the lines of, "She ain't lying."
Chris continues, staring straight ahead, "I met her at a party and we left to get food. She laughed at all my jokes, was super sarcastic and just had an amazing vibe. After that night I felt like I met...My person."
He hands her back the blunt, now fiddling with his phone. "I started taking her out on dates, which was new for me because I'm not good in relationships, but I wanted to be for her. I did everything I thought she would like. I got her the flowers she loved, I would buy the little trinkets that reminded me of her, for fuck sake I even wrote love letters."
"Love letters? That's really cute." She mumbles, a small smile on her face as she relights the blunt. "I thought so but she didn't. This went on for two months... She would tell me all the time that she loved what we had but she didn't want to put a label on it yet." He chuckles as her voice fills his ears.
"let's not label things yet, you're having fun, right? That's all that matters."
He shakes his head, plucking the blunt from the girl's fingers. "My brothers and a few friends would ask me what we were and I couldn't give them an answer. When I explained to my older brother Justin, he gave me this look of sadness, like he knew what she was doing all along. He told me, but I didn't listen. I loved her." The girl nods, choosing to listen instead of speaking.
"Two months ago I started getting fed up with it. I wanted to make her mine. I'm bad at talking about my feelings verbally so I wrote her another love letter. I poured my heart out, telling her how I felt from the first moment I laid eyes on her, to the point where I realized I was in love with her."
She watches as his eyes get glossy. Of course he's high at this point, but this is a different type of glossy, a glossy only made by the salty tears your body produces.
"And you know what she did?" He laughs softly, the vocal expression filled with sadness.
"She called me and told me to stop. She told me she wasn't in love with me, that she wasn't in the right mental state to be in a relationship." He wipes the tears streaming down his face, cursing internally for getting so worked up.
"I was hurt, but who was I to be mad because she wasn't in the right mental state? So I told her I got it, and that she can hit me up whenever she felt better, or comfortable being around me again."
The humming of the 1975 begins to fill the room, the girl identifying the song as "somebody else."
She watches as his breathing gets harsher, a clear indication that he's going to break down any moment now.
"She hit me up a week later...I didn't even get a 'Hey how are you' text. instead, I got a fucking video of her getting her back blown out by some douche bag and her moaning how she loves him."
I don't want your body But I hate to think about you with somebody else
He breaks down, his sobs bouncing off the wall as he puts his head in his hands. The girl quickly ashes out the blunt and wraps her arms around him, holding him close. His whole body shakes in dejection, the tears streaming endlessly.
"A-an hour later she t-texted me and t-told me to f-forget about h-her because sh-es in a relationship."
Our love has gone cold You're intertwining your soul with somebody else
The girl rubs his back in a caring manner. She's only known Chris for about three hours now, and she already hated seeing him like this. She can tell this Dessi girl has truly fucked with his mental, screwing up any interpretation he has of love.
"Shh, it's ok. Everything is ok."
"I-I just don't understand! I did everything right and sh-she just threw me to the side like g-garbage! H-how can you tell me y-you aren't ready for a r-relationship then g-get in one?!"
Her heart aches for the boy. She may not know him that well, but if she ever met Dessi on the street she would dogwalk her for him.
She continues to comfort Chris, rubbing his back and mumbling praises in attempt to calm him down.
After 30 minutes, he stops sobbing and switches to sniffling. "Sorry for that... Must have been a huge turn-off to see a guy crying like that." He sits up and wipes his eyes, reaching for the other blunt. She stops him, slowly pushing his hand down,
"Wasn't a turn-off, if anything I found it attractive...I like guys who can be vulnerable."
And c'mon baby (I know) This ain't the last time that I'll see your face
The two stare at each other, the once blue LEDS now a soft pink, illuminating their faces and bodies in the warm lighting.
Maybe it's the weed, but the longer he stares at her, the more she begins to look like Dessi.
I'm reminded that I should be gettin' over it
He shakes his head. She doesn't look like Dessi, she looks like her own person.
I don't want your body, I don't want your body
Her own beautiful person.
He crashes his lips against hers, pushing her back against the soft pillows.
"I'm done talking about her, I want to focus on you Y/N"
@bernardsgf @bernardsleftbootycheek @blahbel668 @mattfrfr @gdsvhtwa @sturniolo-aali @lily-loves-struniolos @kynda-avery @causeidontlikeagoldrush
@st7rnioioss @carolinalikesthings @mattslolita @suyqa @xxloveralways14 @pepsiimaxx @judespoision
@ivonchetooo1239 @imaslut4kehlani @that-general-simp @m4stermindd @itzdarling @gigisworldsstuff @adoreindie @braindead4l @pettydollie @chrissgirlsstuff @alexis007 @ratatioulle @yamamasjumpercables @luv4kozume @sturnioloslurps @kqyslyho3 @mattslolita
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bigtittiecomitte · 10 months
Thinking about how polar opposites N and Uzi are yet so made for each other
N is a Murder Drone. Uzi is a Worker Drone
N is silly and always willing to do what others tell him too. Uzi is edgy and rebellious
N is tall. Uzi is short
N is oblivious to most things. Uzi is obvious to when something is wrong
N can get along with others easily. Uzi cannot
N has ass. Uzi has abs
N represents a golden retriever. Uzi represents a black cat
N fell later. Uzi fell first
N’s colour is Yellow. Uzi’s is Purple
They’re so different yet they compliment each other so well
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ask-jaxni-and-nuzi · 8 months
*cha cha slides real smooth into the box* well hello there!!! Your favourite dragon is here!!! First things first I gotta ask, who fell first in both of these relationships?
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Uzi: Tell N, and I'm killing all of you!
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Jax: WHAT!? Alright, okay. Somehow, the centipedes I have just multiplied! Hmmm, wonder what I should do with them?
Pomni: J a x . N o .
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ammonitetheartist · 2 months
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He’s not smiling with his eyes again
She said he doesn’t want her, he just needs a friend
(He’s only getting nervous now the rope is being severed)
Did nobody ever tell you grapes are better in September?
[Image ID: Two drawings depicting catified designs of N, V and Uzi from Murder Drones, done in a lineless style. No eyes are shown on their visors save for AbsoluteSolver symbols. The first drawing shows N reaching out hesitantly to Uzi, who sits there facing him, expressionless. The text reads ‘I fell for someone new,’.
The second drawing shows a halfbody of Uzi, then V, then Uzi in her Solver form, then manor V in her Solver form, each sketch bigger than the last. The text says ‘But she’s just another girl that LOOKS LIKE YOU’. End ID]
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All jokes, mami
42!Miles Morales x Hothead!Black!Reader
Genre: Angst to fluff
Warnings: First time writing but I think it's pretty good 🤷🏾‍♀️, use of n word, cursing, Miles crying, mentions of trust issues, that's it I think
Word Bank: Hija: daughter Bien: Good Muy Bien: Very Good. Ay Dios mio: oh my God Tia: Aunt
Summary: You're having a great time with Miles, Talking about drama and laughing your ass off! But, when you go in the bathroom you find some press on nails that DAMN sure aint yours, and are WAY too dramatic to be his mom's. What do you do?
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You're sitting in Miles' room. 'Neon Guts' by Lil Uzi Vert and Pharell playing in the background. You guys are doing what yall usually do, gossip about things that go on at Visions.
"Nah, that nigga was trippin', ma. In what world is it EVER ok to crease another man's forces? I'm not the issue."
Miles said in his own blissfully ignorant (hilarious) way. Talking about yet, another incident he's had within the past two weeks with the same guy, Bryson. He hates this man with everything in him. You try to get them to stick together since they're 2 of the handful of students that are minorities. But, as I said earlier, he's ignorant.
"Bae, I get that, I do. The forces were clean. Fresh out the box." You say, trailing off. Playing with your faux locs, thinking of what to say next. Trying to tread carefully because you know Bryson is a sensitive topic. He's your ex, and yall are still cool. But, Miles just NEEDS to be throwing blows with him all the time.
"But that doesn't mean you punch him in the face! A simple 'Ay watch where you goin' bro' would've worked perfectly, but now he look like a busted, lightskin, balloon." You say doing a horrible impression of Miles and his suave brooklyn accent.
Miles chuckles at your description of Bryson, deciding to add onto it.
"Nah, he don't look like no balloon. His ass look like a clown. Matter a fact, a whole ass circus, and he the star. That nigga a bitch anyway. He really think he look like Drake?Nah, bro. Yo ass look like French Montana, stop playin'. Like, Drake? Nah nigga more like Brake, because he needa pump the brakes and slow down before Plankton come and steal the secret formula for that big ass forehead! Cartoon looking ass." Miles said breaking you two out into a fit of laughter. Silent laughter. The worst kind of laughter.
The laughter where you two are just rocking back and forth on his bed, slapping each other's arms and legs, wheezing slightly, and barely gasping for air. You two calm down and you think of a joke. You gasp from realization.
"Nah, because why do he for real laugh like Mr. Krabbs?" You say laughing again. Miles starts laughing too. Snorting this time, which only adds to the excitement.
"I love how funny I made you, Mami. I'm rubbing off on you, bien. Muy Bien." Miles says in a slightly creepy way.
"Damn, I can't even get credit for being funny, Morales?" You say pretending to be offended.
"No, it's better like this." He says before giving you a peck on the cheek and putting his hand around your waist.
After like 5 mins of talking about more drama at Visions (with no laughing fits). You and Miles settle down and start cuddling. With 'Good Days' By Sza in the background. You wrap your arms around his back, with your legs on the outside of his. Miles, just laying on his back and wrapping his arms around your waist. (I hope this makes sense 😭) Cuddling in a bear hug kind of position. You guys stayed like this for about an hour, and just as you're about to doze off, unlike Miles who fell asleep 20 minutes ago. You have to pee.
You slip your hands from around his back, and try to subtly move his hands from your waist, but he woke up. Damn, getting to the bathroom is not gonna be easy with his clingy ass.
"Where ya goin', mamas?" Miles mumbles half asleep, with a raspy voice. Your heart flutters from the nickname.
'How tf does he have this affect on me, and he's half asleep?' You thought.
"Baby, I gotta pee. I'll be right back, ok?" You say trying to dumb it down since only half of his brain works at the moment.
"No, you're gonna take too long. Just stay with me, we'll get you a pamper or sum." He says gripping your waist even tighter. You usually would've given up because of how sweet he was being, but you deadass were gonna pee on yourself.
"Miles." You say sternly. He lets your waist go with a dramatic sigh, and you walk into the bathroom.
You do your business, flush the toilet, and walk over to the sink, starting to wash your hands. But- oh, what's this?
You pick up a pack of orange, rhinestone, one inch, press on nails. You don't wear press on nails. Shit, Miles would know because he pays for you to get your nails done. You feel the anger boiling inside of you. Maybe they're his mom's? No, she hates orange. It reminds her of Halloween. "The devil's holiday". You remember that's what she calls it and you start to smirk. No! You're supposed to be mad right now. You finish wiping your hands on a paper towel and throw it away. Grabbing the nails and marching into Miles' room.
You see miles on his phone, he must've been waiting for you to come back. Or texting his other ho-
"Hey, Ma-"
"Whose nails are these?" You say throwing the box at his face.
He groans and inspects the box, tilting his head in confusion. "I dunno, these seem a little too... crazy to be yours, why?" He says completely oblivious.
"Nigga" You chuckle from anger, pacing around the room. "Stop playing dumb. Miles you're not stupid, you've never been stupid. So I know you understand what pisses me off, and one of those things is lying. Imma ask you one more time, Miles Gonzalo Morales. Who's fucking nails are these?" You spat gritting your teeth during the last sentence. Miles shot up out of the bed, knowing what you were getting at. Trying to convince you with all his heart he'd never do that. This poor boy has lost enough, and he's not about to lose you to a pair of ugly ass nails.
"Mami, I promise I don't know who's nails those are, It's wild that you're even accusing me of this right now. You came over every day this week!" Miles expresses, desperately trying to give you enough evidence.
"Yea, and I always come over after school, maybe your hoes have a scheduled time for after I leave. Who is this bitch? Hm, Miles? Is it that Mexican girl on the 2nd floor, she seems like she's our age." You scream at him, sure that Rio had woken up from her post-work nap.
"Mami, I don't love anyone but you, I promise, ok? Even if I did, with all the money I spend on yo shit. You really think I have enough to buy another girl some nails?" He shouts back. Pointing to the Gucci Mini-Purse he got you for Christmas, he had saved up all year to buy it ever since he saw you eyeing it at the mall. But he could have it back now and give it to his other hoe.
"You know what? You can have this back since my only purpose is being a charity case, fuck nigga." You say taking out your keys, phone, headphones, Lip Gloss, and card out of the purse, shoving it in your pockets. Throwing the purse at him.
"Mami, you serious right now? Sit yo hot-headed ass down and listen to me, you actin' crazy!" Miles grimaced realizing what he just said already knowing your reaction.
"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE? Dios mio¡ It sounds like the real housewives in here. Hija, what did he do this time?" Rio asked.
"Mama Rio, who's nails are these?" You ask her. (She gave you permission to call her that after the 6th dinner together, don't worry)
"¡Ay! I was looking for those, they're Miles' Tia's. She came over yesterday, and was showing me them. She took them from Miles' cousin because that little mama is only 12 and does not need those." She said grabbing the nails and walking out the room to call his Tia. Leaving you and Miles in the most awkward silence. You slowly turn around to see Miles standing there. You thought he would have some sassy remark but no. His lip was starting to quiver and you knew what was next. He starts letting tears fall which surprised you.
"Papa, why are you crying?" You say walking over to hug him. Feeling the worst guilt ever.
"I....I thought you we're gonna leave me, Mami. I would *hiccup* never do something like that to you. Honestly if the roles were reversed I'd forgive you. I don't think I can even see my life without you. I'm so sorry." He says.
"Miles..." You whisper.
"It's not your fault I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. You've done nothing to prove that you're untrustworthy. I have trust issues and that's something I need to work on. Not you. I'm so sorry, baby" You say sitting down on the bed for one of the most needed cuddle sessions yall have ever had. And after a few minutes of comfortable silence, Miles breaks the ice.
"What if I just made my mom cover for me, and I am cheating on you?" He asks with a shit eating grin.
"Miles..." You warn
"All jokes, mami"
FIRST FIC! what'd yall think? I'll accept constructive criticism. If you have a request or a way for me to make my writing better, just send a ask!
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roseofhybrids · 3 months
I can't recall if I ever went on a ramble about a MD head canon I have (I feel like I have, but maybe I've just thought about it so often that I've convinced myself I've made a post about it. Either way, let us endulge in the fixation)
it's about the worker drones' simultaneous crippling fear of the disassembly drones and general indifference to death.
Here's a cut because this ended up way longer than I thought it would-
Just about every worker drone is terrified of the murder drones (reasonably so, as they can peel one of them open like a mechanical orange) and yet in spite of this, they show a blatant disregard for safety once the sky demons are out of sight.
First two times we see something like this happen is when Khan lets Uzi go outside at night to "look at the door hydraulics" and later when the WDF guard corrects N on the name gin rummy instead of running for his life. Now, maybe Khan was too excited about Uzi showing an interest in doors to think about the potential danger, and maybe worker drones are big dumb dumbs most of the time.
But then you have situations like in the promening and cabin fever where groups of drones will initially show fear before quickly relaxing around the murder machines. They go from shaking in fear after watching one of their classmates being shot to offering friendship and poking one of them in the face in mere minutes.
So, why do they go from terrified to unbothered so fast.
Well, we know the drones on Copper 9 were mostly used for mining, a dangerous job that can have deadly accidents even when human safety standards are in place. So, JCJenson has to program these drones to dig up the ore, carry it to the surface, process it, et cetera. Building and repairing robots costs money, so ideally you'd want to minimize them getting damaged in the most cost-effective way possible. Safety measures decrease production and safety equipment costs money, so what are they to do?
My head canon/theory is that they programmed the drones to avoid situations that will damage themselves. Something to stop them from walking into pits and sticking their heads between moving gears. So if a drone sees another drone get broken by something, they're programmed to avoid the thing that lead to their buddy getting killed. See another drone get crushed by a rock? Avoid loose boulders. See another drone fall into a smelter? Avoid moving along the edge of the catwalk. And so on and so forth.
But you don't want them to be too careful. After all, if you program them with too much anxiety they'll be too scared to work, which will decrease production. So they also programmed them to proceed if they see that there's no immediate danger. Sure, three drones fell into a sinkhole in this area last month, but Steve's standing over there and not falling into the ground, so it must be safe. With this, also comes an explanation for their indifference to death, even when it happens to friends or family. If a drone grieves losing a coworker, then they won't work as well. So once the initial fear of seeing another being breaking passes, they move on and get back to setting off explosions (standing a few extra feet away this time).
Going back to the scenes from The Prommening and Cabin Fever-
The crowd is initially scared of V when she drops in. But when Lizzy explains that they're friends and insists that they "forgive and forget" they go right to clapping and cheering. As soon as the known threat proves to be safe, the fear switches off.
Cabin Fever is an even better example. They've all just watched V shoot another drone. N acts very friendly, but they remain afraid. That is, until Lizzy and Thad move to stand next to the two murder drones. They see the two not die by doing this, and immediately the entire group relaxes and are soon treating N and V as though they're just your run-of-the-mill drone. The worker teens only show fear again when they do something that could threaten them. Such as at the archery range when V points the bow at them.
They show similar behavior around Uzi that episode as well. When ever her presence is brought to their attention, there's visible fear. This makes sense with her past behavior in mind. Railgun exploding in class, taking over classmate's sentience, general violence. She's proven to be a potential danger, and so they're afraid when first seeing her. When she doesn't immediately do anything to harm another drone, they soon calm down to the point that they forget she even exists. She makes herself known when the bus arrives at camp Fear till their attention is drawn to the teacher and then the murder drones She shows up at the archery range and arrow into a flesh beast Fear until she runs away, name then forgotten She rips a drone's head off and pauses for dramatic effect In those few seconds of not killing her, Lizzy switches from afraid to criticizing her
It's like once the "threat" is resolved, their brains determine she isn't worth focusing on to the point of the drones forgetting her name. (In particular, Lizzy is really unbothered by almost getting killed in that episode. Possibly because she's been spending time with V? A sort of desensitization)
After all, if another drone isn't a danger, and they aren't working alongside them (not in the same mining team, not in the same clique) it isn't worth it to have info on them and tosses it to the recycling bin.
We see the solver drones and disassembly drones break this line of behavior. Along with Khan, Thad, and Lizzy to an extent. (Which, in all fairness, could just be main character privileges)
Khan of course shows to still care about Nori's death years after the fact, as well as concern about Uzi leaving at the end of the pilot. I think it's worth noting how the other WDF members in episode 2 react to him prioritizing Uzi over building a door. Calling the idea "cringe" and displaying general annoyance and sickness at the idea. Is it just because it's Khan and Uzi, or do drones just see anyone putting family over work as strange?
Thad isn't afraid of Uzi and doesn't have a negative view of her like the other teenage drones. Has he not witnessed her "shenanigans" or is he just braver and kinder than most drones? He isn't afraid of N in episode 2, but, as he says himself, N helped save his life. He also shows some concern for other drones dying when he mentions the disappearances to Uzi in Heartbeat.
Lizzy has also shown to be braver than most drones. Little fear around Uzi, was able to hang around with V long enough to set up the prom scheme, helped Doll set up said prom scheme despite Doll doing a bunch of murdering, willingness to just walk up to J and trying to punch her. Her being around V and Doll would suggest she doesn't have the same concern about other drones dying the way Thad does. But that could just be her putting up a front. Perhaps we'll get to see a little more in episode 8.
Hope anyone who read through all this found at least some enjoyment in doing so. I thought this would be, like, 3 short paragraphs tops, but now there's a little over 1200 words.
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netsuro · 6 months
A little acrylic stand theory (If I can call it like that)
Sooooo. At first maybe I just remind that there will be some spoilers to 7 and 6 episodes of md but I think you could deduct it by yourselves
Anyway, with the new episode, this little buddy came out
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Now we have both of them out of this little trio.
We don't really know what happened to V. We can consider her begin still alive but probably her body won't be in a good way and she may end up like Nori or smth like this. Uzi thankfully is alive, yet we see that not everyone knows about it (damn I feel really sorry for N rn he really needs a therapy immediately)
Maybe you see it rn maybe you're not. Let me clear it
The connection between these two is that both of them sacrificed themselves for others. V decided to destroy an elevator rope(?) (I think it was some kind of metal rope) just to make sure Uzi, N and Tessa will be safe. Uzi, on the other hand, let herself fell but thanks to this she saved N.
And there we are, waiting for another acrylic stand, u probably now see what's gonna happend. The last thing we can give as a question is who's gonna be saved next
Also another thing FACT THAT THEY ON STAINED GLASS-LIKE THING AFTER THOSE EVENTS LOOK LIKE LITERAL SAINTS. Something that makes it even more into this thinking is that this church building is in medevial gothic style where they had big windows with stained glass and mostly in art from these times usually appeare saint people or historical figures
Anyway that's it bye
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rory-multifandom-mess · 5 months
Headcanons about Khan?
I just think he's neat-
OH BOY DO I HAVE SO MANY FOR YOU. I'm so glad you asked me about one of the characters I'm genuinely so autism about you have NO IDEA
Khan Doorman Headcanons
Bro does not sleep
Used to be more of a fighter before Nori’s death, hense his knowledge of what to do immediately after J blew up the landing pod (this actually has evidence to back it up now let’s gooo)
His obsession with doors is a coping mechanism
The sort of "confidence" he shows around other worker drones is a front he puts up. The worker drones see him as an idol since he's the guy who led them to safety; he can't show weakness
He loves Uzi a lot actually, he's just really shit at showing it
That "how to parent" guide is actually really helpful
Rarely listens to music, but when he does, it's either blues or rock and there is no in between
His psyche is so fucked up and traumatized that he has a permanent stress line under either eye (And, as of episode 7, his stress has doubled tenfold due to his missing daughter and everything with the Dissassembly Drones that he has two stress lines under each eye)
Cannot flirt worth his life, he has no idea how or why Nori fell in love with him but he's glad she did. Also yes, she did most of the flirting, and yes, he would absolutely melt. I'm not immune to this representation of their relationship and you aren't either
Originally kept all of Nori's kooky crazy insane stuff to cling to the memory of her, but recently realized she was right about everything going on and looked at them again to see if there was further instructions on what to do against whatever threats were coming. He just wishes he could apologize for not believing her.
Probably has PTSD
Was absolutely stressing and panicking when Uzi dissapeared, because the last time he saw her she was with N and V and they were leaving the Doorman hab in a rush after Doll came by and literally threw him into a wall, and she also left in a rush, and he remembers her from prom and the way she and Uzi fought and
Probably has some scars from the past. Nori liked to trace them with the tips of her fingers
He added the wrinkles on his forehead because he thought it would make him more intimidating
He and Ron are old friends and one of the only drones he'll open up to
After Nori's death - and after he'd completed the doors to keep them safe - he retreated into his hab for a solid 2 months and got Ron to babysit Uzi, who was still just a pill baby
He was also friends with Doll's parents and got along with them well, though it was rocky with Yeva at first since she was slightly protective over Nori
When Nori died, he relied on Yeva and Misha and they would grieve together (i headcanon that Nori and Yeva are sisters.) And when those two died? ...Yeah, you can imagine he wasn't okay.
After Yeva and Misha's deaths came another solid month of Khan retreating into his room, which only made his neglect toward Uzi worse
Usually really smart. He acts stupid on purpose as a coping mechanism. And it also kind of has to do with the, y'know. Sleep deprivation
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!! HOPE YOU ENJOY!! Also sorry a lot of these are Khori, I think about them a lot
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dronebiscuitbat · 4 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 1)
It wasn't long after Uzi restored N and V's memories that N began to stay over at her “apartment.” more often.
It started when he sheepishly knocked on her door one morning, chassis slightly steaming and looking guilty, tail laying flat against the floor.
“H-H-Hey U-U-zi” His voice was so glichy it was nearly impossible to hear what exactly he was saying, his visor angerly blinking, warning him that he was overheating, as if that wasn't immediately obvious.
“Holy shit! N!” Uzi was immediately concerned, leaning in to help her best freind and to lead him inside, she went to grab his hand to help him. Only to be immediately burned, the temperature of his plating feeling like a stove top.
“Y-y-eah, I'm kinda h-h-ooo-t right now.” He explained as if he wasn't about to melt in front of her. She sprinted to her room, grabbing the canister of oil she'd been sipping on and shoving it in his mouth.
He drank it deeply, emptying the entire container rather quickly, steam plumed around him and he sighed, his joints groaning from the quick constriction back to form.
“Oh wow, that was a little closer than I would have liked. Thanks Uz!” He brightened immediately, tail curling up and beginning to wag, a beaming smile on his face.
“N! What happened? I've never seen you that hot before!” She motioned him in, looking into the hallway to make sure nobody saw him enter. It wouldn't help the already rampant rumors about her. About them.
“Uh, V is in one of her moods after I tried reminiscing with her, she shoved me and I fell into the sunlight.” His explanation was not lacking in enthusiasm, seemingly not thinking about how close the death he just came.
“And she didn't get you oil because…?” Uzi questioned, trying to not notice how he looked around her house in awe, glancing around at everything.
“Oh, because the oil we have is old and a little chunky, it would have taken too long to cool me off before I started to go offline.” He explained, picking up a picture of her father and her, when she was a pill.
“Awww, baby Uzi!”
Blushing, she swiped the picture out of his hands and put it back down.
“Bite me! I'm not cute!” She snapped at him, only for him to laugh lightly, as if that action itself proved whatever point he was trying to make.
“Whatever you say!” He grinned, walking off to pick up another trinket off the shelf and turn it in his hands.
“This isn't the first time you've been here, you've seen it before, also you almost just died. Priorities!”
“I actively avoid thinking about the times I almost die. Also look!” He brought her attention to a picture of her, in a toddler body, bashing her dad in the head with a wrench.
“Looks like you were good with tools even when tiny!” He cooed at her image, Uzi grumbled, trying and failing to swipe the picture from his hands.
“Also, I was unconscious for most of the time I was here. I didn't get to see all your adorable droneling pictures!” He threw his hands up, tail wagging wildly.
“N!” She shouted in indignation, fists balling up and stomping her foot like the was throwing a tantrum.
He put the picture back on the shelf, giggling at her, if he was anyone else she would have bitten back a little harder, but he was incredibly difficult to stay mad at, especially with that crooked, dopey smile.
“Well, I guess I'm stuck with you until nightfall…” She murmured, honestly she had started to become nocturnal herself, being unable to touch sunlight after her strange, fleshy transformation at camp, switching over seemed to be the better option.
“I was about to get ready for bed, if you wanna-”
“Sleepover!” He shouted immediately, looking like he just got the best Christmas gift ever. Uzi couldn't help but smile at him, he was always so endlessly positive.
“Uh, yeah… I guess.” She turned to look aloof, but to also hide her growing fluster, which had been growing more and more common since prom.
She drug him into her room by the arm, partly just to get him away from more of her pictures. And slammed the door behind her. Sighing softly.
When she opened her eyes again, N was sitting on her bed, well more laying, as he was a little too tall to comfortably sit upright without touching the ceiling, and was looking at her nightmare board.
“Mmm. This looks like repressed memories.” He said off-handedly, and he was partly correct, some of them were nightmares, some were things she'd rather be only in her nightmares.
“Just nightmares N.” She replied, going into the corner of the room to find a comfortable shirt to change into. Only to look at N, to realize he was still in his overcoat and hat.
“You want to wear something more comfortable then that coat?” She asked, still pulling through the mountain of clothes.
“Huh? Oh uh, if you have something that fits me.”
Fair enough, he was quite a bit taller than any other worker drone. Especially her.
But luckily, she had hoarded clothes over the years, and finally fished something out that was way too big for her. But would probably fit him just fine. A thin lilac shirt that said. “My Girlfriend Thinks I'm Tall.”
The universe really wanted to shove this crush in her face today. Didn't it?
Whatever, the universe could bite her.
“Here.” She threw the shirt up at him and continued to search for something that suited her. Finally, she saw a faded yellow shirt that read; I'm a Big Freakin’ Ray of Sunshine
She turned, only to find N standing naked in the middle of her room, the shirt folded in one hand and his coat draped over the other.
“N!” She immediately whipped around to face the wall, her temperature rising quickly, a violent blush taking over her face.
“What?” He hummed, seemingly unperturbed by being nude in front of her, taking his sweet ass time putting the shirt on.
“You're naked!”
“And? The only difference between us is armor plating.” He responded, pulling the shirt over his head. His voice laced with confusion.
“Still! You don’t see me stripping in front of you!”
N paused for a moment, seemingly pondering this. Before he clicked his tongue.
“I wouldn't mind it, you seem to forget that none of the corpses that make up the spire have clothes.” That made her jump, sometimes she forgot he was a disassembly drone, with his cheerful, loving attitude. And it made her feel a little weird, did all of the worker drones really look so similar?
Did he not think of her as different?
“N-No, I don't care how many you've seen. I don't want you to see me.”
She heard N make some kind of noise, then heard him step out and close the door. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, shit, she didn't realize N would be so nonchalant about it.
She quickly got changed, and reopened the door for N, who met her gaze with a slight blush, and who's hands were shifting against each other awkwardly. Clearly, he'd known he'd said something wrong and overthought it.
“Erm, sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, and I didn't mean to imply that… you look like every other worker drone. Because you don't- uh…” He broke from her gaze for a moment, and his tail flicked irritability. What she could see of his visor he was? Blushing? Maybe?
“You don't look like anyone else. You look like you, and you are my best friend.”
Or maybe he did.
“It's okay, you kinda walk around without pants anyway.”
“So does V!” He defended, before they both dissolved into laughter, awkward moment being pushed aside.
“Come on, let's choose something to watch.” And they walked back into her room, N following as she pulled put a drawer, letting him look at the movies she had.
“A lot of them are animated, looking at live action humans is a little freaky to me.” She admitted, watching as he held each box in his hands. Reading the description of each.
“Oooh, this one is about robots!” He grinned, showing off on of the boxes to her.
“Wall-E? I haven't seen that since I was little.” She vaguely knew it was sappy though, which knowing N, he may have picked up on as well.
‘Yeah sure…” She picked up her homebrew laptop and shoved the disk into the reader, before looking around for a place for both of them to sit.
Her couch was currently covered in railgun parts, where she has been trying (and kinda failing) to repair it after it exploded, she'd nearly had to start from scratch.
But then that left her bed… which would probably end up with the both of them being in pretty close proximity, even more so with how excitable N could get.
N made the choice for her, climbing up to her bed and giving her his hand to help her up.
She blushed, looking away as she took his hand as was hoisted up quickly enough to disorient her, thankfully she didn't loose grip on the laptop.
She landed in his lap, she could tell that much by the ambient warmth radiating from his core, she felt him lean down over her shoulder to start the movie, some of his silvery hair tickling her cheek.
Ah, shit this escalated, does he realize how close we are right now?
Apparently not, as he readjusted himself he forced them closer, Uzi leaning fully against his chest, his head looming above her as she was curled on his lap.
She was extremely happy he couldn't see her visor, which she was sure was nothing but purple at this point.
Still, she eventually relaxed into it, realizing that this was one of the only ways they'd both truly fit on the bed while still being able to see the screen.
She just… didn't remember the movie being so… romantic?
The way Wall-E swooned over Eva's sleek design, melted at her voice, showed her his collection of weird human things… for once she could kinda relate, looking up at the disassembly drone, who's eyes were locked onto the screen.
“Awww, he likes her!” He pointed out when Wall-E tried to hold her hand, and all Uzi could do was shake her head, of course he'd be into romance, that was just so… N.
“Kinda reminds me of when we first met.” She said without thinking, before her words caught up with her and she realized what she was implying.
Luckily, either N didn't call her out or simply didn't notice.
“Yeah… her arm cannon thing is really similar to your railgun.”
Oh thank Robo-Jesus that's what he took from that.
“I don't think you were swooning over me though, with me trying to kill you and everything.”
“Uh- Pfft, I wouldn't swoon over anyone N.”
Yes. Nice Save.
“Thad?” N mentioned, eyes still trained on the screen. Although his tone had shifted slightly, although she couldn't fathom why.
“Ew. No. Sports Jock is not my type, he's just not mean to me.” They both jumped when a lightning strike hit Wall-E as we was trying to recharge her.
“I'm not sure what I'd do if you suddenly went offline like that.” N's voice was uncertain, like it was something he'd been thinking on.
“You worry about that?” Uzi replied, trying to ignore the way her core sped up, but wait his did too.
“Of course, with everything going on I'm afraid someone is going to get hurt in a way I can't fix…” One of his arms wrapped around her, seeking comfort, making her jump slightly.
She wasn't used to other people caring about her to this extent, in the way she knew N did, he was her ride or die and she knew that, and it was worth so much to her.
“If you're talking about V, she can kill us both before taking a breath.”
But showing him that was too scary.
“I don't worry about her as much as I worry about you.” His head rested on hers for a moment, as he watched Wall-E hold onto the side of the spaceship for dear life.
She felt herself smiling, face warm. He was such a wonderful friend, he was one of the only people that truly cared about her.
“I'll be fine… Bite me….” He chuckled, sensing no aggression behind her words. And they fell into comfortable silence, getting reabsorbed back into the movie.
Uzi found herself melting pleasantly in his warmth, she'd expected him to be warm, with his constant need for oil, but had expected it to be more unpleasant, instead it was lulling her to sleep quite rapidly. She felt… safe. And that was weird considering she was cudd- uh leaning against a drone who could end her life before she could even finish her next thought.
But she knew he'd never do that, he would rather melt into a puddle than lay an aggressive hand on her, and in a way that made her feel special, even though he would do the same for any of the worker drones in the bunker.
“Oh she looks really upset…” Her eyes refocused on the screen, Eve shouting at Wall-E while her words faded into the background, showing he wasn't listening.
“He did follow her into space.”
“For love!”
“She doesn't know that, although pretty sure she'd still be mad if she did… it really wasn't a smart decision.” Uzi deadpaned, groaning at N's partly fake offense.
“Love is always the best decision!”
Then please don't let me go
She shook off that thought with a shake of her head, settling back against his chest, realizing his arm was still around her and his head still laid on hers.
They were actually cuddling now, there would be no denying that. But Uzi couldn't bring herself to be upset by it even if a part of herself was screaming about her “reputation.” and her “critical lack of edge.”
“Am I putting you to sleep?” N asked, his voice soft and soothing, it sent pleasant streams of data straight to her core.
“I've already seen the movie, and… you're really warm.” She admitted, looking up onto to find he was looking back at her.
“You don't have to stay awake for me then.”
His eyes were honey, pure and sweet and looking down at her like she was a precious gem. She smiled, eyes dimming as she fell into sleep mode. Was this still just a crush? It didn't feel like one, with the way her core felt full and heavy like it was about to come out of her chest. Was this what love was like? She didn't know, she'd never felt anything close to it before.
[Sleep Mode] appered on her visor and N felt her relax fully into him, letting out a content sigh that made yellow spring to his cheeks. His attention slowly turning to the movie again.
She nuzzled into him in her sleep, making the robot equivalent of a squeak as she did. His core felt light, and a small laugh fell out of his mouth.
He worried about her constantly, with her strange powers and her transformation, she'd put herself in danger, always bravely going into it with so much confidence it tended to rub off on him even if he was nervous. But he still worried, she was still a worker, still small, still so much more fragile. And recently, he'd seen her lacking in confidence, terrified.
Even if she would tell him to bite her if he dared ever call her any sort of fragile. She meant so much to him, his closest friend that he could always count on to be patient with him. She could be prickly, sure, but that was more of a shield she put up to protect herself. Much like the padding of optimism he'd wrapped himself in.
He was really upset knowing how the rest of the colony treated her, as if she was some sort of diseased stray cat that needed to be avoided. It was awful! Uzi had the potential to be so sweet, and it was sad to see her having to create this shell to hide that part of herself.
“Mm… N…” She mumbled in her sleep, and he subconsciously pulled her closer, he'd stopped paying attention to the movie long ago, that was okay, he was recording everything anyway, he'd be sure to pay more attention then.
He was going to make his best freind feel wanted. Like he'd wanted to feel, like she made him feel.
Sleep mode came quickly for him too, until all the sound that escaped the room was the sound of the laptop, until that too died down to nothing.
Next ->
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wutwutno1 · 5 months
Read screenshot and tags before reading.
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You have been warned.
Everything hurt.
Doll slowly trudged forward. Every part of her body ached and throbbed, but she had to keep going, less that... thing caught her again.
The doll pressed her hand firmly against her open abdomen, trying to keep her internal components and oil inside. Her breathing was rough and raspy. Doll continued to march forward. Maybe Uzi N and V would take pity on her and help. . .
Doll walked into an enormous cathedral. To her right was a massive flesh pit to Robo-god knows where. Doll walked between the pews and saw… Uzi! 
Uzi was right there! She just had to reach her, but her body was failing fast. Warnings and alerts pinged her vision. 
Warning! Low oil pressure!
Warning! Components missing!
Warning! Compartment breach! 
Warning! Shut-down imminent!
Shut Down: 3. . .
Wait! No!
2. . .
Uzi’s right there!
1. . .
Doll’s vision went dark. The last thing she saw was her vision turning sideways as she fell to the floor, still focused on Uzi. 
. . .
Doll woke up what felt like days later. Her head hurt and she felt… different. . .
She opened her eyes, or rather eye. Doll looked up to see the inside of her ribcage. Her eye widened and she tried to move.
Doll felt like she had three limbs, but they were all stuck on something. She tugged at them with all her might. She could hear Uzi’s voice, and someone else’s. Was it N’s? She couldn’t tell. Her mind was too focused on getting free. 
Doll looked up as she felt a shadow cover her, and her eye widened in fear.
It was that thing that attacked her earlier. Doll’s eye hollowed as she realized it was the first solver host Lizzy texted her about during one of V’s rants with her. It was Cyn, wearing the skin of a girl she couldn’t recognize. Was that the real Tessa? 
Cyn dropped down to its knees. Its face drew close. Doll wanted to scream, but nothing came out. Doll watched on in horror as Cyn opened its mouth and grabbed the top of Doll’s new form with it. She felt it tug hard and rip her from her corpse. 
Doll felt her limbs were free, but not knowing how to move them could only watch as Cyn swallowed her whole, slurping her limbs like spaghetti.
Doll felt sick. The soft robotic flesh slowly pulling her down was disorienting. She audibly groaned. The first sound she figured out how to make, and was disgusted at being swallowed. Normally, she enjoyed being swallowed. She spent her fair share inside Lizzy and Rebecca. She recently spent some time in J. She even spent time in N! But this was different. It felt as if the flesh of whoever was killed for Cyn's flesh suit had completely fused with the drone. 
Doll slid into Cyn’s stomach. She was covered in slimy oil and groaned again. Doll wiggled her new tentacle legs around, trying to elicit a response and figure out how to use them, but got no reaction. However, she figured out how they worked, and didn’t like it. 
Doll sighed and looked around. It looked like every other drone’s stomach, however she noticed there was flesh mixed in as well. It was gross. Doll could hear the normal squelches, groans, and gurgles, but they sounded different. They sounded real.
“So the flesh runs deep,” Doll thought, “Great.”
Doll sat for robo-god knows how long before she heard something. A voice in the void. It sounded like Cyn’s voice when she was disguised as “Tessa,” but younger? 
“So it got you too, huh?” 
The voice echoed around Doll. Overpowering the sounds of the stomach. Doll glanced around frantically, trying to find the source, but couldn’t see anything. 
“Кто ты? Покажи себя!” (Who are you? Show yourself!) Doll shouted at the voice.
The voice giggled and a glowing projection appeared before Doll, only instead of a pale blue tint, it was pure white. The space got cold and Doll shivered. 
It looked like the girl whose skin Cyn was wearing, only she looked more alive. She had real eyes and her proportions were normal instead of stretched. She looked at Doll with a warm smile.
“I’m Tessa! The real Tessa.”
“T-Tessa? Что? Как?” (What? How?) 
Doll was confused. Tessa could see that and huddled up next to Doll.
“I’m a ghost! Or something. I don’t know. I think I’m still alive, just fused with Cyn. She’s in control, of course. So I kinda just hang around!”
Doll was weirded out. She is the human? And she’s a ghost? This whole situation is weird.
“Как ты можешь меня понять? А вы знаете русский язык?” (How can you understand me? Do you know Russian?)
Tessa laughed and smiled.
“No, but since I’m merged with Cyn I have that auto-translate feature all drones have. So when you say something I hear it in English! Just like how you hear me in Russian!”
Doll rolled her eye. This situation just kept getting weirder and weirder.
“Это отстой.” (This Sucks.) 
“Tell me about it. Well, we have nothing but time here. Do you want to talk or something?” Doll sighed. There’s really not much else she could do inside this half-human, half-drone stomach. Doll pulls up a program from her system, one she had installed a long time ago and one she used in every stomach she’s ever been in. The program Doll’s mother had passed onto Doll from her days at Cabin Fever Labs; Tetris.
Doll settled into a corner of the stomach, the organ releasing a small squelch as she did. Doll read her previous high score, 9.1795851e+21. Only 23 times smaller than Yeva’s high score of 2.1113046e+23. However, in fairness to Doll, this is the first time she’s ever been forcefully stuck somewhere for an extended length of time. 
Tessa noticed Doll wasn’t responding to her, so she looked over to see Doll with a 1000-yard stare and a small Tetris logo in the corner of her round eye visor. 
“I can see you’re playing Tetris, uh. . . I never got your name.”
“Doll. I can see you’re playing Tetris. Can I watch?” 
Doll rolled her eye. She was a little annoyed by Tessa’s presence, but she could at least indulge her for a bit. It would be nice to actually have someone to talk to for the first time since… prom? That was too long ago. After that, she had only ever interacted with the fake Tessa and J, but only on business and only briefly.
Doll switched her game from private to public, replacing her eye with the game she was playing. Tessa sat on her knees in the stomach, phasing through just a bit with her ghostly status to get a better angle. Tessa watched in amazement as Doll racked up a higher and higher score within seconds. Tessa could barely process the speed at which Doll played, but she kept watching. This is the first real interesting thing she could watch that wasn’t violent or disturbing. 
“Wow, Doll. You’re really good at this!” 
Doll was stunned, although her visor didn’t show it. It had been a while since anyone had complimented her on anything, and the last person to do so had chosen her parent’s killer over her. 
“Я. . . Спасибо. . .” (I. . . Thank you. . .)
And so they sat. Tessa watching as Doll played Tetris for hours. Doll’s score grew larger and larger as time went on until she eventually went too fast for her system, ending up with a score of 1.0556523e+22, 20 times less than Yeva’s high score. An improvement.
Doll sighed and looked around. Everything looked the same, but it was nice to look away from a game to get your head straight. Tessa still sat in front of Doll, not looking any more tired than when Doll first started. 
“Ты не устал?” (Aren’t you tired?) 
“Nah. I’m a ghost thing! I don’t need sleep, or get tired, or anything! I do sleep in here though, just to break up my day, week, whatever.”
Doll thought about it for a second. It made sense. Tessa wasn’t alive in the traditional way, so why expect her to have the same needs? However, that did make her curious.
“Если ты призрак, можешь ли ты владеть вещами? Как я?” (If you’re a ghost, can you possess stuff? Like me?”
Tessa looked up in thought. 
“I never really thought about that. Then again, I never had the chance to try. Would you mind?” Tessa gestured to Doll, and Doll shrugged her tentacles.
“Мне интересно узнать, сможешь ли ты. Ты можешь попытаться овладеть мной.” (I'm curious to find out if you can. You may try and possess me.)
Tessa floated to Doll like the ghost she was. Tessa took a deep breath and flew into Doll. Doll began to feel cold and like there was another person in her head. Doll’s visor color changed from red to pink, a mix of Doll’s red and Tessa’s white. She tried to move her limbs, but couldn’t. It’s like she was—
“No way!”
Doll watched her limbs move like a human checking their hands. 
“It worked, Doll!”
“Ты овладел мной?” (You possessed me?)
“I possessed you!”
Tessa moved Doll’s limbs around, feeling around the belly of Cyn. 
“Это круто, но можешь ли ты—” (That’s cool, but can you—)
“This is so cool! This feels so weird! It’s been a while since I’ve felt anything! I love it!”
While Tessa was as happy as a kid on Christmas, Doll watched on silently. It annoyed her to have her body used like this, but at least this possessor wasn't trying to end life as we know it. 
“Doll, I wonder if I can... Yes!”
Tessa pulled up Tetris on Doll’s system. Doll watched in surprise and intrigue as Tessa began playing. It only took Tessa a few minutes to lose with a score of only a few thousand, but she was excited.
“That was so much fun! I can’t believe I can— Oops! S-sorry, Doll. I didn’t mean to take so long…”
Tessa quickly unpossessed Doll, which was surprisingly easy to her. Doll’s eye returned to red. Doll sighed and moved her limbs to make sure she was in control. Doll turned to look at Tessa, who had an apologetic expression on her face.
“Sorry again for—”
“Все в порядке.” (It’s fine.)
“Его. Отлично.” (It’s. Fine.)
“Хотите сыграть еще раз?” (Want to play again?)
Tessa’s eyes lit up and she enthusiastically nodded her head yes and quickly repossessed Doll.
Doll and Tessa would go on to take turns playing until Doll was eventually rescued from Cyn’s stomach by N and Uzi. Doll would allow Tessa to possess her right before her rescue, freeing Tessa from Cyn and allowing her to live among the drones as a free spirit, able to roam where she pleased. 
Exactly one year after Cyn’s defeat and the rescue of Doll and Tessa, Tessa would be presented with a worker drone body by Doll for her to have as a permanent body. When Tessa possessed her new body, she found a small 1.3 gigabyte file in a folder named, “For Tessa, From Doll.” The file name read,
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bluginkgo · 6 months
Depression is hitting hard, but you know what hits harder? Eternal Dream with the context of ep7
I kid you not, I was doing regular chores and brain said "Hey, pssst, eternal dream is HELLA depressing now."
So here's me dissecting Eternal Dream yet again but with images from ep7 just to cope ;w;
Spoilers duh
(indicate my thoughts/ramble/not part of the lyrics)
I am tired of this dream Will it ever end for me?
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(Betrayal after betrayal, the general tiredness of being let down over and over)
I don't have the will to know... Can you help me see?
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(This verse remains a bit up in the air for me, as it always has been. I'll try a jab at it though. This is Uzi asking for help. She's tired of the horrors, the secrets, and betrayals. She needs someone else to help her see that this is not a waste of time. She needs N to help her see that there is going to be someone to encourage her.)
Let my body keep you warm Let my essence be your breeze
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(So, technically, these images are rather hard to connect. But going with "Let my essence be your breeze" everything that N does in the fighting scene is to get Uzi to return to herself. Her entire being and personality is what is driving N to fight so hard. And in turn her "essence" becomes his "breeze" and will to fight back in situations that seem hopeless.)
Can you hear me calling? Please look out for me
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(And he does, despite fighting to the death, he still continues to look after her TwT)
Can you set me free? Will you take my soul away?
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(I keep going back and forth on this one. But the more positive one would be if N could set Uzi free from the Absolute Solver, like he has done in ep4 and helped in ep7.)
Casting me in cold Bury me in bones Rest eternally
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("Bury me in bones" was first made me think of even doing this silly thing 😅 Because Uzi is literally going to be buried in the grave of Absolute Solver cores and humans that the solver snagged during the core collapse.)
Will you take me home? Can we see the moon again?
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(I'm mostly pulling on the moons because they're seen in the background. This can be taken also as a way of asking to go back to the old times. To the times when none of this happened before.)
Dancing in the dark
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(Hey, I know I've overused this, but I still can't stop thinking that this was a nod back to ep3. Their entire fight seems like a dance... a brutal, angst-filled, dance ;w;)
'Till we fall apart
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(You know, I WAS THE ONE THAT FELL APART TwT. In all seriousness, they did fall apart. Fell/forced apart by the events of ep7.)
I can't end this dream
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(This is not the end. Despite being ready and accepting of death, I- personally, so feel free to yeet this into the void- believe her job is not done. She still has something else to settle. And this dream will not end until Uzi finishes that job.)
Does this make any sense? I reckon not. But I needed Eternal Dream out of my head, and this is the only way I could think of getting rid of it ;w;
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dreamii-krybaby · 1 year
Behold my essay on why plp shouldn’t be sleeping on the ship involving Doll’s parents.
Ok ok but like- ISTG doll’s folks are driving me crazy HNNNGNGNFJF
(Btw watch of all if this get absolutely ripped to pieces by future canon)
Even we have very few info of Yeva, in the pictures she has appeared she looks distressed, paranoid, anxious and doesn’t seem to have the same social skills and relaxed vibes as Nori. She gives me the impression she was recluse, shy even or standoff-ish
For all we know she could have a drastic change of character after the core collapse.
What am saying girlie definitely developed all kinds of fucked up issues.
ok but like the fact that Yeva decided to stay and live with and make a family with her parter got me thinking
Like girl witnessed and lived THE HORRORS and if my theory is correct, she ALSO got momentarily possessed by the AS causing the Site-48 “incident”. (Which I theorize she created a massive black hole on the site similar to how the AS controlling Uzi’s hand did it on the elevator in EP6)
Her first meeting with her-now-husband was literally traumatizing and was probably very awkward (group photo after the core colapse in EP4)
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They saw something, and it wasn’t good news.
But after that, like- how did it go down?
Bc I speculate Yeva’s husband knows a bit more surrounding the AS:
-like I mentioned before, his overall expression in the group picture shown in EP4 post core collapse alongside Yeva’s expression seems to imply they saw or witnessed smth horrifying around the camp 98.7 which left them scarred
-the fact that Tessa’s quote in EP6 implies the idea that he is also infected (Either he may be a runaway experiment or he wasn’t necessarily involved with CFL and somehow had the AS, or maybe the quote is a red herring)
“She reckons the humans did something to her folks down there, gave them a sickness she inherited”.
Like, the idea that her partner saw past the horrors, the AS, the shady things Yeva was involved, and just- decided to be a couple, and saw yeva…as an individual, not a danger, not a monster, not a sinner, not some lab rat, just, her, a sentient being capable of feeling just as he is.
He saw her as “Yeva”, not as “048”, not someone whose just her “sickness”
Like the fact that YEVA was also to look past her traumas and her knowledge of the danger of the AS to live and become her partner’s wife
Just the idea of them going, “you know what? I want you as my partner, live in a place that we can call home, and raise our own kid”
Its just- *screams*
also Yeva would actually be introduced to the concept of home, not a house, a home
AND SHE ACTUALLY HAD A PERSON WHERE SHE COULD PROBABLY FEEL COMFORTABLE AROUND (we don’t know exactly how Nori’s and Yeva’s relationship went, they could have gone through drastic changes)
AND WHEN THEY WENT OUTSIDE BEFORE DEATH THEY DECIDED TO GO TOGETHER!?!?!? (If my theory that they died outside is true)
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(Imagine if it’s later revealed that they are actually a super fucked up couple- or just created a family for any other reason but wasn’t out of sentiment)
Me when I realize my favorite ship that is actually canon has barely any content or fan-content:
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I want to claim myself as CEO of this goddam ship if it blows up in the fandom after future canon info.
Bc bro I shipped them when there wasn’t a single edit of them and when there was like 1 or maybe even 0 fanfics of them on AO3. Bro there wasn’t even fanart of them.
Bro I have doodles of them, created AU’s involving them, I have made moodboards, stimboards, have made HCs of them, made fan desings and plan to make fanart of them.
I am so normal about them I swear-
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deedah · 22 days
Spoilers for episode 8 of Murder drones!!
And lots of fluff
SHIPS- (Khori) & (Nuzi)
Word count- 1338
[Here ya go @abandonedpost & @hiurcutteee,Y’all seemed the most excited for this fic lol]=True
    Uzi hung onto V’s head as she tried to claw her off. Uzi kept on poking and lightly punching V, who absolutely was trying to get her off. Unfortunately, V did eventually claw Uzi off and threw her in one direction.
    “V!!” N yelled as he gripped his hat. V must have realized what she did because her eyes went hollow as she reached her arms out.
    Uzi started to flail in the air as she kept getting closer and closer to the ground. She saw the ground, and she was about to hit it head first. So she reached out her hands to soften her fall.. until..
    She stopped mid-air right before she hit the ground.
    Uzi, now upside down in the air, looked at N and V who had confused expressions on their faces. Uzi looked at her waist to see a purple Solver wrapped around her as it held her in the air.
    Quickly the Solver spun her around and put her on her feet.
    Uzi turned around away from N and V to see her mom standing behind her with what looked to be a scared look on her face.
    Uzi smiled softly as she started to wave, “Hey mo- WOW OK MOM!!” Uzi yelled out as her mom climbed up her body and held her claw arms around her waist and chest.
    “Where’s your father..?” Nori said as she looked at Uzi’s eyes as she noticed the new yellow to purple gradient.
    She then climbed onto Uzi’s arm as she made Uzi hold her in front of Uzi’s face. “And what’s this for..?” Nori said as she poked Uzi’s visor with her right claw. “Oh.. I may have.. eaten the singularity of Cyn and the Solver..??” Uzi said as Nori’s eye went hollow again. But before her mom could speak, there were many voices starting to yell in the background.
    “UZI!” Khan yelled out as he ran away from V’s sentinel as it drove a bus and chased Khan, Thad, and Lizzy.
    “HELP! PLEASE!” All three of the workers yelled as they kept running away from the sentinel.
    “V!” Uzi called or as she turned to the female murder drone.
    “Fine! I’ll go deal with Sparky! Calm down!” V said as she took off and somehow stopped ‘Sparky’ and the bus, but the trio of workers kept running to Uzi, just a little slower. (Yes, Sparky [from what I’ve heard] is the official name for V’s sentinel)
    “AHH!” Nori called out and climbed onto Uzi’s back and chest again as Uzi held her elbows in the air up.
    N walked up beside Uzi as he held his hands behind his back as she blushed at Uzi as giggled.
    “Don’t laugh, idiot!” Uzi said as she smacked N’s arm and kept her hands up in the air.
    Once N stopped laughing, Khan had walked up to Uzi and N and Nori while Lizzy and Thad had gone to V as they both tried to bond with Sparky.
    “Uzi! You're ok!” Khan said as he ran up and hugged Uzi as tight as he could.
    “Ok! Dad! I can’t breathe!” Uzi said strangled as Nori also makes a speaking noise.
    Khan let Uzi go and turned to N who had his hand out. Khan slowly shook N’s hand until he pulled away kinda quickly.
    “Thanks for saving my life with the door,” N said as Khan started to boast himself.
    “I’ve tried telling Uzi that doors are important and can save lives!” Khan said as he punched himself in the chest.
    “Excuse me! The doors were my idea!” Nori shouted out as everyone turned to look at her. Then she quickly covered her nonexistent mouth and hid even more behind Usi’s back.
    “Uh.. Uzi..? Who’s that?” Khan asked as he tried to walk behind Uzi to see Nori, but Nori wasn’t having it and used her Solver on Uzi to spin her back away from Khan.
    Now Khan and Uzi were spinning in circles as they kept picking the pace whenever Khan started to run faster.
     “StoOoOoOoOoOp!!!” Uzi yelled as N finally grabbed her from under her arms and lifted her in the air. Nori fell off Uzi’s back onto the ground as she held her head with one of her claws.
    “Aha!” Khan shouted as he pointed at Nori who just curled up on herself. Khan stopped pointing his finger and turned his head to the side a little as he examined Nori.
    “Your..” Khan started, “your the one who saved me from falling off an island, heh, thanks for that by the wa-“
     “YOU STILL DON'T KNOW ME AND I HATE YOU!!” Nori said as she climbed up N and hid behind his back. N started to laugh as Nori climbed up and he accidentally dropped Uzi, but thankfully, Khan helped Uzi with her fall.
     N was still laughing as he tried to swat at Nori who held on with a purpose.
    “Ok, mom- mom!” Uzi said as she walked behind N to grab Nori.”You're making N go crazy, let go..” Uzi tried to persuade Nori to let go, and thankfully, she eventually did let go and rested in between Uzi’s hands like a hamster. Uzi did glance back to N though as she bumped his arm once he calmed down.
    Uzi turned back to her dad who now had a very confused look on his face.
    “U-Uzi.. I’ve told you,” Khan said as he and Uzi stepped closer to each other. Uzi was getting very anxious about how she was to explain that her mom wasn’t fricken dead. But before her dad started to talk again, she felt two hands go onto her shoulders. She turned around to see N with a sympathetic smile as he nodded just a tiny bit.
    “Uzi, your mom, Nori, died after you were born. I had to put her down.. remember..?”
    Uzi took a deep breath and held up Nori with her hands. “Dad, mom’s core wasn’t destroyed.. so… she’s alive, just in a core form..” Uzi explained as Khan’s eyes hollowed as he took Nori in his own hands.
    Nori waved slowly to Khan as her one eye looked like she was trying to smile.
    Khan then started to laugh as he moved Nori to the side. “That’s funny, Uzi. But your mothers dead. I know it’s hard to grasp, but you’ve gotta let her go.."he tried to comfort Uzi, but then Nori interrupted.
    “EXCUSE YOU!” she yelled as she grabbed Khan’s face with two claws, “Do we need to have a talk about how to speak to our daughter!?” Nori yelled as Khan had a flabbergasted look on his face.
    Everyone was silent for a while as Khan tried to grasp what was happening. Then, he finally spoke. “N-Nori..?”
    Nori turned her eye away from his as she blushed a little. 
    “Wait.. how do I know your Nori..?” He asked as he narrowed his eyes at the crab, core, thingy.
    Nori blushed harder as she broke eye contact again. “When you saved me from the underground when humans died, Yeva tried to help me talk to you, then when I finally talked, I called you a ‘hunk’..” she mumbled. Uzi’s inside felt a little twist. That moment was probably something only her parents knew about.. and whoever ‘Yeva’ is.
    Khan started to cry a little as he pretty much hugged the life out of Nori as he screamed and jumped around.
    Uzi watched her parent’s reunion with a sympathetic face. N then hugged Uzi as he pinned her arms by her side and picked her up off the ground. He burrowed his face into her fluffy collar as his tail wrapped around the two.
    Uzi wanted to stay in that moment forever. She just wanted to be with N and forget all that happened.
     Then, a voice cut her off and made her insides twist even worse as sweat ran down her visor.
[Heheheehehehehehe this is very rushed lol]=True]
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