#Steven muse
imxthexhandler · 1 year
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have. ---------------------------
( @mcltitcdes- I couldn't decide if it should be focused on our PR AU or with the Moon boys, so...)
v: Cancelling the Apocalypse
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The first person Amelia talked about Joshua was Alexis. After that, every K-Day, Alexis sticks by Amelia's side unless she's on duty so she doesn't have to be alone. The tradition expanded to include Sonny as the three of them became best friends.
Amelia refuses to fly (unless it is absolutely necessary) if Axel is not the pilot. He is the only one she trusts. To try and keep her calm during flights, if they're alone, Axel will bust out singing his favorite karaoke songs, with Amelia singing along with him. Their favorite is "You Really Got Me". Axel prefers the Guns n Roses version, Amelia prefers The Kinks.
Nearing the time of the attack on the Breach, Amelia noticed Pentecost's repeated missed calls and messages from his private medical doctor. She confronted him about it a couple of times, each time with him denying it. After he was suited up in his dive suit, Amelia confronted him for the third time. The two had a brief argument before Amelia tearfully told him goodbye and thanked him for giving her a new life with the PPDC.
Amelia waited a year after Yancy's death before she tried to reach out to Raleigh, knowing on some level what he was going through and wanting to spare him the same despair that consumed her. He never contacted her back, but every three months, she kept trying to send him messages- whether by letter, by email, or by phone.
Mako was the one to teach Amelia how to speak Japanese. She found out Raleigh spoke it similar to the same way Mako did. She stated to Mako in Japanese (with Raleigh present) at the canteen, sipping on coffee, "He's cute. His attitude needs some work and his brother was better looking, but he is cute." Raleigh glanced up with a completely serious expression, staring at Amelia, "Oh, you think I'm cute?" Which made Amelia choke on her coffee and hiss at Mako for not telling her that he knew Japanese. Mako and Raleigh still tease her about it.
Moon Knight and Mr. Knight
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Once Amelia and Steven started seeing each other, Amelia began experimenting with vegan recipes. To get a majority of the Avengers to try them, she usually has to leave out the fact that it's vegan.
Even though Amelia will straighten up the flat while they are away on business for Khonshu, she will not touch Steven's books. She will make sure they do not gather dust, and will clean underneath them, around them, but she always keeps the stacks right where Steven left them.
Both Steven and Marc can be very distracting when Amelia is trying to work on something. Marc is much more dramatic and direct, but Steven is just as bad, he's just more polite about it. Damn those brown eyes.
When Amelia was first interacting with Marc and Steven, she had an easy code with them to know who was fronting at the moment. Steven's was asking about tea time; Marc's was discussing the Cubs.
Amelia spent the night with Steven first during their first date. The two literally spent the night talking until they ended up falling asleep on the couch together. Marc was the first to spend the night at her apartment, surprising her with dinner and flowers.
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chipper-smol · 1 month
how did stardust end up in loopsif's timeline in the first place? i'm assuming this is post twohats canon, did he make a wish later on to see loop again? to be able to help loop in their original timeline? mostly i'm curious if stardust knew what they were getting into lmao
...also if loopsif DOES get out of their time loops eventually... would he go back to his normal timeline, or would he be stuck there forever?
...would loop still be there in stardust's timeline?
(sorry if it's a lot of questions or it's too spoilery for the au or you haven't thought that far ahead yet. lol)
1: Yes i think that this was a very intentional decision made by ISAT Siffrin. He'd be very cautious about Wishcraft and its rituals after the events of the game, so Stardust's presence is planned out (somewhat)
I'm thinking that its been many years since the loops and most of the party has settled down in their homes across the world (and its not like they dont make time to see each other). ISAT Siffrin gets melancholy and wonders... if they could have prevented Loop from becoming- well-- Loop.
The idea took root and then well here they are
Stardust made this Wish with returning back home in mind too
2: What would be more narratively satisfying for you? what kind of ending would give the right flavor of catharsis? NSFNFfgn ok I know thats a cop-out kind of answer but this AU definitely has a multiple endings sort of thing going on
(...i do think that it'd be a sort of Steven Universe kind of ending where Steven re-fuses with his gem half sort of thing, Stardust and Loop fusing together or ISAT Siffrin and SASASAP Siffrin)
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ancientgreekyuri · 7 months
the tragedy of steven steven universe is that he's really so similar to his mom and the things he resents about her are also things he resents about himself 💔
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noybusiness · 1 month
'I Spent Time Trapped Behind a Mirror' Club
Current Membership: Lapis Lazuli, Aaravos, the Collector, M.T./Lake
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seoul-bros · 3 months
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TwiX Link
Check out those credits!
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Post Date: 26/06/2024 (27/06 in SK)
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teddypickerry · 1 month
me: i don’t have a type
also me:
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rockstars do it better.
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senoleaf · 3 months
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i found a new obsession and need to make it everyone's problem
Steven (Strangled Red) but i'm trying to figure out how to draw his hair lol
......personally thinking either 1 or 2..? maybe?
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copingchaos · 2 years
I like to think this is jake looking at steven in the mirror, fearing for their life
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mythic-rose · 3 months
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❝ — “Ghosts are guilt, ghosts are secrets, ghosts are regrets and failings. But most times a ghost is a wish. Like a marriage is a wish. A marriage can be like a house and a marriage can be haunted, and I let that happen to us.”
rose's 100 favorite fictional muses — 40/100: Steven Crain
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Watcher, Capitalism, and the Petite (Petty) Bourgeois
So the whole Watcher controversy has revealed an interesting misunderstanding of what constitutes "the rich" or capitalist beliefs. The major theme that arose during the controversy was the sense that Shane in particular had gone against his previously stated leftist beliefs - that he had, for all these years, taken up a humorous aesthetic of anti-capitalism without actually believing in what he was saying. I believe that this is due to a breakdown in definitions as they become spread to the general public. Dissemination of information is a good thing, and I would never argue against it, but one problem which arises from concepts spreading to large groups without context is that often the actual meanings break down until they are vastly different from their original, academic denotation. This is, I believe, what happened with the phrase “eat the rich” and its current colloquial usage.
I want to preface this with the fact that nothing I am about to say applies exclusively to Watcher, or that the Watcher staff have done anything wrong or misrepresented themselves. I also don’t think that the Watcher fanbase is wrong at all – the situation just happened to spawn arguments both in defense of and critique of the Watcher team which indicated, in my opinion, that an understanding of “the rich” in a capitalist society is not well understood. Disclaimers out of the way, let’s get into this.
During the controversy, two major sides arose – those who had begun to see the Watcher crew (in particular Steven, Ryan, and Shane) as “the rich” or ruling class in a capitalist setting, and those who argued against this by arguing that as Watcher is a small business, and not the upper 1%, they are not included in the definition of “the rich” expressed by leftists. I want to focus in on the counter-argument that Watcher being a small business just trying to survive means that they are not considered “the rich.”
In Marxist theory, there is a small group called the “petite” or “petty bourgeoisie.” This group is defined as those who both own and contribute to the means of production – aka, small business owners. Marx himself wrote little about the petite bourgeoisie, predominantly referencing them in passing in his essays The Class Struggles in France, 1848-1850 and very briefly in The Communist Manifesto. He does happen to criticize this group in the little writing he did on it, “Marx derides what he sees as the petit-bourgeois self-delusion that, because it combines both employment and ownership of the means of production, it somehow represents the solution to the class struggle. This class was progressive in a limited sense, as witnessed by its claims at various times for co-operatives, credit institutions, and progressive taxation, as a consequence of felt oppression at the hands of the bourgeoisie. However, these were (in terms of the Marxist view of history) strictly limited demands, just as the ideological representatives of this class have been constrained by their own problems and solutions” (“Petite Bourgeoisie - Oxford Reference”).
Now, it is very important to note that team “Watcher is a small business” aren’t completely wrong in their positioning of Watcher’s attempt to raise more revenue as Not Evil Capitalism. Marx’s belief was that eventually the Petite Bourgeoisie would be pushed into the proletariat class. I also am not positive that Watcher is a classical small business – they very well could be a worker co-op. A worker co-op is a business where the workers have ownership of the company, and significant representation on the board of directors(“What Is A Worker Cooperative? – U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives”). While some criticism of worker co-ops from a communist or socialist view exist, they are generally seen as a more socialist approach to the typical small business model.
I couldn’t find direct confirmation that Watcher is a co-op. One point against them being one is the use of titles such as CEO and Owner, but these designations could simply be for tax and paperwork reasons. Watcher is an objectively small company, they have between 25 and 30 workers, and most people cite them currently having 27 workers, but in the past they have employed interns and I am unsure of if they currently have interns on board so I am going to stick to the range. It would be incredibly easy to have a worker co-op with 25-30 people, you wouldn’t even need voted representatives; everyone could just be on the board and contribute to decisions. I figured the next best approach would be to see what the roles on Watcher’s shows are – if Steven, Shane, and Ryan contribute significantly rather than just showing up and looking pretty on camera, then there is a good chance they might be functioning as a worker co-op more than a traditional business or small business.
To do this, I decided to look at Watcher’s largest show for each co-owner. This means Ghost Files, Mystery Files, Puppet History, and Steven’s food series. These numbers broke down as follows:
Ghost Files: Ryan is listed as a Creator on all Ghost Files videos. Ghost Files Debriefs do not have writers, so that role will not be held against them on those videos. Ryan and Shane were listed as a Host and an Executive Producer on all videos, but neither ever held a Writer, Editor, or Sound Mixing role.
Mystery Files: Ryan and Shane were listed as a Host and an Executive Producer on all videos, but neither ever held a Writer, Editor, or Sound Mixing role.
Puppet History: Shane is listed as a Creator on all Puppet History videos. He is listed as a Host on all videos, an Executive Producer on all videos, Writer on 4 videos, and never held an Editor or Sound Mixing role.
Steven’s Food Series: Steven is listed as a Host and an Executive Producer on all videos, but neither ever held an Editor, or Sound Mixing role. This show does not require a writer so this will not be held against him.
*Do take these numbers with a grain of salt, I wrote this while in class so its possible that I missed something.*
Looking at those numbers, the main three do predominantly just film, but I don’t want to devalue the work that goes into being on camera. They are still generating capital by acting, I simply wanted to clear up confusion I had due to seeing people say they edited every Ghost Files video. From what I can see, they don’t do the editing, but as executive producers they likely have to review every video before it goes out. I also still can’t fully come to a conclusion on if the company can be considered a worker co-op, but I believe it is a standard small business – aka, the petite bourgeoisie.
All of that leads to the final point – the way that people only began to view the three lead Watcher members/founding members as “the rich” after the announcement of the streaming platform shows the way that leftist theory has become divorced from some of its meaning. I saw several people arguing “you guys can’t recognize the rich”/”you guys would attack doctors and lawyers under the guise of eating the rich,” and yes its true that doctors who work in hospitals are proletariat, but if a doctor opens a private practice or a lawyer opens a private firm, does that render them more bourgeoisie or more proletariat? At what point do the petite bourgeoisie become a part of those who we disavow? I don’t actually have answers to these questions, and I’m sure people much smarter than me or better versed in economics have written on this (one source I found that seemed good while I was skimming it despite its age is this one https://www.jstor.org/stable/2083291?seq=3 ). I didn’t make this point to argue one point over the other on whether Watcher counts as “the rich,” but more to focus on the way that term gets used. The argument could be made that we could have started questioning Shane’s anti-capitalist beliefs the moment he helped start a company, but we didn’t. We only started to criticize him on the basis of hypocrisy after the announcement and its out of touch comments. This raises so many questions about how we use the term “the rich” now – does it refer to anyone we dislike who is financially stable? Has the term become completely divorced from its original meaning? Or were we being hypocrites all along? Has Watcher Entertainment always been incongruent with Shane’s implied political beliefs? Is there a certain point at which the petite bourgeoisie become a part of the financial aristocracy? Or is that term only relegated to the industrial bourgeoisie, is it reserved exclusively for those in financial positions that no artisan could ever hope to reach?
Is it possible that both arguments are correct regarding the Watcher boys, and all other members of small business ownership and management positions? That they are both “the rich” but not a part of the proper bourgeoisie?
I don’t know. I find it fascinating though.
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Happy Pride month @radiofree-america xxx
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Steven Universe would have the time of his life if he ever stepped foot on Bee & Puppycat's island.
He would find Puppycat so utterly adorable and would hug him no matter how many times Puppycat would hit him. He would get along with the easy Bee because her appetite would remind him of Amethyst, but wouldn't know about her Intergalactic temp jobs and robotic nature at first; only getting a hint when he visits her apartment and sees that she doesn't have a kitchen and keeps her food in the bathroom.
He would definitely get caught off guard by the Wizard siblings and think their names are cool. No matter how hard he tries, Cass will think he's a little weird with his pink gem bellybutton and tendency to hug all of Howell's cats. Howell, in turn, would think Lion is the most majestic feline ever.
Steven would take one look at Cardemon, Sticky, and their mom situation and be like "I'm gonna take care of this right now." He would definitely help take care of Cardamon and Sticky and be upset that his healing spit seemingly didn't wake up his mom.
All in all, he'll be happy to not have any space related stuff during his island stay...until he accidentally gets involved with temp work and finds out the hard way that the Island is actually a giant spaceship.
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unmeisenpai · 6 months
I think I might start making small stories with my wallpapers not sure tho¿
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void-thevoid · 9 months
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thexsanctuaryx · 2 months
Found In The Stars
Summary: Even in the ancient world, many have stopped believing in the old gods, but not Marc Spector and his system. They still very much believe and devote themselves to one particular deity. So what happens when they come face to face with their patron goddess, Hecate? Without knowing it's her, of course... Pairing: Original Character { Emma Harper } x Marc Spector; eventually Emma Harper x Steven Grant && Emma Harper x Jake Lockley Contents: slight angst, kinda fluffy, pagan deities, ancient civilization ergo period, almost completely if not totally alternate universe for the boys, their characters have been taken and dropped into a completely standalone original universe Warnings: mentions of mental illness { DID }, brief mentions of being mistreated by others, self-loathing, self-blame, due to contents and nature of this series, the boys are pagan instead of Jewish, it is not intended as erasure, just a different story being told Author's Note: Hello there! I've been a part of this community for a HOT MINUTE but worried for a long time I couldn't pull off the boys. Well, I started writing them about a year ago now and they haven't left since. This is my first proper fic in almost two decades, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I've loved writing it. Thank you so much to anyone who gives it a chance!!! There are several others in the works! Word Count: 2k
He sits in the garden they’ve worked so painstakingly hard to perfect for her. Days upon days – no months upon months – patiently tending to the soil, caring for the various flora that occupy the now magnificent garden on the outskirts of his father’s land. Yet, as he looks around now, it still doesn’t seem like enough and already he plans out improvements.
It’s just after midnight now, a time which he’d always been taught is her favorite. And here he sits, in the middle of the flowers, knelt at the shrine they’d set up for her at the very center, prayer upon his lips once again.
“I’m sure you must tire of hearing from me so often—but despite the lack of news, I find myself always wanting to speak to you first.” He clears his throat, glancing down with a soft melancholy smile as he reminisces to someone he’s never met – a goddess no less. And even he must admit, it isn’t the most proper conversation to have with any deity, let alone one as revered as she is.
His tongue slips between his lips, lolling his head ever so slightly. “Steven’s better at this sort of thing, the propriety and what not, but I suppose that’s just one of my many pitfalls.”
He pushes out a sigh, “I know I maybe shouldn’t speak so casually to you—you are the key bearing queen of the cosmos after all—” He briefly pauses before continuing at his own expense. “I must seem a child with a silly crush…”
A light scoff forces its way through his sinuses, reaching a hand back to grip at the back of his neck. He squeezes his eyes shut, shaking his head. “It’s just that you’ve always been there—or perhaps I hope you have…”
He looks up at the sculpture he hand formed himself as he speaks to her now, pursing his lips now with indignation toward himself. His shoulders rise slowly and fall back down again. “You’re the first one I think to speak to in the morning and you’re often the last I speak with before I sleep…”
“So I suppose I just wanted to tell you…it’s my—our birthday today…” Another beat passes, frowning softly as he continues, “Which will be spent alone of course—” He pauses again to smirk softly at the silent statue. “Still waiting on you to send us that wife we’ve spoken so much about…” He teases.
He looks up at the soft curves of her face hewn from marble. “But it only felt right to spend the first moments of our thirtieth solar return with you…”
“Thank you for always keeping us under your careful gaze…”
A voice comes seemingly out of nowhere from behind the right of the shrine. “You speak to her as if you’re in love with her…” The soft somewhat raspy voice says. And as she steps out into the pale light of the moon, he suddenly wonders if he believes in angels instead of goddesses.
His face stills in shock as he struggles to find breath, even as she moves closer. She looks to be a handful of years younger than he, dressed in clothes that would suggest nobility.
She offers a soft, calm smile, tucking a loose curl behind her ear. “Forgive me, I didn’t mean to intrude. I was on a late walk when I saw this beautiful garden and wanted to see it up close.”
It's in this moment, he begins to believe in his goddess more now than perhaps he ever has before. He’s almost certain that she’s the companion he’s prayed so fervently for all these years. A breathtaking maiden, stumbled in his garden at the precise moment he’s saying just such prayers.
She rolls her lips in, causing dimples to prick into her cheeks as she does her best to hide her amusement at his astonishment.
“Do you mind if I join you?” She wonders aloud, stepping closer to him.
He clears his throat, blinking rapidly to rouse himself from his daze. He shakes his head quickly, “not at all…”
She moves to claim a spot on the marble bench that rests just behind where he’s knelt at the altar.
He rises slowly, still stunned by her presence even as he makes to sit beside her. He’s surprised he can even find his voice at such a time, but introduces himself gently. “I’m Marc…”
It occurs to her then, that perhaps betraying her secret isn’t wise just yet. As smoothly as breathing she replies, “My name is Emma…”
He can’t help the smile that overtakes his lips at the sound of her name, and she only returns it with one of her own.
All at once, however, he looks troubled, “should you be out so late on your own?”
A gentle laugh escapes her, “perhaps I believe in your goddess just as much as you do—that she’ll protect me.”
“You shouldn’t--” The crease forms between his eyebrows.
“I shouldn’t believe in her?” She teases, looking a little too deeply into his dark brown eyes.
He scoffs lightly, quickly looking away from her intense stare. “No-- you should believe in her—forgive me I more meant—it can be dangerous to wander alone this late at night, I wouldn’t want anything to happen--” He squeezes his eyes shut, once again feeling as though his mouth has gotten away from him.
She finishes his sentence in the softest tone, her words in contrast sounding filled with confidence. “To me?”
He nods slowly, swallowing as he looks back to her.
As his eyes connect with hers once more, she can feel the years of pain that hide behind them. Moreover, she’s been with him through every moment of it and needs no explanation.
Suddenly she wants nothing more than to tell him exactly who she is, but knows it’s too soon. Such a revelation might only cause him to question his sanity as he so often has in the past.
She reaches a hand to gently rest over his, her voice remaining just as unimposing. “Will you tell me about her?” She asks, looking away from him to the statue he spent hours carving, never knowing just how close by she was.
He looks confused by the question, “You want me to--…” His brows furrow deeply again, trying to figure out this mysterious woman his goddess seems to have sent to him.
Emma looks back to him briefly and the gestures with her free hand to the flowers that stretch out around them for what seems like miles. “You built all of this for her, did you not?” She pauses, quirking one shoulder to her ear. “You must love her a great deal…”
Marc’s cheeks heat, though undetectable in the darkness that surrounds them. Another small smile tugs at his lips, glancing down at the ground. “It must seem foolish to love someone so much that you’ve never met.” He swallows, nodding. “Someone that many don’t even believe exists, and that others yet still fear too much to worship.”
She interjects again quietly, giving a feathery brush of her thumb over the back of his hand beneath hers. “But you don’t fear her…and you seem too close to her to diminish by using the word worship to describe your relationship with her.”
The corner of his lips tug upward, a sad look coming over his eyes as he continues to avoid her gaze.
In a moment of truth, he confesses, “she’s the only one who has always been there for me…”
Her heart squeezes in her chest, the love she returns for him seeming to all but swallow her whole. A breeze seems to rise in the air, rippling through the garden around them, a small physical showing of the way her heart sighs for him.
He takes notice of the change in the wind, a scowl coming to his features, unbeknownst to him, correct in his deduction, “perhaps she’s heard me.”
Emma can barely withstand the swelling in her chest, struggling to maintain her secret. Ancient as she may be, she finds it almost impossible to deny the love he's stirred within her all of his years.
“I’m sure she has…”
There’s a pause of stillness between them before she continues.
“What would you tell her if she could hear you right now?” She asks softly.
Marc shoots her an incredulous look, “As if you didn’t hear everything I said before making your presence known…” He teases.
Her heart seems to flutter, something she hasn’t felt in many millennia. She finds herself avoiding his gaze, feeling like the human maiden she passes herself off as now, and not the goddess as old as time that she is.
“If she were to grant you one wish for your birthday, what would you ask for?” She inquires.
At the shift in her demeanor, Marc wonders at the miracle that seems to take place before him. But then, she didn’t know the deep dark secrets he’s concealing. Any attraction to him would quickly fall away if she did.
Still, he thinks on her question. He pushes his lips out as his eyes travel to the shining stars  above that litter the vast expanse of the universe. He wonders if she’s up there watching over them this very moment.
“I supposed I’d want to meet her face to face…”
Her eyes widen ever so slightly, following his eyes to the heavens above. She’s almost completely dumbfound by this human man who wants nothing more than to meet her properly. A man who seems to captivate her ageless heart more and more by the second.
“You’d choose to meet her over asking for a companion?” She asks, her voice laced with bewilderment.
His eyes fall back to hers without moving his head at first, smirking softly. “So you were listening the whole time then…”
She can’t remember the last time she was so turned around by anything or anyone. At first, she mistakes his meaning for knowing who she truly is, her features contorting with a troubled expression.
“It’s okay—you wouldn’t be the first to hear a personal conversation with her…”
She’s almost disappointed by the revelation that he still believes her to be a human maiden, who simply happened upon him in his garden in the middle of the night. She clears her throat with a bit more difficulty than usual, her eyes falling to the ground.
He squeezes her hand gently, misunderstanding why she suddenly appears so crestfallen. “It really is okay…--but yes, I think I would choose to meet her above all else. I have so much to thank her for, and I’d want her to know that she is loved, and that there is at least one person who isn’t scared of her…”
Her head shoots back up, her eyes wide as they look to his again. Another gust of wind blows through the garden, the moon seeming to glow brighter above them as she marvels over him.
Her eyes, almost silver in the light from above, seem to only draw him in, his free hand moving to reach for her face. The crease between his brows comes back, as his eyes battle hers, leaning in closer.
He speaks now as if lost in a trance, “Besides, what’s a lifetime with one woman over an eternity with a goddess…”
Her eyes fall to his lips as they move steadily closer to hers. All at once, he claims them with his own, the softness of them consuming her as her eyes flutter shut.
A meteor shower erupts above as she reaches for the wrist of his hand at her face, attempting to keep him there longer as her lips glide over his.
The kiss is brief and all too fleeting as he withdraws again, remaining ever so close as his eyes scale her face. As if sensing the deep and ancient power that resides within her, he whispers a winded, “Who are you?”
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novantinuum · 7 months
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when the blind reactors you watch are starting to get into the Nitty Gritty of plot and you are going to have to be Very Careful in your meta ramble comments from now on so as to not accidentally sway their thinking or Give Anything Away
#SoEverdream on patreon just finished s3#and got to the 'rose shattered pink diamond' (*major irony Air Quotes*) ''reveal''#we really in it now boys#jen rambles#man tho it's so funny at the end of s3 he was musing on if the reveal of what rose ''did'' would at all change steven's willingness to be#more offensive on the field in a situation of need and he was like... 'man part of me... actually really wants that and a part of me#Does Not because steven is a literal child and at the end of the day i want him to stay innocent'#and meanwhile in the back of my head i'm just#war flashbacks to 16 yr old steven Going On the Offensive and uh#it not ending well :')#which i still think... narratively- how it's presented- was kinda genius on a meta level#they play up that fight the whole episode... building up towards it with a whole anime-esque training montage#playing it up like some fuckin shounen shenanigans#for Many audience members i think they were like 'holy shit lets GOOOOOO fight fight fight'#but then like#WHAM. consequences hit#and it's not a fun little shounen fight scene anymore#and you realize that this is the worst possible thing that could've ever happened to steven- truly giving himself over to the offensive#like god damn holy SHIT i cannot wait for this reactor to eventually get there#bc his reaction to steven having to stab a sword clear through bismuth was VISCERAL#and i just KNOW it'll be the same at That Moment#and i CRAVE it#but i need to be patient ahahah#all in good time :)
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