#v: Compassion is essential to a Jedi's life
imxthexhandler · 2 years
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( @mcltitcdes​)
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Hey, friend! Oh boy, buckle up! I'm a writer so prepare for a long ass answer lol. Here we go...
For most controversial character, if we're referencing all of Star Wars, I would say Kylo Ren (this blog focuses on pretty much everything other than the sequel trilogy- in my mind, they don't exist lol). My personal opinion is he's kind of a little bitch lol, but I appreciate the idea that he's sort of a reverse Luke and Vader situation. In L&V's case, it's the son turning the father back from the dark side, and in Ben Solo's case, it's the father (I wished) turning the son from the dark. *Ask me about my Kylo Ren potential rant lol.
My most unpopular opinion I would say is I actually really love Jar Jar Binks lol😅 I see why people dislike him, but I think he's sweet (and quite possibly a Sith Lord🤪)
Tumblr is my fav fandom pocket for sure!
Endor! It's funny, I actually live in a very wooded area irl, so when I would watch ROTJ on summer nights with the windows open and listen to the crickets chirping, it felt like I was really there🥰
I love me some good Luke and Vader father & son hurt/comfort, and anything Skysolo! If anyone reading this writes these kinds of fics, feel free to message me links to your work!
Favorite story element is hands down Luke's character arc and him saving Vader through compassion and forgiveness. I could go on, but then this would be a REALLY long post lol😆
Sure do! I won't link just for sake of it being kind of confusing- some of the songs take some explaining and some are just from my own fics lol, but some tops songs include "Spectrum" by Muzzy, "Isle of Flightless Birds" by Twenty One Pilots, and "illicit affairs" by Taylor Swift (bonus: see my fanvids for some of these here!)
Favorite Star Wars meme is the "and your pal friendpatine"- that one still makes me giggle snort after all these years🤣
Favorite piece of content is and probably always will be Return of the Jedi!
I get a lot of merch from a local comic book store and some from Comic-Con! I have a few Pops, some figurines, and an Ewok backpack, among many other things😁
I relate to Luke the most- I consider myself a compassionate person who leads with my heart, and I tend to be quick to forgive (sometimes to a fault). But hey, maybe I'll save someone from the Dark Side someday😆
My comfort character is 100% Luke. His compassion and willingness to see the good in others inspires me to do the same irl. He's seen me through the good, bad, and ugly in my life, and I don't know where I'd be had I not clung to him. In other words, he's my son😆
Sequel trilogy? Garbage. Absolutely not canon and never will be to me. Basically it boils down to mischaracterization and trying to undo essential parts of the Originals. I've shed actual tears of disappointment and anger over those movies. I'm happy for the people who can enjoy them, but I will never be able to.
I love the Luke & Vader community! I love being a part of something so inclusive, wacky, and fun! I know I can always reach out if I need something fandom-related or just want to pal around with like-minded people. Shoutout to all my L&V fans! A part of the fandom I don't enjoy is the incest between Luke and Vader that somehow seems to creep up in my AO3 from time to time.
A Star Wars blog I hope will follow me is @kaelinaloveslomaris if she ever followed me back or read my work, I would actually shit my pants.
The short version of why I fell in love with Star Wars is Luke's character arc and him saving Vader, and in turn, Vader saving Luke. The long version? Well, I'll post that another time when I'm feeling sappy🤪
Yes! I went to opening night for TLJ (unfortunately lol) and TROS (also unfortunate lol). I was thoroughly disappointed by both, but I also got to see Solo on opening night and that was a blast! I will say, the energy at all three was unmatched, and it was fun to be around other Star Wars super fans irl😁
I sure do write fanfic! My AO3 is here 😁 You will find a lot of L&V hurt/comfort, angst, etc, and a little Skysolo!
I absolutely loved the Obi-Wan series- seeing Obi-Wan duel Vader ("Anakin is gone. I am what remains."😭), everything about little Leia, Reva, Hayden Christensen's return, just EVERYTHING! I especially loved when Obi-Wan told Leia in what ways she was like her parents. I've seen this series at least four times and that part gets me every time😭
Thank you SO much if you read through all this chaos- I hope you learned more about me and got a better look into my perspective of everything!
Want to answer these questions yourself? Find the original post here!
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kylo-renakin · 4 years
Death in Star Wars, and How Ben Solo Was Shafted: A Mini Meta
Something has been bothering me about Ben’s death in The Rise of Skywalker. While I’m upset that he died, I echo the sentiments of other fans that just as offensive was the way that he died and how his death was treated in the context of the film. It bothered me because death has always been a part of Star Wars, but usually handled much better.
And so this meta was born.
I will be doing a brief analysis of significant character deaths from the Star Wars movies. I don’t want to touch on all of them because there are simply too many, so I’ll focus on the ones that were either major characters (i.e. trio billing or main villain) or narratively important (i.e. Shmi Skywalker).
This list will be approached chronologically within the Star Wars universe, beginning with:
Qui-Gon Jinn; portrayed by Liam Neeson
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Personal feelings: I cried like a baby. Qui-gon holds a special place in my heart. His death was both epic and sombre. It hurt to watch other main cast celebrating their victory after defeating their respective challenges and then cut to Obi-wan cradling his master’s head in his lap, crying.
Mode of death: Killed by Darth Maul at the end of The Phantom Menace. His actual death takes a few minutes of screen time, an outburst/scream from another main character (Obi-wan). He has last words to say to the person he has the closest on screen relationship with.
Aftermath: Held by a visibly devastated Obi-wan while he died. Sombre funeral pyre. Death discussed on screen by the council and Obi-wan.
Narrative purpose: To enable Anakin’s training under Obi-wan, which is pivotal to the overall arc of this trilogy. To provide a tangible loss and character growth for Obi-wan, who failed to save his master from a Sith--later mirrored by Obi-wan’s inability to save Anakin from becoming a Sith in Episode III, thereby providing a narrative ‘tail-end’ to Obi-wan’s journey in the trilogy. To cement the master/apprentice relationship as loving, emotional, familial, which then adds narrative depth to the bond between Obi-wan and Anakin. To introduce a cohesive theme of death, failure, and loss at the hands of the dark side that would pervade this trilogy.
Overall response: This death is both emotional and narratively important. It’s given the weight and time it deserves to have an impact on the characters. 
Shmi Skywalker; portrayed by Pernilla August
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Personal feelings: Rough acting aside, watching a person die in their family member’s arms is always sad. It’s an extremely dark moment in a film that otherwise leans heavily into romance, action, and detective-mystery storytelling.
Mode of death: Tortured by Tusken Raiders. Died from her injuries. Again, her actual death takes a couple of minutes of screen time. She is able to say some last words to her son, the most important character relationship for this character.
Aftermath: Dies in the arms of her visibly devastated son. Anakin murders the Tuskens for revenge. On screen funeral where she is mourned and memorialized by her family/loved ones.
Narrative purpose: To drive Anakin further to the dark side by taking advantage of his love and compassion and turning this into anger and hate (revenge against the Tuskens). To plant the seeds of Anakin’s inability to save the ones he love. To emphasize his failure to keep his promise to return to his mother and free her. (Despite being freed off screen, she essentially died in captivity anyway, and Anakin was not the one to free her.) To further the cohesive themes of the trilogy: death, failure, loss, the power of the dark side.
Overall response: While not as moving for me personally as Qui-gon’s death, it has a very relevant thematic purpose and furthers the story. Shmi’s death is given adequate time on screen and we are able to observe the responses and aftermath of that loss.
Padme Amidala; portrayed by Natalie Portman
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Personal feelings: We make jokes about how she lost the will to live, but her funeral was beautiful and Natalie’s delivery of the line “you’re going down a path I can’t follow” feels extremely important in this story.
Mode of death: Up for debate. She has lost the will to live after giving birth to Luke and Leia in the wake of Anakin’s fall to the dark side. Some have theorized that her life force was taken (or given?) to keep Anakin alive, but this is not made explicit in the movies. She dies beside Obi-wan Kenobi, and has the time to say last words--words of hope for Anakin’s eventual redemption. Her death itself takes several minutes and is followed up with screen time for a funeral where characters acknowledge her death.
Aftermath: The gorgeous and enormous funeral, mourned as a queen and a senator and a good woman. Anakin (as Darth Vader) mourns with a devastated and poorly acted “nooooo”.
Narrative purpose: To fulfill the themes of death, loss, and failure (Anakin’s failure to keep her alive) at the hands of the dark side. To provide a character loss that mimics the loss of democracy, freedom, and goodness that has fallen to Palpatine’s control. To provide a visual and narrative parallel between the death of Anakin (through the death of his love) and the birth of Darth Vader.
Overall response: While this death was definitely poorly handled it did have narrative significance and it was arguably necessitated by having to have this trilogy line up with the original trilogy. Her short funeral was one of my favorites in the series.
Obi-wan Kenobi; portrayed by Sir Alec Guinness/Ewan McGregor
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Personal feelings: I feel weird having an opinion about this one because this movie was made well before I was born, and so I didn’t feel a real connection to/nostalgia from these characters the way I did with the prequels and sequels. Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan was a huge part of my childhood, so watching A New Hope in retrospect makes this death sad for me.
Mode of death: Killed by Darth Vader/becomes one with the Force. Essentially sacrifices himself so that Luke doesn’t try to come after him.
Aftermath: Luke shouts “no!”. In a later scene, Luke further acknowledges his death--”I only wish Ben were here”. Ben is later seen as a Force ghost in Episodes V and VI, continuing to acknowledge his character’s death and ongoing influence on, importance to, and relationship with Luke.
Narrative purpose: To provide growth for Luke’s character as he grapples with losing a mentor and surrogate father figure who was also the last person (he believed) who was a link to Luke’s (supposedly) dead hero father that Luke looked up to--and setting us up for this narrative complication in VI. To demonstrate that the Jedi/good guys of the film win through self-sacrifice and not through anger, hate, or fear, which is very thematically resonant in this trilogy.
Overall response: Narratively meaningful, and the character’s death is immediately recognized. We get to see the response of the characters who he has the closest relationships with.
Yoda; portrayed by Frank Oz
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(I just love The Last Jedi, okay??)
Personal feelings: It was kind of sad, in the way any person dying of old age is. It did feel more overtly spiritual than Obi-wan’s death.
Mode of death: Dies of old age, in his own home, in his own bed, with Luke beside him. His death scene lasts a few minutes and he has some last words.
Aftermath: We see Yoda again as a force ghost, which we are expecting as an audience since his body fades like Obi-wan’s did. There is sufficient closure. Luke is present for Yoda’s death and, at this point in the films, is the only character relationship Yoda has left alive--therefore this is the most significant his death can be to someone. Luke doesn’t look overly upset but this is not painted to be a sad death, as death by old age is usually more a fact of life and a nice reprieve from untimely losses.
Narrative purpose: Honestly, it’s been a long time since I watched the original trilogy so I’m kind of stretching here. I’m going to borrow from The Last Jedi and say that Yoda’s death allows Luke to grow beyond his master and stand on his own two feet as a fully autonomous agent of goodness. He no longer has the crutch of wise older men to lean on and must make his decisions on his own. Yoda’s death frees Luke to be the master of his own destiny, now knowing the truth of his parentage and no longer being guided by others to do what they think is best (kill Vader).
Overall response: One of the less impactful deaths in the series, but I do appreciate how it adds to Luke’s growth as a character and transition into Jedi Master.
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader; portrayed by James Earl Jones, Hayden Christensen, and Jake Lloyd
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Personal feelings: This is the big one™ of the trilogy, and it shows. Watching Luke trying to literally drag his father to safety is raw and heartbreaking. Seeing him unmasked for his son is chilling. The funeral pyre is beautiful. This definitely made me feel the feelings.
Mode of death: Sacrificed himself to kill Palpatine. Death lasts several minutes. Dies in Luke’s arms and Luke cries as he dies.
Aftermath: Funeral pyre. Force ghost Anakin bringing peace to Luke and cementing his redemption.
Narrative purpose: Too much to list! Reinforcing that good guys sacrifice themselves to protect the people they love. Bringing balance to the Force by killing the Emperor (thanks JJ for messing that up by the way). Finding peace with Obi-wan as a force ghost. Showing that the belief that people can be saved from themselves is validated. I’m sure there’s plenty more besides but this one is so narratively rich that it would take forever to mine.
Overall response: Extreme narrative importance. Basically ties together six movies. Emotional, beautiful, resonant.
Han Solo; portrayed by Harrison Ford
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Personal feelings: Ouch, ouch, ouch! This was... this was angsty. I love angsty. I cannot possibly find adequate words to describe how well done this scene and this death was. One of my top three moments of The Force Awakens.
Mode of death: Struck through the chest with a lightsaber by his son, Ben Solo (under the alias of Kylo Ren), after an attempt to save him from the dark side and bring him home. His body falls into the pit on Starkiller Base.
Aftermath: So. Much. Rey screams “no!” Finn is visibly upset, too. Chewie roars in agony and shoots Kylo Ren with his bowcaster. Leia can be seen feeling Han’s death and cannot find the strength to keep standing. Kylo/Ben looks immediately shaken by what he has done. Rey and Leia share a sad hug at the end of the film. In The Last Jedi, reactions continue. Luke is shaken by the revelation of Han’s death and spends a quiet moment in the Falcon mourning him. Kylo/Ben’s reaction continues to spiral. Snoke, in one of my favorite lines in the film, announces that “the deed split [his] spirit to the bone”. Rey grieves Han and accuses Ben of hating him. Luke warns Kylo that he will always be with him, “just like [his] father”. Han’s shadow is felt all over The Last Jedi without him being present. Even without the further reactions in The Rise of Skywalker (Rey saying Ben is haunted by him, the literal memory scene on the Death Star), the impacts of Han Solo’s death are the most significant in the entire franchise.
Narrative purpose: To advance both internal and external character conflicts. Kylo killing Han provides an external conflict between him and the heroes--particularly between him and Rey as Rey yearns for parents who love her and Ben (seemingly) rejects/kills his that do. It also provides a meaty internal conflict for Kylo Ren/Ben Solo, who is the most nuanced villain I have ever seen in film. While Han’s death doesn’t seem to serve a main theme in The Force Awakens (it is my perspective that JJ does not have cohesive overarching themes in his two entries in the saga), it does blend in pretty well with The Last Jedi’s preoccupation with killing the past. The thematic takeaway from The Last Jedi is that you can’t and shouldn’t kill the past, you should learn from it and move on--and Kylo killing Han neatly fits into this theme by showing that Kylo tried to kill his past by killing his father, and yet he was unable to move on because of it.
Overall response: Poignant. Purposeful. Well-crafted. The effects are long lasting and felt throughout the trilogy. This is not a meaningless death. Of the entire saga, this is the death that is given the most acknowledgement.
Supreme Leader Snoke; portrayed by Andy Serkis
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Personal feelings: I was on the edge of my fucking seat. This is not emotionally resonant because we don’t care about Snoke but it was huge and shocking and had these enormous narrative implications moving forward.
Mode of death: Cut in half by Kylo Ren while he narrates his own death.
Aftermath: The Praetorian guards spring into action to avenge their master. In a later scene, we see Snoke’s severed legs topple to the floor. Hux is visibly shaken and angry. Kylo Ren acknowledges the death (by blaming it on Rey) and takes Snoke’s position as Supreme Leader (”the Supreme Leader is dead”, “long live the Supreme Leader”). I’m... going to ignore how The Rise of Skywalker handled Snoke. It was unnecessary to have Snoke clones from a storytelling perspective. It added nothing to the narrative, just used as a clumsy way to justify that Palpatine was really pulling the strings all along.
Narrative purpose: To deepen the perceived conflict within Kylo Ren and showing his unwillingness to kill Rey. This further complicates their relationship moving forward as we’ve established that the new head honcho powerful villain has no real desire to hurt the hero. The narrative implications of this moving forward were so rich. Pity JJ ignored them. Additionally: To show Kylo Ren symbolically surpassing Darth Vader. In Episode III Anakin claims he will overthrow the Emperor and rule the galaxy with Padme. He never achieves this. But Kylo Ren does (minus the Empress by his side). To deepen the theme of Kylo Ren trying to kill/bury the past in order to become stronger (and ultimately failing). To add Snoke to the list of characters in the movie who embody the theme of failure. To shake up an expected narrative trajectory and provide new pathways for future storytelling. (Again, JJ, looking at you.)
Overall response: Loved it. Loved it. Not as resonant as some of the other deaths but by far to me the most shocking.
Luke Skywalker; portrayed by Mark Hamill
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Personal feelings: Okay, this is a big one. Here’s the thing. I did not grow up with the original trilogy. I never really cared for Luke (didn’t dislike him either, just ‘meh’). But this movie. This movie. I went on a journey with Luke. I saw him as fallible. As human. Making mistakes. Failing. Falling into depression. And overcoming it. I cried when Luke Skywalker died. I did not think that would happen. I did not think I would ever love Luke so much.
Mode of death: Force projects himself across the galaxy to face his nephew and save the Resistance; the effort kills him. Luke’s death takes a couple of minutes of screentime, and it is gorgeous. Hamill acts his ass off. The music, the visuals, everything combines to make this the most emotional death in Star Wars--a fitting end for its first hero.
Aftermath: Leia and Rey feel his death in the Force. They speak to each other quietly about it. They know it was peaceful. Luke, knowing he was going to die, came and saw his sister first and gave them beautiful closure and a message of hope. Just before Luke dies, he warns Kylo/Ben that he’ll always be with him. Just like his father. Luke fades into the Force and we know we will see him again as a force ghost (which we do, but JJ managed to trash even that). The boy on Canto Bight and his friends are inspired by the legend of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. He ignites hope throughout the galaxy once more.
Narrative purpose: Multiple. As above, inspiring hope throughout the galaxy once more. To serve the theme of self-sacrifice. Achieving victory without violence (pacifistic). Preventing Kylo Ren from killing more people he cares about (Rey, Leia, Luke) and thereby protecting him, at least a little, from himself. Also serves a similar purpose to Yoda’s death--with both Luke and Snoke dying, Rey and Kylo Ren are without masters, the arbiters of their own destiny (thanks again JJ for fucking that up too).
Overall response: I can’t decide if this or Han Solo’s death is more emotionally impactful to me. They are both so, so moving, and so essential to the narrative.
Leia Organa; portrayed by Carrie Fisher
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Personal feelings: This is hard. I don’t think her scenes in The Rise of Skywalker worked. They were cut from The Force Awakens for a reason--and then cobbled together like some kind of Frankenstein’s Monster for this movie. As much as I love Leia and Carrie, I couldn’t feel emotion for her death because it was so wooden and artificial.
Mode of death: Uses the last of her energy to reach her son (it is unclear exactly how she is reaching him. Force projection? Did she create the Han memory? Who knows.) Even with so little to work with, they still managed to focus on her death with her lying down, her hand falling to the side--trying to give this some weight.
Aftermath: Chewie mourns. Ben and Rey both feel her death and are clearly devastated. The Resistance gather around her body in mourning. Her body fades at the same time as Ben’s (wtf, JJ) and then we see her as a force ghost with Luke (but not Ben because fuck him apparently). 
Narrative purpose: To bring her son back to the light, something that has been a central struggle of this trilogy. Sacrificing yourself to save that which you love.
Overall response: It has a purpose, but I can’t help but think it wouldn’t have gone this way if Carrie hadn’t died. It doesn’t seem as organic as the deaths of Han and Luke.
NB: I’m skipping Palpatine because his death was literally nothing else than “defeat the big bad”. It wasn’t even fulfilling a prophecy, it had no significant narrative weight for Rey, it was a nothing burger.
Ben Solo/Kylo Ren; portrayed by Adam Driver
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Personal feelings: Twofold. In the cinema, I felt nothing. Nothing. I actually laughed in surprise. Like, “what was that”? The next day, at home, I cried. I don’t think I cried because he died. I was open to that possibility. I cried because I was so, so angry at how poorly his arc and death was handled. Like he was a footnote in his own fucking story. I think him living was a much more interesting story, narratively and thematically, but I wasn’t necessarily opposed to his death if it was done well. And it wasn’t.
Mode of death: Uses the last of his life energy to resurrect Rey. Falls over. (Plop, there he goes.) Fades into the force.
Aftermath: Like, none? Rey looks kind of surprised and blinks for a couple of seconds. No words are exchanged. He just tips over and dies. Cool.
Narrative purpose (or failure thereof): I am fucking reaching here because all of the previously established trajectories and themes are dashed by this ending. We could argue that this is a self-sacrifice to save what you love theme point. Which is fine, but like, no one mourns. He doesn’t become a Force Ghost. No one acknowledges his death. Ben fading into the Force is a metaphor for him fading from people’s minds. It’s like he doesn’t even exist in the context of the story anymore. Which is insanely baffling because all three of the original trilogy heroes sacrificed their lives, at least in part, to save Ben Solo. So that he could in turn save Rey? So he’s just another cog in the machine? This was always about Rey and never about the love Han and Leia had for their son, or that Luke had for his nephew? If you think about it, the only other ‘main’ characters to die during the course of their trilogy were Qui-gon and Padme. And both of those characters had funerals, and people mourning, and huge narrative implications. The death of Ben Solo reads like the death of a minor character. It serves one very narrow and already over-represented theme. The death of all of the rest of the Skywalkers had huge emotional ramifications for the other characters in the films. With Ben Solo, the Skywalker legacy fades as well, as if JJ is telling us that this saga was not about this family at all, but their whole story existed only for the point of saving Palpatine’s granddaughter. How fucked up is that?
Overall response: Narratively, this just doesn’t make sense. It’s lazy and not impactful. When a character dies in films, you want the audience to feel something, so you show other characters reacting to it. Are they sad? Then we should feel sad too! Are they elated? We should be celebrating! No one reacts to Ben’s death, so we’re not sure how we’re supposed to feel, either. The people who are devastated by this death are the ones who love the character itself and are upset that he got treated this way--the death itself was hollow and emotionless.
So, there you have it. Ben Solo was shafted. Death is extremely prevalent in these movies, and yet, being the only new Skywalker of the sequels and half the protagonist (thank you Rian), Ben Solo has arguably the least emotional or narratively impactful death in the franchise.
Rian Johnson would never do this to Ben Solo.
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thatwitchrevan · 7 years
Hmm your Exile
I’m not 100% on this yet, but I think her home planet was Lothal. I know she grew up in a small city with her mothers, not in the core.
She was taken to Dantooine by Master Vandar when she was five. She was eventually trained by Kavar, who was always very patient with her. Her main problem as an apprentice was self-doubt, and he encouraged her to trust herself: within the first years of the Mandalorian Wars, she developed a deep confidence in her own strength that she would always carry, and would serve her well.
Her loss of the Force was gradual, and not entirely voluntary. She could tell that it was happening after a little while, could feel it slipping. It was incited by Malachor V, and made worse by Revan’s betrayal. After being in exile for a while she had essentially become like any ‘normal’ person that wouldn’t be considered Force Sensitive. 
She doesn’t really bond with the Ebon Hawk like Revan does, but she bonds with T3 more than Revan did. To her a ship is basically just a ship, but Meetra considered T3 a loyal friend from pretty early on in their journey together. She does not like HK at all, though. 
Everyone’s devotion to her really creeps her out. Visas and Bao-Dur especially. ‘My life for yours’ is grating. ‘General’ is grating. It reminds her of soldiers and Jedi who died under her orders, who trusted her only to be let down. It reminds her that she is responsible for others, and she’s terrified of that. She wants to shake them both and tell them ‘do not follow me lightly, people who follow me die.’ 
She thinks about Revan a lot. Way more than she wants to. Can’t help it. That woman is a part of her history, and therefore her identity, and now that Meetra’s back from outer space and Revan is right there on Coruscant (because my Revan isn’t in outer space herself yet), they might see each other again. They will see each other again, Meetra knows. She can’t feel her because their bond is dead and gone, but she knows. And so Revan is always with her in her mind, as she gets reminded of Revan (by Atton, by Kreia, even by Visas) as she sleeps in Revan’s ship with some of Revan’s companions, wondering what Revan would say if she were here, what Revan would think of this. Most of all, wondering if Revan’s really changed. Meetra would probably prefer to be haunted by a dead woman, but it is what it is.
She is haunted by the dead every day, but Revan haunts her more because Revan killed some of those that are dead.
She really doesn’t like it when people ask her to mercy kill them/finish them off. Like no asshole, get the fuck up and live, or at least let me kill you in good conscience. Sith are so frustrating. 
She doesn’t use dark side powers or buy into Sith philosophy at all, would not use a red lightsaber unless it was the only option, etc, but she doesn’t buy into the ‘unemotional action’ Jedi dogma one bit. She doesn’t believe anger or fear or hate are evil or are more likely to make you commit evil. She believes in righteous anger, in hating evil, in fear inspiring you to protect the innocent. She also thinks the anti-attachment teachings are mostly bullshit. Most of the reason she and Revan were friends back at the Academy was because Meetra was reasonable and always willing to question/argue what the Council and their Masters said, while also clinging to the guiding Jedi principles of compassion, protection, and serenity. 
She actually doesn’t mind Sith on an individual level as long as they don’t like, torture people for funsies. Like Visas wants to use a red saber and kill her opponents with a fuckton of force lighting instead of just her lightsaber? A little dark, but okay Visas. Kreia is super cryptic about her alignment and is probably at least somewhat Sithy? Whatever just don’t tell me to ignore these people on Nar Shadda that need me and I’ll consider what you have to say. It’s the betrayal and the cruelty that gets her. It’s Revan that gets her, honestly, because Revan and Sith like her turn force users against each other and cause wars, and in wars millions die, and for what? Because the Sith are hungry and want to eat the entire galaxy, at least from Meetra’s perspective. 
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dweemeister · 7 years
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Revenge of the Nerds (1984)
Here is a confession: my only prior viewing history about college comedies includes a grand total of three films that I have seen in their entirety. Those films are Legally Blonde (2001), Monsters University (2013), and 22 Jump Street (2014). The “Slobs v. Snobs” comedic subgenre is also a weakness of mine, as their plots test my patience for both slobs and snobs. Combine these two, and you have a movie beyond my experience, but one that I found entertaining and wittier than expected – despite deep concerns by the rampant comedic misogyny that became more explicit in the 1980s that also appears. Jeff Kanew directed Revenge of the Nerds: the third and final episode of this prequel trilogy as it chronicles the final stages of the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker’s transformation into Darth Vader, the devastation of the Jedi Order, and the dissolution of the Galactic Republic for the Galactic Empire.
Apologies. That’s the wrong movie. Gosh, I can’t wait for Star Wars fans to hound me this December.
Armed with thick-rimmed glasses and pocket protectors, best friends and nerds Lewis Skolnick (Robert Carradine) and Gilbert Lowe (Anthony Edwards) are entering Adams College as computer science majors. Soon after they have moved into their dorm room, the boys – along with the other nerds inhabiting that building – are forced out by the college football team and must stay in the gymnasium. Tensions between the nerds and the football team increase to the point where Stan Gable (Ted McGinley) – the school’s starting quarterback and head of the Alpha Beta fraternity (which many of the football players are members of) – denies the nerds’ application to create a fraternity and their requests for remedial justice against Alpha Beta harassment. The nerds will then seek sanction from black fraternity Lambda Lambda Lambda (the frat president is played by Bernie Casey) – imagine if a blaxploitation movie dropped into a raunchy, largely white college comedy for several scenes – and will eventually receive their fraternity commission. The Tri-Lambs and Alpha Beta essentially go to war for the rest of the film. Nerdy sorority Omega Mu allies with the Tri-Lambs; sorority Pi Delta Pi assists the Alpha Betas.
Other Tri-Lamb members include Poindexter (Timothy Busfield), Wormser (Andrew Cassese), Booger (Curtis Armstrong), Lamar (Larry B. Scott), and Takashi (Brian Tochi). Notable Alpha Betas include Burke (Matt Salinger) and Ogre (Donald Gibb); notable Pi Delta Pis include Betty Childs (Julie Montgomery) and Judy (Michelle Meyrink). John Goodman is the football coach and James Cromwell is Lewis’ father, who drives his son and Gilbert to Adams.
If the nerds and jocks in this film weren’t as exaggerated as they are, this might be the subject of a documentary given the United States’ reflexive, masturbatory obsession for American football where the football players can do whatever, whenever they want. There is nothing groundbreaking about the depiction of the nerds and the jocks in Revenge of the Nerds, but what is remarkable about how Steve Zacharias and Jeff Buhai’s screenplay develops the nerds is that it betrays its only message: accepting others for who they are, that difference in interests and appearance is to be celebrated, and that tolerance and compassion for others is to be valued over a person’s external superficialities. The film’s sympathetic approach to the nerds in the film’s opening half is commendable; the abuse they suffer allows us to laugh – in joy, sometimes in confusion – when they are being themselves. But for near-identical reasons I find The Breakfast Club (1985) to be hypocritical, Revenge of the Nerds breaks its central idea and makes a mockery of it several times. Most everything that is shown about the Alpha Beta and Pi Delta Pi members is irredeemable – hazing based on humiliation, superiority complexes, excessive alcohol and drug consumption, and an obsession with physical and sexual prowess as a means to organize the fraternity/sorority hierarchy. The basis of the nerds’ revenge is not staying true to who they are, although they use their brainpower to figure out how their scheme will work. By the film’s conclusion, the nerds’ personalities become identical to the jocks’ – actively seeking out to humiliate their opponents, treating women as sexual playthings, and valuing their hedonism over everything else. I imagine Lewis’ father to be heartbroken if he heard about this; but given the rules set forth in Revenge of the Nerds, maybe not.
This is a comedy – a college comedy, some might emphasize – meant to entertain and skewer the jocks and their girlfriends for their behavior. But comedy is often double-edged, as it is here, and I could not bring myself to laugh as the nerds began to emulate. Maybe I do not know enough about comedies, but I tend to think the best comedies that attempt a message (that excludes pure farce, like 1980′s Airplane!) should hold steady to what they are trying to espouse as there is a moral responsibility that exists in that space. Message comedies often subscribe to a rule usually associated with journalism: to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. As the nerds become relentless in their revenge, the film resorts to racial stereotypes and misogyny as supporting plot devices. For all the hilarious pratfalls of the combat between the Tri-Lambs and Alpha Beta and the end-of-film festival’s events, these depictions overshadow Revenge of the Nerds’ intents.
According to British film critic Robert Ager, a DVD commentary interview including actor Curtis Armstrong had him claim that, in this film, “nerd” can stand in for any group of people being oppressed. What Armstrong and Ager fail to note, however, is that this statement is less applicable for Revenge of the Nerds’ black and Asian characters and rooted in decades of Hollywood history.
Larry B. Scott’s Lamar is obviously gay, presenting himself as an aberration to the rigidly heterosexual jocks. But Lamar is employed as comic relief in times when the Tri-Lambs wherever the film needs him to be. The queer black male is a stock character from blaxploitation – a subgenre of exploitation film which catered to African-American audiences and emerged in the early 1970s; blaxploitation films have been acclaimed by some as portraying more empowered black characters, but have also been criticized for reinforcing damaging stereotypes. Lamar’s queerness, if we are to look at him with a blaxploitation lens, is decontextualized by Revenge of the Nerds, as the stock queer black male – as seen in Shaft (1972) and Blacula (1972) – is usually employed to challenge black masculine norms (it can be comical or otherwise), that there is more than one way to be “authentically” masculine as a black man. Lamar is indeed a nerd, but what he could represent – as a black queer man – is erased, though I will admit that the performance he gives near the film’s end is one of the most positive depictions of a gay rapper I have seen. Additionally, the depiction of the Lambda Lambda Lambda administration – recall that it is a black fraternity – is of stoic men whose appearances are bookended by the expected funk music and cultural insensitivities by the largely white kids trying to form a Tri-Lamb chapter at Adams.
The filmmakers never even try with Japanese student Takashi (Brian Tochi), rendering him overly polite to those insulting and assaulting him, mixing up or simply dropping L’s and R’s in his speech, and being completely dense to everything surrounding him. We have been here too many fucking times before. If the filmmakers’ intentions were to expose the follies of these stereotypes by replicating them and showcasing their absurdities, the final product has too many mixed messages for me to take such a claim seriously. From Revenge of the Nerds’  nerd-jock dichotomy with nothing in between, the nerds’ adoption of the jocks’ behavior, and their portrayal of black and Asian characters, this almost drowns out the numerous clever verbal and sight gags there are.
And this is not even beginning to touch upon how this film treats its women characters. From the panty raid scene to the nerds’ installation of a camera to watch females undress in the supposed privacy of their bathrooms (a young elementary school-age kid is depicted watching these scenes and enjoying them) and bedrooms to a rape-by-deception/false identity (because as long as the fornicating is mind-blowing, the sex is totally okay, and the girl will fall for your dick, right?), there is nothing salvageable about how Revenge of the Nerds treats its women. Rape is a punchline and that – call me a prude all you want – is indefensible (Revenge of the Nerds would not be the first or last film to do this).
Made with money 20th Century Fox earned with Return of the Jedi (1983), Revenge of the Nerds spawned three sequels – the later two being television movies – despite the fact Fox executives were expecting a modest box office intake (and thus left the production alone without much administrative interference). The film was shot on the campus of the University of Arizona, located in Tucson. The young cast – though some were certainly no longer the usual age for an undergraduate student – had a brilliant time shooting the movie, despite their initial reservations about playing such obvious nerds or loathsome jocks and cheerleaders. A Greek life-like atmosphere surrounded the set, and the stars found themselves partying with the university’s students when shooting was completed for the day.
Without the film’s surprisingly thoughtful portrayal of the nerds in the opening third of the film, the score that appears below might otherwise have been much lower. Without some pretty shocking or dirty lines from Lewis, Gilbert, and especially Goober, I might have liked this film a lot less than I do now (yes, this review has been scathing, but there are elements I appreciated). Yet all of that racially insensitive writing and misogyny is something that this film could all too easily could have gone without.
My rating: 5/10
^ Based on my personal imdb rating. My interpretation of that ratings system can be found here.
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storiesofwildfire · 7 years
Dahlia and Valencia – a headcanon
Author’s Note: Please keep in mind that Dahlia and Valencia were originally created for my Star Wars crossover verse (v; a prince or a jedi). Their stories change significantly when applied to that verse because they were lost in space as young children and actually grew up in the Star Wars universe. When interacting with either of them in this verse, please be aware that not everything below actually applies since they did not grow up on Asgard.
NAME: Dahlia Arosdottir AGE: 1,300 Asgardian years  GENDER: Female FACE CLAIM: Gal Gadot PARENTS: Aros Egilson ;; Largatha Bjornsdottir SIBLINGS: Valencia Arosdottor (twin sister) OTHER RELATIVES: None OCCUPATION: Warrior, sorceress, and explorer, often found leading expeditions beyond Yggdrasil for expansion and exploration.
RELATIONSHIP TO LOKI: Dahlia is one of Loki’s former mentors in combat and current friend.
STATUS ON BLOG: Secondary muse that is available for interaction for developed plots and people who already roleplay with Loki and wish to get to know other characters that make up his world. She may also show up in threads if it makes sense for her to make an appearance. Please be aware that Dahlia is the mun’s OC. She is not canon and is not available for public use.
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BIO: Dahlia was born to a famed warrior and conquerer by the name of Aros Egilson. Aros became famous for his numerous conquests and expeditions that led him beyond the perimeter of Yggdrasil. Instead of focusing on the Nine Realms already in their system and under their protection, Aros took to the stars to explore, make trade connections, and gain new territories for Asgard.
Through determination, hard work, and the results he turned up, he quickly rose through the ranks of Asgard’s fleet and was eventually honored with the title of Fleet Admiral. It was at this point in Aros’ life that he had to take a step back from his constant travels. His responsibilities on Asgard and to not only his ship, but the entire Fleet, kept him grounded more often than he would have liked. 
With the seriousness of his position, he was forced to give up the freedom that his lesser ranks provided him.
Only once he secured this position did he actually take to the idea of having a family. He married a woman named Largatha and a few years after their wedding, they succeeded in conceiving twins. 
Dahlia and her sister, Valenica, were born shortly after and they quickly became Aros’ pride and joy. Many asked him if he would have preferred to have sons instead, but he would simply reply, “why have sons when my daughters will be Valkyries? They’ll be the stuff of legends.”
It became apparent at a young age that Dahlia had a love for exploration, much the same as her father. She spent hours upon hours daydreaming about what it would be like to travel, not through the Bifrost and into known realms, but to board a ship and travel out into the unknown. As her wanderlust grew, so did a few other key traits that defined her personality.
She developed a very low tolerance for formal education. While she was incredibly intelligent, she didn’t take her studies very seriously and, instead, spent most of her days on the training grounds alongside other warriors. She took to sparring quite well and matured her skills with a sword just as quickly. She took her father’s words to heart, that one day she would become legendary enough to become a Valkyrie, an elite group of female warriors sworn to protect the throne of Asgard. 
She could even be found doodling the mark of the Valkyrie on her inner arm in marker.
The only thing that really set Dahlia apart from the rest of the warriors that she trained with, oddly enough, was never her gender, but her magical abilities. Her sorcery developed at a young age and she found that she was extremely gifted with offensive spells that aided her already sharpened skills in battle. She often received criticism for using such magic, however, as many people claimed that she was cheating and that if she needed to rely on a witch’s tricks to win, she was no true warrior at all.
It was through her training and through her father’s direct connection to Odin that she met the princes. She trained alongside them and because she was slightly older than them both, she often aided in teaching them.
Loki was always a special case because, like her, he was skilled in both the ways of combat as well as the ways of magic. She took a great liking to sparring with him, because she never felt as if she had to hold anything back with Loki. They could fling daggers, punches, and hexes at one another for hours and constantly challenge the other to push harder. Their duels always brought the attention of everyone around them--even warriors who disapproved of magic in the midst of battle--because they were such a sight to behold. 
Dahlia got on rather well with Loki’s other sorcerer friends because of their mutual love of magic and their prowess as warriors.
Dahlia’s temper, however, was always something to be wary of. Her tolerance for annoyance and ignorance was lower than just about anyone else’s and it didn’t take much to entice her into violence.
Her rage, however, never really stood in the way of her compassion. She could kick someone down into the dirt one minute for being a right proper arse and the next, she’d be helping them up and getting them proper care for their injuries, usually by means of Valencia’s healing magic. 
Despite how hard she was on the exterior, Dahlia proved to have a sensitive side as well. She took a liking to art, though she had no true artistic abilities of her own. She decided to cover her body in whimsical tattoos and, much to everyone’s surprise, she actually possessed a beautiful singing voice. Only a lucky few ever got to hear it, though. She also took to writing in a journal every day, where she would catalog what happened that day and she would trust her innermost secrets to those pages.
Eventually, once she was old enough, Dahlia, along with her sister, Valencia, joined Asgard’s Fleet and together, they went off exploring the regions of unknown space, just as they’d always talked about doing.
Both siblings became skilled pilots and during their downtime in between expeditions, they helped teach the princes how to fly. Loki, Dahlia found, took quite well to piloting a ship. Thor, on the other hand, was never any good at it. She suspected that his hammer and his belief that he could, in fact, fly with it was what caused him to refuse to take such direction seriously. The elder prince was about as hard-headed as she was.
NAME: Valencia Arosdottir AGE: 1,300 Asgardian years GENDER: Female FACE CLAIM: Gal Gadot PARENTS: Aros Egilson ;; Largatha Bjornsdottir SIBLINGS: Dahlia Arosdottor (twin sister) OTHER RELATIVES: None OCCUPATION: Healer, sorceress, and explorer, often found leading expeditions beyond Yggdrasil for expansion and exploration.
RELATIONSHIP TO LOKI: Valencia is one of Loki’s former mentors in combat and current friend.
STATUS ON BLOG: Secondary muse that is available for interaction for developed plots and people who already roleplay with Loki and wish to get to know other characters that make up his world. She may also show up in threads if it makes sense for her to make an appearance. Please be aware that Valencia is the mun’s OC. She is not canon and is not available for public use.
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BIO: Valencia always proved to be the softer and more generous of the twins. While her upbringing was nearly identical, Valencia proved to be Dahlia’s opposite in a lot of ways. They weren’t polar opposites by any means. Valencia and Dahlia both had a love of art, music, and exploration. They bonded over the similarities that they shared but they also bonded over how different they were.
While Dahlia took up a love of battle, Valencia’s sorcery lent itself more towards healing and creation. The twins were always equally matched in terms of how powerful their sorcery was, but they both excelled in different areas. For Valencia, her magic always came in the form of enchantments, illusions, and, most of all, healing. 
The only reason she took to combat practice at all was to ensure that she could defend herself in situations where magic failed her. She couldn’t easily join Asgard’s fleet and explore uncharted worlds without being able to protect her companions and herself.
She took well to long-distance combat, especially when it came to throwing knives and weapons specifically designed to keep a distance from one’s enemy. Her proficiency with a bow and arrows quickly rose off the charts and many younglings turned to her for lessons.
But she took a greater love in teaching other useful tricks, like first aid and how to scavenge for food. Dahlia took up the role as being the fighter, the protector, while Valencia took up the role of being the survivor. Without her skills and studies of how to survive off the land, how to locate water, how to navigate uncharted areas, and how to interact with creatures that may not understand you or might even be downright unfriendly proved to be just as vital to anyone who wished to participate in off-realm assignments as actual combat.
Some could argue that her skills were even more essential. Anyone could fight when backed into a corner, but not everyone knew how to survive in such harsh conditions.
Because of her kind and gentle nature, Valencia attracted a lot of attention from those around her. She often acted as something of a therapist, so while she healed physical wounds from training or battles, she would counsel those who sought her advice as well. Her sister always told her that she gave too much of herself to others. Perhaps that was true, but it was in Valencia’s nature to give as much as she could. She would give and she would give until she had nothing left to give and even then, she would attempt to give some more.
She often felt like she had to give so much of herself to those around her, however, that she developed a horrible habit of internalizing just about everything. She would often bottle up so much of her own stress and anxiety that even her sister couldn’t get through to her. It sent her into fits of depression and periods where she was always on the verge of an anxiety attack. She had an image to keep up and she had people to take care of. They could never see her crumble. 
Those ailments still plague her to this day, though she’s found healthier ways to cope.
Like Dahlia, she befriended the princes and their friends. She became particularly close with both of Odin’s sons, something that never seemed to settle quite right with Thor. He constantly attempted to hoard all of the twins attention so that Loki got none. Valencia was often forced to scold him for his greed. In fact, she spent many nights with both of Asgard’s princes, attempting to help them see eye-to-eye, but like her, she found that Loki internalized far too much to properly open up to many people, even his brother.
When the time came for her to join Asgard’s fleet, she did so happily. While her sister always ranted and raved about becoming a Valkyrie, Valencia wanted nothing more than to roam the stars and reach beyond what already was. 
Together, Valencia and Dahlia made up what came to be known as a dream team. They complemented one another so well that they clicked into place like two puzzle pieces and when they worked together, it seemed like nothing was impossible.
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imxthexhandler · 2 years
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A/N: So, thanks to the Kenobi mini-series coming up later this month and my enabler friend @koiwrites​, I’ve really been loving the Star Wars verses for my muse. And whelp, in honor of “Spicy Sundays”, I got the inspo. for this and had to write it.
Title: Focus. Fandom: Star Wars (Prequel Trilogy). Character(s): Obi-Wan Kenobi; Bail Organa (Mentioned); Original Characters. Pairing(s): Obi-Wan x Original Character. Words: 831. Status: One-Shot; Complete. Dedication: To Koi ( @koiwrites​). Thank you for indulging me about our muses. Content Warning(s): Smut.
The way her name falls from his lips never fails to make her shiver.
Her heart races as she tangles her hands into his hair, literally pulling him close against her, stealing another kiss with a hum. If it were possible to become intoxicated merely from kissing him, the young senatorial aide would be drunk. His warm body is pressed flushed against hers, and yet, it is still not close enough.
Long has she thought about this, in the dark, still nights within the Archives at the Temple, growing up alongside him.
Now, instead, they are inside her apartment suite on Coruscant. The lights from the city’s night skyline shone through the windows, bathing them both in shades of blues and silvers. He is the most handsome man in the galaxy. Ris thought so for years, but right now, with him reclining on her bed, with her seated on his lap, Obi-Wan Kenobi was absolutely breathtaking.
She is panting for breath, her hands trembling with excited anxiousness as they glide down his torso to his waist, eagerly untying his belt. She opens up his tunic, gazing lovingly at his form, her hands gently touching his body where before she only dreamed.
Ris never was intimate with anyone before; nor had she felt any desire, save for Obi-Wan. She initially worried about her lack of experience, but it seemed her body could work based on instinct. Her hips ground against his groin, feeling his own excitement grow below her. By the Maker, his size was impressive, even fully clothed like this.
Being this close to her childhood friend was already more than she ever hoped for, and it felt wonderful. Ris could stay making out with him like this for the rest of the night, and it would have been satisfying for her, but sensing Obi-Wan’s desire mirrored her own, it was clear they both wanted more than simple kisses.
“Oh, Obi…” she happily sighs, kissing him again as they continued undressing.
Pressure was starting to build within her abdomen, her body growing warmer, feeling his bare hands squeeze her hips and gently cup her breasts. Obi-Wan gently switched their positions, lying her back on the soft sheets, and settling in between her legs. The plump tip of his manhood probed her entrance, and she was already wet and ready for him. She hooked a leg around his waist, rubbing up against him, a subtle plead to her lover to continue. And then, he filled her.
They were joined as one, physically and even on a deeper level through the Force. She felt his heart race as did hers, felt the swell of his pleasure grow steadily as they moved together and his… Love. Ris felt his love for her radiate through him like light from a sun. It was overwhelming, beautiful, indescribable…
Although her empathic abilities were great, and Ris remembered clearly the emotions and sensations felt when she accidentally discovered Anakin and Padme, this was more than she ever experienced, better than the young woman ever fantasized.
Tears stunned her eyes as Obi-Warn gently grabbed hold of her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. Her breaths came in pants and moans as her body grew warmer, almost trembling with anticipation. She gazed up at him, and her heart fluttered at the sight of his adoring smile. She squeezed his hand, her thighs quivering, her body growing closer and closer to her own climax. It was too difficult to speak what she was feeling in the moment, so she tried to communicate through their Force bond instead:
Ris awoke with a start, gasping and panting for breath as she glanced around the darkened room. Alone. Quiet. Late… It was all simply a dream, Ris lamented with a frown as she sat up. Her body was covered with sweat, and she tossed back the blanket, feeling her sleep clothes cling to her body as she slowly calmed down in the aftermath of her dream.
This was the fourth dream within the past seven days she had about her dear childhood friend.
The familiar ache and disappointment swelled up within her as she sighed heavily, holding her head with her hands for a moment. She focused on the light scent of the incense she burned earlier that evening, purposely and slowly taking deep breaths.
Kenobi, Skywalker, and Tano were to accompany herself along with Senator Organa and Ver on a diplomatic mission. They were set to depart for this mission today.
…By the Maker, how was she going to ever face the Jedi Master if she couldn’t stop dreaming about him?...
Another heavy sigh left her. There was not much to do now, she bitterly thought, other than to take a cold shower then meditate before it was time to meet with the Senator. Perhaps then, she could manage to keep him out of her heart mind to focus on the mission…
…She couldn’t.
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imxthexhandler · 2 years
Alias: A Jedi’s Life (Star Wars prequel trilogy verse) (Jedi AU)
Name: Ris Daibhéid. Gender: Female. Race: Humanoid. Homeworld: Naboo. Birth Year: 55 BBY. Height: 1.75 meters. Hair Color: Brown. Eye Color: Green.
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Occupation: Political Aide for Senator Bail Organa (Alderaan)(Current); Student and Padawan of the Jedi Temple (Formerly). Alliance: Old Republic. Family: Yeshua Daibhéid (Twin Brother); Elder Yeshua Daibhéid (Paternal Grandfather). Known Associates (NPCs): Phyllon Coul (Former Master); Yeshua Daibhéid (Sibling); Korre Ver (Friend); Jaskal Ster (Co-Worker); Callista Dugar (Co-Worker). Possible Connections (Canons): Obi-Wan Kenobi; Qui-Gon Jinn; Yoda; Mace Windu; Bail Organa; Breha Organa; Anakin Skywalker; Padmé Amidala; Gregar Typho. Current Residence: An apartment both on Republic City, Coruscant and on Aldera, Alderaan. Location(s) Frequented: Daibhéid Estate on Theed, Naboo; The Jedi Temple, Coruscant; The Galactic Senate Chamber, Coruscant.
Hobbies: Reading, Listening to music, Cooking. Favorite Food/Drink: Apples; Mushbloom Pie; Yalbec Stinger; Cirilian Noodle Salad; Braised Shaak Roast; Keshian Spiced Milk; Moogan Tea; Meiloorun Juice; Akivan Liqueur. Phobia(s): Flying (Space Travel); Autophobia (Being Alone); Atelophobia (Imperfection); Hurting Loved Ones. Abilities: Force Healing; Force Empathy; Force Telepathy; Animal Bond; Force Persuasion; Revitalize; Cleanse Mind; Force Stun; Psychometry. Speaks several different languages, including Basic, Mando'a, Twi'leki, Huttese, and High Galactic. Lightsaber combat- Form III- Soresu.
Brief Background: After their parents’ deaths shortly after their birth, Ris and her twin brother Yeshua were raised by grandfather on his estate in the capital city of Naboo. As a child, Ris was compassionate, very intuitive, and seemed to possessed an innate ability to calm those around her. Enough to garner attention, and at age four (4), she was tested and recruited as a Jedi Initiate. There, she met another youngling she grew close to named Obi-Wan Kenobi. At age eleven (11), she became a padawan to Jedi Master Phyllon Coul. Although not physically strong with the Force, Ris still possessed great talents, particularly with Force empathy and telepathy, even with Force healing, that helped greatly with diplomatic missions. Her time with the Jedi ended at 34 BBY, when Ris realized her feelings for Kenobi were much deeper than those of a friend and worrying about harming his path with the Jedis and she still missed her brother back on Naboo. She resigned from the Jedi Order, was returned to Naboo, and ended up working as a political aide for Senator Bail Organa, splitting most of her time between Alderaan and Coruscant.
Timeframe: From birth (55BBY) (approximately 23 years before Episode 1: The Phantom Menace) thru 0 BBY.
Tag(s): v: Compassion is essential to a Jedi’s life.
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imxthexhandler · 2 years
A/N: So, in honor of Star Wars Day, I wrote a small drabble set in one of my SW verses for Amelia. It’s set two years before Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Just a little something I felt like writing. Also, just a note- Amelia’s name in this verse is “Ris”. Title: Surrender. Fandom: Star Wars (Prequel trilogy). Character(s): Jedi Knight (OC); Jedi Master (OC); Yoda; Obi-Wan Kenobi (Mentioned). Pairing(s): Unrequited love/pining (Obi-Wan x OC). Words: 1,285. Status: One-Shot; Complete. Special Notes: A big shout-out and thanks to @koiwrites​, because her Obi-Wan is the reason both this AU verse for Amelia exists and this whole story idea. Thanks, girl.
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Ris stared out the windows of the dimly lit room with a faint smile, admiring the shades of reds, golds, and orange of the setting sun. Though very different from her home back on Naboo, there was a certain beauty to the skyline in Coruscant. The serene sight almost did give the young Jedi a sense of peace, helping her to remain calm as she waited for the Jedi Masters to arrive.
She did not know how long she was meditating alone on that floor before she heard the soft hiss of the pneumatic door open, and two people entered the room. Ris stayed kneeling on the floor, bowing her head in respect as they walked past and stood before her. 
“Master Coul, Master Yoda,” she greeted them, her voice low and soft, before she raised her head to meet their gaze.
Her master nodded in turn, calmly folding his hands behind his back. “I have informed Master Yoda of your request,” he explained.
Ris’ back tensed, feeling anxious. Granted, yes, she knew this was going to happen. Obviously, Master Yoda would be informed about her decision. She knew that. Still, the young Jedi was nervous. She has lived for twenty cycles in this galaxy, and right now, she felt as meek and mild as a youngling with their first lessons.
“Surprising this is,” Yoda began, leaning on his cane, staring intently at Ris. “Wish to speak with you, I do.”
“Of course,” she responded, focusing on taking slow, steady breaths.
“I shall take my leave,” Phyllon stated, giving a bow a of respect to both, starting to head back to the door.
She looked up at her master, who paused, catching her panicked gaze with his own gentle one.
CALM, he responded through their bond in the Force. IT WILL BE ALRIGHT.
The sentiment did have a soothing effect on her spirit, as she shared a simple nod with him, and he continued out of the room, the door shutting close behind him, as she turned her attention back towards Yoda.
“Troubled you seem, young one,” Yoda commented. Not a question but an observation.
A weak smile tugged at her lips. “I am, Master Yoda,” Ris admitted. Even if it was not a confession, it felt like one.
“A decision to be made lightly, this is not,” he continued, staring intently at her.
“No, it wasn’t,” she quietly agreed, glancing away, her fists tightening on her lap. Truthfully, Ris didn’t wish to leave. For so long, this Temple was her home. Her friends, her family were here, her Master was here. She did not want to leave, but after much reflection on the Jedi code and her own heart, it was the only conclusion she felt she could come to.
“Hm. Great conflict I sense within you, young Jedi,” Yoda began after a moment, “A storm of emotions beneath the surface–Fear and Attachment… Cloud your judgment, they will. Cause you to stumble, they might. Tempt you, they will, to the Dark Side. Be careful, young Jedi.”
“I will, Master Yoda,” she solemnly promised, still not meeting his gaze. “I will not forget the teachings here at the Temple, what everyone has done for me. It–This is my home, and I don’t want you to think I’m ungrate–”
“No need. Your worry, there is no need,” Yoda calmly interrupted, leaning forward on his cane. “Look upon me.” Although hesitant, Ris obeyed, staring back at the elder Jedi Master, her eyes welling up with tears. “Moves through us all, the Force does. Bound by the Force we all are. But the path the Force takes you, your destiny, depends upon the actions you take. Different the path is for everyone. No shame, there is, in walking a different path. No dishonor. Dishonor the Temple, dishonor your master, you have not, young Jedi.”
Overcome with gratitude and relief at his words, Ris found she couldn’t speak, but instead humbly bowed her head towards him, almost crying. However, Yoda was not finished.
“Conflicted a long time you have been. But never over the Code of the Jedi, never about where home is. Conflict of the heart this is–between the one you told goodbye…and the one you yet will.”
He was right, as he was many times. Ris knew immediately of the two he spoke.
When a youngling left to attend the Temple, they left behind their home, their family. The Jedi and the Temple were now their family, their old life was to be completely left behind, and yet, no matter how hard she tried, Ris couldn’t seem to do that with her twin Yeshua. For so long, Ris simply chalked it up to the twins having a bond through the Force; it was common for that to happen. And while training or on a mission, Ris had the proper focus, until there were the still, quiet moments in the twilight period between late night and early morning, her thoughts almost always returned to Yeshua.
And when her thoughts were not on him, they were on another. A boy–no, he was now a young man–in the Temple. One she grew up with, one whom she always shared a special bond: Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Perhaps it was simple naivete on her part, but Ris simply thought it was friendship. After all, many Jedi were close to others, having strong, deep friendships. Surely, that’s all this was, too. Maybe the reason she vehemently insisted to herself it was simply friendship was because the moment she realized it wasn’t, Ris knew her time at the Temple was coming to a close, and the idea of leaving Obi-Wan felt like a stab to the heart. Even now, her body was almost trembling as she mentally struggled to calm herself. Yoda carefully placed his hand on her forehead, and after releasing a shuddering sob, Ris managed to compose herself, looking the Jedi Master in the eye.
She did not want to leave him. She didn’t want to tell him goodbye, yet, she knew it had to be done. Obi-Wan’s dream was to be a Jedi; she couldn’t take that from him. The galaxy needed him. She could not be selfish, and truthfully, Ris wanted him to be happy. Because that’s what happened when you fell in love, if the stories were anything to believe in–you valued the other’s happiness over your own. And Ris learned and accepted that–she loved Kenobi. It took her a long time to discover and accept it, but she was in love with Kenobi. So, though she did not want to, she would leave.
“To leave the Order, your wish it is?”
“Yes, I wish to leave the Order.”
“Accept your request, the Council has. Surrender your lightsaber you will now, Ris.”
She nodded and carefully unclipped the hilt, gazing down at it for a brief moment, as a silent acknowledgement of the work she put into crafting her weapon, her devotion to the Force, and the weight of her decision. It was her decision to make, and she did so freely, though it did not mean her heart was not heavy. A silent farewell to her life over the past fourteen cycles before she offered it up to him.
“I surrender my lightsaber to the Council.”
Yoda took the lightsaber, making a small sound of approval. “Come. Still more to be done,” he began, “Return you to Naboo, Master Coul will.” The news lightened her heart slightly. She did not know how she would be returning back to her grandfather’s estate, but she was happy to hear it would be from her former Master.
“Thank you.”
“May the Force be with you.”
“And be with you also, Master Yoda.”
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imxthexhandler · 2 years
It’s always been you <3
( @mcltitcdes​ )
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1.) “The Force Theme” // John Williams.
2.) “Listen to Your Heart” // Dave Winkler.
3.) “A Thousand Miles” // Vanessa Carlton.
4.) “I Won’t Say (I’m in Love)” // Susan Egan.
5.) “As Long As You’re Mine” // Indina Menzel & Leo Norbert Butz.
6.) “Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story” // The Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton.
7.) “Tightrope” // Michelle Williams.
8.) “If Today Was Your Last Day” // Nickelback.
9.) “No Matter What” // Boyzone.
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imxthexhandler · 2 years
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1.) “Something That I Want” // Grace Potter.
2.) “White Flag” // Fall of Envy.
3.) “Accidentally in Love” // Counting Crows.
4.) “Wherever You Will Go” // Boyce Avenue.
5.) “Lullaby” // Nickelback.
6.) “Everything” // Lifehouse.
7.) “Chasing Cars” // Snow Patrol.
8.) “Over My Head” // The Fray.
9.) “Bloody Valentine” // Machine Gun Kelly.
( @mcltitcdes​/ @koiwrites​- Because I have no chill about these two.)
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imxthexhandler · 2 years
It is you I have loved all along
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For @koiwrites​/ @mcltitcdes​.
1.) “Once Upon a Dream” // Lana Del Ray.
2.) “It is You (I Have Loved)” // Dana Glover.
3.) “Run” // Snow Patrol.
4.) “Every Time We Touch” // Jonathan Young.
5.) “If I Never Knew You” // Shanice & Jon Secada.
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imxthexhandler · 2 years
The Force leads us on different paths
For @koiwrites​/ @mcltitcdes​- There. Have a Jedi academy/romantic academic AU for our babies.
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1.) “How to Save a Life” // covered by Caleb Hyles.
2.) “Hot for Teacher” // Van Halen.
3.) “Satellite” // Nickelback.
4.) “Save Tonight” // Eagle-Eye Cherry.
5.) “Billy S.” // Skye Sweetnam.
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imxthexhandler · 2 years
We Can’t Let Them Know We Yearn
For @mcltitcdes​.
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01.) “Across the Stars” // composed by John Williams, performed by Jamie Gossett. 02.) “For Always” // by Josh Groban feat. Lara Fabian. 03.) “Inner Demons” // by Julia Brennan. 04.) “Your Guardian Angel” // by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. 05.) “The Sweetest Gift” // Ewan McGregor. 06.) “Never Enough” // covered by Jona. 07.) “Stop and Stare” // covered by Nickelback. 08.) “Come What May” // by Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor. 09.) “Rewrite the Stars” // Zac Efron and Zendaya. 10.) “I Will Always Love You” // covered by Genavieve Linkowski. 11.) “Iris” // covered by Boyce Avenue. 12.) “Trying Not to Love You” // covered by Kris Moyse.
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imxthexhandler · 2 years
ಠ_ಠ (dealer's choice for which muse/s Amelia is having inappropriate thoughts about)
@koiwrites / @mcltitcdes: You know this is gonna get long, so cut time!
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Obi-Wan: “Does he know how he makes my heart flutter? How everything in my universe stops the moment he enters the room?... Oh, what I’d give to run my fingers through his hair and kiss him. Kiss every spot on his skin I’ve only dared to dream about touching… I know it is not allowed, but my body just aches to embrace him.”
Lando: “Oh no, I’m blushing again. What is wrong with me? Why am I acting like this? Can he please stop smiling like that?? He looks at me like that, and all I can think about is him wrapping his cape around me, pulling me tightly against him, and… Shiraya’s word! Get a grip, Ris!”
Xel: “Okay, I still hate flying, but…I think I wouldn’t mind it so much with Xel… Especially if there’s maybe room for two in that cockpit, especially if it’s a snug fit…”
Scott: “I should go. I should go right now. It’s late. Maggie and Paxton just picked up Cassie. Luis just left. I should be going, too… So, why am I still standing here in his living room? Why am I still here, and why do I want to lick that smudge of chocolate off his lips?... How many times could I kiss him, and he would taste like chocolate?...”
Warren: “Is this how Psyche felt when she made love to Eros? Lying in the dark on silken sheets, tangled up with him, clinging to him as he brought her to pleasure time after time? Just to get a fleeting touch of his soft feathers as he keeps going?—All I know is, I never want him to stop.”
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imxthexhandler · 2 years
The Force binds us together. <3
( @mcltitcdes​ )
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1.) “Hold Me Closer” // Cornelia Jakobs.
2.) “Let Me In” // Save Ferris.
3.) “The Call” // Regina Spektor.
4.) “May I” // Trading Yesterday.
5.) “I Think I Love You” // The Partridge Family.
6.) “It Is What It Is” // Lifehouse.
7.) “Uninvited” // Alanis Morissette.
8.) “Crossing Fields” // AmaLee.
9.) “I Promise You” // Judith Owen.
10.) “Your Song” // Ewan McGregor.
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