#gacha games are so stressful omg
alexcutecolly · 4 months
omg yes yes the teasing and rubbing at us would be so cute even if it was after the last fight! and more stories with him are always good! it makes me really happy to see someone else who sees him as more then just the villain cause he’s really lonely! I want to find him again too and you’re right if he has us deep in him he wont be alone anymore!
ps. I was looking at your first answer again and I lost to gi.ratina the first time i battled him so I guess i know where I’m going! ❤️
v.olo uwu
V.olo uwu anon! Hi again! 💕
It's super duper cute, yeah! 😭❤️ He'd poke and massage his belly with care still, regardless of context 🥺❤️
Warning: Major spoilers for P.okemon Legends: A.rceus below!
Though for our character such a change in story events would be actually quite frightening and stressful, since we'd be used to V.olo nomming us in a very endearing and protective way up until that moment, but now him devouring us after our defeat absolutely carries a more sinister and less willing meaning to it 🥺 I admit I wouldn't dislike it, but it'd definitely feel very different 😭
I imagine that he would eat us after the fight if we refuse to hand over the plates, or we turn down his offer to take A.rceus down together 🤔 and I mean, it's not like we could resist or something, being shrunken as we are in the scenario xD
I'll do my best to keep writing those wips tbh! I just tend to get stuck with making certain mechanics work in a believable way, like the whole shrinking-and-vore thing xD
Omg I know what you mean, it's always amazing to find other empathetic V.olo fans! Thankfully the majority of the people I know in the community feel the same way, and it's a relief ❤️
Personally I enjoy both sides of his personality tbh, but I despise those who ignore how he must have been feeling to come to the conclusion that the world he lives in is unsalvageable, and thus must be remade anew ;-; plus realizing that your own god decided you're not worthy enough of consideration must hurt a lot... ;-; ;-; ;-;
I think we might see him again in M.asters Ex since he's been teased a bit there, but I'm not downloading a gacha game to find out tbf x3 the V.olo community will definitely explode when it happens tho, so I'm just going to giggle, kick my legs in the air and see what it's all about ❤️ what do you think of all these teasers, dear anon?
And omg xD you might have lost on that first try, but you earned a swift trip to his tummy in exchange! He'd save you from world destruction, and in the meantime you fill his belly and keep him company! It's a fair deal to me xDD plus he could eat us again after resetting the world and creating another from scratch, depending on how we feel about the whole ordeal 🥺
Imo though V.olo wouldn't actually wish to erase from existence all those who live in H.isui (I'd be very fine with K.amado being gone tho. Asshole); I feel like he'd bring them back into the new world or something, only with their memories altered into believing he's their real god and not A.rceus or Almighty S.innoh 🤔 oh well, he wouldn't feel neither lonely nor alone anymore! x3
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thegeminisage · 1 year
back at it in KAKARIKO!! finally...they better let me climb these damn ruins ive been waiting to do it for 165 hours
god and these poor kids can visit their moms grave again...
MINERU, SAGE OF!!!!! oh man i knew it i KNEW it. i love to be right
man calip is such a fucking loser. he's been blocking people this whole time & now he's mad about getting upstaged by a woman. get a life dude
WOW and hes making tauro say "fantastic" again. dude, COME ON!!!
ok wait i changed my mind. before i go to faron i wanna go back to the castle. i know my tunic and shield are both there!! i doubt i'll wear the tunic much bc i got my oot gear but i NEED my hylian shield. ive been using a zonaite shield the entire game!!!
man the music here is still SO intense
i remember zelda's diary said the tunic was in the throne room behind the throne but i dont see any way of moving it...
okay i looked it up. torches!!! and i GOT IT!!!!! wah......
now the shield...NO idea where this is, i'm gonna have to look it up fr
you have to go thru hands :|
well. how badly do i want it...
wtf this korok had extra dialogue???
"id heard korok forest was allw eird there for awhile but now its back" what the hell?? the other koroks just say ya ha ha......
korok hunting is so stressful here btw. why would anyone put so many seeds here. evil evil evil
OH my god okay i found a video that shows you a way to go around the hands. WHEW. thank you internet. im gonna try it!!!
oh i do Not like it in here. i thot about getting all my korok seeds rn but it is like 1am. no fucjing way. this whole goddamn place is cursed
GOT IT!!!!!! i am getting the FUCK outta here. i can't believe i could have done that the whole time lol
apparently it's 3k to rebuy it if it breaks but...i got the cash.
also tbh. im gonna keep wearing my oot armor bc i was gonna anyway but also bc i think the tunic looks nicer in botw. shoulder guard bad. i mean its more practical but less stylish
lol i went to the tower next to the zonai ruins and calip is there like waaah tauro had to go on ahead wahhhh im slow
suck it up!!!
man i remember being SO put out there wasnt anything here. but i guess there is!
quick stop to deliver this mf claw...
2 down, 1 to go. i have dinraal's claw but idw go back to the power spring bc theres hands near it lol
omg lol this is so skimpy and girly. love it <3
this outfit is SIIIICK i LOVE dragon armor!!!!!
DAMN OK....................THAT WAS SICK AS HELL
the storm is gone above the dragon islands!!!!! which is a shame almost bc this armor would have made me so deadly up there lol
man i think calip just has a fucking crush on this dude. problematic gay rep happy pride
ah, too bad i never was able to get a fast travel point up there...
i can fly over from the great plateau though. goddammit. great SKY ISLANDS
ooh, i still see some flashing...maybe an opportunity to use this new armor after all
there are storms! and the music is so cool...
right where i landed before...i know bc i DID get this gacha machine. and i remember this trio of like likes lol. very hard to do with zero visibility
ah man there's so much to see here!! but it's getting late so i have to pause for now :(
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
Leo is such a weird little fella, I luv him. Idk if you do that too when researching characters, but I love looking at the "relationship" category in the wiki cause you either get something funny, something depressing or just odd stuff about that character (and the ones involved)
Also, about having weird luck: I tried to get Arashi's 4 star (the house of sweets one) and instead got Hajime's 5 star twice. I think our queen hates me.
And about your mental health: please, please, places don't stress yourself with finishing requests. Writing and thinking of headcanons should be a fun activity and it sucks, when it becomes a chore (speaking from experience). I'm currently at a maybe similar point and have been before, but got better too. So, I'm pretty sure you can work through this! Good luck and I hope it's gonna be better soon!
(ps: idk if it's comforting, but Leo also struggled with his mental health a lot. He's a very relatable, weird, little depression fraggle imo) - 🐉
Pls he's such a funky 'lil dude, I wanna study him under a microscope. And omg no I haven't looked at their relationships with others (I'll definitely start doing that tho). I typically just look at their background and whatever other silly facts they give. Like seriously there isn't a single character that is remotely normal (and I'm not complaining lol).
And oh no! I think that banner already ended so I hope you're able to get her in the future (that card is so cute I also pulled for it💖). Like fr my luck is all over the place when it comes to gacha games. Like in this game I'll get 5* but it's never the rate up ones. Like rn I just got Nagisa's 5* from Sora's new banner. And on the Izumi banner (funnily enough I was pulling for Leo's 4*) I got Eichi 🤮 and Madara's 5*.
Also tysm for the encouraging words, it means a lot during these difficult times💖. If you're going through something similar then I wish you the best of luck, we got this!
It might sound kinda weird but I love when characters have their own struggles to deal with, makes them feel more realistic and relatable. I swear these gingers are gonna be the death of me akdhkahdjah.
Anyways, this was fun, thanks for chatting :)
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amistytown · 2 years
I am doing very well today, at least for the most part lmao 😅. Hope your week is going well!
I got the Dia ur+ and that unlockable group one with levi , which made me incredibly happy. I hope u r able to get that one too, although it doesn’t have a devilgram unfortunately 🥲
Twisted wonderland has been a pit of despair trying to get a characters birthday banner card😭
And genshin is trying to kill me constantly 🤦‍♂️. I like the story and characters but the GUI (and UI in general) isn’t as cooperative as I’d hoped and they definitely don’t make it easy to level up/beat enemies. Which is something i understand but also feels impossible to overcome even with different characters and upgrades😩
I definitely understand the anxiety surrounding work stuff. I have an interview tomorrow that is stressing me out even though im already getting the job. Unfortunately it only pays min. wage but it’s what I could get in my current situation so i guess it’s alright. Basically doing the same stuff i did before, minus steady hours and decent pay lol.
Glad to hear it!!! Though if you need to talk about anything you're always free to message me. And thank you! I need my Barnes and Noble employee discount revoked because the amount of pumpkin spice lattes and apple crisp macchiatos I'm buying is shameful lol.
Ahhh that's awesome! Congratulations! I'm both hoping Levi gets a new UR soon and that he does not because I might lose my mind T . T
I'm sorry ;; Gacha games are torturous! I played a little bit of Twisted Wonderland and it was enjoyable! Just not enough space on my phone after I downloaded Genshin lol. Which character are you trying to get? I hope they come home to you soon! Wishing you all the gacha luck ♥
Aw that's terrible! What do you play it on? I have to play on my phone and it definitely took me a while to get used to it. I'd like to get a computer that can handle it or a Playstation eventually. I wish it was on the Switch. Levelling up and defeating enemies definitely became easier over time. Enemies I couldn't beat before I can beat fairly easily now. I'm still learning how to build my characters so they deal the most damage! I like to take it slow too; enjoying the story, characters, and just exploring the world.
Omg good luck tomorrow!!! Even though the job is yours interviews are always so stressful. I'm sure you will do fantastic, and they hired you so it shows they think you're the right one for the job! I hope this job leads to a much better one in the future. Though you should feel accomplished and proud of yourself and all you're doing right now!
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littlepurinsesu · 4 years
Sakurako has blessed me
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I’d waited and saved up for so long just for this moment.
It only took 200-ish out of the 400+ rolls I had saved to fully-slot Madokami last December, and I managed to gather another 200+ rolls in the last few months to get to 400+ again for Sakurako.
And gosh am I thankful that I had this much saved, because this pretty little lady here made me use up almost every last roll.
The aim was to fully-slot Sakurako, since she’s my favourite unit after Madokami. If I’d only wanted one copy for keepsake I wouldn’t have been so stressed xD
And so the challenge began...
I was only on roll 17 when Karin decided to show up yet again for her third slot.
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There’s something about Karin always showing up when I’m going on a roll-fest to try and 4-slot a favourite girl (I first got her when I was pulling for Madokami last time haha). Maybe she’ll 4-slot herself during my next roll-fest, which will most likely be the Iroha-Yachiyo duo unit lol.
It was still pretty early on in the counter, so I wasn’t too fussed (though a little annoyed). So I started again from 0. And after getting both of her memoria consecutively...
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... the cherry blossom goddess herself decided to come home on roll 57!!!
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I had legit been waiting for this moment for SO LONG (literally the moment I saw her on JP), so I’m so, so, so happy she came without much trouble ;_____;
But alas, the journey of pulling for one of your favourites never ends at just one copy xD So the rolling continues...
20 more rolls later got me her second slot, and when I was about 30 rolls away from pity...
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None other than her own creator Nemu decides to appear! I was a bit annoyed because I was nearing pity and she broke it, but... I really like Nemu and her pick-up gacha was literally the one just before, so she’s quite new, too xD I nervously started rolling again at 0, but I was also kind of happy because I was hoping to get Nemu at some point anyway xD If I wasn’t over halfway through my savings with only 2 slots, I’d be overjoyed at getting her :D (SHE’S BASICALLY SAKURAKO’S MOTHER, SO THE TIMING IS QUITE APPROPRIATE XD)
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Also, Nemu is an Accele Gorilla as well. Why do I always attract Accele Gorillas? I literally have every single Accele Gorilla available on the TW server right now (except Suzune, who I didn’t roll for), and Rena and Karin are both at 3 slots, so there’s a picture of just how often I pull these types xD
Anyway, after hitting my first pity and thankfully getting my third slot, I continued for that sweet, sweet final copy...
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NO!!! D:< AGAIN, AT ABOUT 30 ROLLS AWAY FROM THE NEXT PITY, ANOTHER FOREST GIRL APPEARS. AND THIS TIME? NO, I’M NOT HAPPY AT ALL LOL XD IF IT WAS MAMI OR ALINA OR EVEN A SECOND NEMU I WOULD BE FINE-ISH. BUT NO! I love Mito as a character but I’ve never really been interested in her gameplay-wise, not to mention that I literally got her in the free pulls last weekend orz
I guess it could have been worse? At least it wasn’t Kirika or Himika... (no offence xD)
I counted the remainder of my savings, and I had enough to hit pity one final time as long as I didn’t get another non-Sakurako 4-star before then. I was basically alternating between hope and despair with each pull, especially during those single pulls as I ran out of stones and only had single tickets left. If one girl other than Sakurako popped up, I would not be able to hit pity again, so at this point I was desperate.
Successfully got to 99/100 without any spooks, mentally threw some praise at Mitama as I stared into her eyes, and tapped the screen. Light card, rainbow ribbons, and...
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THANK. EFFING. GOODNESS. I literally had like 18 rolls left so this was really my last chance. Sakurako burned through basically all of my savings, but I don’t care because she’s the one I wanted the most after Madokami, and I’d gladly use up all of my stones and tickets on her if it means I can get her to 4 slots.
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She’s now my second fully-slotted natural 4-star girl after Madokami, and having these two on my Mirrors Team will definitely make me even stronger for the upcoming Mirrors Ranking! :D
Also pulled enough of her memoria to fully max out two copies (with more to spare!), so I’ll be raking in a lot of event AP for this current event haha >:)
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I fell in love with Sakurako the moment I saw her in the Main Story, so I’m so glad they made her playable and super happy that I managed to not only pull her but also fully-slot her as well ;___; Thank you so, so much for coming home 4 times before I went completely stone/ticket-broke, dearest cherry blossom goddess <33333
I’ll have to wait until next year when TW does the new Sakurako event currently running on JP to get her Rumour outfit and background. I was always disappointed that we couldn’t have that white dress seen in the game and her Rumour barrier as our homescreen, but knowing that it’s coming later makes me happy ^^ Anyway, she’s gorgeous enough as is, and I already can’t stop staring at my homescreen ^3^
Sorry for the long post (most likely no one even cares lmao), but I promise I only make these for characters I really, really, really love ^^;;
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vilithshaven · 3 years
just saw that you write for bnha omg!!! can i request bakudeku with a reader who really likes genshin? im not sure if you write for them, so just ignore this if not!
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Honestly, I wasn't sure if this was a poly request or separate..? So I went with a safe route lol.
Hope you enjoy~
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You three being friends in middle school was a strange dynamic. Considering how the other two don't hang out, it was like they took turns with you instead.
Bakugou berates you for hanging out with that shitty nerd while Deku asks you how Kacchan is doing. You never let Bakugou go so far in front of you, even speaking up and stopping him most times.
You loved the two, they were your bestfriends. And they loved you even if one of them won't ever admit it.
The one thing that pissed Bakugou off though was you playing on your phone every time you came over, you were sucked into the screen as if it was the only thing that mattered on this earth.
When he tried grabbing your phone out of your hand, your freaked out. Kicking him to make him drop it.
"Oi! What the fuck?!" He cursed at you.
You went back to your current fight in a domain, you didn't speak to him until you finished.
Bakugou clicked his tongue, smacking the back of your head.
Eventually, you showed him what took up so much of your attention, a game called Genshin Impact.
Now, Bakugou is a gamer himself. He isn't hardcore but he isn't so casual either, it's a good way to relieve some stress even if he's cursing at everyone online.
And the one thing he hated, was gacha games.
"It's a shitty gacha?! Those things are scams idiot."
He berated you once again for your taste in games only making you stick your tongue out at him.
"With your bad luck, you'd make me lose the 50/50" You spit back.
And this is why whenever you hung out with Deku, you gave him your phone and made him wish.
Deku somehow became your good luck charm when it came to wishing, you swear every time you went over to his house and made a pull. You got what you wanted.
"It's just this button right?" Midoriya asked.
You nodded with an excited grin as he pushed the ten pull button, a yellow shooting star popping up making you scream.
"Ohh thank you Deku!!" You hugged him causing the poor boy to blush.
He didn't know what he did to be honest, he didn't know if it was good or not. But you were happy.
You've tried getting them both into it, but being the hero obsessed boys they were, they had their own hyper fixations while you had yours.
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husbandhoshi · 2 years
for someone who doesn't have a pc and has never played a video game in my life i have an alarming amount of knowledge about valorant and genshin lore 😟 also dead by daylight!! horror games are so much fun to watch, phasmophobia was elite when it first gained popularity!!
now about that youtuber!au... lord don't get me started i have so many thoughts (thots?) gimme a sec to collect them into coherent sentences 🚶🏼‍♀️
- 💒
OMG valorant shut up i also had a valorant phase!! and i played a little genshin when it came out but the gacha stressed me out too much (i used to play a different gacha game when i was younger and it was all consuming trying to roll the characters you wanted). i LOVEEEEE dbd & phasmophobia seeing other ppl play is sooo fun!!
side note but building ur first pc with wonwoo????? and he looks sooo hot and smart with his t shirt rolled up as he puts all the parts together </3
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canmom · 3 years
hello! i just wanna say i have read through your drakenier series twice over now and i really love how you approach the subject and relay information! i was wondering if you have a ko-fi or something because i really want to support you and your work since i enjoy it so much
omg, that's so sweet of you! I'm really happy you've enjoyed my writing about Nier, I must finish that series off with the story of Automata and the gacha game. (and of course finish the baru series, and the perspective drawing series, and release the various unlikely-to-be-finished fiction projects, and the umineko/adventure time/etc. articles... wow the floor is just covered in plates, how did that happen, oh well, time to spin another one!)
regarding giving me money - appreciate the thought a lot. I have considered creating a patreon or sponsus page in the past, and may yet do that, but describing my 'thing' is always a little stressful and so I keep putting it off :p
for now? if you are desperate to send me money, paypal.me/canmom ought to work, or you can opt to spend money on a game from me on itch.io. but, that said, I'm mostly managing right now - if you are in a place where you have some spare money then various people whose posts i've reblogged at /tagged/signal-boost are definitely in more urgent need ><
I do want to live off art/writing/etc. at some point, and when I reckon I'm ready to launch a patreon or open art commissions I'll be posting about it on here! but it's kind of a nervewracking step, especially since I find it hard to commit to making things on a predictable schedule without external pressure like deadlines. maybe after the move next year I will be able to work out what that might look like!
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rubyleeray · 3 years
Hey All! 
It’s been a while (way too long!) but I’m back! And I’m here with something extremely exciting!
A couple months ago, the good folks at Favary very kindly reached out and offered me the chance to be part of a beta test for their new game - MARS RED: Edge of the Nightmare based off of the Stageplay turned Anime of the same name written by Bun-O Fujisawa. 
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Regretfully at the time, I was completely unfamiliar with this story/universe but that didn’t matter for long because as soon as I saw vampires - I was immediately on board. Not to mention the stellar cast featuring so many of my favourites!:
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The Story
I want to start by saying that I’m not 100% certain as I have not seen any of the original source material yet, but I believe this is a new original story that continues/expands upon the existing MARS RED universe. 
You play as Yastufusa Yuki, a newly-turned reluctant vampire that is spiralling into an existential crisis. One day he encounters Organization Zero (a group of good vampires that hunt bad vampires) and discovers he holds a unique and rare ability to mentally recreate and perform crime scenes. With their help, Yatsufusa sets out to realize both his life and afterlife’s purpose while simultaneously helping fight crime.
Even if you are someone who has had enough of/doesn’t particularly like Vampire content (can’t relate!) - you will still enjoy MARS RED. Yatsufusa’s journey into self discovery in the afterlife is a more human story than you may think. If you have ever felt lost, lonely, confused, depressed, and/or unsure of yourself you will be able to relate to Yatsufusa in some way. And if that still isn’t enough to convince you, there are so many hilarious and touching moments, you will never be bored.
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And the scene with the baby sparrow just completely melted my heart:
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MARS RED is already unique to me in the sense that it is the only non-romance game I have on my phone but it’s also a Mystery/Crime/Horror Visual Novel which is such a great combination! I am not sure if there are any Good Ends or how many there may be yet (the story is still in development) but I have come across a couple bad ends. These were easy to go back and get for me because they involved choosing the options that no one earnestly playing a heroic protagonist should pick 🤣. They were quick and funny and are very obviously the wrong choice so if you haven’t hit one yet, you’re on the right path! If you want to get a bad end, go to the end of Chapter 1 and refuse to help.
Now, I don’t know if it’s a pandemic thing or just a me-getting-older thing😬, but I have almost no patience for games with checkpoints that I have to grind/spend like crazy for. All I really want to do these days is interact with a good story. MARS RED is the game I’ve been searching for for so long! Everything centres around and furthers the story which is super refreshing because for some reason that’s becoming increasingly rare in this genre (and industry in general🫖). Not only is it a solid, mysterious, supernatural crime story, it’s also super fun to play! I absolutely love when a game has mechanics that actually exist to serve and support the story and experience as opposed to just shamelessly providing the player with another reason to spend.
Here’s another confession: I hate most gachas. There, I said it. Why? Because for the most part, I only want/like stories. I don’t want avatar clothes or duplicates of N items that I have to go in and manually delete constantly. I just want to have more content of my faves without spending my entire pay cheque. Is that so much to ask!? MARS RED thinks not! I saw there were two current gachas even in beta: one limited and one not. I was excited because I love everything about the game already but I was also skeptical because I have a long history of being burned to a crisp by all gacha games. I was expecting to see an offering of the typical beautiful and virtually unattainable rainbow rare prizes like cards that are essentially useless (but damn are they pretty!).  However I am thrilled to report that MARS RED has blessed me with my dream gacha. STORIES GALOR-IES! 
The rainbow rare item was a story with a cg and I managed to pull it on my second 10-pull and OMG I loved it. It was so wholesome and pure and a great length that made it feel as premium as it gets! 
Aside from the story, there are three other major mechanics: Investigating, Inferring, and Exploring. 
Investigating is so much fun. It reminds me of my childhood days reading iSpy books and playing Spot the Difference games. To investigate, you simply tap on items in the scene to read about them. 
Each item offers their own unique clues and context and you better remember what you see because you better believe someone will ask you about it later and that’s called “Infer.”
During the Infer portion, you are given a limited amount of time to make assumptions and come to conclusions based on what you found during the Investigation portion. If you are like me and love playing Investigator - you will love this!
During the Explore portion, you don’t actually have to do much other than pair up 2 people and choose a location. They will Explore on their own and level up/earn you the money and points you’ll need to progress later on in the process. You can also earn rewards called “Murmurs” which are little short anecdotes between the guys.
My only “con”/criticism is that I wish there were more cgs. I hardly came across any and there were so many fantastic moments that would have completely blown me away with an accompanying CG. But for the record - the CGs I did see were gorgeous! 
Random Thoughts
I feel like this would make an excellent BL game - where are my fellow YatShu, YatSuwa, and/or YatDe, shippers?! XD
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I love Yatsufusa. He is my son and I want nothing but the best for him and his vampire/human friends. If anything happens to him...I WILL become a vampire myself and avenge him. I already want NEED a little plush doll of him. 
This game is generous without spoiling the player and it’s user-friendly without making me feel like a child. I really appreciate that especially since I feel that most recently released games cram a million mechanics in without ever connecting them to the story. (Have I talked enough about how bothered I am by a lot of recently released games 🤣?)
Closing Thoughts
If you’re looking for a game/story that you can actually enjoy without stressing over - give MARS RED a go! The world needs joy now more than ever and Yatsufusa’s smile is pure serotonin! Go get yourself a boost and download this game available now on both Google Play and App Store! 
Thank you for spending some time with me! I hope you are doing well and keeping safe & happy. I’m off to go play more of this game (Chapter 7 just released!) while finally checking out the anime! Stay safe and healthy and I’ll see you soon!
***Disclaimer: I was provided early access to this app for the purpose of reviewing it by Favary. I have not been nor will I be compensated for my review, but I received a small in-game sum of points to complete the story in the beta. This does not mean my opinions or words were bought and paid for. These are my honest thoughts and feelings and Favary entered into this agreement with me requesting and expecting nothing but.***
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iiasha-archived · 3 years
genshin anon! finally lol. i keep meaning to respond - tab has been open with your last response for two weeks now... lol. oh i put a lot of work into my weapons. especially if i use them a lot. oo the 20k+ is nice though! apparently i have hu tao built semi decently so when she gets a vaporize crit it goes quite well for me haha. yeah agree. and they have updates every 6 weeks. yeah not every update is the biggest thing ever but like... its okay. no need to rush. game development takes time.
hihihi lmao again no worries!
(2/5) oh oops I spend several hours a day on the game (when i have time). to be fair, i genuinely enjoy going into coop and finding lower ar people to help with bosses and world exploration and stuff. so i can spend a long time doing that. i know i appreciated the help when i was low. plus its fun to get to chat with others occasionally. oh yeah genshin def ripped off of botw very well lol. they took botw's complaints and went yeah i can fix that. but then made it gacha.
(3/5) i saw you say you have c6 noelle now lol. i am so so sorry ): you did get keqing though? was that on the banner? so are you guaranteed the banner character next beCAUSE ZHONGLI RERUN YES. oh yeah it was so cool seeing everyone! bennett and razor were just adorable i love that friendship. loved getting to see albedo again. hes like.. my fav and of course i missed him :/ rerun plz.. ahh yeah a lot of the claymores are more for their skills i guess. except razor. so i get that.
(4/5) i also tend to use the elemental stuff a bit more but just idk claymores are SO SLOW and im just not overly fond. oh yeah polearms do less damage ahha. i like their fighting styles though. theyre faster and just idk it just -works- for me. oh that is SO CUTE they wear friendship tassels )': ooo yeah the rosaria/kaeya/diluc trio is quite fun. would def love to see more of them! rosaria grew a lot on me over 1.4 and seeing her... not be so rude all the time... lol.
(5/5) also im super excited, i did end up pulling childe! IT WAS SO CRAZY. I DID THE MAGICAL TWO 5*S IN A ROW. mona decided to give me c1 because i can never win the 50/50 and then childe was like its okay i know youve been working your butt off getting everything ready for me so here you go <3 and like )': i love him lol his playstyle is so fun and he works great with hu tao. also got rosaria and fischl (who i didnt have) which is great! were you pulling on childes banner at all or just saving?
ALSO thoughts on the 1.5 stuff??? I haven't gotten to watch completely everything yet but it all sounds so good! Zhongli rerun!!! And the housing thing seems super cool? And lower resin for weekly bosses! New world boss too! All the events seem pretty interesting as well so I'm pretty excited! -genshin anon (pretty sure tumblr still only lets you send 5 anon asks an hour or else i would've added this earlier lol)
genshin anon. lol it's okay! everyone is free to like whatever characters they want! yeah diona is.. not involved at all. although she is getting a hangout in 1.5! might be the first one i actually do. her story is pretty sad though from reading all of her profile. yeah you with noelle was me with diona. i was so mad at her at first since i pulled her like... 10 times on xiaos banner. after i got over it i tried her out and now i love her. also its okay! i took like two weeks to respond :P
but omg how do you have tabs open for two weeks.... i get stressed if i don’t leave my computer with everything closed LMAO. i mean yeah it definitely makes sense to put a lot of work into weapons bc they can be used by multiple characters so they’re a good investment!! i should start thinking about that as well......
nice!!! i’m guessing you’re having a good time with hu tao then eh :D my xiao is. okay lmao probably not doing the damage as expected of him but eh whatever <3 
if i’m like really in the mood i can invest a couple hours but most days it takes some self-convincing to even log in asfjdkldsaj like once i’m in the game it’s fine but for some reason the action of opening and loading it up is like hmm.... also most days by the time i do get to play i’m so exhausted from work </3 
omg that sounds fun!! personally i don’t like... playing with strangers that much afjdklasj so i tend to avoid co-op... but one of my friends might start playing genshin so i totally get what you mean about helping lower AR people with bosses and stuff because i wanna do that with her lmao :D 
lmao traded botw faults for the gacha system... you really can’t have it all unfortunately </3 speaking of botw my friend got my the expansion past like. literally last year lmao i’ve been meaning to play it. ugh i’m just so behind in general on all video games unless it’s genshin lmao
i wouldn’t have minded c6 noelle if i had GOTTEN ANYBODY ELSE WHEN I WAS PULLING ON THAT BANNER ;_____; like at least they could have given me a sucrose who i don’t have!!! but i did get keqing on my pity from that banner!! wait omg i didn’t realize that was how it works... i have a vague idea but if that’s true YES ZHONGLI PLEASE COME HOME GOD PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i’m 100% skipping childe’s banner for zhongli sorry dude ajkdlfaj
ahhh yes getting to see albedo was nice too!!! even if only for a bit hehe it’s nice how they tried to rope in all the mondstadt characters somehow (except. diona jaklsdfja) 
okay mood. i love chongyun to bits but i admit after maining xiao for a while i’m definitely like why is chongyun so... slow asjfkldj but that’s literally just how it works </3 and same about rosaria!!!! she was still pretty like.... moody idk but she’s definitely better when she’s not just being straight up mean lmao
OMG CONGRATS!!!!! you seem to have much better gacha luck than me LMAOOO i envy that but i’m so glad you got everyone you wanted!!! and nah now that zhongli is definitely confirmed i’m DEFINITELY saving for him like actually the last time it was childe than zhongli’s banner was when i just started playing and i wasted all my beginner primogems on childe not knowing who was coming next........ i’m not making that mistake again LMAO
i didn’t watch the livestream but i did see the trailer and AHHHHHHH SO EXCITED omg with the housing i thought we were just getting a house but no it looks like they’re giving us a WHOLE FUCKING VILLAGE like as if i didn’t spend enough time in this game they’re introducing this like you KNOWWWW the hours about to be put into customizing our little house/villages.... 
ohhh i didn’t see the thing about resin!!! wow they really are giving it all. the previews for inazuma were also super pretty!!! and while the new characters have been known for a while this teaser definitely made me more excited for them hehe eula is so prettyyy
and yayyyy diona hangout! is she the only one coming in this version? but i’m glad to see they’ll probably add hangouts for all the characters (or at least the less story-critical ones like zhongli already has his story quest so idk if he’d get a hangout). it’s just nice to see more love given to those characters hehe <3
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riskeith · 3 years
ooo! how was playing? what do you think about the event? i’m really enjoying it actually... always nice getting new daily things to do hehe.
yeah i think everyone knows The Cover now. i still can’t believe they did that... not complaining tho... oh really? you’re absolutely right and judging by the way they’re taking the story it seems like those two will have a lot more growth to their relationship. who knows maybe we’ll even get a part where bakugou apologizes or even talks about their past etc. one can only wish. YEAH i’ve seen both the movies and i love them!! they’re super fun and such a nice break from everything that happens in the anime sjskjssk kiribaku in the first one was so gay i.... we get it boys y’all in love fhjsjdjfk (THE SIDEWAYS TODOBAKU SMILE... one of my favorite moments ever) i am all caught up now.. waiting for s5... :(
no clue!! it’s just my theory so it might be wrong. the blue one was cute too so was the pink one.... they’re all cute why do we have to pick just one :( HEY you do know how to draw 😡 pretty amazingly too! but i’d love to see that in your style chongyun is so precious.. <3
omg i gotta hustle hard for AR 35 then i already miss him. i’m at 26 now and god.. it’s getting more and more difficult i can’t imagine how it is at like 45... 😭
oooooh!!! honestly barbara healing is godsent if you don’t get him you should consider it (hopefully you do though!!) IVE SEEN VIDEOS OF OCEANID AND HE LOOKS SO SCARY CLUNA.... no thoughts head empty only boy scouts party. looking at others with amazing parties: ok but do you have boy scouts party?
i mostly have sword users! but like i mentioned i’m starting to fall in love with book users (and even bow users) shskfhdkd so i might consider investing in those some day idk they just shoot of attacks and it’s so sexy. no hands dirty. ningguang seems so op 😭 plus geo is so nice!! like an all around element.
HE’S TALL? he has a short person voice...
i’m making a twitter i wanna see some fluff 😭 wait really? even this fandom is shit? why 😭 i sometimes see yt comments and the thing i’m iffy about is how people talk about spending money on it etc but is there more?
i’ve never heard anyone do that that’s so interesting!!!! do you write it down in the same doc and then delete it or do you write it separately?
ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS!!! i’ve had so many ideas come to me before bed and i always think that i’m gonna remember them but i never do it makes me so upset. especially if it’s an idea of how to continue a story i’m stuck with... god it’s the worse. writer things 🤪
“stan loona” aka bane of my existence. i don’t usually tell ppl i used to stan because of that reason sksksj. god that was the worst sheesh. anyway. yelling at ALL of these!!! ofc i know daddy issues slowed!!!!!!!!! it’s like one of the most popular slowed songs we’re all just a sad horny bunch loving sexy vibes huh. i listen to slowed songs a lot when i write actually it sets the mood. it doesn’t even have to be anything racy sometimes it’s just calms you down. do you listen to music while you write? also i don’t listen to any of those you mentioned except troye 😭 i’m sorry 😭 but if you’re have recs i’d love to hear them ofc!!
“after school” time that’s so cute. it reminds me of when you’re younger and you run back home and eat a snack and watch cartoon (i say that as both of us still watch cartoons... yee) speaking of crying; would you consider yourself a crybaby? (such a random question hskshdjdfhhd)
before i leave; let me blow your mind with a little something... https://twitter.com/primo_fates/status/1347780975078506496?s=21
hehe... mwah. ;)
it was good!! i tried to get some ominous masks and weathered arrows, but drop rates are always shit lolll. and i think the event is alright! i don’t love it but yeah as you said it’s fun to have something more to do every day.
ikr omg... it’s such a good cover LMAO. omg a bakugou apology 😩😩. what did you think of deku vs kacchan part 2?? i regularly rewatch clips of it and cry LMAOOO god bakugou.. “why did i become the reason for all might’s end?” heart broken wow. NICE!! yeah i remember everyone freaking out over the kiribaku scenes in the first one and honestly,,,, how else do you explain it LMAO. (AND THAT SIDEWAYS SMILE!!! holy shit i watched the movie like the day after i got into todobaku and that scene obliterated me.... absolutely destroyed!) aw nice! but yeah now it’s just the waiting game i guess lol welcome to the club 🤪
IKR??? i saw the “once you pick one the others are gone” and i was just nooooooooooo whyyyy. you can’t give us all these options then don’t actually give us an option 😭 AHAHA thank u but i always joke that i can only draw well like once every 10 tries so... yeahhh we shall see! i have this thing envisioned in my mind but i am unable to execute it fskhfkdsjfs
yeah omg when i reached 45 i was like “wow i’m gonna have to do the ascension quest soon” but it’s taking me so long to reach ar 46??? yikes how am i meant to get the experience with no quests fkhdsfkjsd
i use barbara a lot in the fire domains and with the pyro regisvine!! it’s kinda funny that i’m bringing a level 40 into a level 70+ fight LOL but yeah she’s good! AND YEAHHH OCEANID LEGIT GIVES ME NIGHTMARES I JUST. as soon as i had an actual team that could beat it i grinded it as much as i could before my world level went up and it became impossible again.... but since mine might go up again soon maybe i should grind some more... and maybe i’ll be able to level up both xingqiu and barbara lol. EXACTLY!! can they pls interact in game somehow omg.. we need a bennett story!! and more razor!!!! and chongyun too!! i forgot he hasn’t actually appeared in game hfsdkjfds. and ofc xingqiu <3
fdfjlsjfs are you gonna go from a no long range team to an only long range team ahahah. and you like geo??? omg no... i hate it bc it’s so like. inert FHKDJFSD. but i guess the shields are really nice!
HE’S 172 CM!!!!! he has a baby face too so it’s pretty wild fhskdjds
ooo wdym how they talk about spending money? i don’t really look at youtube comments tbh lol. and i haven’t really seen people talk about spending money much on twitter? tho some content creators i follow open commissions for money for the gacha fhsdfksj. if you do end up joining genshintwt i hope you have fun!! 
same doc and then i delete! but sometimes if the plan is really long i’ll make a new doc so i can see both at the same time (but recently i’ve just been opening the same doc again so i can see both that way lol). do your dotpoints go into the same doc as your writing one?
LMAOOO yeah i’m always like “hnghhh okay it’s fine.. i will Remember... trust myself” and then i never do and it’s just like welp goodbye to that amazing idea. but also bc it was thought up at such a weird time maybe it isn’t actually that good after all LOL
oh nice!! yeah slowed songs are soooo good. and i usually do listen to music! it’ll depend on what i’m writing bc i like the songs to have a similar vibe, but sometimes it’s too distracting so i put on lofi or something so there are no words ahaha. oh rippp LOL! hmm well badlands by halsey was my klance/voltron album writing soundtrack for a really long time.. i wrote a few fics with that in the background i think! melanie martinez’ k-12 album has a whole free movie to go with it! if you wanna check that out. bastille’s pompeii was really popular but i also really like flaws and of the night from them.. a lot of these are older bc i don’t listen to new stuff fhsdfkjds. and hmm pentatonix (they’re an acapella group!) do a lot of covers so maybe you can find one of a song you like and check them out that way? ahah that’s a lot feel free to not listen to any!! no stress at all lmao
oh fun fact melanie has a idk what to call it character? and song called ‘crybaby’! so very coincidental you asked. but yeah i think i am? LMAOOO like if i’m alone in my room watching something and it’s sad i Will Not hesitate to cry.. like sometimes you just gotta get it out you know? and sometimes maybe it’s a little boy singing a korean cover of colours of the wind but it’s so ethereal you just burst into tears but that’s fine! FHDSKJFHDSFKJS. how about you?
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY GOD!! i legit. my jaw is dropped. i. oh my god 😭😭😭😭😭😭 FHSJFKHSKDJF1!!!! 😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 this is so atmospheric and cosy and warm 😭😭😭 i can go at peace now.. fhskfhdsjf
thank you always!! - c.r. xoxo
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starglitterz · 3 years
I actually don’t play tears of Themis *sweats* I wasn’t really that interested in any of the guys at first glance and I’m not trying to build up my gambling addiction either
AHA DW I started on overcooked 2 too without getting the first game
ily2 :D ❤️
ohhh LOL dw abt it !! omg right i get what you mean 😭 stg mihoyo's tryna give me a gambling addiction with the gacha system in both tot and genshin /hj
oooo is it good? i've only played like the first chapter (?) i'm not sure of the word but i only cooked in the kitchen like one time and it was SO STRESSFUL /pos HASKJDKSJD it was like intense but in the best way possible ykwim??? LOL
ilysmmmmmm omg <3
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taeyongtime · 4 years
no problem!! makes me rlly happy that you’re interested in it :D well thats fairly new i think? i’m still stuck in 2014-17 haha i’m just gonna try to not d1e and have a series of meltdowns again this week bc of work lmao anddd i’m gonna try and finally finish catching up to the mangas i’m reading :) what are you playing? - 🌸
yeah, her private life is relatively new! my roommate got me to watch it with her, so we watched it from start to finish together :D park minyoung is a good actress, so i found it relatively easy to watch. One’s in it too lmao 
omg good luck with work!!! don’t over stress yourself, take breaks when you feel that you need it!! also i play mobile games! i spent all day grinding epic seven trying to get materials to make gears for my units ;;; its an expensive mobile gacha but i love the animations they’re so pretty 
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