#v: Cancelling the Apocalypse
imxthexhandler · 1 year
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have. ---------------------------
( @mcltitcdes- I couldn't decide if it should be focused on our PR AU or with the Moon boys, so...)
v: Cancelling the Apocalypse
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The first person Amelia talked about Joshua was Alexis. After that, every K-Day, Alexis sticks by Amelia's side unless she's on duty so she doesn't have to be alone. The tradition expanded to include Sonny as the three of them became best friends.
Amelia refuses to fly (unless it is absolutely necessary) if Axel is not the pilot. He is the only one she trusts. To try and keep her calm during flights, if they're alone, Axel will bust out singing his favorite karaoke songs, with Amelia singing along with him. Their favorite is "You Really Got Me". Axel prefers the Guns n Roses version, Amelia prefers The Kinks.
Nearing the time of the attack on the Breach, Amelia noticed Pentecost's repeated missed calls and messages from his private medical doctor. She confronted him about it a couple of times, each time with him denying it. After he was suited up in his dive suit, Amelia confronted him for the third time. The two had a brief argument before Amelia tearfully told him goodbye and thanked him for giving her a new life with the PPDC.
Amelia waited a year after Yancy's death before she tried to reach out to Raleigh, knowing on some level what he was going through and wanting to spare him the same despair that consumed her. He never contacted her back, but every three months, she kept trying to send him messages- whether by letter, by email, or by phone.
Mako was the one to teach Amelia how to speak Japanese. She found out Raleigh spoke it similar to the same way Mako did. She stated to Mako in Japanese (with Raleigh present) at the canteen, sipping on coffee, "He's cute. His attitude needs some work and his brother was better looking, but he is cute." Raleigh glanced up with a completely serious expression, staring at Amelia, "Oh, you think I'm cute?" Which made Amelia choke on her coffee and hiss at Mako for not telling her that he knew Japanese. Mako and Raleigh still tease her about it.
Moon Knight and Mr. Knight
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Once Amelia and Steven started seeing each other, Amelia began experimenting with vegan recipes. To get a majority of the Avengers to try them, she usually has to leave out the fact that it's vegan.
Even though Amelia will straighten up the flat while they are away on business for Khonshu, she will not touch Steven's books. She will make sure they do not gather dust, and will clean underneath them, around them, but she always keeps the stacks right where Steven left them.
Both Steven and Marc can be very distracting when Amelia is trying to work on something. Marc is much more dramatic and direct, but Steven is just as bad, he's just more polite about it. Damn those brown eyes.
When Amelia was first interacting with Marc and Steven, she had an easy code with them to know who was fronting at the moment. Steven's was asking about tea time; Marc's was discussing the Cubs.
Amelia spent the night with Steven first during their first date. The two literally spent the night talking until they ended up falling asleep on the couch together. Marc was the first to spend the night at her apartment, surprising her with dinner and flowers.
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sgiandubh · 5 months
But first, time to say good-bye
It was to be a late departure (bureaucracy will someday kill us all...) from Athens, an endlessly diverted way North through a very early summer and some fitful sleep near the border, where poppies were already in bloom and elusive to the camera:
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I promised to share with you my story with Mycenae the day I would leave Greece for good. Yesterday was the day, so here goes.
I first went to Mycenae on a horrendously rainy day, in November 2018. The place struck me as a haphazard settlement of sorts in the wake of some ancient apocalypse, which was absolutely correct. We stayed in my colleague from Culture and Press' car, munched on some horribly stale koulouria as all hell broke loose outside, when she finally told me: ' you know what, I am happy we made it here: in Mycenae, you can only hear and tell the truth, you know'.
I have to say I ogled in suspicion. I was wet, hungry and completely unused to the Greek way of dressing everything up in mythology. She spoke Greek as I speak French and knew perfectly well what she was doing. She was casting a spell - an unbreakable one, for which I will forever be grateful. Oh, and as all myths would have it, the Lion Gate was closed, by the time we arrived.
It took me almost two years to go back there, during the pandemic, scared summer of 2020, when everything was empty and glorious to fully take in, like a big gulp of colors and sounds and life. My digs were to be always the same: unassuming Petite Planète, the last B&B in town, a stone throw away from Agamemnon's treasury, owned by the Dassis clan of archaeologists.
Their story begins in Constantinople, around 1875, when Konstantinos, a young orphan, begged Heinrich Schliemann to take him along to wherever he was traveling. He quickly became indispensable and helped with the first digs in Mycenae. He was the one who found Agamemnon's mask:
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When the digging was over, Schliemann bought him a tiny house for two pence and a half and told him to stay there. 'Many people will come to visit and they will need food and a roof. Make sure you do your best and it will make you a rich man.'
And they came. In droves. If you ask nicely, V. will show you their reception rosters, safely tucked away in a bank vault, in Argos. I had the privilege to see Virginia Woolf's signature and I was stunned. Schliemann's two pence house is now doubled by a garish modern addition you can see from the main road as La Belle Hélène B&B ('my cousin Agamemnon is a greedy idiot', says V), but Schliemann's room is piously kept as it was when the strange German gentleman left them to their fate. As is, they did not become rich, but that does not matter. You will always find a place at their wonderful table, where Mamma Dassis cooks the same food they ate back in Constantinople and they would not have it otherwise. The new, bigger and better B&B is called Petite Planète because of V's father undying passion for Saint Exupéry's Little Prince. It permeates everything without being obtrusive, because sometimes 'the essential is invisible to the eye'.
Back in 2020, they were worried. Very worried. The Lion Gate was open again, but the 'cretins at Google' wouldn't have it and kept on listing it as closed, on their maps. People were canceling their bookings. The village stood unusually quiet and forlorn.
I made no promises. But I did phone some people at the Greek Ministry of Culture. The least person I expected to be of any help, H, a transparent, mousey freeloader, who was always the last to leave all of our events in the hope we'd take her to dinner in town, happened to be some sort of underling at the Archaeological Sites Department. She immediately understood what I wanted her to do.
Three days after I left Mycenae, on my road trip to the Mani peninsula, I received this message in my Booking inbox:
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This started it all. And from that moment, all my Greek roads will lead there. It's also been a long time since I have trouble forcefully paying them for my monthly stays (booking and paying in advance helps, though), something they adamantly refused last time I went there:
'G., the girl wants to pay.'
'This is ridiculous, of course. This girl is family.'
Someday, I just know I will be back. For good.
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After five years and a half, many more fabulous stories (Mycenean potter and poet, anyone? mad postman? Kyria Stamatoula and her goats? Kyrios Pandelis and his jams?) the only thing I know about Greece is that, for all its (many) misgivings, this land is about two things:
Friends and Heroes.
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psiimaid · 4 months
my original character named May who grew up on the moon centuries after the apocalypse. this is bc she has been chosen by god to cause this apocalypse. in the past. w time travel. in order for god to be godborn. why her? uhhhhh bc she's special. has a natural knack for time travel yknow. comes w the telekinesis
my original character named Psy short for Psychic bc. he is. he has two cool laser guns can move things with his mind has premonitions about the future heterochromia and sort of. superpoweredly powers... a. spaceship. by fusing w the spaceship. Because
my original character Dee and actually. cancelled. di herself is a v real person 2 me. di is also someone i could meet. she's also someone i've already met. ily di
my original character named Red G. Lare professional lawyercop .
my originaled character Dark Lee. why's he called that. bc he broods. and dresses in dark blues and blacks. he likes machinery but became an. uh. he enacts capital punishment. but one time he regrets it and goes to live alone in the mountains forever
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myths-tournaments · 1 year
Awful Characters Round 1 Part 1 (6/8)
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Propaganda under the cut!
why i like him: he’s evil, he’s funny, he’s a vampire, he’s a dick for no reason, he’s British, he’s bisexual, he stops time, and everything bad that happens in the series is his fault why he deserves to be in: LITERALLY kicks puppies, that’s his THING. Ruins adoptive brother’s life just because he’s Mean and Evil. Kills people. Kills animals. Does weird horrible things to people for literally no reason. Turns people into zombies. Kisses women without their consent. Brainwashes people. Seduces lovers and sucks their blood while a weird old lady watches in the corner. Ruins generations of lives even after his ass is dead. can you be cancelled by twitter users: yes absolutely
Belial is the primal beast/angel of cunning, and one of the main antagonist of the side story "What makes the sky blue". He's the very first primal in existence and had a profound romantic and sexual devotion for his creator, Lucilius. So profound that he commited all sort of crimes to get Lucilius's love and approval, and only got worse in worse when Lucilius only showed distate for him. Mind you those were crimes Lucilius wanted him to do, but Belial was just never enough compared to the second primal beast, Lucifer, the angel overseeing Evolution. List of crimes includes: -Provoked like 3 attempted apocalypses -Organized a group of rebel fallen angels in order to make them Lucilius's experiments subjects later, torturing all of them for thousand of years. -When Lucilius was beheaded by Lucifer, Belial vowed to bring Lucilius back to life…. By organizing Lucifer's murder and beheading him in order to use Lucifer's corpse to sew Lucilius's head on it -Also managed to blame Lucifer's boyfriend for Lucifer's death because "well it's your fault he died since he was trying to protect you so he wasn't fighting at his full strength :/" -He is also extremely sexual and is constantly talking about wanting to orgasm on the spot, or engage in sexual intercourses with anyone he encounters -Also the type of person who kills his one night stands after he's done with them. -Calls torturing people for fun just himself indulging in his SM side. -He's spoken a lot about his goal to Fuck Lucifer's Corpse, in front of Lucifer's boyfriend. -Also is constantly doing sexual remarks to said boyfriend. -He's torn the wings of the one person who was still loyal to him (technically to save his life but he lied that he was doing it just to torture him) -Also he lies all the time and backstabbed everyone we ever see him make plans with -Guilttripped the protagonist by faking his suicide -Helped the protagonist at the last hour during their fight against Lucilius in order to be locked into an interdimensional prison for all of eternity with the man who hates his guts, out of love for him, while the guy couldn't think of a worst way to spend eternity. -But by helping us i mean "gave us a ship, and then we learnt that he left a bomb on that ship, nearly killing us" -Has been appearing in MC's dreams regularly to manipulate them into embracing a magic that will make MC his puppet -Managed to mind control MC for long enough to have MC try to kill their soulmate. -In the spin off fighting game he mind controlled a lot of people in the same way to make them his puppets and force them to try to kill their loved ones. -He's described in the game as "Just, The Worst". -Has this for theme song and we're supposed to think it's normal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2MHUJTciRg Personally i like him a lot because there's Layers to his depravity, mainly also that the horny feels a lot like an act some of the time, and that he's ultimately a man with intense inferiority complex and self destructive because he wants the love of his uncaring creator at all cost.
He's fairly popular in the fanbase but i've somewhat also seen a LOT of takes about how you're a bad person if you stan him. Mainly i've once seen a call out post saying all fans of Granblue Fantasy are bad because "Belial is a pedophile" quickly followed by "but i never played granblue". Like. The dude's a canon necrophile why did you need to add a crime he didn't commit on the list. (pretty sure it was on the list since he's an immortal guy who's two thousands years old who flirts with mortal people so there is Always An Age Gap but didn't he commit worse than that by now.) I've also seen some people hate him for how clingy he is to Lucilius and how he's earned all the abuse he recieves from his creator, but i don't know if those groups sweeped as low as to call his fans bad for it lmao. Oh right and once he was trending on Twitter and a lot of catholic people started to cause an outrage because "how could the youth worship the demon Belial by making him an anime boy, you're all going to hell", it was fun! There's a lot more problematic characters in the franchise that would honestly fit more to this prompt, but Belial is the only one who's popular enough to have people, even outside of the Granblue fanbase, make judgement on people who like him because he's Terrible.
pollrunner's note: belial's propaganda was all from one person and is supposed to be one big quote block but tumblr didn't like that so I had to split it up a little bit
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aboutzatanna · 2 years
M3GAN Director Gerard Johnston On His Cancelled JLD Project
"...It was just a tough time for DC...I was told that they don't want to spend money on another new movie with a bunch of characters no one's heard of, and I understand that. It was a shame. But I really was just halfway through the script writing process with that one. So Deadman, Swamp Thing, Constantine, Zatanna. I felt like Zatanna was actually the main character, and there was a lot of the conversations and jostling I had with the guys, because they were like, "Constantine's the main character." I was like, "No, Constantine's kind of the coolest character. But Zatanna is really the main character." Because she's discovering her magical powers for the first time. But it was fun, man. The characters all went to hell to get Zatanna's dad. I would love to sit down with James Gunn and talk about it, for sure."
Man, if I didn’t hate JohnZee before....  
So DC has no problem killing off Zatanna’s character so she can serve as a cog in John’s story arc in that terrible JLD: Apocalypse movie or almost every JLD comics where she jobs or gets upstaged by him but they object to her being the lead over him in a movie? Seriously?   
Also proof that they don’t see her as anything other than John’s hot girlfriend even though Zatanna has been around since 1964 and kicking ass and John only showed up 21 years later.  Zatanna *should* be the face of DC’s magical side, she’s been doing that since her first appearance while John was off having his own adventures.      
This pairing needs to be buried and never mentioned again.   
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aceghosts · 2 years
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I Won't Let Fear Compromise Who I Am (A Fanmix for Commander Rooney Shepard (they/them))
Spotify (Youtube links are included in the titles of the songs. Be warned; some of the music videos contain flashing lights and other triggers.)
Tracklist (Below the Cut):
Mass Effect 1 & Before:
I. Uneven Odds by Sleeping At Last | II. Soldier by Fleurie feat. Tommee Profitt | III. Mars by Sleeping At Last | IV. Are You Ready To Live? by Dream State | V. Weight of Living, Pt. I by Bastille | VI. Oldies Station by Twenty One Pilots | VII. Butterflies and Hurricanes by Muse | VIII. History Has Its Eyes On You by Christopher Jackson and Lin-Manuel Miranda | IX. Invincible by Pat Benatar | X. Canceling The Apocalypse by Ramin Dijawadi | XI. From the Wreckage by Sam Hulick
Mass Effect 2:
XII. Memento Mori by Architects | XIII. Paranoid by I Prevail | XIV. Drown by Bring Me The Horizon | XV. Morph by Twenty One Pilots | XVI. Running From My Shadow by Mike Shinoda Feat. grandson | XVII. again&again by Against The Current feat. guardin | XVIII. Breaking Down by I Prevail | XIX. The Labyrinth by Poets of the Fall | XX. I Can Get I Back by Zack Hemsey | XXI. Swim by Jack's Mannequin | XXII. Suicide Mission by Jack Wall
Mass Effect 3:
XXIII. Leaving Earth by Clint Mansell | XXIV. Meteor by Architects | XXV. This Is Our War by Halocene | XXVI. Knights of Cydonia by Muse | XXVII. lullaby by Against The Current | XXVIII. War by Poets of the Fall | XXIX. Saturn by Sleeping At Last | XXX. The Light Behind Your Eyes by My Chemical Romance | XXXI. Shadow of the Day by Linkin Park | XXXII. Take It Back by Miracle of Sound | XXXIII. An End Once and For All by Sam Hulick and Clint Mansell | XXXIV. Legends Never Die by Against The Current
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hellish-times · 1 year
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Issac does have a sense of danger it's just very very numb. Since he can't die through normal means, he's pretty much a magnet for weird shit, and even before he went to hell his neighborhood canonly has regular zombie apocalypses and alien invasions. :^V the two tend to cancel each other out.
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Basically Issac's sense of danger is just "Oh, this is a thing that's happening."
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musemash · 2 years
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Gallery: 1 Thus Saith The Lord Of Vegan Hosts 2 The Rapture Of The VeggieSaints 3 The Four HorseRadishes Of The Apocalypse 4 The Whore Of VeggieBabylon 5 The Battle Of Vegan Armageddon 6 The VeggieBeast With Seven Heads 7 Fallen VeggieAngels Bring Tribulation 8 The Last Vegan Judgement 9 And The Angel Said 'Beet Not Afraid' 10 The Artichoke Heart Of New Jerusalem
THE VEGGIE BOOK OF REVELATION – by David D. Fowler & Aeon 999 – revised July 9, 2023
VEGGIETALES was a brilliant vehicle for an upbeat child-friendly presentation of the world's most popular spiritual instruction manual. Its producers and staff also demonstrated a gift for cleverly lampooning pop culture. The embedded videos above are among their finest works.
MFF is proud to present recently unveiled images of their spectacular take on the ever-popular APOCALYPSE. This vegetarian edition of the Bible's intimidating conclusion must surely be one of the most important lost classics of film history – conveying both the abject terror and awe-inspiring hope embodied by the legendary REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST.
The original director’s cut of the film evidently included LARRY THE CUCUMBER singing one of his signature Silly Songs: a jaunty little ditty about the proper way to stir fry vegetables, featuring many of the Veggies perishing in Satan's wok. Because of this ill-advised detour into dark humor, the film was understandably not released by the studio – for fear of boycotts by the Religious Right, the Young Republicans, and the Vegan Mafia.
Fortunately for us, AI artist NAT SHARPE has unearthed the images displayed in our gallery. On his Twitter account, he writes: "What happened to VeggieTales? Their last movie was The Book Of Revelation. Test audiences were so traumatized [that] the studio canceled the project – and shut their doors. All that remains is a handful of leeked concept art."
Sharpe's tweet thread, displaying all 17 of these phenomenal images in their original sequence, has the blessing of VeggieTales' creator. You can find the display, along with some  entertaining responses, at this link: https://twitter.com/nat_sharpe_/status/1619847565855555586 – and for more of his artwork, go to this link: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Hornheim
The playlists below showcase videos based on specific Bible stories; and fables inspired by biblical precepts. Bonus tracks include FRANK ZAPPA's touching tribute to the vegetable kingdom; a compilation of VeggieTales HALLOWEEN episodes; the best of the SILLY SONGS; and we end with a heartrending cautionary tale about the sad fate of way too many of our veggie friends, perpetrated by THE ARROGANT WORMS.
We begin with a tribute to Head Veggie PHIL VISCHER, the wacky and visionary founder of BIG IDEA ENTERTAINMENT.
THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO VEGGIES Homage To VeggieTales https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUxtR5-tpyk Phil Vischer's Journey Of Imagination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljTK9ReAFqI Disrupted Dreams & Purposeful Puppets https://www.risenmagazine.com/veggietales-creator-phil-vischer-interview/ Why Is There No Crucifixion Episode? https://brucegerencser.net/2018/10/veggietales-why-is-there-no-jesus-character-or-crucifixion-episode/ We Couldn't Show Jesus As A Vegetable https://relevantmagazine.com/culture/never-forget-that-veggietales-werent-allowed-to-show-jesus-as-a-vegetable/ The Downfall Of VeggieTales https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJw_njstsNg A VeggieTales Horror Story https://relevantmagazine.com/current/buzzworthy/an-a-i-created-scenes-from-a-veggietales-book-of-revelation-movie/ https://rapzilla.com/2023-01-a-i-veggietales-book-revelation-scenes-horrifying/ Silly Song Medley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbPAE5WNP3E VeggieTales 25th Anniversary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vFlM3oNATY VeggieTales On YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/BigIdeaInc
THE VEGGIE TESTAMENT Noah's Ark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1vSBNmKrSI Little Joe Goes On A Western Adventure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEitrIAknAc Josh & The Big Wall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glZZR7a5XJ4 Dave & The Mean Giant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6A0ipXpaacQ Gideon The Tuba Warrior https://archive.org/details/gideon-tuba-warrior-dvd Jonah & The Big Bad Fish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVQidD4PaP8 The Girl Who Became Queen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sy_an0WkaLQ Little Danny In The Lion's Den https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDEbFXv6y04 The Star Of Christmas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o70DCe92b1s Birth Of The Baby Messiah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTcB5Sht3UY The Prodigal Son https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eus8J71YrsQ The Little House That Stood https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAKCYGsvsSs The Story Of Saint Patrick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4ZPmGAjPhM The Joyful Giving Of Saint Nicholas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brkq3BzzG80 The True Light Of Christmas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6p6-52lHAk An Easter Carol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4o5e9AD3V4
VEGGIE PARABLES Larryboy & The Bad Apple https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kKDDAFTM7c Cheering Up Madame Blueberry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PRsRiBG_i0 The League Of Incredible Vegetables https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geIwMQre00E The Princess & The Popstar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8Yie1IRDyQ The Wonderful Land Of Ha’s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar9b4O7xUfk King George & The Ducky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtKFfZ14DQ8 Larryboy & the Rumour Weed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrbcYcBXjxg The Duke & The Great Pie War https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXG0wXQzQXM Snoodlerella Gets An Extreme Makeover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPtYNsLpDLI Sumo Of The Opera https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxMlk215uoM The Asparagus Of La Mancha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wj6tKd1b7OA Sweetpea Beauty Saves Queen Blueberry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEdpEXbDBdk Larryboy & The Fib From Outerspace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnaYI_qA6QM God Wants Me To Forgive Them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtBjdIO4AnI The Life Stewart Always Wanted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOyYvEfHxLc
VEGGIE BONUS Killer Tomatoes 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3uIKzgcDxo Call Any Vegetable https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnhgQsat0mo Killer Tomatoes 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fy0fTFpqT48 VeggieTales Silly Songs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsVPF-VsE9k Killer Tomatoes 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aIXhmygh3A VeggieTales Does Halloween! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMBl5ge04Q8 Killer Tomatoes 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNfLnRHpVjY Carrot Juice Is Murder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUcR-_uqcmk
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straye · 2 years
“ you understand my ass! ”
“Then we’re getting nowhere,” Kogami argued.
Tough talk coming from the guy who’s equally as likely to conceal don’t feel and all that, though it’s clear that this time, the Neural Handshake cut Thana somewhere deep in a way he’s not sure how to address.
Trying to get into sync with each other had been nothing short of a nightmare, with Thana’s own memories nearly overtaking him and vice versa; they nearly destroyed the Shatterdome with their Jaeger’s weapons because of how deeply they’d been sucked in by the RABBIT, trying to eradicate an enemy seen only by their minds.
Today, it’s their memories. Tomorrow, it could be his.
It’s times like this where Kogami wonders what’s going through the Jaeger Program administrators’ heads when they paired these two together, knowing their luggage; Kogami can admit to his own stubbornness, so much that he simply wouldn’t admit to having any problems at all, but it’s another thing to have that stubbornness in a partner. He would never say he’d rather have another partner altogether, but he knows there are only so many people in the program that can keep up with him; that alone, he doesn’t want to lose.
“... I understand it’s hard,” Kogami begins, slowly, as if treading on thin ice, “but rejecting the notion is only going to hurt us,” he motions towards the rest of the room, “and everyone around us.”
“So, you know what? Maybe you’re right. Maybe I don’t understand. But we’re getting nowhere acting like I can’t. I have to, for us, and for everyone here. Make room for me in that Headspace of yours, Thana.”
And I’ll try to make room in mine for you.
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imxthexhandler · 1 year
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( @mcltitcdes)
After joining the PPDC, or rather, after Joshua's death during K-Day, Amelia threw herself into work, isolated herself from everyone, so lost in her grief and anger, she could only focus on her new job.
So, when she joined up at the Shatterdome in Hong Kong, she expected more just...being alone. She was not quite sure she would describe it as lonely, but it was a very solitary existence.
And yet, she came here, and despite not actively seeking it, Amelia found herself getting along with quite a number of the staff there, even, dare she say it, made friends.
One of them being Axel.
Axel's full name was Alejandro Alfonso Ramón Ramirez. He was an Air Force vet and a pilot (helicopter, not jaeger) at the Shatterdome. He was the first one she met.
Given he was Pentecost's personal pilot and with Amelia as the Marshal's assistant, they did spend a decent amount of time working together. Good thing they got along well.
Ironic how she considered her life over the moment she lost her brother, and now, she was hesitant to fully think about it, but it was like, she found another family.
And that included Axel.
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So, on this particular day, she came in with cupcakes. Axel was the first one to spot 'em and take one for himself. Amelia swore he must have inhaled it, because the next thing she knew, the cupcake was gone with a Cheshire Cat grin.
"Did you even taste it?" Amelia chuckled, staring up at the pilot as she calmly picked at her muffin, smiling.
"Hey, it's a compliment!" Axel declared.
Her eyes caught sight of his hand, giggling once more. "Um, Axel? You got a little bit on your hand there," she pointed out.
He glanced down, seeing the smear of chocolate frosting on his hand. He smirked, his brown eyes twinkling with mischief.
"Wait. What are you-- Aw, come on, Axel! Don't lick it! We have napkins!" Amelia declared with a groan as he proceeded to lick his hand clean of every trace of the frosting.
"Good grief," she huffed under her breath. She couldn't help but shake her head and laugh.
"Yeah, it was good!" Axel chimed, all with a smile.
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@gatecoeur​ liked for a Raleigh starter
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After the Breach had closed there had been some discussion what to do with Raleigh.  Herc was taking over as Marshal and Mako was going to be in a higher position.  He just assumed he would go back to Anchorage.  If he and Mako weren’t going to pilot he didn’t have an urge to get back into a Jaeger.  They hoped that it would stay closed.  He was walking around the Hong Kong Shatterdome as decisions were made.  He’d wound up in the Jaeger bay and spotted someone.
“It’s empty without the Jaegers in here.”  He said.  It was also eerily quiet without the bustle of J-Tech working on Jaegers so his voice echoed and carried.
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corditeheart · 6 years
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He doesn’t expect to find her here, in the Jaeger hangar-- mostly because she hadn’t said she was coming back at all. 
Seifer stabs his chopsticks into the dwindling pile of noodles and chicken on his plate. At least Esthar has no trade restrictions, and the food is something better than what he knows they’re eating in the other colonies. He’s halfway through chewing the mouthful, when he catches a glimpse of white hair crossing the floor far below, pausing near Ultimecia’s foot. The Jaeger is massive. Fujin is tiny, almost invisible, next to it. 
‘”Hey, stranger,” he calls over the din. “Thought I wouldn’t see you here.” 
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berrydoodleoo · 3 years
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Two tarot for the price of one! Ardyn and Ifrit as the Devil (of course) and Aranea and Garuda as the six of swords. More about these choices beneath the cut:
So first, Ardyn. I was not super drawn to Ardyn on my first time through the game, I was busy yelling at the characters (specifically Iggy and Gladio) for making such bad decisions. Why on earth would you trust him even a little bit?!?!?! He is practically carrying a sign saying ‘I’m a bad guy’! You’re protecting the primary leader of your government AND your only hope of salvation! Obvs I’m still frustrated.
But moving past that, I think the connection between Ifrit and Ardyn is interesting. It’s probably the most obvious connection, as they appear together often, and Ardyn can control him through the Scourge. But I think they mirror each other well on a story level -- Ifrit was originally a kind and benevolent god, who gave humans the gift of fire and uplifted them (like Promotheus). Ardyn was originally a kind and benevolent healer/king, who wanted to save humans from the Scourge. But like Prometheus, they both end up in chains and tortured for millinea. In the end, they both decide to destroy humanity.
They also tie into the Devil nicely. Upright, the card symbolizes oppression, addiction, obsession, dependency, excess, powerlessness, limitations. Reversed, it’s independence, freedom, revelation, release, reclaiming power, reclaiming control. The card itself shows the Devil front and center, with two smaller figures enchained at his feet (in this case Somnus and Aera). I originally had something more complicated in mind, including both Scourge Ardyn and Healer Ardyn to emphasize the upright/reversed sides of the card, but between the additional two characters and the flames, there was just too much visual chaos. And I had to include the Bone Throne, of course. :)
Aranea! This card took F O R E V E R, mostly because I decided to be clever and create Aranea’s canceled DLC look and Solara, who used a few existing elements but needed a lot of customization. I really liked Aranea’s character in the game, but I feel like the chopped story between Aranea and Solara is a major missed opportunity. There are a growing number of video games that focus on fathers and their children, and I would love to see something similar with a mother and her child. Aranea and Solara traveling and training together during the apocalypse, with Solara’s potential destiny as the Empress of Niflheim, would have been a fascinating mirror to the Witcher 3.
My original idea was to put Aranea and Garuda together, even though Garuda isn’t one of the Six. They’re both linked to air and the sky, Garuda as an eagle and Aranea as a dragoon and airship commodore, and they both have a tendency to drop in and save Noct’s royal rear when he’s in danger. FFXV Garuda is a counterpart to FFXIV Garuda, who is screamy and tyrannical, which mirrors Aranea’s role as counterpart to invading and conquering Niflheim.
Given the air connection of the characters, I focused on the suit of swords, and the six of swords really captured some elements of Aranea’s character. Upright: moving on, departure, leaving behind, distance, accepting lessons, and reversed: stuck in past, returning to trouble, running away from problems, trapped. Aranea isn’t loyal to the Empire, although she does care about her country and countrymen. In DotF, she is very aware of how she is exploited as a mercenary and commoner, but also how the MTs have it worse. Underlying that is the reality that, despite how badly she and her men are treated, as Niflheim subjects they benefit from the exploitation of the MTs -- and we know that the MTs are just regular humans whose growth has been accelerated and who have been systematically abused by Niflheim. So the card’s themes of running from problems captures this element of avoidance of responsibility, and the themes of transition and accepting lessons capture her rejection of the Empire and its military and taking on a role as a leader.
The card itself is a really striking image of a woman and child on a boat, with six swords stacked in front of them. There is a man pushing the boat, but to me, he always reads as an outsider -- he is standing well above the woman and child, and is separated from them by several harsh lines. To me, the card symbolizes the act of fleeing from hardship into peril, and being surrounded by danger and bleakness on all sides.
Which led me to creating Solara’s model! I stuck to her concept art as closely as possible, and also gave her a stuffed Cait Sith. I started with an unused child mesh from the game and rigged it with Talcott’s armature and using the Data Transfer to get most of the weighting correct. It was definitely a learning experience! It’s not perfect, but for a simple pose like this it worked.
For the rest of the card, the six swords became a six-legged spider demon (also chosen because ‘aranea’ means ‘spider’). The boat is symbolized in Aranea’s ship, approaching in the distance with a little help from Garuda. I’m still not completely happy with the final image, especially the wheat and how busy the composition is, but eh. I do like how Aranea’s jacket and Solara turned out, so I’ll have to find a way to use them again.
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shrooomp · 3 years
What are your top 10 shows with queer main characters? 👀
(I need some things to watch after I finish wwdits)
ooooh nice v good question. ill just skip the obvious ones like love victor, jatp and shadow and bone
1. Light on me (kdrama)
2. To my Star (kdrama, kind of mediocre but the intro song is literally my favorite song ever)
3. Zoey's extraordinary playlist (Mo is an icon and i love her)
4. scream but only first two seasons. i love slashers what's new its the perfect time
5. now apocalypse (unfortunately got cancelled but was so iconic 10/10)
6. Killing eve. no explanation needed.
7. runaways. I miss them.
8. eyewitness. i miss them too.
9. Manner of death (thai, still thinking about the handcuffs scene)
10. fish upon the sky (thai, made me cringe so hard but also v fun 10/10)
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blstys · 5 years
verse tag drop.
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straye · 2 years
"please, don’t turn me into anything." pacrim >:))))
GTA V SENTENTENCE PROMPTS (18+). — accepting!
“I meant it when I said ‘come as you are’.” Kogami smiles at Thana.
The pair are closer these days; while Kogami is big on sticking it to expectations, he’s surprised that the Jaeger admins were right about them the eventuality of their being compatible and getting along handsomely; he doesn’t feel like it’s 100% his own abilities to drift with most people, either. Thana’s warmed up, he likes to think. They don’t give him as much of a stink eye as they used to when they first met.
Drift space got easier to sit in, and they’re butting heads less on the controls. One might even say they’re becoming the model pilots that Kogami had once been part of in his own day, and while he remains humble to praise himself, he’s happy to let Thana have it, knowing how far they’ve come; how far they’ve both come.
If there’s an end to this apocalypse, he feels more optimistic in seeing the end with Thana. He might even say… “I’m glad I came out of retirement.”
He looks back at the Okami.
“I’m not trying to change you into anything you’re not, in which case. You’re just Thana. Maybe not the nicest person in the world most days, but I don’t want any more than that and a partner.”
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