#v plays magireco
kure-kirika · 6 months
Felicia is so incredibly trans energies ngl
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littlepurinsesu · 4 years
Nagisa, My Valentine hehe
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I haven’t tried rolling for a fully-slotted limited girl since Sakurako (almost a year ago). Apart from Ui, Sayuki, and two IroYachi slots, I don’t remember rolling for anything since then, yet somehow I only had JUST 400 rolls for Valentine Nagisa by the time her banner started xD
But! Thankfully!
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She came home on my 22nd roll only! Thank you so much, Nagisa ;A; <333 (I think I also managed to get her regular version in just 12 rolls back when she came out, so I guess Nagisa and I really get along xD <3)
And thank goodness for the Adjuster Coins this time, because after getting to 300 rolls, I literally just headed to the shop and grabbed her final copy straight from there :3
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No magical formation or Spirit Enhancement shards for me since I stopped rolling at exactly 300, but I now have Valentine Nagisa fully-slotted so all is well ;___; <333
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Also got the exact number of copies needed to MLB her event memoria! It’ll make farming the event easier and it’s a pretty good memoria (and super cute), too ^^
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The only spook I got was Alina, but I’ve been wanting her for a while (I’m a Day 1 player on TW and only got her NOW yeesh xD) and I wasn’t that far into the pity counter so I’m okay with it :P Temari also came, so I finally have new girls to train in the upcoming training events haha :)
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She is now my third fully-slotted limited girl after Madokami and Sakurako ^___^
I only wanted Valentine Nagisa because she’s absolutely adorable (I’m a “cuteness > power” kind of player LOL) so her being the Mirrors Queen is just a lovely extra bonus lmao MIRRORS RANKINGS HERE I COME I GOT THE MIRRORS QUEEN MAXED OUT XD (Still gotta practice and figure out the best way to use her, though ^^;;)
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started playin the madoka gacha game and it’s,,, rly good
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dreamerwitches · 4 years
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Zenobia and Zabaii moodboard (She has such a pretty colour scheme all around... ^v^ )
Image sources Top left Top middle Top right Middle left Middle Middle right Bottom left Bottom middle Bottom right (Yes none of these are my own because i cant watch the magireco anime and i cant play magia record either (im from england...)cryyyyyyy)
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muffinrecord · 4 years
hewwwwwwoooo muffin, i am a v big autistic and special interest in both genshin and magia record and if u would like my honest opinion!!! genshin is good but only if ur into real time combat systems which is imo the biggest difference between genshin and magia record. strategy is much more important in magia record than in genshin, so it's not gonna scratch the same itch really
Ahh, thank you!
I do play stuff like World of Warcraft so I’m familiar with real time combat, but... I dunno, I really like the turn-based combat of MagiReco
I intend to try Genshin out at some point though. Probably not for a bit. 
I appreciate you telling me all of this!
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aislesalmon · 5 years
magireco events in a nutshell
My Diary With You: who needs therapy? romance will heal your suicidal thoughts and mental illness!
And So the Azaleas Bloom: sister tries to help you overcome your trust issues and make new friends? never fucking speak to her again.
Magical Halloween Theater: who dresses up as a fucking cow for Halloween anyway?
Reaching a Happier Height: who needs therapy? hiking will heal your suicidal thoughts and trauma regarding your dysfunctional family!
The Crescent Moon Manor's Merry Christmas: local middle schooler gets brainwashed into sainthood and ruins Christmas, more at 7
Happy New Year at the Mizuna Shrine!: [implying I read this one]
Bye Bye, See You Tomorrow: wow that got dark really quickly
The Howa-Howa Girl Tries Her Best: BUY OUR WAIFUS
The Voice From Beyond That Soothes the Ears: hey, remember that whole "Law of Cycles" thing? the hope for magical girls everywhere, that gives them a happy afterlife and prevents them from becoming witches? we're retconning that.
Spurred to Separation: don't mind us as we casually destroy our own timeline.
Newbie Maid Carefree Kanagi: local top works at maid cafe, more at 7
The Ribbon at the Beach Where the Waves Break: you thought the Rebellion ending was homophobic? you are like little baby, watch this.
The Crescent Moon Manor's Summer Vacation: BUY OUR WAIFUS 2: BUY HARDER
It's Ok to Be Clumsy: small child makes contract, immediately gets hit by the most brutally psychological witch attack in the franchise.
Whereabouts of the Feather: here's some insight into how horrifically the Magius treats its members. remember for the next event which features the Magius as ~happy family fun times~
White Christmas Rhapsody: hahaha isn't it funny and cute when Alina tries to murder innocent people for Christmas and uses her position of power to sexually harass Mifuyu haha the Magius are so cute heehee hoho :^)
Mitama and the Delicious New Years Party: [implying I read this one either]
Dreaming Cherry Blossom: an event dealing with the aftermath of the story's end and the consequences of the Magius' actions - JUST KIDDING BUY OUR WAIFUS
Leaving the Nest Looking Skyward: how does this 11 year old know what she wants to do with her life when I don't
Scattered Flowers Melancholy Chapter: we address a cliffhanger from an event 2 years ago that most people either joined too late to play or just forgot about: the event
Sayuki Steps Up!: local idol only accepts job because she can sing about swords, more at 7
The Ephermal Summer Night: terrorist cult that brainwashes, abuses, and kills its members goes to the beach, what happens next will warm your heart
The Summer Treasure That Disappeared into the Fire: BUY OUR WAIFUS R E V E L A T I O N
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littlepurinsesu · 4 years
Sakurako has blessed me
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I’d waited and saved up for so long just for this moment.
It only took 200-ish out of the 400+ rolls I had saved to fully-slot Madokami last December, and I managed to gather another 200+ rolls in the last few months to get to 400+ again for Sakurako.
And gosh am I thankful that I had this much saved, because this pretty little lady here made me use up almost every last roll.
The aim was to fully-slot Sakurako, since she’s my favourite unit after Madokami. If I’d only wanted one copy for keepsake I wouldn’t have been so stressed xD
And so the challenge began...
I was only on roll 17 when Karin decided to show up yet again for her third slot.
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There’s something about Karin always showing up when I’m going on a roll-fest to try and 4-slot a favourite girl (I first got her when I was pulling for Madokami last time haha). Maybe she’ll 4-slot herself during my next roll-fest, which will most likely be the Iroha-Yachiyo duo unit lol.
It was still pretty early on in the counter, so I wasn’t too fussed (though a little annoyed). So I started again from 0. And after getting both of her memoria consecutively...
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... the cherry blossom goddess herself decided to come home on roll 57!!!
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I had legit been waiting for this moment for SO LONG (literally the moment I saw her on JP), so I’m so, so, so happy she came without much trouble ;_____;
But alas, the journey of pulling for one of your favourites never ends at just one copy xD So the rolling continues...
20 more rolls later got me her second slot, and when I was about 30 rolls away from pity...
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None other than her own creator Nemu decides to appear! I was a bit annoyed because I was nearing pity and she broke it, but... I really like Nemu and her pick-up gacha was literally the one just before, so she’s quite new, too xD I nervously started rolling again at 0, but I was also kind of happy because I was hoping to get Nemu at some point anyway xD If I wasn’t over halfway through my savings with only 2 slots, I’d be overjoyed at getting her :D (SHE’S BASICALLY SAKURAKO’S MOTHER, SO THE TIMING IS QUITE APPROPRIATE XD)
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Also, Nemu is an Accele Gorilla as well. Why do I always attract Accele Gorillas? I literally have every single Accele Gorilla available on the TW server right now (except Suzune, who I didn’t roll for), and Rena and Karin are both at 3 slots, so there’s a picture of just how often I pull these types xD
Anyway, after hitting my first pity and thankfully getting my third slot, I continued for that sweet, sweet final copy...
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NO!!! D:< AGAIN, AT ABOUT 30 ROLLS AWAY FROM THE NEXT PITY, ANOTHER FOREST GIRL APPEARS. AND THIS TIME? NO, I’M NOT HAPPY AT ALL LOL XD IF IT WAS MAMI OR ALINA OR EVEN A SECOND NEMU I WOULD BE FINE-ISH. BUT NO! I love Mito as a character but I’ve never really been interested in her gameplay-wise, not to mention that I literally got her in the free pulls last weekend orz
I guess it could have been worse? At least it wasn’t Kirika or Himika... (no offence xD)
I counted the remainder of my savings, and I had enough to hit pity one final time as long as I didn’t get another non-Sakurako 4-star before then. I was basically alternating between hope and despair with each pull, especially during those single pulls as I ran out of stones and only had single tickets left. If one girl other than Sakurako popped up, I would not be able to hit pity again, so at this point I was desperate.
Successfully got to 99/100 without any spooks, mentally threw some praise at Mitama as I stared into her eyes, and tapped the screen. Light card, rainbow ribbons, and...
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THANK. EFFING. GOODNESS. I literally had like 18 rolls left so this was really my last chance. Sakurako burned through basically all of my savings, but I don’t care because she’s the one I wanted the most after Madokami, and I’d gladly use up all of my stones and tickets on her if it means I can get her to 4 slots.
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She’s now my second fully-slotted natural 4-star girl after Madokami, and having these two on my Mirrors Team will definitely make me even stronger for the upcoming Mirrors Ranking! :D
Also pulled enough of her memoria to fully max out two copies (with more to spare!), so I’ll be raking in a lot of event AP for this current event haha >:)
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I fell in love with Sakurako the moment I saw her in the Main Story, so I’m so glad they made her playable and super happy that I managed to not only pull her but also fully-slot her as well ;___; Thank you so, so much for coming home 4 times before I went completely stone/ticket-broke, dearest cherry blossom goddess <33333
I’ll have to wait until next year when TW does the new Sakurako event currently running on JP to get her Rumour outfit and background. I was always disappointed that we couldn’t have that white dress seen in the game and her Rumour barrier as our homescreen, but knowing that it’s coming later makes me happy ^^ Anyway, she’s gorgeous enough as is, and I already can’t stop staring at my homescreen ^3^
Sorry for the long post (most likely no one even cares lmao), but I promise I only make these for characters I really, really, really love ^^;;
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littlepurinsesu · 5 years
Bless Madokami
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She appeared to me on my second multi (12th roll in total!) <333
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220 pulls was all it took to full-slot her!!! This is way more luck than I could've asked for Dx I was happy enough with 2 or maybe 3 slots, but she came home enough times for 4 slots and left me over half of my savings, so I'm already on 200+ rolls saved for Sakurako a few months later!!!
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Also got multiple copies of all her limited memoria! ^0^
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And a cute little Karin appeared, thankfully not as a pity spook! I only had to reach pity once for Madokami (the rest were all on "regular" rolls), and didn't get spooked by anyone! ;___;
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I asked for a miracle, and Madokami granted me one ;~; Thank you so, so much, my pink goddess of hope ;___; <33333
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littlepurinsesu · 5 years
Bringing My Queen Kanagi Izumi Home
I still remember back when Kanagi was released and I spared 100 rolls from my Madokami savings to reach pity on her rate-up, only to be spooked by Mifuyu. I was devastated lmao. And so when the chance came in the form of the “4-Star Magical Girl of Choice Pickup Gacha,” I willingly took the chance and spared some rolls from my Sakurako savings to try for Kanagi again.
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Around 40 rolls in...
Game: *rainbow ribbons* Me: OMG OMG OMG Game: *dark attribute card* Me: WAIT, WHAT. NO. NO N-- Game:
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I LOVE YOU REN BUT WHY NOW?!?!? Dx At least it’s a new girl that I actually like? If the one that popped out was Kirika or Himika, I might have legit flipped tables. Ren reset my pity counter all the way back to zero so I gave up and stopped and went to bed sad LOL xD I love Ren and I appreciate her but I WANT MY WHITE EYEPATCH QUEEN ARGHHHHH
The next day, figured that it was still a while until Sakurako and still plenty of stones and tickets to collect until then, so went all-out and tried again.
At roll 80...
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She was stubborn and difficult until the end, but I forgive her because she’s a queen Dx
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She’s only 1-slot for now (can’t afford to pull anymore) so she’s not very strong, but I’m still gonna use her whenever I can because I love her and just seeing her on my team and hearing her voice makes me happy ^3^
That being said, she’s surprisingly good on my Mirrors team even at 1 slot only (yes, I insist on using her in Mirrors for now since there isn’t a ranking event lol). She’s nearly always the first to die, but that just means I can keep connecting between Madokami and Rena and destroy my enemy’s team lol. For my current team, she plays a similar role to a tank in that all attacks will automatically be directed at her but without me having to equip any of the classic tank memoriae. I can use her single slot for a critical-hit memoria instead, which, coupled with her high attack stats, gives me good damage output even if she most likely won’t live long enough to use her connect :D So she’s almost like a tank that still gives you a good head-start even when you get a bunch of her discs on the first turn ;)
I rarely make long posts like this about my gameplay, but I love Kanagi Izumi A WHOLE EFFING LOT so I just had to scream about my joy at finally bringing my queen home ;_____;
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littlepurinsesu · 5 years
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Reira: “Kanagi is so cool!”
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littlepurinsesu · 5 years
Resist... the temptation...
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It's seriously taking every ounce of my willpower not to roll omg D: Ultimate Madoka is most likely coming RIGHT AFTER this, and even with my 400+ rolls saved up, I still can't cave here Dx
Even if I manage to miraculously get Holy Alina within 100 tries, she'll still only be at 1 slot... But Forest is my weakest element by far right now and she's so cool and powerful ahhhhh as;djfha;jk
I'll just keep reminding myself that I already have Holy Mami from earlier this year, and maybe just wait for Holy Alina's rerun... ;___;
I've sacrificed so much for you, Madokami (and Sakurako, but that's a while away), so pleaseee come home when I roll on your gacha ;~;
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littlepurinsesu · 5 years
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I can’t believe I managed to get her with just 12 solo tickets!!!!!
Seriously, I was despairing because the TW server skipped Ultimate Madoka (presumably to save her for our server’s own anniversary >.>), meaning all my stone-saving plans went down the drain because the order has been flipped. Thank goodness I didn’t have to hit the pity counter this time, and can still spare some stones for hopefully just one copy of Holy Alina! (I pulled a bit more to try and get another slot for Nagisa but got nothing, so it was probably a sign that I should be happy enough with this bout of luck and save the rest for other characters ^^)
My priorities are still Ultimate Madoka (at least 2 slots) and Rumour of the 10000 Year Sakura (as many slots as possible), so hopefully the gacha will keep being kind to me until then >_<
And yes, I awakened her immediately LOL xD (Luckily I had most of the materials already :P)
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She’s so cuteeee ahhhh I’m so glad I didn’t have to skip her to save for Madokami and Sakurako >_<
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littlepurinsesu · 5 years
This Event?!?
Everyone who’s played on JP keeps telling the new NA players to prepare themselves for the Howa Howa Girl event... but... why is no one... talking about this monster of an event D:
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(This screenshot is from the TW server, btw!)
I hated this event so much that I almost gave up and just ditched it omg. It’s insanely difficult and ridiculously tedious and the only thing that made me pull through was the fact that I’m a “completionist” lmao. I didn’t even grind; as soon as I completed all the stages, I bolted and never opened it again.
This is another one of those events where you can’t use supports. You can’t even change your team once you’ve entered the map. Your girls will die and be “unable to fight,” yet some stages require you to not use healing/revival potions if you want to 3-star it. And that last stage had me so frustrated that I almost wanted to throw my phone. It wasn’t even fun anymore arghhh D:<
The only positive things to come out of this event (in my opinion U_U) were the cute homescreen background and free 4-star Memoria, which is actually really useful.
But yeah man. Riko, you’re adorable, but your event was truly a nightmare and I am so glad that it’s over now. Good riddance xD
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littlepurinsesu · 5 years
Madokami, please come home...
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This is it. The entire year of my life in MagiReco has been building up to this moment. In exactly one hour, Ultimate Madoka’s gacha arrives to the TW server, in celebration of our server’s 1st year anniversary. I’m currently blasting “Sagitta Luminis” on repeat.
I’ve been saving since March and have accumulated 436 rolls (will have a few more after I get the gacha tickets and stones from the upcoming event). I’d have a few hundred more, but I did cave for:
- Holy Mami (got her on my first multi - the best pull I’ve ever done!!!) - Mitama (got her in 20 rolls) - Kanagi (DIDN’T EVEN GET HER COZ MIFUYU SPOOKED ME ON PITY ARGHHH MY QUEENNNNN I WILL BRING YOU HOME ONE DAY QAQ) - Rumour Tsuruno (got her on roll 70-something, so went all the way to pity for the guaranteed 4-star and got Sayaka) - Swimsuit Iroha (had to go all the way to pity for her to show up and then a few more for her 4-star memoria...) - Nagisa (got her on my 16th single roll, but got spooked by my THIRD Rena when I decided to go all the way to pity to try and get her a second slot T^T)
Looking back, I kinda wish I’d been better at holding back ^^;; But I guess I didn’t do too bad? xD (I DID miraculously hold back from Holy Alina ;;) I’d love to 4-slot her, but I’ll be realistic and not ask for too much haha: 2-3 slots will be enough for me ^^ 2 at the very least... and if I don’t even pull one single copy of her with 400+ rolls saved up, I legit might just delete the game LOL *falls into despair*
Madoka and Madokami are my absolute favourite character(s) in all of anime and has that extra special, irreplaceable spot in my heart... With the amount of love and appreciation I have for her, I just really, really hope she feels my sincerity and graces me with her godly presence later... ღ ღ ღ
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littlepurinsesu · 4 years
V Watches MagiReco - Episode 13 Review
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*Spoilers for Magia Record Anime Episode 13*
(This review will focus on Episode 13 only. I will be writing a separate review for the anime season as a whole!)
I have so many mixed feelings about this episode that I honestly don’t even know where to start LOL xD There are some parts that I hated and some that I loved, and so many reactions ranging from “WTH WAS THAT?!?” to “UH OKAY...” to “OMG YASSSSS!!!!!”
I’ll going to try my best to unpack my thoughts as coherently as possible, but this review will probably still end up being the most incoherent of them all because of all my mixed feelings for all the changes the anime made xD
To start, Mifuyu is definitely more antagonistic in the anime compared to what I remember of her in the game lol. And honestly I feel cheated that they always seem to tease us with some kind of confrontation between Yachiyo and Mifuyu, but the latter always summons that giant moon and escapes before anything can happen. It’s honestly a little anti-climactic and a bit of a waste, what with all the tension they’ve been building between these two, but then again, it doesn’t really happen in the game, either, so I guess it’s not really the anime’s fault for not “delivering” haha :P
Alright, since I’m going in chronological order, may as well get the biggest disappointment out of the way first: Iroha and Yachiyo’s argument. I don’t think I can even begin to put into words how utterly disappointed I was with this part, seeing as it was one of the most crucial plot points in the game and definitely one of Iroha’s most shining moments. Firstly, the way Yachiyo revealed her wish lacked emotion and impact for me. The music didn’t even change, and there was no sense of this being the revelation of a huge secret/mystery that the story has kept under wraps all this time. At least they added a nice flashback sequence to show Yachiyo’s past and the reasoning behind her wish, rather than having it all just come out of her mouth verbally, so props to them for that, but I was still quite unimpressed with the way they went about this pivotal moments.
Next up in my complaints is the Rumour. I was so, so, so ready to see my girl Iroha finally standing up and holding her own in a battle, especially considering how weak she’s been portrayed throughout the past 12 episodes. I was expecting an intense fight with the Rumour--some struggle, some more determination, anything. But no, another case of what I call the “one-shot curse”. Iroha literally just ran up to the Rumour, aimed her arrow, shot, and BAM it’s gone. One of the most crucial battles in the story lasted about 20 seconds in total (yes, I was so petty and pissed off that I went back and counted lmao), and the way Iroha suddenly “powered up” so drastically made no logical sense to me at all. We never even saw her gradually increase in power or fighting capability throughout the story so far. Heck, she’s hardly even done anything in the past battles, and suddenly she can one-shot a Rumour all by herself? How. Pray tell, how.
And the final major complaint that follows on from this chain of unhappy ranting: Iroha and Yachiyo solidifying their friendship. I did like the way the screen melted away to reveal Iroha standing in front of Yachiyo, almost like a mirror image. Sadly, that’s the only thing I liked about it LOL. Iroha getting angry at Yachiyo was such an important development and such a huge moment for our protagonist, but here it just... doesn’t happen? She’s still the same smiling and gentle Iroha we always knew. Which is nice and all, but in my opinion, we really needed to see kindhearted and soft-spoken Iroha truly snap. We needed to see Iroha speak up and tell Yachiyo to cut her bs and to declare herself the leader. And the way Yachiyo accepts so quickly and hardly even tries to put up an argument is just... I don’t even know what to say anymore apart from constantly question why they had to rush so many crucial moments, to the point where they had zero emotional impact. I often wonder if I’d still have these complaints if I didn’t play the game and have expectations of how I wanted/wished/expected certain things to be adapted. So I dunno, maybe I wouldn’t have a problem with these things at all if I went into the anime blind ^^;;
Oh, and another thing that made zero sense to me was how Iroha went from being perfectly normal to unable to walk or talk within the span of about two seconds. Logically, I get that she probably used up too much magic one-shot-ing that Rumour just before, but they could’ve at least had her show some signs of physical strain during her talk with Yachiyo so that the sudden transition of her physical state doesn’t feel so abrupt and out of nowhere. I guess this is a minor detail that I can let slide, but it just reminds the viewer again and again of the problems that come with rushing. And rushing for what? Well...
The second half of the episode is an obvious answer. They were clearly rushing these game-story moments to fill up the rest of the episode with anime-original content. And while I’m still bitter at what the cost was, I will ironically say that the second half of this week’s episode had some very pleasant and interesting surprises! (Apologies for all the salt and negativity so far ^^;; Finally, onto the positives!)
I’d been wondering for a while if we were going to meet Holy Mami this week, even though the anime had already established Mami as a member of the Wings of Magius earlier on. And I did genuinely like the way they portrayed Mami in this scene. She legitimately looks out of her mind at some points, and it’s clear that the truth about Magical Girls has taken a huge toll on her mentally. Her mini battle with Yachiyo was short but sweet, with lots of nice movements and imagery, especially this shot right here:
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The ribbon concealing her eyes and her Soul Gem (aka her soul and her actual self) is a really, really nice way of depicting that Mami is not really in her right state of mind, and that her current actions aren’t really her. I know a lot of fans didn’t like the brainwashing thing in the game, and even though it looks like they’re still keeping that in the anime (judging by Mami’s behaviour, she definitely seems brainwashed to me), at least they’re portraying it in a nice way. By the way, I applaud Yachiyo for being able to defend herself against Mami for so long with a whole person on her back xD
Sayaka was probably my favourite thing out of the entire episode. Again, like with Holy Mami, I was really hoping we’d get to see her this week ^^ I loved how her entrance parallels the way she saved Homura from Mami in Rebellion, and I’m sure hardcore fans will pick up on that before her identity is even revealed ;) Sayaka was never my favourite character out of the Holy Quintet (even though I still liked her a lot!), but oh my gosh she was amazing in this episode. I think it’s something to do with the cape? Maybe it’s the cape LOL but gosh she really did seem like a knight-in-shining-armour askjfha;sj (♥ω♥*)
And back to Mami... that part with her losing her mind (literally) after Sayaka shows up was creepy but also perfect. I like that she seemed to temporarily regain her sense of self when talking to Sayaka, but then just the talk of her guilt and shame and everything just comes back to haunt her again, and we see her succumb and lose herself once more. I didn’t think her transformation into Holy Mami would be portrayed in this way, but this is better than what I imagined. You actually get a sense of how painful the process is, and feel how much against her will it is to fall to a point where she’d hurt her friends and other innocent people. The whole idea is disturbing, but each time I think back on her reaction to finding out the truth in the original anime, this really doesn’t seem too far-fetched at all.
That entire battle between Mami and Sayaka/Yachiyo was kind of cool and kind of weird at the same time xD Honestly I can’t imagine Sayaka and Yachiyo to be able to run around freely with that many bullets flying all over the place, much less repel all of them, which Sayaka is shown doing at one point xD Iroha using her Doppel again is another thing that I didn’t really like, though. I just really don’t like how Iroha is always shown to be utterly useless fighting in her Magical Girl form and always has to end up relying on her Doppel to do anything. (Except for that previous battle with the Rumour that I discussed just before. Let’s not get me started on that again lmao.) But it’s nice to see Yachiyo using her Doppel as well (it looked really cool!), and I really liked that minor detail about how easy it is to lose yourself when using your Doppel. It’s not something we think much about when playing the game because of the game mechanics, so it’s always interesting to think about what the Doppels entail from a story perspective :) Anyway, despite some logical inconsistencies and Iroha resorting to her Doppel yet again, I did really enjoy this battle, and it definitely made up for the lackluster “battle” that we got with Iroha and the Rumour. We can really see where the budget went this week, huh xD
I also really loved how Touka literally just sits there sipping tea and ignores all the chaos happening around her. She shows no desire to help Mami or step in just in case something happens to her (since Mami’s on their side now and all), which, to me, really goes to show how purely cold-hearted Touka is. Or has become. (Shhh game spoilers xD)
And while we’re on the topic of Touka, I’m going to talk about how much I absolutely adored that final scene. It’s hard to visualise it while playing the game, so seeing the scale of the Wings of Magius was possibly frightening. We’ve always known that there are heaps of Feathers, but just seeing them all packed together in one big creepy dark hall, all cloaked and hooded, really goes to show the immense size of this cult. It’s not just some small club created by a few girls. The scale of this cult is insane. As for Touka’s speech? Inspirational. And I say that with full knowledge of the Magius’ crimes and wrongdoings. Honestly, with the way she speaks, I can’t imagine many Magical Girls being able to say no and walk away if they knew The Truth already. Touka is one amazing and charismatic speaker, and even though we’ve always known that she had to be to some extent to get so many Feathers, seeing it in action was truly a different experience. Terrifyingly persuasive and frighteningly charismatic, that child.
And that is why I applaud Rena. She’s able to stand among so fellow Magical Girls, listen to someone preach about salvation after literally just finding out the truth and learning about her own inevitable fate, not know of the dark side of the Magius, and still be able to walk away. Rena gained a new level of respect from me with that one simple decision, and I already loved her heaps before this. And Kaede really did join the Wings of Magius, huh :O We even got a shot of Kuroe! Welcome back (?), girl! xD
I quite liked how they showed the rest of Team Mikazuki joining in such a subtle way. It’s much more impactful to tease it like this rather than straight-up showing you the process of them joining right from the get-go. The way they end the season like this leaves a very haunting and unsettling feeling, especially considering that Iroha gets taken away from Yachiyo as well! Now that definitely wasn’t in the game!!! xD I was expecting the season to finish with Iroha and Yachiyo back at Mikazuki Villa alone and swearing to save the rest of the team, so this definitely came as a HUGE surprise to me. I’m really curious as to how they’re going to go about this change, as well as the change with Kaede joining up and the obvious Kuroe thing. (Btw Sayaka literally sweeping Yachiyo away like Prince Charming almost had me swooning LOL Sayaka was seriously SO COOL in this episode!)
And finally, we have Alina. I’m honestly still pissed off at how they handled her introduction, and wonder if anime-only fans can even tell that she’s a Magius and not just a Feather or some other kind of position (like Mifuyu), but I did enjoy the final scene of her. I think it makes it quite clear that Alina is going to be one of the Biggest Bosses, even among the antagonists, and the way she name-drops Walpurgisnacht was not what I expected but a pretty good decision, in retrospect. Anime-only fans will definitely feel that sense of familiarity they want just by hearing that name. Since this Witch is so iconic to the original anime and we probably won’t be seeing her until the very end of the next season, I think it was a nice idea to drop the name here to keep those anime-fans who expect lots of explicit PMMM references happy and hooked. In fact, the combination of Holy Mami and Sayaka’s appearance and the mention of Walpurgisnacht all in one episode makes me think they packed them all into the season finale to ensure that these anime-only PMMM fans will be back again for the next season (since us game players will almost definitely be back anyway haha xD).
Oh, and that ending song is so good! I loved “Alicia”, but this song was a really nice way to end the season and had a definite kind of “season finale” feel to it.
So yeah, that basically sums up my thoughts for this jam-packed episode xD Lots of stuff I feel could have been handled A LOT better, but also a lot of stuff that was absolutely amazing. The second half was significantly better than the first; that fight with Holy Mami and the ending with Touka and Alina were definitely the best parts.
I’ll be writing up another review post for the season as a whole and posting it separately, so I’ll end this one here and save my overall impressions for that one ^^ If you’ve read to the end, thanks so much for reading and I hope to see you there as well ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
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littlepurinsesu · 5 years
V Watches MagiReco - Episode 12 Review
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*Spoilers for Magia Record Anime Episode 12*
I have been waiting for so long to see this chapter animated, and at long last!!! This week’s episode finally touches upon the secret truth of magical girls and reveals Yachiyo’s mysterious past!
There are, of course, some parts I wish were handled a little better, but overall, I wouldn’t say it was too shabby ^^ I have a lot to say about this episode, both the good and the meh, so let’s go~ (Tumblr, please don’t eat my post again I IMPORE YOU.)
(Oh, for clarification, I’m still using the name “Meru” instead of “Mel”, since that’s what her name was before the game was localised in English. Both are acceptable, but I guess I’m more used to this spelling xD)
I personally really liked how they began the episode with Kanae and Meru at Mikazuki Villa. The rain and dark lighting and overall silence of the scene was really well-done. It’s a nice way to “tease” their characters before properly introducing them and their roles in Yachiyo’s story. I really don’t have much else to say, but I just really, really liked that opening scene hehe
Speaking of openings, the anime continues to come up with creative ways to bring in the OP, and this week’s was another really interesting idea that I enjoyed a lot! I was just beginning to wonder if they were going to skip the OP this week because there was so much to cover, but I really liked what they came up with, so hats-off for the creativity and originality! ^^
Touka’s lecture really did seem even more lecture-like in the anime, with the lecture hall and screen and her pointer. She’s like a tiny, overly-enthusiastic professor trying to force a reluctant group of students to listen to her haha x) That being said, all the special effects were done very creatively in a way that is true to the PMMM style. It’s not only some impressive artwork, but it also prevents the lecture from becoming boring, since it’s literally just “info dumping” and a whole lot of exposition (most of it essentially being stuff that most of the audience already knows, too).
As for Touka herself, I’m really liking the anime’s portrayal of her. She’s extremely cute, but in a strange way that almost seems suspicious, and with just the right amount of “annoying-ness” that keeps her antagonistic role without making her so obnoxious that you can’t even bear to watch her. Each of her moves seems calculated in some way, and the way she leaps around and twirls her umbrella really does make her seem like a tiny fairy or pixie, and I love that contrast between her supposedly innocent image and the immoral deeds the Magius (and the Feathers) have been committing. A+ portrayal so far, and I hope they keep that up!
I was a bit confused at first when Touka addressed Kanae as “A” (since we know that in the game, “A” is Yachiyo, and Kanae is actually “C”), but I guess they weren’t planning on going ahead with the A-F naming of all 6 characters and this was just a one-off, so fair enough. However, I was a little annoyed that they showed the first secret in “lecture form” and then repeated it once more in “flashback form” once they got on the car thingy. I really felt that they could have skipped that first part and just focused on the flashbacks, because they’re essentially wasting time by telling one of the secrets twice in an episode that already has a lot to cover.
And this brings me to possibly my main issue with this episode: too fast. There was a lot of emotion in these flashbacks, and while the anime did bring them out decently, I just feel that they could have been even better if they had just managed the pacing a little more ideally. The tragedy and feels were definitely there, but it could have been even better. Another problem with this fast pacing is that we barely got to know Kanae and Meru before they met their respective downfalls, with the only clues to their individuality being Kanae’s guitar and Meru’s Tarot Cards. It tells us something, but it’s not enough. The result is that it becomes a lot harder for the audience to feel anything for these characters’ deaths, and Kanae and Meru ultimately become plot devices that serve to move Yachiyo and the others along on their journey. Granted, they were always kind of plot devices even in the game, but at least we got to know them a little better before their deaths, and this isn’t even counting their personal Magical Girl Stories.
But aside from these issues, the rest of the flashbacks were very well, in my opinion :) We as an audience may not have felt much for Kanae’s death because we barely knew her, but Yachiyo’s trembling hand as she tries in vain to purify her friend’s broken Soul Gem, the terrific voice acting, that tragic yet beautifully drawn shot of Kanae lying soulless (literally) on the ground... That was some impressive stuff that actually made me tear up.
The battle scenes also saw a huge improvement this week! Still could be better, but they’re a lot more action-packed and exciting than the quick and easy battles we’ve been seeing so far. I also really appreciate the show of teamwork between the old Team Mikazuki, not to mention that Meru’s use of magic looked absolutely amazing!!! But I would have liked it if she spoke a bit more before Witching out, and I was especially disappointed that she didn’t get to say that line about how today was her lucky day because she got to protect Yachiyo. That line says a lot about her as a character to me, and it was a shame that they only gave her an extremely shortened/simplified (and almost unfinished) version of it here. But I guess this is only because I’ve played the game and have expectations of what I want to see and what I think should be done. Maybe someone who hasn’t played the game at all wouldn’t have an issue with this minor detail haha :)
(By the way, I totally called it and guessed that they were going to release Meru’s Doppel Uncap with the debut of her Witch form in the anime mwahaha >:D Pretty good timing, though, and I like that attention to detail!)
Kyubey is a little sh*t in any and every timeline, and I did enjoy seeing Momoko yelling at him, even though obviously he gives no effs. Another nice nod to the original anime by having Kyubey using the same line about young girls and Witches, too (or maybe he’s had to defend himself so many times that he has the perfect justification memorised to use when needed? xD).
The scene with Mifuyu and Momoko was also a really nice way to show the difference in their personalities, through just the way they respond to and take in all the tragedy and shocking information. I loved the way they animated Mifuyu’s Witch/Doppel moment, and it’s always nice to see a Doppel shown in the anime! Another thing I liked was the way Touka seems to “control” the scene as she pleases, rewinding it like an actual video and pausing on particular frames. It was too easy to forget that these are scenes shown in the Memory Museum, and little details like this remind you that these aren’t just ordinary flashbacks shown in anime and movies.
Yachiyo was as cool ever in the very few (present) scenes she got. I especially loved her confrontation with Touka and how she literally just thrusts her weapon in her face haha. And the way she just ignores Touka talking and smashes open a path and just goes in there herself on foot? BADASS. I LOVE YACHIYO.
And finally, about Team Momoko... A bit funny how Momoko was the one gearing up for the Big Talk but mostly just ended up standing there for the whole thing xD But anyway, I really, really loved Rena in this scene. It’s probably the first time we’ve seen her being so honest with her feelings by hugging Kaede and straight-up telling her how worried she was. It’s these small moments that really make me love Rena so much, no matter how harsh and prickly she can be most of the time. I really liked the scene in the game where she goes to Kaede’s place to comfort her (even if they ended up slapping each other lmao), because it really did show how much Rena cares for her friends. But this anime version was quite nice too and also does some good for Rena’s characterisation, so I’ll take it :)
As for Kaede... what happened to my sweet sunshine child? I’m not liking the dead look in her eyes and how she sounds like a zombie... almost like she’s in a trance? And also... what was with that line at the end? Did Kaede join the Wings of Magius? Is she brainwashed? Would that explain her strange behaviour and way of speech? If any of this is true, then this will probably be the biggest deviation the anime has done, and I’d be both scared and interested to see how they handle it lol.
So yeah, an interesting episode that could have been super impressive if it weren’t for some of the issues I discussed, but overall, still enjoyable and decently good :) I really think the majority of the MagiReco anime’s issues comes from the pacing. Which is understandable, because they’re pressed for time and there’s a lot to squeeze in. It’s just a bit of a shame that so many important scenes and moments don’t translate as amazingly as they could have due to time constraints :(
Next week’s episode will be the final one, right? I know nothing’s been confirmed, but I’m almost certain that there’s going to be another season/cour after this. (They wouldn’t just leave it hanging like that... right? O___O) My guess is that we’ll see Tsuruno, Felicia, and Sana join the Wings of Magius, Yachiyo split up the team, and possibly Iroha going up against the Rumour herself and declaring herself the leader. These are all really important plot points, and adding to the fact that next week will be the (season) finale, hopefully we can end it with a huge BANG! Will we see Holy Mami? Will we see Sayaka? Or will we perhaps see Kuroe, rounding up the season by going full circle and bringing us back to the hanging threads left from all the way back in Episode 1?
It’s almost surreal to think that we only have one more episode left of this season!!! Let’s hope that it’ll end in the best way possible (even if that means leaving us on a cliffhanger lololol) ٩(^ᴗ^)۶
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